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PHP Decode

<?php /* ParseMX (c) MaxD, 2016. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase. */ ..

Decoded Output download

ParseMX (c) MaxD, 2016. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase. 
 goto E7e; E7e: $D8 = 4.5; $f3 = (int) ($D8 * 60); $d1 = "locker.tmp"; if (!(file_exists($d1) and filemtime($d1) > time() - $f3)) { goto c03; } $d0 = posix_getsid(file_get_contents($d1)); goto f03; Db3: $f3 -= 30; goto E72; f03: if (!$d0) { goto b42; } echo "ParseMX script already working. Exiting"; die; b42: c03: goto Db3; E72: require "go.php"; 

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Original Code

ParseMX (c) MaxD, 2016. Write to [email protected] for support and purchase.
 goto E7e; E7e: $D8 = 4.5; $f3 = (int) ($D8 * 60); $d1 = "\x6c\x6f\x63\153\145\x72\x2e\164\x6d\160"; if (!(file_exists($d1) and filemtime($d1) > time() - $f3)) { goto c03; } $d0 = posix_getsid(file_get_contents($d1)); goto f03; Db3: $f3 -= 30; goto E72; f03: if (!$d0) { goto b42; } echo "\120\141\x72\x73\x65\115\130\x20\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\164\x20\x61\x6c\162\145\141\144\171\40\167\x6f\162\153\151\156\x67\56\40\105\x78\x69\164\151\x6e\147"; die; b42: c03: goto Db3; E72: require "\147\157\56\x70\x68\160";

Function Calls





MD5 b8bf511fa2ef6506dddfac45d00e2220
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 91 ms