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<?php goto lBPa2; Iefii: eaS_0: goto Q2oP_; qZzyU: exit($out); goto U8p9u; dIlQn: $apina..

Decoded Output download

 goto lBPa2; Iefii: eaS_0: goto Q2oP_; qZzyU: exit($out); goto U8p9u; dIlQn: $apiname = $request["head"]["aPIName"]; goto eSKSE; dfWuK: mR8jz: goto lYhG6; bCtI0: goto IMe8E; goto CZUGO; FIz_b: $out = json_encode($errors); goto B10Bg; w9Tta: $input = array(); goto GaZeV; Xeeph: if (empty($checkres["useabletime"])) { goto UPDME; } goto CrXkt; LCb3N: $update["scantime"] = time(); goto Zw7Sr; d1sqZ: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 3001, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto HKS1M; FxdbD: exit($out); goto jOPH3; FEYeG: iuHZ6: goto foq2m; euvRn: $checkResult = rangeTime($beginTime, $endTime); goto dw6CN; lBPa2: header("Content-type:text/json"); goto vK4La; t58rr: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 1001, "resultMsg" => ",data", "resultTime" => $time)); goto c3D7K; euAng: $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename("hticket_log") . " WHERE orderid = :orderid"; goto dxjj5; TqONX: if (!empty($postdata)) { goto iarSG; } goto t58rr; tmx0f: $createtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $goods["createtime"]); goto yUDkQ; nsUti: if ($uniacid) { goto BZipt; } goto QYcqd; tUwH8: xt9QL: goto CjuDt; GizAz: $input["remark"] = ""; goto C0mKl; KIgT5: if (!$actInfo) { goto HIlWy; } goto Xeeph; rq1YN: $input["scanown"] = ''; goto vi7zH; QMCFa: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 3002, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto ChGub; HuGbl: $time = time(); goto Z0Evz; crqoq: YGdOq: goto pdvJl; ltdep: $sign = $request["head"]["sign"]; goto WdbRz; ZhXUs: T6QNg: goto ZFeTw; Ti4rh: $out = json_encode($errors); goto Dwgmu; aE94m: $out = json_encode($errors); goto d65WR; mR3SM: $uniacid = !empty($_GET["uni"]) ? $_GET["uni"] : false; goto nsUti; ygv21: u9m1F: goto nZHoO; ombEd: $out = array("head" => array("resultID" => 1, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time), "body" => array("orderID" => $checkres["id"], "ticketName" => $ticketname, "date" => $date, "number" => $goods["total"], "price" => $goods["price"], "sumMoney" => $checkres["fee"], "createTime" => $createtime, "state" => 1, "visitorName" => $checkres["openid"], "phoneNumber" => '', "dDCardNO" => '')); goto w9Tta; VBI4_: $out = json_encode($errors); goto UeKhi; xHtqY: $beginTime = $expireTime["start"]; goto PTEsZ; C0mKl: $input["uniacid"] = $uniacid; goto IyhR1; IyhR1: $input["createtime"] = time(); goto OVP4w; UC1kQ: $checkres = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename("hticket_order") . " WHERE qrcode = :qrcode AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(":qrcode" => $checkcode, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto zXoNM; ZsHYM: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 3003, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto HSlGC; a1Ib2: $setting = iunserializer($setting); goto oNfY0; yUDkQ: $ticketname = !empty($goods["optiontitle"]) ? $goods["optiontitle"] : $goods["proname"]; goto ombEd; GaZeV: $input["orderid"] = $checkres["id"]; goto pQNPL; Gh2qp: $checkkey = $setting["gate_key"]; goto U0OKq; Siw_I: $currentTime = time(); goto XG2de; k7Bv5: if (!empty($request)) { goto I5rgx; } goto AV7ft; O97LV: $out = json_encode($errors); goto qOqat; HSlGC: $out = json_encode($errors); goto VJKm8; C7Dg6: $out = json_encode($errors); goto pnE3v; Q2oP_: IMe8E: goto I_e0j; KwhIR: NrWY6: goto ejb5O; wh7DM: UyeoN: goto NePp2; WdbRz: $codetype = $request["body"]["codeType"]; goto Gh2qp; q1zQW: $request = json_decode($postdata, true); goto k7Bv5; RkKCK: $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); goto Spl_U; dw6CN: if ($checkResult) { goto UyeoN; } goto ZsHYM; aMt5O: $beginTime = $actInfo["ac_check_begin"]; goto rxUJB; UeKhi: exit($out); goto Iefii; xhJ36: $update = array(); goto Ga499; l7wLv: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 101, "resultMsg" => ",", "resultTime" => $time)); goto VBI4_; ATgvt: $actInfo = pdo_get("hticket_activity", array("id" => $checkres["actid"], "uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto KIgT5; pdvJl: $mstring = $apiname . $checkaccountid . $code . $checkkey; goto uUi6r; uUi6r: $auth = md5($mstring); goto o8oDk; A8TR1: $checkcode = str_replace($pre, '', $code); goto UC1kQ; CjuDt: UPDME: goto IzhuJ; B10Bg: exit($out); goto tUwH8; qOqat: exit($out); goto dfWuK; PfTCW: $setting = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT settings FROM " . tablename("uni_account_modules") . " WHERE module = :module AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(":module" => $module, ":uniacid" => $uniacid)); goto a1Ib2; d65WR: exit($out); goto mmnxW; UZJbe: exit($out); goto ICJyT; lX8OF: $errors = array(); goto HuGbl; CrXkt: $expireTime = json_decode($checkres["useabletime"], true); goto xHtqY; ehu3v: HIlWy: goto l1Q1q; PTEsZ: $endTime = $expireTime["end"]; goto Siw_I; vK4La: require_once "init.php"; goto lX8OF; zXoNM: if (!($checkres["status"] == 3)) { goto u9m1F; } goto d1sqZ; AV7ft: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 1002, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto fr4Sn; Zw7Sr: $upres = pdo_update("hticket_order", $update, array("qrcode" => $checkcode)); goto KwhIR; fr4Sn: $out = json_encode($errors); goto qZzyU; Spl_U: $date = date("Y-m-d", $goods["createtime"]); goto tmx0f; pQNPL: $input["actid"] = $checkres["actid"]; goto rq1YN; U8p9u: I5rgx: goto M4I1S; KzQ1a: $pre = $setting["gate_pre"]; goto A8TR1; NL5e3: exit($out); goto FEYeG; OVP4w: pdo_insert("hticket_log", $input); goto euAng; pnE3v: exit($out); goto crqoq; o8oDk: if (!($auth != $sign)) { goto PpB0D; } goto BOhT5; TgKK2: if (!(intval($total) >= intval($goods["total"]))) { goto NrWY6; } goto xhJ36; ICJyT: iarSG: goto q1zQW; c3D7K: $out = json_encode($errors); goto UZJbe; QYcqd: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 102, "resultMsg" => ",", "resultTime" => $time)); goto Ti4rh; NePp2: BzGRu: goto ehu3v; M4I1S: $code = $request["body"]["code"]; goto dIlQn; NS4UI: if (!empty($apiname)) { goto mR8jz; } goto ySq8f; I_e0j: $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); goto TqONX; XG2de: if (!($currentTime < $beginTime || $currentTime > $endTime)) { goto xt9QL; } goto oWMbh; s3G_U: exit($out); goto xD5BE; nZHoO: if (!($checkres["status"] != 2)) { goto HGNVR; } goto RsGvh; t0dI9: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 2002, "resultMsg" => "MD5", "resultTime" => $time)); goto C7Dg6; v_yQ2: $out = json_encode($errors); goto s3G_U; oWMbh: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 3002, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto FIz_b; ejb5O: $out = json_encode($out); goto NL5e3; Ga499: $update["status"] = 3; goto LCb3N; HKS1M: $out = json_encode($errors); goto Jrz5p; lYhG6: if (!empty($sign)) { goto YGdOq; } goto t0dI9; BOhT5: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 2003, "resultMsg" => "MD5Sign", "resultTime" => $time)); goto aE94m; ChGub: $out = json_encode($errors); goto FxdbD; CZUGO: BZipt: goto sLs82; Jrz5p: exit($out); goto ygv21; Dwgmu: exit($out); goto bCtI0; mmnxW: PpB0D: goto KzQ1a; oNfY0: if (!empty($setting)) { goto eaS_0; } goto l7wLv; dxjj5: $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array(":orderid" => $checkres["id"])); goto TgKK2; sLs82: $module = "hawk_ticket"; goto PfTCW; IzhuJ: if (!(!empty($actInfo["ac_check_begin"]) && $actInfo["ac_check_begin"] != $actInfo["ac_check_end"])) { goto BzGRu; } goto aMt5O; l1Q1q: if ($checkres) { goto T6QNg; } goto QMCFa; RsGvh: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 3004, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto v_yQ2; ZFeTw: $goods = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename("hticket_order_goods") . " WHERE orderid = :orderid ", array(":orderid" => $checkres["id"])); goto RkKCK; vi7zH: $input["type"] = 1; goto GizAz; xD5BE: HGNVR: goto ATgvt; rxUJB: $endTime = $actInfo["ac_check_end"]; goto euvRn; U0OKq: $checkaccountid = $setting["gate_accountid"]; goto NS4UI; eSKSE: $accountid = $request["head"]["accountId"]; goto ltdep; VJKm8: exit($out); goto wh7DM; jOPH3: goto iuHZ6; goto ZhXUs; Z0Evz: $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time); goto mR3SM; ySq8f: $errors = array("head" => array("resultID" => 2001, "resultMsg" => "", "resultTime" => $time)); goto O97LV; foq2m: function rangeTime($startTime, $endTime) { goto ibGB2; gg7XS: $start = strtotime($date . $startTime . ":00"); goto M4MgT; OHt3d: return false; goto jB2sY; M4MgT: $end = strtotime($date . $endTime . ":00"); goto Xtq3Q; Xtq3Q: $now = time(); goto NQySF; jB2sY: goto u9iYn; goto sVWi7; ZGmk4: u9iYn: goto tRWEB; sVWi7: CLJq4: goto zhBYZ; zhBYZ: return true; goto ZGmk4; ibGB2: $date = date("Y-m-d ", time()); goto gg7XS; NQySF: if ($now >= $start && $now <= $end) { goto CLJq4; } goto OHt3d; tRWEB: } ?>

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Original Code

 goto lBPa2; Iefii: eaS_0: goto Q2oP_; qZzyU: exit($out); goto U8p9u; dIlQn: $apiname = $request["\150\x65\x61\x64"]["\x61\120\111\116\x61\155\145"]; goto eSKSE; dfWuK: mR8jz: goto lYhG6; bCtI0: goto IMe8E; goto CZUGO; FIz_b: $out = json_encode($errors); goto B10Bg; w9Tta: $input = array(); goto GaZeV; Xeeph: if (empty($checkres["\165\163\x65\141\x62\x6c\x65\x74\151\x6d\x65"])) { goto UPDME; } goto CrXkt; LCb3N: $update["\163\x63\x61\156\164\151\x6d\x65"] = time(); goto Zw7Sr; d1sqZ: $errors = array("\150\x65\141\x64" => array("\x72\x65\163\x75\154\164\111\104" => 3001, "\x72\145\x73\165\x6c\x74\115\x73\x67" => "\xe7\245\250\xe6\215\256\xe5\267\262\344\275\xbf\xe7\x94\250", "\162\145\163\x75\154\164\124\x69\x6d\x65" => $time)); goto HKS1M; FxdbD: exit($out); goto jOPH3; FEYeG: iuHZ6: goto foq2m; euvRn: $checkResult = rangeTime($beginTime, $endTime); goto dw6CN; lBPa2: header("\103\x6f\156\164\145\156\164\55\164\171\x70\145\x3a\x74\145\x78\x74\x2f\152\x73\157\156"); goto vK4La; t58rr: $errors = array("\x68\x65\141\144" => array("\x72\x65\x73\165\154\164\111\104" => 1001, "\x72\145\x73\165\x6c\x74\115\x73\147" => "\xe8\257\267\346\261\x82\xe5\x8f\202\346\225\xb0\344\270\x8d\xe5\x85\201\xe8\xae\270\344\xb8\xba\347\xa9\xba\x2c\x64\141\164\x61\xe4\274\240\xe9\x80\222\xe5\217\202\346\225\xb0", "\162\x65\x73\x75\154\x74\x54\151\155\x65" => $time)); goto c3D7K; euAng: $sql = "\123\105\114\105\103\x54\x20\103\117\125\x4e\124\50\x2a\51\x20\x46\122\x4f\x4d\x20" . tablename("\x68\x74\x69\143\x6b\145\x74\137\154\x6f\x67") . "\x20\127\110\105\x52\x45\x20\x6f\162\x64\x65\162\151\144\x20\75\x20\72\x6f\x72\x64\x65\162\151\144"; goto dxjj5; TqONX: if (!empty($postdata)) { goto iarSG; } goto t58rr; tmx0f: $createtime = date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\144\x20\x48\x3a\151\72\163", $goods["\x63\x72\x65\141\x74\x65\164\151\x6d\145"]); goto yUDkQ; nsUti: if ($uniacid) { goto BZipt; } goto QYcqd; tUwH8: xt9QL: goto CjuDt; GizAz: $input["\x72\145\x6d\x61\162\x6b"] = "\351\227\xb8\xe6\234\xba\351\xaa\214\347\245\xa8"; goto C0mKl; KIgT5: if (!$actInfo) { goto HIlWy; } goto Xeeph; rq1YN: $input["\x73\x63\141\x6e\157\167\156"] = ''; goto vi7zH; QMCFa: $errors = array("\x68\145\141\144" => array("\x72\x65\163\165\x6c\x74\x49\x44" => 3002, "\x72\145\x73\165\154\x74\115\x73\147" => "\346\234\xaa\346\x89\xbe\xe5\210\xb0\xe5\xaf\271\345\xba\224\347\232\x84\350\xae\242\xe5\215\225\346\x95\xb0\346\215\xae", "\x72\145\163\165\154\164\x54\x69\x6d\145" => $time)); goto ChGub; HuGbl: $time = time(); goto Z0Evz; crqoq: YGdOq: goto pdvJl; ltdep: $sign = $request["\x68\x65\141\144"]["\x73\151\x67\x6e"]; goto WdbRz; ZhXUs: T6QNg: goto ZFeTw; Ti4rh: $out = json_encode($errors); goto Dwgmu; aE94m: $out = json_encode($errors); goto d65WR; mR3SM: $uniacid = !empty($_GET["\165\156\x69"]) ? $_GET["\x75\x6e\151"] : false; goto nsUti; ygv21: u9m1F: goto nZHoO; ombEd: $out = array("\150\145\x61\144" => array("\162\145\163\165\x6c\164\111\104" => 1, "\162\x65\x73\165\x6c\164\115\163\x67" => "\346\216\xa5\xe5\217\243\xe8\257\267\346\261\x82\xe6\210\x90\xe5\212\x9f", "\x72\x65\163\165\154\x74\124\151\x6d\x65" => $time), "\142\157\144\x79" => array("\157\x72\144\145\162\x49\104" => $checkres["\x69\x64"], "\x74\x69\x63\153\145\x74\116\x61\x6d\x65" => $ticketname, "\x64\x61\164\x65" => $date, "\156\165\155\142\x65\x72" => $goods["\164\157\164\141\154"], "\160\162\x69\143\145" => $goods["\x70\162\x69\x63\x65"], "\163\165\155\x4d\x6f\156\x65\x79" => $checkres["\x66\x65\x65"], "\x63\x72\145\141\x74\x65\x54\x69\155\145" => $createtime, "\163\x74\141\164\x65" => 1, "\x76\x69\x73\151\164\157\162\116\141\x6d\145" => $checkres["\157\160\145\156\x69\144"], "\x70\x68\x6f\156\145\x4e\x75\x6d\x62\x65\162" => '', "\x64\104\x43\x61\162\144\x4e\117" => '')); goto w9Tta; VBI4_: $out = json_encode($errors); goto UeKhi; xHtqY: $beginTime = $expireTime["\163\x74\x61\x72\x74"]; goto PTEsZ; C0mKl: $input["\165\156\151\x61\143\151\144"] = $uniacid; goto IyhR1; IyhR1: $input["\x63\162\x65\141\164\x65\164\x69\155\x65"] = time(); goto OVP4w; UC1kQ: $checkres = pdo_fetch("\123\x45\x4c\x45\x43\124\40\52\x20\106\122\x4f\x4d\x20" . tablename("\x68\x74\151\143\153\145\x74\137\x6f\162\x64\145\162") . "\x20\127\x48\105\x52\x45\x20\x71\162\x63\x6f\144\x65\40\75\40\72\x71\x72\143\157\x64\145\x20\x41\x4e\104\x20\165\156\151\x61\143\x69\144\40\x3d\x20\72\x75\156\151\x61\x63\x69\144", array("\x3a\x71\x72\143\x6f\144\x65" => $checkcode, "\72\x75\x6e\x69\x61\x63\x69\144" => $uniacid)); goto zXoNM; ZsHYM: $errors = array("\x68\145\x61\x64" => array("\x72\145\x73\x75\x6c\164\111\104" => 3003, "\x72\145\163\x75\x6c\164\x4d\x73\147" => "\xe7\245\250\346\x8d\256\344\xb8\x8d\xe5\x9c\250\xe6\257\217\xe5\xa4\251\345\x8f\xaf\347\x94\250\346\227\xb6\xe9\x97\xb4\345\x86\205", "\x72\x65\x73\x75\x6c\x74\x54\x69\155\145" => $time)); goto HSlGC; a1Ib2: $setting = iunserializer($setting); goto oNfY0; yUDkQ: $ticketname = !empty($goods["\157\160\164\x69\157\x6e\x74\x69\x74\154\145"]) ? $goods["\157\x70\164\x69\157\156\164\151\164\x6c\145"] : $goods["\160\x72\157\156\x61\x6d\x65"]; goto ombEd; GaZeV: $input["\x6f\x72\x64\x65\x72\x69\x64"] = $checkres["\151\x64"]; goto pQNPL; Gh2qp: $checkkey = $setting["\x67\141\x74\145\x5f\x6b\x65\x79"]; goto U0OKq; Siw_I: $currentTime = time(); goto XG2de; k7Bv5: if (!empty($request)) { goto I5rgx; } goto AV7ft; O97LV: $out = json_encode($errors); goto qOqat; HSlGC: $out = json_encode($errors); goto VJKm8; C7Dg6: $out = json_encode($errors); goto pnE3v; Q2oP_: IMe8E: goto I_e0j; KwhIR: NrWY6: goto ejb5O; wh7DM: UyeoN: goto NePp2; WdbRz: $codetype = $request["\142\157\144\171"]["\x63\x6f\x64\145\124\x79\x70\x65"]; goto Gh2qp; q1zQW: $request = json_decode($postdata, true); goto k7Bv5; RkKCK: $time = date("\131\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\x20\110\72\x69\72\163", time()); goto Spl_U; dw6CN: if ($checkResult) { goto UyeoN; } goto ZsHYM; aMt5O: $beginTime = $actInfo["\141\143\137\143\x68\145\143\x6b\137\x62\145\x67\x69\156"]; goto rxUJB; UeKhi: exit($out); goto Iefii; xhJ36: $update = array(); goto Ga499; l7wLv: $errors = array("\150\x65\141\x64" => array("\162\x65\163\165\154\x74\x49\104" => 101, "\x72\x65\x73\165\x6c\164\x4d\163\x67" => "\345\xbe\xae\xe4\277\xa1\345\x8f\x82\xe6\x95\xb0\xe9\x85\215\347\xbd\xae\x2c\xe8\257\267\345\234\250\345\276\256\344\xbf\241\xe7\256\241\347\x90\x86\xe5\xb9\263\345\x8f\xb0\351\x85\x8d\xe7\xbd\256", "\x72\x65\163\x75\x6c\164\124\151\155\x65" => $time)); goto VBI4_; ATgvt: $actInfo = pdo_get("\x68\x74\x69\143\x6b\x65\164\137\x61\143\164\151\166\x69\x74\x79", array("\x69\x64" => $checkres["\x61\x63\x74\x69\x64"], "\165\156\151\141\x63\151\x64" => $uniacid)); goto KIgT5; pdvJl: $mstring = $apiname . $checkaccountid . $code . $checkkey; goto uUi6r; uUi6r: $auth = md5($mstring); goto o8oDk; A8TR1: $checkcode = str_replace($pre, '', $code); goto UC1kQ; CjuDt: UPDME: goto IzhuJ; B10Bg: exit($out); goto tUwH8; qOqat: exit($out); goto dfWuK; PfTCW: $setting = pdo_fetchcolumn("\123\x45\x4c\105\x43\x54\40\163\145\x74\x74\151\x6e\147\x73\x20\106\122\117\115\40" . tablename("\x75\156\x69\x5f\141\x63\143\157\165\x6e\164\137\155\157\144\165\x6c\x65\x73") . "\x20\127\x48\105\122\x45\40\155\x6f\144\165\154\145\x20\75\x20\72\x6d\157\x64\x75\x6c\145\40\x41\116\104\x20\x75\156\151\141\143\x69\144\x20\x3d\40\72\165\x6e\151\141\x63\x69\144", array("\x3a\155\157\x64\x75\x6c\x65" => $module, "\72\x75\156\x69\141\x63\151\x64" => $uniacid)); goto a1Ib2; d65WR: exit($out); goto mmnxW; UZJbe: exit($out); goto ICJyT; lX8OF: $errors = array(); goto HuGbl; CrXkt: $expireTime = json_decode($checkres["\165\163\x65\141\142\x6c\145\164\x69\155\145"], true); goto xHtqY; ehu3v: HIlWy: goto l1Q1q; PTEsZ: $endTime = $expireTime["\145\156\144"]; goto Siw_I; vK4La: require_once "\151\156\151\x74\x2e\x70\x68\x70"; goto lX8OF; zXoNM: if (!($checkres["\163\164\x61\164\165\163"] == 3)) { goto u9m1F; } goto d1sqZ; AV7ft: $errors = array("\x68\145\x61\x64" => array("\162\x65\x73\165\x6c\164\111\x44" => 1002, "\x72\x65\x73\x75\154\x74\115\163\147" => "\xe8\257\xb7\xe6\261\202\xe5\217\x82\346\225\260\350\xa7\xa3\346\236\x90\xe5\xa4\xb1\350\xb4\xa5", "\162\x65\x73\x75\x6c\164\x54\x69\x6d\145" => $time)); goto fr4Sn; Zw7Sr: $upres = pdo_update("\x68\x74\151\143\x6b\145\164\137\x6f\162\x64\x65\162", $update, array("\x71\x72\x63\x6f\144\x65" => $checkcode)); goto KwhIR; fr4Sn: $out = json_encode($errors); goto qZzyU; Spl_U: $date = date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\x64", $goods["\x63\162\145\x61\164\x65\164\151\155\145"]); goto tmx0f; pQNPL: $input["\x61\x63\x74\151\144"] = $checkres["\x61\x63\164\151\x64"]; goto rq1YN; U8p9u: I5rgx: goto M4I1S; KzQ1a: $pre = $setting["\x67\x61\x74\145\137\160\x72\145"]; goto A8TR1; NL5e3: exit($out); goto FEYeG; OVP4w: pdo_insert("\150\164\x69\x63\153\145\164\137\154\157\147", $input); goto euAng; pnE3v: exit($out); goto crqoq; o8oDk: if (!($auth != $sign)) { goto PpB0D; } goto BOhT5; TgKK2: if (!(intval($total) >= intval($goods["\x74\157\x74\141\x6c"]))) { goto NrWY6; } goto xhJ36; ICJyT: iarSG: goto q1zQW; c3D7K: $out = json_encode($errors); goto UZJbe; QYcqd: $errors = array("\150\145\x61\x64" => array("\x72\x65\x73\165\154\x74\111\104" => 102, "\x72\145\x73\x75\154\164\115\163\147" => "\xe8\257\xb7\346\261\x82\345\205\254\344\274\x97\xe5\x8f\xb7\xe5\x8f\x82\xe6\225\xb0\xe9\224\x99\350\257\xaf\54\350\xaf\xb7\345\234\250\xe5\x8f\x82\xe6\x95\xb0\351\205\x8d\xe7\275\xae\xe4\xb8\xad\346\237\xa5\347\234\x8b", "\x72\x65\x73\165\154\164\124\151\x6d\145" => $time)); goto Ti4rh; NePp2: BzGRu: goto ehu3v; M4I1S: $code = $request["\x62\x6f\144\171"]["\143\x6f\144\145"]; goto dIlQn; NS4UI: if (!empty($apiname)) { goto mR8jz; } goto ySq8f; I_e0j: $postdata = file_get_contents("\160\150\x70\x3a\57\57\x69\156\160\x75\164"); goto TqONX; XG2de: if (!($currentTime < $beginTime || $currentTime > $endTime)) { goto xt9QL; } goto oWMbh; s3G_U: exit($out); goto xD5BE; nZHoO: if (!($checkres["\163\164\141\164\x75\x73"] != 2)) { goto HGNVR; } goto RsGvh; t0dI9: $errors = array("\150\x65\x61\x64" => array("\162\145\163\x75\154\x74\x49\x44" => 2002, "\x72\x65\x73\x75\x6c\164\x4d\x73\x67" => "\x4d\104\x35\xe5\212\xa0\xe5\xaf\206\347\xa0\201\344\270\215\345\x85\201\xe8\xae\270\xe4\xb8\xba\347\251\xba", "\162\x65\163\x75\154\x74\x54\151\x6d\145" => $time)); goto C7Dg6; v_yQ2: $out = json_encode($errors); goto s3G_U; oWMbh: $errors = array("\150\x65\141\x64" => array("\162\145\x73\x75\154\x74\111\x44" => 3002, "\x72\x65\163\165\154\x74\x4d\x73\x67" => "\xe7\xa5\xa8\xe6\x8d\xae\344\xb8\x8d\345\234\xa8\xe5\217\257\xe7\x94\xa8\xe6\227\266\xe9\227\264\xe5\206\x85", "\x72\x65\163\165\154\164\x54\151\155\x65" => $time)); goto FIz_b; ejb5O: $out = json_encode($out); goto NL5e3; Ga499: $update["\163\164\141\164\165\x73"] = 3; goto LCb3N; HKS1M: $out = json_encode($errors); goto Jrz5p; lYhG6: if (!empty($sign)) { goto YGdOq; } goto t0dI9; BOhT5: $errors = array("\150\145\x61\144" => array("\x72\145\x73\x75\154\x74\111\104" => 2003, "\162\145\163\165\154\164\115\163\x67" => "\115\x44\x35\345\212\240\345\xaf\206\xe5\x90\216\xe7\x9a\x84\x53\151\x67\156\xe4\270\x8d\346\xad\xa3\347\241\xae", "\x72\x65\163\165\x6c\x74\x54\x69\x6d\x65" => $time)); goto aE94m; ChGub: $out = json_encode($errors); goto FxdbD; CZUGO: BZipt: goto sLs82; Jrz5p: exit($out); goto ygv21; Dwgmu: exit($out); goto bCtI0; mmnxW: PpB0D: goto KzQ1a; oNfY0: if (!empty($setting)) { goto eaS_0; } goto l7wLv; dxjj5: $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, array("\72\157\162\144\x65\162\151\x64" => $checkres["\x69\x64"])); goto TgKK2; sLs82: $module = "\150\141\x77\153\x5f\164\x69\143\x6b\x65\x74"; goto PfTCW; IzhuJ: if (!(!empty($actInfo["\x61\x63\x5f\143\150\x65\x63\153\137\x62\145\x67\x69\x6e"]) && $actInfo["\141\143\137\143\x68\x65\x63\153\137\142\x65\x67\x69\156"] != $actInfo["\141\143\x5f\143\150\x65\143\153\x5f\x65\x6e\x64"])) { goto BzGRu; } goto aMt5O; l1Q1q: if ($checkres) { goto T6QNg; } goto QMCFa; RsGvh: $errors = array("\x68\x65\x61\x64" => array("\x72\145\163\165\x6c\x74\111\104" => 3004, "\x72\145\163\165\x6c\164\x4d\163\x67" => "\xe7\xa5\xa8\346\215\xae\344\xb8\x8d\xe5\x8f\257\xe7\x94\xa8", "\x72\145\x73\x75\x6c\x74\124\x69\x6d\145" => $time)); goto v_yQ2; ZFeTw: $goods = pdo_fetch("\123\x45\x4c\x45\x43\x54\40\52\x20\106\x52\x4f\115\40" . tablename("\150\x74\151\x63\153\x65\x74\x5f\157\x72\144\145\x72\x5f\x67\157\x6f\x64\x73") . "\40\127\x48\105\122\x45\x20\157\162\144\145\162\x69\144\x20\75\x20\72\157\162\144\x65\162\x69\144\x20", array("\72\x6f\x72\x64\145\162\151\x64" => $checkres["\x69\144"])); goto RkKCK; vi7zH: $input["\164\x79\x70\145"] = 1; goto GizAz; xD5BE: HGNVR: goto ATgvt; rxUJB: $endTime = $actInfo["\141\143\137\x63\x68\x65\x63\x6b\x5f\145\156\144"]; goto euvRn; U0OKq: $checkaccountid = $setting["\x67\141\x74\145\137\141\x63\143\x6f\x75\156\164\151\x64"]; goto NS4UI; eSKSE: $accountid = $request["\150\145\x61\144"]["\141\143\x63\x6f\165\x6e\x74\111\144"]; goto ltdep; VJKm8: exit($out); goto wh7DM; jOPH3: goto iuHZ6; goto ZhXUs; Z0Evz: $time = date("\x59\x2d\x6d\x2d\144\40\110\x3a\151\x3a\163", $time); goto mR3SM; ySq8f: $errors = array("\150\145\x61\x64" => array("\162\x65\x73\x75\x6c\164\111\104" => 2001, "\162\x65\x73\x75\154\164\x4d\163\147" => "\xe9\205\215\347\xbd\xae\xe8\264\246\345\x8f\267\344\xb8\215\xe5\205\201\xe8\xae\xb8\xe4\xb8\xba\xe7\xa9\xba", "\x72\x65\x73\165\x6c\x74\124\151\x6d\x65" => $time)); goto O97LV; foq2m: function rangeTime($startTime, $endTime) { goto ibGB2; gg7XS: $start = strtotime($date . $startTime . "\72\x30\x30"); goto M4MgT; OHt3d: return false; goto jB2sY; M4MgT: $end = strtotime($date . $endTime . "\x3a\x30\x30"); goto Xtq3Q; Xtq3Q: $now = time(); goto NQySF; jB2sY: goto u9iYn; goto sVWi7; ZGmk4: u9iYn: goto tRWEB; sVWi7: CLJq4: goto zhBYZ; zhBYZ: return true; goto ZGmk4; ibGB2: $date = date("\131\x2d\x6d\55\144\40", time()); goto gg7XS; NQySF: if ($now >= $start && $now <= $end) { goto CLJq4; } goto OHt3d; tRWEB: }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 87 ms