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PHP Decode

class Wyomind_Datafeedmanager_Model_Configurations extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract { publ..

Decoded Output download

class Wyomind_Datafeedmanager_Model_Configurations extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract { public $_indexPhp = ''; 
 protected $_filePath; 
  public $_limit = false; 
  public $_display = false; 
  public $_rates = false; 
  public $_chartset = false; 
  public $_sqlSize = 1500; 
  static $option = 0; 
  public function x13c($myPattern, $product, $x3f = true, $x40 = false) { $x110="preg_split"; 
  if ($x40) { $x41 = $x110("/
/", $myPattern); 
  $x42 = $x41[0]; 
  $x41[0] = null; 
  $myPattern = $x111($x41, "
  } $myPattern = $x112('<?', $x113(''), $myPattern); 
  $myPattern = $x112('?>', $x113(''), $myPattern); 
  $x43 = $x113('/((.[^]+))/s'); 
  $x114($x43, $myPattern, $x44); 
  if (isset($x44[1])) { foreach ($x44[1] as $x45 => $x46) { if ($x3f == 1) { if (@eval($x44[2][$x45] . '; ')) $myPattern = $x112($x46, eval($x44[2][$x45] . '; '), $myPattern); 
  else $myPattern = $x112($x46, '', $myPattern); 
  } else { if (@eval($this->unx143($x44[2][$x45] . '; '))) $myPattern = $x112($x46, $this->x143(eval($this->unx143($x44[2][$x45]) . '; ')), $myPattern); 
  else $myPattern = $x112($x46, '', $myPattern); 
  } } } if ($x40) { if ($x3f == 1) return $x42 . "
" . $myPattern; 
  else return $x42; 
  } else return $myPattern; 
  } protected function _construct() { $x110="preg_split"; 
  $this->_sqlSize = Mage::getStoreConfig("datafeedmanager/system/sqlsize"); 
  } protected function _beforeSave() { $x110="preg_split"; 
  $x47 = new Varien_Io_File(); 
  $x48 = $x47->getCleanPath(Mage::getBaseDir() . '/' . $this->getFeedPath()); 
  if (!$x47->allowedPath($x48, Mage::getBaseDir())) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please define correct path')); 
  } if (!$x47->fileExists($x48, false)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please create the specified folder "%s" before saving the data feed configuration.', Mage::helper('core')->htmlEscape($this->getFeedPath()))); 
  } if (!$x47->isWriteable($x48)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please make sure that "%s" is writable by web-server.', $this->getFeedPath())); 
  } if (!$x115('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$#', $this->getFeedName())) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in the filename. No spaces or other characters are allowed.')); 
  } $this->setFeedPath($x116($x112($x112('\', '/', Mage::getBaseDir()), '', $x48), '/') . '/'); 
  return parent::_beforeSave(); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

class Wyomind_Datafeedmanager_Model_Configurations extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract { public $_indexPhp = '';
 protected $_filePath;
  public $_limit = false;
  public $_display = false;
  public $_rates = false;
  public $_chartset = false;
  public $_sqlSize = 1500;
  static $option = 0;
  public function x13c($myPattern, $product, $x3f = true, $x40 = false) { $x110="p\162\145\147_\163\x70\x6c\x69\164";
  if ($x40) { $x41 = $x110("\x2f\x0a\x2f", $myPattern);
  $x42 = $x41[0];
  $x41[0] = null;
  $myPattern = $x111($x41, "\x0a");
  } $myPattern = $x112('<?', $x113(''), $myPattern);
  $myPattern = $x112('?>', $x113(''), $myPattern);
  $x43 = $x113('/((.[^]+))/s');
  $x114($x43, $myPattern, $x44);
  if (isset($x44[1])) { foreach ($x44[1] as $x45 => $x46) { if ($x3f == 1) { if (@eval($x44[2][$x45] . '; ')) $myPattern = $x112($x46, eval($x44[2][$x45] . '; '), $myPattern);
  else $myPattern = $x112($x46, '', $myPattern);
  } else { if (@eval($this->unx143($x44[2][$x45] . '; '))) $myPattern = $x112($x46, $this->x143(eval($this->unx143($x44[2][$x45]) . '; ')), $myPattern);
  else $myPattern = $x112($x46, '', $myPattern);
  } } } if ($x40) { if ($x3f == 1) return $x42 . "\x0a" . $myPattern;
  else return $x42;
  } else return $myPattern;
  } protected function _construct() { $x110="\160\x72e\x67_\x73\160l\151\x74";
  $this->_sqlSize = Mage::getStoreConfig("\x64\x61\x74a\146\x65e\144manage\x72\x2fs\x79s\164\x65m\x2f\x73q\x6c\x73iz\145");
  } protected function _beforeSave() { $x110="\160\x72\145\147\x5f\163\160\154\151\164";
  $x47 = new Varien_Io_File();
  $x48 = $x47->getCleanPath(Mage::getBaseDir() . '/' . $this->getFeedPath());
  if (!$x47->allowedPath($x48, Mage::getBaseDir())) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please define correct path'));
  } if (!$x47->fileExists($x48, false)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please create the specified folder "%s" before saving the data feed configuration.', Mage::helper('core')->htmlEscape($this->getFeedPath())));
  } if (!$x47->isWriteable($x48)) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please make sure that "%s" is writable by web-server.', $this->getFeedPath()));
  } if (!$x115('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+$#', $this->getFeedName())) { Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('datafeedmanager')->__('Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in the filename. No spaces or other characters are allowed.'));
  } $this->setFeedPath($x116($x112($x112('\\', '/', Mage::getBaseDir()), '', $x48), '/') . '/');
  return parent::_beforeSave();

Function Calls





MD5 b93da799a55f67812d06ff90c580a332
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 97 ms