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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace Rector\DowngradePhp73\Rector\List_; use PhpPar..
Decoded Output download
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\DowngradePhp73\Rector\List_;
use PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayItem;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression;
use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\CodeSample\CodeSample;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
* @changelog
* @see \Rector\Tests\DowngradePhp73\Rector\List_\DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRector\DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRectorTest
final class DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRector extends AbstractRector
* @var int
private const ALL = 0;
* @var int
private const ANY = 1;
public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition('Convert the list reference assignment to its equivalent PHP 7.2 code', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE'
class SomeClass
public function run($string)
$array = [1, 2, 3];
list($a, &$b) = $array;
[&$c, $d, &$e] = $array;
list(&$a, &$b) = $array;
class SomeClass
public function run($string)
$array = [1, 2, 3];
list($a) = $array;
$b =& $array[1];
[$c, $d, $e] = $array;
$c =& $array[0];
$e =& $array[2];
$a =& $array[0];
$b =& $array[1];
* @return array<class-string<Node>>
public function getNodeTypes() : array
return [Expression::class];
* @param Expression $node
* @return Node[]|null
public function refactor(Node $node) : ?array
if (!$node->expr instanceof Assign) {
return null;
$assign = $node->expr;
if ($assign->var instanceof Array_ || $assign->var instanceof List_) {
$arrayOrList = $assign->var;
} else {
return null;
if (!$assign->expr instanceof Variable) {
return null;
if ($this->shouldSkipAssign($assign, $arrayOrList)) {
return null;
/** @var Variable $exprVariable */
$exprVariable = $assign->expr;
// Count number of params by ref on the right side, to remove them later on
$rightSideRemovableParamsCount = $this->countRightSideMostParamsByRefOrEmpty($arrayOrList->items);
// Add new nodes to do the assignment by reference
$newNodes = $this->createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences($arrayOrList->items, $exprVariable, []);
// Remove the stale params right-most-side
if (\count($arrayOrList->items) === $rightSideRemovableParamsCount) {
return $newNodes;
$this->removeStaleParams($arrayOrList, $rightSideRemovableParamsCount);
return \array_merge([$node], $newNodes);
* Remove the right-side-most params by reference or empty from `list()`,
* since they are not needed anymore.
* @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ $node
private function removeStaleParams($node, int $rightSideRemovableParamsCount) : void
$nodeItemsCount = \count($node->items);
if ($rightSideRemovableParamsCount > 0) {
\array_splice($node->items, $nodeItemsCount - $rightSideRemovableParamsCount);
* @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ $arrayOrList
private function shouldSkipAssign(Assign $assign, $arrayOrList) : bool
if (!$assign->expr instanceof Variable) {
return \true;
return !$this->hasAnyItemByRef($arrayOrList->items);
* Count the number of params by reference placed at the end
* These params are not needed anymore, so they can be removed
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $listItems
private function countRightSideMostParamsByRefOrEmpty(array $listItems) : int
// Their position is kept in the array
$count = 0;
$listItemsCount = \count($listItems);
// Start from the end => right-side-most params
for ($i = $listItemsCount - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$listItem = $listItems[$i];
// Also include null items, since they can be removed
if (!$listItem instanceof ArrayItem || $listItem->byRef) {
// If it is a nested list, check if all its items are by reference
$isNested = $listItem->value instanceof List_ || $listItem->value instanceof Array_;
if ($isNested) {
/** @var List_|Array_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $listItem->value;
if ($this->hasAllItemsByRef($nestedList->items)) {
// Item not by reference. Reach the end
return $count;
return $count;
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $listItems
* @param (int|string)[] $nestedArrayIndexes
* @return Node\Stmt[]
private function createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences(array $listItems, Variable $exprVariable, array $nestedArrayIndexes) : array
// After filtering, their original position is kept in the array
$newNodes = [];
foreach ($listItems as $position => $listItem) {
if (!$listItem instanceof ArrayItem) {
if ($listItem->value instanceof Variable && !$listItem->byRef) {
// Access the key, if provided, or the position otherwise
$key = $this->getArrayItemKey($listItem, $position);
// Either the item is a variable, or a nested list
if ($listItem->value instanceof Variable) {
/** @var Variable $itemVariable */
$itemVariable = $listItem->value;
// Remove the reference in the present arrayOrList
$listItem->byRef = \false;
// In its place, assign the value by reference on a new arrayOrList
$assignVariable = new Variable($itemVariable->name);
$newNodes[] = $this->createAssignRefWithArrayDimFetch($assignVariable, $exprVariable, $nestedArrayIndexes, $key);
// Nested list. Combine with the nodes from the recursive call
/** @var List_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $listItem->value;
$listNestedArrayIndexes = \array_merge($nestedArrayIndexes, [$key]);
$newNodes = \array_merge($newNodes, $this->createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences($nestedList->items, $exprVariable, $listNestedArrayIndexes));
return $newNodes;
* Indicates if there is at least 1 item passed by reference, as in:
* - list(&$a, $b)
* - list($a, $b, list(&$c, $d))
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $items
private function hasAnyItemByRef(array $items) : bool
return $this->getItemsByRef($items, self::ANY) !== [];
* Indicates if there is all items are passed by reference, as in:
* - list(&$a, &$b)
* - list(&$a, &$b, list(&$c, &$d))
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $items
private function hasAllItemsByRef(array $items) : bool
return \count($this->getItemsByRef($items, self::ALL)) === \count($items);
* Return the key inside the ArrayItem, if provided, or the position otherwise
* @param int|string $position
* @return int|string
private function getArrayItemKey(ArrayItem $arrayItem, $position)
if ($arrayItem->key instanceof String_) {
return $arrayItem->key->value;
if ($arrayItem->key instanceof LNumber) {
return $arrayItem->key->value;
return $position;
* Re-build the path to the variable with all accumulated indexes
* @param (string|int)[] $nestedArrayIndexes The path to build nested lists
* @param string|int $arrayIndex
private function createAssignRefWithArrayDimFetch(Variable $assignVariable, Variable $exprVariable, array $nestedArrayIndexes, $arrayIndex) : Expression
$nestedExprVariable = $exprVariable;
foreach ($nestedArrayIndexes as $nestedArrayIndex) {
$nestedArrayIndexDim = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($nestedArrayIndex);
$nestedExprVariable = new ArrayDimFetch($nestedExprVariable, $nestedArrayIndexDim);
$expr = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($arrayIndex);
$arrayDimFetch = new ArrayDimFetch($nestedExprVariable, $expr);
$assignRef = new AssignRef($assignVariable, $arrayDimFetch);
return new Expression($assignRef);
* @param array<ArrayItem|null> $arrayItems
* @return ArrayItem[]
private function getItemsByRef(array $arrayItems, int $condition) : array
$itemsByRef = [];
foreach ($arrayItems as $arrayItem) {
if (!$arrayItem instanceof ArrayItem) {
if (!$this->isItemByRef($arrayItem, $condition)) {
$itemsByRef[] = $arrayItem;
return $itemsByRef;
* Indicate if the item is a variable by reference,
* or a nested list containing variables by reference
private function isItemByRef(ArrayItem $arrayItem, int $condition) : bool
// Check if the item is a nested list/nested array destructuring
$isNested = $arrayItem->value instanceof List_ || $arrayItem->value instanceof Array_;
if ($isNested) {
// Recursive call
/** @var List_|Array_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $arrayItem->value;
if ($condition === self::ALL) {
return $this->hasAllItemsByRef($nestedList->items);
// $condition === self::ANY
return $this->hasAnyItemByRef($nestedList->items);
if (!$arrayItem->value instanceof Variable) {
return \false;
return $arrayItem->byRef;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\DowngradePhp73\Rector\List_;
use PhpParser\BuilderHelpers;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayItem;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression;
use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\CodeSample\CodeSample;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
* @changelog
* @see \Rector\Tests\DowngradePhp73\Rector\List_\DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRector\DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRectorTest
final class DowngradeListReferenceAssignmentRector extends AbstractRector
* @var int
private const ALL = 0;
* @var int
private const ANY = 1;
public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition('Convert the list reference assignment to its equivalent PHP 7.2 code', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE'
class SomeClass
public function run($string)
$array = [1, 2, 3];
list($a, &$b) = $array;
[&$c, $d, &$e] = $array;
list(&$a, &$b) = $array;
class SomeClass
public function run($string)
$array = [1, 2, 3];
list($a) = $array;
$b =& $array[1];
[$c, $d, $e] = $array;
$c =& $array[0];
$e =& $array[2];
$a =& $array[0];
$b =& $array[1];
* @return array<class-string<Node>>
public function getNodeTypes() : array
return [Expression::class];
* @param Expression $node
* @return Node[]|null
public function refactor(Node $node) : ?array
if (!$node->expr instanceof Assign) {
return null;
$assign = $node->expr;
if ($assign->var instanceof Array_ || $assign->var instanceof List_) {
$arrayOrList = $assign->var;
} else {
return null;
if (!$assign->expr instanceof Variable) {
return null;
if ($this->shouldSkipAssign($assign, $arrayOrList)) {
return null;
/** @var Variable $exprVariable */
$exprVariable = $assign->expr;
// Count number of params by ref on the right side, to remove them later on
$rightSideRemovableParamsCount = $this->countRightSideMostParamsByRefOrEmpty($arrayOrList->items);
// Add new nodes to do the assignment by reference
$newNodes = $this->createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences($arrayOrList->items, $exprVariable, []);
// Remove the stale params right-most-side
if (\count($arrayOrList->items) === $rightSideRemovableParamsCount) {
return $newNodes;
$this->removeStaleParams($arrayOrList, $rightSideRemovableParamsCount);
return \array_merge([$node], $newNodes);
* Remove the right-side-most params by reference or empty from `list()`,
* since they are not needed anymore.
* @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ $node
private function removeStaleParams($node, int $rightSideRemovableParamsCount) : void
$nodeItemsCount = \count($node->items);
if ($rightSideRemovableParamsCount > 0) {
\array_splice($node->items, $nodeItemsCount - $rightSideRemovableParamsCount);
* @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ $arrayOrList
private function shouldSkipAssign(Assign $assign, $arrayOrList) : bool
if (!$assign->expr instanceof Variable) {
return \true;
return !$this->hasAnyItemByRef($arrayOrList->items);
* Count the number of params by reference placed at the end
* These params are not needed anymore, so they can be removed
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $listItems
private function countRightSideMostParamsByRefOrEmpty(array $listItems) : int
// Their position is kept in the array
$count = 0;
$listItemsCount = \count($listItems);
// Start from the end => right-side-most params
for ($i = $listItemsCount - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
$listItem = $listItems[$i];
// Also include null items, since they can be removed
if (!$listItem instanceof ArrayItem || $listItem->byRef) {
// If it is a nested list, check if all its items are by reference
$isNested = $listItem->value instanceof List_ || $listItem->value instanceof Array_;
if ($isNested) {
/** @var List_|Array_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $listItem->value;
if ($this->hasAllItemsByRef($nestedList->items)) {
// Item not by reference. Reach the end
return $count;
return $count;
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $listItems
* @param (int|string)[] $nestedArrayIndexes
* @return Node\Stmt[]
private function createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences(array $listItems, Variable $exprVariable, array $nestedArrayIndexes) : array
// After filtering, their original position is kept in the array
$newNodes = [];
foreach ($listItems as $position => $listItem) {
if (!$listItem instanceof ArrayItem) {
if ($listItem->value instanceof Variable && !$listItem->byRef) {
// Access the key, if provided, or the position otherwise
$key = $this->getArrayItemKey($listItem, $position);
// Either the item is a variable, or a nested list
if ($listItem->value instanceof Variable) {
/** @var Variable $itemVariable */
$itemVariable = $listItem->value;
// Remove the reference in the present arrayOrList
$listItem->byRef = \false;
// In its place, assign the value by reference on a new arrayOrList
$assignVariable = new Variable($itemVariable->name);
$newNodes[] = $this->createAssignRefWithArrayDimFetch($assignVariable, $exprVariable, $nestedArrayIndexes, $key);
// Nested list. Combine with the nodes from the recursive call
/** @var List_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $listItem->value;
$listNestedArrayIndexes = \array_merge($nestedArrayIndexes, [$key]);
$newNodes = \array_merge($newNodes, $this->createAssignRefArrayFromListReferences($nestedList->items, $exprVariable, $listNestedArrayIndexes));
return $newNodes;
* Indicates if there is at least 1 item passed by reference, as in:
* - list(&$a, $b)
* - list($a, $b, list(&$c, $d))
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $items
private function hasAnyItemByRef(array $items) : bool
return $this->getItemsByRef($items, self::ANY) !== [];
* Indicates if there is all items are passed by reference, as in:
* - list(&$a, &$b)
* - list(&$a, &$b, list(&$c, &$d))
* @param (ArrayItem|null)[] $items
private function hasAllItemsByRef(array $items) : bool
return \count($this->getItemsByRef($items, self::ALL)) === \count($items);
* Return the key inside the ArrayItem, if provided, or the position otherwise
* @param int|string $position
* @return int|string
private function getArrayItemKey(ArrayItem $arrayItem, $position)
if ($arrayItem->key instanceof String_) {
return $arrayItem->key->value;
if ($arrayItem->key instanceof LNumber) {
return $arrayItem->key->value;
return $position;
* Re-build the path to the variable with all accumulated indexes
* @param (string|int)[] $nestedArrayIndexes The path to build nested lists
* @param string|int $arrayIndex
private function createAssignRefWithArrayDimFetch(Variable $assignVariable, Variable $exprVariable, array $nestedArrayIndexes, $arrayIndex) : Expression
$nestedExprVariable = $exprVariable;
foreach ($nestedArrayIndexes as $nestedArrayIndex) {
$nestedArrayIndexDim = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($nestedArrayIndex);
$nestedExprVariable = new ArrayDimFetch($nestedExprVariable, $nestedArrayIndexDim);
$expr = BuilderHelpers::normalizeValue($arrayIndex);
$arrayDimFetch = new ArrayDimFetch($nestedExprVariable, $expr);
$assignRef = new AssignRef($assignVariable, $arrayDimFetch);
return new Expression($assignRef);
* @param array<ArrayItem|null> $arrayItems
* @return ArrayItem[]
private function getItemsByRef(array $arrayItems, int $condition) : array
$itemsByRef = [];
foreach ($arrayItems as $arrayItem) {
if (!$arrayItem instanceof ArrayItem) {
if (!$this->isItemByRef($arrayItem, $condition)) {
$itemsByRef[] = $arrayItem;
return $itemsByRef;
* Indicate if the item is a variable by reference,
* or a nested list containing variables by reference
private function isItemByRef(ArrayItem $arrayItem, int $condition) : bool
// Check if the item is a nested list/nested array destructuring
$isNested = $arrayItem->value instanceof List_ || $arrayItem->value instanceof Array_;
if ($isNested) {
// Recursive call
/** @var List_|Array_ $nestedList */
$nestedList = $arrayItem->value;
if ($condition === self::ALL) {
return $this->hasAllItemsByRef($nestedList->items);
// $condition === self::ANY
return $this->hasAnyItemByRef($nestedList->items);
if (!$arrayItem->value instanceof Variable) {
return \false;
return $arrayItem->byRef;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | bbafa55c4114c90f09c22cd201a45c99 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 102 ms |