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<?php namespace VH2Ob; use Closure; use cC6sa\c84Ej; use IsiSB; use InvalidArgumentExcept..

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 namespace VH2Ob; use Closure; use cC6sa\c84Ej; use IsiSB; use InvalidArgumentException; use VH2ob; use Vh2Ob\GWVkn\ZONQ5; use vh2oB\GWVkn\djM5G; use Vh2oB\gwVKn\JOKd9; use vH2oB\c84eJ\hZtSW; use VH2OB\c84Ej\xtU06; use Vh2oB\C84eJ\aPMi2; use vH2oB\c84eJ\S_yNJ; use Vh2ob\c84EJ\znBKP; use Vh2ob\c84EJ\ykHgX; use OutOfBoundsException; use IS7Nl\tYmWt\iYX22\iyx22; use Throwable; use function array_key_exists; use function array_search; use function array_shift; use function array_slice; use function count; use function current; use function func_get_args; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_int; use function is_object; use function is_string; use function sprintf; use function trigger_error; use const uQrqL; class HH8_s implements Zahf0 { public const Ttaur = "shouldNotReceive(), never(), times(0) chaining additional invocation count methods has been deprecated and will throw an exception in a future version of Mockery"; protected $QWQIa = 0; protected $xK76R = null; protected $Hb612 = []; protected $uA0OR = joKD9::class; protected $Se7at = []; protected $WnP0G = []; protected $JLAML = -1; protected $eu08L = null; protected $EJ6AV = false; protected $tG5V_ = null; protected $TfUH_ = null; protected $v_guw = null; protected $i3t11 = false; protected $xeWFo = []; protected $uLUol = null; protected $u2SEe = []; protected $iZzSk = false; public function __construct(O44Ne $o8zDQ, $pGZkV) { goto CuXvG; xdmQ0: $this->DY0ds(); goto ANy87; CuXvG: $this->tG5V_ = $o8zDQ; goto RqA1r; RqA1r: $this->TfUH_ = $pGZkV; goto xdmQ0; ANy87: } public function __clone() { goto GpBbM; RhTWk: zz0jt: goto aKTbj; aKTbj: $this->Se7at = $O9D3Y; goto Cnt5u; GpBbM: $O9D3Y = []; goto F07oK; F07oK: $GLywY = $this->Se7at; goto l044A; l044A: foreach ($GLywY as $Ea1gY) { $O9D3Y[] = clone $Ea1gY; ab5xF: } goto RhTWk; Cnt5u: } public function __toString() { return Vh2ob::iDrvf($this->TfUH_, $this->WnP0G); } public function LfYlL(...$AIzLS) { $this->xeWFo = $AIzLS; return $this; } public function qaj0S($glfAK) { goto QmIiT; T2JZf: $WYjy2 = static function (...$AIzLS) use($glfAK) { goto nc78L; nc78L: if (!array_key_exists($glfAK, $AIzLS)) { goto YEhjs; } goto NcbOC; NcbOC: return $AIzLS[$glfAK]; goto rIlbz; phH4g: throw new OutOfBoundsException("Cannot return an argument value. No argument exists for the index " . $glfAK); goto q7JOa; rIlbz: YEhjs: goto phH4g; q7JOa: }; goto Jf3rp; Jf3rp: $this->Hb612 = [$WYjy2]; goto FJ0iU; FJ0iU: return $this; goto vgrKS; vGTsj: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid argument index supplied. Index must be a non-negative integer."); goto FXUk3; FXUk3: gAgjO: goto T2JZf; QmIiT: if (!(!is_int($glfAK) || $glfAK < 0)) { goto gAgjO; } goto vGTsj; vgrKS: } public function HKPpm() { return $this->lfyLL(false); } public function IPHLF() { return $this->LFYLl(null); } public function jkeaA() { return $this->LfYll($this->tG5V_); } public function UTlmE() { return $this->LFyLl(true); } public function c0kO0() { return $this->LFYLL(new rOxpi()); } public function JKzEu(...$AIzLS) { $this->Hb612 = $AIzLS; return $this; } public function sPhlD(array $ORARR) { return $this->lFyLl(...$ORARR); } public function UpKlx(...$AIzLS) { return $this->LFYLL(...$AIzLS); } public function m0APj($pGZkV, ...$ORARR) { $this->u2SEe[$pGZkV] = $ORARR; return $this; } public function MGFsj($xoWjw, $fChWC = '', $I3cum = 0, ?\Exception $aRAXk = null) { goto Kpq87; aKWIy: return $this->lfylL(new $xoWjw($fChWC, $I3cum, $aRAXk)); goto uZ159; pA_Kd: if (!is_object($xoWjw)) { goto L0ua6; } goto y09xf; Kpq87: $this->iZzSk = true; goto pA_Kd; s0kX0: L0ua6: goto aKWIy; y09xf: return $this->LFYLL($xoWjw); goto s0kX0; uZ159: } public function h3WLh(array $U3KAs) { goto OkZJa; NQqk8: return $this->SPHlD($U3KAs); goto O_6dy; OTiww: KN2p2: goto NQqk8; ftQoG: foreach ($U3KAs as $xoWjw) { goto iO52M; n73T_: O3OL1: goto qbWuf; qbWuf: j5cAH: goto VyBky; iO52M: if (is_object($xoWjw)) { goto O3OL1; } goto qZ4Gx; qZ4Gx: throw new Exception("You must pass an array of exception objects to andThrowExceptions"); goto n73T_; VyBky: } goto OTiww; OkZJa: $this->iZzSk = true; goto ftQoG; O_6dy: } public function cHUob($xoWjw, $fChWC = '', $I3cum = 0, ?\Exception $aRAXk = null) { return $this->MGfsJ($xoWjw, $fChWC, $I3cum, $aRAXk); } public function I7LSl(...$AIzLS) { goto zyGMb; f3KAy: $this->Hb612 = [$WYjy2]; goto XUpQt; zyGMb: $WYjy2 = static function () use($AIzLS) { foreach ($AIzLS as $c6zyc) { (yield $c6zyc); rXNNF: } aW9WY: }; goto f3KAy; XUpQt: return $this; goto wrcX1; wrcX1: } public function Cy7zd() { $this->uA0OR = ZOnQ5::class; return $this; } public function tUvBZ() { $this->uA0OR = dJM5g::class; return $this; } public function aRlgt($fChWC) { $this->xK76R = $fChWC; return $this; } public function QCL72($WovCm, $KIv8u) { return $this->CY7ZD()->PXTxE($WovCm)->tUvBz()->Pxtxe($KIv8u); } public function YQ5SY() { goto Ex3ZX; Ex3ZX: $mjgty = $this->tG5V_->CDavX($this->TfUH_); goto dKWR2; dKWR2: if (!$mjgty instanceof vGK6W) { goto TMPvM; } goto SYFYT; pv7y2: TMPvM: goto il4Go; il4Go: return $this; goto UkuQR; SYFYT: $mjgty->A4R8z($this); goto pv7y2; UkuQR: } public function kF4XY() { return $this->xK76R; } public function do9ZL() { return $this->tG5V_; } public function getName() { return $this->TfUH_; } public function bjGJb() { return $this->v_guw; } public function W4Byv() { $this->EJ6AV = true; return $this; } public function IdHFL() { return $this->Se7at !== []; } public function Iq27I() { goto l2jl3; cpKyd: return true; goto EYRd7; l2jl3: foreach ($this->Se7at as $Ea1gY) { goto SxZbC; sPMPP: return false; goto rX4N9; SxZbC: if ($Ea1gY->IQ27I($this->QWQIa)) { goto PwYA1; } goto sPMPP; bsuj6: gu5QR: goto m7Q84; rX4N9: PwYA1: goto bsuj6; m7Q84: } goto r8IYQ; r8IYQ: hfClG: goto cpKyd; EYRd7: } public function lt5lz(array $AIzLS) { goto h3Mhp; h4_oT: return $this->dR4EF($AIzLS); goto yvj0h; cRmOq: $TQgcs = array_search($Y3QxQ, $this->WnP0G, true); goto F9ftN; h3Mhp: if (!$this->t1rvp()) { goto vF1zP; } goto fE3lR; QRUO5: vF1zP: goto B3WHx; Aaswb: if (!$Y3QxQ instanceof HZTSw) { goto Wugmf; } goto cRmOq; N1U75: return $this->dR4eF($AIzLS); goto N0ADR; a1eot: $Y3QxQ = $this->WnP0G[$O0cmk - 1]; goto Aaswb; PYTsl: $O0cmk = count($this->WnP0G); goto Bjxqa; fE3lR: return $this->JteAe($this->WnP0G[0], $AIzLS); goto QRUO5; vzTF9: return false; goto p3Pmb; yvj0h: Wugmf: goto vzTF9; N0ADR: xFdvx: goto a1eot; F9ftN: $AIzLS = array_slice($AIzLS, 0, $TQgcs); goto h4_oT; B3WHx: $ghu9Z = count($AIzLS); goto PYTsl; Bjxqa: if (!($ghu9Z === $O0cmk)) { goto xFdvx; } goto N1U75; p3Pmb: } public function W396e() { return $this->pXtXe(0); } public function Tvwnx() { return $this->PXTXE(1); } public function mIXmC($d6IFU = null) { goto q1Av8; Uoea5: goto tOkAZ; goto IaA6h; O1SSn: return $this; goto YANTQ; wR4wt: $this->v_guw = $this->YOsa3($d6IFU, $this->tG5V_); goto Uoea5; IaA6h: UD6M1: goto A5vut; odLcN: $this->EJ6AV = false; goto O1SSn; q1Av8: if ($this->EJ6AV) { goto UD6M1; } goto wR4wt; A5vut: $this->eu08L = $this->yoSA3($d6IFU, $this->tG5V_->qdr82()); goto jaclr; jaclr: tOkAZ: goto odLcN; YANTQ: } public function passthru() { goto TOTvB; O_LNH: $this->i3t11 = true; goto XugeL; wxQeX: throw new Exception("Mock Objects not created from a loaded/existing class are incapable of passing method calls through to a parent class"); goto RGZw2; TOTvB: if (!$this->tG5V_ instanceof OKiWW) { goto UEDBS; } goto wxQeX; RGZw2: UEDBS: goto O_LNH; XugeL: return $this; goto FtzoR; FtzoR: } public function set($pGZkV, $yRj4J) { return $this->M0APJ(...func_get_args()); } public function pXtxE($V2uiU = null) { goto ASY32; x88tA: return $this; goto URNfy; ASY32: if (!($V2uiU === null)) { goto ZXQ5k; } goto Smu_K; ayEWM: if (!($this->uA0OR !== JOKD9::class)) { goto U3q7j; } goto z0T0Q; sfjX_: qeuC4: goto OCg9H; ecHex: if (!($this->JLAML === 0)) { goto YJEPx; } goto YhHk2; K_SLO: unset($this->Se7at[$this->uA0OR]); goto mWvPg; hoZWS: $this->Se7at[$this->uA0OR] = new $this->uA0OR($this, $V2uiU); goto ayEWM; mWvPg: U3q7j: goto x88tA; LGySI: YJEPx: goto zYMxz; YhHk2: @trigger_error(uGzQs::Ttaur, E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto LGySI; FCnQ5: ZXQ5k: goto nm4Wm; eJBas: XvSSh: goto ecHex; zYMxz: if (!($V2uiU === 0)) { goto qeuC4; } goto d8Wng; nm4Wm: if (is_int($V2uiU)) { goto XvSSh; } goto MJsqx; OCg9H: $this->JLAML = $V2uiU; goto hoZWS; d8Wng: $this->Se7at = []; goto sfjX_; MJsqx: throw new InvalidArgumentException("The passed Times limit should be an integer value"); goto eJBas; Smu_K: return $this; goto FCnQ5; z0T0Q: $this->uA0OR = JOKD9::class; goto K_SLO; URNfy: } public function yD8ng() { return $this->PxtxE(2); } public function uxN71() { goto Wvq9j; FkcFk: if (!$this->eu08L) { goto Ni3h8; } goto WM_l7; OQEHi: Ni3h8: goto XbAjb; wQz6C: $this->tG5V_->hr3B4((string) $this, $this->v_guw, $this->tG5V_); goto d3XGe; d3XGe: oj3iz: goto FkcFk; Wvq9j: if (!$this->v_guw) { goto oj3iz; } goto wQz6C; WM_l7: $this->tG5V_->qDR82()->HR3b4((string) $this, $this->eu08L, $this->tG5V_); goto OQEHi; XbAjb: } public function AKze7() { foreach ($this->Se7at as $Ea1gY) { $Ea1gY->FAcnE($this->QWQIa); U2RqL: } sMnGI: } public function JJiWb(array $AIzLS) { goto Mqn84; GmC8Y: ++$this->QWQIa; goto oGJUV; Oh9JY: G5_VS: goto dkGiO; gNcQG: return $this->tG5V_->Xd4hU($this->TfUH_, $AIzLS); goto Oh9JY; oGJUV: if (!($this->i3t11 === true)) { goto G5_VS; } goto gNcQG; dkGiO: $ss31_ = $this->EbzbE($AIzLS); goto MDqx8; DHNX_: $this->NbLEa(); goto liSeG; MDqx8: $this->C3KDM($ss31_); goto DHNX_; Mqn84: $this->uxN71(); goto GmC8Y; liSeG: return $ss31_; goto iQndC; iQndC: } public function Pum0m(...$AIzLS) { return $this->OpHFA($AIzLS); } public function dy0Ds() { $this->WnP0G = [new XTU06()]; return $this; } public function OPHfa($YtjAQ) { goto XJSwQ; NA8zR: nBlhK: goto pZmml; HtOT0: pWgbA: goto u0dFD; XJSwQ: if (!is_array($YtjAQ)) { goto nBlhK; } goto KJEVv; pZmml: if (!$YtjAQ instanceof Closure) { goto pWgbA; } goto aCHse; u0dFD: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Call to %s with an invalid argument (%s), only array and closure are allowed", __METHOD__, $YtjAQ)); goto oqeAZ; aCHse: return $this->dMsbm($YtjAQ); goto HtOT0; KJEVv: return $this->PAKoC($YtjAQ); goto NA8zR; oqeAZ: } public function LxkXr() { $this->WnP0G = [new yKHgx()]; return $this; } public function pmfui(...$hrm_E) { return $this->oPHfa(static function (...$AIzLS) use($hrm_E) : bool { goto ZMJ49; sZJ6n: RCFym: goto pnMEz; ZMJ49: foreach ($hrm_E as $ZuPeB) { goto TOcaX; TOcaX: if (in_array($ZuPeB, $AIzLS, true)) { goto gasZk; } goto WrPEN; SraKS: eOQQd: goto r7D_3; vb3zm: gasZk: goto SraKS; WrPEN: return false; goto vb3zm; r7D_3: } goto sZJ6n; pnMEz: return true; goto qn8FL; qn8FL: }); } public function Zg9XM() { return $this->Cy7ZD()->W396E(); } protected function Yosa3($d6IFU, $wJ5oS) { goto WQsZW; vouSV: return $yyOkq[$d6IFU]; goto cDlad; kTIbp: return $KiTcM; goto fX3t2; bK3bN: if (!($d6IFU === null)) { goto Wtkmn; } goto ICPzp; k_uOa: Wtkmn: goto nwJsi; ICPzp: return $wJ5oS->hlkYr(); goto k_uOa; B9z_y: $wJ5oS->uWTx8($d6IFU, $KiTcM); goto kTIbp; QzB2T: $KiTcM = $wJ5oS->hlkyr(); goto B9z_y; cDlad: KHF_k: goto QzB2T; WQsZW: $yyOkq = $wJ5oS->Eenc6(); goto bK3bN; nwJsi: if (!array_key_exists($d6IFU, $yyOkq)) { goto KHF_k; } goto vouSV; fX3t2: } protected function EBzBe(array $AIzLS) { goto IsWap; Sk4cY: quJ9h: goto kymEp; amlfg: if (!($rfMzt > 0)) { goto quJ9h; } goto n8eBf; wnG5y: $rfMzt = count($this->xeWFo); goto C9cWw; n8eBf: return current($this->xeWFo); goto Sk4cY; IsWap: $RBqNA = count($this->Hb612); goto IElho; yPUIN: return current($this->Hb612)(...$AIzLS); goto dRCih; JCERG: return array_shift($this->Hb612)(...$AIzLS); goto iNNsl; C9cWw: if (!($rfMzt > 1)) { goto q1HB7; } goto VuHUq; Ti4kF: q1HB7: goto amlfg; VuHUq: return array_shift($this->xeWFo); goto Ti4kF; IElho: if (!($RBqNA > 1)) { goto zmm60; } goto JCERG; dRCih: qFQbr: goto wnG5y; kymEp: return $this->tG5V_->upexo($this->TfUH_); goto ZCneo; iNNsl: zmm60: goto pPQhR; pPQhR: if (!($RBqNA > 0)) { goto qFQbr; } goto yPUIN; ZCneo: } protected function JTeAe($R8Zer, &$EYNeC) { goto S215T; lzGyE: ovIZ8: goto tmkok; A0yT2: H1N9P: goto PclYG; uGVtk: return $R8Zer->FzusW($EYNeC); goto N94Yq; GEqXo: return $R8Zer->uysj4($EYNeC); goto A0yT2; aGPdf: if (!$R8Zer instanceof Iyx22) { goto ix9KD; } goto rSBOh; N94Yq: gCvw6: goto aGPdf; rSBOh: return (bool) $R8Zer->Py44a($EYNeC, '', true); goto CP01E; GOwFJ: return $G_I_2 === null ? false : $this->jTeAe(new $G_I_2($R8Zer), $EYNeC); goto lzGyE; CP01E: ix9KD: goto do3OJ; IkJgq: return $R8Zer == $EYNeC; goto cBFii; SCn84: if (!$R8Zer instanceof S_yNJ) { goto gCvw6; } goto uGVtk; bNqz_: $G_I_2 = vH2OB::IEQZW()->vCQ4T(get_class($R8Zer)); goto GOwFJ; S215T: if (!($R8Zer === $EYNeC)) { goto dHpRj; } goto MfNzi; MHVNC: bEG1Q: goto IkJgq; MfNzi: return true; goto Avout; do3OJ: if (!($R8Zer instanceof c84EJ || $R8Zer instanceof iSiSB)) { goto H1N9P; } goto T4cTO; T4cTO: @trigger_error("Hamcrest package has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.0", E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto GEqXo; PclYG: if (!is_object($R8Zer)) { goto ovIZ8; } goto bNqz_; tmkok: if (!(is_object($EYNeC) && is_string($R8Zer) && $EYNeC instanceof $R8Zer)) { goto bEG1Q; } goto pBQsq; Avout: dHpRj: goto SCn84; pBQsq: return true; goto MHVNC; cBFii: } protected function Dr4Ef($AIzLS) { goto C16uQ; EV0rR: wO6bV: goto P1fKy; VMaRS: goto ySHK_; goto FQCh3; P1fKy: ++$glfAK; goto VMaRS; N4pqs: return false; goto jTG1B; jTG1B: PWUOj: goto EV0rR; gjmVZ: return true; goto int72; WPyhM: $ghu9Z = count($AIzLS); goto zz0GX; G2Xb_: if ($this->jtEAE($this->WnP0G[$glfAK], $l_uyN)) { goto PWUOj; } goto N4pqs; FQCh3: e2S8F: goto gjmVZ; zz0GX: ySHK_: goto yC0RY; kVtoR: $l_uyN =& $AIzLS[$glfAK]; goto G2Xb_; C16uQ: $glfAK = 0; goto WPyhM; yC0RY: if (!($glfAK < $ghu9Z)) { goto e2S8F; } goto kVtoR; int72: } protected function nbLeA() { goto GT3X4; WdQIc: foreach ($this->u2SEe as $pGZkV => &$ORARR) { goto zomz9; iWFXx: qQd0x: goto jo5pV; mDMAs: sPARp: goto uQoIu; RYrXB: $this->tG5V_->{$pGZkV} = $yRj4J; goto dHlaj; dHlaj: foreach ($oFLMH as $o8zDQ) { goto y4Rsa; YcWI4: goto i5K0A; goto AgOCD; aUyzA: $o8zDQ->{$pGZkV} = $yRj4J; goto QSvnx; y4Rsa: if ($o8zDQ instanceof $VmVnz) { goto gu9Jw; } goto YcWI4; QSvnx: i5K0A: goto T9Az2; LbNYl: goto i5K0A; goto iGaIi; GtTCF: if ($o8zDQ->NDyS2()) { goto aMJBh; } goto LbNYl; AgOCD: gu9Jw: goto GtTCF; iGaIi: aMJBh: goto aUyzA; T9Az2: } goto iWFXx; uQoIu: $yRj4J = array_shift($ORARR); goto RYrXB; zomz9: if (!($ORARR === [])) { goto sPARp; } goto mwI35; jo5pV: x74qD: goto Ox1WL; mwI35: goto x74qD; goto mDMAs; Ox1WL: } goto ZfFqr; ZfFqr: tBpIJ: goto e8Mu3; GT3X4: $VmVnz = get_class($this->tG5V_); goto q33st; q33st: $wbIM1 = $this->tG5V_->QDR82(); goto hINLU; hINLU: $oFLMH = $wbIM1->QvEID(); goto WdQIc; e8Mu3: } private function Bn82o($ZuPeB) { return $ZuPeB instanceof hzTSw; } private function T1RvP() { return $this->WnP0G !== [] && $this->WnP0G[0] instanceof aPmi2; } private function C3Kdm($ss31_) { goto IJoRU; uACLE: AA1wt: goto gVu7c; IJoRU: if ($this->iZzSk) { goto KTlnI; } goto tLtab; aoCCQ: return; goto uACLE; gVu7c: throw $ss31_; goto ZAsy_; G7hbW: KTlnI: goto uog8b; uog8b: if ($ss31_ instanceof Throwable) { goto AA1wt; } goto aoCCQ; tLtab: return; goto G7hbW; ZAsy_: } private function PakOc(array $lNecx) { goto ZfpMo; y5yje: return $this; goto Ni1Rt; n7aCT: B2XWG: goto ILTpW; ZfpMo: if (!($lNecx === [])) { goto B2XWG; } goto X9UZB; X9UZB: return $this->lXkXr(); goto n7aCT; ILTpW: $this->WnP0G = $lNecx; goto y5yje; Ni1Rt: } private function dmsBM(Closure $WYjy2) { $this->WnP0G = [new ZnbKP($WYjy2)]; return $this; } } ?>

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Original Code

 namespace VH2Ob; use Closure; use cC6sa\c84Ej; use IsiSB; use InvalidArgumentException; use VH2ob; use Vh2Ob\GWVkn\ZONQ5; use vh2oB\GWVkn\djM5G; use Vh2oB\gwVKn\JOKd9; use vH2oB\c84eJ\hZtSW; use VH2OB\c84Ej\xtU06; use Vh2oB\C84eJ\aPMi2; use vH2oB\c84eJ\S_yNJ; use Vh2ob\c84EJ\znBKP; use Vh2ob\c84EJ\ykHgX; use OutOfBoundsException; use IS7Nl\tYmWt\iYX22\iyx22; use Throwable; use function array_key_exists; use function array_search; use function array_shift; use function array_slice; use function count; use function current; use function func_get_args; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_int; use function is_object; use function is_string; use function sprintf; use function trigger_error; use const uQrqL; class HH8_s implements Zahf0 { public const Ttaur = "\163\x68\157\165\x6c\144\116\x6f\164\122\145\143\145\x69\166\145\50\x29\54\x20\x6e\145\166\145\x72\x28\51\54\40\164\x69\155\x65\x73\x28\60\51\x20\x63\x68\141\x69\156\x69\156\x67\40\141\x64\144\x69\x74\151\x6f\156\141\154\40\151\x6e\x76\157\143\x61\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x20\x63\157\x75\x6e\164\x20\155\x65\x74\150\157\x64\163\40\150\141\163\40\142\145\145\x6e\x20\x64\145\x70\x72\145\143\141\164\x65\x64\40\141\156\144\x20\x77\x69\x6c\x6c\x20\164\x68\x72\157\167\40\141\156\x20\145\x78\x63\145\160\x74\x69\157\x6e\x20\151\x6e\40\x61\40\146\165\164\165\x72\x65\x20\166\145\162\163\151\x6f\x6e\x20\157\x66\40\x4d\157\x63\153\145\162\171"; protected $QWQIa = 0; protected $xK76R = null; protected $Hb612 = []; protected $uA0OR = joKD9::class; protected $Se7at = []; protected $WnP0G = []; protected $JLAML = -1; protected $eu08L = null; protected $EJ6AV = false; protected $tG5V_ = null; protected $TfUH_ = null; protected $v_guw = null; protected $i3t11 = false; protected $xeWFo = []; protected $uLUol = null; protected $u2SEe = []; protected $iZzSk = false; public function __construct(O44Ne $o8zDQ, $pGZkV) { goto CuXvG; xdmQ0: $this->DY0ds(); goto ANy87; CuXvG: $this->tG5V_ = $o8zDQ; goto RqA1r; RqA1r: $this->TfUH_ = $pGZkV; goto xdmQ0; ANy87: } public function __clone() { goto GpBbM; RhTWk: zz0jt: goto aKTbj; aKTbj: $this->Se7at = $O9D3Y; goto Cnt5u; GpBbM: $O9D3Y = []; goto F07oK; F07oK: $GLywY = $this->Se7at; goto l044A; l044A: foreach ($GLywY as $Ea1gY) { $O9D3Y[] = clone $Ea1gY; ab5xF: } goto RhTWk; Cnt5u: } public function __toString() { return Vh2ob::iDrvf($this->TfUH_, $this->WnP0G); } public function LfYlL(...$AIzLS) { $this->xeWFo = $AIzLS; return $this; } public function qaj0S($glfAK) { goto QmIiT; T2JZf: $WYjy2 = static function (...$AIzLS) use($glfAK) { goto nc78L; nc78L: if (!array_key_exists($glfAK, $AIzLS)) { goto YEhjs; } goto NcbOC; NcbOC: return $AIzLS[$glfAK]; goto rIlbz; phH4g: throw new OutOfBoundsException("\x43\x61\156\156\157\x74\40\x72\x65\x74\x75\162\x6e\x20\x61\x6e\40\141\162\x67\165\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x20\166\x61\x6c\x75\x65\x2e\x20\x4e\x6f\40\141\162\x67\x75\x6d\x65\x6e\164\x20\145\x78\151\163\164\163\x20\x66\157\162\x20\x74\x68\x65\40\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\40" . $glfAK); goto q7JOa; rIlbz: YEhjs: goto phH4g; q7JOa: }; goto Jf3rp; Jf3rp: $this->Hb612 = [$WYjy2]; goto FJ0iU; FJ0iU: return $this; goto vgrKS; vGTsj: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\111\156\166\141\x6c\x69\x64\40\x61\162\x67\165\155\x65\156\164\x20\151\156\144\145\x78\40\x73\x75\x70\160\x6c\x69\x65\144\x2e\40\x49\156\144\145\170\40\x6d\165\163\164\x20\x62\145\x20\141\40\156\x6f\156\55\x6e\x65\147\x61\x74\x69\x76\x65\x20\151\156\x74\145\x67\x65\162\56"); goto FXUk3; FXUk3: gAgjO: goto T2JZf; QmIiT: if (!(!is_int($glfAK) || $glfAK < 0)) { goto gAgjO; } goto vGTsj; vgrKS: } public function HKPpm() { return $this->lfyLL(false); } public function IPHLF() { return $this->LFYLl(null); } public function jkeaA() { return $this->LfYll($this->tG5V_); } public function UTlmE() { return $this->LFyLl(true); } public function c0kO0() { return $this->LFYLL(new rOxpi()); } public function JKzEu(...$AIzLS) { $this->Hb612 = $AIzLS; return $this; } public function sPhlD(array $ORARR) { return $this->lFyLl(...$ORARR); } public function UpKlx(...$AIzLS) { return $this->LFYLL(...$AIzLS); } public function m0APj($pGZkV, ...$ORARR) { $this->u2SEe[$pGZkV] = $ORARR; return $this; } public function MGFsj($xoWjw, $fChWC = '', $I3cum = 0, ?\Exception $aRAXk = null) { goto Kpq87; aKWIy: return $this->lfylL(new $xoWjw($fChWC, $I3cum, $aRAXk)); goto uZ159; pA_Kd: if (!is_object($xoWjw)) { goto L0ua6; } goto y09xf; Kpq87: $this->iZzSk = true; goto pA_Kd; s0kX0: L0ua6: goto aKWIy; y09xf: return $this->LFYLL($xoWjw); goto s0kX0; uZ159: } public function h3WLh(array $U3KAs) { goto OkZJa; NQqk8: return $this->SPHlD($U3KAs); goto O_6dy; OTiww: KN2p2: goto NQqk8; ftQoG: foreach ($U3KAs as $xoWjw) { goto iO52M; n73T_: O3OL1: goto qbWuf; qbWuf: j5cAH: goto VyBky; iO52M: if (is_object($xoWjw)) { goto O3OL1; } goto qZ4Gx; qZ4Gx: throw new Exception("\x59\x6f\165\x20\x6d\165\x73\164\40\160\141\163\163\x20\141\x6e\40\141\x72\162\x61\x79\x20\x6f\x66\40\145\170\143\145\160\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\40\157\x62\x6a\x65\x63\164\163\x20\x74\x6f\40\141\x6e\144\x54\x68\x72\157\x77\x45\170\x63\x65\x70\164\x69\157\156\x73"); goto n73T_; VyBky: } goto OTiww; OkZJa: $this->iZzSk = true; goto ftQoG; O_6dy: } public function cHUob($xoWjw, $fChWC = '', $I3cum = 0, ?\Exception $aRAXk = null) { return $this->MGfsJ($xoWjw, $fChWC, $I3cum, $aRAXk); } public function I7LSl(...$AIzLS) { goto zyGMb; f3KAy: $this->Hb612 = [$WYjy2]; goto XUpQt; zyGMb: $WYjy2 = static function () use($AIzLS) { foreach ($AIzLS as $c6zyc) { (yield $c6zyc); rXNNF: } aW9WY: }; goto f3KAy; XUpQt: return $this; goto wrcX1; wrcX1: } public function Cy7zd() { $this->uA0OR = ZOnQ5::class; return $this; } public function tUvBZ() { $this->uA0OR = dJM5g::class; return $this; } public function aRlgt($fChWC) { $this->xK76R = $fChWC; return $this; } public function QCL72($WovCm, $KIv8u) { return $this->CY7ZD()->PXTxE($WovCm)->tUvBz()->Pxtxe($KIv8u); } public function YQ5SY() { goto Ex3ZX; Ex3ZX: $mjgty = $this->tG5V_->CDavX($this->TfUH_); goto dKWR2; dKWR2: if (!$mjgty instanceof vGK6W) { goto TMPvM; } goto SYFYT; pv7y2: TMPvM: goto il4Go; il4Go: return $this; goto UkuQR; SYFYT: $mjgty->A4R8z($this); goto pv7y2; UkuQR: } public function kF4XY() { return $this->xK76R; } public function do9ZL() { return $this->tG5V_; } public function getName() { return $this->TfUH_; } public function bjGJb() { return $this->v_guw; } public function W4Byv() { $this->EJ6AV = true; return $this; } public function IdHFL() { return $this->Se7at !== []; } public function Iq27I() { goto l2jl3; cpKyd: return true; goto EYRd7; l2jl3: foreach ($this->Se7at as $Ea1gY) { goto SxZbC; sPMPP: return false; goto rX4N9; SxZbC: if ($Ea1gY->IQ27I($this->QWQIa)) { goto PwYA1; } goto sPMPP; bsuj6: gu5QR: goto m7Q84; rX4N9: PwYA1: goto bsuj6; m7Q84: } goto r8IYQ; r8IYQ: hfClG: goto cpKyd; EYRd7: } public function lt5lz(array $AIzLS) { goto h3Mhp; h4_oT: return $this->dR4EF($AIzLS); goto yvj0h; cRmOq: $TQgcs = array_search($Y3QxQ, $this->WnP0G, true); goto F9ftN; h3Mhp: if (!$this->t1rvp()) { goto vF1zP; } goto fE3lR; QRUO5: vF1zP: goto B3WHx; Aaswb: if (!$Y3QxQ instanceof HZTSw) { goto Wugmf; } goto cRmOq; N1U75: return $this->dR4eF($AIzLS); goto N0ADR; a1eot: $Y3QxQ = $this->WnP0G[$O0cmk - 1]; goto Aaswb; PYTsl: $O0cmk = count($this->WnP0G); goto Bjxqa; fE3lR: return $this->JteAe($this->WnP0G[0], $AIzLS); goto QRUO5; vzTF9: return false; goto p3Pmb; yvj0h: Wugmf: goto vzTF9; N0ADR: xFdvx: goto a1eot; F9ftN: $AIzLS = array_slice($AIzLS, 0, $TQgcs); goto h4_oT; B3WHx: $ghu9Z = count($AIzLS); goto PYTsl; Bjxqa: if (!($ghu9Z === $O0cmk)) { goto xFdvx; } goto N1U75; p3Pmb: } public function W396e() { return $this->pXtXe(0); } public function Tvwnx() { return $this->PXTXE(1); } public function mIXmC($d6IFU = null) { goto q1Av8; Uoea5: goto tOkAZ; goto IaA6h; O1SSn: return $this; goto YANTQ; wR4wt: $this->v_guw = $this->YOsa3($d6IFU, $this->tG5V_); goto Uoea5; IaA6h: UD6M1: goto A5vut; odLcN: $this->EJ6AV = false; goto O1SSn; q1Av8: if ($this->EJ6AV) { goto UD6M1; } goto wR4wt; A5vut: $this->eu08L = $this->yoSA3($d6IFU, $this->tG5V_->qdr82()); goto jaclr; jaclr: tOkAZ: goto odLcN; YANTQ: } public function passthru() { goto TOTvB; O_LNH: $this->i3t11 = true; goto XugeL; wxQeX: throw new Exception("\115\x6f\x63\x6b\x20\x4f\x62\152\145\143\164\x73\40\156\x6f\x74\40\x63\x72\145\141\x74\145\144\x20\x66\162\157\x6d\x20\141\40\154\157\141\x64\145\x64\57\145\x78\151\x73\x74\151\x6e\147\x20\143\154\x61\x73\x73\x20\141\162\145\x20\151\x6e\143\141\160\141\x62\154\x65\x20\157\x66\x20\x70\141\x73\163\x69\x6e\147\40\155\145\x74\x68\157\144\40\143\x61\154\x6c\163\x20\164\150\x72\157\x75\x67\x68\40\164\x6f\40\141\40\x70\x61\x72\145\156\x74\x20\143\x6c\141\x73\x73"); goto RGZw2; TOTvB: if (!$this->tG5V_ instanceof OKiWW) { goto UEDBS; } goto wxQeX; RGZw2: UEDBS: goto O_LNH; XugeL: return $this; goto FtzoR; FtzoR: } public function set($pGZkV, $yRj4J) { return $this->M0APJ(...func_get_args()); } public function pXtxE($V2uiU = null) { goto ASY32; x88tA: return $this; goto URNfy; ASY32: if (!($V2uiU === null)) { goto ZXQ5k; } goto Smu_K; ayEWM: if (!($this->uA0OR !== JOKD9::class)) { goto U3q7j; } goto z0T0Q; sfjX_: qeuC4: goto OCg9H; ecHex: if (!($this->JLAML === 0)) { goto YJEPx; } goto YhHk2; K_SLO: unset($this->Se7at[$this->uA0OR]); goto mWvPg; hoZWS: $this->Se7at[$this->uA0OR] = new $this->uA0OR($this, $V2uiU); goto ayEWM; mWvPg: U3q7j: goto x88tA; LGySI: YJEPx: goto zYMxz; YhHk2: @trigger_error(uGzQs::Ttaur, E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto LGySI; FCnQ5: ZXQ5k: goto nm4Wm; eJBas: XvSSh: goto ecHex; zYMxz: if (!($V2uiU === 0)) { goto qeuC4; } goto d8Wng; nm4Wm: if (is_int($V2uiU)) { goto XvSSh; } goto MJsqx; OCg9H: $this->JLAML = $V2uiU; goto hoZWS; d8Wng: $this->Se7at = []; goto sfjX_; MJsqx: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\145\40\160\141\x73\163\145\x64\40\124\x69\x6d\x65\x73\x20\154\151\155\151\164\40\x73\x68\157\x75\x6c\x64\x20\142\x65\40\x61\156\40\151\x6e\164\x65\147\145\162\x20\x76\x61\154\x75\x65"); goto eJBas; Smu_K: return $this; goto FCnQ5; z0T0Q: $this->uA0OR = JOKD9::class; goto K_SLO; URNfy: } public function yD8ng() { return $this->PxtxE(2); } public function uxN71() { goto Wvq9j; FkcFk: if (!$this->eu08L) { goto Ni3h8; } goto WM_l7; OQEHi: Ni3h8: goto XbAjb; wQz6C: $this->tG5V_->hr3B4((string) $this, $this->v_guw, $this->tG5V_); goto d3XGe; d3XGe: oj3iz: goto FkcFk; Wvq9j: if (!$this->v_guw) { goto oj3iz; } goto wQz6C; WM_l7: $this->tG5V_->qDR82()->HR3b4((string) $this, $this->eu08L, $this->tG5V_); goto OQEHi; XbAjb: } public function AKze7() { foreach ($this->Se7at as $Ea1gY) { $Ea1gY->FAcnE($this->QWQIa); U2RqL: } sMnGI: } public function JJiWb(array $AIzLS) { goto Mqn84; GmC8Y: ++$this->QWQIa; goto oGJUV; Oh9JY: G5_VS: goto dkGiO; gNcQG: return $this->tG5V_->Xd4hU($this->TfUH_, $AIzLS); goto Oh9JY; oGJUV: if (!($this->i3t11 === true)) { goto G5_VS; } goto gNcQG; dkGiO: $ss31_ = $this->EbzbE($AIzLS); goto MDqx8; DHNX_: $this->NbLEa(); goto liSeG; MDqx8: $this->C3KDM($ss31_); goto DHNX_; Mqn84: $this->uxN71(); goto GmC8Y; liSeG: return $ss31_; goto iQndC; iQndC: } public function Pum0m(...$AIzLS) { return $this->OpHFA($AIzLS); } public function dy0Ds() { $this->WnP0G = [new XTU06()]; return $this; } public function OPHfa($YtjAQ) { goto XJSwQ; NA8zR: nBlhK: goto pZmml; HtOT0: pWgbA: goto u0dFD; XJSwQ: if (!is_array($YtjAQ)) { goto nBlhK; } goto KJEVv; pZmml: if (!$YtjAQ instanceof Closure) { goto pWgbA; } goto aCHse; u0dFD: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\103\x61\154\154\x20\x74\157\40\45\163\40\x77\x69\164\150\40\141\156\x20\x69\156\166\x61\x6c\151\x64\40\x61\162\147\x75\x6d\x65\x6e\164\x20\x28\x25\x73\x29\54\40\157\x6e\154\171\x20\141\162\x72\x61\x79\40\141\156\144\40\143\x6c\x6f\163\x75\162\145\x20\141\162\x65\x20\x61\154\x6c\157\x77\x65\144", __METHOD__, $YtjAQ)); goto oqeAZ; aCHse: return $this->dMsbm($YtjAQ); goto HtOT0; KJEVv: return $this->PAKoC($YtjAQ); goto NA8zR; oqeAZ: } public function LxkXr() { $this->WnP0G = [new yKHgx()]; return $this; } public function pmfui(...$hrm_E) { return $this->oPHfa(static function (...$AIzLS) use($hrm_E) : bool { goto ZMJ49; sZJ6n: RCFym: goto pnMEz; ZMJ49: foreach ($hrm_E as $ZuPeB) { goto TOcaX; TOcaX: if (in_array($ZuPeB, $AIzLS, true)) { goto gasZk; } goto WrPEN; SraKS: eOQQd: goto r7D_3; vb3zm: gasZk: goto SraKS; WrPEN: return false; goto vb3zm; r7D_3: } goto sZJ6n; pnMEz: return true; goto qn8FL; qn8FL: }); } public function Zg9XM() { return $this->Cy7ZD()->W396E(); } protected function Yosa3($d6IFU, $wJ5oS) { goto WQsZW; vouSV: return $yyOkq[$d6IFU]; goto cDlad; kTIbp: return $KiTcM; goto fX3t2; bK3bN: if (!($d6IFU === null)) { goto Wtkmn; } goto ICPzp; k_uOa: Wtkmn: goto nwJsi; ICPzp: return $wJ5oS->hlkYr(); goto k_uOa; B9z_y: $wJ5oS->uWTx8($d6IFU, $KiTcM); goto kTIbp; QzB2T: $KiTcM = $wJ5oS->hlkyr(); goto B9z_y; cDlad: KHF_k: goto QzB2T; WQsZW: $yyOkq = $wJ5oS->Eenc6(); goto bK3bN; nwJsi: if (!array_key_exists($d6IFU, $yyOkq)) { goto KHF_k; } goto vouSV; fX3t2: } protected function EBzBe(array $AIzLS) { goto IsWap; Sk4cY: quJ9h: goto kymEp; amlfg: if (!($rfMzt > 0)) { goto quJ9h; } goto n8eBf; wnG5y: $rfMzt = count($this->xeWFo); goto C9cWw; n8eBf: return current($this->xeWFo); goto Sk4cY; IsWap: $RBqNA = count($this->Hb612); goto IElho; yPUIN: return current($this->Hb612)(...$AIzLS); goto dRCih; JCERG: return array_shift($this->Hb612)(...$AIzLS); goto iNNsl; C9cWw: if (!($rfMzt > 1)) { goto q1HB7; } goto VuHUq; Ti4kF: q1HB7: goto amlfg; VuHUq: return array_shift($this->xeWFo); goto Ti4kF; IElho: if (!($RBqNA > 1)) { goto zmm60; } goto JCERG; dRCih: qFQbr: goto wnG5y; kymEp: return $this->tG5V_->upexo($this->TfUH_); goto ZCneo; iNNsl: zmm60: goto pPQhR; pPQhR: if (!($RBqNA > 0)) { goto qFQbr; } goto yPUIN; ZCneo: } protected function JTeAe($R8Zer, &$EYNeC) { goto S215T; lzGyE: ovIZ8: goto tmkok; A0yT2: H1N9P: goto PclYG; uGVtk: return $R8Zer->FzusW($EYNeC); goto N94Yq; GEqXo: return $R8Zer->uysj4($EYNeC); goto A0yT2; aGPdf: if (!$R8Zer instanceof Iyx22) { goto ix9KD; } goto rSBOh; N94Yq: gCvw6: goto aGPdf; rSBOh: return (bool) $R8Zer->Py44a($EYNeC, '', true); goto CP01E; GOwFJ: return $G_I_2 === null ? false : $this->jTeAe(new $G_I_2($R8Zer), $EYNeC); goto lzGyE; CP01E: ix9KD: goto do3OJ; IkJgq: return $R8Zer == $EYNeC; goto cBFii; SCn84: if (!$R8Zer instanceof S_yNJ) { goto gCvw6; } goto uGVtk; bNqz_: $G_I_2 = vH2OB::IEQZW()->vCQ4T(get_class($R8Zer)); goto GOwFJ; S215T: if (!($R8Zer === $EYNeC)) { goto dHpRj; } goto MfNzi; MHVNC: bEG1Q: goto IkJgq; MfNzi: return true; goto Avout; do3OJ: if (!($R8Zer instanceof c84EJ || $R8Zer instanceof iSiSB)) { goto H1N9P; } goto T4cTO; T4cTO: @trigger_error("\110\141\x6d\143\162\x65\163\164\x20\x70\141\x63\x6b\141\x67\145\x20\150\141\x73\x20\142\145\145\156\40\x64\145\x70\x72\x65\x63\141\x74\x65\x64\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\x77\151\x6c\154\40\142\x65\40\162\x65\155\x6f\166\x65\x64\x20\151\156\x20\62\56\60", E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto GEqXo; PclYG: if (!is_object($R8Zer)) { goto ovIZ8; } goto bNqz_; tmkok: if (!(is_object($EYNeC) && is_string($R8Zer) && $EYNeC instanceof $R8Zer)) { goto bEG1Q; } goto pBQsq; Avout: dHpRj: goto SCn84; pBQsq: return true; goto MHVNC; cBFii: } protected function Dr4Ef($AIzLS) { goto C16uQ; EV0rR: wO6bV: goto P1fKy; VMaRS: goto ySHK_; goto FQCh3; P1fKy: ++$glfAK; goto VMaRS; N4pqs: return false; goto jTG1B; jTG1B: PWUOj: goto EV0rR; gjmVZ: return true; goto int72; WPyhM: $ghu9Z = count($AIzLS); goto zz0GX; G2Xb_: if ($this->jtEAE($this->WnP0G[$glfAK], $l_uyN)) { goto PWUOj; } goto N4pqs; FQCh3: e2S8F: goto gjmVZ; zz0GX: ySHK_: goto yC0RY; kVtoR: $l_uyN =& $AIzLS[$glfAK]; goto G2Xb_; C16uQ: $glfAK = 0; goto WPyhM; yC0RY: if (!($glfAK < $ghu9Z)) { goto e2S8F; } goto kVtoR; int72: } protected function nbLeA() { goto GT3X4; WdQIc: foreach ($this->u2SEe as $pGZkV => &$ORARR) { goto zomz9; iWFXx: qQd0x: goto jo5pV; mDMAs: sPARp: goto uQoIu; RYrXB: $this->tG5V_->{$pGZkV} = $yRj4J; goto dHlaj; dHlaj: foreach ($oFLMH as $o8zDQ) { goto y4Rsa; YcWI4: goto i5K0A; goto AgOCD; aUyzA: $o8zDQ->{$pGZkV} = $yRj4J; goto QSvnx; y4Rsa: if ($o8zDQ instanceof $VmVnz) { goto gu9Jw; } goto YcWI4; QSvnx: i5K0A: goto T9Az2; LbNYl: goto i5K0A; goto iGaIi; GtTCF: if ($o8zDQ->NDyS2()) { goto aMJBh; } goto LbNYl; AgOCD: gu9Jw: goto GtTCF; iGaIi: aMJBh: goto aUyzA; T9Az2: } goto iWFXx; uQoIu: $yRj4J = array_shift($ORARR); goto RYrXB; zomz9: if (!($ORARR === [])) { goto sPARp; } goto mwI35; jo5pV: x74qD: goto Ox1WL; mwI35: goto x74qD; goto mDMAs; Ox1WL: } goto ZfFqr; ZfFqr: tBpIJ: goto e8Mu3; GT3X4: $VmVnz = get_class($this->tG5V_); goto q33st; q33st: $wbIM1 = $this->tG5V_->QDR82(); goto hINLU; hINLU: $oFLMH = $wbIM1->QvEID(); goto WdQIc; e8Mu3: } private function Bn82o($ZuPeB) { return $ZuPeB instanceof hzTSw; } private function T1RvP() { return $this->WnP0G !== [] && $this->WnP0G[0] instanceof aPmi2; } private function C3Kdm($ss31_) { goto IJoRU; uACLE: AA1wt: goto gVu7c; IJoRU: if ($this->iZzSk) { goto KTlnI; } goto tLtab; aoCCQ: return; goto uACLE; gVu7c: throw $ss31_; goto ZAsy_; G7hbW: KTlnI: goto uog8b; uog8b: if ($ss31_ instanceof Throwable) { goto AA1wt; } goto aoCCQ; tLtab: return; goto G7hbW; ZAsy_: } private function PakOc(array $lNecx) { goto ZfpMo; y5yje: return $this; goto Ni1Rt; n7aCT: B2XWG: goto ILTpW; ZfpMo: if (!($lNecx === [])) { goto B2XWG; } goto X9UZB; X9UZB: return $this->lXkXr(); goto n7aCT; ILTpW: $this->WnP0G = $lNecx; goto y5yje; Ni1Rt: } private function dmsBM(Closure $WYjy2) { $this->WnP0G = [new ZnbKP($WYjy2)]; return $this; } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 101 ms