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PHP Decode

<?php // This code is a translation from PowerShell to PHP $eng = "engt" . chr(104); ..

Decoded Output download

// This code is a translation from PowerShell to PHP 
$eng = "engt" . chr(104); 
$leona = "Leona"; 
$oto = "Oto"; 
$constructedString = $eng[2] . $oto[1] . "h"; 
$fialka = "Fialka"; 
$exclamationMarks = "!...!#!.!##"; 
$fl = "FL.pkdfaujadsfjusdfj.AG"; 
$randomString1 = "fdsjasdhgdfkj"; 
$randomString2 = "jqwuqwnmklfsda"; 
$index = 2; 
$separator1 = '-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-'; 
$separator2 = '+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+'; 
$combinedSeparator = $separator1 . $separator2; 
$sd = "!UrtFla"; 
$invokeExpression1 = eval("'" . $sd . ".L" . $eng . "'"); 
$tr = "#"; 
$invokeExpression2 = eval("'" . $tr . $leona[0] . $eng[0] . $leona[3] . $constructedString . "'"); 
$w = eval("'O'" . $exclamationMarks[7] . $leona[0] . $eng); 
$output = chr(112) . "u" . chr(116); 
$e = 'E'; 
$giu8 = $combinedSeparator[2] . 'e'; 
$gju8 = chr(119) . "RI" . "te" . "-" . "OUT" . $output; 
$constructedValue = $fialka[0] . "L" . chr(65) . "G"; 
$q = '15'; 
$url = ' ($index = $invokeExpression2; $index -le $w; $index++)'; 
$b = '($invokeExpression1' . $giu8 . 'q' . '$10) {;'; 
$ht = " {; $gju8 'N" . "O " . $constructedValue . " H" . $e . "R" . $e . "';}; "; 
$e = "$gju8 '" . $constructedValue . " = u" . $oto[2] . "t" . $randomString1[6] . "ert" . $randomString2[$index] . "p';}"; 
$ifCondition = 'i' . 'f '; 
$tRfGG89 = $ifCondition[1] . "o" . chr(114); 
$ten = "11"; 
eval($tRfGG89 . $url . $ht . $ifCondition . $b . $e); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

// This code is a translation from PowerShell to PHP

$eng = "engt" . chr(104);
$leona = "Leona";
$oto = "Oto";
$constructedString = $eng[2] . $oto[1] . "h";
$fialka = "Fialka";
$exclamationMarks = "!...!#!.!##";
$fl = "FL.pkdfaujadsfjusdfj.AG";
$randomString1 = "fdsjasdhgdfkj";
$randomString2 = "jqwuqwnmklfsda";
$index = 2;
$separator1 = '-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-';
$separator2 = '+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+';
$combinedSeparator = $separator1 . $separator2;
$sd = "!UrtFla";
$invokeExpression1 = eval("'" . $sd . ".L" . $eng . "'");
$tr = "#";
$invokeExpression2 = eval("'" . $tr . $leona[0] . $eng[0] . $leona[3] . $constructedString . "'");
$w = eval("'O'" . $exclamationMarks[7] . $leona[0] . $eng);
$output = chr(112) . "u" . chr(116);
$e = 'E';

$giu8 = $combinedSeparator[2] . 'e';
$gju8 = chr(119) . "RI" . "te" . "-" . "OUT" . $output;
$constructedValue = $fialka[0] . "L" . chr(65) . "G";
$q = '15';
$url = ' ($index = $invokeExpression2; $index -le $w; $index++)';
$b = '($invokeExpression1' . $giu8 . 'q' . '$10) {;';
$ht = " {; $gju8 'N" . "O " . $constructedValue . " H" . $e . "R" . $e . "';}; ";
$e = "$gju8 '" . $constructedValue . " = u" . $oto[2] . "t" . $randomString1[6] . "ert" . $randomString2[$index] . "p';}";
$ifCondition = 'i' . 'f ';
$tRfGG89 = $ifCondition[1] . "o" . chr(114);
$ten = "11";

eval($tRfGG89 . $url . $ht . $ifCondition . $b . $e);

Function Calls

chr 1


$fl FL.pkdfaujadsfjusdfj.AG
$sd !UrtFla
$eng ength
$oto Oto
$index 2
$leona Leona
$fialka Fialka
$separator1 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
$separator2 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
$randomString1 fdsjasdhgdfkj
$randomString2 jqwuqwnmklfsda
$exclamationMarks !...!#!.!##
$combinedSeparator -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
$constructedString gth


MD5 c96ca04a7e90e9025d9ffdd893fc850c
Eval Count 1
Decode Time 48 ms