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PHP Decode

<?php namespace Livewire\Features\SupportQueryString; use function Livewire\invade; use ..

Decoded Output download


namespace Livewire\Features\SupportQueryString;

use function Livewire\invade;
use Livewire\ComponentHook;

class SupportQueryString extends ComponentHook
    public $queryString;

     * Note: this is support for the legacy syntax...
    function mount()
        if (! $queryString = $this->getQueryString()) return;

        foreach ($queryString as $key => $value) {
            $key = is_string($key) ? $key : $value;
            $alias = $value['as'] ?? $key;
            $history = $value['history'] ?? true;
            $keep = $value['alwaysShow'] ?? $value['keep'] ?? false;
            $except = $value['except'] ?? null;

            $this->component->setPropertyAttribute($key, new BaseUrl(as: $alias, history: $history, keep: $keep, except: $except));

    public function getQueryString()
        if (isset($this->queryString)) return $this->queryString;

        $component = $this->component;

        $componentQueryString = [];

        if (method_exists($component, 'queryString')) $componentQueryString = invade($component)->queryString();
        elseif (property_exists($component, 'queryString')) $componentQueryString = invade($component)->queryString;

        return $this->queryString = collect(class_uses_recursive($class = $component::class))
            ->map(function ($trait) use ($class, $component) {
                $member = 'queryString' . class_basename($trait);

                if (method_exists($class, $member)) {
                    return invade($component)->{$member}();

                if (property_exists($class, $member)) {
                    return invade($component)->{$member};

                return [];
            ->mapWithKeys(function ($value) {
                return $value;

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Original Code


namespace Livewire\Features\SupportQueryString;

use function Livewire\invade;
use Livewire\ComponentHook;

class SupportQueryString extends ComponentHook
    public $queryString;

     * Note: this is support for the legacy syntax...
    function mount()
        if (! $queryString = $this->getQueryString()) return;

        foreach ($queryString as $key => $value) {
            $key = is_string($key) ? $key : $value;
            $alias = $value['as'] ?? $key;
            $history = $value['history'] ?? true;
            $keep = $value['alwaysShow'] ?? $value['keep'] ?? false;
            $except = $value['except'] ?? null;

            $this->component->setPropertyAttribute($key, new BaseUrl(as: $alias, history: $history, keep: $keep, except: $except));

    public function getQueryString()
        if (isset($this->queryString)) return $this->queryString;

        $component = $this->component;

        $componentQueryString = [];

        if (method_exists($component, 'queryString')) $componentQueryString = invade($component)->queryString();
        elseif (property_exists($component, 'queryString')) $componentQueryString = invade($component)->queryString;

        return $this->queryString = collect(class_uses_recursive($class = $component::class))
            ->map(function ($trait) use ($class, $component) {
                $member = 'queryString' . class_basename($trait);

                if (method_exists($class, $member)) {
                    return invade($component)->{$member}();

                if (property_exists($class, $member)) {
                    return invade($component)->{$member};

                return [];
            ->mapWithKeys(function ($value) {
                return $value;

Function Calls





MD5 ccf7701a1d6cbe5180cad20427596fcb
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 102 ms