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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace bwTF1; use BwTF1\GBd1v\dDLza; use BWTf1\gbd1v\M..

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace bwTF1; use BwTF1\GBd1v\dDLza; use BWTf1\gbd1v\MnXCp; use bwTF1\Gbd1v\MuE5Y; use bwTf1\gbd1v\paHet; use bwtF1\lD_12\k0sI3; use bwtF1\Ld_12\BjGEG; use BWtf1\ld_12\bJgeg\JZhHH; use BwTF1\ld_12\BjGeg\N0q4e; use bwTF1\Ld_12\bJGeG\oSWZt; use BwtF1\ld_12\FXEfr; use bWTf1\Ld_12\aifpP; use bwTf1\Ld_12\Y3sqB; use BWTf1\lD_12\Scalar; use BWTF1\lD_12\VwYcR; use bwTf1\LD_12\IcX3N; abstract class A_Pvb implements Yyjve { protected const RGqZK = 0; protected const xCF_H = 1; protected const BTvsp = 2; protected const GQxc3 = 3; protected const eXMlF = 4; protected const j_bK5 = 5; protected const MPtpW = 6; protected const PWU0G = 7; protected const Y6pP7 = 8; protected const uHijV = 9; protected const EML5n = 1000; protected array $XObzu = [Expr\wG026::class => [-10, 0, 1], BinaryOp\Pow::class => [0, 0, 1], Expr\AOh8Q::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\bMipE::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\yD0H9::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\vXfOI::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\NnRIF::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\QtxzU::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\Asr7e::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\SYyml::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\l0oJU::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\fjg6E::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\nggj9::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\Y_aZk::class => [20, -1, -1], Expr\VqfnM::class => [30, -1, -1], BinaryOp\Z6sS4::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\WLMF4::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\o41YB::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\QG_js::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\M5Lf4::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\AH9DP::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\AArlK::class => [60, 61, 60], BinaryOp\IIBvn::class => [60, 61, 60], BinaryOp\GLHy4::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\unaGq::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\Jewn8::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\qGMUt::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\WHKnz::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\ieR2y::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\ZSOdo::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\KZ1bI::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\wYC0c::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\B____::class => [90, 91, 90], BinaryOp\dTyNb::class => [100, 101, 100], BinaryOp\eKxxl::class => [110, 111, 110], BinaryOp\tpn4O::class => [120, 121, 120], BinaryOp\hbUVW::class => [130, 131, 130], BinaryOp\ivBpc::class => [140, 140, 141], Expr\TB_NM::class => [150, -1, -1], Expr\g17LM::class => [160, -1, -1], Expr\Tt1Qf::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\qG_jS::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\m5lf4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\z6sS4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\wLmf4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\Ah9dP::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\o41Yb::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\b____::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\EKXXl::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\DtYNb::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\AArlk::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\IIBVN::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\Pow::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\iVbpC::class => [160, -1, -1], Expr\oueQW::class => [170, -1, -1], Expr\cEKCl::class => [175, -1, -1], Expr\wWo8D::class => [180, -1, -1], BinaryOp\n0hxC::class => [190, 191, 190], BinaryOp\Lz3SG::class => [200, 201, 200], BinaryOp\XHLp8::class => [210, 211, 210], Expr\XoX3F::class => [220, -1, -1], Expr\hpxmq::class => [230, -1, -1], Expr\XlvIZ::class => [240, -1, -1]]; protected int $xVyEp; protected string $pKCqg; protected string $Ctbcj; protected ?string $V21P0; protected bool $TAp4u; protected bool $mLQh9; protected PhpVersion $N7oFl; protected ?TokenStream $k52R2; protected Differ $dEWdk; protected array $CMDp8; protected array $ybBj3; protected array $EH1so; protected array $hU4GD; protected array $g10k2; protected array $EfR5I; protected array $hgdb2; public function __construct(array $LOEPT = []) { goto HTrtr; HTrtr: $this->N7oFl = $LOEPT["phpVersion"] ?? PhpVersion::bURXi(7, 4); goto PzRUh; tW4ic: throw new \LogicException("Option "newline" must be one of "\n" or "\r\n""); goto JORfk; UZh2q: $this->mLQh9 = $LOEPT["shortArraySyntax"] ?? $this->N7oFl->r1Udy(); goto hCq42; JORfk: nb68S: goto UZh2q; PzRUh: $this->pKCqg = $LOEPT["newline"] ?? "\xa"; goto gQmIe; gQmIe: if (!($this->pKCqg !== "\xa" && $this->pKCqg != "
\xa")) { goto nb68S; } goto tW4ic; hCq42: $this->V21P0 = $this->N7oFl->kK377() ? null : "_DOC_STRING_END_" . mt_rand(); goto z1FLw; z1FLw: } protected function brw7O() : void { goto uUz1P; uUz1P: $this->xVyEp = 0; goto HnrkV; h01qi: $this->k52R2 = null; goto XZkOb; HnrkV: $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg; goto h01qi; XZkOb: } protected function MfNIZ(int $BLXma) : void { $this->xVyEp = $BLXma; $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg . \str_repeat(" ", $BLXma); } protected function ZHwH0() : void { $this->xVyEp += 4; $this->Ctbcj .= "    "; } protected function Jt2yu() : void { goto AXFcn; zzC2W: $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg . str_repeat(" ", $this->xVyEp); goto M6lpb; FKJ5P: $this->xVyEp -= 4; goto zzC2W; AXFcn: assert($this->xVyEp >= 4); goto FKJ5P; M6lpb: } public function C5_2d(array $mHEbx) : string { goto hbki8; bMPoy: return ltrim($this->HtGUZ($this->wYHfl($mHEbx, false))); goto xqpdi; NqPu5: $this->kSVg2($mHEbx); goto bMPoy; hbki8: $this->BrW7o(); goto NqPu5; xqpdi: } public function sqHkS(bJgEG $TXkEW) : string { $this->BrW7O(); return $this->hTguz($this->VAw_W($TXkEW)); } public function pY_sU(array $mHEbx) : string { goto S5BIG; Dl935: bS3bR: goto kD5Ek; dP2pJ: qVJyF: goto euTjV; S5BIG: if ($mHEbx) { goto bS3bR; } goto vVUBe; Z07h2: svGl9: goto vr4bX; euTjV: return $djT7O; goto ASmXQ; e4GTp: if (!$mHEbx[0] instanceof VwyCr\CJbBD) { goto svGl9; } goto F_cdF; F_cdF: $djT7O = preg_replace("/^<\?php\s+\?>\r?\n?/", '', $djT7O); goto Z07h2; zw5u1: $djT7O = preg_replace("/<\?php$/", '', rtrim($djT7O)); goto dP2pJ; kD5Ek: $djT7O = "<?php" . $this->pKCqg . $this->pKCqg . $this->c5_2d($mHEbx); goto e4GTp; vVUBe: return "<?php" . $this->pKCqg . $this->pKCqg; goto Dl935; vr4bX: if (!$mHEbx[count($mHEbx) - 1] instanceof vWyCR\CjbBd) { goto qVJyF; } goto zw5u1; ASmXQ: } protected function KsvG2(array $Iz7A_) : void { goto T66Ml; PVptK: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto gkIus; p7mgQ: lyqmG: goto SUkus; cAfCM: goto tCNqf; goto p7mgQ; gkIus: if (!($TXkEW instanceof VWyCR\kwKEi && null === $TXkEW->name)) { goto lyqmG; } goto fANTF; fANTF: $this->TAp4u = false; goto cAfCM; SUkus: wuMIF: goto HiIZA; HiIZA: } goto jw0q4; T66Ml: $this->TAp4u = true; goto PVptK; jw0q4: tCNqf: goto xzy32; xzy32: } protected function HtGuZ(string $QfeS6) : string { goto OxZjT; quvcy: $QfeS6 = str_replace($this->V21P0, $this->pKCqg, $QfeS6); goto aYLE5; d_dqT: $QfeS6 = str_replace($this->V21P0 . ";" . $this->pKCqg, ";" . $this->pKCqg, $QfeS6); goto quvcy; aYLE5: QVZZ8: goto HlZ7_; OxZjT: if (!($this->V21P0 !== null)) { goto QVZZ8; } goto d_dqT; HlZ7_: return $QfeS6; goto WqTI_; WqTI_: } protected function WYhFL(array $Iz7A_, bool $zYJii = true) : string { goto PmAav; PmAav: if (!$zYJii) { goto DkHQ5; } goto xG95c; gNsne: NlJit: goto Txmwv; xG95c: $this->ZHWh0(); goto ETzDj; ETzDj: DkHQ5: goto VwqII; S0lsc: $this->JT2yU(); goto gNsne; Om0Ht: cQi8N: goto tkcro; VwqII: $hLP1m = ''; goto FVDMK; Txmwv: return $hLP1m; goto CXLhP; tkcro: if (!$zYJii) { goto NlJit; } goto S0lsc; FVDMK: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto gnzeH; gnzeH: $gd6ha = $TXkEW->sATFO(); goto bPt1z; D2X1g: UtsWs: goto EyUG1; EyUG1: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->VaW_W($TXkEW); goto LTaPJ; bPt1z: if (!$gd6ha) { goto UtsWs; } goto T5Yby; sLr1I: goto qTHAs; goto wVKqy; LTaPJ: qTHAs: goto QXTIm; wVKqy: NeVwz: goto D2X1g; UbJ0B: if (!$TXkEW instanceof vwyCr\GCFWL) { goto NeVwz; } goto sLr1I; T5Yby: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->lzbd5($gd6ha); goto UbJ0B; QXTIm: } goto Om0Ht; CXLhP: } protected function wKTob(string $olc9t, lD_12 $LEwzS, string $gfHuO, ld_12 $sMjkr, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto OrOfT; DZGRT: $QXHzn = ''; goto ZU8k7; ZYtg9: $QXHzn = "("; goto jQmx9; SZii5: IuAqk: goto dEF0o; kauG7: if (!($GZZOr >= $o0ca8)) { goto IuAqk; } goto ZYtg9; dEF0o: return $QXHzn . $this->vaW_w($LEwzS, $AhQN3, $AhQN3) . $gfHuO . $this->VAw_W($sMjkr, $jvLhV, $iUZ3G) . $zT1Dr; goto Xq5ij; Wj0VH: $iUZ3G = mAu0L::EML5n; goto SZii5; OrOfT: list($GZZOr, $AhQN3, $jvLhV) = $this->XObzu[$olc9t]; goto DZGRT; jQmx9: $zT1Dr = ")"; goto Wj0VH; ZU8k7: $zT1Dr = ''; goto kauG7; Xq5ij: } protected function doA4n(string $olc9t, string $gfHuO, LD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto m0Vu1; LG1L2: XxUFp: goto Zl73u; dn40x: if (!($gfHuO === "+" && $gKgUx[0] === "+" || $gfHuO === "-" && $gKgUx[0] === "-")) { goto XxUFp; } goto rRYrf; cb9WN: $QXHzn = "("; goto Z_ODI; rRYrf: $gKgUx = "(" . $gKgUx . ")"; goto LG1L2; xoXLc: $iUZ3G = mAU0l::EML5n; goto VhF8t; TO4xC: if (!($GZZOr >= $iUZ3G)) { goto eGtgk; } goto cb9WN; cGD6z: $QXHzn = ''; goto YHTTy; ltnfY: $gKgUx = $this->Vaw_W($TXkEW, $GZZOr, $iUZ3G); goto dn40x; Z_ODI: $zT1Dr = ")"; goto xoXLc; m0Vu1: $GZZOr = $this->XObzu[$olc9t][0]; goto cGD6z; VhF8t: eGtgk: goto ltnfY; Zl73u: return $QXHzn . $gfHuO . $gKgUx . $zT1Dr; goto Zsc06; YHTTy: $zT1Dr = ''; goto TO4xC; Zsc06: } protected function yMPWx(string $olc9t, LD_12 $TXkEW, string $gfHuO, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto BeIlr; Vtmxz: $iUZ3G = $GZZOr; goto l8hlE; bPEgd: $QXHzn = ''; goto Cr6cl; ltssv: $QXHzn = "("; goto p4xrh; pC28C: H62m_: goto A6ZVW; oRQxi: if (!($GZZOr >= $o0ca8)) { goto H62m_; } goto ltssv; PUf32: return $QXHzn . $this->vAW_w($TXkEW, $GZZOr, $iUZ3G) . $gfHuO . $zT1Dr; goto Z2rr7; p4xrh: $zT1Dr = ")"; goto Sxt8t; Cr6cl: $zT1Dr = ''; goto oRQxi; Sxt8t: $iUZ3G = maU0L::EML5n; goto pC28C; l8hlE: XzJao: goto PUf32; A6ZVW: if (!($GZZOr < $iUZ3G)) { goto XzJao; } goto Vtmxz; BeIlr: $GZZOr = $this->XObzu[$olc9t][0]; goto bPEgd; Z2rr7: } protected function nlTuO(array $Iz7A_, string $jMcXK = '') : string { goto YvMxo; YvMxo: $pXfNt = []; goto R7G0N; R7G0N: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto AOH92; nM_rW: $pXfNt[] = $this->vAw_W($TXkEW); goto Bj8_B; Kz9SF: $pXfNt[] = ''; goto e_nIE; Bj8_B: goto xDcb0; goto rKB_L; rKB_L: ySNcf: goto Kz9SF; e_nIE: xDcb0: goto dC_14; AOH92: if (null === $TXkEW) { goto ySNcf; } goto nM_rW; dC_14: AR2Lg: goto KtSe4; KtSe4: } goto mdhPZ; OUjw5: return implode($jMcXK, $pXfNt); goto euIxa; mdhPZ: vXIYR: goto OUjw5; euIxa: } protected function HufKi(array $Iz7A_) : string { return $this->NLTUo($Iz7A_, ", "); } protected function dpL3p(array $Iz7A_, bool $USYy8) : string { goto c1wxZ; c1wxZ: $this->ZhwH0(); goto eaxll; sSYe1: $HhmW7 = count($Iz7A_) - 1; goto vcpr8; eaxll: $hLP1m = ''; goto sSYe1; vcpr8: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $k59zW => $TXkEW) { goto ULNT7; IwkYR: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->LZbD5($gd6ha); goto p4Ja6; p4Ja6: WLN1S: goto qqd3S; qqd3S: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->VaW_w($TXkEW); goto dv5Xj; U5X30: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj; goto nvy_C; Y0IjE: HoKnw: goto ctwFW; ULNT7: if ($TXkEW !== null) { goto iQF5Y; } goto U5X30; nvy_C: goto nTI43; goto X7p3Y; LidEC: if (!($USYy8 || $k59zW !== $HhmW7)) { goto HoKnw; } goto FyGYX; TfwkC: $gd6ha = $TXkEW->sATfO(); goto xDxgZ; FyGYX: $hLP1m .= ","; goto Y0IjE; X7p3Y: iQF5Y: goto TfwkC; dv5Xj: nTI43: goto LidEC; xDxgZ: if (!$gd6ha) { goto WLN1S; } goto IwkYR; ctwFW: ENYOw: goto m9sDn; m9sDn: } goto r9Q8O; r9Q8O: nhRPW: goto a2lV6; a2lV6: $this->jt2YU(); goto L7dli; L7dli: return $hLP1m; goto zXd3c; zXd3c: } protected function lZBD5(array $gd6ha) : string { goto Y3Z0I; CQtr1: return implode($this->Ctbcj, $isyjh); goto OfDKF; Y3Z0I: $isyjh = []; goto EZjJO; EZjJO: foreach ($gd6ha as $u5yve) { $isyjh[] = str_replace("\xa", $this->Ctbcj, $u5yve->b_m3U()); IOEXJ: } goto ozzXF; ozzXF: ekkCn: goto CQtr1; OfDKF: } public function GVAMz(array $mHEbx, array $ApthK, array $K5e0u) : string { goto GY_8T; bsmCF: $this->BRw7O(); goto T3Rdj; nb0t8: return $this->hTGUz($hLP1m); goto KQ3EY; P1TB0: goto ZW3Gu; goto R3WS0; g93aK: $this->ZNaSy(); goto rutTq; UKd3E: $this->ksvG2($mHEbx); goto YJ0TP; nUhP_: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNY8D($DhXRQ, count($K5e0u) - 1, 0); goto hKuur; T3Rdj: $this->k52R2 = new paHeT($K5e0u); goto UKd3E; R3WS0: WkIbX: goto nUhP_; B81Tl: $hLP1m = "<?php" . $this->pKCqg . $this->wYhFl($mHEbx, false); goto P1TB0; QDx2V: $this->CNgFj(); goto Shz07; Shz07: $this->DmmTj(); goto BFGyj; WVnyo: $this->mHVoi(); goto xL3Th; pVImZ: $hLP1m = $this->SjDjy($mHEbx, $ApthK, $DhXRQ, 0, "File", "stmts", null); goto EQuGW; xL3Th: $this->I8_bX(); goto g93aK; BFGyj: $this->XQWJC(); goto bsmCF; YJ0TP: $DhXRQ = 0; goto pVImZ; GY_8T: $this->nNJrF(); goto WVnyo; rutTq: $this->wZUuz(); goto QDx2V; EQuGW: if (null !== $hLP1m) { goto WkIbX; } goto B81Tl; hKuur: ZW3Gu: goto nb0t8; KQ3EY: } protected function cU0GK(lD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { return $this->{"p" . $TXkEW->getType()}($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); } protected function vAw_w(lD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8 = MaU0l::EML5n, int $iUZ3G = MaU0L::EML5n, bool $cegN5 = false) : string { goto tk4fT; ATF6Q: $olc9t = \get_class($TXkEW); goto wsaJz; eDV3K: $nmkh1 = $TXkEW; goto xjn8e; FTXHa: a4Tjq: goto ATF6Q; ShRyX: return $this->Cu0gK($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto FTXHa; GHvaF: $TXkEW = mUe5y::OpYnU($TXkEW); goto b1KyP; OcDig: $lb0P7 = $TXkEW->getAttribute("origNode"); goto JoEsn; Ck4jW: return $this->{"p" . $TXkEW->getType()}($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto zbW1g; b1KyP: $lb0P7 = MUe5y::OpyNu($lb0P7); goto NTGOY; tk4fT: if ($this->k52R2) { goto rbPKW; } goto Ck4jW; R1elI: HzQ19: goto BB7Ih; NTGOY: $olc9t = mue5y::class; goto R1elI; zbW1g: rbPKW: goto OcDig; vKIxT: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNy8D($DhXRQ, $g57Ap + 1, $leqld); goto IoXv7; Y5H_U: return $this->CU0GK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto avWf_; kZWqH: $Taiw8 = $TXkEW->getType(); goto HfnA6; zw9WG: \assert($tYjpk >= 0 && $g57Ap >= 0); goto eDV3K; BB7Ih: if (!($TXkEW instanceof VWycr\cjBBd && !$cegN5)) { goto v4XQw; } goto Y5H_U; JlhH2: foreach ($TXkEW->sxzra() as $SUSP2) { goto ua57S; d2Bqj: goto S1ega; goto Otgt8; iU6W5: goto c0R_f; goto wfvop; QJ7N7: JKcwp: goto s0KM5; aOShJ: if (!isset($RfUZK["left"])) { goto y5K4u; } goto UBPZ1; hZXyU: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->C9r76($PWlKg); goto zvfbL; hjNYd: return $this->Cu0gK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto GPcUV; hWeyC: if (!($S3_s7 === $qg8GO)) { goto MWMe9; } goto oZZ2_; ua57S: $S3_s7 = $TXkEW->{$SUSP2}; goto ycLbc; aRtba: jYrPY: goto D2jX9; w1ydc: $AoR3d = $this->sjdJy($S3_s7, $qg8GO, $DhXRQ, $leqld, $olc9t, $SUSP2, $r42cS[$SUSP2] ?? null); goto NzBJM; jSZQN: if (isset($this->EH1so[$ZsHp3])) { goto HvlIE; } goto gKQ02; KIObT: DObdx: goto NCJXA; TVN5S: LkAPQ: goto djXKe; jWk8H: y5K4u: goto b3KDa; oJZBx: if (!(null === $S3_s7)) { goto JKcwp; } goto wP5UJ; bhl8p: LnEg8: goto oJZBx; OKDDh: khgHV: goto QJ7N7; oZZ2_: goto c0R_f; goto LohgU; bq1kb: if (isset($this->hgdb2[$ZsHp3])) { goto WwwdR; } goto WcdSA; V8vyb: if (!(!$S3_s7 instanceof ld_12 && $S3_s7 !== null || !$qg8GO instanceof Ld_12 && $qg8GO !== null)) { goto LkAPQ; } goto hWeyC; ycLbc: $qg8GO = $lb0P7->{$SUSP2}; goto V8vyb; Otgt8: aLocq: goto Vsufh; NCJXA: if (!(null === $NMXN2 && null !== $Kf611)) { goto L3cq0; } goto hZXyU; b3KDa: if (!isset($RfUZK["right"])) { goto khgHV; } goto lPHLs; djXKe: $NMXN2 = ''; goto fJsg5; WcdSA: return $this->Cu0Gk($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto pOeZV; lPHLs: $EIK4G = $this->k52R2->j745s($EIK4G + 1, $RfUZK["right"]) - 1; goto OKDDh; emloA: goto c0R_f; goto lkx1R; Vyj28: goto DObdx; goto tT7CS; RWwEF: if (isset($this->hU4GD[$ZsHp3])) { goto NFYj_; } goto hjNYd; yeISW: $n_gmz = $this->VaW_W($S3_s7, Mau0l::EML5n, maU0l::EML5n, true); goto d2Bqj; GPcUV: NFYj_: goto XkiRR; eKKZt: $ZsHp3 = $olc9t . "->" . $SUSP2; goto bq1kb; cDDwu: $hLP1m .= $AoR3d; goto iU6W5; gKQ02: return $this->cu0Gk($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto Zc0lJ; NXWVD: $this->MfNiZ($GjQO4); goto mboiX; jWSMr: $RfUZK = $this->EH1so[$ZsHp3]; goto aOShJ; GhlFn: $EIK4G = $qg8GO->QCmhw(); goto Mo4R4; tpfs4: if (!(null !== $S3_s7)) { goto jYrPY; } goto urA5d; wP5UJ: $ZsHp3 = $Taiw8 . "->" . $SUSP2; goto jSZQN; D2jX9: $DhXRQ = $EIK4G + 1; goto agnY5; dFojl: if (isset($r42cS[$SUSP2]) && $S3_s7->getAttribute("origNode") !== $qg8GO) { goto aLocq; } goto yeISW; Fhc4f: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto H8wv0; agnY5: c0R_f: goto y0SsD; cfylu: ovQAd: goto LfL3E; R2Qf3: $EIK4G = $PWlKg - 1; goto yXvAY; LfL3E: $PWlKg = $qg8GO->RR1NI(); goto GhlFn; xcXtw: $PWlKg = $DhXRQ; goto Vyj28; H8wv0: $this->MfNiz($this->k52R2->guKvj($PWlKg) + $leqld); goto dFojl; lkx1R: OJe60: goto jU8JH; mboiX: $hLP1m .= $Kf611; goto aRtba; eqE3A: $hLP1m .= $this->{$Y05Di}($S3_s7); goto WCdZW; zZEdM: return $this->CU0gK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto KmNb4; Mo4R4: \assert($PWlKg >= 0 && $EIK4G >= 0); goto bhl8p; tEZ0X: $this->w2snA($hLP1m, $n_gmz); goto NXWVD; tT7CS: X4HW3: goto lEQFO; RaWS1: if (!(is_array($S3_s7) && is_array($qg8GO))) { goto BMEje; } goto w1ydc; Vsufh: $q586m = $r42cS[$SUSP2]; goto DNbFa; NzBJM: if (!(null === $AoR3d)) { goto jQRKz; } goto zZEdM; LohgU: MWMe9: goto RaWS1; fJsg5: $Kf611 = ''; goto FysuV; lEQFO: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->TAZpq($DhXRQ, $s0hh3) + (int) (!$toLzx); goto KIObT; lgbsv: if (!($S3_s7 === null)) { goto OJe60; } goto emloA; WCdZW: $DhXRQ = $this->k52R2->TAzpQ($DhXRQ, $s0hh3); goto VhSw5; DNbFa: $n_gmz = $this->RAiN_($q586m, $S3_s7, $olc9t, $PWlKg, $EIK4G); goto oF55L; urA5d: $hLP1m .= $NMXN2; goto Fhc4f; oF55L: S1ega: goto tEZ0X; s0KM5: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNY8d($DhXRQ, $PWlKg, $leqld); goto tpfs4; yXvAY: goto LnEg8; goto cfylu; Ts1Pf: if (null !== $s0hh3) { goto X4HW3; } goto xcXtw; UBPZ1: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->j28Rx($PWlKg - 1, $RfUZK["left"]) + 1; goto jWk8H; XkiRR: list($s0hh3, $toLzx, $NMXN2, $Kf611) = $this->hU4GD[$ZsHp3]; goto Ts1Pf; Zc0lJ: HvlIE: goto jWSMr; wfvop: BMEje: goto eKKZt; KmNb4: jQRKz: goto cDDwu; jU8JH: $ZsHp3 = $Taiw8 . "->" . $SUSP2; goto RWwEF; VhSw5: goto c0R_f; goto TVN5S; L4xZ8: [$Y05Di, $s0hh3] = $this->hgdb2[$ZsHp3]; goto eqE3A; FysuV: if ($qg8GO !== null) { goto ovQAd; } goto lgbsv; pOeZV: WwwdR: goto L4xZ8; zvfbL: L3cq0: goto R2Qf3; y0SsD: } goto GrhjY; JoEsn: if (!(null === $lb0P7)) { goto a4Tjq; } goto ShRyX; EfWcd: $hLP1m = ''; goto jJkeK; jJkeK: $DhXRQ = $tYjpk; goto JlhH2; glVrC: assert($lb0P7 instanceof bjgEg\mdqYW); goto GHvaF; IoXv7: return $hLP1m; goto e7W7E; avWf_: v4XQw: goto pgIti; wsaJz: \assert($olc9t === \get_class($lb0P7)); goto mVHQn; HfnA6: $r42cS = $this->ybBj3[$olc9t] ?? null; goto EfWcd; xjn8e: if (!($TXkEW instanceof BjGEG\mdqyw && $TXkEW->class instanceof VWycr\L2bIJ)) { goto HzQ19; } goto glVrC; pgIti: $leqld = $this->xVyEp - $this->k52R2->guKVj($tYjpk); goto kZWqH; mVHQn: $tYjpk = $lb0P7->rr1Ni(); goto EbqpD; GrhjY: g_HYw: goto vKIxT; EbqpD: $g57Ap = $lb0P7->QcMHW(); goto zw9WG; e7W7E: } protected function sJDjY(array $Iz7A_, array $HqnNj, int &$DhXRQ, int $leqld, string $XF9Y3, string $SUSP2, ?int $q586m) : ?string { goto z3qy5; PGaXu: $TKaC5 = $SUSP2 === "stmts"; goto F_FbY; sU3Kh: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNY8d($DhXRQ, $Ml9Ot, $leqld); goto bzQxv; VLhGm: $Oq9z1 = true; goto eeSPI; HZnzr: UanSB: goto tR740; tR740: if (!$tIP2s) { goto m4y3G; } goto NKwr3; dijwH: if (!($lxi_l === "\xa")) { goto F75YW; } goto HVRcn; NTLcG: pHd12: goto xPmb8; ADlbt: $tYjpk = $HqnNj[0]->Rr1nI(); goto yqQtR; ilLk1: CXmae: goto OdTMV; gZ83F: fYE8w: goto fU0r2; I2Z9I: \assert($tYjpk >= 0 && $g57Ap >= 0); goto Imiw9; OdTMV: return $hLP1m; goto LDx3z; bzQxv: $DhXRQ = $Ml9Ot; goto xpVRl; HVRcn: $lxi_l = ''; goto dn0_P; dn0_P: $RPC5u = true; goto VMsi1; BoUVT: foreach ($IiN74 as $ew9mB => $Rm0_U) { goto J6ZsD; akzDS: $n_gmz = $this->VAW_W($hp8Lz, MAU0L::EML5n, mAU0l::EML5n, true); goto rbKVd; Atk6N: if (!(null === $lxi_l)) { goto gYnLZ; } goto XXdFx; fU06G: $this->MfNIz($GjQO4); goto TkpHw; lwiqF: $n_gmz = $this->RAin_($q586m, $hp8Lz, null, $hmNXO, $aEYB0); goto Afx38; SCn1b: NI6F9: goto ErOLy; BXnNd: j2trF: goto rA7C0; QSEuB: $UKp0z[] = $hp8Lz; goto HukZI; O0dPD: goto edieQ; goto aqvAA; xGgL0: $aEYB0 = $DhXRQ - 1; goto IHHZd; YcnOe: goto jieH4; goto zsuns; YBHnn: return null; goto BXnNd; PsP2f: $cDxS9 = $Rm0_U->BCSKU; goto wcVvu; NMNOR: $this->MFNiz($GjQO4); goto a5a78; ZwKzX: $aSVLk = $hmNXO; goto Vm0G0; dgyxr: EvGED: goto mOntC; y2W8U: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNy8d($aSVLk, $hmNXO, $leqld); goto O0dPD; V0SNE: if ($Vp84V === DdlZA::nQWXw) { goto NI6F9; } goto NWj9d; BZp1_: BPq9_: goto AtcMC; KtPQ7: OGukd: goto bG3e8; KzDOr: $aSVLk = $ySxtx ? $ySxtx[0]->rR1ni() : $hmNXO; goto V1qve; lOGzX: goto Ezqz4; goto jEPlA; sxC8Y: $this->w2SNa($hLP1m, $n_gmz); goto NMNOR; CR38h: goto Ezqz4; goto bCY6x; qYaFH: if ($gd6ha !== $ySxtx) { goto f12lE; } goto y2W8U; zsuns: ve837: goto YBHnn; NVjPr: return null; goto JQXCc; gITS4: if (!$gd6ha) { goto M0w_T; } goto VaYMv; QX8Ff: $hmNXO = $DhXRQ; goto xGgL0; njmuC: Sz3M4: goto lwiqF; XXdFx: return null; goto oh2XS; GH8p0: foreach ($UKp0z as $jPDm1) { goto r2R2t; HwTbA: tVpxN: goto hvJVB; GCOFp: xo8Rl: goto cz3TT; HeUIn: if (!$U4EL3) { goto xo8Rl; } goto cjbad; cjbad: $hLP1m .= $this->lzbD5($U4EL3) . $this->Ctbcj; goto GCOFp; Y1SC4: goto DtOZc; goto xHj_C; yf6Ck: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto Y1SC4; bdvUe: DtOZc: goto HwTbA; cz3TT: iOKlw: goto hL7lV; hLyXv: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l . $this->Ctbcj; goto bdvUe; rh7VD: $U4EL3 = $jPDm1->saTfo(); goto HeUIn; hL7lV: $this->W2sna($hLP1m, $this->vaW_w($jPDm1, Mau0L::EML5n, maU0L::EML5n, true)); goto P2Ss1; P2Ss1: if ($RPC5u) { goto IR5NW; } goto yf6Ck; r2R2t: if (!$RPC5u) { goto iOKlw; } goto rh7VD; xHj_C: IR5NW: goto hLyXv; hvJVB: } goto VSZZW; J6ZsD: $Vp84V = $Rm0_U->z7oXe; goto orszY; t4LOg: $hmNXO = $cDxS9->rR1NI(); goto qlrnq; ErOLy: if ($cDxS9 instanceof lD_12) { goto aGviq; } goto CzkRV; exGZi: if ($tIP2s) { goto YBNNs; } goto ssUju; AdrFY: $ySxtx = $cDxS9->saTFo(); goto gPwI8; bVWCg: \assert($hmNXO >= 0 && $aEYB0 >= 0); goto AdrFY; WgDT1: if (!($TKaC5 && $this->k52R2->A3tqg($DhXRQ, $hmNXO))) { goto OGukd; } goto fU06G; oh2XS: gYnLZ: goto vTJlT; EEMXu: if (empty($UKp0z)) { goto m6jEV; } goto GH8p0; EGb79: if (null !== $q586m && $hp8Lz->getAttribute("origNode") !== $cDxS9) { goto Sz3M4; } goto akzDS; rHJu8: $Y3omU = $this->k52R2->gUkvj($hmNXO) + $leqld; goto aUFds; kWDbJ: return null; goto Ge7po; LKh7Q: m6jEV: goto qYaFH; vM5Y8: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto kFgrT; aqvAA: f12lE: goto CZjA2; NWj9d: throw new \Exception("Shouldn't happen"); goto lOGzX; qlrnq: $aEYB0 = $cDxS9->QCMHw(); goto lx3AB; LHiIR: if ($RPC5u) { goto BPq9_; } goto vM5Y8; toPzX: $hmNXO = $ySxtx[0]->rR1NI(); goto GLoMQ; wdGfL: if (!$p90_F) { goto vTCmN; } goto QSEuB; xPgMj: jjbum: goto Wnj6l; GLoMQ: U1yQJ: goto QSCQl; Gi6ST: if (!($TKaC5 && $this->k52R2->A3tqg($DhXRQ, $hmNXO))) { goto jKGDX; } goto kWDbJ; gPwI8: if (!$ySxtx) { goto U1yQJ; } goto toPzX; Xbg4G: $aEYB0 = $cDxS9->qcmhW(); goto bVWCg; SuLlJ: if ($Vp84V === DdLZA::owN7B) { goto g8hiL; } goto V0SNE; aMx4C: $gd6ha = $hp8Lz->SATFo(); goto gITS4; V1qve: \assert($aSVLk >= 0); goto SUrQH; jEPlA: XdjAP: goto OzF2x; OzF2x: $p90_F = false; goto JXizx; HukZI: goto jieH4; goto Gh_3u; VaYMv: $hLP1m .= $this->lZBd5($gd6ha) . $this->Ctbcj; goto ZksDf; BUtA6: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto rHJu8; rA7C0: if (!(!$hp8Lz instanceof ld_12 || !$cDxS9 instanceof Ld_12)) { goto n4Hj1; } goto NVjPr; JQXCc: n4Hj1: goto t4LOg; vTJlT: if ($hp8Lz instanceof ld_12) { goto jjbum; } goto Wzv7M; VSZZW: v7Gog: goto gBCgS; IACHk: $ySxtx = $cDxS9->Satfo(); goto KzDOr; kFgrT: goto JpifR; goto BZp1_; rbKVd: goto W3N6b; goto njmuC; CzkRV: return null; goto C39A2; z3vCX: $hmNXO = $cDxS9->RR1Ni(); goto Xbg4G; v3bwt: Ezqz4: goto EGb79; C39A2: aGviq: goto z3vCX; AmvKG: $hLP1m .= $this->LZbD5($gd6ha) . $this->Ctbcj; goto dgyxr; lx3AB: \assert($hmNXO >= 0 && $aEYB0 >= 0 && $hmNXO >= $DhXRQ); goto BUtA6; ssUju: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GnY8D($DhXRQ, $aSVLk, $leqld); goto Wxn3j; a5a78: $DhXRQ = $aEYB0 + 1; goto aJpq8; Wxn3j: goto tOQkg; goto jVYFm; Vm0G0: Q5dI6: goto exGZi; dBUYd: $lxi_l = ","; goto z8R_H; SJ3n2: O22wi: goto BHUAq; zM27O: $this->MFNIz($Y3omU); goto LHiIR; oS0Mj: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNy8D($DhXRQ, $hmNXO, $leqld); goto AzrlX; z8R_H: $RPC5u = true; goto vbAV5; vUnwf: goto jieH4; goto v3bwt; Bjh8Y: $gd6ha = $hp8Lz->satFo(); goto IACHk; jVYFm: YBNNs: goto WgDT1; vbAV5: wgXAM: goto wdGfL; aUFds: $this->mFnIz($Y3omU); goto Bjh8Y; TkpHw: return null; goto KtPQ7; P_yWx: $tIP2s = false; goto CR38h; Ge7po: jKGDX: goto pGsRX; BHUAq: $DhXRQ = $aEYB0 + 1; goto vUnwf; Wzv7M: return null; goto xPgMj; sC5aT: if (!($cDxS9 === $hp8Lz)) { goto ve837; } goto YcnOe; JXizx: if (!($cDxS9 === null || $hp8Lz === null)) { goto j2trF; } goto sC5aT; CZjA2: if (!$gd6ha) { goto EvGED; } goto AmvKG; gBCgS: $UKp0z = []; goto LKh7Q; aJpq8: jieH4: goto uftGP; Gh_3u: vTCmN: goto QX8Ff; orszY: $hp8Lz = $Rm0_U->M6iJj; goto PsP2f; AzrlX: $tIP2s = true; goto SJ3n2; mOntC: edieQ: goto P_yWx; AtcMC: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l . $this->Ctbcj; goto aMx4C; j6Dke: BVm9C: goto oS0Mj; qmYzP: JpifR: goto x1b3b; IHHZd: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto zM27O; Afx38: W3N6b: goto sxC8Y; SUrQH: if (!($aSVLk < $DhXRQ)) { goto Q5dI6; } goto ZwKzX; x1b3b: goto Ezqz4; goto SCn1b; bCY6x: g8hiL: goto Atk6N; wcVvu: if ($Vp84V === DdLza::S0srm || $Vp84V === DdLza::GaKMt) { goto XdjAP; } goto SuLlJ; bG3e8: tOQkg: goto EEMXu; Wnj6l: if (!($lxi_l === ", " && ($this->wLJMo($HqnNj) || $hp8Lz->sAtFO() || $XF9Y3 === Expr\yZE5T::class))) { goto wgXAM; } goto dBUYd; ZksDf: M0w_T: goto qmYzP; QSCQl: if ($ew9mB === 0) { goto BVm9C; } goto Gi6ST; pGsRX: goto O22wi; goto j6Dke; uftGP: } goto HZnzr; D1ZBj: if (!($TKaC5 && \count($HqnNj) === 1 && \count($Iz7A_) !== 1)) { goto fYE8w; } goto ADlbt; HdPEl: Bc5Fy: goto gZ83F; Imiw9: if ($this->k52R2->ILQVB($tYjpk, $g57Ap)) { goto Bc5Fy; } goto b8gAB; VMsi1: F75YW: goto D1ZBj; xpVRl: AxDIF: goto VLhGm; js9wF: return null; goto NTLcG; k6I9a: AAwPY: goto OxHKu; qyXcC: $Y3omU = $this->xVyEp; goto zm1vJ; xPmb8: list($s0hh3, $NMXN2, $Kf611) = $this->EfR5I[$OmZh4]; goto clPUJ; bHyyp: m4y3G: goto tEh6R; OxHKu: $hLP1m .= $Kf611 === "\xa" ? $this->Ctbcj : $Kf611; goto ilLk1; b8gAB: return null; goto HdPEl; F_FbY: $p90_F = true; goto IZACH; clPUJ: if (!(null !== $s0hh3)) { goto AxDIF; } goto xPGK7; z3qy5: $IiN74 = $this->dEWdk->aUngj($HqnNj, $Iz7A_); goto eintg; tEh6R: if (empty($UKp0z)) { goto CXmae; } goto BO2gG; IZACH: $tIP2s = false; goto LpjEq; BO2gG: if (isset($this->EfR5I[$OmZh4])) { goto pHd12; } goto js9wF; xPGK7: $Ml9Ot = $this->k52R2->tAZPQ($DhXRQ, $s0hh3) + 1; goto sU3Kh; yqQtR: $g57Ap = $HqnNj[0]->qcmHW(); goto I2Z9I; HrG20: foreach ($UKp0z as $jPDm1) { goto ekrb2; g3NNZ: $Oq9z1 = false; goto uK3od; nC_H4: F4O5k: goto Rh7TD; ekrb2: if ($Oq9z1) { goto yK2Ax; } goto AOlx0; eCMV_: $hLP1m .= $this->VAw_W($jPDm1, MAu0l::EML5n, MaU0L::EML5n, true); goto g3NNZ; p0i_S: if (!$RPC5u) { goto F4O5k; } goto a9WMA; a9WMA: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj; goto nC_H4; AOlx0: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto p0i_S; uK3od: QW1Fb: goto y1kjp; Rh7TD: yK2Ax: goto eCMV_; y1kjp: } goto k6I9a; eeSPI: $hLP1m .= $NMXN2; goto HrG20; fU0r2: $hLP1m = ''; goto BoUVT; zm1vJ: $RPC5u = false; goto dijwH; LpjEq: $UKp0z = []; goto qyXcC; NKwr3: return null; goto bHyyp; Kh31J: $lxi_l = $this->g10k2[$OmZh4] ?? null; goto PGaXu; eintg: $OmZh4 = $XF9Y3 . "->" . $SUSP2; goto Kh31J; LDx3z: } protected function rain_(int $q586m, Ld_12 $S3_s7, ?string $Dz5DX, int $PWlKg, int $EIK4G) : string { goto lJaZo; dm38j: return $this->VAw_w($S3_s7); goto tnRMg; xjZQk: TuHGL: goto dm38j; lJaZo: switch ($q586m) { case Mau0l::RGqZK: goto jgBLT; o2vJZ: xjIC0: goto A20Mo; UzHa8: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][1]; goto aorSs; A20Mo: goto TuHGL; goto pL3pS; aorSs: return $this->VAw_W($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto o2vJZ; jgBLT: if ($this->k52R2->o5aT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto xjIC0; } goto UzHa8; pL3pS: case mAU0L::xCF_H: goto GuNUL; gWKJ7: cpiWT: goto vnaxC; GGzWa: return $this->VAW_w($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto gWKJ7; Cdurb: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][2]; goto GGzWa; vnaxC: goto TuHGL; goto U1146; GuNUL: if ($this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto cpiWT; } goto Cdurb; U1146: case mAU0L::BTvsp: goto wj3hj; E5nOU: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][0]; goto Te6Y1; Te6Y1: return $this->vAw_w($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto TGyp_; TGyp_: BiNaD: goto D5in2; wj3hj: if ($this->k52R2->O5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto BiNaD; } goto E5nOU; D5in2: goto TuHGL; goto u4dP2; u4dP2: case mAu0L::GQxc3: goto uUDkG; R3lAj: mk0_S: goto i2H6O; i2H6O: goto TuHGL; goto PZKv0; uUDkG: if (!($this->j7CEA($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto mk0_S; } goto Q1U_j; Q1U_j: return "(" . $this->VAw_W($S3_s7) . ")"; goto R3lAj; PZKv0: case mau0L::eXMlF: goto s0t8F; lPAj1: slUe0: goto iNUoT; p_sxW: return "(" . $this->Vaw_W($S3_s7) . ")"; goto lPAj1; iNUoT: goto TuHGL; goto nPbce; s0t8F: if (!($this->SNCoH($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->O5aT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto slUe0; } goto p_sxW; nPbce: case mAu0L::j_bK5: goto SZ4t9; SZ4t9: if (!($this->Rn7oJ($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5AT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto mJ1sW; } goto T5lVN; AdHAw: mJ1sW: goto e9dxm; e9dxm: goto TuHGL; goto NXyA3; T5lVN: return "(" . $this->vaw_W($S3_s7) . ")"; goto AdHAw; NXyA3: case maU0L::uHijV: goto vtTUm; o2mwt: j5y2I: goto bdFcs; PNMDy: return "(" . $this->Vaw_W($S3_s7) . ")"; goto o2mwt; bdFcs: goto TuHGL; goto bha5E; vtTUm: if (!($this->L_pNp($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto j5y2I; } goto PNMDy; bha5E: case MAu0l::MPtpW: case mau0L::PWU0G: goto GJu6J; aWEIi: goto TuHGL; goto iOV1B; sqJEG: d6vQi: goto aWEIi; sZrW8: return ($q586m === MaU0L::PWU0G ? "$" : '') . "{" . $this->VAW_w($S3_s7) . "}"; goto sqJEG; GJu6J: if (!($S3_s7 instanceof bJgeg && !$this->k52R2->ilQvB($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto d6vQi; } goto sZrW8; iOV1B: case mAu0l::Y6pP7: goto bvHjG; YAxoL: goto TuHGL; goto xKXHh; bvHjG: if (!(!$S3_s7 instanceof LD_12\HFpnu && !$this->k52R2->ilqVB($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto sIwb2; } goto UIfXq; hHXom: sIwb2: goto YAxoL; UIfXq: return "{" . $this->VAw_W($S3_s7) . "}"; goto hHXom; xKXHh: default: throw new \Exception("Cannot happen"); } goto r3eMH; r3eMH: evugo: goto xjZQk; tnRMg: } protected function w2sna(string &$QfeS6, string $lNV_p) : void { goto enWmE; rjDoN: $QfeS6 = $lNV_p; goto LooSu; o7N_B: WZ2SO: goto TkUjh; PA356: if (!($lNV_p === '')) { goto WZ2SO; } goto SZh_g; LfTvA: MfDef: goto PA356; SZh_g: return; goto o7N_B; IkVNV: TuxgO: goto u4Lsf; enWmE: if (!($QfeS6 === '')) { goto MfDef; } goto rjDoN; LooSu: return; goto LfTvA; crEMg: goto TuxgO; goto no5sU; s95Tg: $QfeS6 .= $lNV_p; goto IkVNV; TkUjh: if (!$this->CMDp8[$lNV_p[0]] || !$this->CMDp8[$QfeS6[\strlen($QfeS6) - 1]]) { goto abYzn; } goto zkjaD; zkjaD: $QfeS6 .= " " . $lNV_p; goto crEMg; no5sU: abYzn: goto s95Tg; u4Lsf: } protected function J7ceA(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return !($TXkEW instanceof LD_12\cLo1I || $TXkEW instanceof bJGeG\vkTq3 || $TXkEW instanceof bjgeG\Ni2eQ || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEg\WV2nW || $TXkEW instanceof BjGeg\dBqxC || $TXkEW instanceof BJgeg\NnYC6 || $TXkEW instanceof BjgEG\nmzpV || $TXkEW instanceof bjgeG\ASr7e); } protected function snCOh(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return $this->RN7OJ($TXkEW) && !$TXkEW instanceof BjGEG\FQCtL; } protected function rN7oj(LD_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return !($TXkEW instanceof BJGEG\vktq3 || $TXkEW instanceof lD_12\CLO1i || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEg\NI2Eq || $TXkEW instanceof bjgEG\uTrfw || $TXkEW instanceof BjgEg\tMhcH || $TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\tIese || $TXkEW instanceof bJgeg\WV2nW || $TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\DBQxC || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEG\nnYC6 || $TXkEW instanceof bJGeg\nmzpv || $TXkEW instanceof bJGEG\asr7E || $TXkEW instanceof Scalar\QtXZu || $TXkEW instanceof bJgEG\qczYt); } protected function L_Pnp(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { goto npTFH; npTFH: if (!($TXkEW instanceof ld_12\cLo1i || $TXkEW instanceof bjGEg\VktQ3)) { goto LbbVk; } goto BOlzw; LBmiE: clnCA: goto ywk30; Kpja3: return $this->L_pNP($TXkEW->class); goto LBmiE; ywk30: return true; goto xPwSd; c3r2w: if (!$TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\tieSE) { goto clnCA; } goto Kpja3; w2ODB: p3FSW: goto c3r2w; BOlzw: return false; goto hXv2B; mX6GD: return $this->l_pnp($TXkEW->yN9Wf); goto w2ODB; DLGRP: if (!($TXkEW instanceof BjGeG\Ni2Eq || $TXkEW instanceof BJgeG\UTRfw || $TXkEW instanceof bjGeG\TMHCh)) { goto p3FSW; } goto mX6GD; hXv2B: LbbVk: goto DLGRP; xPwSd: } protected function iX_51(int $G61aM) : string { return ($G61aM & sh3U8::mi3ju ? "final " : '') . ($G61aM & sH3u8::n5owB ? "abstract " : '') . ($G61aM & Sh3U8::XgoIe ? "public " : '') . ($G61aM & sH3U8::xcNYp ? "protected " : '') . ($G61aM & Sh3u8::srlQY ? "private " : '') . ($G61aM & sh3U8::SxzCM ? "static " : '') . ($G61aM & sH3U8::aQ2LG ? "readonly " : ''); } protected function ro5R0(bool $jKVQe) : string { return $jKVQe ? "static " : ''; } protected function WljMO(array $Iz7A_) : bool { goto RnAzu; x1SwK: $DhXRQ = -1; goto JhIdn; RnAzu: if (!(\count($Iz7A_) < 2)) { goto I6d50; } goto r7h3i; TWJm4: return true; goto QE9KM; hPxWg: I6d50: goto x1SwK; r7h3i: return false; goto hPxWg; k0VAL: yZ2QW: goto TWJm4; JhIdn: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto z5Pah; ZLukK: CwQAo: goto yCL15; ZDm65: Exef2: goto D_5Sk; iqx0k: yH3eW: goto b11Da; b11Da: $g57Ap = $TXkEW->qcMhw() + 1; goto rWLN7; z5Pah: if (!(null === $TXkEW)) { goto yH3eW; } goto G7CPL; rWLN7: if (!($DhXRQ >= 0)) { goto CwQAo; } goto NN9pn; NN9pn: $qohHZ = $this->k52R2->gNy8D($DhXRQ, $g57Ap, 0); goto Qf6uf; G7CPL: goto Exef2; goto iqx0k; Qf6uf: if (!(false === strpos($qohHZ, "
"))) { goto JpVrc; } goto HQSJP; HQSJP: return false; goto V3gbx; yCL15: $DhXRQ = $g57Ap; goto ZDm65; V3gbx: JpVrc: goto ZLukK; D_5Sk: } goto k0VAL; QE9KM: } protected function mHVoI() : void { goto kFxFl; KuuqN: if (!($ew9mB < 256)) { goto aNSiy; } goto GqS8d; uYEH7: ioESE: goto aks2D; KOjHO: if (!$this->N7oFl->aq2U_()) { goto ioESE; } goto a8bB1; N01d6: goto C4PTQ; goto xSr73; GqS8d: $ISA7v = chr($ew9mB); goto qjyJ0; a8bB1: $this->CMDp8["\177"] = true; goto uYEH7; zLPIa: WRMxa: goto jQMmb; jQMmb: $this->CMDp8 = []; goto ZytT0; WY88f: return; goto zLPIa; ZytT0: $ew9mB = 0; goto Pppq0; IdyFw: $ew9mB++; goto N01d6; VmBEK: fUGOG: goto IdyFw; kFxFl: if (!isset($this->CMDp8)) { goto WRMxa; } goto WY88f; xSr73: aNSiy: goto KOjHO; Pppq0: C4PTQ: goto KuuqN; qjyJ0: $this->CMDp8[$ISA7v] = $ew9mB >= 0x80 || ctype_alnum($ISA7v); goto VmBEK; aks2D: } protected function Nnjrf() : void { goto H2G1Q; uX32V: return; goto B1X5z; H2G1Q: if (!isset($this->dEWdk)) { goto AQGv9; } goto uX32V; B1X5z: AQGv9: goto VEu1P; VEu1P: $this->dEWdk = new gBD1v\MNxcP(function ($VCsN0, $azlFk) { goto HdPla; E7Ra_: return $VCsN0 === null && $azlFk === null; goto Vlj1Q; x7hdp: tOsmW: goto E7Ra_; HdPla: if (!($VCsN0 instanceof ld_12 && $azlFk instanceof LD_12)) { goto tOsmW; } goto A9Eiz; A9Eiz: return $VCsN0 === $azlFk->getAttribute("origNode"); goto x7hdp; Vlj1Q: }); goto owI_5; owI_5: } protected function I8_bx() : void { goto qFgIv; qFgIv: if (!isset($this->ybBj3)) { goto EqVjC; } goto qI__t; m2uwU: $GzsPy = [BinaryOp\Pow::class, BinaryOp\z6sS4::class, BinaryOp\WlMf4::class, BinaryOp\O41Yb::class, BinaryOp\qg_Js::class, BinaryOp\M5lf4::class, BinaryOp\ah9dP::class, BinaryOp\aARlK::class, BinaryOp\iIbvN::class, BinaryOp\glhy4::class, BinaryOp\uNagq::class, BinaryOp\JEwN8::class, BinaryOp\QGMut::class, BinaryOp\wHkNz::class, BinaryOp\IEr2Y::class, BinaryOp\zsODO::class, BinaryOp\kz1Bi::class, BinaryOp\Wyc0c::class, BinaryOp\b____::class, BinaryOp\DTYnB::class, BinaryOp\EKxxL::class, BinaryOp\tPN4o::class, BinaryOp\Hbuvw::class, BinaryOp\IVbPc::class, BinaryOp\n0hxC::class, BinaryOp\Lz3sg::class, BinaryOp\XHlP8::class]; goto VT0_r; OPZZu: Mc_iP: goto G1dzS; b3oro: EqVjC: goto pBoVZ; qPtdH: foreach ($mgbcP as $nOGUT) { $this->ybBj3[$nOGUT] = ["expr" => mAu0l::BTvsp]; ZzWIb: } goto cndco; pBoVZ: $this->ybBj3 = [Expr\Y_aZk::class => ["expr" => mAu0L::BTvsp, "class" => MAu0L::uHijV], Expr\TB_NM::class => ["cond" => MAU0L::RGqZK, "else" => MAu0l::xCF_H], Expr\ceKcL::class => ["value" => MAu0L::BTvsp], Expr\WV2nw::class => ["name" => mau0l::GQxc3], Expr\Nmzpv::class => ["class" => MaU0L::j_bK5], Expr\ni2eq::class => ["var" => maU0l::eXMlF], Expr\QczYt::class => ["class" => mau0l::j_bK5, "name" => MaU0l::MPtpW], Expr\MDqYW::class => ["class" => mAU0l::uHijV], Expr\DBqXc::class => ["var" => mAU0L::eXMlF, "name" => mau0L::MPtpW], Expr\Nnyc6::class => ["var" => mAU0L::eXMlF, "name" => mAu0l::MPtpW], Expr\tiesE::class => ["class" => maU0L::j_bK5, "name" => mAu0l::PWU0G], Expr\UtRfw::class => ["var" => maU0l::eXMlF, "name" => maU0l::MPtpW], Expr\tMHch::class => ["var" => MAu0l::eXMlF, "name" => maU0L::MPtpW], Scalar\Uxksb::class => ["parts" => MaU0l::Y6pP7]]; goto m2uwU; cndco: ngAyA: goto U39W0; qI__t: return; goto b3oro; G1dzS: $mgbcP = [Expr\wG026::class, Expr\Aoh8Q::class, Expr\VqfnM::class, Expr\bmiPE::class, Expr\yD0H9::class, Cast\VxfoI::class, Cast\NnRIF::class, Cast\QTxzU::class, Cast\aSR7E::class, Cast\SyymL::class, Cast\l0OjU::class, Cast\FJg6E::class, Expr\NGGJ9::class, Expr\oUEqw::class, Expr\Wwo8d::class, Expr\XoX3f::class, Expr\G17lm::class, Expr\tT1Qf::class, AssignOp\qG_jS::class, AssignOp\M5lf4::class, AssignOp\z6ss4::class, AssignOp\WLMF4::class, AssignOp\AH9dP::class, AssignOp\o41yB::class, AssignOp\B____::class, AssignOp\Ekxxl::class, AssignOp\dtYnB::class, AssignOp\AaRLK::class, AssignOp\iiBvN::class, AssignOp\Pow::class, AssignOp\Ivbpc::class, Expr\HpXmQ::class, Expr\xLvIZ::class]; goto qPtdH; VT0_r: foreach ($GzsPy as $QilQt) { $this->ybBj3[$QilQt] = ["left" => MaU0L::RGqZK, "right" => mAu0L::xCF_H]; zdU0k: } goto OPZZu; U39W0: } protected function ZNasy() : void { goto k1dxa; JGflP: return; goto cNApb; RTyYq: $FyOj1 = ["left" => "="]; goto Rth2s; DGpzG: $LtVif = ["left" => ":"]; goto RTyYq; Rth2s: $this->EH1so = ["Expr_ArrayDimFetch->dim" => $SkutL, "ArrayItem->key" => $JFAed, "Expr_ArrowFunction->returnType" => $LtVif, "Expr_Closure->returnType" => $LtVif, "Expr_Exit->expr" => $SkutL, "Expr_Ternary->if" => $SkutL, "Expr_Yield->key" => $JFAed, "Expr_Yield->value" => $SkutL, "Param->type" => $QFGdI, "Param->default" => $FyOj1, "Stmt_Break->num" => $SkutL, "Stmt_Catch->var" => $Rhbuz, "Stmt_ClassConst->type" => $QFGdI, "Stmt_ClassMethod->returnType" => $LtVif, "Stmt_Class->extends" => ["left" => \T_EXTENDS], "Stmt_Enum->scalarType" => $LtVif, "Stmt_EnumCase->expr" => $FyOj1, "Expr_PrintableNewAnonClass->extends" => ["left" => \T_EXTENDS], "Stmt_Continue->num" => $SkutL, "Stmt_Foreach->keyVar" => $JFAed, "Stmt_Function->returnType" => $LtVif, "Stmt_If->else" => $Rhbuz, "Stmt_Namespace->name" => $Rhbuz, "Stmt_Property->type" => $QFGdI, "PropertyItem->default" => $FyOj1, "Stmt_Return->expr" => $SkutL, "Stmt_StaticVar->default" => $FyOj1, "Stmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias->newName" => $Rhbuz, "Stmt_TryCatch->finally" => $Rhbuz]; goto Pj1Th; eKuK1: $QFGdI = ["right" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto aQGot; aQGot: $JFAed = ["right" => \T_DOUBLE_ARROW]; goto DGpzG; k1dxa: if (!isset($this->EH1so)) { goto wpBSe; } goto JGflP; Se3CK: $Rhbuz = ["left" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto eKuK1; inep9: $SkutL = ["left" => \T_WHITESPACE, "right" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto Se3CK; cNApb: wpBSe: goto inep9; Pj1Th: } protected function wzUUZ() : void { goto aWHbh; dhEB_: CDsEw: goto ht8eb; ht8eb: $this->hU4GD = ["Expr_ArrayDimFetch->dim" => ["[", false, null, null], "ArrayItem->key" => [null, false, null, " => "], "Expr_ArrowFunction->returnType" => [")", false, ": ", null], "Expr_Closure->returnType" => [")", false, ": ", null], "Expr_Ternary->if" => ["?", false, " ", " "], "Expr_Yield->key" => [\T_YIELD, false, null, " => "], "Expr_Yield->value" => [\T_YIELD, false, " ", null], "Param->type" => [null, false, null, " "], "Param->default" => [null, false, " = ", null], "Stmt_Break->num" => [\T_BREAK, false, " ", null], "Stmt_Catch->var" => [null, false, " ", null], "Stmt_ClassMethod->returnType" => [")", false, ": ", null], "Stmt_ClassConst->type" => [\T_CONST, false, " ", null], "Stmt_Class->extends" => [null, false, " extends ", null], "Stmt_Enum->scalarType" => [null, false, " : ", null], "Stmt_EnumCase->expr" => [null, false, " = ", null], "Expr_PrintableNewAnonClass->extends" => [null, false, " extends ", null], "Stmt_Continue->num" => [\T_CONTINUE, false, " ", null], "Stmt_Foreach->keyVar" => [\T_AS, false, null, " => "], "Stmt_Function->returnType" => [")", false, ": ", null], "Stmt_If->else" => [null, false, " ", null], "Stmt_Namespace->name" => [\T_NAMESPACE, false, " ", null], "Stmt_Property->type" => [\T_VARIABLE, true, null, " "], "PropertyItem->default" => [null, false, " = ", null], "Stmt_Return->expr" => [\T_RETURN, false, " ", null], "Stmt_StaticVar->default" => [null, false, " = ", null], "Stmt_TryCatch->finally" => [null, false, " ", null]]; goto pkf6T; qfmpc: return; goto dhEB_; aWHbh: if (!isset($this->hU4GD)) { goto CDsEw; } goto qfmpc; pkf6T: } protected function cnGfj() : void { goto VvVC1; a90QZ: $this->g10k2 = [Stmt\CUohR::class . "->types" => "|", iCx3n::class . "->types" => "|", FXefR::class . "->types" => "&", Stmt\qzLTL::class . "->elseifs" => " ", Stmt\W9Z0B::class . "->catches" => " ", Expr\aSR7E::class . "->items" => ", ", Expr\hpxMQ::class . "->params" => ", ", Expr\Closure::class . "->params" => ", ", Expr\Closure::class . "->uses" => ", ", Expr\wV2nw::class . "->args" => ", ", Expr\H_V2z::class . "->vars" => ", ", Expr\m83Tr::class . "->items" => ", ", Expr\dBQxc::class . "->args" => ", ", Expr\nNYc6::class . "->args" => ", ", Expr\MdQYW::class . "->args" => ", ", mue5Y::class . "->args" => ", ", Expr\NMZPV::class . "->args" => ", ", Stmt\OkPvx::class . "->consts" => ", ", Stmt\GhMnt::class . "->params" => ", ", Stmt\L2BiJ::class . "->implements" => ", ", Stmt\cvvpx::class . "->implements" => ", ", Mue5y::class . "->implements" => ", ", Stmt\ptlB1::class . "->consts" => ", ", Stmt\pRLtS::class . "->declares" => ", ", Stmt\RmF6q::class . "->exprs" => ", ", Stmt\UAcpg::class . "->init" => ", ", Stmt\UAcpG::class . "->cond" => ", ", Stmt\UacPG::class . "->loop" => ", ", Stmt\HOcqD::class . "->params" => ", ", Stmt\IwODN::class . "->vars" => ", ", Stmt\bCvMj::class . "->uses" => ", ", Stmt\r1RE9::class . "->extends" => ", ", Expr\yZe5t::class . "->arms" => ", ", Stmt\nZyCS::class . "->props" => ", ", Stmt\GI2iB::class . "->vars" => ", ", Stmt\s_4ew::class . "->traits" => ", ", Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\bMnib::class . "->insteadof" => ", ", Stmt\FjG6e::class . "->vars" => ", ", Stmt\hrBp7::class . "->uses" => ", ", AiFpp::class . "->conds" => ", ", K0Si3::class . "->attrs" => ", ", Expr\Closure::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\iiHzC::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\CUOHr::class . "->stmts" => "
", Stmt\L2BIJ::class . "->stmts" => "
", Stmt\CVvpX::class . "->stmts" => "
", MUe5Y::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\r1Re9::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\VwxNK::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\GHMNt::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\PRLTs::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\wmoQp::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\Dy90o::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\x9nF2::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\o0c51::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\VR1TX::class . "->stmts" => "
", Stmt\UaCPg::class . "->stmts" => "
", Stmt\HOcQd::class . "->stmts" => "
", Stmt\QZLTL::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\KwKeI::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\kw8Nd::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\l2bIj::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\Cvvpx::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\nlaw_::class . "->attrGroups" => "\xa", Stmt\R1Re9::class . "->attrGroups" => "\xa", Stmt\VWXnK::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\hoCQd::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\GhmnT::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\okpvx::class . "->attrGroups" => "
", Stmt\NZycs::class . "->attrGroups" => "\xa", mUe5y::class . "->attrGroups" => " ", Expr\Closure::class . "->attrGroups" => " ", Expr\HPXmQ::class . "->attrGroups" => " ", y3sqb::class . "->attrGroups" => " ", Stmt\v6Pj0::class . "->cases" => "
", Stmt\S_4Ew::class . "->adaptations" => "
", Stmt\W9Z0B::class . "->stmts" => "\xa", Stmt\qorx7::class . "->stmts" => "
", "File->stmts" => "
"]; goto WfHZI; VvVC1: if (!isset($this->g10k2)) { goto DvqSQ; } goto SsFSa; SsFSa: return; goto ovEQp; ovEQp: DvqSQ: goto a90QZ; WfHZI: } protected function dMmTJ() : void { goto adV_m; adV_m: if (!isset($this->EfR5I)) { goto pw7wR; } goto rC0s_; rC0s_: return; goto FJl_Z; FJl_Z: pw7wR: goto gIqwn; gIqwn: $this->EfR5I = [Expr\hPxmq::class . "->params" => ["(", '', ''], Expr\Closure::class . "->uses" => [")", " use (", ")"], Expr\Closure::class . "->params" => ["(", '', ''], Expr\WV2nw::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], Expr\DBqXc::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], Expr\Nnyc6::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], Expr\mdQyW::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], Mue5y::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], mUe5Y::class . "->implements" => [null, " implements ", ''], Expr\NMZpv::class . "->args" => ["(", '', ''], Stmt\l2bij::class . "->implements" => [null, " implements ", ''], Stmt\CVVpx::class . "->implements" => [null, " implements ", ''], Stmt\ghMnT::class . "->params" => ["(", '', ''], Stmt\r1re9::class . "->extends" => [null, " extends ", ''], Stmt\hoCQD::class . "->params" => ["(", '', ''], Stmt\R1re9::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "\xa"], Stmt\l2BiJ::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "
"], Stmt\oKPVx::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "
"], Stmt\GHMnt::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "
"], Stmt\hoCqd::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "
"], Stmt\NZyCS::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "\xa"], Stmt\VWxNK::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', "\xa"], Expr\HPxmQ::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', " "], Expr\Closure::class . "->attrGroups" => [null, '', " "], Mue5Y::class . "->attrGroups" => [\T_NEW, " ", '']]; goto oa3zZ; oa3zZ: } protected function XQWJc() : void { goto I3WmO; j81dX: return; goto vQaBF; vQaBF: SU64F: goto d96gi; d96gi: $this->hgdb2 = [Stmt\OKpvX::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_CONST], Stmt\GhmnT::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_FUNCTION], Stmt\L2BiJ::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_CLASS], Stmt\nZycs::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_VARIABLE], mUe5Y::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_CLASS], Y3sqb::class . "->flags" => ["pModifiers", \T_VARIABLE], Expr\Closure::class . "->static" => ["pStatic", \T_FUNCTION], Expr\HPXmQ::class . "->static" => ["pStatic", \T_FN]]; goto OVNnZ; I3WmO: if (!isset($this->hgdb2)) { goto SU64F; } goto j81dX; OVNnZ: } } ?>

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Original Code

 declare (strict_types=1); namespace bwTF1; use BwTF1\GBd1v\dDLza; use BWTf1\gbd1v\MnXCp; use bwTF1\Gbd1v\MuE5Y; use bwTf1\gbd1v\paHet; use bwtF1\lD_12\k0sI3; use bwtF1\Ld_12\BjGEG; use BWtf1\ld_12\bJgeg\JZhHH; use BwTF1\ld_12\BjGeg\N0q4e; use bwTF1\Ld_12\bJGeG\oSWZt; use BwtF1\ld_12\FXEfr; use bWTf1\Ld_12\aifpP; use bwTf1\Ld_12\Y3sqB; use BWTf1\lD_12\Scalar; use BWTF1\lD_12\VwYcR; use bwTf1\LD_12\IcX3N; abstract class A_Pvb implements Yyjve { protected const RGqZK = 0; protected const xCF_H = 1; protected const BTvsp = 2; protected const GQxc3 = 3; protected const eXMlF = 4; protected const j_bK5 = 5; protected const MPtpW = 6; protected const PWU0G = 7; protected const Y6pP7 = 8; protected const uHijV = 9; protected const EML5n = 1000; protected array $XObzu = [Expr\wG026::class => [-10, 0, 1], BinaryOp\Pow::class => [0, 0, 1], Expr\AOh8Q::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\bMipE::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\yD0H9::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\vXfOI::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\NnRIF::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\QtxzU::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\Asr7e::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\SYyml::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\l0oJU::class => [10, -1, -1], Cast\fjg6E::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\nggj9::class => [10, -1, -1], Expr\Y_aZk::class => [20, -1, -1], Expr\VqfnM::class => [30, -1, -1], BinaryOp\Z6sS4::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\WLMF4::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\o41YB::class => [40, 41, 40], BinaryOp\QG_js::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\M5Lf4::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\AH9DP::class => [50, 51, 50], BinaryOp\AArlK::class => [60, 61, 60], BinaryOp\IIBvn::class => [60, 61, 60], BinaryOp\GLHy4::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\unaGq::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\Jewn8::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\qGMUt::class => [70, 70, 70], BinaryOp\WHKnz::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\ieR2y::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\ZSOdo::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\KZ1bI::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\wYC0c::class => [80, 80, 80], BinaryOp\B____::class => [90, 91, 90], BinaryOp\dTyNb::class => [100, 101, 100], BinaryOp\eKxxl::class => [110, 111, 110], BinaryOp\tpn4O::class => [120, 121, 120], BinaryOp\hbUVW::class => [130, 131, 130], BinaryOp\ivBpc::class => [140, 140, 141], Expr\TB_NM::class => [150, -1, -1], Expr\g17LM::class => [160, -1, -1], Expr\Tt1Qf::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\qG_jS::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\m5lf4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\z6sS4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\wLmf4::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\Ah9dP::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\o41Yb::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\b____::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\EKXXl::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\DtYNb::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\AArlk::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\IIBVN::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\Pow::class => [160, -1, -1], AssignOp\iVbpC::class => [160, -1, -1], Expr\oueQW::class => [170, -1, -1], Expr\cEKCl::class => [175, -1, -1], Expr\wWo8D::class => [180, -1, -1], BinaryOp\n0hxC::class => [190, 191, 190], BinaryOp\Lz3SG::class => [200, 201, 200], BinaryOp\XHLp8::class => [210, 211, 210], Expr\XoX3F::class => [220, -1, -1], Expr\hpxmq::class => [230, -1, -1], Expr\XlvIZ::class => [240, -1, -1]]; protected int $xVyEp; protected string $pKCqg; protected string $Ctbcj; protected ?string $V21P0; protected bool $TAp4u; protected bool $mLQh9; protected PhpVersion $N7oFl; protected ?TokenStream $k52R2; protected Differ $dEWdk; protected array $CMDp8; protected array $ybBj3; protected array $EH1so; protected array $hU4GD; protected array $g10k2; protected array $EfR5I; protected array $hgdb2; public function __construct(array $LOEPT = []) { goto HTrtr; HTrtr: $this->N7oFl = $LOEPT["\160\x68\160\126\x65\162\163\151\x6f\x6e"] ?? PhpVersion::bURXi(7, 4); goto PzRUh; tW4ic: throw new \LogicException("\117\160\x74\x69\x6f\156\40\42\156\x65\167\154\x69\x6e\145\42\x20\155\x75\x73\164\x20\x62\x65\x20\x6f\156\x65\40\157\x66\x20\x22\134\x6e\x22\x20\157\162\x20\x22\134\x72\134\x6e\42"); goto JORfk; UZh2q: $this->mLQh9 = $LOEPT["\163\150\157\162\x74\101\162\x72\x61\171\x53\171\x6e\164\x61\170"] ?? $this->N7oFl->r1Udy(); goto hCq42; JORfk: nb68S: goto UZh2q; PzRUh: $this->pKCqg = $LOEPT["\x6e\145\167\154\x69\156\145"] ?? "\xa"; goto gQmIe; gQmIe: if (!($this->pKCqg !== "\xa" && $this->pKCqg != "\15\xa")) { goto nb68S; } goto tW4ic; hCq42: $this->V21P0 = $this->N7oFl->kK377() ? null : "\x5f\104\117\103\x5f\123\x54\122\x49\x4e\x47\137\105\116\x44\x5f" . mt_rand(); goto z1FLw; z1FLw: } protected function brw7O() : void { goto uUz1P; uUz1P: $this->xVyEp = 0; goto HnrkV; h01qi: $this->k52R2 = null; goto XZkOb; HnrkV: $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg; goto h01qi; XZkOb: } protected function MfNIZ(int $BLXma) : void { $this->xVyEp = $BLXma; $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg . \str_repeat("\x20", $BLXma); } protected function ZHwH0() : void { $this->xVyEp += 4; $this->Ctbcj .= "\40\x20\x20\40"; } protected function Jt2yu() : void { goto AXFcn; zzC2W: $this->Ctbcj = $this->pKCqg . str_repeat("\x20", $this->xVyEp); goto M6lpb; FKJ5P: $this->xVyEp -= 4; goto zzC2W; AXFcn: assert($this->xVyEp >= 4); goto FKJ5P; M6lpb: } public function C5_2d(array $mHEbx) : string { goto hbki8; bMPoy: return ltrim($this->HtGUZ($this->wYHfl($mHEbx, false))); goto xqpdi; NqPu5: $this->kSVg2($mHEbx); goto bMPoy; hbki8: $this->BrW7o(); goto NqPu5; xqpdi: } public function sqHkS(bJgEG $TXkEW) : string { $this->BrW7O(); return $this->hTguz($this->VAw_W($TXkEW)); } public function pY_sU(array $mHEbx) : string { goto S5BIG; Dl935: bS3bR: goto kD5Ek; dP2pJ: qVJyF: goto euTjV; S5BIG: if ($mHEbx) { goto bS3bR; } goto vVUBe; Z07h2: svGl9: goto vr4bX; euTjV: return $djT7O; goto ASmXQ; e4GTp: if (!$mHEbx[0] instanceof VwyCr\CJbBD) { goto svGl9; } goto F_cdF; F_cdF: $djT7O = preg_replace("\x2f\x5e\74\134\x3f\160\150\160\x5c\163\53\x5c\x3f\76\x5c\162\77\x5c\156\x3f\57", '', $djT7O); goto Z07h2; zw5u1: $djT7O = preg_replace("\x2f\x3c\x5c\77\160\150\x70\44\x2f", '', rtrim($djT7O)); goto dP2pJ; kD5Ek: $djT7O = "\x3c\x3f\x70\150\160" . $this->pKCqg . $this->pKCqg . $this->c5_2d($mHEbx); goto e4GTp; vVUBe: return "\x3c\77\x70\x68\160" . $this->pKCqg . $this->pKCqg; goto Dl935; vr4bX: if (!$mHEbx[count($mHEbx) - 1] instanceof vWyCR\CjbBd) { goto qVJyF; } goto zw5u1; ASmXQ: } protected function KsvG2(array $Iz7A_) : void { goto T66Ml; PVptK: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto gkIus; p7mgQ: lyqmG: goto SUkus; cAfCM: goto tCNqf; goto p7mgQ; gkIus: if (!($TXkEW instanceof VWyCR\kwKEi && null === $TXkEW->name)) { goto lyqmG; } goto fANTF; fANTF: $this->TAp4u = false; goto cAfCM; SUkus: wuMIF: goto HiIZA; HiIZA: } goto jw0q4; T66Ml: $this->TAp4u = true; goto PVptK; jw0q4: tCNqf: goto xzy32; xzy32: } protected function HtGuZ(string $QfeS6) : string { goto OxZjT; quvcy: $QfeS6 = str_replace($this->V21P0, $this->pKCqg, $QfeS6); goto aYLE5; d_dqT: $QfeS6 = str_replace($this->V21P0 . "\x3b" . $this->pKCqg, "\73" . $this->pKCqg, $QfeS6); goto quvcy; aYLE5: QVZZ8: goto HlZ7_; OxZjT: if (!($this->V21P0 !== null)) { goto QVZZ8; } goto d_dqT; HlZ7_: return $QfeS6; goto WqTI_; WqTI_: } protected function WYhFL(array $Iz7A_, bool $zYJii = true) : string { goto PmAav; PmAav: if (!$zYJii) { goto DkHQ5; } goto xG95c; gNsne: NlJit: goto Txmwv; xG95c: $this->ZHWh0(); goto ETzDj; ETzDj: DkHQ5: goto VwqII; S0lsc: $this->JT2yU(); goto gNsne; Om0Ht: cQi8N: goto tkcro; VwqII: $hLP1m = ''; goto FVDMK; Txmwv: return $hLP1m; goto CXLhP; tkcro: if (!$zYJii) { goto NlJit; } goto S0lsc; FVDMK: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto gnzeH; gnzeH: $gd6ha = $TXkEW->sATFO(); goto bPt1z; D2X1g: UtsWs: goto EyUG1; EyUG1: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->VaW_W($TXkEW); goto LTaPJ; bPt1z: if (!$gd6ha) { goto UtsWs; } goto T5Yby; sLr1I: goto qTHAs; goto wVKqy; LTaPJ: qTHAs: goto QXTIm; wVKqy: NeVwz: goto D2X1g; UbJ0B: if (!$TXkEW instanceof vwyCr\GCFWL) { goto NeVwz; } goto sLr1I; T5Yby: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->lzbd5($gd6ha); goto UbJ0B; QXTIm: } goto Om0Ht; CXLhP: } protected function wKTob(string $olc9t, lD_12 $LEwzS, string $gfHuO, ld_12 $sMjkr, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto OrOfT; DZGRT: $QXHzn = ''; goto ZU8k7; ZYtg9: $QXHzn = "\x28"; goto jQmx9; SZii5: IuAqk: goto dEF0o; kauG7: if (!($GZZOr >= $o0ca8)) { goto IuAqk; } goto ZYtg9; dEF0o: return $QXHzn . $this->vaW_w($LEwzS, $AhQN3, $AhQN3) . $gfHuO . $this->VAw_W($sMjkr, $jvLhV, $iUZ3G) . $zT1Dr; goto Xq5ij; Wj0VH: $iUZ3G = mAu0L::EML5n; goto SZii5; OrOfT: list($GZZOr, $AhQN3, $jvLhV) = $this->XObzu[$olc9t]; goto DZGRT; jQmx9: $zT1Dr = "\51"; goto Wj0VH; ZU8k7: $zT1Dr = ''; goto kauG7; Xq5ij: } protected function doA4n(string $olc9t, string $gfHuO, LD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto m0Vu1; LG1L2: XxUFp: goto Zl73u; dn40x: if (!($gfHuO === "\53" && $gKgUx[0] === "\53" || $gfHuO === "\55" && $gKgUx[0] === "\x2d")) { goto XxUFp; } goto rRYrf; cb9WN: $QXHzn = "\50"; goto Z_ODI; rRYrf: $gKgUx = "\x28" . $gKgUx . "\x29"; goto LG1L2; xoXLc: $iUZ3G = mAU0l::EML5n; goto VhF8t; TO4xC: if (!($GZZOr >= $iUZ3G)) { goto eGtgk; } goto cb9WN; cGD6z: $QXHzn = ''; goto YHTTy; ltnfY: $gKgUx = $this->Vaw_W($TXkEW, $GZZOr, $iUZ3G); goto dn40x; Z_ODI: $zT1Dr = "\x29"; goto xoXLc; m0Vu1: $GZZOr = $this->XObzu[$olc9t][0]; goto cGD6z; VhF8t: eGtgk: goto ltnfY; Zl73u: return $QXHzn . $gfHuO . $gKgUx . $zT1Dr; goto Zsc06; YHTTy: $zT1Dr = ''; goto TO4xC; Zsc06: } protected function yMPWx(string $olc9t, LD_12 $TXkEW, string $gfHuO, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { goto BeIlr; Vtmxz: $iUZ3G = $GZZOr; goto l8hlE; bPEgd: $QXHzn = ''; goto Cr6cl; ltssv: $QXHzn = "\x28"; goto p4xrh; pC28C: H62m_: goto A6ZVW; oRQxi: if (!($GZZOr >= $o0ca8)) { goto H62m_; } goto ltssv; PUf32: return $QXHzn . $this->vAW_w($TXkEW, $GZZOr, $iUZ3G) . $gfHuO . $zT1Dr; goto Z2rr7; p4xrh: $zT1Dr = "\x29"; goto Sxt8t; Cr6cl: $zT1Dr = ''; goto oRQxi; Sxt8t: $iUZ3G = maU0L::EML5n; goto pC28C; l8hlE: XzJao: goto PUf32; A6ZVW: if (!($GZZOr < $iUZ3G)) { goto XzJao; } goto Vtmxz; BeIlr: $GZZOr = $this->XObzu[$olc9t][0]; goto bPEgd; Z2rr7: } protected function nlTuO(array $Iz7A_, string $jMcXK = '') : string { goto YvMxo; YvMxo: $pXfNt = []; goto R7G0N; R7G0N: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto AOH92; nM_rW: $pXfNt[] = $this->vAw_W($TXkEW); goto Bj8_B; Kz9SF: $pXfNt[] = ''; goto e_nIE; Bj8_B: goto xDcb0; goto rKB_L; rKB_L: ySNcf: goto Kz9SF; e_nIE: xDcb0: goto dC_14; AOH92: if (null === $TXkEW) { goto ySNcf; } goto nM_rW; dC_14: AR2Lg: goto KtSe4; KtSe4: } goto mdhPZ; OUjw5: return implode($jMcXK, $pXfNt); goto euIxa; mdhPZ: vXIYR: goto OUjw5; euIxa: } protected function HufKi(array $Iz7A_) : string { return $this->NLTUo($Iz7A_, "\54\40"); } protected function dpL3p(array $Iz7A_, bool $USYy8) : string { goto c1wxZ; c1wxZ: $this->ZhwH0(); goto eaxll; sSYe1: $HhmW7 = count($Iz7A_) - 1; goto vcpr8; eaxll: $hLP1m = ''; goto sSYe1; vcpr8: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $k59zW => $TXkEW) { goto ULNT7; IwkYR: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->LZbD5($gd6ha); goto p4Ja6; p4Ja6: WLN1S: goto qqd3S; qqd3S: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj . $this->VaW_w($TXkEW); goto dv5Xj; U5X30: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj; goto nvy_C; Y0IjE: HoKnw: goto ctwFW; ULNT7: if ($TXkEW !== null) { goto iQF5Y; } goto U5X30; nvy_C: goto nTI43; goto X7p3Y; LidEC: if (!($USYy8 || $k59zW !== $HhmW7)) { goto HoKnw; } goto FyGYX; TfwkC: $gd6ha = $TXkEW->sATfO(); goto xDxgZ; FyGYX: $hLP1m .= "\54"; goto Y0IjE; X7p3Y: iQF5Y: goto TfwkC; dv5Xj: nTI43: goto LidEC; xDxgZ: if (!$gd6ha) { goto WLN1S; } goto IwkYR; ctwFW: ENYOw: goto m9sDn; m9sDn: } goto r9Q8O; r9Q8O: nhRPW: goto a2lV6; a2lV6: $this->jt2YU(); goto L7dli; L7dli: return $hLP1m; goto zXd3c; zXd3c: } protected function lZBD5(array $gd6ha) : string { goto Y3Z0I; CQtr1: return implode($this->Ctbcj, $isyjh); goto OfDKF; Y3Z0I: $isyjh = []; goto EZjJO; EZjJO: foreach ($gd6ha as $u5yve) { $isyjh[] = str_replace("\xa", $this->Ctbcj, $u5yve->b_m3U()); IOEXJ: } goto ozzXF; ozzXF: ekkCn: goto CQtr1; OfDKF: } public function GVAMz(array $mHEbx, array $ApthK, array $K5e0u) : string { goto GY_8T; bsmCF: $this->BRw7O(); goto T3Rdj; nb0t8: return $this->hTGUz($hLP1m); goto KQ3EY; P1TB0: goto ZW3Gu; goto R3WS0; g93aK: $this->ZNaSy(); goto rutTq; UKd3E: $this->ksvG2($mHEbx); goto YJ0TP; nUhP_: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNY8D($DhXRQ, count($K5e0u) - 1, 0); goto hKuur; T3Rdj: $this->k52R2 = new paHeT($K5e0u); goto UKd3E; R3WS0: WkIbX: goto nUhP_; B81Tl: $hLP1m = "\74\x3f\x70\x68\x70" . $this->pKCqg . $this->wYhFl($mHEbx, false); goto P1TB0; QDx2V: $this->CNgFj(); goto Shz07; Shz07: $this->DmmTj(); goto BFGyj; WVnyo: $this->mHVoi(); goto xL3Th; pVImZ: $hLP1m = $this->SjDjy($mHEbx, $ApthK, $DhXRQ, 0, "\x46\151\154\145", "\x73\164\155\x74\x73", null); goto EQuGW; xL3Th: $this->I8_bX(); goto g93aK; BFGyj: $this->XQWJC(); goto bsmCF; YJ0TP: $DhXRQ = 0; goto pVImZ; GY_8T: $this->nNJrF(); goto WVnyo; rutTq: $this->wZUuz(); goto QDx2V; EQuGW: if (null !== $hLP1m) { goto WkIbX; } goto B81Tl; hKuur: ZW3Gu: goto nb0t8; KQ3EY: } protected function cU0GK(lD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8, int $iUZ3G) : string { return $this->{"\x70" . $TXkEW->getType()}($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); } protected function vAw_w(lD_12 $TXkEW, int $o0ca8 = MaU0l::EML5n, int $iUZ3G = MaU0L::EML5n, bool $cegN5 = false) : string { goto tk4fT; ATF6Q: $olc9t = \get_class($TXkEW); goto wsaJz; eDV3K: $nmkh1 = $TXkEW; goto xjn8e; FTXHa: a4Tjq: goto ATF6Q; ShRyX: return $this->Cu0gK($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto FTXHa; GHvaF: $TXkEW = mUe5y::OpYnU($TXkEW); goto b1KyP; OcDig: $lb0P7 = $TXkEW->getAttribute("\x6f\162\x69\147\116\x6f\x64\x65"); goto JoEsn; Ck4jW: return $this->{"\x70" . $TXkEW->getType()}($TXkEW, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto zbW1g; b1KyP: $lb0P7 = MUe5y::OpyNu($lb0P7); goto NTGOY; tk4fT: if ($this->k52R2) { goto rbPKW; } goto Ck4jW; R1elI: HzQ19: goto BB7Ih; NTGOY: $olc9t = mue5y::class; goto R1elI; zbW1g: rbPKW: goto OcDig; vKIxT: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNy8D($DhXRQ, $g57Ap + 1, $leqld); goto IoXv7; Y5H_U: return $this->CU0GK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto avWf_; kZWqH: $Taiw8 = $TXkEW->getType(); goto HfnA6; zw9WG: \assert($tYjpk >= 0 && $g57Ap >= 0); goto eDV3K; BB7Ih: if (!($TXkEW instanceof VWycr\cjBBd && !$cegN5)) { goto v4XQw; } goto Y5H_U; JlhH2: foreach ($TXkEW->sxzra() as $SUSP2) { goto ua57S; d2Bqj: goto S1ega; goto Otgt8; iU6W5: goto c0R_f; goto wfvop; QJ7N7: JKcwp: goto s0KM5; aOShJ: if (!isset($RfUZK["\154\145\146\164"])) { goto y5K4u; } goto UBPZ1; hZXyU: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->C9r76($PWlKg); goto zvfbL; hjNYd: return $this->Cu0gK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto GPcUV; hWeyC: if (!($S3_s7 === $qg8GO)) { goto MWMe9; } goto oZZ2_; ua57S: $S3_s7 = $TXkEW->{$SUSP2}; goto ycLbc; aRtba: jYrPY: goto D2jX9; w1ydc: $AoR3d = $this->sjdJy($S3_s7, $qg8GO, $DhXRQ, $leqld, $olc9t, $SUSP2, $r42cS[$SUSP2] ?? null); goto NzBJM; jSZQN: if (isset($this->EH1so[$ZsHp3])) { goto HvlIE; } goto gKQ02; KIObT: DObdx: goto NCJXA; TVN5S: LkAPQ: goto djXKe; jWk8H: y5K4u: goto b3KDa; oJZBx: if (!(null === $S3_s7)) { goto JKcwp; } goto wP5UJ; bhl8p: LnEg8: goto oJZBx; OKDDh: khgHV: goto QJ7N7; oZZ2_: goto c0R_f; goto LohgU; bq1kb: if (isset($this->hgdb2[$ZsHp3])) { goto WwwdR; } goto WcdSA; V8vyb: if (!(!$S3_s7 instanceof ld_12 && $S3_s7 !== null || !$qg8GO instanceof Ld_12 && $qg8GO !== null)) { goto LkAPQ; } goto hWeyC; ycLbc: $qg8GO = $lb0P7->{$SUSP2}; goto V8vyb; Otgt8: aLocq: goto Vsufh; NCJXA: if (!(null === $NMXN2 && null !== $Kf611)) { goto L3cq0; } goto hZXyU; b3KDa: if (!isset($RfUZK["\162\x69\147\x68\x74"])) { goto khgHV; } goto lPHLs; djXKe: $NMXN2 = ''; goto fJsg5; WcdSA: return $this->Cu0Gk($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto pOeZV; lPHLs: $EIK4G = $this->k52R2->j745s($EIK4G + 1, $RfUZK["\162\151\x67\x68\x74"]) - 1; goto OKDDh; emloA: goto c0R_f; goto lkx1R; Vyj28: goto DObdx; goto tT7CS; RWwEF: if (isset($this->hU4GD[$ZsHp3])) { goto NFYj_; } goto hjNYd; yeISW: $n_gmz = $this->VaW_W($S3_s7, Mau0l::EML5n, maU0l::EML5n, true); goto d2Bqj; GPcUV: NFYj_: goto XkiRR; eKKZt: $ZsHp3 = $olc9t . "\x2d\x3e" . $SUSP2; goto bq1kb; cDDwu: $hLP1m .= $AoR3d; goto iU6W5; gKQ02: return $this->cu0Gk($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto Zc0lJ; NXWVD: $this->MfNiZ($GjQO4); goto mboiX; jWSMr: $RfUZK = $this->EH1so[$ZsHp3]; goto aOShJ; GhlFn: $EIK4G = $qg8GO->QCmhw(); goto Mo4R4; tpfs4: if (!(null !== $S3_s7)) { goto jYrPY; } goto urA5d; wP5UJ: $ZsHp3 = $Taiw8 . "\55\x3e" . $SUSP2; goto jSZQN; D2jX9: $DhXRQ = $EIK4G + 1; goto agnY5; dFojl: if (isset($r42cS[$SUSP2]) && $S3_s7->getAttribute("\157\162\x69\147\116\x6f\144\145") !== $qg8GO) { goto aLocq; } goto yeISW; Fhc4f: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto H8wv0; agnY5: c0R_f: goto y0SsD; cfylu: ovQAd: goto LfL3E; R2Qf3: $EIK4G = $PWlKg - 1; goto yXvAY; LfL3E: $PWlKg = $qg8GO->RR1NI(); goto GhlFn; xcXtw: $PWlKg = $DhXRQ; goto Vyj28; H8wv0: $this->MfNiz($this->k52R2->guKvj($PWlKg) + $leqld); goto dFojl; lkx1R: OJe60: goto jU8JH; mboiX: $hLP1m .= $Kf611; goto aRtba; eqE3A: $hLP1m .= $this->{$Y05Di}($S3_s7); goto WCdZW; zZEdM: return $this->CU0gK($nmkh1, $o0ca8, $iUZ3G); goto KmNb4; Mo4R4: \assert($PWlKg >= 0 && $EIK4G >= 0); goto bhl8p; tEZ0X: $this->w2snA($hLP1m, $n_gmz); goto NXWVD; tT7CS: X4HW3: goto lEQFO; RaWS1: if (!(is_array($S3_s7) && is_array($qg8GO))) { goto BMEje; } goto w1ydc; Vsufh: $q586m = $r42cS[$SUSP2]; goto DNbFa; NzBJM: if (!(null === $AoR3d)) { goto jQRKz; } goto zZEdM; LohgU: MWMe9: goto RaWS1; fJsg5: $Kf611 = ''; goto FysuV; lEQFO: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->TAZpq($DhXRQ, $s0hh3) + (int) (!$toLzx); goto KIObT; lgbsv: if (!($S3_s7 === null)) { goto OJe60; } goto emloA; WCdZW: $DhXRQ = $this->k52R2->TAzpQ($DhXRQ, $s0hh3); goto VhSw5; DNbFa: $n_gmz = $this->RAiN_($q586m, $S3_s7, $olc9t, $PWlKg, $EIK4G); goto oF55L; urA5d: $hLP1m .= $NMXN2; goto Fhc4f; oF55L: S1ega: goto tEZ0X; s0KM5: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNY8d($DhXRQ, $PWlKg, $leqld); goto tpfs4; yXvAY: goto LnEg8; goto cfylu; Ts1Pf: if (null !== $s0hh3) { goto X4HW3; } goto xcXtw; UBPZ1: $PWlKg = $this->k52R2->j28Rx($PWlKg - 1, $RfUZK["\154\145\x66\x74"]) + 1; goto jWk8H; XkiRR: list($s0hh3, $toLzx, $NMXN2, $Kf611) = $this->hU4GD[$ZsHp3]; goto Ts1Pf; Zc0lJ: HvlIE: goto jWSMr; wfvop: BMEje: goto eKKZt; KmNb4: jQRKz: goto cDDwu; jU8JH: $ZsHp3 = $Taiw8 . "\x2d\x3e" . $SUSP2; goto RWwEF; VhSw5: goto c0R_f; goto TVN5S; L4xZ8: [$Y05Di, $s0hh3] = $this->hgdb2[$ZsHp3]; goto eqE3A; FysuV: if ($qg8GO !== null) { goto ovQAd; } goto lgbsv; pOeZV: WwwdR: goto L4xZ8; zvfbL: L3cq0: goto R2Qf3; y0SsD: } goto GrhjY; JoEsn: if (!(null === $lb0P7)) { goto a4Tjq; } goto ShRyX; EfWcd: $hLP1m = ''; goto jJkeK; jJkeK: $DhXRQ = $tYjpk; goto JlhH2; glVrC: assert($lb0P7 instanceof bjgEg\mdqYW); goto GHvaF; IoXv7: return $hLP1m; goto e7W7E; avWf_: v4XQw: goto pgIti; wsaJz: \assert($olc9t === \get_class($lb0P7)); goto mVHQn; HfnA6: $r42cS = $this->ybBj3[$olc9t] ?? null; goto EfWcd; xjn8e: if (!($TXkEW instanceof BjGEG\mdqyw && $TXkEW->class instanceof VWycr\L2bIJ)) { goto HzQ19; } goto glVrC; pgIti: $leqld = $this->xVyEp - $this->k52R2->guKVj($tYjpk); goto kZWqH; mVHQn: $tYjpk = $lb0P7->rr1Ni(); goto EbqpD; GrhjY: g_HYw: goto vKIxT; EbqpD: $g57Ap = $lb0P7->QcMHW(); goto zw9WG; e7W7E: } protected function sJDjY(array $Iz7A_, array $HqnNj, int &$DhXRQ, int $leqld, string $XF9Y3, string $SUSP2, ?int $q586m) : ?string { goto z3qy5; PGaXu: $TKaC5 = $SUSP2 === "\163\x74\155\x74\x73"; goto F_FbY; sU3Kh: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNY8d($DhXRQ, $Ml9Ot, $leqld); goto bzQxv; VLhGm: $Oq9z1 = true; goto eeSPI; HZnzr: UanSB: goto tR740; tR740: if (!$tIP2s) { goto m4y3G; } goto NKwr3; dijwH: if (!($lxi_l === "\xa")) { goto F75YW; } goto HVRcn; NTLcG: pHd12: goto xPmb8; ADlbt: $tYjpk = $HqnNj[0]->Rr1nI(); goto yqQtR; ilLk1: CXmae: goto OdTMV; gZ83F: fYE8w: goto fU0r2; I2Z9I: \assert($tYjpk >= 0 && $g57Ap >= 0); goto Imiw9; OdTMV: return $hLP1m; goto LDx3z; bzQxv: $DhXRQ = $Ml9Ot; goto xpVRl; HVRcn: $lxi_l = ''; goto dn0_P; dn0_P: $RPC5u = true; goto VMsi1; BoUVT: foreach ($IiN74 as $ew9mB => $Rm0_U) { goto J6ZsD; akzDS: $n_gmz = $this->VAW_W($hp8Lz, MAU0L::EML5n, mAU0l::EML5n, true); goto rbKVd; Atk6N: if (!(null === $lxi_l)) { goto gYnLZ; } goto XXdFx; fU06G: $this->MfNIz($GjQO4); goto TkpHw; lwiqF: $n_gmz = $this->RAin_($q586m, $hp8Lz, null, $hmNXO, $aEYB0); goto Afx38; SCn1b: NI6F9: goto ErOLy; BXnNd: j2trF: goto rA7C0; QSEuB: $UKp0z[] = $hp8Lz; goto HukZI; O0dPD: goto edieQ; goto aqvAA; xGgL0: $aEYB0 = $DhXRQ - 1; goto IHHZd; YcnOe: goto jieH4; goto zsuns; YBHnn: return null; goto BXnNd; PsP2f: $cDxS9 = $Rm0_U->BCSKU; goto wcVvu; NMNOR: $this->MFNiz($GjQO4); goto a5a78; ZwKzX: $aSVLk = $hmNXO; goto Vm0G0; dgyxr: EvGED: goto mOntC; y2W8U: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->gNy8d($aSVLk, $hmNXO, $leqld); goto O0dPD; V0SNE: if ($Vp84V === DdlZA::nQWXw) { goto NI6F9; } goto NWj9d; BZp1_: BPq9_: goto AtcMC; KtPQ7: OGukd: goto bG3e8; KzDOr: $aSVLk = $ySxtx ? $ySxtx[0]->rR1ni() : $hmNXO; goto V1qve; lOGzX: goto Ezqz4; goto jEPlA; sxC8Y: $this->w2SNa($hLP1m, $n_gmz); goto NMNOR; CR38h: goto Ezqz4; goto bCY6x; qYaFH: if ($gd6ha !== $ySxtx) { goto f12lE; } goto y2W8U; zsuns: ve837: goto YBHnn; NVjPr: return null; goto JQXCc; gITS4: if (!$gd6ha) { goto M0w_T; } goto VaYMv; QX8Ff: $hmNXO = $DhXRQ; goto xGgL0; njmuC: Sz3M4: goto lwiqF; XXdFx: return null; goto oh2XS; GH8p0: foreach ($UKp0z as $jPDm1) { goto r2R2t; HwTbA: tVpxN: goto hvJVB; GCOFp: xo8Rl: goto cz3TT; HeUIn: if (!$U4EL3) { goto xo8Rl; } goto cjbad; cjbad: $hLP1m .= $this->lzbD5($U4EL3) . $this->Ctbcj; goto GCOFp; Y1SC4: goto DtOZc; goto xHj_C; yf6Ck: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto Y1SC4; bdvUe: DtOZc: goto HwTbA; cz3TT: iOKlw: goto hL7lV; hLyXv: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l . $this->Ctbcj; goto bdvUe; rh7VD: $U4EL3 = $jPDm1->saTfo(); goto HeUIn; hL7lV: $this->W2sna($hLP1m, $this->vaW_w($jPDm1, Mau0L::EML5n, maU0L::EML5n, true)); goto P2Ss1; P2Ss1: if ($RPC5u) { goto IR5NW; } goto yf6Ck; r2R2t: if (!$RPC5u) { goto iOKlw; } goto rh7VD; xHj_C: IR5NW: goto hLyXv; hvJVB: } goto VSZZW; J6ZsD: $Vp84V = $Rm0_U->z7oXe; goto orszY; t4LOg: $hmNXO = $cDxS9->rR1NI(); goto qlrnq; ErOLy: if ($cDxS9 instanceof lD_12) { goto aGviq; } goto CzkRV; exGZi: if ($tIP2s) { goto YBNNs; } goto ssUju; AdrFY: $ySxtx = $cDxS9->saTFo(); goto gPwI8; bVWCg: \assert($hmNXO >= 0 && $aEYB0 >= 0); goto AdrFY; WgDT1: if (!($TKaC5 && $this->k52R2->A3tqg($DhXRQ, $hmNXO))) { goto OGukd; } goto fU06G; oh2XS: gYnLZ: goto vTJlT; EEMXu: if (empty($UKp0z)) { goto m6jEV; } goto GH8p0; EGb79: if (null !== $q586m && $hp8Lz->getAttribute("\x6f\x72\x69\x67\116\157\144\x65") !== $cDxS9) { goto Sz3M4; } goto akzDS; rHJu8: $Y3omU = $this->k52R2->gUkvj($hmNXO) + $leqld; goto aUFds; kWDbJ: return null; goto Ge7po; LKh7Q: m6jEV: goto qYaFH; vM5Y8: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto kFgrT; aqvAA: f12lE: goto CZjA2; NWj9d: throw new \Exception("\123\x68\x6f\x75\154\144\156\x27\164\x20\x68\x61\160\160\x65\x6e"); goto lOGzX; qlrnq: $aEYB0 = $cDxS9->QCMHw(); goto lx3AB; LHiIR: if ($RPC5u) { goto BPq9_; } goto vM5Y8; toPzX: $hmNXO = $ySxtx[0]->rR1NI(); goto GLoMQ; wdGfL: if (!$p90_F) { goto vTCmN; } goto QSEuB; xPgMj: jjbum: goto Wnj6l; GLoMQ: U1yQJ: goto QSCQl; Gi6ST: if (!($TKaC5 && $this->k52R2->A3tqg($DhXRQ, $hmNXO))) { goto jKGDX; } goto kWDbJ; gPwI8: if (!$ySxtx) { goto U1yQJ; } goto toPzX; Xbg4G: $aEYB0 = $cDxS9->qcmhW(); goto bVWCg; SuLlJ: if ($Vp84V === DdLZA::owN7B) { goto g8hiL; } goto V0SNE; aMx4C: $gd6ha = $hp8Lz->SATFo(); goto gITS4; V1qve: \assert($aSVLk >= 0); goto SUrQH; jEPlA: XdjAP: goto OzF2x; OzF2x: $p90_F = false; goto JXizx; HukZI: goto jieH4; goto Gh_3u; VaYMv: $hLP1m .= $this->lZBd5($gd6ha) . $this->Ctbcj; goto ZksDf; BUtA6: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto rHJu8; rA7C0: if (!(!$hp8Lz instanceof ld_12 || !$cDxS9 instanceof Ld_12)) { goto n4Hj1; } goto NVjPr; JQXCc: n4Hj1: goto t4LOg; vTJlT: if ($hp8Lz instanceof ld_12) { goto jjbum; } goto Wzv7M; VSZZW: v7Gog: goto gBCgS; IACHk: $ySxtx = $cDxS9->Satfo(); goto KzDOr; kFgrT: goto JpifR; goto BZp1_; rbKVd: goto W3N6b; goto njmuC; CzkRV: return null; goto C39A2; z3vCX: $hmNXO = $cDxS9->RR1Ni(); goto Xbg4G; v3bwt: Ezqz4: goto EGb79; C39A2: aGviq: goto z3vCX; AmvKG: $hLP1m .= $this->LZbD5($gd6ha) . $this->Ctbcj; goto dgyxr; lx3AB: \assert($hmNXO >= 0 && $aEYB0 >= 0 && $hmNXO >= $DhXRQ); goto BUtA6; ssUju: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GnY8D($DhXRQ, $aSVLk, $leqld); goto Wxn3j; a5a78: $DhXRQ = $aEYB0 + 1; goto aJpq8; Wxn3j: goto tOQkg; goto jVYFm; Vm0G0: Q5dI6: goto exGZi; dBUYd: $lxi_l = "\54"; goto z8R_H; SJ3n2: O22wi: goto BHUAq; zM27O: $this->MFNIz($Y3omU); goto LHiIR; oS0Mj: $hLP1m .= $this->k52R2->GNy8D($DhXRQ, $hmNXO, $leqld); goto AzrlX; z8R_H: $RPC5u = true; goto vbAV5; vUnwf: goto jieH4; goto v3bwt; Bjh8Y: $gd6ha = $hp8Lz->satFo(); goto IACHk; jVYFm: YBNNs: goto WgDT1; vbAV5: wgXAM: goto wdGfL; aUFds: $this->mFnIz($Y3omU); goto Bjh8Y; TkpHw: return null; goto KtPQ7; P_yWx: $tIP2s = false; goto CR38h; Ge7po: jKGDX: goto pGsRX; BHUAq: $DhXRQ = $aEYB0 + 1; goto vUnwf; Wzv7M: return null; goto xPgMj; sC5aT: if (!($cDxS9 === $hp8Lz)) { goto ve837; } goto YcnOe; JXizx: if (!($cDxS9 === null || $hp8Lz === null)) { goto j2trF; } goto sC5aT; CZjA2: if (!$gd6ha) { goto EvGED; } goto AmvKG; gBCgS: $UKp0z = []; goto LKh7Q; aJpq8: jieH4: goto uftGP; Gh_3u: vTCmN: goto QX8Ff; orszY: $hp8Lz = $Rm0_U->M6iJj; goto PsP2f; AzrlX: $tIP2s = true; goto SJ3n2; mOntC: edieQ: goto P_yWx; AtcMC: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l . $this->Ctbcj; goto aMx4C; j6Dke: BVm9C: goto oS0Mj; qmYzP: JpifR: goto x1b3b; IHHZd: $GjQO4 = $this->xVyEp; goto zM27O; Afx38: W3N6b: goto sxC8Y; SUrQH: if (!($aSVLk < $DhXRQ)) { goto Q5dI6; } goto ZwKzX; x1b3b: goto Ezqz4; goto SCn1b; bCY6x: g8hiL: goto Atk6N; wcVvu: if ($Vp84V === DdLza::S0srm || $Vp84V === DdLza::GaKMt) { goto XdjAP; } goto SuLlJ; bG3e8: tOQkg: goto EEMXu; Wnj6l: if (!($lxi_l === "\x2c\40" && ($this->wLJMo($HqnNj) || $hp8Lz->sAtFO() || $XF9Y3 === Expr\yZE5T::class))) { goto wgXAM; } goto dBUYd; ZksDf: M0w_T: goto qmYzP; QSCQl: if ($ew9mB === 0) { goto BVm9C; } goto Gi6ST; pGsRX: goto O22wi; goto j6Dke; uftGP: } goto HZnzr; D1ZBj: if (!($TKaC5 && \count($HqnNj) === 1 && \count($Iz7A_) !== 1)) { goto fYE8w; } goto ADlbt; HdPEl: Bc5Fy: goto gZ83F; Imiw9: if ($this->k52R2->ILQVB($tYjpk, $g57Ap)) { goto Bc5Fy; } goto b8gAB; VMsi1: F75YW: goto D1ZBj; xpVRl: AxDIF: goto VLhGm; js9wF: return null; goto NTLcG; k6I9a: AAwPY: goto OxHKu; qyXcC: $Y3omU = $this->xVyEp; goto zm1vJ; xPmb8: list($s0hh3, $NMXN2, $Kf611) = $this->EfR5I[$OmZh4]; goto clPUJ; bHyyp: m4y3G: goto tEh6R; OxHKu: $hLP1m .= $Kf611 === "\xa" ? $this->Ctbcj : $Kf611; goto ilLk1; b8gAB: return null; goto HdPEl; F_FbY: $p90_F = true; goto IZACH; clPUJ: if (!(null !== $s0hh3)) { goto AxDIF; } goto xPGK7; z3qy5: $IiN74 = $this->dEWdk->aUngj($HqnNj, $Iz7A_); goto eintg; tEh6R: if (empty($UKp0z)) { goto CXmae; } goto BO2gG; IZACH: $tIP2s = false; goto LpjEq; BO2gG: if (isset($this->EfR5I[$OmZh4])) { goto pHd12; } goto js9wF; xPGK7: $Ml9Ot = $this->k52R2->tAZPQ($DhXRQ, $s0hh3) + 1; goto sU3Kh; yqQtR: $g57Ap = $HqnNj[0]->qcmHW(); goto I2Z9I; HrG20: foreach ($UKp0z as $jPDm1) { goto ekrb2; g3NNZ: $Oq9z1 = false; goto uK3od; nC_H4: F4O5k: goto Rh7TD; ekrb2: if ($Oq9z1) { goto yK2Ax; } goto AOlx0; eCMV_: $hLP1m .= $this->VAw_W($jPDm1, MAu0l::EML5n, MaU0L::EML5n, true); goto g3NNZ; p0i_S: if (!$RPC5u) { goto F4O5k; } goto a9WMA; a9WMA: $hLP1m .= $this->Ctbcj; goto nC_H4; AOlx0: $hLP1m .= $lxi_l; goto p0i_S; uK3od: QW1Fb: goto y1kjp; Rh7TD: yK2Ax: goto eCMV_; y1kjp: } goto k6I9a; eeSPI: $hLP1m .= $NMXN2; goto HrG20; fU0r2: $hLP1m = ''; goto BoUVT; zm1vJ: $RPC5u = false; goto dijwH; LpjEq: $UKp0z = []; goto qyXcC; NKwr3: return null; goto bHyyp; Kh31J: $lxi_l = $this->g10k2[$OmZh4] ?? null; goto PGaXu; eintg: $OmZh4 = $XF9Y3 . "\55\x3e" . $SUSP2; goto Kh31J; LDx3z: } protected function rain_(int $q586m, Ld_12 $S3_s7, ?string $Dz5DX, int $PWlKg, int $EIK4G) : string { goto lJaZo; dm38j: return $this->VAw_w($S3_s7); goto tnRMg; xjZQk: TuHGL: goto dm38j; lJaZo: switch ($q586m) { case Mau0l::RGqZK: goto jgBLT; o2vJZ: xjIC0: goto A20Mo; UzHa8: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][1]; goto aorSs; A20Mo: goto TuHGL; goto pL3pS; aorSs: return $this->VAw_W($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto o2vJZ; jgBLT: if ($this->k52R2->o5aT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto xjIC0; } goto UzHa8; pL3pS: case mAU0L::xCF_H: goto GuNUL; gWKJ7: cpiWT: goto vnaxC; GGzWa: return $this->VAW_w($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto gWKJ7; Cdurb: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][2]; goto GGzWa; vnaxC: goto TuHGL; goto U1146; GuNUL: if ($this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto cpiWT; } goto Cdurb; U1146: case mAU0L::BTvsp: goto wj3hj; E5nOU: $o0ca8 = $this->XObzu[$Dz5DX][0]; goto Te6Y1; Te6Y1: return $this->vAw_w($S3_s7, $o0ca8, $o0ca8); goto TGyp_; TGyp_: BiNaD: goto D5in2; wj3hj: if ($this->k52R2->O5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G)) { goto BiNaD; } goto E5nOU; D5in2: goto TuHGL; goto u4dP2; u4dP2: case mAu0L::GQxc3: goto uUDkG; R3lAj: mk0_S: goto i2H6O; i2H6O: goto TuHGL; goto PZKv0; uUDkG: if (!($this->j7CEA($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto mk0_S; } goto Q1U_j; Q1U_j: return "\x28" . $this->VAw_W($S3_s7) . "\x29"; goto R3lAj; PZKv0: case mau0L::eXMlF: goto s0t8F; lPAj1: slUe0: goto iNUoT; p_sxW: return "\x28" . $this->Vaw_W($S3_s7) . "\51"; goto lPAj1; iNUoT: goto TuHGL; goto nPbce; s0t8F: if (!($this->SNCoH($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->O5aT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto slUe0; } goto p_sxW; nPbce: case mAu0L::j_bK5: goto SZ4t9; SZ4t9: if (!($this->Rn7oJ($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5AT3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto mJ1sW; } goto T5lVN; AdHAw: mJ1sW: goto e9dxm; e9dxm: goto TuHGL; goto NXyA3; T5lVN: return "\x28" . $this->vaw_W($S3_s7) . "\51"; goto AdHAw; NXyA3: case maU0L::uHijV: goto vtTUm; o2mwt: j5y2I: goto bdFcs; PNMDy: return "\x28" . $this->Vaw_W($S3_s7) . "\51"; goto o2mwt; bdFcs: goto TuHGL; goto bha5E; vtTUm: if (!($this->L_pNp($S3_s7) && !$this->k52R2->o5at3($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto j5y2I; } goto PNMDy; bha5E: case MAu0l::MPtpW: case mau0L::PWU0G: goto GJu6J; aWEIi: goto TuHGL; goto iOV1B; sqJEG: d6vQi: goto aWEIi; sZrW8: return ($q586m === MaU0L::PWU0G ? "\x24" : '') . "\173" . $this->VAW_w($S3_s7) . "\175"; goto sqJEG; GJu6J: if (!($S3_s7 instanceof bJgeg && !$this->k52R2->ilQvB($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto d6vQi; } goto sZrW8; iOV1B: case mAu0l::Y6pP7: goto bvHjG; YAxoL: goto TuHGL; goto xKXHh; bvHjG: if (!(!$S3_s7 instanceof LD_12\HFpnu && !$this->k52R2->ilqVB($PWlKg, $EIK4G))) { goto sIwb2; } goto UIfXq; hHXom: sIwb2: goto YAxoL; UIfXq: return "\173" . $this->VAw_W($S3_s7) . "\175"; goto hHXom; xKXHh: default: throw new \Exception("\103\141\x6e\156\x6f\x74\40\x68\141\x70\x70\x65\x6e"); } goto r3eMH; r3eMH: evugo: goto xjZQk; tnRMg: } protected function w2sna(string &$QfeS6, string $lNV_p) : void { goto enWmE; rjDoN: $QfeS6 = $lNV_p; goto LooSu; o7N_B: WZ2SO: goto TkUjh; PA356: if (!($lNV_p === '')) { goto WZ2SO; } goto SZh_g; LfTvA: MfDef: goto PA356; SZh_g: return; goto o7N_B; IkVNV: TuxgO: goto u4Lsf; enWmE: if (!($QfeS6 === '')) { goto MfDef; } goto rjDoN; LooSu: return; goto LfTvA; crEMg: goto TuxgO; goto no5sU; s95Tg: $QfeS6 .= $lNV_p; goto IkVNV; TkUjh: if (!$this->CMDp8[$lNV_p[0]] || !$this->CMDp8[$QfeS6[\strlen($QfeS6) - 1]]) { goto abYzn; } goto zkjaD; zkjaD: $QfeS6 .= "\40" . $lNV_p; goto crEMg; no5sU: abYzn: goto s95Tg; u4Lsf: } protected function J7ceA(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return !($TXkEW instanceof LD_12\cLo1I || $TXkEW instanceof bJGeG\vkTq3 || $TXkEW instanceof bjgeG\Ni2eQ || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEg\WV2nW || $TXkEW instanceof BjGeg\dBqxC || $TXkEW instanceof BJgeg\NnYC6 || $TXkEW instanceof BjgEG\nmzpV || $TXkEW instanceof bjgeG\ASr7e); } protected function snCOh(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return $this->RN7OJ($TXkEW) && !$TXkEW instanceof BjGEG\FQCtL; } protected function rN7oj(LD_12 $TXkEW) : bool { return !($TXkEW instanceof BJGEG\vktq3 || $TXkEW instanceof lD_12\CLO1i || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEg\NI2Eq || $TXkEW instanceof bjgEG\uTrfw || $TXkEW instanceof BjgEg\tMhcH || $TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\tIese || $TXkEW instanceof bJgeg\WV2nW || $TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\DBQxC || $TXkEW instanceof BJgEG\nnYC6 || $TXkEW instanceof bJGeg\nmzpv || $TXkEW instanceof bJGEG\asr7E || $TXkEW instanceof Scalar\QtXZu || $TXkEW instanceof bJgEG\qczYt); } protected function L_Pnp(Ld_12 $TXkEW) : bool { goto npTFH; npTFH: if (!($TXkEW instanceof ld_12\cLo1i || $TXkEW instanceof bjGEg\VktQ3)) { goto LbbVk; } goto BOlzw; LBmiE: clnCA: goto ywk30; Kpja3: return $this->L_pNP($TXkEW->class); goto LBmiE; ywk30: return true; goto xPwSd; c3r2w: if (!$TXkEW instanceof BJGeg\tieSE) { goto clnCA; } goto Kpja3; w2ODB: p3FSW: goto c3r2w; BOlzw: return false; goto hXv2B; mX6GD: return $this->l_pnp($TXkEW->yN9Wf); goto w2ODB; DLGRP: if (!($TXkEW instanceof BjGeG\Ni2Eq || $TXkEW instanceof BJgeG\UTRfw || $TXkEW instanceof bjGeG\TMHCh)) { goto p3FSW; } goto mX6GD; hXv2B: LbbVk: goto DLGRP; xPwSd: } protected function iX_51(int $G61aM) : string { return ($G61aM & sh3U8::mi3ju ? "\x66\x69\x6e\141\x6c\x20" : '') . ($G61aM & sH3u8::n5owB ? "\141\142\163\x74\162\x61\x63\164\40" : '') . ($G61aM & Sh3U8::XgoIe ? "\160\165\142\x6c\x69\x63\x20" : '') . ($G61aM & sH3U8::xcNYp ? "\x70\x72\x6f\164\x65\x63\164\x65\x64\x20" : '') . ($G61aM & Sh3u8::srlQY ? "\160\162\x69\x76\141\x74\145\40" : '') . ($G61aM & sh3U8::SxzCM ? "\x73\x74\x61\164\151\143\x20" : '') . ($G61aM & sH3U8::aQ2LG ? "\162\x65\x61\x64\x6f\x6e\x6c\x79\x20" : ''); } protected function ro5R0(bool $jKVQe) : string { return $jKVQe ? "\x73\164\141\x74\x69\x63\40" : ''; } protected function WljMO(array $Iz7A_) : bool { goto RnAzu; x1SwK: $DhXRQ = -1; goto JhIdn; RnAzu: if (!(\count($Iz7A_) < 2)) { goto I6d50; } goto r7h3i; TWJm4: return true; goto QE9KM; hPxWg: I6d50: goto x1SwK; r7h3i: return false; goto hPxWg; k0VAL: yZ2QW: goto TWJm4; JhIdn: foreach ($Iz7A_ as $TXkEW) { goto z5Pah; ZLukK: CwQAo: goto yCL15; ZDm65: Exef2: goto D_5Sk; iqx0k: yH3eW: goto b11Da; b11Da: $g57Ap = $TXkEW->qcMhw() + 1; goto rWLN7; z5Pah: if (!(null === $TXkEW)) { goto yH3eW; } goto G7CPL; rWLN7: if (!($DhXRQ >= 0)) { goto CwQAo; } goto NN9pn; NN9pn: $qohHZ = $this->k52R2->gNy8D($DhXRQ, $g57Ap, 0); goto Qf6uf; G7CPL: goto Exef2; goto iqx0k; Qf6uf: if (!(false === strpos($qohHZ, "\12"))) { goto JpVrc; } goto HQSJP; HQSJP: return false; goto V3gbx; yCL15: $DhXRQ = $g57Ap; goto ZDm65; V3gbx: JpVrc: goto ZLukK; D_5Sk: } goto k0VAL; QE9KM: } protected function mHVoI() : void { goto kFxFl; KuuqN: if (!($ew9mB < 256)) { goto aNSiy; } goto GqS8d; uYEH7: ioESE: goto aks2D; KOjHO: if (!$this->N7oFl->aq2U_()) { goto ioESE; } goto a8bB1; N01d6: goto C4PTQ; goto xSr73; GqS8d: $ISA7v = chr($ew9mB); goto qjyJ0; a8bB1: $this->CMDp8["\177"] = true; goto uYEH7; zLPIa: WRMxa: goto jQMmb; jQMmb: $this->CMDp8 = []; goto ZytT0; WY88f: return; goto zLPIa; ZytT0: $ew9mB = 0; goto Pppq0; IdyFw: $ew9mB++; goto N01d6; VmBEK: fUGOG: goto IdyFw; kFxFl: if (!isset($this->CMDp8)) { goto WRMxa; } goto WY88f; xSr73: aNSiy: goto KOjHO; Pppq0: C4PTQ: goto KuuqN; qjyJ0: $this->CMDp8[$ISA7v] = $ew9mB >= 0x80 || ctype_alnum($ISA7v); goto VmBEK; aks2D: } protected function Nnjrf() : void { goto H2G1Q; uX32V: return; goto B1X5z; H2G1Q: if (!isset($this->dEWdk)) { goto AQGv9; } goto uX32V; B1X5z: AQGv9: goto VEu1P; VEu1P: $this->dEWdk = new gBD1v\MNxcP(function ($VCsN0, $azlFk) { goto HdPla; E7Ra_: return $VCsN0 === null && $azlFk === null; goto Vlj1Q; x7hdp: tOsmW: goto E7Ra_; HdPla: if (!($VCsN0 instanceof ld_12 && $azlFk instanceof LD_12)) { goto tOsmW; } goto A9Eiz; A9Eiz: return $VCsN0 === $azlFk->getAttribute("\157\x72\x69\x67\116\157\x64\x65"); goto x7hdp; Vlj1Q: }); goto owI_5; owI_5: } protected function I8_bx() : void { goto qFgIv; qFgIv: if (!isset($this->ybBj3)) { goto EqVjC; } goto qI__t; m2uwU: $GzsPy = [BinaryOp\Pow::class, BinaryOp\z6sS4::class, BinaryOp\WlMf4::class, BinaryOp\O41Yb::class, BinaryOp\qg_Js::class, BinaryOp\M5lf4::class, BinaryOp\ah9dP::class, BinaryOp\aARlK::class, BinaryOp\iIbvN::class, BinaryOp\glhy4::class, BinaryOp\uNagq::class, BinaryOp\JEwN8::class, BinaryOp\QGMut::class, BinaryOp\wHkNz::class, BinaryOp\IEr2Y::class, BinaryOp\zsODO::class, BinaryOp\kz1Bi::class, BinaryOp\Wyc0c::class, BinaryOp\b____::class, BinaryOp\DTYnB::class, BinaryOp\EKxxL::class, BinaryOp\tPN4o::class, BinaryOp\Hbuvw::class, BinaryOp\IVbPc::class, BinaryOp\n0hxC::class, BinaryOp\Lz3sg::class, BinaryOp\XHlP8::class]; goto VT0_r; OPZZu: Mc_iP: goto G1dzS; b3oro: EqVjC: goto pBoVZ; qPtdH: foreach ($mgbcP as $nOGUT) { $this->ybBj3[$nOGUT] = ["\145\x78\x70\x72" => mAu0l::BTvsp]; ZzWIb: } goto cndco; pBoVZ: $this->ybBj3 = [Expr\Y_aZk::class => ["\x65\170\x70\162" => mAu0L::BTvsp, "\x63\x6c\x61\163\163" => MAu0L::uHijV], Expr\TB_NM::class => ["\x63\157\x6e\144" => MAU0L::RGqZK, "\x65\154\x73\145" => MAu0l::xCF_H], Expr\ceKcL::class => ["\166\141\x6c\x75\145" => MAu0L::BTvsp], Expr\WV2nw::class => ["\156\x61\155\145" => mau0l::GQxc3], Expr\Nmzpv::class => ["\143\154\x61\163\163" => MaU0L::j_bK5], Expr\ni2eq::class => ["\x76\141\162" => maU0l::eXMlF], Expr\QczYt::class => ["\x63\154\141\x73\x73" => mau0l::j_bK5, "\156\141\x6d\x65" => MaU0l::MPtpW], Expr\MDqYW::class => ["\143\x6c\x61\x73\x73" => mAU0l::uHijV], Expr\DBqXc::class => ["\166\x61\162" => mAU0L::eXMlF, "\156\141\155\145" => mau0L::MPtpW], Expr\Nnyc6::class => ["\166\x61\162" => mAU0L::eXMlF, "\x6e\141\x6d\x65" => mAu0l::MPtpW], Expr\tiesE::class => ["\143\x6c\x61\163\163" => maU0L::j_bK5, "\156\x61\x6d\145" => mAu0l::PWU0G], Expr\UtRfw::class => ["\x76\141\x72" => maU0l::eXMlF, "\156\141\x6d\145" => maU0l::MPtpW], Expr\tMHch::class => ["\x76\141\x72" => MAu0l::eXMlF, "\156\x61\155\x65" => maU0L::MPtpW], Scalar\Uxksb::class => ["\160\141\162\x74\163" => MaU0l::Y6pP7]]; goto m2uwU; cndco: ngAyA: goto U39W0; qI__t: return; goto b3oro; G1dzS: $mgbcP = [Expr\wG026::class, Expr\Aoh8Q::class, Expr\VqfnM::class, Expr\bmiPE::class, Expr\yD0H9::class, Cast\VxfoI::class, Cast\NnRIF::class, Cast\QTxzU::class, Cast\aSR7E::class, Cast\SyymL::class, Cast\l0OjU::class, Cast\FJg6E::class, Expr\NGGJ9::class, Expr\oUEqw::class, Expr\Wwo8d::class, Expr\XoX3f::class, Expr\G17lm::class, Expr\tT1Qf::class, AssignOp\qG_jS::class, AssignOp\M5lf4::class, AssignOp\z6ss4::class, AssignOp\WLMF4::class, AssignOp\AH9dP::class, AssignOp\o41yB::class, AssignOp\B____::class, AssignOp\Ekxxl::class, AssignOp\dtYnB::class, AssignOp\AaRLK::class, AssignOp\iiBvN::class, AssignOp\Pow::class, AssignOp\Ivbpc::class, Expr\HpXmQ::class, Expr\xLvIZ::class]; goto qPtdH; VT0_r: foreach ($GzsPy as $QilQt) { $this->ybBj3[$QilQt] = ["\x6c\x65\146\x74" => MaU0L::RGqZK, "\162\x69\147\150\164" => mAu0L::xCF_H]; zdU0k: } goto OPZZu; U39W0: } protected function ZNasy() : void { goto k1dxa; JGflP: return; goto cNApb; RTyYq: $FyOj1 = ["\x6c\145\x66\x74" => "\75"]; goto Rth2s; DGpzG: $LtVif = ["\x6c\x65\146\164" => "\x3a"]; goto RTyYq; Rth2s: $this->EH1so = ["\105\170\160\x72\x5f\x41\x72\x72\141\x79\104\151\155\x46\145\x74\x63\150\x2d\76\144\x69\155" => $SkutL, "\101\x72\162\141\x79\x49\x74\145\x6d\55\76\153\145\171" => $JFAed, "\105\170\160\162\137\101\x72\x72\157\167\106\x75\x6e\143\164\151\157\156\x2d\x3e\162\x65\x74\165\x72\x6e\x54\171\160\x65" => $LtVif, "\105\x78\160\x72\137\103\x6c\x6f\163\165\x72\x65\x2d\x3e\162\145\164\x75\162\x6e\x54\x79\160\x65" => $LtVif, "\105\170\x70\162\x5f\x45\170\x69\164\55\x3e\x65\170\160\x72" => $SkutL, "\105\170\x70\x72\137\124\145\162\x6e\141\x72\x79\x2d\x3e\151\x66" => $SkutL, "\105\170\x70\162\137\x59\x69\x65\x6c\x64\x2d\76\153\x65\171" => $JFAed, "\105\170\160\162\x5f\131\x69\145\154\x64\55\x3e\x76\x61\x6c\165\x65" => $SkutL, "\x50\x61\x72\141\x6d\x2d\76\164\171\x70\x65" => $QFGdI, "\120\x61\162\x61\155\x2d\x3e\144\145\x66\141\x75\x6c\164" => $FyOj1, "\x53\x74\x6d\164\x5f\102\162\145\141\153\x2d\76\156\x75\x6d" => $SkutL, "\123\x74\155\164\137\x43\x61\164\143\150\55\76\x76\141\162" => $Rhbuz, "\123\x74\x6d\164\x5f\103\154\141\x73\x73\x43\157\x6e\x73\x74\x2d\x3e\164\x79\x70\x65" => $QFGdI, "\123\x74\x6d\164\x5f\x43\x6c\x61\x73\163\x4d\x65\164\150\x6f\144\55\76\162\x65\x74\x75\x72\156\x54\x79\x70\x65" => $LtVif, "\123\x74\x6d\164\x5f\103\154\x61\x73\x73\55\x3e\145\x78\164\145\x6e\144\163" => ["\x6c\x65\x66\164" => \T_EXTENDS], "\x53\164\x6d\164\x5f\x45\156\165\x6d\55\76\x73\x63\x61\x6c\x61\x72\124\x79\160\x65" => $LtVif, "\123\164\x6d\x74\x5f\105\156\x75\x6d\x43\x61\x73\x65\x2d\x3e\145\x78\160\x72" => $FyOj1, "\x45\x78\160\162\x5f\x50\x72\151\156\x74\141\142\154\145\116\145\x77\x41\156\x6f\156\103\154\141\163\163\55\x3e\x65\170\164\145\156\x64\x73" => ["\x6c\145\146\164" => \T_EXTENDS], "\x53\164\x6d\164\x5f\x43\157\156\x74\151\156\x75\145\x2d\x3e\x6e\x75\155" => $SkutL, "\123\x74\155\164\137\x46\157\x72\x65\141\x63\x68\55\76\153\145\x79\126\141\x72" => $JFAed, "\123\x74\155\x74\x5f\x46\165\156\x63\x74\x69\x6f\156\55\76\x72\x65\164\x75\162\156\x54\171\160\x65" => $LtVif, "\x53\164\x6d\164\137\111\x66\55\x3e\x65\154\163\x65" => $Rhbuz, "\123\x74\155\164\137\x4e\x61\155\145\x73\x70\141\143\x65\55\76\x6e\x61\155\145" => $Rhbuz, "\123\x74\x6d\x74\137\x50\162\157\160\x65\x72\164\171\55\76\x74\171\160\x65" => $QFGdI, "\x50\x72\x6f\x70\x65\x72\x74\171\x49\x74\145\x6d\55\76\144\145\146\x61\165\x6c\164" => $FyOj1, "\123\x74\155\x74\x5f\x52\x65\164\x75\162\x6e\x2d\x3e\145\x78\x70\x72" => $SkutL, "\123\x74\155\x74\137\x53\164\x61\164\151\143\126\x61\162\55\76\144\x65\146\x61\x75\154\164" => $FyOj1, "\x53\164\155\x74\x5f\124\162\x61\x69\164\125\163\x65\101\x64\x61\160\x74\x61\164\151\157\156\x5f\101\154\x69\x61\163\x2d\76\x6e\145\167\116\x61\x6d\x65" => $Rhbuz, "\x53\164\155\164\x5f\x54\162\171\x43\x61\164\143\150\x2d\76\x66\151\156\141\x6c\154\x79" => $Rhbuz]; goto Pj1Th; eKuK1: $QFGdI = ["\x72\151\x67\x68\164" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto aQGot; aQGot: $JFAed = ["\162\151\147\x68\x74" => \T_DOUBLE_ARROW]; goto DGpzG; k1dxa: if (!isset($this->EH1so)) { goto wpBSe; } goto JGflP; Se3CK: $Rhbuz = ["\154\x65\146\x74" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto eKuK1; inep9: $SkutL = ["\x6c\145\146\x74" => \T_WHITESPACE, "\162\151\x67\150\164" => \T_WHITESPACE]; goto Se3CK; cNApb: wpBSe: goto inep9; Pj1Th: } protected function wzUUZ() : void { goto aWHbh; dhEB_: CDsEw: goto ht8eb; ht8eb: $this->hU4GD = ["\x45\x78\x70\162\x5f\101\162\162\x61\171\x44\x69\x6d\x46\145\x74\143\150\55\76\144\x69\155" => ["\133", false, null, null], "\101\162\162\141\171\x49\x74\x65\x6d\55\x3e\x6b\145\171" => [null, false, null, "\40\75\x3e\40"], "\105\x78\x70\162\137\101\162\162\x6f\x77\x46\165\x6e\x63\164\x69\157\156\x2d\76\x72\x65\x74\x75\162\156\124\171\160\x65" => ["\x29", false, "\x3a\x20", null], "\x45\170\160\x72\x5f\103\154\x6f\x73\165\162\x65\55\76\162\145\164\x75\x72\156\124\x79\x70\x65" => ["\x29", false, "\72\40", null], "\105\170\x70\x72\137\x54\x65\162\156\141\x72\x79\55\x3e\x69\146" => ["\77", false, "\x20", "\40"], "\x45\x78\x70\x72\x5f\131\x69\145\154\x64\x2d\76\153\145\171" => [\T_YIELD, false, null, "\40\75\76\x20"], "\105\170\x70\x72\137\131\x69\145\154\144\x2d\x3e\166\x61\154\165\x65" => [\T_YIELD, false, "\x20", null], "\120\x61\x72\x61\155\x2d\76\164\171\x70\x65" => [null, false, null, "\x20"], "\x50\141\162\141\155\55\x3e\144\145\146\141\x75\x6c\x74" => [null, false, "\40\x3d\x20", null], "\123\164\x6d\164\137\x42\162\x65\141\x6b\x2d\76\156\165\x6d" => [\T_BREAK, false, "\x20", null], "\123\x74\155\164\x5f\103\x61\164\x63\150\x2d\76\x76\x61\x72" => [null, false, "\40", null], "\x53\164\155\164\137\x43\x6c\141\163\x73\115\x65\x74\150\157\x64\x2d\x3e\162\145\164\165\x72\156\124\171\160\145" => ["\x29", false, "\72\x20", null], "\123\x74\x6d\164\137\x43\x6c\141\163\x73\x43\157\156\163\164\x2d\76\164\x79\160\x65" => [\T_CONST, false, "\x20", null], "\x53\x74\x6d\x74\x5f\103\154\x61\x73\163\55\x3e\x65\170\164\145\x6e\x64\x73" => [null, false, "\40\x65\170\x74\x65\156\x64\x73\x20", null], "\123\164\155\x74\137\x45\156\x75\x6d\x2d\76\163\x63\141\154\141\162\x54\171\160\x65" => [null, false, "\40\x3a\x20", null], "\x53\x74\x6d\x74\x5f\x45\x6e\165\x6d\103\141\163\x65\x2d\76\145\170\x70\162" => [null, false, "\x20\75\x20", null], "\105\170\160\162\x5f\120\162\151\x6e\164\x61\142\x6c\145\x4e\x65\167\x41\156\x6f\156\103\154\x61\163\163\x2d\76\x65\x78\x74\x65\x6e\x64\x73" => [null, false, "\40\145\170\x74\145\156\144\163\40", null], "\123\164\x6d\164\x5f\103\x6f\x6e\x74\x69\x6e\x75\x65\55\x3e\156\165\155" => [\T_CONTINUE, false, "\x20", null], "\x53\164\155\x74\137\x46\157\162\x65\x61\x63\150\x2d\76\153\145\171\x56\x61\x72" => [\T_AS, false, null, "\40\75\x3e\40"], "\x53\164\x6d\x74\137\x46\165\156\143\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x2d\x3e\162\x65\164\165\x72\x6e\124\171\160\145" => ["\x29", false, "\72\x20", null], "\123\x74\155\164\137\111\x66\55\76\145\x6c\x73\x65" => [null, false, "\x20", null], "\123\x74\155\x74\x5f\x4e\x61\x6d\145\163\x70\x61\x63\x65\x2d\x3e\156\x61\x6d\145" => [\T_NAMESPACE, false, "\40", null], "\x53\164\155\164\x5f\x50\x72\x6f\160\x65\162\164\171\55\76\164\x79\160\145" => [\T_VARIABLE, true, null, "\40"], "\120\x72\x6f\x70\x65\162\x74\171\111\164\x65\155\55\x3e\144\145\146\141\165\154\x74" => [null, false, "\40\x3d\x20", null], "\x53\164\x6d\164\x5f\122\145\164\165\x72\x6e\55\76\x65\x78\160\162" => [\T_RETURN, false, "\x20", null], "\x53\x74\x6d\164\x5f\123\x74\141\164\x69\143\x56\x61\x72\x2d\76\x64\145\x66\141\165\154\164" => [null, false, "\x20\x3d\40", null], "\x53\x74\155\x74\137\x54\162\171\x43\141\164\x63\x68\55\76\x66\151\x6e\141\154\154\x79" => [null, false, "\40", null]]; goto pkf6T; qfmpc: return; goto dhEB_; aWHbh: if (!isset($this->hU4GD)) { goto CDsEw; } goto qfmpc; pkf6T: } protected function cnGfj() : void { goto VvVC1; a90QZ: $this->g10k2 = [Stmt\CUohR::class . "\55\x3e\164\171\x70\145\163" => "\x7c", iCx3n::class . "\x2d\x3e\164\x79\160\x65\x73" => "\174", FXefR::class . "\55\76\164\171\160\145\163" => "\x26", Stmt\qzLTL::class . "\x2d\76\145\154\x73\145\151\x66\x73" => "\x20", Stmt\W9Z0B::class . "\55\76\143\141\164\x63\x68\145\163" => "\x20", Expr\aSR7E::class . "\x2d\76\x69\x74\145\x6d\x73" => "\54\x20", Expr\hpxMQ::class . "\x2d\76\x70\x61\162\141\155\163" => "\x2c\x20", Expr\Closure::class . "\55\x3e\x70\141\162\141\x6d\x73" => "\x2c\40", Expr\Closure::class . "\x2d\76\165\x73\x65\163" => "\x2c\x20", Expr\wV2nw::class . "\x2d\76\141\162\x67\163" => "\54\40", Expr\H_V2z::class . "\55\76\x76\141\x72\163" => "\x2c\x20", Expr\m83Tr::class . "\55\x3e\x69\164\x65\x6d\x73" => "\x2c\40", Expr\dBQxc::class . "\55\76\141\162\147\163" => "\54\x20", Expr\nNYc6::class . "\x2d\x3e\141\162\147\163" => "\x2c\x20", Expr\MdQYW::class . "\55\x3e\x61\162\x67\x73" => "\54\x20", mue5Y::class . "\x2d\76\141\162\x67\x73" => "\54\40", Expr\NMZPV::class . "\x2d\x3e\141\162\x67\x73" => "\x2c\40", Stmt\OkPvx::class . "\x2d\76\143\157\x6e\x73\x74\163" => "\54\40", Stmt\GhMnt::class . "\x2d\76\160\141\162\x61\x6d\x73" => "\x2c\x20", Stmt\L2BiJ::class . "\x2d\x3e\x69\155\x70\x6c\x65\x6d\145\x6e\x74\163" => "\54\x20", Stmt\cvvpx::class . "\55\x3e\151\x6d\x70\154\145\x6d\145\156\164\x73" => "\54\x20", Mue5y::class . "\55\x3e\x69\155\x70\154\x65\155\x65\156\164\163" => "\54\x20", Stmt\ptlB1::class . "\x2d\x3e\143\157\156\163\x74\x73" => "\x2c\40", Stmt\pRLtS::class . "\55\76\x64\x65\143\154\141\x72\145\163" => "\x2c\40", Stmt\RmF6q::class . "\x2d\76\x65\170\160\x72\163" => "\54\40", Stmt\UAcpg::class . "\55\76\151\156\x69\x74" => "\54\x20", Stmt\UAcpG::class . "\55\76\143\x6f\156\144" => "\x2c\x20", Stmt\UacPG::class . "\x2d\x3e\154\157\157\x70" => "\54\x20", Stmt\HOcqD::class . "\x2d\x3e\x70\x61\x72\x61\155\x73" => "\54\40", Stmt\IwODN::class . "\x2d\76\166\141\162\x73" => "\x2c\x20", Stmt\bCvMj::class . "\55\76\x75\x73\145\163" => "\x2c\40", Stmt\r1RE9::class . "\x2d\x3e\145\x78\164\x65\156\144\163" => "\54\x20", Expr\yZe5t::class . "\x2d\76\x61\x72\x6d\x73" => "\54\x20", Stmt\nZyCS::class . "\55\76\x70\x72\157\160\163" => "\54\x20", Stmt\GI2iB::class . "\x2d\76\166\141\x72\x73" => "\54\40", Stmt\s_4ew::class . "\x2d\x3e\x74\x72\141\151\x74\163" => "\54\40", Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\bMnib::class . "\x2d\x3e\151\156\163\164\145\141\144\157\146" => "\54\x20", Stmt\FjG6e::class . "\55\x3e\166\x61\x72\x73" => "\x2c\40", Stmt\hrBp7::class . "\55\76\x75\163\x65\163" => "\x2c\x20", AiFpp::class . "\x2d\x3e\x63\157\156\x64\x73" => "\x2c\x20", K0Si3::class . "\x2d\x3e\x61\164\164\162\x73" => "\x2c\40", Expr\Closure::class . "\x2d\76\x73\164\x6d\164\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\iiHzC::class . "\55\76\163\x74\155\x74\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\CUOHr::class . "\x2d\x3e\x73\x74\x6d\x74\163" => "\12", Stmt\L2BIJ::class . "\55\76\x73\164\x6d\164\163" => "\12", Stmt\CVvpX::class . "\x2d\76\x73\x74\x6d\x74\x73" => "\12", MUe5Y::class . "\55\x3e\x73\x74\x6d\x74\163" => "\xa", Stmt\r1Re9::class . "\x2d\x3e\x73\x74\155\x74\163" => "\xa", Stmt\VwxNK::class . "\x2d\76\x73\x74\x6d\164\163" => "\xa", Stmt\GHMNt::class . "\55\76\x73\x74\x6d\x74\163" => "\xa", Stmt\PRLTs::class . "\55\x3e\163\164\x6d\164\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\wmoQp::class . "\55\x3e\163\x74\x6d\x74\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\Dy90o::class . "\x2d\76\x73\164\x6d\164\163" => "\xa", Stmt\x9nF2::class . "\x2d\x3e\163\x74\x6d\164\163" => "\xa", Stmt\o0c51::class . "\55\x3e\x73\x74\x6d\164\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\VR1TX::class . "\55\76\163\164\x6d\164\163" => "\12", Stmt\UaCPg::class . "\x2d\76\163\164\155\x74\163" => "\12", Stmt\HOcQd::class . "\55\x3e\163\x74\x6d\x74\x73" => "\12", Stmt\QZLTL::class . "\55\76\163\164\x6d\164\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\KwKeI::class . "\55\76\x73\x74\155\x74\163" => "\xa", Stmt\kw8Nd::class . "\55\76\163\x74\x6d\x74\x73" => "\xa", Stmt\l2bIj::class . "\x2d\76\141\164\x74\162\x47\x72\x6f\165\x70\163" => "\12", Stmt\Cvvpx::class . "\55\76\141\x74\164\x72\107\162\x6f\165\x70\163" => "\12", Stmt\nlaw_::class . "\55\76\x61\164\x74\x72\107\162\157\x75\160\163" => "\xa", Stmt\R1Re9::class . "\55\x3e\141\164\x74\x72\107\162\x6f\165\160\163" => "\xa", Stmt\VWXnK::class . "\55\x3e\141\x74\x74\x72\x47\162\157\x75\x70\x73" => "\12", Stmt\hoCQd::class . "\55\76\x61\164\164\x72\107\162\157\165\160\x73" => "\12", Stmt\GhmnT::class . "\55\x3e\x61\164\164\162\x47\162\157\165\160\163" => "\12", Stmt\okpvx::class . "\55\76\x61\x74\x74\162\107\162\x6f\165\x70\163" => "\12", Stmt\NZycs::class . "\x2d\76\141\164\164\x72\x47\162\x6f\165\x70\x73" => "\xa", mUe5y::class . "\55\76\141\164\x74\x72\107\162\157\x75\x70\163" => "\x20", Expr\Closure::class . "\x2d\x3e\x61\x74\x74\162\107\162\x6f\x75\160\163" => "\x20", Expr\HPXmQ::class . "\55\x3e\x61\164\164\x72\x47\162\157\x75\160\163" => "\40", y3sqb::class . "\x2d\x3e\141\x74\x74\x72\107\162\157\165\x70\x73" => "\40", Stmt\v6Pj0::class . "\55\x3e\143\141\x73\145\x73" => "\12", Stmt\S_4Ew::class . "\x2d\76\x61\x64\x61\160\x74\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\x73" => "\12", Stmt\W9Z0B::class . "\55\76\163\164\155\x74\163" => "\xa", Stmt\qorx7::class . "\x2d\x3e\x73\x74\x6d\x74\x73" => "\12", "\106\151\154\145\x2d\76\163\x74\x6d\164\163" => "\12"]; goto WfHZI; VvVC1: if (!isset($this->g10k2)) { goto DvqSQ; } goto SsFSa; SsFSa: return; goto ovEQp; ovEQp: DvqSQ: goto a90QZ; WfHZI: } protected function dMmTJ() : void { goto adV_m; adV_m: if (!isset($this->EfR5I)) { goto pw7wR; } goto rC0s_; rC0s_: return; goto FJl_Z; FJl_Z: pw7wR: goto gIqwn; gIqwn: $this->EfR5I = [Expr\hPxmq::class . "\55\76\160\141\x72\141\155\163" => ["\x28", '', ''], Expr\Closure::class . "\55\76\165\163\x65\x73" => ["\51", "\40\x75\x73\x65\40\50", "\x29"], Expr\Closure::class . "\55\76\x70\x61\162\141\x6d\x73" => ["\x28", '', ''], Expr\WV2nw::class . "\x2d\76\x61\162\x67\163" => ["\x28", '', ''], Expr\DBqXc::class . "\55\x3e\x61\x72\147\163" => ["\x28", '', ''], Expr\Nnyc6::class . "\55\x3e\x61\x72\x67\163" => ["\x28", '', ''], Expr\mdQyW::class . "\55\76\141\162\x67\163" => ["\x28", '', ''], Mue5y::class . "\55\76\141\x72\147\163" => ["\50", '', ''], mUe5Y::class . "\x2d\x3e\151\x6d\x70\x6c\145\155\145\156\x74\x73" => [null, "\x20\x69\x6d\160\154\x65\155\x65\156\x74\x73\40", ''], Expr\NMZpv::class . "\55\76\x61\162\147\x73" => ["\50", '', ''], Stmt\l2bij::class . "\x2d\76\x69\155\160\154\145\x6d\145\x6e\164\163" => [null, "\x20\x69\155\160\154\145\x6d\x65\156\x74\x73\40", ''], Stmt\CVVpx::class . "\55\x3e\151\x6d\160\x6c\x65\x6d\x65\156\164\163" => [null, "\x20\x69\x6d\x70\154\145\x6d\145\156\x74\163\40", ''], Stmt\ghMnT::class . "\x2d\x3e\160\x61\x72\141\155\x73" => ["\x28", '', ''], Stmt\r1re9::class . "\55\76\145\170\x74\x65\156\x64\x73" => [null, "\x20\145\x78\x74\145\x6e\x64\x73\40", ''], Stmt\hoCQD::class . "\55\76\160\x61\162\141\x6d\163" => ["\50", '', ''], Stmt\R1re9::class . "\55\x3e\141\x74\x74\x72\x47\x72\x6f\165\x70\163" => [null, '', "\xa"], Stmt\l2BiJ::class . "\x2d\76\141\x74\x74\x72\x47\x72\157\x75\x70\x73" => [null, '', "\12"], Stmt\oKPVx::class . "\x2d\76\x61\x74\x74\x72\107\x72\x6f\165\160\x73" => [null, '', "\12"], Stmt\GHMnt::class . "\x2d\76\x61\164\164\x72\107\x72\x6f\165\160\163" => [null, '', "\12"], Stmt\hoCqd::class . "\x2d\x3e\141\164\164\162\x47\162\x6f\x75\x70\163" => [null, '', "\12"], Stmt\NZyCS::class . "\55\76\x61\164\x74\x72\107\x72\x6f\x75\160\163" => [null, '', "\xa"], Stmt\VWxNK::class . "\55\x3e\x61\x74\164\162\107\162\157\165\160\163" => [null, '', "\xa"], Expr\HPxmQ::class . "\x2d\x3e\141\x74\164\x72\107\162\157\165\x70\163" => [null, '', "\40"], Expr\Closure::class . "\x2d\x3e\x61\164\x74\162\x47\x72\157\165\160\x73" => [null, '', "\x20"], Mue5Y::class . "\55\x3e\x61\164\x74\x72\x47\162\157\x75\160\x73" => [\T_NEW, "\40", '']]; goto oa3zZ; oa3zZ: } protected function XQWJc() : void { goto I3WmO; j81dX: return; goto vQaBF; vQaBF: SU64F: goto d96gi; d96gi: $this->hgdb2 = [Stmt\OKpvX::class . "\55\x3e\x66\154\x61\147\163" => ["\x70\115\x6f\x64\x69\146\x69\x65\x72\x73", \T_CONST], Stmt\GhmnT::class . "\55\x3e\x66\x6c\141\x67\163" => ["\160\115\157\144\x69\x66\151\x65\162\163", \T_FUNCTION], Stmt\L2BiJ::class . "\55\76\x66\154\x61\x67\163" => ["\x70\115\x6f\144\x69\x66\x69\x65\162\x73", \T_CLASS], Stmt\nZycs::class . "\x2d\x3e\x66\154\x61\147\163" => ["\x70\x4d\157\144\x69\146\x69\145\162\x73", \T_VARIABLE], mUe5Y::class . "\x2d\x3e\x66\x6c\141\x67\163" => ["\160\115\x6f\x64\x69\146\151\x65\x72\x73", \T_CLASS], Y3sqb::class . "\55\x3e\146\x6c\x61\147\x73" => ["\160\x4d\157\144\151\146\151\145\x72\x73", \T_VARIABLE], Expr\Closure::class . "\55\x3e\163\x74\141\164\151\x63" => ["\160\x53\x74\x61\x74\x69\143", \T_FUNCTION], Expr\HPXmQ::class . "\55\x3e\x73\x74\x61\164\151\143" => ["\x70\123\x74\x61\x74\151\143", \T_FN]]; goto OVNnZ; I3WmO: if (!isset($this->hgdb2)) { goto SU64F; } goto j81dX; OVNnZ: } }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 132 ms