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PHP Decode
<?php /** * * @ IonCube v8 Decoder By DoraemonPT * * @ Version : 1,0,0,3 * @ A..
Decoded Output download
* @ IonCube v8 Decoder By DoraemonPT
* @ Version : 1,0,0,3
* @ Author : DoraemonPT
* @ Release on : 15-10-2013
* @ Website :
require_once( 'init.php' );
if (( isset( $_GET['ref'] ) && !empty( $_GET['ref'] ) )) {
$_SESSION['ref'] = htmlentities( $_GET['ref'] );
$template = new Smarty( );
$Auth = new Authentication( );
$isp = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM ipbans WHERE ip = \'' . getIP( ) . '\'' );
if (mysql_num_rows( $isp )) {
exit( 'Your ip is banned to use this website!' );
return null;
if ($Auth->checkAuth( )) {
$uloggedId = $Auth->getLoggedId( );
$Loggeduser = __User::getbyid( $uloggedId );
$uid = $uloggedId;
if (!$Loggeduser) {
exit( 'Invalid User' );
$uloggedUser = $Loggeduser->username;
$template->assign( 'uloggedUser', $uloggedUser );
$template->assign( 'uloggedId', $uloggedId );
require_once( 'includes/stats.php' );
$myRank = getMyRank( $uloggedId );
$template->assign( 'myRank', $myRank['rank'] );
$template->assign( 'myGoal', $myRank['goal'] );
else {
$template->assign( 'uloggedUser', 0 );
$template->assign( 'uloggedId', 0 );
$template->assign( 'SITE_URL', $SITE_URL );
$template->assign( 'SITE_NAME', $SITE_NAME );
$template->assign( 'SITE_KEYWORDS', urldecode( $SITE_KEYWORDS ) );
$template->assign( 'SITE_DESCRIPTION', urldecode( $SITE_DESCRIPTION ) );
$template->assign( 'ADMIN_EMAIL', $ADMIN_EMAIL );
$template->assign( 'MIN_CASHOUT_LIMIT', $MIN_CASHOUT_LIMIT );
$template->assign( 'OFFER_RATE', $OFFER_RATE );
$template->assign( 'PREMIUM_RATE', $PREMIUM_RATE );
$template->assign( 'QUICK_PAY_FEE', $QUICK_PAY_FEE );
$template->assign( 'QUICK_PAY_FLAT_FEE', $QUICK_PAY_FLAT_FEE );
$template->assign( 'REFERRAL_RATE', $REFERRAL_RATE );
$template->assign( 'ALLOW_MESSAGING', $ALLOW_MESSAGING );
echo '<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#CCCCCC">ShareScript PPD v 2.1 - Provided by</font></a>';
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* @ IonCube v8 Decoder By DoraemonPT
* @ Version : 1,0,0,3
* @ Author : DoraemonPT
* @ Release on : 15-10-2013
* @ Website :
require_once( 'init.php' );
if (( isset( $_GET['ref'] ) && !empty( $_GET['ref'] ) )) {
$_SESSION['ref'] = htmlentities( $_GET['ref'] );
$template = new Smarty( );
$Auth = new Authentication( );
$isp = mysql_query( 'SELECT * FROM ipbans WHERE ip = \'' . getIP( ) . '\'' );
if (mysql_num_rows( $isp )) {
exit( 'Your ip is banned to use this website!' );
return null;
if ($Auth->checkAuth( )) {
$uloggedId = $Auth->getLoggedId( );
$Loggeduser = __User::getbyid( $uloggedId );
$uid = $uloggedId;
if (!$Loggeduser) {
exit( 'Invalid User' );
$uloggedUser = $Loggeduser->username;
$template->assign( 'uloggedUser', $uloggedUser );
$template->assign( 'uloggedId', $uloggedId );
require_once( 'includes/stats.php' );
$myRank = getMyRank( $uloggedId );
$template->assign( 'myRank', $myRank['rank'] );
$template->assign( 'myGoal', $myRank['goal'] );
else {
$template->assign( 'uloggedUser', 0 );
$template->assign( 'uloggedId', 0 );
$template->assign( 'SITE_URL', $SITE_URL );
$template->assign( 'SITE_NAME', $SITE_NAME );
$template->assign( 'SITE_KEYWORDS', urldecode( $SITE_KEYWORDS ) );
$template->assign( 'SITE_DESCRIPTION', urldecode( $SITE_DESCRIPTION ) );
$template->assign( 'ADMIN_EMAIL', $ADMIN_EMAIL );
$template->assign( 'MIN_CASHOUT_LIMIT', $MIN_CASHOUT_LIMIT );
$template->assign( 'OFFER_RATE', $OFFER_RATE );
$template->assign( 'PREMIUM_RATE', $PREMIUM_RATE );
$template->assign( 'QUICK_PAY_FEE', $QUICK_PAY_FEE );
$template->assign( 'QUICK_PAY_FLAT_FEE', $QUICK_PAY_FLAT_FEE );
$template->assign( 'REFERRAL_RATE', $REFERRAL_RATE );
$template->assign( 'ALLOW_MESSAGING', $ALLOW_MESSAGING );
echo '<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#CCCCCC">ShareScript PPD v 2.1 - Provided by</font></a>';
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | d6f2f85b270a24331f4cafa6a8d260e0 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 107 ms |