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 namespace t11FF\UKHiN\oBqbU; use iEtJj\jkvc0; use t11Ff\uKhIn\MGJeA\K6jlf; class ugSNa implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate { protected ?string $AiY8_; private string $B8PXp = "default"; private array $j1LFv = []; private \ArrayObject $CC5_n; private ?string $E5ZEG; private ?\DOMDocument $PMZ66 = null; private array $lImHP = []; private bool $EtWfu = true; private ?HTML5 $Lgnw2 = null; public function __construct(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $w1omH = null, ?string $ybFPm = null, ?string $Fn3IP = null, bool $Q51wM = true) { goto RKyah; t7XCU: $this->CC5_n = new \ArrayObject(); goto YKjKr; YKjKr: $this->add($w1omH); goto Zj0Hb; h5Xlx: $this->Lgnw2 = $Q51wM ? new jkvc0(["disable_html_ns" => true]) : null; goto t7XCU; RKyah: $this->AiY8_ = $ybFPm; goto bv_C0; bv_C0: $this->E5ZEG = $Fn3IP ?: $ybFPm; goto h5Xlx; Zj0Hb: } public function LqABA() : ?string { return $this->AiY8_; } public function dYmpm() : ?string { return $this->E5ZEG; } public function GZhb0() : void { goto eOoJ1; JRg2w: $this->CC5_n = new \ArrayObject(); goto e7Uzl; eOoJ1: $this->lImHP = []; goto P6hm7; P6hm7: $this->PMZ66 = null; goto JRg2w; e7Uzl: } public function add(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $w1omH) : void { goto IT70q; Lp7A5: NT9Io: goto HqjuM; HqjuM: $this->kde0y($w1omH); goto eu_FQ; eu_FQ: goto b0OD3; goto vwRsx; vwRsx: VrZNG: goto vCEnh; u9jOk: $this->Rgmtu($w1omH); goto ubOAl; vCEnh: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expecting a DOMNodeList or DOMNode instance, an array, a string, or null, but got "%s".", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto bHtdO; feWBw: goto b0OD3; goto Syznh; ibABt: $this->zNz9J($w1omH); goto S4qC2; ubOAl: goto b0OD3; goto PPKSo; hMxWI: $this->tCcUm($w1omH); goto U3dvC; EDWB0: if (null !== $w1omH) { goto VrZNG; } goto feWBw; S4qC2: goto b0OD3; goto Lp7A5; PPKSo: baD7_: goto ibABt; gej_k: if (\is_array($w1omH)) { goto baD7_; } goto bfF0P; U3dvC: goto b0OD3; goto ce56s; bHtdO: b0OD3: goto GtzeF; ce56s: UXSEU: goto u9jOk; Syznh: dthZc: goto hMxWI; IT70q: if ($w1omH instanceof \Mb3X4) { goto dthZc; } goto T98Pq; bfF0P: if (\is_string($w1omH)) { goto NT9Io; } goto EDWB0; T98Pq: if ($w1omH instanceof \EsdMf) { goto UXSEU; } goto gej_k; GtzeF: } public function KDE0y(string $krig_, ?string $fnGkC = null) : void { goto qqLMQ; kGZ0a: qjc0M: goto RqHWE; hRWvL: if (preg_match("/(x|ht)ml/i", $fnGkC, $J99mD)) { goto Ed2n_; } goto Wxt_q; LjaNb: $fnGkC = str_starts_with($krig_, "<?xml") ? "application/xml" : "text/html"; goto kR6vP; bbpQ1: Ed2n_: goto bUDU2; bUDU2: $V5o2m = preg_match("//u", $krig_) ? "UTF-8" : "ISO-8859-1"; goto bX6Xw; wW_tr: goto uZAmJ; goto kGZ0a; Wxt_q: return; goto bbpQ1; MfA15: $this->kN3AE($krig_, $V5o2m); goto wW_tr; RqHWE: $this->up45C($krig_, $V5o2m); goto YOMk0; YOMk0: uZAmJ: goto AzyXJ; A4ET5: if ("x" === $J99mD[1]) { goto qjc0M; } goto MfA15; bX6Xw: $krig_ = preg_replace_callback("/(charset *= *["']?)([a-zA-Z\-0-9_:.]+)/i", function ($BOiGz) use(&$V5o2m) { goto bL309; XPxrs: $V5o2m = $BOiGz[2]; goto vlKiz; bL309: if (!("charset=" === $this->EXVTc("charset=", $BOiGz[2]))) { goto SB7_4; } goto XPxrs; vlKiz: SB7_4: goto ds48I; ds48I: return $BOiGz[1] . $V5o2m; goto pwCzf; pwCzf: }, $krig_, 1); goto A4ET5; kR6vP: W1WFs: goto hRWvL; qqLMQ: if ($fnGkC) { goto W1WFs; } goto LjaNb; AzyXJ: } public function kN3AE(string $krig_, string $V5o2m = "UTF-8") : void { goto UsY68; voweb: $this->E5ZEG = $Fn3IP; goto eKQAg; UsY68: $dbODB = $this->F7ovs($krig_, $V5o2m); goto bK2h3; tCTUe: $Fn3IP = current($V9gWt); goto Ptdir; KGPVd: $hxnOT = $dbODB->sn4r9("a"); goto xsqFD; l_g8X: F8emR: goto UrFdj; Ptdir: if (!(\count($V9gWt) && $Fn3IP)) { goto F8emR; } goto VCXNB; RdhnQ: $V9gWt = $this->hzDUJ("descendant-or-self::base")->extract(["href"]); goto tCTUe; lV2DE: FzxET: goto l_g8X; xsqFD: $hxnOT->setAttribute("href", $Fn3IP); goto aXMOw; aXMOw: $rypDx = new Link($hxnOT, $this->E5ZEG); goto fWtAc; fWtAc: $this->E5ZEG = $rypDx->lqaBa(); goto lV2DE; eKQAg: goto FzxET; goto gP82N; VCXNB: if ($this->E5ZEG) { goto JcE__; } goto voweb; bK2h3: $this->dje1a($dbODB); goto RdhnQ; gP82N: JcE__: goto KGPVd; UrFdj: } public function UP45c(string $krig_, string $V5o2m = "UTF-8", int $UmebY = \LIBXML_NONET) : void { goto JhCgm; ILGjO: $b4m0N = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); goto vuMXu; vuMXu: $dbODB = new \RSkDy("1.0", $V5o2m); goto CmUHH; q2gjv: $krig_ = str_replace("xmlns", "ns", $krig_); goto m3n2H; m3n2H: ngTVV: goto ILGjO; H5J2F: $this->DjE1a($dbODB); goto Wu_L6; CmUHH: $dbODB->D2dZq = true; goto cNQmJ; JhCgm: if (str_contains($krig_, "xmlns:")) { goto ngTVV; } goto q2gjv; qgSwc: libxml_use_internal_errors($b4m0N); goto H5J2F; cNQmJ: if (!('' !== trim($krig_))) { goto KVDin; } goto mDCxG; mDCxG: @$dbODB->U8wIy($krig_, $UmebY); goto nyJG9; nyJG9: KVDin: goto qgSwc; Wu_L6: $this->EtWfu = false; goto UHPz_; UHPz_: } public function djE1A(\RSKDy $dbODB) : void { goto Dc3Y3; rs3hL: $this->RgmTU($dbODB->T35qP); goto GI_KW; Dc3Y3: if (!$dbODB->T35qP) { goto w1NSt; } goto rs3hL; GI_KW: w1NSt: goto tVjoa; tVjoa: } public function TCcum(\mb3x4 $lt5s7) : void { foreach ($lt5s7 as $w1omH) { goto ILC0w; pKSn3: $this->RGmTu($w1omH); goto W54GH; ILC0w: if (!$w1omH instanceof \esdMf) { goto bUlro; } goto pKSn3; W54GH: bUlro: goto Q6Lvy; Q6Lvy: gS8nn: goto UG7D7; UG7D7: } pBENk: } public function zNz9j(array $lt5s7) : void { foreach ($lt5s7 as $w1omH) { $this->add($w1omH); D3I7C: } VqJe4: } public function rGMTu(\ESDmF $w1omH) : void { goto mfy4W; dh1mE: if (!\in_array($w1omH, $this->lImHP, true)) { goto t1aKr; } goto HHlVv; eKpk0: t1aKr: goto iqlCy; iPfgj: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Attaching DOM nodes from multiple documents in the same crawler is forbidden."); goto azVe8; aVAOS: if (!(null !== $this->PMZ66 && $this->PMZ66 !== $w1omH->kbO9Q)) { goto SaH0L; } goto iPfgj; azVe8: SaH0L: goto EAHaN; mfy4W: if (!$w1omH instanceof \RsKdy) { goto NWble; } goto K0SCT; K0SCT: $w1omH = $w1omH->T35qP; goto YmBz1; YmBz1: NWble: goto aVAOS; EAHaN: $this->PMZ66 ??= $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto dh1mE; iqlCy: $this->lImHP[] = $w1omH; goto R6bOr; HHlVv: return; goto eKpk0; R6bOr: } public function jGVZq(int $yrz4v) : static { goto uiZSp; y43ZK: return $this->FO3Vs(null); goto ejXTV; aTzWa: oXnSz: goto y43ZK; uiZSp: if (!isset($this->lImHP[$yrz4v])) { goto oXnSz; } goto NPXB4; NPXB4: return $this->Fo3VS($this->lImHP[$yrz4v]); goto aTzWa; ejXTV: } public function HGLSb(\Closure $gGaEx) : array { goto V_Hv_; NRkyL: vuQnO: goto ZA9qo; V_Hv_: $LvroL = []; goto W8EO1; ZA9qo: return $LvroL; goto PHq1J; W8EO1: foreach ($this->lImHP as $i8fyg => $w1omH) { $LvroL[] = $gGaEx($this->Fo3vs($w1omH), $i8fyg); QNoLF: } goto NRkyL; PHq1J: } public function gvBe_(int $yBBzD = 0, ?int $XCyL3 = null) : static { return $this->fO3VS(\array_slice($this->lImHP, $yBBzD, $XCyL3)); } public function NqQ2c(\Closure $gGaEx) : static { goto sBD95; DRu1K: return $this->Fo3vs($lt5s7); goto oBwD2; sBD95: $lt5s7 = []; goto nCnCh; nCnCh: foreach ($this->lImHP as $i8fyg => $w1omH) { goto bPPY4; YKvWx: tzKoR: goto AIZ6H; bPPY4: if (!(false !== $gGaEx($this->fO3Vs($w1omH), $i8fyg))) { goto tzKoR; } goto BJzSV; AIZ6H: Yj9aC: goto z0p_J; BJzSV: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto YKvWx; z0p_J: } goto g_P3B; g_P3B: gnubk: goto DRu1K; oBwD2: } public function MNk9N() : static { return $this->jgvzQ(0); } public function IfTT5() : static { return $this->JGvzq(\count($this->lImHP) - 1); } public function TggKu() : static { goto k5eOr; kzBy4: return $this->FO3Vs($this->IomGf($this->xZp2t(0)->fxiDL->BR82p)); goto g1j3S; jxvOi: TFfo7: goto kzBy4; Q5h4w: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto jxvOi; k5eOr: if ($this->lImHP) { goto TFfo7; } goto Q5h4w; g1j3S: } public function n5ofx(string $GcmJd) : bool { goto pnZxX; sMXrw: $vV046 = $this->R06r_(); goto K49Sd; fnaXe: return 0 !== $this->HzDUJ($lZclB)->count(); goto AZvmh; Z2arv: u62KF: goto sMXrw; pnZxX: if ($this->lImHP) { goto u62KF; } goto D21Tl; K49Sd: $lZclB = $vV046->brQFm($GcmJd, "self::"); goto fnaXe; D21Tl: return false; goto Z2arv; AZvmh: } public function GYcxO(string $GcmJd) : ?self { goto kMUjq; Y7ONr: $yBJh0 = $w1omH->xZP2T(0)->fxiDL; goto QbPbQ; zH5m2: wSM68: goto VGCiw; pTNCJ: if (!(\z1B4E === $yBJh0->Ev46U)) { goto Cw9_X; } goto Y42cb; PuCvJ: Cw9_X: goto vVWA9; KVrbU: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto zH5m2; Y42cb: $w1omH = $this->fO3vs($yBJh0); goto C2r2d; PU0DA: Fi3vj: goto pTNCJ; vVWA9: return null; goto dlD_4; VGCiw: $yBJh0 = $this->XZp2T(0); goto PU0DA; QbPbQ: goto Fi3vj; goto PuCvJ; ods33: ClxRQ: goto Y7ONr; C2r2d: if (!$w1omH->n5OFX($GcmJd)) { goto ClxRQ; } goto BudhR; kMUjq: if ($this->lImHP) { goto wSM68; } goto KVrbU; BudhR: return $w1omH; goto ods33; dlD_4: } public function IQwdd() : static { goto TJBmS; bsUf3: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto Fi1fq; BeHHw: return $this->Fo3Vs($this->ioMgF($this->Xzp2T(0))); goto Ef1O2; TJBmS: if ($this->lImHP) { goto pQcs4; } goto bsUf3; Fi1fq: pQcs4: goto BeHHw; Ef1O2: } public function x4sHj() : static { goto P96kW; PJY5S: return $this->fO3VS($this->iomgf($this->XzP2t(0), "previousSibling")); goto aiW26; Rtdj7: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto xjJeL; P96kW: if ($this->lImHP) { goto UMixs; } goto Rtdj7; xjJeL: UMixs: goto PJY5S; aiW26: } public function LjwhS() : static { goto DS0p5; HGpSZ: if (!($w1omH = $w1omH->fxiDL)) { goto EhTLV; } goto hfxEu; F1xy1: ZIr74: goto HGpSZ; EKuIx: return $this->Fo3vS($lt5s7); goto yrW8D; o1rDA: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto FmuMA; taJFw: $lt5s7 = []; goto F1xy1; Hh8OO: EhTLV: goto EKuIx; DS0p5: if ($this->lImHP) { goto EHZ7H; } goto o1rDA; j75jc: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto p1f9I; p1f9I: UCv3x: goto pHzb5; hfxEu: if (!(\z1B4E === $w1omH->Ev46U)) { goto UCv3x; } goto j75jc; FmuMA: EHZ7H: goto skW85; skW85: $w1omH = $this->xzp2T(0); goto taJFw; pHzb5: goto ZIr74; goto Hh8OO; yrW8D: } public function OQ2aW(?string $GcmJd = null) : static { goto QY22a; QY22a: if ($this->lImHP) { goto mxjfn; } goto bi8d7; XgGF2: F172V: goto qzVPO; BAwPC: return $this->HZduJ($lZclB); goto XgGF2; l_VJV: mxjfn: goto IF55c; y0t2O: return $this->FO3vs($w1omH ? $this->iOmgf($w1omH) : []); goto eXRnq; IF55c: if (!(null !== $GcmJd)) { goto F172V; } goto oIu37; bi8d7: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto l_VJV; qzVPO: $w1omH = $this->Xzp2t(0)->BR82p; goto y0t2O; oIu37: $vV046 = $this->R06R_(); goto Tuzvy; Tuzvy: $lZclB = $vV046->bRqFm($GcmJd, "child::"); goto BAwPC; eXRnq: } public function J1HmJ(string $paeCe, ?string $O0R8e = null) : ?string { goto t_DgU; hr2oY: AWZ3L: goto umLep; wWvNQ: return $w1omH->h32vK($paeCe) ? $w1omH->getAttribute($paeCe) : $O0R8e; goto DE6fM; t_DgU: if ($this->lImHP) { goto AWZ3L; } goto jpHHh; umLep: $w1omH = $this->xZp2t(0); goto wWvNQ; PGLty: CE1Ua: goto fjWei; fjWei: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto hr2oY; iZqxN: return $O0R8e; goto PGLty; jpHHh: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto CE1Ua; } goto iZqxN; DE6fM: } public function FRyH3() : string { goto Z03W5; IOCiE: return $this->XZP2T(0)->zsevS; goto cxmoo; RQj7n: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto z1ifr; z1ifr: mIGhZ: goto IOCiE; Z03W5: if ($this->lImHP) { goto mIGhZ; } goto RQj7n; cxmoo: } public function XCBqV(?string $O0R8e = null, bool $xsKAz = true) : string { goto Ri7Es; k_juW: if (!$xsKAz) { goto w8nZ5; } goto RQcuR; nTPL1: NEflQ: goto IU86I; A4F2S: G3NsT: goto oCa54; IU86I: $m_HvS = $this->xZp2T(0)->debH5; goto k_juW; xHLhh: return $m_HvS; goto wb1by; WCUnO: return $O0R8e; goto A4F2S; Y8ISA: w8nZ5: goto xHLhh; oCa54: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto nTPL1; geZu3: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto G3NsT; } goto WCUnO; Ri7Es: if ($this->lImHP) { goto NEflQ; } goto geZu3; RQcuR: return $this->uGpfb($m_HvS); goto Y8ISA; wb1by: } public function mVsUC(bool $xsKAz = true) : string { goto YVypI; WyaBI: eaQAv: goto U1wya; YVypI: foreach ($this->XZP2T(0)->nP8Yc as $rV3LJ) { goto o8Q3P; o8Q3P: if (!(\MeLLU !== $rV3LJ->Ev46U && \kBfFm !== $rV3LJ->Ev46U)) { goto KNtYg; } goto LYSEK; SC6Wi: KNtYg: goto umnG_; tuy4h: return $this->ugPFb($rV3LJ->debH5); goto d5J_c; HEl5A: if (!('' !== trim($rV3LJ->debH5))) { goto NFZJS; } goto tuy4h; d5J_c: NFZJS: goto mii0b; umnG_: if ($xsKAz) { goto KhsWJ; } goto LllAD; b1jch: KhsWJ: goto HEl5A; mii0b: Z60Td: goto gR3ID; LllAD: return $rV3LJ->debH5; goto b1jch; LYSEK: goto Z60Td; goto SC6Wi; gR3ID: } goto WyaBI; U1wya: return ''; goto ypHOu; ypHOu: } public function B47SF(?string $O0R8e = null) : string { goto R1iu_; c1wFU: HazSS: goto cvOsX; rg1pd: YHjEo: goto Ex37d; Gt4Yf: $miuQx = $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto M0DQW; aUQMx: foreach ($w1omH->nP8Yc as $UXEgk) { $Ey0Tm .= $miuQx->Fnn0Q($UXEgk); HV0g4: } goto c1wFU; M0DQW: if (!($this->Lgnw2 && "<!DOCTYPE html>" === $miuQx->wNCcL($miuQx->nP8Yc[0]))) { goto YHjEo; } goto Y1Ndr; Y1Ndr: $miuQx = $this->Lgnw2; goto rg1pd; goVyn: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto pZ3W4; uoxnB: return $O0R8e; goto RjLqw; sYrjm: $w1omH = $this->xZp2t(0); goto Gt4Yf; pZ3W4: x9EAc: goto sYrjm; cvOsX: return $Ey0Tm; goto MVQ_2; RjLqw: B4tkN: goto goVyn; R1iu_: if ($this->lImHP) { goto x9EAc; } goto ZRufO; ZRufO: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto B4tkN; } goto uoxnB; Ex37d: $Ey0Tm = ''; goto aUQMx; MVQ_2: } public function I28uG() : string { goto k5ebg; zyKzu: return $miuQx->FNN0Q($w1omH); goto zFn7Y; zhiXj: if (!($this->Lgnw2 && "<!DOCTYPE html>" === $miuQx->wnccl($miuQx->nP8Yc[0]))) { goto gYjiM; } goto tp6tb; E6u01: R9WcG: goto F7F7g; tp6tb: $miuQx = $this->Lgnw2; goto NH8PW; k5ebg: if (\count($this)) { goto R9WcG; } goto tbocZ; NH8PW: gYjiM: goto zyKzu; tbocZ: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto E6u01; F7F7g: $w1omH = $this->XzP2t(0); goto bzMEG; bzMEG: $miuQx = $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto zhiXj; zFn7Y: } public function t19BM(string $lZclB) : array|self { goto F2giL; F2giL: if (!(null === $this->PMZ66)) { goto KEOyP; } goto lKDUS; aFac5: $LvroL = []; goto uNJ_l; nJ0yT: if (!(isset($LvroL[0]) && $LvroL[0] instanceof \MB3x4)) { goto m4XGQ; } goto YLCkO; uNJ_l: $VmMTv = $this->heT_o($this->PMZ66, $this->hPFBN($lZclB)); goto YO5tc; lKDUS: throw new \LogicException("Cannot evaluate the expression on an uninitialized crawler."); goto cvXAY; DAtjs: return $LvroL; goto Jj2r9; YO5tc: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { $LvroL[] = $VmMTv->T19BM($lZclB, $w1omH); D5e6k: } goto QKxB4; YLCkO: return $this->FO3vS($LvroL); goto X1XQK; cvXAY: KEOyP: goto aFac5; QKxB4: NBZSd: goto nJ0yT; X1XQK: m4XGQ: goto DAtjs; Jj2r9: } public function extract(array $p9oJc) : array { goto HW2li; Vsnko: return $LvroL; goto HeIRL; iASWr: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { goto bl5jv; bl5jv: $XQytH = []; goto Byj65; oLqmw: $LvroL[] = 1 === $fLqwY ? $XQytH[0] : $XQytH; goto WTqNi; Byj65: foreach ($p9oJc as $paeCe) { goto SZVbh; eqNuZ: goto JaMvg; goto hQwff; bQXFb: DyKkt: goto xtgqa; bldDs: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->getAttribute($paeCe); goto Vf2zw; Sps47: HJVTH: goto PSZqj; PSU8b: JaMvg: goto Sps47; SZVbh: if ("_text" === $paeCe) { goto DyKkt; } goto weDuW; hQwff: CERY8: goto RStkn; xtgqa: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->debH5; goto eqNuZ; weDuW: if ("_name" === $paeCe) { goto CERY8; } goto bldDs; RStkn: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->zsevS; goto PSU8b; Vf2zw: goto JaMvg; goto bQXFb; PSZqj: } goto nGaQO; nGaQO: psLsy: goto oLqmw; WTqNi: Y595L: goto E8nmf; E8nmf: } goto ekcLh; ekcLh: wL68e: goto Vsnko; HW2li: $fLqwY = \count($p9oJc); goto iIBrc; iIBrc: $LvroL = []; goto iASWr; HeIRL: } public function AbtzW(string $lZclB) : static { goto iVoNn; iVoNn: $lZclB = $this->cUiev($lZclB); goto n6CWM; n6CWM: if (!('' === $lZclB)) { goto QtN1w; } goto ZXKx0; rQlWD: return $this->hzdUj($lZclB); goto qp3o8; ZXKx0: return $this->fo3Vs(null); goto ljh1R; ljh1R: QtN1w: goto rQlWD; qp3o8: } public function filter(string $GcmJd) : static { $vV046 = $this->r06r_(); return $this->HzDuJ($vV046->bRqfM($GcmJd)); } public function UDSKs(string $tKlfN) : static { return $this->HzDuJ(sprintf("descendant-or-self::a[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(string(.)), ' '), %1$s) or ./img[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(string(@alt)), ' '), %1$s)]]", static::qyApp(" " . $tKlfN . " "))); } public function BXc4N(string $tKlfN) : static { $lZclB = sprintf("descendant-or-self::img[contains(normalize-space(string(@alt)), %s)]", static::Qyapp($tKlfN)); return $this->HZdUJ($lZclB); } public function pJRNc(string $tKlfN) : static { return $this->HZdUj(sprintf("descendant-or-self::input[((contains(%1$s, "submit") or contains(%1$s, "button")) and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(string(@value)), ' '), %2$s)) or (contains(%1$s, "image") and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(string(@alt)), ' '), %2$s)) or @id=%3$s or @name=%3$s] | descendant-or-self::button[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(string(.)), ' '), %2$s) or @id=%3$s or @name=%3$s]", "translate(@type, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")", static::QYapP(" " . $tKlfN . " "), static::qyApP($tKlfN))); } public function link(string $dSiBl = "get") : Link { goto aDXpD; bT0Q1: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto CJ4GK; i711e: return new Link($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG, $dSiBl); goto Iy3vM; CJ4GK: RbsqS: goto QS99z; aDXpD: if ($this->lImHP) { goto RbsqS; } goto bT0Q1; opbbE: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQpVe) { goto xbg5H; } goto uQUZw; QS99z: $w1omH = $this->xZp2T(0); goto opbbE; uQUZw: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto GTAmc; GTAmc: xbg5H: goto i711e; Iy3vM: } public function oGbGP() : array { goto KLW1X; JyDzN: NL2Xp: goto uQoo5; g153J: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { goto qh8s7; qh8s7: if ($w1omH instanceof \HqpVE) { goto TJaHh; } goto pHst4; B6Vuj: TJaHh: goto o2Hvc; pHst4: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The current node list should contain only DOMElement instances, "%s" found.", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto B6Vuj; o2Hvc: $rrsnK[] = new Link($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG, "get"); goto MArMZ; MArMZ: fbD0U: goto OjdhN; OjdhN: } goto JyDzN; uQoo5: return $rrsnK; goto E_Zuy; KLW1X: $rrsnK = []; goto g153J; E_Zuy: } public function dwX9z() : j2PB1 { goto hX3Uh; hX3Uh: if (\count($this)) { goto rfAa1; } goto W91kn; ACOlj: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQpve) { goto DDgQO; } goto K2h1G; UDx32: $w1omH = $this->XZp2t(0); goto ACOlj; hZvZm: DDgQO: goto Fa75o; Fa75o: return new j2pb1($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG); goto M9WWY; K2h1G: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto hZvZm; W91kn: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto EjJcp; EjJcp: rfAa1: goto UDx32; M9WWY: } public function Krl_O() : array { goto d5nbB; d5nbB: $V8r1s = []; goto W_rlz; W_rlz: foreach ($this as $w1omH) { goto mOf3j; yvsxa: $V8r1s[] = new J2pb1($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG); goto qxFnf; qxFnf: csfF0: goto qA1Im; BwkVy: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The current node list should contain only DOMElement instances, "%s" found.", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto Ww0f3; Ww0f3: FS4g5: goto yvsxa; mOf3j: if ($w1omH instanceof \Hqpve) { goto FS4g5; } goto BwkVy; qA1Im: } goto M2iug; RrP44: return $V8r1s; goto IRG3J; M2iug: orS1r: goto RrP44; IRG3J: } public function XRN5y(?array $kxuh_ = null, ?string $dSiBl = null) : Rgovg { goto xoCC9; NWfQ2: fRonf: goto r8Ip7; hXTD8: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQPve) { goto fRonf; } goto McpGp; cQctF: if (!(null !== $kxuh_)) { goto usRY3; } goto XeOkZ; iNoWN: return $p3aOw; goto RIG2u; XeOkZ: $p3aOw->f82hC($kxuh_); goto nIFWX; McpGp: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The selected node should be instance of DOMElement, got "%s".", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto NWfQ2; xoCC9: if ($this->lImHP) { goto flBMD; } goto wwWFK; G2g7r: flBMD: goto smmWc; wwWFK: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current node list is empty."); goto G2g7r; smmWc: $w1omH = $this->Xzp2t(0); goto hXTD8; r8Ip7: $p3aOw = new RGOVG($w1omH, $this->AiY8_, $dSiBl, $this->E5ZEG); goto cQctF; nIFWX: usRY3: goto iNoWN; RIG2u: } public function ZWn_M(string $WEiOH) : void { $this->B8PXp = $WEiOH; } public function oc_DN(string $WEiOH, string $ISvTg) : void { $this->j1LFv[$WEiOH] = $ISvTg; } public static function qYapP(string $GZUO5) : string { goto D7vPm; Tz2X0: goto NFeVu; goto CW8ha; GkuRt: return sprintf("'%s'", $GZUO5); goto N9Fpe; CW8ha: goto xsHXb; goto sce9A; D7vPm: if (str_contains($GZUO5, "'")) { goto EPNPR; } goto GkuRt; sce9A: WOr_5: goto WlicQ; eqbJq: return sprintf("concat(%s)", implode(", ", $VeH2H)); goto CJFFE; HiNvD: goto ZLNmR; goto yK97U; kC6X1: return sprintf(""%s"", $GZUO5); goto IdVKs; vuguv: if (false !== ($aEQ5K = strpos($Iqghm, "'"))) { goto WOr_5; } goto TVHOc; jZvr1: $VeH2H[] = ""'""; goto pyhn_; WlicQ: $VeH2H[] = sprintf("'%s'", substr($Iqghm, 0, $aEQ5K)); goto jZvr1; IS9MX: if (!true) { goto NFeVu; } goto vuguv; m2Usc: ZLNmR: goto IS9MX; F_a9Y: xsHXb: goto HiNvD; p__5s: $Iqghm = $GZUO5; goto Te509; TVHOc: $VeH2H[] = "'{$Iqghm}'"; goto Tz2X0; Te509: $VeH2H = []; goto m2Usc; N9Fpe: EPNPR: goto l1agQ; pyhn_: $Iqghm = substr($Iqghm, $aEQ5K + 1); goto F_a9Y; IdVKs: i4l3B: goto p__5s; yK97U: NFeVu: goto eqbJq; l1agQ: if (str_contains($GZUO5, """)) { goto i4l3B; } goto kC6X1; CJFFE: } private function HzdUJ(string $lZclB) : static { goto kF9DU; Kdod7: return $oAPsp; goto c4Ul0; L31qX: return $oAPsp; goto zwJzB; Gob1X: if (!(null === $this->PMZ66)) { goto tGJLS; } goto L31qX; zwJzB: tGJLS: goto ZhkcP; Bo99G: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { $oAPsp->add($VmMTv->query($lZclB, $w1omH)); E2ZjS: } goto xc4eM; kF9DU: $oAPsp = $this->FO3Vs(null); goto Gob1X; xc4eM: xbN5T: goto Kdod7; ZhkcP: $VmMTv = $this->hET_O($this->PMZ66, $this->HPFBN($lZclB)); goto Bo99G; c4Ul0: } private function CuIev(string $lZclB) : string { goto vgAUa; ry1fL: if (preg_match("/^(ancestor|ancestor-or-self|attribute|following|following-sibling|namespace|parent|preceding|preceding-sibling)::/", $voMc0)) { goto fVhxS; } goto rctjR; cC0wG: R_EMU: goto YN9SF; cOpev: if (!($i8fyg < $cXbbQ)) { goto R_EMU; } goto U6rP6; yxauj: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto pUAKI; rJhpc: $LtL3U = "a[name() = "b"]"; goto kP9Zz; oU_Vn: $BaY19 = $i8fyg + 1; goto maQiL; HJMC0: ++$i8fyg; goto FpOF1; e0a63: $FjKZN = 1 + strspn($lZclB, "( \x9\xa\xd\x0\xb", $BaY19 + 1); goto Pfyb4; eencc: JHZ4p: goto GjU8x; dP4v1: $voMc0 = "self::" . $voMc0; goto a1MW1; kP6GI: o86xe: goto nzhfs; pUAKI: goto yoVeX; goto iUk_g; ClT22: AuB1h: goto YaKVq; kP9Zz: $cXbbQ = \strlen($lZclB); goto PD9pR; FpOF1: goto TC5bd; goto s6wTg; YaKVq: $voMc0 = "descendant-or-self::" . substr($voMc0, 2); goto PHFV7; VXo8n: $voMc0 = "./" . substr($voMc0, 8); goto uZgEy; Iv9rR: goto yoVeX; goto Y1dO8; h69rv: $voMc0 = rtrim(substr($lZclB, $BaY19, $i8fyg - $BaY19)); goto RfVQp; PygSR: return $lZclB; goto oWEbm; tApWZ: $BaY19 += $FjKZN; goto eEW5C; g0gjc: if (!($i8fyg <= $cXbbQ)) { goto AAADK; } goto wroxk; vgAUa: $Nscc8 = []; goto rJhpc; a1MW1: yoVeX: goto PzL90; eiQOV: $voMc0 = "descendant-or-self::" . substr($voMc0, 3); goto Iv9rR; Y1dO8: aAW2a: goto aHkI3; aHkI3: $voMc0 = "self::" . substr($voMc0, 2); goto AtkkC; oKHj5: if ('' === $voMc0) { goto KuuOK; } goto Hm7t1; lmLPW: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "descendant::")) { goto zPtkx; } goto ry1fL; vqJaK: TC5bd: goto g0gjc; wroxk: $i8fyg += strcspn($lZclB, ""'[]|", $i8fyg); goto cOpev; LzIBl: bjCmf: goto PwSl1; J4BM8: $i8fyg = $BaY19; goto vqJaK; q6KVA: hgDUs: goto AkyGg; AtkkC: goto yoVeX; goto WEsX6; H9RL1: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "./")) { goto aAW2a; } goto CZoVZ; FzH_t: if (!($i8fyg === $cXbbQ)) { goto JHZ4p; } goto bC3Fc; CZoVZ: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "child::")) { goto LTWYw; } goto zJRWR; YN9SF: if (!$UqDDU) { goto bjCmf; } goto f2QoA; mcyzJ: $BaY19 = strspn($lZclB, " 	

\x0"); goto J4BM8; nzhfs: jhCp4: goto cC0wG; PHFV7: goto yoVeX; goto Nrdz_; iYTVF: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto Cwb4D; bC3Fc: return implode(" | ", $Nscc8); goto eencc; PwSl1: if ($BaY19 < $cXbbQ && "(" === $lZclB[$BaY19]) { goto MUJfs; } goto Bh3XW; rctjR: if (!str_starts_with($voMc0, "descendant-or-self::")) { goto q3nzx; } goto GoBpS; nC0JN: zPtkx: goto IRLYx; zJRWR: if ("/" === $voMc0[0] || "." === $voMc0[0] || str_starts_with($voMc0, "self::")) { goto hgDUs; } goto lmLPW; uZgEy: P6EEe: goto oKHj5; RfVQp: if (!str_starts_with($voMc0, "self::*/")) { goto P6EEe; } goto VXo8n; iUk_g: q3nzx: goto dP4v1; WTctn: MUJfs: goto e0a63; NhcY3: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, ".//")) { goto q4WIr; } goto H9RL1; s6wTg: AAADK: goto PygSR; Cwb4D: goto yoVeX; goto ClT22; UYIFd: goto yoVeX; goto jK4En; Bh3XW: $PqFn3 = ''; goto ev67h; IRLYx: $voMc0 = "descendant-or-self::" . substr($voMc0, 12); goto UYIFd; GjU8x: $i8fyg += strspn($lZclB, " \x9\xa\xd\x0\xb", $i8fyg + 1); goto oU_Vn; hp_g0: goto yoVeX; goto q6KVA; GoBpS: goto yoVeX; goto fb5u6; n5a3W: goto yoVeX; goto nC0JN; eEW5C: IouvO: goto h69rv; PzL90: $Nscc8[] = $PqFn3 . $voMc0; goto FzH_t; Hm7t1: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "//")) { goto AuB1h; } goto NhcY3; AkyGg: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto n5a3W; f2QoA: goto JHr9h; goto LzIBl; Nrdz_: q4WIr: goto eiQOV; WEsX6: LTWYw: goto UhQ1d; PD9pR: $UqDDU = 0; goto mcyzJ; fb5u6: KuuOK: goto iYTVF; U6rP6: switch ($lZclB[$i8fyg]) { case """: case "'": goto TFyFS; jaM1z: goto JHr9h; goto NCxWx; TFyFS: if (!(false === ($i8fyg = strpos($lZclB, $lZclB[$i8fyg], $i8fyg + 1)))) { goto hNPVm; } goto mevNn; mevNn: return $lZclB; goto CWhJY; CWhJY: hNPVm: goto jaM1z; NCxWx: case "[": ++$UqDDU; goto JHr9h; case "]": --$UqDDU; goto JHr9h; } goto kP6GI; maQiL: JHr9h: goto HJMC0; ev67h: goto IouvO; goto WTctn; jK4En: fVhxS: goto yxauj; Pfyb4: $PqFn3 = substr($lZclB, $BaY19, $FjKZN); goto tApWZ; UhQ1d: $voMc0 = "self::" . substr($voMc0, 7); goto hp_g0; oWEbm: } public function xZp2T(int $yrz4v) : ?\esDmF { return $this->lImHP[$yrz4v] ?? null; } public function count() : int { return \count($this->lImHP); } public function getIterator() : \ArrayIterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->lImHP); } protected function IoMGF(\ESdMF $w1omH, string $LOGzN = "nextSibling") : array { goto P_0Mx; MIQc8: return $lt5s7; goto SLRdl; LJvRH: cOdLy: goto vQtMr; g1PF0: CiNBN: goto MIQc8; arfmc: cpZMW: goto MWUaV; P_0Mx: $lt5s7 = []; goto fW07i; fW07i: $sKSLa = $this->XZP2T(0); goto arfmc; sH_5m: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto LJvRH; vQtMr: if ($w1omH = $w1omH->{$LOGzN}) { goto cpZMW; } goto g1PF0; MWUaV: if (!($w1omH !== $sKSLa && \z1B4E === $w1omH->Ev46U)) { goto cOdLy; } goto sH_5m; SLRdl: } private function zgo60(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "UTF-8") : \RSkDY { return $this->Lgnw2->G4iZi($this->eXVTc($Tw7g7, $V5o2m)); } private function snzQm(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "UTF-8") : \RskdY { goto reXI9; wKMF6: return $dbODB; goto Qkwkf; reXI9: $Tw7g7 = $this->EXVTC($Tw7g7, $V5o2m); goto QTh2l; k8vsg: if (!('' !== trim($Tw7g7))) { goto F_8mo; } goto PnIWj; ujXKE: $dbODB->D2dZq = true; goto k8vsg; PnIWj: @$dbODB->IrLJL($Tw7g7); goto iL4Ag; bs2QQ: $dbODB = new \RSkDY("1.0", $V5o2m); goto ujXKE; QTh2l: $b4m0N = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); goto bs2QQ; nyaNC: libxml_use_internal_errors($b4m0N); goto wKMF6; iL4Ag: F_8mo: goto nyaNC; Qkwkf: } private function exVtc(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "UTF-8") : string { set_error_handler(static fn() => throw new \Exception()); try { return vOkPt($Tw7g7, [0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0x1fffff], $V5o2m); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError) { try { $Tw7g7 = iconv($V5o2m, "UTF-8", $Tw7g7); $Tw7g7 = VoKpt($Tw7g7, [0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0x1fffff], "UTF-8"); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError) { } return $Tw7g7; } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } private function hEt_o(\Rskdy $k5vRP, array $VDDu2 = []) : \NCRUW { goto PIER7; PIER7: $VmMTv = new \ncruw($k5vRP); goto hPNuH; sQOtT: return $VmMTv; goto RmXOf; oEnxT: Ln3TT: goto sQOtT; hPNuH: foreach ($VDDu2 as $WEiOH) { goto c4Vth; K5_jt: mlNFC: goto MFKP_; c4Vth: $ISvTg = $this->V26Vw($VmMTv, $WEiOH); goto KTswM; MFKP_: IxECR: goto i3TPs; KTswM: if (!(null !== $ISvTg)) { goto mlNFC; } goto GS82k; GS82k: $VmMTv->oc_DN($WEiOH, $ISvTg); goto K5_jt; i3TPs: } goto oEnxT; RmXOf: } private function v26Vw(\NCRuw $VmMTv, string $WEiOH) : ?string { goto OqgKG; OqgKG: if (!\array_key_exists($WEiOH, $this->j1LFv)) { goto ZPhPc; } goto sPyKY; SWmH2: bcMwi: goto x_GWq; BaP26: if (!$this->CC5_n->offsetExists($WEiOH)) { goto bcMwi; } goto fq6SW; fq6SW: return $this->CC5_n[$WEiOH]; goto SWmH2; z8iSB: return $this->CC5_n[$WEiOH] = ($w1omH = $ZC4kt->JzK8I(0)) ? $w1omH->debH5 : null; goto tAlpe; x_GWq: $ZC4kt = $VmMTv->query(sprintf("(//namespace::*[name()="%s"])[last()]", $this->B8PXp === $WEiOH ? '' : $WEiOH)); goto z8iSB; sPyKY: return $this->j1LFv[$WEiOH]; goto OfpJT; OfpJT: ZPhPc: goto BaP26; tAlpe: } private function hpFBN(string $lZclB) : array { goto Ed9yy; JsuAn: return array_unique($cdPDN["prefix"]); goto dmMvB; ZT8nO: return []; goto znRmd; Ed9yy: if (!preg_match_all("/(?P<prefix>[a-z_][a-z_0-9\-\.]*+):[^"\/:]/i", $lZclB, $cdPDN)) { goto nwJl2; } goto JsuAn; dmMvB: nwJl2: goto ZT8nO; znRmd: } private function FO3vs(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $lt5s7) : static { goto Q2VRa; eFDLp: $oAPsp->Lgnw2 = $this->Lgnw2; goto ujmAs; LxCLG: $oAPsp->EtWfu = $this->EtWfu; goto t0BK3; t0BK3: $oAPsp->PMZ66 = $this->PMZ66; goto uAdu4; Q2VRa: $oAPsp = new static($lt5s7, $this->AiY8_, $this->E5ZEG); goto LxCLG; ujmAs: return $oAPsp; goto hpFlN; uAdu4: $oAPsp->j1LFv = $this->j1LFv; goto nLvMI; nLvMI: $oAPsp->CC5_n = $this->CC5_n; goto eFDLp; hpFlN: } private function R06R_() : k6jLf { goto DcLLa; LZo0J: return new K6jlf($this->EtWfu); goto u6GxP; BATcW: throw new \LogicException("To filter with a CSS selector, install the CssSelector component ("composer require symfony/css-selector"). Or use filterXpath instead."); goto vNF2G; DcLLa: if (class_exists(K6JLf::class)) { goto o9sBI; } goto BATcW; vNF2G: o9sBI: goto LZo0J; u6GxP: } private function f7OVs(string $krig_, string $V5o2m) : \rSkdy { goto JaoXJ; jl0wg: return $this->ZGo60($krig_, $V5o2m); goto youW2; xkDjd: return $this->SNzQm($krig_, $V5o2m); goto Ifjej; youW2: MizNK: goto xkDjd; JaoXJ: if (!$this->ng7_w($krig_)) { goto MizNK; } goto jl0wg; Ifjej: } private function NG7_w(string $krig_) : bool { goto uTy2Y; R49uT: return false; goto ZUbh0; ZUbh0: oNCvk: goto TZ0ZS; m4Ef7: $iWHzr = substr($krig_, 0, $aEQ5K); goto bV5Gh; TqlX9: return false; goto KTPkC; TZ0ZS: if (!(false === ($aEQ5K = stripos($krig_, "<!doctype html>")))) { goto qwM40; } goto TqlX9; bV5Gh: return '' === $iWHzr || $this->h11Gd($iWHzr); goto HTrBc; uTy2Y: if ($this->Lgnw2) { goto oNCvk; } goto R49uT; KTPkC: qwM40: goto m4Ef7; HTrBc: } private function H11GD(string $P6Jde) : bool { return 1 === preg_match("/^\x{FEFF}?\s*(<!--[^>]*?-->\s*)*$/u", $P6Jde); } private function UgPfb(string $Iqghm) : string { return trim(preg_replace("/(?:[ 

\x9\xc]{2,}+|[\xa\xd	])/", " ", $Iqghm), " 
\xd\x9"); } } ?>

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 namespace t11FF\UKHiN\oBqbU; use iEtJj\jkvc0; use t11Ff\uKhIn\MGJeA\K6jlf; class ugSNa implements \Countable, \IteratorAggregate { protected ?string $AiY8_; private string $B8PXp = "\x64\x65\x66\141\x75\154\x74"; private array $j1LFv = []; private \ArrayObject $CC5_n; private ?string $E5ZEG; private ?\DOMDocument $PMZ66 = null; private array $lImHP = []; private bool $EtWfu = true; private ?HTML5 $Lgnw2 = null; public function __construct(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $w1omH = null, ?string $ybFPm = null, ?string $Fn3IP = null, bool $Q51wM = true) { goto RKyah; t7XCU: $this->CC5_n = new \ArrayObject(); goto YKjKr; YKjKr: $this->add($w1omH); goto Zj0Hb; h5Xlx: $this->Lgnw2 = $Q51wM ? new jkvc0(["\x64\x69\163\x61\x62\154\145\x5f\x68\164\x6d\x6c\x5f\x6e\163" => true]) : null; goto t7XCU; RKyah: $this->AiY8_ = $ybFPm; goto bv_C0; bv_C0: $this->E5ZEG = $Fn3IP ?: $ybFPm; goto h5Xlx; Zj0Hb: } public function LqABA() : ?string { return $this->AiY8_; } public function dYmpm() : ?string { return $this->E5ZEG; } public function GZhb0() : void { goto eOoJ1; JRg2w: $this->CC5_n = new \ArrayObject(); goto e7Uzl; eOoJ1: $this->lImHP = []; goto P6hm7; P6hm7: $this->PMZ66 = null; goto JRg2w; e7Uzl: } public function add(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $w1omH) : void { goto IT70q; Lp7A5: NT9Io: goto HqjuM; HqjuM: $this->kde0y($w1omH); goto eu_FQ; eu_FQ: goto b0OD3; goto vwRsx; vwRsx: VrZNG: goto vCEnh; u9jOk: $this->Rgmtu($w1omH); goto ubOAl; vCEnh: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\x45\170\160\145\143\164\151\156\147\x20\141\40\104\117\x4d\116\157\x64\x65\114\x69\x73\x74\x20\157\x72\40\104\x4f\115\x4e\x6f\144\145\x20\151\x6e\163\164\141\156\x63\145\54\40\141\156\40\141\162\162\141\x79\x2c\40\141\x20\x73\x74\x72\151\x6e\147\54\x20\157\162\40\156\165\x6c\154\x2c\x20\142\x75\x74\x20\x67\x6f\164\40\x22\45\x73\42\x2e", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto bHtdO; feWBw: goto b0OD3; goto Syznh; ibABt: $this->zNz9J($w1omH); goto S4qC2; ubOAl: goto b0OD3; goto PPKSo; hMxWI: $this->tCcUm($w1omH); goto U3dvC; EDWB0: if (null !== $w1omH) { goto VrZNG; } goto feWBw; S4qC2: goto b0OD3; goto Lp7A5; PPKSo: baD7_: goto ibABt; gej_k: if (\is_array($w1omH)) { goto baD7_; } goto bfF0P; U3dvC: goto b0OD3; goto ce56s; bHtdO: b0OD3: goto GtzeF; ce56s: UXSEU: goto u9jOk; Syznh: dthZc: goto hMxWI; IT70q: if ($w1omH instanceof \Mb3X4) { goto dthZc; } goto T98Pq; bfF0P: if (\is_string($w1omH)) { goto NT9Io; } goto EDWB0; T98Pq: if ($w1omH instanceof \EsdMf) { goto UXSEU; } goto gej_k; GtzeF: } public function KDE0y(string $krig_, ?string $fnGkC = null) : void { goto qqLMQ; kGZ0a: qjc0M: goto RqHWE; hRWvL: if (preg_match("\x2f\x28\170\x7c\150\164\51\155\x6c\57\151", $fnGkC, $J99mD)) { goto Ed2n_; } goto Wxt_q; LjaNb: $fnGkC = str_starts_with($krig_, "\74\77\170\x6d\x6c") ? "\x61\160\x70\x6c\151\x63\141\x74\x69\157\156\57\x78\155\154" : "\164\145\170\164\x2f\x68\x74\155\154"; goto kR6vP; bbpQ1: Ed2n_: goto bUDU2; bUDU2: $V5o2m = preg_match("\x2f\x2f\x75", $krig_) ? "\x55\124\x46\55\x38" : "\x49\x53\x4f\55\x38\70\65\71\x2d\61"; goto bX6Xw; wW_tr: goto uZAmJ; goto kGZ0a; Wxt_q: return; goto bbpQ1; MfA15: $this->kN3AE($krig_, $V5o2m); goto wW_tr; RqHWE: $this->up45C($krig_, $V5o2m); goto YOMk0; YOMk0: uZAmJ: goto AzyXJ; A4ET5: if ("\x78" === $J99mD[1]) { goto qjc0M; } goto MfA15; bX6Xw: $krig_ = preg_replace_callback("\57\50\143\x68\141\162\x73\x65\164\40\52\75\x20\x2a\x5b\42\47\x5d\77\51\x28\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\101\x2d\132\x5c\55\60\x2d\x39\x5f\72\x2e\135\53\x29\x2f\151", function ($BOiGz) use(&$V5o2m) { goto bL309; XPxrs: $V5o2m = $BOiGz[2]; goto vlKiz; bL309: if (!("\143\x68\141\x72\x73\145\164\75" === $this->EXVTc("\143\x68\141\162\x73\145\x74\x3d", $BOiGz[2]))) { goto SB7_4; } goto XPxrs; vlKiz: SB7_4: goto ds48I; ds48I: return $BOiGz[1] . $V5o2m; goto pwCzf; pwCzf: }, $krig_, 1); goto A4ET5; kR6vP: W1WFs: goto hRWvL; qqLMQ: if ($fnGkC) { goto W1WFs; } goto LjaNb; AzyXJ: } public function kN3AE(string $krig_, string $V5o2m = "\125\124\106\55\x38") : void { goto UsY68; voweb: $this->E5ZEG = $Fn3IP; goto eKQAg; UsY68: $dbODB = $this->F7ovs($krig_, $V5o2m); goto bK2h3; tCTUe: $Fn3IP = current($V9gWt); goto Ptdir; KGPVd: $hxnOT = $dbODB->sn4r9("\141"); goto xsqFD; l_g8X: F8emR: goto UrFdj; Ptdir: if (!(\count($V9gWt) && $Fn3IP)) { goto F8emR; } goto VCXNB; RdhnQ: $V9gWt = $this->hzDUJ("\x64\x65\163\x63\x65\x6e\144\x61\x6e\x74\x2d\x6f\x72\x2d\163\x65\x6c\x66\72\x3a\142\x61\163\x65")->extract(["\x68\x72\x65\x66"]); goto tCTUe; lV2DE: FzxET: goto l_g8X; xsqFD: $hxnOT->setAttribute("\150\162\145\146", $Fn3IP); goto aXMOw; aXMOw: $rypDx = new Link($hxnOT, $this->E5ZEG); goto fWtAc; fWtAc: $this->E5ZEG = $rypDx->lqaBa(); goto lV2DE; eKQAg: goto FzxET; goto gP82N; VCXNB: if ($this->E5ZEG) { goto JcE__; } goto voweb; bK2h3: $this->dje1a($dbODB); goto RdhnQ; gP82N: JcE__: goto KGPVd; UrFdj: } public function UP45c(string $krig_, string $V5o2m = "\x55\x54\106\x2d\70", int $UmebY = \LIBXML_NONET) : void { goto JhCgm; ILGjO: $b4m0N = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); goto vuMXu; vuMXu: $dbODB = new \RSkDy("\61\56\60", $V5o2m); goto CmUHH; q2gjv: $krig_ = str_replace("\x78\x6d\x6c\156\163", "\156\163", $krig_); goto m3n2H; m3n2H: ngTVV: goto ILGjO; H5J2F: $this->DjE1a($dbODB); goto Wu_L6; CmUHH: $dbODB->D2dZq = true; goto cNQmJ; JhCgm: if (str_contains($krig_, "\x78\x6d\x6c\156\163\72")) { goto ngTVV; } goto q2gjv; qgSwc: libxml_use_internal_errors($b4m0N); goto H5J2F; cNQmJ: if (!('' !== trim($krig_))) { goto KVDin; } goto mDCxG; mDCxG: @$dbODB->U8wIy($krig_, $UmebY); goto nyJG9; nyJG9: KVDin: goto qgSwc; Wu_L6: $this->EtWfu = false; goto UHPz_; UHPz_: } public function djE1A(\RSKDy $dbODB) : void { goto Dc3Y3; rs3hL: $this->RgmTU($dbODB->T35qP); goto GI_KW; Dc3Y3: if (!$dbODB->T35qP) { goto w1NSt; } goto rs3hL; GI_KW: w1NSt: goto tVjoa; tVjoa: } public function TCcum(\mb3x4 $lt5s7) : void { foreach ($lt5s7 as $w1omH) { goto ILC0w; pKSn3: $this->RGmTu($w1omH); goto W54GH; ILC0w: if (!$w1omH instanceof \esdMf) { goto bUlro; } goto pKSn3; W54GH: bUlro: goto Q6Lvy; Q6Lvy: gS8nn: goto UG7D7; UG7D7: } pBENk: } public function zNz9j(array $lt5s7) : void { foreach ($lt5s7 as $w1omH) { $this->add($w1omH); D3I7C: } VqJe4: } public function rGMTu(\ESDmF $w1omH) : void { goto mfy4W; dh1mE: if (!\in_array($w1omH, $this->lImHP, true)) { goto t1aKr; } goto HHlVv; eKpk0: t1aKr: goto iqlCy; iPfgj: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x41\164\x74\141\x63\x68\x69\x6e\x67\x20\104\x4f\x4d\40\156\157\x64\145\163\x20\146\162\x6f\155\x20\155\165\x6c\164\151\x70\154\145\x20\144\x6f\143\165\155\145\156\164\163\x20\151\x6e\40\164\150\145\40\163\141\x6d\145\x20\143\162\x61\x77\x6c\x65\162\40\x69\x73\x20\146\x6f\x72\142\x69\x64\x64\145\156\56"); goto azVe8; aVAOS: if (!(null !== $this->PMZ66 && $this->PMZ66 !== $w1omH->kbO9Q)) { goto SaH0L; } goto iPfgj; azVe8: SaH0L: goto EAHaN; mfy4W: if (!$w1omH instanceof \RsKdy) { goto NWble; } goto K0SCT; K0SCT: $w1omH = $w1omH->T35qP; goto YmBz1; YmBz1: NWble: goto aVAOS; EAHaN: $this->PMZ66 ??= $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto dh1mE; iqlCy: $this->lImHP[] = $w1omH; goto R6bOr; HHlVv: return; goto eKpk0; R6bOr: } public function jGVZq(int $yrz4v) : static { goto uiZSp; y43ZK: return $this->FO3Vs(null); goto ejXTV; aTzWa: oXnSz: goto y43ZK; uiZSp: if (!isset($this->lImHP[$yrz4v])) { goto oXnSz; } goto NPXB4; NPXB4: return $this->Fo3VS($this->lImHP[$yrz4v]); goto aTzWa; ejXTV: } public function HGLSb(\Closure $gGaEx) : array { goto V_Hv_; NRkyL: vuQnO: goto ZA9qo; V_Hv_: $LvroL = []; goto W8EO1; ZA9qo: return $LvroL; goto PHq1J; W8EO1: foreach ($this->lImHP as $i8fyg => $w1omH) { $LvroL[] = $gGaEx($this->Fo3vs($w1omH), $i8fyg); QNoLF: } goto NRkyL; PHq1J: } public function gvBe_(int $yBBzD = 0, ?int $XCyL3 = null) : static { return $this->fO3VS(\array_slice($this->lImHP, $yBBzD, $XCyL3)); } public function NqQ2c(\Closure $gGaEx) : static { goto sBD95; DRu1K: return $this->Fo3vs($lt5s7); goto oBwD2; sBD95: $lt5s7 = []; goto nCnCh; nCnCh: foreach ($this->lImHP as $i8fyg => $w1omH) { goto bPPY4; YKvWx: tzKoR: goto AIZ6H; bPPY4: if (!(false !== $gGaEx($this->fO3Vs($w1omH), $i8fyg))) { goto tzKoR; } goto BJzSV; AIZ6H: Yj9aC: goto z0p_J; BJzSV: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto YKvWx; z0p_J: } goto g_P3B; g_P3B: gnubk: goto DRu1K; oBwD2: } public function MNk9N() : static { return $this->jgvzQ(0); } public function IfTT5() : static { return $this->JGvzq(\count($this->lImHP) - 1); } public function TggKu() : static { goto k5eOr; kzBy4: return $this->FO3Vs($this->IomGf($this->xZp2t(0)->fxiDL->BR82p)); goto g1j3S; jxvOi: TFfo7: goto kzBy4; Q5h4w: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\145\x20\143\x75\x72\x72\145\x6e\x74\40\x6e\157\x64\x65\x20\x6c\151\163\x74\x20\x69\x73\x20\145\x6d\x70\164\x79\56"); goto jxvOi; k5eOr: if ($this->lImHP) { goto TFfo7; } goto Q5h4w; g1j3S: } public function n5ofx(string $GcmJd) : bool { goto pnZxX; sMXrw: $vV046 = $this->R06r_(); goto K49Sd; fnaXe: return 0 !== $this->HzDUJ($lZclB)->count(); goto AZvmh; Z2arv: u62KF: goto sMXrw; pnZxX: if ($this->lImHP) { goto u62KF; } goto D21Tl; K49Sd: $lZclB = $vV046->brQFm($GcmJd, "\163\x65\x6c\146\x3a\x3a"); goto fnaXe; D21Tl: return false; goto Z2arv; AZvmh: } public function GYcxO(string $GcmJd) : ?self { goto kMUjq; Y7ONr: $yBJh0 = $w1omH->xZP2T(0)->fxiDL; goto QbPbQ; zH5m2: wSM68: goto VGCiw; pTNCJ: if (!(\z1B4E === $yBJh0->Ev46U)) { goto Cw9_X; } goto Y42cb; PuCvJ: Cw9_X: goto vVWA9; KVrbU: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\x65\x20\143\165\x72\x72\145\156\164\40\x6e\x6f\144\145\x20\x6c\151\x73\164\x20\x69\x73\x20\145\155\x70\164\x79\x2e"); goto zH5m2; Y42cb: $w1omH = $this->fO3vs($yBJh0); goto C2r2d; PU0DA: Fi3vj: goto pTNCJ; vVWA9: return null; goto dlD_4; VGCiw: $yBJh0 = $this->XZp2T(0); goto PU0DA; QbPbQ: goto Fi3vj; goto PuCvJ; ods33: ClxRQ: goto Y7ONr; C2r2d: if (!$w1omH->n5OFX($GcmJd)) { goto ClxRQ; } goto BudhR; kMUjq: if ($this->lImHP) { goto wSM68; } goto KVrbU; BudhR: return $w1omH; goto ods33; dlD_4: } public function IQwdd() : static { goto TJBmS; bsUf3: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\145\x20\143\x75\162\x72\145\x6e\164\x20\x6e\157\x64\145\40\154\x69\163\x74\40\x69\163\40\x65\155\160\x74\171\56"); goto Fi1fq; BeHHw: return $this->Fo3Vs($this->ioMgF($this->Xzp2T(0))); goto Ef1O2; TJBmS: if ($this->lImHP) { goto pQcs4; } goto bsUf3; Fi1fq: pQcs4: goto BeHHw; Ef1O2: } public function x4sHj() : static { goto P96kW; PJY5S: return $this->fO3VS($this->iomgf($this->XzP2t(0), "\x70\162\x65\x76\x69\x6f\x75\163\123\151\142\x6c\x69\x6e\147")); goto aiW26; Rtdj7: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\150\x65\x20\x63\x75\162\162\145\156\164\40\x6e\x6f\x64\x65\40\x6c\151\x73\x74\40\x69\163\x20\145\x6d\160\164\171\56"); goto xjJeL; P96kW: if ($this->lImHP) { goto UMixs; } goto Rtdj7; xjJeL: UMixs: goto PJY5S; aiW26: } public function LjwhS() : static { goto DS0p5; HGpSZ: if (!($w1omH = $w1omH->fxiDL)) { goto EhTLV; } goto hfxEu; F1xy1: ZIr74: goto HGpSZ; EKuIx: return $this->Fo3vS($lt5s7); goto yrW8D; o1rDA: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\145\40\x63\x75\x72\162\145\156\164\40\x6e\x6f\x64\x65\x20\x6c\x69\x73\x74\x20\151\x73\40\x65\x6d\x70\164\171\x2e"); goto FmuMA; taJFw: $lt5s7 = []; goto F1xy1; Hh8OO: EhTLV: goto EKuIx; DS0p5: if ($this->lImHP) { goto EHZ7H; } goto o1rDA; j75jc: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto p1f9I; p1f9I: UCv3x: goto pHzb5; hfxEu: if (!(\z1B4E === $w1omH->Ev46U)) { goto UCv3x; } goto j75jc; FmuMA: EHZ7H: goto skW85; skW85: $w1omH = $this->xzp2T(0); goto taJFw; pHzb5: goto ZIr74; goto Hh8OO; yrW8D: } public function OQ2aW(?string $GcmJd = null) : static { goto QY22a; QY22a: if ($this->lImHP) { goto mxjfn; } goto bi8d7; XgGF2: F172V: goto qzVPO; BAwPC: return $this->HZduJ($lZclB); goto XgGF2; l_VJV: mxjfn: goto IF55c; y0t2O: return $this->FO3vs($w1omH ? $this->iOmgf($w1omH) : []); goto eXRnq; IF55c: if (!(null !== $GcmJd)) { goto F172V; } goto oIu37; bi8d7: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\145\40\143\165\162\x72\145\x6e\x74\x20\156\157\144\145\40\154\x69\163\x74\40\151\163\x20\145\x6d\160\164\x79\x2e"); goto l_VJV; qzVPO: $w1omH = $this->Xzp2t(0)->BR82p; goto y0t2O; oIu37: $vV046 = $this->R06R_(); goto Tuzvy; Tuzvy: $lZclB = $vV046->bRqFm($GcmJd, "\143\150\x69\x6c\x64\72\x3a"); goto BAwPC; eXRnq: } public function J1HmJ(string $paeCe, ?string $O0R8e = null) : ?string { goto t_DgU; hr2oY: AWZ3L: goto umLep; wWvNQ: return $w1omH->h32vK($paeCe) ? $w1omH->getAttribute($paeCe) : $O0R8e; goto DE6fM; t_DgU: if ($this->lImHP) { goto AWZ3L; } goto jpHHh; umLep: $w1omH = $this->xZp2t(0); goto wWvNQ; PGLty: CE1Ua: goto fjWei; fjWei: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\x65\x20\x63\165\162\162\x65\156\x74\x20\x6e\157\x64\x65\40\x6c\151\x73\164\40\x69\x73\x20\145\155\160\x74\171\x2e"); goto hr2oY; iZqxN: return $O0R8e; goto PGLty; jpHHh: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto CE1Ua; } goto iZqxN; DE6fM: } public function FRyH3() : string { goto Z03W5; IOCiE: return $this->XZP2T(0)->zsevS; goto cxmoo; RQj7n: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\x65\x20\x63\165\x72\162\x65\156\164\40\x6e\157\x64\145\x20\x6c\151\x73\164\x20\151\x73\x20\x65\x6d\160\x74\171\x2e"); goto z1ifr; z1ifr: mIGhZ: goto IOCiE; Z03W5: if ($this->lImHP) { goto mIGhZ; } goto RQj7n; cxmoo: } public function XCBqV(?string $O0R8e = null, bool $xsKAz = true) : string { goto Ri7Es; k_juW: if (!$xsKAz) { goto w8nZ5; } goto RQcuR; nTPL1: NEflQ: goto IU86I; A4F2S: G3NsT: goto oCa54; IU86I: $m_HvS = $this->xZp2T(0)->debH5; goto k_juW; xHLhh: return $m_HvS; goto wb1by; WCUnO: return $O0R8e; goto A4F2S; Y8ISA: w8nZ5: goto xHLhh; oCa54: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\145\40\143\x75\162\162\x65\156\x74\40\156\x6f\x64\145\40\x6c\x69\x73\164\x20\151\x73\x20\145\x6d\160\x74\171\56"); goto nTPL1; geZu3: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto G3NsT; } goto WCUnO; Ri7Es: if ($this->lImHP) { goto NEflQ; } goto geZu3; RQcuR: return $this->uGpfb($m_HvS); goto Y8ISA; wb1by: } public function mVsUC(bool $xsKAz = true) : string { goto YVypI; WyaBI: eaQAv: goto U1wya; YVypI: foreach ($this->XZP2T(0)->nP8Yc as $rV3LJ) { goto o8Q3P; o8Q3P: if (!(\MeLLU !== $rV3LJ->Ev46U && \kBfFm !== $rV3LJ->Ev46U)) { goto KNtYg; } goto LYSEK; SC6Wi: KNtYg: goto umnG_; tuy4h: return $this->ugPFb($rV3LJ->debH5); goto d5J_c; HEl5A: if (!('' !== trim($rV3LJ->debH5))) { goto NFZJS; } goto tuy4h; d5J_c: NFZJS: goto mii0b; umnG_: if ($xsKAz) { goto KhsWJ; } goto LllAD; b1jch: KhsWJ: goto HEl5A; mii0b: Z60Td: goto gR3ID; LllAD: return $rV3LJ->debH5; goto b1jch; LYSEK: goto Z60Td; goto SC6Wi; gR3ID: } goto WyaBI; U1wya: return ''; goto ypHOu; ypHOu: } public function B47SF(?string $O0R8e = null) : string { goto R1iu_; c1wFU: HazSS: goto cvOsX; rg1pd: YHjEo: goto Ex37d; Gt4Yf: $miuQx = $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto M0DQW; aUQMx: foreach ($w1omH->nP8Yc as $UXEgk) { $Ey0Tm .= $miuQx->Fnn0Q($UXEgk); HV0g4: } goto c1wFU; M0DQW: if (!($this->Lgnw2 && "\74\41\104\x4f\103\124\x59\120\105\40\150\164\155\x6c\76" === $miuQx->wNCcL($miuQx->nP8Yc[0]))) { goto YHjEo; } goto Y1Ndr; Y1Ndr: $miuQx = $this->Lgnw2; goto rg1pd; goVyn: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\124\150\x65\x20\x63\165\162\162\x65\156\x74\x20\156\157\x64\145\x20\154\x69\163\x74\x20\x69\x73\x20\145\x6d\x70\164\x79\x2e"); goto pZ3W4; uoxnB: return $O0R8e; goto RjLqw; sYrjm: $w1omH = $this->xZp2t(0); goto Gt4Yf; pZ3W4: x9EAc: goto sYrjm; cvOsX: return $Ey0Tm; goto MVQ_2; RjLqw: B4tkN: goto goVyn; R1iu_: if ($this->lImHP) { goto x9EAc; } goto ZRufO; ZRufO: if (!(null !== $O0R8e)) { goto B4tkN; } goto uoxnB; Ex37d: $Ey0Tm = ''; goto aUQMx; MVQ_2: } public function I28uG() : string { goto k5ebg; zyKzu: return $miuQx->FNN0Q($w1omH); goto zFn7Y; zhiXj: if (!($this->Lgnw2 && "\x3c\41\104\x4f\103\x54\x59\x50\105\x20\150\x74\155\x6c\76" === $miuQx->wnccl($miuQx->nP8Yc[0]))) { goto gYjiM; } goto tp6tb; E6u01: R9WcG: goto F7F7g; tp6tb: $miuQx = $this->Lgnw2; goto NH8PW; k5ebg: if (\count($this)) { goto R9WcG; } goto tbocZ; NH8PW: gYjiM: goto zyKzu; tbocZ: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\x65\40\x63\165\x72\162\x65\x6e\x74\40\x6e\157\x64\x65\x20\154\x69\x73\164\x20\x69\163\x20\x65\155\160\x74\171\x2e"); goto E6u01; F7F7g: $w1omH = $this->XzP2t(0); goto bzMEG; bzMEG: $miuQx = $w1omH->kbO9Q; goto zhiXj; zFn7Y: } public function t19BM(string $lZclB) : array|self { goto F2giL; F2giL: if (!(null === $this->PMZ66)) { goto KEOyP; } goto lKDUS; aFac5: $LvroL = []; goto uNJ_l; nJ0yT: if (!(isset($LvroL[0]) && $LvroL[0] instanceof \MB3x4)) { goto m4XGQ; } goto YLCkO; uNJ_l: $VmMTv = $this->heT_o($this->PMZ66, $this->hPFBN($lZclB)); goto YO5tc; lKDUS: throw new \LogicException("\x43\141\x6e\x6e\157\164\x20\145\x76\x61\154\x75\x61\x74\x65\x20\x74\150\x65\40\145\x78\160\162\x65\163\x73\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\x6f\156\x20\141\x6e\40\x75\156\x69\x6e\x69\x74\x69\x61\154\151\172\x65\x64\x20\143\162\141\167\154\145\162\x2e"); goto cvXAY; DAtjs: return $LvroL; goto Jj2r9; YO5tc: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { $LvroL[] = $VmMTv->T19BM($lZclB, $w1omH); D5e6k: } goto QKxB4; YLCkO: return $this->FO3vS($LvroL); goto X1XQK; cvXAY: KEOyP: goto aFac5; QKxB4: NBZSd: goto nJ0yT; X1XQK: m4XGQ: goto DAtjs; Jj2r9: } public function extract(array $p9oJc) : array { goto HW2li; Vsnko: return $LvroL; goto HeIRL; iASWr: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { goto bl5jv; bl5jv: $XQytH = []; goto Byj65; oLqmw: $LvroL[] = 1 === $fLqwY ? $XQytH[0] : $XQytH; goto WTqNi; Byj65: foreach ($p9oJc as $paeCe) { goto SZVbh; eqNuZ: goto JaMvg; goto hQwff; bQXFb: DyKkt: goto xtgqa; bldDs: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->getAttribute($paeCe); goto Vf2zw; Sps47: HJVTH: goto PSZqj; PSU8b: JaMvg: goto Sps47; SZVbh: if ("\x5f\164\x65\170\x74" === $paeCe) { goto DyKkt; } goto weDuW; hQwff: CERY8: goto RStkn; xtgqa: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->debH5; goto eqNuZ; weDuW: if ("\137\x6e\141\x6d\145" === $paeCe) { goto CERY8; } goto bldDs; RStkn: $XQytH[] = $w1omH->zsevS; goto PSU8b; Vf2zw: goto JaMvg; goto bQXFb; PSZqj: } goto nGaQO; nGaQO: psLsy: goto oLqmw; WTqNi: Y595L: goto E8nmf; E8nmf: } goto ekcLh; ekcLh: wL68e: goto Vsnko; HW2li: $fLqwY = \count($p9oJc); goto iIBrc; iIBrc: $LvroL = []; goto iASWr; HeIRL: } public function AbtzW(string $lZclB) : static { goto iVoNn; iVoNn: $lZclB = $this->cUiev($lZclB); goto n6CWM; n6CWM: if (!('' === $lZclB)) { goto QtN1w; } goto ZXKx0; rQlWD: return $this->hzdUj($lZclB); goto qp3o8; ZXKx0: return $this->fo3Vs(null); goto ljh1R; ljh1R: QtN1w: goto rQlWD; qp3o8: } public function filter(string $GcmJd) : static { $vV046 = $this->r06r_(); return $this->HzDuJ($vV046->bRqfM($GcmJd)); } public function UDSKs(string $tKlfN) : static { return $this->HzDuJ(sprintf("\x64\145\x73\x63\x65\156\144\x61\x6e\x74\55\157\x72\55\x73\145\x6c\146\x3a\72\141\133\143\x6f\156\164\141\151\156\163\50\143\x6f\156\143\141\x74\x28\x27\x20\x27\x2c\x20\156\157\x72\x6d\141\x6c\151\x7a\x65\x2d\163\160\x61\143\145\x28\x73\x74\162\151\x6e\x67\50\56\x29\51\54\40\47\x20\x27\x29\x2c\40\45\61\44\x73\51\x20\x6f\162\x20\56\57\151\x6d\x67\x5b\x63\157\156\164\x61\151\x6e\163\50\x63\157\156\x63\x61\164\x28\x27\x20\47\x2c\40\x6e\x6f\162\155\141\154\x69\x7a\145\x2d\163\x70\141\143\145\50\x73\x74\x72\151\156\147\50\100\141\x6c\x74\51\x29\x2c\x20\47\40\47\x29\54\40\x25\61\44\x73\51\x5d\135", static::qyApp("\40" . $tKlfN . "\x20"))); } public function BXc4N(string $tKlfN) : static { $lZclB = sprintf("\x64\x65\x73\x63\x65\x6e\x64\x61\156\164\55\157\162\x2d\163\x65\x6c\146\x3a\x3a\x69\155\147\x5b\143\x6f\x6e\164\x61\151\x6e\x73\x28\156\157\162\x6d\141\154\x69\172\x65\x2d\x73\x70\141\x63\145\50\163\x74\162\x69\x6e\147\50\x40\x61\x6c\x74\51\x29\x2c\40\x25\x73\51\135", static::Qyapp($tKlfN)); return $this->HZdUJ($lZclB); } public function pJRNc(string $tKlfN) : static { return $this->HZdUj(sprintf("\x64\x65\x73\x63\x65\156\x64\141\x6e\164\55\x6f\162\55\x73\145\154\x66\72\72\151\156\160\165\x74\133\x28\50\143\157\156\164\141\151\x6e\163\x28\45\61\x24\163\x2c\x20\42\x73\165\142\155\x69\x74\42\51\x20\x6f\162\x20\143\x6f\x6e\164\x61\151\156\x73\50\x25\61\x24\163\x2c\40\x22\142\165\x74\164\x6f\x6e\x22\51\51\40\x61\156\x64\40\143\157\x6e\x74\141\151\x6e\x73\x28\143\157\156\143\141\164\x28\x27\40\47\x2c\x20\x6e\157\162\155\x61\154\151\172\145\55\163\x70\x61\143\x65\x28\x73\x74\x72\151\x6e\x67\50\x40\x76\x61\154\x75\145\x29\x29\54\x20\47\x20\47\x29\x2c\x20\45\x32\x24\163\51\51\40\157\162\x20\50\143\157\156\x74\141\151\x6e\x73\50\x25\61\x24\x73\54\x20\42\151\x6d\141\x67\145\x22\x29\40\x61\156\144\x20\x63\157\156\x74\141\x69\156\x73\x28\143\x6f\156\x63\141\164\50\47\x20\47\x2c\40\x6e\157\162\155\x61\x6c\x69\172\x65\x2d\x73\160\x61\143\x65\x28\163\x74\x72\x69\x6e\147\50\x40\x61\x6c\164\x29\x29\54\x20\x27\40\47\x29\x2c\40\45\62\x24\x73\51\51\x20\157\x72\x20\x40\x69\144\75\45\63\44\x73\x20\157\x72\x20\x40\x6e\141\155\145\75\45\x33\x24\x73\x5d\x20\x7c\40\144\x65\163\143\x65\x6e\x64\x61\x6e\x74\x2d\x6f\x72\x2d\163\145\154\x66\x3a\72\142\165\164\x74\x6f\156\133\x63\x6f\156\164\141\151\156\x73\50\143\x6f\156\143\141\x74\x28\x27\x20\47\54\x20\156\x6f\x72\x6d\x61\x6c\151\x7a\145\55\x73\x70\141\143\145\50\x73\164\162\x69\156\x67\x28\56\51\x29\54\40\47\40\x27\x29\x2c\x20\x25\x32\44\x73\51\40\157\162\40\100\151\144\75\x25\x33\x24\163\x20\157\162\x20\x40\156\x61\155\x65\x3d\45\63\44\x73\135", "\x74\x72\x61\156\x73\x6c\141\164\x65\x28\100\x74\171\x70\145\54\x20\42\x41\x42\103\104\x45\x46\x47\x48\111\112\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\117\120\x51\x52\123\x54\125\126\x57\x58\131\x5a\42\x2c\40\x22\141\142\x63\144\x65\146\147\150\151\152\153\x6c\155\156\157\x70\161\162\x73\x74\165\x76\x77\x78\x79\172\42\51", static::QYapP("\x20" . $tKlfN . "\x20"), static::qyApP($tKlfN))); } public function link(string $dSiBl = "\147\145\x74") : Link { goto aDXpD; bT0Q1: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\124\x68\145\40\x63\x75\162\x72\145\x6e\164\x20\156\157\144\145\40\x6c\151\163\x74\40\x69\163\x20\x65\x6d\x70\x74\171\x2e"); goto CJ4GK; i711e: return new Link($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG, $dSiBl); goto Iy3vM; CJ4GK: RbsqS: goto QS99z; aDXpD: if ($this->lImHP) { goto RbsqS; } goto bT0Q1; opbbE: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQpVe) { goto xbg5H; } goto uQUZw; QS99z: $w1omH = $this->xZp2T(0); goto opbbE; uQUZw: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\x54\150\145\40\163\145\x6c\x65\x63\x74\x65\144\40\x6e\157\x64\145\40\x73\150\x6f\x75\154\x64\40\142\x65\x20\151\156\x73\x74\141\156\143\x65\x20\157\146\40\x44\117\x4d\105\154\x65\x6d\x65\156\164\x2c\40\147\157\x74\40\42\x25\163\x22\x2e", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto GTAmc; GTAmc: xbg5H: goto i711e; Iy3vM: } public function oGbGP() : array { goto KLW1X; JyDzN: NL2Xp: goto uQoo5; g153J: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { goto qh8s7; qh8s7: if ($w1omH instanceof \HqpVE) { goto TJaHh; } goto pHst4; B6Vuj: TJaHh: goto o2Hvc; pHst4: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\124\150\145\40\x63\165\162\x72\x65\156\164\40\x6e\x6f\144\145\x20\154\x69\163\x74\x20\163\x68\157\x75\x6c\x64\x20\x63\x6f\156\164\x61\151\156\x20\157\156\154\171\40\104\x4f\x4d\105\x6c\x65\155\x65\156\164\x20\151\x6e\163\164\x61\x6e\143\x65\x73\54\40\x22\x25\163\x22\40\x66\x6f\x75\x6e\x64\x2e", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto B6Vuj; o2Hvc: $rrsnK[] = new Link($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG, "\147\x65\x74"); goto MArMZ; MArMZ: fbD0U: goto OjdhN; OjdhN: } goto JyDzN; uQoo5: return $rrsnK; goto E_Zuy; KLW1X: $rrsnK = []; goto g153J; E_Zuy: } public function dwX9z() : j2PB1 { goto hX3Uh; hX3Uh: if (\count($this)) { goto rfAa1; } goto W91kn; ACOlj: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQpve) { goto DDgQO; } goto K2h1G; UDx32: $w1omH = $this->XZp2t(0); goto ACOlj; hZvZm: DDgQO: goto Fa75o; Fa75o: return new j2pb1($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG); goto M9WWY; K2h1G: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\x54\150\145\40\163\x65\x6c\145\x63\x74\x65\x64\40\156\157\144\x65\x20\163\150\157\165\x6c\144\40\x62\145\x20\x69\156\163\x74\141\156\143\x65\40\x6f\x66\x20\104\117\115\x45\x6c\145\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x2c\40\147\157\164\40\x22\45\x73\42\56", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto hZvZm; W91kn: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\x54\x68\x65\x20\143\x75\162\x72\145\156\x74\x20\156\x6f\x64\x65\40\154\x69\163\164\40\x69\x73\x20\145\x6d\160\x74\171\x2e"); goto EjJcp; EjJcp: rfAa1: goto UDx32; M9WWY: } public function Krl_O() : array { goto d5nbB; d5nbB: $V8r1s = []; goto W_rlz; W_rlz: foreach ($this as $w1omH) { goto mOf3j; yvsxa: $V8r1s[] = new J2pb1($w1omH, $this->E5ZEG); goto qxFnf; qxFnf: csfF0: goto qA1Im; BwkVy: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\124\150\145\x20\x63\x75\x72\x72\145\156\x74\40\156\157\x64\145\x20\x6c\151\163\164\x20\x73\x68\x6f\165\x6c\144\x20\x63\157\x6e\x74\x61\151\156\40\x6f\x6e\154\171\x20\x44\117\115\105\154\x65\155\145\x6e\x74\40\x69\156\163\164\141\156\x63\x65\163\54\40\42\x25\x73\x22\40\x66\157\165\156\x64\x2e", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto Ww0f3; Ww0f3: FS4g5: goto yvsxa; mOf3j: if ($w1omH instanceof \Hqpve) { goto FS4g5; } goto BwkVy; qA1Im: } goto M2iug; RrP44: return $V8r1s; goto IRG3J; M2iug: orS1r: goto RrP44; IRG3J: } public function XRN5y(?array $kxuh_ = null, ?string $dSiBl = null) : Rgovg { goto xoCC9; NWfQ2: fRonf: goto r8Ip7; hXTD8: if ($w1omH instanceof \HQPve) { goto fRonf; } goto McpGp; cQctF: if (!(null !== $kxuh_)) { goto usRY3; } goto XeOkZ; iNoWN: return $p3aOw; goto RIG2u; XeOkZ: $p3aOw->f82hC($kxuh_); goto nIFWX; McpGp: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\x54\x68\x65\x20\x73\x65\154\145\x63\x74\x65\x64\x20\x6e\x6f\144\145\x20\x73\150\x6f\165\154\144\40\142\x65\x20\x69\x6e\163\x74\x61\156\x63\145\x20\157\146\x20\x44\x4f\115\x45\x6c\145\155\x65\x6e\164\x2c\x20\x67\157\x74\x20\42\x25\x73\x22\56", get_debug_type($w1omH))); goto NWfQ2; xoCC9: if ($this->lImHP) { goto flBMD; } goto wwWFK; G2g7r: flBMD: goto smmWc; wwWFK: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("\124\x68\145\40\143\x75\x72\x72\x65\x6e\164\x20\x6e\157\144\145\x20\154\151\163\x74\x20\151\163\40\145\x6d\x70\164\x79\56"); goto G2g7r; smmWc: $w1omH = $this->Xzp2t(0); goto hXTD8; r8Ip7: $p3aOw = new RGOVG($w1omH, $this->AiY8_, $dSiBl, $this->E5ZEG); goto cQctF; nIFWX: usRY3: goto iNoWN; RIG2u: } public function ZWn_M(string $WEiOH) : void { $this->B8PXp = $WEiOH; } public function oc_DN(string $WEiOH, string $ISvTg) : void { $this->j1LFv[$WEiOH] = $ISvTg; } public static function qYapP(string $GZUO5) : string { goto D7vPm; Tz2X0: goto NFeVu; goto CW8ha; GkuRt: return sprintf("\47\45\x73\x27", $GZUO5); goto N9Fpe; CW8ha: goto xsHXb; goto sce9A; D7vPm: if (str_contains($GZUO5, "\47")) { goto EPNPR; } goto GkuRt; sce9A: WOr_5: goto WlicQ; eqbJq: return sprintf("\x63\x6f\x6e\143\x61\x74\x28\x25\163\x29", implode("\x2c\x20", $VeH2H)); goto CJFFE; HiNvD: goto ZLNmR; goto yK97U; kC6X1: return sprintf("\x22\45\x73\x22", $GZUO5); goto IdVKs; vuguv: if (false !== ($aEQ5K = strpos($Iqghm, "\x27"))) { goto WOr_5; } goto TVHOc; jZvr1: $VeH2H[] = "\42\47\42"; goto pyhn_; WlicQ: $VeH2H[] = sprintf("\47\x25\x73\x27", substr($Iqghm, 0, $aEQ5K)); goto jZvr1; IS9MX: if (!true) { goto NFeVu; } goto vuguv; m2Usc: ZLNmR: goto IS9MX; F_a9Y: xsHXb: goto HiNvD; p__5s: $Iqghm = $GZUO5; goto Te509; TVHOc: $VeH2H[] = "\x27{$Iqghm}\47"; goto Tz2X0; Te509: $VeH2H = []; goto m2Usc; N9Fpe: EPNPR: goto l1agQ; pyhn_: $Iqghm = substr($Iqghm, $aEQ5K + 1); goto F_a9Y; IdVKs: i4l3B: goto p__5s; yK97U: NFeVu: goto eqbJq; l1agQ: if (str_contains($GZUO5, "\42")) { goto i4l3B; } goto kC6X1; CJFFE: } private function HzdUJ(string $lZclB) : static { goto kF9DU; Kdod7: return $oAPsp; goto c4Ul0; L31qX: return $oAPsp; goto zwJzB; Gob1X: if (!(null === $this->PMZ66)) { goto tGJLS; } goto L31qX; zwJzB: tGJLS: goto ZhkcP; Bo99G: foreach ($this->lImHP as $w1omH) { $oAPsp->add($VmMTv->query($lZclB, $w1omH)); E2ZjS: } goto xc4eM; kF9DU: $oAPsp = $this->FO3Vs(null); goto Gob1X; xc4eM: xbN5T: goto Kdod7; ZhkcP: $VmMTv = $this->hET_O($this->PMZ66, $this->HPFBN($lZclB)); goto Bo99G; c4Ul0: } private function CuIev(string $lZclB) : string { goto vgAUa; ry1fL: if (preg_match("\x2f\x5e\x28\x61\156\x63\145\x73\x74\x6f\162\x7c\x61\156\x63\x65\163\164\x6f\162\55\x6f\162\55\163\x65\154\x66\x7c\141\164\x74\162\151\x62\165\164\145\x7c\x66\157\x6c\x6c\157\x77\151\x6e\x67\174\x66\157\154\154\157\167\x69\x6e\147\55\x73\x69\142\x6c\151\x6e\x67\174\156\141\155\x65\x73\x70\x61\x63\x65\174\x70\141\x72\x65\x6e\x74\174\160\x72\x65\x63\x65\x64\x69\156\x67\x7c\160\x72\x65\143\x65\x64\x69\x6e\147\x2d\x73\x69\142\154\151\156\x67\51\x3a\x3a\57", $voMc0)) { goto fVhxS; } goto rctjR; cC0wG: R_EMU: goto YN9SF; cOpev: if (!($i8fyg < $cXbbQ)) { goto R_EMU; } goto U6rP6; yxauj: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto pUAKI; rJhpc: $LtL3U = "\141\x5b\x6e\141\x6d\145\x28\x29\40\75\40\x22\x62\42\x5d"; goto kP9Zz; oU_Vn: $BaY19 = $i8fyg + 1; goto maQiL; HJMC0: ++$i8fyg; goto FpOF1; e0a63: $FjKZN = 1 + strspn($lZclB, "\50\40\x9\xa\xd\x0\xb", $BaY19 + 1); goto Pfyb4; eencc: JHZ4p: goto GjU8x; dP4v1: $voMc0 = "\163\x65\154\146\72\72" . $voMc0; goto a1MW1; kP6GI: o86xe: goto nzhfs; pUAKI: goto yoVeX; goto iUk_g; ClT22: AuB1h: goto YaKVq; kP9Zz: $cXbbQ = \strlen($lZclB); goto PD9pR; FpOF1: goto TC5bd; goto s6wTg; YaKVq: $voMc0 = "\x64\x65\163\x63\x65\x6e\x64\141\156\164\x2d\157\162\55\x73\x65\x6c\x66\x3a\x3a" . substr($voMc0, 2); goto PHFV7; VXo8n: $voMc0 = "\56\57" . substr($voMc0, 8); goto uZgEy; Iv9rR: goto yoVeX; goto Y1dO8; h69rv: $voMc0 = rtrim(substr($lZclB, $BaY19, $i8fyg - $BaY19)); goto RfVQp; PygSR: return $lZclB; goto oWEbm; tApWZ: $BaY19 += $FjKZN; goto eEW5C; g0gjc: if (!($i8fyg <= $cXbbQ)) { goto AAADK; } goto wroxk; vgAUa: $Nscc8 = []; goto rJhpc; a1MW1: yoVeX: goto PzL90; eiQOV: $voMc0 = "\144\145\163\x63\x65\x6e\x64\x61\156\x74\55\157\162\55\x73\x65\x6c\146\x3a\72" . substr($voMc0, 3); goto Iv9rR; Y1dO8: aAW2a: goto aHkI3; aHkI3: $voMc0 = "\x73\145\154\x66\72\72" . substr($voMc0, 2); goto AtkkC; oKHj5: if ('' === $voMc0) { goto KuuOK; } goto Hm7t1; lmLPW: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "\x64\x65\163\x63\145\x6e\144\x61\x6e\164\x3a\72")) { goto zPtkx; } goto ry1fL; vqJaK: TC5bd: goto g0gjc; wroxk: $i8fyg += strcspn($lZclB, "\x22\47\133\135\174", $i8fyg); goto cOpev; LzIBl: bjCmf: goto PwSl1; J4BM8: $i8fyg = $BaY19; goto vqJaK; q6KVA: hgDUs: goto AkyGg; AtkkC: goto yoVeX; goto WEsX6; H9RL1: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "\56\x2f")) { goto aAW2a; } goto CZoVZ; FzH_t: if (!($i8fyg === $cXbbQ)) { goto JHZ4p; } goto bC3Fc; CZoVZ: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "\143\x68\x69\x6c\x64\x3a\72")) { goto LTWYw; } goto zJRWR; YN9SF: if (!$UqDDU) { goto bjCmf; } goto f2QoA; mcyzJ: $BaY19 = strspn($lZclB, "\40\11\12\15\x0\13"); goto J4BM8; nzhfs: jhCp4: goto cC0wG; PHFV7: goto yoVeX; goto Nrdz_; iYTVF: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto Cwb4D; bC3Fc: return implode("\x20\174\40", $Nscc8); goto eencc; PwSl1: if ($BaY19 < $cXbbQ && "\x28" === $lZclB[$BaY19]) { goto MUJfs; } goto Bh3XW; rctjR: if (!str_starts_with($voMc0, "\x64\x65\163\x63\145\x6e\x64\141\156\164\x2d\x6f\162\55\163\x65\154\146\x3a\72")) { goto q3nzx; } goto GoBpS; nC0JN: zPtkx: goto IRLYx; zJRWR: if ("\x2f" === $voMc0[0] || "\x2e" === $voMc0[0] || str_starts_with($voMc0, "\x73\x65\154\x66\x3a\x3a")) { goto hgDUs; } goto lmLPW; uZgEy: P6EEe: goto oKHj5; RfVQp: if (!str_starts_with($voMc0, "\163\x65\x6c\146\x3a\x3a\52\x2f")) { goto P6EEe; } goto VXo8n; iUk_g: q3nzx: goto dP4v1; WTctn: MUJfs: goto e0a63; NhcY3: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "\x2e\57\x2f")) { goto q4WIr; } goto H9RL1; s6wTg: AAADK: goto PygSR; Cwb4D: goto yoVeX; goto ClT22; UYIFd: goto yoVeX; goto jK4En; Bh3XW: $PqFn3 = ''; goto ev67h; IRLYx: $voMc0 = "\144\145\163\x63\x65\x6e\x64\x61\156\x74\x2d\x6f\x72\x2d\x73\x65\x6c\146\72\72" . substr($voMc0, 12); goto UYIFd; GjU8x: $i8fyg += strspn($lZclB, "\x20\x9\xa\xd\x0\xb", $i8fyg + 1); goto oU_Vn; hp_g0: goto yoVeX; goto q6KVA; GoBpS: goto yoVeX; goto fb5u6; n5a3W: goto yoVeX; goto nC0JN; eEW5C: IouvO: goto h69rv; PzL90: $Nscc8[] = $PqFn3 . $voMc0; goto FzH_t; Hm7t1: if (str_starts_with($voMc0, "\x2f\x2f")) { goto AuB1h; } goto NhcY3; AkyGg: $voMc0 = $LtL3U; goto n5a3W; f2QoA: goto JHr9h; goto LzIBl; Nrdz_: q4WIr: goto eiQOV; WEsX6: LTWYw: goto UhQ1d; PD9pR: $UqDDU = 0; goto mcyzJ; fb5u6: KuuOK: goto iYTVF; U6rP6: switch ($lZclB[$i8fyg]) { case "\x22": case "\47": goto TFyFS; jaM1z: goto JHr9h; goto NCxWx; TFyFS: if (!(false === ($i8fyg = strpos($lZclB, $lZclB[$i8fyg], $i8fyg + 1)))) { goto hNPVm; } goto mevNn; mevNn: return $lZclB; goto CWhJY; CWhJY: hNPVm: goto jaM1z; NCxWx: case "\133": ++$UqDDU; goto JHr9h; case "\x5d": --$UqDDU; goto JHr9h; } goto kP6GI; maQiL: JHr9h: goto HJMC0; ev67h: goto IouvO; goto WTctn; jK4En: fVhxS: goto yxauj; Pfyb4: $PqFn3 = substr($lZclB, $BaY19, $FjKZN); goto tApWZ; UhQ1d: $voMc0 = "\x73\145\154\x66\72\x3a" . substr($voMc0, 7); goto hp_g0; oWEbm: } public function xZp2T(int $yrz4v) : ?\esDmF { return $this->lImHP[$yrz4v] ?? null; } public function count() : int { return \count($this->lImHP); } public function getIterator() : \ArrayIterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->lImHP); } protected function IoMGF(\ESdMF $w1omH, string $LOGzN = "\156\x65\x78\164\123\x69\142\154\x69\x6e\147") : array { goto P_0Mx; MIQc8: return $lt5s7; goto SLRdl; LJvRH: cOdLy: goto vQtMr; g1PF0: CiNBN: goto MIQc8; arfmc: cpZMW: goto MWUaV; P_0Mx: $lt5s7 = []; goto fW07i; fW07i: $sKSLa = $this->XZP2T(0); goto arfmc; sH_5m: $lt5s7[] = $w1omH; goto LJvRH; vQtMr: if ($w1omH = $w1omH->{$LOGzN}) { goto cpZMW; } goto g1PF0; MWUaV: if (!($w1omH !== $sKSLa && \z1B4E === $w1omH->Ev46U)) { goto cOdLy; } goto sH_5m; SLRdl: } private function zgo60(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "\x55\x54\106\55\70") : \RSkDY { return $this->Lgnw2->G4iZi($this->eXVTc($Tw7g7, $V5o2m)); } private function snzQm(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "\125\124\x46\x2d\x38") : \RskdY { goto reXI9; wKMF6: return $dbODB; goto Qkwkf; reXI9: $Tw7g7 = $this->EXVTC($Tw7g7, $V5o2m); goto QTh2l; k8vsg: if (!('' !== trim($Tw7g7))) { goto F_8mo; } goto PnIWj; ujXKE: $dbODB->D2dZq = true; goto k8vsg; PnIWj: @$dbODB->IrLJL($Tw7g7); goto iL4Ag; bs2QQ: $dbODB = new \RSkDY("\61\x2e\x30", $V5o2m); goto ujXKE; QTh2l: $b4m0N = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); goto bs2QQ; nyaNC: libxml_use_internal_errors($b4m0N); goto wKMF6; iL4Ag: F_8mo: goto nyaNC; Qkwkf: } private function exVtc(string $Tw7g7, string $V5o2m = "\125\124\x46\55\x38") : string { set_error_handler(static fn() => throw new \Exception()); try { return vOkPt($Tw7g7, [0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0x1fffff], $V5o2m); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError) { try { $Tw7g7 = iconv($V5o2m, "\125\x54\106\55\70", $Tw7g7); $Tw7g7 = VoKpt($Tw7g7, [0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0x1fffff], "\x55\124\x46\x2d\x38"); } catch (\Exception|\ValueError) { } return $Tw7g7; } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } private function hEt_o(\Rskdy $k5vRP, array $VDDu2 = []) : \NCRUW { goto PIER7; PIER7: $VmMTv = new \ncruw($k5vRP); goto hPNuH; sQOtT: return $VmMTv; goto RmXOf; oEnxT: Ln3TT: goto sQOtT; hPNuH: foreach ($VDDu2 as $WEiOH) { goto c4Vth; K5_jt: mlNFC: goto MFKP_; c4Vth: $ISvTg = $this->V26Vw($VmMTv, $WEiOH); goto KTswM; MFKP_: IxECR: goto i3TPs; KTswM: if (!(null !== $ISvTg)) { goto mlNFC; } goto GS82k; GS82k: $VmMTv->oc_DN($WEiOH, $ISvTg); goto K5_jt; i3TPs: } goto oEnxT; RmXOf: } private function v26Vw(\NCRuw $VmMTv, string $WEiOH) : ?string { goto OqgKG; OqgKG: if (!\array_key_exists($WEiOH, $this->j1LFv)) { goto ZPhPc; } goto sPyKY; SWmH2: bcMwi: goto x_GWq; BaP26: if (!$this->CC5_n->offsetExists($WEiOH)) { goto bcMwi; } goto fq6SW; fq6SW: return $this->CC5_n[$WEiOH]; goto SWmH2; z8iSB: return $this->CC5_n[$WEiOH] = ($w1omH = $ZC4kt->JzK8I(0)) ? $w1omH->debH5 : null; goto tAlpe; x_GWq: $ZC4kt = $VmMTv->query(sprintf("\50\57\x2f\x6e\141\x6d\x65\163\x70\141\x63\145\72\72\52\133\156\x61\155\x65\50\51\75\x22\45\x73\x22\135\x29\x5b\154\141\x73\164\x28\51\x5d", $this->B8PXp === $WEiOH ? '' : $WEiOH)); goto z8iSB; sPyKY: return $this->j1LFv[$WEiOH]; goto OfpJT; OfpJT: ZPhPc: goto BaP26; tAlpe: } private function hpFBN(string $lZclB) : array { goto Ed9yy; JsuAn: return array_unique($cdPDN["\160\x72\145\x66\x69\170"]); goto dmMvB; ZT8nO: return []; goto znRmd; Ed9yy: if (!preg_match_all("\57\50\x3f\120\x3c\x70\162\x65\146\x69\x78\76\x5b\x61\55\172\x5f\135\x5b\x61\x2d\172\137\60\x2d\x39\134\55\x5c\56\x5d\52\x2b\x29\x3a\x5b\x5e\x22\134\57\x3a\x5d\57\x69", $lZclB, $cdPDN)) { goto nwJl2; } goto JsuAn; dmMvB: nwJl2: goto ZT8nO; znRmd: } private function FO3vs(\DOMNodeList|\DOMNode|array|string|null $lt5s7) : static { goto Q2VRa; eFDLp: $oAPsp->Lgnw2 = $this->Lgnw2; goto ujmAs; LxCLG: $oAPsp->EtWfu = $this->EtWfu; goto t0BK3; t0BK3: $oAPsp->PMZ66 = $this->PMZ66; goto uAdu4; Q2VRa: $oAPsp = new static($lt5s7, $this->AiY8_, $this->E5ZEG); goto LxCLG; ujmAs: return $oAPsp; goto hpFlN; uAdu4: $oAPsp->j1LFv = $this->j1LFv; goto nLvMI; nLvMI: $oAPsp->CC5_n = $this->CC5_n; goto eFDLp; hpFlN: } private function R06R_() : k6jLf { goto DcLLa; LZo0J: return new K6jlf($this->EtWfu); goto u6GxP; BATcW: throw new \LogicException("\124\157\x20\146\x69\154\x74\145\x72\40\167\151\x74\x68\x20\141\x20\x43\x53\123\x20\x73\145\154\145\143\164\157\x72\x2c\40\x69\156\163\164\x61\154\154\40\x74\x68\x65\40\x43\163\163\123\x65\154\145\x63\164\x6f\x72\40\x63\x6f\155\160\x6f\156\145\156\164\x20\x28\x22\x63\x6f\155\160\x6f\163\145\x72\40\x72\x65\x71\165\x69\162\145\x20\x73\x79\155\x66\x6f\156\171\57\x63\163\x73\x2d\163\x65\154\145\143\164\157\162\42\x29\56\40\x4f\x72\40\x75\x73\145\x20\146\151\x6c\x74\x65\x72\x58\160\141\x74\150\40\x69\x6e\163\x74\145\141\x64\56"); goto vNF2G; DcLLa: if (class_exists(K6JLf::class)) { goto o9sBI; } goto BATcW; vNF2G: o9sBI: goto LZo0J; u6GxP: } private function f7OVs(string $krig_, string $V5o2m) : \rSkdy { goto JaoXJ; jl0wg: return $this->ZGo60($krig_, $V5o2m); goto youW2; xkDjd: return $this->SNzQm($krig_, $V5o2m); goto Ifjej; youW2: MizNK: goto xkDjd; JaoXJ: if (!$this->ng7_w($krig_)) { goto MizNK; } goto jl0wg; Ifjej: } private function NG7_w(string $krig_) : bool { goto uTy2Y; R49uT: return false; goto ZUbh0; ZUbh0: oNCvk: goto TZ0ZS; m4Ef7: $iWHzr = substr($krig_, 0, $aEQ5K); goto bV5Gh; TqlX9: return false; goto KTPkC; TZ0ZS: if (!(false === ($aEQ5K = stripos($krig_, "\x3c\x21\x64\x6f\143\164\171\x70\145\x20\x68\164\x6d\x6c\x3e")))) { goto qwM40; } goto TqlX9; bV5Gh: return '' === $iWHzr || $this->h11Gd($iWHzr); goto HTrBc; uTy2Y: if ($this->Lgnw2) { goto oNCvk; } goto R49uT; KTPkC: qwM40: goto m4Ef7; HTrBc: } private function H11GD(string $P6Jde) : bool { return 1 === preg_match("\x2f\x5e\x5c\x78\173\106\105\x46\106\175\77\x5c\163\52\x28\74\x21\55\x2d\x5b\x5e\76\135\x2a\x3f\55\x2d\x3e\134\x73\x2a\51\x2a\x24\57\x75", $P6Jde); } private function UgPfb(string $Iqghm) : string { return trim(preg_replace("\57\50\x3f\x3a\133\x20\12\15\x9\xc\x5d\173\62\54\x7d\53\174\133\xa\xd\11\14\135\x29\x2f", "\x20", $Iqghm), "\40\12\xd\x9\14"); } }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 124 ms