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PHP Decode

<?php /** * This file is part of the Zephir. * * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]..

Decoded Output download


 * This file is part of the Zephir.
 * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace Zephir\Test\Documentation;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\Link;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\ReturnAnnotation;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\See;
use Zephir\Documentation\Docblock;
use Zephir\Documentation\DocblockParser;
use Zephir\Os;

final class DocblockParserTest extends TestCase
    public function testShouldParseDocblockFromString(): void
        if (Os::isWindows()) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Warning: Strings contain different line endings!');

        $test = <<<DOC
             * This file is part of the Zephir.
             * Helper to parse raw docblocks to structured object.
             * @link - Zephir
             * @see - Zephir readme
             * @param array \$annotation - custom annotation
             * @return Docblock the parsed docblock

        $link = new Link('link', ' - Zephir');

        $see = new See('see', ' - Zephir readme');

        $return = new ReturnAnnotation('return', 'Docblock the parsed docblock');

        $param = new Annotation('param', 'array $annotation - custom annotation');

        $expected = new Docblock();
        $expected->setSummary('This file is part of the Zephir.');
        $expected->setDescription('Helper to parse raw docblocks to structured object.');

        $parser = new DocblockParser($test);
        $actual = $parser->getParsedDocblock();

        $this->assertSame($expected->getSummary(), $actual->getSummary());
        $this->assertSame($expected->getDescription(), $actual->getDescription());

        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('link'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('link'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('see'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('see'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('param'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('param'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('return'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('return'));

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


 * This file is part of the Zephir.
 * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace Zephir\Test\Documentation;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\Link;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\ReturnAnnotation;
use Zephir\Documentation\Annotation\See;
use Zephir\Documentation\Docblock;
use Zephir\Documentation\DocblockParser;
use Zephir\Os;

final class DocblockParserTest extends TestCase
    public function testShouldParseDocblockFromString(): void
        if (Os::isWindows()) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Warning: Strings contain different line endings!');

        $test = <<<DOC
             * This file is part of the Zephir.
             * Helper to parse raw docblocks to structured object.
             * @link - Zephir
             * @see - Zephir readme
             * @param array \$annotation - custom annotation
             * @return Docblock the parsed docblock

        $link = new Link('link', ' - Zephir');

        $see = new See('see', ' - Zephir readme');

        $return = new ReturnAnnotation('return', 'Docblock the parsed docblock');

        $param = new Annotation('param', 'array $annotation - custom annotation');

        $expected = new Docblock();
        $expected->setSummary('This file is part of the Zephir.');
        $expected->setDescription('Helper to parse raw docblocks to structured object.');

        $parser = new DocblockParser($test);
        $actual = $parser->getParsedDocblock();

        $this->assertSame($expected->getSummary(), $actual->getSummary());
        $this->assertSame($expected->getDescription(), $actual->getDescription());

        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('link'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('link'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('see'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('see'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('param'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('param'));
        $this->assertEquals($expected->getAnnotationsByType('return'), $actual->getAnnotationsByType('return'));

Function Calls





MD5 d7a3fe33fe681908bd80b41091934cbb
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 108 ms