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| on 2024-04-04 18:33:41 |
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namespace Nq6KP; use Closure; use HJYul\gqWtp; use LyJ5d; use InvalidArgumentException; use nq6kP; use NQ6KP\myvEc\Bq334; use nq6kp\mYvEC\Uo2Xl; use nQ6KP\mYVEC\V0RjH; use NQ6kp\gQWTp\MEVGL; use Nq6kp\gqWTp\BeoD7; use NQ6KP\Gqwtp\mJdSx; use nq6KP\gqwTP\G74JJ; use nQ6kP\GQwtp\kdJyp; use NQ6KP\gqwTP\Qckdw; use OutOfBoundsException; use bFL8E\ia3ie\piU7b\PIu7B; use Throwable; use function array_key_exists; use function array_search; use function array_shift; use function array_slice; use function count; use function current; use function func_get_args; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_int; use function is_object; use function is_string; use function sprintf; use function trigger_error; use const W2x_m; class XZ0TL implements KAcGn { public const Q0j14 = "shouldNotReceive(), never(), times(0) chaining additional invocation count methods has been deprecated and will throw an exception in a future version of Mockery"; protected $K5ZpX = 0; protected $ndjM1 = null; protected $pJ1u1 = []; protected $TvuIV = V0RJh::class; protected $lc96c = []; protected $cdk4C = []; protected $cK7NA = -1; protected $XFaRO = null; protected $hDfx_ = false; protected $A1erA = null; protected $Guoco = null; protected $dCnNT = null; protected $KEK2T = false; protected $dYcSz = []; protected $Vs9Cw = null; protected $CNd15 = []; protected $TdtM8 = false; public function __construct(Jwz0x $ZGgqP, $Zl3Dn) { goto GXMnJ; GXMnJ: $this->A1erA = $ZGgqP; goto C15dp; C15dp: $this->Guoco = $Zl3Dn; goto G8XFM; G8XFM: $this->u17DG(); goto rdtpS; rdtpS: } public function __clone() { goto dk_Rj; dk_Rj: $lHHI0 = []; goto DSaeH; dKJs5: Xn6LI: goto NdI63; DSaeH: $u__8P = $this->lc96c; goto tf7C5; tf7C5: foreach ($u__8P as $RvMMO) { $lHHI0[] = clone $RvMMO; uKTNN: } goto dKJs5; NdI63: $this->lc96c = $lHHI0; goto gMvmo; gMvmo: } public function __toString() { return NQ6KP::PRnUL($this->Guoco, $this->cdk4C); } public function jGnSb(...$orHMX) { $this->dYcSz = $orHMX; return $this; } public function LNmNR($qlVkZ) { goto Sc4yl; rmZKf: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid argument index supplied. Index must be a non-negative integer."); goto ZwtGm; Sc4yl: if (!(!is_int($qlVkZ) || $qlVkZ < 0)) { goto nhvel; } goto rmZKf; nHl89: return $this; goto UXuie; HYRe4: $Y8rPN = static function (...$orHMX) use($qlVkZ) { goto mkR5d; u5rkV: throw new OutOfBoundsException("Cannot return an argument value. No argument exists for the index " . $qlVkZ); goto Q2Reh; Qr9H4: return $orHMX[$qlVkZ]; goto tXSRK; mkR5d: if (!array_key_exists($qlVkZ, $orHMX)) { goto NbZO_; } goto Qr9H4; tXSRK: NbZO_: goto u5rkV; Q2Reh: }; goto xEk3Q; ZwtGm: nhvel: goto HYRe4; xEk3Q: $this->pJ1u1 = [$Y8rPN]; goto nHl89; UXuie: } public function IiC3S() { return $this->JGnsb(false); } public function YFf0b() { return $this->JGnSB(null); } public function Q1oxc() { return $this->JgNsb($this->A1erA); } public function YAV7q() { return $this->Jgnsb(true); } public function bBZ5x() { return $this->JgNSb(new kScsd()); } public function s2K4p(...$orHMX) { $this->pJ1u1 = $orHMX; return $this; } public function Zl_C2(array $VvTxx) { return $this->JgNSb(...$VvTxx); } public function G1nrs(...$orHMX) { return $this->JGNSb(...$orHMX); } public function nMVa4($Zl3Dn, ...$VvTxx) { $this->CNd15[$Zl3Dn] = $VvTxx; return $this; } public function L3wWa($f1IVI, $ax739 = '', $vJAXq = 0, ?\Exception $PVvLR = null) { goto GDGpV; FCV8v: return $this->JgNSb($f1IVI); goto dmGFN; T2EH6: return $this->jGnSb(new $f1IVI($ax739, $vJAXq, $PVvLR)); goto mZxr4; GDGpV: $this->TdtM8 = true; goto fybQ4; dmGFN: FSGpz: goto T2EH6; fybQ4: if (!is_object($f1IVI)) { goto FSGpz; } goto FCV8v; mZxr4: } public function t1MWU(array $bDZUw) { goto IjUiy; q6WrW: kLM3d: goto ZTotO; p6rfk: foreach ($bDZUw as $f1IVI) { goto lOKh9; VB57e: j6hwK: goto khuL3; vwVT3: throw new Exception("You must pass an array of exception objects to andThrowExceptions"); goto cAvlw; cAvlw: i1BEK: goto VB57e; lOKh9: if (is_object($f1IVI)) { goto i1BEK; } goto vwVT3; khuL3: } goto q6WrW; IjUiy: $this->TdtM8 = true; goto p6rfk; ZTotO: return $this->Zl_C2($bDZUw); goto ZxEzq; ZxEzq: } public function EMcIz($f1IVI, $ax739 = '', $vJAXq = 0, ?\Exception $PVvLR = null) { return $this->L3WwA($f1IVI, $ax739, $vJAXq, $PVvLR); } public function cIJYW(...$orHMX) { goto DfmTm; DfmTm: $Y8rPN = static function () use($orHMX) { foreach ($orHMX as $Zo5oo) { (yield $Zo5oo); xtvQv: } qxP40: }; goto qSEuU; ryRbJ: return $this; goto Of1DO; qSEuU: $this->pJ1u1 = [$Y8rPN]; goto ryRbJ; Of1DO: } public function xNjC3() { $this->TvuIV = bq334::class; return $this; } public function iapW6() { $this->TvuIV = uO2XL::class; return $this; } public function MQ2Lh($ax739) { $this->ndjM1 = $ax739; return $this; } public function Alw1v($wpxHN, $scaDn) { return $this->xNJc3()->vA809($wpxHN)->iapW6()->va809($scaDn); } public function cWW0y() { goto WKr5o; uMk4e: if (!$MaECJ instanceof YCIDs) { goto OFIfL; } goto LjH5x; Uhlk2: return $this; goto d_34n; WKr5o: $MaECJ = $this->A1erA->bwLAp($this->Guoco); goto uMk4e; LjH5x: $MaECJ->OuJSR($this); goto uhV6Q; uhV6Q: OFIfL: goto Uhlk2; d_34n: } public function l6TEO() { return $this->ndjM1; } public function TcS2V() { return $this->A1erA; } public function getName() { return $this->Guoco; } public function Zb3Bs() { return $this->dCnNT; } public function kekUq() { $this->hDfx_ = true; return $this; } public function z7rCS() { return $this->lc96c !== []; } public function bQ3KU() { goto cKxc9; QKm6Q: u19gA: goto FOGWO; FOGWO: return true; goto Ap4WO; cKxc9: foreach ($this->lc96c as $RvMMO) { goto mQxvH; NbEc1: return false; goto Yxjv4; qbWnQ: glgvI: goto B0Xfh; Yxjv4: gN6fS: goto qbWnQ; mQxvH: if ($RvMMO->bQ3ku($this->K5ZpX)) { goto gN6fS; } goto NbEc1; B0Xfh: } goto QKm6Q; Ap4WO: } public function glyS2(array $orHMX) { goto mFt27; jhyTN: $Y057t = count($orHMX); goto KkkvC; mFt27: if (!$this->Je9cH()) { goto Q37lI; } goto U2xlD; KkkvC: $U511l = count($this->cdk4C); goto mXN8h; mXN8h: if (!($Y057t === $U511l)) { goto GAJKB; } goto GRkgB; Vm4pw: $wvONG = $this->cdk4C[$U511l - 1]; goto QLAZ2; zrQZO: GAJKB: goto Vm4pw; GRkgB: return $this->DEaLA($orHMX); goto zrQZO; rThVp: $hhQkd = array_search($wvONG, $this->cdk4C, true); goto zGAud; xwAKJ: return false; goto rRwsD; l6bgT: Q37lI: goto jhyTN; zGAud: $orHMX = array_slice($orHMX, 0, $hhQkd); goto T0r5X; U2xlD: return $this->Wwvx1($this->cdk4C[0], $orHMX); goto l6bgT; T0r5X: return $this->dEAla($orHMX); goto YWAAH; QLAZ2: if (!$wvONG instanceof MeVgl) { goto C_KY4; } goto rThVp; YWAAH: C_KY4: goto xwAKJ; rRwsD: } public function hRC_E() { return $this->vA809(0); } public function uFsR1() { return $this->vA809(1); } public function wULl2($obDG1 = null) { goto IoDAb; jSI0R: $this->hDfx_ = false; goto GY_Nh; kTcUS: bgspQ: goto itho7; rmSgh: goto YJrHW; goto kTcUS; DqTBb: YJrHW: goto jSI0R; fl1HL: $this->dCnNT = $this->dHOjZ($obDG1, $this->A1erA); goto rmSgh; IoDAb: if ($this->hDfx_) { goto bgspQ; } goto fl1HL; GY_Nh: return $this; goto yXk5s; itho7: $this->XFaRO = $this->dHOJZ($obDG1, $this->A1erA->ldaKB()); goto DqTBb; yXk5s: } public function passthru() { goto spg83; otLlb: SF4PQ: goto T2lUp; spg83: if (!$this->A1erA instanceof pzpmT) { goto SF4PQ; } goto ETqUQ; wE995: return $this; goto MCXN2; ETqUQ: throw new Exception("Mock Objects not created from a loaded/existing class are incapable of passing method calls through to a parent class"); goto otLlb; T2lUp: $this->KEK2T = true; goto wE995; MCXN2: } public function XN3oI($Zl3Dn, $KROb5) { return $this->nMvA4(...func_get_args()); } public function va809($Envrh = null) { goto RvRjS; RvRjS: if (!($Envrh === null)) { goto rz_p7; } goto OJHpP; B6avL: return $this; goto Vdfru; NV1YL: if (!($this->TvuIV !== v0rjH::class)) { goto F8eRb; } goto j53N3; wqn0j: if (!($this->cK7NA === 0)) { goto Y3RCA; } goto d2UfH; aAtPl: $this->lc96c = []; goto SFVe4; h_382: Y3RCA: goto W3qcu; kPHG1: KnpE1: goto wqn0j; Ouv_t: F8eRb: goto B6avL; j53N3: $this->TvuIV = v0RJH::class; goto vh1Iw; W3qcu: if (!($Envrh === 0)) { goto cvUhV; } goto aAtPl; pCQK5: $this->cK7NA = $Envrh; goto qVYFd; d2UfH: @trigger_error(self::Q0j14, E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto h_382; dpD5v: rz_p7: goto LapI8; SFVe4: cvUhV: goto pCQK5; p90HN: throw new InvalidArgumentException("The passed Times limit should be an integer value"); goto kPHG1; vh1Iw: unset($this->lc96c[$this->TvuIV]); goto Ouv_t; LapI8: if (is_int($Envrh)) { goto KnpE1; } goto p90HN; OJHpP: return $this; goto dpD5v; qVYFd: $this->lc96c[$this->TvuIV] = new $this->TvuIV($this, $Envrh); goto NV1YL; Vdfru: } public function Kk_NT() { return $this->va809(2); } public function dFacL() { goto lcwdd; lcwdd: if (!$this->dCnNT) { goto lHIqh; } goto ay91o; RAU4c: if (!$this->XFaRO) { goto SwQMm; } goto MIr18; Uja18: lHIqh: goto RAU4c; ay91o: $this->A1erA->SB4cU((string) $this, $this->dCnNT, $this->A1erA); goto Uja18; MIr18: $this->A1erA->ldAKb()->SB4cU((string) $this, $this->XFaRO, $this->A1erA); goto n_mpJ; n_mpJ: SwQMm: goto coFm6; coFm6: } public function sS_xM() { foreach ($this->lc96c as $RvMMO) { $RvMMO->IMLfd($this->K5ZpX); aLdoQ: } VadIJ: } public function OaoQ0(array $orHMX) { goto F8_iR; Kld2H: return $this->A1erA->Srcjl($this->Guoco, $orHMX); goto E3QrL; E3QrL: z2EI7: goto VRW1X; oFi3m: ++$this->K5ZpX; goto jKL9k; jKL9k: if (!($this->KEK2T === true)) { goto z2EI7; } goto Kld2H; IV3zU: $this->ZM2j0($zFSCz); goto SplIB; F8_iR: $this->DfaCl(); goto oFi3m; tzijR: return $zFSCz; goto hVISH; SplIB: $this->YWSG2(); goto tzijR; VRW1X: $zFSCz = $this->caw1e($orHMX); goto IV3zU; hVISH: } public function lRCQz(...$orHMX) { return $this->iBFLS($orHMX); } public function u17dg() { $this->cdk4C = [new bEOd7()]; return $this; } public function IBfLs($Fndnn) { goto ezc1Y; vpfDM: return $this->GUEW9($Fndnn); goto eTwtq; Rensn: return $this->kwXYV($Fndnn); goto qoVqE; qoVqE: D0aHh: goto Rgrot; eTwtq: s8yIW: goto HYL2a; Rgrot: if (!$Fndnn instanceof Closure) { goto s8yIW; } goto vpfDM; HYL2a: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Call to %s with an invalid argument (%s), only array and closure are allowed", __METHOD__, $Fndnn)); goto MCsrF; ezc1Y: if (!is_array($Fndnn)) { goto D0aHh; } goto Rensn; MCsrF: } public function nlXmd() { $this->cdk4C = [new qCKDW()]; return $this; } public function VI2bD(...$TZUOs) { return $this->IBfLs(static function (...$orHMX) use($TZUOs) : bool { goto EEBUo; S2sTY: Gr3CY: goto ffgEC; ffgEC: return true; goto sQ_UC; EEBUo: foreach ($TZUOs as $dy60y) { goto OgryD; OgryD: if (in_array($dy60y, $orHMX, true)) { goto wRbMp; } goto xcy8T; oIDYX: bvQoj: goto azgjI; xcy8T: return false; goto pRrZS; pRrZS: wRbMp: goto oIDYX; azgjI: } goto S2sTY; sQ_UC: }); } public function rGAKH() { return $this->xnjc3()->HrC_E(); } protected function dhojZ($obDG1, $pUxh0) { goto pcsJk; NR6ub: $pUxh0->efLQN($obDG1, $n1v1W); goto lHa2K; lHa2K: return $n1v1W; goto VY1yp; o2rbt: DOujA: goto oiclt; iqvDz: if (!($obDG1 === null)) { goto DOujA; } goto QfCjD; pcsJk: $OinuE = $pUxh0->DyCec(); goto iqvDz; V8BAH: eYQFA: goto qHBQN; qHBQN: $n1v1W = $pUxh0->dGXHt(); goto NR6ub; QfCjD: return $pUxh0->DgXhT(); goto o2rbt; sVswf: return $OinuE[$obDG1]; goto V8BAH; oiclt: if (!array_key_exists($obDG1, $OinuE)) { goto eYQFA; } goto sVswf; VY1yp: } protected function CaW1e(array $orHMX) { goto njguJ; e_tnM: if (!($H5kch > 0)) { goto gZ1_8; } goto YLiSa; dy1hb: if (!($TywUP > 1)) { goto SiO9q; } goto WTHcu; kCyHD: if (!($TywUP > 0)) { goto cFhGK; } goto sbKBH; njsGd: return $this->A1erA->wrB9h($this->Guoco); goto zm5ZB; gpclP: gZ1_8: goto njsGd; Pqu4U: return array_shift($this->dYcSz); goto Hiaix; eAd2Q: $H5kch = count($this->dYcSz); goto i2WLE; YLiSa: return current($this->dYcSz); goto gpclP; Hiaix: IrpvP: goto e_tnM; Zvpc7: cFhGK: goto eAd2Q; sbKBH: return current($this->pJ1u1)(...$orHMX); goto Zvpc7; njguJ: $TywUP = count($this->pJ1u1); goto dy1hb; FpUuv: SiO9q: goto kCyHD; i2WLE: if (!($H5kch > 1)) { goto IrpvP; } goto Pqu4U; WTHcu: return array_shift($this->pJ1u1)(...$orHMX); goto FpUuv; zm5ZB: } protected function Wwvx1($pB5nn, &$GYPOE) { goto ywmWU; omkPq: if (!$pB5nn instanceof pIU7b) { goto pDOng; } goto piW2x; GL9sV: return true; goto J6SAE; J6SAE: E6m7T: goto gWl_R; R4HMD: UvGx3: goto eA9LO; ywmWU: if (!($pB5nn === $GYPOE)) { goto UvGx3; } goto iPTxa; iPTxa: return true; goto R4HMD; Od7qi: pDOng: goto nRJCk; xmDOJ: iLyQY: goto jhuxk; sjMOh: return $jswZN === null ? false : $this->WwVx1(new $jswZN($pB5nn), $GYPOE); goto EtLmb; sHBeM: return $pB5nn->j70UC($GYPOE); goto xmDOJ; piW2x: return (bool) $pB5nn->HI31E($GYPOE, '', true); goto Od7qi; jhuxk: if (!is_object($pB5nn)) { goto awILM; } goto VyLGd; VyLGd: $jswZN = NQ6kp::umW6D()->t0cP5(get_class($pB5nn)); goto sjMOh; hiNzG: @trigger_error("Hamcrest package has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.0", E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto sHBeM; gWl_R: return $pB5nn == $GYPOE; goto Ne8iJ; UEj0T: mKDG3: goto omkPq; EtLmb: awILM: goto b77rB; b77rB: if (!(is_object($GYPOE) && is_string($pB5nn) && $GYPOE instanceof $pB5nn)) { goto E6m7T; } goto GL9sV; eA9LO: if (!$pB5nn instanceof G74JJ) { goto mKDG3; } goto j8c2u; j8c2u: return $pB5nn->CWW7T($GYPOE); goto UEj0T; nRJCk: if (!($pB5nn instanceof gqWTp || $pB5nn instanceof LYj5d)) { goto iLyQY; } goto hiNzG; Ne8iJ: } protected function dealA($orHMX) { goto x4fC3; x4fC3: $qlVkZ = 0; goto X0GFG; Fz9qA: V8b8Q: goto eBMXy; TXGlM: return false; goto k50AR; nDEoj: if (!($qlVkZ < $Y057t)) { goto zNYb9; } goto oAR3O; k50AR: IqzM8: goto Fz9qA; X0GFG: $Y057t = count($orHMX); goto oz9ub; oz9ub: teROH: goto nDEoj; yUF7T: return true; goto PqXrY; vtlIA: if ($this->wwvx1($this->cdk4C[$qlVkZ], $TArgo)) { goto IqzM8; } goto TXGlM; PDHV8: goto teROH; goto eDTzh; eDTzh: zNYb9: goto yUF7T; oAR3O: $TArgo =& $orHMX[$qlVkZ]; goto vtlIA; eBMXy: ++$qlVkZ; goto PDHV8; PqXrY: } protected function Ywsg2() { goto pWjkx; Lsqpm: foreach ($this->CNd15 as $Zl3Dn => &$VvTxx) { goto hqmxp; JqjxB: foreach ($yDBH0 as $ZGgqP) { goto u8rtj; MMh42: goto qdwFH; goto iv0dx; t23yp: xHRlq: goto CzOe8; u8rtj: if ($ZGgqP instanceof $sYn1V) { goto IFaed; } goto MMh42; iv0dx: IFaed: goto PTSxZ; PTSxZ: if ($ZGgqP->K082o()) { goto xHRlq; } goto YNW5i; CzOe8: $ZGgqP->{$Zl3Dn} = $KROb5; goto lDh0M; YNW5i: goto qdwFH; goto t23yp; lDh0M: qdwFH: goto gzYAA; gzYAA: } goto HvB96; Cb1hi: ooS5n: goto mYJfv; kTKIt: HpM4f: goto uwMuN; mYJfv: $KROb5 = array_shift($VvTxx); goto rzuHa; hqmxp: if (!($VvTxx === [])) { goto ooS5n; } goto erOMM; rzuHa: $this->A1erA->{$Zl3Dn} = $KROb5; goto JqjxB; HvB96: cmW_V: goto kTKIt; erOMM: goto HpM4f; goto Cb1hi; uwMuN: } goto KftJ5; KftJ5: fuXeh: goto YYqhl; HFi__: $yDBH0 = $GzwZi->JWKFm(); goto Lsqpm; pWjkx: $sYn1V = get_class($this->A1erA); goto FXDJi; FXDJi: $GzwZi = $this->A1erA->ldAkB(); goto HFi__; YYqhl: } private function KVb0w($dy60y) { return $dy60y instanceof mEvGl; } private function JE9ch() { return $this->cdk4C !== [] && $this->cdk4C[0] instanceof MjdSx; } private function ZM2J0($zFSCz) { goto RZvgR; RnKnD: if ($zFSCz instanceof Throwable) { goto NnNH3; } goto XgkmZ; RZvgR: if ($this->TdtM8) { goto xrLPV; } goto h9JJ8; XgkmZ: return; goto qZPwX; h9JJ8: return; goto BZSGn; BZSGn: xrLPV: goto RnKnD; qZPwX: NnNH3: goto pwUPo; pwUPo: throw $zFSCz; goto MszAZ; MszAZ: } private function KWXyv(array $t9bWI) { goto Aht55; wmdXt: $this->cdk4C = $t9bWI; goto LDYcs; Aht55: if (!($t9bWI === [])) { goto V1M0a; } goto Rucb2; LDYcs: return $this; goto XWOKU; plesH: V1M0a: goto wmdXt; Rucb2: return $this->nLXmD(); goto plesH; XWOKU: } private function GuEW9(Closure $Y8rPN) { $this->cdk4C = [new kDjYP($Y8rPN)]; return $this; } } ?>
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| Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 |
| on 2024-04-04 18:33:41 |
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namespace Nq6KP; use Closure; use HJYul\gqWtp; use LyJ5d; use InvalidArgumentException; use nq6kP; use NQ6KP\myvEc\Bq334; use nq6kp\mYvEC\Uo2Xl; use nQ6KP\mYVEC\V0RjH; use NQ6kp\gQWTp\MEVGL; use Nq6kp\gqWTp\BeoD7; use NQ6KP\Gqwtp\mJdSx; use nq6KP\gqwTP\G74JJ; use nQ6kP\GQwtp\kdJyp; use NQ6KP\gqwTP\Qckdw; use OutOfBoundsException; use bFL8E\ia3ie\piU7b\PIu7B; use Throwable; use function array_key_exists; use function array_search; use function array_shift; use function array_slice; use function count; use function current; use function func_get_args; use function get_class; use function in_array; use function is_array; use function is_int; use function is_object; use function is_string; use function sprintf; use function trigger_error; use const W2x_m; class XZ0TL implements KAcGn { public const Q0j14 = "\x73\x68\157\x75\x6c\144\116\157\164\x52\145\143\x65\x69\x76\x65\50\x29\54\40\156\x65\166\145\162\x28\x29\x2c\40\164\151\x6d\145\x73\x28\60\x29\40\143\150\141\x69\156\x69\x6e\x67\x20\141\x64\x64\x69\164\151\x6f\156\141\154\40\x69\156\166\x6f\143\x61\164\151\x6f\x6e\40\x63\x6f\165\156\x74\40\x6d\x65\x74\150\x6f\144\x73\x20\x68\x61\163\40\x62\145\145\156\x20\x64\x65\x70\162\145\x63\141\164\145\144\x20\x61\156\144\40\x77\151\x6c\154\40\164\150\162\x6f\x77\40\x61\156\x20\145\170\143\145\x70\x74\151\157\156\x20\x69\x6e\40\141\x20\x66\165\x74\165\162\145\x20\x76\145\162\x73\151\x6f\156\40\157\146\x20\x4d\x6f\x63\153\145\x72\171"; protected $K5ZpX = 0; protected $ndjM1 = null; protected $pJ1u1 = []; protected $TvuIV = V0RJh::class; protected $lc96c = []; protected $cdk4C = []; protected $cK7NA = -1; protected $XFaRO = null; protected $hDfx_ = false; protected $A1erA = null; protected $Guoco = null; protected $dCnNT = null; protected $KEK2T = false; protected $dYcSz = []; protected $Vs9Cw = null; protected $CNd15 = []; protected $TdtM8 = false; public function __construct(Jwz0x $ZGgqP, $Zl3Dn) { goto GXMnJ; GXMnJ: $this->A1erA = $ZGgqP; goto C15dp; C15dp: $this->Guoco = $Zl3Dn; goto G8XFM; G8XFM: $this->u17DG(); goto rdtpS; rdtpS: } public function __clone() { goto dk_Rj; dk_Rj: $lHHI0 = []; goto DSaeH; dKJs5: Xn6LI: goto NdI63; DSaeH: $u__8P = $this->lc96c; goto tf7C5; tf7C5: foreach ($u__8P as $RvMMO) { $lHHI0[] = clone $RvMMO; uKTNN: } goto dKJs5; NdI63: $this->lc96c = $lHHI0; goto gMvmo; gMvmo: } public function __toString() { return NQ6KP::PRnUL($this->Guoco, $this->cdk4C); } public function jGnSb(...$orHMX) { $this->dYcSz = $orHMX; return $this; } public function LNmNR($qlVkZ) { goto Sc4yl; rmZKf: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\111\156\x76\141\154\151\144\40\x61\x72\x67\x75\155\x65\x6e\x74\x20\x69\156\144\x65\170\x20\163\165\160\x70\x6c\151\145\144\56\40\x49\156\144\145\170\x20\155\165\163\x74\40\x62\145\40\141\x20\156\x6f\x6e\x2d\156\x65\147\141\164\151\166\145\40\x69\156\164\145\147\x65\x72\x2e"); goto ZwtGm; Sc4yl: if (!(!is_int($qlVkZ) || $qlVkZ < 0)) { goto nhvel; } goto rmZKf; nHl89: return $this; goto UXuie; HYRe4: $Y8rPN = static function (...$orHMX) use($qlVkZ) { goto mkR5d; u5rkV: throw new OutOfBoundsException("\x43\x61\156\x6e\157\164\x20\x72\145\x74\x75\x72\156\x20\x61\x6e\40\141\162\x67\165\x6d\145\156\164\x20\166\x61\x6c\x75\145\56\x20\116\x6f\x20\x61\x72\147\165\x6d\x65\x6e\x74\x20\x65\170\151\x73\x74\163\40\146\157\x72\40\164\x68\145\40\151\156\144\145\170\40" . $qlVkZ); goto Q2Reh; Qr9H4: return $orHMX[$qlVkZ]; goto tXSRK; mkR5d: if (!array_key_exists($qlVkZ, $orHMX)) { goto NbZO_; } goto Qr9H4; tXSRK: NbZO_: goto u5rkV; Q2Reh: }; goto xEk3Q; ZwtGm: nhvel: goto HYRe4; xEk3Q: $this->pJ1u1 = [$Y8rPN]; goto nHl89; UXuie: } public function IiC3S() { return $this->JGnsb(false); } public function YFf0b() { return $this->JGnSB(null); } public function Q1oxc() { return $this->JgNsb($this->A1erA); } public function YAV7q() { return $this->Jgnsb(true); } public function bBZ5x() { return $this->JgNSb(new kScsd()); } public function s2K4p(...$orHMX) { $this->pJ1u1 = $orHMX; return $this; } public function Zl_C2(array $VvTxx) { return $this->JgNSb(...$VvTxx); } public function G1nrs(...$orHMX) { return $this->JGNSb(...$orHMX); } public function nMVa4($Zl3Dn, ...$VvTxx) { $this->CNd15[$Zl3Dn] = $VvTxx; return $this; } public function L3wWa($f1IVI, $ax739 = '', $vJAXq = 0, ?\Exception $PVvLR = null) { goto GDGpV; FCV8v: return $this->JgNSb($f1IVI); goto dmGFN; T2EH6: return $this->jGnSb(new $f1IVI($ax739, $vJAXq, $PVvLR)); goto mZxr4; GDGpV: $this->TdtM8 = true; goto fybQ4; dmGFN: FSGpz: goto T2EH6; fybQ4: if (!is_object($f1IVI)) { goto FSGpz; } goto FCV8v; mZxr4: } public function t1MWU(array $bDZUw) { goto IjUiy; q6WrW: kLM3d: goto ZTotO; p6rfk: foreach ($bDZUw as $f1IVI) { goto lOKh9; VB57e: j6hwK: goto khuL3; vwVT3: throw new Exception("\131\157\165\x20\x6d\165\163\x74\40\x70\x61\x73\163\40\141\x6e\40\x61\162\x72\141\x79\x20\157\x66\x20\145\x78\x63\145\x70\x74\x69\157\156\40\x6f\x62\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x73\x20\164\157\40\141\156\144\124\x68\x72\x6f\167\105\x78\143\x65\x70\164\151\x6f\156\x73"); goto cAvlw; cAvlw: i1BEK: goto VB57e; lOKh9: if (is_object($f1IVI)) { goto i1BEK; } goto vwVT3; khuL3: } goto q6WrW; IjUiy: $this->TdtM8 = true; goto p6rfk; ZTotO: return $this->Zl_C2($bDZUw); goto ZxEzq; ZxEzq: } public function EMcIz($f1IVI, $ax739 = '', $vJAXq = 0, ?\Exception $PVvLR = null) { return $this->L3WwA($f1IVI, $ax739, $vJAXq, $PVvLR); } public function cIJYW(...$orHMX) { goto DfmTm; DfmTm: $Y8rPN = static function () use($orHMX) { foreach ($orHMX as $Zo5oo) { (yield $Zo5oo); xtvQv: } qxP40: }; goto qSEuU; ryRbJ: return $this; goto Of1DO; qSEuU: $this->pJ1u1 = [$Y8rPN]; goto ryRbJ; Of1DO: } public function xNjC3() { $this->TvuIV = bq334::class; return $this; } public function iapW6() { $this->TvuIV = uO2XL::class; return $this; } public function MQ2Lh($ax739) { $this->ndjM1 = $ax739; return $this; } public function Alw1v($wpxHN, $scaDn) { return $this->xNJc3()->vA809($wpxHN)->iapW6()->va809($scaDn); } public function cWW0y() { goto WKr5o; uMk4e: if (!$MaECJ instanceof YCIDs) { goto OFIfL; } goto LjH5x; Uhlk2: return $this; goto d_34n; WKr5o: $MaECJ = $this->A1erA->bwLAp($this->Guoco); goto uMk4e; LjH5x: $MaECJ->OuJSR($this); goto uhV6Q; uhV6Q: OFIfL: goto Uhlk2; d_34n: } public function l6TEO() { return $this->ndjM1; } public function TcS2V() { return $this->A1erA; } public function getName() { return $this->Guoco; } public function Zb3Bs() { return $this->dCnNT; } public function kekUq() { $this->hDfx_ = true; return $this; } public function z7rCS() { return $this->lc96c !== []; } public function bQ3KU() { goto cKxc9; QKm6Q: u19gA: goto FOGWO; FOGWO: return true; goto Ap4WO; cKxc9: foreach ($this->lc96c as $RvMMO) { goto mQxvH; NbEc1: return false; goto Yxjv4; qbWnQ: glgvI: goto B0Xfh; Yxjv4: gN6fS: goto qbWnQ; mQxvH: if ($RvMMO->bQ3ku($this->K5ZpX)) { goto gN6fS; } goto NbEc1; B0Xfh: } goto QKm6Q; Ap4WO: } public function glyS2(array $orHMX) { goto mFt27; jhyTN: $Y057t = count($orHMX); goto KkkvC; mFt27: if (!$this->Je9cH()) { goto Q37lI; } goto U2xlD; KkkvC: $U511l = count($this->cdk4C); goto mXN8h; mXN8h: if (!($Y057t === $U511l)) { goto GAJKB; } goto GRkgB; Vm4pw: $wvONG = $this->cdk4C[$U511l - 1]; goto QLAZ2; zrQZO: GAJKB: goto Vm4pw; GRkgB: return $this->DEaLA($orHMX); goto zrQZO; rThVp: $hhQkd = array_search($wvONG, $this->cdk4C, true); goto zGAud; xwAKJ: return false; goto rRwsD; l6bgT: Q37lI: goto jhyTN; zGAud: $orHMX = array_slice($orHMX, 0, $hhQkd); goto T0r5X; U2xlD: return $this->Wwvx1($this->cdk4C[0], $orHMX); goto l6bgT; T0r5X: return $this->dEAla($orHMX); goto YWAAH; QLAZ2: if (!$wvONG instanceof MeVgl) { goto C_KY4; } goto rThVp; YWAAH: C_KY4: goto xwAKJ; rRwsD: } public function hRC_E() { return $this->vA809(0); } public function uFsR1() { return $this->vA809(1); } public function wULl2($obDG1 = null) { goto IoDAb; jSI0R: $this->hDfx_ = false; goto GY_Nh; kTcUS: bgspQ: goto itho7; rmSgh: goto YJrHW; goto kTcUS; DqTBb: YJrHW: goto jSI0R; fl1HL: $this->dCnNT = $this->dHOjZ($obDG1, $this->A1erA); goto rmSgh; IoDAb: if ($this->hDfx_) { goto bgspQ; } goto fl1HL; GY_Nh: return $this; goto yXk5s; itho7: $this->XFaRO = $this->dHOJZ($obDG1, $this->A1erA->ldaKB()); goto DqTBb; yXk5s: } public function passthru() { goto spg83; otLlb: SF4PQ: goto T2lUp; spg83: if (!$this->A1erA instanceof pzpmT) { goto SF4PQ; } goto ETqUQ; wE995: return $this; goto MCXN2; ETqUQ: throw new Exception("\x4d\157\143\153\x20\x4f\142\152\145\143\164\x73\x20\156\x6f\164\40\143\162\x65\141\164\x65\x64\x20\x66\x72\157\155\x20\141\x20\154\x6f\141\x64\x65\x64\x2f\145\x78\x69\163\x74\x69\x6e\x67\x20\143\x6c\141\163\163\40\x61\162\x65\40\x69\156\x63\141\x70\x61\142\154\x65\x20\x6f\x66\x20\x70\x61\x73\163\x69\156\147\x20\155\145\164\150\x6f\x64\x20\x63\x61\x6c\154\163\x20\164\150\162\157\165\147\150\x20\x74\157\x20\141\x20\160\141\x72\145\156\x74\40\143\x6c\141\163\163"); goto otLlb; T2lUp: $this->KEK2T = true; goto wE995; MCXN2: } public function XN3oI($Zl3Dn, $KROb5) { return $this->nMvA4(...func_get_args()); } public function va809($Envrh = null) { goto RvRjS; RvRjS: if (!($Envrh === null)) { goto rz_p7; } goto OJHpP; B6avL: return $this; goto Vdfru; NV1YL: if (!($this->TvuIV !== v0rjH::class)) { goto F8eRb; } goto j53N3; wqn0j: if (!($this->cK7NA === 0)) { goto Y3RCA; } goto d2UfH; aAtPl: $this->lc96c = []; goto SFVe4; h_382: Y3RCA: goto W3qcu; kPHG1: KnpE1: goto wqn0j; Ouv_t: F8eRb: goto B6avL; j53N3: $this->TvuIV = v0RJH::class; goto vh1Iw; W3qcu: if (!($Envrh === 0)) { goto cvUhV; } goto aAtPl; pCQK5: $this->cK7NA = $Envrh; goto qVYFd; d2UfH: @trigger_error(self::Q0j14, E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto h_382; dpD5v: rz_p7: goto LapI8; SFVe4: cvUhV: goto pCQK5; p90HN: throw new InvalidArgumentException("\124\x68\145\x20\x70\141\163\163\145\144\40\124\151\155\145\x73\40\x6c\151\155\151\164\x20\x73\x68\x6f\x75\x6c\x64\x20\x62\145\40\x61\156\x20\x69\x6e\164\x65\147\x65\162\x20\x76\x61\x6c\x75\x65"); goto kPHG1; vh1Iw: unset($this->lc96c[$this->TvuIV]); goto Ouv_t; LapI8: if (is_int($Envrh)) { goto KnpE1; } goto p90HN; OJHpP: return $this; goto dpD5v; qVYFd: $this->lc96c[$this->TvuIV] = new $this->TvuIV($this, $Envrh); goto NV1YL; Vdfru: } public function Kk_NT() { return $this->va809(2); } public function dFacL() { goto lcwdd; lcwdd: if (!$this->dCnNT) { goto lHIqh; } goto ay91o; RAU4c: if (!$this->XFaRO) { goto SwQMm; } goto MIr18; Uja18: lHIqh: goto RAU4c; ay91o: $this->A1erA->SB4cU((string) $this, $this->dCnNT, $this->A1erA); goto Uja18; MIr18: $this->A1erA->ldAKb()->SB4cU((string) $this, $this->XFaRO, $this->A1erA); goto n_mpJ; n_mpJ: SwQMm: goto coFm6; coFm6: } public function sS_xM() { foreach ($this->lc96c as $RvMMO) { $RvMMO->IMLfd($this->K5ZpX); aLdoQ: } VadIJ: } public function OaoQ0(array $orHMX) { goto F8_iR; Kld2H: return $this->A1erA->Srcjl($this->Guoco, $orHMX); goto E3QrL; E3QrL: z2EI7: goto VRW1X; oFi3m: ++$this->K5ZpX; goto jKL9k; jKL9k: if (!($this->KEK2T === true)) { goto z2EI7; } goto Kld2H; IV3zU: $this->ZM2j0($zFSCz); goto SplIB; F8_iR: $this->DfaCl(); goto oFi3m; tzijR: return $zFSCz; goto hVISH; SplIB: $this->YWSG2(); goto tzijR; VRW1X: $zFSCz = $this->caw1e($orHMX); goto IV3zU; hVISH: } public function lRCQz(...$orHMX) { return $this->iBFLS($orHMX); } public function u17dg() { $this->cdk4C = [new bEOd7()]; return $this; } public function IBfLs($Fndnn) { goto ezc1Y; vpfDM: return $this->GUEW9($Fndnn); goto eTwtq; Rensn: return $this->kwXYV($Fndnn); goto qoVqE; qoVqE: D0aHh: goto Rgrot; eTwtq: s8yIW: goto HYL2a; Rgrot: if (!$Fndnn instanceof Closure) { goto s8yIW; } goto vpfDM; HYL2a: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\103\x61\154\154\40\x74\157\40\x25\x73\40\167\151\164\x68\x20\x61\156\40\x69\156\166\x61\154\x69\x64\x20\x61\162\x67\x75\x6d\x65\156\x74\x20\x28\x25\x73\x29\54\40\157\x6e\x6c\171\x20\x61\x72\162\141\171\40\x61\x6e\x64\40\143\154\157\163\x75\162\145\x20\x61\162\145\40\141\x6c\154\157\x77\x65\144", __METHOD__, $Fndnn)); goto MCsrF; ezc1Y: if (!is_array($Fndnn)) { goto D0aHh; } goto Rensn; MCsrF: } public function nlXmd() { $this->cdk4C = [new qCKDW()]; return $this; } public function VI2bD(...$TZUOs) { return $this->IBfLs(static function (...$orHMX) use($TZUOs) : bool { goto EEBUo; S2sTY: Gr3CY: goto ffgEC; ffgEC: return true; goto sQ_UC; EEBUo: foreach ($TZUOs as $dy60y) { goto OgryD; OgryD: if (in_array($dy60y, $orHMX, true)) { goto wRbMp; } goto xcy8T; oIDYX: bvQoj: goto azgjI; xcy8T: return false; goto pRrZS; pRrZS: wRbMp: goto oIDYX; azgjI: } goto S2sTY; sQ_UC: }); } public function rGAKH() { return $this->xnjc3()->HrC_E(); } protected function dhojZ($obDG1, $pUxh0) { goto pcsJk; NR6ub: $pUxh0->efLQN($obDG1, $n1v1W); goto lHa2K; lHa2K: return $n1v1W; goto VY1yp; o2rbt: DOujA: goto oiclt; iqvDz: if (!($obDG1 === null)) { goto DOujA; } goto QfCjD; pcsJk: $OinuE = $pUxh0->DyCec(); goto iqvDz; V8BAH: eYQFA: goto qHBQN; qHBQN: $n1v1W = $pUxh0->dGXHt(); goto NR6ub; QfCjD: return $pUxh0->DgXhT(); goto o2rbt; sVswf: return $OinuE[$obDG1]; goto V8BAH; oiclt: if (!array_key_exists($obDG1, $OinuE)) { goto eYQFA; } goto sVswf; VY1yp: } protected function CaW1e(array $orHMX) { goto njguJ; e_tnM: if (!($H5kch > 0)) { goto gZ1_8; } goto YLiSa; dy1hb: if (!($TywUP > 1)) { goto SiO9q; } goto WTHcu; kCyHD: if (!($TywUP > 0)) { goto cFhGK; } goto sbKBH; njsGd: return $this->A1erA->wrB9h($this->Guoco); goto zm5ZB; gpclP: gZ1_8: goto njsGd; Pqu4U: return array_shift($this->dYcSz); goto Hiaix; eAd2Q: $H5kch = count($this->dYcSz); goto i2WLE; YLiSa: return current($this->dYcSz); goto gpclP; Hiaix: IrpvP: goto e_tnM; Zvpc7: cFhGK: goto eAd2Q; sbKBH: return current($this->pJ1u1)(...$orHMX); goto Zvpc7; njguJ: $TywUP = count($this->pJ1u1); goto dy1hb; FpUuv: SiO9q: goto kCyHD; i2WLE: if (!($H5kch > 1)) { goto IrpvP; } goto Pqu4U; WTHcu: return array_shift($this->pJ1u1)(...$orHMX); goto FpUuv; zm5ZB: } protected function Wwvx1($pB5nn, &$GYPOE) { goto ywmWU; omkPq: if (!$pB5nn instanceof pIU7b) { goto pDOng; } goto piW2x; GL9sV: return true; goto J6SAE; J6SAE: E6m7T: goto gWl_R; R4HMD: UvGx3: goto eA9LO; ywmWU: if (!($pB5nn === $GYPOE)) { goto UvGx3; } goto iPTxa; iPTxa: return true; goto R4HMD; Od7qi: pDOng: goto nRJCk; xmDOJ: iLyQY: goto jhuxk; sjMOh: return $jswZN === null ? false : $this->WwVx1(new $jswZN($pB5nn), $GYPOE); goto EtLmb; sHBeM: return $pB5nn->j70UC($GYPOE); goto xmDOJ; piW2x: return (bool) $pB5nn->HI31E($GYPOE, '', true); goto Od7qi; jhuxk: if (!is_object($pB5nn)) { goto awILM; } goto VyLGd; VyLGd: $jswZN = NQ6kp::umW6D()->t0cP5(get_class($pB5nn)); goto sjMOh; hiNzG: @trigger_error("\110\x61\155\143\162\x65\163\x74\40\160\141\143\153\x61\x67\x65\40\150\141\163\40\x62\145\145\156\40\144\145\x70\162\x65\x63\x61\x74\x65\144\x20\x61\156\x64\40\167\x69\x6c\x6c\40\142\145\x20\x72\x65\x6d\x6f\166\145\144\x20\151\x6e\x20\x32\x2e\60", E_USER_DEPRECATED); goto sHBeM; gWl_R: return $pB5nn == $GYPOE; goto Ne8iJ; UEj0T: mKDG3: goto omkPq; EtLmb: awILM: goto b77rB; b77rB: if (!(is_object($GYPOE) && is_string($pB5nn) && $GYPOE instanceof $pB5nn)) { goto E6m7T; } goto GL9sV; eA9LO: if (!$pB5nn instanceof G74JJ) { goto mKDG3; } goto j8c2u; j8c2u: return $pB5nn->CWW7T($GYPOE); goto UEj0T; nRJCk: if (!($pB5nn instanceof gqWTp || $pB5nn instanceof LYj5d)) { goto iLyQY; } goto hiNzG; Ne8iJ: } protected function dealA($orHMX) { goto x4fC3; x4fC3: $qlVkZ = 0; goto X0GFG; Fz9qA: V8b8Q: goto eBMXy; TXGlM: return false; goto k50AR; nDEoj: if (!($qlVkZ < $Y057t)) { goto zNYb9; } goto oAR3O; k50AR: IqzM8: goto Fz9qA; X0GFG: $Y057t = count($orHMX); goto oz9ub; oz9ub: teROH: goto nDEoj; yUF7T: return true; goto PqXrY; vtlIA: if ($this->wwvx1($this->cdk4C[$qlVkZ], $TArgo)) { goto IqzM8; } goto TXGlM; PDHV8: goto teROH; goto eDTzh; eDTzh: zNYb9: goto yUF7T; oAR3O: $TArgo =& $orHMX[$qlVkZ]; goto vtlIA; eBMXy: ++$qlVkZ; goto PDHV8; PqXrY: } protected function Ywsg2() { goto pWjkx; Lsqpm: foreach ($this->CNd15 as $Zl3Dn => &$VvTxx) { goto hqmxp; JqjxB: foreach ($yDBH0 as $ZGgqP) { goto u8rtj; MMh42: goto qdwFH; goto iv0dx; t23yp: xHRlq: goto CzOe8; u8rtj: if ($ZGgqP instanceof $sYn1V) { goto IFaed; } goto MMh42; iv0dx: IFaed: goto PTSxZ; PTSxZ: if ($ZGgqP->K082o()) { goto xHRlq; } goto YNW5i; CzOe8: $ZGgqP->{$Zl3Dn} = $KROb5; goto lDh0M; YNW5i: goto qdwFH; goto t23yp; lDh0M: qdwFH: goto gzYAA; gzYAA: } goto HvB96; Cb1hi: ooS5n: goto mYJfv; kTKIt: HpM4f: goto uwMuN; mYJfv: $KROb5 = array_shift($VvTxx); goto rzuHa; hqmxp: if (!($VvTxx === [])) { goto ooS5n; } goto erOMM; rzuHa: $this->A1erA->{$Zl3Dn} = $KROb5; goto JqjxB; HvB96: cmW_V: goto kTKIt; erOMM: goto HpM4f; goto Cb1hi; uwMuN: } goto KftJ5; KftJ5: fuXeh: goto YYqhl; HFi__: $yDBH0 = $GzwZi->JWKFm(); goto Lsqpm; pWjkx: $sYn1V = get_class($this->A1erA); goto FXDJi; FXDJi: $GzwZi = $this->A1erA->ldAkB(); goto HFi__; YYqhl: } private function KVb0w($dy60y) { return $dy60y instanceof mEvGl; } private function JE9ch() { return $this->cdk4C !== [] && $this->cdk4C[0] instanceof MjdSx; } private function ZM2J0($zFSCz) { goto RZvgR; RnKnD: if ($zFSCz instanceof Throwable) { goto NnNH3; } goto XgkmZ; RZvgR: if ($this->TdtM8) { goto xrLPV; } goto h9JJ8; XgkmZ: return; goto qZPwX; h9JJ8: return; goto BZSGn; BZSGn: xrLPV: goto RnKnD; qZPwX: NnNH3: goto pwUPo; pwUPo: throw $zFSCz; goto MszAZ; MszAZ: } private function KWXyv(array $t9bWI) { goto Aht55; wmdXt: $this->cdk4C = $t9bWI; goto LDYcs; Aht55: if (!($t9bWI === [])) { goto V1M0a; } goto Rucb2; LDYcs: return $this; goto XWOKU; plesH: V1M0a: goto wmdXt; Rucb2: return $this->nLXmD(); goto plesH; XWOKU: } private function GuEW9(Closure $Y8rPN) { $this->cdk4C = [new kDjYP($Y8rPN)]; return $this; } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | d8046fe1bb22e1a867f4c7dc92da5c2e |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 101 ms |