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PHP Decode
<?php require_once('theme-settings.php'); /** * Initialize theme settings */ global $..
Decoded Output download
* Initialize theme settings
global $theme_key;
if (db_is_active()) {
* Maintenance page preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$vars) {
if (db_is_active()) {
* Page preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
global $language, $theme_key, $theme_info, $user;
// Remove sidebars if disabled e.g., for Panels
if (!$vars['show_blocks']) {
$vars['sidebar_first'] = '';
$vars['sidebar_last'] = '';
// Set grid info & row widths
$grid_name = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 0, 7);
$grid_type = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 7);
$grid_width = (int)substr($grid_name, 4, 2);
$vars['grid_width'] = $grid_name . $grid_width;
$sidebar_first_width = ($vars['sidebar_first']) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_first_width') : 0;
$sidebar_last_width = ($vars['sidebar_last']) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_last_width') : 0;
$vars['sidebar_first_width'] = $grid_name . $sidebar_first_width;
$vars['main_group_width'] = $grid_name . ($grid_width - $sidebar_first_width);
// For nested elements in a fluid grid calculate % widths & add inline
if ($grid_type == 'fluid') {
$sidebar_last_width = round(($sidebar_last_width/($grid_width - $sidebar_first_width)) * 100, 2);
$vars['content_group_width'] = '" style="width:' . (100 - $sidebar_last_width) . '%';
$vars['sidebar_last_width'] = '" style="width:' . $sidebar_last_width . '%';
else {
$vars['content_group_width'] = $grid_name . ($grid_width - ($sidebar_first_width + $sidebar_last_width));
$vars['sidebar_last_width'] = $grid_name . $sidebar_last_width;
// Add to array of helpful body classes
$body_classes = explode(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Default classes
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
$body_classes[] = ($vars['node']) ? 'full-node' : ''; // Full node
$body_classes[] = (($vars['node']->type == 'forum') || (arg(0) == 'forum')) ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page
else {
$body_classes[] = (arg(0) == 'forum') ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page
if (module_exists('panels') && function_exists('panels_get_current_page_display')) { // Panels page
$body_classes[] = (panels_get_current_page_display()) ? 'panels' : '';
$body_classes[] = 'layout-'. (($vars['sidebar_first']) ? 'first-main' : 'main') . (($vars['sidebar_last']) ? '-last' : ''); // Sidebars active
$body_classes[] = theme_get_setting('sidebar_layout'); // Sidebar layout
$body_classes[] = (theme_get_setting('theme_font') != 'none') ? theme_get_setting('theme_font') : ''; // Font family
$body_classes[] = theme_get_setting('theme_font_size'); // Font size
$body_classes[] = (user_access('administer blocks', $user) && theme_get_setting('grid_mask')) ? 'grid-mask-enabled' : ''; // Grid mask overlay
$body_classes[] = 'grid-type-' . $grid_type; // Fixed width or fluid
$body_classes[] = 'grid-width-' . sprintf("%02d", $grid_width); // Grid width in units
$body_classes[] = ($grid_type == 'fluid') ? theme_get_setting('fluid_grid_width') : ''; // Fluid grid width in %
$body_classes = array_filter($body_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces
// Add a unique css id for the body tag by converting / or + or _ in the current page alias into a dash (-).
$vars['body_id'] = 'pid-' . strtolower(fusion_core_clean_css_identifier(drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q'])));
// Generate links tree & add Superfish class if dropdown enabled, else make standard primary links
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = '';
if ($vars['primary_links']) {
if (theme_get_setting('primary_menu_dropdown') == 1) {
// Check for menu internationalization
if (module_exists('i18nmenu')) {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = i18nmenu_translated_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links'));
else {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = menu_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links'));
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = preg_replace('/<ul class="menu/i', '<ul class="menu sf-menu', $vars['primary_links_tree'], 1);
else {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'menu'));
// Remove breadcrumbs if disabled
if (theme_get_setting('breadcrumb_display') == 0) {
$vars['breadcrumb'] = '';
// Add grid, color, ie6, ie7, ie8 & local stylesheets, including inherited & rtl versions
$grid_style = '/css/' . theme_get_setting('theme_grid');
$themes = fusion_core_theme_paths($theme_key);
$vars['setting_styles'] = $vars['ie6_styles'] = $vars['ie7_styles'] = $vars['ie8_styles'] = $vars['local_styles'] = '';
$query_string = '?'. substr(variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0'), 0, 1);
foreach ($themes as $name => $path) {
$link = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . base_path() . $path;
$vars['setting_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . $grid_style . '.css')) ? $link . $grid_style . '.css' . $query_string . '"/>' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie6_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie6-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie6-fixes.css' . $query_string . '"/>' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie7_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie7-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie7-fixes.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie8_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie8-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie8-fixes.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['local_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/local.css')) ? $link . '/css/local.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
if (defined('LANGUAGE_RTL') && $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL) {
$vars['setting_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . $grid_style . '-rtl.css')) ? $link . $grid_style . '-rtl.css" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie6_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie6-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie6-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie7_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie7-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie7-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie8_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie8-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie8-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['local_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/local-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/local-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
// Use grouped import setting to avoid 30 stylesheet limit in IE
if (theme_get_setting('fix_css_limit') && !variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE)) {
$css = drupal_add_css();
$style_count = substr_count($vars['setting_styles'] . $vars['ie6_styles'] . $vars['ie7_styles'] . $vars['ie8_styles'] . $vars['local_styles'], '<link');
if (fusion_core_css_count($css) > (30 - $style_count)) {
$styles = '';
$suffix = "\n".'</style>'."\n";
foreach ($css as $media => $types) {
$prefix = '<style type="text/css" media="'. $media .'">'."\n";
$imports = array();
foreach ($types as $files) {
foreach ($files as $file => $preprocess) {
$imports[] = '@import "'. base_path() . $file .'";';
if (count($imports) == 30) {
$styles .= $prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix;
$imports = array();
$styles .= (count($imports) > 0) ? ($prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix) : '';
$vars['styles'] = $styles;
// Replace page title as Drupal core does, but strip tags from site slogan.
// Site name and slogan do not need to be sanitized because the permission
// 'administer site configuration' is required to be set and should be given to
// trusted users only.
// No sanitization will be applied when using the page title module.
if (!module_exists('page_title')) {
if (drupal_get_title()) {
$head_title = array(strip_tags(drupal_get_title()), variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'));
else {
$head_title = array(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'));
if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) {
$head_title[] = strip_tags(variable_get('site_slogan', ''));
if (is_array($head_title)) $head_title = implode(' | ', $head_title);
$vars['head_title'] = $head_title;
* Node preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
// Build array of handy node classes
$node_classes = array();
$node_classes[] = $vars['zebra']; // Node is odd or even
$node_classes[] = (!$vars['node']->status) ? 'node-unpublished' : ''; // Node is unpublished
$node_classes[] = ($vars['sticky']) ? 'sticky' : ''; // Node is sticky
$node_classes[] = $vars['teaser'] ? 'teaser' : 'full-node'; // Node is teaser or full-node
$node_classes[] = 'node-type-'. $vars['node']->type; // Node is type-x, e.g., node-type-page
$node_classes[] = (isset($vars['skinr'])) ? $vars['skinr'] : ''; // Add Skinr classes if present
$node_classes = array_filter($node_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['node_classes'] = implode(' ', $node_classes); // Implode class list with spaces
// Add node_top and node_bottom region content
$vars['node_top'] = theme('blocks', 'node_top');
$vars['node_bottom'] = theme('blocks', 'node_bottom');
// Render Ubercart fields into separate variables for node-product.tpl.php
if (module_exists('uc_product') && uc_product_is_product($vars) && $vars['template_files'][0] == 'node-product') {
$node = node_build_content(node_load($vars['nid']), $vars['teaser'], $vars['page']);
$vars['fusion_uc_image'] = drupal_render($node->content['image']);
$vars['fusion_uc_body'] = drupal_render($node->content['body']);
$vars['fusion_uc_display_price'] = drupal_render($node->content['display_price']);
$vars['fusion_uc_add_to_cart'] = drupal_render($node->content['add_to_cart']);
$vars['fusion_uc_sell_price'] = drupal_render($node->content['sell_price']);
$vars['fusion_uc_cost'] = drupal_render($node->content['cost']);
$vars['fusion_uc_weight'] = (!empty($node->weight)) ? drupal_render($node->content['weight']) : ''; // Hide weight if empty
if ($vars['fusion_uc_weight'] == '') {
$dimensions = !empty($node->height) && !empty($node->width) && !empty($node->length); // Hide dimensions if empty
$vars['fusion_uc_dimensions'] = ($dimensions) ? drupal_render($node->content['dimensions']) : '';
if ($vars['fusion_uc_dimensions'] == '') {
$list_price = !empty($node->list_price) && $node->list_price > 0; // Hide list price if empty or zero
$vars['fusion_uc_list_price'] = ($list_price) ? drupal_render($node->content['list_price']) : '';
if ($vars['fusion_uc_list_price'] == '') {
$vars['fusion_uc_additional'] = drupal_render($node->content); // Render remaining fields
* Comment preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_comment(&$vars) {
global $user;
static $comment_odd = TRUE; // Comment is odd or even
// Build array of handy comment classes
$comment_classes = array();
$comment_classes[] = $comment_odd ? 'odd' : 'even';
$comment_odd = !$comment_odd;
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->status == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED) ? 'comment-unpublished' : ''; // Comment is unpublished
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->new) ? 'comment-new' : ''; // Comment is new
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->uid == 0) ? 'comment-by-anon' : ''; // Comment is by anonymous user
$comment_classes[] = ($user->uid && $vars['comment']->uid == $user->uid) ? 'comment-mine' : ''; // Comment is by current user
$vars['author_comment'] = ($vars['comment']->uid == $vars['node']->uid) ? TRUE : FALSE; // Comment is by node author
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['author_comment']) ? 'comment-by-author' : '';
$comment_classes = array_filter($comment_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['comment_classes'] = implode(' ', $comment_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces
* Comment wrapper preprocessing
* Defaults for comments display
function fusion_core_preprocess_comment_wrapper(&$vars) {
$vars['display_mode'] = COMMENT_MODE_FLAT_EXPANDED;
$vars['display_order'] = COMMENT_ORDER_OLDEST_FIRST;
$vars['comment_controls_state'] = COMMENT_CONTROLS_HIDDEN;
* Returns a list of blocks.
* Uses Drupal block interface and appends any blocks assigned by the Context module.
function fusion_core_block_list($region) {
$drupal_list = block_list($region);
if (module_exists('context') && $context = context_get_plugin('reaction', 'block')) {
$context_list = $context->block_list($region);
$drupal_list = array_merge($context_list, $drupal_list);
return $drupal_list;
* Block preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_block(&$vars) {
global $theme_info, $user;
static $regions, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width, $grid_name, $grid_width, $grid_fixed;
// Initialize position to avoid notice if function returns.
$vars['position'] = '';
// Do not process blocks outside defined regions
if (!in_array($vars['block']->region, array_keys($theme_info->info['regions']))) {
// Initialize block region grid info once per page
if (!isset($regions)) {
$grid_name = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 0, 7);
$grid_width = (int)substr($grid_name, 4, 2);
$grid_fixed = (substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 7) != 'fluid') ? 1 : 0;
$sidebar_first_width = (fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_first')) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_first_width') : 0;
$sidebar_last_width = (fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_last')) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_last_width') : 0;
$regions = fusion_core_set_regions($grid_width, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width);
// Increment block count for current block's region, add first/last position class
$region_count = $regions[$vars['block']->region]['count'];
$total_blocks = $regions[$vars['block']->region]['total'];
$vars['position'] = ($region_count == 1) ? 'first' : '';
$vars['position'] .= ($region_count == $total_blocks) ? ' last' : '';
// Set a default block width if not already set by Skinr
if (!isset($vars['skinr']) || (strpos($vars['skinr'], $grid_name) === false)) {
// Stack blocks vertically in sidebars by setting to full sidebar width
if ($vars['block']->region == 'sidebar_first') {
$width = ($grid_fixed) ? $sidebar_first_width : $grid_width; // Sidebar width or 100% (if fluid)
elseif ($vars['block']->region == 'sidebar_last') {
$width = ($grid_fixed) ? $sidebar_last_width : $grid_width; // Sidebar width or 100% (if fluid)
else {
// Default block width = region width divided by total blocks, adding any extra width to last block
$region_width = ($grid_fixed) ? $regions[$vars['block']->region]['width'] : $grid_width; // fluid grid regions = 100%
$width_adjust = (($region_count == $total_blocks) && ($region_width % $total_blocks)) ? $region_width % $total_blocks : 0;
$width = ($total_blocks) ? floor($region_width / $total_blocks) + $width_adjust : 0;
$vars['skinr'] = (isset($vars['skinr'])) ? $vars['skinr'] . ' ' . $grid_name . $width : $grid_name . $width;
if (isset($vars['skinr']) && (strpos($vars['skinr'], 'superfish') !== false) &&
($vars['block']->module == 'menu' || ($vars['block']->module == 'user' && $vars['block']->delta == 1))) {
$superfish = ' sf-menu';
$superfish .= (strpos($vars['skinr'], 'superfish-vertical')) ? ' sf-vertical' : '';
$vars['block']->content = preg_replace('/<ul class="menu/i', '<ul class="menu' . $superfish, $vars['block']->content, 1);
// Add block edit links for admins
if (user_access('administer blocks', $user) && theme_get_setting('block_config_link')) {
$vars['edit_links'] = '<div class="fusion-edit">'. implode(' ', fusion_core_edit_links($vars['block'])) .'</div>';
* Views preprocessing
* Add view type class (e.g., node, teaser, list, table)
function fusion_core_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
$vars['css_name'] = $vars['css_name'] .' view-style-'. views_css_safe(strtolower($vars['view']->type));
* Search result preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_search_result(&$vars) {
static $search_zebra = 'even';
$search_zebra = ($search_zebra == 'even') ? 'odd' : 'even';
$vars['search_zebra'] = $search_zebra;
$result = $vars['result'];
$vars['url'] = check_url($result['link']);
$vars['title'] = check_plain($result['title']);
// Check for snippet existence. User search does not include snippets.
$vars['snippet'] = '';
if (isset($result['snippet']) && theme_get_setting('search_snippet')) {
$vars['snippet'] = $result['snippet'];
$info = array();
if (!empty($result['type']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_type')) {
$info['type'] = check_plain($result['type']);
if (!empty($result['user']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_user')) {
$info['user'] = $result['user'];
if (!empty($result['date']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_date')) {
$info['date'] = format_date($result['date'], 'small');
if (isset($result['extra']) && is_array($result['extra'])) {
// $info = array_merge($info, $result['extra']); Drupal bug? [extra] array not keyed with 'comment' & 'upload'
if (!empty($result['extra'][0]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_comment')) {
$info['comment'] = $result['extra'][0];
if (!empty($result['extra'][1]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_upload')) {
$info['upload'] = $result['extra'][1];
// Provide separated and grouped meta information.
$vars['info_split'] = $info;
$vars['info'] = implode(' - ', $info);
// Provide alternate search result template.
$vars['template_files'][] = 'search-result-'. $vars['type'];
* Username override
* Hides or shows username '(not verified)' text
function fusion_core_username($object) {
if ((!$object->uid) && $object->name) {
$output = (!empty($object->homepage)) ? l($object->name, $object->homepage, array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'nofollow'))) : check_plain($object->name);
$output .= (theme_get_setting('user_notverified_display') == 1) ? t(' (not verified)') : '';
else {
$output = theme_username($object);
return $output;
* File element override
* Sets form file input max width
function fusion_core_file($variables) {
$variables['element']['#size'] = (!isset($variables['element']['#size']) || $variables['element']['#size'] > 40) ? 40 : $variables['element']['#size'];
return theme_file($variables);
* Custom theme functions
function fusion_core_theme() {
return array(
'grid_row' => array(
'arguments' => array('element' => NULL, 'name' => NULL, 'class' => NULL, 'width' => NULL),
'grid_block' => array(
'arguments' => array('element' => NULL, 'name' => NULL),
* Row & block theme functions
* Adds divs to elements in page.tpl.php
function fusion_core_grid_row($element, $name, $class='', $width='', $extra='') {
$output = '';
$extra = ($extra) ? ' ' . $extra : '';
if ($element) {
if ($class == 'full-width') {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-wrapper" class="' . $name . '-wrapper full-width">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' row ' . $width . $extra . '">' . "\n";
else {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' row ' . $class . ' ' . $width . $extra . '">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-inner" class="' . $name . '-inner inner clearfix">' . "\n";
$output .= $element;
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-inner -->' . "\n";
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . ' -->' . "\n";
$output .= ($class == 'full-width') ? '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-wrapper -->' . "\n" : '';
return $output;
function fusion_core_grid_block($element, $name) {
$output = '';
if ($element) {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' block">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-inner" class="' . $name . '-inner inner clearfix">' . "\n";
$output .= $element;
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-inner -->' . "\n";
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . ' -->' . "\n";
return $output;
* Block region grid info function
* Defaults match grid_row widths set in preprocess_page()
function fusion_core_set_regions($grid_width, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width) {
$sidebar_total = $sidebar_first_width + $sidebar_last_width;
$regions = array(
'header_top' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('header_top')), 'count' => 0),
'header' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('header')), 'count' => 0),
'preface_top' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('preface_top')), 'count' => 0),
'preface_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('preface_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'sidebar_first' => array('width' => $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_first')), 'count' => 0),
'content_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content_top')), 'count' => 0),
'content' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content')), 'count' => 0),
'node_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('node_top')), 'count' => 0),
'node_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('node_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'content_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'sidebar_last' => array('width' => $sidebar_last_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_last')), 'count' => 0),
'postscript_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('postscript_top')), 'count' => 0),
'postscript_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('postscript_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'footer' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('footer')), 'count' => 0)
return $regions;
* Block edit links function
* Create block edit links for admins
function fusion_core_edit_links($block) {
$path = 'admin/build/block/configure/' . $block->module . '/' . $block->delta;
$return = drupal_get_destination();
// Use 'edit' for custom blocks, 'configure' for others
if ($block->module == 'block') {
$text = t('edit block');
$block_info = array('@region' => str_replace('_', ' ', $block->region));
$attributes = array('title' => t('edit the content of this Custom block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-block-edit');
else {
$text = t('configure block');
$block_info = array('@type' => ucwords($block->module), '@region' => str_replace('_', ' ', $block->region));
$attributes = array('title' => t('configure this @type block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-block-config');
$edit_links[] = l($text, $path, array('attributes' => $attributes, 'query' => $return));
// Add extra 'edit menu' for menu blocks
if (user_access('administer menu') && ($block->module == 'menu' || ($block->module == 'user' && $block->delta == 1))) {
$text = t('edit menu');
$path = 'admin/build/menu-customize/' . (($block->module == 'user') ? 'navigation' : $block->delta);
$attributes = array('title' => t('edit the menu of this @type block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-edit-menu');
$edit_links[] = l($text, $path, array('attributes' => $attributes, 'query' => $return));
return $edit_links;
* CSS count function
* Counts the total number of CSS files in $vars['css']
function fusion_core_css_count($array) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($array as $item) {
$count = (is_array($item)) ? $count + fusion_core_css_count($item) : $count + 1;
return $count;
* Theme paths function
* Retrieves current theme path and its parent
* theme paths, in parent-to-child order.
function fusion_core_theme_paths($theme) {
$all_parents = array();
$themes = list_themes();
$all_parents[$theme] = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme);
$base_theme = $themes[$theme]->info['base theme'];
while ($base_theme) {
$all_parents[$base_theme] = drupal_get_path('theme', $base_theme);
$base_theme = (isset($themes[$base_theme]->info['base theme'])) ? $themes[$base_theme]->info['base theme'] : '';
return array_reverse($all_parents);
* Theme settings link function
* Creates link with prefix and suffix text
* ($options info:
function fusion_core_themesettings_link($prefix, $suffix, $text, $path, $options) {
return $prefix . (($text) ? l($text, $path, $options) : '') . $suffix;
* @function fusion_core_clean_css_identifier()
* backport of drupal_clean_css_identifier() from Drupal 7.x
* @param $identifier
* the identifier to clean
* @param $filter
* an array of string replacements to use on the identifier
* @return
* A string safe for use as a CSS class or ID
function fusion_core_clean_css_identifier($identifier, $filter = array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '/' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => '')) {
// By default, we filter using Drupal's coding standards.
$identifier = strtr($identifier, $filter);
// Valid characters in a CSS identifier are:
// - the hyphen (U+002D)
// - a-z (U+0030 - U+0039)
// - A-Z (U+0041 - U+005A)
// - the underscore (U+005F)
// - 0-9 (U+0061 - U+007A)
// - ISO 10646 characters U+00A1 and higher
// We strip out any character not in the above list.
$identifier = preg_replace('/[^\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0041}-\x{005A}\x{005F}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{00A1}-\x{FFFF}]/u', '', $identifier);
return $identifier;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Initialize theme settings
global $theme_key;
if (db_is_active()) {
* Maintenance page preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$vars) {
if (db_is_active()) {
* Page preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
global $language, $theme_key, $theme_info, $user;
// Remove sidebars if disabled e.g., for Panels
if (!$vars['show_blocks']) {
$vars['sidebar_first'] = '';
$vars['sidebar_last'] = '';
// Set grid info & row widths
$grid_name = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 0, 7);
$grid_type = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 7);
$grid_width = (int)substr($grid_name, 4, 2);
$vars['grid_width'] = $grid_name . $grid_width;
$sidebar_first_width = ($vars['sidebar_first']) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_first_width') : 0;
$sidebar_last_width = ($vars['sidebar_last']) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_last_width') : 0;
$vars['sidebar_first_width'] = $grid_name . $sidebar_first_width;
$vars['main_group_width'] = $grid_name . ($grid_width - $sidebar_first_width);
// For nested elements in a fluid grid calculate % widths & add inline
if ($grid_type == 'fluid') {
$sidebar_last_width = round(($sidebar_last_width/($grid_width - $sidebar_first_width)) * 100, 2);
$vars['content_group_width'] = '" style="width:' . (100 - $sidebar_last_width) . '%';
$vars['sidebar_last_width'] = '" style="width:' . $sidebar_last_width . '%';
else {
$vars['content_group_width'] = $grid_name . ($grid_width - ($sidebar_first_width + $sidebar_last_width));
$vars['sidebar_last_width'] = $grid_name . $sidebar_last_width;
// Add to array of helpful body classes
$body_classes = explode(' ', $vars['body_classes']); // Default classes
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
$body_classes[] = ($vars['node']) ? 'full-node' : ''; // Full node
$body_classes[] = (($vars['node']->type == 'forum') || (arg(0) == 'forum')) ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page
else {
$body_classes[] = (arg(0) == 'forum') ? 'forum' : ''; // Forum page
if (module_exists('panels') && function_exists('panels_get_current_page_display')) { // Panels page
$body_classes[] = (panels_get_current_page_display()) ? 'panels' : '';
$body_classes[] = 'layout-'. (($vars['sidebar_first']) ? 'first-main' : 'main') . (($vars['sidebar_last']) ? '-last' : ''); // Sidebars active
$body_classes[] = theme_get_setting('sidebar_layout'); // Sidebar layout
$body_classes[] = (theme_get_setting('theme_font') != 'none') ? theme_get_setting('theme_font') : ''; // Font family
$body_classes[] = theme_get_setting('theme_font_size'); // Font size
$body_classes[] = (user_access('administer blocks', $user) && theme_get_setting('grid_mask')) ? 'grid-mask-enabled' : ''; // Grid mask overlay
$body_classes[] = 'grid-type-' . $grid_type; // Fixed width or fluid
$body_classes[] = 'grid-width-' . sprintf("%02d", $grid_width); // Grid width in units
$body_classes[] = ($grid_type == 'fluid') ? theme_get_setting('fluid_grid_width') : ''; // Fluid grid width in %
$body_classes = array_filter($body_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces
// Add a unique css id for the body tag by converting / or + or _ in the current page alias into a dash (-).
$vars['body_id'] = 'pid-' . strtolower(fusion_core_clean_css_identifier(drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q'])));
// Generate links tree & add Superfish class if dropdown enabled, else make standard primary links
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = '';
if ($vars['primary_links']) {
if (theme_get_setting('primary_menu_dropdown') == 1) {
// Check for menu internationalization
if (module_exists('i18nmenu')) {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = i18nmenu_translated_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links'));
else {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = menu_tree(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links'));
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = preg_replace('/<ul class="menu/i', '<ul class="menu sf-menu', $vars['primary_links_tree'], 1);
else {
$vars['primary_links_tree'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'menu'));
// Remove breadcrumbs if disabled
if (theme_get_setting('breadcrumb_display') == 0) {
$vars['breadcrumb'] = '';
// Add grid, color, ie6, ie7, ie8 & local stylesheets, including inherited & rtl versions
$grid_style = '/css/' . theme_get_setting('theme_grid');
$themes = fusion_core_theme_paths($theme_key);
$vars['setting_styles'] = $vars['ie6_styles'] = $vars['ie7_styles'] = $vars['ie8_styles'] = $vars['local_styles'] = '';
$query_string = '?'. substr(variable_get('css_js_query_string', '0'), 0, 1);
foreach ($themes as $name => $path) {
$link = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="' . base_path() . $path;
$vars['setting_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . $grid_style . '.css')) ? $link . $grid_style . '.css' . $query_string . '"/>' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie6_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie6-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie6-fixes.css' . $query_string . '"/>' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie7_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie7-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie7-fixes.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie8_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie8-fixes.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie8-fixes.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['local_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/local.css')) ? $link . '/css/local.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
if (defined('LANGUAGE_RTL') && $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL) {
$vars['setting_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . $grid_style . '-rtl.css')) ? $link . $grid_style . '-rtl.css" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie6_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie6-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie6-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie7_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie7-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie7-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['ie8_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/ie8-fixes-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/ie8-fixes-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
$vars['local_styles'] .= (file_exists($path . '/css/local-rtl.css')) ? $link . '/css/local-rtl.css' . $query_string . '" />' . "\n" : '';
// Use grouped import setting to avoid 30 stylesheet limit in IE
if (theme_get_setting('fix_css_limit') && !variable_get('preprocess_css', FALSE)) {
$css = drupal_add_css();
$style_count = substr_count($vars['setting_styles'] . $vars['ie6_styles'] . $vars['ie7_styles'] . $vars['ie8_styles'] . $vars['local_styles'], '<link');
if (fusion_core_css_count($css) > (30 - $style_count)) {
$styles = '';
$suffix = "\n".'</style>'."\n";
foreach ($css as $media => $types) {
$prefix = '<style type="text/css" media="'. $media .'">'."\n";
$imports = array();
foreach ($types as $files) {
foreach ($files as $file => $preprocess) {
$imports[] = '@import "'. base_path() . $file .'";';
if (count($imports) == 30) {
$styles .= $prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix;
$imports = array();
$styles .= (count($imports) > 0) ? ($prefix . implode("\n", $imports) . $suffix) : '';
$vars['styles'] = $styles;
// Replace page title as Drupal core does, but strip tags from site slogan.
// Site name and slogan do not need to be sanitized because the permission
// 'administer site configuration' is required to be set and should be given to
// trusted users only.
// No sanitization will be applied when using the page title module.
if (!module_exists('page_title')) {
if (drupal_get_title()) {
$head_title = array(strip_tags(drupal_get_title()), variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'));
else {
$head_title = array(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'));
if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) {
$head_title[] = strip_tags(variable_get('site_slogan', ''));
if (is_array($head_title)) $head_title = implode(' | ', $head_title);
$vars['head_title'] = $head_title;
* Node preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
// Build array of handy node classes
$node_classes = array();
$node_classes[] = $vars['zebra']; // Node is odd or even
$node_classes[] = (!$vars['node']->status) ? 'node-unpublished' : ''; // Node is unpublished
$node_classes[] = ($vars['sticky']) ? 'sticky' : ''; // Node is sticky
$node_classes[] = $vars['teaser'] ? 'teaser' : 'full-node'; // Node is teaser or full-node
$node_classes[] = 'node-type-'. $vars['node']->type; // Node is type-x, e.g., node-type-page
$node_classes[] = (isset($vars['skinr'])) ? $vars['skinr'] : ''; // Add Skinr classes if present
$node_classes = array_filter($node_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['node_classes'] = implode(' ', $node_classes); // Implode class list with spaces
// Add node_top and node_bottom region content
$vars['node_top'] = theme('blocks', 'node_top');
$vars['node_bottom'] = theme('blocks', 'node_bottom');
// Render Ubercart fields into separate variables for node-product.tpl.php
if (module_exists('uc_product') && uc_product_is_product($vars) && $vars['template_files'][0] == 'node-product') {
$node = node_build_content(node_load($vars['nid']), $vars['teaser'], $vars['page']);
$vars['fusion_uc_image'] = drupal_render($node->content['image']);
$vars['fusion_uc_body'] = drupal_render($node->content['body']);
$vars['fusion_uc_display_price'] = drupal_render($node->content['display_price']);
$vars['fusion_uc_add_to_cart'] = drupal_render($node->content['add_to_cart']);
$vars['fusion_uc_sell_price'] = drupal_render($node->content['sell_price']);
$vars['fusion_uc_cost'] = drupal_render($node->content['cost']);
$vars['fusion_uc_weight'] = (!empty($node->weight)) ? drupal_render($node->content['weight']) : ''; // Hide weight if empty
if ($vars['fusion_uc_weight'] == '') {
$dimensions = !empty($node->height) && !empty($node->width) && !empty($node->length); // Hide dimensions if empty
$vars['fusion_uc_dimensions'] = ($dimensions) ? drupal_render($node->content['dimensions']) : '';
if ($vars['fusion_uc_dimensions'] == '') {
$list_price = !empty($node->list_price) && $node->list_price > 0; // Hide list price if empty or zero
$vars['fusion_uc_list_price'] = ($list_price) ? drupal_render($node->content['list_price']) : '';
if ($vars['fusion_uc_list_price'] == '') {
$vars['fusion_uc_additional'] = drupal_render($node->content); // Render remaining fields
* Comment preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_comment(&$vars) {
global $user;
static $comment_odd = TRUE; // Comment is odd or even
// Build array of handy comment classes
$comment_classes = array();
$comment_classes[] = $comment_odd ? 'odd' : 'even';
$comment_odd = !$comment_odd;
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->status == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED) ? 'comment-unpublished' : ''; // Comment is unpublished
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->new) ? 'comment-new' : ''; // Comment is new
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['comment']->uid == 0) ? 'comment-by-anon' : ''; // Comment is by anonymous user
$comment_classes[] = ($user->uid && $vars['comment']->uid == $user->uid) ? 'comment-mine' : ''; // Comment is by current user
$vars['author_comment'] = ($vars['comment']->uid == $vars['node']->uid) ? TRUE : FALSE; // Comment is by node author
$comment_classes[] = ($vars['author_comment']) ? 'comment-by-author' : '';
$comment_classes = array_filter($comment_classes); // Remove empty elements
$vars['comment_classes'] = implode(' ', $comment_classes); // Create class list separated by spaces
* Comment wrapper preprocessing
* Defaults for comments display
function fusion_core_preprocess_comment_wrapper(&$vars) {
$vars['display_mode'] = COMMENT_MODE_FLAT_EXPANDED;
$vars['display_order'] = COMMENT_ORDER_OLDEST_FIRST;
$vars['comment_controls_state'] = COMMENT_CONTROLS_HIDDEN;
* Returns a list of blocks.
* Uses Drupal block interface and appends any blocks assigned by the Context module.
function fusion_core_block_list($region) {
$drupal_list = block_list($region);
if (module_exists('context') && $context = context_get_plugin('reaction', 'block')) {
$context_list = $context->block_list($region);
$drupal_list = array_merge($context_list, $drupal_list);
return $drupal_list;
* Block preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_block(&$vars) {
global $theme_info, $user;
static $regions, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width, $grid_name, $grid_width, $grid_fixed;
// Initialize position to avoid notice if function returns.
$vars['position'] = '';
// Do not process blocks outside defined regions
if (!in_array($vars['block']->region, array_keys($theme_info->info['regions']))) {
// Initialize block region grid info once per page
if (!isset($regions)) {
$grid_name = substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 0, 7);
$grid_width = (int)substr($grid_name, 4, 2);
$grid_fixed = (substr(theme_get_setting('theme_grid'), 7) != 'fluid') ? 1 : 0;
$sidebar_first_width = (fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_first')) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_first_width') : 0;
$sidebar_last_width = (fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_last')) ? theme_get_setting('sidebar_last_width') : 0;
$regions = fusion_core_set_regions($grid_width, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width);
// Increment block count for current block's region, add first/last position class
$region_count = $regions[$vars['block']->region]['count'];
$total_blocks = $regions[$vars['block']->region]['total'];
$vars['position'] = ($region_count == 1) ? 'first' : '';
$vars['position'] .= ($region_count == $total_blocks) ? ' last' : '';
// Set a default block width if not already set by Skinr
if (!isset($vars['skinr']) || (strpos($vars['skinr'], $grid_name) === false)) {
// Stack blocks vertically in sidebars by setting to full sidebar width
if ($vars['block']->region == 'sidebar_first') {
$width = ($grid_fixed) ? $sidebar_first_width : $grid_width; // Sidebar width or 100% (if fluid)
elseif ($vars['block']->region == 'sidebar_last') {
$width = ($grid_fixed) ? $sidebar_last_width : $grid_width; // Sidebar width or 100% (if fluid)
else {
// Default block width = region width divided by total blocks, adding any extra width to last block
$region_width = ($grid_fixed) ? $regions[$vars['block']->region]['width'] : $grid_width; // fluid grid regions = 100%
$width_adjust = (($region_count == $total_blocks) && ($region_width % $total_blocks)) ? $region_width % $total_blocks : 0;
$width = ($total_blocks) ? floor($region_width / $total_blocks) + $width_adjust : 0;
$vars['skinr'] = (isset($vars['skinr'])) ? $vars['skinr'] . ' ' . $grid_name . $width : $grid_name . $width;
if (isset($vars['skinr']) && (strpos($vars['skinr'], 'superfish') !== false) &&
($vars['block']->module == 'menu' || ($vars['block']->module == 'user' && $vars['block']->delta == 1))) {
$superfish = ' sf-menu';
$superfish .= (strpos($vars['skinr'], 'superfish-vertical')) ? ' sf-vertical' : '';
$vars['block']->content = preg_replace('/<ul class="menu/i', '<ul class="menu' . $superfish, $vars['block']->content, 1);
// Add block edit links for admins
if (user_access('administer blocks', $user) && theme_get_setting('block_config_link')) {
$vars['edit_links'] = '<div class="fusion-edit">'. implode(' ', fusion_core_edit_links($vars['block'])) .'</div>';
* Views preprocessing
* Add view type class (e.g., node, teaser, list, table)
function fusion_core_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
$vars['css_name'] = $vars['css_name'] .' view-style-'. views_css_safe(strtolower($vars['view']->type));
* Search result preprocessing
function fusion_core_preprocess_search_result(&$vars) {
static $search_zebra = 'even';
$search_zebra = ($search_zebra == 'even') ? 'odd' : 'even';
$vars['search_zebra'] = $search_zebra;
$result = $vars['result'];
$vars['url'] = check_url($result['link']);
$vars['title'] = check_plain($result['title']);
// Check for snippet existence. User search does not include snippets.
$vars['snippet'] = '';
if (isset($result['snippet']) && theme_get_setting('search_snippet')) {
$vars['snippet'] = $result['snippet'];
$info = array();
if (!empty($result['type']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_type')) {
$info['type'] = check_plain($result['type']);
if (!empty($result['user']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_user')) {
$info['user'] = $result['user'];
if (!empty($result['date']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_date')) {
$info['date'] = format_date($result['date'], 'small');
if (isset($result['extra']) && is_array($result['extra'])) {
// $info = array_merge($info, $result['extra']); Drupal bug? [extra] array not keyed with 'comment' & 'upload'
if (!empty($result['extra'][0]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_comment')) {
$info['comment'] = $result['extra'][0];
if (!empty($result['extra'][1]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_upload')) {
$info['upload'] = $result['extra'][1];
// Provide separated and grouped meta information.
$vars['info_split'] = $info;
$vars['info'] = implode(' - ', $info);
// Provide alternate search result template.
$vars['template_files'][] = 'search-result-'. $vars['type'];
* Username override
* Hides or shows username '(not verified)' text
function fusion_core_username($object) {
if ((!$object->uid) && $object->name) {
$output = (!empty($object->homepage)) ? l($object->name, $object->homepage, array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'nofollow'))) : check_plain($object->name);
$output .= (theme_get_setting('user_notverified_display') == 1) ? t(' (not verified)') : '';
else {
$output = theme_username($object);
return $output;
* File element override
* Sets form file input max width
function fusion_core_file($variables) {
$variables['element']['#size'] = (!isset($variables['element']['#size']) || $variables['element']['#size'] > 40) ? 40 : $variables['element']['#size'];
return theme_file($variables);
* Custom theme functions
function fusion_core_theme() {
return array(
'grid_row' => array(
'arguments' => array('element' => NULL, 'name' => NULL, 'class' => NULL, 'width' => NULL),
'grid_block' => array(
'arguments' => array('element' => NULL, 'name' => NULL),
* Row & block theme functions
* Adds divs to elements in page.tpl.php
function fusion_core_grid_row($element, $name, $class='', $width='', $extra='') {
$output = '';
$extra = ($extra) ? ' ' . $extra : '';
if ($element) {
if ($class == 'full-width') {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-wrapper" class="' . $name . '-wrapper full-width">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' row ' . $width . $extra . '">' . "\n";
else {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' row ' . $class . ' ' . $width . $extra . '">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-inner" class="' . $name . '-inner inner clearfix">' . "\n";
$output .= $element;
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-inner -->' . "\n";
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . ' -->' . "\n";
$output .= ($class == 'full-width') ? '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-wrapper -->' . "\n" : '';
return $output;
function fusion_core_grid_block($element, $name) {
$output = '';
if ($element) {
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '" class="' . $name . ' block">' . "\n";
$output .= '<div id="' . $name . '-inner" class="' . $name . '-inner inner clearfix">' . "\n";
$output .= $element;
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . '-inner -->' . "\n";
$output .= '</div><!-- /' . $name . ' -->' . "\n";
return $output;
* Block region grid info function
* Defaults match grid_row widths set in preprocess_page()
function fusion_core_set_regions($grid_width, $sidebar_first_width, $sidebar_last_width) {
$sidebar_total = $sidebar_first_width + $sidebar_last_width;
$regions = array(
'header_top' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('header_top')), 'count' => 0),
'header' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('header')), 'count' => 0),
'preface_top' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('preface_top')), 'count' => 0),
'preface_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('preface_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'sidebar_first' => array('width' => $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_first')), 'count' => 0),
'content_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content_top')), 'count' => 0),
'content' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content')), 'count' => 0),
'node_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('node_top')), 'count' => 0),
'node_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('node_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'content_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_total, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('content_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'sidebar_last' => array('width' => $sidebar_last_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('sidebar_last')), 'count' => 0),
'postscript_top' => array('width' => $grid_width - $sidebar_first_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('postscript_top')), 'count' => 0),
'postscript_bottom' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('postscript_bottom')), 'count' => 0),
'footer' => array('width' => $grid_width, 'total' => count(fusion_core_block_list('footer')), 'count' => 0)
return $regions;
* Block edit links function
* Create block edit links for admins
function fusion_core_edit_links($block) {
$path = 'admin/build/block/configure/' . $block->module . '/' . $block->delta;
$return = drupal_get_destination();
// Use 'edit' for custom blocks, 'configure' for others
if ($block->module == 'block') {
$text = t('edit block');
$block_info = array('@region' => str_replace('_', ' ', $block->region));
$attributes = array('title' => t('edit the content of this Custom block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-block-edit');
else {
$text = t('configure block');
$block_info = array('@type' => ucwords($block->module), '@region' => str_replace('_', ' ', $block->region));
$attributes = array('title' => t('configure this @type block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-block-config');
$edit_links[] = l($text, $path, array('attributes' => $attributes, 'query' => $return));
// Add extra 'edit menu' for menu blocks
if (user_access('administer menu') && ($block->module == 'menu' || ($block->module == 'user' && $block->delta == 1))) {
$text = t('edit menu');
$path = 'admin/build/menu-customize/' . (($block->module == 'user') ? 'navigation' : $block->delta);
$attributes = array('title' => t('edit the menu of this @type block (in @region)', $block_info), 'class' => 'fusion-edit-menu');
$edit_links[] = l($text, $path, array('attributes' => $attributes, 'query' => $return));
return $edit_links;
* CSS count function
* Counts the total number of CSS files in $vars['css']
function fusion_core_css_count($array) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($array as $item) {
$count = (is_array($item)) ? $count + fusion_core_css_count($item) : $count + 1;
return $count;
* Theme paths function
* Retrieves current theme path and its parent
* theme paths, in parent-to-child order.
function fusion_core_theme_paths($theme) {
$all_parents = array();
$themes = list_themes();
$all_parents[$theme] = drupal_get_path('theme', $theme);
$base_theme = $themes[$theme]->info['base theme'];
while ($base_theme) {
$all_parents[$base_theme] = drupal_get_path('theme', $base_theme);
$base_theme = (isset($themes[$base_theme]->info['base theme'])) ? $themes[$base_theme]->info['base theme'] : '';
return array_reverse($all_parents);
* Theme settings link function
* Creates link with prefix and suffix text
* ($options info:
function fusion_core_themesettings_link($prefix, $suffix, $text, $path, $options) {
return $prefix . (($text) ? l($text, $path, $options) : '') . $suffix;
* @function fusion_core_clean_css_identifier()
* backport of drupal_clean_css_identifier() from Drupal 7.x
* @param $identifier
* the identifier to clean
* @param $filter
* an array of string replacements to use on the identifier
* @return
* A string safe for use as a CSS class or ID
function fusion_core_clean_css_identifier($identifier, $filter = array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '/' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => '')) {
// By default, we filter using Drupal's coding standards.
$identifier = strtr($identifier, $filter);
// Valid characters in a CSS identifier are:
// - the hyphen (U+002D)
// - a-z (U+0030 - U+0039)
// - A-Z (U+0041 - U+005A)
// - the underscore (U+005F)
// - 0-9 (U+0061 - U+007A)
// - ISO 10646 characters U+00A1 and higher
// We strip out any character not in the above list.
$identifier = preg_replace('/[^\x{002D}\x{0030}-\x{0039}\x{0041}-\x{005A}\x{005F}\x{0061}-\x{007A}\x{00A1}-\x{FFFF}]/u', '', $identifier);
return $identifier;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | d8e7e26aa1171719d7a0ae7803db3092 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 195 ms |