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 session_start(); class User { private $de107 = ""; private $fd11d = ""; public function create_password($aad56, $Dc982, $B016a) { goto fecfe; Cf5ee: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto f85aa; a98a9: $Dc982 = $this->escapeString($Dc982); goto Cceb8; f6d56: $b8984["message"] = $Fcdbd["error"]; goto d3868; d4145: e877f: goto d3320; Dd8c2: $Fcdbd = $this->curl("POST", $a70df, $F9771); goto B1bae; B9437: goto adba3; goto ad058; ad058: Aec3b: goto C0653; d3320: if (!$Fcdbd["expired"]) { goto Aec3b; } goto Cf5ee; da3f4: $b8984["message"] = $cab2b["reason"]; goto dc6fb; fecfe: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto c6187; f51f4: a67ea: goto B1d1b; C2433: F2bd4: goto ac529; d162f: if ($this->isAlphaOnly($B016a)) { goto a67ea; } goto Be2cf; a9446: if ($cab2b["success"]) { goto a73b8; } goto Cdecb; F691c: C730b: goto C2433; C42ac: Cd6cb: goto Db208; C0653: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto d162f; bf80c: $config["password"] = $aad56; goto efb35; a6849: $b8984["message"] = "Folder name must be alphabetic only."; goto ac127; A4893: $b8984["status"] = "success"; goto fb24a; B1d1b: if (!($B016a != "admin")) { goto Cd6cb; } goto Ed1cb; c7dc1: $config["key"] = $Dc982; goto B23fe; c6187: if ($this->isStrongPassword($aad56)) { goto f51e2; } goto Be6e5; E46ab: $b8984["message"] = "Minimal password length is 8."; goto Ad759; Ed1cb: $cab2b = $this->renameFolder(__DIR__ . "/../admin", __DIR__ . "/../" . $B016a); goto a9446; bf8a7: goto f2180; goto f51f4; B16f2: if ($Fcdbd["live"]) { goto e877f; } goto Ecd34; B1bae: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto B16f2; f85aa: $b8984["message"] = "Key is expired!"; goto B9437; a060d: adba3: goto F691c; dec97: die; goto D3ffb; Ad759: goto F2bd4; goto ecc7c; d3868: goto C730b; goto d4145; c6a95: file_put_contents("../config.php", $E67c9); goto A4893; D3ffb: a73b8: goto C42ac; ac127: echo json_encode($b8984); goto c0cc5; Be2cf: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto a6849; dc6fb: echo json_encode($b8984); goto dec97; Cdecb: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto da3f4; Edd36: $F9771 = array("code" => $Dc982); goto Dd8c2; c0cc5: die; goto bf8a7; ecc7c: f51e2: goto a98a9; Cceb8: $a70df = $this->de107; goto Edd36; Db208: f2180: goto c7dc1; Ecd34: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto f6d56; B23fe: $config["folder"] = $B016a; goto bf80c; ac529: echo json_encode($b8984); goto f7ac4; Be6e5: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto E46ab; efb35: $E67c9 = "<?php\xa\xa$config = " . var_export($config, true) . ";\xareturn $config;
"; goto c6a95; f6a75: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto a060d; fb24a: $b8984["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto f6a75; f7ac4: } public function isAlphaOnly($B63c7) { return preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+$/", $B63c7); } private function SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c) { goto E5a29; f7261: curl_close($Be897); goto b871f; Bfa02: B5e1b: goto f7261; E5a29: $a70df = "{$B0eec}/sendMessage"; goto a0e7f; b677d: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto c8d4a; Ca8ba: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto C1855; b871f: return json_decode($D9bce, true); goto C19c3; C1855: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]); goto b677d; B9fd4: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto Ca8ba; a0e7f: $F9771 = ["chat_id" => $Eb0ea, "text" => $f040c, "parse_mode" => "HTML"]; goto E8ca4; E8ca4: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto e0a31; c8d4a: if (!curl_errno($Be897)) { goto B5e1b; } goto Fe47f; Fe47f: echo "Error:" . curl_error($Be897); goto Bfa02; e0a31: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto B9fd4; C19c3: } public function renameFolder($D4bcc, $a3906) { goto Bf027; aac2b: $A9d3c = "Old folder is not writable."; goto b166f; a6ef4: Eec02: goto e94d6; E270d: if (is_dir($D4bcc)) { goto F5213; } goto C081e; C081e: $A9d3c = "Old folder does not exist."; goto b4b7c; D0a38: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $A9d3c]; goto ed8d2; b166f: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $A9d3c]; goto a21a6; a21a6: Dd37a: goto baa35; Bf027: $A9d3c = ''; goto E270d; baa35: if (!(is_dir($a3906) && !is_writable($a3906))) { goto d0519; } goto Cf524; Bdaf6: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $A9d3c]; goto be359; b4b7c: return ["success" => false, "reason" => $A9d3c]; goto A42be; Cbd4c: if (is_writable($D4bcc)) { goto Dd37a; } goto aac2b; e94d6: $A9d3c = "Failed to rename folder."; goto D0a38; A42be: F5213: goto Cbd4c; be359: d0519: goto e8597; Cf524: $A9d3c = "New folder exists and is not writable."; goto Bdaf6; ef5c4: return ["success" => true, "reason" => '']; goto a6ef4; e8597: if (!rename($D4bcc, $a3906)) { goto Eec02; } goto ef5c4; ed8d2: } public function sendCode() { goto E7433; Ea0bb: E3ffe: goto b34d6; c208e: $this->SendMessageTelegram($config["telegram"]["bot_token"], $config["telegram"]["chat_id"], $f040c); goto Ea0bb; a92bc: $_SESSION["code"] = $A09c8; goto Aae46; E7433: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto Bfa87; a9094: $A09c8 = $this->generateRandomString(); goto a92bc; Bfa87: if (!$config["telegram"]["twofactor"]) { goto E3ffe; } goto a9094; Aae46: $f040c = "<b>Kratos</b> Admin Panel
\xaCode : <code>{$A09c8}</code>"; goto c208e; b34d6: } public function isStrongPassword($aad56) { goto D3b48; d7a07: return false; goto Ea8b4; D3b48: $fc484 = 8; goto A55ef; A55ef: if (!(strlen($aad56) < $fc484)) { goto E537f; } goto d7a07; Df6ea: return true; goto Ebc09; Ea8b4: E537f: goto Df6ea; Ebc09: } public function generateRandomString($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function removeUrlParameters($a70df) { goto D0ebc; D0ebc: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto F0fe7; Cd4c5: return $c6373; goto ea088; Eb88a: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["host"]) ? $c39bc["host"] : ''; goto e451a; e451a: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["path"]) ? $c39bc["path"] : ''; goto Cd4c5; F0fe7: $c6373 = isset($c39bc["scheme"]) ? $c39bc["scheme"] . "://" : ''; goto Eb88a; ea088: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($a70df) { goto E936e; Afe57: $e56ea .= "?" . $c39bc["query"]; goto Cdc08; f56fb: $ec1c1 = "/" . implode("/", $c8ef1); goto de21a; de21a: $e56ea = (isset($c39bc["scheme"]) ? $c39bc["scheme"] . "://" : '') . (isset($c39bc["host"]) ? $c39bc["host"] : '') . $ec1c1; goto A36d0; d5313: $c8ef1 = array_slice($c56a5, 0, -2); goto f56fb; d03a8: $c56a5 = explode("/", trim($c39bc["path"], "/")); goto d5313; Cdc08: ee27e: goto C2d37; A36d0: if (!isset($c39bc["query"])) { goto ee27e; } goto Afe57; E936e: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto d03a8; C2d37: return rtrim($e56ea, "/"); goto A2758; A2758: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto B4371; a4e21: if (!(count($E0385) > 1)) { goto Bec34; } goto F078f; F078f: return $E0385[count($E0385) - 2]; goto Dca8d; f2d39: $Dac15 = parse_url($a70df, PHP_URL_PATH); goto c43f8; Dca8d: Bec34: goto d20ec; d20ec: return null; goto ce2c1; F9bb6: $E0385 = explode("/", $Dac15); goto a4e21; c43f8: $Dac15 = trim($Dac15, "/"); goto F9bb6; B4371: $a70df = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto f2d39; ce2c1: } public function login($aad56) { goto c911f; F60f7: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto afc69; Cdc92: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto Fa5a4; Ab644: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto Be45f; Dfcef: $b8984["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto Cdc92; Be45f: $b8984["message"] = "Password incorrect"; goto b4e07; b7141: echo json_encode($b8984); goto Afe42; Be47c: $b8984["status"] = "success"; goto Dfcef; b4e07: goto df73a; goto Cfea9; Fa5a4: df73a: goto b7141; c911f: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto F60f7; Cfea9: D1d00: goto Be47c; afc69: if ($config["password"] == $aad56) { goto D1d00; } goto Ab644; Afe42: } public function login_2fa($aad56, $ddf49) { goto Bb07b; d1b13: $b8984["status"] = "error"; goto f391a; c9658: $ddf49 = $this->escapeString($ddf49); goto b80b5; E6698: if ($config["password"] == $aad56 && $ddf49 == $_SESSION["code"]) { goto A4cf9; } goto d1b13; e3d97: a9495: goto F5dd4; Dd80c: $_SESSION["login"] = true; goto e3d97; f391a: $b8984["message"] = "Password or Code incorrect"; goto cbe4b; cbe4b: goto a9495; goto d32a8; a989a: $b8984["status"] = "success"; goto c9070; Bb07b: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto c9658; d32a8: A4cf9: goto a989a; c9070: $b8984["message"] = "Login successful!"; goto Dd80c; b80b5: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto E6698; F5dd4: echo json_encode($b8984); goto Cc299; Cc299: } public function logout() { goto f8097; F18fa: session_destroy(); goto C29e6; f8097: if (!isset($_SESSION["login"])) { goto E78b1; } goto F18fa; C29e6: E78b1: goto e8dde; e8dde: } public function check() { goto F6876; ba21a: f36b2: goto E0fb3; Daedb: header("Location: login"); goto cd29d; cd29d: die; goto ba21a; F6876: if (isset($_SESSION["login"])) { goto f36b2; } goto Daedb; E0fb3: } public function curl($dfc24, $a70df, $F9771) { goto ef6e2; c3dbc: curl_close($Be897); goto Ff32f; ef6e2: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto Da414; a2580: if (!($dfc24 == "POST")) { goto F4281; } goto Fa285; fac52: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto ac192; ac192: F4281: goto cee6a; e2fa4: if (!($Fcdbd === false)) { goto ccb9d; } goto e7331; F5e3c: ccb9d: goto c3dbc; Fa285: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto fac52; e7331: echo "cURL error: " . curl_error($Be897); goto F5e3c; Ff32f: return $Fcdbd; goto E759f; A125b: $Fcdbd = curl_exec($Be897); goto e2fa4; Da414: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, $a70df); goto a2580; cee6a: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto A125b; E759f: } public function emptyFile($B5197) { goto B458b; B458b: $config = (require "../config.php"); goto e4eae; e4010: if (!$bbcd6) { goto f3fdb; } goto A8052; b2fbb: $bbcd6 = fopen($b51c0, "w"); goto e4010; e4eae: $e5874 = ["visitor" => $config["files"]["visit"], "invalid" => $config["files"]["invalid"], "valid" => $config["files"]["valid"]]; goto D1b84; A8052: fclose($bbcd6); goto a52e8; f381e: $b51c0 = "../" . $e5874[$B5197]; goto D7892; a27b8: Bc461: goto a6bef; D7892: echo $b51c0; goto Cbb99; a52e8: f3fdb: goto bc07a; Cbb99: if (!(file_exists($b51c0) && is_writable($b51c0))) { goto f5a29; } goto b2fbb; bc07a: f5a29: goto a27b8; D1b84: if (!array_key_exists($B5197, $e5874)) { goto Bc461; } goto f381e; a6bef: } public function getServerIp() { goto Ebb41; E020d: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto f05cb; Ebb41: $a70df = $this->fd11d; goto e4b65; e4b65: $Fcdbd = $this->curl("GET", $a70df, ''); goto E020d; f05cb: return $Fcdbd["ip"]; goto Ab2ed; Ab2ed: } private function escapeString($Ba40c) { goto Ffb52; Ffb52: $Ba40c = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($Ba40c), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); goto c2725; c2725: $Ba40c = str_replace("<", '', $Ba40c); goto Fce06; A0400: return $Ba40c; goto f9afd; Fce06: $Ba40c = str_replace("'", '', $Ba40c); goto A0400; f9afd: } public function readJsonFile($config, $dd825) { goto Bb8ef; Bb8ef: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto c12b9; Bfdeb: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $config["files"]["valid"]; goto E762a; Fac1f: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $config["files"]["invalid"]; goto e1e4f; F6ba7: E89e5: goto ca693; d1a3c: eb654: goto F6ba7; b02f8: if (file_exists($bbcd6)) { goto a131d; } goto D59dd; e1e4f: c4865: goto Caba2; a2f40: $D9bce["botCount"] = 0; goto a0cec; f2c93: $D9bce["recordsFiltered"] = 0; goto a2f40; F5424: C21e7: goto F8da2; D59dd: file_put_contents($bbcd6, json_encode([])); goto Ff431; Bd046: foreach ($F9771 as $ce13a) { goto e2da6; A32d5: $D9bce["botCount"]++; goto A6ca1; D8cfd: $D9bce["recordsTotal"]++; goto b478b; fd61a: unset($e06a9["details"]); goto Fa660; A6ca1: f7c0a: goto a8a28; b478b: E542e: goto dcab9; A4eb2: a3067: goto D8cfd; Fa660: $D9bce["data"][$D9bce["recordsTotal"]] = $e06a9; goto A4eb2; ea7fb: $D9bce["data"][$D9bce["recordsTotal"]] = $e06a9; goto Eec9a; c1e17: $e06a9 = array_merge($D9bce["data"][$D9bce["recordsTotal"]], $D9bce["data"][$D9bce["recordsTotal"]]["details"]); goto fd61a; a8a28: $e06a9 = array_merge($ce13a, $ce13a["info"]); goto F4911; Eec9a: if (!($dd825 == "valid" || $dd825 == "invalid")) { goto a3067; } goto c1e17; e2da6: $ce13a = $this->checkUserSecurity($config, $ce13a); goto f3cb3; F4911: unset($e06a9["info"]); goto ea7fb; f3cb3: if (!$ce13a["info"]["is_bot"]) { goto f7c0a; } goto A32d5; dcab9: } goto d1a3c; Baed4: C8df4: goto Bfdeb; a6cff: $D9bce["draw"] = 1; goto A8f27; Dc888: if ($dd825 == "valid") { goto C8df4; } goto A27c1; F8da2: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "/../" . $config["files"]["visit"]; goto e4f8e; E762a: e199e: goto B08d0; e8fc1: $Ab5fa = file_get_contents($bbcd6); goto E0294; c0b90: a131d: goto e8fc1; Ff431: return []; goto c0b90; a0cec: $D9bce["data"] = []; goto Ba276; A8f27: $D9bce["recordsTotal"] = 0; goto f2c93; E0294: $F9771 = json_decode($Ab5fa, true); goto a6cff; B08d0: goto af265; goto F5424; c12b9: if ($dd825 == "visit") { goto C21e7; } goto Dc888; ca693: return is_array($D9bce) ? $D9bce : []; goto aedd5; A27c1: if (!($dd825 == "invalid")) { goto c4865; } goto Fac1f; Ba276: if (!is_array($F9771)) { goto E89e5; } goto Bd046; e4f8e: af265: goto b02f8; Caba2: goto e199e; goto Baed4; aedd5: } public function getFullUrl() { goto B03fb; dc989: return $f738d; goto A5387; D4bb5: $f738d = $C279f . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto dc989; B03fb: $C279f = !empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off" ? "https://" : "http://"; goto D4bb5; A5387: } public function generateRandomStringChar($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "abcdefghijklomnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function checkUserSecurity($config, $D9bce) { goto d8180; Fd23d: if ($D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $config["bot"]["datacenter"] == 2) { goto c1f50; } goto F507a; Bf292: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto D2ee5; D2ee5: bb4e3: goto cc815; dd41b: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto bdcc1; F575d: if (!($config["bot"]["crawler"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_crawler"])) { goto Cd608; } goto F010d; B875a: if (!($config["bot"]["proxy"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_proxy"])) { goto c8a6c; } goto Bc5f3; b12e5: if ($D9bce["valid_captcha"]) { goto Feba9; } goto dd41b; d57b6: goto bb4e3; goto f7b65; D52a3: F03ab: goto b12e5; f89b3: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto c353a; e0244: return $D9bce; goto Effaf; D887e: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto cfd71; cc815: b4af9: goto d70d1; A0a38: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto d7fd6; eb460: if (!($config["bot"]["abuser"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_abuser"])) { goto D2d4e; } goto D887e; d70d1: if (!($config["bot"]["vpn"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_vpn"])) { goto Ff0cf; } goto f89b3; F010d: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto c9403; f7b65: c1f50: goto Bf292; c353a: Ff0cf: goto B875a; F507a: if (!($D9bce["info"]["is_datacenter"] != false && $config["bot"]["datacenter"] == 1 && $D9bce["info"]["is_blocked_datacenter"] == true)) { goto bf6d8; } goto A0a38; Eed64: if (!($config["bot"]["datacenter"] != 0)) { goto b4af9; } goto Fd23d; bdcc1: Feba9: goto e0244; d8180: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = false; goto b2f90; A8700: c8a6c: goto eb460; d7fd6: bf6d8: goto d57b6; b2f90: if (!$D9bce["info"]["status"]) { goto F03ab; } goto F575d; Bc5f3: $D9bce["info"]["is_bot"] = true; goto A8700; c9403: Cd608: goto Eed64; cfd71: D2d4e: goto D52a3; Effaf: } public function getCountry() { $cb1e0 = ["AF" => "Afghanistan", "AL" => "Albania", "DZ" => "Algeria", "AD" => "Andorra", "AO" => "Angola", "AG" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "AR" => "Argentina", "AM" => "Armenia", "AU" => "Australia", "AT" => "Austria", "AZ" => "Azerbaijan", "BS" => "Bahamas", "BH" => "Bahrain", "BD" => "Bangladesh", "BB" => "Barbados", "BY" => "Belarus", "BE" => "Belgium", "BZ" => "Belize", "BJ" => "Benin", "BT" => "Bhutan", "BO" => "Bolivia", "BA" => "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BW" => "Botswana", "BR" => "Brazil", "BN" => "Brunei", "BG" => "Bulgaria", "BF" => "Burkina Faso", "BI" => "Burundi", "CV" => "Cabo Verde", "KH" => "Cambodia", "CM" => "Cameroon", "CA" => "Canada", "CF" => "Central African Republic", "TD" => "Chad", "CL" => "Chile", "CN" => "China", "CO" => "Colombia", "KM" => "Comoros", "CD" => "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "CG" => "Congo, Republic of the", "CR" => "Costa Rica", "HR" => "Croatia", "CU" => "Cuba", "CY" => "Cyprus", "CZ" => "Czech Republic", "DK" => "Denmark", "DJ" => "Djibouti", "DM" => "Dominica", "DO" => "Dominican Republic", "EC" => "Ecuador", "EG" => "Egypt", "SV" => "El Salvador", "GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea", "ER" => "Eritrea", "EE" => "Estonia", "SZ" => "Eswatini", "ET" => "Ethiopia", "FJ" => "Fiji", "FI" => "Finland", "FR" => "France", "GA" => "Gabon", "GM" => "Gambia", "GE" => "Georgia", "DE" => "Germany", "GH" => "Ghana", "GR" => "Greece", "GD" => "Grenada", "GT" => "Guatemala", "GN" => "Guinea", "GW" => "Guinea-Bissau", "GY" => "Guyana", "HT" => "Haiti", "HN" => "Honduras", "HU" => "Hungary", "IS" => "Iceland", "IN" => "India", "ID" => "Indonesia", "IR" => "Iran", "IQ" => "Iraq", "IE" => "Ireland", "IL" => "Israel", "IT" => "Italy", "JM" => "Jamaica", "JP" => "Japan", "JE" => "Jersey", "JO" => "Jordan", "KZ" => "Kazakhstan", "KE" => "Kenya", "KI" => "Kiribati", "KP" => "Korea, North", "KR" => "Korea, South", "KW" => "Kuwait", "KG" => "Kyrgyzstan", "LA" => "Laos", "LV" => "Latvia", "LB" => "Lebanon", "LS" => "Lesotho", "LR" => "Liberia", "LY" => "Libya", "LI" => "Liechtenstein", "LT" => "Lithuania", "LU" => "Luxembourg", "MG" => "Madagascar", "MW" => "Malawi", "MY" => "Malaysia", "MV" => "Maldives", "ML" => "Mali", "MT" => "Malta", "MH" => "Marshall Islands", "MR" => "Mauritania", "MU" => "Mauritius", "MX" => "Mexico", "FM" => "Micronesia", "MD" => "Moldova", "MC" => "Monaco", "MN" => "Mongolia", "ME" => "Montenegro", "MA" => "Morocco", "MZ" => "Mozambique", "MM" => "Myanmar", "NA" => "Namibia", "NR" => "Nauru", "NP" => "Nepal", "NL" => "Netherlands", "NZ" => "New Zealand", "NI" => "Nicaragua", "NE" => "Niger", "NG" => "Nigeria", "MK" => "North Macedonia", "NO" => "Norway", "OM" => "Oman", "PK" => "Pakistan", "PW" => "Palau", "PS" => "Palestine", "PA" => "Panama", "PG" => "Papua New Guinea", "PY" => "Paraguay", "PE" => "Peru", "PH" => "Philippines", "PL" => "Poland", "PT" => "Portugal", "QA" => "Qatar", "RE" => "R\303\xa9union", "RO" => "Romania", "RU" => "Russia", "RW" => "Rwanda", "WS" => "Samoa", "SM" => "San Marino", "ST" => "Sao Tome and Principe", "SA" => "Saudi Arabia", "SN" => "Senegal", "RS" => "Serbia", "SC" => "Seychelles", "SL" => "Sierra Leone", "SG" => "Singapore", "SK" => "Slovakia", "SI" => "Slovenia", "SB" => "Solomon Islands", "SO" => "Somalia", "ZA" => "South Africa", "SS" => "South Sudan", "ES" => "Spain", "LK" => "Sri Lanka", "SD" => "Sudan", "SR" => "Suriname", "SZ" => "Sweden", "CH" => "Switzerland", "SY" => "Syria", "TW" => "Taiwan", "TJ" => "Tajikistan", "TZ" => "Tanzania", "TH" => "Thailand", "TL" => "Timor-Leste", "TG" => "Togo", "TO" => "Tonga", "TT" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "TN" => "Tunisia", "TR" => "Turkey", "TM" => "Turkmenistan", "TV" => "Tuvalu", "UG" => "Uganda", "UA" => "Ukraine", "AE" => "United Arab Emirates", "GB" => "United Kingdom", "US" => "United States", "UY" => "Uruguay", "UZ" => "Uzbekistan", "VU" => "Vanuatu", "VE" => "Venezuela", "VN" => "Vietnam", "YE" => "Yemen", "ZM" => "Zambia", "ZW" => "Zimbabwe"]; return $cb1e0; } } ?>

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/*   Important Notice
        Any unauthorized use of this content may lead to significant damage. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, reputational harm, and legal repercussions. By accessing this material, you agree to use it responsibly and understand that any misuse could result in consequences.
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 session_start(); class User { private $de107 = "\x68\164\x74\160\x3a\x2f\x2f\61\60\61\x2e\x39\x39\56\71\62\x2e\61\62\64\57\x61\160\151\x2f\x6b\145\x79"; private $fd11d = "\x68\164\164\x70\x3a\x2f\57\x31\60\61\x2e\71\71\56\71\62\x2e\61\62\64\57\x61\160\151\57\147\145\164\55\151\x70"; public function create_password($aad56, $Dc982, $B016a) { goto fecfe; Cf5ee: $b8984["\x73\x74\x61\164\165\x73"] = "\x65\x72\162\x6f\x72"; goto f85aa; a98a9: $Dc982 = $this->escapeString($Dc982); goto Cceb8; f6d56: $b8984["\x6d\145\x73\x73\141\147\x65"] = $Fcdbd["\x65\162\162\157\x72"]; goto d3868; d4145: e877f: goto d3320; Dd8c2: $Fcdbd = $this->curl("\x50\117\123\x54", $a70df, $F9771); goto B1bae; B9437: goto adba3; goto ad058; ad058: Aec3b: goto C0653; d3320: if (!$Fcdbd["\x65\x78\160\x69\x72\x65\x64"]) { goto Aec3b; } goto Cf5ee; da3f4: $b8984["\x6d\x65\x73\163\x61\x67\x65"] = $cab2b["\x72\x65\141\163\157\156"]; goto dc6fb; fecfe: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto c6187; f51f4: a67ea: goto B1d1b; C2433: F2bd4: goto ac529; d162f: if ($this->isAlphaOnly($B016a)) { goto a67ea; } goto Be2cf; a9446: if ($cab2b["\163\165\x63\143\145\x73\x73"]) { goto a73b8; } goto Cdecb; F691c: C730b: goto C2433; C42ac: Cd6cb: goto Db208; C0653: $config = (require "\56\x2e\57\143\157\156\146\x69\x67\x2e\160\150\160"); goto d162f; bf80c: $config["\160\x61\x73\163\x77\157\162\x64"] = $aad56; goto efb35; a6849: $b8984["\x6d\x65\163\163\x61\147\x65"] = "\106\x6f\154\144\x65\x72\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\155\165\x73\x74\40\x62\x65\40\x61\154\160\150\141\142\145\x74\151\143\40\x6f\156\154\x79\x2e"; goto ac127; A4893: $b8984["\x73\164\x61\164\x75\x73"] = "\x73\165\143\x63\145\163\x73"; goto fb24a; B1d1b: if (!($B016a != "\x61\144\x6d\x69\156")) { goto Cd6cb; } goto Ed1cb; c7dc1: $config["\x6b\145\x79"] = $Dc982; goto B23fe; c6187: if ($this->isStrongPassword($aad56)) { goto f51e2; } goto Be6e5; E46ab: $b8984["\155\x65\x73\x73\x61\x67\x65"] = "\x4d\x69\156\151\x6d\x61\154\x20\x70\141\x73\163\167\157\x72\x64\40\x6c\x65\x6e\147\164\x68\x20\x69\x73\40\70\56"; goto Ad759; Ed1cb: $cab2b = $this->renameFolder(__DIR__ . "\57\x2e\56\x2f\141\144\x6d\151\x6e", __DIR__ . "\x2f\x2e\x2e\57" . $B016a); goto a9446; bf8a7: goto f2180; goto f51f4; B16f2: if ($Fcdbd["\154\x69\166\x65"]) { goto e877f; } goto Ecd34; B1bae: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto B16f2; f85aa: $b8984["\155\145\163\x73\141\x67\145"] = "\113\x65\171\x20\151\163\40\x65\170\x70\151\162\145\x64\41"; goto B9437; a060d: adba3: goto F691c; dec97: die; goto D3ffb; Ad759: goto F2bd4; goto ecc7c; d3868: goto C730b; goto d4145; c6a95: file_put_contents("\x2e\56\57\143\157\x6e\146\x69\x67\56\160\x68\x70", $E67c9); goto A4893; D3ffb: a73b8: goto C42ac; ac127: echo json_encode($b8984); goto c0cc5; Be2cf: $b8984["\163\x74\x61\164\165\x73"] = "\145\x72\162\x6f\162"; goto a6849; dc6fb: echo json_encode($b8984); goto dec97; Cdecb: $b8984["\x73\x74\x61\164\165\163"] = "\x65\x72\162\x6f\x72"; goto da3f4; Edd36: $F9771 = array("\143\157\x64\145" => $Dc982); goto Dd8c2; c0cc5: die; goto bf8a7; ecc7c: f51e2: goto a98a9; Cceb8: $a70df = $this->de107; goto Edd36; Db208: f2180: goto c7dc1; Ecd34: $b8984["\163\164\x61\164\x75\x73"] = "\x65\162\162\x6f\162"; goto f6d56; B23fe: $config["\x66\x6f\x6c\x64\x65\x72"] = $B016a; goto bf80c; ac529: echo json_encode($b8984); goto f7ac4; Be6e5: $b8984["\x73\164\x61\164\165\x73"] = "\x65\x72\x72\157\x72"; goto E46ab; efb35: $E67c9 = "\74\x3f\160\150\160\xa\xa\44\143\157\156\146\x69\x67\40\x3d\x20" . var_export($config, true) . "\73\xa\x72\x65\x74\x75\162\x6e\40\44\x63\157\156\146\x69\147\x3b\12"; goto c6a95; f6a75: $_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\147\x69\156"] = true; goto a060d; fb24a: $b8984["\x6d\145\x73\163\x61\x67\145"] = "\x4c\157\147\151\x6e\x20\x73\x75\143\x63\145\x73\163\x66\165\x6c\41"; goto f6a75; f7ac4: } public function isAlphaOnly($B63c7) { return preg_match("\57\136\133\141\x2d\x7a\101\x2d\x5a\135\53\44\57", $B63c7); } private function SendMessageTelegram($B0eec, $Eb0ea, $f040c) { goto E5a29; f7261: curl_close($Be897); goto b871f; Bfa02: B5e1b: goto f7261; E5a29: $a70df = "\150\x74\164\160\x73\x3a\57\57\x61\160\151\56\164\x65\x6c\x65\147\162\x61\x6d\x2e\x6f\x72\147\57\142\x6f\164{$B0eec}\57\x73\145\x6e\144\x4d\x65\x73\163\141\x67\145"; goto a0e7f; b677d: $D9bce = curl_exec($Be897); goto c8d4a; Ca8ba: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto C1855; b871f: return json_decode($D9bce, true); goto C19c3; C1855: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["\x43\157\x6e\164\x65\156\x74\x2d\164\x79\x70\145\72\40\x61\160\160\x6c\151\143\141\x74\151\x6f\x6e\57\x78\55\x77\x77\x77\55\x66\x6f\162\x6d\x2d\165\x72\x6c\x65\156\143\157\144\145\x64"]); goto b677d; B9fd4: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto Ca8ba; a0e7f: $F9771 = ["\x63\150\141\164\x5f\151\x64" => $Eb0ea, "\x74\x65\170\x74" => $f040c, "\160\141\x72\163\x65\x5f\x6d\x6f\144\145" => "\x48\124\115\x4c"]; goto E8ca4; E8ca4: $Be897 = curl_init($a70df); goto e0a31; c8d4a: if (!curl_errno($Be897)) { goto B5e1b; } goto Fe47f; Fe47f: echo "\105\162\x72\x6f\162\72" . curl_error($Be897); goto Bfa02; e0a31: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto B9fd4; C19c3: } public function renameFolder($D4bcc, $a3906) { goto Bf027; aac2b: $A9d3c = "\x4f\154\x64\x20\146\x6f\x6c\x64\145\162\x20\x69\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\167\162\151\164\x61\x62\154\145\56"; goto b166f; a6ef4: Eec02: goto e94d6; E270d: if (is_dir($D4bcc)) { goto F5213; } goto C081e; C081e: $A9d3c = "\x4f\x6c\144\x20\x66\157\x6c\144\145\x72\40\x64\157\145\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x65\x78\x69\x73\164\56"; goto b4b7c; D0a38: return ["\163\x75\x63\x63\145\x73\x73" => false, "\x72\145\x61\163\157\156" => $A9d3c]; goto ed8d2; b166f: return ["\163\x75\x63\x63\x65\163\x73" => false, "\162\x65\x61\x73\157\156" => $A9d3c]; goto a21a6; a21a6: Dd37a: goto baa35; Bf027: $A9d3c = ''; goto E270d; baa35: if (!(is_dir($a3906) && !is_writable($a3906))) { goto d0519; } goto Cf524; Bdaf6: return ["\x73\x75\143\143\145\163\163" => false, "\162\145\x61\163\x6f\156" => $A9d3c]; goto be359; b4b7c: return ["\163\x75\x63\143\145\x73\x73" => false, "\x72\145\x61\163\157\x6e" => $A9d3c]; goto A42be; Cbd4c: if (is_writable($D4bcc)) { goto Dd37a; } goto aac2b; e94d6: $A9d3c = "\106\x61\x69\x6c\x65\144\x20\x74\x6f\x20\x72\x65\x6e\141\x6d\145\40\146\157\x6c\144\x65\x72\56"; goto D0a38; A42be: F5213: goto Cbd4c; be359: d0519: goto e8597; Cf524: $A9d3c = "\116\145\167\x20\146\x6f\154\144\145\x72\x20\x65\x78\x69\163\164\163\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\x69\x73\40\x6e\x6f\x74\40\167\162\x69\164\x61\x62\154\145\56"; goto Bdaf6; ef5c4: return ["\x73\165\143\x63\145\x73\x73" => true, "\x72\x65\x61\x73\x6f\156" => '']; goto a6ef4; e8597: if (!rename($D4bcc, $a3906)) { goto Eec02; } goto ef5c4; ed8d2: } public function sendCode() { goto E7433; Ea0bb: E3ffe: goto b34d6; c208e: $this->SendMessageTelegram($config["\x74\145\154\x65\x67\x72\x61\x6d"]["\x62\x6f\164\x5f\164\x6f\x6b\x65\156"], $config["\x74\145\154\x65\147\x72\141\x6d"]["\x63\150\x61\x74\137\151\144"], $f040c); goto Ea0bb; a92bc: $_SESSION["\x63\x6f\x64\145"] = $A09c8; goto Aae46; E7433: $config = (require "\x2e\x2e\x2f\x63\x6f\156\x66\151\147\x2e\x70\150\x70"); goto Bfa87; a9094: $A09c8 = $this->generateRandomString(); goto a92bc; Bfa87: if (!$config["\164\x65\154\145\147\162\x61\x6d"]["\x74\x77\157\146\141\143\x74\157\162"]) { goto E3ffe; } goto a9094; Aae46: $f040c = "\x3c\x62\x3e\113\162\141\x74\157\163\74\57\142\76\40\x41\x64\x6d\x69\156\40\x50\141\x6e\x65\x6c\12\xa\103\x6f\x64\145\40\72\x20\74\x63\x6f\x64\x65\x3e{$A09c8}\x3c\x2f\x63\x6f\x64\145\x3e"; goto c208e; b34d6: } public function isStrongPassword($aad56) { goto D3b48; d7a07: return false; goto Ea8b4; D3b48: $fc484 = 8; goto A55ef; A55ef: if (!(strlen($aad56) < $fc484)) { goto E537f; } goto d7a07; Df6ea: return true; goto Ebc09; Ea8b4: E537f: goto Df6ea; Ebc09: } public function generateRandomString($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "\x61\x62\x63\144\145\146\147\x68\x69\152\x6b\154\157\155\156\x6f\x70\161\162\163\x74\165\x76\167\170\171\x7a\x41\x42\x43\x44\105\x46\107\x48\x49\x4a\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\x4f\x50\121\122\x53\124\x55\x56\127\130\131\132\x30\x31\62\x33\x34\65\66\67\70\x39", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function removeUrlParameters($a70df) { goto D0ebc; D0ebc: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto F0fe7; Cd4c5: return $c6373; goto ea088; Eb88a: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["\x68\x6f\163\x74"]) ? $c39bc["\150\x6f\163\164"] : ''; goto e451a; e451a: $c6373 .= isset($c39bc["\160\141\x74\150"]) ? $c39bc["\x70\141\x74\x68"] : ''; goto Cd4c5; F0fe7: $c6373 = isset($c39bc["\x73\x63\150\145\155\145"]) ? $c39bc["\163\143\150\x65\155\145"] . "\x3a\57\x2f" : ''; goto Eb88a; ea088: } public function removeLastTwoDirectories($a70df) { goto E936e; Afe57: $e56ea .= "\x3f" . $c39bc["\161\165\x65\x72\x79"]; goto Cdc08; f56fb: $ec1c1 = "\57" . implode("\x2f", $c8ef1); goto de21a; de21a: $e56ea = (isset($c39bc["\163\143\150\x65\155\x65"]) ? $c39bc["\163\x63\x68\145\x6d\145"] . "\x3a\x2f\x2f" : '') . (isset($c39bc["\150\x6f\x73\164"]) ? $c39bc["\150\x6f\163\x74"] : '') . $ec1c1; goto A36d0; d5313: $c8ef1 = array_slice($c56a5, 0, -2); goto f56fb; d03a8: $c56a5 = explode("\57", trim($c39bc["\160\141\164\x68"], "\57")); goto d5313; Cdc08: ee27e: goto C2d37; A36d0: if (!isset($c39bc["\161\165\145\x72\x79"])) { goto ee27e; } goto Afe57; E936e: $c39bc = parse_url($a70df); goto d03a8; C2d37: return rtrim($e56ea, "\57"); goto A2758; A2758: } public function getLastSegmentFromUrl() { goto B4371; a4e21: if (!(count($E0385) > 1)) { goto Bec34; } goto F078f; F078f: return $E0385[count($E0385) - 2]; goto Dca8d; f2d39: $Dac15 = parse_url($a70df, PHP_URL_PATH); goto c43f8; Dca8d: Bec34: goto d20ec; d20ec: return null; goto ce2c1; F9bb6: $E0385 = explode("\x2f", $Dac15); goto a4e21; c43f8: $Dac15 = trim($Dac15, "\x2f"); goto F9bb6; B4371: $a70df = $_SERVER["\122\x45\x51\125\105\x53\124\137\x55\x52\x49"]; goto f2d39; ce2c1: } public function login($aad56) { goto c911f; F60f7: $config = (require "\x2e\x2e\57\143\157\156\x66\151\x67\x2e\160\x68\x70"); goto afc69; Cdc92: $_SESSION["\154\157\x67\x69\x6e"] = true; goto Fa5a4; Ab644: $b8984["\163\x74\x61\164\x75\163"] = "\145\162\162\157\162"; goto Be45f; Dfcef: $b8984["\x6d\x65\163\163\x61\x67\x65"] = "\x4c\157\147\151\x6e\x20\x73\165\143\x63\145\163\163\x66\x75\154\41"; goto Cdc92; Be45f: $b8984["\155\145\x73\x73\x61\x67\145"] = "\x50\141\x73\x73\167\157\162\x64\40\x69\156\143\157\162\162\x65\143\x74"; goto b4e07; b7141: echo json_encode($b8984); goto Afe42; Be47c: $b8984["\163\164\x61\164\165\x73"] = "\163\x75\143\x63\145\x73\x73"; goto Dfcef; b4e07: goto df73a; goto Cfea9; Fa5a4: df73a: goto b7141; c911f: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto F60f7; Cfea9: D1d00: goto Be47c; afc69: if ($config["\x70\141\x73\163\167\157\162\144"] == $aad56) { goto D1d00; } goto Ab644; Afe42: } public function login_2fa($aad56, $ddf49) { goto Bb07b; d1b13: $b8984["\x73\x74\x61\x74\165\163"] = "\x65\162\162\157\x72"; goto f391a; c9658: $ddf49 = $this->escapeString($ddf49); goto b80b5; E6698: if ($config["\x70\x61\163\x73\x77\x6f\162\x64"] == $aad56 && $ddf49 == $_SESSION["\143\x6f\144\145"]) { goto A4cf9; } goto d1b13; e3d97: a9495: goto F5dd4; Dd80c: $_SESSION["\x6c\x6f\x67\151\x6e"] = true; goto e3d97; f391a: $b8984["\155\x65\163\163\141\x67\145"] = "\120\141\163\163\167\x6f\x72\x64\40\x6f\x72\40\x43\157\x64\145\x20\151\156\143\x6f\x72\x72\145\x63\x74"; goto cbe4b; cbe4b: goto a9495; goto d32a8; a989a: $b8984["\x73\164\x61\164\x75\x73"] = "\x73\x75\143\x63\145\x73\163"; goto c9070; Bb07b: $aad56 = $this->escapeString($aad56); goto c9658; d32a8: A4cf9: goto a989a; c9070: $b8984["\155\x65\163\163\x61\x67\x65"] = "\x4c\157\147\151\x6e\40\x73\165\143\143\x65\x73\163\146\x75\x6c\x21"; goto Dd80c; b80b5: $config = (require "\56\56\x2f\x63\157\x6e\x66\151\x67\56\160\150\x70"); goto E6698; F5dd4: echo json_encode($b8984); goto Cc299; Cc299: } public function logout() { goto f8097; F18fa: session_destroy(); goto C29e6; f8097: if (!isset($_SESSION["\x6c\157\x67\x69\156"])) { goto E78b1; } goto F18fa; C29e6: E78b1: goto e8dde; e8dde: } public function check() { goto F6876; ba21a: f36b2: goto E0fb3; Daedb: header("\114\157\143\x61\164\151\x6f\156\72\40\154\157\x67\151\x6e"); goto cd29d; cd29d: die; goto ba21a; F6876: if (isset($_SESSION["\x6c\157\147\x69\x6e"])) { goto f36b2; } goto Daedb; E0fb3: } public function curl($dfc24, $a70df, $F9771) { goto ef6e2; c3dbc: curl_close($Be897); goto Ff32f; ef6e2: $Be897 = curl_init(); goto Da414; a2580: if (!($dfc24 == "\x50\x4f\123\x54")) { goto F4281; } goto Fa285; fac52: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($F9771)); goto ac192; ac192: F4281: goto cee6a; e2fa4: if (!($Fcdbd === false)) { goto ccb9d; } goto e7331; F5e3c: ccb9d: goto c3dbc; Fa285: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_POST, true); goto fac52; e7331: echo "\143\x55\x52\114\40\x65\x72\x72\157\x72\72\40" . curl_error($Be897); goto F5e3c; Ff32f: return $Fcdbd; goto E759f; A125b: $Fcdbd = curl_exec($Be897); goto e2fa4; Da414: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_URL, $a70df); goto a2580; cee6a: curl_setopt($Be897, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto A125b; E759f: } public function emptyFile($B5197) { goto B458b; B458b: $config = (require "\56\56\57\143\157\x6e\x66\151\x67\x2e\x70\x68\x70"); goto e4eae; e4010: if (!$bbcd6) { goto f3fdb; } goto A8052; b2fbb: $bbcd6 = fopen($b51c0, "\x77"); goto e4010; e4eae: $e5874 = ["\166\151\x73\151\164\x6f\x72" => $config["\x66\x69\x6c\145\163"]["\166\x69\x73\151\164"], "\151\x6e\x76\x61\x6c\151\144" => $config["\x66\x69\x6c\x65\163"]["\151\156\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64"], "\x76\141\154\151\144" => $config["\x66\151\154\x65\x73"]["\166\x61\154\x69\144"]]; goto D1b84; A8052: fclose($bbcd6); goto a52e8; f381e: $b51c0 = "\x2e\x2e\x2f" . $e5874[$B5197]; goto D7892; a27b8: Bc461: goto a6bef; D7892: echo $b51c0; goto Cbb99; a52e8: f3fdb: goto bc07a; Cbb99: if (!(file_exists($b51c0) && is_writable($b51c0))) { goto f5a29; } goto b2fbb; bc07a: f5a29: goto a27b8; D1b84: if (!array_key_exists($B5197, $e5874)) { goto Bc461; } goto f381e; a6bef: } public function getServerIp() { goto Ebb41; E020d: $Fcdbd = json_decode($Fcdbd, true); goto f05cb; Ebb41: $a70df = $this->fd11d; goto e4b65; e4b65: $Fcdbd = $this->curl("\x47\x45\124", $a70df, ''); goto E020d; f05cb: return $Fcdbd["\x69\160"]; goto Ab2ed; Ab2ed: } private function escapeString($Ba40c) { goto Ffb52; Ffb52: $Ba40c = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($Ba40c), ENT_QUOTES, "\x55\124\x46\x2d\70"); goto c2725; c2725: $Ba40c = str_replace("\x3c", '', $Ba40c); goto Fce06; A0400: return $Ba40c; goto f9afd; Fce06: $Ba40c = str_replace("\x27", '', $Ba40c); goto A0400; f9afd: } public function readJsonFile($config, $dd825) { goto Bb8ef; Bb8ef: $d8f16 = dirname(__FILE__); goto c12b9; Bfdeb: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\57\x2e\56\x2f" . $config["\146\151\154\145\x73"]["\166\x61\x6c\151\x64"]; goto E762a; Fac1f: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\x2f\x2e\x2e\x2f" . $config["\146\151\154\x65\163"]["\151\156\x76\141\154\151\x64"]; goto e1e4f; F6ba7: E89e5: goto ca693; d1a3c: eb654: goto F6ba7; b02f8: if (file_exists($bbcd6)) { goto a131d; } goto D59dd; e1e4f: c4865: goto Caba2; a2f40: $D9bce["\142\x6f\164\103\x6f\165\156\x74"] = 0; goto a0cec; f2c93: $D9bce["\162\145\143\157\162\x64\x73\106\151\x6c\x74\145\162\145\x64"] = 0; goto a2f40; F5424: C21e7: goto F8da2; D59dd: file_put_contents($bbcd6, json_encode([])); goto Ff431; Bd046: foreach ($F9771 as $ce13a) { goto e2da6; A32d5: $D9bce["\x62\x6f\164\103\x6f\165\x6e\164"]++; goto A6ca1; D8cfd: $D9bce["\x72\145\x63\157\162\144\163\x54\157\164\141\x6c"]++; goto b478b; fd61a: unset($e06a9["\144\x65\164\141\151\154\x73"]); goto Fa660; A6ca1: f7c0a: goto a8a28; b478b: E542e: goto dcab9; A4eb2: a3067: goto D8cfd; Fa660: $D9bce["\144\x61\164\141"][$D9bce["\162\x65\x63\x6f\x72\x64\x73\x54\x6f\164\x61\154"]] = $e06a9; goto A4eb2; ea7fb: $D9bce["\x64\141\x74\141"][$D9bce["\x72\145\x63\157\x72\x64\163\x54\157\x74\x61\154"]] = $e06a9; goto Eec9a; c1e17: $e06a9 = array_merge($D9bce["\144\x61\164\x61"][$D9bce["\162\145\143\157\162\144\x73\x54\157\164\x61\x6c"]], $D9bce["\144\x61\164\x61"][$D9bce["\162\145\143\157\162\144\x73\124\x6f\x74\x61\154"]]["\144\145\164\141\x69\x6c\163"]); goto fd61a; a8a28: $e06a9 = array_merge($ce13a, $ce13a["\151\x6e\146\157"]); goto F4911; Eec9a: if (!($dd825 == "\166\x61\154\x69\x64" || $dd825 == "\151\156\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64")) { goto a3067; } goto c1e17; e2da6: $ce13a = $this->checkUserSecurity($config, $ce13a); goto f3cb3; F4911: unset($e06a9["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]); goto ea7fb; f3cb3: if (!$ce13a["\151\156\x66\x6f"]["\x69\x73\x5f\142\157\x74"]) { goto f7c0a; } goto A32d5; dcab9: } goto d1a3c; Baed4: C8df4: goto Bfdeb; a6cff: $D9bce["\x64\x72\141\x77"] = 1; goto A8f27; Dc888: if ($dd825 == "\166\x61\x6c\x69\144") { goto C8df4; } goto A27c1; F8da2: $bbcd6 = $d8f16 . "\57\56\x2e\57" . $config["\x66\x69\154\145\x73"]["\166\x69\x73\151\x74"]; goto e4f8e; E762a: e199e: goto B08d0; e8fc1: $Ab5fa = file_get_contents($bbcd6); goto E0294; c0b90: a131d: goto e8fc1; Ff431: return []; goto c0b90; a0cec: $D9bce["\144\141\164\141"] = []; goto Ba276; A8f27: $D9bce["\x72\x65\143\x6f\162\144\x73\124\x6f\x74\x61\154"] = 0; goto f2c93; E0294: $F9771 = json_decode($Ab5fa, true); goto a6cff; B08d0: goto af265; goto F5424; c12b9: if ($dd825 == "\x76\151\x73\151\x74") { goto C21e7; } goto Dc888; ca693: return is_array($D9bce) ? $D9bce : []; goto aedd5; A27c1: if (!($dd825 == "\151\156\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64")) { goto c4865; } goto Fac1f; Ba276: if (!is_array($F9771)) { goto E89e5; } goto Bd046; e4f8e: af265: goto b02f8; Caba2: goto e199e; goto Baed4; aedd5: } public function getFullUrl() { goto B03fb; dc989: return $f738d; goto A5387; D4bb5: $f738d = $C279f . $_SERVER["\110\124\x54\x50\x5f\x48\117\123\124"] . $_SERVER["\x52\x45\121\x55\105\123\x54\137\125\x52\x49"]; goto dc989; B03fb: $C279f = !empty($_SERVER["\x48\124\x54\x50\123"]) && $_SERVER["\x48\x54\124\x50\123"] !== "\157\146\146" ? "\x68\164\x74\x70\x73\72\57\57" : "\x68\164\164\x70\x3a\57\x2f"; goto D4bb5; A5387: } public function generateRandomStringChar($e6e65 = 10) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($ed791 = "\x61\x62\143\144\x65\146\147\x68\151\152\153\154\x6f\x6d\156\x6f\160\161\x72\x73\164\x75\x76\167\x78\x79\172\x41\102\103\x44\105\106\x47\x48\111\x4a\x4b\114\x4d\x4e\x4f\x50\x51\122\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\131\132", ceil($e6e65 / strlen($ed791)))), 1, $e6e65); } public function checkUserSecurity($config, $D9bce) { goto d8180; Fd23d: if ($D9bce["\151\156\x66\157"]["\x69\163\x5f\x64\141\x74\x61\x63\145\x6e\x74\x65\x72"] != false && $config["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\144\x61\164\x61\x63\x65\156\164\145\162"] == 2) { goto c1f50; } goto F507a; Bf292: $D9bce["\151\156\146\x6f"]["\151\x73\x5f\x62\x6f\164"] = true; goto D2ee5; D2ee5: bb4e3: goto cc815; dd41b: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\x69\163\137\x62\x6f\164"] = true; goto bdcc1; F575d: if (!($config["\x62\157\164"]["\x63\x72\x61\x77\x6c\145\162"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\156\x66\157"]["\x69\x73\137\x63\162\141\167\154\x65\162"])) { goto Cd608; } goto F010d; B875a: if (!($config["\x62\157\x74"]["\160\x72\157\170\x79"] == 1 && $D9bce["\151\156\146\x6f"]["\x69\163\x5f\160\162\x6f\x78\x79"])) { goto c8a6c; } goto Bc5f3; b12e5: if ($D9bce["\166\x61\x6c\x69\144\x5f\143\x61\160\x74\x63\x68\x61"]) { goto Feba9; } goto dd41b; d57b6: goto bb4e3; goto f7b65; D52a3: F03ab: goto b12e5; f89b3: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\151\163\137\142\x6f\164"] = true; goto c353a; e0244: return $D9bce; goto Effaf; D887e: $D9bce["\151\x6e\x66\157"]["\151\x73\x5f\142\x6f\x74"] = true; goto cfd71; cc815: b4af9: goto d70d1; A0a38: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\x69\x73\x5f\142\x6f\x74"] = true; goto d7fd6; eb460: if (!($config["\x62\x6f\x74"]["\141\x62\x75\163\145\x72"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\157"]["\151\x73\137\141\142\165\x73\145\162"])) { goto D2d4e; } goto D887e; d70d1: if (!($config["\142\x6f\x74"]["\166\160\x6e"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\157"]["\151\163\x5f\x76\160\156"])) { goto Ff0cf; } goto f89b3; F010d: $D9bce["\x69\156\146\x6f"]["\151\163\x5f\142\x6f\164"] = true; goto c9403; f7b65: c1f50: goto Bf292; c353a: Ff0cf: goto B875a; F507a: if (!($D9bce["\151\156\x66\157"]["\x69\163\x5f\144\x61\x74\x61\143\x65\x6e\164\x65\x72"] != false && $config["\x62\x6f\164"]["\x64\x61\x74\x61\x63\x65\156\164\x65\162"] == 1 && $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\x69\163\137\142\x6c\157\x63\x6b\x65\144\137\x64\x61\x74\x61\x63\145\x6e\164\145\162"] == true)) { goto bf6d8; } goto A0a38; Eed64: if (!($config["\x62\157\x74"]["\144\141\x74\x61\x63\145\x6e\164\x65\x72"] != 0)) { goto b4af9; } goto Fd23d; bdcc1: Feba9: goto e0244; d8180: $D9bce["\x69\156\146\157"]["\x69\163\137\142\157\x74"] = false; goto b2f90; A8700: c8a6c: goto eb460; d7fd6: bf6d8: goto d57b6; b2f90: if (!$D9bce["\x69\x6e\x66\x6f"]["\163\164\141\164\165\x73"]) { goto F03ab; } goto F575d; Bc5f3: $D9bce["\x69\x6e\146\157"]["\151\x73\137\142\x6f\x74"] = true; goto A8700; c9403: Cd608: goto Eed64; cfd71: D2d4e: goto D52a3; Effaf: } public function getCountry() { $cb1e0 = ["\101\x46" => "\x41\146\x67\150\x61\156\151\163\x74\141\156", "\x41\114" => "\101\x6c\x62\x61\156\x69\141", "\104\132" => "\x41\154\x67\145\x72\151\141", "\101\104" => "\x41\x6e\144\157\x72\x72\x61", "\101\x4f" => "\x41\x6e\147\x6f\154\141", "\101\107" => "\x41\x6e\x74\x69\x67\165\x61\40\x61\156\144\x20\102\x61\162\142\165\x64\141", "\x41\122" => "\101\162\147\145\x6e\x74\x69\x6e\x61", "\101\115" => "\x41\x72\x6d\145\x6e\151\x61", "\101\125" => "\101\x75\x73\164\162\x61\x6c\x69\141", "\101\124" => "\101\165\163\x74\x72\151\141", "\x41\x5a" => "\x41\x7a\x65\x72\142\141\x69\x6a\141\x6e", "\x42\123" => "\x42\141\150\x61\x6d\x61\163", "\x42\x48" => "\102\141\150\x72\141\x69\156", "\x42\104" => "\102\x61\x6e\x67\154\x61\144\x65\x73\150", "\x42\102" => "\102\141\162\142\x61\x64\157\163", "\102\131" => "\102\x65\x6c\x61\x72\x75\x73", "\x42\105" => "\x42\x65\154\147\x69\x75\x6d", "\x42\132" => "\102\x65\154\x69\x7a\x65", "\102\112" => "\x42\145\156\151\x6e", "\102\x54" => "\x42\x68\x75\x74\141\x6e", "\102\117" => "\102\157\x6c\151\x76\x69\x61", "\102\101" => "\x42\157\163\156\x69\x61\40\141\156\x64\x20\110\x65\162\x7a\145\147\157\x76\151\x6e\x61", "\x42\127" => "\x42\x6f\164\163\167\x61\x6e\141", "\102\x52" => "\x42\162\141\x7a\151\x6c", "\102\116" => "\x42\162\165\156\x65\151", "\102\107" => "\x42\x75\154\x67\141\162\x69\x61", "\x42\x46" => "\x42\x75\x72\x6b\x69\156\141\x20\106\x61\163\x6f", "\x42\111" => "\102\165\x72\165\x6e\x64\x69", "\x43\x56" => "\x43\x61\x62\157\x20\x56\x65\162\x64\x65", "\x4b\x48" => "\x43\141\x6d\x62\x6f\x64\151\x61", "\103\x4d" => "\x43\141\x6d\x65\162\x6f\x6f\156", "\103\x41" => "\103\x61\156\x61\144\x61", "\103\106" => "\x43\x65\x6e\x74\x72\x61\x6c\40\x41\x66\162\x69\x63\x61\x6e\x20\122\x65\x70\165\x62\154\x69\143", "\x54\x44" => "\x43\x68\x61\144", "\103\114" => "\103\x68\x69\154\145", "\103\x4e" => "\103\x68\x69\x6e\141", "\x43\117" => "\103\x6f\154\x6f\x6d\142\x69\141", "\113\x4d" => "\103\x6f\x6d\x6f\x72\157\x73", "\x43\104" => "\103\157\156\x67\157\x2c\x20\104\145\x6d\157\x63\x72\x61\164\151\143\40\122\145\x70\165\142\x6c\151\143\40\157\x66\x20\164\150\145", "\x43\x47" => "\x43\x6f\x6e\147\x6f\x2c\40\x52\x65\x70\x75\x62\x6c\x69\x63\x20\x6f\146\x20\x74\x68\x65", "\103\122" => "\103\x6f\x73\164\x61\40\x52\x69\x63\x61", "\110\122" => "\x43\x72\x6f\141\164\x69\141", "\103\x55" => "\103\165\142\141", "\x43\x59" => "\103\x79\160\x72\x75\163", "\x43\x5a" => "\x43\172\x65\143\150\x20\122\x65\160\165\x62\154\151\143", "\x44\x4b" => "\104\x65\x6e\155\141\162\x6b", "\x44\112" => "\104\x6a\x69\142\x6f\165\164\151", "\x44\x4d" => "\x44\157\155\151\x6e\151\x63\141", "\x44\117" => "\104\x6f\x6d\151\x6e\151\x63\x61\x6e\x20\122\145\x70\x75\142\154\151\143", "\105\103" => "\105\143\165\141\144\157\x72", "\105\x47" => "\105\x67\x79\x70\164", "\x53\126" => "\x45\x6c\40\x53\141\x6c\x76\x61\x64\x6f\162", "\x47\x51" => "\105\x71\x75\x61\x74\x6f\x72\151\x61\x6c\x20\107\x75\151\156\145\141", "\x45\x52" => "\105\162\151\x74\162\145\x61", "\x45\105" => "\x45\x73\x74\x6f\x6e\151\x61", "\123\x5a" => "\105\x73\x77\141\x74\x69\156\151", "\105\124" => "\x45\164\x68\151\157\x70\x69\141", "\106\112" => "\x46\151\152\x69", "\x46\111" => "\106\151\156\x6c\x61\x6e\144", "\106\122" => "\106\x72\141\x6e\x63\145", "\107\x41" => "\x47\x61\142\x6f\x6e", "\x47\115" => "\x47\141\155\142\151\x61", "\x47\105" => "\107\x65\x6f\162\147\x69\141", "\104\x45" => "\x47\x65\162\x6d\x61\156\171", "\107\110" => "\x47\150\x61\156\x61", "\107\x52" => "\107\x72\145\x65\x63\145", "\107\x44" => "\107\x72\145\x6e\141\x64\x61", "\x47\x54" => "\107\165\x61\164\145\155\x61\154\x61", "\x47\x4e" => "\107\165\151\x6e\x65\x61", "\107\127" => "\107\165\151\156\x65\141\x2d\102\x69\x73\163\x61\165", "\107\131" => "\x47\165\x79\141\156\141", "\110\x54" => "\x48\x61\x69\164\x69", "\x48\x4e" => "\x48\157\x6e\x64\x75\x72\x61\163", "\x48\x55" => "\x48\165\156\x67\141\162\171", "\x49\123" => "\x49\143\145\x6c\x61\x6e\144", "\x49\116" => "\111\x6e\144\151\x61", "\x49\x44" => "\111\156\144\157\x6e\x65\x73\151\x61", "\x49\122" => "\111\162\141\x6e", "\x49\x51" => "\111\162\x61\x71", "\x49\105" => "\111\162\145\x6c\141\156\x64", "\x49\x4c" => "\x49\x73\162\141\x65\154", "\111\x54" => "\x49\x74\x61\154\171", "\112\x4d" => "\x4a\x61\x6d\141\151\x63\x61", "\112\x50" => "\112\141\x70\141\156", "\x4a\x45" => "\x4a\x65\x72\x73\x65\x79", "\x4a\117" => "\112\157\162\x64\x61\156", "\x4b\132" => "\x4b\x61\x7a\141\153\x68\163\164\141\x6e", "\x4b\105" => "\113\145\156\x79\141", "\113\x49" => "\x4b\x69\162\x69\142\x61\164\x69", "\113\x50" => "\x4b\x6f\x72\145\x61\x2c\x20\116\157\162\164\150", "\113\x52" => "\113\x6f\162\145\141\x2c\40\123\x6f\165\x74\x68", "\x4b\127" => "\113\165\x77\141\151\164", "\x4b\x47" => "\x4b\x79\x72\147\x79\x7a\163\164\141\156", "\114\x41" => "\x4c\x61\x6f\x73", "\x4c\x56" => "\114\141\x74\166\151\141", "\114\x42" => "\114\x65\142\141\x6e\157\156", "\114\123" => "\114\145\x73\x6f\164\150\157", "\x4c\x52" => "\114\x69\x62\145\162\x69\141", "\x4c\131" => "\114\151\x62\x79\141", "\114\x49" => "\x4c\x69\145\143\x68\164\x65\156\x73\x74\x65\x69\156", "\x4c\124" => "\114\151\x74\x68\x75\x61\x6e\151\x61", "\x4c\125" => "\114\165\170\145\x6d\142\x6f\165\x72\147", "\115\x47" => "\x4d\x61\x64\x61\x67\141\x73\143\141\162", "\x4d\x57" => "\115\x61\154\141\x77\x69", "\x4d\x59" => "\x4d\x61\x6c\141\171\163\x69\141", "\115\x56" => "\115\x61\154\144\151\166\x65\x73", "\x4d\x4c" => "\115\141\x6c\x69", "\x4d\124" => "\x4d\x61\x6c\x74\x61", "\115\x48" => "\115\141\162\163\x68\141\x6c\154\x20\111\x73\x6c\x61\x6e\x64\x73", "\115\x52" => "\115\141\165\162\151\164\141\156\x69\x61", "\x4d\x55" => "\115\x61\165\162\151\x74\151\x75\x73", "\115\130" => "\115\145\170\x69\x63\x6f", "\x46\115" => "\x4d\151\x63\162\x6f\x6e\145\163\x69\x61", "\x4d\x44" => "\115\x6f\x6c\144\x6f\166\141", "\115\103" => "\115\157\156\141\143\157", "\x4d\x4e" => "\x4d\x6f\x6e\147\157\154\x69\141", "\x4d\105" => "\115\157\x6e\x74\x65\x6e\x65\147\162\157", "\115\101" => "\115\157\x72\x6f\143\x63\157", "\115\132" => "\x4d\x6f\172\x61\155\142\151\161\165\145", "\115\115" => "\115\171\141\x6e\155\141\162", "\116\101" => "\116\x61\155\151\142\151\x61", "\116\122" => "\116\141\x75\162\165", "\116\x50" => "\116\x65\160\x61\x6c", "\x4e\x4c" => "\x4e\x65\164\x68\145\162\x6c\141\x6e\144\x73", "\116\132" => "\116\x65\167\x20\x5a\x65\x61\154\141\x6e\144", "\116\x49" => "\116\x69\x63\x61\162\141\147\x75\x61", "\116\x45" => "\x4e\x69\147\x65\162", "\116\107" => "\x4e\151\147\x65\x72\151\x61", "\115\x4b" => "\x4e\x6f\x72\164\150\40\115\x61\143\x65\144\x6f\156\151\x61", "\x4e\117" => "\x4e\157\162\167\x61\171", "\x4f\x4d" => "\x4f\155\x61\x6e", "\120\113" => "\x50\x61\x6b\x69\x73\x74\141\x6e", "\x50\127" => "\x50\141\154\141\165", "\120\x53" => "\120\x61\154\x65\163\164\151\156\x65", "\120\x41" => "\x50\x61\156\141\x6d\141", "\120\x47" => "\120\x61\160\165\x61\x20\x4e\145\167\40\107\x75\151\x6e\145\141", "\x50\x59" => "\x50\x61\162\x61\147\x75\141\x79", "\x50\x45" => "\x50\x65\x72\165", "\120\110" => "\x50\x68\151\154\151\x70\160\151\x6e\145\163", "\x50\x4c" => "\x50\157\x6c\x61\x6e\144", "\x50\124" => "\x50\x6f\x72\x74\x75\x67\141\x6c", "\121\101" => "\121\x61\x74\x61\162", "\x52\105" => "\122\303\xa9\165\x6e\151\157\x6e", "\122\117" => "\x52\157\155\141\x6e\x69\141", "\122\x55" => "\x52\x75\163\163\x69\141", "\x52\x57" => "\x52\167\141\156\144\x61", "\x57\123" => "\x53\x61\155\x6f\x61", "\123\x4d" => "\x53\141\x6e\x20\115\x61\162\151\156\157", "\x53\x54" => "\x53\141\157\x20\x54\157\x6d\145\x20\x61\156\x64\x20\120\x72\x69\156\x63\151\x70\x65", "\123\x41" => "\123\x61\x75\x64\x69\x20\x41\x72\x61\x62\151\x61", "\123\116" => "\x53\x65\156\x65\147\141\x6c", "\x52\x53" => "\123\x65\x72\x62\x69\141", "\123\x43" => "\123\145\x79\143\150\x65\154\x6c\145\x73", "\x53\114" => "\123\x69\145\x72\x72\x61\x20\x4c\145\157\156\x65", "\x53\107" => "\x53\x69\x6e\147\x61\x70\157\x72\x65", "\123\x4b" => "\x53\x6c\x6f\166\x61\x6b\151\141", "\123\111" => "\123\154\157\x76\145\x6e\x69\x61", "\123\102" => "\123\157\x6c\x6f\155\157\x6e\40\x49\x73\154\141\156\x64\163", "\x53\117" => "\x53\x6f\155\141\154\151\141", "\132\x41" => "\123\157\x75\x74\x68\40\x41\146\162\151\143\141", "\x53\123" => "\x53\x6f\x75\x74\x68\40\123\x75\144\141\x6e", "\x45\x53" => "\x53\160\x61\151\156", "\114\x4b" => "\123\x72\x69\x20\114\141\156\153\141", "\x53\x44" => "\123\165\144\x61\156", "\123\x52" => "\x53\165\x72\151\156\141\155\145", "\x53\x5a" => "\x53\x77\145\144\x65\x6e", "\103\x48" => "\123\x77\151\164\172\x65\162\x6c\x61\156\x64", "\123\x59" => "\x53\171\162\x69\141", "\x54\127" => "\x54\141\x69\x77\141\156", "\x54\112" => "\124\x61\152\151\153\151\163\164\x61\x6e", "\124\132" => "\x54\141\156\172\141\156\151\x61", "\124\x48" => "\x54\x68\x61\x69\x6c\141\x6e\144", "\124\114" => "\124\x69\x6d\x6f\x72\x2d\114\x65\x73\x74\145", "\x54\x47" => "\x54\x6f\x67\x6f", "\x54\117" => "\124\157\156\x67\141", "\124\x54" => "\x54\162\x69\x6e\151\x64\141\x64\40\x61\x6e\x64\x20\x54\157\x62\x61\147\x6f", "\x54\x4e" => "\124\x75\156\151\x73\151\x61", "\x54\x52" => "\124\x75\162\x6b\145\171", "\124\x4d" => "\x54\165\162\153\x6d\x65\156\x69\163\164\141\x6e", "\124\126" => "\x54\165\166\141\x6c\x75", "\125\107" => "\125\x67\141\156\x64\141", "\125\x41" => "\x55\153\162\x61\x69\x6e\145", "\101\105" => "\125\x6e\x69\x74\145\x64\x20\101\162\141\142\x20\105\155\151\162\x61\x74\x65\163", "\107\x42" => "\125\156\x69\164\145\144\40\113\x69\156\147\x64\157\155", "\125\123" => "\125\156\x69\x74\x65\x64\40\x53\164\141\x74\145\163", "\x55\x59" => "\125\x72\165\147\165\141\x79", "\125\132" => "\125\172\x62\145\x6b\151\x73\164\x61\156", "\x56\x55" => "\x56\x61\x6e\x75\x61\164\165", "\x56\x45" => "\x56\x65\156\145\x7a\x75\145\154\x61", "\126\116" => "\x56\151\145\x74\x6e\x61\x6d", "\x59\x45" => "\x59\x65\x6d\x65\156", "\x5a\x4d" => "\x5a\141\155\142\x69\141", "\x5a\x57" => "\132\151\x6d\x62\141\x62\x77\x65"]; return $cb1e0; } }

Function Calls





MD5 dad7b8aeebe1f5bd127c8743b322fd06
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 104 ms