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<?php namespace JkmzO\JkmZo; use jKMzo\LtqwS; use JKMzo\Exception\gb5L9\MGqjG; use JKMzO\..
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namespace JkmzO\JkmZo; use jKMzo\LtqwS; use JKMzo\Exception\gb5L9\MGqjG; use JKMzO\KMm3M; use JkMzO\ujbE5; use jKMzO\Gb5l9; use jKMzO\Exception\sbN4B\MjF1x; use JKmZO\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use jKmZO\Exception\jkMZO\k0i3n; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionUnionType; class GjTDD { private $l_jZY; private $iiSBc; private $mPTTh; private $K8Ln_; private $kTNjR; private $wIwlU = array(); private $rsbCT = false; private $fomAk = false; public function __construct(DLH4J $ybA4C, $fPKii, $vyZUb) { goto If4L2; hQuRI: if (!$WP7FO->isFinal()) { goto Ydtsy; } goto nnxeq; Z1Z53: $this->iiSBc = $fPKii; goto cE2Ae; M2zf2: $ej0H5 = $WP7FO->getReturnType(); goto PjohR; J29qB: if (!(true === $WP7FO->hasReturnType() || $fG6MT)) { goto Ymfuy; } goto Ozhyp; ZYWfl: $ej0H5 = $WP7FO->getTentativeReturnType(); goto f6PR_; sSNZs: fMiDP: goto J7w9b; cE2Ae: $WP7FO = new \ReflectionMethod($IxSSs, $fPKii); goto hQuRI; G1lj2: if (!("void" === $xTYfT)) { goto fMiDP; } goto NHdHP; TwvQS: Ydtsy: goto DmoGG; AQIwK: if ($ej0H5 instanceof ReflectionNamedType) { goto QN1DC; } goto NQVWn; bZABc: goto z9ojc; goto yV_PF; MoMXt: goto z9ojc; goto Nbw7B; NQVWn: if ($ej0H5 instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { goto vGQo6; } goto LyDkX; tB0wP: $this->l_jZY = $ybA4C; goto Z1Z53; If4L2: $IxSSs = $ybA4C->rXVxx(); goto Sclrg; PTRoU: $ioKw5 = $ej0H5->getTypes(); goto I1tGv; f6PR_: LD1M2: goto AQIwK; Ozhyp: if ($fG6MT) { goto Z_ySP; } goto M2zf2; J7w9b: $this->qsn50(function ($vgSks, dlh4j $JDcWa, gJTdd $BtcZJ) use($xTYfT) { goto zphGS; a6Ydb: wmbjk: goto XQ7A5; XQ7A5: bMpbl: goto O_Ma0; zphGS: switch ($xTYfT) { case "void": return; case "string": return ''; case "float": return 0.0; case "int": return 0; case "bool": return false; case "array": return array(); case "true": return true; case "false": return false; case "null": return null; case "callable": case "Closure": return function () { }; case "Traversable": case "Generator": return (function () { yield; })(); case "object": $ogxu3 = new KmM3M(); return $ogxu3->iz0m_()->RXvXX(); default: goto Xuuf7; jPx_7: throw new K0I3N(sprintf("Cannot create a return value for the method as the type "%s" is not supported. Configure an explicit return value instead.", $xTYfT), $BtcZJ); goto Xl8PT; O1825: $ogxu3 = new kmM3M(); goto y7hca; Xl8PT: JzQKI: goto O1825; Xuuf7: if (!(!class_exists($xTYfT) && !interface_exists($xTYfT))) { goto JzQKI; } goto jPx_7; y7hca: return $ogxu3->IZ0M_($xTYfT)->RxvXX(); goto dpt8M; dpt8M: } goto a6Ydb; O_Ma0: }); goto tO397; tO397: Ymfuy: goto HPcsa; y6sVs: $fG6MT = method_exists($WP7FO, "hasTentativeReturnType") && $WP7FO->hasTentativeReturnType(); goto J29qB; NHdHP: $this->fomAk = true; goto sSNZs; nnxeq: throw new k0I3n(sprintf("Can not add prophecy for a method `%s::%s()`\xa" . "as it is a final method.", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), $this); goto TwvQS; Y4IYe: $ioKw5 = array_map(function (ReflectionNamedType $QNGwU) { return $QNGwU->getName(); }, $ioKw5); goto QhbwD; I1tGv: z9ojc: goto Y4IYe; PjohR: goto LD1M2; goto JQEUX; AcRtc: $xTYfT = $ioKw5[0]; goto G1lj2; Nbw7B: vGQo6: goto PTRoU; Sclrg: if (method_exists($IxSSs, $fPKii)) { goto m60Eq; } goto VBtuk; DmoGG: $this->M5ylP($vyZUb); goto y6sVs; QhbwD: usort($ioKw5, static function (string $QoQ5P, string $KuvXo) { goto pN7P8; ZX5Om: if (!$sGBYP($QoQ5P) && $sGBYP($KuvXo)) { goto bEOQu; } goto glQOk; tlneX: $sGBYP = static function ($QNGwU) { return class_exists($QNGwU) || interface_exists($QNGwU); }; goto Z4DHH; psY8Z: wQJD1: goto SSxlE; glQOk: goto wQJD1; goto LjaWO; cJMnX: return -1; goto xzwmW; pN7P8: if ($KuvXo == "null") { goto L3pjP; } goto EZ4FO; m7egV: goto wQJD1; goto sxZan; LjaWO: m6BSl: goto l9KPx; Z4DHH: if ($sGBYP($QoQ5P) && !$sGBYP($KuvXo)) { goto m6BSl; } goto ZX5Om; Rw22v: return 1; goto psY8Z; xzwmW: goto X5AP7; goto Bp8ax; EZ4FO: if ($QoQ5P == "null") { goto Yew_M; } goto V8VVX; sxZan: bEOQu: goto Rw22v; l9KPx: return -1; goto m7egV; XGs66: L3pjP: goto cJMnX; y95PP: X5AP7: goto tlneX; Bp8ax: Yew_M: goto q3cWx; SSxlE: return 0; goto IQhI8; V8VVX: goto X5AP7; goto XGs66; q3cWx: return 1; goto y95PP; IQhI8: }); goto AcRtc; XMkn0: m60Eq: goto tB0wP; yV_PF: QN1DC: goto uohJd; uohJd: $ioKw5 = [$ej0H5]; goto MoMXt; VBtuk: throw new MJf1X(sprintf("Method `%s::%s()` is not defined.", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii, $vyZUb); goto XMkn0; JQEUX: Z_ySP: goto ZYWfl; LyDkX: throw new K0i3n(sprintf("Can not add prophecy for a method `%s::%s()`\xaas its return type is not supported by Prophecy yet.", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), $this); goto bZABc; HPcsa: } public function M5Ylp($vyZUb) { goto hqvHP; MrpjH: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Either an array or an instance of ArgumentsWildcard expected as\xa" . "a `MethodProphecy::withArguments()` argument, but got %s.", gettype($vyZUb))); goto FNezL; TdzJe: return $this; goto jpwRM; N8yiU: $this->mPTTh = $vyZUb; goto TdzJe; IJS_G: JjbKu: goto xTVt5; xTVt5: if ($vyZUb instanceof LtqWs\XQ114) { goto GHIDB; } goto MrpjH; FNezL: GHIDB: goto N8yiU; hqvHP: if (!is_array($vyZUb)) { goto JjbKu; } goto uGiU4; uGiU4: $vyZUb = new LTQwS\XQ114($vyZUb); goto IJS_G; jpwRM: } public function qSN50($MC1Pt) { goto Vdl3B; zaJY7: NNd3B: goto ZDcYV; QI3cs: kf012: goto J2sqF; QZfsn: $MC1Pt = new UJbe5\NEvdd($MC1Pt); goto zaJY7; J2sqF: $this->V73Lk(); goto fxytr; Vdl3B: if (!is_callable($MC1Pt)) { goto NNd3B; } goto QZfsn; UhH3_: return $this; goto nA3yW; fxytr: $this->K8Ln_ = $MC1Pt; goto UhH3_; ZDcYV: if ($MC1Pt instanceof UjbE5\YibXL) { goto kf012; } goto g0azK; g0azK: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PromiseInterface, but got %s.", gettype($MC1Pt))); goto QI3cs; nA3yW: } public function bkRC1(...$cAuRX) { goto TaDfF; HXQtT: q7G2A: goto v_4xl; v_4xl: return $this->qSn50(new ujBE5\Kvxsz($cAuRX)); goto A2MDT; CNw0n: throw new k0I3N("The method "{$this->iiSBc}" has a void return type, and so cannot return anything", $this); goto HXQtT; TaDfF: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto q7G2A; } goto CNw0n; A2MDT: } public function m0pCS($Werch, $cAuRX = null) { goto uzt7L; wx6yd: O9GW_: goto TbLdg; EHa2f: throw new k0I3N("The method "{$this->iiSBc}" has a void return type, and so cannot yield anything", $this); goto BkP4B; Cn97a: if (is_array($Werch)) { goto O9GW_; } goto pwCYp; pwCYp: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected array, but got %s.", gettype($Werch))); goto wx6yd; TbLdg: $eqZGo = function () use($Werch, $cAuRX) { yield from $Werch; return $cAuRX; }; goto BpCMx; BkP4B: daLmi: goto Cn97a; BpCMx: return $this->qSN50($eqZGo); goto jtIIr; uzt7L: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto daLmi; } goto EHa2f; jtIIr: } public function J8XAo($q263S = 0) { goto X1Reo; X1Reo: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto tcWmb; } goto IL316; hFmy5: tcWmb: goto dlHQn; dlHQn: return $this->qSn50(new UJBe5\r2E95($q263S)); goto xGr4x; IL316: throw new k0i3N("The method "{$this->iiSBc}" has a void return type", $this); goto hFmy5; xGr4x: } public function r69cL($v5T_i) { return $this->QSN50(new ujbE5\TQoCq($v5T_i)); } public function YFlHs($fpztc) { goto VY7V8; CobJL: vCcOO: goto psYvH; zDXSs: $fpztc = new gb5l9\QycUm($fpztc); goto CobJL; i3CNF: $this->v73Lk(); goto u2tbk; psYvH: if ($fpztc instanceof Gb5l9\EgsUp) { goto l87gT; } goto Mb8RE; Mb8RE: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PredictionInterface, but got %s.", gettype($fpztc))); goto rQsC_; u2tbk: $this->kTNjR = $fpztc; goto GSjk0; VY7V8: if (!is_callable($fpztc)) { goto vCcOO; } goto zDXSs; GSjk0: return $this; goto Bel_2; rQsC_: l87gT: goto i3CNF; Bel_2: } public function kqIoZ() { return $this->yflHs(new gb5L9\xOtym()); } public function LjymX() { return $this->yflHs(new gb5l9\vsGB5()); } public function SyEl4($obe2W) { return $this->yflHs(new Gb5L9\UzHcZ($obe2W)); } public function xuHV9() { return $this->sYEl4(1); } public function U1sAw($fpztc) { goto v1nh0; Fos2z: return $this; goto oPwPJ; pu7TD: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Expected callable or instance of PredictionInterface, but got %s.", gettype($fpztc))); goto iIJSJ; SN2WM: $this->bKRC1(); goto XluGA; DTodA: try { $fpztc->sK_6U($JDp2n, $this->mjYXA(), $this); $this->wIwlU[] = $fpztc; } catch (\Exception $P_oxZ) { $this->wIwlU[] = $fpztc; throw $P_oxZ; } goto Fos2z; wW2N2: $fpztc = new gb5l9\QYcum($fpztc); goto sCYaQ; iIJSJ: oIaLU: goto c9xt2; v1nh0: if (!is_callable($fpztc)) { goto u6Qkp; } goto wW2N2; XluGA: W6DS2: goto Vm3VU; sCYaQ: u6Qkp: goto SBXC0; c9xt2: if (!(null === $this->K8Ln_ && !$this->fomAk)) { goto W6DS2; } goto SN2WM; SBXC0: if ($fpztc instanceof GB5L9\egsUP) { goto oIaLU; } goto pu7TD; Vm3VU: $JDp2n = $this->MJYXA()->sIsjO($this->gep7r(), $this->V_hSn()); goto DTodA; oPwPJ: } public function I2VsM() { return $this->U1SAw(new GB5L9\xotym()); } public function VylP8() { return $this->U1sAW(new GB5L9\vSgb5()); } public function mkp8p() { return $this->vYLp8(); } public function LWEhK($obe2W) { return $this->U1saW(new Gb5L9\UzHcz($obe2W)); } public function ibqf7() { return $this->lwEHK(1); } public function cbg4U() { goto KiIkG; KiIkG: if (!(null === $this->kTNjR)) { goto Xnj7s; } goto cn7Je; cn7Je: return; goto fXSWm; fXSWm: Xnj7s: goto IN1V4; IN1V4: $this->U1saw($this->kTNjR); goto V3It5; V3It5: } public function KP553() { return $this->K8Ln_; } public function hR3UU() { return $this->kTNjR; } public function YKywJ() { return $this->wIwlU; } public function mJYXA() { return $this->l_jZY; } public function gEp7R() { return $this->iiSBc; } public function v_hSn() { return $this->mPTTh; } public function k5WsP() { return $this->fomAk; } private function V73lK() { goto cztdp; sIKhD: return; goto IrQYd; cztdp: if (!$this->rsbCT) { goto bgAR6; } goto sIKhD; O9tte: $this->rsbCT = true; goto KQz0w; wQ6Rr: $this->mJyXa()->w6QOa($this); goto O9tte; IrQYd: bgAR6: goto wQ6Rr; KQz0w: } } ?>
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Original Code
namespace JkmzO\JkmZo; use jKMzo\LtqwS; use JKMzo\Exception\gb5L9\MGqjG; use JKMzO\KMm3M; use JkMzO\ujbE5; use jKMzO\Gb5l9; use jKMzO\Exception\sbN4B\MjF1x; use JKmZO\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use jKmZO\Exception\jkMZO\k0i3n; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionUnionType; class GjTDD { private $l_jZY; private $iiSBc; private $mPTTh; private $K8Ln_; private $kTNjR; private $wIwlU = array(); private $rsbCT = false; private $fomAk = false; public function __construct(DLH4J $ybA4C, $fPKii, $vyZUb) { goto If4L2; hQuRI: if (!$WP7FO->isFinal()) { goto Ydtsy; } goto nnxeq; Z1Z53: $this->iiSBc = $fPKii; goto cE2Ae; M2zf2: $ej0H5 = $WP7FO->getReturnType(); goto PjohR; J29qB: if (!(true === $WP7FO->hasReturnType() || $fG6MT)) { goto Ymfuy; } goto Ozhyp; ZYWfl: $ej0H5 = $WP7FO->getTentativeReturnType(); goto f6PR_; sSNZs: fMiDP: goto J7w9b; cE2Ae: $WP7FO = new \ReflectionMethod($IxSSs, $fPKii); goto hQuRI; G1lj2: if (!("\166\157\151\144" === $xTYfT)) { goto fMiDP; } goto NHdHP; TwvQS: Ydtsy: goto DmoGG; AQIwK: if ($ej0H5 instanceof ReflectionNamedType) { goto QN1DC; } goto NQVWn; bZABc: goto z9ojc; goto yV_PF; MoMXt: goto z9ojc; goto Nbw7B; NQVWn: if ($ej0H5 instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { goto vGQo6; } goto LyDkX; tB0wP: $this->l_jZY = $ybA4C; goto Z1Z53; If4L2: $IxSSs = $ybA4C->rXVxx(); goto Sclrg; PTRoU: $ioKw5 = $ej0H5->getTypes(); goto I1tGv; f6PR_: LD1M2: goto AQIwK; Ozhyp: if ($fG6MT) { goto Z_ySP; } goto M2zf2; J7w9b: $this->qsn50(function ($vgSks, dlh4j $JDcWa, gJTdd $BtcZJ) use($xTYfT) { goto zphGS; a6Ydb: wmbjk: goto XQ7A5; XQ7A5: bMpbl: goto O_Ma0; zphGS: switch ($xTYfT) { case "\166\x6f\x69\144": return; case "\163\x74\x72\151\x6e\x67": return ''; case "\146\x6c\157\141\x74": return 0.0; case "\x69\x6e\x74": return 0; case "\x62\157\x6f\x6c": return false; case "\141\x72\162\141\171": return array(); case "\x74\162\x75\145": return true; case "\x66\x61\x6c\163\145": return false; case "\156\x75\154\x6c": return null; case "\143\x61\154\154\141\x62\x6c\x65": case "\x43\x6c\157\163\165\x72\x65": return function () { }; case "\x54\162\x61\x76\145\x72\163\141\142\154\145": case "\x47\145\x6e\145\162\x61\x74\x6f\x72": return (function () { yield; })(); case "\x6f\142\152\x65\143\164": $ogxu3 = new KmM3M(); return $ogxu3->iz0m_()->RXvXX(); default: goto Xuuf7; jPx_7: throw new K0I3N(sprintf("\103\x61\156\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x63\162\145\x61\164\145\40\x61\x20\162\145\164\165\x72\x6e\x20\166\141\x6c\165\x65\40\x66\x6f\162\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\155\x65\x74\x68\157\144\40\x61\x73\x20\x74\150\x65\x20\164\171\x70\145\x20\x22\45\163\x22\40\x69\163\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\40\163\x75\x70\160\157\x72\164\145\144\56\x20\103\157\x6e\146\x69\147\165\x72\145\x20\141\x6e\x20\145\170\x70\154\151\143\151\164\40\162\x65\x74\165\162\x6e\40\166\141\x6c\165\145\x20\151\x6e\163\x74\145\141\x64\x2e", $xTYfT), $BtcZJ); goto Xl8PT; O1825: $ogxu3 = new kmM3M(); goto y7hca; Xl8PT: JzQKI: goto O1825; Xuuf7: if (!(!class_exists($xTYfT) && !interface_exists($xTYfT))) { goto JzQKI; } goto jPx_7; y7hca: return $ogxu3->IZ0M_($xTYfT)->RxvXX(); goto dpt8M; dpt8M: } goto a6Ydb; O_Ma0: }); goto tO397; tO397: Ymfuy: goto HPcsa; y6sVs: $fG6MT = method_exists($WP7FO, "\x68\x61\x73\124\145\x6e\164\x61\164\151\x76\145\x52\145\164\x75\x72\x6e\x54\171\160\145") && $WP7FO->hasTentativeReturnType(); goto J29qB; NHdHP: $this->fomAk = true; goto sSNZs; nnxeq: throw new k0I3n(sprintf("\x43\141\x6e\x20\156\x6f\164\x20\141\x64\144\40\160\x72\x6f\x70\x68\x65\x63\171\x20\x66\157\162\40\x61\x20\155\x65\164\150\157\144\x20\140\45\x73\72\72\45\x73\50\51\140\xa" . "\141\163\40\151\x74\x20\x69\x73\x20\141\40\x66\151\x6e\141\x6c\40\155\145\x74\x68\157\x64\x2e", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), $this); goto TwvQS; Y4IYe: $ioKw5 = array_map(function (ReflectionNamedType $QNGwU) { return $QNGwU->getName(); }, $ioKw5); goto QhbwD; I1tGv: z9ojc: goto Y4IYe; PjohR: goto LD1M2; goto JQEUX; AcRtc: $xTYfT = $ioKw5[0]; goto G1lj2; Nbw7B: vGQo6: goto PTRoU; Sclrg: if (method_exists($IxSSs, $fPKii)) { goto m60Eq; } goto VBtuk; DmoGG: $this->M5ylP($vyZUb); goto y6sVs; QhbwD: usort($ioKw5, static function (string $QoQ5P, string $KuvXo) { goto pN7P8; ZX5Om: if (!$sGBYP($QoQ5P) && $sGBYP($KuvXo)) { goto bEOQu; } goto glQOk; tlneX: $sGBYP = static function ($QNGwU) { return class_exists($QNGwU) || interface_exists($QNGwU); }; goto Z4DHH; psY8Z: wQJD1: goto SSxlE; glQOk: goto wQJD1; goto LjaWO; cJMnX: return -1; goto xzwmW; pN7P8: if ($KuvXo == "\x6e\165\154\154") { goto L3pjP; } goto EZ4FO; m7egV: goto wQJD1; goto sxZan; LjaWO: m6BSl: goto l9KPx; Z4DHH: if ($sGBYP($QoQ5P) && !$sGBYP($KuvXo)) { goto m6BSl; } goto ZX5Om; Rw22v: return 1; goto psY8Z; xzwmW: goto X5AP7; goto Bp8ax; EZ4FO: if ($QoQ5P == "\156\x75\154\154") { goto Yew_M; } goto V8VVX; sxZan: bEOQu: goto Rw22v; l9KPx: return -1; goto m7egV; XGs66: L3pjP: goto cJMnX; y95PP: X5AP7: goto tlneX; Bp8ax: Yew_M: goto q3cWx; SSxlE: return 0; goto IQhI8; V8VVX: goto X5AP7; goto XGs66; q3cWx: return 1; goto y95PP; IQhI8: }); goto AcRtc; XMkn0: m60Eq: goto tB0wP; yV_PF: QN1DC: goto uohJd; uohJd: $ioKw5 = [$ej0H5]; goto MoMXt; VBtuk: throw new MJf1X(sprintf("\x4d\x65\164\150\x6f\144\x20\x60\45\x73\72\72\x25\x73\x28\51\140\x20\x69\163\x20\156\x6f\164\40\x64\x65\x66\151\x6e\x65\x64\x2e", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii, $vyZUb); goto XMkn0; JQEUX: Z_ySP: goto ZYWfl; LyDkX: throw new K0i3n(sprintf("\x43\141\x6e\40\156\157\164\40\141\x64\144\x20\x70\x72\157\x70\x68\145\x63\171\x20\146\157\x72\40\141\x20\155\145\x74\x68\157\144\40\x60\x25\x73\72\72\45\x73\x28\51\x60\xa\141\163\40\x69\x74\x73\x20\162\x65\x74\x75\x72\156\x20\164\x79\160\145\x20\x69\163\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\x73\165\160\x70\x6f\162\x74\x65\144\40\x62\171\40\120\162\x6f\x70\x68\x65\x63\171\40\171\x65\x74\56", get_class($IxSSs), $fPKii), $this); goto bZABc; HPcsa: } public function M5Ylp($vyZUb) { goto hqvHP; MrpjH: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\x45\151\x74\x68\145\x72\x20\x61\156\x20\x61\162\162\x61\171\40\x6f\162\40\141\156\40\x69\156\163\x74\141\156\143\145\40\x6f\x66\40\x41\162\147\165\155\x65\x6e\x74\163\127\x69\x6c\x64\143\141\x72\x64\x20\x65\170\160\x65\143\x74\x65\x64\40\x61\163\xa" . "\x61\40\x60\115\145\164\150\x6f\144\120\162\157\x70\150\145\x63\171\72\x3a\167\151\x74\150\x41\162\x67\165\x6d\145\156\x74\x73\50\x29\140\40\141\x72\147\165\x6d\145\156\x74\54\x20\x62\165\164\40\147\157\164\40\45\163\56", gettype($vyZUb))); goto FNezL; TdzJe: return $this; goto jpwRM; N8yiU: $this->mPTTh = $vyZUb; goto TdzJe; IJS_G: JjbKu: goto xTVt5; xTVt5: if ($vyZUb instanceof LtqWs\XQ114) { goto GHIDB; } goto MrpjH; FNezL: GHIDB: goto N8yiU; hqvHP: if (!is_array($vyZUb)) { goto JjbKu; } goto uGiU4; uGiU4: $vyZUb = new LTQwS\XQ114($vyZUb); goto IJS_G; jpwRM: } public function qSN50($MC1Pt) { goto Vdl3B; zaJY7: NNd3B: goto ZDcYV; QI3cs: kf012: goto J2sqF; QZfsn: $MC1Pt = new UJbe5\NEvdd($MC1Pt); goto zaJY7; J2sqF: $this->V73Lk(); goto fxytr; Vdl3B: if (!is_callable($MC1Pt)) { goto NNd3B; } goto QZfsn; UhH3_: return $this; goto nA3yW; fxytr: $this->K8Ln_ = $MC1Pt; goto UhH3_; ZDcYV: if ($MC1Pt instanceof UjbE5\YibXL) { goto kf012; } goto g0azK; g0azK: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\105\x78\x70\145\143\x74\145\144\40\x63\141\154\154\x61\142\154\145\40\157\x72\x20\151\x6e\x73\x74\x61\156\143\x65\x20\157\x66\40\x50\162\157\155\x69\x73\145\111\x6e\164\145\x72\x66\x61\x63\145\x2c\x20\142\165\x74\40\147\x6f\x74\40\45\x73\56", gettype($MC1Pt))); goto QI3cs; nA3yW: } public function bkRC1(...$cAuRX) { goto TaDfF; HXQtT: q7G2A: goto v_4xl; v_4xl: return $this->qSn50(new ujBE5\Kvxsz($cAuRX)); goto A2MDT; CNw0n: throw new k0I3N("\x54\x68\x65\40\x6d\145\x74\150\x6f\x64\40\x22{$this->iiSBc}\x22\x20\x68\x61\163\x20\141\x20\166\157\x69\144\40\x72\145\164\165\162\156\40\164\171\160\145\x2c\x20\141\x6e\x64\40\163\x6f\40\143\x61\156\x6e\157\164\x20\x72\145\x74\165\x72\x6e\40\141\156\171\164\x68\151\156\147", $this); goto HXQtT; TaDfF: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto q7G2A; } goto CNw0n; A2MDT: } public function m0pCS($Werch, $cAuRX = null) { goto uzt7L; wx6yd: O9GW_: goto TbLdg; EHa2f: throw new k0I3N("\124\x68\x65\x20\x6d\x65\164\x68\157\x64\x20\42{$this->iiSBc}\x22\x20\150\141\x73\x20\x61\x20\166\157\151\x64\40\x72\x65\x74\165\x72\156\x20\x74\x79\x70\x65\x2c\x20\x61\x6e\144\x20\163\157\x20\143\x61\156\x6e\157\164\40\x79\x69\x65\154\144\40\141\156\171\164\x68\x69\156\x67", $this); goto BkP4B; Cn97a: if (is_array($Werch)) { goto O9GW_; } goto pwCYp; pwCYp: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\105\x78\x70\145\x63\x74\145\x64\40\x61\162\x72\141\171\54\40\142\x75\x74\x20\x67\x6f\x74\x20\x25\x73\56", gettype($Werch))); goto wx6yd; TbLdg: $eqZGo = function () use($Werch, $cAuRX) { yield from $Werch; return $cAuRX; }; goto BpCMx; BkP4B: daLmi: goto Cn97a; BpCMx: return $this->qSN50($eqZGo); goto jtIIr; uzt7L: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto daLmi; } goto EHa2f; jtIIr: } public function J8XAo($q263S = 0) { goto X1Reo; X1Reo: if (!$this->fomAk) { goto tcWmb; } goto IL316; hFmy5: tcWmb: goto dlHQn; dlHQn: return $this->qSn50(new UJBe5\r2E95($q263S)); goto xGr4x; IL316: throw new k0i3N("\x54\x68\x65\x20\155\145\164\x68\x6f\x64\40\x22{$this->iiSBc}\x22\40\150\x61\x73\x20\141\40\x76\x6f\151\144\40\162\145\164\x75\162\156\40\x74\171\x70\x65", $this); goto hFmy5; xGr4x: } public function r69cL($v5T_i) { return $this->QSN50(new ujbE5\TQoCq($v5T_i)); } public function YFlHs($fpztc) { goto VY7V8; CobJL: vCcOO: goto psYvH; zDXSs: $fpztc = new gb5l9\QycUm($fpztc); goto CobJL; i3CNF: $this->v73Lk(); goto u2tbk; psYvH: if ($fpztc instanceof Gb5l9\EgsUp) { goto l87gT; } goto Mb8RE; Mb8RE: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\105\x78\x70\145\143\x74\x65\144\40\143\x61\154\154\141\x62\x6c\x65\x20\x6f\x72\40\x69\x6e\x73\x74\x61\156\143\x65\40\157\146\40\120\162\x65\144\x69\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x49\156\x74\x65\x72\x66\141\x63\x65\x2c\40\142\165\x74\x20\147\157\x74\40\x25\163\x2e", gettype($fpztc))); goto rQsC_; u2tbk: $this->kTNjR = $fpztc; goto GSjk0; VY7V8: if (!is_callable($fpztc)) { goto vCcOO; } goto zDXSs; GSjk0: return $this; goto Bel_2; rQsC_: l87gT: goto i3CNF; Bel_2: } public function kqIoZ() { return $this->yflHs(new gb5L9\xOtym()); } public function LjymX() { return $this->yflHs(new gb5l9\vsGB5()); } public function SyEl4($obe2W) { return $this->yflHs(new Gb5L9\UzHcZ($obe2W)); } public function xuHV9() { return $this->sYEl4(1); } public function U1sAw($fpztc) { goto v1nh0; Fos2z: return $this; goto oPwPJ; pu7TD: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("\105\x78\x70\x65\x63\164\x65\144\40\143\141\x6c\154\141\142\154\145\40\157\x72\40\x69\156\163\164\x61\156\x63\x65\x20\157\146\x20\x50\162\145\144\151\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\x49\156\164\145\x72\x66\x61\143\145\54\40\x62\x75\x74\x20\x67\x6f\164\x20\45\163\56", gettype($fpztc))); goto iIJSJ; SN2WM: $this->bKRC1(); goto XluGA; DTodA: try { $fpztc->sK_6U($JDp2n, $this->mjYXA(), $this); $this->wIwlU[] = $fpztc; } catch (\Exception $P_oxZ) { $this->wIwlU[] = $fpztc; throw $P_oxZ; } goto Fos2z; wW2N2: $fpztc = new gb5l9\QYcum($fpztc); goto sCYaQ; iIJSJ: oIaLU: goto c9xt2; v1nh0: if (!is_callable($fpztc)) { goto u6Qkp; } goto wW2N2; XluGA: W6DS2: goto Vm3VU; sCYaQ: u6Qkp: goto SBXC0; c9xt2: if (!(null === $this->K8Ln_ && !$this->fomAk)) { goto W6DS2; } goto SN2WM; SBXC0: if ($fpztc instanceof GB5L9\egsUP) { goto oIaLU; } goto pu7TD; Vm3VU: $JDp2n = $this->MJYXA()->sIsjO($this->gep7r(), $this->V_hSn()); goto DTodA; oPwPJ: } public function I2VsM() { return $this->U1SAw(new GB5L9\xotym()); } public function VylP8() { return $this->U1sAW(new GB5L9\vSgb5()); } public function mkp8p() { return $this->vYLp8(); } public function LWEhK($obe2W) { return $this->U1saW(new Gb5L9\UzHcz($obe2W)); } public function ibqf7() { return $this->lwEHK(1); } public function cbg4U() { goto KiIkG; KiIkG: if (!(null === $this->kTNjR)) { goto Xnj7s; } goto cn7Je; cn7Je: return; goto fXSWm; fXSWm: Xnj7s: goto IN1V4; IN1V4: $this->U1saw($this->kTNjR); goto V3It5; V3It5: } public function KP553() { return $this->K8Ln_; } public function hR3UU() { return $this->kTNjR; } public function YKywJ() { return $this->wIwlU; } public function mJYXA() { return $this->l_jZY; } public function gEp7R() { return $this->iiSBc; } public function v_hSn() { return $this->mPTTh; } public function k5WsP() { return $this->fomAk; } private function V73lK() { goto cztdp; sIKhD: return; goto IrQYd; cztdp: if (!$this->rsbCT) { goto bgAR6; } goto sIKhD; O9tte: $this->rsbCT = true; goto KQz0w; wQ6Rr: $this->mJyXa()->w6QOa($this); goto O9tte; IrQYd: bgAR6: goto wQ6Rr; KQz0w: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | dcb8a7eb413e55514fd6b058926fcd94 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 95 ms |