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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:35:06              |
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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace bgkrf\tJw81; use bGKRF\V4_QS; use bGKRF\QOWIY\vBQP2; use BGKrf\dTLLY\K70fD; use bgkRF\Q215V\o0OmD; use bgkrF\BuBWC\wIITW; use BGKrF\buBWC\p0mkD as jv6Vj; use bgkrF\BuBwC\B_rGH; use bgKRF\BUbWc\vumE1; use BGkRf\buBwc\P3rym; use bGKRF\UFdg1; use kGys5\B12oT\P4uLG; class qAiZ0 extends xPVFQ implements vDK7A { private $rKa2C = []; private $V4rRc = []; private $XNVz_; private $ic0yD = []; public function __construct(VBQP2 $RZSUQ, V4_qs $J_29e, ?ProcessExecutor $PvlkA = null, ?Filesystem $GwBk4 = null) { parent::__construct($RZSUQ, $J_29e, $PvlkA, $GwBk4); $this->XNVz_ = new JV6Vj($this->HCqR4, $this->k1pZc, $this->AFIvB, $this->qLc5k); } protected function kkhP3(k70fD $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_, ?PackageInterface $p8U7Q = null) : P4ULg { goto Oq7jY; Cuz3q: throw new \RuntimeException("git was not found in your PATH, skipping source download"); goto XCmid; F48X7: Jv6vJ::GM_Ga(); goto WkmJA; BbDlF: m9DBJ: goto Cuz3q; sO5vR: tD2_x: goto f9Val; Oq7jY: if (!wIITw::s8sOa($ydtH_)) { goto j8mTm; } goto hDbxr; rL5Yb: $this->HCqR4->jWqnq(sprintf("    Cloning to cache at %s", P3ryM::V78FI($ZN1m1)), true, vbQP2::qLXBE); goto y1mDK; XsXFf: if (!($this->XNVz_->tIAgW($ydtH_, $ZN1m1, $SYR81, $uTRWR->ciwmL()) && is_dir($ZN1m1))) { goto f1ZoB; } goto wJIwz; k1rf8: goto X9SzM; goto sO5vR; epU01: f1ZoB: goto SCC1i; y1mDK: $SYR81 = $uTRWR->OPwBk(); goto XsXFf; YDY27: return \KGYS5\B12Ot\nJNX0(null); goto C7bsd; hDbxr: return \KGyS5\B12Ot\NJnX0(null); goto j0TPM; wJIwz: $this->ic0yD[$uTRWR->getId()][$SYR81] = true; goto epU01; SlT3Z: $yo4wD = Jv6VJ::getVersion($this->AFIvB); goto zsPHP; DxFFg: if (null === $yo4wD) { goto m9DBJ; } goto k1rf8; WkmJA: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("cache-vcs-dir") . "/" . o0OMD::ufbXD("{[^a-z0-9.]}i", "-", $ydtH_) . "/"; goto SlT3Z; SCC1i: goto X9SzM; goto BbDlF; zsPHP: if ($yo4wD && version_compare($yo4wD, "2.3.0-rc0", ">=") && UfDG1::YXLdj($ZN1m1)) { goto tD2_x; } goto DxFFg; f9Val: $this->HCqR4->JWQNq("  - Syncing <info>" . $uTRWR->getName() . "</info> (<comment>" . $uTRWR->ggMrr() . "</comment>) into cache"); goto rL5Yb; XCmid: X9SzM: goto YDY27; j0TPM: j8mTm: goto F48X7; C7bsd: } protected function YAkj1(K70Fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : P4uLg { goto lCtwQ; lPign: $this->XNVz_->uDgnl($gOQA5, $ydtH_, $dZL1n, true); goto pwA4m; ci2im: throw new \RuntimeException("The required git reference for " . $uTRWR->getName() . " is not in cache and network is disabled, aborting"); goto LV7wA; rif9r: $JJb_o = "Cloning " . $this->vwlJZ($SYR81) . " from cache"; goto oL4LD; VtXKI: $this->Pti4s($dZL1n, $Q9bez); goto ggCH4; Su1bH: goto OucrS; goto dgXDy; t0UMs: CK4X0: goto ia4Au; zMoOz: $this->HCqR4->JwqNQ($JJb_o); goto MWSSf; niwP9: HrV4T: goto zMoOz; cEPC3: if (!empty($this->ic0yD[$uTRWR->getId()][$SYR81])) { goto QqxK1; } goto MvqQY; zf4XT: $KUPLt = vuME1::B5kVE() ? "/D " : ''; goto cEPC3; oL4LD: $dQFQG = "--dissociate --reference %cachePath% "; goto ud6mv; yauO5: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("cache-vcs-dir") . "/" . o0OmD::UFbXd("{[^a-z0-9.]}i", "-", $ydtH_) . "/"; goto cz31u; z494O: QqxK1: goto rif9r; Nhi38: $N_Ddr = "git clone --no-checkout -- %url% %path% && cd " . $KUPLt . "%path% && git remote add composer -- %url% && git fetch composer && git remote set-url origin -- %sanitizedUrl% && git remote set-url composer -- %sanitizedUrl%"; goto APm1m; w0vvW: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto yauO5; lCtwQ: JV6VJ::gM_GA(); goto w0vvW; ZXUQP: TnBz8: goto LnQRv; ud6mv: $rtS7n = $uTRWR->BYMD3(); goto pmHgm; qejGm: goto HrV4T; goto z494O; pwA4m: $Q9bez = $uTRWR->mZIXy(); goto ABW0u; wCPi3: $uTRWR->BV3hP($bnAQ2); goto t0UMs; ggCH4: OucrS: goto YTGaM; pmHgm: if (!(isset($rtS7n["git"]["single_use_clone"]) && $rtS7n["git"]["single_use_clone"])) { goto TnBz8; } goto dnpWb; L7VZN: if (!($uTRWR->ftZBd() === $uTRWR->OpWBK())) { goto CK4X0; } goto wCPi3; cz31u: $SYR81 = $uTRWR->opwBk(); goto zf4XT; LV7wA: nWa4F: goto qejGm; ABW0u: if ($ydtH_ !== $Q9bez && $Q9bez !== null) { goto F7WzR; } goto Cx02U; MWSSf: $gOQA5 = static function (string $ydtH_) use($dZL1n, $N_Ddr, $ZN1m1) : string { return str_replace(["%url%", "%path%", "%cachePath%", "%sanitizedUrl%"], [P3RYM::v78fi($ydtH_), P3RyM::V78fI($dZL1n), p3rym::V78FI($ZN1m1), P3RYM::V78fi(o0OmD::ufBxd("{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}", "://", $ydtH_))], $N_Ddr); }; goto lPign; Cx02U: $this->lwjzA($dZL1n, $ydtH_); goto Su1bH; YTGaM: if (!($bnAQ2 = $this->YkWR1($uTRWR, $dZL1n, (string) $SYR81, $uTRWR->cIwmL()))) { goto h3Q3z; } goto L7VZN; x_QRB: return \KgYS5\B12Ot\nJNx0(null); goto PqQdD; MvqQY: $JJb_o = "Cloning " . $this->vwlJz($SYR81); goto Nhi38; XaG5W: h3Q3z: goto x_QRB; APm1m: if (!vuME1::getEnv("COMPOSER_DISABLE_NETWORK")) { goto nWa4F; } goto ci2im; ia4Au: $uTRWR->jo_uh($bnAQ2); goto XaG5W; dgXDy: F7WzR: goto VtXKI; LnQRv: $N_Ddr = "git clone --no-checkout %cachePath% %path% " . $dQFQG . "&& cd " . $KUPLt . "%path% " . "&& git remote set-url origin -- %sanitizedUrl% && git remote add composer -- %sanitizedUrl%"; goto niwP9; dnpWb: $dQFQG = ''; goto ZXUQP; PqQdD: } protected function PYDu0(k70fd $nHbZc, k70Fd $XoIKl, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : P4Ulg { goto odkx_; ND0pt: $SYR81 = $XoIKl->opwbK(); goto wVhA3; zRNd0: $S7R2Q = true; goto E1J6k; TsQw5: $N_Ddr = "(git rev-parse --quiet --verify %ref% || (git remote set-url composer -- %cachePath% && git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer)) && git remote set-url composer -- %sanitizedUrl%"; goto LzdlV; E1J6k: nWPcq: goto C5XgI; cjtcl: if (!($S7R2Q && $XoIKl->mzIXY() !== null)) { goto GEPtf; } goto rwCr2; lYya0: $this->XNVz_->uDgnl($gOQA5, $ydtH_, $dZL1n); goto D0iwX; FgTm6: y5PtW: goto POdTq; dAUBC: if (!($Ei0Y5["url"] === $Sy8VH["url"] && $Sy8VH["url"] !== $XoIKl->mZixy())) { goto nWPcq; } goto zRNd0; rwCr2: $this->PTI4S($dZL1n, $XoIKl->MziXY()); goto UopXe; IYdDN: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("git remote -v", $yaMTv, $dZL1n) && o0OmD::PUzhE("{^origin\s+(?P<url>\S+)}m", $yaMTv, $Ei0Y5) && o0omD::puzHE("{^composer\s+(?P<url>\S+)}m", $yaMTv, $Sy8VH))) { goto FKuHR; } goto dAUBC; QR7cd: if ($this->ohhdu($dZL1n)) { goto k2zLn; } goto IfXZr; D0iwX: if (!($bnAQ2 = $this->ykWr1($XoIKl, $dZL1n, (string) $SYR81, $XoIKl->CIWMl()))) { goto xNgO_; } goto MF4Oi; UopXe: GEPtf: goto F9rw0; wVhA3: if (!empty($this->ic0yD[$XoIKl->getId()][$SYR81])) { goto y5PtW; } goto nGEwU; IfXZr: throw new \RuntimeException("The .git directory is missing from " . $dZL1n . ", see for more information"); goto fDuLI; uBKPL: gtHNT: goto jiGZy; SFCeU: throw new \RuntimeException("The required git reference for " . $XoIKl->getName() . " is not in cache and network is disabled, aborting"); goto MmKUz; yWCzG: $this->HCqR4->jWqNq($JJb_o); goto Olyr5; jiGZy: $XoIKl->Jo_uH($bnAQ2); goto fJFn0; Olyr5: $gOQA5 = static function ($ydtH_) use($SYR81, $N_Ddr, $ZN1m1) : string { return str_replace(["%url%", "%ref%", "%cachePath%", "%sanitizedUrl%"], [p3rYm::V78FI($ydtH_), p3RyM::v78Fi($SYR81 . "^{commit}"), p3RYm::v78Fi($ZN1m1), P3RYM::v78Fi(O0omD::UFBxd("{://([^@]+?):(.+?)@}", "://", $ydtH_))], $N_Ddr); }; goto lYya0; F9rw0: return \kgys5\B12Ot\njnx0(null); goto cG6BD; MmKUz: vUv7Z: goto KqCKH; LzdlV: c6Yml: goto yWCzG; l3NJS: if (!vUME1::getEnv("COMPOSER_DISABLE_NETWORK")) { goto vUv7Z; } goto SFCeU; hddKQ: $S7R2Q = false; goto IYdDN; Zrda0: $N_Ddr = "(git remote set-url composer -- %url% && git rev-parse --quiet --verify %ref% || (git fetch composer && git fetch --tags composer)) && git remote set-url composer -- %sanitizedUrl%"; goto l3NJS; JuLPW: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto QR7cd; odkx_: Jv6vJ::Gm_GA(); goto JuLPW; pmMvc: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("cache-vcs-dir") . "/" . o0oMd::ufbXD("{[^a-z0-9.]}i", "-", $ydtH_) . "/"; goto ND0pt; C5XgI: FKuHR: goto cjtcl; fJFn0: xNgO_: goto hddKQ; POdTq: $JJb_o = "Checking out " . $this->VWLjZ($SYR81) . " from cache"; goto TsQw5; uL1gT: $XoIKl->bv3HP($bnAQ2); goto uBKPL; MF4Oi: if (!($XoIKl->fTZbd() === $XoIKl->OpwBk())) { goto gtHNT; } goto uL1gT; fDuLI: k2zLn: goto pmMvc; nGEwU: $JJb_o = "Checking out " . $this->VWLjz($SYR81); goto Zrda0; KqCKH: goto c6Yml; goto FgTm6; cG6BD: } public function g5JQP(K70fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n) : ?string { goto m5KdV; m5KdV: jv6VJ::gM_gA(); goto aCNuQ; aCNuQ: if ($this->OhhdU($dZL1n)) { goto g3BfS; } goto C_KaO; SdP1Y: $N_Ddr = "git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no"; goto asS_j; JxpjF: $yaMTv = trim($yaMTv); goto jk9Wy; boxNf: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "

" . $this->AFIvB->MjmB0()); goto VLlJB; VLlJB: Na_ll: goto JxpjF; jk9Wy: return strlen($yaMTv) > 0 ? $yaMTv : null; goto pO4HD; asS_j: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Na_ll; } goto boxNf; C_KaO: return null; goto W_7af; W_7af: g3BfS: goto SdP1Y; pO4HD: } public function Oh42e(k70fD $uTRWR, string $dZL1n) : ?string { goto hWJYX; lVgRm: Xur9W: goto MtiXO; hWJYX: JV6vJ::Gm_Ga(); goto Fan58; elXeX: foreach ($WVgju as $DnsH1) { goto ye0iP; Jvt8i: nXL8A: goto auuAY; Dw9zJ: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto nXL8A; } goto W4jCX; gPuET: o5W7F: goto JhwST; ye0iP: $N_Ddr = sprintf("git diff --name-status %s...%s --", $DnsH1, $I2DB8); goto Dw9zJ; LjIxI: $o18vv = $yaMTv; goto sHh6E; auuAY: $yaMTv = trim($yaMTv); goto iPErR; iPErR: if (!($o18vv === null || strlen($yaMTv) < strlen($o18vv))) { goto u0IOc; } goto LjIxI; W4jCX: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "
\xa" . $this->AFIvB->mjmB0()); goto Jvt8i; sHh6E: u0IOc: goto gPuET; JhwST: } goto GiwQt; RRf6z: NLTmV: goto DIpNz; d1lqk: $this->AFIvB->execute("git fetch --all", $yaMTv, $dZL1n); goto XTEgP; D7TP0: u_jSL: goto X0nMt; pQqkc: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto mt4HT; } goto u6Lwc; b19bl: $WVgju = []; goto feblM; Y3ncf: sy3fp: goto yamym; mKNgk: J4MYY: goto VCQHT; X0nMt: return $o18vv; goto ArlfS; rtRKa: lJv5V: goto OuTOE; HpMwV: goto AbLvT; goto D7TP0; uYjcr: $HMRIO = $SILZo[1]; goto DK0ns; n0OCF: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "

" . $this->AFIvB->MjMb0()); goto TReE6; L8OU9: $M3BaT = 0; goto QEuOf; KJ9oA: $o18vv = null; goto q4RkB; KbGkT: $j91HL = trim($yaMTv); goto gaIgG; q4RkB: JMIMK: goto elXeX; XTEgP: $N_Ddr = "git show-ref --head -d"; goto iG5Md; S2paL: goto u_jSL; goto gaUPX; gaUPX: rtRxq: goto RRf6z; DK0ns: $I2DB8 = $HMRIO[0]; goto nT2d5; TReE6: GLi6S: goto V5cFu; fO7hF: if ($o18vv) { goto rtRxq; } goto S2paL; Yce54: if (!$gxStm) { goto JMIMK; } goto KJ9oA; FkmRs: if (!($M3BaT <= 1)) { goto u_jSL; } goto b19bl; iG5Md: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto GLi6S; } goto n0OCF; QEuOf: AbLvT: goto FkmRs; QyZHg: $gxStm = false; goto L8OU9; Fan58: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto W5fxR; yamym: if (count($WVgju) === 0) { goto lJv5V; } goto Yce54; u6Lwc: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "\xa\xa" . $this->AFIvB->MJMb0()); goto NaLbf; nJIme: if (!($o18vv && $M3BaT === 0)) { goto Wlpre; } goto d1lqk; VCQHT: $e6KaE = $WOlMz[1]; goto YBvzw; cHeSK: j64qT: goto nJIme; YBvzw: if (o0oMd::QRFtg("{^" . $e6KaE . " refs/heads/(.+)$}mi", $j91HL, $SILZo)) { goto L7daA; } goto C9xNY; dS8w3: $gxStm = true; goto cHeSK; MtiXO: $N_Ddr = "git show-ref --head -d"; goto pQqkc; GiwQt: Uxwr5: goto XuxGH; C9xNY: return null; goto U_19M; XuxGH: goto j64qT; goto rtRKa; U_19M: L7daA: goto uYjcr; feblM: foreach ($HMRIO as $fimiQ) { goto y38GZ; njLc3: foreach ($SILZo[1] as $WOlMz) { goto x2dtg; x2dtg: $I2DB8 = $fimiQ; goto h9Tpg; h9Tpg: $WVgju[] = $WOlMz; goto U2327; U2327: ISBlJ: goto esO5A; esO5A: } goto YWgYy; G2Xn8: CVecU: goto OdtKN; XPvPQ: MbHyJ: goto G2Xn8; y38GZ: if (!o0omD::QRfTg("{^[a-f0-9]+ refs/remotes/((?:[^/]+)/" . preg_quote($fimiQ) . ")$}mi", $j91HL, $SILZo)) { goto MbHyJ; } goto njLc3; Todiy: goto sy3fp; goto XPvPQ; YWgYy: FqWWR: goto Todiy; OdtKN: } goto Y3ncf; gaIgG: if (o0omd::Y4W4x("{^([a-f0-9]+) HEAD$}mi", $j91HL, $WOlMz)) { goto J4MYY; } goto lRRrD; h4lu6: return null; goto lVgRm; DIpNz: $M3BaT++; goto HpMwV; OuTOE: $o18vv = "Branch " . $I2DB8 . " could not be found on any remote and appears to be unpushed"; goto dS8w3; W5fxR: if ($this->OHHDU($dZL1n)) { goto Xur9W; } goto h4lu6; qFREy: Wlpre: goto fO7hF; lRRrD: return null; goto mKNgk; V5cFu: $j91HL = trim($yaMTv); goto qFREy; nT2d5: $o18vv = null; goto QyZHg; NaLbf: mt4HT: goto KbGkT; ArlfS: } protected function m1CNN(K70Fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, bool $QQaSR) : p4ulg { goto w2hpo; Cse0m: kZ8j5: goto x2bc7; XsAod: $dmkFi = $this->k1pZc->get("discard-changes"); goto smZwG; EnPLj: N__PC: goto ahyj9; cUnbU: return parent::M1cNN($uTRWR, $dZL1n, $QQaSR); goto mKvF1; w2hpo: jv6vj::gm_GA(); goto F4EDj; P1UME: return \kGyS5\b12OT\NJNx0(null); goto gK67B; uEx8I: $this->HCqR4->JwQNQ("    <info>" . (count($ZCljf) - 10) . " more files modified, choose "v" to view the full list</info>"); goto ZaL2y; CuFOK: $ZCljf = array_map(static function ($i3xRU) : string { return "    " . $i3xRU; }, o0OMD::C34IU("{\s*\r?\n\s*}", $ZCljf)); goto uPweN; EnBLc: if (!($Z7A8f && ($this->HCqR4->TqGsl() || $this->k1pZc->get("discard-changes") !== true))) { goto Sb5rY; } goto wqn4B; kpTz1: $Z7A8f = $this->oH42e($uTRWR, $dZL1n); goto EnBLc; smZwG: if (!(true === $dmkFi)) { goto vcZJG; } goto WF4n5; Nx1uD: if ($QQaSR) { goto kZ8j5; } goto Zya31; F4EDj: $dZL1n = $this->c3w_3($dZL1n); goto kpTz1; gK67B: YnfQg: goto Ao2EN; ehQHM: return \KGys5\b12oT\NJnX0(null); goto JJhhw; OJgSj: if (!("stash" === $dmkFi)) { goto x5mxu; } goto Nx1uD; Yplew: $this->HCqR4->jWQnQ(array_slice($ZCljf, 0, 10)); goto Aj9ZB; IyaWV: VmC7j: goto ehQHM; MgKl8: vcZJG: goto OJgSj; WFLMK: x5mxu: goto cUnbU; Aj9ZB: if (!(count($ZCljf) > 10)) { goto wuPj8; } goto uEx8I; x2bc7: return $this->iTl4M($dZL1n); goto WFLMK; X1q0h: switch ($this->HCqR4->sTprr("    <info>Discard changes [y,n,v,d," . ($QQaSR ? "s," : '') . "?]?</info> ", "?")) { case "y": $this->HSnHu($dZL1n); goto VmC7j; case "s": goto Lno_9; Lno_9: if ($QQaSR) { goto cwUJ5; } goto U0y2Q; rodGh: goto VmC7j; goto RaLGa; U0y2Q: goto yx8xV; goto pT1SR; Mo_8S: $this->ITL4M($dZL1n); goto rodGh; pT1SR: cwUJ5: goto Mo_8S; RaLGa: case "n": throw new \RuntimeException("Update aborted"); case "v": $this->HCqR4->jWQNQ($ZCljf); goto N__PC; case "d": $this->ZLEaq($dZL1n); goto N__PC; case "?": default: goto Mey8P; Ybp7r: $this->HCqR4->jwQnq("    s - stash changes and try to reapply them after the update"); goto onVpA; onVpA: S1smd: goto oG1NG; oG1NG: $this->HCqR4->JWQnq("    ? - print help"); goto irZX_; hOeBe: if (!$QQaSR) { goto S1smd; } goto Ybp7r; irZX_: goto N__PC; goto tQot0; Mey8P: yx8xV: goto y19Q_; y19Q_: $this->HCqR4->JwQnQ(["    y - discard changes and apply the " . ($QQaSR ? "update" : "uninstall"), "    n - abort the " . ($QQaSR ? "update" : "uninstall") . " and let you manually clean things up", "    v - view modified files", "    d - view local modifications (diff)"]); goto hOeBe; tQot0: } goto Y9gL1; kdrrF: if (!true) { goto VmC7j; } goto X1q0h; Ao2EN: if ($this->HCqR4->tQGSL()) { goto f13_E; } goto XsAod; uPweN: $this->HCqR4->jwQNQ("    <error>" . $uTRWR->r0iGT() . " has modified files:</error>"); goto Yplew; Nhdxv: rziLQ: goto kdrrF; ntNGo: if (!(null === ($ZCljf = $this->g5JQp($uTRWR, $dZL1n)))) { goto YnfQg; } goto P1UME; mKvF1: f13_E: goto CuFOK; ahyj9: goto rziLQ; goto IyaWV; Y9gL1: C73rF: goto EnPLj; ZaL2y: wuPj8: goto Nhdxv; WF4n5: return $this->hSNHU($dZL1n); goto MgKl8; wqn4B: throw new \RuntimeException("Source directory " . $dZL1n . " has unpushed changes on the current branch: " . "
" . $Z7A8f); goto eOctW; eOctW: Sb5rY: goto ntNGo; Zya31: return parent::M1cNn($uTRWR, $dZL1n, $QQaSR); goto Cse0m; JJhhw: } protected function znoli(string $dZL1n) : void { goto DZsTS; DwVaS: I6LN9: goto N178E; SoAeg: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("git stash pop", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto vY9U6; } goto K0hBV; fUBZm: vY9U6: goto DwVaS; DZsTS: $dZL1n = $this->C3w_3($dZL1n); goto AOi8K; asxZQ: $this->HCqR4->jWQNQ("    <info>Re-applying stashed changes</info>"); goto SoAeg; N178E: unset($this->V4rRc[$dZL1n]); goto jMr7v; K0hBV: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to apply stashed changes:

" . $this->AFIvB->mJMB0()); goto fUBZm; EiiCl: unset($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n]); goto asxZQ; AOi8K: if (empty($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n])) { goto I6LN9; } goto EiiCl; jMr7v: } protected function yKWr1(K70fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $iuTgV, string $pLBHI) : ?string { goto FLHz_; i0xpP: SdLbD: goto g_u3J; YN3Pv: jvhHV: goto UVnGs; wCheS: $l1_8Y = "
It looks like the commit hash is not available in the repository, maybe " . ($uTRWR->C8GpP() ? "the commit was removed from the branch" : "the tag was recreated") . "? Run "composer update " . $uTRWR->R0Igt() . "" to resolve this."; goto Oevdy; UVnGs: $N_Ddr = sprintf($mLlu0, p3rYm::v78Fi($lq23t)); goto SZuGn; SZuGn: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto KANla; } goto kT4V6; R4zBR: $N_Ddr = sprintf("git checkout %s --", P3RyM::V78fi($I2DB8)); goto RonRL; xpvB9: $I2DB8 = "v" . $I2DB8; goto jJq_3; HPlt7: throw new \RuntimeException(B_rgh::oql9D("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "
\xa" . $this->AFIvB->mJmB0() . $l1_8Y)); goto EjoKK; DIjiU: $this->HCqR4->JwqnQ("    <warning>" . $iuTgV . " is gone (history was rewritten?)</warning>"); goto wCheS; Gx3FB: $N_Ddr = sprintf("git checkout " . $ND4Hq . "-B %s %s -- && git reset --hard %2$s --", p3rYM::V78FI($I2DB8), p3RYm::V78Fi("composer/" . $iuTgV)); goto eOq8u; RR6q8: $LSEah = sprintf("git reset --hard %s --", p3rYm::V78Fi($iuTgV)); goto ix52N; VYkyV: if (!(false !== strpos($this->AFIvB->MjmB0(), $iuTgV))) { goto qHH_O; } goto DIjiU; JryOt: $mLlu0 = "git checkout " . $ND4Hq . "%s -- && git reset --hard %1$s --"; goto WGbs1; jSZAV: KANla: goto An03c; HRxs7: $O4Zgk = $yaMTv; goto i0xpP; T8TSW: if (!(!O0omD::PUzhe("{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}", $iuTgV) && null !== $O4Zgk && o0omd::puZHe("{^\s+composer/" . preg_quote($iuTgV) . "$}m", $O4Zgk))) { goto pIz4f; } goto Gx3FB; kT4V6: return null; goto jSZAV; An03c: $l1_8Y = ''; goto VYkyV; FLHz_: $ND4Hq = !empty($this->V4rRc[$dZL1n]) || !empty($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n]) ? "-f " : ''; goto JryOt; M8N3m: if (!(null !== $O4Zgk && !O0oMD::puZhE("{^\s+composer/" . preg_quote($I2DB8) . "$}m", $O4Zgk) && O0OmD::puZHE("{^\s+composer/v" . preg_quote($I2DB8) . "$}m", $O4Zgk))) { goto jjN7V; } goto xpvB9; ET_3X: $O4Zgk = null; goto bN4gc; WGbs1: $I2DB8 = O0oMd::UfbXd("{(?:^dev-|(?:\.x)?-dev$)}i", '', $pLBHI); goto ET_3X; RonRL: $XPFiv = sprintf("git checkout " . $ND4Hq . "-B %s %s --", p3RyM::V78Fi($I2DB8), P3RYm::v78fI("composer/" . $I2DB8)); goto RR6q8; bN4gc: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("git branch -r", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto SdLbD; } goto HRxs7; Oevdy: qHH_O: goto HPlt7; aaHus: return null; goto RYpKu; YTsn2: if (!O0OMd::PUZHe("{^[a-f0-9]{40}$}", $iuTgV)) { goto jvhHV; } goto M8N3m; E1tdx: Or4lr: goto WJrG2; g_u3J: $lq23t = $iuTgV; goto T8TSW; WJrG2: pIz4f: goto YTsn2; ix52N: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("({$N_Ddr} || {$XPFiv}) && {$LSEah}", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Tmsb9; } goto aaHus; cJ20F: return null; goto E1tdx; RYpKu: Tmsb9: goto YN3Pv; jJq_3: jjN7V: goto R4zBR; eOq8u: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Or4lr; } goto cJ20F; EjoKK: } protected function PTI4S(string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : void { $this->AFIvB->execute(sprintf("git remote set-url origin -- %s", p3ryM::V78FI($ydtH_)), $yaMTv, $dZL1n); $this->LWjZa($dZL1n, $ydtH_); } protected function LwJzA(string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : void { goto EwNuf; Kl5eQ: PsNzU: goto GvrPZ; yqkUw: $kcTOz = "git@" . $WOlMz[1] . ":" . $WOlMz[2] . "/" . $WOlMz[3] . ".git"; goto RPgK3; psuSx: $this->AFIvB->execute($wGYr1, $L1KKD, $dZL1n); goto zwemr; RPgK3: if (in_array("ssh", $c82r0, true)) { goto PsNzU; } goto lSOZJ; zwemr: SVMWg: goto kfXir; lSOZJ: $kcTOz = "https://" . $WOlMz[1] . "/" . $WOlMz[2] . "/" . $WOlMz[3] . ".git"; goto Kl5eQ; GvrPZ: $wGYr1 = sprintf("git remote set-url --push origin -- %s", P3RyM::v78fI($kcTOz)); goto psuSx; EwNuf: if (!O0omd::PuzHe("{^(?:https?|git)://" . jv6vj::IyKK7($this->k1pZc) . "/([^/]+)/([^/]+?)(?:\.git)?$}", $ydtH_, $WOlMz)) { goto SVMWg; } goto kpdeN; kpdeN: $c82r0 = $this->k1pZc->get("github-protocols"); goto yqkUw; kfXir: } protected function ar2JW(string $bcMWD, string $ImnH9, string $dZL1n) : string { goto A1Ber; Ul_bc: $N_Ddr = sprintf("git log %s..%s --pretty=format:"%%h - %%an: %%s"" . JV6vj::sLvm4($this->AFIvB), p3RyM::V78fi($bcMWD), P3RyM::V78FI($ImnH9)); goto bG6z8; OWKfE: return $yaMTv; goto HtZHZ; A1Ber: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto Ul_bc; bG6z8: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto bTVq8; } goto qsXDQ; qsXDQ: throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to execute " . $N_Ddr . "

" . $this->AFIvB->Mjmb0()); goto pnXID; pnXID: bTVq8: goto OWKfE; HtZHZ: } protected function hSNhU(string $dZL1n) : P4UlG { goto u0f9o; Obdxi: $this->V4rRc[$dZL1n] = true; goto NHSL4; NHSL4: return \kGys5\b12Ot\nJNX0(null); goto wxrAs; I23Sp: iIkyg: goto Obdxi; u0f9o: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto kT3Wb; oyxVD: throw new \RuntimeException("Could not reset changes\xa
:" . $yaMTv); goto I23Sp; kT3Wb: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("git clean -df && git reset --hard", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto iIkyg; } goto oyxVD; wxrAs: } protected function ITL4M(string $dZL1n) : p4ULg { goto l3XaF; qfGEx: return \kGys5\b12Ot\njNX0(null); goto IHpMh; xTlOd: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("git stash --include-untracked", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto n5cix; } goto NmOou; ti0zn: $this->rKa2C[$dZL1n] = true; goto qfGEx; jKOeJ: n5cix: goto ti0zn; l3XaF: $dZL1n = $this->c3w_3($dZL1n); goto xTlOd; NmOou: throw new \RuntimeException("Could not stash changes

:" . $yaMTv); goto jKOeJ; IHpMh: } protected function ZlEaQ(string $dZL1n) : void { goto G5ciK; G5ciK: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto By8AE; HProC: throw new \RuntimeException("Could not view diff\xa
:" . $yaMTv); goto stY1A; niKeL: $this->HCqR4->jwQNq($yaMTv); goto rF1Zm; By8AE: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("git diff HEAD", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto ZDa_8; } goto HProC; stY1A: ZDa_8: goto niKeL; rF1Zm: } protected function c3W_3(string $dZL1n) : string { goto krxCA; oAb5v: o7DS1: goto lpG0o; VWrja: $yuIQh = $dZL1n; goto jteKI; uIgzU: uw2r8: goto oOxJ2; YOHWU: $dZL1n = rtrim(realpath($yuIQh) . "/" . implode("/", $EHT7A), "/"); goto Y1LXi; oOxJ2: if (!(!is_dir($yuIQh) && $yuIQh !== "\")) { goto o7DS1; } goto uX5Cb; Ec5F8: return $dZL1n; goto FARf9; krxCA: if (!(VumE1::b5Kve() && strlen($dZL1n) > 0)) { goto zNmiU; } goto VWrja; FARf9: ObyBq: goto YOHWU; jteKI: $EHT7A = []; goto uIgzU; uX5Cb: array_unshift($EHT7A, basename($yuIQh)); goto R5rpI; S1x51: goto uw2r8; goto oAb5v; R5rpI: $yuIQh = dirname($yuIQh); goto S1x51; lpG0o: if (!($yuIQh === "\")) { goto ObyBq; } goto Ec5F8; imhGX: return $dZL1n; goto ITx_L; Y1LXi: zNmiU: goto imhGX; ITx_L: } protected function ohHdU(string $dZL1n) : bool { $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); return is_dir($dZL1n . "/.git"); } protected function vWLjZ(string $iuTgV) : string { goto XXmGg; BlFkE: return substr($iuTgV, 0, 10); goto iHnSR; XXmGg: if (!(!$this->HCqR4->E2xqT() && o0OMD::puzHe("{^[0-9a-f]{40}$}", $iuTgV))) { goto H6wK3; } goto BlFkE; tc1Eb: return $iuTgV; goto Lyg5h; iHnSR: H6wK3: goto tc1Eb; Lyg5h: } } ?>

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:35:06              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 declare (strict_types=1); namespace bgkrf\tJw81; use bGKRF\V4_QS; use bGKRF\QOWIY\vBQP2; use BGKrf\dTLLY\K70fD; use bgkRF\Q215V\o0OmD; use bgkrF\BuBWC\wIITW; use BGKrF\buBWC\p0mkD as jv6Vj; use bgkrF\BuBwC\B_rGH; use bgKRF\BUbWc\vumE1; use BGkRf\buBwc\P3rym; use bGKRF\UFdg1; use kGys5\B12oT\P4uLG; class qAiZ0 extends xPVFQ implements vDK7A { private $rKa2C = []; private $V4rRc = []; private $XNVz_; private $ic0yD = []; public function __construct(VBQP2 $RZSUQ, V4_qs $J_29e, ?ProcessExecutor $PvlkA = null, ?Filesystem $GwBk4 = null) { parent::__construct($RZSUQ, $J_29e, $PvlkA, $GwBk4); $this->XNVz_ = new JV6Vj($this->HCqR4, $this->k1pZc, $this->AFIvB, $this->qLc5k); } protected function kkhP3(k70fD $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_, ?PackageInterface $p8U7Q = null) : P4ULg { goto Oq7jY; Cuz3q: throw new \RuntimeException("\x67\151\164\40\167\141\163\x20\x6e\x6f\164\40\x66\x6f\165\x6e\144\x20\151\x6e\x20\x79\x6f\x75\x72\x20\120\101\x54\x48\54\40\x73\x6b\x69\x70\160\x69\156\x67\40\x73\x6f\x75\x72\143\145\x20\x64\x6f\167\156\x6c\x6f\x61\x64"); goto XCmid; F48X7: Jv6vJ::GM_Ga(); goto WkmJA; BbDlF: m9DBJ: goto Cuz3q; sO5vR: tD2_x: goto f9Val; Oq7jY: if (!wIITw::s8sOa($ydtH_)) { goto j8mTm; } goto hDbxr; rL5Yb: $this->HCqR4->jWqnq(sprintf("\40\x20\x20\x20\x43\154\157\x6e\151\156\x67\40\164\157\x20\143\141\143\150\145\x20\141\x74\x20\x25\163", P3ryM::V78FI($ZN1m1)), true, vbQP2::qLXBE); goto y1mDK; XsXFf: if (!($this->XNVz_->tIAgW($ydtH_, $ZN1m1, $SYR81, $uTRWR->ciwmL()) && is_dir($ZN1m1))) { goto f1ZoB; } goto wJIwz; k1rf8: goto X9SzM; goto sO5vR; epU01: f1ZoB: goto SCC1i; y1mDK: $SYR81 = $uTRWR->OPwBk(); goto XsXFf; YDY27: return \KGYS5\B12Ot\nJNX0(null); goto C7bsd; hDbxr: return \KGyS5\B12Ot\NJnX0(null); goto j0TPM; wJIwz: $this->ic0yD[$uTRWR->getId()][$SYR81] = true; goto epU01; SlT3Z: $yo4wD = Jv6VJ::getVersion($this->AFIvB); goto zsPHP; DxFFg: if (null === $yo4wD) { goto m9DBJ; } goto k1rf8; WkmJA: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("\x63\x61\x63\150\145\x2d\166\x63\163\55\x64\x69\162") . "\57" . o0OMD::ufbXD("\x7b\133\x5e\x61\x2d\172\x30\x2d\x39\x2e\x5d\x7d\151", "\x2d", $ydtH_) . "\x2f"; goto SlT3Z; SCC1i: goto X9SzM; goto BbDlF; zsPHP: if ($yo4wD && version_compare($yo4wD, "\62\x2e\x33\56\x30\55\x72\143\60", "\x3e\x3d") && UfDG1::YXLdj($ZN1m1)) { goto tD2_x; } goto DxFFg; f9Val: $this->HCqR4->JWQNq("\x20\x20\55\40\x53\171\156\143\151\x6e\147\x20\74\x69\x6e\146\157\76" . $uTRWR->getName() . "\74\x2f\151\156\x66\157\76\x20\x28\74\143\x6f\155\x6d\145\156\x74\76" . $uTRWR->ggMrr() . "\x3c\x2f\x63\x6f\x6d\155\145\x6e\x74\76\x29\x20\x69\156\164\x6f\x20\x63\141\x63\x68\x65"); goto rL5Yb; XCmid: X9SzM: goto YDY27; j0TPM: j8mTm: goto F48X7; C7bsd: } protected function YAkj1(K70Fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : P4uLg { goto lCtwQ; lPign: $this->XNVz_->uDgnl($gOQA5, $ydtH_, $dZL1n, true); goto pwA4m; ci2im: throw new \RuntimeException("\124\x68\x65\40\x72\x65\161\165\151\162\x65\x64\40\147\151\164\40\x72\145\146\x65\x72\x65\x6e\x63\x65\x20\x66\157\162\40" . $uTRWR->getName() . "\x20\151\163\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x69\156\x20\x63\141\143\x68\x65\40\141\156\x64\40\x6e\x65\164\167\x6f\x72\153\40\x69\x73\40\144\151\163\141\142\154\145\x64\x2c\x20\x61\142\x6f\162\164\x69\156\x67"); goto LV7wA; rif9r: $JJb_o = "\103\x6c\157\156\x69\156\x67\40" . $this->vwlJZ($SYR81) . "\x20\x66\x72\157\155\x20\143\x61\x63\150\x65"; goto oL4LD; VtXKI: $this->Pti4s($dZL1n, $Q9bez); goto ggCH4; Su1bH: goto OucrS; goto dgXDy; t0UMs: CK4X0: goto ia4Au; zMoOz: $this->HCqR4->JwqNQ($JJb_o); goto MWSSf; niwP9: HrV4T: goto zMoOz; cEPC3: if (!empty($this->ic0yD[$uTRWR->getId()][$SYR81])) { goto QqxK1; } goto MvqQY; zf4XT: $KUPLt = vuME1::B5kVE() ? "\57\x44\x20" : ''; goto cEPC3; oL4LD: $dQFQG = "\x2d\55\x64\x69\163\163\157\143\x69\141\164\145\x20\x2d\55\x72\x65\x66\x65\x72\x65\x6e\143\x65\x20\45\x63\141\x63\x68\x65\120\141\164\150\x25\40"; goto ud6mv; yauO5: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("\x63\x61\x63\x68\x65\55\166\x63\163\x2d\144\x69\162") . "\x2f" . o0OmD::UFbXd("\173\133\136\x61\55\x7a\60\55\71\x2e\x5d\x7d\151", "\55", $ydtH_) . "\57"; goto cz31u; z494O: QqxK1: goto rif9r; Nhi38: $N_Ddr = "\x67\151\164\x20\143\154\x6f\x6e\145\x20\x2d\55\156\x6f\x2d\143\150\145\x63\153\157\165\164\x20\x2d\55\40\45\x75\162\x6c\45\x20\x25\160\x61\x74\x68\x25\x20\46\46\x20\143\144\x20" . $KUPLt . "\x25\160\141\x74\x68\x25\x20\x26\46\x20\147\x69\x74\x20\162\x65\155\x6f\164\145\40\141\x64\144\40\143\157\155\160\157\x73\145\162\40\55\x2d\40\45\165\x72\154\x25\40\46\x26\40\x67\x69\164\40\146\x65\164\x63\x68\x20\x63\157\155\160\157\163\x65\x72\40\x26\46\x20\147\151\164\40\162\145\x6d\x6f\x74\x65\40\163\x65\x74\55\x75\x72\154\40\x6f\162\x69\147\151\156\40\55\x2d\x20\x25\x73\141\156\151\x74\x69\x7a\x65\x64\125\162\154\x25\40\x26\x26\x20\x67\x69\x74\40\x72\x65\155\157\164\145\x20\x73\x65\x74\55\165\162\x6c\40\x63\157\x6d\160\157\163\x65\162\x20\55\x2d\40\45\163\x61\156\x69\164\151\172\x65\144\x55\x72\x6c\45"; goto APm1m; w0vvW: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto yauO5; lCtwQ: JV6VJ::gM_GA(); goto w0vvW; ZXUQP: TnBz8: goto LnQRv; ud6mv: $rtS7n = $uTRWR->BYMD3(); goto pmHgm; qejGm: goto HrV4T; goto z494O; pwA4m: $Q9bez = $uTRWR->mZIXy(); goto ABW0u; wCPi3: $uTRWR->BV3hP($bnAQ2); goto t0UMs; ggCH4: OucrS: goto YTGaM; pmHgm: if (!(isset($rtS7n["\x67\x69\x74"]["\163\151\x6e\147\154\x65\x5f\165\x73\x65\x5f\143\x6c\157\x6e\145"]) && $rtS7n["\x67\151\164"]["\x73\151\156\147\154\145\x5f\165\x73\x65\137\x63\154\157\156\145"])) { goto TnBz8; } goto dnpWb; L7VZN: if (!($uTRWR->ftZBd() === $uTRWR->OpWBK())) { goto CK4X0; } goto wCPi3; cz31u: $SYR81 = $uTRWR->opwBk(); goto zf4XT; LV7wA: nWa4F: goto qejGm; ABW0u: if ($ydtH_ !== $Q9bez && $Q9bez !== null) { goto F7WzR; } goto Cx02U; MWSSf: $gOQA5 = static function (string $ydtH_) use($dZL1n, $N_Ddr, $ZN1m1) : string { return str_replace(["\x25\x75\x72\x6c\45", "\x25\160\141\164\x68\x25", "\x25\143\x61\x63\x68\x65\120\x61\164\x68\x25", "\45\x73\141\x6e\x69\x74\151\x7a\x65\144\x55\162\x6c\45"], [P3RYM::v78fi($ydtH_), P3RyM::V78fI($dZL1n), p3rym::V78FI($ZN1m1), P3RYM::V78fi(o0OmD::ufBxd("\173\x3a\57\x2f\x28\x5b\x5e\x40\x5d\x2b\77\51\x3a\x28\56\53\77\x29\100\x7d", "\x3a\57\57", $ydtH_))], $N_Ddr); }; goto lPign; Cx02U: $this->lwjzA($dZL1n, $ydtH_); goto Su1bH; YTGaM: if (!($bnAQ2 = $this->YkWR1($uTRWR, $dZL1n, (string) $SYR81, $uTRWR->cIwmL()))) { goto h3Q3z; } goto L7VZN; x_QRB: return \KgYS5\B12Ot\nJNx0(null); goto PqQdD; MvqQY: $JJb_o = "\103\x6c\157\x6e\x69\x6e\x67\40" . $this->vwlJz($SYR81); goto Nhi38; XaG5W: h3Q3z: goto x_QRB; APm1m: if (!vuME1::getEnv("\x43\x4f\115\x50\x4f\x53\105\x52\x5f\104\x49\x53\101\x42\114\x45\137\x4e\105\124\x57\117\122\113")) { goto nWa4F; } goto ci2im; ia4Au: $uTRWR->jo_uh($bnAQ2); goto XaG5W; dgXDy: F7WzR: goto VtXKI; LnQRv: $N_Ddr = "\x67\x69\x74\40\143\x6c\x6f\x6e\145\40\x2d\55\156\x6f\x2d\143\x68\145\143\x6b\x6f\x75\x74\40\x25\x63\x61\x63\x68\145\x50\x61\164\150\x25\x20\45\x70\141\x74\150\x25\x20" . $dQFQG . "\46\x26\40\x63\x64\40" . $KUPLt . "\45\160\141\164\150\45\x20" . "\46\46\40\147\151\x74\x20\162\x65\x6d\x6f\x74\x65\40\163\x65\164\x2d\x75\x72\154\40\157\x72\151\147\151\156\x20\55\x2d\x20\45\x73\141\156\x69\164\151\x7a\145\144\x55\x72\x6c\x25\40\46\x26\40\x67\151\164\40\162\x65\x6d\157\x74\x65\x20\141\144\144\40\143\157\x6d\x70\157\163\x65\162\x20\55\x2d\40\x25\x73\141\156\151\x74\x69\172\145\x64\x55\162\x6c\45"; goto niwP9; dnpWb: $dQFQG = ''; goto ZXUQP; PqQdD: } protected function PYDu0(k70fd $nHbZc, k70Fd $XoIKl, string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : P4Ulg { goto odkx_; ND0pt: $SYR81 = $XoIKl->opwbK(); goto wVhA3; zRNd0: $S7R2Q = true; goto E1J6k; TsQw5: $N_Ddr = "\50\x67\151\164\x20\162\x65\166\x2d\x70\141\162\x73\145\40\x2d\x2d\x71\x75\x69\x65\164\x20\x2d\x2d\166\x65\162\x69\146\171\x20\x25\162\145\x66\x25\40\174\x7c\40\50\x67\151\x74\40\162\145\155\157\164\145\x20\x73\x65\164\55\165\x72\x6c\40\x63\x6f\x6d\160\157\163\145\162\x20\55\55\40\45\x63\141\143\150\x65\x50\141\164\150\x25\40\46\x26\40\x67\151\164\x20\146\145\164\x63\x68\x20\x63\x6f\x6d\x70\157\163\x65\x72\x20\46\46\40\147\x69\x74\40\x66\x65\x74\143\150\x20\x2d\55\164\141\x67\x73\x20\143\157\155\x70\x6f\163\x65\162\x29\x29\40\46\46\x20\147\151\164\40\162\x65\155\157\x74\x65\40\163\x65\164\55\x75\x72\x6c\x20\x63\157\155\160\157\163\145\162\40\x2d\x2d\x20\x25\x73\x61\x6e\151\x74\151\172\x65\144\125\162\x6c\45"; goto LzdlV; E1J6k: nWPcq: goto C5XgI; cjtcl: if (!($S7R2Q && $XoIKl->mzIXY() !== null)) { goto GEPtf; } goto rwCr2; lYya0: $this->XNVz_->uDgnl($gOQA5, $ydtH_, $dZL1n); goto D0iwX; FgTm6: y5PtW: goto POdTq; dAUBC: if (!($Ei0Y5["\165\162\x6c"] === $Sy8VH["\x75\162\x6c"] && $Sy8VH["\165\x72\x6c"] !== $XoIKl->mZixy())) { goto nWPcq; } goto zRNd0; rwCr2: $this->PTI4S($dZL1n, $XoIKl->MziXY()); goto UopXe; IYdDN: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("\x67\x69\x74\x20\162\145\155\x6f\x74\145\40\55\x76", $yaMTv, $dZL1n) && o0OmD::PUzhE("\x7b\x5e\157\x72\151\147\x69\156\134\163\x2b\x28\x3f\120\x3c\165\x72\x6c\x3e\x5c\x53\x2b\x29\175\155", $yaMTv, $Ei0Y5) && o0omD::puzHE("\173\x5e\143\157\x6d\160\157\163\145\x72\x5c\163\x2b\50\77\x50\74\165\162\x6c\76\134\123\x2b\x29\x7d\x6d", $yaMTv, $Sy8VH))) { goto FKuHR; } goto dAUBC; QR7cd: if ($this->ohhdu($dZL1n)) { goto k2zLn; } goto IfXZr; D0iwX: if (!($bnAQ2 = $this->ykWr1($XoIKl, $dZL1n, (string) $SYR81, $XoIKl->CIWMl()))) { goto xNgO_; } goto MF4Oi; UopXe: GEPtf: goto F9rw0; wVhA3: if (!empty($this->ic0yD[$XoIKl->getId()][$SYR81])) { goto y5PtW; } goto nGEwU; IfXZr: throw new \RuntimeException("\x54\150\x65\x20\x2e\x67\151\164\40\x64\x69\x72\x65\143\164\157\x72\171\x20\151\x73\x20\155\x69\163\163\151\x6e\147\x20\x66\162\x6f\x6d\x20" . $dZL1n . "\x2c\40\163\x65\x65\x20\x68\164\x74\160\x73\72\x2f\x2f\147\x65\x74\143\157\155\160\x6f\163\145\162\x2e\x6f\162\x67\57\143\x6f\x6d\155\151\164\55\144\x65\160\x73\40\x66\x6f\162\40\155\157\162\145\x20\151\156\146\157\x72\x6d\x61\164\x69\x6f\156"); goto fDuLI; uBKPL: gtHNT: goto jiGZy; SFCeU: throw new \RuntimeException("\x54\150\x65\40\x72\145\161\x75\151\162\x65\144\40\x67\151\164\x20\x72\x65\x66\x65\162\x65\156\143\145\x20\x66\x6f\162\x20" . $XoIKl->getName() . "\x20\x69\x73\x20\156\157\x74\40\151\x6e\40\143\x61\143\x68\x65\x20\141\156\x64\x20\x6e\145\164\x77\x6f\162\153\x20\151\x73\40\144\151\x73\x61\x62\x6c\x65\x64\x2c\40\141\142\x6f\x72\164\x69\x6e\147"); goto MmKUz; yWCzG: $this->HCqR4->jWqNq($JJb_o); goto Olyr5; jiGZy: $XoIKl->Jo_uH($bnAQ2); goto fJFn0; Olyr5: $gOQA5 = static function ($ydtH_) use($SYR81, $N_Ddr, $ZN1m1) : string { return str_replace(["\45\165\162\154\x25", "\x25\162\145\x66\x25", "\45\x63\141\x63\x68\145\x50\141\x74\x68\x25", "\45\x73\x61\x6e\151\x74\x69\172\145\144\125\162\x6c\45"], [p3rYm::V78FI($ydtH_), p3RyM::v78Fi($SYR81 . "\136\173\143\157\x6d\155\151\x74\175"), p3RYm::v78Fi($ZN1m1), P3RYM::v78Fi(O0omD::UFBxd("\x7b\x3a\57\x2f\x28\x5b\136\100\135\53\x3f\x29\72\50\x2e\53\77\x29\100\x7d", "\x3a\57\57", $ydtH_))], $N_Ddr); }; goto lYya0; F9rw0: return \kgys5\B12Ot\njnx0(null); goto cG6BD; MmKUz: vUv7Z: goto KqCKH; LzdlV: c6Yml: goto yWCzG; l3NJS: if (!vUME1::getEnv("\103\117\115\x50\x4f\x53\105\x52\137\x44\111\123\x41\102\x4c\105\x5f\x4e\x45\x54\x57\x4f\122\x4b")) { goto vUv7Z; } goto SFCeU; hddKQ: $S7R2Q = false; goto IYdDN; Zrda0: $N_Ddr = "\x28\147\151\x74\x20\162\x65\155\x6f\164\145\40\163\145\x74\x2d\165\162\x6c\x20\143\157\x6d\x70\x6f\x73\145\162\40\55\x2d\x20\x25\165\162\x6c\x25\40\x26\x26\x20\147\151\x74\40\x72\145\166\x2d\160\141\162\x73\145\40\55\55\161\165\151\145\164\x20\55\x2d\166\x65\x72\x69\x66\171\x20\x25\x72\145\146\x25\x20\x7c\x7c\x20\50\147\x69\x74\40\146\145\164\x63\x68\40\x63\x6f\x6d\160\x6f\x73\145\x72\x20\46\46\x20\x67\x69\164\40\146\x65\164\143\150\x20\x2d\55\164\x61\147\163\x20\x63\157\x6d\x70\x6f\x73\145\x72\51\x29\x20\x26\46\40\x67\x69\164\40\162\145\155\157\164\145\40\163\145\164\55\165\162\154\40\x63\157\x6d\160\157\x73\x65\162\x20\x2d\x2d\x20\45\x73\141\x6e\151\164\151\172\x65\144\125\162\x6c\x25"; goto l3NJS; JuLPW: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto QR7cd; odkx_: Jv6vJ::Gm_GA(); goto JuLPW; pmMvc: $ZN1m1 = $this->k1pZc->get("\x63\141\x63\x68\x65\55\166\x63\163\55\x64\151\x72") . "\x2f" . o0oMd::ufbXD("\x7b\133\136\141\55\x7a\60\55\71\x2e\x5d\175\151", "\55", $ydtH_) . "\x2f"; goto ND0pt; C5XgI: FKuHR: goto cjtcl; fJFn0: xNgO_: goto hddKQ; POdTq: $JJb_o = "\x43\x68\145\x63\x6b\151\x6e\x67\x20\x6f\165\164\x20" . $this->VWLjZ($SYR81) . "\40\146\162\157\x6d\x20\143\x61\x63\150\145"; goto TsQw5; uL1gT: $XoIKl->bv3HP($bnAQ2); goto uBKPL; MF4Oi: if (!($XoIKl->fTZbd() === $XoIKl->OpwBk())) { goto gtHNT; } goto uL1gT; fDuLI: k2zLn: goto pmMvc; nGEwU: $JJb_o = "\x43\x68\145\143\x6b\x69\x6e\147\x20\x6f\165\x74\x20" . $this->VWLjz($SYR81); goto Zrda0; KqCKH: goto c6Yml; goto FgTm6; cG6BD: } public function g5JQP(K70fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n) : ?string { goto m5KdV; m5KdV: jv6VJ::gM_gA(); goto aCNuQ; aCNuQ: if ($this->OhhdU($dZL1n)) { goto g3BfS; } goto C_KaO; SdP1Y: $N_Ddr = "\147\x69\x74\40\x73\x74\141\164\165\x73\40\55\x2d\x70\x6f\162\x63\145\154\141\151\156\40\55\x2d\x75\x6e\x74\x72\141\x63\x6b\x65\x64\x2d\x66\x69\x6c\x65\163\75\x6e\x6f"; goto asS_j; JxpjF: $yaMTv = trim($yaMTv); goto jk9Wy; boxNf: throw new \RuntimeException("\x46\x61\151\x6c\x65\144\x20\164\x6f\40\x65\x78\x65\x63\165\x74\x65\40" . $N_Ddr . "\12\12" . $this->AFIvB->MjmB0()); goto VLlJB; VLlJB: Na_ll: goto JxpjF; jk9Wy: return strlen($yaMTv) > 0 ? $yaMTv : null; goto pO4HD; asS_j: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Na_ll; } goto boxNf; C_KaO: return null; goto W_7af; W_7af: g3BfS: goto SdP1Y; pO4HD: } public function Oh42e(k70fD $uTRWR, string $dZL1n) : ?string { goto hWJYX; lVgRm: Xur9W: goto MtiXO; hWJYX: JV6vJ::Gm_Ga(); goto Fan58; elXeX: foreach ($WVgju as $DnsH1) { goto ye0iP; Jvt8i: nXL8A: goto auuAY; Dw9zJ: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto nXL8A; } goto W4jCX; gPuET: o5W7F: goto JhwST; ye0iP: $N_Ddr = sprintf("\147\x69\164\40\144\x69\146\146\40\x2d\55\x6e\x61\155\145\x2d\x73\x74\141\164\165\x73\x20\x25\163\56\x2e\x2e\x25\x73\x20\55\55", $DnsH1, $I2DB8); goto Dw9zJ; LjIxI: $o18vv = $yaMTv; goto sHh6E; auuAY: $yaMTv = trim($yaMTv); goto iPErR; iPErR: if (!($o18vv === null || strlen($yaMTv) < strlen($o18vv))) { goto u0IOc; } goto LjIxI; W4jCX: throw new \RuntimeException("\106\141\x69\154\x65\144\x20\x74\157\x20\x65\170\x65\x63\x75\164\145\x20" . $N_Ddr . "\12\xa" . $this->AFIvB->mjmB0()); goto Jvt8i; sHh6E: u0IOc: goto gPuET; JhwST: } goto GiwQt; RRf6z: NLTmV: goto DIpNz; d1lqk: $this->AFIvB->execute("\147\x69\164\40\146\145\x74\x63\x68\40\x2d\x2d\x61\x6c\154", $yaMTv, $dZL1n); goto XTEgP; D7TP0: u_jSL: goto X0nMt; pQqkc: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto mt4HT; } goto u6Lwc; b19bl: $WVgju = []; goto feblM; Y3ncf: sy3fp: goto yamym; mKNgk: J4MYY: goto VCQHT; X0nMt: return $o18vv; goto ArlfS; rtRKa: lJv5V: goto OuTOE; HpMwV: goto AbLvT; goto D7TP0; uYjcr: $HMRIO = $SILZo[1]; goto DK0ns; n0OCF: throw new \RuntimeException("\x46\x61\151\154\145\144\x20\164\x6f\40\145\x78\x65\143\165\164\x65\x20" . $N_Ddr . "\12\12" . $this->AFIvB->MjMb0()); goto TReE6; L8OU9: $M3BaT = 0; goto QEuOf; KJ9oA: $o18vv = null; goto q4RkB; KbGkT: $j91HL = trim($yaMTv); goto gaIgG; q4RkB: JMIMK: goto elXeX; XTEgP: $N_Ddr = "\x67\x69\x74\x20\163\x68\157\x77\x2d\x72\x65\x66\x20\x2d\x2d\x68\145\141\144\40\55\x64"; goto iG5Md; S2paL: goto u_jSL; goto gaUPX; gaUPX: rtRxq: goto RRf6z; DK0ns: $I2DB8 = $HMRIO[0]; goto nT2d5; TReE6: GLi6S: goto V5cFu; fO7hF: if ($o18vv) { goto rtRxq; } goto S2paL; Yce54: if (!$gxStm) { goto JMIMK; } goto KJ9oA; FkmRs: if (!($M3BaT <= 1)) { goto u_jSL; } goto b19bl; iG5Md: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto GLi6S; } goto n0OCF; QEuOf: AbLvT: goto FkmRs; QyZHg: $gxStm = false; goto L8OU9; Fan58: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto W5fxR; yamym: if (count($WVgju) === 0) { goto lJv5V; } goto Yce54; u6Lwc: throw new \RuntimeException("\x46\141\151\154\145\x64\x20\x74\157\40\x65\170\145\143\x75\x74\x65\x20" . $N_Ddr . "\xa\xa" . $this->AFIvB->MJMb0()); goto NaLbf; nJIme: if (!($o18vv && $M3BaT === 0)) { goto Wlpre; } goto d1lqk; VCQHT: $e6KaE = $WOlMz[1]; goto YBvzw; cHeSK: j64qT: goto nJIme; YBvzw: if (o0oMd::QRFtg("\x7b\136" . $e6KaE . "\40\162\x65\x66\x73\57\150\x65\141\x64\163\x2f\x28\56\53\51\44\175\x6d\151", $j91HL, $SILZo)) { goto L7daA; } goto C9xNY; dS8w3: $gxStm = true; goto cHeSK; MtiXO: $N_Ddr = "\x67\x69\x74\40\x73\150\157\167\x2d\x72\x65\x66\40\x2d\x2d\150\x65\x61\x64\x20\x2d\144"; goto pQqkc; GiwQt: Uxwr5: goto XuxGH; C9xNY: return null; goto U_19M; XuxGH: goto j64qT; goto rtRKa; U_19M: L7daA: goto uYjcr; feblM: foreach ($HMRIO as $fimiQ) { goto y38GZ; njLc3: foreach ($SILZo[1] as $WOlMz) { goto x2dtg; x2dtg: $I2DB8 = $fimiQ; goto h9Tpg; h9Tpg: $WVgju[] = $WOlMz; goto U2327; U2327: ISBlJ: goto esO5A; esO5A: } goto YWgYy; G2Xn8: CVecU: goto OdtKN; XPvPQ: MbHyJ: goto G2Xn8; y38GZ: if (!o0omD::QRfTg("\173\136\133\141\x2d\x66\x30\55\x39\135\x2b\x20\x72\x65\x66\x73\x2f\162\x65\155\157\164\x65\163\57\50\50\77\x3a\x5b\x5e\57\x5d\x2b\51\x2f" . preg_quote($fimiQ) . "\51\44\x7d\x6d\151", $j91HL, $SILZo)) { goto MbHyJ; } goto njLc3; Todiy: goto sy3fp; goto XPvPQ; YWgYy: FqWWR: goto Todiy; OdtKN: } goto Y3ncf; gaIgG: if (o0omd::Y4W4x("\x7b\136\x28\x5b\x61\55\146\60\x2d\71\x5d\x2b\x29\x20\110\105\101\104\44\x7d\155\151", $j91HL, $WOlMz)) { goto J4MYY; } goto lRRrD; h4lu6: return null; goto lVgRm; DIpNz: $M3BaT++; goto HpMwV; OuTOE: $o18vv = "\x42\162\141\156\x63\x68\x20" . $I2DB8 . "\40\x63\157\x75\154\x64\40\156\x6f\164\40\142\145\40\146\x6f\165\156\144\x20\157\x6e\x20\x61\156\x79\40\162\145\155\157\164\x65\40\x61\156\x64\40\141\160\x70\x65\141\x72\163\40\164\x6f\40\x62\145\40\x75\x6e\x70\165\163\150\x65\144"; goto dS8w3; W5fxR: if ($this->OHHDU($dZL1n)) { goto Xur9W; } goto h4lu6; qFREy: Wlpre: goto fO7hF; lRRrD: return null; goto mKNgk; V5cFu: $j91HL = trim($yaMTv); goto qFREy; nT2d5: $o18vv = null; goto QyZHg; NaLbf: mt4HT: goto KbGkT; ArlfS: } protected function m1CNN(K70Fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, bool $QQaSR) : p4ulg { goto w2hpo; Cse0m: kZ8j5: goto x2bc7; XsAod: $dmkFi = $this->k1pZc->get("\144\x69\163\143\x61\162\x64\x2d\x63\150\141\156\x67\145\163"); goto smZwG; EnPLj: N__PC: goto ahyj9; cUnbU: return parent::M1cNN($uTRWR, $dZL1n, $QQaSR); goto mKvF1; w2hpo: jv6vj::gm_GA(); goto F4EDj; P1UME: return \kGyS5\b12OT\NJNx0(null); goto gK67B; uEx8I: $this->HCqR4->JwQNQ("\40\40\40\40\74\151\156\146\157\x3e" . (count($ZCljf) - 10) . "\40\155\157\162\145\x20\146\151\154\145\x73\40\x6d\157\x64\151\x66\x69\x65\144\54\40\x63\x68\157\x6f\x73\x65\x20\42\166\42\40\164\157\x20\x76\x69\145\x77\x20\164\150\145\40\146\x75\154\x6c\x20\x6c\151\x73\x74\74\57\151\x6e\146\x6f\x3e"); goto ZaL2y; CuFOK: $ZCljf = array_map(static function ($i3xRU) : string { return "\x20\40\40\x20" . $i3xRU; }, o0OMD::C34IU("\x7b\x5c\x73\x2a\x5c\x72\77\134\156\134\x73\x2a\175", $ZCljf)); goto uPweN; EnBLc: if (!($Z7A8f && ($this->HCqR4->TqGsl() || $this->k1pZc->get("\144\x69\163\143\x61\162\144\55\143\x68\141\x6e\x67\x65\163") !== true))) { goto Sb5rY; } goto wqn4B; kpTz1: $Z7A8f = $this->oH42e($uTRWR, $dZL1n); goto EnBLc; smZwG: if (!(true === $dmkFi)) { goto vcZJG; } goto WF4n5; Nx1uD: if ($QQaSR) { goto kZ8j5; } goto Zya31; F4EDj: $dZL1n = $this->c3w_3($dZL1n); goto kpTz1; gK67B: YnfQg: goto Ao2EN; ehQHM: return \KGys5\b12oT\NJnX0(null); goto JJhhw; OJgSj: if (!("\163\x74\141\163\x68" === $dmkFi)) { goto x5mxu; } goto Nx1uD; Yplew: $this->HCqR4->jWQnQ(array_slice($ZCljf, 0, 10)); goto Aj9ZB; IyaWV: VmC7j: goto ehQHM; MgKl8: vcZJG: goto OJgSj; WFLMK: x5mxu: goto cUnbU; Aj9ZB: if (!(count($ZCljf) > 10)) { goto wuPj8; } goto uEx8I; x2bc7: return $this->iTl4M($dZL1n); goto WFLMK; X1q0h: switch ($this->HCqR4->sTprr("\40\x20\40\x20\74\x69\156\x66\x6f\76\x44\151\x73\x63\x61\x72\x64\40\143\x68\x61\x6e\147\x65\163\x20\x5b\171\54\x6e\54\x76\x2c\144\54" . ($QQaSR ? "\163\x2c" : '') . "\x3f\x5d\x3f\x3c\57\x69\x6e\x66\157\76\40", "\77")) { case "\x79": $this->HSnHu($dZL1n); goto VmC7j; case "\x73": goto Lno_9; Lno_9: if ($QQaSR) { goto cwUJ5; } goto U0y2Q; rodGh: goto VmC7j; goto RaLGa; U0y2Q: goto yx8xV; goto pT1SR; Mo_8S: $this->ITL4M($dZL1n); goto rodGh; pT1SR: cwUJ5: goto Mo_8S; RaLGa: case "\156": throw new \RuntimeException("\125\x70\144\x61\x74\145\x20\x61\x62\157\162\x74\x65\x64"); case "\166": $this->HCqR4->jWQNQ($ZCljf); goto N__PC; case "\x64": $this->ZLEaq($dZL1n); goto N__PC; case "\x3f": default: goto Mey8P; Ybp7r: $this->HCqR4->jwQnq("\x20\x20\x20\40\x73\x20\55\x20\163\164\x61\163\150\40\x63\x68\141\x6e\147\145\x73\40\x61\x6e\144\x20\164\x72\x79\x20\164\x6f\x20\x72\x65\x61\x70\x70\154\171\40\164\x68\145\155\40\x61\x66\x74\x65\x72\40\x74\x68\145\40\x75\160\x64\141\164\x65"); goto onVpA; onVpA: S1smd: goto oG1NG; oG1NG: $this->HCqR4->JWQnq("\x20\40\40\40\x3f\40\x2d\40\160\162\x69\156\x74\40\x68\145\x6c\160"); goto irZX_; hOeBe: if (!$QQaSR) { goto S1smd; } goto Ybp7r; irZX_: goto N__PC; goto tQot0; Mey8P: yx8xV: goto y19Q_; y19Q_: $this->HCqR4->JwQnQ(["\40\x20\40\x20\x79\40\55\x20\144\151\163\143\141\162\x64\x20\x63\150\x61\x6e\x67\x65\x73\x20\141\x6e\x64\x20\141\x70\160\154\171\40\x74\x68\145\x20" . ($QQaSR ? "\x75\160\144\141\x74\x65" : "\165\156\x69\156\163\164\x61\x6c\154"), "\40\x20\40\40\x6e\40\55\x20\x61\142\157\x72\x74\x20\164\x68\145\x20" . ($QQaSR ? "\x75\x70\x64\x61\164\145" : "\165\x6e\x69\x6e\163\164\141\154\x6c") . "\x20\141\156\x64\40\x6c\145\164\x20\x79\157\165\x20\155\x61\x6e\x75\141\154\154\x79\40\143\154\145\x61\x6e\40\x74\x68\151\156\x67\x73\40\x75\x70", "\40\x20\40\x20\x76\40\55\x20\166\151\x65\167\40\x6d\x6f\x64\151\x66\x69\x65\x64\x20\x66\x69\x6c\x65\163", "\40\x20\40\x20\x64\x20\x2d\x20\x76\x69\145\167\40\154\x6f\143\141\x6c\40\x6d\157\144\151\x66\151\143\x61\164\x69\157\156\x73\40\50\144\x69\x66\146\x29"]); goto hOeBe; tQot0: } goto Y9gL1; kdrrF: if (!true) { goto VmC7j; } goto X1q0h; Ao2EN: if ($this->HCqR4->tQGSL()) { goto f13_E; } goto XsAod; uPweN: $this->HCqR4->jwQNQ("\x20\x20\40\x20\74\145\162\162\157\162\76" . $uTRWR->r0iGT() . "\x20\150\141\x73\40\155\157\144\x69\146\x69\145\144\40\146\151\154\145\x73\x3a\x3c\57\145\162\162\157\162\x3e"); goto Yplew; Nhdxv: rziLQ: goto kdrrF; ntNGo: if (!(null === ($ZCljf = $this->g5JQp($uTRWR, $dZL1n)))) { goto YnfQg; } goto P1UME; mKvF1: f13_E: goto CuFOK; ahyj9: goto rziLQ; goto IyaWV; Y9gL1: C73rF: goto EnPLj; ZaL2y: wuPj8: goto Nhdxv; WF4n5: return $this->hSNHU($dZL1n); goto MgKl8; wqn4B: throw new \RuntimeException("\123\157\x75\162\x63\x65\40\x64\x69\x72\145\x63\x74\157\x72\x79\40" . $dZL1n . "\40\x68\141\163\x20\165\156\x70\x75\x73\x68\x65\x64\40\143\150\141\x6e\x67\145\x73\x20\x6f\x6e\40\164\150\145\x20\143\165\x72\x72\x65\156\x74\40\x62\x72\x61\156\143\x68\x3a\40" . "\12" . $Z7A8f); goto eOctW; eOctW: Sb5rY: goto ntNGo; Zya31: return parent::M1cNn($uTRWR, $dZL1n, $QQaSR); goto Cse0m; JJhhw: } protected function znoli(string $dZL1n) : void { goto DZsTS; DwVaS: I6LN9: goto N178E; SoAeg: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("\x67\x69\x74\x20\x73\164\x61\163\150\40\x70\x6f\x70", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto vY9U6; } goto K0hBV; fUBZm: vY9U6: goto DwVaS; DZsTS: $dZL1n = $this->C3w_3($dZL1n); goto AOi8K; asxZQ: $this->HCqR4->jWQNQ("\40\40\x20\x20\74\x69\156\x66\157\76\122\145\55\x61\x70\160\x6c\x79\151\156\x67\x20\163\x74\x61\163\x68\145\x64\x20\x63\150\141\156\147\145\163\x3c\57\151\x6e\x66\x6f\76"); goto SoAeg; N178E: unset($this->V4rRc[$dZL1n]); goto jMr7v; K0hBV: throw new \RuntimeException("\106\x61\x69\154\x65\144\40\164\x6f\40\141\160\160\x6c\171\40\x73\164\141\163\150\145\x64\40\143\150\x61\x6e\x67\x65\163\x3a\12\12" . $this->AFIvB->mJMB0()); goto fUBZm; EiiCl: unset($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n]); goto asxZQ; AOi8K: if (empty($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n])) { goto I6LN9; } goto EiiCl; jMr7v: } protected function yKWr1(K70fd $uTRWR, string $dZL1n, string $iuTgV, string $pLBHI) : ?string { goto FLHz_; i0xpP: SdLbD: goto g_u3J; YN3Pv: jvhHV: goto UVnGs; wCheS: $l1_8Y = "\12\111\x74\x20\154\157\x6f\153\163\40\x6c\151\x6b\145\40\x74\150\145\40\x63\x6f\155\155\151\164\x20\150\x61\163\x68\x20\x69\x73\40\x6e\157\164\40\x61\x76\141\151\154\x61\x62\x6c\x65\40\x69\156\x20\x74\150\145\x20\162\x65\x70\157\163\151\x74\x6f\x72\171\x2c\x20\x6d\x61\171\142\x65\x20" . ($uTRWR->C8GpP() ? "\164\150\x65\x20\143\157\x6d\x6d\151\x74\x20\x77\141\x73\x20\x72\x65\x6d\157\166\145\144\40\146\x72\157\x6d\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\142\x72\x61\156\x63\150" : "\164\x68\x65\40\164\141\x67\x20\x77\x61\x73\x20\x72\x65\143\162\x65\x61\164\x65\144") . "\x3f\40\122\165\156\x20\42\143\x6f\155\x70\157\x73\x65\x72\x20\x75\160\x64\141\164\145\x20" . $uTRWR->R0Igt() . "\x22\40\164\157\40\x72\x65\x73\x6f\154\166\x65\40\x74\x68\151\163\56"; goto Oevdy; UVnGs: $N_Ddr = sprintf($mLlu0, p3rYm::v78Fi($lq23t)); goto SZuGn; SZuGn: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto KANla; } goto kT4V6; R4zBR: $N_Ddr = sprintf("\147\x69\164\x20\x63\150\145\x63\x6b\x6f\x75\164\40\x25\x73\x20\55\55", P3RyM::V78fi($I2DB8)); goto RonRL; xpvB9: $I2DB8 = "\166" . $I2DB8; goto jJq_3; HPlt7: throw new \RuntimeException(B_rgh::oql9D("\106\141\x69\154\x65\144\x20\164\x6f\40\145\x78\x65\143\165\164\145\40" . $N_Ddr . "\12\xa" . $this->AFIvB->mJmB0() . $l1_8Y)); goto EjoKK; DIjiU: $this->HCqR4->JwqnQ("\x20\x20\x20\x20\x3c\167\x61\x72\x6e\x69\x6e\147\x3e" . $iuTgV . "\x20\151\163\40\147\157\x6e\145\40\x28\150\x69\163\x74\x6f\x72\171\x20\x77\141\163\x20\162\145\167\x72\151\164\164\x65\x6e\x3f\51\74\x2f\x77\x61\x72\156\x69\156\x67\x3e"); goto wCheS; Gx3FB: $N_Ddr = sprintf("\x67\x69\164\40\143\150\145\143\153\x6f\165\x74\x20" . $ND4Hq . "\55\102\x20\x25\163\40\x25\x73\x20\55\55\40\x26\46\x20\x67\151\x74\40\162\145\163\x65\x74\40\x2d\x2d\150\x61\162\x64\x20\45\62\44\163\x20\55\55", p3rYM::V78FI($I2DB8), p3RYm::V78Fi("\143\157\x6d\x70\157\163\145\162\57" . $iuTgV)); goto eOq8u; RR6q8: $LSEah = sprintf("\x67\x69\x74\40\162\x65\x73\x65\x74\40\x2d\x2d\150\x61\x72\144\x20\45\x73\x20\x2d\x2d", p3rYm::V78Fi($iuTgV)); goto ix52N; VYkyV: if (!(false !== strpos($this->AFIvB->MjmB0(), $iuTgV))) { goto qHH_O; } goto DIjiU; JryOt: $mLlu0 = "\x67\151\x74\x20\143\150\x65\143\x6b\157\165\x74\40" . $ND4Hq . "\45\163\x20\x2d\55\x20\46\46\x20\147\151\x74\40\x72\x65\x73\145\164\x20\x2d\x2d\150\141\162\x64\x20\45\x31\x24\163\x20\x2d\55"; goto WGbs1; jSZAV: KANla: goto An03c; HRxs7: $O4Zgk = $yaMTv; goto i0xpP; T8TSW: if (!(!O0omD::PUzhe("\173\x5e\x5b\141\x2d\x66\60\55\x39\x5d\173\64\x30\175\x24\175", $iuTgV) && null !== $O4Zgk && o0omd::puZHe("\x7b\136\134\163\53\143\x6f\x6d\x70\157\x73\145\x72\57" . preg_quote($iuTgV) . "\x24\x7d\x6d", $O4Zgk))) { goto pIz4f; } goto Gx3FB; kT4V6: return null; goto jSZAV; An03c: $l1_8Y = ''; goto VYkyV; FLHz_: $ND4Hq = !empty($this->V4rRc[$dZL1n]) || !empty($this->rKa2C[$dZL1n]) ? "\x2d\x66\x20" : ''; goto JryOt; M8N3m: if (!(null !== $O4Zgk && !O0oMD::puZhE("\173\x5e\134\163\53\143\x6f\155\160\157\163\145\x72\x2f" . preg_quote($I2DB8) . "\44\175\x6d", $O4Zgk) && O0OmD::puZHE("\x7b\x5e\134\x73\53\x63\157\x6d\x70\157\163\145\x72\x2f\x76" . preg_quote($I2DB8) . "\x24\175\155", $O4Zgk))) { goto jjN7V; } goto xpvB9; ET_3X: $O4Zgk = null; goto bN4gc; WGbs1: $I2DB8 = O0oMd::UfbXd("\x7b\50\77\x3a\136\x64\x65\166\55\174\x28\x3f\x3a\134\56\x78\x29\77\55\144\145\166\x24\51\175\151", '', $pLBHI); goto ET_3X; RonRL: $XPFiv = sprintf("\147\151\164\x20\x63\150\x65\143\x6b\157\x75\164\40" . $ND4Hq . "\55\102\40\45\163\x20\x25\x73\40\55\55", p3RyM::V78Fi($I2DB8), P3RYm::v78fI("\x63\x6f\x6d\x70\x6f\x73\x65\x72\x2f" . $I2DB8)); goto RR6q8; bN4gc: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("\147\151\x74\x20\142\x72\x61\x6e\143\150\40\x2d\x72", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto SdLbD; } goto HRxs7; Oevdy: qHH_O: goto HPlt7; aaHus: return null; goto RYpKu; YTsn2: if (!O0OMd::PUZHe("\x7b\x5e\x5b\141\x2d\x66\60\55\x39\x5d\x7b\64\x30\175\44\175", $iuTgV)) { goto jvhHV; } goto M8N3m; E1tdx: Or4lr: goto WJrG2; g_u3J: $lq23t = $iuTgV; goto T8TSW; WJrG2: pIz4f: goto YTsn2; ix52N: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute("\50{$N_Ddr}\40\x7c\174\x20{$XPFiv}\51\x20\x26\x26\x20{$LSEah}", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Tmsb9; } goto aaHus; cJ20F: return null; goto E1tdx; RYpKu: Tmsb9: goto YN3Pv; jJq_3: jjN7V: goto R4zBR; eOq8u: if (!(0 === $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto Or4lr; } goto cJ20F; EjoKK: } protected function PTI4S(string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : void { $this->AFIvB->execute(sprintf("\147\x69\x74\x20\162\145\x6d\157\x74\x65\40\x73\x65\x74\55\x75\162\154\x20\x6f\162\x69\x67\x69\156\40\x2d\x2d\40\45\x73", p3ryM::V78FI($ydtH_)), $yaMTv, $dZL1n); $this->LWjZa($dZL1n, $ydtH_); } protected function LwJzA(string $dZL1n, string $ydtH_) : void { goto EwNuf; Kl5eQ: PsNzU: goto GvrPZ; yqkUw: $kcTOz = "\x67\x69\x74\x40" . $WOlMz[1] . "\72" . $WOlMz[2] . "\57" . $WOlMz[3] . "\56\147\151\164"; goto RPgK3; psuSx: $this->AFIvB->execute($wGYr1, $L1KKD, $dZL1n); goto zwemr; RPgK3: if (in_array("\163\163\150", $c82r0, true)) { goto PsNzU; } goto lSOZJ; zwemr: SVMWg: goto kfXir; lSOZJ: $kcTOz = "\x68\164\x74\x70\163\72\x2f\x2f" . $WOlMz[1] . "\57" . $WOlMz[2] . "\x2f" . $WOlMz[3] . "\56\147\151\164"; goto Kl5eQ; GvrPZ: $wGYr1 = sprintf("\x67\x69\164\40\162\145\x6d\157\x74\145\40\163\145\164\55\165\162\154\40\x2d\55\x70\165\x73\x68\40\x6f\162\151\147\151\x6e\x20\55\x2d\x20\x25\x73", P3RyM::v78fI($kcTOz)); goto psuSx; EwNuf: if (!O0omd::PuzHe("\x7b\136\x28\77\72\x68\x74\164\x70\x73\x3f\x7c\147\x69\x74\x29\72\57\x2f" . jv6vj::IyKK7($this->k1pZc) . "\57\50\133\x5e\57\135\53\51\x2f\x28\x5b\x5e\x2f\135\53\x3f\51\x28\x3f\x3a\134\56\147\151\164\51\77\44\175", $ydtH_, $WOlMz)) { goto SVMWg; } goto kpdeN; kpdeN: $c82r0 = $this->k1pZc->get("\x67\151\164\150\x75\142\55\160\162\157\164\157\x63\x6f\x6c\x73"); goto yqkUw; kfXir: } protected function ar2JW(string $bcMWD, string $ImnH9, string $dZL1n) : string { goto A1Ber; Ul_bc: $N_Ddr = sprintf("\x67\151\164\40\x6c\x6f\x67\x20\45\163\x2e\x2e\45\x73\x20\x2d\55\x70\162\x65\164\164\171\75\x66\x6f\162\x6d\141\x74\x3a\42\45\x25\x68\40\55\40\45\45\x61\x6e\72\x20\x25\x25\163\42" . JV6vj::sLvm4($this->AFIvB), p3RyM::V78fi($bcMWD), P3RyM::V78FI($ImnH9)); goto bG6z8; OWKfE: return $yaMTv; goto HtZHZ; A1Ber: $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); goto Ul_bc; bG6z8: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute($N_Ddr, $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto bTVq8; } goto qsXDQ; qsXDQ: throw new \RuntimeException("\106\x61\151\154\145\144\x20\164\157\x20\145\x78\x65\x63\x75\164\145\40" . $N_Ddr . "\12\12" . $this->AFIvB->Mjmb0()); goto pnXID; pnXID: bTVq8: goto OWKfE; HtZHZ: } protected function hSNhU(string $dZL1n) : P4UlG { goto u0f9o; Obdxi: $this->V4rRc[$dZL1n] = true; goto NHSL4; NHSL4: return \kGys5\b12Ot\nJNX0(null); goto wxrAs; I23Sp: iIkyg: goto Obdxi; u0f9o: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto kT3Wb; oyxVD: throw new \RuntimeException("\103\x6f\x75\x6c\x64\40\x6e\x6f\x74\40\x72\145\x73\x65\x74\40\143\150\141\156\x67\x65\x73\xa\12\72" . $yaMTv); goto I23Sp; kT3Wb: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("\x67\151\164\40\x63\154\x65\141\x6e\40\55\144\x66\40\46\x26\40\147\151\x74\40\x72\145\x73\145\164\40\x2d\55\x68\141\x72\x64", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto iIkyg; } goto oyxVD; wxrAs: } protected function ITL4M(string $dZL1n) : p4ULg { goto l3XaF; qfGEx: return \kGys5\b12Ot\njNX0(null); goto IHpMh; xTlOd: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("\x67\x69\x74\40\x73\164\x61\163\x68\40\55\55\x69\156\143\154\x75\144\145\x2d\x75\x6e\164\x72\x61\143\x6b\x65\144", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto n5cix; } goto NmOou; ti0zn: $this->rKa2C[$dZL1n] = true; goto qfGEx; jKOeJ: n5cix: goto ti0zn; l3XaF: $dZL1n = $this->c3w_3($dZL1n); goto xTlOd; NmOou: throw new \RuntimeException("\x43\x6f\165\154\144\x20\156\157\x74\x20\x73\164\141\163\150\40\143\150\x61\x6e\x67\x65\163\12\12\x3a" . $yaMTv); goto jKOeJ; IHpMh: } protected function ZlEaQ(string $dZL1n) : void { goto G5ciK; G5ciK: $dZL1n = $this->c3W_3($dZL1n); goto By8AE; HProC: throw new \RuntimeException("\103\157\165\154\144\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x76\x69\x65\167\x20\144\151\x66\146\xa\12\x3a" . $yaMTv); goto stY1A; niKeL: $this->HCqR4->jwQNq($yaMTv); goto rF1Zm; By8AE: if (!(0 !== $this->AFIvB->execute("\147\151\164\x20\x64\x69\x66\x66\x20\x48\x45\101\x44", $yaMTv, $dZL1n))) { goto ZDa_8; } goto HProC; stY1A: ZDa_8: goto niKeL; rF1Zm: } protected function c3W_3(string $dZL1n) : string { goto krxCA; oAb5v: o7DS1: goto lpG0o; VWrja: $yuIQh = $dZL1n; goto jteKI; uIgzU: uw2r8: goto oOxJ2; YOHWU: $dZL1n = rtrim(realpath($yuIQh) . "\57" . implode("\57", $EHT7A), "\x2f"); goto Y1LXi; oOxJ2: if (!(!is_dir($yuIQh) && $yuIQh !== "\134")) { goto o7DS1; } goto uX5Cb; Ec5F8: return $dZL1n; goto FARf9; krxCA: if (!(VumE1::b5Kve() && strlen($dZL1n) > 0)) { goto zNmiU; } goto VWrja; FARf9: ObyBq: goto YOHWU; jteKI: $EHT7A = []; goto uIgzU; uX5Cb: array_unshift($EHT7A, basename($yuIQh)); goto R5rpI; S1x51: goto uw2r8; goto oAb5v; R5rpI: $yuIQh = dirname($yuIQh); goto S1x51; lpG0o: if (!($yuIQh === "\134")) { goto ObyBq; } goto Ec5F8; imhGX: return $dZL1n; goto ITx_L; Y1LXi: zNmiU: goto imhGX; ITx_L: } protected function ohHdU(string $dZL1n) : bool { $dZL1n = $this->C3W_3($dZL1n); return is_dir($dZL1n . "\x2f\x2e\147\151\x74"); } protected function vWLjZ(string $iuTgV) : string { goto XXmGg; BlFkE: return substr($iuTgV, 0, 10); goto iHnSR; XXmGg: if (!(!$this->HCqR4->E2xqT() && o0OMD::puzHe("\173\136\x5b\60\x2d\x39\x61\x2d\x66\135\173\x34\x30\x7d\44\x7d", $iuTgV))) { goto H6wK3; } goto BlFkE; tc1Eb: return $iuTgV; goto Lyg5h; iHnSR: H6wK3: goto tc1Eb; Lyg5h: } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 121 ms