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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework. * ..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Translation;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI;
use CodeIgniter\Helpers\Array\ArrayHelper;
use Config\App;
use Locale;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use SplFileInfo;
* @see \CodeIgniter\Commands\Translation\LocalizationFinderTest
class LocalizationFinder extends BaseCommand
protected $group = 'Translation';
protected $name = 'lang:find';
protected $description = 'Find and save available phrases to translate.';
protected $usage = 'lang:find [options]';
protected $arguments = [];
protected $options = [
'--locale' => 'Specify locale (en, ru, etc.) to save files.',
'--dir' => 'Directory to search for translations relative to APPPATH.',
'--show-new' => 'Show only new translations in table. Does not write to files.',
'--verbose' => 'Output detailed information.',
* Flag for output detailed information
private bool $verbose = false;
* Flag for showing only translations, without saving
private bool $showNew = false;
private string $languagePath;
public function run(array $params)
$this->verbose = array_key_exists('verbose', $params);
$this->showNew = array_key_exists('show-new', $params);
$optionLocale = $params['locale'] ?? null;
$optionDir = $params['dir'] ?? null;
$currentLocale = Locale::getDefault();
$currentDir = APPPATH;
$this->languagePath = $currentDir . 'Language';
if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing') {
$this->languagePath = SUPPORTPATH . 'Language';
if (is_string($optionLocale)) {
if (! in_array($optionLocale, config(App::class)->supportedLocales, true)) {
'Error: "' . $optionLocale . '" is not supported. Supported locales: '
. implode(', ', config(App::class)->supportedLocales)
$currentLocale = $optionLocale;
if (is_string($optionDir)) {
$tempCurrentDir = realpath($currentDir . $optionDir);
if ($tempCurrentDir === false) {
CLI::error('Error: Directory must be located in "' . $currentDir . '"');
if ($this->isSubDirectory($tempCurrentDir, $this->languagePath)) {
CLI::error('Error: Directory "' . $this->languagePath . '" restricted to scan.');
$currentDir = $tempCurrentDir;
$this->process($currentDir, $currentLocale);
CLI::write('All operations done!');
private function process(string $currentDir, string $currentLocale): void
$tableRows = [];
$countNewKeys = 0;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($currentDir));
$files = iterator_to_array($iterator, true);
'foundLanguageKeys' => $foundLanguageKeys,
'badLanguageKeys' => $badLanguageKeys,
'countFiles' => $countFiles
] = $this->findLanguageKeysInFiles($files);
$languageDiff = [];
$languageFoundGroups = array_unique(array_keys($foundLanguageKeys));
foreach ($languageFoundGroups as $langFileName) {
$languageStoredKeys = [];
$languageFilePath = $this->languagePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $currentLocale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $langFileName . '.php';
if (is_file($languageFilePath)) {
// Load old localization
$languageStoredKeys = require $languageFilePath;
$languageDiff = ArrayHelper::recursiveDiff($foundLanguageKeys[$langFileName], $languageStoredKeys);
$countNewKeys += ArrayHelper::recursiveCount($languageDiff);
if ($this->showNew) {
$tableRows = array_merge($this->arrayToTableRows($langFileName, $languageDiff), $tableRows);
} else {
$newLanguageKeys = array_replace_recursive($foundLanguageKeys[$langFileName], $languageStoredKeys);
if ($languageDiff !== []) {
if (file_put_contents($languageFilePath, $this->templateFile($newLanguageKeys)) === false) {
$this->writeIsVerbose('Lang file ' . $langFileName . ' (error write).', 'red');
} else {
$this->writeIsVerbose('Lang file "' . $langFileName . '" successful updated!', 'green');
if ($this->showNew && $tableRows !== []) {
CLI::table($tableRows, ['File', 'Key']);
if (! $this->showNew && $countNewKeys > 0) {
CLI::write('Note: You need to run your linting tool to fix coding standards issues.', 'white', 'red');
$this->writeIsVerbose('Files found: ' . $countFiles);
$this->writeIsVerbose('New translates found: ' . $countNewKeys);
$this->writeIsVerbose('Bad translates found: ' . count($badLanguageKeys));
if ($this->verbose && $badLanguageKeys !== []) {
$tableBadRows = [];
foreach ($badLanguageKeys as $value) {
$tableBadRows[] = [$value[1], $value[0]];
ArrayHelper::sortValuesByNatural($tableBadRows, 0);
CLI::table($tableBadRows, ['Bad Key', 'Filepath']);
* @param SplFileInfo|string $file
* @return array<string, array>
private function findTranslationsInFile($file): array
$foundLanguageKeys = [];
$badLanguageKeys = [];
if (is_string($file) && is_file($file)) {
$file = new SplFileInfo($file);
$fileContent = file_get_contents($file->getRealPath());
preg_match_all('/lang\(\'([._a-z0-9\-]+)\'\)/ui', $fileContent, $matches);
if ($matches[1] === []) {
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys');
foreach ($matches[1] as $phraseKey) {
$phraseKeys = explode('.', $phraseKey);
// Language key not have Filename or Lang key
if (count($phraseKeys) < 2) {
$badLanguageKeys[] = [mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(ROOTPATH)), $phraseKey];
$languageFileName = array_shift($phraseKeys);
$isEmptyNestedArray = ($languageFileName !== '' && $phraseKeys[0] === '')
|| ($languageFileName === '' && $phraseKeys[0] !== '')
|| ($languageFileName === '' && $phraseKeys[0] === '');
if ($isEmptyNestedArray) {
$badLanguageKeys[] = [mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(ROOTPATH)), $phraseKey];
if (count($phraseKeys) === 1) {
$foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName][$phraseKeys[0]] = $phraseKey;
} else {
$childKeys = $this->buildMultiArray($phraseKeys, $phraseKey);
$foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName] = array_replace_recursive($foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName] ?? [], $childKeys);
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys');
private function isIgnoredFile(SplFileInfo $file): bool
if ($file->isDir() || $this->isSubDirectory($file->getRealPath(), $this->languagePath)) {
return true;
return $file->getExtension() !== 'php';
private function templateFile(array $language = []): string
if ($language !== []) {
$languageArrayString = var_export($language, true);
$code = <<<PHP
return {$languageArrayString};
return $this->replaceArraySyntax($code);
return <<<'PHP'
return [];
private function replaceArraySyntax(string $code): string
$tokens = token_get_all($code);
$newTokens = $tokens;
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
[$tokenId, $tokenValue] = $token;
// Replace "array ("
if (
$tokenId === T_ARRAY
&& $tokens[$i + 1][0] === T_WHITESPACE
&& $tokens[$i + 2] === '('
) {
$newTokens[$i][1] = '[';
$newTokens[$i + 1][1] = '';
$newTokens[$i + 2] = '';
// Replace indent
if ($tokenId === T_WHITESPACE && preg_match('/
([ ]+)/u', $tokenValue, $matches)) {
$newTokens[$i][1] = "
} // Replace ")"
elseif ($token === ')') {
$newTokens[$i] = ']';
$output = '';
foreach ($newTokens as $token) {
$output .= $token[1] ?? $token;
return $output;
* Create multidimensional array from another keys
private function buildMultiArray(array $fromKeys, string $lastArrayValue = ''): array
$newArray = [];
$lastIndex = array_pop($fromKeys);
$current = &$newArray;
foreach ($fromKeys as $value) {
$current[$value] = [];
$current = &$current[$value];
$current[$lastIndex] = $lastArrayValue;
return $newArray;
* Convert multi arrays to specific CLI table rows (flat array)
private function arrayToTableRows(string $langFileName, array $array): array
$rows = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$rows = array_merge($rows, $this->arrayToTableRows($langFileName, $value));
if (is_string($value)) {
$rows[] = [$langFileName, $value];
return $rows;
* Show details in the console if the flag is set
private function writeIsVerbose(string $text = '', ?string $foreground = null, ?string $background = null): void
if ($this->verbose) {
CLI::write($text, $foreground, $background);
private function isSubDirectory(string $directory, string $rootDirectory): bool
return 0 === strncmp($directory, $rootDirectory, strlen($directory));
* @param list<SplFileInfo> $files
* @return array<string, array|int>
* @phpstan-return array{'foundLanguageKeys': array<string, array<string, string>>, 'badLanguageKeys': array<int, array<int, string>>, 'countFiles': int}
private function findLanguageKeysInFiles(array $files): array
$foundLanguageKeys = [];
$badLanguageKeys = [];
$countFiles = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($this->isIgnoredFile($file)) {
$this->writeIsVerbose('File found: ' . mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(APPPATH)));
$findInFile = $this->findTranslationsInFile($file);
$foundLanguageKeys = array_replace_recursive($findInFile['foundLanguageKeys'], $foundLanguageKeys);
$badLanguageKeys = array_merge($findInFile['badLanguageKeys'], $badLanguageKeys);
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys', 'countFiles');
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Translation;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI;
use CodeIgniter\Helpers\Array\ArrayHelper;
use Config\App;
use Locale;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use SplFileInfo;
* @see \CodeIgniter\Commands\Translation\LocalizationFinderTest
class LocalizationFinder extends BaseCommand
protected $group = 'Translation';
protected $name = 'lang:find';
protected $description = 'Find and save available phrases to translate.';
protected $usage = 'lang:find [options]';
protected $arguments = [];
protected $options = [
'--locale' => 'Specify locale (en, ru, etc.) to save files.',
'--dir' => 'Directory to search for translations relative to APPPATH.',
'--show-new' => 'Show only new translations in table. Does not write to files.',
'--verbose' => 'Output detailed information.',
* Flag for output detailed information
private bool $verbose = false;
* Flag for showing only translations, without saving
private bool $showNew = false;
private string $languagePath;
public function run(array $params)
$this->verbose = array_key_exists('verbose', $params);
$this->showNew = array_key_exists('show-new', $params);
$optionLocale = $params['locale'] ?? null;
$optionDir = $params['dir'] ?? null;
$currentLocale = Locale::getDefault();
$currentDir = APPPATH;
$this->languagePath = $currentDir . 'Language';
if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing') {
$this->languagePath = SUPPORTPATH . 'Language';
if (is_string($optionLocale)) {
if (! in_array($optionLocale, config(App::class)->supportedLocales, true)) {
'Error: "' . $optionLocale . '" is not supported. Supported locales: '
. implode(', ', config(App::class)->supportedLocales)
$currentLocale = $optionLocale;
if (is_string($optionDir)) {
$tempCurrentDir = realpath($currentDir . $optionDir);
if ($tempCurrentDir === false) {
CLI::error('Error: Directory must be located in "' . $currentDir . '"');
if ($this->isSubDirectory($tempCurrentDir, $this->languagePath)) {
CLI::error('Error: Directory "' . $this->languagePath . '" restricted to scan.');
$currentDir = $tempCurrentDir;
$this->process($currentDir, $currentLocale);
CLI::write('All operations done!');
private function process(string $currentDir, string $currentLocale): void
$tableRows = [];
$countNewKeys = 0;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($currentDir));
$files = iterator_to_array($iterator, true);
'foundLanguageKeys' => $foundLanguageKeys,
'badLanguageKeys' => $badLanguageKeys,
'countFiles' => $countFiles
] = $this->findLanguageKeysInFiles($files);
$languageDiff = [];
$languageFoundGroups = array_unique(array_keys($foundLanguageKeys));
foreach ($languageFoundGroups as $langFileName) {
$languageStoredKeys = [];
$languageFilePath = $this->languagePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $currentLocale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $langFileName . '.php';
if (is_file($languageFilePath)) {
// Load old localization
$languageStoredKeys = require $languageFilePath;
$languageDiff = ArrayHelper::recursiveDiff($foundLanguageKeys[$langFileName], $languageStoredKeys);
$countNewKeys += ArrayHelper::recursiveCount($languageDiff);
if ($this->showNew) {
$tableRows = array_merge($this->arrayToTableRows($langFileName, $languageDiff), $tableRows);
} else {
$newLanguageKeys = array_replace_recursive($foundLanguageKeys[$langFileName], $languageStoredKeys);
if ($languageDiff !== []) {
if (file_put_contents($languageFilePath, $this->templateFile($newLanguageKeys)) === false) {
$this->writeIsVerbose('Lang file ' . $langFileName . ' (error write).', 'red');
} else {
$this->writeIsVerbose('Lang file "' . $langFileName . '" successful updated!', 'green');
if ($this->showNew && $tableRows !== []) {
CLI::table($tableRows, ['File', 'Key']);
if (! $this->showNew && $countNewKeys > 0) {
CLI::write('Note: You need to run your linting tool to fix coding standards issues.', 'white', 'red');
$this->writeIsVerbose('Files found: ' . $countFiles);
$this->writeIsVerbose('New translates found: ' . $countNewKeys);
$this->writeIsVerbose('Bad translates found: ' . count($badLanguageKeys));
if ($this->verbose && $badLanguageKeys !== []) {
$tableBadRows = [];
foreach ($badLanguageKeys as $value) {
$tableBadRows[] = [$value[1], $value[0]];
ArrayHelper::sortValuesByNatural($tableBadRows, 0);
CLI::table($tableBadRows, ['Bad Key', 'Filepath']);
* @param SplFileInfo|string $file
* @return array<string, array>
private function findTranslationsInFile($file): array
$foundLanguageKeys = [];
$badLanguageKeys = [];
if (is_string($file) && is_file($file)) {
$file = new SplFileInfo($file);
$fileContent = file_get_contents($file->getRealPath());
preg_match_all('/lang\(\'([._a-z0-9\-]+)\'\)/ui', $fileContent, $matches);
if ($matches[1] === []) {
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys');
foreach ($matches[1] as $phraseKey) {
$phraseKeys = explode('.', $phraseKey);
// Language key not have Filename or Lang key
if (count($phraseKeys) < 2) {
$badLanguageKeys[] = [mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(ROOTPATH)), $phraseKey];
$languageFileName = array_shift($phraseKeys);
$isEmptyNestedArray = ($languageFileName !== '' && $phraseKeys[0] === '')
|| ($languageFileName === '' && $phraseKeys[0] !== '')
|| ($languageFileName === '' && $phraseKeys[0] === '');
if ($isEmptyNestedArray) {
$badLanguageKeys[] = [mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(ROOTPATH)), $phraseKey];
if (count($phraseKeys) === 1) {
$foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName][$phraseKeys[0]] = $phraseKey;
} else {
$childKeys = $this->buildMultiArray($phraseKeys, $phraseKey);
$foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName] = array_replace_recursive($foundLanguageKeys[$languageFileName] ?? [], $childKeys);
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys');
private function isIgnoredFile(SplFileInfo $file): bool
if ($file->isDir() || $this->isSubDirectory($file->getRealPath(), $this->languagePath)) {
return true;
return $file->getExtension() !== 'php';
private function templateFile(array $language = []): string
if ($language !== []) {
$languageArrayString = var_export($language, true);
$code = <<<PHP
return {$languageArrayString};
return $this->replaceArraySyntax($code);
return <<<'PHP'
return [];
private function replaceArraySyntax(string $code): string
$tokens = token_get_all($code);
$newTokens = $tokens;
foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
[$tokenId, $tokenValue] = $token;
// Replace "array ("
if (
$tokenId === T_ARRAY
&& $tokens[$i + 1][0] === T_WHITESPACE
&& $tokens[$i + 2] === '('
) {
$newTokens[$i][1] = '[';
$newTokens[$i + 1][1] = '';
$newTokens[$i + 2] = '';
// Replace indent
if ($tokenId === T_WHITESPACE && preg_match('/\n([ ]+)/u', $tokenValue, $matches)) {
$newTokens[$i][1] = "\n{$matches[1]}{$matches[1]}";
} // Replace ")"
elseif ($token === ')') {
$newTokens[$i] = ']';
$output = '';
foreach ($newTokens as $token) {
$output .= $token[1] ?? $token;
return $output;
* Create multidimensional array from another keys
private function buildMultiArray(array $fromKeys, string $lastArrayValue = ''): array
$newArray = [];
$lastIndex = array_pop($fromKeys);
$current = &$newArray;
foreach ($fromKeys as $value) {
$current[$value] = [];
$current = &$current[$value];
$current[$lastIndex] = $lastArrayValue;
return $newArray;
* Convert multi arrays to specific CLI table rows (flat array)
private function arrayToTableRows(string $langFileName, array $array): array
$rows = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$rows = array_merge($rows, $this->arrayToTableRows($langFileName, $value));
if (is_string($value)) {
$rows[] = [$langFileName, $value];
return $rows;
* Show details in the console if the flag is set
private function writeIsVerbose(string $text = '', ?string $foreground = null, ?string $background = null): void
if ($this->verbose) {
CLI::write($text, $foreground, $background);
private function isSubDirectory(string $directory, string $rootDirectory): bool
return 0 === strncmp($directory, $rootDirectory, strlen($directory));
* @param list<SplFileInfo> $files
* @return array<string, array|int>
* @phpstan-return array{'foundLanguageKeys': array<string, array<string, string>>, 'badLanguageKeys': array<int, array<int, string>>, 'countFiles': int}
private function findLanguageKeysInFiles(array $files): array
$foundLanguageKeys = [];
$badLanguageKeys = [];
$countFiles = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($this->isIgnoredFile($file)) {
$this->writeIsVerbose('File found: ' . mb_substr($file->getRealPath(), mb_strlen(APPPATH)));
$findInFile = $this->findTranslationsInFile($file);
$foundLanguageKeys = array_replace_recursive($findInFile['foundLanguageKeys'], $foundLanguageKeys);
$badLanguageKeys = array_merge($findInFile['badLanguageKeys'], $badLanguageKeys);
return compact('foundLanguageKeys', 'badLanguageKeys', 'countFiles');
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e10db7934d277a3b864d877b8209ca9c |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 129 ms |