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PHP Decode

<?php $ { "\x47LO\x42\x41\x4c\x53" } ["\x65io\x6c\x68\x6a\x76\x64u\x78"] = "n\x61me..

Decoded Output download

<?php $ { 
["eiolhjvdux"] = "name"; 
$ { 
["neutvtouzm"] = "password"; 
$ { 
["mlagrmyohq"] = "checkKey"; 
$ { 
["ikqiwavhrhcr"] = "getKey"; 
$ { 
["sfubvghlce"] = "recover_url"; 
$ { 
["jyukxnw"] = "recUser"; 
$ { 
["wvfmqaddpe"] = "recaptcha"; 
$ { 
["djkfyvevn"] = "user_id"; 
$ { 
["oqkhwlm"] = "referal"; 
$ { 
["pyvdqwcgf"] = "refCode"; 
$ { 
["xyvxpmxcl"] = "activate_url"; 
$ { 
["gttvll"] = "activate"; 
$ { 
["dekkbwk"] = "ref_source"; 
$ { 
["ergyuktqrhbh"] = "country"; 
$ { 
["vvmptmuaq"] = "gender"; 
$ { 
["fpjvlj"] = "email"; 
$ { 
["voxsmbycarf"] = "username"; 
$ { 
["prlhfpv"] = "hash_key"; 
$ { 
["cdooavud"] = "browser"; 
$ { 
["lifyzws"] = "login"; 
$ { 
["vgbrvhll"] = "attempts"; 
$ { 
["gcxthfsdnfxu"] = "captcha_valid"; 
$ { 
["zlrqeolq"] = "ip_address"; 
$ { 
["byrhungl"] = "data"; 
$ { 
["mfbnbvjafqd"] = "config"; 
$ { 
["uvltwc"] = "coinsValue"; 
$ { 
["vieokznqbr"] = "info"; 
$ { 
["ptvzgr"] = "amount"; 
$ { 
["uiewhbqrjc"] = "resultData"; 
$ { 
["wdfalvx"] = "result"; 
$ { 
["hkzaosg"] = "method"; 
define("BASEPATH", true); 
$ { 
["wtrohaccekx"] = "is_online"; 
define("IS_AJAX", true); 
require ("init.php"); 
if ($ { 
    $ { 
}) { 
    if (isset($_GET["a"])) { 
        $ { 
        ["jpvgttcp"] = "value"; 
        $ { 
        ["nqigwmfmielb"] = "method"; 
        $tocvkym = "amount"; 
        $ { 
        ["svhfukff"] = "config"; 
        $bjhrowsy = "id"; 
        $ { 
        ["ekgrjlqtdbzd"] = "amount"; 
        $ { 
        ["qtrxkmctj"] = "value"; 
        $ { 
        ["ntolcijo"] = "id"; 
        switch ($_GET["a"]) { 
            case "calculateWithdraw": 
                $ { 
                } = $db->EscapeString($_GET["amount"]); 
                $ { 
                        $ { 
                } = number_format($ { 
                        $ { 
                } / $ { 
                        $ { 
                ["coins_rate"], 2); 
                echo "<b>\$" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                } . "</b> will be sent to your selected withdrawal method."; 
            case "getWithdraw": 
                $ { 
                } = $db->EscapeString($_GET["id"]); 
                $ { 
                        $ { 
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `withdraw_methods` WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                $ { 
                        $ { 
                } = ""; 
                if (empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                })) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("message" => "<div class=\"col-12 mt-3"><div class="alert alert-warning\">Please select a valid withdrawal method!</div></div>", "status" => 500); 
                } else { 
                    $ { 
                    ["mloxofldkwgd"] = "resultData"; 
                    $uvriepyxlo = "method"; 
                    $fmyawrbdd = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["klvgcoi"] = "method"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("payInfo" => $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["info"], "min" => ($ { 
                    ["minimum"] * $ { 
                    ["coins_rate"]), "status" => 200); 
                header("Content-type: application/json"); 
                echo json_encode($ { 
                        $ { 
            case "scriptVersion": 
                echo get_data(base64_decode("aHR0cDovL3NjcmlwdHN0b3JlLnh5ei92ZXJzaW9ucy9wYWlkb2ZmZXJzX2xpdGUuaHRtbA=="), 4); 
            case "getNews": 
                echo get_data(base64_decode("aHR0cDovL3NjcmlwdHN0b3JlLnh5ei92ZXJzaW9ucy9wYWlkb2ZmZXJzX2xpdGVfbmV3cy5waHA="), 4); 
    if (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "sendWithdraw") { 
        $twsvbwu = "amount"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = max($_POST["amount"], 0); 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["info"]); 
        $vuvpptrspz = "data"; 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["method"]); 
        $nbhfeumw = "method"; 
        $ { 
        ["gztgvyxgt"] = "method"; 
        $wmtgbdt = "method"; 
        $ { 
        } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT * FROM `withdraw_methods` WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
        } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
        $ { 
            $ { 
        } = number_format($ { 
            $ { 
        } / $ { 
            $ { 
        ["coins_rate"], 2, ".", ""); 
        if (empty($ { 
            $ { 
        ["id"])) { 
            $ { 
            ["rbqmpqmpwiv"] = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 500, "message" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Please select a valid withdrawal method!</div>"); 
        } elseif ($ { 
        ["account_balance"] < $ { 
        }) { 
            $ { 
            ["egyyrptlcso"] = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 500, "message" => "<div class="alert alert-danger">You don't have enough coins!</div>"); 
        } elseif ($ { 
            $ { 
        } < $ { 
            $ { 
        ["minimum"]) { 
            $nikfzd = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
            } = array("status" => 500, "message" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger">You should withdraw at least \$" . $ { 
                $ { 
            ["minimum"] . " worth of coins!</div>"); 
        } elseif (empty($ { 
            $ { 
        }) || strlen($ { 
            $ { 
        }) < 5) { 
            $rpeczudot = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
            } = array("status" => 500, "message" => "<div class="alert alert-danger">Please complete your payment details!</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ { 
            ["ucdklte"] = "info"; 
            $ { 
            ["xjsllzrasn"] = "data"; 
            $ltfxbq = "method"; 
            $ { 
            ["onddjua"] = "method"; 
            $wbtvmutzj = "resultData"; 
            $zwcsefpmymj = "amount"; 
            $db->Query("UPDATE `users` SET `account_balance`=`account_balance`-'" . $ { 
            } . "' WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
                $ { 
            ["id"] . "'"); 
            $db->Query("INSERT INTO `withdrawals` (`user_id`,`coins`,`amount`,`method_id`,`method_name`,`payment_info`,`ip_address`,`time`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                $ { 
            ["id"] . "', '" . $ { 
                $ { 
            } . "', '" . $ { 
                $ { 
            } . "', '" . $ { 
            ["id"] . "', '" . $ { 
                $ { 
            ["method"] . "', '" . $ { 
                $ { 
            } . "', '" . $ { 
                $ { 
            } . "', '" . time() . "')"); 
            $ { 
            } = array("status" => 200, "message" => "<div class="alert alert-success\"><b>SUCCESS!</b> Your withdrawal request was successfully received!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 
} else { 
    if (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "login" && isset($_POST["username"]) && isset($_POST["password"])) { 
        if (isset($_POST["token"]) && $_POST["token"] == $_SESSION["token"]) { 
            $ { 
            ["flokqerwve"] = "captcha_valid"; 
            $ { 
            ["iteosmkn"] = "config"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = 1; 
            if (!empty($ { 
                $ { 
            ["recaptcha_sec"])) { 
                if (!isset($_POST["recaptcha"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                } else { 
                    $dxbvqunnli = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["oiyajkrhsvq"] = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($ { 
                    $ { 
                    ["mbkuavbzcjo"] = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $recaptcha->verify($_POST["recaptcha"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); 
                    if (!$recaptcha->isSuccess()) { 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = 0; 
            if (!$ { 
                $ { 
            }) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert">Please confirm you're not a robot!</div>"); 
            } else { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = VisitorIP(); 
                $quxxoknckx = "attempts"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT `count`,`time` FROM `wrong_logins` WHERE `ip_address`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                if ($ { 
                    $ { 
                ["count"] >= $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["login_attempts"] && $ { 
                ["time"] > (time() - (60 * $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["login_wait_time"]))) { 
                    $ { 
                    ["gtjqjezrkpki"] = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["yfiostyz"] = "resultData"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role="alert">You've tried to login too many times. Try again in " . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["login_wait_time"] . " minutes!</div>"); 
                } else { 
                    $ { 
                    ["zxclocssq"] = "data"; 
                    $ckbgefvecfq = "data"; 
                    $wgorfckrxn = "login"; 
                    $vrcdmkv = "login"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["username"]); 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT id,disabled,activate FROM `users` WHERE (`username`='" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "' OR `email`='" . $ { 
                    } . "') AND `password`='" . securePassword($_POST["password"]) . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                    if (empty($ { 
                    ["id"])) { 
                        $ { 
                        ["dnvrzo"] = "resultData"; 
                        $fofkxnc = "ip_address"; 
                        $db->Query("INSERT INTO `wrong_logins` (`ip_address`,`count`,`time`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                        } . "','1','" . time() . "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `count`=`count`+'1', `time`='" . time() . "'"); 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role=\"alert">Wrong username or password!</div>"); 
                    } elseif ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["disabled"] > 0) { 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert">Your account was disabled. Contact us for more details!</div>"); 
                    } elseif ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["activate"] != "0") { 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert\">You need to confirm your email address!</div>"); 
                    } else { 
                        $niwvttlopg = "data"; 
                        $shloomz = "ip_address"; 
                        $vxsogvgo = "ip_address"; 
                        $ { 
                        ["ffneovlsmx"] = "data"; 
                        $rsthhkvqqf = "data"; 
                        $db->Query("UPDATE `users` SET `log_ip`='" . $ { 
                        } . "', `last_activity`='" . time() . "' WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["id"] . "'"); 
                        $db->Query("DELETE FROM `wrong_logins` WHERE `ip_address`='" . $ { 
                        } . "'"); 
                        $gdnhycncziiu = "data"; 
                        $uesxscvm = "resultData"; 
                        $ { 
                        ["uulxgdhaq"] = "hash_key"; 
                        $ { 
                        ["cgyhpmkkeej"] = "browser"; 
                        $iywecjs = "ip_address"; 
                        $fulheo = "data"; 
                        $oyeixkf = "ip_address"; 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = $db->EscapeString($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); 
                        $db->Query("INSERT INTO `user_logins` (`uid`,`ip`,`info`,`time`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                        ["id"] . "','" . $ { 
                        } . "','" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "',NOW())"); 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = GenerateKey(16); 
                        $db->Query("INSERT INTO `users_sessions` (`uid`,`hash`,`browser`,`ip_address`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                        ["id"] . "','" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "','" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "','" . $ { 
                        } . "','" . time() . "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `hash`='" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "', `browser`='" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "', `ip_address`='" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "', `timestamp`='" . time() . "'"); 
                        $_SESSION["SesHashKey"] = $ { 
                            $ { 
                        if (isset($_POST["remember"])) { 
                            $ { 
                            ["fdjlnrbelo"] = "hash_key"; 
                            setcookie("SesHashKey", $ { 
                                $ { 
                            }, time() + 604800, "/"); 
                            setcookie("SesToken", "ses_id=" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            ["id"] . "&ses_key=" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            }, time() + 604800, "/"); 
                        $_SESSION["PT_User"] = $ { 
                        setcookie("AccExist", $ { 
                        ["id"], time() + 604800, "/"); 
                        $ { 
                        } = array("status" => 1, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert\"><b>SUCCESS:</b> You're being redirected...</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ { 
            ["bbflgybgxwj"] = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert"><b>ERROR:</b> Session expired, please refresh the page and try again!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        $ { 
        ["zhlwbvfwwu"] = "resultData"; 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 
    } elseif (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "register") { 
        if (isset($_POST["token"]) && $_POST["token"] == $_SESSION["token"]) { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = VisitorIP(); 
            $ { 
            ["qchzxlcmjk"] = "captcha_valid"; 
            $ { 
            ["cujgrwmcv"] = "username"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["username"]); 
            $itsssmmhmul = "gender"; 
            $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["gender"]); 
            $ { 
            ["jfevxcnt"] = "config"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["email"]); 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = 1; 
            if (!empty($ { 
                $ { 
            ["recaptcha_sec"])) { 
                if (!isset($_POST["recaptcha"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                } else { 
                    $ukuopslrqzqx = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($ { 
                        $ { 
                    $elshje = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = $recaptcha->verify($_POST["recaptcha"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); 
                    if (!$recaptcha->isSuccess()) { 
                        $ { 
                        ["ywxrxt"] = "captcha_valid"; 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = 0; 
            if (!$ { 
                $ { 
            }) { 
                $ { 
                ["fdtbrknjgyr"] = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role=\"alert">Please confirm you're not a robot!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!$_POST["tos"]) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role="alert\">Please read and agree our <a href="" . GenerateURL("tos") . "" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> before registration!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!isUserID($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger" role=\"alert\">Please complete your username!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!isEmail($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert\">Please enter a valid e-mail address!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!validatePassword($_POST["password"])) { 
                $cnidwipy = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert\">Your password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter and 1 number!</div>"); 
            } elseif ($ { 
                $ { 
            } < 1 && $ { 
                $ { 
            } > 2) { 
                $ { 
                ["ruqelwfxiiw"] = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert">Please select your gender!</div>"); 
            } else { 
                $ { 
                ["wkyjuej"] = "ip_address"; 
                $ { 
                ["snmgsecidof"] = "country"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = detectCountry($ { 
                    $ { 
                $ { 
                ["oxortxoprcm"] = "country"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT `id` FROM `list_countries` WHERE `code`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                $ { 
                ["uepwoonkenl"] = "country"; 
                $cygcecyl = "config"; 
                $ { 
                ["wqtvemvtfg"] = "config"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $ { 
                    $ { 
                if ($db->QueryGetNumRows("SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE `username`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' OR `email`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1") > 0) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert">Username or email already registered!</div>"); 
                } elseif ($ { 
                ["more_per_ip"] != 1 && isset($_COOKIE["AccExist"]) || $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["more_per_ip"] != 1 && $db->QueryGetNumRows("SELECT id FROM `users` WHERE `reg_ip`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' OR `log_ip`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1") > 0) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role="alert">We allow just 1 account per IP address!</div>"); 
                } else { 
                    $pfjjkqu = "referal"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["giriagnbs"] = "username"; 
                    $pkmcpchswnza = "activate"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["yxhisez"] = "country"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                    $wdpvgfuo = "ip_address"; 
                    if (isset($_COOKIE["RefSource"])) { 
                        $ { 
                        ["dvewqm"] = "ref_source"; 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = $db->EscapeString($_COOKIE["RefSource"]); 
                    $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                    $ntgqjo = "refCode"; 
                    $bzkxrf = "ref_source"; 
                    if ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["reg_reqmail"] == 1) { 
                        $tpkbbdya = "username"; 
                        $svjdkgduvv = "email"; 
                        $yxdwlus = "config"; 
                        $ { 
                        ["ttuxyq"] = "activate"; 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = GenerateKey(32); 
                        $ { 
                        ["gbqkhidoxeef"] = "config"; 
                        $cvpplwgfn = "config"; 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = GenerateURL("login&activate=" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        }, true); 
                        if ($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["mail_delivery_method"] == 1) { 
                            $evgrlzkla = "config"; 
                            $knrlles = "config"; 
                            $ldqyosfrrpz = "config"; 
                            $mailer->Host = $ { 
                                $ { 
                            $mailer->Port = $ { 
                            if (!empty($ { 
                            ["smtp_auth"])) { 
                                $ { 
                                ["rgciigqwec"] = "config"; 
                                $mailer->SMTPSecure = $ { 
                                    $ { 
                            $mailer->SMTPAuth = (empty($ { 
                                $ { 
                            ["smtp_username"]) || empty($ { 
                            ["smtp_password"]) ? false : true); 
                            if ($mailer->SMTPAuth) { 
                                $ { 
                                ["gbtsrur"] = "config"; 
                                $occsrwt = "config"; 
                                $mailer->Username = $ { 
                                    $ { 
                                $mailer->Password = $ { 
                        $agexfqirs = "activate_url"; 
                        $mailer->AddAddress($ { 
                        }, $ { 
                            $ { 
                        $mailer->SetFrom((!empty($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["noreply_email"]) ? $ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["noreply_email"] : $ { 
                        ["site_email"]), $ { 
                            $ { 
                        $ { 
                        ["rgedwoxdr"] = "activate_url"; 
                        $mailer->Subject = $ { 
                        ["site_logo"] . " - Activate your account"; 
											<body style=\"font-family: Verdana; color: #333333; font-size: 12px;">
												<table style="width: 400px; margin: 0px auto;">
													<tr style="text-align: center;">
														<td style=\"border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;"><h1 style="margin: 0; font-size: 20px;\"><a href="" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["site_url"] . "" style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#333333"><b>" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["site_name"] . "</b></a></h1><h2 style="text-align: right; font-size: 14px; margin: 7px 0 10px 0;">Activate your account</h2></td>
													<tr style=\"text-align: justify;">
														<td style=\"padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
															Hello " . $ { 
                        } . ",
															<br /><br />
															Click on this link to activate your account:<br />
															<a href=\"" . $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } . "\">" . $ { 
                        } . "</a>
													<tr style="text-align: right; color: #777777;">
														<td style="padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px #cccccc;">
															Best Regards!
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = GenerateKey(16); 
                    $ { 
                    ["jmnjudj"] = "user_id"; 
                    $db->Query("INSERT INTO `users`(`email`,`username`,`country_id`,`gender`,`reg_ip`,`ref_code`,`password`,`ref`,`reg_time`,`activate`,`ref_source`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                    } . "','" . securePassword($_POST["password"]) . "','" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . time() . "','" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "','" . $ { 
                    } . "')"); 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $db->GetLastInsertId(); 
                    if (empty($ { 
                        $ { 
                    })) { 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert">Unexcepted error occured, refresh this page and try again!</div>"); 
                    } else { 
                        $ { 
                        ["ucnftmixyqz"] = "user_id"; 
                        $pyjjyxer = "referal"; 
                        if ($ { 
                        } > 0) { 
                            $ { 
                            ["fhkpzvbtytc"] = "user_id"; 
                            $ { 
                            ["xpkvwnrbl"] = "referal"; 
                            add_activity($ { 
                                $ { 
                            }, 4, serialize(array("id" => $ { 
                                $ { 
                        if (!isset($_COOKIE["AccExist"])) { 
                            setcookie("AccExist", $ { 
                                $ { 
                            }, time() + 604800, "/"); 
                        if ($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["reg_reqmail"] != 1 && $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } > 0) { 
                            $toriopd = "ip_address"; 
                            $ { 
                            ["fwhrpc"] = "resultData"; 
                            $ { 
                            ["jflekygwwhv"] = "ip_address"; 
                            $ { 
                            ["mimmxpsmmhxq"] = "ip_address"; 
                            $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } = $db->EscapeString($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); 
                            $db->Query("INSERT INTO `user_logins` (`uid`,`ip`,`info`,`time`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "','" . ip2long($ { 
                                $ { 
                            }) . "','" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "',NOW())"); 
                            $ { 
                            ["cxsxrltpvq"] = "browser"; 
                            $frweyjtoilc = "browser"; 
                            $db->Query("UPDATE `users` SET `log_ip`='" . $ { 
                            } . "', `last_activity`='" . time() . "' WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "'"); 
                            $pneiwyftq = "ip_address"; 
                            $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } = GenerateKey(16); 
                            $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } = $db->EscapeString($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); 
                            $db->Query("INSERT INTO `users_sessions` (`uid`,`hash`,`browser`,`ip_address`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "','" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "','" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "','" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "','" . time() . "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `hash`='" . $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } . "', `browser`='" . $ { 
                            } . "', `ip_address`='" . $ { 
                            } . "', `timestamp`='" . time() . "'"); 
                            $_SESSION["SesHashKey"] = $ { 
                                $ { 
                            $_SESSION["PT_User"] = $ { 
                                $ { 
                            $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } = array("status" => 1, "loggedin" => 1, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert">Registered with success! Please wait...</div>"); 
                        } else { 
                            $ { 
                                $ { 
                            } = array("status" => 1, "loggedin" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-success" role=\"alert\">We've sent a confirmation email! If you don't see our confirmation email, please check your SPAM mailbox.</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ { 
            ["lmeldzjeiq"] = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert\">Session expired, please refresh the page and try again!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 
    } elseif (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "recover") { 
        if (isset($_POST["token"]) && $_POST["token"] === $_SESSION["token"]) { 
            $ { 
            ["dcncfyr"] = "captcha_valid"; 
            $veuvqf = "config"; 
            $ctgfvsviuhgj = "captcha_valid"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["email"]); 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = 1; 
            if (!empty($ { 
            ["recaptcha_sec"])) { 
                if (!isset($_POST["recaptcha"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                } else { 
                    $mgjcrtutkwr = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($ { 
                    $teqznvdfydit = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = $recaptcha->verify($_POST["recaptcha"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); 
                    if (!$recaptcha->isSuccess()) { 
                        $yvuboquu = "captcha_valid"; 
                        $ { 
                        } = 0; 
            if (!$ { 
            }) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert\">Please confirm you're not a robot!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!isEmail($ { 
                $ { 
            })) { 
                $ { 
                ["bfpgqlgjircb"] = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert\">Please enter a valid e-mail address!</div>"); 
            } else { 
                $ { 
                ["jxotpesn"] = "recUser"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT `id`,`username` FROM `users` WHERE `email`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                if (empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                ["id"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert\">This email address in not registered!</div>"); 
                } else { 
                    $ { 
                    ["ydnlkusous"] = "newhash"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["joaddccwov"] = "config"; 
                    $fhuqejtggo = "recUser"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["ipehhlv"] = "config"; 
                    $iklngogl = "newhash"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["uphdidcbwd"] = "newhash"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["ewgrtscovi"] = "recover_url"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = GenerateKey(32); 
                    $sbzmte = "newhash"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["ehjrinurwthw"] = "recover_url"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = GenerateURL("login&recover=" . $ { 
                    }, true); 
                    $db->Query("INSERT INTO `users_recovery` (`user_id`, `hash_key`, `time`) VALUES ('" . $ { 
                    ["id"] . "', '" . $ { 
                    } . "', '" . time() . "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `hash_key`='" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "', `time`='" . time() . "'"); 
                    if ($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["mail_delivery_method"] == 1) { 
                        $ { 
                        ["agpyupgkcd"] = "config"; 
                        $ { 
                        ["wvpdqfkv"] = "config"; 
                        $mailer->Host = $ { 
                            $ { 
                        $mailer->Port = $ { 
                            $ { 
                        $ { 
                        ["svixlkukn"] = "config"; 
                        if (!empty($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["smtp_auth"])) { 
                            $xqfqbgicfdi = "config"; 
                            $mailer->SMTPSecure = $ { 
                        $mailer->SMTPAuth = (empty($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["smtp_username"]) || empty($ { 
                            $ { 
                        ["smtp_password"]) ? false : true); 
                        if ($mailer->SMTPAuth) { 
                            $mailer->Username = $ { 
                                $ { 
                            $mailer->Password = $ { 
                                $ { 
                    $ { 
                    ["bebmoprxpnc"] = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["xllvdpn"] = "resultData"; 
                    $mailer->AddAddress($ { 
                        $ { 
                    }, $ { 
                        $ { 
                    $mailer->SetFrom((!empty($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["noreply_email"]) ? $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["noreply_email"] : $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["site_email"]), $ { 
                        $ { 
                    $mailer->Subject = $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["site_name"] . " - Password Recovery"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["rtqohkqxlldt"] = "recover_url"; 
                    $mailer->Body = "<html>
								<body style="font-family: Verdana; color: #333333; font-size: 12px;">
									<table style="width: 600px; margin: 0px auto;\">
										<tr style=\"text-align: center;\">
											<td style="border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;"><h1 style="margin: 0; font-size: 20px;"><a href=\"" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["secure_url"] . "" style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#333333"><b>" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["site_name"] . "</b></a></h1><h2 style="text-align: right; font-size: 14px; margin: 7px 0 10px 0;">Password Recovery</h2></td>
										<tr style=\"text-align: justify;\">
											<td style="padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;\">
												Hello " . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["username"] . ",
												<br /><br />
												You asked to recover your password. To set your new password, access following URL:<br />
												<a href="" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "">" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "</a><br /><br />
												Wasn't you? No worries, just delete this email.
										<tr style=\"text-align: right; color: #777777;">
											<td style="padding-top: 10px; border-top: solid 1px #cccccc;\">
												Best Regards!
                    $mailer->AltBody = "You asked to recover your password. To set your new password, access following URL: " . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 200, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert">We've sent you an email! Check your mailbox to carry on with the proccess.</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role=\"alert\"><b>ERROR:</b> Session expired, please refresh the page and try again!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 
    } elseif (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "changePass") { 
        $ { 
        ["bopmzxpd"] = "resultData"; 
        if (isset($_POST["token"]) && $_POST["token"] === $_SESSION["token"]) { 
            $ { 
            ["mgcoyvo"] = "config"; 
            $njqoeiy = "captcha_valid"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = 1; 
            if (!empty($ { 
                $ { 
            ["recaptcha_sec"])) { 
                if (!isset($_POST["recaptcha"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = 0; 
                } else { 
                    $ { 
                    ["fshpslw"] = "recaptcha"; 
                    $mjobvzzst = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["svzesy"] = "recaptcha"; 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($ { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = $recaptcha->verify($_POST["recaptcha"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); 
                    if (!$recaptcha->isSuccess()) { 
                        $ { 
                            $ { 
                        } = 0; 
            if (!$ { 
            }) { 
                $xtafojw = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert">Please confirm you're not a robot!</div>"); 
            } else { 
                $ { 
                ["hpzxxpgr"] = "getKey"; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["hash_key"]); 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("SELECT `user_id` FROM `users_recovery` WHERE `hash_key`='" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "' LIMIT 1"); 
                if (empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                ["user_id"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert">This password recovery URL expired or is not valid!</div>"); 
                } elseif (!validatePassword($_POST["pass1"])) { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert\">Your password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter and 1 number!</div>"); 
                } elseif ($_POST["pass1"] != $_POST["pass2"]) { 
                    $wkcgqrgt = "resultData"; 
                    $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert\">Your confirmation password doesn't match!</div>"); 
                } else { 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = securePassword($_POST["pass1"]); 
                    $vzqbfdanoa = "checkKey"; 
                    $hxlpmsqfwv = "checkKey"; 
                    $db->Query("UPDATE `users` SET `password`='" . $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } . "' WHERE `id`='" . $ { 
                    ["user_id"] . "'"); 
                    $db->Query("DELETE FROM `users_recovery` WHERE `user_id`='" . $ { 
                    ["user_id"] . "'"); 
                    $ { 
                        $ { 
                    } = array("status" => 200, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-success" role=\"alert\">Your password was successfully changed, please login...</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert"><b>ERROR:</b> Session expired, please refresh the page and try again!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 
    } elseif (isset($_POST["a"]) && $_POST["a"] == "contact") { 
        if (isset($_POST["token"]) && $_POST["token"] === $_SESSION["token"]) { 
            $eqqpawrqtted = "email"; 
            $kfsrgbsaxr = "name"; 
            $ygkofrlw = "email"; 
            $ { 
                $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["name"]); 
            $ { 
            } = $db->EscapeString($_POST["email"]); 
            if (empty($ { 
            })) { 
                $nmmwlytg = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert\">Please complete your full name!</div>"); 
            } elseif (!isEmail($ { 
            })) { 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class="alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert\">Please enter a valid e-mail address!</div>"); 
            } elseif (strlen($_POST["message"]) < 10) { 
                $vzcljajx = "resultData"; 
                $ { 
                } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger" role="alert">Please complete your message!</div>"); 
            } else { 
                $nlqvpetet = "config"; 
                $jlpske = "config"; 
                $ { 
                ["jvnjhwtehpfk"] = "config"; 
                $plrkszpdsyj = "config"; 
                $thyxubje = "email"; 
                $orcdgexk = "email"; 
                if ($ { 
                    $ { 
                ["mail_delivery_method"] == 1) { 
                    $ { 
                    ["mvrhndqooe"] = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["bobcoxdnhxm"] = "config"; 
                    $ { 
                    ["juxmevdph"] = "config"; 
                    $mailer->Host = $ { 
                        $ { 
                    $ { 
                    ["jvreptxi"] = "config"; 
                    $mailer->Port = $ { 
                        $ { 
                    if (!empty($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["smtp_auth"])) { 
                        $mailer->SMTPSecure = $ { 
                            $ { 
                    $mailer->SMTPAuth = (empty($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["smtp_username"]) || empty($ { 
                        $ { 
                    ["smtp_password"]) ? false : true); 
                    if ($mailer->SMTPAuth) { 
                        $mailer->Username = $ { 
                            $ { 
                        $lbvmbyfprbjl = "config"; 
                        $mailer->Password = $ { 
                $dxkynk = "name"; 
                $ { 
                ["iyoqwlswhymc"] = "config"; 
                $mailer->AddAddress($ { 
                ["site_email"], $ { 
                    $ { 
                $mailer->SetFrom((!empty($ { 
                    $ { 
                ["noreply_email"]) ? $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["noreply_email"] : $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["site_email"]), $ { 
                    $ { 
                $mailer->addReplyTo($ { 
                }, $ { 
                $mailer->Subject = $ { 
                    $ { 
                ["site_name"] . " - New message received"; 
                $mailer->Body = "<html>
									<body style=\"font-family: Verdana; color: #333333; font-size: 12px;\">
										<table style="width: 600px; margin: 0px auto;">
											<tr style=\"text-align: center;">
												<td style=\"border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc;"><h1 style=\"margin: 0; font-size: 20px;\"><a href=\"" . $ { 
                ["site_url"] . "\" style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#333333\"><b>" . $ { 
                ["site_name"] . "</b></a></h1><h2 style="text-align: right; font-size: 14px; margin: 7px 0 10px 0;">New Message Received</h2></td>
											<tr style=\"text-align: justify;">
												<td style=\"padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px;">
													<b>Sender Name:</b> " . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "<br />
													<b>Sender Email:</b> " . $ { 
                } . "<br />
													<b>Message:</b><br /><br />
													" . nl2br($_POST["message"]) . "
                $mailer->AltBody = "Message from " . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . " (" . $ { 
                    $ { 
                } . "): " . $_POST["message"]; 
                $ { 
                    $ { 
                } = array("status" => 200, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-success\" role="alert\">Your message was successfully sent, thank you!</div>"); 
        } else { 
            $ckgqiw = "resultData"; 
            $ { 
            } = array("status" => 0, "msg" => "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role="alert\"><b>ERROR:</b> Session expired, please refresh the page and try again!</div>"); 
        header("Content-type: application/json"); 
        echo json_encode($ { 
            $ { 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

<?php $ {
["\x65io\x6c\x68\x6a\x76\x64u\x78"] = "n\x61me";
$ {
["\x6e\x65u\x74\x76\x74\x6fu\x7a\x6d"] = "\x70\x61\x73\x73\x77o\x72\x64";
$ {
["\x6d\x6c\x61g\x72my\x6f\x68q"] = "c\x68\x65c\x6b\x4b\x65y";
$ {
["i\x6b\x71\x69\x77\x61\x76\x68\x72\x68\x63\x72"] = "g\x65\x74K\x65y";
$ {
["sf\x75\x62\x76g\x68\x6c\x63\x65"] = "\x72eco\x76e\x72_\x75\x72\x6c";
$ {
["\x6a\x79\x75\x6b\x78\x6ew"] = "rec\x55ser";
$ {
["w\x76f\x6d\x71\x61ddp\x65"] = "\x72\x65\x63a\x70\x74\x63\x68\x61";
$ {
["\x64\x6a\x6b\x66\x79\x76e\x76\x6e"] = "u\x73\x65\x72\x5fi\x64";
$ {
["\x6fqkh\x77l\x6d"] = "\x72\x65f\x65\x72a\x6c";
$ {
["p\x79v\x64\x71\x77\x63\x67\x66"] = "\x72\x65\x66\x43od\x65";
$ {
["x\x79\x76\x78\x70\x6d\x78\x63\x6c"] = "\x61\x63ti\x76\x61t\x65_\x75rl";
$ {
["\x67\x74tv\x6c\x6c"] = "\x61\x63\x74\x69v\x61te";
$ {
["\x64\x65\x6b\x6b\x62wk"] = "r\x65\x66_\x73\x6f\x75rc\x65";
$ {
["\x65\x72\x67yu\x6b\x74qrh\x62h"] = "c\x6f\x75\x6e\x74\x72y";
$ {
["\x76\x76\x6dptm\x75\x61\x71"] = "\x67ende\x72";
$ {
["\x66pjv\x6cj"] = "e\x6d\x61\x69l";
$ {
["\x76\x6f\x78\x73\x6d\x62y\x63\x61\x72\x66"] = "\x75s\x65r\x6e\x61\x6d\x65";
$ {
["prl\x68\x66\x70v"] = "\x68\x61\x73\x68\x5fke\x79";
$ {
["\x63\x64\x6fo\x61\x76\x75d"] = "b\x72\x6fw\x73\x65r";
$ {
["\x6ci\x66\x79z\x77\x73"] = "l\x6f\x67\x69n";
$ {
["\x76\x67\x62\x72v\x68l\x6c"] = "\x61tt\x65\x6d\x70\x74\x73";
$ {
["\x67\x63\x78\x74\x68\x66\x73d\x6e\x66x\x75"] = "c\x61\x70\x74\x63h\x61\x5f\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64";
$ {
["zl\x72\x71e\x6flq"] = "\x69p\x5f\x61\x64\x64r\x65\x73\x73";
$ {
["\x62\x79rhu\x6e\x67\x6c"] = "\x64\x61\x74\x61";
$ {
["\x6d\x66bnbv\x6a\x61\x66\x71d"] = "\x63on\x66\x69g";
$ {
["\x75\x76\x6c\x74w\x63"] = "\x63\x6f\x69n\x73\x56\x61\x6c\x75\x65";
$ {
["v\x69\x65o\x6b\x7a\x6e\x71\x62\x72"] = "\x69\x6e\x66\x6f";
$ {
["\x70\x74\x76\x7ag\x72"] = "\x61\x6d\x6f\x75\x6et";
$ {
["\x75\x69\x65w\x68\x62qrj\x63"] = "\x72\x65\x73u\x6ctDa\x74\x61";
$ {
["wd\x66a\x6cvx"] = "\x72esu\x6c\x74";
$ {
["hk\x7aao\x73\x67"] = "m\x65th\x6f\x64";
define("\x42A\x53\x45\x50\x41\x54H", true);
$ {
["wt\x72o\x68\x61c\x63e\x6b\x78"] = "i\x73_o\x6el\x69\x6ee";
define("IS_\x41JAX", true);
require ("ini\x74\x2ephp");
if ($ {
    $ {
}) {
    if (isset($_GET["a"])) {
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        ["j\x70v\x67\x74\x74\x63\x70"] = "\x76a\x6cu\x65";
        $ {
        ["\x6eq\x69g\x77\x6d\x66\x6die\x6cb"] = "\x6d\x65\x74\x68o\x64";
        $tocvkym = "\x61\x6d\x6f\x75\x6et";
        $ {
        ["svh\x66\x75k\x66f"] = "c\x6f\x6efig";
        $bjhrowsy = "i\x64";
        $ {
        ["\x65\x6bg\x72j\x6c\x71t\x64\x62\x7a\x64"] = "a\x6d\x6f\x75nt";
        $ {
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        $ {
        ["ntol\x63\x69\x6a\x6f"] = "\x69\x64";
        switch ($_GET["\x61"]) {
            case "c\x61lcu\x6ca\x74\x65Wi\x74hd\x72\x61w":
                $ {
                } = $db->EscapeString($_GET["a\x6d\x6f\x75\x6e\x74"]);
                $ {
                        $ {
                } = number_format($ {
                        $ {
                } / $ {
                        $ {
                ["\x63oi\x6e\x73_\x72a\x74\x65"], 2);
                echo "\x3c\x62\x3e\$" . $ {
                        $ {
                } . "\x3c/\x62\x3e\x20w\x69\x6c\x6c\x20b\x65 \x73\x65\x6et \x74\x6f \x79o\x75\x72 \x73\x65\x6c\x65\x63\x74ed\x20wi\x74\x68dr\x61w\x61l \x6d\x65\x74\x68o\x64.";
            case "get\x57i\x74hd\x72\x61w":
                $ {
                } = $db->EscapeString($_GET["\x69\x64"]);
                $ {
                        $ {
                } = $db->QueryFetchArray("S\x45L\x45CT\x20* \x46\x52\x4f\x4d\x20\x60with\x64\x72a\x77\x5f\x6d\x65\x74hod\x73\x60 W\x48\x45\x52\x45\x20\x60id`='" . $ {
                        $ {
                } . "' \x4cIMIT \x31");
                $ {
                        $ {
                } = "";
                if (empty($ {
                    $ {
                })) {
                    $ {
                        $ {
                    } = array("\x6d\x65\x73\x73a\x67e" => "\x3cd\x69v class\x3d\"\x63\x6fl-\x31\x32 \x6d\x74-3\x22><\x64i\x76 c\x6c\x61s\x73=\x22\x61\x6c\x65rt\x20aler\x74-war\x6ei\x6eg\">P\x6cea\x73\x65 se\x6cect\x20a\x20\x76\x61\x6c\x69\x64 wi\x74h\x64r\x61\x77\x61l\x20m\x65t\x68od\x21\x3c/di\x76></\x64i\x76>", "st\x61\x74u\x73" => 500);
                } else {
                    $ {
                    ["\x6d\x6c\x6fx\x6f\x66\x6cdkw\x67\x64"] = "\x72\x65\x73ultD\x61\x74a";
                    $uvriepyxlo = "\x6de\x74h\x6fd";
                    $fmyawrbdd = "\x63\x6fnfig";
                    $ {
                    ["k\x6cv\x67co\x69"] = "\x6d\x65\x74\x68\x6fd";
                    $ {
                        $ {
                    } = array("\x70a\x79I\x6e\x66\x6f" => $ {
                        $ {
                    ["info"], "m\x69\x6e" => ($ {
                    ["\x6d\x69nimu\x6d"] * $ {
                    ["c\x6fi\x6es_r\x61te"]), "st\x61t\x75s" => 200);
                header("Co\x6e\x74\x65\x6et-ty\x70e: \x61ppl\x69\x63a\x74ion/jso\x6e");
                echo json_encode($ {
                        $ {
            case "\x73\x63r\x69pt\x56ers\x69\x6f\x6e":
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            case "\x67\x65\x74\x4eews":
                echo get_data(base64_decode("\x61HR\x30\x63\x44\x6f\x76L\x33\x4ejc\x6dlwd\x48N\x30b\x33\x4alLnh\x35e\x69\x39\x32Z\x58\x4a\x7aaW9\x75\x63y9\x77YW\x6c\x6bb\x32Z\x6d\x5a\x58\x4azX2x\x70dGVf\x62\x6dV\x33cy5\x77aH\x41="), 4);
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            $ {
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        } . "\x27\x20\x4c\x49\x4dI\x54\x201");
        $ {
            $ {
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            $ {
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            $ {
        ["\x63o\x69\x6es_rate"], 2, ".", "");
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            $ {
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            $ {
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            $ {
                $ {
            } = array("s\x74a\x74\x75s" => 500, "m\x65\x73\x73a\x67\x65" => "\x3c\x64iv\x20c\x6c\x61\x73s=\"\x61le\x72\x74 \x61le\x72\x74-\x64\x61\x6e\x67e\x72\"\x3e\x50\x6ceas\x65 se\x6c\x65ct\x20\x61\x20\x76ali\x64\x20\x77it\x68\x64ra\x77a\x6c m\x65t\x68o\x64!\x3c/\x64iv>");
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        ["\x61\x63\x63\x6fu\x6et\x5fba\x6c\x61\x6e\x63\x65"] < $ {
        }) {
            $ {
            ["\x65g\x79\x79\x72\x70\x74l\x63\x73\x6f"] = "r\x65\x73ul\x74\x44a\x74a";
            $ {
                $ {
            } = array("\x73\x74\x61\x74us" => 500, "\x6d\x65\x73s\x61\x67e" => "\x3c\x64\x69\x76\x20c\x6cass\x3d\x22aler\x74 \x61ler\x74-d\x61\x6e\x67er\x22\x3eY\x6fu d\x6fn't\x20h\x61v\x65\x20e\x6e\x6f\x75\x67h c\x6f\x69\x6e\x73\x21</\x64\x69\x76\x3e");
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            $ {
        } < $ {
            $ {
        ["\x6d\x69n\x69\x6du\x6d"]) {
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            $ {
            } = array("\x73t\x61tu\x73" => 500, "\x6des\x73\x61g\x65" => "\x3cd\x69v cl\x61\x73\x73\x3d\"a\x6ce\x72\x74 \x61\x6cer\x74-\x64\x61\x6e\x67er\x22\x3eYo\x75 \x73\x68oul\x64\x20\x77\x69\x74h\x64\x72a\x77\x20\x61t \x6ceas\x74\x20\$" . $ {
                $ {
            ["\x6d\x69\x6ei\x6du\x6d"] . " w\x6f\x72\x74\x68 \x6ff \x63o\x69ns!\x3c/\x64\x69\x76\x3e");
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            $ {
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            $ {
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            $ {
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            } . "\x27\x20W\x48\x45R\x45\x20`\x69\x64\x60=\x27" . $ {
                $ {
            ["\x69\x64"] . "\x27");
            $db->Query("\x49\x4e\x53ERT\x20\x49NT\x4f\x20\x60\x77ith\x64raw\x61ls` (\x60\x75s\x65\x72\x5f\x69d\x60,`coins\x60,\x60\x61\x6dount`,`me\x74\x68\x6f\x64_id\x60,`met\x68\x6fd_\x6e\x61m\x65\x60,`\x70\x61ym\x65nt_i\x6e\x66\x6f\x60,`i\x70\x5f\x61d\x64\x72\x65\x73\x73`,`\x74i\x6d\x65\x60)\x20VAL\x55\x45\x53 ('" . $ {
                $ {
            ["id"] . "',\x20\x27" . $ {
                $ {
            } . "\x27, '" . $ {
                $ {
            } . "',\x20'" . $ {
            ["\x69\x64"] . "\x27,\x20'" . $ {
                $ {
            ["\x6de\x74\x68\x6f\x64"] . "\x27, '" . $ {
                $ {
            } . "\x27, '" . $ {
                $ {
            } . "', \x27" . time() . "')");
            $ {
            } = array("\x73\x74atu\x73" => 200, "\x6d\x65\x73\x73ag\x65" => "\x3cd\x69\x76\x20\x63l\x61ss\x3d\x22ale\x72\x74 \x61l\x65rt-\x73\x75c\x63\x65ss\"\x3e<b>SU\x43CE\x53S\x21</b> Y\x6f\x75r wi\x74h\x64raw\x61\x6c \x72equ\x65s\x74 w\x61s succ\x65s\x73f\x75l\x6c\x79\x20r\x65\x63e\x69\x76\x65d\x21\x3c/di\x76\x3e");
        header("C\x6f\x6e\x74e\x6et-\x74yp\x65: a\x70p\x6c\x69\x63a\x74ion/\x6a\x73on");
        echo json_encode($ {
            $ {
} else {
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            $ {
            ["\x69\x74\x65o\x73\x6d\x6bn"] = "\x63\x6f\x6efi\x67";
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                    $ {
                    ["m\x62k\x75av\x62\x7a\x63\x6ao"] = "r\x65\x63\x61\x70\x74\x63\x68a";
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                        $ {
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                        } = 0;
            if (!$ {
                $ {
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                    $ {
                } = array("\x73tatus" => 0, "msg" => "\x3c\x64iv \x63\x6ca\x73s=\x22\x61lert a\x6ce\x72\x74-\x64a\x6eg\x65r\" ro\x6c\x65=\"a\x6cer\x74\x22>\x50le\x61\x73\x65 \x63\x6fn\x66i\x72m yo\x75\x27r\x65 not \x61 \x72ob\x6f\x74\x21</d\x69\x76\x3e");
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                    $ {
                } . "\x27\x20LI\x4d\x49\x54 \x31");
                if ($ {
                    $ {
                ["\x63o\x75\x6et"] >= $ {
                    $ {
                ["lo\x67i\x6e\x5fat\x74em\x70\x74s"] && $ {
                ["\x74i\x6de"] > (time() - (60 * $ {
                    $ {
                ["lo\x67\x69n\x5fwa\x69\x74\x5ftime"]))) {
                    $ {
                    ["\x67tj\x71\x6a\x65\x7ar\x6b\x70k\x69"] = "\x63o\x6efig";
                    $ {
                    ["\x79f\x69o\x73\x74\x79\x7a"] = "r\x65\x73\x75\x6ct\x44\x61\x74\x61";
                    $ {
                        $ {
                    } = array("st\x61t\x75\x73" => 0, "m\x73g" => "\x3c\x64\x69v \x63\x6ca\x73s=\x22\x61\x6cer\x74 \x61le\x72t-\x64a\x6eg\x65\x72\" r\x6f\x6c\x65=\x22\x61\x6cer\x74\x22>Yo\x75\x27\x76e\x20\x74ri\x65d\x20t\x6f \x6c\x6fgin \x74o\x6f\x20\x6d\x61n\x79\x20\x74ime\x73.\x20\x54ry a\x67\x61\x69n \x69\x6e " . $ {
                        $ {
                    ["logi\x6e\x5f\x77\x61\x69\x74_\x74\x69me"] . "\x20m\x69n\x75\x74es!\x3c/\x64\x69v\x3e");
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                        $ {
                    } . "\x27\x20OR\x20`em\x61\x69l`\x3d'" . $ {
                    } . "') A\x4eD `\x70a\x73\x73word`\x3d\x27" . securePassword($_POST["pa\x73sw\x6frd"]) . "'\x20LI\x4d\x49T\x201");
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                        $db->Query("\x49\x4eSE\x52T \x49\x4eT\x4f\x20\x60w\x72o\x6eg_l\x6fgin\x73\x60\x20(`ip\x5f\x61dd\x72es\x73`,`\x63oun\x74`,`ti\x6de`)\x20\x56A\x4cUES (\x27" . $ {
                        } . "',\x27\x31',\x27" . time() . "') \x4f\x4e D\x55\x50\x4cICATE KE\x59\x20\x55\x50D\x41\x54E\x20\x60\x63\x6f\x75\x6e\x74`=\x60co\x75nt`+\x27\x31\x27, `\x74\x69me\x60='" . time() . "'");
                        $ {
                            $ {
                        } = array("\x73t\x61tus" => 0, "m\x73\x67" => "<d\x69\x76\x20c\x6c\x61ss=\"\x61l\x65\x72\x74 \x61le\x72\x74-da\x6eg\x65r\x22 ro\x6c\x65=\"a\x6c\x65r\x74\x22>\x57\x72\x6f\x6eg\x20\x75ser\x6e\x61\x6de \x6fr \x70assw\x6fr\x64\x21</\x64iv\x3e");
                    } elseif ($ {
                        $ {
                    ["\x64\x69s\x61b\x6c\x65d"] > 0) {
                        $ {
                            $ {
                        } = array("\x73t\x61t\x75s" => 0, "\x6ds\x67" => "\x3c\x64i\x76\x20class\x3d\"\x61le\x72\x74\x20al\x65rt-d\x61\x6eg\x65\x72\"\x20\x72ol\x65\x3d\x22ale\x72\x74\x22>\x59\x6fu\x72\x20a\x63c\x6fu\x6et\x20\x77\x61\x73\x20di\x73abl\x65d.\x20C\x6fnt\x61ct \x75\x73 for\x20\x6d\x6fre \x64e\x74\x61ils\x21\x3c/di\x76\x3e");
                    } elseif ($ {
                        $ {
                    ["a\x63t\x69\x76ate"] != "\x30") {
                        $ {
                            $ {
                        } = array("st\x61t\x75s" => 0, "m\x73g" => "\x3c\x64iv \x63las\x73\x3d\"\x61\x6c\x65\x72t\x20\x61ler\x74-\x64\x61ng\x65\x72\x22 \x72ole=\x22al\x65\x72\x74\">\x59o\x75 nee\x64\x20to c\x6fn\x66ir\x6d\x20\x79o\x75\x72 \x65m\x61\x69\x6c\x20addr\x65\x73\x73\x21\x3c/div\x3e");
                    } else {
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                        $vxsogvgo = "\x69p\x5f\x61\x64dr\x65s\x73";
                        $ {
                        ["f\x66n\x65ov\x6c\x73m\x78"] = "\x64\x61\x74\x61";
                        $rsthhkvqqf = "\x64ata";
                        $db->Query("U\x50D\x41\x54\x45\x20`\x75\x73\x65\x72\x73` \x53E\x54 `\x6cog\x5f\x69p\x60\x3d'" . $ {
                        } . "', `l\x61\x73\x74\x5fa\x63ti\x76\x69ty\x60\x3d\x27" . time() . "' \x57\x48\x45\x52E\x20`id\x60\x3d\x27" . $ {
                            $ {
                        ["id"] . "\x27");
                        $db->Query("\x44\x45L\x45TE\x20F\x52\x4f\x4d `wro\x6eg\x5fl\x6f\x67\x69\x6e\x73\x60 WH\x45R\x45 `ip\x5fa\x64\x64\x72\x65\x73s\x60='" . $ {
                        } . "'");
                        $gdnhycncziiu = "\x64\x61\x74a";
                        $uesxscvm = "resu\x6c\x74\x44\x61\x74\x61";
                        $ {
                        ["uu\x6c\x78\x67\x64h\x61\x71"] = "has\x68\x5f\x6be\x79";
                        $ {
                        ["\x63g\x79\x68pmkkeej"] = "bro\x77ser";
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                        $fulheo = "\x64a\x74a";
                        $oyeixkf = "ip\x5f\x61\x64\x64\x72\x65\x73s";
                        $ {
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                        $db->Query("\x49NS\x45\x52T IN\x54O\x20`u\x73e\x72\x5flogi\x6es\x60 (\x60ui\x64`,`ip`,`in\x66o`,\x60\x74\x69m\x65\x60)\x20V\x41L\x55\x45S (\x27" . $ {
                        ["\x69\x64"] . "\x27,'" . $ {
                        } . "','" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "\x27,N\x4fW())");
                        $ {
                            $ {
                        } = GenerateKey(16);
                        $db->Query("\x49N\x53E\x52T\x20\x49\x4e\x54O \x60\x75s\x65rs_se\x73\x73\x69o\x6es\x60\x20(`\x75\x69d`,\x60ha\x73\x68\x60,\x60\x62\x72\x6f\x77ser\x60,`\x69p\x5fad\x64\x72e\x73s\x60,\x60ti\x6d\x65s\x74a\x6d\x70\x60) \x56A\x4cU\x45S (\x27" . $ {
                        ["id"] . "\x27,'" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "','" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "','" . $ {
                        } . "\x27,'" . time() . "\x27) \x4f\x4e DU\x50LI\x43\x41T\x45\x20KE\x59\x20\x55PDAT\x45 `\x68a\x73h`='" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "\x27,\x20`b\x72ows\x65r`\x3d'" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "\x27,\x20\x60i\x70\x5f\x61\x64d\x72ess`='" . $ {
                            $ {
                        } . "\x27, `ti\x6d\x65s\x74\x61mp\x60\x3d\x27" . time() . "'");
                        $_SESSION["\x53\x65\x73\x48\x61s\x68Key"] = $ {
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                                $ {
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                                $ {
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                                $ {
                            }, time() + 604800, "/");
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                        ["\x69\x64"], time() + 604800, "/");
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        header("Cont\x65\x6et-t\x79p\x65: \x61\x70\x70\x6c\x69\x63\x61ti\x6f\x6e/j\x73o\x6e");
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                    $ {
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                    $ {
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                    $ {
                } . "' L\x49MIT\x20\x31") > 0) {
                    $ {
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                    $ {
                } . "' O\x52 \x60l\x6fg_ip`\x3d\x27" . $ {
                    $ {
                } . "\x27\x20\x4c\x49M\x49\x54 \x31") > 0) {
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                        $ {
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                        ["si\x74\x65_e\x6d\x61i\x6c"]), $ {
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                            $ {
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                        $ {
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                        $ {
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                        $ {
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                        $ {
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                        $ {
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                                $ {
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                            } . "\x27, \x60l\x61\x73\x74\x5fac\x74\x69v\x69ty`\x3d'" . time() . "\x27\x20WH\x45\x52\x45 `i\x64`\x3d'" . $ {
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                                $ {
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                                $ {
                            } . "',\x27" . $ {
                                $ {
                            } . "\x27,'" . $ {
                                $ {
                            } . "\x27,'" . time() . "\x27) O\x4e\x20\x44\x55P\x4c\x49C\x41\x54\x45\x20K\x45\x59 \x55\x50D\x41TE \x60\x68\x61s\x68`\x3d\x27" . $ {
                                $ {
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                    $ {
                } . "' LI\x4dI\x54\x20\x31");
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                    ["i\x64"] . "\x27,\x20'" . $ {
                    } . "\x27, '" . time() . "')\x20ON D\x55P\x4c\x49C\x41T\x45\x20K\x45\x59\x20\x55\x50\x44\x41T\x45 `has\x68\x5fke\x79\x60\x3d'" . $ {
                        $ {
                    } . "',\x20`ti\x6d\x65\x60=\x27" . time() . "'");
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                        $ {
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            $ckgqiw = "re\x73\x75l\x74D\x61\x74a";
            $ {
            } = array("s\x74a\x74u\x73" => 0, "msg" => "\x3cdi\x76 \x63l\x61s\x73\x3d\"a\x6c\x65\x72\x74\x20\x61\x6cert-\x64\x61\x6eg\x65\x72\"\x20rol\x65=\x22a\x6ce\x72\x74\"\x3e<\x62\x3e\x45\x52\x52OR:</b\x3e \x53\x65ss\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\x65\x78p\x69\x72\x65d,\x20\x70\x6ce\x61s\x65\x20r\x65fr\x65sh \x74\x68\x65 \x70\x61ge a\x6e\x64\x20t\x72\x79 \x61\x67\x61\x69\x6e\x21\x3c/d\x69\x76>");
        header("\x43on\x74\x65\x6et-type: \x61pp\x6cicatio\x6e/\x6as\x6f\x6e");
        echo json_encode($ {
            $ {

Function Calls

define 1


GLOBALS [{'key': 'eiolhjvdux', 'value': 'name'}, {'key': 'neutvtouzm', 'value': 'password'}, {'key': 'mlagrmyohq', 'value': 'checkKey'}, {'key': 'ikqiwavhrhcr', 'value': 'getKey'}, {'key': 'sfubvghlce', 'value': 'recover_url'}, {'key': 'jyukxnw', 'value': 'recUser'}, {'key': 'wvfmqaddpe', 'value': 'recaptcha'}, {'key': 'djkfyvevn', 'value': 'user_id'}, {'key': 'oqkhwlm', 'value': 'referal'}, {'key': 'pyvdqwcgf', 'value': 'refCode'}, {'key': 'xyvxpmxcl', 'value': 'activate_url'}, {'key': 'gttvll', 'value': 'activate'}, {'key': 'dekkbwk', 'value': 'ref_source'}, {'key': 'ergyuktqrhbh', 'value': 'country'}, {'key': 'vvmptmuaq', 'value': 'gender'}, {'key': 'fpjvlj', 'value': 'email'}, {'key': 'voxsmbycarf', 'value': 'username'}, {'key': 'prlhfpv', 'value': 'hash_key'}, {'key': 'cdooavud', 'value': 'browser'}, {'key': 'lifyzws', 'value': 'login'}, {'key': 'vgbrvhll', 'value': 'attempts'}, {'key': 'gcxthfsdnfxu', 'value': 'captcha_valid'}, {'key': 'zlrqeolq', 'value': 'ip_address'}, {'key': 'byrhungl', 'value': 'data'}, {'key': 'mfbnbvjafqd', 'value': 'config'}, {'key': 'uvltwc', 'value': 'coinsValue'}, {'key': 'vieokznqbr', 'value': 'info'}, {'key': 'ptvzgr', 'value': 'amount'}, {'key': 'uiewhbqrjc', 'value': 'resultData'}, {'key': 'wdfalvx', 'value': 'result'}, {'key': 'hkzaosg', 'value': 'method'}]


MD5 e183ed69bee46a007f062187be1a03e9
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 261 ms