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PHP Decode
<?php namespace Tests\Knp\Snappy; use Knp\Snappy\AbstractGenerator; use Knp\Snappy\Excep..
Decoded Output download
namespace Tests\Knp\Snappy;
use Knp\Snappy\AbstractGenerator;
use Knp\Snappy\Exception\FileAlreadyExistsException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use RuntimeException;
use ReflectionProperty;
use ReflectionMethod;
class AbstractGeneratorTest extends TestCase
public function testAddOption(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$this->assertEquals([], $media->getOptions());
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOption');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['foo', 'bar']);
$this->assertEquals(['foo' => 'bar'], $media->getOptions(), '->addOption() adds an option');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['baz', 'bat']);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->addOption() appends the option to the existing ones'
$message = '->addOption() raises an exception when the specified option already exists';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['baz', 'bat']);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testAddOptions(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$this->assertEquals([], $media->getOptions());
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->addOptions() adds all the given options'
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['ban' => 'bag', 'bal' => 'bac']]);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'ban' => 'bag',
'bal' => 'bac',
'->addOptions() adds the given options to the existing ones'
$message = '->addOptions() raises an exception when one of the given options already exists';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['bak' => 'bam', 'bah' => 'bap', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testSetOption(): void
$media = $this
$logger = $this
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOption');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['foo', 'bar']);
$media->setOption('foo', 'abc');
'foo' => 'abc',
'->setOption() defines the value of an option'
$message = '->setOption() raises an exception when the specified option does not exist';
try {
$media->setOption('bad', 'def');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testSetOptions(): void
$media = $this
$logger = $this
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
$media->setOptions(['foo' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def']);
'foo' => 'abc',
'baz' => 'def',
'->setOptions() defines the values of all the specified options'
$message = '->setOptions() raises an exception when one of the specified options does not exist';
try {
$media->setOptions(['foo' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def', 'bad' => 'ghi']);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testGenerate(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', []])
$logger = $this
'Generate from file(s) "the_input_file" to file "the_output_file".',
'File "the_output_file" has been successfully generated.'
['command' => 'the command', 'env' => null, 'timeout' => false],
['command' => 'the command', 'stdout' => 'stdout', 'stderr' => 'stderr']
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the command'))
->with($this->equalTo('the command'))
->willReturn([0, 'stdout', 'stderr'])
->with(0, 'stdout', 'stderr', 'the command')
$this->equalTo('the command')
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testFailingGenerate(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$logger = $this->getMockBuilder(LoggerInterface::class)->getMock();
$this->equalTo('Generate from file(s) "the_input_file" to file "the_output_file".'),
$this->equalTo(['command' => 'the command', 'env' => ['PATH' => '/usr/bin'], 'timeout' => 2000])
$this->equalTo('An error happened while generating "the_output_file".'),
$this->equalTo(['command' => 'the command', 'status' => 1, 'stdout' => 'stdout', 'stderr' => 'stderr'])
->will($this->returnValue('the command'))
->with($this->equalTo('the command'))
->willReturn([1, 'stdout', 'stderr'])
->with(1, 'stdout', 'stderr', 'the command')
->willThrowException(new RuntimeException())
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGenerateFromHtml(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
$media->generateFromHtml('<html>foo</html>', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGenerateFromHtmlWithHtmlArray(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
$media->generateFromHtml(['<html>foo</html>'], 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGetOutput(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the file contents'))
$this->assertEquals('the file contents', $media->getOutput('the_input_file', ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testGetOutputFromHtml(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the output'))
$this->assertEquals('the output', $media->getOutputFromHtml('<html>foo</html>', ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testGetOutputFromHtmlWithHtmlArray(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the output'))
$this->assertEquals('the output', $media->getOutputFromHtml(['<html>foo</html>'], ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testMergeOptions(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$originalOptions = ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'];
$addOptions = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$addOptions->invokeArgs($media, [$originalOptions]);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'mergeOptions');
$mergedOptions = $r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban']]);
'foo' => 'ban',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->mergeOptions() merges an option to the instance ones and returns the result options array'
'->mergeOptions() does NOT change the instance options'
$mergedOptions = $r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban', 'baz' => 'bag']]);
'foo' => 'ban',
'baz' => 'bag',
'->mergeOptions() merges many options to the instance ones and returns the result options array'
$message = '->mergeOptions() throws an InvalidArgumentException once there is an undefined option in the given array';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban', 'bad' => 'bah']]);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
* @dataProvider dataForBuildCommand
public function testBuildCommand(string $binary, string $url, string $path, array $options, string $expected): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'buildCommand');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $r->invokeArgs($media, [$binary, $url, $path, $options]));
public function dataForBuildCommand(): array
$theBinary = $this->getPHPExecutableFromPath() . ' -v'; // i.e.: '/usr/bin/php -v'
return [
$theBinary . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'foo' => null,
'bar' => false,
'baz' => [],
$theBinary . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'foo' => 'foovalue',
'bar' => ['barvalue1', 'barvalue2'],
'baz' => true,
$theBinary . ' --foo ' . \escapeshellarg('foovalue') . ' --bar ' . \escapeshellarg('barvalue1') . ' --bar ' . \escapeshellarg('barvalue2') . ' --baz ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'cookie' => ['session' => 'bla', 'phpsess' => 12],
'no-background' => '1',
$theBinary . ' --cookie ' . \escapeshellarg('session') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('bla') . ' --cookie ' . \escapeshellarg('phpsess') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('12') . ' --no-background ' . \escapeshellarg('1') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'allow' => ['/path1', '/path2'],
'no-background' => '1',
$theBinary . ' --allow ' . \escapeshellarg('/path1') . ' --allow ' . \escapeshellarg('/path2') . ' --no-background ' . \escapeshellarg('1') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'image-dpi' => 100,
'image-quality' => 50,
$theBinary . ' ' . '--image-dpi 100 --image-quality 50 ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
public function testCheckOutput(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() checks both file existence and size';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckOutputWhenTheFileDoesNotExist(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() throws an InvalidArgumentException when the file does not exist';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckOutputWhenTheFileIsEmpty(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() throws an InvalidArgumentException when the file is empty';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckProcessStatus(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkProcessStatus');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [0, '', '', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->fail('0 status means success');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [1, '', '', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->fail('1 status means failure, but no stderr content');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [1, '', 'Could not connect to X', 'the command']);
$this->fail('1 status means failure');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $e->getCode(), 'Exception thrown by checkProcessStatus should pass on the error code');
* @dataProvider dataForIsAssociativeArray
public function testIsAssociativeArray(array $array, bool $isAssociativeArray): void
$generator = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'isAssociativeArray');
$this->assertEquals($isAssociativeArray, $r->invokeArgs($generator, [$array]));
public function testItThrowsTheProperExceptionWhenFileExistsAndNotOverwritting(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'prepareOutput');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['', false]);
public function dataForIsAssociativeArray(): array
return [
['key' => 'value'],
['key' => 2],
['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'],
[0 => 'value', 1 => 'value2', 'deux' => 'value3'],
[0 => 'value'],
[0 => 'value', 1 => 'value2', 3 => 'value3'],
['0' => 'value', '1' => 'value2', '3' => 'value3'],
public function testCleanupEmptyTemporaryFiles(): void
$generator = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$create = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'createTemporaryFile');
$create->invoke($generator, null, null);
$files = new ReflectionProperty($generator, 'temporaryFiles');
$this->assertCount(1, $files->getValue($generator));
$remove = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'removeTemporaryFiles');
public function testleanupTemporaryFiles(): void
$generator = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$create = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'createTemporaryFile');
$create->invoke($generator, '<html/>', 'html');
$files = new ReflectionProperty($generator, 'temporaryFiles');
$this->assertCount(1, $files->getValue($generator));
$remove = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'removeTemporaryFiles');
public function testResetOptions(): void
$media = new class('/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf') extends AbstractGenerator {
protected function configure(): void
'optionA' => null,
'optionB' => 'abc',
$media->setOption('optionA', 'bar');
'optionA' => 'bar',
'optionB' => 'abc',
'optionA' => null,
'optionB' => 'abc',
public function testFailingGenerateWithOutputContainingPharPrefix(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'phar://the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testFailingGenerateWithOutputContainingUppercasePharPrefix(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'PHAR://the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
* @return null|string
private function getPHPExecutableFromPath(): ?string
if (isset($_SERVER['_'])) {
return $_SERVER['_'];
if (@\defined(\PHP_BINARY)) {
return \PHP_BINARY;
if (false === \getenv('PATH')) {
return null;
$paths = \explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, \getenv('PATH'));
foreach ($paths as $path) {
// we need this for XAMPP (Windows)
if (\strstr($path, 'php.exe') && isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && ile_exists($path) && \is_file($path)) {
return $path;
$php_executable = $path . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php' . (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ? '.exe' : '');
if (ile_exists($php_executable) && \is_file($php_executable)) {
return $php_executable;
return null; // not found
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
namespace Tests\Knp\Snappy;
use Knp\Snappy\AbstractGenerator;
use Knp\Snappy\Exception\FileAlreadyExistsException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use RuntimeException;
use ReflectionProperty;
use ReflectionMethod;
class AbstractGeneratorTest extends TestCase
public function testAddOption(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$this->assertEquals([], $media->getOptions());
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOption');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['foo', 'bar']);
$this->assertEquals(['foo' => 'bar'], $media->getOptions(), '->addOption() adds an option');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['baz', 'bat']);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->addOption() appends the option to the existing ones'
$message = '->addOption() raises an exception when the specified option already exists';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['baz', 'bat']);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testAddOptions(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$this->assertEquals([], $media->getOptions());
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->addOptions() adds all the given options'
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['ban' => 'bag', 'bal' => 'bac']]);
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat',
'ban' => 'bag',
'bal' => 'bac',
'->addOptions() adds the given options to the existing ones'
$message = '->addOptions() raises an exception when one of the given options already exists';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['bak' => 'bam', 'bah' => 'bap', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testSetOption(): void
$media = $this
$logger = $this
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOption');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['foo', 'bar']);
$media->setOption('foo', 'abc');
'foo' => 'abc',
'->setOption() defines the value of an option'
$message = '->setOption() raises an exception when the specified option does not exist';
try {
$media->setOption('bad', 'def');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testSetOptions(): void
$media = $this
$logger = $this
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat']]);
$media->setOptions(['foo' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def']);
'foo' => 'abc',
'baz' => 'def',
'->setOptions() defines the values of all the specified options'
$message = '->setOptions() raises an exception when one of the specified options does not exist';
try {
$media->setOptions(['foo' => 'abc', 'baz' => 'def', 'bad' => 'ghi']);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
public function testGenerate(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', []])
$logger = $this
'Generate from file(s) "the_input_file" to file "the_output_file".',
'File "the_output_file" has been successfully generated.'
['command' => 'the command', 'env' => null, 'timeout' => false],
['command' => 'the command', 'stdout' => 'stdout', 'stderr' => 'stderr']
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the command'))
->with($this->equalTo('the command'))
->willReturn([0, 'stdout', 'stderr'])
->with(0, 'stdout', 'stderr', 'the command')
$this->equalTo('the command')
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testFailingGenerate(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$logger = $this->getMockBuilder(LoggerInterface::class)->getMock();
$this->equalTo('Generate from file(s) "the_input_file" to file "the_output_file".'),
$this->equalTo(['command' => 'the command', 'env' => ['PATH' => '/usr/bin'], 'timeout' => 2000])
$this->equalTo('An error happened while generating "the_output_file".'),
$this->equalTo(['command' => 'the command', 'status' => 1, 'stdout' => 'stdout', 'stderr' => 'stderr'])
->will($this->returnValue('the command'))
->with($this->equalTo('the command'))
->willReturn([1, 'stdout', 'stderr'])
->with(1, 'stdout', 'stderr', 'the command')
->willThrowException(new RuntimeException())
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGenerateFromHtml(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
$media->generateFromHtml('<html>foo</html>', 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGenerateFromHtmlWithHtmlArray(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
$media->generateFromHtml(['<html>foo</html>'], 'the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testGetOutput(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the file contents'))
$this->assertEquals('the file contents', $media->getOutput('the_input_file', ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testGetOutputFromHtml(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the output'))
$this->assertEquals('the output', $media->getOutputFromHtml('<html>foo</html>', ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testGetOutputFromHtmlWithHtmlArray(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$this->equalTo(['foo' => 'bar'])
->will($this->returnValue('the output'))
$this->assertEquals('the output', $media->getOutputFromHtml(['<html>foo</html>'], ['foo' => 'bar']));
public function testMergeOptions(): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$originalOptions = ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'];
$addOptions = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'addOptions');
$addOptions->invokeArgs($media, [$originalOptions]);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'mergeOptions');
$mergedOptions = $r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban']]);
'foo' => 'ban',
'baz' => 'bat',
'->mergeOptions() merges an option to the instance ones and returns the result options array'
'->mergeOptions() does NOT change the instance options'
$mergedOptions = $r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban', 'baz' => 'bag']]);
'foo' => 'ban',
'baz' => 'bag',
'->mergeOptions() merges many options to the instance ones and returns the result options array'
$message = '->mergeOptions() throws an InvalidArgumentException once there is an undefined option in the given array';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [['foo' => 'ban', 'bad' => 'bah']]);
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
* @dataProvider dataForBuildCommand
public function testBuildCommand(string $binary, string $url, string $path, array $options, string $expected): void
$media = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'buildCommand');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $r->invokeArgs($media, [$binary, $url, $path, $options]));
public function dataForBuildCommand(): array
$theBinary = $this->getPHPExecutableFromPath() . ' -v'; // i.e.: '/usr/bin/php -v'
return [
$theBinary . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'foo' => null,
'bar' => false,
'baz' => [],
$theBinary . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'foo' => 'foovalue',
'bar' => ['barvalue1', 'barvalue2'],
'baz' => true,
$theBinary . ' --foo ' . \escapeshellarg('foovalue') . ' --bar ' . \escapeshellarg('barvalue1') . ' --bar ' . \escapeshellarg('barvalue2') . ' --baz ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'cookie' => ['session' => 'bla', 'phpsess' => 12],
'no-background' => '1',
$theBinary . ' --cookie ' . \escapeshellarg('session') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('bla') . ' --cookie ' . \escapeshellarg('phpsess') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('12') . ' --no-background ' . \escapeshellarg('1') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'allow' => ['/path1', '/path2'],
'no-background' => '1',
$theBinary . ' --allow ' . \escapeshellarg('/path1') . ' --allow ' . \escapeshellarg('/path2') . ' --no-background ' . \escapeshellarg('1') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
'image-dpi' => 100,
'image-quality' => 50,
$theBinary . ' ' . '--image-dpi 100 --image-quality 50 ' . \escapeshellarg('http://the.url/') . ' ' . \escapeshellarg('/the/path'),
public function testCheckOutput(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() checks both file existence and size';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckOutputWhenTheFileDoesNotExist(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() throws an InvalidArgumentException when the file does not exist';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckOutputWhenTheFileIsEmpty(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkOutput');
$message = '->checkOutput() throws an InvalidArgumentException when the file is empty';
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['the_output_file', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
public function testCheckProcessStatus(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'checkProcessStatus');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [0, '', '', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->fail('0 status means success');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [1, '', '', 'the command']);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->fail('1 status means failure, but no stderr content');
try {
$r->invokeArgs($media, [1, '', 'Could not connect to X', 'the command']);
$this->fail('1 status means failure');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$this->assertEquals(1, $e->getCode(), 'Exception thrown by checkProcessStatus should pass on the error code');
* @dataProvider dataForIsAssociativeArray
public function testIsAssociativeArray(array $array, bool $isAssociativeArray): void
$generator = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractGenerator::class, [], '', false);
$r = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'isAssociativeArray');
$this->assertEquals($isAssociativeArray, $r->invokeArgs($generator, [$array]));
public function testItThrowsTheProperExceptionWhenFileExistsAndNotOverwritting(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$r = new ReflectionMethod($media, 'prepareOutput');
$r->invokeArgs($media, ['', false]);
public function dataForIsAssociativeArray(): array
return [
['key' => 'value'],
['key' => 2],
['key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'],
[0 => 'value', 1 => 'value2', 'deux' => 'value3'],
[0 => 'value'],
[0 => 'value', 1 => 'value2', 3 => 'value3'],
['0' => 'value', '1' => 'value2', '3' => 'value3'],
public function testCleanupEmptyTemporaryFiles(): void
$generator = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$create = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'createTemporaryFile');
$create->invoke($generator, null, null);
$files = new ReflectionProperty($generator, 'temporaryFiles');
$this->assertCount(1, $files->getValue($generator));
$remove = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'removeTemporaryFiles');
public function testleanupTemporaryFiles(): void
$generator = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
$create = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'createTemporaryFile');
$create->invoke($generator, '<html/>', 'html');
$files = new ReflectionProperty($generator, 'temporaryFiles');
$this->assertCount(1, $files->getValue($generator));
$remove = new ReflectionMethod($generator, 'removeTemporaryFiles');
public function testResetOptions(): void
$media = new class('/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf') extends AbstractGenerator {
protected function configure(): void
'optionA' => null,
'optionB' => 'abc',
$media->setOption('optionA', 'bar');
'optionA' => 'bar',
'optionB' => 'abc',
'optionA' => null,
'optionB' => 'abc',
public function testFailingGenerateWithOutputContainingPharPrefix(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'phar://the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
public function testFailingGenerateWithOutputContainingUppercasePharPrefix(): void
$media = $this->getMockBuilder(AbstractGenerator::class)
->setConstructorArgs(['the_binary', [], ['PATH' => '/usr/bin']])
$media->generate('the_input_file', 'PHAR://the_output_file', ['foo' => 'bar']);
* @return null|string
private function getPHPExecutableFromPath(): ?string
if (isset($_SERVER['_'])) {
return $_SERVER['_'];
if (@\defined(\PHP_BINARY)) {
return \PHP_BINARY;
if (false === \getenv('PATH')) {
return null;
$paths = \explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, \getenv('PATH'));
foreach ($paths as $path) {
// we need this for XAMPP (Windows)
if (\strstr($path, 'php.exe') && isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) && \file_exists($path) && \is_file($path)) {
return $path;
$php_executable = $path . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php' . (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR']) ? '.exe' : '');
if (\file_exists($php_executable) && \is_file($php_executable)) {
return $php_executable;
return null; // not found
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e1a6353d3033eaeac3828db1c33c8103 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 144 ms |