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PHP Decode
<?php /******************************************************************* * Glype is co..
Decoded Output download
* Glype is copyright and trademark 2007-2012 UpsideOut, Inc. d/b/a Glype
* and/or its licensors, successors and assigners. All rights reserved.
* Use of Glype is subject to the terms of the Software License Agreement.
* This file is a global include used everywhere in the script.
* Obviously we have all the globally used code: functions and built-in
* "configurable" values. Ideally keep it as light as possible!
* Initialise
# Choose error reporting levels
ini_set('display_errors', 0); # Always report but don't display on live installation
# Script name (change this if you rename browse.php)
define('SCRIPT_NAME', 'browse.php');
# Prefix for cookies (change if having trouble running multiple proxies on same domain)
define('COOKIE_PREFIX', 'c');
# Running on HTTPS?
define('HTTPS', ( empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'off' ? false : true ));
# Running in safe_mode?
define('SAFE_MODE', ini_get('safe_mode'));
# Compatibility mode - you can disable this to test if your setup is forwards compatible.
# Backwards compatiblity is frequently removed so keep up to date! Checking this is
# ESSENTIAL if you're distributing a theme or plugin.
define('COMPATABILITY_MODE', true);
# Set up paths/urls
define('GLYPE_ROOT', str_replace('\', '/', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
. ( HTTPS ? 's' : '' )
. '://'
. preg_replace('#/(?:(?:includes/)?[^/]*|' . preg_quote(SCRIPT_NAME) . '.*)$#', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
# Set timezone (uncomment and set to desired timezone)
# Ensure request time is available
$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] = time();
# Set list of letters and numbers
define('ALPHABET', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789');
# Load settings
require GLYPE_ROOT . '/includes/settings.php';
* Protect with BlockScript
if ($CONFIG['enable_blockscript']) {
define('BS_REDIRECTION_URL', '');
* Language - text for error messages
$phrases['no_hotlink'] = 'Hotlinking directly to proxied pages is not permitted.';
$phrases['invalid_url'] = 'The requested URL was not recognised as a valid URL. Attempted to load: %s';
$phrases['banned_site'] = 'Sorry, this proxy does not allow the requested site (<b>%s</b>) to be viewed.';
$phrases['file_too_large'] = 'The requested file is too large. The maximum permitted filesize is %s MB.';
$phrases['server_busy'] = 'The server is currently busy and unable to process your request. Please try again in a few minutes. We apologise for any inconvenience.';
$phrases['http_error'] = 'The requested resource could not be loaded because the server returned an error:<br> <b>%s %s</b> (<span class="tooltip" onmouseout="exit()" onmouseover="tooltip(\'%s\');">?</span>).';
$phrases['curl_error'] = 'The requested resource could not be loaded. libcurl returned the error:<br><b>%s</b>';
$phrases['unknown_error'] = 'The script encountered an unknown error. Error id: <b>%s</b>.';
# If an HTTP error (status code >= 400) is encountered, the script will look here
# for an additional "friendly" explanation of the problem.
$httpErrors = array('404' => 'A 404 error occurs when the requested resource does not exist.');
* Load theme config
# Current version - no need to change this!
$themeReplace['version'] = 'v1.4.2';
# Look for a config.php in the /themes/themeName/ folder
if ( ! defined('MULTIGLYPE') && file_exists($tmp = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/' . $CONFIG['theme'] . '/config.php') ) {
# Load it
include $tmp;
# NB if running multiple proxies off the same source files - with glype
# manager or any other product - set the MULTIGLYPE constant to stop the
# script automatically loading theme config files.
* Start session
# Set name to the configured value - change if running multiple proxies in same
# folder and experiencing session conflicts.
# Allow caching. We don't want PHP to send any cache-related headers automatically
# (and by default it tries to stop all caching). Using this limiter sends the fewest
# headers, which we override later.
# Don't call _start() if session.auto_start = 1
if ( session_id() == '' ) {
* Check IP bans
# Only check once per session or if the IP address changes
if ( empty($_SESSION['ip_verified']) || $_SESSION['ip_verified'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) {
if (!$CONFIG['enable_blockscript']) {
# Current IP matches a banned IP? true/false
$banned = false;
# Examine all IP bans
foreach ( $CONFIG['ip_bans'] as $ip ) {
# Is this a range or single?
if ( ($pos = strspn($ip, '0123456789.')) == strlen($ip) ) {
# Just a single IP so check for a match
if ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip ) {
# Flag the match and break out the loop
$banned = true;
# And try next IP
# Must be some form of IP range if still here. Convert our own
# IP address to int and binary.
$ownLong = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ownBin = decbin($ownLong);
# What kind of range?
if ( $ip[$pos] == '/' ) {
# Slash notation - split by slash
list($net, $mask) = explode('/', $ip);
# Fill IP with .0 if shortened form
if ( ( $tmp = substr_count($net, '.') ) < 3 ) {
$net .= str_repeat('.0', 3-$tmp);
# Note: there MUST be a better way of doing the rest of this section
# but couldn't understand and/or get anything else to work...
# To do: improve!
# Convert a subnet mask to a prefix length
if ( strpos($mask, '.') ) {
$mask = substr_count(decbin(ip2long($mask)), '1');
# Produce a binary string of the network address of prefix length
# and compare to the equivalent for own address
if ( substr(decbin(ip2long($net)), 0, $mask) === substr($ownBin, 0, $mask) ) {
# They match so must be banned
$banned = true;
} else {
# No slash so it should just be a pair of dotted quads
$from = ip2long(substr($ip, 0, $pos));
$to = ip2long(substr($ip, $pos+1));
# Did we get valid ranges?
if ( $from && $to ) {
# Are we in the range?
if ( $ownLong >= $from && $ownLong <= $to ) {
# We're banned. Don't bother checking the rest of the bans.
$banned = true;
# Is the IP address banned?
if ( $banned ) {
# Send a Forbidden header
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
# Print the banned page and exit!
echo loadTemplate('');
# Still here? Must be OK so save IP in session to prevent rechecking next time
$_SESSION['ip_verified'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
* Find bitfield to determine options from
# First, find the bitfield!
if ( $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] && ! empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && preg_match('#/b([0-9]{1,5})(?:/f([a-z]{1,10}))?/?$#', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $tmp) ) {
# Found a /bXX/ value at end of path info
$bitfield = $tmp[1];
# (And while we're here, grab the flag too)
$flag = isset($tmp[2]) ? $tmp[2] : '';
} else if ( ! empty($_GET['b']) ) {
# Found a b= value in the query string
$bitfield = intval($_GET['b']);
} else if ( ! empty($_SESSION['bitfield']) ) {
# Use stored session bitfield - mid-browsing but somehow lost the bitfield
$bitfield = $_SESSION['bitfield'];
} else {
# Could not find any bitfield, regenerate (later)
$regenerate = true;
$bitfield = 0;
# Get flag from query string while we're here
if ( ! isset($flag) ) {
$flag = isset($_GET['f']) ? $_GET['f'] : '';
* Determine options / use defaults
$i = 0;
# Loop through the possible options
foreach ( $CONFIG['options'] as $name => $details ) {
# Is the option forced?
if ( ! empty($details['force']) ) {
# Use default
$options[$name] = $details['default'];
# And move onto next option
# Which bit does this option occupy in the bitfield?
$bit = pow(2, $i);
# Use value from bitfield if possible,
if ( ! isset($regenerate) ) {
# Use value from bitfield
$options[$name] = checkBit($bitfield, $bit);
# No bitfield available - use defaults and regenerate
else {
# Use default value
$options[$name] = $details['default'];
# Set bit
if ( $details['default'] ) {
setBit($bitfield, $bit);
# Increase index
# Save new session value
$_SESSION['bitfield'] = $bitfield;
* Unique URLs
# First visit? Ensure we have a unique salt
if (!isset($_SESSION['unique_salt'])) {
for ($i=0; $i<128; ++$i) {$unique_salt.=$alphabet[(rand()%$alphas)];}
# Session gets closed before all parsing complete so copy unique to globals
$GLOBALS['unique_salt'] = $_SESSION['unique_salt'];
* Sort javascript flags
* These determine how much parsing we do server-side and what can
* be left for the browser client-side.
* FALSE - unknown capabilities, parse all non-standard code
* NULL - javascript override disabled, parse everything
* (array) - flags of which overrides have failed (so parse these)
if ( $CONFIG['override_javascript'] ) {
$jsFlags = isset($_SESSION['js_flags']) ? $_SESSION['js_flags'] : false;
} else {
$jsFlags = null;
* Custom browser - set up defaults
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['custom_browser']) ) {
$_SESSION['custom_browser'] = array(
'user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '',
'referrer' => 'real',
'tunnel' => '',
'tunnel_port' => '',
'tunnel_type' => '',
* Global functions
* NB: Some of these (e.g. templating) could make up a whole new class
* that could be easily swapped out to completely change how it works.
* In the interests of speed - but at the cost of convenience - all this
* is stuck together in here as functions.
* URL encoding
* There are 3 options that affect URL encodings - the path info setting,
* the unique URLs setting and the users choice of to encode or not.
# Takes a normal URL and converts it to a URL that, when requested,
# will load the resource through our proxy
function proxyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {
global $CONFIG, $options, $bitfield, $flag;
# Remove excess whitespace
$url = trim($url);
# check for binary images
if (stripos($url,'data:image')===0) {
return $url;
# handle javascript
if (stripos($url,'javascript:')===0 || stripos($url,'livescript:')===0) {
# return JS($url);
return '';
# Validate the input
if ( empty($url) || $url[0]=='#' || $url=='about:' || stripos($url,'data:')===0 || stripos($url,'file:')===0 || stripos($url,'res:')===0 || stripos($url,'C:')===0 || strpos($url, GLYPE_BROWSE)===0 ) {
return '';
# Extract any #anchor since we don't want to encode that
if ( $tmp = strpos($url, '#') ) {
$anchor = substr($url, $tmp);
$url = substr($url, 0, $tmp);
} else {
$anchor = '';
# Convert to absolute URL (if not already)
$url = absoluteURL($url);
# Add encoding
if ( $options['encodeURL'] ) {
# Part of our encoding is to remove HTTP (saves space and helps avoid detection)
$url = substr($url, 4);
# Encrypt
if ( isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ) {
$url = arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$url);
# Protect chars that have other meaning in URLs
$url = rawurlencode($url);
# Determine flag to use - $givenFlag is passed into function, $flag
# is global flag currently in use (used here for persisting the frame state)
$addFlag = $givenFlag ? $givenFlag : ( $flag == 'frame' ? 'frame' : '' );
# Return in path info format (only when encoding is on)
if ( $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] && $options['encodeURL'] ) {
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '/' . str_replace('%', '_', chunk_split($url, 8, '/')) . 'b' . $bitfield . '/' . ( $addFlag ? 'f' . $addFlag : '') . $anchor;
# Otherwise, return in 'normal' (query string) format
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '?u=' . $url . '&b=' . $bitfield . ( $addFlag ? '&f=' . $addFlag : '' ) . $anchor;
# Takes a URL that has been proxied by the proxyURL() function
# and returns it to a normal, direct URL
function deproxyURL($url, $verifyUnique=false) {
# Check we have URL to deproxy
if ( empty($url) ) {
return $url;
# Remove our prefix
$url = str_replace(GLYPE_BROWSE, '', $url);
# Take off flags and bitfield
if ( $url[0] == '/' ) {
# First char is slash, must be path info format
$url = preg_replace('#/b[0-9]{1,5}(?:/f[a-z]{1,10})?/?$#', '', $url);
# Return % and strip /
$url = str_replace('_', '%', $url);
$url = str_replace('/', '', $url);
} else {
# First char not / so must be the standard query string format
if ( preg_match('#u=([^&]+)#', $url, $tmp) ) {
$url = $tmp[1];
# Remove URL encoding (returns special chars such as /)
$url = rawurldecode($url);
# Is it encoded? Presence of :# means unencoded.
if ( ! strpos($url, '://') ) {
# Decrypt
if ( isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ) {
$url = arcfour('decrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$url);
# Add http back
$url = 'http' . $url;
# URLs were originally HTML attributes so *should* have had all
# entities encoded. Decode it.
$url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url);
# Check for successful decoding
if ( strpos($url, '://') === false ) {
return false;
# Return decoded URL
return $url;
# Take any type of URL (relative, absolute, with base, from root, etc.)
# and return an absolute URL.
function absoluteURL($input) {
global $base, $URL;
# Check we have something to work with
if ( $input == false ) {
return $input;
# "//" is valid - add the HTTP protocol if we have this
if ( $input[0] == '/' && isset($input[1]) && $input[1] == '/' ) {
$input= 'http:' . $input;
# Look for http or https and if necessary, convert relative to absolute
if ( stripos($input, 'http://') !== 0 && stripos($input, 'https://') !== 0 ) {
# . refers to current directory so do nothing if we find it
if ( $input == '.' ) {
$input = '';
# Check for the first char indicating the URL is relative from root,
# in which case we just need to add the hostname prefix
if ( $input && $input[0] == '/' ) {
$input = $URL['scheme_host'] . $input;
} else if ( isset($base) ) {
# Not relative from root, is there a base href specified?
$input = $base . $input;
} else {
# Not relative from root, no base href, must be relative to current directory
$input = $URL['scheme_host'] . $URL['path'] . $input;
# URL is absolute. Now attempt to simplify path.
# Strip ./ (refers to current directory)
$input = str_replace('/./', '/', $input);
# Strip double slash #
if ( isset($input[8]) && strpos($input, '//', 8) ) {
# $input = preg_replace('#(?<!:)//#', '/', $input);
# Look for ../
if ( strpos($input, '../') ) {
# Extract path component only
$oldPath =
$path = parse_url($input, PHP_URL_PATH);
# Convert ../ into "go up a directory"
while ( ( $tmp = strpos($path, '/../') ) !== false ) {
# If found at start of path, simply remove since we can't go
# up beyond the root.
if ( $tmp === 0 ) {
$path = substr($path, 3);
# It was found later so find the previous /
$previousDir = strrpos($path, '/', - ( strlen($path) - $tmp + 1 ) );
# And splice that directory out
$path = substr_replace($path, '', $previousDir, $tmp+3-$previousDir);
# Replace path component with new
$input = str_replace($oldPath, $path, $input);
return $input;
* Templating System
# Load a template
function loadTemplate($file, $vars=array()) {
# Extract passed vars
# Start output buffer
# Ensure file exists
if ( $path = getTemplatePath($file) ) {
# Load template into buffer
include $path;
# Get buffer into variable
$template = ob_get_contents();
# Dispose of output buffer
# Ensure template loaded properly
if ( empty($template) ) {
# Return an error message
return '<b>ERROR:</b> template failed to load. Please ensure you have correctly installed any custom themes and check you have not removed any files from the default theme.';
# Apply theme replacements to template
$template = replaceThemeTags($template);
# Return HTML
return $template;
# Take a template name and return absolute path
function getTemplatePath($file) {
global $CONFIG;
# First look in custom theme folder
if ( ! file_exists($return = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/' . $CONFIG['theme'] . '/' . $file . '.php') ) {
# Then look in default folder (if different)
if ( $CONFIG['theme'] == 'default' || ! file_exists($return = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/default/' . $file . '.php') ) {
# Still not found? Fail.
return false;
return $return;
# Make theme tag replacements
function replaceThemeTags($template) {
global $themeReplace;
if ( ! empty($themeReplace) ) {
foreach ( $themeReplace as $tag => $value ) {
# Make the replacement
$template = str_replace('<!--[' . $tag . ']-->', $value, $template);
# And for backwards compatability - will be removed at next major release
$template = str_replace('<!--[glype:' . $tag . ']-->', $value, $template);
# Return updated
return $template;
function render($b) {/*Removal or alteration of this function is prohibited. Glype vigorously protects and defends its rights.*/ global $CONFIG;if(defined('LCNSE_KEY')){$CONFIG['license_key']=LCNSE_KEY;}if($b){$r=array();$f=false;$h=ALPHABET.'~!@#$%^&*()_+-';$d=$h[15].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[24];$k=$h[11].$h[8].$h[2].$h[4].$h[13].$h[18].$h[4].$h[73].$h[10].$h[4].$h[24];$g=$h[6].$h[11].$h[24].$h[15].$h[4];$G=$h[32].$h[11].$h[24].$h[15].$h[4];$p=$h[15].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[8].$h[5];$P=$h[41].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[8].$h[5].$h[24];$s=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];$y=$h[13].$h[14].$h[5].$h[14].$h[11].$h[11].$h[14].$h[22];$w=$h[22].$h[22].$h[22];$o=$h[7].$h[17].$h[4].$h[5];$e=$h[7].$h[19].$h[19].$h[15];if(preg_match_all('#(<'.$h[0].'[^>]*'.$o.'\s*=\s*["\']([^"\']*)["\'][^>]*>(.+?)</'.$h[0].'>)#si',$b,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER)){$c=0;foreach($m AS $a){$t=$a[1];$u=$a[2];$x=$a[3];if(stripos($u,$g)!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false||!preg_match('#^'.$e.'://('.$w.'\.)?'.$g.'\.com/#',$u)){$u=$e.'://'.$w.'.'.$g.'.com/';$x=$G;}$b=str_replace($t,'<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>',$b);$f=true;}elseif(stripos($u,$p.'y')!==false||stripos($u,$p.'ier')!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false||!preg_match('#^'.$e.'[s]?://('.$w.'\.)?'.$p.'y\.(com|net|org|info|biz|us)/#',$u)){$u=$e.'s://'.$p.'';$x=$P;}$b=str_replace($t,'<!--RRR-'.$c.'-->',$b);$r[]='<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>';$c++;}elseif(stripos($u,'free'.$d.'.ca')!==false||stripos($u,$w.'.'.$d.'.org')!==false||stripos($u,'://'.$d.'.org')!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false){$b=str_replace($t,'<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>',$b);}}}}$b=preg_replace('#'.$p.'#i','prox',$b);if(count($r)>=1){if(preg_match_all('#<\!--RRR-(\d+)-->#i',$b,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER)){foreach($m AS $n){$b=str_replace('<!--RRR-'.$n[1].'-->',$r[$n[1]],$b);}}}$j='PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBIVE1MIDQuMDEgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy9FTiI+PGh0bWw+PGhlYWQ+PHRpdGxlPkVycm9yPC90aXRsZT48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHkgc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtc2l6ZTpsYXJnZTsiPlRoaXMgaW5zdGFsbGF0aW9uIG9mIHRoZSA8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmdseXBlLmNvbS8iPkdseXBlPC9hPiZ0cmFkZTsgc29mdHdhcmUgaXMgYmVpbmcgdXNlZCA=';if(!$f&&(empty($CONFIG[$k])||strlen($CONFIG[$k])!=$h[53].$h[59]||substr_count($CONFIG[$k],$h[75])!=$h[54]||!preg_match('#[0-9]#',$CONFIG[$k])||!preg_match('#[a-z]#i',$CONFIG[$k]))){$b=base64_decode($j).base64_decode('d2l0aG91dCBhIHByb3BlciBjb3B5cmlnaHQgYXR0cmlidXRpb24gbm90aWNlIHRvIEdseXBlIChjb21tb25seSByZWZlcnJlZCB0byBhcyB0aGUgJnF1b3Q7Y3JlZGl0IGxpbmsmcXVvdDspLiBJdCBpcyBhIHZpb2xhdGlvbiBvZiB0aGUgR2x5cGUgU29mdHdhcmUgTGljZW5zZSBBZ3JlZW1lbnQgdG8gcmVtb3ZlLCBhbHRlciBvciBjb25jZWFsIHRoZSBjcmVkaXQgbGluayB3aXRob3V0IGEgdmFsaWQgbGljZW5zZSB0byBkbyBzby4gUGxlYXNlIDxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZ2x5cGUuY29tL2xpY2Vuc2UiPnB1cmNoYXNlIGEgbGljZW5zZTwvYT4gb3IgcmV0dXJuIHRoZSBjcmVkaXQgbGluayB0byB0aGUgdGVtcGxhdGUuPC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=');}if(stripos($s,$g)!==false||stripos($s,$p)!==false){$b=base64_decode($j).base64_decode('b24gYSBkb21haW4gbmFtZSB3aGljaCBpbmNvcnBvcmF0ZXMgYSB0cmFkZW1hcmsgKG9yIGEgc2xpZ2h0IHZhcmlhdGlvbiBvZiBhIHRyYWRlbWFyaykuIEl0IGlzIGEgdmlvbGF0aW9uIG9mIHRoZSBHbHlwZSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBMaWNlbnNlIEFncmVlbWVudCB0byB1dGlsaXplIHRoZSBHbHlwZSBzb2Z0d2FyZSBpbiBhbnkgbWFubmVyIHRoYXQgbWF5IGluZnJpbmdlIGFueSByaWdodHMgKGluY2x1ZGluZywgYnV0IG5vdCBsaW1pdGVkIHRvLCBhbnkgY29weXJpZ2h0LCB0cmFkZW1hcmsgb3Igb3RoZXIgaW50ZWxsZWN0dWFsIHByb3BlcnR5IHJpZ2h0cykgb2YgR2x5cGUgb3IgYW55IHRoaXJkIHBhcnR5LjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+');}}header('Content-Length: '.strlen($b));return $b;}
# Replace content of main.php if using additional pages
function replaceContent($content) {
# Load main.php, suppressing any errors from PHP in the template
# that might expect to be included from index.php.
include getTemplatePath('main');
$output = ob_get_contents();
# Return with theme tags replaced
return replaceThemeTags(preg_replace('#<!-- CONTENT START -->.*<!-- CONTENT END -->#s', $content, $output));
* Input encoding / decoding
* PHP converts a number of characters to underscores in incoming
* variable names in an attempt to be compatible with register globals.
* We protect these characters when transmitting data between proxy and
* client and revert to normal when transmitting between proxy and target.
# Encode
function inputEncode($input) {
# rawurlencode() does almost everything so start with that
$input = rawurlencode($input);
# Periods are not encoded and PHP doesn't accept them in incoming
# variable names so encode them too
$input = str_replace('.', '%2E', $input);
# [] can be used to create an array so preserve them
$input = str_replace('%5B', '[', $input);
$input = str_replace('%5D', ']', $input);
# And return changed
return $input;
# And the complementary decode
function inputDecode($input) {
return rawurldecode($input);
* Bitfield operations
function checkBit($value, $bit) {
return ($value & $bit) ? true : false;
function setBit(&$value, $bit) {
$value = $value | $bit;
* Proxy javascript - injected into all pages and allows navigation
* without POST to the /includes/process.php page.
function injectionJS() {
global $CONFIG, $URL, $options, $base, $bitfield, $jsFlags;
# Prepare options to make available for our javascript
# Constants
$scriptName = SCRIPT_NAME;
# URL parts
if ($options['encodePage']) {
$fullURL = isset($URL['href']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['href']) : '';
$targetHost = isset($URL['scheme_host']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['scheme_host']) : '';
$targetPath = isset($URL['path']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['path']) : '';
} else {
$fullURL = isset($URL['href']) ? $URL['href'] : '';
$targetHost = isset($URL['scheme_host']) ? $URL['scheme_host'] : '';
$targetPath = isset($URL['path']) ? $URL['path'] : '';
# Optional values (may not be set):
$base = isset($base) ? $base : '';
$unique = isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ? $GLOBALS['unique_salt'] : '';
# Do we want to override javascript and/or test javascript client-side capabilities?
$optional = isset($URL) && $CONFIG['override_javascript'] ? ',override:1' : '';
$optional .= $jsFlags === false ? ',test:1' : '';
# Path to our javascript file
$jsFile = GLYPE_URL . '/includes/main.js?'.$CONFIG['version'];
return <<<OUT
<script type="text/javascript">ginf={url:'{$siteURL}',script:'{$scriptName}',target:{h:'{$targetHost}',p:'{$targetPath}',b:'{$base}',u:'{$fullURL}'},enc:{u:'{$unique}',e:'{$options['encodeURL']}',x:'{$options['encodePage']}',p:'{$CONFIG['path_info_urls']}'},b:'{$bitfield}'{$optional}}</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$jsFile}"></script>
* Compatability
# Requirements are only PHP5 but this function was introduced in PHP 5.1.3
if ( ! function_exists('curl_setopt_array') ) {
# Takes an array of options and sets all at once
function curl_setopt_array($ch, $options) {
foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
curl_setopt($ch, $option, $value);
# Function renamed at 1.0, here for backwards compatability
function render_injectionJS() {
return injectionJS();
* Miscellaneous
# Send no-cache headers.
function sendNoCache() {
header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
# Trim and stripslashes
function clean($value) {
# Static $magic saves us recalling get_magic_quotes_gpc() every time
static $magic;
# Recurse if array
if ( is_array($value) ) {
return array_map($value);
# Trim extra spaces
$value = trim($value);
# Check magic quotes status
if ( ! isset($magic) ) {
$magic = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
# Stripslashes if magic
if ( $magic && is_string($value) ) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
# Return cleaned
return $value;
# Redirect
function redirect($to = 'index.php') {
# Did we have an absolute URL?
if ( strpos($to, 'http') !== 0 ) {
# If not, prefix our current URL
$to = GLYPE_URL . '/' . $to;
# Send redirect
header('Location: ' . $to);
# Error message
function error($type, $allowReload=false) {
global $CONFIG, $themeReplace, $options, $phrases, $flag;
# Get extra arguments
$args = func_get_args();
# Remove first argument (we have that as $type)
# Check error exists
# Force to the "unknown" error message
if ( ! isset($phrases[$type]) ) {
$args = array($type);
$type = 'unknown_error';
if ( $args ) {
# Error text must be generated by calling sprintf - we only have
# the extra args as an array so we have to use call_user_func_array
$errorText = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge((array) $phrases[$type], $args));
} else {
# Error text can be fetched simply from the $phrases array
$errorText = $phrases[$type];
# If in frame or ajax, don't redirect back to index
if ( isset($flag) && ( $flag == 'frame' || $flag == 'ajax' ) ) {
die($errorText . ' <a href="index.php">Return to index</a>.');
# Finally add it to the $themeReplace array to get it in there
$themeReplace['error'] = '<div id="error">' . $errorText . '</div>';
# And a link to try again?
if (strlen($return)>0) {
$themeReplace['error'] .= '<p style="text-align:right">[<a href="' . htmlentities($return) . '">Reload ' . htmlentities(deproxyURL($return)) . '</a>]</p>';
# Start with an empty array
$toShow = array();
# Loop through the available options
foreach ( $CONFIG['options'] as $name => $details ) {
# Check we're allowed to choose
if ( ! empty($details['force']) ) {
# Generate the HTML 'checked' where appropriate
$checked = $options[$name] ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
# Add to the toShow array
$toShow[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'title' => $details['title'],
'desc' => $details['desc'],
'escaped_desc' => str_replace("'", "\'", $details['desc']),
'checked' => $checked
$vars2['toShow'] = $toShow;
echo loadTemplate('main', $vars2);
# And flush buffer
# Return current URL (absolute URL to proxied page)
function currentURL() {
# Which method are we using
$method = empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? 'QUERY_STRING' : 'PATH_INFO';
# Slash or question
$separator = $method == 'QUERY_STRING' ? '?' : '';
# Return full URL
return GLYPE_BROWSE . $separator . ( isset($_SERVER[$method]) ? $_SERVER[$method] : '');
# Check tmp directory and create it if necessary
function checkTmpDir($path, $htaccess=false) {
global $CONFIG;
# Does it already exist?
if ( file_exists($path) ) {
# Return "ok" (true) if folder is writable
if ( is_writable($path) ) {
return 'ok';
# Exists but not writable. Nothing else we can do.
return false;
} else {
# Does not exist, can we create it? (No if the desired dir is not
# inside the temp dir)
if ( is_writable($CONFIG['tmp_dir']) && realpath($CONFIG['tmp_dir']) == realpath(dirname($path) . '/') && mkdir($path, 0755, true) ) {
# New dir, protect it with .htaccess
if ( $htaccess ) {
file_put_contents($path . '/.htaccess', $htaccess);
# Return (true) "made"
return 'made';
return false;
function arcfour($w,$k,$d) {
if ($w=='decrypt') {$d=base64_decode($d);}
if ($w=='encrypt') {$o=base64_encode($o);}
return $o;
# Proxify is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.
function proxifyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {return proxyURL($url,$givenFlag);}
function deproxifyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {return deproxyURL($url,$givenFlag);} ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Glype is copyright and trademark 2007-2012 UpsideOut, Inc. d/b/a Glype
* and/or its licensors, successors and assigners. All rights reserved.
* Use of Glype is subject to the terms of the Software License Agreement.
* This file is a global include used everywhere in the script.
* Obviously we have all the globally used code: functions and built-in
* "configurable" values. Ideally keep it as light as possible!
* Initialise
# Choose error reporting levels
ini_set('display_errors', 0); # Always report but don't display on live installation
# Script name (change this if you rename browse.php)
define('SCRIPT_NAME', 'browse.php');
# Prefix for cookies (change if having trouble running multiple proxies on same domain)
define('COOKIE_PREFIX', 'c');
# Running on HTTPS?
define('HTTPS', ( empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'off' ? false : true ));
# Running in safe_mode?
define('SAFE_MODE', ini_get('safe_mode'));
# Compatibility mode - you can disable this to test if your setup is forwards compatible.
# Backwards compatiblity is frequently removed so keep up to date! Checking this is
# ESSENTIAL if you're distributing a theme or plugin.
define('COMPATABILITY_MODE', true);
# Set up paths/urls
define('GLYPE_ROOT', str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
. ( HTTPS ? 's' : '' )
. '://'
. preg_replace('#/(?:(?:includes/)?[^/]*|' . preg_quote(SCRIPT_NAME) . '.*)$#', '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
# Set timezone (uncomment and set to desired timezone)
# Ensure request time is available
$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] = time();
# Set list of letters and numbers
define('ALPHABET', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789');
# Load settings
require GLYPE_ROOT . '/includes/settings.php';
* Protect with BlockScript
if ($CONFIG['enable_blockscript']) {
define('BS_REDIRECTION_URL', '');
* Language - text for error messages
$phrases['no_hotlink'] = 'Hotlinking directly to proxied pages is not permitted.';
$phrases['invalid_url'] = 'The requested URL was not recognised as a valid URL. Attempted to load: %s';
$phrases['banned_site'] = 'Sorry, this proxy does not allow the requested site (<b>%s</b>) to be viewed.';
$phrases['file_too_large'] = 'The requested file is too large. The maximum permitted filesize is %s MB.';
$phrases['server_busy'] = 'The server is currently busy and unable to process your request. Please try again in a few minutes. We apologise for any inconvenience.';
$phrases['http_error'] = 'The requested resource could not be loaded because the server returned an error:<br> <b>%s %s</b> (<span class="tooltip" onmouseout="exit()" onmouseover="tooltip(\'%s\');">?</span>).';
$phrases['curl_error'] = 'The requested resource could not be loaded. libcurl returned the error:<br><b>%s</b>';
$phrases['unknown_error'] = 'The script encountered an unknown error. Error id: <b>%s</b>.';
# If an HTTP error (status code >= 400) is encountered, the script will look here
# for an additional "friendly" explanation of the problem.
$httpErrors = array('404' => 'A 404 error occurs when the requested resource does not exist.');
* Load theme config
# Current version - no need to change this!
$themeReplace['version'] = 'v1.4.2';
# Look for a config.php in the /themes/themeName/ folder
if ( ! defined('MULTIGLYPE') && file_exists($tmp = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/' . $CONFIG['theme'] . '/config.php') ) {
# Load it
include $tmp;
# NB if running multiple proxies off the same source files - with glype
# manager or any other product - set the MULTIGLYPE constant to stop the
# script automatically loading theme config files.
* Start session
# Set name to the configured value - change if running multiple proxies in same
# folder and experiencing session conflicts.
# Allow caching. We don't want PHP to send any cache-related headers automatically
# (and by default it tries to stop all caching). Using this limiter sends the fewest
# headers, which we override later.
# Don't call _start() if session.auto_start = 1
if ( session_id() == '' ) {
* Check IP bans
# Only check once per session or if the IP address changes
if ( empty($_SESSION['ip_verified']) || $_SESSION['ip_verified'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) {
if (!$CONFIG['enable_blockscript']) {
# Current IP matches a banned IP? true/false
$banned = false;
# Examine all IP bans
foreach ( $CONFIG['ip_bans'] as $ip ) {
# Is this a range or single?
if ( ($pos = strspn($ip, '0123456789.')) == strlen($ip) ) {
# Just a single IP so check for a match
if ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip ) {
# Flag the match and break out the loop
$banned = true;
# And try next IP
# Must be some form of IP range if still here. Convert our own
# IP address to int and binary.
$ownLong = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ownBin = decbin($ownLong);
# What kind of range?
if ( $ip[$pos] == '/' ) {
# Slash notation - split by slash
list($net, $mask) = explode('/', $ip);
# Fill IP with .0 if shortened form
if ( ( $tmp = substr_count($net, '.') ) < 3 ) {
$net .= str_repeat('.0', 3-$tmp);
# Note: there MUST be a better way of doing the rest of this section
# but couldn't understand and/or get anything else to work...
# To do: improve!
# Convert a subnet mask to a prefix length
if ( strpos($mask, '.') ) {
$mask = substr_count(decbin(ip2long($mask)), '1');
# Produce a binary string of the network address of prefix length
# and compare to the equivalent for own address
if ( substr(decbin(ip2long($net)), 0, $mask) === substr($ownBin, 0, $mask) ) {
# They match so must be banned
$banned = true;
} else {
# No slash so it should just be a pair of dotted quads
$from = ip2long(substr($ip, 0, $pos));
$to = ip2long(substr($ip, $pos+1));
# Did we get valid ranges?
if ( $from && $to ) {
# Are we in the range?
if ( $ownLong >= $from && $ownLong <= $to ) {
# We're banned. Don't bother checking the rest of the bans.
$banned = true;
# Is the IP address banned?
if ( $banned ) {
# Send a Forbidden header
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden', true, 403);
# Print the banned page and exit!
echo loadTemplate('');
# Still here? Must be OK so save IP in session to prevent rechecking next time
$_SESSION['ip_verified'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
* Find bitfield to determine options from
# First, find the bitfield!
if ( $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] && ! empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && preg_match('#/b([0-9]{1,5})(?:/f([a-z]{1,10}))?/?$#', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $tmp) ) {
# Found a /bXX/ value at end of path info
$bitfield = $tmp[1];
# (And while we're here, grab the flag too)
$flag = isset($tmp[2]) ? $tmp[2] : '';
} else if ( ! empty($_GET['b']) ) {
# Found a b= value in the query string
$bitfield = intval($_GET['b']);
} else if ( ! empty($_SESSION['bitfield']) ) {
# Use stored session bitfield - mid-browsing but somehow lost the bitfield
$bitfield = $_SESSION['bitfield'];
} else {
# Could not find any bitfield, regenerate (later)
$regenerate = true;
$bitfield = 0;
# Get flag from query string while we're here
if ( ! isset($flag) ) {
$flag = isset($_GET['f']) ? $_GET['f'] : '';
* Determine options / use defaults
$i = 0;
# Loop through the possible options
foreach ( $CONFIG['options'] as $name => $details ) {
# Is the option forced?
if ( ! empty($details['force']) ) {
# Use default
$options[$name] = $details['default'];
# And move onto next option
# Which bit does this option occupy in the bitfield?
$bit = pow(2, $i);
# Use value from bitfield if possible,
if ( ! isset($regenerate) ) {
# Use value from bitfield
$options[$name] = checkBit($bitfield, $bit);
# No bitfield available - use defaults and regenerate
else {
# Use default value
$options[$name] = $details['default'];
# Set bit
if ( $details['default'] ) {
setBit($bitfield, $bit);
# Increase index
# Save new session value
$_SESSION['bitfield'] = $bitfield;
* Unique URLs
# First visit? Ensure we have a unique salt
if (!isset($_SESSION['unique_salt'])) {
for ($i=0; $i<128; ++$i) {$unique_salt.=$alphabet[(rand()%$alphas)];}
# Session gets closed before all parsing complete so copy unique to globals
$GLOBALS['unique_salt'] = $_SESSION['unique_salt'];
* Sort javascript flags
* These determine how much parsing we do server-side and what can
* be left for the browser client-side.
* FALSE - unknown capabilities, parse all non-standard code
* NULL - javascript override disabled, parse everything
* (array) - flags of which overrides have failed (so parse these)
if ( $CONFIG['override_javascript'] ) {
$jsFlags = isset($_SESSION['js_flags']) ? $_SESSION['js_flags'] : false;
} else {
$jsFlags = null;
* Custom browser - set up defaults
if ( ! isset($_SESSION['custom_browser']) ) {
$_SESSION['custom_browser'] = array(
'user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '',
'referrer' => 'real',
'tunnel' => '',
'tunnel_port' => '',
'tunnel_type' => '',
* Global functions
* NB: Some of these (e.g. templating) could make up a whole new class
* that could be easily swapped out to completely change how it works.
* In the interests of speed - but at the cost of convenience - all this
* is stuck together in here as functions.
* URL encoding
* There are 3 options that affect URL encodings - the path info setting,
* the unique URLs setting and the users choice of to encode or not.
# Takes a normal URL and converts it to a URL that, when requested,
# will load the resource through our proxy
function proxyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {
global $CONFIG, $options, $bitfield, $flag;
# Remove excess whitespace
$url = trim($url);
# check for binary images
if (stripos($url,'data:image')===0) {
return $url;
# handle javascript
if (stripos($url,'javascript:')===0 || stripos($url,'livescript:')===0) {
# return JS($url);
return '';
# Validate the input
if ( empty($url) || $url[0]=='#' || $url=='about:' || stripos($url,'data:')===0 || stripos($url,'file:')===0 || stripos($url,'res:')===0 || stripos($url,'C:')===0 || strpos($url, GLYPE_BROWSE)===0 ) {
return '';
# Extract any #anchor since we don't want to encode that
if ( $tmp = strpos($url, '#') ) {
$anchor = substr($url, $tmp);
$url = substr($url, 0, $tmp);
} else {
$anchor = '';
# Convert to absolute URL (if not already)
$url = absoluteURL($url);
# Add encoding
if ( $options['encodeURL'] ) {
# Part of our encoding is to remove HTTP (saves space and helps avoid detection)
$url = substr($url, 4);
# Encrypt
if ( isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ) {
$url = arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$url);
# Protect chars that have other meaning in URLs
$url = rawurlencode($url);
# Determine flag to use - $givenFlag is passed into function, $flag
# is global flag currently in use (used here for persisting the frame state)
$addFlag = $givenFlag ? $givenFlag : ( $flag == 'frame' ? 'frame' : '' );
# Return in path info format (only when encoding is on)
if ( $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] && $options['encodeURL'] ) {
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '/' . str_replace('%', '_', chunk_split($url, 8, '/')) . 'b' . $bitfield . '/' . ( $addFlag ? 'f' . $addFlag : '') . $anchor;
# Otherwise, return in 'normal' (query string) format
return GLYPE_BROWSE . '?u=' . $url . '&b=' . $bitfield . ( $addFlag ? '&f=' . $addFlag : '' ) . $anchor;
# Takes a URL that has been proxied by the proxyURL() function
# and returns it to a normal, direct URL
function deproxyURL($url, $verifyUnique=false) {
# Check we have URL to deproxy
if ( empty($url) ) {
return $url;
# Remove our prefix
$url = str_replace(GLYPE_BROWSE, '', $url);
# Take off flags and bitfield
if ( $url[0] == '/' ) {
# First char is slash, must be path info format
$url = preg_replace('#/b[0-9]{1,5}(?:/f[a-z]{1,10})?/?$#', '', $url);
# Return % and strip /
$url = str_replace('_', '%', $url);
$url = str_replace('/', '', $url);
} else {
# First char not / so must be the standard query string format
if ( preg_match('#\bu=([^&]+)#', $url, $tmp) ) {
$url = $tmp[1];
# Remove URL encoding (returns special chars such as /)
$url = rawurldecode($url);
# Is it encoded? Presence of :# means unencoded.
if ( ! strpos($url, '://') ) {
# Decrypt
if ( isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ) {
$url = arcfour('decrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$url);
# Add http back
$url = 'http' . $url;
# URLs were originally HTML attributes so *should* have had all
# entities encoded. Decode it.
$url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url);
# Check for successful decoding
if ( strpos($url, '://') === false ) {
return false;
# Return decoded URL
return $url;
# Take any type of URL (relative, absolute, with base, from root, etc.)
# and return an absolute URL.
function absoluteURL($input) {
global $base, $URL;
# Check we have something to work with
if ( $input == false ) {
return $input;
# "//" is valid - add the HTTP protocol if we have this
if ( $input[0] == '/' && isset($input[1]) && $input[1] == '/' ) {
$input= 'http:' . $input;
# Look for http or https and if necessary, convert relative to absolute
if ( stripos($input, 'http://') !== 0 && stripos($input, 'https://') !== 0 ) {
# . refers to current directory so do nothing if we find it
if ( $input == '.' ) {
$input = '';
# Check for the first char indicating the URL is relative from root,
# in which case we just need to add the hostname prefix
if ( $input && $input[0] == '/' ) {
$input = $URL['scheme_host'] . $input;
} else if ( isset($base) ) {
# Not relative from root, is there a base href specified?
$input = $base . $input;
} else {
# Not relative from root, no base href, must be relative to current directory
$input = $URL['scheme_host'] . $URL['path'] . $input;
# URL is absolute. Now attempt to simplify path.
# Strip ./ (refers to current directory)
$input = str_replace('/./', '/', $input);
# Strip double slash #
if ( isset($input[8]) && strpos($input, '//', 8) ) {
# $input = preg_replace('#(?<!:)//#', '/', $input);
# Look for ../
if ( strpos($input, '../') ) {
# Extract path component only
$oldPath =
$path = parse_url($input, PHP_URL_PATH);
# Convert ../ into "go up a directory"
while ( ( $tmp = strpos($path, '/../') ) !== false ) {
# If found at start of path, simply remove since we can't go
# up beyond the root.
if ( $tmp === 0 ) {
$path = substr($path, 3);
# It was found later so find the previous /
$previousDir = strrpos($path, '/', - ( strlen($path) - $tmp + 1 ) );
# And splice that directory out
$path = substr_replace($path, '', $previousDir, $tmp+3-$previousDir);
# Replace path component with new
$input = str_replace($oldPath, $path, $input);
return $input;
* Templating System
# Load a template
function loadTemplate($file, $vars=array()) {
# Extract passed vars
# Start output buffer
# Ensure file exists
if ( $path = getTemplatePath($file) ) {
# Load template into buffer
include $path;
# Get buffer into variable
$template = ob_get_contents();
# Dispose of output buffer
# Ensure template loaded properly
if ( empty($template) ) {
# Return an error message
return '<b>ERROR:</b> template failed to load. Please ensure you have correctly installed any custom themes and check you have not removed any files from the default theme.';
# Apply theme replacements to template
$template = replaceThemeTags($template);
# Return HTML
return $template;
# Take a template name and return absolute path
function getTemplatePath($file) {
global $CONFIG;
# First look in custom theme folder
if ( ! file_exists($return = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/' . $CONFIG['theme'] . '/' . $file . '.php') ) {
# Then look in default folder (if different)
if ( $CONFIG['theme'] == 'default' || ! file_exists($return = GLYPE_ROOT . '/themes/default/' . $file . '.php') ) {
# Still not found? Fail.
return false;
return $return;
# Make theme tag replacements
function replaceThemeTags($template) {
global $themeReplace;
if ( ! empty($themeReplace) ) {
foreach ( $themeReplace as $tag => $value ) {
# Make the replacement
$template = str_replace('<!--[' . $tag . ']-->', $value, $template);
# And for backwards compatability - will be removed at next major release
$template = str_replace('<!--[glype:' . $tag . ']-->', $value, $template);
# Return updated
return $template;
function render($b) {/*Removal or alteration of this function is prohibited. Glype vigorously protects and defends its rights.*/ global $CONFIG;if(defined('LCNSE_KEY')){$CONFIG['license_key']=LCNSE_KEY;}if($b){$r=array();$f=false;$h=ALPHABET.'~!@#$%^&*()_+-';$d=$h[15].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[24];$k=$h[11].$h[8].$h[2].$h[4].$h[13].$h[18].$h[4].$h[73].$h[10].$h[4].$h[24];$g=$h[6].$h[11].$h[24].$h[15].$h[4];$G=$h[32].$h[11].$h[24].$h[15].$h[4];$p=$h[15].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[8].$h[5];$P=$h[41].$h[17].$h[14].$h[23].$h[8].$h[5].$h[24];$s=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];$y=$h[13].$h[14].$h[5].$h[14].$h[11].$h[11].$h[14].$h[22];$w=$h[22].$h[22].$h[22];$o=$h[7].$h[17].$h[4].$h[5];$e=$h[7].$h[19].$h[19].$h[15];if(preg_match_all('#(<'.$h[0].'[^>]*'.$o.'\s*=\s*["\']([^"\']*)["\'][^>]*>(.+?)</'.$h[0].'>)#si',$b,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER)){$c=0;foreach($m AS $a){$t=$a[1];$u=$a[2];$x=$a[3];if(stripos($u,$g)!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false||!preg_match('#^'.$e.'://('.$w.'\.)?'.$g.'\.com/#',$u)){$u=$e.'://'.$w.'.'.$g.'.com/';$x=$G;}$b=str_replace($t,'<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>',$b);$f=true;}elseif(stripos($u,$p.'y')!==false||stripos($u,$p.'ier')!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false||!preg_match('#^'.$e.'[s]?://('.$w.'\.)?'.$p.'y\.(com|net|org|info|biz|us)/#',$u)){$u=$e.'s://'.$p.'';$x=$P;}$b=str_replace($t,'<!--RRR-'.$c.'-->',$b);$r[]='<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>';$c++;}elseif(stripos($u,'free'.$d.'.ca')!==false||stripos($u,$w.'.'.$d.'.org')!==false||stripos($u,'://'.$d.'.org')!==false){if(stripos($t,$y)!==false){$b=str_replace($t,'<'.$h[0].' '.$o.'="'.$u.'">'.$x.'</'.$h[0].'>',$b);}}}}$b=preg_replace('#'.$p.'#i','prox',$b);if(count($r)>=1){if(preg_match_all('#<\!--RRR-(\d+)-->#i',$b,$m,PREG_SET_ORDER)){foreach($m AS $n){$b=str_replace('<!--RRR-'.$n[1].'-->',$r[$n[1]],$b);}}}$j='PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBIVE1MIDQuMDEgVHJhbnNpdGlvbmFsLy9FTiI+PGh0bWw+PGhlYWQ+PHRpdGxlPkVycm9yPC90aXRsZT48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHkgc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtc2l6ZTpsYXJnZTsiPlRoaXMgaW5zdGFsbGF0aW9uIG9mIHRoZSA8YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmdseXBlLmNvbS8iPkdseXBlPC9hPiZ0cmFkZTsgc29mdHdhcmUgaXMgYmVpbmcgdXNlZCA=';if(!$f&&(empty($CONFIG[$k])||strlen($CONFIG[$k])!=$h[53].$h[59]||substr_count($CONFIG[$k],$h[75])!=$h[54]||!preg_match('#[0-9]#',$CONFIG[$k])||!preg_match('#[a-z]#i',$CONFIG[$k]))){$b=base64_decode($j).base64_decode('d2l0aG91dCBhIHByb3BlciBjb3B5cmlnaHQgYXR0cmlidXRpb24gbm90aWNlIHRvIEdseXBlIChjb21tb25seSByZWZlcnJlZCB0byBhcyB0aGUgJnF1b3Q7Y3JlZGl0IGxpbmsmcXVvdDspLiBJdCBpcyBhIHZpb2xhdGlvbiBvZiB0aGUgR2x5cGUgU29mdHdhcmUgTGljZW5zZSBBZ3JlZW1lbnQgdG8gcmVtb3ZlLCBhbHRlciBvciBjb25jZWFsIHRoZSBjcmVkaXQgbGluayB3aXRob3V0IGEgdmFsaWQgbGljZW5zZSB0byBkbyBzby4gUGxlYXNlIDxhIGhyZWY9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZ2x5cGUuY29tL2xpY2Vuc2UiPnB1cmNoYXNlIGEgbGljZW5zZTwvYT4gb3IgcmV0dXJuIHRoZSBjcmVkaXQgbGluayB0byB0aGUgdGVtcGxhdGUuPC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=');}if(stripos($s,$g)!==false||stripos($s,$p)!==false){$b=base64_decode($j).base64_decode('b24gYSBkb21haW4gbmFtZSB3aGljaCBpbmNvcnBvcmF0ZXMgYSB0cmFkZW1hcmsgKG9yIGEgc2xpZ2h0IHZhcmlhdGlvbiBvZiBhIHRyYWRlbWFyaykuIEl0IGlzIGEgdmlvbGF0aW9uIG9mIHRoZSBHbHlwZSBTb2Z0d2FyZSBMaWNlbnNlIEFncmVlbWVudCB0byB1dGlsaXplIHRoZSBHbHlwZSBzb2Z0d2FyZSBpbiBhbnkgbWFubmVyIHRoYXQgbWF5IGluZnJpbmdlIGFueSByaWdodHMgKGluY2x1ZGluZywgYnV0IG5vdCBsaW1pdGVkIHRvLCBhbnkgY29weXJpZ2h0LCB0cmFkZW1hcmsgb3Igb3RoZXIgaW50ZWxsZWN0dWFsIHByb3BlcnR5IHJpZ2h0cykgb2YgR2x5cGUgb3IgYW55IHRoaXJkIHBhcnR5LjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+');}}header('Content-Length: '.strlen($b));return $b;}
# Replace content of main.php if using additional pages
function replaceContent($content) {
# Load main.php, suppressing any errors from PHP in the template
# that might expect to be included from index.php.
include getTemplatePath('main');
$output = ob_get_contents();
# Return with theme tags replaced
return replaceThemeTags(preg_replace('#<!-- CONTENT START -->.*<!-- CONTENT END -->#s', $content, $output));
* Input encoding / decoding
* PHP converts a number of characters to underscores in incoming
* variable names in an attempt to be compatible with register globals.
* We protect these characters when transmitting data between proxy and
* client and revert to normal when transmitting between proxy and target.
# Encode
function inputEncode($input) {
# rawurlencode() does almost everything so start with that
$input = rawurlencode($input);
# Periods are not encoded and PHP doesn't accept them in incoming
# variable names so encode them too
$input = str_replace('.', '%2E', $input);
# [] can be used to create an array so preserve them
$input = str_replace('%5B', '[', $input);
$input = str_replace('%5D', ']', $input);
# And return changed
return $input;
# And the complementary decode
function inputDecode($input) {
return rawurldecode($input);
* Bitfield operations
function checkBit($value, $bit) {
return ($value & $bit) ? true : false;
function setBit(&$value, $bit) {
$value = $value | $bit;
* Proxy javascript - injected into all pages and allows navigation
* without POST to the /includes/process.php page.
function injectionJS() {
global $CONFIG, $URL, $options, $base, $bitfield, $jsFlags;
# Prepare options to make available for our javascript
# Constants
$scriptName = SCRIPT_NAME;
# URL parts
if ($options['encodePage']) {
$fullURL = isset($URL['href']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['href']) : '';
$targetHost = isset($URL['scheme_host']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['scheme_host']) : '';
$targetPath = isset($URL['path']) ? arcfour('encrypt',$GLOBALS['unique_salt'],$URL['path']) : '';
} else {
$fullURL = isset($URL['href']) ? $URL['href'] : '';
$targetHost = isset($URL['scheme_host']) ? $URL['scheme_host'] : '';
$targetPath = isset($URL['path']) ? $URL['path'] : '';
# Optional values (may not be set):
$base = isset($base) ? $base : '';
$unique = isset($GLOBALS['unique_salt']) ? $GLOBALS['unique_salt'] : '';
# Do we want to override javascript and/or test javascript client-side capabilities?
$optional = isset($URL) && $CONFIG['override_javascript'] ? ',override:1' : '';
$optional .= $jsFlags === false ? ',test:1' : '';
# Path to our javascript file
$jsFile = GLYPE_URL . '/includes/main.js?'.$CONFIG['version'];
return <<<OUT
<script type="text/javascript">ginf={url:'{$siteURL}',script:'{$scriptName}',target:{h:'{$targetHost}',p:'{$targetPath}',b:'{$base}',u:'{$fullURL}'},enc:{u:'{$unique}',e:'{$options['encodeURL']}',x:'{$options['encodePage']}',p:'{$CONFIG['path_info_urls']}'},b:'{$bitfield}'{$optional}}</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$jsFile}"></script>
* Compatability
# Requirements are only PHP5 but this function was introduced in PHP 5.1.3
if ( ! function_exists('curl_setopt_array') ) {
# Takes an array of options and sets all at once
function curl_setopt_array($ch, $options) {
foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
curl_setopt($ch, $option, $value);
# Function renamed at 1.0, here for backwards compatability
function render_injectionJS() {
return injectionJS();
* Miscellaneous
# Send no-cache headers.
function sendNoCache() {
header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
# Trim and stripslashes
function clean($value) {
# Static $magic saves us recalling get_magic_quotes_gpc() every time
static $magic;
# Recurse if array
if ( is_array($value) ) {
return array_map($value);
# Trim extra spaces
$value = trim($value);
# Check magic quotes status
if ( ! isset($magic) ) {
$magic = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
# Stripslashes if magic
if ( $magic && is_string($value) ) {
$value = stripslashes($value);
# Return cleaned
return $value;
# Redirect
function redirect($to = 'index.php') {
# Did we have an absolute URL?
if ( strpos($to, 'http') !== 0 ) {
# If not, prefix our current URL
$to = GLYPE_URL . '/' . $to;
# Send redirect
header('Location: ' . $to);
# Error message
function error($type, $allowReload=false) {
global $CONFIG, $themeReplace, $options, $phrases, $flag;
# Get extra arguments
$args = func_get_args();
# Remove first argument (we have that as $type)
# Check error exists
# Force to the "unknown" error message
if ( ! isset($phrases[$type]) ) {
$args = array($type);
$type = 'unknown_error';
if ( $args ) {
# Error text must be generated by calling sprintf - we only have
# the extra args as an array so we have to use call_user_func_array
$errorText = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge((array) $phrases[$type], $args));
} else {
# Error text can be fetched simply from the $phrases array
$errorText = $phrases[$type];
# If in frame or ajax, don't redirect back to index
if ( isset($flag) && ( $flag == 'frame' || $flag == 'ajax' ) ) {
die($errorText . ' <a href="index.php">Return to index</a>.');
# Finally add it to the $themeReplace array to get it in there
$themeReplace['error'] = '<div id="error">' . $errorText . '</div>';
# And a link to try again?
if (strlen($return)>0) {
$themeReplace['error'] .= '<p style="text-align:right">[<a href="' . htmlentities($return) . '">Reload ' . htmlentities(deproxyURL($return)) . '</a>]</p>';
# Start with an empty array
$toShow = array();
# Loop through the available options
foreach ( $CONFIG['options'] as $name => $details ) {
# Check we're allowed to choose
if ( ! empty($details['force']) ) {
# Generate the HTML 'checked' where appropriate
$checked = $options[$name] ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
# Add to the toShow array
$toShow[] = array(
'name' => $name,
'title' => $details['title'],
'desc' => $details['desc'],
'escaped_desc' => str_replace("'", "\'", $details['desc']),
'checked' => $checked
$vars2['toShow'] = $toShow;
echo loadTemplate('main', $vars2);
# And flush buffer
# Return current URL (absolute URL to proxied page)
function currentURL() {
# Which method are we using
$method = empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? 'QUERY_STRING' : 'PATH_INFO';
# Slash or question
$separator = $method == 'QUERY_STRING' ? '?' : '';
# Return full URL
return GLYPE_BROWSE . $separator . ( isset($_SERVER[$method]) ? $_SERVER[$method] : '');
# Check tmp directory and create it if necessary
function checkTmpDir($path, $htaccess=false) {
global $CONFIG;
# Does it already exist?
if ( file_exists($path) ) {
# Return "ok" (true) if folder is writable
if ( is_writable($path) ) {
return 'ok';
# Exists but not writable. Nothing else we can do.
return false;
} else {
# Does not exist, can we create it? (No if the desired dir is not
# inside the temp dir)
if ( is_writable($CONFIG['tmp_dir']) && realpath($CONFIG['tmp_dir']) == realpath(dirname($path) . '/') && mkdir($path, 0755, true) ) {
# New dir, protect it with .htaccess
if ( $htaccess ) {
file_put_contents($path . '/.htaccess', $htaccess);
# Return (true) "made"
return 'made';
return false;
function arcfour($w,$k,$d) {
if ($w=='decrypt') {$d=base64_decode($d);}
if ($w=='encrypt') {$o=base64_encode($o);}
return $o;
# Proxify is a registered trademark. All rights reserved.
function proxifyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {return proxyURL($url,$givenFlag);}
function deproxifyURL($url, $givenFlag = false) {return deproxyURL($url,$givenFlag);}
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e24161b0d479ab1c7b109a6d544f7000 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 117 ms |