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<?php /** * This file is part of the Zephir. * * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of the Zephir.
* (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Zephir\Variable;
use ReflectionClass;
use Zephir\Branch;
use Zephir\BranchManager;
use Zephir\Class\Definition\Definition;
use Zephir\CompilationContext;
use Zephir\CompiledExpression;
use Zephir\Exception\CompilerException;
use Zephir\TypeAwareInterface;
use function in_array;
use function is_string;
* This represents a variable in a symbol table
class Variable implements TypeAwareInterface
public const BRANCH_MAGIC = '$$';
public const VAR_RETURN_VALUE = 'return_value';
public const VAR_THIS_POINTER = 'this_ptr';
protected Definition | ReflectionClass | null $associatedClass = null;
protected array $classTypes = [];
protected mixed $defaultInitValue = null;
protected bool $doublePointer = false;
* Current dynamic type of the variable.
* @var array
protected array $dynamicTypes = ['unknown' => true];
* @var Globals
protected Globals $globalsManager;
* Temporal variables are marked as idle.
protected bool $idle = false;
* Branch where the variable was initialized for the first time.
protected bool $initBranch = false;
protected array $initBranches = [];
* Whether the variable has received any assignment.
protected bool $initialized = false;
protected bool $isExternal = false;
protected bool $localOnly = false;
* Compiled variable's name.
protected string $lowName = '';
protected bool $memoryTracked = true;
protected bool $mustInitNull = false;
* AST node where the variable was originally declared or created.
protected ?array $node = null;
* Number of mutations to the variable.
protected int $numberMutates = 0;
* Initialization skips.
protected int $numberSkips = 0;
* Number of times the variable has been read.
protected int $numberUses = 0;
* Possible constant value assigned to the variable.
protected mixed $possibleValue = null;
* Branch where the variable got its last possible value.
protected mixed $possibleValueBranch = null;
protected bool $readOnly = false;
* Reusable temporary variables?
protected bool $reusable = true;
* Whether the variable is temporal or not.
protected bool $temporal = false;
* Whether the variable was used or not.
protected bool $used = false;
* Last AST node where the variable was used.
protected ?array $usedNode = null;
protected int $variantInits = 0;
public function __construct(protected string $type, protected string $name, protected ?Branch $branch = null)
$this->globalsManager = new Globals();
$this->type = in_array($type, ['callable', 'object', 'resource'], true) ? 'variable' : $type;
* Sets an automatic safe default init value according to its type.
public function enableDefaultAutoInitValue(): void
switch ($this->type) {
case 'char':
case 'boolean':
case 'bool':
case 'int':
case 'uint':
case 'long':
case 'ulong':
case 'double':
case 'zephir_ce_guard':
$this->defaultInitValue = 0;
case 'variable':
case 'string':
case 'array':
$this->defaultInitValue = null;
throw new CompilerException(
'Cannot create an automatic safe default value for variable type: ' . $this->type
* Returns the class related to the variable.
public function getAssociatedClass(): Definition | ReflectionClass | null
return $this->associatedClass;
* Get the branch where the variable was declared.
* @return Branch|null
public function getBranch(): ?Branch
return $this->branch;
* Returns the PHP classes associated to the variable.
* @return array
public function getClassTypes(): array
return $this->classTypes;
* Returns the default init value.
* @return mixed
public function getDefaultInitValue(): mixed
return $this->defaultInitValue;
* Returns the current dynamic type in a polymorphic variable.
* @return array
public function getDynamicTypes(): array
return $this->dynamicTypes;
* Get init branch.
* @return bool
public function getInitBranch(): bool
return $this->initBranch;
* Get init marked branch.
* @return Branch[]
public function getInitBranches(): array
return $this->initBranches;
* Returns the last node where the variable was assigned or used.
public function getLastUsedNode(): ?array
return $this->usedNode;
* Returns variable's name.
* @return string
public function getName(): string
return $this->lowName ?: $this->name;
* Returns the number of mutations performed over the variable.
* @return int
public function getNumberMutations(): int
return $this->numberMutates;
* Return the number of uses.
* @return int
public function getNumberUses(): int
return $this->numberUses;
* Returns the original AST node where the variable was declared.
* @return array
public function getOriginal(): array
if ($this->node) {
return $this->node;
return ['file' => 'unknown', 'line' => 0, 'char' => 0];
* Returns the latest CompiledExpression assigned to a variable.
* @return mixed
public function getPossibleValue(): mixed
return $this->possibleValue;
* Returns the branch where the variable was assigned for the last time.
public function getPossibleValueBranch(): ?Branch
return $this->possibleValueBranch;
* Returns variable's real name.
* @return string
public function getRealName(): string
return $this->name;
* Get the number of initializations remaining to skip.
* @return int
public function getSkipVariant(): int
return $this->numberSkips;
* Returns the type of variable.
* @return string
public function getType(): string
return $this->type;
* Get the number of times the variable has been initialized.
* @return int
public function getVariantInits(): int
return $this->variantInits;
* Checks if the variable has any of the passed dynamic.
* @param array|string $types
* @return bool
public function hasAnyDynamicType(array | string $types): bool
if (is_string($types)) {
$types = [$types];
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the variable has at least one dynamic type to the ones passed in the list.
* @param array $types
* @return bool
public function hasDifferentDynamicType(array $types): bool
$number = 0;
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
return 0 === $number;
* Increase the number of mutations a variable may have.
public function increaseMutates(): void
* Increase the number of uses a variable may have.
public function increaseUses(): void
* Increase the number of times the variable has been initialized.
public function increaseVariantIfNull(): void
* Initializes a variant variable that is intended to have the special
* behavior of only freed its body value instead of the full variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initComplexLiteralVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER != $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE != $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
* Allocate memory for variable and init it null val
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initNonReferenced(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZVAL_UNDEF(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
* Initializes a variant variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
* Variables are allocated for the first time using ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR
* the second, third, etc. times are allocated using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
* Variables initialized for the first time in a cycle are always initialized using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER !== $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE !== $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext, true, true);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0) {
if ($this->initBranch) {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_BNVAR(' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext, true, true);
} else {
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
$this->associatedClass = null;
* Shortcut is type double?
* @return bool
public function isArray(): bool
return 'array' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type bool?
* @return bool
public function isBoolean(): bool
return 'bool' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type double?
* @return bool
public function isDouble(): bool
return 'double' === $this->type;
* Returns the variable.
public function isDoublePointer(): bool
return $this->doublePointer;
* Check if the variable is a parameter.
* @return bool
public function isExternal(): bool
return $this->isExternal;
* Checks if the variable is idle.
* @return bool
public function isIdle(): bool
return $this->idle;
* Check if the variable is initialized or not.
* @return bool
public function isInitialized(): bool
return $this->initialized;
* Shortcut is type int?
* @return bool
public function isInt(): bool
return 'int' === $this->type;
* Checks if the variable is local-only scoped.
* @return bool
public function isLocalOnly(): bool
return $this->localOnly;
* Checks if a variable is a local static.
* @return bool
public function isLocalStatic(): bool
return $this->isExternal && $this->localOnly;
* Checks if the variable is tracked by the memory manager.
* @return bool
public function isMemoryTracked(): bool
return $this->memoryTracked;
* Shortcut is type mixed?
* @return bool
public function isMixed(): bool
return 'mixed' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type variable or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariable(): bool
return !$this->isVariable();
* Shortcut is type variable or array?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndArray(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isArray();
* Shortcut is type variable or mixed or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndMixedAndString(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isMixed() && !$this->isString();
* Shortcut is type variable or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndString(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isString();
* Returns if the variable is read only.
* @return bool
public function isReadOnly(): bool
return $this->readOnly;
* Checks if the temporary variable is reusable.
* @return bool
public function isReusable(): bool
return $this->reusable;
* Shortcut is type string?
* @return bool
public function isString(): bool
return 'string' === $this->type;
* Checks if a variable is a super global.
* @return bool
public function isSuperGlobal(): bool
return $this->isExternal && $this->globalsManager->isSuperGlobal($this->name);
* Returns whether the variable is temporal or not.
* @return bool
public function isTemporal(): bool
return $this->temporal;
* Checks whether the last value assigned was used.
* @return bool
public function isUsed(): bool
return $this->used;
* Shortcut is type variable?
* @return bool
public function isVariable(): bool
return 'variable' === $this->type;
* Get if the variable must be initialized to null.
* @return bool
public function mustInitNull(): bool
return $this->mustInitNull;
* Observes a variable in the memory frame without initialization or nullify
* an existing allocated variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function observeOrNullifyVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
if (in_array($this->getName(), [self::VAR_THIS_POINTER, self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE], true)) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
* Observes a variable in the memory frame without initialization.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function observeVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
$name = $this->getName();
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER != $name && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE != $name) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
$symbol = $compilationContext->backend->getVariableCode($this);
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(' . $symbol . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('zephir_memory_observe(' . $symbol . ');');
* Separates variables before being updated.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function separate(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if (!in_array($this->getName(), [self::VAR_THIS_POINTER, self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE], true)) {
'SEPARATE_ZVAL(' . $compilationContext->backend->getVariableCode($this) . ');'
* Sets the PHP class related to variable.
* @param ReflectionClass|Definition $associatedClass
public function setAssociatedClass(ReflectionClass | Definition $associatedClass): void
$this->associatedClass = $associatedClass;
* Sets the PHP class related to variable.
* @param array|string $classTypes
public function setClassTypes(array | string $classTypes): void
if (is_string($classTypes)) {
if (!in_array($classTypes, $this->classTypes)) {
$this->classTypes[] = $classTypes;
foreach ($classTypes as $classType) {
if (!in_array($classType, $this->classTypes)) {
$this->classTypes[] = $classType;
* Sets the default init value.
* @param mixed $value
public function setDefaultInitValue(mixed $value): void
$this->defaultInitValue = $value;
* Sets the current dynamic type in a polymorphic variable.
* @param array|string $types
public function setDynamicTypes(array | string $types): void
if (is_string($types)) {
$types = [$types];
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (!isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
$this->dynamicTypes[$type] = true;
* Once a temporal variable is unused in a specific branch it is marked as idle.
* @param bool $idle
public function setIdle(bool $idle): void
$this->idle = false;
if ($this->reusable) {
$this->classTypes = [];
$this->dynamicTypes = ['unknown' => true];
$this->idle = $idle;
* Marks the variable to be defined as a double pointer.
* @param bool $doublePointer
public function setIsDoublePointer(bool $doublePointer): void
$this->doublePointer = $doublePointer;
* Set if the symbol is a parameter of the method or not.
* @param bool $isExternal
public function setIsExternal(bool $isExternal): void
$this->isExternal = $isExternal;
$this->variantInits = 1;
* Sets if the variable is initialized
* This allow to throw an exception if the variable is being read without prior initialization.
* @param bool $initialized
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function setIsInitialized(bool $initialized, CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$this->initialized = $initialized;
if (!$initialized || !$compilationContext->branchManager instanceof BranchManager) {
$currentBranch = $compilationContext->branchManager->getCurrentBranch();
if ($currentBranch instanceof Branch) {
$this->initBranches[] = $currentBranch;
* Sets if the variable is local-only scoped.
* @param bool $localOnly
public function setLocalOnly(bool $localOnly): void
$this->localOnly = $localOnly;
* Sets the compiled variable's name.
* @param string $lowName
public function setLowName(string $lowName): void
$this->lowName = $lowName;
* Sets if the variable is not tracked by the memory manager.
* @param bool $memoryTracked
public function setMemoryTracked(bool $memoryTracked): void
$this->memoryTracked = $memoryTracked;
* Set if the variable must be initialized to null.
* @param bool $mustInitNull
public function setMustInitNull(bool $mustInitNull): void
$this->mustInitNull = $mustInitNull;
* Set the original AST node where the variable was declared.
* @param array $node
public function setOriginal(array $node): void
$this->node = $node;
* Sets the latest CompiledExpression assigned to a variable.
* @param CompiledExpression $possibleValue
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function setPossibleValue(CompiledExpression $possibleValue, CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$this->possibleValue = $possibleValue;
$this->possibleValueBranch = $compilationContext->branchManager->getCurrentBranch();
* Sets if the variable is read only.
* @param bool $readOnly
public function setReadOnly(bool $readOnly): void
$this->readOnly = $readOnly;
* Some temporary variables can't be reused.
* @param bool $reusable
public function setReusable(bool $reusable): void
$this->reusable = $reusable;
* Sets whether the variable is temporal or not.
* @param bool $temporal
public function setTemporal(bool $temporal): void
$this->temporal = $temporal;
* Sets the type of variable.
* @param string $type
public function setType(string $type): void
$this->type = $type;
* Sets the latest node where a variable was used.
* @param bool $used
* @param array|null $node
public function setUsed(bool $used, array $node = null): void
$this->used = $used;
$this->usedNode = $node;
* Skips variable initialization.
* @param int $numberSkips
public function skipInitVariant(int $numberSkips): void
$this->numberSkips += $numberSkips;
* Tells the compiler a generated code will track the variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function trackVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
* Variables are allocated for the first time using ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR
* the second, third, etc. times are allocated using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
* Variables initialized for the first time in a cycle are always initialized using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER !== $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE !== $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of the Zephir.
* (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Zephir\Variable;
use ReflectionClass;
use Zephir\Branch;
use Zephir\BranchManager;
use Zephir\Class\Definition\Definition;
use Zephir\CompilationContext;
use Zephir\CompiledExpression;
use Zephir\Exception\CompilerException;
use Zephir\TypeAwareInterface;
use function in_array;
use function is_string;
* This represents a variable in a symbol table
class Variable implements TypeAwareInterface
public const BRANCH_MAGIC = '$$';
public const VAR_RETURN_VALUE = 'return_value';
public const VAR_THIS_POINTER = 'this_ptr';
protected Definition | ReflectionClass | null $associatedClass = null;
protected array $classTypes = [];
protected mixed $defaultInitValue = null;
protected bool $doublePointer = false;
* Current dynamic type of the variable.
* @var array
protected array $dynamicTypes = ['unknown' => true];
* @var Globals
protected Globals $globalsManager;
* Temporal variables are marked as idle.
protected bool $idle = false;
* Branch where the variable was initialized for the first time.
protected bool $initBranch = false;
protected array $initBranches = [];
* Whether the variable has received any assignment.
protected bool $initialized = false;
protected bool $isExternal = false;
protected bool $localOnly = false;
* Compiled variable's name.
protected string $lowName = '';
protected bool $memoryTracked = true;
protected bool $mustInitNull = false;
* AST node where the variable was originally declared or created.
protected ?array $node = null;
* Number of mutations to the variable.
protected int $numberMutates = 0;
* Initialization skips.
protected int $numberSkips = 0;
* Number of times the variable has been read.
protected int $numberUses = 0;
* Possible constant value assigned to the variable.
protected mixed $possibleValue = null;
* Branch where the variable got its last possible value.
protected mixed $possibleValueBranch = null;
protected bool $readOnly = false;
* Reusable temporary variables?
protected bool $reusable = true;
* Whether the variable is temporal or not.
protected bool $temporal = false;
* Whether the variable was used or not.
protected bool $used = false;
* Last AST node where the variable was used.
protected ?array $usedNode = null;
protected int $variantInits = 0;
public function __construct(protected string $type, protected string $name, protected ?Branch $branch = null)
$this->globalsManager = new Globals();
$this->type = in_array($type, ['callable', 'object', 'resource'], true) ? 'variable' : $type;
* Sets an automatic safe default init value according to its type.
public function enableDefaultAutoInitValue(): void
switch ($this->type) {
case 'char':
case 'boolean':
case 'bool':
case 'int':
case 'uint':
case 'long':
case 'ulong':
case 'double':
case 'zephir_ce_guard':
$this->defaultInitValue = 0;
case 'variable':
case 'string':
case 'array':
$this->defaultInitValue = null;
throw new CompilerException(
'Cannot create an automatic safe default value for variable type: ' . $this->type
* Returns the class related to the variable.
public function getAssociatedClass(): Definition | ReflectionClass | null
return $this->associatedClass;
* Get the branch where the variable was declared.
* @return Branch|null
public function getBranch(): ?Branch
return $this->branch;
* Returns the PHP classes associated to the variable.
* @return array
public function getClassTypes(): array
return $this->classTypes;
* Returns the default init value.
* @return mixed
public function getDefaultInitValue(): mixed
return $this->defaultInitValue;
* Returns the current dynamic type in a polymorphic variable.
* @return array
public function getDynamicTypes(): array
return $this->dynamicTypes;
* Get init branch.
* @return bool
public function getInitBranch(): bool
return $this->initBranch;
* Get init marked branch.
* @return Branch[]
public function getInitBranches(): array
return $this->initBranches;
* Returns the last node where the variable was assigned or used.
public function getLastUsedNode(): ?array
return $this->usedNode;
* Returns variable's name.
* @return string
public function getName(): string
return $this->lowName ?: $this->name;
* Returns the number of mutations performed over the variable.
* @return int
public function getNumberMutations(): int
return $this->numberMutates;
* Return the number of uses.
* @return int
public function getNumberUses(): int
return $this->numberUses;
* Returns the original AST node where the variable was declared.
* @return array
public function getOriginal(): array
if ($this->node) {
return $this->node;
return ['file' => 'unknown', 'line' => 0, 'char' => 0];
* Returns the latest CompiledExpression assigned to a variable.
* @return mixed
public function getPossibleValue(): mixed
return $this->possibleValue;
* Returns the branch where the variable was assigned for the last time.
public function getPossibleValueBranch(): ?Branch
return $this->possibleValueBranch;
* Returns variable's real name.
* @return string
public function getRealName(): string
return $this->name;
* Get the number of initializations remaining to skip.
* @return int
public function getSkipVariant(): int
return $this->numberSkips;
* Returns the type of variable.
* @return string
public function getType(): string
return $this->type;
* Get the number of times the variable has been initialized.
* @return int
public function getVariantInits(): int
return $this->variantInits;
* Checks if the variable has any of the passed dynamic.
* @param array|string $types
* @return bool
public function hasAnyDynamicType(array | string $types): bool
if (is_string($types)) {
$types = [$types];
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the variable has at least one dynamic type to the ones passed in the list.
* @param array $types
* @return bool
public function hasDifferentDynamicType(array $types): bool
$number = 0;
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
return 0 === $number;
* Increase the number of mutations a variable may have.
public function increaseMutates(): void
* Increase the number of uses a variable may have.
public function increaseUses(): void
* Increase the number of times the variable has been initialized.
public function increaseVariantIfNull(): void
* Initializes a variant variable that is intended to have the special
* behavior of only freed its body value instead of the full variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initComplexLiteralVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER != $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE != $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
* Allocate memory for variable and init it null val
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initNonReferenced(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZVAL_UNDEF(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
* Initializes a variant variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function initVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
* Variables are allocated for the first time using ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR
* the second, third, etc. times are allocated using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
* Variables initialized for the first time in a cycle are always initialized using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER !== $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE !== $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext, true, true);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0) {
if ($this->initBranch) {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_BNVAR(' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext, true, true);
} else {
$compilationContext->backend->initVar($this, $compilationContext);
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(&' . $this->getName() . ');');
$this->associatedClass = null;
* Shortcut is type double?
* @return bool
public function isArray(): bool
return 'array' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type bool?
* @return bool
public function isBoolean(): bool
return 'bool' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type double?
* @return bool
public function isDouble(): bool
return 'double' === $this->type;
* Returns the variable.
public function isDoublePointer(): bool
return $this->doublePointer;
* Check if the variable is a parameter.
* @return bool
public function isExternal(): bool
return $this->isExternal;
* Checks if the variable is idle.
* @return bool
public function isIdle(): bool
return $this->idle;
* Check if the variable is initialized or not.
* @return bool
public function isInitialized(): bool
return $this->initialized;
* Shortcut is type int?
* @return bool
public function isInt(): bool
return 'int' === $this->type;
* Checks if the variable is local-only scoped.
* @return bool
public function isLocalOnly(): bool
return $this->localOnly;
* Checks if a variable is a local static.
* @return bool
public function isLocalStatic(): bool
return $this->isExternal && $this->localOnly;
* Checks if the variable is tracked by the memory manager.
* @return bool
public function isMemoryTracked(): bool
return $this->memoryTracked;
* Shortcut is type mixed?
* @return bool
public function isMixed(): bool
return 'mixed' === $this->type;
* Shortcut is type variable or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariable(): bool
return !$this->isVariable();
* Shortcut is type variable or array?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndArray(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isArray();
* Shortcut is type variable or mixed or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndMixedAndString(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isMixed() && !$this->isString();
* Shortcut is type variable or string?
* @return bool
public function isNotVariableAndString(): bool
return !$this->isVariable() && !$this->isString();
* Returns if the variable is read only.
* @return bool
public function isReadOnly(): bool
return $this->readOnly;
* Checks if the temporary variable is reusable.
* @return bool
public function isReusable(): bool
return $this->reusable;
* Shortcut is type string?
* @return bool
public function isString(): bool
return 'string' === $this->type;
* Checks if a variable is a super global.
* @return bool
public function isSuperGlobal(): bool
return $this->isExternal && $this->globalsManager->isSuperGlobal($this->name);
* Returns whether the variable is temporal or not.
* @return bool
public function isTemporal(): bool
return $this->temporal;
* Checks whether the last value assigned was used.
* @return bool
public function isUsed(): bool
return $this->used;
* Shortcut is type variable?
* @return bool
public function isVariable(): bool
return 'variable' === $this->type;
* Get if the variable must be initialized to null.
* @return bool
public function mustInitNull(): bool
return $this->mustInitNull;
* Observes a variable in the memory frame without initialization or nullify
* an existing allocated variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function observeOrNullifyVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
if (in_array($this->getName(), [self::VAR_THIS_POINTER, self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE], true)) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
* Observes a variable in the memory frame without initialization.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function observeVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
$name = $this->getName();
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER != $name && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE != $name) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
$symbol = $compilationContext->backend->getVariableCode($this);
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(' . $symbol . ');');
} else {
$compilationContext->codePrinter->output('zephir_memory_observe(' . $symbol . ');');
* Separates variables before being updated.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function separate(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if (!in_array($this->getName(), [self::VAR_THIS_POINTER, self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE], true)) {
'SEPARATE_ZVAL(' . $compilationContext->backend->getVariableCode($this) . ');'
* Sets the PHP class related to variable.
* @param ReflectionClass|Definition $associatedClass
public function setAssociatedClass(ReflectionClass | Definition $associatedClass): void
$this->associatedClass = $associatedClass;
* Sets the PHP class related to variable.
* @param array|string $classTypes
public function setClassTypes(array | string $classTypes): void
if (is_string($classTypes)) {
if (!in_array($classTypes, $this->classTypes)) {
$this->classTypes[] = $classTypes;
foreach ($classTypes as $classType) {
if (!in_array($classType, $this->classTypes)) {
$this->classTypes[] = $classType;
* Sets the default init value.
* @param mixed $value
public function setDefaultInitValue(mixed $value): void
$this->defaultInitValue = $value;
* Sets the current dynamic type in a polymorphic variable.
* @param array|string $types
public function setDynamicTypes(array | string $types): void
if (is_string($types)) {
$types = [$types];
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (!isset($this->dynamicTypes[$type])) {
$this->dynamicTypes[$type] = true;
* Once a temporal variable is unused in a specific branch it is marked as idle.
* @param bool $idle
public function setIdle(bool $idle): void
$this->idle = false;
if ($this->reusable) {
$this->classTypes = [];
$this->dynamicTypes = ['unknown' => true];
$this->idle = $idle;
* Marks the variable to be defined as a double pointer.
* @param bool $doublePointer
public function setIsDoublePointer(bool $doublePointer): void
$this->doublePointer = $doublePointer;
* Set if the symbol is a parameter of the method or not.
* @param bool $isExternal
public function setIsExternal(bool $isExternal): void
$this->isExternal = $isExternal;
$this->variantInits = 1;
* Sets if the variable is initialized
* This allow to throw an exception if the variable is being read without prior initialization.
* @param bool $initialized
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function setIsInitialized(bool $initialized, CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$this->initialized = $initialized;
if (!$initialized || !$compilationContext->branchManager instanceof BranchManager) {
$currentBranch = $compilationContext->branchManager->getCurrentBranch();
if ($currentBranch instanceof Branch) {
$this->initBranches[] = $currentBranch;
* Sets if the variable is local-only scoped.
* @param bool $localOnly
public function setLocalOnly(bool $localOnly): void
$this->localOnly = $localOnly;
* Sets the compiled variable's name.
* @param string $lowName
public function setLowName(string $lowName): void
$this->lowName = $lowName;
* Sets if the variable is not tracked by the memory manager.
* @param bool $memoryTracked
public function setMemoryTracked(bool $memoryTracked): void
$this->memoryTracked = $memoryTracked;
* Set if the variable must be initialized to null.
* @param bool $mustInitNull
public function setMustInitNull(bool $mustInitNull): void
$this->mustInitNull = $mustInitNull;
* Set the original AST node where the variable was declared.
* @param array $node
public function setOriginal(array $node): void
$this->node = $node;
* Sets the latest CompiledExpression assigned to a variable.
* @param CompiledExpression $possibleValue
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function setPossibleValue(CompiledExpression $possibleValue, CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
$this->possibleValue = $possibleValue;
$this->possibleValueBranch = $compilationContext->branchManager->getCurrentBranch();
* Sets if the variable is read only.
* @param bool $readOnly
public function setReadOnly(bool $readOnly): void
$this->readOnly = $readOnly;
* Some temporary variables can't be reused.
* @param bool $reusable
public function setReusable(bool $reusable): void
$this->reusable = $reusable;
* Sets whether the variable is temporal or not.
* @param bool $temporal
public function setTemporal(bool $temporal): void
$this->temporal = $temporal;
* Sets the type of variable.
* @param string $type
public function setType(string $type): void
$this->type = $type;
* Sets the latest node where a variable was used.
* @param bool $used
* @param array|null $node
public function setUsed(bool $used, array $node = null): void
$this->used = $used;
$this->usedNode = $node;
* Skips variable initialization.
* @param int $numberSkips
public function skipInitVariant(int $numberSkips): void
$this->numberSkips += $numberSkips;
* Tells the compiler a generated code will track the variable.
* @param CompilationContext $compilationContext
public function trackVariant(CompilationContext $compilationContext): void
if ($this->numberSkips) {
* Variables are allocated for the first time using ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR
* the second, third, etc. times are allocated using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
* Variables initialized for the first time in a cycle are always initialized using ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR
if (self::VAR_THIS_POINTER !== $this->getName() && self::VAR_RETURN_VALUE !== $this->getName()) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->initBranch = $compilationContext->currentBranch === 0;
if (!$this->isLocalOnly()) {
if ($compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0) {
if (!$this->initBranch) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
} else {
if ($this->variantInits > 0 || $compilationContext->insideCycle) {
$this->mustInitNull = true;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e461a18b9558a975db83f1f6c79152d9 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 110 ms |