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PHP Decode

n; function i(t) { var n; ..

Decoded Output download

<?         n; 
                function i(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    return (n =, t) || this).createButtonClickHandler = function(e) { 
                        return function() { 
                            (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                                element: e ? 67 : 629, 
                                parent_element: 1273 
                            p.Z.updatePrivateDetectorStatus(n.props.chatInstanceId, e).then((function() { 
                                    isVisible: !1 
                    }, n.state = { 
                        isVisible: !0 
                    }, n 
                return n = e, (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, Fc(t, n), i.prototype.render = function() { 
                    return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, { 
                        isVisible: this.state.isVisible, 
                        isDismissible: !1, 
                        onAnimationOutComplete: this.props.onAnimationOutComplete, 
                        isPadded: !0, 
                        hasDefaultDismissButton: !1, 
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(Bc, { 
                            headerText: g.ZP.get(4), 
                            text: g.ZP.get(3, { 
                            acceptButtonText: g.ZP.get(1), 
                            cancelButtonText: g.ZP.get(2), 
                            onAcceptButtonClick: this.createButtonClickHandler(!0), 
                            onCancelButtonClick: this.createButtonClickHandler(!1) 
                }, i 
            Vc = n(60823), 
            qc = function(e) { 
                var t = e.headerText, 
                    n = e.text, 
                    i = e.additionalText, 
                    o = e.betweenButtonsText, 
                    r = e.mediaImageSrc, 
                    s = e.primaryButton, 
                    a = e.secondaryButton, 
                    c = e.dismissButton, 
                    l = e.isLoading; 
                return (0, _.jsxs)(xo.Z, { 
                    isCompact: !0, 
                    align: "start", 
                    dataQA: { 
                        "data-qa": "read_receipts_modal" 
                    children: [(0, _.jsx)(So.Z, { 
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(ei.Z, { 
                            badge: { 
                                icon: { 
                                    name: "badge-feature-read-receipt" 
                            image: { 
                                src: r 
                            shape: "circle", 
                            size: "md" 
                    }), (0, _.jsx)(_o.Z, { 
                        text: t, 
                        tag: "h2" 
                    }), (0, _.jsx)(Co.Z, { 
                        text: n 
                    }), (0, _.jsxs)(jo.Z, { 
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                            text: s.buttonText, 
                            onClick: s.onClick, 
                            styling: "revenue", 
                            isLoading: l, 
                            isDisabled: l, 
                            dataQA: s.dataQA, 
                            semantic: o ? "secondary" : "primary" 
                        }), o ? (0, _.jsx)(Da.Z, { 
                            text: o 
                        }) : null, a ? (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                            text: a.buttonText, 
                            icon: a.icon, 
                            styling: a.styling, 
                            onClick: a.onClick, 
                            dataQA: a.dataQA 
                        }) : null, (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                            text: c.buttonText, 
                            icon: c.icon, 
                            styling: c.styling, 
                            semantic: "tertiary", 
                            onClick: c.onClick, 
                            dataQA: c.dataQA 
                    }), i ? (0, _.jsx)(xa.Z, { 
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(Sa.Z, { 
                            children: i 
                    }) : null] 
        function Hc(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function Yc(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? Hc(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Qc(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : Hc(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function Qc(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        function Wc(e, t, n) { 
            void 0 === n && (n = {}), 
            new Ee.ZP(278, { 
                promo_banner_stats: Yc({ 
                    event: e, 
                    context: t.context, 
                    promo_block_type: t.promo_block_type, 
                    promo_block_position: t.promo_block_position 
                }, n) 
        var zc = function(e) { 
            return (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                var t; 
                -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(2)) && Wc(2, e) 
            }), [e]), { 
                trackShow: function() { 
                    var t; 
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(2)) && Wc(2, e) 
                trackDismiss: function() { 
                    var t; 
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(4)) && Wc(4, e) 
                trackClick: function(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (n = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : n.indexOf(1)) && Wc(1, e, t) 
        function Kc(e, t) { 
            var n; 
            return { 
                buttonText: e.text, 
                icon: 75 === (null == (n = e.icon) ? void 0 : n.badge_type) ? "generic-premium-plus" : void 0, 
                dataQA: 47 === e.product_type ? { 
                    "data-qa": "premium-plus-button" 
                } : void 0, 
                onClick: t 
        var Jc = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    c =, 
                    u = e.chatUser, 
                    d = e.chatInstanceId, 
                    p = e.onAnimationOutComplete, 
                    h = e.onPaymentSuccess, 
                    m = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    f = m[0], 
                    g = m[1], 
                    v = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    b = v[0], 
                    x = v[1], 
                    S = zc(c), 
                    C = S.trackDismiss, 
                    j = S.trackClick; 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    f && (0, l.L9)(138, { 
                        banner_id: 463, 
                        position_id: 18, 
                        context: 10 
                }), [f]); 
                var P = null == (t = c.buttons) ? void 0 : t.find((function(e) { 
                        return 1 === e.type 
                    k = null == (n = c.buttons) ? void 0 : n.find((function(e) { 
                        return 2 === e.type 
                    Z = null == (o = c.buttons) ? void 0 : o.find((function(e) { 
                        return 4 === e.type 
                463 === c.promo_block_type && (Z = k, k = void 0); 
                var E = null == (r = c.extra_texts) || null == (r = r.find((function(e) { 
                    return 11 === e.type 
                }))) ? void 0 : r.text; 
                return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, { 
                    isVisible: f, 
                    isDismissible: !1, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: p, 
                    isPadded: !0, 
                    children: (0, _.jsx)(qc, { 
                        headerText: c.header, 
                        text: c.mssg, 
                        additionalText: c.credits_cost, 
                        betweenButtonsText: E, 
                        mediaImageSrc: y.Z.getImageUrlForSize(null == (s = u.profile_photo) ? void 0 : s.large_url, 100, 100), 
                        primaryButton: { 
                            buttonText: null == P ? void 0 : P.text, 
                            onClick: function() { 
                                (0, l.L9)(139, { 
                                    banner_id: c.promo_block_type, 
                                    position_id: c.promo_block_position, 
                                    context: 10, 
                                    call_to_action_type: 1 
                                    back: a.Z.getUrl(), 
                                    cost: c.payment_amount, 
                                    hotPanelData: { 
                                        activationPlace: 11, 
                                        bannerId: 463, 
                                        product: 47, 
                                        cost: c.payment_amount 
                                    productType: c.ok_payment_product_type, 
                                    purchaseTransactionSetup: { 
                                        promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type 
                                    userId: d, 
                                    success: h, 
                                    error: function(e) { 
                                            text: e, 
                                            type: M.Z.TYPES.ERROR 
                            dataQA: { 
                                "data-qa": "accept-button" 
                        secondaryButton: k ? Kc(k, (function() { 
                            var e; 
                            (0, l.L9)(139, { 
                                banner_id: c.promo_block_type, 
                                position_id: c.promo_block_position, 
                                context: 10, 
                                call_to_action_type: 2 
                                back: a.Z.getUrl(), 
                                hotPanelData: { 
                                    activationPlace: 11, 
                                    promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type 
                                productToActivate: c.ok_payment_product_type, 
                                productType: null == (e = k) ? void 0 : e.product_type, 
                                promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type, 
                                userId: u.user_id 
                        })) : void 0, 
                        dismissButton: { 
                            buttonText: Z.text, 
                            onClick: function() { 
                                var e; 
                                (0, l.L9)(139, { 
                                    banner_id: c.promo_block_type, 
                                    position_id: c.promo_block_position, 
                                    context: 10, 
                                    call_to_action_type: null == (e = Z) ? void 0 : e.type 
                            dataQA: { 
                                "data-qa": "decline-button" 
                        isLoading: b 
            Xc = n(35988), 
            $c = n(27503), 
            el = function(e) { 
                var t = e.question, 
                    n = e.onClickGetQuestion, 
                    o = e.onClickSendQuestion, 
                    r = e.onClickClose, 
                    s = e.onAnimationInComplete, 
                    a = e.onAnimationOutComplete, 
                    c = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    l = c[0], 
                    u = c[1]; 
                return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, { 
                    isVisible: l, 
                    onDismiss: r, 
                    onAnimationInComplete: s, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: a, 
                    hasDefaultDismissButton: !1, 
                    children: (0, _.jsxs)("div", { 
                        className: "questions-game", 
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                            className: "questions-game__header", 
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.P2, { 
                                align: "center", 
                                color: "black", 
                                children: g.ZP.get(115) 
                        }), (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                            className: "questions-game__question", 
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.R6, { 
                                align: "center", 
                                color: "black", 
                                dangerous: !0, 
                                children: t 
                        }), (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                            className: "questions-game__button", 
                            children: (0, _.jsxs)(Ea.Z, { 
                                children: [(0, _.jsx)($c.Z, { 
                                    icon: "generic-spinning-arrows", 
                                    text: g.ZP.get(113), 
                                    styling: "transparent", 
                                    onClick: n 
                                }), (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                                    icon: "generic-send", 
                                    text: g.ZP.get(114), 
                                    onClick: function() { 
                                    dataQA: { 
                                        "data-qa": "action-send" 
                                }), (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                                    text: g.ZP.get(247), 
                                    onClick: function() { 
                                    semantic: "tertiary", 
                                    dataQA: { 
                                        "data-qa": "modal-close" 
            tl = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    s = e.userGender, 
                    a = e.chatUserGender, 
                    c = e.chatUserName, 
                    l = e.isReceiver, 
                    u = e.onClose, 
                    d = e.onAnimationInComplete, 
                    p = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    h = p[0], 
                    m = p[1], 
                    f = (0, i.useState)("close"), 
                    v = f[0], 
                    b = f[1], 
                    y = function(e) { 
                        e && b("continue"), 
                return l ? (t = g.ZP.get(111, { 
                    str: c 
                }), n = g.ZP.get(109, { 
                    me: Oe.N5.for("me", s), 
                    other_user: Oe.N5.for("other_user", a) 
                }), o = g.ZP.get(107), r = y) : (t = g.ZP.get(112), n = g.ZP.get(110, { 
                    name: c 
                }), o = g.ZP.get(108), r = function() { 
                    return y(!0) 
                }), (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, { 
                    isVisible: h, 
                    onAnimationInComplete: d, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: function() { 
                        return u(v) 
                    isPadded: !0, 
                    children: (0, _.jsxs)(xo.Z, { 
                        isCompact: !0, 
                        align: "start", 
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(So.Z, { 
                            size: "icon", 
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ye.Z, { 
                                name: "badge-feature-questions-game" 
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(_o.Z, { 
                            text: t, 
                            tag: "h2" 
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(Co.Z, { 
                            text: n 
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(jo.Z, { 
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                                narrow: !0, 
                                text: o, 
                                onClick: r 
            nl = n(73541), 
            il = n(365), 
            ol = n(79429), 
            rl = n(29977), 
            sl = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    n = e.chatUserName, 
                    o = e.chatUserGender, 
                    r = e.question, 
                    s = e.altNavigation, 
                    a = e.isInstant, 
                    c = e.isMessageFromCurrentUser, 
                    l = e.onFocusInput, 
                    u = e.onBlurInput, 
                    d = e.onClickClose, 
                    p = e.onClickSend, 
                    h = e.onAnimationInComplete, 
                    m = e.onAnimationOutComplete, 
                    f = e.appear, 
                    v = void 0 === f || f, 
                    b = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    y = g.ZP.get(98), 
                    x = g.ZP.get(97), 
                    C = (0, i.useRef)(new nl.Z), 
                    j = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    P = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    k = P[0], 
                    Z = P[1], 
                    E = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    O = E[0], 
                    T = E[1], 
                    I = (0, i.useState)(""), 
                    w = I[0], 
                    A = I[1], 
                    N = (0, i.useState)(""), 
                    R = N[0], 
                    M = N[1]; 
                t = c ? a ? g.ZP.get(103) : g.ZP.get(102) : g.ZP.get(101, { 
                    name: Oe.N5.for(n, o) 
                var L = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                    }), [d]), 
                    U = function() { 
                        var e; 
                        O ? (p(w), Z(!1)) : (M(g.ZP.get(99)), null == b || null == (e = b.current) || e.focus()) 
                    D = function(e) { 
                        var t =; 
                        T(t.length > 0), 
                    B = [{ 
                        type: S.Us.CLOSE, 
                        onClick: L 
                s && B.push({ 
                    type: S.df.BUTTON, 
                    text: y, 
                    onClick: U 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = C.current; 
                    return e && null != j && j.current && (e.update({ 
                        onDismiss: L, 
                        contentWrapper: j.current 
                    }), e.modalize(), e.updateFocusableElements(), e.toggleFocusTrap(!0)), function() { 
                        null == e || e.unmount() 
                }), [L, C]); 
                return (0, _.jsx)(il.Z, { 
                    children: (0, _.jsx)(Ne.Z, { 
                        appear: v, 
                        in: k, 
                        timeout: 300, 
                        classNames: k ? "forward" : "backward", 
                        mountOnEnter: !0, 
                        unmountOnExit: !0, 
                        onEntered: function() { 
                            var e; 
                            null == b || null == (e = b.current) || e.focus(), 
                            h && h() 
                        onExited: m, 
                        children: function() { 
                            return (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "page-container", 
                                id: "page-container", 
                                children: (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "page overlay-page questions-game-answer", 
                                    ref: j, 
                                    role: "dialog", 
                                    "aria-modal": !0, 
                                    tabIndex: -1, 
                                    "aria-label": t, 
                                    children: (0, _.jsxs)(Ns.Z, { 
                                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(Ls.Z, { 
                                            children: (0, _.jsx)(S.ZP, { 
                                                actions: B, 
                                                position: "absolute", 
                                                transparent: !0 
                                        }), (0, _.jsxs)(Rs.Z, { 
                                            vpadded: !0, 
                                            align: "stretch", 
                                            hpadded: !0, 
                                            children: [(0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-title", 
                                                children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.P1, { 
                                                    align: "center", 
                                                    color: "black", 
                                                    tag: "h2", 
                                                    children: t 
                                            }), (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-question", 
                                                children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.R6, { 
                                                    align: "center", 
                                                    color: "black", 
                                                    children: r 
                                            }), (0, _.jsx)("div", { 
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-input", 
                                                children: (0, _.jsxs)(Zo.Z, { 
                                                    onSubmit: function(e) { 
                                                        return (0, yo.dd)(e, U) 
                                                    isFixed: !0, 
                                                    children: [(0, _.jsx)(ol.Z, { 
                                                        label: g.ZP.get(100), 
                                                        onChange: D, 
                                                        onFocus: l, 
                                                        onBlur: u, 
                                                        autoResize: !0, 
                                                        value: w, 
                                                        fieldId: "feedback-input", 
                                                        textareaRef: b, 
                                                        maxHeight: 200, 
                                                        errorMessage: R, 
                                                        a11y: { 
                                                            ariaRequired: !0 
                                                    }), s ? null : (0, _.jsx)(rl.Z, { 
                                                        children: (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, { 
                                                            buttonAttrs: { 
                                                                type: "submit" 
                                                            text: x 
            al = function() { 
                (0, l.L9)(258, { 
                    element: 1381 
            cl = function() { 
                (0, l.L9)(258, { 
                    element: 1382 
            ll = function() { 
                (0, l.L9)(258, { 
                    element: 1377 
            ul = { 
                send: 253, 
                question: 1360, 
                close: 51 
            dl = function(e) { 
                (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                    element: ul[e], 
                    parent_element: 1377 
            pl = function() { 
                (0, l.L9)(258, { 
                    element: 1289 
            hl = function(e) { 
                (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                    element: "close" === e ? 51 : 253, 
                    parent_element: 1289 
            ml = J.Z.getLogger("Questions Game"), 
            fl = function(e) { 
                var t = e.message, 
                    n = e.chatUser, 
                    o = e.isAnswer, 
                    r = e.isAnswerInstant, 
                    s = e.isOnboarding, 
                    a = e.isOnboardingReceiver, 
                    c = e.onDismissOnboarding, 
                    u = e.onShowAnswer, 
                    d = e.onCloseAnswer, 
                    h = e.onClose, 
                    m = (0, i.useState)({ 
                        text: "
                    f = m[0], 
                    v = m[1], 
                    b = (0, i.useState)(s), 
                    y = b[0], 
                    x = b[1], 
                    S = (0, i.useRef)([]), 
                    C = pe.Z.getUser(), 
                    j = (0, g.Ro)(C.gender), 
                    P = (0, g.Ro)(n.getGender()), 
                    k = n.getName(), 
                    Z = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        var e = S.current.length - 1, 
                            t = S.current.findIndex((function(e) { 
                                return === 
                        -1 !== t && t < e ? v(S.current[t + 1]) : t === e && v(S.current[0]), 
                    }), []), 
                    E = function() { 
                        return (null == t ? void 0 : t.fromPersonId) === C.user_id 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    new Ee.ZP(537, { 
                        context: 264, 
                        other_user_id: n.getUserId() 
                    }).onResponse(538, (function(e) { 
                        Array.isArray(e.questions) && e.questions.length && (S.current = e.questions, v(e.questions[0])) 
                    })).onError((function(e) { 
                        (0, X.Z)(e) && ml.error("Error while getting questions", { 
                            error: e 
                }), []); 
                var O = (0, _.jsx)(el, { 
                    question: f.text, 
                    onClickGetQuestion: Z, 
                    onClickSendQuestion: function() { 
                        var e = new B.ZP({ 
                            messageType: 50, 
                            question: { 
                        }, n); 
                        p.Z.send(n.getUserId(), e).then((function(e) { 
                            setTimeout((function() { 
                                u(e, !0) 
                            }), 400) 
                        })).catch((function(e) { 
                            (0, X.Z)(e) && ml.error("Error while sending questions game message", { 
                                error: e 
                    onClickClose: function() { 
                        return dl("close") 
                    onAnimationInComplete: ll, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: h 
                return y && (O = (0, _.jsx)(tl, { 
                    userGender: j, 
                    chatUserGender: P, 
                    chatUserName: k, 
                    isReceiver: a, 
                    onClose: function(e) { 
                        "continue" === e ? (x(!1), c()) : h(), 
                        a ? function(e) { 
                            (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                                element: "continue" === e ? 395 : 51, 
                                parent_element: 1382 
                        }(e) : function(e) { 
                            (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                                element: "continue" === e ? 395 : 51, 
                                parent_element: 1381 
                    onAnimationInComplete: a ? cl : al 
                })), t && o && (O = (0, _.jsx)(sl, { 
                    question: t.question.text, 
                    chatUserName: k, 
                    chatUserGender: P, 
                    altNavigation: ue.Z.isIOs, 
                    isInstant: r, 
                    isMessageFromCurrentUser: E(), 
                    onFocusInput: function() { 
                        setTimeout((function() { 
                            (0, N.Z)(".page.questions-game-answer").addClass("not-stretched-layout") 
                    onBlurInput: function() { 
                        setTimeout((function() { 
                            (0, N.Z)(".page.questions-game-answer").removeClass("not-stretched-layout") 
                    onClickClose: function() { 
                    onClickSend: function(e) { 
                        p.Z.sendQuestionsGameAnswer(t, e, E()), 
                    onAnimationInComplete: pl, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: d 
                })), O 
            gl = n(16666); 
        function vl(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function bl(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? vl(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    yl(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : vl(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function yl(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        var xl = J.Z.getLogger("Chat"), 
            Sl = (0, ae.Z)(11); 
        function _l(e) { 
            return 3 === (null == e ? void 0 : e.getType()) 
        function Cl(e) { 
            var t = ne(e); 
            return 19 === e.initialScreenType || 472 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.promo_block_type) 
        function jl(e) { 
            var t = (null == e ? void 0 : e.getAlbums([])) || []; 
            return t.length > 0 && !!t[0].getPhotos() && !_l(e) 
        function Pl(e, t) { 
            var n = null == t ? void 0 : t.some((function(e) { 
                return 10017 === e.getPromoBlockType() 
            return _l(e) || ue.Z.isTWA() || ue.Z.isHuaweiQuickApp() || !n 
        var kl = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    o = e.user, 
                    r = e.chatUserId, 
                    v = e.folderId, 
                    y = e.streamId, 
                    x = e.userSubstitute, 
                    S = e.hotPanelData, 
                    C = e.clientSource, 
                    j = e.activationPlace, 
                    P = e.screenName, 
                    O = e.wasBack, 
                    w = e.notificationPermissionController, 
                    N = e.scrollableElement, 
                    R = e.onboardingTipsController, 
                    L = e.onPreventNotifications, 
                    U = e.onAllowNotifications, 
                    D = e.jinba, 
                    B = e.scrollPosition, 
                    F = e.navigatedBack, 
                    G = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    V = G[0], 
                    q = G[1], 
                    H = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Y = H[0], 
                    Q = H[1], 
                    W = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    K = W[0], 
                    J = W[1], 
                    $ = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    te = $[0], 
                    ae = $[1], 
                    pe = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    fe = pe[0], 
                    Pe = pe[1], 
                    Ee = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    Oe = Ee[0], 
                    Te = Ee[1], 
                    Ie = (0, i.useState)([]), 
                    we = Ie[0], 
                    Ae = Ie[1], 
                    Ne = (0, i.useState)([]), 
                    Re = Ne[0], 
                    Me = Ne[1], 
                    Le = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    Ue = Le[0], 
                    De = Le[1], 
                    Be = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    Fe = Be[0], 
                    Ge = Be[1], 
                    Ve = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    qe = Ve[0], 
                    He = Ve[1], 
                    Ye = (0, i.useState)(o), 
                    Qe = Ye[0], 
                    We = Ye[1], 
                    ze = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Ke = ze[0], 
                    Je = ze[1], 
                    Xe = (0, i.useState)(""), 
                    $e = Xe[0], 
                    et = Xe[1], 
                    nt = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    it = nt[0], 
                    ot = nt[1], 
                    rt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    st = rt[0], 
                    at = rt[1], 
                    ct = (0, i.useState)(j), 
                    lt = ct[0], 
                    ut = ct[1], 
                    dt = (0, i.useState)({}), 
                    pt = dt[0], 
                    ht = dt[1], 
                    mt = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    ft = mt[0], 
                    gt = mt[1], 
                    vt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    bt = vt[0], 
                    yt = vt[1], 
                    xt = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    St = xt[0], 
                    _t = xt[1], 
                    Ct = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    jt = Ct[0], 
                    Pt = Ct[1], 
                    kt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Zt = kt[0], 
                    Et = kt[1], 
                    Ot = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Tt = Ot[0], 
                    It = Ot[1], 
                    wt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    At = wt[0], 
                    Nt = wt[1], 
                    Rt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Mt = Rt[0], 
                    Lt = Rt[1], 
                    Ut = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Dt = Ut[0], 
                    Bt = Ut[1], 
                    Ft = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Gt = Ft[0], 
                    Vt = Ft[1], 
                    qt = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    Ht = qt[0], 
                    Yt = qt[1], 
                    Qt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Wt = Qt[0], 
                    zt = Qt[1], 
                    Kt = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    Jt = Kt[0], 
                    Xt = Kt[1], 
                    $t = (0, i.useRef)(""), 
                    en = (0, i.useRef)(0), 
                    tn = (0, i.useRef)(0), 
                    nn = (0, i.useRef)(0), 
                    on = (0, i.useRef)(), 
                    rn = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    sn = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    an = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    cn = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    ln = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    un = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    dn = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    pn = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    hn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                            m = e.messages, 
                            f = p.Z.isUserReported(e.chatInstanceId), 
                            g = m.some((function(e) { 
                                return e.isYours() || p.Z.isYours(e) 
                            v = bl(bl({}, e), {}, { 
                                context: C, 
                                streamId: y, 
                                chatBlockedGiftPromo: (i = e.promoBanners, i.find((function(e) { 
                                    return 24 === e.getPromoBlockType() && 6 === e.getPromoBlockPosition() 
                                })) || (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatBlockedGiftPromo)), 
                                gender: (0,, 
                                hasReceivedMessage: m.some((function(e) { 
                                    return !e.isYours() || !p.Z.isYours(e) 
                                initialScreen: f ? void 0 : e.initialScreen, 
                                sourceOfMessage: (0, Vs.RD)(e), 
                                isSelectable: K, 
                                dismissInitialScreen: !1, 
                                isShowingCrushAnimation: !g && e.isShowingCrushAnimation, 
                                feedbackPromo: (t = e.promoBanners, n = t.find((function(e) { 
                                    return 575 === e.getPromoBlockType() 
                                })), null == n ? void 0 : n.toJSON()) 
                        if (r) { 
                            var x = I(r); 
                            x && (v.replyToMessage = x) 
                        return v.initialScreen || (v.dismissInitialScreen = !0), v.isChatBlocked = (c = (o = v).initialScreenType, l = !(null == (s = o.initialScreen) || !s.blockingFeature), u = null == (a = o.initialScreen) ? void 0 :, d = Ze.includes(null == u ? void 0 : u.getPromoBlockType()), h = o.initialScreen && o.messages.length > 0, (0 === o.maxUnansweredMessages && o.chatBlockedGiftPromo || l || h || d) && !(7 === c)), v 
                    }), [r, C, K, null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatBlockedGiftPromo, y]), 
                    mn = function() { 
                        var e = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r); 
                    fn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) { 
                        var t = hn(e), 
                            n = e.counter > e.messages.length, 
                            i = !pn.current && !t.isChatBlocked && !!e.isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt; 
                        ($t.current = e.chatInstanceId.toString(), i && (pn.current = !0), dn.current) && (e.messages.some((function(e) { 
                            return 50 === e.messageType 
                        })) && (Nt(!0), setTimeout((function() { 
                        }), 400))); 
                        n && (Te(!1), ae(!1)), 
                        null == D || D.stop({ 
                            nameOverride: t.initialScreen ? "Chat/InitialScreen" : "Chat", 
                            hotpanelTimerOverride: t.initialScreen ? 3 : 2 
                    }), [hn, D]), 
                    gn = function() { 
                        gt(void 0), 
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.MESSAGES, { 
                            id: r 
                    vn = function() { 
                    bn = function(e) { 
                        e && We(e) 
                    yn = function(e) { 
                        e && (We(e), Pe(e.getIsFavourite())) 
                    xn = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        var e = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r); 
                        e.dummy && Qe && (e.chatUser = Qe), 
                    }), [Qe, r, fn]), 
                    Sn = function(e, t) { 
                        !function(e, t) { 
                            if (void 0 === t && (t = xe.MESSAGE), !Boolean(e.serverErrorMessage) || (0, X.Z)(e)) 
                                if (e instanceof 
                                    je.error("Rpc error on send chat message", { 
                                        error: e, 
                                        errorSource: t, 
                                        RPCErrorType: Ce[e.getType()] || Ce[0] 
                                else if (e.serverErrorMessage) { 
                                    var n = "toJSON" in e.serverErrorMessage ? e.serverErrorMessage.toJSON() : e.serverErrorMessage; 
                                    je.error("Server error on send chat message", { 
                                        error: JSON.stringify(n), 
                                        errorSource: t 
                                } else 
                                    je.error("Unknown error on send chat message", { 
                                        error: e, 
                                        errorSource: t 
                        }(e, t), 
                        function(e) { 
                            if (e instanceof Error) { 
                                var t = "" + e.message; 
                                (0, l.L9)(125, { 
                                    event_type: 1, 
                                    error_type: 12, 
                                    error_message: "string" == typeof e ? e : t 
                            } else if (e instanceof he.kE7) { 
                                var n = e.getErrorMessage(); 
                                (0, l.L9)(125, { 
                                    event_type: 1, 
                                    error_type: me.Z.getType(e.getType()), 
                                    error_message: n 
                    _n = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e, t) { 
                        if (!(e instanceof Error)) { 
                            var n = null == e ? void 0 : e.getType(); 
                            return 14 === n || 42 === n ? (O || _e(e.getErrorMessage()), void a.Z.back()) : 82 === n ? (O || _e(function(e, t) { 
                                var n = e.getErrorMessage(); 
                                if (!n) { 
                                    var i = t.getName(); 
                                    i && (n = 2 === t.getGender() ? g.ZP.get(460, { 
                                        str: i 
                                    }) : g.ZP.get(461, { 
                                        str: i 
                                return n 
                            }(e, Qe)), void a.Z.back()) : void de.Z.handleError({ 
                                error: e, 
                                screenName: ye(K, P, r), 
                                navigationBar: { 
                                    logo: !0, 
                                    actions: {} 
                            }, t) 
                        (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error(e.message) 
                    }), [Qe, r, K, P, O]), 
                    Cn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) { 
                        void 0 === e && (e = { 
                            allowConsumeChatUnblocker: !1 
                        var t = { 
                            allowConsumeChatUnblocker: e.allowConsumeChatUnblocker, 
                            context: C, 
                            folderId: v, 
                            streamId: y, 
                            user: x ? 3 : void 0 
                        return p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r).dummy && q(!0), cn.current = (0, re.Z)(p.Z.getClientOpenChat(r, t)), cn.current.then((function(e) { 
                            un.current = !!R.getTooltipByType(46), 
                            dn.current = !!R.getTooltipByType(53), 
                        })).catch((function(e) { 
                            e instanceof re.t || _n(e, Cn) 
                        })), cn.current 
                    }), [C, v, y, x, r, R, fn, _n]), 
                    jn = function() { 
                    Pn = function(e) { 
                        var t = le.Z.encodeRoute(a.Z.getUrl(), { 
                            paymentFlow: "2" 
                        return e.context = C, e.streamId = y, e.repliedMessage = I(r.toString()), ln.current = (0, re.Z)(p.Z.send(r, e, t)), ln.current.then(jn).catch((function(e) { 
                            return e instanceof re.t || Sn(e), e 
                        })), ln.current 
                    kn = function() { 
                        var e; 
                        x ? e = Promise.resolve(x) : (q(!0), e = h.Z.getInstance().get({ 
                            id: r 
                        }).then((function(e) { 
                            var t = e[0]; 
                            return q(!1), new ce.Z({ 
                                userSubstitute: t.getUserSubstitute() 
                        e.then((function(e) { 
                            a.Z.navigate(c.x.PROMO_CARDS_GALLERY, { 
                                userSubstitute: e, 
                                context: 26 
                        })).catch((function() { 
                    Zn = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        if (p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r).messages.some((function(e) { 
                            return e.allowLike 
                        })) && !Wt) { 
                            var e = R.getTooltipByType(46).text; 
                                isActive: !0, 
                                text: e 
                    }), [r, L, Wt, R]), 
                    En = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                            id: r, 
                            clientSource: 10, 
                            folderType: 0 
                        }).then((function(e) { 
                            setTimeout(gt, 100, e) 
                        })).catch((function(e) { 
                            (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error("Failed to get user by id", e), 
                                type: M.Z.TYPES.ERROR 
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.CHAT_PROFILE, { 
                            id: r 
                    }), [r]), 
                    On = function() { 
                        null != Fe && Fe.deletedMember || (_l(Qe) ? kn() : (p.Z.hasInitialChatScreen(r) && p.Z.invalidate(r), En())) 
                    Tn = function(e) { 
                        e && (0, l.L9)(49, {}) 
                    In = function() { 
                        (0, l.L9)(425, { 
                            activation_place: lt, 
                            encrypted_user_id: r 
                    wn = function() { 
                            folder: 56, 
                            uid: r 
                        }).then((function() { 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    return function() { 
                        var e; 
                        null == (e = rn.current) || null == e.dismiss || e.dismiss(), 
                        tn.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(tn.current), 
                        nn.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(nn.current), 
                        en.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(en.current) 
                }), []), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    (!r || r.length < 20) && (xl.error("Cannot load chat page without a valid id", { 
                        id: r 
                    }), _e(), a.Z.back()) 
                }), [r]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    if (!j) { 
                        var e = { 
                            id: r, 
                            clientSource: C, 
                            streamId: y, 
                            folderId: v, 
                            userSubstitute: x, 
                            activationPlace: null != S && S.inappId ? 165 : 1 
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.MESSAGES, e) 
                }), [j, C, v, null == S ? void 0 : S.inappId, y, x, r]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    ut(function(e, t) { 
                        return 4 === e ? 5 : 9 === e ? 10 : 94 === e ? 165 : 26 === e ? 191 : t 
                    }(C, j)) 
                }), [C, j]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = function(e, t, n) { 
                            jl(Qe) && ae(n >= t) 
                        t = function(e) { 
                            e.toPersonId && ![r, $t.current].includes(e.toPersonId.toString()) || ((r ? I(r) : null) && ((0, l.L9)(332, { 
                                element: 288, 
                                parent_element: 289 
                            }), r && A(r)), jl(Qe) || e !== we[0] || Te(!0), e.isTemporary() || function(e, t, n) { 
                                var i, 
                                (0, l.L9)(8, { 
                                    activation_place: t, 
                                    encrypted_user_id: null == (i = e.toPersonId) ? void 0 : i.toString(), 
                                    length: 1 === e.messageType && (null == (o = e.message) ? void 0 : o.length) || 0, 
                                    message_first: 1 === n.length, 
                                    message_first_replied: n.length > 1 && 1 === ve(n), 
                                    send_giphy: 36 === e.messageType, 
                                    send_heart: "ANIMATED_XP" === e.messageType, 
                                    send_location: !1, 
                                    send_photo: 19 === e.messageType, 
                                    send_smile: 22 === e.messageType, 
                                    send_sticker: 23 === e.messageType 
                            }(e, lt, we), xn()) 
                        n = function(e) { 
                            e.fromPersonId && ![r, $t.current].includes(e.fromPersonId.toString()) || (42 === e.messageType && yt(!0), e.isLikelyOffensive && null != Fe && Fe.isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt && zt(!0), xn()) 
                        i = function(e) { 
                            46 !== e.type && 49 !== e.type || Cn() 
                    return oe.Z.getInstance().on(oe.Z.Type.NOTIFICATION, i), p.Z.on(p.Z.EVENTS.FLUSH, Cn).on(p.Z.EVENTS.HISTORY_UPDATED, e).on(p.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_ME, t).on(p.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_USER, n).on(p.Z.EVENTS.CHAT_PROMO_HANDLED, xn).on(p.Z.EVENTS.SETTINGS_UPDATED, (function(e) { 
                        e.show_offensive_messages_prompt && zt(!0) 
                    })), function() { 
                        oe.Z.getInstance().off(oe.Z.Type.NOTIFICATION, i) 
                }), [lt, Qe, r, Cn, we, xn, U, R]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e, 
                    return on.current = (e = { 
                        getClientSource: function() { 
                            return C 
                        getStreamId: function() { 
                            return y 
                        onSendMessage: function(e) { 
                            e && !e.isCanceled && Sn(e, xe.MULTIMEDIA) 
                    }, t = T || z(e), document.getElementById("photo-form") || document.body.appendChild(t.zepto[0]), t), (0, d.GE)((function() { 
                        var e, 
                            t = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r), 
                            n = (0, u.Z)(a.Z.getHistory()), 
                            i = n && [c.x.GIFT, c.x.MULTIMEDIA].includes(n.routeName), 
                            o = t && !t.dummy && O && i; 
                        function() { 
                            var e = a.Z.getLocation(), 
                                t = e.routeName, 
                                n = e.parameters; 
                            if ("2" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow)) { 
                                var i = bl({}, n); 
                                delete i.paymentFlow, 
                                a.Z.updateLocation(t, i), 
                        function() { 
                            var e = a.Z.getLocation(), 
                                t = e.routeName, 
                                n = e.parameters; 
                            if ("1" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow) || "3" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow)) { 
                                if (!st) { 
                                    var i = bl({}, n); 
                                    delete i.paymentFlow, 
                                    a.Z.updateLocation(t, i) 
                            } else 
                        var l, 
                            d = I(r.toString()); 
                        if (null == (e = on.current) || e.checkPendingMultimedia({ 
                            replyToUid: null == d ? void 0 :, 
                            replyToMessage: d 
                        }), ie.Z.getInstance().getBackAction() === be && (ie.Z.getInstance().getResult() === ie.Z.RESULTS.PENDING && (q(!0), s.Z.setTimeout(Cn, 4e4), l = !0), ie.Z.getInstance().clear()), !l) { 
                            var h = { 
                                forceTrack: !0, 
                                id: r, 
                                activationPlace: j, 
                                clientSource: C, 
                                isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe) 
                            o ? ge(h) : Cn().then((function() { 
                                return ge(h) 
                            })).catch((function(e) { 
                                e instanceof re.t || (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error("Error calling getClientOpenChat", { 
                                    error: e 
                    })), function() { 
                        var e, 
                        null == (e = cn.current) || e.cancel(), 
                        null == (t = ln.current) || t.cancel() 
                }), []), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    null != Fe && Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation && !sn.current && ((0, l.L9)(258, { 
                        element: 1711 
                    }), sn.current = !0) 
                }), [null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    !V && Fe && (!ke.has(Fe.chatInstanceId) || Fe.isChatBlocked || Cl(Fe) ? Cl(Fe) && ke.add(Fe.chatInstanceId) : ke.remove(null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatInstanceId)) 
                }), [Fe, V]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.inputSettingsItems; 
                    if (null != e && e.length) { 
                        var t = e.findIndex((function(e) { 
                            return 13 === e.type 
                        It(-1 !== t && !!Fe && !Cl(Fe)) 
                }), [Fe]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = !Fe || Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && 0 !== Fe.maxUnansweredMessages; 
                    un.current && !e && (Zn(), un.current = !1) 
                }), [Fe, Zn]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    a.Z.getLocation().routeName === c.x.CHAT_PROFILE && En() 
                }), [En]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    return E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_BLOCKED, vn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_UNBLOCKED, bn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_REPORTED, bn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_FAVOURITED, yn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_QUICK_MESSAGE_SENT, bn), function() { 
              , vn), 
              , bn), 
              , bn), 
              , yn), 
              , bn) 
                var An = ye(K, P, r), 
                    Nn = Fe ? ne(Fe) : void 0, 
                    Rn = Fe ? function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                            n = (null == e ? void 0 : e.promoBanners) || [], 
                            i = e.dismissedPromoBanners || [], 
                            o = n.find((function(e) { 
                                return ee.includes(e.getPromoBlockType()) 
                        return o && !i.includes(o.getPromoBlockType()) && (t = o.toJSON()), t 
                    }(Fe) : void 0, 
                    Mn = (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.dismissedPromoBanners) || [], 
                    Ln = Re.filter((function(e) { 
                        return -1 === Mn.indexOf(e.getPromoBlockType()) 
                    Un = bt || (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.isNotInterested), 
                    Dn = (null == Qe ? void 0 : Qe.getName()) || ""; 
                function Bn() { 
                var Fn = function() { 
                        dn.current = !1, 
                        R.dismissTooltip(10, 53) 
                    Gn = function() { 
                        void 0 !== typeof Qe && Lt(!0) 
                    Vn = function(e, t) { 
                return (0, _.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                    children: [Fe && Qe ? (0, _.jsx)(Us, { 
                        navigation: (0, _.jsx)(k, { 
                            user: Qe, 
                            promos: Re, 
                            clientSource: C, 
                            isHeaderProfileHidden: Oe && jl(Qe), 
                            isHidingVideoCall: Pl(Qe, Re), 
                            isFavourite: fe, 
                            isSelectable: K, 
                            isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe), 
                            isShowingBlockingTip: Jt, 
                            onDeleteChat: wn, 
                            onFavouriteUser: function() { 
                            onOpenProfile: On, 
                            onToggleReport: Tn, 
                            scrollRef: N 
                        miniProfile: te && jl(Qe) && !Fe.deletedMember ? (0, _.jsx)(tt.Z, { 
                            onChange: function(e) { 
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(ba, { 
                                user: Qe, 
                                screenName: An, 
                                activationPlace: lt, 
                                onProfileClick: On, 
                                sourceOfMessage: Fe.sourceOfMessage 
                        }) : null, 
                        messages: (0, _.jsx)(Xo, { 
                            chatInstanceId: Fe.chatInstanceId, 
                            otherUserId: r, 
                            chatUser: Qe, 
                            counter: Fe.counter, 
                            isSelectable: K, 
                            isAllowUrlParsing: Fe.isAllowUrlParsing, 
                            isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe), 
                            isDummy: Fe.dummy, 
                            messageLikeOnboarding: pt, 
                            messages: we, 
                            promoBanners: Ln, 
                            dismissedPromoBanners: Mn, 
                            scrollingContainerRef: N, 
                            scroller: it, 
                            oldScrollPosition: F ? B : void 0, 
                            isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt: !pt.isActive && Wt, 
                            onTogglePd: Q, 
                            onToggleReport: Tn, 
                            onShowPromoCards: kn, 
                            onClickReadReceiptsPromoLink: function(e) { 
                                (0, l.L9)(332, { 
                                    element: 1350 
                            onUpdateInput: mn, 
                            onUpdateChat: xn, 
                            onConfirmResendInappropriate: Pn, 
                            onNewMessageNotification: function(e, t) { 
                                t && et(t) 
                            onSetScroller: ot, 
                            onUserBlocked: In, 
                            onQuestionsGameStart: Gn, 
                            onQuestionsGameAnswer: Vn, 
                            onDismissOffensiveMessagesModal: function(e) { 
                                p.Z.setShowLikelyOffensivePrompt(r, !1), 
                                e && Xt(!0) 
                        chatNudgePromo: Un ? (0, _.jsx)(Uc, { 
                            chatUser: Qe, 
                            onDelete: wn 
                        }) : !Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && (0, _.jsx)(Mc, { 
                            promoBlock: Nn, 
                            chatInstanceId: Fe.chatInstanceId, 
                            feedbackPromo: Fe.feedbackPromo, 
                            chatUser: Qe, 
                            clientSource: C, 
                            isBlocker: !Boolean(Fe.inputSettingsItems), 
                            onClickQuestionsGame: Gn, 
                            onCloseQuestionsGame: function() { 
                                if (dn.current) { 
                                    var e = R.getTooltipByType(53).text; 
                            onReloadClientOpenChat: Cn, 
                            onCloseChat: a.Z.back 
                        newMessageNotification: (0, _.jsx)($o, { 
                            text: $e, 
                            isActive: Ke, 
                            onClick: function() { 
                                null == it || it.scrollToBottom(!0), 
                        input: Fe.isChatBlocked || Fe.deletedMember || K || Un || null == (t = Fe.inputSettingsItems) || !t.length ? null : (0, _.jsx)(Es, { 
                            context: Fe.context, 
                            streamId: Fe.streamId, 
                            otherUserId: r, 
                            inputFeatures: Fe.inputFeatures, 
                            inputSettingsItems: Fe.inputSettingsItems, 
                            replyToMessage: Fe.replyToMessage, 
                            isMessageFirst: !(null != (n = Fe.messages) && n.length), 
                            hasReceivedMessage: Fe.hasReceivedMessage, 
                            scroller: it, 
                            chatUser: Qe, 
                            notificationPermissionController: w, 
                            activationPlace: lt, 
                            questionsGameTooltipText: St, 
                            showQuestionsGameTooltip: Zt, 
                            showQuestionsGameButton: Tt, 
                            onHideAddBanner: function(e) { 
                                en.current && (s.Z.clearTimeout(en.current), en.current = 0), 
                                "focus" === e.type && He(!1) 
                            onBlurInput: function() { 
                                en.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                                    return He(!0) 
                                }), 1e3), 
                                tn.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                                    an.current = !1 
                                }), 700) 
                            onFocusInput: function() { 
                                an.current = !0 
                            onUpdateInput: mn, 
                            onClickCamera: function() { 
                                nn.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                                    var e; 
                                    rn.current = (null == (e = on.current) ? void 0 : e.uploadMultimedia(r)) || null, 
                                    rn.current && Pt(!0) 
                                }), ue.Z.isIphoneContextualMenu && an.current ? 700 : 0) 
                            onClickQuestionsGameButton: Gn, 
                            onClickQuestionsGameTooltip: function() { 
                            onToggleLoading: q, 
                            onSendMessage: Pn, 
                            onChatRefresh: Cn, 
                            onToggleTopup: at, 
                            onUploadAudio: function(e) { 
                                var t; 
                                null == (t = on.current) || t.uploadAudio(r, e) 
                        ads: (0, _.jsx)(Is, { 
                            isEnabled: qe 
                        initialScreen: Fe && Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) || Fe.isChatBlocked ? (0, _.jsx)(sc, { 
                            openChatData: Fe, 
                            otherUserId: r, 
                            clientSource: C, 
                            log: xl, 
                            messages: we, 
                            streamId: y, 
                            chatUser: Qe, 
                            onDismiss: function() { 
                                jl(Qe) || Te(!0) 
                            onChatRefresh: Cn, 
                            onSendMessage: Pn, 
                            onUserBlocked: In 
                        }) : void 0, 
                        scrollingContainerRef: N, 
                        isLoading: V, 
                        isHidingMessages: Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && 0 !== Fe.maxUnansweredMessages, 
                        isShowingCrushAnimation: Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation, 
                        onDismissOnboarding: function() { 
                                isActive: !1 
                            R.dismissTooltip(10, 46) 
                        isOnboarding: pt.isActive || Wt 
                    }) : null, (0, _.jsx)(Dc, { 
                        isOpen: jt, 
                        onCaptureClick: function() { 
                            var e; 
                            null == (e = rn.current) || e.onCaptureOptionClick(), 
                        onChooseClick: function() { 
                            var e; 
                            null == (e = rn.current) || e.onChooseOptionClick(), 
                        onCancelClick: Bn 
                    }), Y ? (0, _.jsx)(Gc, { 
                        chatInstanceId: r, 
                        name: Dn, 
                        onAnimationOutComplete: function() { 
                            return Q(!1) 
                    }) : null, Ue && Rn ? (0, _.jsx)(Jc, { 
                        promo: Rn, 
                        chatUser: null == Qe ? void 0 : Qe.toJSON(), 
                        chatInstanceId: r, 
                        onAnimationOutComplete: function() { 
                            return De(void 0) 
                        onPaymentSuccess: function() { 
                            Ue && (Ue.setStatus(Ue.statusType), p.Z.markChatPromoHandled(r, 463)) 
                    }) : null, ft ? (0, _.jsx)(Vc.Z, { 
                        user: ft, 
                        mode: Xc.N.CHAT, 
                        onVoteYes: function() { 
                            if (ft) { 
                                var e = { 
                                    user: ft, 
                                    voteType: 2 
                                Sl.handleVote(e).then((function() { 
                                        id: ft.getUserId(), 
                                        clientSource: 10, 
                                        folderType: 0 
                                    }).then(gt).catch((function(e) { 
                                        return (0, se.WG)("Failed to get user by id", e) 
                                })).catch((function(e) { 
                        onSmile: function() { 
                            Sl.handleSmileSendChatMessage(ft).then(gt).catch((function(e) { 
                                return (0, se.WG)("Error when sending smile from Chat Profile", e) 
                        onChat: gn, 
                        onClose: gn 
                    }) : null, Mt ? (0, _.jsx)(fl, { 
                        message: Ht, 
                        chatUser: Qe, 
                        isAnswer: Dt, 
                        isAnswerInstant: Gt, 
                        isOnboarding: dn.current, 
                        isOnboardingReceiver: At, 
                        onDismissOnboarding: Fn, 
                        onShowAnswer: Vn, 
                        onCloseAnswer: function() { 
                            Yt(void 0) 
                        onClose: function() { 
                    }) : null] 
            Zl = n(63119), 
            El = n(43949); 
        function Ol(e, t) { 
            return Ol = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, Ol(e, t) 
        var Tl = function(e) { 
            var t, 
            function r(t) { 
                var n; 
                return (n =, t) || this).screenName = 20, n.activationPlace = 11, n.notificationPermissionController = new Zl.Z({ 
                    place: Pc.Z.PLACE_CHAT, 
                    activationPlace: 11 
                }), n.onboardingTipsController = El.Z.getInstance(), n.scrollableElement = void 0, n.preventNotifications = function() { 
                    n.notificationScreenAccess = 3 
                }, n.allowNotifications = function() { 
                    n.notificationScreenAccess = 1 
                }, n.jinba = new D.Z("Chat", 2), n.notificationPermissionController.start(), n.scrollableElement = (0, i.createRef)(), n 
            n = e, 
            (t = r).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
            t.prototype.constructor = t, 
            Ol(t, n); 
            var s = r.prototype; 
            return s.componentDidMount = function() { 
            }, s.componentWillUnmount = function() { 
                this.scrollableElement.current && this.props.saveScrollPosition(this.scrollableElement.current.scrollTop) 
            }, s.getClientSource = function() { 
                var e = 6 === Number(this.getParameter("folderId")), 
                    t = !0 === o.Z.getSync(163).enabled; 
                return e && t ? 127 : Number(this.getParameter("context")) || 10 
            }, s.render = function() { 
                var e = this.getParameters(), 
                    t = e.folderId, 
                    n = e.streamId, 
                    i = e.userSubstitute, 
                    o =, 
                    r = e.hotPanelData, 
                    s = e.chatUser, 
                    a = this.props, 
                    c = a.scrollPosition, 
                    l = a.navigatedBack; 
                return this.addPageWrapper((0, _.jsx)(kl, { 
                    scrollPosition: c, 
                    navigatedBack: l, 
                    user: s, 
                    chatUserId: o || "", 
                    folderId: Number(t) || 0, 
                    streamId: n, 
                    userSubstitute: i, 
                    hotPanelData: r, 
                    clientSource: this.getClientSource(), 
                    activationPlace: this.activationPlace, 
                    screenName: this.screenName, 
                    wasBack: this.wasBack(), 
                    notificationPermissionController: this.notificationPermissionController, 
                    scrollableElement: this.scrollableElement, 
                    onboardingTipsController: this.onboardingTipsController, 
                    onPreventNotifications: this.preventNotifications, 
                    onAllowNotifications: this.allowNotifications, 
                    jinba: this.jinba 
                }), "chat") 
            }, r 
        Tl.transition = !1, 
        Tl.notificationScreenAccess = void 0; 
        var Il = Tl 
    99836: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            default: function() { 
                return Pi 
        var i = n(67294), 
            o = n(99111), 
            r = n(73234), 
            s = n(111), 
            a = n(77004), 
            c = n(93517), 
            l = n(46356), 
            u = n(94184), 
            d = n.n(u), 
            p = n(28223), 
            h = n(34969), 
            m = n(44887), 
            f = n(85893), 
            g = function(e) { 
                var t = e.isVisible, 
                    n = e.isFixed, 
                    i = e.fixedHeight, 
                    o = e.onClick, 
                    r = d()({ 
                        "connections-update-button": !0, 
                        "is-hidden": !t, 
                        "is-fixed": n 
                    s = n ? { 
                        top: i 
                    } : void 0; 
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                    className: r, 
                    style: s, 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                        className: "connections-update-button__snackpill", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(m.Z, { 
                            icon: "generic-chevron-down", 
                            text: h.ZP.get(444), 
                            onClick: o 
        function v(e, t) { 
            return v = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, v(e, t) 
        var b = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function i(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    return (n =, t) || this).state = { 
                        isFixed: !1 
                    }, n.onScroll = n.onScroll.bind(function(e) { 
                        if (void 0 === e) 
                            throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
                        return e 
                    }(n)), n 
                n = e, 
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                v(t, n); 
                var o = i.prototype; 
                return o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = function(e) { 
                    return !e.isVisible && this.props.isVisible ? this.getButtonPosition() : null 
                }, o.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) { 
                    !e.isVisible && this.props.isVisible ? (null !== n && this.updatePosition(n), a.Z.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll)) : !this.props.isVisible && e.isVisible && a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll) 
                }, o.componentWillUnmount = function() { 
                    a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll) 
                }, o.onScroll = function() { 
                }, o.getButtonPosition = function() { 
                    return (0, p.Z)(this.props.containerRef.current).offset().top - a.Z.scrollY 
                }, o.updatePosition = function(e) { 
                    var t = e <= this.props.fixedHeight; 
                        isFixed: t 
                }, o.render = function() { 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(g, { 
                        isVisible: this.props.isVisible, 
                        isFixed: this.state.isFixed, 
                        fixedHeight: this.props.fixedHeight, 
                        onClick: this.props.onClick 
                }, i 
            y = n(58509), 
            x = n(66515), 
            S = n(42308), 
            _ = n(97381), 
            C = n(83900), 
            j = n(99935), 
            P = function(e) { 
                var t = d()({ 
                        "chat-connections-fader": !0, 
                        "is-dark": e.isDark 
                    n = e.onClick ? "button" : "div"; 
                return (0, f.jsx)(n, { 
                    className: t, 
                    onClick: e.onClick 
            k = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    n = e.emptyPromo, 
                    o = e.showFullscreenPromo, 
                    r = e.deleteButton, 
                    s = e.hasUsers, 
                    a = e.isLoading, 
                    c = e.isEditing, 
                    l = e.isFrozen, 
                    u = e.hasMatchBarStories, 
                    p = e.matchBar, 
                    m = e.connectionsList, 
                    g = e.containerRef, 
                    v = e.screenRef, 
                    k = e.onClickNewActivityButton, 
                    Z = e.navigation, 
                    E = e.sortOptionsButton, 
                    O = e.securityWalkthroughModal, 
                    T = e.currentTab, 
                    I = e.modalRef, 
                    w = e.isReporting, 
                    A = e.reportingId, 
                    N = e.onReportingClose, 
                    R = e.onReportingSuccess, 
                    M = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    L = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    U = !s && n; 
                return (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                    ref: g, 
                    children: [w ? (0, f.jsx)(y.Z, { 
                        clientSource: 253, 
                        otherUserId: A, 
                        onClose: N, 
                        onReport: R, 
                        onBlock: R 
                    }) : null, (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                        role: c ? "dialog" : void 0, 
                        "aria-modal": c, 
                        "aria-label": h.ZP.get(418), 
                        ref: I, 
                        tabIndex: -1, 
                        children: (0, f.jsxs)(S.Z, { 
                            innerRef: v, 
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(C.Z, { 
                                isSticky: !0, 
                                children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                    ref: M, 
                                    children: [Z, o ? null : (0, f.jsx)(i.Fragment, { 
                                        children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                            className: d()("connections__match-bar", { 
                                                "connections__match-bar--stories": u 
                                            inert: c ? "" : void 0, 
                                            children: [p, c ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null] 
                            }), (0, f.jsxs)(_.Z, { 
                                align: "stretch", 
                                children: [n && U ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "connections-empty-container", 
                                    "data-qa": "connections-empty", 
                                    id: T + "_TABPANEL", 
                                    tabIndex: -1, 
                                    role: "tabpanel", 
                                    "aria-labelledby": T + "_TAB", 
                                    children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                        style: { 
                                            margin: "auto 0" 
                                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, { 
                                            top: "md", 
                                            right: "gap", 
                                            bottom: "md", 
                                            left: "gap", 
                                            children: n 
                                        }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                            className: "connections-gap" 
                                }) : null, a ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "connections__loader", 
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                        style: { 
                                            width: 46, 
                                            height: 46 
                                        children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {}) 
                                }) : null, U ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                    className: "connections__content", 
                                    id: T + "_TABPANEL", 
                                    tabIndex: -1, 
                                    role: "tabpanel", 
                                    "aria-labelledby": T + "_TAB", 
                                    children: [E, (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                        className: "connections__items", 
                                        children: [(0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                            ref: L, 
                                            children: (0, f.jsx)(b, { 
                                                isVisible: l, 
                                                fixedHeight: null == (t = M.current) ? void 0 : t.clientHeight, 
                                                onClick: k, 
                                                containerRef: L 
                                        }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                            className: "connections-items", 
                                            children: m 
                                    }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                        className: "connections-gap" 
                                }), r] 
                    }), O] 
            Z = (n(85827), n(19601), n(8657)), 
            E = n(230), 
            O = n(48978), 
            T = n(82362), 
            I = n(7234), 
            w = n(48360), 
            A = n(80374), 
            N = n(8290), 
            R = n(93830), 
            M = n(91016), 
            L = n(60371), 
            U = n(2215), 
            D = n(57871), 
            B = n(77226), 
            F = n(2213), 
            G = n(71030), 
            V = n(81714), 
            q = n(34018), 
            H = { 
                CLICK: "CLICK" 
            Y = F.Z.extend({ 
                events: { 
                    "click .js-click-action": "onClick_" 
                update: function(e) { 
                    if (Y._super.update.apply(this, arguments), (0, B.Z)(e.picture)) 
                        if (e.externalAd) { 
                            var t = M.Z.create(M.Z.placements.CONNECTIONS); 
                            this._reactViewId = this.renderReactView((0, f.jsx)(q.Z, { 
                                adSlot: t, 
                                dataQa: "connections", 
                                innerRef: this.renderExternalAds 
                            }), this.el) 
                        } else 
                                picture: e.picture, 
                                icon: e.icon, 
                                titleText: e.title, 
                                descriptionText: e.text, 
                                badgeType: e.badgeType, 
                                mark: e.mark, 
                                ready: e.ready, 
                                isGift: e.isGift, 
                                processing: e.processing 
                render: function(e) { 
                    this.$el.html((0, G.Z)("PeopleNearbyFeatureCard", V.Z).render(e)) 
                onClick_: function() { 
                reset: function() { 
                    return this.reactViewId_ && this.removeReactView(this.reactViewId_), Y._super.reset.apply(this, arguments) 
                renderExternalAds: function(e) { 
                    e && M.Z.render() 
            }, "SimplePromoBlockView"); 
        Y.EVENTS = H; 
        var Q = Y, 
            W = n(1165), 
            z = Q.EVENTS, 
            K = { 
                MAIN: "main" 
            J = I.Z.extend({ 
                construct: function(e, t) { 
           = e, 
                    this.data_ = t; 
                    var n = new Q; 
                    n.on(Q.EVENTS.CLICK, this.onClick_, this), 
                    this.registerView(K.MAIN, n), 
                getPromoBlock: function() { 
                    return this.data_.promoBlock 
                isExternalAd: function() { 
                    return this.data_.externalAd 
                render: function() { 
                    var e = Object.assign({}, this.data_, { 
                        processing: this.processing_ 
                    this.updateView(K.MAIN, e) 
                setParent: function(e) { 
                    this.parent = e, 
                onClick_: function() { 
                    this.processing_ || (W.Z.generate(), this.trigger(z.CLICK, this.getPromoBlock())) 
                setProcessing: function(e) { 
                    this.processing_ = e, 
            }, "SimplePromoBlockController"); 
        J.EVENTS = z, 
        J.VIEWS = K; 
        var X, 
            $ = J, 
            ee = n(52861); 
        function te(e, t) { 
            return te = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, te(e, t) 
        var ne = [131, 129, 130, 326, 346], 
            ie = ((X = {})[U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES] = 26, X[U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES] = 23, X[U.Z.TYPES.WANT_TO_MEET_YOU] = 6, X[U.Z.TYPES.VISITORS] = 22, X), 
            oe = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function i(t) { 
                    var n, 
                        i = t.onPromoClick, 
                        r = t.getActivationPlace, 
                        s = t.getElementType, 
                        a = t.getFolderType, 
                        c = t.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough; 
                    return (n =, {}) || this).onPromoClick = void 0, n.getActivationPlace = void 0, n.getElementType = void 0, n.getFolderType = void 0, n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = void 0, n.nextPromoControllerId = 0, n.nextPromoIndex = 0, n.batchedActivities = {}, n.promos = [], n.resetPromoBlockControllers = !0, n.shouldResetShownBlocks = !1, n.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2, n.invisiblePromo = void 0, n.onPromoClick = i, n.getActivationPlace = r, n.getElementType = s, n.getFolderType = a, n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = c, n._onPromoClick = (0, o.Z)(n._onPromoClick, 500, { 
                        leading: !0, 
                        trailing: !1 
                    }), n 
                n = e, 
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                te(t, n), 
                i.sendStatisticsOnBannerPushed_ = function(e) { 
                    if (ae(e)) { 
                        var t = { 
                            variantId: e.variant_id, 
                            event: 2, 
                            context: 127, 
                            promoBlockPosition: 1 
                var r = i.prototype; 
                return r.reset = function() { 
                    this.batchedActivities = {}, 
                    this.promos = [], 
                    this.nextPromoIndex = 0, 
                    this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2, 
                    this.resetPromoBlockControllers = !0 
                }, r.getInvisiblePromo = function() { 
                    return this.invisiblePromo 
                }, r.getShownPromoBlocks = function() { 
                    return this.shouldResetShownBlocks && (this.promos = [], this.nextPromoIndex = 0, this.shouldResetShownBlocks = !1), l.ZP.getControllers().filter((function(e) { 
                        return e.object.getPromoBlock() 
                    })).map((function(e) { 
                        return e.object.getPromoBlock().promo_block_type 
                }, r.setPromoBlocks = function(e) { 
                    var t = e.promos; 
                    null != t && t.length && this.setPromos(t) 
                }, r.process = function(e) { 
                    var t, 
                        n = this, 
                        i = e.items, 
                        o = e.clientUserList, 
                        r = e.isUpdates, 
                        s = o.getPromoBlockResponseParams(); 
                    null != s && null != (t = s[0]) && t.getResetShownPromoBlocks() && (this.shouldResetShownBlocks = !0); 
                    var a = o.toJSON().promo_banners; 
                    if (null != a && a.length) { 
                        var c = a.find((function(e) { 
                            return 4 === e.promo_block_position 
                        c && (r && l.ZP.hasTopMostPromo() ? l.ZP.replaceTopMostPromo(c) : this.addPromoBlock(i, c)), 
                        r || a.forEach((function(e) { 
                            var t = e.promo_block_type; 
                            ne.includes(t) && n.addPromoBlock(i, e) 
                        var u = a.find((function(e) { 
                            return 37 === e.promo_block_type 
                        this.invisiblePromo = u || this.invisiblePromo 
                }, r.processUsers = function(e) { 
                    var t = this, 
                        n = e.items; 
                    e.users.forEach((function(e) { 
                        t.batchedActivities[e.user_id] && n.push(t.batchedActivities[e.user_id]) 
                }, r.prependBanner = function(e) { 
                    var t = l.ZP.getControllers()[0]; 
                    if (!t) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = l.ZP.findIndex(t.object); 
                    if (n + e.length > 9) { 
                        var i = n + e.length - 9; 
                        e = [].concat(e.slice(0, i), [this.registerPromoController(this.getNextPromo())], e.slice(i)) 
                    return e 
                }, r.appendBanners = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    this.nextPromoIndex = 0, 
                    this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2; 
                    var t = this.resetPromoBlockControllers ? [] : l.ZP.getControllers().map((function(e) { 
                        return e.object 
                    this.resetPromoBlockControllers = !1; 
                    var n = l.ZP.getItems().reduce((function(n, i) { 
                        return i.object instanceof I.Z || (n.push(i.object), e.insertBannerIfNecessary(n, t)), n 
                    }), []); 
                    l.ZP.addPage(n, !0) 
                }, r.insertBannerIfNecessary = function(e, t) { 
                    var n, 
                        i = e[e.length - 1]; 
                    if (i && (i.user_id || (n = i).promo_block_position && 1 === n.promo_block_position && 326 === n.promo_block_type) && this.usersBeforeNextPromo--, this.usersBeforeNextPromo <= 0) { 
                        if (this.promos) { 
                            var o = this.getNextPromo(); 
                            if (o) 
                                if (t.length) { 
                                    var r = t.shift(); 
                                    null == r || r.start() 
                                } else 
                        this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 9 
                }, r.addPromoBlock = function(e, t) { 
                    if (t.place_after_user) 
                        this.batchedActivities[t.place_after_user] = t; 
                    else { 
                        var n = function(e, t) { 
                            var n = !ae(t); 
                            if (!n) { 
                                n = !e.some((function(e) { 
                                    return 346 === e.promo_block_type 
                            return n 
                        }(e, t); 
                        n && (i.sendStatisticsOnBannerPushed_(t), e.push(t)), 
                    var o, 
                    (r = function(e) { 
                        switch (e.promo_block_type) { 
                        case 131: 
                            return 10; 
                        case 129: 
                            return 100; 
                        case 130: 
                            return 101; 
                        case 165: 
                            return 14 
                        return null 
                    }(o = t)) && ((0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                        element: r 
                    }), (0, ee.L9)(333, { 
                        element: r, 
                        count: re(o) 
                }, r.setPromos = function(e) { 
                    var t = e.filter((function(e) { 
                        return 1 === e.promo_block_position && !ne.includes(e.promo_block_type) 
                    this.promos = M.Z.isEnabled() ? [{ 
                        externalAd: !0 
                    }] : this.promos.concat(t) 
                }, r.getNextPromo = function() { 
                    var e; 
                    return this.promos && (e = this.promos[this.nextPromoIndex++], this.nextPromoIndex === this.promos.length && (this.nextPromoIndex = 0)), e 
                }, r.registerPromoController = function(e) { 
                    var t, 
                        n = O.Z.getUser(), 
                        i = n ? n.gender : 3; 
                    t = e && "externalAd" in e ? { 
                        externalAd: !0, 
                        picture: {} 
                    } : function(e, t) { 
                        var n = e.promo_block_type, 
                            i = function(e) { 
                                var t = e.credits_cost, 
                                    n = t || e.mssg, 
                                    i = e.header || t && n; 
                                return { 
                                    title: i, 
                                    text: n 
                            o = Object.assign({ 
                                promoBlock: e, 
                                isGift: 5 === e.ok_payment_product_type, 
                                mark: se(e), 
                                badgeType: A.Z.getBadgeTypeForPromoBlock(n) 
                            }, i), 
                            r = A.Z.getPictureForPromoBlockTS(e, { 
                                gender: t 
                        r.type === w.Z.IMAGE_TYPE.URL && (o.picture = { 
                            url: r.value, 
                            disableMasking: r.disableMasking 
                        r.type === w.Z.IMAGE_TYPE.SYMBOL && (o.icon = r.value); 
                        return o.gender = t, o 
                    }(e, i); 
                    var o = "promo-" + this.nextPromoControllerId++, 
                        r = new $(o, t); 
                    return r.on($.EVENTS.CLICK, this._onPromoClick.bind(this, r)), this.registerController(o, r), r.start(), r 
                }, r._onPromoClick = function(e, t, n) { 
                    if (t) { 
                        switch (this.onPromoClick(), e.setProcessing(!0), this.trackClickBannerEvent(t), t.promo_block_type) { 
                        case 65: 
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                                element: 547 
                            E.Z.navigate(T.x.SPP_TRIAL, !1, { 
                                returnTo: E.Z.getUrl(), 
                                context: 26, 
                                activationPlace: 191, 
                                fromBanner: !0 
                        case 195: 
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                                element: 95, 
                                parent_element: this.getElementType() 
                            this.performAction(t.ok_action, t, n) 
                        var i = (0, Z.Z)(this.rotatePromoControllers.bind(this, e)); 
                        A.Z.once(A.Z.EVENTS.END_PAYMENT, i) 
                }, r.performAction = function(e, t, n) { 
                    switch (e) { 
                    case 9: 
                    case 4: 
                    case 2: 
                            action: e, 
                            activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace(), 
                            banner: t.promo_block_type, 
                            cost: t.payment_amount, 
                            productType: t.ok_payment_product_type 
                        }, { 
                            from: E.Z.getUrl() 
                    case 6: 
                        this.navigateToSppPayment(t, n); 
                            type: D.Z.TYPES.ERROR 
                }, r.navigateToSppPayment = function(e, t) { 
                    var n = e.ok_payment_product_type, 
                        i = e.promo_block_type, 
                        o = { 
                            activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace(), 
                            bannerId: e.promo_block_type 
                        r = { 
                            back: E.Z.getUrl(), 
                            hotPanelData: o, 
                            productType: n, 
                            promoBlockType: i 
                    null != t && t.userId && (r.userId = t.userId), 
                }, r.rotatePromoControllers = function(e) { 
                    var t = this; 
                    var n = l.ZP.findIndex(e); 
                        shownPromoBlocks: this.getShownPromoBlocks(), 
                        excludePromoBlocks: [e.getPromoBlock().promo_block_type], 
                        count: l.ZP.getControllers().length 
                    }).then((function(e) { 
                        var i = e[0].toJSON().promo_blocks; 
                        if (i) { 
                            var o = l.ZP.getControllers().map((function(e) { 
                                return l.ZP.findIndex(e.object) 
                            o = [].concat(o.slice(o.indexOf(n)), o.slice(0, o.indexOf(n))).slice(0, i.length), 
                            i.forEach((function(e, n) { 
                                if (void 0 !== o[n]) { 
                                    var i = t.registerPromoController(e); 
                                        object: i, 
                                        key: "promoController" + n 
                                    }, o[n]) 
                }, r.fetch = function(e) { 
                    var t = e.shownPromoBlocks, 
                        n = e.excludePromoBlocks, 
                        i = e.count; 
                    return L.Z.getInstance().get({ 
                        context: this.getClientSource(), 
                        position: 1, 
                        shownPromoBlocks: t, 
                        excludePromoBlocks: n, 
                        count: i || 4 
                }, r.getClientSource = function() { 
                    return ie[this.getFolderType()] || 127 
                }, r.trackClickBannerEvent = function(e) { 
                    var t = { 
                            banner_id: e.promo_block_type, 
                            position_id: e.promo_block_position, 
                            context: this.getClientSource() 
                        n = e.stats_variation_id; 
                    n && (t.variation_id = n), 
                    (0, ee.L9)(139, t) 
                }, i 
        function re(e) { 
            var t =, 
                n = null == t ? void 0 : t.find((function(e) { 
                    return 2 === e.badge_type 
            return n && Number(n.badge_text) || 0 
        function se(e) { 
            var t, 
                n = null == (t = ? void 0 : t[0], 
                i = e.counter || (null == n ? void 0 : n.badge_text); 
            return i ? { 
                text: i, 
                type: 41 === e.promo_block_type ? "double-credits-badge" : null 
            } : null 
        function ae(e) { 
            return 346 === e.promo_block_type 
        var ce = oe, 
            le = n(24953), 
            ue = n(12462), 
            de = n(68091), 
            pe = n(83167), 
            he = n(6662), 
            me = n(18987), 
            fe = n(42174); 
        function ge(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function ve(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? ge(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    be(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : ge(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function be(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        var ye = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    s = e.promoBlock, 
                    a = e.onClick, 
                    c = e.sendTrackingOnMount; 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                }), []); 
                var l, 
                    u = null == (t = ? void 0 : t[0].badge_type; 
                u && (r = 7 === u ? "badge-feature-extra-shows" : void 0), 
                20 === s.promo_block_position && (r = 12 === s.promo_block_type ? "badge-add-photos" : "badge-email"); 
                var d, 
                    p = null == (n = s.buttons) ? void 0 : n[0]; 
                p && (l = { 
                    text: p.text, 
                    onClick: function() { 
                        return a(s, 0) 
                    dataQA: { 
                        "data-qa": "continue-button" 
                var h = null == (o = s.buttons) ? void 0 : o[1]; 
                return h && (d = { 
                    semantic: "tertiary", 
                    text: h.text, 
                    onClick: function() { 
                        return a(s, 1) 
                    dataQA: { 
                        "data-qa": "continue-secondary-button" 
                }), (0, f.jsxs)(le.Z, { 
                    align: "start", 
                    children: [r ? (0, f.jsx)(ue.Z, { 
                        size: "icon", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, { 
                            name: r 
                    }) : null, (0, f.jsx)(pe.Z, { 
                        text: s.header 
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(he.Z, { 
                        text: s.mssg 
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(de.Z, { 
                        children: [l ? (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, ve({}, l)) : null, d ? (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, ve({}, d)) : null] 
            xe = n(45752); 
        function Se(e, t) { 
            return Se = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, Se(e, t) 
        var _e = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function o(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    return (n =, t) || this).scrollsSkipped_ = 0, n.hasStarted = !1, n.onScroll = (0, s.Z)(n.onScroll.bind(function(e) { 
                        if (void 0 === e) 
                            throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
                        return e 
                    }(n)), 250), n 
                n = e, 
                (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                Se(t, n); 
                var r = o.prototype; 
                return r.componentDidMount = function() { 
                    a.Z.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, !1) 
                }, r.componentWillUnmount = function() { 
                    a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, !1) 
                }, r.componentDidUpdate = function() { 
                    if (!this.hasStarted && this.props.items.length > 0) { 
                        this.hasStarted = !0; 
                        var e = a.Z.document.body.pageYOffset || (0, xe.Z)().scrollTop; 
                }, r.onScroll = function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = a.Z.document.body.pageYOffset || (0, xe.Z)().scrollTop, 
                        n = a.Z.document.body.innerHeight || a.Z.document.body.clientHeight, 
                        i = (0, xe.Z)().scrollHeight - n - .5 * n; 
                    t >= i && this.props.fetchNewPage(), 
                    this.scrollsSkipped_ += 1, 
                    this.props.scrollHandler && this.scrollsSkipped_ > 5 ? (this.scrollsSkipped_ = 0, this.props.scrollHandler(t)) : this.scrollHandlerTimeout_ = setTimeout((function() { 
                    }), 500) 
                }, r.render = function() { 
                    return i.Children.only(this.props.children) 
                }, o 
            Ce = n(43018), 
            je = (n(91058), n(86273)), 
            Pe = n(57896), 
            ke = n(94273), 
            Ze = n(27503), 
            Ee = n(67047), 
            Oe = n(90794), 
            Te = n(60822), 
            Ie = n(29160), 
            we = n(92823), 
            Ae = n(40559), 
            Ne = n(77110), 
            Re = n(57384), 
            Me = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    n = e.user, 
                    o = e.badge, 
                    r = e.mediaOverlay, 
                    s = e.halo, 
                    a = e.tag, 
                    c = e.moodStatus, 
                    l = e.lastMessageStatus, 
                    u = e.message, 
                    p = e.isChecked, 
                    h = e.isLocked, 
                    m = e.isDisabled, 
                    g = e.isDeleting, 
                    v = e.isFavouriteAllowed, 
                    b = e.onClick, 
                    y = e.onFavourite, 
                    x = e.userRef, 
                    S = e.isAddedHACK, 
                    _ = e.a11y, 
                    C = d()({ 
                        "csms-connections-item": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--user": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": m, 
                        "js-mw-connections-item": !0, 
                        "js-mw-connections-item--is-checked": !m && p, 
                        "mw-connections-item--is-added-hack": S, 
                        "is-deleted": g 
                    j = d()({ 
                        "csms-connections-item__favourite": !0, 
                        "csms-is-active": n.isFavourite 
                (p || r) && (t = { 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                        children: [p ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-item__media-icon", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, { 
                                name: "generic-check" 
                        }) : null, r] 
                    background: p ? "primary" : "transparent" 
                var P = "user" +, 
                    k = (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-item__profile", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.BB, { 
                                color: "black", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Te.Z, { 
                                    age: n.age, 
                                    status: n.status, 
                                    a11y: { 
                                        label: null == _ ? void 0 : _.profileInfoLabel 
                        }), c ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-item__mood-status", 
                            "aria-hidden": !0, 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Oe.Z, { 
                                size: "16px", 
                                text: c, 
                                visuallyCorrected: !0 
                        }) : null, a ? (0, f.jsxs)("span", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-item__tag", 
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(ke.Z, { 
                                children: "," 
                            }), (0, f.jsx)(Ze.Z, { 
                                text: a.text, 
                                size: "small", 
                                styling: a.styling 
                        }) : null] 
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                    className: C, 
                    "data-qa": "connections-item", 
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "user", 
                    "data-qa-blocking-promo": h ? "locked" : null, 
                    "aria-hidden": m, 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, { 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, { 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__media", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, { 
                                    size: "sm", 
                                    user: n, 
                                    badge: o, 
                                    halo: s, 
                                    overlay: t 
                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(we.Z, { 
                            children: ["toggle" !== (null == _ ? void 0 : _.role) ? (0, f.jsx)("button", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__user", 
                                onClick: b, 
                                disabled: m, 
                                "data-qa": "connections-item-content", 
                                ref: x, 
                                "aria-describedby": u ? P : void 0, 
                                children: k 
                            }) : (0, f.jsxs)("label", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__user", 
                                "data-qa": "connections-item-content", 
                                ref: x, 
                                children: [k, (0, f.jsx)("input", { 
                                    className: "csms-connections-item__checkbox", 
                                    type: "checkbox", 
                                    defaultChecked: p, 
                                    onChange: function(e) { 
                                        null == b || b() 
                                    "aria-label": null == _ ? void 0 : _.profileInfoLabel 
                            }), u ? (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__message", 
                                "data-qa": "csms-connections-item__message", 
                                id: P, 
                                children: [l ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "csms-connections-item__message-read-receipt-status", 
                                    "aria-hidden": !0, 
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, { 
                                        name: "generic-read-receipt", 
                                        color: "seen" === l ? "feature-revenue" : "gray-30" 
                                }) : null, (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, { 
                                    ellipsis: !0, 
                                    dangerous: !0, 
                                    children: u 
                                }), (0, f.jsx)(ke.Z, { 
                                    children: null == _ ? void 0 : _.messageStatusLabel 
                            }) : null] 
                        }), v ? (0, f.jsx)(Ae.Z, { 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("button", { 
                                className: j, 
                                onClick: y, 
                                "data-qa": "favourite", 
                                "data-qa-favourited": n.isFavourite ? "true" : "false", 
                                "aria-pressed": n.isFavourite, 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, { 
                                    name: n.isFavourite ? "generic-star" : "generic-star-outlined", 
                                    a11y: { 
                                        label: null == _ ? void 0 : _.favouriteLabel 
                        }) : null] 
        Me.defaultProps = { 
            isFavouriteAllowed: !0 
        var Le = Me, 
            Ue = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    n = e.image, 
                    o = e.icon, 
                    r = e.user, 
                    s = e.badge, 
                    a = e.mediaOverlay, 
                    c = e.title, 
                    l = e.message, 
                    u = e.action, 
                    p = e.isProcessing, 
                    h = e.isDisabled, 
                    m = e.onClick, 
                    g = e.innerRef, 
                    v = e.isAddedHACK, 
                    b = d()({ 
                        "csms-connections-item": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--promo": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": h, 
                        "js-mw-connections-item": !0, 
                        "mw-connections-item--is-added-hack": v 
                return (p || a) && (t = { 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                        children: [p ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-item__loader-wrapper", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {}) 
                        }) : null, a] 
                    background: p ? "dark" : "transparent" 
                }), (0, f.jsx)("button", { 
                    className: b, 
                    onClick: m, 
                    "data-qa": "connections-item", 
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo", 
                    ref: g, 
                    disabled: h, 
                    "aria-hidden": h, 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, { 
                        tag: "span", 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__media", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, { 
                                    size: "sm", 
                                    image: n, 
                                    icon: o, 
                                    user: r, 
                                    badge: s, 
                                    overlay: t 
                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(we.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: [c ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__title", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, { 
                                    dangerous: !0, 
                                    children: c 
                            }) : null, l ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__message", 
                                "data-qa": "csms-connections-item__message", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, { 
                                    dangerous: !0, 
                                    children: l 
                            }) : null, u ? (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                className: "csms-connections-item__action", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, { 
                                    children: u 
                            }) : null] 
            De = function(e) { 
                var t = e.icon, 
                    n = e.title, 
                    i = e.onClick, 
                    o = d()({ 
                        "csms-connections-item": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--promo-video": !0 
                return (0, f.jsx)("button", { 
                    className: o, 
                    "data-qa": "connections-item", 
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo-video", 
                    "data-qa-feature-card": !0, 
                    onClick: i, 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, { 
                        tag: "span", 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                className: "liked-you-media", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, { 
                                    size: "sm", 
                                    icon: t 
                        }), (0, f.jsx)(we.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                "data-qa": "connections-item__title", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P1, { 
                                    color: "black", 
                                    dangerous: !0, 
                                    tag: "span", 
                                    children: n 
            Be = (n(39714), n(52306)), 
            Fe = function(e) { 
                var t = e.images, 
                    n = e.counter, 
                    i = e.title, 
                    o = e.isDisabled, 
                    r = e.onClick, 
                    s = d()({ 
                        "csms-connections-item": !0, 
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": o 
                    a = d()({ 
                        "liked-you-media__image": !0, 
                        "liked-you-media__image--multiple": t.length > 3 
                    c = t.length > 3 ? { 
                        return "url(" + e + ")" 
                    })).toString() : "url(" + t[0] + ")"; 
                return (0, f.jsx)("button", { 
                    className: s, 
                    "data-qa": "connections-item", 
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "liked-you", 
                    "data-qa-feature-card": !0, 
                    onClick: r, 
                    disabled: o, 
                    "aria-hidden": o, 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, { 
                        tag: "span", 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                className: "liked-you-media", 
                                children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                    className: a, 
                                    style: { 
                                        backgroundImage: c 
                                }), (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                    className: "liked-you-media__badge", 
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Be.Z, { 
                                        icon: "generic-heart", 
                                        text: n, 
                                        styling: "liked-you", 
                                        shadow: !0 
                        }), (0, f.jsx)(we.Z, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                                "data-qa": "connections-item__title", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P1, { 
                                    color: "black", 
                                    dangerous: !0, 
                                    tag: "span", 
                                    children: i 
            Ge = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    n = e.position, 
                    i = void 0 === n ? "tr" : n, 
                    o = e.children, 
                    r = d()(((t = { 
                        petal: !0 
                    })["petal--" + i] = !0, t)); 
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                    className: r, 
                    children: o 
            Ve = (n(74916), n(2025)), 
            qe = n(96437), 
            He = n(2568), 
            Ye = n.n(He), 
            Qe = ["", Ve.jr.CHATS, Ve.jr.CONVERSATIONS, Ve.jr.UNREPLIED, Ve.jr.FAVOURITES, Ve.jr.ONLINE]; 
        function We(e) { 
            switch (e.connection_status_indicator) { 
            case 2: 
                return { 
                    text: h.ZP.get(463).toUpperCase(), 
                    styling: "selected" 
            case 4: 
                return { 
                    text: h.ZP.get(143).toUpperCase(), 
                    styling: "default" 
        function ze(e) { 
            switch (e.last_message_status) { 
            case 1: 
                return "delivered"; 
            case 2: 
                return "seen"; 
        function Ke(e) { 
            var t, 
                n = e.item, 
                i = e.isEditing, 
                o = e.isUpdate, 
                r = n.promo_block_type || n.experimentType, 
                s =, 
                a = s ? s[0].badge_text : null, 
                c = s ? s[0].display_images : null; 
            a && (t = Number(a.replace(/\D/g, "")) <= 99 ? a : "99+"); 
            var l = n.header, 
                u = n.mssg; 
            return 346 === r && (l = u), { 
                imgSrc: c, 
                counter: t, 
                title: l, 
                message: u, 
                isDisabled: i, 
                isAddedHACK: o 
        function Je(e) { 
            return e.is_conversation || e.unread_messages_count > 0 ? 15 : e.is_match ? 11 : e.is_crush ? 22 : 2 === e.their_vote ? 4 : e.favourited_you ? 23 : e.is_favourite ? 24 : e.is_visitor ? 25 : void 0 
        function Xe(e, t) { 
            var n = e.is_crush; 
            if (n && t.param === Ve.jr.FAVOURITES) 
                return 1; 
            var i = e.is_unread, 
                o = e.unread_messages_count || 0, 
                r = o > 0 && Qe.indexOf(t.param) > -1, 
                s = !r && !n && i && e.is_match; 
            return s || n || !r ? s || n || !i ? 0 : 1 : o 
        function $e(e) { 
            switch (e) { 
            case 21: 
                return "generic-play-circle-hollow"; 
            case 346: 
                return "badge-feature-icebreaker"; 
                return "badge-feature-liked-you" 
        var et = n(21346), 
            tt = n(45450), 
            nt = n(42345); 
        function it(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function ot(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? it(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    rt(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : it(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function rt(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        function st(e) { 
            if (void 0 === e) 
                throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
            return e 
        function at(e, t) { 
            return at = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, at(e, t) 
        var ct = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsItemContainer"), 
            lt = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function i(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    return (n =, t) || this).handleClick = function() { 
                        var e = n.props; 
                        (0, e.onClick)(e.item) 
                    }, n.handleLikedYouClick = function(e) { 
                        return function() { 
                            var t; 
                            t = parseInt(e, 10), 
                            (0, ee.L9)(333, { 
                                element: 5, 
                                count: t 
                    }, n.handleClick = n.handleClick.bind(st(n)), n.handleLikedYouClick = n.handleLikedYouClick.bind(st(n)), n.handleFavourite = n.handleFavourite.bind(st(n)), n.state = i.getState(t), n 
                n = e, 
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                at(t, n), 
                i.getState = function(e) { 
                    var t = (e || {}).item, 
                        n = (0, l.NU)(t), 
                        i = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 2 === t.stats_variation_id, 
                        o = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 326 === t.promo_block_type, 
                        r = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 20 === t.promo_block_position && 326 === t.promo_block_type, 
                        s = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 4 === t.promo_block_position && 21 === t.promo_block_type, 
                        a = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 346 === t.promo_block_type; 
                    return { 
                        isUser: n, 
                        isLikedYou: i, 
                        isMoreLikesPromo: o, 
                        isVideoPromo: s, 
                        isPromo: o || s || a, 
                        isConnectionItem: (0, l.$Y)(t) && !r 
                var o = i.prototype; 
                return o.handleFavourite = function(e) { 
                    var t = this.props; 
                    (0, t.onFavourite)(t.item) 
                }, o.renderUser = function() { 
                    var e, 
                        t = this, 
                        n = function(e) { 
                            var t, 
                                r = e.item, 
                                s = e.isChecked, 
                                a = e.isEditing, 
                                c = e.isUpdate, 
                                l = r, 
                                u = (null == (t = l.profile_photo) ? void 0 : t.large_url) && w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(null == (n = l.profile_photo) ? void 0 : n.large_url, 70), 
                                d = l.is_deleted, 
                                p = l.is_invisible, 
                                h = l.is_unread, 
                                m = !p && 30 !== l.access_level, 
                                f = parseInt(Ye()(l.user_id), 16), 
                                g = String(f % 9 + 1), 
                                v = u || d ? null : { 
                                    letter: ? : "", 
                                    variant: g 
                            return d ? o = "deleted" : p && (o = "invisible"), { 
                                user: { 
                                    age: l.age, 
                                    gender: (0,, 
                                    isFavourite: l.is_favourite, 
                                    disguise: o, 
                                    photo: u ? { 
                                        src: u 
                                    } : null, 
                                    placeholder: v, 
                                    status: { 
                                        online: (0, qe.GA)(l.online_status) 
                                    moodStatusEmoji: null == (i = l.mood_status) ? void 0 : i.emoji, 
                                    id: l.user_id 
                                connectionStatusIndicator: We(l), 
                                message: l.display_message, 
                                lastMessageStatus: ze(l), 
                                isChecked: s, 
                                isLocked: !!l.profile_blocker_promo, 
                                isDisabled: a && !m || l.is_not_interested, 
                                isFavouriteAllowed: !a && l.allow_add_to_favourites, 
                                isAddedHACK: c, 
                                isNew: h 
                        i = n.user, 
                        o = n.message, 
                        r = n.lastMessageStatus, 
                        s = n.isChecked, 
                        a = n.isLocked, 
                        c = n.isDisabled, 
                        l = n.isFavouriteAllowed, 
                        u = n.isAddedHACK, 
                        d = n.connectionStatusIndicator, 
                        p = n.isNew; 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Pe.Z, { 
                        src: null == (e = ? void 0 : e.src, 
                        render: function(e) { 
                            var n, 
                                m = e.src, 
                                g = ot(ot({}, i), {}, { 
                                    id: (0, tt.xY)(, 
                                    photo: m ? { 
                                        src: m 
                                    } : null 
                                v = [i.age ? h.ZP.get(807, { 
                                    age: i.age 
                                }) :, "online" === (null == (n = i.status) ? void 0 : ? h.ZP.get(847) : void 0]; 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Le, { 
                                user: g, 
                                message: o, 
                                lastMessageStatus: r, 
                                isChecked: s, 
                                isLocked: a, 
                                isDisabled: c, 
                                isDeleting: t.props.isDeleting, 
                                isFavouriteAllowed: l, 
                                onClick: t.handleClick, 
                                onFavourite: t.handleFavourite, 
                                tag: d, 
                                moodStatus: (0, et.lM)() ? i.moodStatusEmoji : void 0, 
                                isAddedHACK: u, 
                                mediaOverlay: p ? (0, f.jsx)(Ge, { 
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                        className: "connections-dot-counter-notification" 
                                }) : void 0, 
                                a11y: { 
                                    favouriteLabel: h.ZP.get(144) + ", " +, 
                                    role: t.props.isEditing ? "toggle" : "cta", 
                                    profileInfoLabel: (0, nt.s)(v) 
                }, o.renderLikedYou = function() { 
                    var e, 
                        t = this.props.item, 
                        n = Ke(this.props), 
                        i = n.title, 
                        o = n.isDisabled, 
                        r = null == (e = t.extra_texts) ? void 0 : e[0].text, 
                        s = { 
                            return e.display_images 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Fe, { 
                        counter: r, 
                        title: i, 
                        images: s, 
                        isDisabled: o, 
                        onClick: this.handleLikedYouClick(r) 
                }, o.renderPromo = function() { 
                    var e, 
                        t = this.props.item, 
                        n = Ke(this.props), 
                        i = n.title, 
                        o = n.isDisabled, 
                        r = t.promo_block_type, 
                        s = 21 === r, 
                        a = 346 === r, 
                        c = { 
                            name: $e(r) 
                        l = s || a ? void 0 : { 
                            mark: { 
                                text: null == (e = t.extra_texts) ? void 0 : e[0].text 
                        u = s ? De : Ue; 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(u, { 
                        icon: c, 
                        badge: l, 
                        title: i, 
                        isDisabled: o, 
                        onClick: this.handleClick 
                }, o.renderConnectionItem = function() { 
                    var e = Ke(this.props), 
                        t = e.imgSrc, 
                        n = e.counter, 
                        i = e.title, 
                        o = e.message, 
                        r = e.isDisabled, 
                        s = e.isAddedHACK; 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Ue, { 
                        image: { 
                            src: t 
                        title: i, 
                        message: o, 
                        isDisabled: r, 
                        isAddedHACK: s, 
                        onClick: this.handleClick, 
                        mediaOverlay: Boolean(n) ? (0, f.jsx)(Ge, { 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "connections-dot-counter-notification" 
                        }) : void 0 
                }, o.render = function() { 
                    var e = this.state, 
                        t = e.isUser, 
                        n = e.isLikedYou, 
                        i = e.isPromo, 
                        o = e.isConnectionItem; 
                    return t ? this.renderUser() : n ? this.renderLikedYou() : i ? this.renderPromo() : o ? this.renderConnectionItem() : (ct.error("Connections - trying to render an unexpected item: " + this.props.item), null) 
                }, i 
            ut = lt, 
            dt = function(e) { 
                var t = e.children; 
                return (0, f.jsx)("ul", { 
                    className: "csms-connections-list", 
                    children:, (function(e) { 
                        return (0, f.jsx)("li", { 
                            className: "csms-connections-list__item", 
                            "data-qa": "connections-list-item", 
                            children: e 
        function pt(e, t) { 
            return pt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, pt(e, t) 
        var ht = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function i() { 
                    for (var t, n = arguments.length, i = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++) 
                        i[o] = arguments[o]; 
                    return (t =, [this].concat(i)) || this).element = null, t 
                n = e, 
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                pt(t, n); 
                var o = i.prototype; 
                return o.componentDidMount = function() { 
                    this.props.controller.setParent((0, p.Z)(this.element)) 
                }, o.render = function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = this.props.controller.isExternalAd(), 
                        n = d()({ 
                            "chat-connections-list-banner": !0, 
                            "is-external-ad": t 
                    return (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                        className: n, 
                        "data-qa": "connections-item", 
                        "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo", 
                        ref: function(t) { 
                            e.element = t 
                        "aria-hidden": this.props.isEditing, 
                        inert: this.props.isEditing ? "" : void 0, 
                        children: [this.props.isEditing ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null, (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                            className: "b-link" 
                }, i 
            mt = ht, 
            ft = n(49952), 
            gt = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsList"), 
            vt = function(e) { 
                var t = e.containerRef, 
                    n = e.items, 
                    i = e.currentFilter, 
                    o = e.isEditing, 
                    r = e.isLoading, 
                    s = e.onSelectItem, 
                    a = e.onFavouriteItem, 
                    c = e.onItemVisible, 
                    u = e.onBannerVisible, 
                    d = e.getUserSubstitute; 
                if (!n) 
                    return null; 
                var p = function(e) { 
                        if (e instanceof I.Z && u(e), (0, l.NU)(e)) { 
                            var t = e; 
                            if (3 === t.type) 
                                !function(e) { 
                                    if (e) { 
                                        var t = e.connectionPromoCard; 
                                        (0, ee.L9)(138, { 
                                            banner_id: null == t ? void 0 : t.hotpanelData.bannerId, 
                                            context: 127 
                            else { 
                                var n = i; 
                                (0, ee.L9)(623, { 
                                    encrypted_user_id: t.user_id, 
                                    activation_place: n.activationPlace || 1, 
                                    badge_count: Xe(t, n), 
                                    connection_status: Je(t) 
                            var o = e.is_unread, 
                                r = !0 === e.is_visitor; 
                            o && r && c(e) 
                        } else 
                            (0, l.$Y)(e) && u && u(e) 
                    h = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.object, 
                            n = e.isUpdate, 
                            i = e.isChecked, 
                            r = e.isDeleting, 
                            c = void 0 !== r && r, 
                            u = t instanceof I.Z, 
                            d = (0, l.NU)(t) || (0, l.$Y)(t); 
                        return u ? (0, f.jsx)(mt, { 
                            controller: t, 
                            isEditing: o 
                        }) : d ? (0, f.jsx)(ut, { 
                            item: t, 
                            isChecked: i, 
                            isEditing: o, 
                            isUpdate: n, 
                            isDeleting: c, 
                            onClick: s, 
                            onFavourite: a 
                        }) : (gt.error("Connections - trying to render an unexpected item: " + t), null) 
                return (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                    ref: t, 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(dt, { 
                        children: { 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(ft.Z, { 
                                onIntersect: function() { 
                                    return p(e.object) 
                                children: h(e) 
                            }, e.key) 
                    }), r ? (0, f.jsx)(Ce.ZP, { 
                        relative: !0, 
                        size: Ce.Xt.SMALL, 
                        color: Ce.IX.DARK, 
                        extraClass: "js-loader" 
                    }) : null] 
        function bt(e, t) { 
            return bt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, bt(e, t) 
        var yt, 
            xt = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function o(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    return (n =, t) || this).divContainer = void 0, n.lastVisibleElement = void 0, n.handleSelectItem = function(e) { 
                        var t = l.ZP.findIndex(e), 
                            i = l.ZP.get(t); 
                        if (void 0 !== i) { 
                            if (n.props.isEditing) { 
                                if (!(0, l.NU)(i.object) || i.object.is_invisible || 30 === i.object.access_level) 
                                i.isChecked = !i.isChecked, 
                                l.ZP.replaceItem(i, t), 
                                    items: l.ZP.getItems(n.props.currentTab, n.props.currentPromoContext, n.props.currentSortOption) 
                            } else 
                                i.isChecked || n.props.onSelectItem(e, t); 
                            return !1 
                    }, n.handleScroll = function(e) { 
                        var t = n.calculateLastVisibleItemIndex(e); 
                        t > -1 && n.props.onTrackScroll(t) 
                    }, n.divContainer = (0, i.createRef)(), n.state = { 
                        markedUserIds: [], 
                        items: l.ZP.getItems(n.props.currentTab, n.props.currentPromoContext, n.props.currentSortOption) 
                    }, n 
                n = e, 
                (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                bt(t, n); 
                var r = o.prototype; 
                return r.componentDidUpdate = function() { 
                    (0,, p.Z)(this.divContainer.current).find(""), (function() { 
                }, r.calculateLastVisibleItemIndex = function(e) { 
                    var t, 
                        n = this.lastVisibleElement || (0, p.Z)(this.divContainer.current).children().first(); 
                    if (null == (t = n) || !t.length) 
                        return -1; 
                    for (e += a.Z.document.documentElement.offsetHeight; null != (i = n) && i.length;) { 
                        var i, 
                            o =; 
                        if (o.index() < 0 || (0, p.Z)(o).hasClass("js-loader")) 
                        var r = o.offset(); 
                        if ( + r.height > e) 
                        n = o 
                    return this.lastVisibleElement = n, n.index() 
                }, r.render = function() { 
                    var e = l.ZP.getItems(this.props.currentTab, this.props.currentPromoContext, this.props.currentSortOption); 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(_e, { 
                        items: e, 
                        scrollHandler: this.handleScroll, 
                        fetchNewPage: this.props.onNeedPage, 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(vt, { 
                            containerRef: this.divContainer, 
                            items: e, 
                            currentFilter: this.props.currentFilter, 
                            isLoading: this.props.isLoading, 
                            isEditing: this.props.isEditing, 
                            onSelectItem: this.handleSelectItem, 
                            onFavouriteItem: this.props.onFavouriteItem, 
                            onItemVisible: this.props.onItemVisible, 
                            onBannerVisible: this.props.onBannerVisible, 
                            getUserSubstitute: this.props.getUserSubstitute 
                }, o 
            St = n(88179), 
            _t = n(27966), 
            Ct = function(e) { 
                var t = e.header, 
                    n = e.subHeader, 
                    i = e.popularityLevel, 
                    o = void 0 === i ? St.V7.VERY_LOW : i, 
                    r = e.hasUsers, 
                    s = e.showFullscreenPromo, 
                    a = e.isEditButtonHidden, 
                    c = e.isEditing, 
                    l = e.onClickEdit, 
                    u = e.onClickPopularity, 
                    d = e.onClickNotifications, 
                    p = [{ 
                        level: o, 
                        onClick: u 
                    }, { 
                        type: _t.Us.NOTIFICATION, 
                        onClick: d, 
                        dataQA: { 
                            "data-qa": "activity-inbox" 
                return s || a || !r || null == p || p.unshift({ 
                    type: _t.df.BUTTON, 
                    text: c ? h.ZP.get(438) : h.ZP.get(439), 
                    onClick: l 
                }), (0, f.jsx)(_t.ZP, { 
                    actions: p, 
                    title: { 
                        text: t, 
                        variant: "primary" 
                    subTitle: n, 
                    isBalanced: !1 
            jt = n(2818), 
            Pt = n(57376), 
            kt = n(97481), 
            Zt = n(31060), 
            Et = n(12666), 
            Ot = n(99565), 
            Tt = n(76812), 
            It = n(5229), 
            wt = n(68938); 
        function At(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function Nt(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? At(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Rt(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : At(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function Rt(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        !function(e) { 
            e[e.CONTROL = 0] = "CONTROL", 
            e[e.STORIES = 1] = "STORIES" 
        }(yt || (yt = {})); 
        var Mt = "sm", 
            Lt = 70, 
            Ut = function(e) { 
                var t =; 
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                    className: "match-bar-banner-likes-container", 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                        className: "match-bar-banner-likes", 
                        "data-qa": "match-bar-likes", 
                        children: null == t ? void 0 :, t) { 
                            var n = { 
                                    width: 0, 
                                    transition: "width 300ms ease-in-out 0s" 
                                i = { 
                                    entered: { 
                                        width: Lt 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Et.ZP, { 
                                appear: !0, 
                                in: !0, 
                                timeout: 300, 
                                children: function(t) { 
                                    return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                        "data-qa": "match-bar-banner-likes__item", 
                                        className: "match-bar-banner-likes__item", 
                                        style: Nt(Nt({}, n), i[t]), 
                                        children: (0, f.jsx)("img", { 
                                            src: w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(e.src, Lt), 
                                            alt: "", 
                                            width: Lt, 
                                            height: Lt 
                            }, "match-bar-likes-item-" + (e.index || t)) 
            Dt = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                    r =, 
                    s = e.message, 
                    a = e.text, 
                    c = e.mode, 
                    l = e.showIcon, 
                    u = e.onClick; 
                return r && !l && (t = (0, f.jsx)(Ut, { 
                    pictures: r 
                }), n = a ? { 
                    mark: { 
                        icon: "generic-heart", 
                        text: a, 
                        styling: "liked-you" 
                } : void 0, i = { 
                    position: "outside", 
                    color: "liked-you" 
                }), r && !l || (o = { 
                    name: "badge-feature-liked-you" 
                }), (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, { 
                    dataQA: { 
                        "data-qa": "match-bar-banner" 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, { 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, { 
                            size: Mt, 
                            icon: o, 
                            content: t, 
                            badge: n, 
                            halo: i, 
                            onClick: u, 
                            a11y: { 
                                actionLabel: a ? h.ZP.get(610, { 
                                    num: Number(a) || 0 
                                }) : void 0 
                    }), c === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, { 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                            style: { 
                                width: Lt 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, { 
                                color: "black", 
                                ellipsis: !0, 
                                children: s 
                    }) : null] 
            Bt = function(e) { 
                var t =, 
                    n =, 
                    i = e.gender, 
                    o = e.isCrush, 
                    r = e.isNew, 
                    s = e.mode, 
                    a = e.onClick, 
                    c = e.onView, 
                    l = e.index, 
                    u = { 
                        gender: i 
                n && ( = { 
                    src: w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(n, Lt) 
                var d = {}; 
                return r && (s === yt.CONTROL ? d.overlay = { 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Ge, { 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                            className: "match-bar-dot-counter-notification" 
                } : d.halo = { 
                    position: "inside", 
                    color: "primary" 
                }), (0, f.jsx)(ft.Z, { 
                    onIntersect: c ? c(!!r, !!o, l) : function() {}, 
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, { 
                        dataQA: { 
                            "data-qa": "match-bar-user" 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, { 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, Nt({ 
                                size: Mt, 
                                user: u, 
                                onClick: a 
                            }, d)) 
                        }), s === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, { 
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                style: { 
                                    width: Lt 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, { 
                                    color: "black", 
                                    ellipsis: !0, 
                                    children: t 
                        }) : null] 
            Ft = function(e) { 
                var t = e.mode; 
                return (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, { 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, { 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, { 
                            size: Mt, 
                            content: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "match-bar-placeholder" 
                    }), t === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, { 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, { 
                            color: "black", 
                            children: "" 
                    }) : null] 
            Gt = function(e) { 
                var t = e.title, 
                    n = void 0 === t ? "" : t, 
                    o = e.banner, 
                    r = e.users, 
                    s = e.mode, 
                    a = void 0 === s ? yt.CONTROL : s, 
                    c = e.isEmpty, 
                    l = e.isSkeleton, 
                    u = e.onScroll, 
                    d = e.onItemViewed; 
                return c ? (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, { 
                    top: "md", 
                    bottom: "md", 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, { 
                        bottom: "lg", 
                        right: "gap", 
                        left: "gap", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, { 
                            color: "black", 
                            children: n 
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(Ot.Z, { 
                        spacing: "xlg", 
                        hpadded: !0, 
                        vpadded: !0, 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Dt, Nt(Nt({}, o), {}, { 
                            showIcon: !0, 
                            mode: a 
                        })), [].concat(new Array(3)).map((function(e, t) { 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Ft, { 
                                mode: a 
                            }, "match-bar-placeholder-" + t) 
                }) : l ? (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, { 
                    top: "md", 
                    bottom: "md", 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, { 
                        bottom: "lg", 
                        right: "gap", 
                        left: "gap", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, { 
                            color: "black", 
                            children: n 
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(Ot.Z, { 
                        spacing: "xlg", 
                        hpadded: !0, 
                        vpadded: !0, 
                        children: [].concat(new Array(4)).map((function(e, t) { 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Ft, { 
                                mode: a 
                            }, "match-bar-placeholder-" + t) 
                }) : (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, { 
                    top: "md", 
                    bottom: "md", 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, { 
                        bottom: "lg", 
                        right: "gap", 
                        left: "gap", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, { 
                            color: "black", 
                            children: n 
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(Ot.Z, { 
                        spacing: "xlg", 
                        hpadded: !0, 
                        vpadded: !0, 
                        onScroll: u, 
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Dt, Nt(Nt({}, o), {}, { 
                            mode: a 
                        })), null == r ? void 0 :, t) { 
                            return (0, i.createElement)(Bt, Nt(Nt({}, e), {}, { 
                                mode: a, 
                                onView: d, 
                                index: t, 
                                key: "match-bar-user-" + t 
            Vt = n(49941); 
        function qt(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function Ht(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? qt(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Yt(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : qt(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function Yt(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        var Qt = je.Z.getLogger("MatchBarContainer"); 
        function Wt() { 
            (0, ee.L9)(195, { 
                element: 1252, 
                direction: 6 
        var zt, 
            Xt = function(e) { 
                var t = e.hasMatchBarStories, 
                    n = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    o = n[0], 
                    r = n[1], 
                    c = (0, i.useState)([]), 
                    l = c[0], 
                    u = c[1], 
                    d = (0, i.useState)(), 
                    p = d[0], 
                    m = d[1], 
                    g = (0, i.useState)(0), 
                    v = g[0], 
                    b = g[1], 
                    y = (0, i.useRef)(l), 
                    x = (0, i.useRef)(v), 
                    S = (0, i.useRef)(), 
                    _ = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    C = (0, i.useRef)(""), 
                    j = (0, i.useRef)(!0), 
                    P = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    k = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    Z = (0, i.useRef)(!1), 
                    O = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) { 
                        var t = {}; 
                        return (y.current || []).forEach((function(e) { 
                            t[e.getUserId()] = e 
                        })), e.forEach((function(e) { 
                            var n = e.getUserId(); 
                            e.getIsRemoved() ? delete t[n] : t[n] = e 
                        })), Object.keys(t).map((function(e) { 
                            return t[e] 
                    }), [y]), 
                    I = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        var e = { 
                            clientSource: 127, 
                            sectionRequests: [Ht({ 
                                type: 1 
                            }, C && { 
                                pageToken: C.current 
                            folderId: 49, 
                            userFieldFilter: (new Vt.Cxj).setProjection([280, 200, 583, 580, 340, 230, 810, 830]), 
                            preferredCount: 50, 
                            direction: 1 
                        return _.current = (0, kt.Z)(U.Z.getInstance().fetch(e, !0, !0)), _.current.then((function(e) { 
                            var n = e[0]; 
                            if (!n) 
                                return Qt.error("Server returned no data for match bar"), [null, null]; 
                            var i = function(e) { 
                                    var t = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.getSection()) || [])[0]; 
                                    return j.current = null == t ? void 0 : t.getLastBlock(), { 
                                        users: (null == t ? void 0 : t.getUsers()) || [], 
                                        pageToken: (null == t ? void 0 : t.getPageToken()) || "" 
                                o = function(e) { 
                                    var t = (null == e ? void 0 : e.getPromoBanners()) || []; 
                                    if (!t.length) 
                                    var n = t[0], 
                                        i = n.getPromoBlockType(), 
                                        o = n.getPromoBlockPosition(), 
                                        r = n.getContext(), 
                                        s = n.getMssg(); 
                                    return 129 === i ? { 
                                        type: i, 
                                        message: s, 
                                        pictures: n.getPictures().map((function(e) { 
                                            return e.getDisplayImages() 
                                        variation: n.getStatsVariationId(), 
                                        text: n.getExtraTexts()[0].getText(), 
                                        position: o, 
                                        context: r 
                                    } : 326 === i ? { 
                                        type: i, 
                                        position: o, 
                                        context: r, 
                                        message: s 
                                    } : void 0 
                                r = i.users; 
                            return null != C && C.current && (r = O(i.users)), r = t ? r.sort((function(e, t) { 
                                var n = e.getSortTimestamp() + (e.getIsUnread() ? 1e8 : 0); 
                                return t.getSortTimestamp() + (t.getIsUnread() ? 1e8 : 0) - n 
                            })) : r.sort((function(e, t) { 
                                return t.getSortTimestamp() - e.getSortTimestamp() 
                            })), u(r), o && m(o), C.current = i.pageToken, j.current || I(), [r, o] 
                        })).catch((function(e) { 
                            return (0, Zt.Z)(e) && Qt.error("Error requesting match bar folder", { 
                                error: e 
                            }), [null, null] 
                    }), [C, O, j, t]); 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    y.current = l 
                }), [l]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e; 
                    p && ((0, ee.L9)(333, { 
                        element: 1253, 
                        count: (null == p || null == (e = ? void 0 : e.length) || 0 
                    }), (0, ee.L9)(138, { 
                        banner_id: p.type, 
                        position_id: p.position, 
                        context: p.context, 
                        variation_id: p.variation 
                }), [p]), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = _.current; 
                    return function() { 
                        return null == e ? void 0 : e.cancel() 
                }), []), 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = function() { 
                        t = function(e) { 
                            var t; 
                            21 === && null != (t = e.folders) && t.includes(49) && I() 
                        n = function(e) { 
                            49 === e.folder && I() 
                        i = function(e) { 
                            var t = e.from_person_id, 
                                n = e.to_person_id; 
                            if (l.length) { 
                                var i = l.findIndex((function(e) { 
                                    return [t, n].includes(e.getUserId()) 
                                i > -1 && u([].concat(l.slice(0, i), l.slice(i + 1))) 
                    return jt.Z.on(jt.Z.EVENTS.UPDATE, e), Pt.NT.onResponse(361, t), Pt.NT.onResponse(138, n), Pt.NT.onResponse(105, i), o && I().then((function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                        e && (e[1] && 129 === e[1].type && e[1].pictures && (n = e[1].pictures.length, S.current = a.Z.setInterval((function() { 
                            10 === x.current || n - 1 === x.current ? a.Z.clearInterval(S.current) : (x.current = x.current + 1, b(x.current)) 
                        }), 3e3)), (0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                            element: 1252, 
                            count: (null == (t = e[0]) ? void 0 : t.length) || 0 
                    })), function() { 
              , e), 
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(361, t), 
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(138, n), 
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(105, i), 
                        S.current && a.Z.clearInterval(S.current) 
                }), [o]); 
                var w = function() { 
                        p && (E.Z.navigate(T.x.LIKED_YOU, !1, { 
                            activationPlace: 401 
                        }), (0, ee.L9)(139, { 
                            banner_id: p.type, 
                            position_id: p.position, 
                            context: p.context, 
                            variation_id: p.variation 
                    A = function(e, n) { 
                        return function() { 
                            if (function(e, t) { 
                                var n; 
                                n = e.getIsMatch() ? e.getIsUnread() ? 1255 : 1254 : 1256; 
                                (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                                    element: n, 
                                    parent_element: 1252, 
                                    position: t 
                            }(e, n), t) { 
                                var i = { 
                                    return e.getUserId() 
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.MATCH_STORIES, { 
                                    matchId: e.getUserId(), 
                                    matchIds: i 
                            } else 
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.MESSAGES, { 
                                    id: e.getUserId(), 
                                    userInitiated: !0, 
                                    folderId: 49, 
                                    context: 127, 
                                    activationPlace: 401 
                    N = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e, t, n) { 
                        return function() { 
                            var i = 1254; 
                            P.current && k.current && Z.current || (t ? (i = 1256, Z.current = !0) : e ? (i = 1255, k.current = !0) : P.current = !0, (0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                                element: i, 
                                position: n 
                    }), [P, k, Z]), 
                    R = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        if (l.length) { 
                            var e = l.filter((function(e) { 
                                    return !e.getIsCrush() 
                                t = e.filter((function(e) { 
                                    return e.getIsUnread() 
                            return t.length ? h.ZP.get(616, { 
                                num: t.length 
                            }) : h.ZP.get(615, { 
                                num: e.length 
                        return h.ZP.get(617) 
                    }), [l]); 
                return o ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                    "data-qa": "match-bar", 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Gt, Ht(Ht({ 
                        title: R() 
                    }, p ? 129 === p.type ? { 
                        banner: { 
                            pictures: ?, v + 1).map((function(e, t) { 
                                return { 
                                    src: e, 
                                    index: t 
                            })) : void 0, 
                            message: p.message || "", 
                            text: p.text || 0, 
                            onClick: w 
                    } : { 
                        banner: { 
                            message: p.message || "", 
                            onClick: w 
                        isEmpty: !l.length 
                    } : null), {}, { 
                        users: l.length ?, t) { 
                            var n; 
                            return { 
                                id: e.getUserId(), 
                                name: e.getName(), 
                                photo: null == (n = e.getProfilePhoto()) ? void 0 : n.getLargeUrl(), 
                                gender: (0,, 
                                isCrush: e.getIsCrush(), 
                                isNew: e.getIsUnread(), 
                                onClick: A(e, t) 
                        })) : void 0, 
                        mode: t ? yt.STORIES : yt.CONTROL, 
                        isSkeleton: !l.length && !p, 
                        onScroll: (0, s.Z)(Wt, 300), 
                        onItemViewed: l.length ? N : void 0 
                }) : null 
            $t = n(29697), 
            en = function(e) { 
                var t = e.isActive, 
                    n = e.onClick, 
                    o = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    r = (0, i.useState)({}), 
                    s = r[0], 
                    a = r[1]; 
                return (0, f.jsx)($t.Z, { 
                    in: t, 
                    timeout: 300, 
                    mountOnEnter: !0, 
                    unmountOnExit: !0, 
                    onEntering: function() { 
                        o.current && a({ 
                            width: o.current.offsetWidth, 
                            height: o.current.offsetHeight 
                    children: function(e) { 
                        var t = d()({ 
                            "floating-action": !0, 
                            "js-connections-actions-edit": !0, 
                            "is-inactive": "entered" !== e 
                        return (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: t, 
                                ref: o, 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "floating-action__button", 
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, { 
                                        text: h.ZP.get(472), 
                                        onClick: n, 
                                        dataQA: { 
                                            "data-qa": "connections-button-remove" 
                            }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "fake", 
                                style: s 
            tn = n(21483), 
            nn = n(28480), 
            on = function(e) { 
                var t = e.header, 
                    n = e.text, 
                    i = e.onReport, 
                    o = e.onDelete, 
                    r = e.onCancel; 
                return (0, f.jsxs)(tn.Z, { 
                    wrapperType: tn.N.ACTION_SHEET, 
                    header: { 
                        title: t, 
                        text: n 
                    onDismiss: r, 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(nn.Z, { 
                        text: h.ZP.get(131), 
                        type: "destructive", 
                        onClick: i 
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(nn.Z, { 
                        text: h.ZP.get(140), 
                        onClick: o 
            rn = ((Jt = {})[] = ((zt = {})[Ve.xL.RECENT] = 1388, zt[Ve.xL.UNREAD] = 224, zt[Ve.xL.CHAT_REQUEST] = 1385, zt[Ve.xL.ONLINE] = 406, zt[Ve.xL.MY_FAVOURITES] = 1390, zt), Jt[] = ((Kt = {})[Ve.xL.RECENT] = 1389, Kt[Ve.xL.UNREAD] = 224, Kt[Ve.xL.MATCH] = 354, Kt[Ve.xL.VISIT] = 6, Kt[Ve.xL.FAVOURITED_YOU] = 9, Kt[Ve.xL.MY_FAVOURITES] = 1391, Kt), Jt); 
        function sn() { 
            (0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                element: 1386 
        var an = function(e) { 
                var t = e.text, 
                    n = e.onClick; 
                return (0, f.jsxs)("button", { 
                    className: "connections-sort-options", 
                    onClick: n, 
                    "data-qa": "connections-sort-options-button", 
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                        className: "connections-sort-options__icon", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, { 
                            name: "generic-filter", 
                            size: "md", 
                            color: "black" 
                    }), (0, f.jsx)("span", { 
                        className: "connections-sort-options__text", 
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.aU, { 
                            tag: "span", 
                            children: t 
            cn = function(e) { 
                var t = e.currentTab, 
                    n = e.currentSortOption, 
                    i = e.onClick; 
                return (0, f.jsx)(an, { 
                    onClick: function() { 
                        var e, 
                        e = t.type, 
                        o = n.variant, 
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                            element: 1132, 
                            parent_element: rn[e][o] 
            ln = n(59380), 
            un = function(e) { 
                var t = e.options; 
                return (0, f.jsx)(ln.Z, { 
                    options: t 
            dn = function(e) { 
                var t = e.currentTab, 
                    n = e.onSelectOption, 
                    o = e.hideSortOptions, 
                    r = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    s = r[0], 
                    a = r[1], 
                    c = function(e) { 
                        function(e, t) { 
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                                element: rn[e][t], 
                                parent_element: 1386 
                        }(t.type, e), 
                        setTimeout((function() { 
                        }), 300) 
                    l = { 
                        return { 
                            name: e.variant, 
                            isChecked: e.isCurrent, 
                            onChange: function() { 
                                return c(e.variant) 
                            onClick: function() { 
                                return t = e.isCurrent, void a(!t); 
                                var t 
                            dataQA: { 
                                "data-qa-connections-sort-option": e.variant.toString() 
                return (0, f.jsx)(tn.Z, { 
                    isVisible: s, 
                    onAnimationInComplete: sn, 
                    onAnimationOutComplete: o, 
                    isPadded: !0, 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(un, { 
                        options: l 
            pn = n(38819), 
            hn = n(46813), 
            mn = n(32211), 
            fn = n(90976), 
            gn = n(68068), 
            vn = n(85761), 
            bn = n(12137), 
            yn = n(75727), 
            xn = n(87019), 
            Sn = n(45318), 
            _n = n(74837), 
            Cn = n(27181), 
            jn = n(73701), 
            Pn = n(55703), 
            kn = n(98889), 
            Zn = n(44991), 
            En = n(39467), 
            On = (0, n(36004).yM)(), 
            Tn = { 
                update: function(e, t) { 
                    On.trigger(e, t) 
                subscribe: On.subscribe, 
                unsubscribe: On.unsubscribe 
            In = n(21585), 
            wn = n(77847), 
            An = n(92307), 
            Nn = n(77208), 
            Rn = n(40053), 
            Mn = n(34855), 
            Ln = n(98222), 
            Un = n(6120), 
            Dn = n(5971), 
            Bn = n(73935), 
            Fn = n(33696), 
            Gn = n(365), 
            Vn = function(e) { 
                var t = e.connectionsList, 
                    n = e.emptyPromo, 
                    o = e.matchBar, 
                    r = e.sortOptionsButton, 
                    s = e.deleteButton, 
                    a = e.hasUsers, 
                    c = e.hasMatchBarStories, 
                    l = e.showFullscreenPromo, 
                    u = e.isLoading, 
                    p = e.isEditButtonHidden, 
                    m = e.isEditing, 
                    g = e.onBackClick, 
                    v = e.onEditButtonClick, 
                    b = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    y = b[0], 
                    k = b[1], 
                    Z = [{ 
                        type: _t.Us.BACK, 
                        onClick: function() { 
                l || p || !a || null == Z || Z.unshift({ 
                    type: _t.df.BUTTON, 
                    text: m ? h.ZP.get(438) : h.ZP.get(439), 
                    onClick: v 
                var E = !a && n; 
                return (0, f.jsx)(Gn.Z, { 
                    children: (0, f.jsx)($t.Z, { 
                        appear: !0, 
                        in: y, 
                        timeout: 300, 
                        classNames: y ? "forward" : "backward", 
                        mountOnEnter: !0, 
                        unmountOnExit: !0, 
                        onExited: function() { 
                        children: function() { 
                            return (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                className: "page-container", 
                                id: "activity-inbox", 
                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                    className: "page", 
                                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(S.Z, { 
                                        children: [(0, f.jsxs)(C.Z, { 
                                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(_t.ZP, { 
                                                actions: Z, 
                                                title: h.ZP.get(142), 
                                                position: "sticky", 
                                                hasShadow: !0 
                                            }), l ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                                className: d()("connections__match-bar", { 
                                                    "connections__match-bar--stories": c 
                                                inert: m ? "" : void 0, 
                                                children: [o, m ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null] 
                                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(_.Z, { 
                                            align: "stretch", 
                                            children: [n && E ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                className: "connections-empty-container", 
                                                "data-qa": "connections-empty", 
                                                children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                                    style: { 
                                                        margin: "auto 0" 
                                                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, { 
                                                        top: "md", 
                                                        right: "gap", 
                                                        bottom: "md", 
                                                        left: "gap", 
                                                        children: n 
                                                    }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                        className: "connections-gap" 
                                            }) : null, u ? (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                className: "connections__loader", 
                                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                    style: { 
                                                        width: 46, 
                                                        height: 46 
                                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {}) 
                                            }) : null, E ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", { 
                                                className: "connections__content", 
                                                children: [r, (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                    className: "connections__items", 
                                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                        className: "connections-items", 
                                                        children: t 
                                                }), (0, f.jsx)("div", { 
                                                    className: "connections-gap" 
                                            }), s] 
            qn = ["isVisible"]; 
        function Hn(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function Yn(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        var Qn, 
            Jn = function(e) { 
                var t = (0, i.useContext)(Fn.ZP).appRef, 
                    n = null == t ? void 0 : t.current, 
                    o = e.isVisible, 
                    r = function(e, t) { 
                        if (null == e) 
                            return {}; 
                        var n, 
                            o = {}, 
                            r = Object.keys(e); 
                        for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) 
                            n = r[i], 
                            t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (o[n] = e[n]); 
                        return o 
                    }(e, qn); 
                return (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    var e = a.Z.document.getElementById("page-container"); 
                    o ? setTimeout((function() { 
                        (0, p.Z)(e).hide() 
                    }), 300) : (0, p.Z)(e).show() 
                }), [o]), n && o ? Bn.createPortal((0, f.jsx)(Vn, function(e) { 
                    for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                        var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                        t % 2 ? Hn(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                            Yn(e, t, n[t]) 
                        })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : Hn(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                            Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
                    return e 
                }({}, r)), n) : null 
            Xn = n(73541), 
            $n = n(12470), 
            ei = n(80031); 
        function ti(e, t) { 
            (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                element: e, 
                parent_element: t 
        function ni(e) { 
            (0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                element: e 
        function ii(e, t) { 
            (0, ee.L9)(139, { 
                banner_id: e.promo_block_type, 
                position_id: e.promo_block_position, 
                context: 127, 
                call_to_action_type: t 
        function oi(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function ri(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? oi(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    si(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : oi(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function si(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        function ai(e) { 
            if (void 0 === e) 
                throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
            return e 
        function ci(e, t) { 
            return ci = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, ci(e, t) 
        var li = { 
                clientSource: 127, 
                preferredCount: 36, 
                userFieldFilter: (new Vt.Cxj).setProjection([200, 230, 700, 340, 650, 640, 280, 583, 580, 250, 610, 560, 611, 759, 630, 270, 330, 871, 920, 820, 830, 1120, 1423, 1436, 643, 1435, 1434]) 
            di = ((Qn = {})[8] = 187, Qn[6] = 188, Qn[4] = 190, Qn[0] = 189, Qn), 
            pi = ((Wn = {})[31] = 245, Wn[4] = 249, Wn[8] = 247, Wn[6] = 248, Wn[0] = 246, Wn), 
            hi = [57, 1, 10, 56], 
            mi = ((zn = {})[12] = 68, zn[61] = 57, zn[66] = 56, zn[88] = 63, zn[8] = 130, zn), 
            fi = ((Kn = {})[U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES] = 26, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES] = 23, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.WANT_TO_MEET_YOU] = 3, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.VISITORS] = 22, Kn), 
            gi = [1, 2], 
            vi = 0, 
            bi = [], 
            yi = {}, 
            xi = function(e) { 
                var t, 
                function c(t) { 
                    var n; 
                    (n =, t) || this).activationPlace = 191, 
                    n.screenName = 243, 
                    n.clientSource = 127, 
                    n.containerRef = void 0, 
                    n.modalRef = void 0, 
                    n.timeoutId = void 0, 
                    n.modally = void 0, 
                    n.screenRef = void 0, 
                    n.log = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsPage"), 
                    n.resetCount = (0, o.Z)(ji, 1e4), 
                    n.previousFilter = void 0, 
                    n.selectedFilter = Ve.jr.ALL, 
                    n.readItems = [], 
                    n.hasSpp = !1, 
                    n.hasPhoto = null, 
                    n.hasMatchBar = null, 
                    n.hasMatchBarStories = !1, 
                    n.isLoading = !1, 
                    n.isStarted = !1, 
                    n.isFinished = !1, 
                    n.mostRecentSortTimestamp = void 0, 
                    n.forceFetch = !1, 
                    n.visibleUserIds = {}, 
                    n.userIds = {}, 
                    n.usersToRemove = [], 
                    n.userSubstitutes = {}, 
                    n.folderSyncActive = !1, 
                    n.lastBlock = !1, 
                    n.pageToken = null, 
                    n.syncToken = null, 
                    n.savedRemoveUserIds = [], 
                    n.banners = void 0, 
                    n.deletingUserGender = void 0, 
                    n.deletingIds = [], 
                    n.handleAdsEnabledChange = function() { 
                        O.Z.isLoggedIn() && n.fetchFolder() 
                    n.handleItem = function(e) { 
                        (0, l.NU)(e) && n.handleUserItem(e), 
                        (0, l.$Y)(e) && n.handlePromoBlockItem(e) 
                    n.handleNavigation = function(e) { 
                        if (n.isStarted) { 
                            var t = n.props.saveScrollPosition; 
                            t && !e.backInHistory && t() 
                    n.handlePromoButtonClick = function(e, t) { 
                        var i = n.getSelectedFilter(); 
                        n.trackBlockingScreenClick(e, t || 0, null == i ? void 0 : i.folderType), 
                        n.applyServerActionHelper(e, t || 0) 
                    n.handleDismissModally = function() { 
                        var e; 
                        null == (e = n.modally) || e.unmount(), 
                            isEditing: !1 
                    n.turnDeleteModeOff = function() { 
                        var e; 
                        null == (e = n.modally) || e.unmount() 
                    n.handleEditModeToggle = function(e, t) { 
                        var i; 
                        null == (i = n.modally) || i.update({ 
                            onDismiss: n.handleDismissModally, 
                            contentWrapper: n.modalRef.current 
                        var o = n.state.isEditing; 
                        if (o ? (l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) { 
                  , "isChecked") && delete e.isChecked 
                        })), n.enableFolderSync()) : n.disableFolderSync(), n.setState({ 
                            isEditing: !e && !o 
                        }, t), o || e) 
                        else { 
                            var r, 
                            null == (r = n.modally) || r.modalize(), 
                            null == (s = n.modally) || s.focusWrapper(); 
                            var c = ai(n); 
                            n.timeoutId = a.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                                var e, 
                                null == (e = c.modally) || e.updateFocusableElements(c.modalRef.current), 
                                null == (t = c.modally) || t.toggleFocusTrap(!0) 
                            }), 500) 
                    n.handleDelete = function() { 
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1 
                        a.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                        }), 500) 
                    n.handleClickDelete = function() { 
                        var e = Ln.Z.isActive(); 
                        n.deletingIds = [], 
                        l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) { 
                            e.isChecked && (n.deletingIds.push(e.object.user_id), n.deletingUserGender = (0, h.Ro)(e.object.gender)) 
                        e && n.deletingIds.length > 1 && l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) { 
                  , "isChecked") && (e.isDeleting = !0) 
                        e && 1 === n.deletingIds.length ? (ni(649), n.setState({ 
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !0 
                        })) : n.handleDelete() 
                    n.handleClickPopularity = function() { 
                        n.handleEditModeToggle(!0, (function() { 
                    n.handleClickNewActivityButton = function() { 
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                            element: pi[n.getSelectedFilter().folderType] 
                    n.handleItemVisible = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.origin_folder; 
                        n.visibleUserIds[t] || (n.visibleUserIds[t] = []), 
                        -1 === n.visibleUserIds[t].indexOf(e.user_id) && n.visibleUserIds[t].push(e.user_id), 
                    n.handleBannerVisible = function(e) { 
                        !function(e) { 
                            if (e) { 
                                var t = e.promo_block_type, 
                                    n = e.promo_block_position, 
                                    i = function(e) { 
                                        var t = e.promo_block_type, 
                                            n = e.context; 
                                        return n || 21 !== t || (n = 127), n 
                                t && (0, ee.L9)(138, { 
                                    banner_id: t, 
                                    position_id: n, 
                                    context: i 
                        }(e.getPromoBlock ? e.getPromoBlock() : e) 
                    n.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange = function(e) { 
                        n.hasSpp = e, 
                    n.handleUserItem = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.user_id, 
                            i = n.userSubstitutes[t]; 
                        if (i) { 
                            var o; 
                            if (function(e) { 
                                if (!e) 
                                (0, ee.L9)(139, ri(ri({}, e.hotpanelData), {}, { 
                                    context: 127 
                            }(i.connectionPromoCard), null != (o = i.connectionPromoCard) && o.showOnTap) 
                                return void E.Z.navigate(T.x.PROMO_CARDS_GALLERY, { 
                                    userSubstitute: i, 
                                    context: 26 
                        } else { 
                            var r = 4 === e.connection_status_indicator; 
                            (0, ee.L9)(197, { 
                                activation_place: n.getActivationPlace_(), 
                                encrypted_user_id: t, 
                                is_chat_request: r, 
                                has_mood_status: Boolean(e.mood_status), 
                                has_read_receipt: Boolean(1 === e.last_message_status || 2 === e.last_message_status) 
                        if (e.is_invisible) 
                            E.Z.navigate(T.x.INVISIBLE_EXPLANATION, { 
                                promoBlock: n.banners.getInvisiblePromo(), 
                                activationPlace: 106 
                        else if (e.profile_blocker_promo) { 
                            var s = e.profile_blocker_promo; 
                            120 === s.ok_action ? n.revealUser(e) : n.applyServerActionHelper(s) 
                        } else 
                    n.handlePromoBlockItem = function(e) { 
                        !function(e, t) { 
                            var n = function(e) { 
                                switch (e.promo_block_type) { 
                                case 131: 
                                    return 10; 
                                case 129: 
                                    return 100; 
                                case 130: 
                                    return 101; 
                                case 165: 
                                    return 14 
                                return null 
                            n && (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                                element: n, 
                                parent_element: t || 97 
                        }(e, n.getElementType()); 
                        var t = function(e) { 
                            var t = e.buttons || []; 
                            return (t[0] || {}).type || 1 
                        ii(e, t); 
                        var i = e.promo_block_type, 
                            o = e.promo_block_position, 
                            r = e.stats_variation_id, 
                            s = 326 === i && 1 === o, 
                            a = 346 === i && 1 === o; 
                        if (129 === i && 1 === o && 2 === r) 
                        else if (s) 
                                productType: e.ok_payment_product_type, 
                                userId: O.Z.getUserId(), 
                                clientSource: n.clientSource, 
                                promoBlockType: i 
                            }).then((function(e) { 
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.GET_MORE_LIKES, { 
                                    resolve: function() { 
                                        return n.fetchFolder({ 
                                            preventLoading: !0 
                            })).catch((function(e) { 
                                e && (0, Zt.Z)(e) && n.log.error("Error retrieving product explanation in connections", { 
                                    error: e 
                        else { 
                            if (a) { 
                                var c = { 
                                    variantId: e.variant_id, 
                                    event: 2, 
                                    context: 127, 
                                    promoBlockPosition: o 
                                return R.Z.sendProfileQuestionsBannerStats(c), void E.Z.navigate(T.x.PROFILE_QUESTIONS, { 
                                    redirectTo: T.x.OWN_PROFILE_EDIT, 
                                    preloadQuestions: !0 
                            if (e.redirect_page) { 
                                var l = e.redirect_page.redirect_page, 
                                    u = Number(Object.keys(fi).find((function(e) { 
                                        return fi[Number(e)] === l 
                                    d = Ve.Oq.findIndex((function(e) { 
                                        return e.folderType === u 
                                -1 !== d && (n.setFilter(Ve.Oq[d].param), n.fetchFolder()) 
                    n.handleSelectTab = function(e) { 
                        n.handleEditModeToggle(!0, (function() { 
                            e === ? : Mn.Z.hide(), 
                    n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = function(e) { 
                            isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal: e 
                    n.onAdsEnabledChange = function() { 
                        O.Z.isLoggedIn() && n.fetchFolder() 
                    n.onBackOnline = function(e) { 
                        n.folderSyncActive && e && e.then(n.fetchFolderUpdates.bind(ai(n))) 
                    n.onBadgeChanged = function(e) { 
                        var t = Ci([e]); 
                        if (n.state.emptyPromo.length && n.fetchFolder({ 
                            preventLoading: !0 
                        }), t) { 
                            var i, 
                                o = (null == (i = n.state.badgeUpdates) ? void 0 : { 
                                    return t.find((function(t) { 
                                            return t.folder === e.folder 
                                        })) || e 
                                }))) || []; 
                            t.forEach((function(e) { 
                                null != o && o.find((function(t) { 
                                    return t.folder === e.folder 
                                })) || o.push(e) 
                                badgeUpdates: o 
                    n.onBadgeInvalidated = function() { 
                    n.onPushChatMessage = function(e) { 
                        var t = (0, Nn.Z)(e, Vt.JaH), 
                            i = t.getFromUser(), 
                            o = new pn.ZP(t), 
                            r = !o.isRead; 
                            chatUser: i, 
                            userId: o.fromPersonId, 
                            displayMessage: o.displayMessage, 
                            increaseUnreadMessages: r, 
                            showYourMoveBadge: o.isRead 
                    n.onChatMessageFromMe = function(e) { 
                            userId: String(e.toPersonId), 
                            displayMessage: e.displayMessage, 
                            increaseUnreadMessages: !1, 
                            showYourMoveBadge: !1 
                    n.onChatMessage = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.userId, 
                            i =, 
                            o = e.displayMessage, 
                            r = e.increaseUnreadMessages, 
                            s = e.chatUser, 
                            a = e.showYourMoveBadge; 
                        if (l.ZP.updateYourMoveBadge(t, a), s && (a ? s.setConnectionStatusIndicator(2) : s.setConnectionStatusIndicator(0)), l.ZP.findIndex(t) > -1) 
                            n.updateUser(r, t, o); 
                        else { 
                            if (i) { 
                                if (bi.includes(i)) 
                            n.tryFreezeOrUpdate([0, 41]) 
                    n.onPersonNotice = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.folder, 
                            i = e.int_value; 
                        1 === e.type && void 0 !== t && -1 !== ui.indexOf(t) && (void 0 === yi[t] && (yi[t] = 0), void 0 !== i && (yi[t] < i && n.tryFreezeOrUpdate([t]), yi[t] = i)) 
                    n.onNewMessageRead = function(e, t) { 
                        if (e !== O.Z.getUserId()) { 
                            var i = t.isRead ? "" : t.displayMessage; 
                                userId: e, 
                                displayMessage: i, 
                                increaseUnreadMessages: !1, 
                                showYourMoveBadge: Boolean(t.isRead) 
                    n.handleFavouriteItem = function(e) { 
                        var t = l.ZP.findIndex(e), 
                            i = n.isRemoveFromFolderAction(e); 
                        En.Z.toggleFavouriteStatus(e, (function() { 
                            i && n.removeUser(e.user_id) 
                        (0, ee.L9)(123, { 
                            action_type: e.is_favourite ? 6 : 7, 
                            activation_place: n.getActivationPlace_(), 
                            encrypted_user_id: e.user_id 
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                            element: e.is_favourite ? 85 : 86, 
                            parent_element: n.getElementType(), 
                            position: t 
                    n.onFavoriteStateChange = function(e, t) { 
                        if (!n.isStarted) { 
                            var i = l.ZP.findIndex(e); 
                            if (-1 !== i) 
                                if (n.getSelectedFilter().folderType !== U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES || t) 
                                    l.ZP.get(i).object.is_favourite = t, 
                    n.onFeatureUpdate = function(e) { 
                        19 === e.feature && n.fetchFolderUpdates() 
                    n.onFolderResult = function(e) { 
                        var t = e.previousFilter, 
                            i = e.clientUserList, 
                            o = e.shouldGetNextPage, 
                            r = void 0 !== o && o, 
                            s = e.isUpdates, 
                            c = void 0 !== s && s; 
                        if (n.isStarted) { 
                            if (!n.isFinished && !n.state.isFrozen && t === n.selectedFilter) { 
                                var u = n.getSelectedFilter(); 
                                r || c || (n.userIds = {}, (0, ee.L9)(258, { 
                                    element: n.getElementType() 
                                }), u && u.folderType === U.Z.TYPES.COMBINED_CONNECTIONS_ALL && function(e) { 
                                    var t = e.toJSON().section || [], 
                                        n = 0, 
                                        i = 0; 
                                    t.forEach((function(e) { 
                                        (e.users || []).forEach((function(e) { 
                                            e.is_removed || 2 !== (e.last_message_status || 0) || n++, 
                                            e.is_not_interested && i++ 
                                    (0, ee.L9)(29, { 
                                        num_admirers_unread: _i(6), 
                                        num_favourited_you_unread: _i(4), 
                                        num_matches_unread: _i(15), 
                                        num_visited_you_unread: _i(8), 
                                        num_with_read_receipts: n, 
                                        num_letdowns: i, 
                                        total_unread: _i(0) 
                                var d = []; 
                                    items: d, 
                                    clientUserList: i, 
                                    isUpdates: c 
                                i.getSection([]).forEach((function(e) { 
                                    var t = e.getUsers([]).filter((function(e) { 
                                        return !n.userIds[e.getUserId()] && !e.getIsRemoved() 
                                    })).map((function(e) { 
                                        return e.toJSON() 
                                    if (t.sort((function(e, t) { 
                                        return t.sort_timestamp - e.sort_timestamp 
                                    })), c) { 
                                        t = t.filter((function(e) { 
                                            return e.sort_timestamp >= n.mostRecentSortTimestamp 
                                        var i = e.getUsers([]).filter((function(e) { 
                                                return n.userIds[e.getUserId()] 
                                            })).map((function(e) { 
                                                return e.toJSON() 
                                            o = i.filter((function(e) { 
                                                return e.is_removed && e.user_id 
                                        var r = i.filter((function(e) { 
                                            return !e.is_removed 
                                        l.ZP.getItems().length > 0 && l.ZP.updateUsers(r) 
                                    t.forEach((function(e) { 
                                        n.userIds[e.user_id] = !0 
                                        items: d, 
                                        users: t 
                                    c || (n.lastBlock = e.getLastBlock()) 
                                c || (n.pageToken = i.getPageToken(), n.syncToken = i.getSyncToken()); 
                                var p = i.toJSON().promo_banners, 
                                    h = []; 
                                p && !r && (h = p.filter((function(e) { 
                                    var t = e.promo_block_position; 
                                    return 13 === t || 20 === t 
                                h && n.setState({ 
                                    emptyPromo: h 
                                c ? l.ZP.addUpdates(n.banners.prependBanner(d)) : (l.ZP.addPage(d, !r), n.banners.appendBanners()), 
                                var m = n.props, 
                                    f = m.navigatedBack, 
                                    g = m.scrollPosition; 
                                    isLoading: !1 
                                }, (function() { 
                                    var e; 
                                    f && g && (0, In.X)(a.Z, g), 
                                    null == (e = n.modally) || e.updateFocusableElements(n.modalRef.current) 
                                n.isLoading = !1, 
                                (0, Pn.Z)("Connections interactive", 5) 
                        } else 
                            n.isLoading = !1 
                    n.onFolderError = function(e) { 
                            isLoading: !1 
                        n.isLoading = !1, 
                        n.isStarted && (e && (0, r.Z)(e.getType) && e.getType() === Rn.Qc.OFFLINE || fn.Z.handleError({ 
                            error: e, 
                            screenName: n.getScreenName() 
                    n.onNewOfflineMessage = function(e, t) { 
                        var i = l.ZP.findIndex(t.getUserId()); 
                        l.ZP.get(i).object.display_message = e, 
                    n.onRemoveUsers = function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                        if (null != e && e.length) { 
                                isEditing: !1 
                            var o, 
                                r = null == (t = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : t.activationPlace; 
                            if (e.forEach((function(e) { 
                                (0, ee.L9)(580, { 
                                    encrypted_user_id: e, 
                                    activation_place: r, 
                                    mode_connection: 6 
                            })), !_n.Z.isOnline()) 
                                (o = n.savedRemoveUserIds).push.apply(o, e); 
                            var s = n.getCurrentTab().context, 
                                a = [U.Z.getInstance().removeUsers({ 
                                    activationPlace: r, 
                                    folderId: 56, 
                                    ids: e, 
                                    context: s 
                            (null == (i = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : i.folderType) === U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES && a.push(U.Z.getInstance().removeUsers({ 
                                activationPlace: r, 
                                folderId: 4, 
                                ids: e, 
                                avoidHotpanelTracking: !0, 
                                context: s 
                    n.handleSelectItem = function(e, t) { 
                        var i = 99; 
                        (0, l.NU)(e) && (e.is_conversation ? i = 11 : e.is_crush ? i = 18 : e.favourited_you ? i = 9 : e.is_invisible ? i = 93 : 6 === e.origin_folder ? i = 5 : e.is_match ? i = 354 : e.is_visitor ? i = 6 : e.is_favourite && (i = 13)), 
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, { 
                            element: i, 
                            parent_element: n.getElementType(), 
                            position: t 
                    n.handleTrackScroll = function(e) { 
                        var t = l.ZP.getItems(); 
                        (0, ee.L9)(195, { 
                            direction: 5, 
                            element: n.getElementType(), 
                            reached_end: e > t.length - 1, 
                            position: e 
                    n.handleNeedPage = function() { 
                        n.isLoading || n.lastBlock || n.fetchFolder({ 
                            shouldGetNextPage: !0 
                    n.onSystemNotification = function(e) { 
                        var t =; 
                        21 === t ? n.fetchFolderUpdates() : 25 === t && n.onUserIdExchanged(e.previous_id, e.current_id) 
                    n.onUserIdExchanged = function(e, t) { 
                        if (void 0 !== n.userIds[e]) { 
                            n.userIds[t] = n.userIds[e], 
                            delete n.userIds[e]; 
                            var i = l.ZP.findIndex(e); 
                            if (-1 === i) 
                            l.ZP.get(i).object.user_id = t, 
                            n.isStarted && n.setState({}) 
                    n.tryFreezeOrUpdate = function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                        0 !== n.getCurrentTab().connectionTypes.filter((function(t) { 
                            return e.includes(t) 
                        })).length && (vi += 1, t = a.Z.innerHeight || (0, xe.Z)().clientHeight, i = (0, xe.Z)().scrollHeight > t, vi > 3 && i ? n.freeze() : n.folderSyncActive && n.fetchFolderUpdates(), n.resetCount()) 
                    n.freeze = function() { 
                            isFrozen: !0 
                    n.unfreeze = function() { 
                            isFrozen: !1 
                    n.handleModalReport = function() { 
                        ti(87, 649), 
                            isReporting: !0, 
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1 
                    n.handleModalDelete = function() { 
                        ti(106, 649), 
                    n.renderDeleteModal = function() { 
                        return n.state.isShowingDeleteModal ? (0, f.jsx)(on, { 
                            header: h.ZP.get(141), 
                            text: h.ZP.get(363, { 
                                other_user: mn.N5.for("other_user", n.deletingUserGender) 
                            onReport: n.handleModalReport, 
                            onDelete: n.handleModalDelete, 
                            onCancel: function() { 
                                    isShowingDeleteModal: !1 
                        }) : null 
                    n.handleReportingSuccess = function() { 
                            isReporting: !1, 
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1, 
                            isEditing: !1 
                    n.handleSelectSortOption = function(e) { 
                    n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal = function() { 
                            isShowingSortOptionsModal: !n.state.isShowingSortOptionsModal 
                    n.renderSortOptionsModal = function() { 
                        return n.state.isShowingSortOptionsModal ? (0, f.jsx)(dn, { 
                            currentTab: n.getCurrentTab(), 
                            onSelectOption: n.handleSelectSortOption, 
                            hideSortOptions: n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal 
                        }) : null 
                    n.renderSortOptionsButton = function() { 
                        return (0, f.jsx)(cn, { 
                            currentTab: n.getCurrentTab(), 
                            currentSortOption: n.getCurrentSortOption(), 
                            onClick: n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal 
                    n.getEmptyPromoFlags = function(e) { 
                        var t = n.getTab(e); 
                        return { 
                            hasUsers: l.ZP.getUsers(t.connectionTypes).length > 0, 
                            showFullscreenPromo: n.state.emptyPromo.some((function(e) { 
                                return 20 === e.promo_block_position 
                            isEditButtonHidden: n.state.emptyPromo.some((function(e) { 
                                return e.context === t.context && 13 === e.promo_block_position 
                    n.renderEmptyPromo = function(e) { 
                        var t, 
                            i = n.getTab(e), 
                            o = n.state.emptyPromo.filter((function(e) { 
                                return e.context === i.context 
                            r = [], 
                            s = []; 
                        if (null == (t = o) || t.forEach((function(e) { 
                            20 === e.promo_block_position ? r.push(e) : s.push(e) 
                        })), (o = [].concat(r, s)).length) { 
                            var a = o[0]; 
                            return (0, f.jsx)(ye, { 
                                promoBlock: a, 
                                onClick: n.handlePromoButtonClick, 
                                sendTrackingOnMount: function() { 
                                    n.trackBlockingScreenView(a, i.type) 
                    n.getTab = function(e) { 
                        return n.state.tabConfig.find((function(t) { 
                            return t.type === e 
                    n.getCurrentTab = function() { 
                        return n.state.tabConfig.find((function(e) { 
                            return e.isCurrent 
                    n.setCurrentTab = function(e) { 
                        var t = { 
                                return ri(ri({}, t), {}, { 
                                    isCurrent: t.type === e 
                            i = t.find((function(e) { 
                                return e.isCurrent 
                            tabConfig: t, 
                            currentTab: e 
                        E.Z.navigate(T.x.CONNECTIONS, !0, { 
                            filter: i.route 
                    n.getCurrentSortOption = function() { 
                        return n.getCurrentTab().sortOptions.find((function(e) { 
                            return e.isCurrent 
                    n.setCurrentSortOption = function(e) { 
                        var t = n.getCurrentTab().type, 
                            i = { 
                                if (n.type === t) { 
                                    var i = { 
                                        return ri(ri({}, t), {}, { 
                                            isCurrent: t.variant === e 
                                    return ri(ri({}, n), {}, { 
                                        sortOptions: i 
                                return n 
                            tabConfig: i, 
                            currentSortOption: e 
                    var c = t.parameters.filter ? t.parameters.filter : Ve.jr.ALL; 
                    Ve.Oq.some((function(e) { 
                        return e.param === c 
                    })) || (c = Ve.jr.ALL); 
                    var u = gn.Z.getSettings(), 
                        d = (0, ei.JM)(u, t.parameters.filter), 
                        p = d.find((function(e) { 
                            return e.isCurrent 
                        m = p.sortOptions.find((function(e) { 
                            return e.isCurrent 
                    return n.state = { 
                        tabConfig: d, 
                        currentTab: p.type, 
                        currentSortOption: m.variant, 
                        currentFilter: c, 
                        isEditing: !1, 
                        isLoading: !1, 
                        isFrozen: !1, 
                        isShowingSortOptionsModal: !1, 
                        isShowingDeleteModal: !1, 
                        isReporting: !1, 
                        emptyPromo: [], 
                        isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal: !1 
                    }, n.fetchFolderUpdates = (0, s.Z)(n.fetchFolderUpdates, 1e3, { 
                        leading: !0 
                    }), jn.Z.getInstance().on(jn.Z.Type.PERSON_NOTICE, n.onPersonNotice, ai(n)).on(jn.Z.Type.CHAT_MESSAGE, n.onPushChatMessage, ai(n)), bn.Z.on(bn.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_ME, n.onChatMessageFromMe, ai(n)).on(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_MESSAGE_READ, n.onNewMessageRead, ai(n)), n.banners = new ce({ 
                        onPromoClick: n.unfreeze, 
                        getActivationPlace: n.getActivationPlace_.bind(ai(n)), 
                        getElementType: n.getElementType.bind(ai(n)), 
                        getFolderType: function() { 
                            var e; 
                            return null == (e = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : e.folderType 
                        setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough: function() { 
                    }), n.hasMatchBarStories = jt.Z.getSync(333).enabled && Un.Z.isActive(), n.containerRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.screenRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.modalRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.modally = new Xn.Z, n 
                n = e, 
                (t = c).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
                t.prototype.constructor = t, 
                ci(t, n); 
                var u = c.prototype; 
                return u.componentDidMount = function() { 
                    var t = this; 
                    this.isStarted = !0, 
                    En.Z.on(En.Z.EVENTS.USER_CHANGED_TS, this.updateCurrentUser, this).on(En.Z.EVENTS.ONLINE, this.onBackOnline, this), 
                    Tn.subscribe(this.onUserIdExchanged, this), 
                    bn.Z.on(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_OFFLINE_MESSAGE, this.onNewOfflineMessage, this), 
                    this.jinba = new Cn.Z("CombinedConnections", 4), 
                    hn.Z.on(hn.Z.USER_BLOCKED, (function(e) { 
                        return t.removeBlockedUser(e) 
                    })).on(hn.Z.VOTED_NO, (function(e) { 
                        return t.removeUserWhenOpened(e) 
                    })).on(hn.Z.USER_CONVERSATION_DELETED, (function(e) { 
                        var n, 
                            i = null == (n = t.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : n.param; 
                        i && i !== Ve.jr.CHATS || t.removeUserWhenOpened(e) 
                    E.Z.navigationEvent.subscribe(this.handleNavigation, this), 
                    vn.Z.on(vn.Z.EVENTS.CHANGE, this.onBadgeChanged, this).on(vn.Z.EVENTS.INVALIDATED, this.onBadgeInvalidated, this); 
                    var n = this.getParameter("filter"); 
                    n || (n = Ve.Oq[0].param); 
                    var i = Boolean(An.O.value), 
                        o = jt.Z.getSync(1).enabled, 
                        r = jt.Z.getSync(268).enabled, 
                        s = !this.forceFetch && i === this.hasSpp && o === this.hasPhoto && r === this.hasMatchBar && (n === this.selectedFilter || this.wasBack() && this.previousFilter); 
                    this.hasSpp = i, 
                    this.hasPhoto = o, 
                    this.forceFetch = !1, 
                    this.hasMatchBar = r, 
                    s || this.previousFilter && (this.previousFilter = void 0), 
                    var a = this.usersToRemove.splice(0); 
                    this.shouldFetchOnStart(Boolean(s)) ? (this.setFilter(n), this.fetchFolder()) : (a.forEach((function(e) { 
                        return t.removeUser(e) 
                    })), this.wasBack() && !this.state.isFrozen && (ji(), this.fetchFolderUpdates())), 
                    this.readItems.length > 0 && (this.readItems.forEach((function(e) { 
                        e.is_unread = !1, 
                        e.unread_messages_count = 0 
                    })), this.readItems = []), 
                    An.O.changeEvent.subscribe(this.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange, this), 
                    this.selectedFilter !== this.state.currentFilter && this.setFilter(this.state.currentFilter) 
                }, u.componentWillUnmount = function() { 
                    this.isFinished = !0, 
                    E.Z.navigationEvent.unsubscribe(this.handleNavigation, this), 
          , this.onBadgeChanged, this).off(vn.Z.EVENTS.INVALIDATED, this.onBadgeInvalidated, this), 
                    An.O.changeEvent.unsubscribe(this.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange, this), 
                    this.folderSyncActive && this.disableFolderSync(), 
                    jn.Z.getInstance().off(jn.Z.Type.PERSON_NOTICE, this.onPersonNotice, this).off(jn.Z.Type.CHAT_MESSAGE, this.onPushChatMessage, this), 
          , this.onChatMessageFromMe, this).off(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_MESSAGE_READ, this.onNewMessageRead, this) 
                }, u.getElementType = function() { 
                    var e; 
                    return null == (e = this.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : e.elementType 
                }, u.getActivationPlace_ = function() { 
                    return this.getSelectedFilter().activationPlace 
                }, u.getSelectedFilter = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    return Ve.Oq.find((function(t) { 
                        return t.param === e.selectedFilter 
                }, u.setFilter = function(e) { 
                    if (e !== this.selectedFilter) { 
                        var t = Ve.Oq.find((function(t) { 
                            return t.param === e 
                        t && (this.selectedFilter = e, this.activationPlace = t.activationPlace, this.setState({ 
                            currentFilter: e 
                        }), this.enableFolderSync()) 
                }, u.isRemoveFromFolderAction = function(e) { 
                    var t = this.getSelectedFilter(); 
                    return t && t.folderType === U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES && !e.favourited_you 
                }, u.applyServerActionHelper = function(e, t) { 
                    var n, 
                        i = this; 
                    void 0 === t && (t = 0), 
                    e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot handle the promo block after block action because promo_block_type does not exist", { 
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e, 
                        promoBlock: e 
                    var o, 
                        r = null == (n = e.buttons) ? void 0 : n[t], 
                        s = r ? r.action : e.ok_action, 
                        a = r ? r.redirect_page : e.redirect_page; 
                    a && (a = (new Vt.Z$B).setRedirectPage(null == (o = a) ? void 0 : o.redirect_page)); 
                    var c = e.promo_block_type; 
                    this.forceFetch = 165 === c; 
                    var l = (new xn.Z).setAction(s).setRedirectPage(a).setProductType(e.ok_payment_product_type).setPromoBlockType(c).setPromoBlock(e).setBack(E.Z.getUrl()).setHotPanelData({ 
                        activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace_() 
                    12 === c && l.setCallback(this.fetchFolder.bind(this)), 
                    kn.Z.handleAction(l).then((function() { 
                        418 === c && i.fetchFolder({ 
                            preventLoading: !0 
                }, u.clearFolderSyncVariables = function() { 
                    this.mostRecentSortTimestamp = void 0 
                }, u.chatWithUser = function(e) { 
                    var t = e.origin_folder, 
                        n = fi[t]; 
                    e.is_unread = !1, 
                    e.unread_messages_count = 0, 
                        isEditing: !1 
                    var i = e.user_id, 
                        o = this.userSubstitutes[i]; 
                    !Number(i) && i.length < 20 && this.log.error("WRONG USER ID: " + i + " from chatWithUser_"), 
                    E.Z.navigate(T.x.MESSAGES, { 
                        id: i, 
                        folderId: t, 
                        context: 26, 
                        clientSource: n, 
                        toClientSource: n, 
                        fromConnectionsList: !0, 
                        userSubstitute: o 
                }, u.markPeopleViewed = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    Object.keys(this.visibleUserIds).forEach((function(t) { 
                        var n = e.visibleUserIds[t]; 
                            context: 22, 
                            folderId: Number(t), 
                            peopleIds: n 
                        }, !0) 
                    this.visibleUserIds = {} 
                }, u.removeUser = function(e) { 
                    -1 !== l.ZP.findIndex(e) ? (this.userIds[e] = !1, l.ZP.removeItem(e), this.setState({ 
                        isLoading: !1 
                    }), this.updateFolderIfEmpty()) : this.log.error("Connections - Removing a user which doesnt exist in our connections (userIds value is " + this.userIds[e] + ")") 
                }, u.removeUsers = function(e) { 
                    var t = this; 
                    e.forEach((function(e) { 
                        t.userIds[e] = !1, 
                        t.userSubstitutes[e] && Sn.Z.reportEventDismiss({ 
                            promoCard: t.userSubstitutes[e].contentModePromoCards[0], 
                            context: 26 
                }, u.removeBlockedUser = function(e) { 
                    -1 !== l.ZP.findIndex(e) && this.removeUserWhenOpened(e) 
                }, u.removeUserWhenOpened = function(e) { 
                    this.isStarted ? this.removeUser(e) : this.usersToRemove.push(e) 
                }, u.resendStoredRequests = function() { 
                    this.savedRemoveUserIds.length > 0 && (this.onRemoveUsers(this.savedRemoveUserIds.concat([])), this.savedRemoveUserIds = []) 
                }, u.revealUser = function(e) { 
                    var t, 
                        n = this, 
                        i = null == e ? void 0 : e.user_id; 
                        personId: i, 
                        folderId: null == (t = this.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : t.folderType 
                    }).then((function(e) { 
                        var t = e[0], 
                            o = null == t ? void 0 : t.getSection(); 
                        if (o) { 
                            var r = o[0], 
                                s = ((null == r ? void 0 : r.getUsers()) || [])[0]; 
                            n.replaceRevealedUser(i, null == s ? void 0 : s.getUserId()) 
                        } else 
                            n.log.error("Error revealing user: Server did not return any sections") 
                    })).catch((function(e) { 
                        n.log.error("Error revealing user:", e), 
                            type: D.Z.TYPES.ERROR 
                }, u.replaceRevealedUser = function(e, t) { 
                    var n = this; 
                    return this.fetchFolderRequest().then((function(i) { 
                        var o = i[0], 
                            r = ((null == o ? void 0 : o.getSection()) || [])[0], 
                            s = null == r ? void 0 : r.getUsers(), 
                            a = null == s ? void 0 : s.find((function(e) { 
                                return e.getUserId() === t 
                        if (a) { 
                            var c = l.ZP.findIndex(e), 
                                u = l.ZP.get(c); 
                            u && (u.object = a, l.ZP.replaceItem(u, c), n.setState({ 
                                isLoading: !1 
                }, u.setBadgeCounters = function(e) { 
                    if (e) { 
                        var t = e.notices, 
                            n = e.values, 
                            i = Ci(t); 
                        yi = n, 
                            badgeUpdates: i 
                }, u.shouldFetchOnStart = function(e) { 
                    var t = !(this.wasBack() && e || this.previousFilter), 
                        n = 0 === l.ZP.getItems().length && !this.state.emptyPromo.length && !this.isLoading; 
                    return t || n 
                }, u.trackBlockingScreenView = function(e, t) { 
                    var n; 
                    (e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot track ViewElement event after block show because getPromoBlockType is not a function", { 
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e, 
                        promoBlock: e 
                    }), 418 === e.promo_block_type) && (t === ? n = 189 : t === && (n = 1387), n && ni(n)) 
                }, u.trackBlockingScreenClick = function(e, t, n) { 
                    var i; 
                    e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot track Click event after block action because getPromoBlockType is not a function", { 
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e, 
                        promoBlock: e 
                    var o = e.promo_block_type; 
                    hi.includes(o) && 2 === (null == (i = e.buttons) ? void 0 : i.length) && void 0 !== t && gi[t] && ii(e, gi[t]); 
                    var r = mi[o]; 
                    if (r) { 
                        var s = function(e, t) { 
                            if (12 === e) 
                                return 41; 
                            if (t && di[t]) 
                                return di[t]; 
                            return 71 
                        }(o, n); 
                        ti(r, s) 
                }, u.addUserSubstitutes_ = function(e) { 
                    var t = this; 
                    e.forEach((function(e) { 
                        t.userSubstitutes[e.getId()] = new Sn.Z({ 
                            userSubstitute: e 
                }, u.getUserSubstitute = function(e) { 
                    return this.userSubstitutes[e] 
                }, u.updateCurrentUser = function(e) { 
                    this.isRemoveFromFolderAction(e) || this.setState({ 
                        isLoading: !1 
                }, u.updateUser = function(e, t, n) { 
                    var i = l.ZP.findIndex(t); 
                    if (i > -1) { 
                        var o = l.ZP.get(i), 
                            r = o.object; 
                        n && (r.display_message = n), 
                        e && (r.unread_messages_count = (r.unread_messages_count || 0) + 1), 
                        o.object = r; 
                        var s = l.ZP.hasTopMostPromo(), 
                            a = 0 === i || 1 === i && s; 
                        this.state.isFrozen || a ? l.ZP.replaceItem(o, i) : (o.isUpdate = !0, l.ZP.moveItemToTop(o, i)), 
                }, u.updateFolderIfEmpty = function() { 
                    var e = this.getCurrentTab(); 
                    l.ZP.getUsers(e.connectionTypes).length > 0 || this.fetchFolder() 
                }, u.enableFolderSync = function() { 
                    this.folderSyncActive || (this.folderSyncActive = !0, jn.Z.getInstance().on(jn.Z.Type.SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION, this.onSystemNotification, this), jt.Z.on(jt.Z.EVENTS.UPDATE, this.onFeatureUpdate, this)) 
                }, u.disableFolderSync = function() { 
                    this.folderSyncActive && (this.folderSyncActive = !1, jn.Z.getInstance().off(jn.Z.Type.SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION, this.onSystemNotification, this),, this.onFeatureUpdate, this)) 
                }, u.fetchFolder = function(e) { 
                    var t = this; 
                    void 0 === e && (e = {}); 
                    var n = e.shouldGetNextPage; 
                    this.isLoading = !0, 
                    e.preventLoading || n || this.setState({ 
                        isLoading: !0 
                    this.fetchFolderRequest(n).then((function(e) { 
                        var i = e[0]; 
                            shouldGetNextPage: n, 
                            previousFilter: t.selectedFilter, 
                            clientUserList: i 
                }, u.fetchBanners = function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = this.banners.getShownPromoBlocks(); 
                        shownPromoBlocks: t 
                    }).then((function(t) { 
                        var n = t[0]; 
                            promos: n.toJSON().promo_blocks || [] 
                }, u.fetchFolderRequest = function(e) { 
                    e || (this.clearFolderSyncVariables(), this.setState({ 
                        emptyPromo: [] 
                    }), this.banners.reset(), M.Z.destroy(M.Z.placements.CONNECTIONS)); 
                    var t = { 
                        promoBlockRequestParams: [{ 
                            shownPromoBlocks: this.banners.getShownPromoBlocks(), 
                            position: 1, 
                            count: 2 
                        }, !e && { 
                            position: 8, 
                            count: 1 
                    e && (t.pageToken = this.pageToken), 
                    t.direction = 1; 
                    var n = ri(ri(ri({}, t), li), { 
                        folderId: U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES_AND_ACTIVITY 
                    return U.Z.getInstance().fetch(n, !0, !0) 
                }, u.fetchFolderUpdates = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    if (!this.isLoading && !this.state.isFrozen) 
                        if (this.syncToken) { 
                            this.isLoading = !0; 
                            var t = ri(ri(ri({}, { 
                                direction: 2, 
                                includeTransient: !1, 
                                syncToken: this.syncToken 
                            }), li), { 
                                folderId: U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES_AND_ACTIVITY 
                            U.Z.getInstance().fetch(t, !0, !0).then((function(t) { 
                                var n = t[0]; 
                                e.state.isFrozen || e.onFolderResult({ 
                                    previousFilter: e.selectedFilter, 
                                    clientUserList: n, 
                                    isUpdates: !0 
                        } else 
                }, u.fetchPopularity = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                        id: O.Z.getUserId(), 
                        clientSource: 127, 
                        requestedFields: [690] 
                    }).then((function(t) { 
                            popularityLevel: Si(t.getPopularityLevel()) 
                }, u.setTimestamps = function(e) { 
                    var t = e.sort_timestamp; 
                    (!this.mostRecentSortTimestamp || t > this.mostRecentSortTimestamp) && (this.mostRecentSortTimestamp = t) 
                }, u.renderNavigation = function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = (0, $n.Z)(253), 
                        n = t.header_text, 
                        i = t.subheader_text; 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Ct, ri({ 
                        header: n, 
                        subHeader: i, 
                        popularityLevel: this.state.popularityLevel, 
                        isEditing: this.state.isEditing, 
                        onClickEdit: function() { 
                            return e.handleEditModeToggle() 
                        onClickPopularity: this.handleClickPopularity, 
                        onClickNotifications: function() { 
                            return e.handleSelectTab( 
                    }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags( 
                }, u.renderMatchBar = function() { 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Xt, { 
                        hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories 
                }, u.renderSecurityWalkthroughModal = function() { 
                    var e = this; 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Dn.Z, { 
                        onDismissModal: function() { 
                        context: 127 
                }, u.renderConnectionsList = function(e) { 
                    var t = this.getTab(e); 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(xt, { 
                        currentFilter: this.getSelectedFilter(), 
                        currentTab: t.connectionTypes, 
                        currentPromoContext: t.context, 
                        currentSortOption: this.getCurrentSortOption().variant, 
                        isLoading: this.state.isLoading, 
                        isEditing: this.state.isEditing, 
                        getUserSubstitute: this.getUserSubstitute.bind(this), 
                        onSelectItem: this.handleSelectItem, 
                        onFavouriteItem: this.handleFavouriteItem, 
                        onTrackScroll: this.handleTrackScroll, 
                        onItemVisible: this.handleItemVisible, 
                        onBannerVisible: this.handleBannerVisible, 
                        onNeedPage: this.handleNeedPage 
                }, u.renderDeleteButton = function() { 
                    return (0, f.jsx)(en, { 
                        isActive: this.state.isEditing, 
                        onClick: this.handleClickDelete 
                }, u.render = function() { 
                    var e = this, 
                        t = (0, f.jsx)(k, ri({ 
                            emptyPromo: this.renderEmptyPromo(, 
                            navigation: this.renderNavigation(), 
                            matchBar: this.renderMatchBar(), 
                            connectionsList: this.renderConnectionsList(, 
                            deleteButton: this.renderDeleteButton(), 
                            isLoading: this.state.isLoading, 
                            isEditing: this.state.isEditing, 
                            isFrozen: this.state.isFrozen, 
                            hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories, 
                            containerRef: this.containerRef, 
                            screenRef: this.screenRef, 
                            onClickNewActivityButton: this.handleClickNewActivityButton, 
                            sortOptionsButton: this.renderSortOptionsButton(), 
                            securityWalkthroughModal: this.state.isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal ? this.renderSecurityWalkthroughModal() : void 0, 
                            currentTab: this.state.currentTab, 
                            modalRef: this.modalRef, 
                            isReporting: this.state.isReporting, 
                            onReportingClose: function() { 
                                return e.setState({ 
                                    isReporting: !1 
                            onReportingSuccess: this.handleReportingSuccess, 
                            reportingId: this.deletingIds[0] 
                        }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags(, 
                        n = (0, f.jsx)(Jn, ri({ 
                            connectionsList: this.renderConnectionsList(, 
                            emptyPromo: this.renderEmptyPromo(, 
                            matchBar: this.renderMatchBar(), 
                            sortOptionsButton: this.renderSortOptionsButton(), 
                            deleteButton: this.renderDeleteButton(), 
                            hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories, 
                            isLoading: !1, 
                            isEditing: this.state.isEditing, 
                            isVisible: this.state.currentTab ===, 
                            onBackClick: function() { 
                                return e.handleSelectTab( 
                            onEditButtonClick: function() { 
                                return e.handleEditModeToggle() 
                        }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags(; 
                    return this.addPageWrapper((0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                        children: [t, n, this.renderSortOptionsModal(), this.renderDeleteModal()] 
                    }), "connections") 
                }, c 
        function Si(e) { 
            switch (e) { 
            case 10: 
                return St.V7.VERY_LOW; 
            case 20: 
                return St.V7.LOW; 
            case 30: 
                return St.V7.AVERAGE; 
            case 40: 
                return St.V7.HIGH; 
            case 50: 
                return St.V7.VERY_HIGH 
        function _i(e) { 
            return vn.Z.getCached().values[e] || 0 
        function Ci(e) { 
            var t = []; 
            return e.forEach((function(e) { 
                if (e) { 
                    var n = e.filter_display_values; 
                    n && n.forEach((function(n) { 
                            folder: e.folder, 
                            value: n.int_value, 
                            filter: n.filter 
                        folder: e.folder, 
                        value: e.int_value 
            })), t 
        function ji() { 
            vi = 0, 
            bi = [] 
        xi.hasTabBar = !0, 
        xi.transition = !1; 
        var Pi = xi 
    13706: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            ZP: function() { 
                return I 
            LP: function() { 
                return T 
            e5: function() { 
                return O 
        var i = n(67294), 
            o = n(46813), 
            r = n(77004), 
            s = n(230), 
            a = n(34969), 
            c = n(12137), 
            l = n(96437), 
            u = n(41896), 
            d = n(86273), 
            p = n(30664), 
            h = n(57871), 
            m = n(98380), 
            f = n(27966), 
            g = n(42308), 
            v = n(83900), 
            b = n(97381), 
            y = n(10109), 
            x = n(35702), 
            S = n(17527), 
            _ = n(81873), 
            C = n(85893), 
            j = function(e) { 
                var t = e.viewType, 
                    n = e.imageSrc, 
                    i = e.showDelete, 
                    o = e.mediaContainerRef, 
                    r = e.mediaRef, 
                    s = e.onClose, 
                    c = e.onSend, 
                    l = e.onDelete, 
                    u = e.a11y, 
                    d = [{ 
                        type: f.Us.CLOSE, 
                        onClick: s 
                return t === m.Y.SHARE && d.push({ 
                    type: f.df.BUTTON, 
                    text: a.ZP.get(451), 
                    onClick: function() { 
                        return c(n) 
                }), (0, C.jsxs)(g.Z, { 
                    dataQA: { 
                        "data-qa-page": "overlay-page" 
                    children: [(0, C.jsx)(v.Z, { 
                        children: (0, C.jsx)(f.ZP, { 
                            actions: d, 
                            position: "fixed" 
                    }), (0, C.jsx)(b.Z, { 
                        align: "stretch", 
                        children: (0, C.jsxs)(y.ZP, { 
                            background: y.z4.BLACK, 
                            containerRef: o, 
                            dataQa: "multimedia-page-media", 
                            children: [(0, C.jsx)(x.ZP, { 
                                src: n, 
                                isCustom: !0, 
                                mediaRef: r, 
                                fit: x.DW.CONTAIN, 
                                a11y: { 
                                    label: null == u ? void 0 : u.imageLabel 
                            }), i ? (0, C.jsx)(_.ZP, { 
                                children: (0, C.jsx)(S.Z, { 
                                    type: S.w.DELETE, 
                                    onClick: l 
                            }) : null] 
            P = n(30374), 
            k = n(65701), 
            Z = d.Z.getLogger("MultimediaPage"), 
            E = u.Z.getInstance("Multimedia"), 
            O = function() { 
            T = function() { 
                return E.get("multimedia") 
            I = function(e) { 
                var t = e.viewType, 
                    n = e.multimediaVisibility, 
                    u = e.chatUserId, 
                    d = e.chatUserName, 
                    f =, 
                    g = e.imageSrc, 
                    v = void 0 === g ? "" : g, 
                    b = (0, i.useState)(""), 
                    y = b[0], 
                    x = b[1], 
                    S = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                    _ = S[0], 
                    O = S[1], 
                    T = (0, i.useState)(!0), 
                    I = T[0], 
                    w = T[1], 
                    A = (0, i.useRef)(0), 
                    N = (0, i.useRef)(0), 
                    R = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    M = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    L = (0, i.useRef)(null), 
                    U = function(e) { 
                        e && c.Z.deleteChatMessage(u, f, 0).catch((function(e) { 
                                type: h.Z.TYPES.ERROR 
                    D = function() { 
                        var e, 
                        if (R.current && M.current) { 
                            var n = null == (e = R.current) ? void 0 : e.clientWidth, 
                                i = null == (t = R.current) ? void 0 : t.clientHeight, 
                                o = A.current, 
                                r = N.current, 
                                s = n / (o >= r ? 100 : 100 * o / r), 
                                a = i / (r >= o ? 100 : 100 * r / o), 
                                c = ""; 
                            c += "scale(" + Math.min(s, a) + ")", 
                   = c, 
                   = c 
                    B = (0, i.useCallback)((function() { 
                        r.Z.setTimeout((function() { 
                            return D() 
                        }), 100) 
                    }), []), 
                    F = function(e) { 
                        w(!(1 !== e)) 
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                    if (f && v.length) 
                        return (0, { 
                            var t = e[0], 
                                n = e[1], 
                                i = e[2]; 
                            A.current = n, 
                            N.current = i, 
                        })).catch((function(e) { 
                            return (0, P.hI)(e, "Multimedia container image preload") 
                        })), o.Z.on(o.Z.ORIENTATION_CHANGE, B), L.current = (new p.Z).on(p.Z.EVENTS.ZOOM, F).enable(), function() { 
                            var e; 
                  , B), 
                            null == (e = L.current) || e.disable() 
                }), [f, v, B]); 
                var G = d ? a.ZP.get(634, { 
                    name: d 
                }) : a.ZP.get(635); 
                return (0, C.jsxs)(i.Fragment, { 
                    children: [(0, C.jsx)(j, { 
                        viewType: t, 
                        imageSrc: y, 
                        showDelete: I && t === m.Y.VIEW && 4 === Number(n), 
                        mediaContainerRef: R, 
                        mediaRef: M, 
                        onClose: function() { 
                        onSend: function(e) { 
                            (0, { 
                                var t = e[0], 
                                    n = e[1], 
                                    i = e[2]; 
                                E.put("multimedia", { 
                                    height: i, 
                                    src: t, 
                                    visibility: 4, 
                                    width: n 
                                }, { 
                                    ttl: 1e4 
                            })).catch((function(e) { 
                                return (0, P.hI)(e, "Multimedia container image sent preload") 
                        onDelete: function() { 
                        a11y: { 
                            imageLabel: G || "" 
                    }), (0, C.jsx)(k.Z, { 
                        header: a.ZP.get(436), 
                        message: a.ZP.get(539), 
                        confirmLabel: a.ZP.get(350), 
                        cancelLabel: a.ZP.get(429), 
                        isOpen: _, 
                        onConfirm: function() { 
                            return U(!0) 
                        onCancel: U 
    98380: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i; 
        n.d(t, { 
            Y: function() { 
                return i 
        function(e) { 
            e.VIEW = "VIEW", 
            e.SHARE = "SHARE" 
        }(i || (i = {})) 
    34018: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i = n(67294), 
            o = n(46813), 
            r = n(45292), 
            s = n(85893); 
        function a(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function c(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? a(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    l(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : a(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function l(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        t.Z = function(e) { 
            var t = (0, i.useState)(!1), 
                n = t[0], 
                a = t[1]; 
            function l() { 
            function u() { 
            return (0, i.useEffect)((function() { 
                return o.Z.on(o.Z.SHOW_MODAL, l), o.Z.on(o.Z.HIDE_MODAL, u), function() { 
          , l), 
          , u) 
            }), []), (0, s.jsx)(r.Z, c(c({}, e), {}, { 
                disabled: n 
    45292: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            F: function() { 
                return o 
        var i, 
            r = n(94184), 
            s = n.n(r), 
            a = n(85893); 
        !function(e) { 
            e.DEFAULT = "DEFAULT", 
            e.SQUARE = "SQUARE" 
        }(o || (o = {})); 
        var c = ((i = {})[o.DEFAULT] = "", i[o.SQUARE] = "external-ads-banner--square", i); 
        t.Z = function(e) { 
            var t, 
                n = e.adSlot, 
                i = e.dataQa, 
                r = e.type, 
                l = void 0 === r ? o.DEFAULT : r, 
                u = e.innerRef, 
                d = e.disabled, 
                p = s()(((t = { 
                    "external-ads-banner": !0 
                })[c[l]] = !0, t["external-ads-banner--no-events"] = d, t)); 
            return (0, a.jsx)("div", { 
                className: p, 
                children: (0, a.jsx)("div", { 
                    id: n, 
                    "data-qa-ads": i, 
                    ref: u 
    44991: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i = n(2215), 
            o = n(36004), 
            r = n(75727), 
            s = (0, o.yM)(), 
            a = i.Z.EVENTS, 
            c = a.USER_ADDED, 
            l = a.USER_REMOVED, 
            u = i.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES, 
            d = i.Z.getInstance(); 
        function p(e, t) { 
            r.Z.getInstance().updateCache(e, "isFavourite", t), 
            s.trigger(e, t) 
        function h(e) { 
            var t = e.uid; 
            e.folder === u && p(t, !0) 
        function m(e) { 
            var t = e.uid; 
            e.folder === u && p(t, !1) 
        t.Z = { 
            start: function() { 
                d.on(c, h), 
                d.on(l, m) 
            stop: function() { 
      , h), 
      , m) 
            onFavoriteStateChange: s.subscribe 
    68341: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            Z: function() { 
                return i 
        function i(e, t) { 
            var n, 
                i = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.external_endpoints) || []).find((function(e) { 
                    return e.type === t 
            return null == i || null == (n = i.url) ? void 0 : n.replace("http://", "https://") 
    12470: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            Z: function() { 
                return c 
        var i = n(57376), 
            o = n(68068); 
        function r(e, t) { 
            var n = Object.keys(e); 
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { 
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); 
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) { 
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable 
                n.push.apply(n, i) 
            return n 
        function s(e) { 
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { 
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}; 
                t % 2 ? r(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) { 
                    a(e, t, n[t]) 
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : r(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) { 
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t)) 
            return e 
        function a(e, t, n) { 
            return (t = function(e) { 
                var t = function(e, t) { 
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e) 
                        return e; 
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; 
                    if (void 0 !== n) { 
                        var i =, t || "default"); 
                        if ("object" != typeof i) 
                            return i; 
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") 
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e) 
                }(e, "string"); 
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t) 
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { 
                value: n, 
                enumerable: !0, 
                configurable: !0, 
                writable: !0 
            }) : e[t] = n, e 
        function c(e) { 
            var t, 
                n = s({}, null == (t = o.Z.getSettings()) || null == (t = t.header_configs) ? void 0 : t.find((function(t) { 
                    return t.context === e 
            return n.subheader_text && function(e) { 
                new i.ZP(278, { 
                    common_stats: { 
                        event: 2, 
                        source: 21, 
                        context: e 
            }(e), s(s({}, { 
                context: 0, 
                header_text: "", 
                subheader_text: "" 
            }), n) 
    67729: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i, 
            o = n(67294), 
            r = n(77004), 
            s = n(28223), 
            a = n(96437); 
        !function(e) { 
            e.FORWARD = "forward", 
            e.BACKWARD = "backward", 
            e.NONE = "none" 
        }(i || (i = {})); 
        t.Z = function(e, t, n) { 
            void 0 === n && (n = {}); 
            var c = (0, o.useRef)(!1); 
            (0, o.useEffect)((function() { 
                if (e) { 
                    var o = e.current, 
                        l = n.activeIndex || 0, 
                        u = n.activeIndex || 0, 
                        d = [], 
                        p = {}, 
                        h = 0, 
                        m = 0, 
                        f = 0, 
                        g = 0, 
                        v = 0, 
                        b = 0, 
                        y = null, 
                        x = null, 
                        S = !1, 
                        _ = !1, 
                        C = !1, 
                        j = !1, 
                        P = 0, 
                        k = "rtl" === r.Z.language_direction, 
                        Z = function() { 
                            null != o && o.offsetWidth && (P = o.children[e.current.children.length - 1].offsetLeft,, (function(e, t) { 
                                d[t] || (d[t] = {}); 
                                var n = e.getAttribute("data-id"); 
                                p[n] = t; 
                                var i = d[t], 
                                    o = e.offsetLeft; 
                                i.el = e, 
                       = n, 
                                i.index = t, 
                                i.position = o, 
                                i.width = e.offsetWidth 
                        E = function() { 
                            return 1 === d.length || d.some((function(e) { 
                                    return 0 !== e.position 
                        O = function(e) { 
                            var t = function(e) { 
                                var t = e < 0, 
                                    n = "rtl" === r.Z.language_direction; 
                                return t && e < -50 ? n ? i.BACKWARD : i.FORWARD : !t && e > 50 ? n ? i.FORWARD : i.BACKWARD : i.NONE 
                            if (t === i.BACKWARD) { 
                                for (var n = e, s = l - 1; s >= 0 && !((n -= (null == o ? void 0 : o.children[s]).offsetWidth) < 50);) 
                                return Math.max(s, 0) 
                            if (t === i.FORWARD) { 
                                for (var a = -e, c = l + 1; c < d.length && !((a -= (null == o ? void 0 : o.children[c]).offsetWidth) - 50 < 50);) 
                                return Math.min(c, d.length - 1) 
                            return l 
                        T = function(e) { 
                            var t = b > 0; 
                            return t && (k ? e < 0 : e > 0) ? e = 0 : !t && (k ? e <= P : e <= -P) && (e = -P), !!o && ( = "translate3d(" + e + "px, 0, 0)", v = e, !0) 
                        I = function(e, n) { 
                            y = e, 
                            l = e.index, 
                            n && (null == o || o.classList.add("is-animated")), 
                            n ? (0,, s.Z)(o), (function() { 
                                return null == o || o.classList.remove("is-animated"), t && y && t(y.index), void (_ = !1) 
                            })) : _ = !1 
                        w = function(e) { 
                            if (E() || Z(), !(d.length < 2 || _)) { 
                                var t = e.touches[0]; 
                                S = !1, 
                                h = m = 0, 
                                f = t.pageX, 
                                g = t.pageY, 
                                y && (u = y.index), 
                                C = !0 
                        A = function(e) { 
                            if (!(d.length < 2 || S || _)) { 
                                if (!C) 
                                    return C = !1, void w(e); 
                                var t = e.touches[0], 
                                    i = t.pageX - f, 
                                    o = t.pageY - g; 
                                m += i, 
                                f = t.pageX, 
                                g = t.pageY; 
                                var r = m - h; 
                                j || (j = Math.abs(i) > Math.abs(o)), 
                                j ? (e.preventDefault(), b = i, T(v + i)) : S = !0; 
                                var s, 
                                    a = O(r) || l; 
                                s = d[a], 
                                x !== s && n.activeClassName && (x && x.el.classList.remove(n.activeClassName), s && (s.el.classList.add(n.activeClassName), x = s)) 
                        N = function() { 
                            if (!(d.length < 2 || !j || _)) { 
                                _ = !0, 
                                C = !1; 
                                var e = O(m - h), 
                                    t = d[e]; 
                                I(t, !0), 
                                j = !1 
                    return Z(), E() && (I(d[u], c.current), c.current = !0), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchstart", w), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchmove", A), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchend", N), function() { 
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchstart", w), 
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchmove", A), 
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchend", N) 
            }), [e, t, n]) 
    39467: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i = n(74837), 
            o = n(2215); 
        function r(e, t) { 
            return r = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) { 
                return e.__proto__ = t, e 
            }, r(e, t) 
        var s = function(e) { 
            var t, 
            function o() { 
                var t; 
                return (t = || this).EVENTS = { 
                    USER_CHANGED: "change", 
                    USER_CHANGED_TS: "change_ts", 
                    ONLINE: "online" 
                }, t.savedUsersToChangeFavourite = {}, i.Z.on(i.Z.EVENTS.ONLINE, t.backOnline, function(e) { 
                    if (void 0 === e) 
                        throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); 
                    return e 
                }(t)), t 
            n = e, 
            (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), 
            t.prototype.constructor = t, 
            r(t, n); 
            var s = o.prototype; 
            return s.backOnline = function() { 
                var e = []; 
                for (var t in this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite) { 
                    var n = this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite[t]; 
                    e.push(a(n.user, n.callback)) 
                this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite = {}, 
                this.trigger(this.EVENTS.ONLINE, Promise.all(e)) 
            }, s.saveUser = function(e, t) { 
                this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite[e.user_id] = { 
                    user: e, 
                    callback: t 
            }, s.toggleFavouriteStatus = function(e, t) { 
                e.is_favourite = !e.is_favourite, 
                this.trigger(this.EVENTS.USER_CHANGED_TS, e), 
                i.Z.isOnline() ? a(e, t) : this.saveUser(e, t) 
            }, o 
        function a(e, t) { 
            var n = { 
                    uid: e.user_id, 
                    folder: o.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES 
                i = null; 
            return !0 === e.is_favourite ? i = o.Z.getInstance().addUserToFolder(n) : (i = o.Z.getInstance().removeUserFromFolder(n), t && i.then(t)), i 
        t.Z = new s 
    64935: function(e, t, n) { 
        n.d(t, { 
            e: function() { 
                return s 
        var i = n(38146), 
            o = n(88906), 
            r = n(5646); 
        function s(e, t) { 
            var n = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.user_field_errors) || []).find((function(e) { 
                return e.user_field === t 
            return n ? { 
                errorMessage: n.error_message, 
                errorType: i.Z.getErrorFromFieldErrorType(n.error_type), 
                errorField: r.r[t], 
                isInvalid: !0 
            } : (0, o.B)() 
    5646: function(e, t, n) { 
        var i; 
        n.d(t, { 
            r: function() { 
                return o 
        var o = ((i = {})[200] = 39, i[220] = 8, i[10] = 7, i[230] = 9, i[20] = 12, i) 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

                function i(t) {
                    var n;
                    return (n =, t) || this).createButtonClickHandler = function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            (0, l.L9)(332, {
                                element: e ? 67 : 629,
                                parent_element: 1273
                            p.Z.updatePrivateDetectorStatus(n.props.chatInstanceId, e).then((function() {
                                    isVisible: !1
                    }, n.state = {
                        isVisible: !0
                    }, n
                return n = e, (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, Fc(t, n), i.prototype.render = function() {
                    return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, {
                        isVisible: this.state.isVisible,
                        isDismissible: !1,
                        onAnimationOutComplete: this.props.onAnimationOutComplete,
                        isPadded: !0,
                        hasDefaultDismissButton: !1,
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(Bc, {
                            headerText: g.ZP.get(4),
                            text: g.ZP.get(3, {
                            acceptButtonText: g.ZP.get(1),
                            cancelButtonText: g.ZP.get(2),
                            onAcceptButtonClick: this.createButtonClickHandler(!0),
                            onCancelButtonClick: this.createButtonClickHandler(!1)
                }, i
            Vc = n(60823),
            qc = function(e) {
                var t = e.headerText,
                    n = e.text,
                    i = e.additionalText,
                    o = e.betweenButtonsText,
                    r = e.mediaImageSrc,
                    s = e.primaryButton,
                    a = e.secondaryButton,
                    c = e.dismissButton,
                    l = e.isLoading;
                return (0, _.jsxs)(xo.Z, {
                    isCompact: !0,
                    align: "start",
                    dataQA: {
                        "data-qa": "read_receipts_modal"
                    children: [(0, _.jsx)(So.Z, {
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(ei.Z, {
                            badge: {
                                icon: {
                                    name: "badge-feature-read-receipt"
                            image: {
                                src: r
                            shape: "circle",
                            size: "md"
                    }), (0, _.jsx)(_o.Z, {
                        text: t,
                        tag: "h2"
                    }), (0, _.jsx)(Co.Z, {
                        text: n
                    }), (0, _.jsxs)(jo.Z, {
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                            text: s.buttonText,
                            onClick: s.onClick,
                            styling: "revenue",
                            isLoading: l,
                            isDisabled: l,
                            dataQA: s.dataQA,
                            semantic: o ? "secondary" : "primary"
                        }), o ? (0, _.jsx)(Da.Z, {
                            text: o
                        }) : null, a ? (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                            text: a.buttonText,
                            icon: a.icon,
                            styling: a.styling,
                            onClick: a.onClick,
                            dataQA: a.dataQA
                        }) : null, (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                            text: c.buttonText,
                            icon: c.icon,
                            styling: c.styling,
                            semantic: "tertiary",
                            onClick: c.onClick,
                            dataQA: c.dataQA
                    }), i ? (0, _.jsx)(xa.Z, {
                        children: (0, _.jsx)(Sa.Z, {
                            children: i
                    }) : null]
        function Hc(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function Yc(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? Hc(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    Qc(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : Hc(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function Qc(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        function Wc(e, t, n) {
            void 0 === n && (n = {}),
            new Ee.ZP(278, {
                promo_banner_stats: Yc({
                    event: e,
                    context: t.context,
                    promo_block_type: t.promo_block_type,
                    promo_block_position: t.promo_block_position
                }, n)
        var zc = function(e) {
            return (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                var t;
                -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(2)) && Wc(2, e)
            }), [e]), {
                trackShow: function() {
                    var t;
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(2)) && Wc(2, e)
                trackDismiss: function() {
                    var t;
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (t = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : t.indexOf(4)) && Wc(4, e)
                trackClick: function(t) {
                    var n;
                    -1 !== (null == e || null == (n = e.stats_required) ? void 0 : n.indexOf(1)) && Wc(1, e, t)
        function Kc(e, t) {
            var n;
            return {
                buttonText: e.text,
                icon: 75 === (null == (n = e.icon) ? void 0 : n.badge_type) ? "generic-premium-plus" : void 0,
                dataQA: 47 === e.product_type ? {
                    "data-qa": "premium-plus-button"
                } : void 0,
                onClick: t
        var Jc = function(e) {
                var t,
                    c =,
                    u = e.chatUser,
                    d = e.chatInstanceId,
                    p = e.onAnimationOutComplete,
                    h = e.onPaymentSuccess,
                    m = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    f = m[0],
                    g = m[1],
                    v = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    b = v[0],
                    x = v[1],
                    S = zc(c),
                    C = S.trackDismiss,
                    j = S.trackClick;
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    f && (0, l.L9)(138, {
                        banner_id: 463,
                        position_id: 18,
                        context: 10
                }), [f]);
                var P = null == (t = c.buttons) ? void 0 : t.find((function(e) {
                        return 1 === e.type
                    k = null == (n = c.buttons) ? void 0 : n.find((function(e) {
                        return 2 === e.type
                    Z = null == (o = c.buttons) ? void 0 : o.find((function(e) {
                        return 4 === e.type
                463 === c.promo_block_type && (Z = k, k = void 0);
                var E = null == (r = c.extra_texts) || null == (r = r.find((function(e) {
                    return 11 === e.type
                }))) ? void 0 : r.text;
                return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, {
                    isVisible: f,
                    isDismissible: !1,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: p,
                    isPadded: !0,
                    children: (0, _.jsx)(qc, {
                        headerText: c.header,
                        text: c.mssg,
                        additionalText: c.credits_cost,
                        betweenButtonsText: E,
                        mediaImageSrc: y.Z.getImageUrlForSize(null == (s = u.profile_photo) ? void 0 : s.large_url, 100, 100),
                        primaryButton: {
                            buttonText: null == P ? void 0 : P.text,
                            onClick: function() {
                                (0, l.L9)(139, {
                                    banner_id: c.promo_block_type,
                                    position_id: c.promo_block_position,
                                    context: 10,
                                    call_to_action_type: 1
                                    back: a.Z.getUrl(),
                                    cost: c.payment_amount,
                                    hotPanelData: {
                                        activationPlace: 11,
                                        bannerId: 463,
                                        product: 47,
                                        cost: c.payment_amount
                                    productType: c.ok_payment_product_type,
                                    purchaseTransactionSetup: {
                                        promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type
                                    userId: d,
                                    success: h,
                                    error: function(e) {
                                            text: e,
                                            type: M.Z.TYPES.ERROR
                            dataQA: {
                                "data-qa": "accept-button"
                        secondaryButton: k ? Kc(k, (function() {
                            var e;
                            (0, l.L9)(139, {
                                banner_id: c.promo_block_type,
                                position_id: c.promo_block_position,
                                context: 10,
                                call_to_action_type: 2
                                back: a.Z.getUrl(),
                                hotPanelData: {
                                    activationPlace: 11,
                                    promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type
                                productToActivate: c.ok_payment_product_type,
                                productType: null == (e = k) ? void 0 : e.product_type,
                                promoBlockType: c.promo_block_type,
                                userId: u.user_id
                        })) : void 0,
                        dismissButton: {
                            buttonText: Z.text,
                            onClick: function() {
                                var e;
                                (0, l.L9)(139, {
                                    banner_id: c.promo_block_type,
                                    position_id: c.promo_block_position,
                                    context: 10,
                                    call_to_action_type: null == (e = Z) ? void 0 : e.type
                            dataQA: {
                                "data-qa": "decline-button"
                        isLoading: b
            Xc = n(35988),
            $c = n(27503),
            el = function(e) {
                var t = e.question,
                    n = e.onClickGetQuestion,
                    o = e.onClickSendQuestion,
                    r = e.onClickClose,
                    s = e.onAnimationInComplete,
                    a = e.onAnimationOutComplete,
                    c = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    l = c[0],
                    u = c[1];
                return (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, {
                    isVisible: l,
                    onDismiss: r,
                    onAnimationInComplete: s,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: a,
                    hasDefaultDismissButton: !1,
                    children: (0, _.jsxs)("div", {
                        className: "questions-game",
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)("div", {
                            className: "questions-game__header",
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.P2, {
                                align: "center",
                                color: "black",
                                children: g.ZP.get(115)
                        }), (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                            className: "questions-game__question",
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.R6, {
                                align: "center",
                                color: "black",
                                dangerous: !0,
                                children: t
                        }), (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                            className: "questions-game__button",
                            children: (0, _.jsxs)(Ea.Z, {
                                children: [(0, _.jsx)($c.Z, {
                                    icon: "generic-spinning-arrows",
                                    text: g.ZP.get(113),
                                    styling: "transparent",
                                    onClick: n
                                }), (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                                    icon: "generic-send",
                                    text: g.ZP.get(114),
                                    onClick: function() {
                                    dataQA: {
                                        "data-qa": "action-send"
                                }), (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                                    text: g.ZP.get(247),
                                    onClick: function() {
                                    semantic: "tertiary",
                                    dataQA: {
                                        "data-qa": "modal-close"
            tl = function(e) {
                var t,
                    s = e.userGender,
                    a = e.chatUserGender,
                    c = e.chatUserName,
                    l = e.isReceiver,
                    u = e.onClose,
                    d = e.onAnimationInComplete,
                    p = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    h = p[0],
                    m = p[1],
                    f = (0, i.useState)("close"),
                    v = f[0],
                    b = f[1],
                    y = function(e) {
                        e && b("continue"),
                return l ? (t = g.ZP.get(111, {
                    str: c
                }), n = g.ZP.get(109, {
                    me: Oe.N5.for("me", s),
                    other_user: Oe.N5.for("other_user", a)
                }), o = g.ZP.get(107), r = y) : (t = g.ZP.get(112), n = g.ZP.get(110, {
                    name: c
                }), o = g.ZP.get(108), r = function() {
                    return y(!0)
                }), (0, _.jsx)(Nn.Z, {
                    isVisible: h,
                    onAnimationInComplete: d,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: function() {
                        return u(v)
                    isPadded: !0,
                    children: (0, _.jsxs)(xo.Z, {
                        isCompact: !0,
                        align: "start",
                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(So.Z, {
                            size: "icon",
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(Ye.Z, {
                                name: "badge-feature-questions-game"
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(_o.Z, {
                            text: t,
                            tag: "h2"
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(Co.Z, {
                            text: n
                        }), (0, _.jsx)(jo.Z, {
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                                narrow: !0,
                                text: o,
                                onClick: r
            nl = n(73541),
            il = n(365),
            ol = n(79429),
            rl = n(29977),
            sl = function(e) {
                var t,
                    n = e.chatUserName,
                    o = e.chatUserGender,
                    r = e.question,
                    s = e.altNavigation,
                    a = e.isInstant,
                    c = e.isMessageFromCurrentUser,
                    l = e.onFocusInput,
                    u = e.onBlurInput,
                    d = e.onClickClose,
                    p = e.onClickSend,
                    h = e.onAnimationInComplete,
                    m = e.onAnimationOutComplete,
                    f = e.appear,
                    v = void 0 === f || f,
                    b = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    y = g.ZP.get(98),
                    x = g.ZP.get(97),
                    C = (0, i.useRef)(new nl.Z),
                    j = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    P = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    k = P[0],
                    Z = P[1],
                    E = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    O = E[0],
                    T = E[1],
                    I = (0, i.useState)(""),
                    w = I[0],
                    A = I[1],
                    N = (0, i.useState)(""),
                    R = N[0],
                    M = N[1];
                t = c ? a ? g.ZP.get(103) : g.ZP.get(102) : g.ZP.get(101, {
                    name: Oe.N5.for(n, o)
                var L = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                    }), [d]),
                    U = function() {
                        var e;
                        O ? (p(w), Z(!1)) : (M(g.ZP.get(99)), null == b || null == (e = b.current) || e.focus())
                    D = function(e) {
                        var t =;
                        T(t.length > 0),
                    B = [{
                        type: S.Us.CLOSE,
                        onClick: L
                s && B.push({
                    type: S.df.BUTTON,
                    text: y,
                    onClick: U
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = C.current;
                    return e && null != j && j.current && (e.update({
                        onDismiss: L,
                        contentWrapper: j.current
                    }), e.modalize(), e.updateFocusableElements(), e.toggleFocusTrap(!0)), function() {
                        null == e || e.unmount()
                }), [L, C]);
                return (0, _.jsx)(il.Z, {
                    children: (0, _.jsx)(Ne.Z, {
                        appear: v,
                        in: k,
                        timeout: 300,
                        classNames: k ? "forward" : "backward",
                        mountOnEnter: !0,
                        unmountOnExit: !0,
                        onEntered: function() {
                            var e;
                            null == b || null == (e = b.current) || e.focus(),
                            h && h()
                        onExited: m,
                        children: function() {
                            return (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "page-container",
                                id: "page-container",
                                children: (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "page overlay-page questions-game-answer",
                                    ref: j,
                                    role: "dialog",
                                    "aria-modal": !0,
                                    tabIndex: -1,
                                    "aria-label": t,
                                    children: (0, _.jsxs)(Ns.Z, {
                                        children: [(0, _.jsx)(Ls.Z, {
                                            children: (0, _.jsx)(S.ZP, {
                                                actions: B,
                                                position: "absolute",
                                                transparent: !0
                                        }), (0, _.jsxs)(Rs.Z, {
                                            vpadded: !0,
                                            align: "stretch",
                                            hpadded: !0,
                                            children: [(0, _.jsx)("div", {
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-title",
                                                children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.P1, {
                                                    align: "center",
                                                    color: "black",
                                                    tag: "h2",
                                                    children: t
                                            }), (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-question",
                                                children: (0, _.jsx)(Ge.R6, {
                                                    align: "center",
                                                    color: "black",
                                                    children: r
                                            }), (0, _.jsx)("div", {
                                                className: "questions-game-answer-input",
                                                children: (0, _.jsxs)(Zo.Z, {
                                                    onSubmit: function(e) {
                                                        return (0, yo.dd)(e, U)
                                                    isFixed: !0,
                                                    children: [(0, _.jsx)(ol.Z, {
                                                        label: g.ZP.get(100),
                                                        onChange: D,
                                                        onFocus: l,
                                                        onBlur: u,
                                                        autoResize: !0,
                                                        value: w,
                                                        fieldId: "feedback-input",
                                                        textareaRef: b,
                                                        maxHeight: 200,
                                                        errorMessage: R,
                                                        a11y: {
                                                            ariaRequired: !0
                                                    }), s ? null : (0, _.jsx)(rl.Z, {
                                                        children: (0, _.jsx)(ko.Z, {
                                                            buttonAttrs: {
                                                                type: "submit"
                                                            text: x
            al = function() {
                (0, l.L9)(258, {
                    element: 1381
            cl = function() {
                (0, l.L9)(258, {
                    element: 1382
            ll = function() {
                (0, l.L9)(258, {
                    element: 1377
            ul = {
                send: 253,
                question: 1360,
                close: 51
            dl = function(e) {
                (0, l.L9)(332, {
                    element: ul[e],
                    parent_element: 1377
            pl = function() {
                (0, l.L9)(258, {
                    element: 1289
            hl = function(e) {
                (0, l.L9)(332, {
                    element: "close" === e ? 51 : 253,
                    parent_element: 1289
            ml = J.Z.getLogger("Questions Game"),
            fl = function(e) {
                var t = e.message,
                    n = e.chatUser,
                    o = e.isAnswer,
                    r = e.isAnswerInstant,
                    s = e.isOnboarding,
                    a = e.isOnboardingReceiver,
                    c = e.onDismissOnboarding,
                    u = e.onShowAnswer,
                    d = e.onCloseAnswer,
                    h = e.onClose,
                    m = (0, i.useState)({
                        text: "\n"
                    f = m[0],
                    v = m[1],
                    b = (0, i.useState)(s),
                    y = b[0],
                    x = b[1],
                    S = (0, i.useRef)([]),
                    C = pe.Z.getUser(),
                    j = (0, g.Ro)(C.gender),
                    P = (0, g.Ro)(n.getGender()),
                    k = n.getName(),
                    Z = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        var e = S.current.length - 1,
                            t = S.current.findIndex((function(e) {
                                return ===
                        -1 !== t && t < e ? v(S.current[t + 1]) : t === e && v(S.current[0]),
                    }), []),
                    E = function() {
                        return (null == t ? void 0 : t.fromPersonId) === C.user_id
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    new Ee.ZP(537, {
                        context: 264,
                        other_user_id: n.getUserId()
                    }).onResponse(538, (function(e) {
                        Array.isArray(e.questions) && e.questions.length && (S.current = e.questions, v(e.questions[0]))
                    })).onError((function(e) {
                        (0, X.Z)(e) && ml.error("Error while getting questions", {
                            error: e
                }), []);
                var O = (0, _.jsx)(el, {
                    question: f.text,
                    onClickGetQuestion: Z,
                    onClickSendQuestion: function() {
                        var e = new B.ZP({
                            messageType: 50,
                            question: {
                        }, n);
                        p.Z.send(n.getUserId(), e).then((function(e) {
                            setTimeout((function() {
                                u(e, !0)
                            }), 400)
                        })).catch((function(e) {
                            (0, X.Z)(e) && ml.error("Error while sending questions game message", {
                                error: e
                    onClickClose: function() {
                        return dl("close")
                    onAnimationInComplete: ll,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: h
                return y && (O = (0, _.jsx)(tl, {
                    userGender: j,
                    chatUserGender: P,
                    chatUserName: k,
                    isReceiver: a,
                    onClose: function(e) {
                        "continue" === e ? (x(!1), c()) : h(),
                        a ? function(e) {
                            (0, l.L9)(332, {
                                element: "continue" === e ? 395 : 51,
                                parent_element: 1382
                        }(e) : function(e) {
                            (0, l.L9)(332, {
                                element: "continue" === e ? 395 : 51,
                                parent_element: 1381
                    onAnimationInComplete: a ? cl : al
                })), t && o && (O = (0, _.jsx)(sl, {
                    question: t.question.text,
                    chatUserName: k,
                    chatUserGender: P,
                    altNavigation: ue.Z.isIOs,
                    isInstant: r,
                    isMessageFromCurrentUser: E(),
                    onFocusInput: function() {
                        setTimeout((function() {
                            (0, N.Z)(".page.questions-game-answer").addClass("not-stretched-layout")
                    onBlurInput: function() {
                        setTimeout((function() {
                            (0, N.Z)(".page.questions-game-answer").removeClass("not-stretched-layout")
                    onClickClose: function() {
                    onClickSend: function(e) {
                        p.Z.sendQuestionsGameAnswer(t, e, E()),
                    onAnimationInComplete: pl,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: d
                })), O
            gl = n(16666);
        function vl(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function bl(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? vl(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    yl(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : vl(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function yl(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        var xl = J.Z.getLogger("Chat"),
            Sl = (0, ae.Z)(11);
        function _l(e) {
            return 3 === (null == e ? void 0 : e.getType())
        function Cl(e) {
            var t = ne(e);
            return 19 === e.initialScreenType || 472 === (null == t ? void 0 : t.promo_block_type)
        function jl(e) {
            var t = (null == e ? void 0 : e.getAlbums([])) || [];
            return t.length > 0 && !!t[0].getPhotos() && !_l(e)
        function Pl(e, t) {
            var n = null == t ? void 0 : t.some((function(e) {
                return 10017 === e.getPromoBlockType()
            return _l(e) || ue.Z.isTWA() || ue.Z.isHuaweiQuickApp() || !n
        var kl = function(e) {
                var t,
                    o = e.user,
                    r = e.chatUserId,
                    v = e.folderId,
                    y = e.streamId,
                    x = e.userSubstitute,
                    S = e.hotPanelData,
                    C = e.clientSource,
                    j = e.activationPlace,
                    P = e.screenName,
                    O = e.wasBack,
                    w = e.notificationPermissionController,
                    N = e.scrollableElement,
                    R = e.onboardingTipsController,
                    L = e.onPreventNotifications,
                    U = e.onAllowNotifications,
                    D = e.jinba,
                    B = e.scrollPosition,
                    F = e.navigatedBack,
                    G = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    V = G[0],
                    q = G[1],
                    H = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Y = H[0],
                    Q = H[1],
                    W = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    K = W[0],
                    J = W[1],
                    $ = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    te = $[0],
                    ae = $[1],
                    pe = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    fe = pe[0],
                    Pe = pe[1],
                    Ee = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    Oe = Ee[0],
                    Te = Ee[1],
                    Ie = (0, i.useState)([]),
                    we = Ie[0],
                    Ae = Ie[1],
                    Ne = (0, i.useState)([]),
                    Re = Ne[0],
                    Me = Ne[1],
                    Le = (0, i.useState)(),
                    Ue = Le[0],
                    De = Le[1],
                    Be = (0, i.useState)(),
                    Fe = Be[0],
                    Ge = Be[1],
                    Ve = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    qe = Ve[0],
                    He = Ve[1],
                    Ye = (0, i.useState)(o),
                    Qe = Ye[0],
                    We = Ye[1],
                    ze = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Ke = ze[0],
                    Je = ze[1],
                    Xe = (0, i.useState)(""),
                    $e = Xe[0],
                    et = Xe[1],
                    nt = (0, i.useState)(),
                    it = nt[0],
                    ot = nt[1],
                    rt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    st = rt[0],
                    at = rt[1],
                    ct = (0, i.useState)(j),
                    lt = ct[0],
                    ut = ct[1],
                    dt = (0, i.useState)({}),
                    pt = dt[0],
                    ht = dt[1],
                    mt = (0, i.useState)(),
                    ft = mt[0],
                    gt = mt[1],
                    vt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    bt = vt[0],
                    yt = vt[1],
                    xt = (0, i.useState)(),
                    St = xt[0],
                    _t = xt[1],
                    Ct = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    jt = Ct[0],
                    Pt = Ct[1],
                    kt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Zt = kt[0],
                    Et = kt[1],
                    Ot = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Tt = Ot[0],
                    It = Ot[1],
                    wt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    At = wt[0],
                    Nt = wt[1],
                    Rt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Mt = Rt[0],
                    Lt = Rt[1],
                    Ut = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Dt = Ut[0],
                    Bt = Ut[1],
                    Ft = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Gt = Ft[0],
                    Vt = Ft[1],
                    qt = (0, i.useState)(),
                    Ht = qt[0],
                    Yt = qt[1],
                    Qt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Wt = Qt[0],
                    zt = Qt[1],
                    Kt = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    Jt = Kt[0],
                    Xt = Kt[1],
                    $t = (0, i.useRef)(""),
                    en = (0, i.useRef)(0),
                    tn = (0, i.useRef)(0),
                    nn = (0, i.useRef)(0),
                    on = (0, i.useRef)(),
                    rn = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    sn = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    an = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    cn = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    ln = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    un = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    dn = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    pn = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    hn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) {
                        var t,
                            m = e.messages,
                            f = p.Z.isUserReported(e.chatInstanceId),
                            g = m.some((function(e) {
                                return e.isYours() || p.Z.isYours(e)
                            v = bl(bl({}, e), {}, {
                                context: C,
                                streamId: y,
                                chatBlockedGiftPromo: (i = e.promoBanners, i.find((function(e) {
                                    return 24 === e.getPromoBlockType() && 6 === e.getPromoBlockPosition()
                                })) || (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatBlockedGiftPromo)),
                                gender: (0,,
                                hasReceivedMessage: m.some((function(e) {
                                    return !e.isYours() || !p.Z.isYours(e)
                                initialScreen: f ? void 0 : e.initialScreen,
                                sourceOfMessage: (0, Vs.RD)(e),
                                isSelectable: K,
                                dismissInitialScreen: !1,
                                isShowingCrushAnimation: !g && e.isShowingCrushAnimation,
                                feedbackPromo: (t = e.promoBanners, n = t.find((function(e) {
                                    return 575 === e.getPromoBlockType()
                                })), null == n ? void 0 : n.toJSON())
                        if (r) {
                            var x = I(r);
                            x && (v.replyToMessage = x)
                        return v.initialScreen || (v.dismissInitialScreen = !0), v.isChatBlocked = (c = (o = v).initialScreenType, l = !(null == (s = o.initialScreen) || !s.blockingFeature), u = null == (a = o.initialScreen) ? void 0 :, d = Ze.includes(null == u ? void 0 : u.getPromoBlockType()), h = o.initialScreen && o.messages.length > 0, (0 === o.maxUnansweredMessages && o.chatBlockedGiftPromo || l || h || d) && !(7 === c)), v
                    }), [r, C, K, null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatBlockedGiftPromo, y]),
                    mn = function() {
                        var e = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r);
                    fn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) {
                        var t = hn(e),
                            n = e.counter > e.messages.length,
                            i = !pn.current && !t.isChatBlocked && !!e.isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt;
                        ($t.current = e.chatInstanceId.toString(), i && (pn.current = !0), dn.current) && (e.messages.some((function(e) {
                            return 50 === e.messageType
                        })) && (Nt(!0), setTimeout((function() {
                        }), 400)));
                        n && (Te(!1), ae(!1)),
                        null == D || D.stop({
                            nameOverride: t.initialScreen ? "Chat/InitialScreen" : "Chat",
                            hotpanelTimerOverride: t.initialScreen ? 3 : 2
                    }), [hn, D]),
                    gn = function() {
                        gt(void 0),
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.MESSAGES, {
                            id: r
                    vn = function() {
                    bn = function(e) {
                        e && We(e)
                    yn = function(e) {
                        e && (We(e), Pe(e.getIsFavourite()))
                    xn = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        var e = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r);
                        e.dummy && Qe && (e.chatUser = Qe),
                    }), [Qe, r, fn]),
                    Sn = function(e, t) {
                        !function(e, t) {
                            if (void 0 === t && (t = xe.MESSAGE), !Boolean(e.serverErrorMessage) || (0, X.Z)(e))
                                if (e instanceof
                                    je.error("Rpc error on send chat message", {
                                        error: e,
                                        errorSource: t,
                                        RPCErrorType: Ce[e.getType()] || Ce[0]
                                else if (e.serverErrorMessage) {
                                    var n = "toJSON" in e.serverErrorMessage ? e.serverErrorMessage.toJSON() : e.serverErrorMessage;
                                    je.error("Server error on send chat message", {
                                        error: JSON.stringify(n),
                                        errorSource: t
                                } else
                                    je.error("Unknown error on send chat message", {
                                        error: e,
                                        errorSource: t
                        }(e, t),
                        function(e) {
                            if (e instanceof Error) {
                                var t = "" + e.message;
                                (0, l.L9)(125, {
                                    event_type: 1,
                                    error_type: 12,
                                    error_message: "string" == typeof e ? e : t
                            } else if (e instanceof he.kE7) {
                                var n = e.getErrorMessage();
                                (0, l.L9)(125, {
                                    event_type: 1,
                                    error_type: me.Z.getType(e.getType()),
                                    error_message: n
                    _n = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e, t) {
                        if (!(e instanceof Error)) {
                            var n = null == e ? void 0 : e.getType();
                            return 14 === n || 42 === n ? (O || _e(e.getErrorMessage()), void a.Z.back()) : 82 === n ? (O || _e(function(e, t) {
                                var n = e.getErrorMessage();
                                if (!n) {
                                    var i = t.getName();
                                    i && (n = 2 === t.getGender() ? g.ZP.get(460, {
                                        str: i
                                    }) : g.ZP.get(461, {
                                        str: i
                                return n
                            }(e, Qe)), void a.Z.back()) : void de.Z.handleError({
                                error: e,
                                screenName: ye(K, P, r),
                                navigationBar: {
                                    logo: !0,
                                    actions: {}
                            }, t)
                        (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error(e.message)
                    }), [Qe, r, K, P, O]),
                    Cn = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) {
                        void 0 === e && (e = {
                            allowConsumeChatUnblocker: !1
                        var t = {
                            allowConsumeChatUnblocker: e.allowConsumeChatUnblocker,
                            context: C,
                            folderId: v,
                            streamId: y,
                            user: x ? 3 : void 0
                        return p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r).dummy && q(!0), cn.current = (0, re.Z)(p.Z.getClientOpenChat(r, t)), cn.current.then((function(e) {
                            un.current = !!R.getTooltipByType(46),
                            dn.current = !!R.getTooltipByType(53),
                        })).catch((function(e) {
                            e instanceof re.t || _n(e, Cn)
                        })), cn.current
                    }), [C, v, y, x, r, R, fn, _n]),
                    jn = function() {
                    Pn = function(e) {
                        var t = le.Z.encodeRoute(a.Z.getUrl(), {
                            paymentFlow: "2"
                        return e.context = C, e.streamId = y, e.repliedMessage = I(r.toString()), ln.current = (0, re.Z)(p.Z.send(r, e, t)), ln.current.then(jn).catch((function(e) {
                            return e instanceof re.t || Sn(e), e
                        })), ln.current
                    kn = function() {
                        var e;
                        x ? e = Promise.resolve(x) : (q(!0), e = h.Z.getInstance().get({
                            id: r
                        }).then((function(e) {
                            var t = e[0];
                            return q(!1), new ce.Z({
                                userSubstitute: t.getUserSubstitute()
                        e.then((function(e) {
                            a.Z.navigate(c.x.PROMO_CARDS_GALLERY, {
                                userSubstitute: e,
                                context: 26
                        })).catch((function() {
                    Zn = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        if (p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r).messages.some((function(e) {
                            return e.allowLike
                        })) && !Wt) {
                            var e = R.getTooltipByType(46).text;
                                isActive: !0,
                                text: e
                    }), [r, L, Wt, R]),
                    En = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                            id: r,
                            clientSource: 10,
                            folderType: 0
                        }).then((function(e) {
                            setTimeout(gt, 100, e)
                        })).catch((function(e) {
                            (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error("Failed to get user by id", e),
                                type: M.Z.TYPES.ERROR
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.CHAT_PROFILE, {
                            id: r
                    }), [r]),
                    On = function() {
                        null != Fe && Fe.deletedMember || (_l(Qe) ? kn() : (p.Z.hasInitialChatScreen(r) && p.Z.invalidate(r), En()))
                    Tn = function(e) {
                        e && (0, l.L9)(49, {})
                    In = function() {
                        (0, l.L9)(425, {
                            activation_place: lt,
                            encrypted_user_id: r
                    wn = function() {
                            folder: 56,
                            uid: r
                        }).then((function() {
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    return function() {
                        var e;
                        null == (e = rn.current) || null == e.dismiss || e.dismiss(),
                        tn.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(tn.current),
                        nn.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(nn.current),
                        en.current && s.Z.clearTimeout(en.current)
                }), []),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    (!r || r.length < 20) && (xl.error("Cannot load chat page without a valid id", {
                        id: r
                    }), _e(), a.Z.back())
                }), [r]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    if (!j) {
                        var e = {
                            id: r,
                            clientSource: C,
                            streamId: y,
                            folderId: v,
                            userSubstitute: x,
                            activationPlace: null != S && S.inappId ? 165 : 1
                        a.Z.updateLocation(c.x.MESSAGES, e)
                }), [j, C, v, null == S ? void 0 : S.inappId, y, x, r]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    ut(function(e, t) {
                        return 4 === e ? 5 : 9 === e ? 10 : 94 === e ? 165 : 26 === e ? 191 : t
                    }(C, j))
                }), [C, j]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = function(e, t, n) {
                            jl(Qe) && ae(n >= t)
                        t = function(e) {
                            e.toPersonId && ![r, $t.current].includes(e.toPersonId.toString()) || ((r ? I(r) : null) && ((0, l.L9)(332, {
                                element: 288,
                                parent_element: 289
                            }), r && A(r)), jl(Qe) || e !== we[0] || Te(!0), e.isTemporary() || function(e, t, n) {
                                var i,
                                (0, l.L9)(8, {
                                    activation_place: t,
                                    encrypted_user_id: null == (i = e.toPersonId) ? void 0 : i.toString(),
                                    length: 1 === e.messageType && (null == (o = e.message) ? void 0 : o.length) || 0,
                                    message_first: 1 === n.length,
                                    message_first_replied: n.length > 1 && 1 === ve(n),
                                    send_giphy: 36 === e.messageType,
                                    send_heart: "ANIMATED_XP" === e.messageType,
                                    send_location: !1,
                                    send_photo: 19 === e.messageType,
                                    send_smile: 22 === e.messageType,
                                    send_sticker: 23 === e.messageType
                            }(e, lt, we), xn())
                        n = function(e) {
                            e.fromPersonId && ![r, $t.current].includes(e.fromPersonId.toString()) || (42 === e.messageType && yt(!0), e.isLikelyOffensive && null != Fe && Fe.isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt && zt(!0), xn())
                        i = function(e) {
                            46 !== e.type && 49 !== e.type || Cn()
                    return oe.Z.getInstance().on(oe.Z.Type.NOTIFICATION, i), p.Z.on(p.Z.EVENTS.FLUSH, Cn).on(p.Z.EVENTS.HISTORY_UPDATED, e).on(p.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_ME, t).on(p.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_USER, n).on(p.Z.EVENTS.CHAT_PROMO_HANDLED, xn).on(p.Z.EVENTS.SETTINGS_UPDATED, (function(e) {
                        e.show_offensive_messages_prompt && zt(!0)
                    })), function() {
                        oe.Z.getInstance().off(oe.Z.Type.NOTIFICATION, i)
                }), [lt, Qe, r, Cn, we, xn, U, R]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e,
                    return on.current = (e = {
                        getClientSource: function() {
                            return C
                        getStreamId: function() {
                            return y
                        onSendMessage: function(e) {
                            e && !e.isCanceled && Sn(e, xe.MULTIMEDIA)
                    }, t = T || z(e), document.getElementById("photo-form") || document.body.appendChild(t.zepto[0]), t), (0, d.GE)((function() {
                        var e,
                            t = p.Z.getCachedClientOpenChat(r),
                            n = (0, u.Z)(a.Z.getHistory()),
                            i = n && [c.x.GIFT, c.x.MULTIMEDIA].includes(n.routeName),
                            o = t && !t.dummy && O && i;
                        function() {
                            var e = a.Z.getLocation(),
                                t = e.routeName,
                                n = e.parameters;
                            if ("2" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow)) {
                                var i = bl({}, n);
                                delete i.paymentFlow,
                                a.Z.updateLocation(t, i),
                        function() {
                            var e = a.Z.getLocation(),
                                t = e.routeName,
                                n = e.parameters;
                            if ("1" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow) || "3" === (null == n ? void 0 : n.paymentFlow)) {
                                if (!st) {
                                    var i = bl({}, n);
                                    delete i.paymentFlow,
                                    a.Z.updateLocation(t, i)
                            } else
                        var l,
                            d = I(r.toString());
                        if (null == (e = on.current) || e.checkPendingMultimedia({
                            replyToUid: null == d ? void 0 :,
                            replyToMessage: d
                        }), ie.Z.getInstance().getBackAction() === be && (ie.Z.getInstance().getResult() === ie.Z.RESULTS.PENDING && (q(!0), s.Z.setTimeout(Cn, 4e4), l = !0), ie.Z.getInstance().clear()), !l) {
                            var h = {
                                forceTrack: !0,
                                id: r,
                                activationPlace: j,
                                clientSource: C,
                                isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe)
                            o ? ge(h) : Cn().then((function() {
                                return ge(h)
                            })).catch((function(e) {
                                e instanceof re.t || (0, X.Z)(e) && xl.error("Error calling getClientOpenChat", {
                                    error: e
                    })), function() {
                        var e,
                        null == (e = cn.current) || e.cancel(),
                        null == (t = ln.current) || t.cancel()
                }), []),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    null != Fe && Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation && !sn.current && ((0, l.L9)(258, {
                        element: 1711
                    }), sn.current = !0)
                }), [null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    !V && Fe && (!ke.has(Fe.chatInstanceId) || Fe.isChatBlocked || Cl(Fe) ? Cl(Fe) && ke.add(Fe.chatInstanceId) : ke.remove(null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.chatInstanceId))
                }), [Fe, V]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.inputSettingsItems;
                    if (null != e && e.length) {
                        var t = e.findIndex((function(e) {
                            return 13 === e.type
                        It(-1 !== t && !!Fe && !Cl(Fe))
                }), [Fe]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = !Fe || Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && 0 !== Fe.maxUnansweredMessages;
                    un.current && !e && (Zn(), un.current = !1)
                }), [Fe, Zn]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    a.Z.getLocation().routeName === c.x.CHAT_PROFILE && En()
                }), [En]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    return E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_BLOCKED, vn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_UNBLOCKED, bn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_REPORTED, bn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_FAVOURITED, yn), E.Z.on(E.Z.USER_QUICK_MESSAGE_SENT, bn), function() {
              , vn),
              , bn),
              , bn),
              , yn),
              , bn)
                var An = ye(K, P, r),
                    Nn = Fe ? ne(Fe) : void 0,
                    Rn = Fe ? function(e) {
                        var t,
                            n = (null == e ? void 0 : e.promoBanners) || [],
                            i = e.dismissedPromoBanners || [],
                            o = n.find((function(e) {
                                return ee.includes(e.getPromoBlockType())
                        return o && !i.includes(o.getPromoBlockType()) && (t = o.toJSON()), t
                    }(Fe) : void 0,
                    Mn = (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.dismissedPromoBanners) || [],
                    Ln = Re.filter((function(e) {
                        return -1 === Mn.indexOf(e.getPromoBlockType())
                    Un = bt || (null == Fe ? void 0 : Fe.isNotInterested),
                    Dn = (null == Qe ? void 0 : Qe.getName()) || "";
                function Bn() {
                var Fn = function() {
                        dn.current = !1,
                        R.dismissTooltip(10, 53)
                    Gn = function() {
                        void 0 !== typeof Qe && Lt(!0)
                    Vn = function(e, t) {
                return (0, _.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                    children: [Fe && Qe ? (0, _.jsx)(Us, {
                        navigation: (0, _.jsx)(k, {
                            user: Qe,
                            promos: Re,
                            clientSource: C,
                            isHeaderProfileHidden: Oe && jl(Qe),
                            isHidingVideoCall: Pl(Qe, Re),
                            isFavourite: fe,
                            isSelectable: K,
                            isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe),
                            isShowingBlockingTip: Jt,
                            onDeleteChat: wn,
                            onFavouriteUser: function() {
                            onOpenProfile: On,
                            onToggleReport: Tn,
                            scrollRef: N
                        miniProfile: te && jl(Qe) && !Fe.deletedMember ? (0, _.jsx)(tt.Z, {
                            onChange: function(e) {
                            children: (0, _.jsx)(ba, {
                                user: Qe,
                                screenName: An,
                                activationPlace: lt,
                                onProfileClick: On,
                                sourceOfMessage: Fe.sourceOfMessage
                        }) : null,
                        messages: (0, _.jsx)(Xo, {
                            chatInstanceId: Fe.chatInstanceId,
                            otherUserId: r,
                            chatUser: Qe,
                            counter: Fe.counter,
                            isSelectable: K,
                            isAllowUrlParsing: Fe.isAllowUrlParsing,
                            isUserSubstitute: _l(Qe),
                            isDummy: Fe.dummy,
                            messageLikeOnboarding: pt,
                            messages: we,
                            promoBanners: Ln,
                            dismissedPromoBanners: Mn,
                            scrollingContainerRef: N,
                            scroller: it,
                            oldScrollPosition: F ? B : void 0,
                            isShowingOffensiveMessagesPrompt: !pt.isActive && Wt,
                            onTogglePd: Q,
                            onToggleReport: Tn,
                            onShowPromoCards: kn,
                            onClickReadReceiptsPromoLink: function(e) {
                                (0, l.L9)(332, {
                                    element: 1350
                            onUpdateInput: mn,
                            onUpdateChat: xn,
                            onConfirmResendInappropriate: Pn,
                            onNewMessageNotification: function(e, t) {
                                t && et(t)
                            onSetScroller: ot,
                            onUserBlocked: In,
                            onQuestionsGameStart: Gn,
                            onQuestionsGameAnswer: Vn,
                            onDismissOffensiveMessagesModal: function(e) {
                                p.Z.setShowLikelyOffensivePrompt(r, !1),
                                e && Xt(!0)
                        chatNudgePromo: Un ? (0, _.jsx)(Uc, {
                            chatUser: Qe,
                            onDelete: wn
                        }) : !Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && (0, _.jsx)(Mc, {
                            promoBlock: Nn,
                            chatInstanceId: Fe.chatInstanceId,
                            feedbackPromo: Fe.feedbackPromo,
                            chatUser: Qe,
                            clientSource: C,
                            isBlocker: !Boolean(Fe.inputSettingsItems),
                            onClickQuestionsGame: Gn,
                            onCloseQuestionsGame: function() {
                                if (dn.current) {
                                    var e = R.getTooltipByType(53).text;
                            onReloadClientOpenChat: Cn,
                            onCloseChat: a.Z.back
                        newMessageNotification: (0, _.jsx)($o, {
                            text: $e,
                            isActive: Ke,
                            onClick: function() {
                                null == it || it.scrollToBottom(!0),
                        input: Fe.isChatBlocked || Fe.deletedMember || K || Un || null == (t = Fe.inputSettingsItems) || !t.length ? null : (0, _.jsx)(Es, {
                            context: Fe.context,
                            streamId: Fe.streamId,
                            otherUserId: r,
                            inputFeatures: Fe.inputFeatures,
                            inputSettingsItems: Fe.inputSettingsItems,
                            replyToMessage: Fe.replyToMessage,
                            isMessageFirst: !(null != (n = Fe.messages) && n.length),
                            hasReceivedMessage: Fe.hasReceivedMessage,
                            scroller: it,
                            chatUser: Qe,
                            notificationPermissionController: w,
                            activationPlace: lt,
                            questionsGameTooltipText: St,
                            showQuestionsGameTooltip: Zt,
                            showQuestionsGameButton: Tt,
                            onHideAddBanner: function(e) {
                                en.current && (s.Z.clearTimeout(en.current), en.current = 0),
                                "focus" === e.type && He(!1)
                            onBlurInput: function() {
                                en.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                                    return He(!0)
                                }), 1e3),
                                tn.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                                    an.current = !1
                                }), 700)
                            onFocusInput: function() {
                                an.current = !0
                            onUpdateInput: mn,
                            onClickCamera: function() {
                                nn.current = s.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                                    var e;
                                    rn.current = (null == (e = on.current) ? void 0 : e.uploadMultimedia(r)) || null,
                                    rn.current && Pt(!0)
                                }), ue.Z.isIphoneContextualMenu && an.current ? 700 : 0)
                            onClickQuestionsGameButton: Gn,
                            onClickQuestionsGameTooltip: function() {
                            onToggleLoading: q,
                            onSendMessage: Pn,
                            onChatRefresh: Cn,
                            onToggleTopup: at,
                            onUploadAudio: function(e) {
                                var t;
                                null == (t = on.current) || t.uploadAudio(r, e)
                        ads: (0, _.jsx)(Is, {
                            isEnabled: qe
                        initialScreen: Fe && Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) || Fe.isChatBlocked ? (0, _.jsx)(sc, {
                            openChatData: Fe,
                            otherUserId: r,
                            clientSource: C,
                            log: xl,
                            messages: we,
                            streamId: y,
                            chatUser: Qe,
                            onDismiss: function() {
                                jl(Qe) || Te(!0)
                            onChatRefresh: Cn,
                            onSendMessage: Pn,
                            onUserBlocked: In
                        }) : void 0,
                        scrollingContainerRef: N,
                        isLoading: V,
                        isHidingMessages: Boolean(Fe.initialScreen) && 0 !== Fe.maxUnansweredMessages,
                        isShowingCrushAnimation: Fe.isShowingCrushAnimation,
                        onDismissOnboarding: function() {
                                isActive: !1
                            R.dismissTooltip(10, 46)
                        isOnboarding: pt.isActive || Wt
                    }) : null, (0, _.jsx)(Dc, {
                        isOpen: jt,
                        onCaptureClick: function() {
                            var e;
                            null == (e = rn.current) || e.onCaptureOptionClick(),
                        onChooseClick: function() {
                            var e;
                            null == (e = rn.current) || e.onChooseOptionClick(),
                        onCancelClick: Bn
                    }), Y ? (0, _.jsx)(Gc, {
                        chatInstanceId: r,
                        name: Dn,
                        onAnimationOutComplete: function() {
                            return Q(!1)
                    }) : null, Ue && Rn ? (0, _.jsx)(Jc, {
                        promo: Rn,
                        chatUser: null == Qe ? void 0 : Qe.toJSON(),
                        chatInstanceId: r,
                        onAnimationOutComplete: function() {
                            return De(void 0)
                        onPaymentSuccess: function() {
                            Ue && (Ue.setStatus(Ue.statusType), p.Z.markChatPromoHandled(r, 463))
                    }) : null, ft ? (0, _.jsx)(Vc.Z, {
                        user: ft,
                        mode: Xc.N.CHAT,
                        onVoteYes: function() {
                            if (ft) {
                                var e = {
                                    user: ft,
                                    voteType: 2
                                Sl.handleVote(e).then((function() {
                                        id: ft.getUserId(),
                                        clientSource: 10,
                                        folderType: 0
                                    }).then(gt).catch((function(e) {
                                        return (0, se.WG)("Failed to get user by id", e)
                                })).catch((function(e) {
                        onSmile: function() {
                            Sl.handleSmileSendChatMessage(ft).then(gt).catch((function(e) {
                                return (0, se.WG)("Error when sending smile from Chat Profile", e)
                        onChat: gn,
                        onClose: gn
                    }) : null, Mt ? (0, _.jsx)(fl, {
                        message: Ht,
                        chatUser: Qe,
                        isAnswer: Dt,
                        isAnswerInstant: Gt,
                        isOnboarding: dn.current,
                        isOnboardingReceiver: At,
                        onDismissOnboarding: Fn,
                        onShowAnswer: Vn,
                        onCloseAnswer: function() {
                            Yt(void 0)
                        onClose: function() {
                    }) : null]
            Zl = n(63119),
            El = n(43949);
        function Ol(e, t) {
            return Ol = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, Ol(e, t)
        var Tl = function(e) {
            var t,
            function r(t) {
                var n;
                return (n =, t) || this).screenName = 20, n.activationPlace = 11, n.notificationPermissionController = new Zl.Z({
                    place: Pc.Z.PLACE_CHAT,
                    activationPlace: 11
                }), n.onboardingTipsController = El.Z.getInstance(), n.scrollableElement = void 0, n.preventNotifications = function() {
                    n.notificationScreenAccess = 3
                }, n.allowNotifications = function() {
                    n.notificationScreenAccess = 1
                }, n.jinba = new D.Z("Chat", 2), n.notificationPermissionController.start(), n.scrollableElement = (0, i.createRef)(), n
            n = e,
            (t = r).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
            t.prototype.constructor = t,
            Ol(t, n);
            var s = r.prototype;
            return s.componentDidMount = function() {
            }, s.componentWillUnmount = function() {
                this.scrollableElement.current && this.props.saveScrollPosition(this.scrollableElement.current.scrollTop)
            }, s.getClientSource = function() {
                var e = 6 === Number(this.getParameter("folderId")),
                    t = !0 === o.Z.getSync(163).enabled;
                return e && t ? 127 : Number(this.getParameter("context")) || 10
            }, s.render = function() {
                var e = this.getParameters(),
                    t = e.folderId,
                    n = e.streamId,
                    i = e.userSubstitute,
                    o =,
                    r = e.hotPanelData,
                    s = e.chatUser,
                    a = this.props,
                    c = a.scrollPosition,
                    l = a.navigatedBack;
                return this.addPageWrapper((0, _.jsx)(kl, {
                    scrollPosition: c,
                    navigatedBack: l,
                    user: s,
                    chatUserId: o || "",
                    folderId: Number(t) || 0,
                    streamId: n,
                    userSubstitute: i,
                    hotPanelData: r,
                    clientSource: this.getClientSource(),
                    activationPlace: this.activationPlace,
                    screenName: this.screenName,
                    wasBack: this.wasBack(),
                    notificationPermissionController: this.notificationPermissionController,
                    scrollableElement: this.scrollableElement,
                    onboardingTipsController: this.onboardingTipsController,
                    onPreventNotifications: this.preventNotifications,
                    onAllowNotifications: this.allowNotifications,
                    jinba: this.jinba
                }), "chat")
            }, r
        Tl.transition = !1,
        Tl.notificationScreenAccess = void 0;
        var Il = Tl
    99836: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            default: function() {
                return Pi
        var i = n(67294),
            o = n(99111),
            r = n(73234),
            s = n(111),
            a = n(77004),
            c = n(93517),
            l = n(46356),
            u = n(94184),
            d = n.n(u),
            p = n(28223),
            h = n(34969),
            m = n(44887),
            f = n(85893),
            g = function(e) {
                var t = e.isVisible,
                    n = e.isFixed,
                    i = e.fixedHeight,
                    o = e.onClick,
                    r = d()({
                        "connections-update-button": !0,
                        "is-hidden": !t,
                        "is-fixed": n
                    s = n ? {
                        top: i
                    } : void 0;
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                    className: r,
                    style: s,
                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                        className: "connections-update-button__snackpill",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(m.Z, {
                            icon: "generic-chevron-down",
                            text: h.ZP.get(444),
                            onClick: o
        function v(e, t) {
            return v = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, v(e, t)
        var b = function(e) {
                var t,
                function i(t) {
                    var n;
                    return (n =, t) || this).state = {
                        isFixed: !1
                    }, n.onScroll = n.onScroll.bind(function(e) {
                        if (void 0 === e)
                            throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
                        return e
                    }(n)), n
                n = e,
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                v(t, n);
                var o = i.prototype;
                return o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate = function(e) {
                    return !e.isVisible && this.props.isVisible ? this.getButtonPosition() : null
                }, o.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
                    !e.isVisible && this.props.isVisible ? (null !== n && this.updatePosition(n), a.Z.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll)) : !this.props.isVisible && e.isVisible && a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll)
                }, o.componentWillUnmount = function() {
                    a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll)
                }, o.onScroll = function() {
                }, o.getButtonPosition = function() {
                    return (0, p.Z)(this.props.containerRef.current).offset().top - a.Z.scrollY
                }, o.updatePosition = function(e) {
                    var t = e <= this.props.fixedHeight;
                        isFixed: t
                }, o.render = function() {
                    return (0, f.jsx)(g, {
                        isVisible: this.props.isVisible,
                        isFixed: this.state.isFixed,
                        fixedHeight: this.props.fixedHeight,
                        onClick: this.props.onClick
                }, i
            y = n(58509),
            x = n(66515),
            S = n(42308),
            _ = n(97381),
            C = n(83900),
            j = n(99935),
            P = function(e) {
                var t = d()({
                        "chat-connections-fader": !0,
                        "is-dark": e.isDark
                    n = e.onClick ? "button" : "div";
                return (0, f.jsx)(n, {
                    className: t,
                    onClick: e.onClick
            k = function(e) {
                var t,
                    n = e.emptyPromo,
                    o = e.showFullscreenPromo,
                    r = e.deleteButton,
                    s = e.hasUsers,
                    a = e.isLoading,
                    c = e.isEditing,
                    l = e.isFrozen,
                    u = e.hasMatchBarStories,
                    p = e.matchBar,
                    m = e.connectionsList,
                    g = e.containerRef,
                    v = e.screenRef,
                    k = e.onClickNewActivityButton,
                    Z = e.navigation,
                    E = e.sortOptionsButton,
                    O = e.securityWalkthroughModal,
                    T = e.currentTab,
                    I = e.modalRef,
                    w = e.isReporting,
                    A = e.reportingId,
                    N = e.onReportingClose,
                    R = e.onReportingSuccess,
                    M = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    L = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    U = !s && n;
                return (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                    ref: g,
                    children: [w ? (0, f.jsx)(y.Z, {
                        clientSource: 253,
                        otherUserId: A,
                        onClose: N,
                        onReport: R,
                        onBlock: R
                    }) : null, (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                        role: c ? "dialog" : void 0,
                        "aria-modal": c,
                        "aria-label": h.ZP.get(418),
                        ref: I,
                        tabIndex: -1,
                        children: (0, f.jsxs)(S.Z, {
                            innerRef: v,
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(C.Z, {
                                isSticky: !0,
                                children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                    ref: M,
                                    children: [Z, o ? null : (0, f.jsx)(i.Fragment, {
                                        children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                            className: d()("connections__match-bar", {
                                                "connections__match-bar--stories": u
                                            inert: c ? "" : void 0,
                                            children: [p, c ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null]
                            }), (0, f.jsxs)(_.Z, {
                                align: "stretch",
                                children: [n && U ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "connections-empty-container",
                                    "data-qa": "connections-empty",
                                    id: T + "_TABPANEL",
                                    tabIndex: -1,
                                    role: "tabpanel",
                                    "aria-labelledby": T + "_TAB",
                                    children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                        style: {
                                            margin: "auto 0"
                                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, {
                                            top: "md",
                                            right: "gap",
                                            bottom: "md",
                                            left: "gap",
                                            children: n
                                        }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                            className: "connections-gap"
                                }) : null, a ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "connections__loader",
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                        style: {
                                            width: 46,
                                            height: 46
                                        children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {})
                                }) : null, U ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                    className: "connections__content",
                                    id: T + "_TABPANEL",
                                    tabIndex: -1,
                                    role: "tabpanel",
                                    "aria-labelledby": T + "_TAB",
                                    children: [E, (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                        className: "connections__items",
                                        children: [(0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                            ref: L,
                                            children: (0, f.jsx)(b, {
                                                isVisible: l,
                                                fixedHeight: null == (t = M.current) ? void 0 : t.clientHeight,
                                                onClick: k,
                                                containerRef: L
                                        }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                            className: "connections-items",
                                            children: m
                                    }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                        className: "connections-gap"
                                }), r]
                    }), O]
            Z = (n(85827), n(19601), n(8657)),
            E = n(230),
            O = n(48978),
            T = n(82362),
            I = n(7234),
            w = n(48360),
            A = n(80374),
            N = n(8290),
            R = n(93830),
            M = n(91016),
            L = n(60371),
            U = n(2215),
            D = n(57871),
            B = n(77226),
            F = n(2213),
            G = n(71030),
            V = n(81714),
            q = n(34018),
            H = {
                CLICK: "CLICK"
            Y = F.Z.extend({
                events: {
                    "click .js-click-action": "onClick_"
                update: function(e) {
                    if (Y._super.update.apply(this, arguments), (0, B.Z)(e.picture))
                        if (e.externalAd) {
                            var t = M.Z.create(M.Z.placements.CONNECTIONS);
                            this._reactViewId = this.renderReactView((0, f.jsx)(q.Z, {
                                adSlot: t,
                                dataQa: "connections",
                                innerRef: this.renderExternalAds
                            }), this.el)
                        } else
                                picture: e.picture,
                                icon: e.icon,
                                titleText: e.title,
                                descriptionText: e.text,
                                badgeType: e.badgeType,
                                mark: e.mark,
                                ready: e.ready,
                                isGift: e.isGift,
                                processing: e.processing
                render: function(e) {
                    this.$el.html((0, G.Z)("PeopleNearbyFeatureCard", V.Z).render(e))
                onClick_: function() {
                reset: function() {
                    return this.reactViewId_ && this.removeReactView(this.reactViewId_), Y._super.reset.apply(this, arguments)
                renderExternalAds: function(e) {
                    e && M.Z.render()
            }, "SimplePromoBlockView");
        Y.EVENTS = H;
        var Q = Y,
            W = n(1165),
            z = Q.EVENTS,
            K = {
                MAIN: "main"
            J = I.Z.extend({
                construct: function(e, t) {
           = e,
                    this.data_ = t;
                    var n = new Q;
                    n.on(Q.EVENTS.CLICK, this.onClick_, this),
                    this.registerView(K.MAIN, n),
                getPromoBlock: function() {
                    return this.data_.promoBlock
                isExternalAd: function() {
                    return this.data_.externalAd
                render: function() {
                    var e = Object.assign({}, this.data_, {
                        processing: this.processing_
                    this.updateView(K.MAIN, e)
                setParent: function(e) {
                    this.parent = e,
                onClick_: function() {
                    this.processing_ || (W.Z.generate(), this.trigger(z.CLICK, this.getPromoBlock()))
                setProcessing: function(e) {
                    this.processing_ = e,
            }, "SimplePromoBlockController");
        J.EVENTS = z,
        J.VIEWS = K;
        var X,
            $ = J,
            ee = n(52861);
        function te(e, t) {
            return te = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, te(e, t)
        var ne = [131, 129, 130, 326, 346],
            ie = ((X = {})[U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES] = 26, X[U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES] = 23, X[U.Z.TYPES.WANT_TO_MEET_YOU] = 6, X[U.Z.TYPES.VISITORS] = 22, X),
            oe = function(e) {
                var t,
                function i(t) {
                    var n,
                        i = t.onPromoClick,
                        r = t.getActivationPlace,
                        s = t.getElementType,
                        a = t.getFolderType,
                        c = t.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough;
                    return (n =, {}) || this).onPromoClick = void 0, n.getActivationPlace = void 0, n.getElementType = void 0, n.getFolderType = void 0, n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = void 0, n.nextPromoControllerId = 0, n.nextPromoIndex = 0, n.batchedActivities = {}, n.promos = [], n.resetPromoBlockControllers = !0, n.shouldResetShownBlocks = !1, n.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2, n.invisiblePromo = void 0, n.onPromoClick = i, n.getActivationPlace = r, n.getElementType = s, n.getFolderType = a, n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = c, n._onPromoClick = (0, o.Z)(n._onPromoClick, 500, {
                        leading: !0,
                        trailing: !1
                    }), n
                n = e,
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                te(t, n),
                i.sendStatisticsOnBannerPushed_ = function(e) {
                    if (ae(e)) {
                        var t = {
                            variantId: e.variant_id,
                            event: 2,
                            context: 127,
                            promoBlockPosition: 1
                var r = i.prototype;
                return r.reset = function() {
                    this.batchedActivities = {},
                    this.promos = [],
                    this.nextPromoIndex = 0,
                    this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2,
                    this.resetPromoBlockControllers = !0
                }, r.getInvisiblePromo = function() {
                    return this.invisiblePromo
                }, r.getShownPromoBlocks = function() {
                    return this.shouldResetShownBlocks && (this.promos = [], this.nextPromoIndex = 0, this.shouldResetShownBlocks = !1), l.ZP.getControllers().filter((function(e) {
                        return e.object.getPromoBlock()
                    })).map((function(e) {
                        return e.object.getPromoBlock().promo_block_type
                }, r.setPromoBlocks = function(e) {
                    var t = e.promos;
                    null != t && t.length && this.setPromos(t)
                }, r.process = function(e) {
                    var t,
                        n = this,
                        i = e.items,
                        o = e.clientUserList,
                        r = e.isUpdates,
                        s = o.getPromoBlockResponseParams();
                    null != s && null != (t = s[0]) && t.getResetShownPromoBlocks() && (this.shouldResetShownBlocks = !0);
                    var a = o.toJSON().promo_banners;
                    if (null != a && a.length) {
                        var c = a.find((function(e) {
                            return 4 === e.promo_block_position
                        c && (r && l.ZP.hasTopMostPromo() ? l.ZP.replaceTopMostPromo(c) : this.addPromoBlock(i, c)),
                        r || a.forEach((function(e) {
                            var t = e.promo_block_type;
                            ne.includes(t) && n.addPromoBlock(i, e)
                        var u = a.find((function(e) {
                            return 37 === e.promo_block_type
                        this.invisiblePromo = u || this.invisiblePromo
                }, r.processUsers = function(e) {
                    var t = this,
                        n = e.items;
                    e.users.forEach((function(e) {
                        t.batchedActivities[e.user_id] && n.push(t.batchedActivities[e.user_id])
                }, r.prependBanner = function(e) {
                    var t = l.ZP.getControllers()[0];
                    if (!t)
                        return e;
                    var n = l.ZP.findIndex(t.object);
                    if (n + e.length > 9) {
                        var i = n + e.length - 9;
                        e = [].concat(e.slice(0, i), [this.registerPromoController(this.getNextPromo())], e.slice(i))
                    return e
                }, r.appendBanners = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    this.nextPromoIndex = 0,
                    this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 2;
                    var t = this.resetPromoBlockControllers ? [] : l.ZP.getControllers().map((function(e) {
                        return e.object
                    this.resetPromoBlockControllers = !1;
                    var n = l.ZP.getItems().reduce((function(n, i) {
                        return i.object instanceof I.Z || (n.push(i.object), e.insertBannerIfNecessary(n, t)), n
                    }), []);
                    l.ZP.addPage(n, !0)
                }, r.insertBannerIfNecessary = function(e, t) {
                    var n,
                        i = e[e.length - 1];
                    if (i && (i.user_id || (n = i).promo_block_position && 1 === n.promo_block_position && 326 === n.promo_block_type) && this.usersBeforeNextPromo--, this.usersBeforeNextPromo <= 0) {
                        if (this.promos) {
                            var o = this.getNextPromo();
                            if (o)
                                if (t.length) {
                                    var r = t.shift();
                                    null == r || r.start()
                                } else
                        this.usersBeforeNextPromo = 9
                }, r.addPromoBlock = function(e, t) {
                    if (t.place_after_user)
                        this.batchedActivities[t.place_after_user] = t;
                    else {
                        var n = function(e, t) {
                            var n = !ae(t);
                            if (!n) {
                                n = !e.some((function(e) {
                                    return 346 === e.promo_block_type
                            return n
                        }(e, t);
                        n && (i.sendStatisticsOnBannerPushed_(t), e.push(t)),
                    var o,
                    (r = function(e) {
                        switch (e.promo_block_type) {
                        case 131:
                            return 10;
                        case 129:
                            return 100;
                        case 130:
                            return 101;
                        case 165:
                            return 14
                        return null
                    }(o = t)) && ((0, ee.L9)(258, {
                        element: r
                    }), (0, ee.L9)(333, {
                        element: r,
                        count: re(o)
                }, r.setPromos = function(e) {
                    var t = e.filter((function(e) {
                        return 1 === e.promo_block_position && !ne.includes(e.promo_block_type)
                    this.promos = M.Z.isEnabled() ? [{
                        externalAd: !0
                    }] : this.promos.concat(t)
                }, r.getNextPromo = function() {
                    var e;
                    return this.promos && (e = this.promos[this.nextPromoIndex++], this.nextPromoIndex === this.promos.length && (this.nextPromoIndex = 0)), e
                }, r.registerPromoController = function(e) {
                    var t,
                        n = O.Z.getUser(),
                        i = n ? n.gender : 3;
                    t = e && "externalAd" in e ? {
                        externalAd: !0,
                        picture: {}
                    } : function(e, t) {
                        var n = e.promo_block_type,
                            i = function(e) {
                                var t = e.credits_cost,
                                    n = t || e.mssg,
                                    i = e.header || t && n;
                                return {
                                    title: i,
                                    text: n
                            o = Object.assign({
                                promoBlock: e,
                                isGift: 5 === e.ok_payment_product_type,
                                mark: se(e),
                                badgeType: A.Z.getBadgeTypeForPromoBlock(n)
                            }, i),
                            r = A.Z.getPictureForPromoBlockTS(e, {
                                gender: t
                        r.type === w.Z.IMAGE_TYPE.URL && (o.picture = {
                            url: r.value,
                            disableMasking: r.disableMasking
                        r.type === w.Z.IMAGE_TYPE.SYMBOL && (o.icon = r.value);
                        return o.gender = t, o
                    }(e, i);
                    var o = "promo-" + this.nextPromoControllerId++,
                        r = new $(o, t);
                    return r.on($.EVENTS.CLICK, this._onPromoClick.bind(this, r)), this.registerController(o, r), r.start(), r
                }, r._onPromoClick = function(e, t, n) {
                    if (t) {
                        switch (this.onPromoClick(), e.setProcessing(!0), this.trackClickBannerEvent(t), t.promo_block_type) {
                        case 65:
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                                element: 547
                            E.Z.navigate(T.x.SPP_TRIAL, !1, {
                                returnTo: E.Z.getUrl(),
                                context: 26,
                                activationPlace: 191,
                                fromBanner: !0
                        case 195:
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                                element: 95,
                                parent_element: this.getElementType()
                            this.performAction(t.ok_action, t, n)
                        var i = (0, Z.Z)(this.rotatePromoControllers.bind(this, e));
                        A.Z.once(A.Z.EVENTS.END_PAYMENT, i)
                }, r.performAction = function(e, t, n) {
                    switch (e) {
                    case 9:
                    case 4:
                    case 2:
                            action: e,
                            activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace(),
                            banner: t.promo_block_type,
                            cost: t.payment_amount,
                            productType: t.ok_payment_product_type
                        }, {
                            from: E.Z.getUrl()
                    case 6:
                        this.navigateToSppPayment(t, n);
                            type: D.Z.TYPES.ERROR
                }, r.navigateToSppPayment = function(e, t) {
                    var n = e.ok_payment_product_type,
                        i = e.promo_block_type,
                        o = {
                            activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace(),
                            bannerId: e.promo_block_type
                        r = {
                            back: E.Z.getUrl(),
                            hotPanelData: o,
                            productType: n,
                            promoBlockType: i
                    null != t && t.userId && (r.userId = t.userId),
                }, r.rotatePromoControllers = function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    var n = l.ZP.findIndex(e);
                        shownPromoBlocks: this.getShownPromoBlocks(),
                        excludePromoBlocks: [e.getPromoBlock().promo_block_type],
                        count: l.ZP.getControllers().length
                    }).then((function(e) {
                        var i = e[0].toJSON().promo_blocks;
                        if (i) {
                            var o = l.ZP.getControllers().map((function(e) {
                                return l.ZP.findIndex(e.object)
                            o = [].concat(o.slice(o.indexOf(n)), o.slice(0, o.indexOf(n))).slice(0, i.length),
                            i.forEach((function(e, n) {
                                if (void 0 !== o[n]) {
                                    var i = t.registerPromoController(e);
                                        object: i,
                                        key: "promoController" + n
                                    }, o[n])
                }, r.fetch = function(e) {
                    var t = e.shownPromoBlocks,
                        n = e.excludePromoBlocks,
                        i = e.count;
                    return L.Z.getInstance().get({
                        context: this.getClientSource(),
                        position: 1,
                        shownPromoBlocks: t,
                        excludePromoBlocks: n,
                        count: i || 4
                }, r.getClientSource = function() {
                    return ie[this.getFolderType()] || 127
                }, r.trackClickBannerEvent = function(e) {
                    var t = {
                            banner_id: e.promo_block_type,
                            position_id: e.promo_block_position,
                            context: this.getClientSource()
                        n = e.stats_variation_id;
                    n && (t.variation_id = n),
                    (0, ee.L9)(139, t)
                }, i
        function re(e) {
            var t =,
                n = null == t ? void 0 : t.find((function(e) {
                    return 2 === e.badge_type
            return n && Number(n.badge_text) || 0
        function se(e) {
            var t,
                n = null == (t = ? void 0 : t[0],
                i = e.counter || (null == n ? void 0 : n.badge_text);
            return i ? {
                text: i,
                type: 41 === e.promo_block_type ? "double-credits-badge" : null
            } : null
        function ae(e) {
            return 346 === e.promo_block_type
        var ce = oe,
            le = n(24953),
            ue = n(12462),
            de = n(68091),
            pe = n(83167),
            he = n(6662),
            me = n(18987),
            fe = n(42174);
        function ge(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function ve(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? ge(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    be(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : ge(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function be(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        var ye = function(e) {
                var t,
                    s = e.promoBlock,
                    a = e.onClick,
                    c = e.sendTrackingOnMount;
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                }), []);
                var l,
                    u = null == (t = ? void 0 : t[0].badge_type;
                u && (r = 7 === u ? "badge-feature-extra-shows" : void 0),
                20 === s.promo_block_position && (r = 12 === s.promo_block_type ? "badge-add-photos" : "badge-email");
                var d,
                    p = null == (n = s.buttons) ? void 0 : n[0];
                p && (l = {
                    text: p.text,
                    onClick: function() {
                        return a(s, 0)
                    dataQA: {
                        "data-qa": "continue-button"
                var h = null == (o = s.buttons) ? void 0 : o[1];
                return h && (d = {
                    semantic: "tertiary",
                    text: h.text,
                    onClick: function() {
                        return a(s, 1)
                    dataQA: {
                        "data-qa": "continue-secondary-button"
                }), (0, f.jsxs)(le.Z, {
                    align: "start",
                    children: [r ? (0, f.jsx)(ue.Z, {
                        size: "icon",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, {
                            name: r
                    }) : null, (0, f.jsx)(pe.Z, {
                        text: s.header
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(he.Z, {
                        text: s.mssg
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(de.Z, {
                        children: [l ? (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, ve({}, l)) : null, d ? (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, ve({}, d)) : null]
            xe = n(45752);
        function Se(e, t) {
            return Se = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, Se(e, t)
        var _e = function(e) {
                var t,
                function o(t) {
                    var n;
                    return (n =, t) || this).scrollsSkipped_ = 0, n.hasStarted = !1, n.onScroll = (0, s.Z)(n.onScroll.bind(function(e) {
                        if (void 0 === e)
                            throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
                        return e
                    }(n)), 250), n
                n = e,
                (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                Se(t, n);
                var r = o.prototype;
                return r.componentDidMount = function() {
                    a.Z.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, !1)
                }, r.componentWillUnmount = function() {
                    a.Z.removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, !1)
                }, r.componentDidUpdate = function() {
                    if (!this.hasStarted && this.props.items.length > 0) {
                        this.hasStarted = !0;
                        var e = a.Z.document.body.pageYOffset || (0, xe.Z)().scrollTop;
                }, r.onScroll = function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = a.Z.document.body.pageYOffset || (0, xe.Z)().scrollTop,
                        n = a.Z.document.body.innerHeight || a.Z.document.body.clientHeight,
                        i = (0, xe.Z)().scrollHeight - n - .5 * n;
                    t >= i && this.props.fetchNewPage(),
                    this.scrollsSkipped_ += 1,
                    this.props.scrollHandler && this.scrollsSkipped_ > 5 ? (this.scrollsSkipped_ = 0, this.props.scrollHandler(t)) : this.scrollHandlerTimeout_ = setTimeout((function() {
                    }), 500)
                }, r.render = function() {
                    return i.Children.only(this.props.children)
                }, o
            Ce = n(43018),
            je = (n(91058), n(86273)),
            Pe = n(57896),
            ke = n(94273),
            Ze = n(27503),
            Ee = n(67047),
            Oe = n(90794),
            Te = n(60822),
            Ie = n(29160),
            we = n(92823),
            Ae = n(40559),
            Ne = n(77110),
            Re = n(57384),
            Me = function(e) {
                var t,
                    n = e.user,
                    o = e.badge,
                    r = e.mediaOverlay,
                    s = e.halo,
                    a = e.tag,
                    c = e.moodStatus,
                    l = e.lastMessageStatus,
                    u = e.message,
                    p = e.isChecked,
                    h = e.isLocked,
                    m = e.isDisabled,
                    g = e.isDeleting,
                    v = e.isFavouriteAllowed,
                    b = e.onClick,
                    y = e.onFavourite,
                    x = e.userRef,
                    S = e.isAddedHACK,
                    _ = e.a11y,
                    C = d()({
                        "csms-connections-item": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--user": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": m,
                        "js-mw-connections-item": !0,
                        "js-mw-connections-item--is-checked": !m && p,
                        "mw-connections-item--is-added-hack": S,
                        "is-deleted": g
                    j = d()({
                        "csms-connections-item__favourite": !0,
                        "csms-is-active": n.isFavourite
                (p || r) && (t = {
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                        children: [p ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                            className: "csms-connections-item__media-icon",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, {
                                name: "generic-check"
                        }) : null, r]
                    background: p ? "primary" : "transparent"
                var P = "user" +,
                    k = (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", {
                            className: "csms-connections-item__profile",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.BB, {
                                color: "black",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Te.Z, {
                                    age: n.age,
                                    status: n.status,
                                    a11y: {
                                        label: null == _ ? void 0 : _.profileInfoLabel
                        }), c ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                            className: "csms-connections-item__mood-status",
                            "aria-hidden": !0,
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Oe.Z, {
                                size: "16px",
                                text: c,
                                visuallyCorrected: !0
                        }) : null, a ? (0, f.jsxs)("span", {
                            className: "csms-connections-item__tag",
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(ke.Z, {
                                children: ","
                            }), (0, f.jsx)(Ze.Z, {
                                text: a.text,
                                size: "small",
                                styling: a.styling
                        }) : null]
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                    className: C,
                    "data-qa": "connections-item",
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "user",
                    "data-qa-blocking-promo": h ? "locked" : null,
                    "aria-hidden": m,
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, {
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, {
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__media",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, {
                                    size: "sm",
                                    user: n,
                                    badge: o,
                                    halo: s,
                                    overlay: t
                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(we.Z, {
                            children: ["toggle" !== (null == _ ? void 0 : _.role) ? (0, f.jsx)("button", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__user",
                                onClick: b,
                                disabled: m,
                                "data-qa": "connections-item-content",
                                ref: x,
                                "aria-describedby": u ? P : void 0,
                                children: k
                            }) : (0, f.jsxs)("label", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__user",
                                "data-qa": "connections-item-content",
                                ref: x,
                                children: [k, (0, f.jsx)("input", {
                                    className: "csms-connections-item__checkbox",
                                    type: "checkbox",
                                    defaultChecked: p,
                                    onChange: function(e) {
                                        null == b || b()
                                    "aria-label": null == _ ? void 0 : _.profileInfoLabel
                            }), u ? (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__message",
                                "data-qa": "csms-connections-item__message",
                                id: P,
                                children: [l ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "csms-connections-item__message-read-receipt-status",
                                    "aria-hidden": !0,
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, {
                                        name: "generic-read-receipt",
                                        color: "seen" === l ? "feature-revenue" : "gray-30"
                                }) : null, (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, {
                                    ellipsis: !0,
                                    dangerous: !0,
                                    children: u
                                }), (0, f.jsx)(ke.Z, {
                                    children: null == _ ? void 0 : _.messageStatusLabel
                            }) : null]
                        }), v ? (0, f.jsx)(Ae.Z, {
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("button", {
                                className: j,
                                onClick: y,
                                "data-qa": "favourite",
                                "data-qa-favourited": n.isFavourite ? "true" : "false",
                                "aria-pressed": n.isFavourite,
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, {
                                    name: n.isFavourite ? "generic-star" : "generic-star-outlined",
                                    a11y: {
                                        label: null == _ ? void 0 : _.favouriteLabel
                        }) : null]
        Me.defaultProps = {
            isFavouriteAllowed: !0
        var Le = Me,
            Ue = function(e) {
                var t,
                    n = e.image,
                    o = e.icon,
                    r = e.user,
                    s = e.badge,
                    a = e.mediaOverlay,
                    c = e.title,
                    l = e.message,
                    u = e.action,
                    p = e.isProcessing,
                    h = e.isDisabled,
                    m = e.onClick,
                    g = e.innerRef,
                    v = e.isAddedHACK,
                    b = d()({
                        "csms-connections-item": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--promo": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": h,
                        "js-mw-connections-item": !0,
                        "mw-connections-item--is-added-hack": v
                return (p || a) && (t = {
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                        children: [p ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                            className: "csms-connections-item__loader-wrapper",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {})
                        }) : null, a]
                    background: p ? "dark" : "transparent"
                }), (0, f.jsx)("button", {
                    className: b,
                    onClick: m,
                    "data-qa": "connections-item",
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo",
                    ref: g,
                    disabled: h,
                    "aria-hidden": h,
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, {
                        tag: "span",
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__media",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, {
                                    size: "sm",
                                    image: n,
                                    icon: o,
                                    user: r,
                                    badge: s,
                                    overlay: t
                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(we.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: [c ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__title",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, {
                                    dangerous: !0,
                                    children: c
                            }) : null, l ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__message",
                                "data-qa": "csms-connections-item__message",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, {
                                    dangerous: !0,
                                    children: l
                            }) : null, u ? (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                className: "csms-connections-item__action",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P2, {
                                    children: u
                            }) : null]
            De = function(e) {
                var t = e.icon,
                    n = e.title,
                    i = e.onClick,
                    o = d()({
                        "csms-connections-item": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--promo-video": !0
                return (0, f.jsx)("button", {
                    className: o,
                    "data-qa": "connections-item",
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo-video",
                    "data-qa-feature-card": !0,
                    onClick: i,
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, {
                        tag: "span",
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                className: "liked-you-media",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, {
                                    size: "sm",
                                    icon: t
                        }), (0, f.jsx)(we.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                "data-qa": "connections-item__title",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P1, {
                                    color: "black",
                                    dangerous: !0,
                                    tag: "span",
                                    children: n
            Be = (n(39714), n(52306)),
            Fe = function(e) {
                var t = e.images,
                    n = e.counter,
                    i = e.title,
                    o = e.isDisabled,
                    r = e.onClick,
                    s = d()({
                        "csms-connections-item": !0,
                        "csms-connections-item--disabled": o
                    a = d()({
                        "liked-you-media__image": !0,
                        "liked-you-media__image--multiple": t.length > 3
                    c = t.length > 3 ? {
                        return "url(" + e + ")"
                    })).toString() : "url(" + t[0] + ")";
                return (0, f.jsx)("button", {
                    className: s,
                    "data-qa": "connections-item",
                    "data-qa-connections-item-type": "liked-you",
                    "data-qa-feature-card": !0,
                    onClick: r,
                    disabled: o,
                    "aria-hidden": o,
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Ie.Z, {
                        tag: "span",
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Ne.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                className: "liked-you-media",
                                children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                    className: a,
                                    style: {
                                        backgroundImage: c
                                }), (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                    className: "liked-you-media__badge",
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Be.Z, {
                                        icon: "generic-heart",
                                        text: n,
                                        styling: "liked-you",
                                        shadow: !0
                        }), (0, f.jsx)(we.Z, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                                "data-qa": "connections-item__title",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P1, {
                                    color: "black",
                                    dangerous: !0,
                                    tag: "span",
                                    children: i
            Ge = function(e) {
                var t,
                    n = e.position,
                    i = void 0 === n ? "tr" : n,
                    o = e.children,
                    r = d()(((t = {
                        petal: !0
                    })["petal--" + i] = !0, t));
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                    className: r,
                    children: o
            Ve = (n(74916), n(2025)),
            qe = n(96437),
            He = n(2568),
            Ye = n.n(He),
            Qe = ["", Ve.jr.CHATS, Ve.jr.CONVERSATIONS, Ve.jr.UNREPLIED, Ve.jr.FAVOURITES, Ve.jr.ONLINE];
        function We(e) {
            switch (e.connection_status_indicator) {
            case 2:
                return {
                    text: h.ZP.get(463).toUpperCase(),
                    styling: "selected"
            case 4:
                return {
                    text: h.ZP.get(143).toUpperCase(),
                    styling: "default"
        function ze(e) {
            switch (e.last_message_status) {
            case 1:
                return "delivered";
            case 2:
                return "seen";
        function Ke(e) {
            var t,
                n = e.item,
                i = e.isEditing,
                o = e.isUpdate,
                r = n.promo_block_type || n.experimentType,
                s =,
                a = s ? s[0].badge_text : null,
                c = s ? s[0].display_images : null;
            a && (t = Number(a.replace(/\D/g, "")) <= 99 ? a : "99+");
            var l = n.header,
                u = n.mssg;
            return 346 === r && (l = u), {
                imgSrc: c,
                counter: t,
                title: l,
                message: u,
                isDisabled: i,
                isAddedHACK: o
        function Je(e) {
            return e.is_conversation || e.unread_messages_count > 0 ? 15 : e.is_match ? 11 : e.is_crush ? 22 : 2 === e.their_vote ? 4 : e.favourited_you ? 23 : e.is_favourite ? 24 : e.is_visitor ? 25 : void 0
        function Xe(e, t) {
            var n = e.is_crush;
            if (n && t.param === Ve.jr.FAVOURITES)
                return 1;
            var i = e.is_unread,
                o = e.unread_messages_count || 0,
                r = o > 0 && Qe.indexOf(t.param) > -1,
                s = !r && !n && i && e.is_match;
            return s || n || !r ? s || n || !i ? 0 : 1 : o
        function $e(e) {
            switch (e) {
            case 21:
                return "generic-play-circle-hollow";
            case 346:
                return "badge-feature-icebreaker";
                return "badge-feature-liked-you"
        var et = n(21346),
            tt = n(45450),
            nt = n(42345);
        function it(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function ot(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? it(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    rt(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : it(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function rt(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        function st(e) {
            if (void 0 === e)
                throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
            return e
        function at(e, t) {
            return at = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, at(e, t)
        var ct = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsItemContainer"),
            lt = function(e) {
                var t,
                function i(t) {
                    var n;
                    return (n =, t) || this).handleClick = function() {
                        var e = n.props;
                        (0, e.onClick)(e.item)
                    }, n.handleLikedYouClick = function(e) {
                        return function() {
                            var t;
                            t = parseInt(e, 10),
                            (0, ee.L9)(333, {
                                element: 5,
                                count: t
                    }, n.handleClick = n.handleClick.bind(st(n)), n.handleLikedYouClick = n.handleLikedYouClick.bind(st(n)), n.handleFavourite = n.handleFavourite.bind(st(n)), n.state = i.getState(t), n
                n = e,
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                at(t, n),
                i.getState = function(e) {
                    var t = (e || {}).item,
                        n = (0, l.NU)(t),
                        i = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 2 === t.stats_variation_id,
                        o = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 326 === t.promo_block_type,
                        r = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 20 === t.promo_block_position && 326 === t.promo_block_type,
                        s = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 4 === t.promo_block_position && 21 === t.promo_block_type,
                        a = (0, l.$Y)(t) && 1 === t.promo_block_position && 346 === t.promo_block_type;
                    return {
                        isUser: n,
                        isLikedYou: i,
                        isMoreLikesPromo: o,
                        isVideoPromo: s,
                        isPromo: o || s || a,
                        isConnectionItem: (0, l.$Y)(t) && !r
                var o = i.prototype;
                return o.handleFavourite = function(e) {
                    var t = this.props;
                    (0, t.onFavourite)(t.item)
                }, o.renderUser = function() {
                    var e,
                        t = this,
                        n = function(e) {
                            var t,
                                r = e.item,
                                s = e.isChecked,
                                a = e.isEditing,
                                c = e.isUpdate,
                                l = r,
                                u = (null == (t = l.profile_photo) ? void 0 : t.large_url) && w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(null == (n = l.profile_photo) ? void 0 : n.large_url, 70),
                                d = l.is_deleted,
                                p = l.is_invisible,
                                h = l.is_unread,
                                m = !p && 30 !== l.access_level,
                                f = parseInt(Ye()(l.user_id), 16),
                                g = String(f % 9 + 1),
                                v = u || d ? null : {
                                    letter: ? : "",
                                    variant: g
                            return d ? o = "deleted" : p && (o = "invisible"), {
                                user: {
                                    age: l.age,
                                    gender: (0,,
                                    isFavourite: l.is_favourite,
                                    disguise: o,
                                    photo: u ? {
                                        src: u
                                    } : null,
                                    placeholder: v,
                                    status: {
                                        online: (0, qe.GA)(l.online_status)
                                    moodStatusEmoji: null == (i = l.mood_status) ? void 0 : i.emoji,
                                    id: l.user_id
                                connectionStatusIndicator: We(l),
                                message: l.display_message,
                                lastMessageStatus: ze(l),
                                isChecked: s,
                                isLocked: !!l.profile_blocker_promo,
                                isDisabled: a && !m || l.is_not_interested,
                                isFavouriteAllowed: !a && l.allow_add_to_favourites,
                                isAddedHACK: c,
                                isNew: h
                        i = n.user,
                        o = n.message,
                        r = n.lastMessageStatus,
                        s = n.isChecked,
                        a = n.isLocked,
                        c = n.isDisabled,
                        l = n.isFavouriteAllowed,
                        u = n.isAddedHACK,
                        d = n.connectionStatusIndicator,
                        p = n.isNew;
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Pe.Z, {
                        src: null == (e = ? void 0 : e.src,
                        render: function(e) {
                            var n,
                                m = e.src,
                                g = ot(ot({}, i), {}, {
                                    id: (0, tt.xY)(,
                                    photo: m ? {
                                        src: m
                                    } : null
                                v = [i.age ? h.ZP.get(807, {
                                    age: i.age
                                }) :, "online" === (null == (n = i.status) ? void 0 : ? h.ZP.get(847) : void 0];
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Le, {
                                user: g,
                                message: o,
                                lastMessageStatus: r,
                                isChecked: s,
                                isLocked: a,
                                isDisabled: c,
                                isDeleting: t.props.isDeleting,
                                isFavouriteAllowed: l,
                                onClick: t.handleClick,
                                onFavourite: t.handleFavourite,
                                tag: d,
                                moodStatus: (0, et.lM)() ? i.moodStatusEmoji : void 0,
                                isAddedHACK: u,
                                mediaOverlay: p ? (0, f.jsx)(Ge, {
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                        className: "connections-dot-counter-notification"
                                }) : void 0,
                                a11y: {
                                    favouriteLabel: h.ZP.get(144) + ", " +,
                                    role: t.props.isEditing ? "toggle" : "cta",
                                    profileInfoLabel: (0, nt.s)(v)
                }, o.renderLikedYou = function() {
                    var e,
                        t = this.props.item,
                        n = Ke(this.props),
                        i = n.title,
                        o = n.isDisabled,
                        r = null == (e = t.extra_texts) ? void 0 : e[0].text,
                        s = {
                            return e.display_images
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Fe, {
                        counter: r,
                        title: i,
                        images: s,
                        isDisabled: o,
                        onClick: this.handleLikedYouClick(r)
                }, o.renderPromo = function() {
                    var e,
                        t = this.props.item,
                        n = Ke(this.props),
                        i = n.title,
                        o = n.isDisabled,
                        r = t.promo_block_type,
                        s = 21 === r,
                        a = 346 === r,
                        c = {
                            name: $e(r)
                        l = s || a ? void 0 : {
                            mark: {
                                text: null == (e = t.extra_texts) ? void 0 : e[0].text
                        u = s ? De : Ue;
                    return (0, f.jsx)(u, {
                        icon: c,
                        badge: l,
                        title: i,
                        isDisabled: o,
                        onClick: this.handleClick
                }, o.renderConnectionItem = function() {
                    var e = Ke(this.props),
                        t = e.imgSrc,
                        n = e.counter,
                        i = e.title,
                        o = e.message,
                        r = e.isDisabled,
                        s = e.isAddedHACK;
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Ue, {
                        image: {
                            src: t
                        title: i,
                        message: o,
                        isDisabled: r,
                        isAddedHACK: s,
                        onClick: this.handleClick,
                        mediaOverlay: Boolean(n) ? (0, f.jsx)(Ge, {
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "connections-dot-counter-notification"
                        }) : void 0
                }, o.render = function() {
                    var e = this.state,
                        t = e.isUser,
                        n = e.isLikedYou,
                        i = e.isPromo,
                        o = e.isConnectionItem;
                    return t ? this.renderUser() : n ? this.renderLikedYou() : i ? this.renderPromo() : o ? this.renderConnectionItem() : (ct.error("Connections - trying to render an unexpected item: " + this.props.item), null)
                }, i
            ut = lt,
            dt = function(e) {
                var t = e.children;
                return (0, f.jsx)("ul", {
                    className: "csms-connections-list",
                    children:, (function(e) {
                        return (0, f.jsx)("li", {
                            className: "csms-connections-list__item",
                            "data-qa": "connections-list-item",
                            children: e
        function pt(e, t) {
            return pt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, pt(e, t)
        var ht = function(e) {
                var t,
                function i() {
                    for (var t, n = arguments.length, i = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++)
                        i[o] = arguments[o];
                    return (t =, [this].concat(i)) || this).element = null, t
                n = e,
                (t = i).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                pt(t, n);
                var o = i.prototype;
                return o.componentDidMount = function() {
                    this.props.controller.setParent((0, p.Z)(this.element))
                }, o.render = function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = this.props.controller.isExternalAd(),
                        n = d()({
                            "chat-connections-list-banner": !0,
                            "is-external-ad": t
                    return (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                        className: n,
                        "data-qa": "connections-item",
                        "data-qa-connections-item-type": "promo",
                        ref: function(t) {
                            e.element = t
                        "aria-hidden": this.props.isEditing,
                        inert: this.props.isEditing ? "" : void 0,
                        children: [this.props.isEditing ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null, (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                            className: "b-link"
                }, i
            mt = ht,
            ft = n(49952),
            gt = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsList"),
            vt = function(e) {
                var t = e.containerRef,
                    n = e.items,
                    i = e.currentFilter,
                    o = e.isEditing,
                    r = e.isLoading,
                    s = e.onSelectItem,
                    a = e.onFavouriteItem,
                    c = e.onItemVisible,
                    u = e.onBannerVisible,
                    d = e.getUserSubstitute;
                if (!n)
                    return null;
                var p = function(e) {
                        if (e instanceof I.Z && u(e), (0, l.NU)(e)) {
                            var t = e;
                            if (3 === t.type)
                                !function(e) {
                                    if (e) {
                                        var t = e.connectionPromoCard;
                                        (0, ee.L9)(138, {
                                            banner_id: null == t ? void 0 : t.hotpanelData.bannerId,
                                            context: 127
                            else {
                                var n = i;
                                (0, ee.L9)(623, {
                                    encrypted_user_id: t.user_id,
                                    activation_place: n.activationPlace || 1,
                                    badge_count: Xe(t, n),
                                    connection_status: Je(t)
                            var o = e.is_unread,
                                r = !0 === e.is_visitor;
                            o && r && c(e)
                        } else
                            (0, l.$Y)(e) && u && u(e)
                    h = function(e) {
                        var t = e.object,
                            n = e.isUpdate,
                            i = e.isChecked,
                            r = e.isDeleting,
                            c = void 0 !== r && r,
                            u = t instanceof I.Z,
                            d = (0, l.NU)(t) || (0, l.$Y)(t);
                        return u ? (0, f.jsx)(mt, {
                            controller: t,
                            isEditing: o
                        }) : d ? (0, f.jsx)(ut, {
                            item: t,
                            isChecked: i,
                            isEditing: o,
                            isUpdate: n,
                            isDeleting: c,
                            onClick: s,
                            onFavourite: a
                        }) : (gt.error("Connections - trying to render an unexpected item: " + t), null)
                return (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                    ref: t,
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(dt, {
                        children: {
                            return (0, f.jsx)(ft.Z, {
                                onIntersect: function() {
                                    return p(e.object)
                                children: h(e)
                            }, e.key)
                    }), r ? (0, f.jsx)(Ce.ZP, {
                        relative: !0,
                        size: Ce.Xt.SMALL,
                        color: Ce.IX.DARK,
                        extraClass: "js-loader"
                    }) : null]
        function bt(e, t) {
            return bt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, bt(e, t)
        var yt,
            xt = function(e) {
                var t,
                function o(t) {
                    var n;
                    return (n =, t) || this).divContainer = void 0, n.lastVisibleElement = void 0, n.handleSelectItem = function(e) {
                        var t = l.ZP.findIndex(e),
                            i = l.ZP.get(t);
                        if (void 0 !== i) {
                            if (n.props.isEditing) {
                                if (!(0, l.NU)(i.object) || i.object.is_invisible || 30 === i.object.access_level)
                                i.isChecked = !i.isChecked,
                                l.ZP.replaceItem(i, t),
                                    items: l.ZP.getItems(n.props.currentTab, n.props.currentPromoContext, n.props.currentSortOption)
                            } else
                                i.isChecked || n.props.onSelectItem(e, t);
                            return !1
                    }, n.handleScroll = function(e) {
                        var t = n.calculateLastVisibleItemIndex(e);
                        t > -1 && n.props.onTrackScroll(t)
                    }, n.divContainer = (0, i.createRef)(), n.state = {
                        markedUserIds: [],
                        items: l.ZP.getItems(n.props.currentTab, n.props.currentPromoContext, n.props.currentSortOption)
                    }, n
                n = e,
                (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                bt(t, n);
                var r = o.prototype;
                return r.componentDidUpdate = function() {
                    (0,, p.Z)(this.divContainer.current).find(""), (function() {
                }, r.calculateLastVisibleItemIndex = function(e) {
                    var t,
                        n = this.lastVisibleElement || (0, p.Z)(this.divContainer.current).children().first();
                    if (null == (t = n) || !t.length)
                        return -1;
                    for (e += a.Z.document.documentElement.offsetHeight; null != (i = n) && i.length;) {
                        var i,
                            o =;
                        if (o.index() < 0 || (0, p.Z)(o).hasClass("js-loader"))
                        var r = o.offset();
                        if ( + r.height > e)
                        n = o
                    return this.lastVisibleElement = n, n.index()
                }, r.render = function() {
                    var e = l.ZP.getItems(this.props.currentTab, this.props.currentPromoContext, this.props.currentSortOption);
                    return (0, f.jsx)(_e, {
                        items: e,
                        scrollHandler: this.handleScroll,
                        fetchNewPage: this.props.onNeedPage,
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(vt, {
                            containerRef: this.divContainer,
                            items: e,
                            currentFilter: this.props.currentFilter,
                            isLoading: this.props.isLoading,
                            isEditing: this.props.isEditing,
                            onSelectItem: this.handleSelectItem,
                            onFavouriteItem: this.props.onFavouriteItem,
                            onItemVisible: this.props.onItemVisible,
                            onBannerVisible: this.props.onBannerVisible,
                            getUserSubstitute: this.props.getUserSubstitute
                }, o
            St = n(88179),
            _t = n(27966),
            Ct = function(e) {
                var t = e.header,
                    n = e.subHeader,
                    i = e.popularityLevel,
                    o = void 0 === i ? St.V7.VERY_LOW : i,
                    r = e.hasUsers,
                    s = e.showFullscreenPromo,
                    a = e.isEditButtonHidden,
                    c = e.isEditing,
                    l = e.onClickEdit,
                    u = e.onClickPopularity,
                    d = e.onClickNotifications,
                    p = [{
                        level: o,
                        onClick: u
                    }, {
                        type: _t.Us.NOTIFICATION,
                        onClick: d,
                        dataQA: {
                            "data-qa": "activity-inbox"
                return s || a || !r || null == p || p.unshift({
                    type: _t.df.BUTTON,
                    text: c ? h.ZP.get(438) : h.ZP.get(439),
                    onClick: l
                }), (0, f.jsx)(_t.ZP, {
                    actions: p,
                    title: {
                        text: t,
                        variant: "primary"
                    subTitle: n,
                    isBalanced: !1
            jt = n(2818),
            Pt = n(57376),
            kt = n(97481),
            Zt = n(31060),
            Et = n(12666),
            Ot = n(99565),
            Tt = n(76812),
            It = n(5229),
            wt = n(68938);
        function At(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function Nt(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? At(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    Rt(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : At(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function Rt(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        !function(e) {
            e[e.CONTROL = 0] = "CONTROL",
            e[e.STORIES = 1] = "STORIES"
        }(yt || (yt = {}));
        var Mt = "sm",
            Lt = 70,
            Ut = function(e) {
                var t =;
                return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                    className: "match-bar-banner-likes-container",
                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                        className: "match-bar-banner-likes",
                        "data-qa": "match-bar-likes",
                        children: null == t ? void 0 :, t) {
                            var n = {
                                    width: 0,
                                    transition: "width 300ms ease-in-out 0s"
                                i = {
                                    entered: {
                                        width: Lt
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Et.ZP, {
                                appear: !0,
                                in: !0,
                                timeout: 300,
                                children: function(t) {
                                    return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                        "data-qa": "match-bar-banner-likes__item",
                                        className: "match-bar-banner-likes__item",
                                        style: Nt(Nt({}, n), i[t]),
                                        children: (0, f.jsx)("img", {
                                            src: w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(e.src, Lt),
                                            alt: "",
                                            width: Lt,
                                            height: Lt
                            }, "match-bar-likes-item-" + (e.index || t))
            Dt = function(e) {
                var t,
                    r =,
                    s = e.message,
                    a = e.text,
                    c = e.mode,
                    l = e.showIcon,
                    u = e.onClick;
                return r && !l && (t = (0, f.jsx)(Ut, {
                    pictures: r
                }), n = a ? {
                    mark: {
                        icon: "generic-heart",
                        text: a,
                        styling: "liked-you"
                } : void 0, i = {
                    position: "outside",
                    color: "liked-you"
                }), r && !l || (o = {
                    name: "badge-feature-liked-you"
                }), (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, {
                    dataQA: {
                        "data-qa": "match-bar-banner"
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, {
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, {
                            size: Mt,
                            icon: o,
                            content: t,
                            badge: n,
                            halo: i,
                            onClick: u,
                            a11y: {
                                actionLabel: a ? h.ZP.get(610, {
                                    num: Number(a) || 0
                                }) : void 0
                    }), c === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, {
                        children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                            style: {
                                width: Lt
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, {
                                color: "black",
                                ellipsis: !0,
                                children: s
                    }) : null]
            Bt = function(e) {
                var t =,
                    n =,
                    i = e.gender,
                    o = e.isCrush,
                    r = e.isNew,
                    s = e.mode,
                    a = e.onClick,
                    c = e.onView,
                    l = e.index,
                    u = {
                        gender: i
                n && ( = {
                    src: w.Z.getImageUrlForSize(n, Lt)
                var d = {};
                return r && (s === yt.CONTROL ? d.overlay = {
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Ge, {
                        children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                            className: "match-bar-dot-counter-notification"
                } : d.halo = {
                    position: "inside",
                    color: "primary"
                }), (0, f.jsx)(ft.Z, {
                    onIntersect: c ? c(!!r, !!o, l) : function() {},
                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, {
                        dataQA: {
                            "data-qa": "match-bar-user"
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, {
                            children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, Nt({
                                size: Mt,
                                user: u,
                                onClick: a
                            }, d))
                        }), s === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, {
                            children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                style: {
                                    width: Lt
                                children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, {
                                    color: "black",
                                    ellipsis: !0,
                                    children: t
                        }) : null]
            Ft = function(e) {
                var t = e.mode;
                return (0, f.jsxs)(Tt.Z, {
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(It.Z, {
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Ee.Z, {
                            size: Mt,
                            content: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "match-bar-placeholder"
                    }), t === yt.CONTROL ? (0, f.jsx)(wt.Z, {
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.P3, {
                            color: "black",
                            children: ""
                    }) : null]
            Gt = function(e) {
                var t = e.title,
                    n = void 0 === t ? "" : t,
                    o = e.banner,
                    r = e.users,
                    s = e.mode,
                    a = void 0 === s ? yt.CONTROL : s,
                    c = e.isEmpty,
                    l = e.isSkeleton,
                    u = e.onScroll,
                    d = e.onItemViewed;
                return c ? (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, {
                    top: "md",
                    bottom: "md",
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, {
                        bottom: "lg",
                        right: "gap",
                        left: "gap",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, {
                            color: "black",
                            children: n
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(Ot.Z, {
                        spacing: "xlg",
                        hpadded: !0,
                        vpadded: !0,
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Dt, Nt(Nt({}, o), {}, {
                            showIcon: !0,
                            mode: a
                        })), [].concat(new Array(3)).map((function(e, t) {
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Ft, {
                                mode: a
                            }, "match-bar-placeholder-" + t)
                }) : l ? (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, {
                    top: "md",
                    bottom: "md",
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, {
                        bottom: "lg",
                        right: "gap",
                        left: "gap",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, {
                            color: "black",
                            children: n
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(Ot.Z, {
                        spacing: "xlg",
                        hpadded: !0,
                        vpadded: !0,
                        children: [].concat(new Array(4)).map((function(e, t) {
                            return (0, f.jsx)(Ft, {
                                mode: a
                            }, "match-bar-placeholder-" + t)
                }) : (0, f.jsxs)(j.Z, {
                    top: "md",
                    bottom: "md",
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, {
                        bottom: "lg",
                        right: "gap",
                        left: "gap",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.kY, {
                            color: "black",
                            children: n
                    }), (0, f.jsxs)(Ot.Z, {
                        spacing: "xlg",
                        hpadded: !0,
                        vpadded: !0,
                        onScroll: u,
                        children: [(0, f.jsx)(Dt, Nt(Nt({}, o), {}, {
                            mode: a
                        })), null == r ? void 0 :, t) {
                            return (0, i.createElement)(Bt, Nt(Nt({}, e), {}, {
                                mode: a,
                                onView: d,
                                index: t,
                                key: "match-bar-user-" + t
            Vt = n(49941);
        function qt(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function Ht(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? qt(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    Yt(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : qt(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function Yt(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        var Qt = je.Z.getLogger("MatchBarContainer");
        function Wt() {
            (0, ee.L9)(195, {
                element: 1252,
                direction: 6
        var zt,
            Xt = function(e) {
                var t = e.hasMatchBarStories,
                    n = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    o = n[0],
                    r = n[1],
                    c = (0, i.useState)([]),
                    l = c[0],
                    u = c[1],
                    d = (0, i.useState)(),
                    p = d[0],
                    m = d[1],
                    g = (0, i.useState)(0),
                    v = g[0],
                    b = g[1],
                    y = (0, i.useRef)(l),
                    x = (0, i.useRef)(v),
                    S = (0, i.useRef)(),
                    _ = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    C = (0, i.useRef)(""),
                    j = (0, i.useRef)(!0),
                    P = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    k = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    Z = (0, i.useRef)(!1),
                    O = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e) {
                        var t = {};
                        return (y.current || []).forEach((function(e) {
                            t[e.getUserId()] = e
                        })), e.forEach((function(e) {
                            var n = e.getUserId();
                            e.getIsRemoved() ? delete t[n] : t[n] = e
                        })), Object.keys(t).map((function(e) {
                            return t[e]
                    }), [y]),
                    I = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        var e = {
                            clientSource: 127,
                            sectionRequests: [Ht({
                                type: 1
                            }, C && {
                                pageToken: C.current
                            folderId: 49,
                            userFieldFilter: (new Vt.Cxj).setProjection([280, 200, 583, 580, 340, 230, 810, 830]),
                            preferredCount: 50,
                            direction: 1
                        return _.current = (0, kt.Z)(U.Z.getInstance().fetch(e, !0, !0)), _.current.then((function(e) {
                            var n = e[0];
                            if (!n)
                                return Qt.error("Server returned no data for match bar"), [null, null];
                            var i = function(e) {
                                    var t = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.getSection()) || [])[0];
                                    return j.current = null == t ? void 0 : t.getLastBlock(), {
                                        users: (null == t ? void 0 : t.getUsers()) || [],
                                        pageToken: (null == t ? void 0 : t.getPageToken()) || ""
                                o = function(e) {
                                    var t = (null == e ? void 0 : e.getPromoBanners()) || [];
                                    if (!t.length)
                                    var n = t[0],
                                        i = n.getPromoBlockType(),
                                        o = n.getPromoBlockPosition(),
                                        r = n.getContext(),
                                        s = n.getMssg();
                                    return 129 === i ? {
                                        type: i,
                                        message: s,
                                        pictures: n.getPictures().map((function(e) {
                                            return e.getDisplayImages()
                                        variation: n.getStatsVariationId(),
                                        text: n.getExtraTexts()[0].getText(),
                                        position: o,
                                        context: r
                                    } : 326 === i ? {
                                        type: i,
                                        position: o,
                                        context: r,
                                        message: s
                                    } : void 0
                                r = i.users;
                            return null != C && C.current && (r = O(i.users)), r = t ? r.sort((function(e, t) {
                                var n = e.getSortTimestamp() + (e.getIsUnread() ? 1e8 : 0);
                                return t.getSortTimestamp() + (t.getIsUnread() ? 1e8 : 0) - n
                            })) : r.sort((function(e, t) {
                                return t.getSortTimestamp() - e.getSortTimestamp()
                            })), u(r), o && m(o), C.current = i.pageToken, j.current || I(), [r, o]
                        })).catch((function(e) {
                            return (0, Zt.Z)(e) && Qt.error("Error requesting match bar folder", {
                                error: e
                            }), [null, null]
                    }), [C, O, j, t]);
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    y.current = l
                }), [l]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e;
                    p && ((0, ee.L9)(333, {
                        element: 1253,
                        count: (null == p || null == (e = ? void 0 : e.length) || 0
                    }), (0, ee.L9)(138, {
                        banner_id: p.type,
                        position_id: p.position,
                        context: p.context,
                        variation_id: p.variation
                }), [p]),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = _.current;
                    return function() {
                        return null == e ? void 0 : e.cancel()
                }), []),
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = function() {
                        t = function(e) {
                            var t;
                            21 === && null != (t = e.folders) && t.includes(49) && I()
                        n = function(e) {
                            49 === e.folder && I()
                        i = function(e) {
                            var t = e.from_person_id,
                                n = e.to_person_id;
                            if (l.length) {
                                var i = l.findIndex((function(e) {
                                    return [t, n].includes(e.getUserId())
                                i > -1 && u([].concat(l.slice(0, i), l.slice(i + 1)))
                    return jt.Z.on(jt.Z.EVENTS.UPDATE, e), Pt.NT.onResponse(361, t), Pt.NT.onResponse(138, n), Pt.NT.onResponse(105, i), o && I().then((function(e) {
                        var t,
                        e && (e[1] && 129 === e[1].type && e[1].pictures && (n = e[1].pictures.length, S.current = a.Z.setInterval((function() {
                            10 === x.current || n - 1 === x.current ? a.Z.clearInterval(S.current) : (x.current = x.current + 1, b(x.current))
                        }), 3e3)), (0, ee.L9)(258, {
                            element: 1252,
                            count: (null == (t = e[0]) ? void 0 : t.length) || 0
                    })), function() {
              , e),
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(361, t),
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(138, n),
                        Pt.NT.offResponse(105, i),
                        S.current && a.Z.clearInterval(S.current)
                }), [o]);
                var w = function() {
                        p && (E.Z.navigate(T.x.LIKED_YOU, !1, {
                            activationPlace: 401
                        }), (0, ee.L9)(139, {
                            banner_id: p.type,
                            position_id: p.position,
                            context: p.context,
                            variation_id: p.variation
                    A = function(e, n) {
                        return function() {
                            if (function(e, t) {
                                var n;
                                n = e.getIsMatch() ? e.getIsUnread() ? 1255 : 1254 : 1256;
                                (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                                    element: n,
                                    parent_element: 1252,
                                    position: t
                            }(e, n), t) {
                                var i = {
                                    return e.getUserId()
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.MATCH_STORIES, {
                                    matchId: e.getUserId(),
                                    matchIds: i
                            } else
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.MESSAGES, {
                                    id: e.getUserId(),
                                    userInitiated: !0,
                                    folderId: 49,
                                    context: 127,
                                    activationPlace: 401
                    N = (0, i.useCallback)((function(e, t, n) {
                        return function() {
                            var i = 1254;
                            P.current && k.current && Z.current || (t ? (i = 1256, Z.current = !0) : e ? (i = 1255, k.current = !0) : P.current = !0, (0, ee.L9)(258, {
                                element: i,
                                position: n
                    }), [P, k, Z]),
                    R = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        if (l.length) {
                            var e = l.filter((function(e) {
                                    return !e.getIsCrush()
                                t = e.filter((function(e) {
                                    return e.getIsUnread()
                            return t.length ? h.ZP.get(616, {
                                num: t.length
                            }) : h.ZP.get(615, {
                                num: e.length
                        return h.ZP.get(617)
                    }), [l]);
                return o ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                    "data-qa": "match-bar",
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(Gt, Ht(Ht({
                        title: R()
                    }, p ? 129 === p.type ? {
                        banner: {
                            pictures: ?, v + 1).map((function(e, t) {
                                return {
                                    src: e,
                                    index: t
                            })) : void 0,
                            message: p.message || "",
                            text: p.text || 0,
                            onClick: w
                    } : {
                        banner: {
                            message: p.message || "",
                            onClick: w
                        isEmpty: !l.length
                    } : null), {}, {
                        users: l.length ?, t) {
                            var n;
                            return {
                                id: e.getUserId(),
                                name: e.getName(),
                                photo: null == (n = e.getProfilePhoto()) ? void 0 : n.getLargeUrl(),
                                gender: (0,,
                                isCrush: e.getIsCrush(),
                                isNew: e.getIsUnread(),
                                onClick: A(e, t)
                        })) : void 0,
                        mode: t ? yt.STORIES : yt.CONTROL,
                        isSkeleton: !l.length && !p,
                        onScroll: (0, s.Z)(Wt, 300),
                        onItemViewed: l.length ? N : void 0
                }) : null
            $t = n(29697),
            en = function(e) {
                var t = e.isActive,
                    n = e.onClick,
                    o = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    r = (0, i.useState)({}),
                    s = r[0],
                    a = r[1];
                return (0, f.jsx)($t.Z, {
                    in: t,
                    timeout: 300,
                    mountOnEnter: !0,
                    unmountOnExit: !0,
                    onEntering: function() {
                        o.current && a({
                            width: o.current.offsetWidth,
                            height: o.current.offsetHeight
                    children: function(e) {
                        var t = d()({
                            "floating-action": !0,
                            "js-connections-actions-edit": !0,
                            "is-inactive": "entered" !== e
                        return (0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                            children: [(0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: t,
                                ref: o,
                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "floating-action__button",
                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(me.Z, {
                                        text: h.ZP.get(472),
                                        onClick: n,
                                        dataQA: {
                                            "data-qa": "connections-button-remove"
                            }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "fake",
                                style: s
            tn = n(21483),
            nn = n(28480),
            on = function(e) {
                var t = e.header,
                    n = e.text,
                    i = e.onReport,
                    o = e.onDelete,
                    r = e.onCancel;
                return (0, f.jsxs)(tn.Z, {
                    wrapperType: tn.N.ACTION_SHEET,
                    header: {
                        title: t,
                        text: n
                    onDismiss: r,
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(nn.Z, {
                        text: h.ZP.get(131),
                        type: "destructive",
                        onClick: i
                    }), (0, f.jsx)(nn.Z, {
                        text: h.ZP.get(140),
                        onClick: o
            rn = ((Jt = {})[] = ((zt = {})[Ve.xL.RECENT] = 1388, zt[Ve.xL.UNREAD] = 224, zt[Ve.xL.CHAT_REQUEST] = 1385, zt[Ve.xL.ONLINE] = 406, zt[Ve.xL.MY_FAVOURITES] = 1390, zt), Jt[] = ((Kt = {})[Ve.xL.RECENT] = 1389, Kt[Ve.xL.UNREAD] = 224, Kt[Ve.xL.MATCH] = 354, Kt[Ve.xL.VISIT] = 6, Kt[Ve.xL.FAVOURITED_YOU] = 9, Kt[Ve.xL.MY_FAVOURITES] = 1391, Kt), Jt);
        function sn() {
            (0, ee.L9)(258, {
                element: 1386
        var an = function(e) {
                var t = e.text,
                    n = e.onClick;
                return (0, f.jsxs)("button", {
                    className: "connections-sort-options",
                    onClick: n,
                    "data-qa": "connections-sort-options-button",
                    children: [(0, f.jsx)("span", {
                        className: "connections-sort-options__icon",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(fe.Z, {
                            name: "generic-filter",
                            size: "md",
                            color: "black"
                    }), (0, f.jsx)("span", {
                        className: "connections-sort-options__text",
                        children: (0, f.jsx)(Re.aU, {
                            tag: "span",
                            children: t
            cn = function(e) {
                var t = e.currentTab,
                    n = e.currentSortOption,
                    i = e.onClick;
                return (0, f.jsx)(an, {
                    onClick: function() {
                        var e,
                        e = t.type,
                        o = n.variant,
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                            element: 1132,
                            parent_element: rn[e][o]
            ln = n(59380),
            un = function(e) {
                var t = e.options;
                return (0, f.jsx)(ln.Z, {
                    options: t
            dn = function(e) {
                var t = e.currentTab,
                    n = e.onSelectOption,
                    o = e.hideSortOptions,
                    r = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    s = r[0],
                    a = r[1],
                    c = function(e) {
                        function(e, t) {
                            (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                                element: rn[e][t],
                                parent_element: 1386
                        }(t.type, e),
                        setTimeout((function() {
                        }), 300)
                    l = {
                        return {
                            name: e.variant,
                            isChecked: e.isCurrent,
                            onChange: function() {
                                return c(e.variant)
                            onClick: function() {
                                return t = e.isCurrent, void a(!t);
                                var t
                            dataQA: {
                                "data-qa-connections-sort-option": e.variant.toString()
                return (0, f.jsx)(tn.Z, {
                    isVisible: s,
                    onAnimationInComplete: sn,
                    onAnimationOutComplete: o,
                    isPadded: !0,
                    children: (0, f.jsx)(un, {
                        options: l
            pn = n(38819),
            hn = n(46813),
            mn = n(32211),
            fn = n(90976),
            gn = n(68068),
            vn = n(85761),
            bn = n(12137),
            yn = n(75727),
            xn = n(87019),
            Sn = n(45318),
            _n = n(74837),
            Cn = n(27181),
            jn = n(73701),
            Pn = n(55703),
            kn = n(98889),
            Zn = n(44991),
            En = n(39467),
            On = (0, n(36004).yM)(),
            Tn = {
                update: function(e, t) {
                    On.trigger(e, t)
                subscribe: On.subscribe,
                unsubscribe: On.unsubscribe
            In = n(21585),
            wn = n(77847),
            An = n(92307),
            Nn = n(77208),
            Rn = n(40053),
            Mn = n(34855),
            Ln = n(98222),
            Un = n(6120),
            Dn = n(5971),
            Bn = n(73935),
            Fn = n(33696),
            Gn = n(365),
            Vn = function(e) {
                var t = e.connectionsList,
                    n = e.emptyPromo,
                    o = e.matchBar,
                    r = e.sortOptionsButton,
                    s = e.deleteButton,
                    a = e.hasUsers,
                    c = e.hasMatchBarStories,
                    l = e.showFullscreenPromo,
                    u = e.isLoading,
                    p = e.isEditButtonHidden,
                    m = e.isEditing,
                    g = e.onBackClick,
                    v = e.onEditButtonClick,
                    b = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    y = b[0],
                    k = b[1],
                    Z = [{
                        type: _t.Us.BACK,
                        onClick: function() {
                l || p || !a || null == Z || Z.unshift({
                    type: _t.df.BUTTON,
                    text: m ? h.ZP.get(438) : h.ZP.get(439),
                    onClick: v
                var E = !a && n;
                return (0, f.jsx)(Gn.Z, {
                    children: (0, f.jsx)($t.Z, {
                        appear: !0,
                        in: y,
                        timeout: 300,
                        classNames: y ? "forward" : "backward",
                        mountOnEnter: !0,
                        unmountOnExit: !0,
                        onExited: function() {
                        children: function() {
                            return (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                className: "page-container",
                                id: "activity-inbox",
                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                    className: "page",
                                    children: (0, f.jsxs)(S.Z, {
                                        children: [(0, f.jsxs)(C.Z, {
                                            children: [(0, f.jsx)(_t.ZP, {
                                                actions: Z,
                                                title: h.ZP.get(142),
                                                position: "sticky",
                                                hasShadow: !0
                                            }), l ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                                className: d()("connections__match-bar", {
                                                    "connections__match-bar--stories": c
                                                inert: m ? "" : void 0,
                                                children: [o, m ? (0, f.jsx)(P, {}) : null]
                                        }), (0, f.jsxs)(_.Z, {
                                            align: "stretch",
                                            children: [n && E ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                className: "connections-empty-container",
                                                "data-qa": "connections-empty",
                                                children: (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                                    style: {
                                                        margin: "auto 0"
                                                    children: [(0, f.jsx)(j.Z, {
                                                        top: "md",
                                                        right: "gap",
                                                        bottom: "md",
                                                        left: "gap",
                                                        children: n
                                                    }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                        className: "connections-gap"
                                            }) : null, u ? (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                className: "connections__loader",
                                                children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                    style: {
                                                        width: 46,
                                                        height: 46
                                                    children: (0, f.jsx)(x.Z, {})
                                            }) : null, E ? null : (0, f.jsxs)("div", {
                                                className: "connections__content",
                                                children: [r, (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                    className: "connections__items",
                                                    children: (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                        className: "connections-items",
                                                        children: t
                                                }), (0, f.jsx)("div", {
                                                    className: "connections-gap"
                                            }), s]
            qn = ["isVisible"];
        function Hn(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function Yn(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        var Qn,
            Jn = function(e) {
                var t = (0, i.useContext)(Fn.ZP).appRef,
                    n = null == t ? void 0 : t.current,
                    o = e.isVisible,
                    r = function(e, t) {
                        if (null == e)
                            return {};
                        var n,
                            o = {},
                            r = Object.keys(e);
                        for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
                            n = r[i],
                            t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (o[n] = e[n]);
                        return o
                    }(e, qn);
                return (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    var e = a.Z.document.getElementById("page-container");
                    o ? setTimeout((function() {
                        (0, p.Z)(e).hide()
                    }), 300) : (0, p.Z)(e).show()
                }), [o]), n && o ? Bn.createPortal((0, f.jsx)(Vn, function(e) {
                    for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                        var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                        t % 2 ? Hn(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                            Yn(e, t, n[t])
                        })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : Hn(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                            Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
                    return e
                }({}, r)), n) : null
            Xn = n(73541),
            $n = n(12470),
            ei = n(80031);
        function ti(e, t) {
            (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                element: e,
                parent_element: t
        function ni(e) {
            (0, ee.L9)(258, {
                element: e
        function ii(e, t) {
            (0, ee.L9)(139, {
                banner_id: e.promo_block_type,
                position_id: e.promo_block_position,
                context: 127,
                call_to_action_type: t
        function oi(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function ri(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? oi(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    si(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : oi(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function si(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        function ai(e) {
            if (void 0 === e)
                throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
            return e
        function ci(e, t) {
            return ci = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, ci(e, t)
        var li = {
                clientSource: 127,
                preferredCount: 36,
                userFieldFilter: (new Vt.Cxj).setProjection([200, 230, 700, 340, 650, 640, 280, 583, 580, 250, 610, 560, 611, 759, 630, 270, 330, 871, 920, 820, 830, 1120, 1423, 1436, 643, 1435, 1434])
            di = ((Qn = {})[8] = 187, Qn[6] = 188, Qn[4] = 190, Qn[0] = 189, Qn),
            pi = ((Wn = {})[31] = 245, Wn[4] = 249, Wn[8] = 247, Wn[6] = 248, Wn[0] = 246, Wn),
            hi = [57, 1, 10, 56],
            mi = ((zn = {})[12] = 68, zn[61] = 57, zn[66] = 56, zn[88] = 63, zn[8] = 130, zn),
            fi = ((Kn = {})[U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES] = 26, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES] = 23, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.WANT_TO_MEET_YOU] = 3, Kn[U.Z.TYPES.VISITORS] = 22, Kn),
            gi = [1, 2],
            vi = 0,
            bi = [],
            yi = {},
            xi = function(e) {
                var t,
                function c(t) {
                    var n;
                    (n =, t) || this).activationPlace = 191,
                    n.screenName = 243,
                    n.clientSource = 127,
                    n.containerRef = void 0,
                    n.modalRef = void 0,
                    n.timeoutId = void 0,
                    n.modally = void 0,
                    n.screenRef = void 0,
                    n.log = je.Z.getLogger("ConnectionsPage"),
                    n.resetCount = (0, o.Z)(ji, 1e4),
                    n.previousFilter = void 0,
                    n.selectedFilter = Ve.jr.ALL,
                    n.readItems = [],
                    n.hasSpp = !1,
                    n.hasPhoto = null,
                    n.hasMatchBar = null,
                    n.hasMatchBarStories = !1,
                    n.isLoading = !1,
                    n.isStarted = !1,
                    n.isFinished = !1,
                    n.mostRecentSortTimestamp = void 0,
                    n.forceFetch = !1,
                    n.visibleUserIds = {},
                    n.userIds = {},
                    n.usersToRemove = [],
                    n.userSubstitutes = {},
                    n.folderSyncActive = !1,
                    n.lastBlock = !1,
                    n.pageToken = null,
                    n.syncToken = null,
                    n.savedRemoveUserIds = [],
                    n.banners = void 0,
                    n.deletingUserGender = void 0,
                    n.deletingIds = [],
                    n.handleAdsEnabledChange = function() {
                        O.Z.isLoggedIn() && n.fetchFolder()
                    n.handleItem = function(e) {
                        (0, l.NU)(e) && n.handleUserItem(e),
                        (0, l.$Y)(e) && n.handlePromoBlockItem(e)
                    n.handleNavigation = function(e) {
                        if (n.isStarted) {
                            var t = n.props.saveScrollPosition;
                            t && !e.backInHistory && t()
                    n.handlePromoButtonClick = function(e, t) {
                        var i = n.getSelectedFilter();
                        n.trackBlockingScreenClick(e, t || 0, null == i ? void 0 : i.folderType),
                        n.applyServerActionHelper(e, t || 0)
                    n.handleDismissModally = function() {
                        var e;
                        null == (e = n.modally) || e.unmount(),
                            isEditing: !1
                    n.turnDeleteModeOff = function() {
                        var e;
                        null == (e = n.modally) || e.unmount()
                    n.handleEditModeToggle = function(e, t) {
                        var i;
                        null == (i = n.modally) || i.update({
                            onDismiss: n.handleDismissModally,
                            contentWrapper: n.modalRef.current
                        var o = n.state.isEditing;
                        if (o ? (l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) {
                  , "isChecked") && delete e.isChecked
                        })), n.enableFolderSync()) : n.disableFolderSync(), n.setState({
                            isEditing: !e && !o
                        }, t), o || e)
                        else {
                            var r,
                            null == (r = n.modally) || r.modalize(),
                            null == (s = n.modally) || s.focusWrapper();
                            var c = ai(n);
                            n.timeoutId = a.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                                var e,
                                null == (e = c.modally) || e.updateFocusableElements(c.modalRef.current),
                                null == (t = c.modally) || t.toggleFocusTrap(!0)
                            }), 500)
                    n.handleDelete = function() {
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1
                        a.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                        }), 500)
                    n.handleClickDelete = function() {
                        var e = Ln.Z.isActive();
                        n.deletingIds = [],
                        l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) {
                            e.isChecked && (n.deletingIds.push(e.object.user_id), n.deletingUserGender = (0, h.Ro)(e.object.gender))
                        e && n.deletingIds.length > 1 && l.ZP.getItems().forEach((function(e) {
                  , "isChecked") && (e.isDeleting = !0)
                        e && 1 === n.deletingIds.length ? (ni(649), n.setState({
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !0
                        })) : n.handleDelete()
                    n.handleClickPopularity = function() {
                        n.handleEditModeToggle(!0, (function() {
                    n.handleClickNewActivityButton = function() {
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                            element: pi[n.getSelectedFilter().folderType]
                    n.handleItemVisible = function(e) {
                        var t = e.origin_folder;
                        n.visibleUserIds[t] || (n.visibleUserIds[t] = []),
                        -1 === n.visibleUserIds[t].indexOf(e.user_id) && n.visibleUserIds[t].push(e.user_id),
                    n.handleBannerVisible = function(e) {
                        !function(e) {
                            if (e) {
                                var t = e.promo_block_type,
                                    n = e.promo_block_position,
                                    i = function(e) {
                                        var t = e.promo_block_type,
                                            n = e.context;
                                        return n || 21 !== t || (n = 127), n
                                t && (0, ee.L9)(138, {
                                    banner_id: t,
                                    position_id: n,
                                    context: i
                        }(e.getPromoBlock ? e.getPromoBlock() : e)
                    n.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange = function(e) {
                        n.hasSpp = e,
                    n.handleUserItem = function(e) {
                        var t = e.user_id,
                            i = n.userSubstitutes[t];
                        if (i) {
                            var o;
                            if (function(e) {
                                if (!e)
                                (0, ee.L9)(139, ri(ri({}, e.hotpanelData), {}, {
                                    context: 127
                            }(i.connectionPromoCard), null != (o = i.connectionPromoCard) && o.showOnTap)
                                return void E.Z.navigate(T.x.PROMO_CARDS_GALLERY, {
                                    userSubstitute: i,
                                    context: 26
                        } else {
                            var r = 4 === e.connection_status_indicator;
                            (0, ee.L9)(197, {
                                activation_place: n.getActivationPlace_(),
                                encrypted_user_id: t,
                                is_chat_request: r,
                                has_mood_status: Boolean(e.mood_status),
                                has_read_receipt: Boolean(1 === e.last_message_status || 2 === e.last_message_status)
                        if (e.is_invisible)
                            E.Z.navigate(T.x.INVISIBLE_EXPLANATION, {
                                promoBlock: n.banners.getInvisiblePromo(),
                                activationPlace: 106
                        else if (e.profile_blocker_promo) {
                            var s = e.profile_blocker_promo;
                            120 === s.ok_action ? n.revealUser(e) : n.applyServerActionHelper(s)
                        } else
                    n.handlePromoBlockItem = function(e) {
                        !function(e, t) {
                            var n = function(e) {
                                switch (e.promo_block_type) {
                                case 131:
                                    return 10;
                                case 129:
                                    return 100;
                                case 130:
                                    return 101;
                                case 165:
                                    return 14
                                return null
                            n && (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                                element: n,
                                parent_element: t || 97
                        }(e, n.getElementType());
                        var t = function(e) {
                            var t = e.buttons || [];
                            return (t[0] || {}).type || 1
                        ii(e, t);
                        var i = e.promo_block_type,
                            o = e.promo_block_position,
                            r = e.stats_variation_id,
                            s = 326 === i && 1 === o,
                            a = 346 === i && 1 === o;
                        if (129 === i && 1 === o && 2 === r)
                        else if (s)
                                productType: e.ok_payment_product_type,
                                userId: O.Z.getUserId(),
                                clientSource: n.clientSource,
                                promoBlockType: i
                            }).then((function(e) {
                                E.Z.navigate(T.x.GET_MORE_LIKES, {
                                    resolve: function() {
                                        return n.fetchFolder({
                                            preventLoading: !0
                            })).catch((function(e) {
                                e && (0, Zt.Z)(e) && n.log.error("Error retrieving product explanation in connections", {
                                    error: e
                        else {
                            if (a) {
                                var c = {
                                    variantId: e.variant_id,
                                    event: 2,
                                    context: 127,
                                    promoBlockPosition: o
                                return R.Z.sendProfileQuestionsBannerStats(c), void E.Z.navigate(T.x.PROFILE_QUESTIONS, {
                                    redirectTo: T.x.OWN_PROFILE_EDIT,
                                    preloadQuestions: !0
                            if (e.redirect_page) {
                                var l = e.redirect_page.redirect_page,
                                    u = Number(Object.keys(fi).find((function(e) {
                                        return fi[Number(e)] === l
                                    d = Ve.Oq.findIndex((function(e) {
                                        return e.folderType === u
                                -1 !== d && (n.setFilter(Ve.Oq[d].param), n.fetchFolder())
                    n.handleSelectTab = function(e) {
                        n.handleEditModeToggle(!0, (function() {
                            e === ? : Mn.Z.hide(),
                    n.setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough = function(e) {
                            isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal: e
                    n.onAdsEnabledChange = function() {
                        O.Z.isLoggedIn() && n.fetchFolder()
                    n.onBackOnline = function(e) {
                        n.folderSyncActive && e && e.then(n.fetchFolderUpdates.bind(ai(n)))
                    n.onBadgeChanged = function(e) {
                        var t = Ci([e]);
                        if (n.state.emptyPromo.length && n.fetchFolder({
                            preventLoading: !0
                        }), t) {
                            var i,
                                o = (null == (i = n.state.badgeUpdates) ? void 0 : {
                                    return t.find((function(t) {
                                            return t.folder === e.folder
                                        })) || e
                                }))) || [];
                            t.forEach((function(e) {
                                null != o && o.find((function(t) {
                                    return t.folder === e.folder
                                })) || o.push(e)
                                badgeUpdates: o
                    n.onBadgeInvalidated = function() {
                    n.onPushChatMessage = function(e) {
                        var t = (0, Nn.Z)(e, Vt.JaH),
                            i = t.getFromUser(),
                            o = new pn.ZP(t),
                            r = !o.isRead;
                            chatUser: i,
                            userId: o.fromPersonId,
                            displayMessage: o.displayMessage,
                            increaseUnreadMessages: r,
                            showYourMoveBadge: o.isRead
                    n.onChatMessageFromMe = function(e) {
                            userId: String(e.toPersonId),
                            displayMessage: e.displayMessage,
                            increaseUnreadMessages: !1,
                            showYourMoveBadge: !1
                    n.onChatMessage = function(e) {
                        var t = e.userId,
                            i =,
                            o = e.displayMessage,
                            r = e.increaseUnreadMessages,
                            s = e.chatUser,
                            a = e.showYourMoveBadge;
                        if (l.ZP.updateYourMoveBadge(t, a), s && (a ? s.setConnectionStatusIndicator(2) : s.setConnectionStatusIndicator(0)), l.ZP.findIndex(t) > -1)
                            n.updateUser(r, t, o);
                        else {
                            if (i) {
                                if (bi.includes(i))
                            n.tryFreezeOrUpdate([0, 41])
                    n.onPersonNotice = function(e) {
                        var t = e.folder,
                            i = e.int_value;
                        1 === e.type && void 0 !== t && -1 !== ui.indexOf(t) && (void 0 === yi[t] && (yi[t] = 0), void 0 !== i && (yi[t] < i && n.tryFreezeOrUpdate([t]), yi[t] = i))
                    n.onNewMessageRead = function(e, t) {
                        if (e !== O.Z.getUserId()) {
                            var i = t.isRead ? "" : t.displayMessage;
                                userId: e,
                                displayMessage: i,
                                increaseUnreadMessages: !1,
                                showYourMoveBadge: Boolean(t.isRead)
                    n.handleFavouriteItem = function(e) {
                        var t = l.ZP.findIndex(e),
                            i = n.isRemoveFromFolderAction(e);
                        En.Z.toggleFavouriteStatus(e, (function() {
                            i && n.removeUser(e.user_id)
                        (0, ee.L9)(123, {
                            action_type: e.is_favourite ? 6 : 7,
                            activation_place: n.getActivationPlace_(),
                            encrypted_user_id: e.user_id
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                            element: e.is_favourite ? 85 : 86,
                            parent_element: n.getElementType(),
                            position: t
                    n.onFavoriteStateChange = function(e, t) {
                        if (!n.isStarted) {
                            var i = l.ZP.findIndex(e);
                            if (-1 !== i)
                                if (n.getSelectedFilter().folderType !== U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES || t)
                                    l.ZP.get(i).object.is_favourite = t,
                    n.onFeatureUpdate = function(e) {
                        19 === e.feature && n.fetchFolderUpdates()
                    n.onFolderResult = function(e) {
                        var t = e.previousFilter,
                            i = e.clientUserList,
                            o = e.shouldGetNextPage,
                            r = void 0 !== o && o,
                            s = e.isUpdates,
                            c = void 0 !== s && s;
                        if (n.isStarted) {
                            if (!n.isFinished && !n.state.isFrozen && t === n.selectedFilter) {
                                var u = n.getSelectedFilter();
                                r || c || (n.userIds = {}, (0, ee.L9)(258, {
                                    element: n.getElementType()
                                }), u && u.folderType === U.Z.TYPES.COMBINED_CONNECTIONS_ALL && function(e) {
                                    var t = e.toJSON().section || [],
                                        n = 0,
                                        i = 0;
                                    t.forEach((function(e) {
                                        (e.users || []).forEach((function(e) {
                                            e.is_removed || 2 !== (e.last_message_status || 0) || n++,
                                            e.is_not_interested && i++
                                    (0, ee.L9)(29, {
                                        num_admirers_unread: _i(6),
                                        num_favourited_you_unread: _i(4),
                                        num_matches_unread: _i(15),
                                        num_visited_you_unread: _i(8),
                                        num_with_read_receipts: n,
                                        num_letdowns: i,
                                        total_unread: _i(0)
                                var d = [];
                                    items: d,
                                    clientUserList: i,
                                    isUpdates: c
                                i.getSection([]).forEach((function(e) {
                                    var t = e.getUsers([]).filter((function(e) {
                                        return !n.userIds[e.getUserId()] && !e.getIsRemoved()
                                    })).map((function(e) {
                                        return e.toJSON()
                                    if (t.sort((function(e, t) {
                                        return t.sort_timestamp - e.sort_timestamp
                                    })), c) {
                                        t = t.filter((function(e) {
                                            return e.sort_timestamp >= n.mostRecentSortTimestamp
                                        var i = e.getUsers([]).filter((function(e) {
                                                return n.userIds[e.getUserId()]
                                            })).map((function(e) {
                                                return e.toJSON()
                                            o = i.filter((function(e) {
                                                return e.is_removed && e.user_id
                                        var r = i.filter((function(e) {
                                            return !e.is_removed
                                        l.ZP.getItems().length > 0 && l.ZP.updateUsers(r)
                                    t.forEach((function(e) {
                                        n.userIds[e.user_id] = !0
                                        items: d,
                                        users: t
                                    c || (n.lastBlock = e.getLastBlock())
                                c || (n.pageToken = i.getPageToken(), n.syncToken = i.getSyncToken());
                                var p = i.toJSON().promo_banners,
                                    h = [];
                                p && !r && (h = p.filter((function(e) {
                                    var t = e.promo_block_position;
                                    return 13 === t || 20 === t
                                h && n.setState({
                                    emptyPromo: h
                                c ? l.ZP.addUpdates(n.banners.prependBanner(d)) : (l.ZP.addPage(d, !r), n.banners.appendBanners()),
                                var m = n.props,
                                    f = m.navigatedBack,
                                    g = m.scrollPosition;
                                    isLoading: !1
                                }, (function() {
                                    var e;
                                    f && g && (0, In.X)(a.Z, g),
                                    null == (e = n.modally) || e.updateFocusableElements(n.modalRef.current)
                                n.isLoading = !1,
                                (0, Pn.Z)("Connections interactive", 5)
                        } else
                            n.isLoading = !1
                    n.onFolderError = function(e) {
                            isLoading: !1
                        n.isLoading = !1,
                        n.isStarted && (e && (0, r.Z)(e.getType) && e.getType() === Rn.Qc.OFFLINE || fn.Z.handleError({
                            error: e,
                            screenName: n.getScreenName()
                    n.onNewOfflineMessage = function(e, t) {
                        var i = l.ZP.findIndex(t.getUserId());
                        l.ZP.get(i).object.display_message = e,
                    n.onRemoveUsers = function(e) {
                        var t,
                        if (null != e && e.length) {
                                isEditing: !1
                            var o,
                                r = null == (t = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : t.activationPlace;
                            if (e.forEach((function(e) {
                                (0, ee.L9)(580, {
                                    encrypted_user_id: e,
                                    activation_place: r,
                                    mode_connection: 6
                            })), !_n.Z.isOnline())
                                (o = n.savedRemoveUserIds).push.apply(o, e);
                            var s = n.getCurrentTab().context,
                                a = [U.Z.getInstance().removeUsers({
                                    activationPlace: r,
                                    folderId: 56,
                                    ids: e,
                                    context: s
                            (null == (i = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : i.folderType) === U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES && a.push(U.Z.getInstance().removeUsers({
                                activationPlace: r,
                                folderId: 4,
                                ids: e,
                                avoidHotpanelTracking: !0,
                                context: s
                    n.handleSelectItem = function(e, t) {
                        var i = 99;
                        (0, l.NU)(e) && (e.is_conversation ? i = 11 : e.is_crush ? i = 18 : e.favourited_you ? i = 9 : e.is_invisible ? i = 93 : 6 === e.origin_folder ? i = 5 : e.is_match ? i = 354 : e.is_visitor ? i = 6 : e.is_favourite && (i = 13)),
                        (0, ee.L9)(332, {
                            element: i,
                            parent_element: n.getElementType(),
                            position: t
                    n.handleTrackScroll = function(e) {
                        var t = l.ZP.getItems();
                        (0, ee.L9)(195, {
                            direction: 5,
                            element: n.getElementType(),
                            reached_end: e > t.length - 1,
                            position: e
                    n.handleNeedPage = function() {
                        n.isLoading || n.lastBlock || n.fetchFolder({
                            shouldGetNextPage: !0
                    n.onSystemNotification = function(e) {
                        var t =;
                        21 === t ? n.fetchFolderUpdates() : 25 === t && n.onUserIdExchanged(e.previous_id, e.current_id)
                    n.onUserIdExchanged = function(e, t) {
                        if (void 0 !== n.userIds[e]) {
                            n.userIds[t] = n.userIds[e],
                            delete n.userIds[e];
                            var i = l.ZP.findIndex(e);
                            if (-1 === i)
                            l.ZP.get(i).object.user_id = t,
                            n.isStarted && n.setState({})
                    n.tryFreezeOrUpdate = function(e) {
                        var t,
                        0 !== n.getCurrentTab().connectionTypes.filter((function(t) {
                            return e.includes(t)
                        })).length && (vi += 1, t = a.Z.innerHeight || (0, xe.Z)().clientHeight, i = (0, xe.Z)().scrollHeight > t, vi > 3 && i ? n.freeze() : n.folderSyncActive && n.fetchFolderUpdates(), n.resetCount())
                    n.freeze = function() {
                            isFrozen: !0
                    n.unfreeze = function() {
                            isFrozen: !1
                    n.handleModalReport = function() {
                        ti(87, 649),
                            isReporting: !0,
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1
                    n.handleModalDelete = function() {
                        ti(106, 649),
                    n.renderDeleteModal = function() {
                        return n.state.isShowingDeleteModal ? (0, f.jsx)(on, {
                            header: h.ZP.get(141),
                            text: h.ZP.get(363, {
                                other_user: mn.N5.for("other_user", n.deletingUserGender)
                            onReport: n.handleModalReport,
                            onDelete: n.handleModalDelete,
                            onCancel: function() {
                                    isShowingDeleteModal: !1
                        }) : null
                    n.handleReportingSuccess = function() {
                            isReporting: !1,
                            isShowingDeleteModal: !1,
                            isEditing: !1
                    n.handleSelectSortOption = function(e) {
                    n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal = function() {
                            isShowingSortOptionsModal: !n.state.isShowingSortOptionsModal
                    n.renderSortOptionsModal = function() {
                        return n.state.isShowingSortOptionsModal ? (0, f.jsx)(dn, {
                            currentTab: n.getCurrentTab(),
                            onSelectOption: n.handleSelectSortOption,
                            hideSortOptions: n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal
                        }) : null
                    n.renderSortOptionsButton = function() {
                        return (0, f.jsx)(cn, {
                            currentTab: n.getCurrentTab(),
                            currentSortOption: n.getCurrentSortOption(),
                            onClick: n.handleToggleSortOptionsModal
                    n.getEmptyPromoFlags = function(e) {
                        var t = n.getTab(e);
                        return {
                            hasUsers: l.ZP.getUsers(t.connectionTypes).length > 0,
                            showFullscreenPromo: n.state.emptyPromo.some((function(e) {
                                return 20 === e.promo_block_position
                            isEditButtonHidden: n.state.emptyPromo.some((function(e) {
                                return e.context === t.context && 13 === e.promo_block_position
                    n.renderEmptyPromo = function(e) {
                        var t,
                            i = n.getTab(e),
                            o = n.state.emptyPromo.filter((function(e) {
                                return e.context === i.context
                            r = [],
                            s = [];
                        if (null == (t = o) || t.forEach((function(e) {
                            20 === e.promo_block_position ? r.push(e) : s.push(e)
                        })), (o = [].concat(r, s)).length) {
                            var a = o[0];
                            return (0, f.jsx)(ye, {
                                promoBlock: a,
                                onClick: n.handlePromoButtonClick,
                                sendTrackingOnMount: function() {
                                    n.trackBlockingScreenView(a, i.type)
                    n.getTab = function(e) {
                        return n.state.tabConfig.find((function(t) {
                            return t.type === e
                    n.getCurrentTab = function() {
                        return n.state.tabConfig.find((function(e) {
                            return e.isCurrent
                    n.setCurrentTab = function(e) {
                        var t = {
                                return ri(ri({}, t), {}, {
                                    isCurrent: t.type === e
                            i = t.find((function(e) {
                                return e.isCurrent
                            tabConfig: t,
                            currentTab: e
                        E.Z.navigate(T.x.CONNECTIONS, !0, {
                            filter: i.route
                    n.getCurrentSortOption = function() {
                        return n.getCurrentTab().sortOptions.find((function(e) {
                            return e.isCurrent
                    n.setCurrentSortOption = function(e) {
                        var t = n.getCurrentTab().type,
                            i = {
                                if (n.type === t) {
                                    var i = {
                                        return ri(ri({}, t), {}, {
                                            isCurrent: t.variant === e
                                    return ri(ri({}, n), {}, {
                                        sortOptions: i
                                return n
                            tabConfig: i,
                            currentSortOption: e
                    var c = t.parameters.filter ? t.parameters.filter : Ve.jr.ALL;
                    Ve.Oq.some((function(e) {
                        return e.param === c
                    })) || (c = Ve.jr.ALL);
                    var u = gn.Z.getSettings(),
                        d = (0, ei.JM)(u, t.parameters.filter),
                        p = d.find((function(e) {
                            return e.isCurrent
                        m = p.sortOptions.find((function(e) {
                            return e.isCurrent
                    return n.state = {
                        tabConfig: d,
                        currentTab: p.type,
                        currentSortOption: m.variant,
                        currentFilter: c,
                        isEditing: !1,
                        isLoading: !1,
                        isFrozen: !1,
                        isShowingSortOptionsModal: !1,
                        isShowingDeleteModal: !1,
                        isReporting: !1,
                        emptyPromo: [],
                        isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal: !1
                    }, n.fetchFolderUpdates = (0, s.Z)(n.fetchFolderUpdates, 1e3, {
                        leading: !0
                    }), jn.Z.getInstance().on(jn.Z.Type.PERSON_NOTICE, n.onPersonNotice, ai(n)).on(jn.Z.Type.CHAT_MESSAGE, n.onPushChatMessage, ai(n)), bn.Z.on(bn.Z.EVENTS.MESSAGE_FROM_ME, n.onChatMessageFromMe, ai(n)).on(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_MESSAGE_READ, n.onNewMessageRead, ai(n)), n.banners = new ce({
                        onPromoClick: n.unfreeze,
                        getActivationPlace: n.getActivationPlace_.bind(ai(n)),
                        getElementType: n.getElementType.bind(ai(n)),
                        getFolderType: function() {
                            var e;
                            return null == (e = n.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : e.folderType
                        setIsShowingSecurityWalkthrough: function() {
                    }), n.hasMatchBarStories = jt.Z.getSync(333).enabled && Un.Z.isActive(), n.containerRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.screenRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.modalRef = (0, i.createRef)(), n.modally = new Xn.Z, n
                n = e,
                (t = c).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
                t.prototype.constructor = t,
                ci(t, n);
                var u = c.prototype;
                return u.componentDidMount = function() {
                    var t = this;
                    this.isStarted = !0,
                    En.Z.on(En.Z.EVENTS.USER_CHANGED_TS, this.updateCurrentUser, this).on(En.Z.EVENTS.ONLINE, this.onBackOnline, this),
                    Tn.subscribe(this.onUserIdExchanged, this),
                    bn.Z.on(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_OFFLINE_MESSAGE, this.onNewOfflineMessage, this),
                    this.jinba = new Cn.Z("CombinedConnections", 4),
                    hn.Z.on(hn.Z.USER_BLOCKED, (function(e) {
                        return t.removeBlockedUser(e)
                    })).on(hn.Z.VOTED_NO, (function(e) {
                        return t.removeUserWhenOpened(e)
                    })).on(hn.Z.USER_CONVERSATION_DELETED, (function(e) {
                        var n,
                            i = null == (n = t.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : n.param;
                        i && i !== Ve.jr.CHATS || t.removeUserWhenOpened(e)
                    E.Z.navigationEvent.subscribe(this.handleNavigation, this),
                    vn.Z.on(vn.Z.EVENTS.CHANGE, this.onBadgeChanged, this).on(vn.Z.EVENTS.INVALIDATED, this.onBadgeInvalidated, this);
                    var n = this.getParameter("filter");
                    n || (n = Ve.Oq[0].param);
                    var i = Boolean(An.O.value),
                        o = jt.Z.getSync(1).enabled,
                        r = jt.Z.getSync(268).enabled,
                        s = !this.forceFetch && i === this.hasSpp && o === this.hasPhoto && r === this.hasMatchBar && (n === this.selectedFilter || this.wasBack() && this.previousFilter);
                    this.hasSpp = i,
                    this.hasPhoto = o,
                    this.forceFetch = !1,
                    this.hasMatchBar = r,
                    s || this.previousFilter && (this.previousFilter = void 0),
                    var a = this.usersToRemove.splice(0);
                    this.shouldFetchOnStart(Boolean(s)) ? (this.setFilter(n), this.fetchFolder()) : (a.forEach((function(e) {
                        return t.removeUser(e)
                    })), this.wasBack() && !this.state.isFrozen && (ji(), this.fetchFolderUpdates())),
                    this.readItems.length > 0 && (this.readItems.forEach((function(e) {
                        e.is_unread = !1,
                        e.unread_messages_count = 0
                    })), this.readItems = []),
                    An.O.changeEvent.subscribe(this.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange, this),
                    this.selectedFilter !== this.state.currentFilter && this.setFilter(this.state.currentFilter)
                }, u.componentWillUnmount = function() {
                    this.isFinished = !0,
                    E.Z.navigationEvent.unsubscribe(this.handleNavigation, this),
          , this.onBadgeChanged, this).off(vn.Z.EVENTS.INVALIDATED, this.onBadgeInvalidated, this),
                    An.O.changeEvent.unsubscribe(this.handleSuperPowersEnabledChange, this),
                    this.folderSyncActive && this.disableFolderSync(),
                    jn.Z.getInstance().off(jn.Z.Type.PERSON_NOTICE, this.onPersonNotice, this).off(jn.Z.Type.CHAT_MESSAGE, this.onPushChatMessage, this),
          , this.onChatMessageFromMe, this).off(bn.Z.EVENTS.NEW_MESSAGE_READ, this.onNewMessageRead, this)
                }, u.getElementType = function() {
                    var e;
                    return null == (e = this.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : e.elementType
                }, u.getActivationPlace_ = function() {
                    return this.getSelectedFilter().activationPlace
                }, u.getSelectedFilter = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return Ve.Oq.find((function(t) {
                        return t.param === e.selectedFilter
                }, u.setFilter = function(e) {
                    if (e !== this.selectedFilter) {
                        var t = Ve.Oq.find((function(t) {
                            return t.param === e
                        t && (this.selectedFilter = e, this.activationPlace = t.activationPlace, this.setState({
                            currentFilter: e
                        }), this.enableFolderSync())
                }, u.isRemoveFromFolderAction = function(e) {
                    var t = this.getSelectedFilter();
                    return t && t.folderType === U.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES && !e.favourited_you
                }, u.applyServerActionHelper = function(e, t) {
                    var n,
                        i = this;
                    void 0 === t && (t = 0),
                    e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot handle the promo block after block action because promo_block_type does not exist", {
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e,
                        promoBlock: e
                    var o,
                        r = null == (n = e.buttons) ? void 0 : n[t],
                        s = r ? r.action : e.ok_action,
                        a = r ? r.redirect_page : e.redirect_page;
                    a && (a = (new Vt.Z$B).setRedirectPage(null == (o = a) ? void 0 : o.redirect_page));
                    var c = e.promo_block_type;
                    this.forceFetch = 165 === c;
                    var l = (new xn.Z).setAction(s).setRedirectPage(a).setProductType(e.ok_payment_product_type).setPromoBlockType(c).setPromoBlock(e).setBack(E.Z.getUrl()).setHotPanelData({
                        activationPlace: this.getActivationPlace_()
                    12 === c && l.setCallback(this.fetchFolder.bind(this)),
                    kn.Z.handleAction(l).then((function() {
                        418 === c && i.fetchFolder({
                            preventLoading: !0
                }, u.clearFolderSyncVariables = function() {
                    this.mostRecentSortTimestamp = void 0
                }, u.chatWithUser = function(e) {
                    var t = e.origin_folder,
                        n = fi[t];
                    e.is_unread = !1,
                    e.unread_messages_count = 0,
                        isEditing: !1
                    var i = e.user_id,
                        o = this.userSubstitutes[i];
                    !Number(i) && i.length < 20 && this.log.error("WRONG USER ID: " + i + " from chatWithUser_"),
                    E.Z.navigate(T.x.MESSAGES, {
                        id: i,
                        folderId: t,
                        context: 26,
                        clientSource: n,
                        toClientSource: n,
                        fromConnectionsList: !0,
                        userSubstitute: o
                }, u.markPeopleViewed = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    Object.keys(this.visibleUserIds).forEach((function(t) {
                        var n = e.visibleUserIds[t];
                            context: 22,
                            folderId: Number(t),
                            peopleIds: n
                        }, !0)
                    this.visibleUserIds = {}
                }, u.removeUser = function(e) {
                    -1 !== l.ZP.findIndex(e) ? (this.userIds[e] = !1, l.ZP.removeItem(e), this.setState({
                        isLoading: !1
                    }), this.updateFolderIfEmpty()) : this.log.error("Connections - Removing a user which doesnt exist in our connections (userIds value is " + this.userIds[e] + ")")
                }, u.removeUsers = function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.forEach((function(e) {
                        t.userIds[e] = !1,
                        t.userSubstitutes[e] && Sn.Z.reportEventDismiss({
                            promoCard: t.userSubstitutes[e].contentModePromoCards[0],
                            context: 26
                }, u.removeBlockedUser = function(e) {
                    -1 !== l.ZP.findIndex(e) && this.removeUserWhenOpened(e)
                }, u.removeUserWhenOpened = function(e) {
                    this.isStarted ? this.removeUser(e) : this.usersToRemove.push(e)
                }, u.resendStoredRequests = function() {
                    this.savedRemoveUserIds.length > 0 && (this.onRemoveUsers(this.savedRemoveUserIds.concat([])), this.savedRemoveUserIds = [])
                }, u.revealUser = function(e) {
                    var t,
                        n = this,
                        i = null == e ? void 0 : e.user_id;
                        personId: i,
                        folderId: null == (t = this.getSelectedFilter()) ? void 0 : t.folderType
                    }).then((function(e) {
                        var t = e[0],
                            o = null == t ? void 0 : t.getSection();
                        if (o) {
                            var r = o[0],
                                s = ((null == r ? void 0 : r.getUsers()) || [])[0];
                            n.replaceRevealedUser(i, null == s ? void 0 : s.getUserId())
                        } else
                            n.log.error("Error revealing user: Server did not return any sections")
                    })).catch((function(e) {
                        n.log.error("Error revealing user:", e),
                            type: D.Z.TYPES.ERROR
                }, u.replaceRevealedUser = function(e, t) {
                    var n = this;
                    return this.fetchFolderRequest().then((function(i) {
                        var o = i[0],
                            r = ((null == o ? void 0 : o.getSection()) || [])[0],
                            s = null == r ? void 0 : r.getUsers(),
                            a = null == s ? void 0 : s.find((function(e) {
                                return e.getUserId() === t
                        if (a) {
                            var c = l.ZP.findIndex(e),
                                u = l.ZP.get(c);
                            u && (u.object = a, l.ZP.replaceItem(u, c), n.setState({
                                isLoading: !1
                }, u.setBadgeCounters = function(e) {
                    if (e) {
                        var t = e.notices,
                            n = e.values,
                            i = Ci(t);
                        yi = n,
                            badgeUpdates: i
                }, u.shouldFetchOnStart = function(e) {
                    var t = !(this.wasBack() && e || this.previousFilter),
                        n = 0 === l.ZP.getItems().length && !this.state.emptyPromo.length && !this.isLoading;
                    return t || n
                }, u.trackBlockingScreenView = function(e, t) {
                    var n;
                    (e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot track ViewElement event after block show because getPromoBlockType is not a function", {
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e,
                        promoBlock: e
                    }), 418 === e.promo_block_type) && (t === ? n = 189 : t === && (n = 1387), n && ni(n))
                }, u.trackBlockingScreenClick = function(e, t, n) {
                    var i;
                    e.promo_block_type || this.log.error("I cannot track Click event after block action because getPromoBlockType is not a function", {
                        typeOfPromoBlock: typeof e,
                        promoBlock: e
                    var o = e.promo_block_type;
                    hi.includes(o) && 2 === (null == (i = e.buttons) ? void 0 : i.length) && void 0 !== t && gi[t] && ii(e, gi[t]);
                    var r = mi[o];
                    if (r) {
                        var s = function(e, t) {
                            if (12 === e)
                                return 41;
                            if (t && di[t])
                                return di[t];
                            return 71
                        }(o, n);
                        ti(r, s)
                }, u.addUserSubstitutes_ = function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    e.forEach((function(e) {
                        t.userSubstitutes[e.getId()] = new Sn.Z({
                            userSubstitute: e
                }, u.getUserSubstitute = function(e) {
                    return this.userSubstitutes[e]
                }, u.updateCurrentUser = function(e) {
                    this.isRemoveFromFolderAction(e) || this.setState({
                        isLoading: !1
                }, u.updateUser = function(e, t, n) {
                    var i = l.ZP.findIndex(t);
                    if (i > -1) {
                        var o = l.ZP.get(i),
                            r = o.object;
                        n && (r.display_message = n),
                        e && (r.unread_messages_count = (r.unread_messages_count || 0) + 1),
                        o.object = r;
                        var s = l.ZP.hasTopMostPromo(),
                            a = 0 === i || 1 === i && s;
                        this.state.isFrozen || a ? l.ZP.replaceItem(o, i) : (o.isUpdate = !0, l.ZP.moveItemToTop(o, i)),
                }, u.updateFolderIfEmpty = function() {
                    var e = this.getCurrentTab();
                    l.ZP.getUsers(e.connectionTypes).length > 0 || this.fetchFolder()
                }, u.enableFolderSync = function() {
                    this.folderSyncActive || (this.folderSyncActive = !0, jn.Z.getInstance().on(jn.Z.Type.SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION, this.onSystemNotification, this), jt.Z.on(jt.Z.EVENTS.UPDATE, this.onFeatureUpdate, this))
                }, u.disableFolderSync = function() {
                    this.folderSyncActive && (this.folderSyncActive = !1, jn.Z.getInstance().off(jn.Z.Type.SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION, this.onSystemNotification, this),, this.onFeatureUpdate, this))
                }, u.fetchFolder = function(e) {
                    var t = this;
                    void 0 === e && (e = {});
                    var n = e.shouldGetNextPage;
                    this.isLoading = !0,
                    e.preventLoading || n || this.setState({
                        isLoading: !0
                    this.fetchFolderRequest(n).then((function(e) {
                        var i = e[0];
                            shouldGetNextPage: n,
                            previousFilter: t.selectedFilter,
                            clientUserList: i
                }, u.fetchBanners = function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = this.banners.getShownPromoBlocks();
                        shownPromoBlocks: t
                    }).then((function(t) {
                        var n = t[0];
                            promos: n.toJSON().promo_blocks || []
                }, u.fetchFolderRequest = function(e) {
                    e || (this.clearFolderSyncVariables(), this.setState({
                        emptyPromo: []
                    }), this.banners.reset(), M.Z.destroy(M.Z.placements.CONNECTIONS));
                    var t = {
                        promoBlockRequestParams: [{
                            shownPromoBlocks: this.banners.getShownPromoBlocks(),
                            position: 1,
                            count: 2
                        }, !e && {
                            position: 8,
                            count: 1
                    e && (t.pageToken = this.pageToken),
                    t.direction = 1;
                    var n = ri(ri(ri({}, t), li), {
                        folderId: U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES_AND_ACTIVITY
                    return U.Z.getInstance().fetch(n, !0, !0)
                }, u.fetchFolderUpdates = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    if (!this.isLoading && !this.state.isFrozen)
                        if (this.syncToken) {
                            this.isLoading = !0;
                            var t = ri(ri(ri({}, {
                                direction: 2,
                                includeTransient: !1,
                                syncToken: this.syncToken
                            }), li), {
                                folderId: U.Z.TYPES.MESSAGES_AND_ACTIVITY
                            U.Z.getInstance().fetch(t, !0, !0).then((function(t) {
                                var n = t[0];
                                e.state.isFrozen || e.onFolderResult({
                                    previousFilter: e.selectedFilter,
                                    clientUserList: n,
                                    isUpdates: !0
                        } else
                }, u.fetchPopularity = function() {
                    var e = this;
                        id: O.Z.getUserId(),
                        clientSource: 127,
                        requestedFields: [690]
                    }).then((function(t) {
                            popularityLevel: Si(t.getPopularityLevel())
                }, u.setTimestamps = function(e) {
                    var t = e.sort_timestamp;
                    (!this.mostRecentSortTimestamp || t > this.mostRecentSortTimestamp) && (this.mostRecentSortTimestamp = t)
                }, u.renderNavigation = function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = (0, $n.Z)(253),
                        n = t.header_text,
                        i = t.subheader_text;
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Ct, ri({
                        header: n,
                        subHeader: i,
                        popularityLevel: this.state.popularityLevel,
                        isEditing: this.state.isEditing,
                        onClickEdit: function() {
                            return e.handleEditModeToggle()
                        onClickPopularity: this.handleClickPopularity,
                        onClickNotifications: function() {
                            return e.handleSelectTab(
                    }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags(
                }, u.renderMatchBar = function() {
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Xt, {
                        hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories
                }, u.renderSecurityWalkthroughModal = function() {
                    var e = this;
                    return (0, f.jsx)(Dn.Z, {
                        onDismissModal: function() {
                        context: 127
                }, u.renderConnectionsList = function(e) {
                    var t = this.getTab(e);
                    return (0, f.jsx)(xt, {
                        currentFilter: this.getSelectedFilter(),
                        currentTab: t.connectionTypes,
                        currentPromoContext: t.context,
                        currentSortOption: this.getCurrentSortOption().variant,
                        isLoading: this.state.isLoading,
                        isEditing: this.state.isEditing,
                        getUserSubstitute: this.getUserSubstitute.bind(this),
                        onSelectItem: this.handleSelectItem,
                        onFavouriteItem: this.handleFavouriteItem,
                        onTrackScroll: this.handleTrackScroll,
                        onItemVisible: this.handleItemVisible,
                        onBannerVisible: this.handleBannerVisible,
                        onNeedPage: this.handleNeedPage
                }, u.renderDeleteButton = function() {
                    return (0, f.jsx)(en, {
                        isActive: this.state.isEditing,
                        onClick: this.handleClickDelete
                }, u.render = function() {
                    var e = this,
                        t = (0, f.jsx)(k, ri({
                            emptyPromo: this.renderEmptyPromo(,
                            navigation: this.renderNavigation(),
                            matchBar: this.renderMatchBar(),
                            connectionsList: this.renderConnectionsList(,
                            deleteButton: this.renderDeleteButton(),
                            isLoading: this.state.isLoading,
                            isEditing: this.state.isEditing,
                            isFrozen: this.state.isFrozen,
                            hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories,
                            containerRef: this.containerRef,
                            screenRef: this.screenRef,
                            onClickNewActivityButton: this.handleClickNewActivityButton,
                            sortOptionsButton: this.renderSortOptionsButton(),
                            securityWalkthroughModal: this.state.isShowingSecurityWalkthroughModal ? this.renderSecurityWalkthroughModal() : void 0,
                            currentTab: this.state.currentTab,
                            modalRef: this.modalRef,
                            isReporting: this.state.isReporting,
                            onReportingClose: function() {
                                return e.setState({
                                    isReporting: !1
                            onReportingSuccess: this.handleReportingSuccess,
                            reportingId: this.deletingIds[0]
                        }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags(,
                        n = (0, f.jsx)(Jn, ri({
                            connectionsList: this.renderConnectionsList(,
                            emptyPromo: this.renderEmptyPromo(,
                            matchBar: this.renderMatchBar(),
                            sortOptionsButton: this.renderSortOptionsButton(),
                            deleteButton: this.renderDeleteButton(),
                            hasMatchBarStories: this.hasMatchBarStories,
                            isLoading: !1,
                            isEditing: this.state.isEditing,
                            isVisible: this.state.currentTab ===,
                            onBackClick: function() {
                                return e.handleSelectTab(
                            onEditButtonClick: function() {
                                return e.handleEditModeToggle()
                        }, this.getEmptyPromoFlags(;
                    return this.addPageWrapper((0, f.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                        children: [t, n, this.renderSortOptionsModal(), this.renderDeleteModal()]
                    }), "connections")
                }, c
        function Si(e) {
            switch (e) {
            case 10:
                return St.V7.VERY_LOW;
            case 20:
                return St.V7.LOW;
            case 30:
                return St.V7.AVERAGE;
            case 40:
                return St.V7.HIGH;
            case 50:
                return St.V7.VERY_HIGH
        function _i(e) {
            return vn.Z.getCached().values[e] || 0
        function Ci(e) {
            var t = [];
            return e.forEach((function(e) {
                if (e) {
                    var n = e.filter_display_values;
                    n && n.forEach((function(n) {
                            folder: e.folder,
                            value: n.int_value,
                            filter: n.filter
                        folder: e.folder,
                        value: e.int_value
            })), t
        function ji() {
            vi = 0,
            bi = []
        xi.hasTabBar = !0,
        xi.transition = !1;
        var Pi = xi
    13706: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            ZP: function() {
                return I
            LP: function() {
                return T
            e5: function() {
                return O
        var i = n(67294),
            o = n(46813),
            r = n(77004),
            s = n(230),
            a = n(34969),
            c = n(12137),
            l = n(96437),
            u = n(41896),
            d = n(86273),
            p = n(30664),
            h = n(57871),
            m = n(98380),
            f = n(27966),
            g = n(42308),
            v = n(83900),
            b = n(97381),
            y = n(10109),
            x = n(35702),
            S = n(17527),
            _ = n(81873),
            C = n(85893),
            j = function(e) {
                var t = e.viewType,
                    n = e.imageSrc,
                    i = e.showDelete,
                    o = e.mediaContainerRef,
                    r = e.mediaRef,
                    s = e.onClose,
                    c = e.onSend,
                    l = e.onDelete,
                    u = e.a11y,
                    d = [{
                        type: f.Us.CLOSE,
                        onClick: s
                return t === m.Y.SHARE && d.push({
                    type: f.df.BUTTON,
                    text: a.ZP.get(451),
                    onClick: function() {
                        return c(n)
                }), (0, C.jsxs)(g.Z, {
                    dataQA: {
                        "data-qa-page": "overlay-page"
                    children: [(0, C.jsx)(v.Z, {
                        children: (0, C.jsx)(f.ZP, {
                            actions: d,
                            position: "fixed"
                    }), (0, C.jsx)(b.Z, {
                        align: "stretch",
                        children: (0, C.jsxs)(y.ZP, {
                            background: y.z4.BLACK,
                            containerRef: o,
                            dataQa: "multimedia-page-media",
                            children: [(0, C.jsx)(x.ZP, {
                                src: n,
                                isCustom: !0,
                                mediaRef: r,
                                fit: x.DW.CONTAIN,
                                a11y: {
                                    label: null == u ? void 0 : u.imageLabel
                            }), i ? (0, C.jsx)(_.ZP, {
                                children: (0, C.jsx)(S.Z, {
                                    type: S.w.DELETE,
                                    onClick: l
                            }) : null]
            P = n(30374),
            k = n(65701),
            Z = d.Z.getLogger("MultimediaPage"),
            E = u.Z.getInstance("Multimedia"),
            O = function() {
            T = function() {
                return E.get("multimedia")
            I = function(e) {
                var t = e.viewType,
                    n = e.multimediaVisibility,
                    u = e.chatUserId,
                    d = e.chatUserName,
                    f =,
                    g = e.imageSrc,
                    v = void 0 === g ? "" : g,
                    b = (0, i.useState)(""),
                    y = b[0],
                    x = b[1],
                    S = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                    _ = S[0],
                    O = S[1],
                    T = (0, i.useState)(!0),
                    I = T[0],
                    w = T[1],
                    A = (0, i.useRef)(0),
                    N = (0, i.useRef)(0),
                    R = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    M = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    L = (0, i.useRef)(null),
                    U = function(e) {
                        e && c.Z.deleteChatMessage(u, f, 0).catch((function(e) {
                                type: h.Z.TYPES.ERROR
                    D = function() {
                        var e,
                        if (R.current && M.current) {
                            var n = null == (e = R.current) ? void 0 : e.clientWidth,
                                i = null == (t = R.current) ? void 0 : t.clientHeight,
                                o = A.current,
                                r = N.current,
                                s = n / (o >= r ? 100 : 100 * o / r),
                                a = i / (r >= o ? 100 : 100 * r / o),
                                c = "";
                            c += "scale(" + Math.min(s, a) + ")",
                   = c,
                   = c
                    B = (0, i.useCallback)((function() {
                        r.Z.setTimeout((function() {
                            return D()
                        }), 100)
                    }), []),
                    F = function(e) {
                        w(!(1 !== e))
                (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                    if (f && v.length)
                        return (0, {
                            var t = e[0],
                                n = e[1],
                                i = e[2];
                            A.current = n,
                            N.current = i,
                        })).catch((function(e) {
                            return (0, P.hI)(e, "Multimedia container image preload")
                        })), o.Z.on(o.Z.ORIENTATION_CHANGE, B), L.current = (new p.Z).on(p.Z.EVENTS.ZOOM, F).enable(), function() {
                            var e;
                  , B),
                            null == (e = L.current) || e.disable()
                }), [f, v, B]);
                var G = d ? a.ZP.get(634, {
                    name: d
                }) : a.ZP.get(635);
                return (0, C.jsxs)(i.Fragment, {
                    children: [(0, C.jsx)(j, {
                        viewType: t,
                        imageSrc: y,
                        showDelete: I && t === m.Y.VIEW && 4 === Number(n),
                        mediaContainerRef: R,
                        mediaRef: M,
                        onClose: function() {
                        onSend: function(e) {
                            (0, {
                                var t = e[0],
                                    n = e[1],
                                    i = e[2];
                                E.put("multimedia", {
                                    height: i,
                                    src: t,
                                    visibility: 4,
                                    width: n
                                }, {
                                    ttl: 1e4
                            })).catch((function(e) {
                                return (0, P.hI)(e, "Multimedia container image sent preload")
                        onDelete: function() {
                        a11y: {
                            imageLabel: G || ""
                    }), (0, C.jsx)(k.Z, {
                        header: a.ZP.get(436),
                        message: a.ZP.get(539),
                        confirmLabel: a.ZP.get(350),
                        cancelLabel: a.ZP.get(429),
                        isOpen: _,
                        onConfirm: function() {
                            return U(!0)
                        onCancel: U
    98380: function(e, t, n) {
        var i;
        n.d(t, {
            Y: function() {
                return i
        function(e) {
            e.VIEW = "VIEW",
            e.SHARE = "SHARE"
        }(i || (i = {}))
    34018: function(e, t, n) {
        var i = n(67294),
            o = n(46813),
            r = n(45292),
            s = n(85893);
        function a(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function c(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? a(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    l(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : a(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function l(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        t.Z = function(e) {
            var t = (0, i.useState)(!1),
                n = t[0],
                a = t[1];
            function l() {
            function u() {
            return (0, i.useEffect)((function() {
                return o.Z.on(o.Z.SHOW_MODAL, l), o.Z.on(o.Z.HIDE_MODAL, u), function() {
          , l),
          , u)
            }), []), (0, s.jsx)(r.Z, c(c({}, e), {}, {
                disabled: n
    45292: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            F: function() {
                return o
        var i,
            r = n(94184),
            s = n.n(r),
            a = n(85893);
        !function(e) {
            e.DEFAULT = "DEFAULT",
            e.SQUARE = "SQUARE"
        }(o || (o = {}));
        var c = ((i = {})[o.DEFAULT] = "", i[o.SQUARE] = "external-ads-banner--square", i);
        t.Z = function(e) {
            var t,
                n = e.adSlot,
                i = e.dataQa,
                r = e.type,
                l = void 0 === r ? o.DEFAULT : r,
                u = e.innerRef,
                d = e.disabled,
                p = s()(((t = {
                    "external-ads-banner": !0
                })[c[l]] = !0, t["external-ads-banner--no-events"] = d, t));
            return (0, a.jsx)("div", {
                className: p,
                children: (0, a.jsx)("div", {
                    id: n,
                    "data-qa-ads": i,
                    ref: u
    44991: function(e, t, n) {
        var i = n(2215),
            o = n(36004),
            r = n(75727),
            s = (0, o.yM)(),
            a = i.Z.EVENTS,
            c = a.USER_ADDED,
            l = a.USER_REMOVED,
            u = i.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES,
            d = i.Z.getInstance();
        function p(e, t) {
            r.Z.getInstance().updateCache(e, "isFavourite", t),
            s.trigger(e, t)
        function h(e) {
            var t = e.uid;
            e.folder === u && p(t, !0)
        function m(e) {
            var t = e.uid;
            e.folder === u && p(t, !1)
        t.Z = {
            start: function() {
                d.on(c, h),
                d.on(l, m)
            stop: function() {
      , h),
      , m)
            onFavoriteStateChange: s.subscribe
    68341: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            Z: function() {
                return i
        function i(e, t) {
            var n,
                i = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.external_endpoints) || []).find((function(e) {
                    return e.type === t
            return null == i || null == (n = i.url) ? void 0 : n.replace("http://", "https://")
    12470: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            Z: function() {
                return c
        var i = n(57376),
            o = n(68068);
        function r(e, t) {
            var n = Object.keys(e);
            if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
                var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
                t && (i = i.filter((function(t) {
                    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable
                n.push.apply(n, i)
            return n
        function s(e) {
            for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
                t % 2 ? r(Object(n), !0).forEach((function(t) {
                    a(e, t, n[t])
                })) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : r(Object(n)).forEach((function(t) {
                    Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
            return e
        function a(e, t, n) {
            return (t = function(e) {
                var t = function(e, t) {
                    if ("object" != typeof e || null === e)
                        return e;
                    var n = e[Symbol.toPrimitive];
                    if (void 0 !== n) {
                        var i =, t || "default");
                        if ("object" != typeof i)
                            return i;
                        throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.")
                    return ("string" === t ? String : Number)(e)
                }(e, "string");
                return "symbol" == typeof t ? t : String(t)
            }(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
                value: n,
                enumerable: !0,
                configurable: !0,
                writable: !0
            }) : e[t] = n, e
        function c(e) {
            var t,
                n = s({}, null == (t = o.Z.getSettings()) || null == (t = t.header_configs) ? void 0 : t.find((function(t) {
                    return t.context === e
            return n.subheader_text && function(e) {
                new i.ZP(278, {
                    common_stats: {
                        event: 2,
                        source: 21,
                        context: e
            }(e), s(s({}, {
                context: 0,
                header_text: "",
                subheader_text: ""
            }), n)
    67729: function(e, t, n) {
        var i,
            o = n(67294),
            r = n(77004),
            s = n(28223),
            a = n(96437);
        !function(e) {
            e.FORWARD = "forward",
            e.BACKWARD = "backward",
            e.NONE = "none"
        }(i || (i = {}));
        t.Z = function(e, t, n) {
            void 0 === n && (n = {});
            var c = (0, o.useRef)(!1);
            (0, o.useEffect)((function() {
                if (e) {
                    var o = e.current,
                        l = n.activeIndex || 0,
                        u = n.activeIndex || 0,
                        d = [],
                        p = {},
                        h = 0,
                        m = 0,
                        f = 0,
                        g = 0,
                        v = 0,
                        b = 0,
                        y = null,
                        x = null,
                        S = !1,
                        _ = !1,
                        C = !1,
                        j = !1,
                        P = 0,
                        k = "rtl" === r.Z.language_direction,
                        Z = function() {
                            null != o && o.offsetWidth && (P = o.children[e.current.children.length - 1].offsetLeft,, (function(e, t) {
                                d[t] || (d[t] = {});
                                var n = e.getAttribute("data-id");
                                p[n] = t;
                                var i = d[t],
                                    o = e.offsetLeft;
                                i.el = e,
                       = n,
                                i.index = t,
                                i.position = o,
                                i.width = e.offsetWidth
                        E = function() {
                            return 1 === d.length || d.some((function(e) {
                                    return 0 !== e.position
                        O = function(e) {
                            var t = function(e) {
                                var t = e < 0,
                                    n = "rtl" === r.Z.language_direction;
                                return t && e < -50 ? n ? i.BACKWARD : i.FORWARD : !t && e > 50 ? n ? i.FORWARD : i.BACKWARD : i.NONE
                            if (t === i.BACKWARD) {
                                for (var n = e, s = l - 1; s >= 0 && !((n -= (null == o ? void 0 : o.children[s]).offsetWidth) < 50);)
                                return Math.max(s, 0)
                            if (t === i.FORWARD) {
                                for (var a = -e, c = l + 1; c < d.length && !((a -= (null == o ? void 0 : o.children[c]).offsetWidth) - 50 < 50);)
                                return Math.min(c, d.length - 1)
                            return l
                        T = function(e) {
                            var t = b > 0;
                            return t && (k ? e < 0 : e > 0) ? e = 0 : !t && (k ? e <= P : e <= -P) && (e = -P), !!o && ( = "translate3d(" + e + "px, 0, 0)", v = e, !0)
                        I = function(e, n) {
                            y = e,
                            l = e.index,
                            n && (null == o || o.classList.add("is-animated")),
                            n ? (0,, s.Z)(o), (function() {
                                return null == o || o.classList.remove("is-animated"), t && y && t(y.index), void (_ = !1)
                            })) : _ = !1
                        w = function(e) {
                            if (E() || Z(), !(d.length < 2 || _)) {
                                var t = e.touches[0];
                                S = !1,
                                h = m = 0,
                                f = t.pageX,
                                g = t.pageY,
                                y && (u = y.index),
                                C = !0
                        A = function(e) {
                            if (!(d.length < 2 || S || _)) {
                                if (!C)
                                    return C = !1, void w(e);
                                var t = e.touches[0],
                                    i = t.pageX - f,
                                    o = t.pageY - g;
                                m += i,
                                f = t.pageX,
                                g = t.pageY;
                                var r = m - h;
                                j || (j = Math.abs(i) > Math.abs(o)),
                                j ? (e.preventDefault(), b = i, T(v + i)) : S = !0;
                                var s,
                                    a = O(r) || l;
                                s = d[a],
                                x !== s && n.activeClassName && (x && x.el.classList.remove(n.activeClassName), s && (s.el.classList.add(n.activeClassName), x = s))
                        N = function() {
                            if (!(d.length < 2 || !j || _)) {
                                _ = !0,
                                C = !1;
                                var e = O(m - h),
                                    t = d[e];
                                I(t, !0),
                                j = !1
                    return Z(), E() && (I(d[u], c.current), c.current = !0), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchstart", w), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchmove", A), null == o || o.addEventListener("touchend", N), function() {
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchstart", w),
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchmove", A),
                        null == o || o.removeEventListener("touchend", N)
            }), [e, t, n])
    39467: function(e, t, n) {
        var i = n(74837),
            o = n(2215);
        function r(e, t) {
            return r = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, t) {
                return e.__proto__ = t, e
            }, r(e, t)
        var s = function(e) {
            var t,
            function o() {
                var t;
                return (t = || this).EVENTS = {
                    USER_CHANGED: "change",
                    USER_CHANGED_TS: "change_ts",
                    ONLINE: "online"
                }, t.savedUsersToChangeFavourite = {}, i.Z.on(i.Z.EVENTS.ONLINE, t.backOnline, function(e) {
                    if (void 0 === e)
                        throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
                    return e
                }(t)), t
            n = e,
            (t = o).prototype = Object.create(n.prototype),
            t.prototype.constructor = t,
            r(t, n);
            var s = o.prototype;
            return s.backOnline = function() {
                var e = [];
                for (var t in this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite) {
                    var n = this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite[t];
                    e.push(a(n.user, n.callback))
                this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite = {},
                this.trigger(this.EVENTS.ONLINE, Promise.all(e))
            }, s.saveUser = function(e, t) {
                this.savedUsersToChangeFavourite[e.user_id] = {
                    user: e,
                    callback: t
            }, s.toggleFavouriteStatus = function(e, t) {
                e.is_favourite = !e.is_favourite,
                this.trigger(this.EVENTS.USER_CHANGED_TS, e),
                i.Z.isOnline() ? a(e, t) : this.saveUser(e, t)
            }, o
        function a(e, t) {
            var n = {
                    uid: e.user_id,
                    folder: o.Z.TYPES.FAVOURITES
                i = null;
            return !0 === e.is_favourite ? i = o.Z.getInstance().addUserToFolder(n) : (i = o.Z.getInstance().removeUserFromFolder(n), t && i.then(t)), i
        t.Z = new s
    64935: function(e, t, n) {
        n.d(t, {
            e: function() {
                return s
        var i = n(38146),
            o = n(88906),
            r = n(5646);
        function s(e, t) {
            var n = ((null == e ? void 0 : e.user_field_errors) || []).find((function(e) {
                return e.user_field === t
            return n ? {
                errorMessage: n.error_message,
                errorType: i.Z.getErrorFromFieldErrorType(n.error_type),
                errorField: r.r[t],
                isInvalid: !0
            } : (0, o.B)()
    5646: function(e, t, n) {
        var i;
        n.d(t, {
            r: function() {
                return o
        var o = ((i = {})[200] = 39, i[220] = 8, i[10] = 7, i[230] = 9, i[20] = 12, i)

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 701 ms