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PHP Decode

;/*FB_PKG_DELIM*/ __d("AcfToastImpressionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalco..

Decoded Output download

<?  ;/*FB_PKG_DELIM*/ 
__d("AcfToastImpressionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1873550"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("acf_toast_impression", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("AggregateError", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b(c, d) { 
            var e; 
            d = (d = d) != null ? d : g(c); 
            e =, d) || this; 
   = "AggregateError"; 
            e.errors = c; 
            e.message = d; 
            Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(e), b); 
            return e 
        return b 
    function g(a) { 
        if (a.length === 0) 
            return "No errors"; 
        return a.length === 1 ? a[0].message : { 
            return "- " + a.message 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("AvailableListState", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        OFFLINE: 0, 
        IDLE: 1, 
        ACTIVE: 2, 
        MOBILE: 3 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("BizCoreFbApPlusMessageButtonClickFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6143"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("biz_core_fb_ap_plus_message_button_click", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("BizCoreFbApPlusMessageButtonImpressionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6144"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("biz_core_fb_ap_plus_message_button_impression", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        NONE: "NONE", 
        SET_FAQ: "SET_FAQ", 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "6442397089210757" 
), null); 
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql", ["useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "business_assets" 
          , c = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "consumer_id" 
          , d = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "page_id" 
          , e = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "business_assets", 
                variableName: "business_assets" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "consumer_id", 
                variableName: "consumer_id" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "page_id", 
                variableName: "page_id" 
            concreteType: "BizInboxFeatureConfigWrapper", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "biz_inbox_feature_config", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BizInboxGatingConfig", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "gating_config", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceButtonConfig", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "commerce_invoice_button_config", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "show_confirm_payment", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "show_payment_onboarding", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "show_request_payment", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, d], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery", 
                selections: e, 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [d, c, a], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery", 
                selections: e 
            params: { 
                id: b("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("getBusinessAssetList", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return { 
            return { 
                business_account_id: b == null ? void 0 :, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("useBusinessAssets", ["getBusinessAssetList", "react", "useBizKitSelectedAssets", "useGlobalScope"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useMemo; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = c("useBizKitSelectedAssets")(); 
        b = b.assets; 
        var d = a == null ? b : a 
          , e = c("useGlobalScope")(); 
        return i(function() { 
            return c("getBusinessAssetList")(d, e) 
        }, [e, d]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData", ["RelayHooks", "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql", "useBusinessAssets"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.pageID; 
        a = a.recipientID; 
        var f = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql") 
          , g = c("useBusinessAssets")(); 
        f = d("RelayHooks").useLazyLoadQuery(f, { 
            page_id: e, 
            consumer_id: a, 
            business_assets: g 
        return i({ 
            show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer: (e = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer, 
            show_confirm_payment: (g = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (e = g.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : e.show_confirm_payment, 
            show_request_payment: (a = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (g = a.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : g.show_request_payment, 
            show_payment_onboarding: (e = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_payment_onboarding 
    function i(a) { 
        var b = a.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer 
          , c = a.show_confirm_payment 
          , d = a.show_request_payment; 
        a = a.show_payment_onboarding; 
        b = Boolean(b); 
        c = Boolean(c); 
        var e = !1; 
        d = Boolean(d); 
        a = Boolean(a); 
        return { 
            showInComposer: b, 
            showConfirmPayment: c, 
            showCommerceInvoiceButtonPUX: e, 
            showRequestPayment: d, 
            showPaymentOnboarding: a 
    g.useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = a; 
    g.parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataImpl = i 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils", ["useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return { 
            showInComposer: !1, 
            showConfirmPayment: !1, 
            showCommerceInvoiceButtonPUX: !1, 
            showRequestPayment: !1, 
            showPaymentOnboarding: !1 
    function b(a) { 
        var b; 
        return d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData").parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataImpl({ 
            show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer, 
            show_confirm_payment: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_confirm_payment, 
            show_request_payment: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_request_payment, 
            show_payment_onboarding: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = a.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_payment_onboarding 
    g.getDefaultBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = a; 
    g.parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = b 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxDetailViewConsts", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        IG_DIRECT_THREAD_TITLE_FALLBACK: "Instagram User", 
        IG_POST_PHOTO_SIZE: 236, 
        IG_POST_PUBLISHER_NAME_FALLBACK: "Instagram User", 
        MS_IN_HR: 1e3 * 60 * 60, 
        MS_IN_S: 1e3, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("BizInboxSurface", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = b("$InternalEnum").Mirrored(["BUSINESS_SUITE", "CREATOR_STUDIO", "INVALID", "PAGE", "PAGE_APPOINTMENT"]); 
    c = a; 
    f["default"] = c 
), 66); 
__d("BizInboxSurfaceContext", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = h || d("react"); 
    b = a.createContext(Object.freeze({})); 
    c = b; 
    g["default"] = c 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxSurfaceUtils", ["BizInboxSurface", "BizInboxSurfaceContext", "URI", "XBizSuiteControllerRouteBuilder", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = (i || d("react")).useContext; 
    function k() { 
        var a = c("XBizSuiteControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({}); 
        a = new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a).getQualifiedURI().toString(); 
        return h.getRequestURI().getQualifiedURI().toString().startsWith(a) 
    function a() { 
        var a = j(c("BizInboxSurfaceContext")); 
        a = a.inboxSurface; 
        return (a = a) != null ? a : c("BizInboxSurface").INVALID 
    function b() { 
        var a = new RegExp("/inbox/(all|instagram_direct|messenger)","i"); 
        return k() && a.test((h || (h = c("URI"))).getRequestURI().getQualifiedURI().toString()) 
    g.isBizSuiteSurface = k; 
    g.useBizInboxSurface = a; 
    g.useBizInboxSkeletonLoadingState = b 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxGating", ["BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType", "BizInboxSurfaceUtils", "gkx", "justknobx", "qex"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("113") 
    function b() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("112") 
    function e() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("126") 
    function f() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("131") 
    function h() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("104") 
    function i() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("34") 
    function j() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("136") 
    function k() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("33") 
    function l() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("63") 
    function m() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("189") 
    function n() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("140") 
    function o() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("28") 
    function p() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("167") 
    function q() { 
        return !d("BizInboxSurfaceUtils").isBizSuiteSurface() 
    function r() { 
        return c("gkx")("22410") 
    function s(a) { 
        return a === c("BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType").SET_FAQ ? !0 : !1 
    function t() { 
        return !1 
    function u() { 
        return c("gkx")("3743") 
    function v() { 
        var a; 
        return (a = c("qex")._("1400")) != null ? a : !1 
    function w() { 
        return !0 
    function x() { 
        return !1 
    function y() { 
        return c("gkx")("22417") 
    function z() { 
        return c("qex")._("1") 
    function A() { 
        return c("gkx")("22418") 
    function B() { 
        return !0 
    function C() { 
        return c("gkx")("22414") 
    function D() { 
        return c("gkx")("22415") 
    function E() { 
        return c("gkx")("2369") 
    function F() { 
        return c("qex")._("1407") === !0 
    function G() { 
        return c("qex")._("1407") 
    function H() { 
        return c("qex")._("176") === !1 ? null : c("qex")._("197") === !0 
    function I() { 
        return !0 
    function J() { 
        return !1 
    function K() { 
        return c("justknobx")._("1133") 
    function L() { 
        return c("qex")._("197") 
    function M() { 
        return c("qex")._("1551") 
    function N() { 
        return c("gkx")("2334") 
    function O() { 
        return c("gkx")("22419") 
    function P() { 
        return c("gkx")("22420") 
    function Q() { 
        return !0 
    function R() { 
        return c("gkx")("22421") 
    function S() { 
        return c("qex")._("235") === !0 
    function T() { 
        return c("gkx")("2641") 
    function U() { 
        return c("qex")._("1466") === !0 
    function V() { 
        return c("gkx")("3701") 
    function W() { 
        return c("qex")._("610") === !0 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingActions = a; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingArchivedStatusChange = b; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingDeleteThread = e; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingFollowUp = f; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingMarkRead = h; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingMarkSpam = i; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadAndMessageDFF = j; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadListFetch = k; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadFetch = l; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessengerParticipantsFetch = m; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMQTT = n; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForAssignAdmin = o; 
    g.getUseSPClientIDForUnreadThreads = p; 
    g.getShowNewIAModal = q; 
    g.getCTSSuggestionBar = r; 
    g.getShouldEnableControlButtonForSuggestionBar = s; 
    g.getIsBadgeCountClientCalcDisplayEnabled = t; 
    g.getShouldImproveAdminAssignmentText = u; 
    g.getShouldShowImportantLabel = v; 
    g.getIsIGDirectThreadTitleUpdate = w; 
    g.getShouldDisplayOnboardingCardForExistedUsers = x; 
    g.getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1 = y; 
    g.getShouldEnableIGDContentSearch = z; 
    g.getShouldUseClientSideCalculation = A; 
    g.getMBS2022H2LaunchGK = B; 
    g.getUseSPMigration = C; 
    g.getAllowPBIAFrontendChanges = D; 
    g.getShouldShowBetaPBUP = E; 
    g.shouldLoadIGDOnMsys = F; 
    g.getMsysExperimentValue = G; 
    g.getMsysMSGRExperimentValue = H; 
    g.getCometExperimentValue = I; 
    g.shouldAllowEmptyThreadDetails = J; 
    g.shouldShowAYMTOnTests = K; 
    g.shouldLoadMessengerOnMsys = L; 
    g.shouldLoadMessengerOnMsysSilent = M; 
    g.shouldPreloadMsys = N; 
    g.shouldLoadWAOnMsys = O; 
    g.shouldUseIGBusinessAssetID = P; 
    g.shouldFixPaginationCount = Q; 
    g.shouldUseVerticalNav = R; 
    g.shouldSavedReplyUseTabKeybordShortcut = S; 
    g.shouldShowSavedReplyRow = T; 
    g.getShouldEnableSuggestedSavedReplyRow = U; 
    g.shouldShowAdvancedSavedReplyForWA = V; 
    g.shouldEnableSentByIconFix = W 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return c("gkx")("22402") 
    g.getShouldMergeIgThreadQuery = a 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa) { 
    "use strict"; 
    aa = function() { 
        var aa = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "before" 
          , ba = { 
            defaultValue: [], 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "businessAssets" 
          , ca = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "getShouldUnifyConfigQueries" 
          , da = { 
            defaultValue: 480, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "height" 
          , ea = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "ig_params" 
          , fa = { 
            defaultValue: !0, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "includeDeliveryReceipts" 
          , ga = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "includeSeqID" 
          , ha = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool" 
          , ia = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "isWorkUser" 
          , ja = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads" 
          , ka = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "item_after" 
          , la = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "item_limit" 
          , ma = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "loadThreadItems" 
          , na = { 
            defaultValue: !0, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "loadThreads" 
          , oa = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "load_delivery_receipts" 
          , pa = { 
            defaultValue: !0, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "load_items" 
          , qa = { 
            defaultValue: !0, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "load_messages" 
          , ra = { 
            defaultValue: !0, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "load_read_receipts" 
          , sa = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "message_limit" 
          , ta = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "msgr_params" 
          , ua = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "msgr_pending_params" 
          , va = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "page_id" 
          , wa = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "selected_item_id" 
          , xa = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "should3DContextCardSections" 
          , ya = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "shouldSkipMessage" 
          , za = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "shouldSkipPageQuery" 
          , Aa = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries" 
          , Ba = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "source" 
          , Ca = { 
            defaultValue: !1, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly" 
          , Da = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "wa_params" 
          , Ea = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "wa_pending_params" 
          , Fa = { 
            defaultValue: 480, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "width" 
          , Ga = { 
            alias: "unused", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "string", 
                variableName: "source" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "xfb_returns_zero_make_parameter_used", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ha = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "ig_params", 
            variableName: "ig_params" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "msgr_params", 
            variableName: "msgr_params" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "selected_item_id", 
            variableName: "selected_item_id" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "wa_params", 
            variableName: "wa_params" 
          , Ia = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "sync_sequence_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ja = { 
            condition: "includeSeqID", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !0, 
            selections: [Ia] 
          , a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ka = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_fbid", 
            storageKey: null 
          , La = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadKey", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_key", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ka, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "other_user_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , b = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ma = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "last", 
            value: 1 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "snippet", 
            storageKey: null 
          , d = [a] 
          , Na = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "timestamp_precise", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Oa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "commerce_message_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "legacy_attachment_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = [e] 
          , Qa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "description", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ra = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "native_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , i = [g, h, Ra, Sa, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "target_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateExtraFields", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "media_owner_profile_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "media_owner_profile_pic_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "favicon_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "favicon_url_fallback", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateCTA", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "default_cta", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: i, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateCTA", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cta1", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: i, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateCTA", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cta2", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: i, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateCTA", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cta3", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: i, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_id_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_contact_url_list_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_contact_url_expiration_timestamp_list_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_contact_url_fallback_list_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_title_text_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "list_item_accessibility_text_1", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ta = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "height", 
            value: 240 
        }, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "width", 
            value: 240 
          , k = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , l = [k] 
          , Ua = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "height", 
            value: 120 
        }, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "width", 
            value: 120 
          , m = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , n = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "height", 
            storageKey: null 
          , o = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "width", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ta = [a, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "StickerPack", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "pack", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
        }, j, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "frame_count", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "frame_rate", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "frames_per_row", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "frames_per_column", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: "sprite_image_2x", 
            args: Ta, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "sprite_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "sprite_image(height:240,width:240)" 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Ua, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "sprite_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "sprite_image(height:120,width:120)" 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Ua, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "padded_sprite_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "padded_sprite_image(height:120,width:120)" 
        }, { 
            alias: "padded_sprite_image_2x", 
            args: Ta, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "padded_sprite_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "padded_sprite_image(height:240,width:240)" 
        }, m, n, o]; 
        var Va = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Ta, 
            type: "Sticker", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , p = [k, n, o] 
          , Wa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "animated_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xa = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "sizing", 
            value: "contain-fit" 
          , Ya = [Xa] 
          , Za = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Ya, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: 'image(sizing:"contain-fit")' 
          , q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "playable_duration_in_ms", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_playable", 
            storageKey: null 
          , r = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "playable_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ab = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Va, Wa, Za, q, $a, r], 
            storageKey: null 
          , bb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "source", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , cb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "style_list", 
            storageKey: null 
          , db = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "title_with_entities", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , s = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "key", 
            storageKey: null 
          , eb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AttachmentProperty", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "properties", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [s, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "value", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: f, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , fb = { 
            alias: "url", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "messenger_dot_com_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "deduplication_key", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_links", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [h, m], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ib = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingAttribution", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messaging_attribution", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "attribution_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "attribution_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, b, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "icon_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , jb = { 
            alias: "action_link", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , kb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_open_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "preview_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "preview_subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , t = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "target_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , u = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_objects", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, lb, mb, t, nb], 
                type: "MessengerPlatformEntPreview", 
                abstractKey: "__isMessengerPlatformEntPreview" 
            storageKey: null 
          , ob = { 
            alias: "title", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , pb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCTAUserConfirmation", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "user_confirmation", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "cancel_button_label", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "continue_button_label", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "confirmation_message", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "confirmation_title", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , qb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_disabled", 
            storageKey: null 
          , rb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_mutable_by_server", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "logging_token", 
            storageKey: null 
          , tb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerPlatformPaymentMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "payment_module_config", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "total_price", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , ub = { 
            alias: "render_style", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_render_style", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerPlatformWebviewMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "webview_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "fallback_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "messenger_extensions", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "webview_height_ratio", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "height_ratio", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "webview_share_button", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "hide_share_button", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , v = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "page_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , w = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "placeholder", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , x = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "length", 
            storageKey: null 
          , xb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "format", 
            storageKey: null 
          , yb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "form_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "form_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "form_num_screens", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "form_current_screen_index", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerPIIFormScreenObject", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "form_first_screen", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "screen_title", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerPIIQuestionObject", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "questions", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [a, g, h, w, wb, x, xb, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "mask", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerPIIBusinessPrivacyObject", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "business_privacy", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [e, m], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "form_color_theme", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessengerDirectSendCallToActionData", 
            abstractKey: null 
        w = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "feedback_form_current_screen_index", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerFeedbackFormScreenObject", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "feedback_form_first_screen", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerFeedbackQuestionObject", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "feedback_questions", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [a, h, g, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "score_label", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "left_score_label", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "right_score_label", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "score_option", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MessengerFeedBackQuestionFollowup", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "follow_up", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [g, w], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "feedback_form_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "feedback_form_num_screens", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerFeedbackBusinessPrivacyObject", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "feedback_form_privacy_policy", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [e, j, m], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "feedback_form_state", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessengerFeedbackFormOpenCallToActionData", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var y = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cta_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [yb, w], 
            storageKey: null 
          , zb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_high_confidence", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ab = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messenger_call_to_actions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [jb, kb, u, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, y, zb, Sa], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "XMALayoutInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "xma_layout_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "layout_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , z = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "listing_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "CrisisListingCategoryWrapper", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "listing_category", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "offer_image", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: l, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "request_image", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: l, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 315 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 851 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "map_image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: "map_image(height:315,width:851)" 
            type: "CrisisListing", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Db = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "filename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Eb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url_shimhash", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "extension", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "filesize", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "duration", 
            storageKey: null 
          , A = { 
            alias: "transfer_id", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , B = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , C = [a, { 
            alias: "name", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "short_name", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: "full_name", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, B, m] 
          , D = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "sender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: C, 
            storageKey: null 
        C = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "receiver", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: C, 
            storageKey: null 
        var E = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "value", 
            storageKey: null 
        s = { 
            alias: "actionDatas", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentActivityActionData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_datas", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [z, { 
                alias: "additionalInfo", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PaymentActivityActionDataAdditionalInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "additional_info", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [s, E], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "category", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "identifier", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "inputType", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "input_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, x, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "optional", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "placeholderText", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "placeholder_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var Ib = { 
            alias: "actionIdentifier", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_identifier", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "style", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Kb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "title", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Lb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "receiptView", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PaymentReceiptView", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "receipt_view", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: "additionalInstruction", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "additional_instruction", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: f, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, a, { 
                    alias: "otherParticipant", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PaymentActivityParticipantView", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "other_participant", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: "imageUrl", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "image_url", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, wb, h], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PaymentActivityViewSection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "sections", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: "preferredPosition", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "preferred_position", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Kb], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "P2POpenReceiptActionButton", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , F = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "amount", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "currency", 
            storageKey: null 
          , G = [F, Mb, { 
            alias: "formattedAmount", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_amount", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nb = { 
            alias: "amount", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "currency_amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: G, 
            storageKey: null 
          , H = [z, s, Ib, Jb, h, Lb, { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "moneyTransfer", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "generic_money_transfer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [A, D, C, Nb], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "P2PPaymentActionButtonWithTransfer", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Ob = { 
            alias: "componentType", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "component_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "color", 
            storageKey: null 
        G = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "amount", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: G, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pb], 
            type: "P2PBubbleAmountComponent", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Qb = [{ 
            alias: "dimensionlessCacheKey", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "dimensionless_cache_key", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, n, { 
            alias: "isSilhouette", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_silhouette", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: "mimeType", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "mime_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, b, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "scale", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, k, o] 
          , Rb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "aspectRatio", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "aspect_ratio", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Qb, 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "P2PBubbleImageComponent", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Qb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "alignment", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pb, { 
                alias: "facepileUsers", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "User", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "facepile_users", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "profile_picture", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Qb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "images", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: Qb, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "size", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, e], 
            type: "P2PBubbleTextComponent", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Sb = { 
            alias: "iconCurrencyCode", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "icon_currency_code", 
            storageKey: null 
        H = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "P2PBubbleView", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "bubble_view", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "actions", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: H, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "components", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Ob, G, Rb, Qb], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "P2PBubbleRobotext", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "robotext", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "action", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: H, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, Pb, Sb, e], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: "rootAction", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "root_action", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: H, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PaymentViewData", 
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentViewData" 
        var Tb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "short_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ub = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Tb, m], 
            type: "User", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Vb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_amount", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transaction_amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [F, Vb], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "transfer_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yb = { 
            alias: "completedTime", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "completed_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zb = { 
            alias: "updatedTime", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "updated_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $b = { 
            alias: "creationTime", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "creation_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , I = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , ac = [I] 
          , bc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerPayTheme", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transfer_theme", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , cc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted", 
            storageKey: null 
          , dc = [cc] 
          , ec = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyQuantity", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "amount_fb_discount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: dc, 
            storageKey: null 
          , fc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "funds_availability", 
            storageKey: null 
          , J = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "group_thread_fbid", 
            storageKey: null 
          , K = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "description", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "status_description", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "currency_amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Mb], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ic = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "memo_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , L = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "sender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                args: null, 
                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                name: "P2PSenderReceiver" 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "receiver_profile", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, b, B, Ub], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransferContext", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transfer_context", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessageImage", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "memo_images", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: ac, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, bc], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, ec, fc, J, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerPlatformSoldItemDetail", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "platform_item", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [b, K, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Photo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "photos", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: ac, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, m], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, a, gc, hc, ic, H]; 
        cc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyQuantity", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [cc, Mb], 
            storageKey: null 
        var jc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transaction_amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [F], 
            storageKey: null 
          , M = [b, a, B, Ub] 
          , N = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "requester", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: M, 
            storageKey: null 
        M = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "requestee", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: M, 
            storageKey: null 
        var kc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "request_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerPayTheme", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "request_theme", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , O = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransfer", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transfer", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: L, 
            storageKey: null 
          , mc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "creation_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "updated_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , oc = { 
            alias: "message", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "snippet", 
            storageKey: null 
        u = [jb, kb, u, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, y]; 
        y = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "call_to_actions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: u, 
            storageKey: null 
        var pc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "image_aspect_ratio", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "first_metaline", 
            storageKey: null 
          , rc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "source_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "target_url", 
            storageKey: null 
        u = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "default_action", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: u, 
            storageKey: null 
        var tc = [a, { 
            alias: "large_preview", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: null 
          , uc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: tc, 
            type: "MessageImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        tc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: tc, 
            type: "Photo", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var vc = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "media_type", 
            value: "image/gif" 
          , wc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [vc], 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "animated_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: 'animated_image(media_type:"image/gif")' 
        vc = { 
            alias: "preview_image", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 206 
            }, vc, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 206 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "animated_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: 'animated_image(height:206,media_type:"image/gif",width:206)' 
        var xc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [wc, vc, { 
                alias: "large_preview", 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 420 
                }, Xa, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 420 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: p, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:420,sizing:"contain-fit",width:420)' 
            type: "MessageAnimatedImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , yc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Application", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "attribution_app", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, b, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "square_logo", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , zc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "attribution_metadata", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ac = [n, o, k] 
          , Bc = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "x", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "y", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Vect2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "original_dimensions", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Bc, 
            storageKey: null 
        Ac = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, r, { 
                alias: "chat_image", 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 200 
                }, Xa, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 168 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Ac, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:200,sizing:"contain-fit",width:168)' 
            }, Pa, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "video_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Cc, q, { 
                alias: "large_image", 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 640 
                }, Xa, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 640 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Ac, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:640,sizing:"contain-fit",width:640)' 
            }, { 
                alias: "inbox_image", 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 450 
                }, Xa, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 450 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Ac, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:450,sizing:"contain-fit",width:450)' 
            type: "MessageVideo", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Dc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [o, n, a, r], 
            type: "Video", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , P = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [a, K, pc, nb, qc, b, rc, sc, u, y, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "media_blob_attachments", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [z, uc, tc, xc, Ac, Dc], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ec = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "video_id", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Video", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Fc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "values", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "ComponentFlowLeadGenField", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "field_data_list", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "field_type", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, j, Fc], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PagesPlatformLeadGenInfo", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Hc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "expiration_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "latitude", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ic = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "longitude", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jc = [Q, Ic] 
          , Kc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "live_location_id", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_expired", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Hc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "User", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "sender", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Coordinate", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "coordinate", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Jc, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "location_title", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "LiveLocationDestination", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "sender_destination", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Q, Ic, j], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "stop_reason", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessageLiveLocation", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Lc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "kept_by", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "kept_at", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_keep_disabled", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Oc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "blob_media_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pc = [r, m, I] 
          , Qc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Pc, 
            type: "MessageVideo", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Pc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Pc, 
            type: "MessageImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Rc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "montage_container_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "story_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "calendar_sync_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Uc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Page", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, Tc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "ServicesVerticalPageBasedInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "services_vertical_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "is_eligible_for_appointment_calendar", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "is_eligible_for_mbs_calendar", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "is_page_sp_enabled", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "time_zone_name", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_bubble_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "user", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ls_xma_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ls_xma_subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zc = { 
            alias: "availability", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "user_availability", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "request_flow_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ad = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "service_general_info", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_saved_to_calendar", 
            storageKey: null 
          , cd = [a, b, B] 
          , dd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Page", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: cd, 
            storageKey: null 
          , ed = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "start", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "end", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gd = [ed, fd] 
          , hd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TimeRange", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "suggested_time_range", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: gd, 
            storageKey: null 
          , id = { 
            alias: "duration", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "duration_in_seconds", 
            storageKey: null 
          , jd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "duration_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , kd = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 1 
          , ld = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "sizing", 
                value: "cover-fill-cropped" 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: 'image(sizing:"cover-fill-cropped")' 
          , md = { 
            alias: "price", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "display_price", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "requested_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , od = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "special_request", 
            storageKey: null 
          , pd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "booking_status_value", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , rd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "archived_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reminder_bubble_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , td = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "request_admin_approval_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ud = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "JobApplication", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "job_application", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , vd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "user", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, Tb, B], 
            storageKey: null 
          , wd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ServicesNativeBookingRequestAdditionalInfoField", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "additional_info", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "field_key", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, E, j], 
            storageKey: null 
          , xd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PhoneNumber", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "consumer_phone_number", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "display_number", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , yd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "recur_message", 
            storageKey: null 
          , zd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Page", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ad = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "consumer", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TimeRange", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "formatted_available_time_ranges", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: gd, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_booking_request_created", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Dd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_click_events", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ed = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_texts", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ServicesWWWURL", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "www_url", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_async", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, k], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "render_template", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "primary_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Id = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "visible_on_platforms", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jd = [a, b] 
          , Kd = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messaging_actor", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jd, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ld = { 
            alias: "eventID", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Md = { 
            alias: "guestStatus", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_guest_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nd = { 
            alias: "canViewerJoin", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "can_viewer_join", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Od = { 
            alias: "timeString", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "start_time_sentence", 
            storageKey: null 
          , R = [b] 
          , Pd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "social_context", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qd = { 
            alias: "watchStatus", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_watch_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "connection_style", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sd = { 
            alias: "canViewerWatch", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "can_viewer_watch", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Td = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 300 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "profile_picture(width:300)" 
          , Ud = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "start_timestamp", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vd = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "application_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "artist_names", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "audio_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "duration_ms", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "music_title", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "ExternalSong", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Wd = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "lwa_state", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "lwa_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "LightweightAction", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Xd = { 
            alias: "desc", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "description", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yd = { 
            alias: "thumb_url", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zd = { 
            alias: "item_url", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "target_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $d = { 
            alias: "source", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "source_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ae = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "second_metaline", 
            storageKey: null 
          , be = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "third_metaline", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ce = { 
            alias: "total_cost", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formated_price", 
            storageKey: null 
          , de = { 
            alias: "merchant_name", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "seller_info", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ee = { 
            alias: "raw_amount", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "price_amount", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCommercePayment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , ge = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "price_currency", 
            storageKey: null 
          , he = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "price_amount", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ie = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "can_donate", 
            storageKey: null 
          , je = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_viewer_donated", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ke = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "fundraiser_detailed_progress_text", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , le = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "fundraiser_subtitle_text", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , S = [k, o, n] 
          , me = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
          , ne = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "recipient_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , oe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "merchant_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , pe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "account_holder_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "receipt_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , re = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "shipping_method", 
            storageKey: null 
          , se = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "order_payment_method", 
            storageKey: null 
          , te = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "receipt_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ue = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cancellation_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ve = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "receipient_address", 
            storageKey: null 
          , we = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "streets", 
            storageKey: null 
          , xe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "city", 
            storageKey: null 
          , T = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "country", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ye = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "postal_code", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ze = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "state", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ae = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "structured_address", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [we, xe, T, ye, ze], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Be = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "total", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ce = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tax", 
            storageKey: null 
          , De = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "shipping_cost", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ee = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "subtotal", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "bubble_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ge = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "order_time_for_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , He = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RetailReceiptAdjustment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "retail_adjustments", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "adjustment_amount", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "adjustment_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ie = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "partner_logo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Je = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "payment_modules_client", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ke = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_seller", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Le = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment_snippet", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Me = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "item_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ne = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "subtitle", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
        F = [F, Mb]; 
        Mb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "unit_price", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: F, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Oe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Ua, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "images", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "images(height:120,width:120)" 
          , Pe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "quantity", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ua = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentComponent", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "components", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [Kb, Ne, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: Ua, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: "image(height:120,width:120)" 
            storageKey: null 
        var Qe = [ze, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_detail", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "label", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "checkmark", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "extra_data", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Re = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment_call_to_actions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: Qe, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Se = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "click_action", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Qe, 
            storageKey: null 
        Qe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "summary_action", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Qe, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Te = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "invoicer_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ue = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_last_attachment", 
            storageKey: null 
        F = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment_total", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: F, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Ve = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "product_detail", 
            storageKey: null 
          , We = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentIcon", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "payment_status_icon", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [qd], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "user_facing_payment_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ye = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "payment_sub_statuses", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ze = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "should_show_new_xma", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "buyer_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , af = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "group_commerce_item_description", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , bf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "formatted_price", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , cf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "group_commerce_item_title", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ya = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Ya, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: 'image(sizing:"contain-fit")' 
        var df = { 
            alias: "primary_photo", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "primary_listing_photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ya], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ef = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "StreetAddress", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "address", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "single_line_full_address", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , ff = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "top_category_name", 
            storageKey: null 
        Xa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cover_photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Photo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "photo", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "height", 
                        value: 720 
                    }, Xa, { 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "width", 
                        value: 720 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "image", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: S, 
                    storageKey: 'image(height:720,sizing:"contain-fit",width:720)' 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var gf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Location", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "location", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jc, 
            storageKey: null 
          , hf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Rating", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "overall_star_rating", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [E], 
            storageKey: null 
          , jf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "price_range_description", 
            storageKey: null 
          , kf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_active", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "event_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nf = [kf, lf, mf] 
          , of = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: nf, 
            type: "MessengerEventReminder", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , pf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_more_upcoming_reminders", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qf = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "orderby", 
            value: "m_personal_reminder_list_ordering" 
          , rf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tint_color", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "logo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
          , tf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , uf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "boarding_time_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "departure_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passenger_names_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , xf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passenger_seat_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , yf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_terminal_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , zf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_gate_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Af = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "view_boarding_pass_cta_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "share_cta_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_cta_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Df = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "boarding_pass_title_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ef = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "boarding_pass_error_title_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ff = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "airline_logo_image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "header_image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
        E = [h, E]; 
        var Hf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "auxiliary_fields", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: E, 
            storageKey: null 
          , If = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "secondary_fields", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: E, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "qr_code_header_image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Kf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "qr_code_image_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Lf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "header_text_field", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: E, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_number", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_time_for_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Of = [Nf] 
          , Pf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "departure_time_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Of, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "terminal", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "gate", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "airport_code", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "arrival_time_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Of, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Uf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirportInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "arrival_airport", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Sf, xe], 
            storageKey: null 
        Of = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "flight_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Mf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "boarding_time_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Of, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirportInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "departure_airport", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Qf, Rf, Sf, xe], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Tf, Uf], 
            storageKey: null 
        var Vf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "seat", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlinePassengerSegmentDetail", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "passenger", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Vf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlinePassenger", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "passenger", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: R, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tracking_number", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "shipdate_for_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "estimated_delivery_time_for_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "timezone", 
            storageKey: null 
        T = [T, xe, ye, Ic, Q, ze, we, $f]; 
        ye = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "commerce_origin", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: T, 
            storageKey: null 
        Ic = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "commerce_destination", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: T, 
            storageKey: null 
        Q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentItemsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "retail_shipment_items", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, y], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        we = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "carrier_tracking_url", 
            storageKey: null 
        var ag = [o, n, k] 
          , bg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "logo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: ag, 
            storageKey: null 
          , cg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailCarrier", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "retail_carrier", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [b, we, bg], 
            storageKey: null 
        T = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messenger_commerce_location", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: T, 
            storageKey: null 
        var dg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentTrackingEventsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "shipment_tracking_events", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, T], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , eg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tracking_event_time_for_display", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "shipment_tracking_event_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tracking_event_description", 
            storageKey: null 
        we = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailCarrier", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "retail_carrier", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [b, we, bg, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "legal_terms_of_service_text", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: f, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        bg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentTrackingEventsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "shipment_tracking_events", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, fg, T], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var hg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "pnr_number", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ig = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "update_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , jg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "departure_time_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , kg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "arrival_time_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "booking_number_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "logo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: null 
        Uf = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [hg, rf, ig, jg, kg, lg, zf, tf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "flight_status_label", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, wf, xf, mg, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "flight_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Uf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AirportInfo", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "departure_airport", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Sf, xe, Rf], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Mf, Pf, Tf], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "hightlighted_labels", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AirlineUpdateMessageAttachment", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Rf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "confirmation_number", 
            storageKey: null 
        Pf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_total", 
            storageKey: null 
        Vb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlinePriceInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "itemized_price_infos", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [h, Vb], 
            storageKey: null 
        var ng = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_tax", 
            storageKey: null 
          , og = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "formatted_base_price", 
            storageKey: null 
          , pg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlinePassenger", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "passenger_infos", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: R, 
            storageKey: null 
          , qg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "aircraft_type_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , rg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "base_price_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cabin_type_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , tg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_confirmation_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ug = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "flight_date_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "itinerary_error_title_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "itinerary_title_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , xg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passenger_name_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , yg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "purchase_summary_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , zg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "taxes_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ag = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "total_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "view_details_cta_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "number_of_stops_label", 
            storageKey: null 
        Sf = [Sf, xe, Qf]; 
        Qf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "flight_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "aircraft_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Mf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirportInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "departure_airport", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Sf, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirportInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "arrival_airport", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Sf, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "departure_time_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Nf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "formatted_datetime_for_display", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "formatted_date_for_display", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Tf], 
            storageKey: null 
        Mf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AirlinePassengerSegmentDetail", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "passenger_details", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlinePassenger", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "passenger", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [b, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "ticket_number", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Vf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "seat_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AirlineProductItem", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "product_items", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: E, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "travel_class", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Sf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cover_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
        Nf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "headline", 
            storageKey: null 
        Tf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Page", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jd, 
            storageKey: null 
        Vf = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "LeadGenUserInfoField", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "field_data", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [j, b, Fc], 
            storageKey: null 
        E = [e, g]; 
        Fc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sender_wec_number", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sender_wec_number_formated", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sender_wec_number_fbid", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sender_wec_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_body", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_headline", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_media", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_media_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "wec_referral_has_admin_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_body", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_footer", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_header_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_header_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_header_media", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn1_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn1_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn2_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn2_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn3_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_btn3_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "XFBWATemplatedMessageButtonShape", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "templated_message_buttons", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: E, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_offer_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_offer_has_expiration", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_offer_expiration_time", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "XFBWATemplatedMessageCardShape", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "templated_message_cards", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "title_type", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "sample_handle", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "body", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "XFBWATemplatedMessageButtonShape", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "button", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: E, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "templated_message_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "WECMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        E = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_malicious", 
            storageKey: null 
        var Dg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thumbnail_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Eg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ad_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gg = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "ice_breaker_title", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IceBreakerMessage", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ice_breaker_messages", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Eg, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "message_key", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Fg], 
            type: "IceBreakerMessageAttachment", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Hg = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "height", 
            value: 280 
          , Ig = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "width", 
            value: 280 
          , Jg = [Hg, Ig] 
          , Kg = { 
            alias: "preview", 
            args: Jg, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: "image(height:280,width:280)" 
          , Lg = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "height", 
            value: 480 
          , Mg = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "width", 
            value: 480 
          , Ng = { 
            alias: "large_preview", 
            args: [Lg, Mg], 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: "image(height:480,width:480)" 
          , Og = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "friend_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "confidence", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "birthday_date", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MBirthdayReminderAttachment", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Pg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "module_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "program_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "curriculum_message", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "prompt", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "step_count", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ug = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "total_steps", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "mentorship_program", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MentorshipCurriculum", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "curriculum", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "topics", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xg = [Tb] 
          , Yg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "xma_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "xma_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "xma_body", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ah = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "offset", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "title", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [e, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "EntityAtRange", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ranges", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [x, ah], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , ch = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "block_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , dh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "data", 
            storageKey: null 
          , eh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "depth", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InlineStyleAtRange", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "inline_style_ranges", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "inline_style", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, x, ah], 
            storageKey: null 
          , gh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "comment_count_reduced", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TopLevelCommentsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "top_level_comments", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "total_count", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , ih = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reaction_count_reduced", 
            storageKey: null 
          , jh = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 3 
          , kh = [jh, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "orderby", 
            value: ["COUNT_DESC", "REACTION_TYPE"] 
          , lh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reaction_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "post_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nh = { 
            alias: "description", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , oh = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Xg, 
            type: "User", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , ph = [m] 
          , qh = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: ph, 
            type: "Entity", 
            abstractKey: "__isEntity" 
          , rh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "actors", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [z, b, a, oh, qh, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "profile_picture", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: p, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , sh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: p, 
            storageKey: null 
          , th = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [$a, sh], 
            storageKey: null 
          , uh = { 
            alias: "title", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "title_with_entities", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
        jh = [jh]; 
        var vh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "count", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wh = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "if_style", 
            value: "file_upload" 
          , xh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: ac, 
            storageKey: null 
          , yh = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "if_style", 
            value: "photo" 
          , zh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ah = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "actors", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [z, b, a, oh, qh], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Photo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: ac, 
            storageKey: null 
          , U = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cover_photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Bh], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ch = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "job_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Dh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ch], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Eh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "subscribe_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "visibility", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "visibility_sentence", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: f, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_join_state", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ih = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "group_general_chat", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "attachment_type_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Kh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "privacy_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Lh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "file_type_category", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "app_integration_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "size", 
                value: "D32" 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "logo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: 'logo(size:"D32")' 
          , Oh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_auth_link", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ph = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "attachment_icon", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "content_uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "timestamp", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "referral_offer_link", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Th = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXmaProgress", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "order_progress", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "total_segments", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "filled_segments", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "order_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXma", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Uh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vh = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "action_prefill", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Fg, Uh, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "customer_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "index", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, v, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "reply_image_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "InThreadMultiphotoItemCTAData", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Wh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xh = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "payment_confirmation_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "XFBPaymentInvoiceMediaMessageDetection", 
            abstractKey: null 
        L = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "target", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, Cb, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Db, r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Hb], 
                type: "WECMessageAudio", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [A, D, C, H], 
                type: "MoneyTransfer", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: L, 
                type: "PeerToPeerTransfer", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [cc, jc, N, M, kc, lc, a, ic, O, mc, J, nc, gc, H, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "individual_requests", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [cc, jc, N, M, kc, lc, a, ic, O, mc, J, nc, gc, H], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, H, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [oc, y, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "RetailPromotionItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "promotion_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: P, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MessengerRetailPromotion", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [oc, y, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerBusinessMessageItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "business_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: P, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MessengerBusinessMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Ec, Gc, Kc, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "invite_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "invite_recipient", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "QuickInvite", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Lc, Mc, Nc, Oc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "blob_media", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Qc, Pc], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MontageDirect", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Rc, c, Sc], 
                type: "MontageShare", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Uc, Vc, Wc, Xc, Yc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "native_component_flow_request", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [Zc, $c, ad, a, Tc, bd, dd, hd, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequestServicesProductItemsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "services_product_items", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "ServicesProductItem", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [a, b, K, id, jd, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: kd, 
                                    concreteType: "ProductImage", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "images", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: [ld], 
                                    storageKey: "images(first:1)" 
                                }, md], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, nd, od, pd, qd, rd, sd, td, ud, vd, wd, xd, Xc, Yc, yd], 
                        type: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequest", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "PagesPlatformBookingMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, zd, Ad, Bd, Cd], 
                type: "ServicesAppointmentAvailability", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Dd, Ed, Fd, Gd, Hd, Id], 
                type: "ServicesGenericAdminText", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "genie_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Kd, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "story_attachment", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "GenieMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Ld, Md, Nd, Od, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "event_place", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: R, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Pd, Qd, Rd, Sd, Td, b, Ud], 
                type: "Event", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Vd, Wd, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, u, y], 
                type: "MessengerRetailItem", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Xd, ce, de, sc, Yd, ee, fe, ge, he, b], 
                type: "AgentItemSuggestion", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, ie, je, ke, le, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "FundraiserCoverPhoto", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "focused_cover_photo", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "Photo", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "photo", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [me], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "FundraiserWithPresence", 
                    abstractKey: "__isFundraiserWithPresence" 
                type: "Fundraiser", 
                abstractKey: "__isFundraiser" 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, ne, oe, pe, qe, re, se, te, ue, ve, Ae, qd, Be, Ce, De, Ee, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "RetailReceiptItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "retail_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: P, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Fe, Ge, He, Ie], 
                type: "MessengerRetailReceipt", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Je, Ke, Le, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PaymentInvoiceProduct", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "item_list", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Me, b, Ne, K, Mb, Oe, Pe], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ua, Re, Se, Qe, Te, Ue, F, Ve, We, Xe, Ye, Ze, $e], 
                type: "PaymentPlatformAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: d, 
                type: "JobApplication", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [af, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "group_commerce_item_seller", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, bf, cf, df, m], 
                type: "GroupCommerceProductItem", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [bf, df], 
                type: "MarketplaceListingRenderable", 
                abstractKey: "__isMarketplaceListingRenderable" 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [ef, ff, Xa, gf, b, hf, a, jf], 
                type: "Page", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, of, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [pf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: qf, 
                    concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "personal_reminders", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersEdge", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "edges", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "node", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: nf, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: 'personal_reminders(orderby:"m_personal_reminder_list_ordering")' 
                type: "MPersonalRemindersList", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [rf, sf, tf, uf, vf, wf, xf, yf, zf, Af, Bf, Cf, Df, Ef, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassesConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "boarding_passes", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassMessageAttachment", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Ff, Gf, Hf, If, Jf, Kf, Lf, Of, Wf], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "shipment", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, Q, cg, dg], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, eg, fg, T, gg, Fe], 
                type: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, Q, we, bg, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailReceipt", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "receipt", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [qe], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "User", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "recipient", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: R, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Fe], 
                type: "MessengerRetailShipment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Uf, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Rf, hg, rf, Pf, Vb, ng, og, pg, mg, qg, kg, rg, lg, sg, jg, tg, ug, tf, yf, vg, wg, xg, wf, xf, yg, zg, Ag, Bg, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLegsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "itinerary_legs", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLeg", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Cg, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "segments", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentMessageAttachment", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [Qf, Mf], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Sf, Nf, b, Tf], 
                type: "LeadGenDeepLinkData", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Vf], 
                type: "UserLeadGenInfo", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Fc, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, b, E, k, Fb, Gb], 
                type: "WECMessageFile", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Db, n, Dg, o], 
                type: "WECMessageVideo", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Gg, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Fb, Kg, Ng], 
                type: "WECMessageImage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Og, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Pg, Qg, Rg, Sg, Tg, Ug, Vg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Wg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "mentorship_program", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "other_member", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: Xg, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Yg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerLeavePrompt", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Yg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerReminder", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Yg, Zg, $g], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerProgressTracker", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [bh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message_richtext", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [ch, dh, eh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ComposedEntityAtRange", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity_ranges", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "entity", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [z], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, x, ah], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, fh, e], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Feedback", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "feedback", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [gh, hh, ih, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: kh, 
                        concreteType: "TopReactionsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "top_reactions", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "FeedbackReactionInfo", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [lh], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: 'top_reactions(first:3,orderby:["COUNT_DESC","REACTION_TYPE"])' 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, mh, mc, nh, rh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "to", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, b, oh, qh], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "attachments", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [cb, m, bb, Qa, th, uh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: jh, 
                        concreteType: "SubattachmentsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "all_subattachments", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [vh, { 
                            alias: "files", 
                            args: wh, 
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [uh, xh], 
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"file_upload")' 
                        }, { 
                            alias: "images", 
                            args: yh, 
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [xh], 
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"photo")' 
                        storageKey: "all_subattachments(first:3)" 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Story", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "attached_story", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [zh, Ah, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "attachments", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [th], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Story", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, b, B, U, Dh, Eh], 
                type: "User", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, b, Fh, Gh, Hh, U, Ih, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "work_groups_sync_metadata", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messenger_group", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: d, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Group", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Jh, Kh, Lh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AppIntegration", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "app_integration", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Mh, b, Nh, Oh], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ph, Qh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AppContentAdditionalData", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "link_preview_additional_data", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [h, e, Pb, xb, Rh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "profiles", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [B, b], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AppContent", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: d, 
                type: "OfferItem", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [u], 
                type: "CommerceProductItemShare", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Sh], 
                type: "ApplicationReferralXMA", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Th, Vh, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [a, Wh], 
                type: "XFBP2MXMA", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Xh], 
            storageKey: null 
        N = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "story_attachment", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb, L, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "subattachments", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb, L], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        M = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "Node", 
            abstractKey: "__isNode" 
        O = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ExtensibleMessageAttachment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "extensible_attachment", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Pa, N, { 
                alias: "genie_attachment", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "story_attachment", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: "genie_message", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "target", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [a, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "genie_sender", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [a, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: null, 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "messaging_actor", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [M, b], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, N], 
                        type: "GenieMessage", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        H = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Sticker", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "sticker", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Ta, 
            storageKey: null 
        y = { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "sizing", 
            value: "cover-fill" 
        P = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "projection_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        df = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, { 
                alias: "preview", 
                args: [Hg, y, Ig], 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: p, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:280,sizing:"cover-fill",width:280)' 
            }, { 
                alias: "large_preview", 
                args: [Lg, y, Mg], 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: p, 
                storageKey: 'image(height:480,sizing:"cover-fill",width:480)' 
            }, { 
                alias: "thumbnail", 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 38 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 58 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: "image(height:38,width:58)" 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PhotoEncoding", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "photo_encodings", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, o, n, P, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "cdn_uri", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "max_tile_level", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "thumbnail_dimensions", 
                        value: [{ 
                            height: 280, 
                            width: 280 
                        }, { 
                            height: 480, 
                            width: 480 
                    concreteType: "SphericalPhotoThumbnail", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "thumbnails", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: ag, 
                    storageKey: 'thumbnails(thumbnail_dimensions:[{"height":280,"width":280},{"height":480,"width":480}])' 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "tile_levels", 
                        value: [0] 
                    concreteType: "PhotoTile", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "tiles", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "level", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "face", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "col", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "row", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, k], 
                    storageKey: "tiles(tile_levels:[0])" 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PhotosphereMetadata", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "spherical_metadata", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [P, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "full_pano_width_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "full_pano_height_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "cropped_area_image_width_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "cropped_area_image_height_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "cropped_area_left_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "cropped_area_top_pixels", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "initial_view_heading_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "initial_view_pitch_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "initial_view_vertical_fov_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "initial_view_roll_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "pose_heading_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "pose_pitch_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "pose_roll_degrees", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pa, Cc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "original_extension", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "render_as_sticker", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "blurred_image_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessageImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        nf = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, wc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "animated_image_caption", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pa, vc, Cc], 
            type: "MessageAnimatedImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url_skipshim", 
            storageKey: null 
        Xg = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, r, q, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_voicemail", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "audio_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Eb, Q], 
            type: "MessageAudio", 
            abstractKey: null 
        xh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "content_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        th = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, m, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "mimetype", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, xh, E, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "message_file_fbid", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "preview_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Eb, Q, { 
                alias: "preview", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessageFile", 
            abstractKey: null 
        U = [z, df, nf, Xg, Ac, th]; 
        u = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "blob_attachments", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: U, 
            storageKey: null 
        ab = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "extensible_message_admin_text_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        hb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Application", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "game", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
        Ab = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [hb], 
            type: "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        L = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "platform_xmd_encoded", 
            storageKey: null 
        N = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_unsendability_status", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ta = { 
            alias: "last_message", 
            args: Ma, 
            concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messages", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [c, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messaging_actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: d, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Na, Oa, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [O, H, u], 
                    type: "UserMessage", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [ab, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "extensible_message_admin_text", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [Ab], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "GenericAdminTextMessage", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, L, N], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "messages(last:1)" 
        Hg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ThreadConnectivityData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_connectivity_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "connectivity_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "first_sender_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Ig = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "job_status", 
            storageKey: null 
        Lg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "should_show_jobs_feature", 
            storageKey: null 
        y = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "should_show_schdule_interview_dialog", 
            storageKey: null 
        Mg = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "JobApplicationsFromThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_associated_job_applications", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "JobApplication", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "JobOpening", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "job_opening", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Ig, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Page", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "employer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [Lg, y], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        p = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_associated_page_admin", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: cd, 
            storageKey: null 
        P = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "unread_count", 
            storageKey: null 
        wc = { 
            condition: "is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "unread_mentions_count", 
                storageKey: null 
        vc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "messages_count", 
            storageKey: null 
        yc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "size", 
                value: 60 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "square_image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "square_image(size:60)" 
        zc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "updated_time_precise", 
            storageKey: null 
        Q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "mute_until", 
            storageKey: null 
        cd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_pin_protected", 
            storageKey: null 
        var Yh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_pinned", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_subscribed", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_other_recipient_page", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ai = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_queue_enabled", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "folder", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ci = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_viewer_archived", 
            storageKey: null 
          , di = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_page_follow_up", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ei = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_page_unresponded_thread", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cannot_reply_reason", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "can_viewer_report", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "composer_input_disabled", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ii = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ephemeral_ttl_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ji = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "emoji", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ki = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "participant_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , li = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "nickname", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadParticipantCustomization", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "participant_customizations", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [ki, li], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ni = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "outgoing_bubble_color", 
            storageKey: null 
          , oi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadCustomization", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "customization_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [ji, mi, ni], 
            storageKey: null 
          , pi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "fallback_color", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "accessibility_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ri = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reverse_gradients_for_radial", 
            storageKey: null 
          , si = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "gradient_colors", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ti = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "keyframe_asset_uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ui = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reaction_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reaction_emoji", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "static_asset", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , xi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerThreadTheme", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_theme", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, pi, qi, ri, si, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerReactionPack", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "reaction_pack", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerReactionPackReactionAssetsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "reaction_assets", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MessengerReactionAsset", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [ti, ui, vi, wi], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , yi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_admins", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , zi = { 
            alias: "approval_mode", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "group_approval_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ai = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadJoinableMode", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "joinable_mode", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "mode", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "link", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupApprovalQueueConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "group_approval_queue", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerGroupRequesterInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "User", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "requester", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "User", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "inviter", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "request_source", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "request_timestamp", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ci = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Di = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ApprovalRequestsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "approval_requests", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Ci, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ei = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_queue_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Di], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "lightweight_event_creator", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "lightweight_event_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "location_name", 
            storageKey: null 
        Jc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Location", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "location_coordinates", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jc, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Ii = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "StreetAddress", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "address", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "full_address", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ji = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "lightweight_event_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ki = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "note", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Li = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "repeat_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , V = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "seconds_to_notify_before", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ni = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "allows_rsvp", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Oi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Event", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "related_event", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminderMembersConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "event_reminder_members", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminderMembersEdge", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "edges", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "User", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "node", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "guest_list_state", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: kd, 
            concreteType: "MessengerEventRemindersOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "event_reminders", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, Fi, mf, Gi, Hi, Jc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Page", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "location_page", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Ii], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ji, Ki, Li, lf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "UserMessage", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "trigger_message", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [V], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Mi, Ni, Oi, Pi], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "event_reminders(first:1)" 
          , Ri = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThread", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "montage_thread", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Si = [Na] 
          , Ti = { 
            alias: "last_read_receipt", 
            args: Ma, 
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "read_receipts", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: Si, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "read_receipts(last:1)" 
          , Ui = { 
            alias: "is_flagged", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "page_message_tag", 
                value: "FLAG" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_tag", 
            storageKey: 'has_tag(page_message_tag:"FLAG")' 
          , Vi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "label_color", 
            storageKey: null 
          , W = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "data_silo", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "label_source", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_ad_response_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yi = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCustomThreadLabelsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "custom_thread_labels", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W, Wi, Xi], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zi = [a, b, Pb] 
          , $i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCustomTagsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "custom_thread_tags", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PageCustomTag", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: Zi, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , aj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_ai_label", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCorpThreadLabelsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "corp_thread_labels", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Vi, Wi, W, aj, Xi], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , cj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageMessageThread", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "related_page_thread", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ui, zd, Yi, $i, bj], 
            storageKey: null 
          , dj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "call_state", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ej = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "server_info_data", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RtcCallData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "rtc_call_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [dj, ej, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "initiator", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        xe = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Location", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "location", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "ReverseGeocodeData", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "reverse_geocode", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [xe, ze], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var gj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "inventory_count", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "delivery_types", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ij = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "c2c_shipping_eligible", 
            storageKey: null 
          , jj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_pending", 
            storageKey: null 
          , kj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_shipping_offered", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_sold", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ProductItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "product_item", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_commerce_post_item", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , nj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "site", 
                value: "www" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
          , oj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MarketplaceRatingState", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "rating_state", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_eligible_to_rate", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , pj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_eligible", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qj = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MarketplaceC2CShippingSeller", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "marketplace_c2c_shipping_seller", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [pj], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "User", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , rj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "label_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MarketplaceThreadLabel", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "seller_added_labels", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "label_string", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, rj], 
            storageKey: null 
          , tj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MarketplaceThreadData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "marketplace_thread_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "GroupCommerceProductItem", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "for_sale_item", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, Sc, cf, bf, xe, gj, hj, ij, jj, kj, lj, { 
                    alias: "primary_photo", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "primary_listing_photo", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: ac, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, mj, nj], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, oj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "buyer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "seller", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, qj], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, sj], 
            storageKey: null 
          , uj = { 
            alias: "action_link", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vj = { 
            alias: "room_type", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "time_spent_room_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "privacy_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , xj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "approval_mode_toggleable", 
            storageKey: null 
          , yj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "mentorship_program", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jd, 
            storageKey: null 
          , zj = [vh] 
          , Aj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupSavesConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "group_saves", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: zj, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "external_ref", 
                value: "messenger" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "verse_group_link", 
            storageKey: 'verse_group_link(external_ref:"messenger")' 
          , Cj = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [b, ef], 
            type: "Page", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Ih = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "associated_object", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [uj, a, b, B, Ih, vj, wj, xj, yj, Aj, Bj], 
                type: "Group", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [uj, a, b, B, vj, wj, xj, Ud, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "event_place", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Cj], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Event", 
                abstractKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var Dj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reactions_mute_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ej = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "mentions_mute_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "customization_enabled", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "group_thread_subtype", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ij = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "participant_add_mode_as_string", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_canonical_neo_user", 
            storageKey: null 
        ki = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadParticipantEventStatusInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "participants_event_status", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [ki, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "event_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var Kj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "comm_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Lj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "comm_source_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_priority", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "biz_inbox_tags", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Oj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "priority_score", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "trigger_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qj = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "suggestion_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "suggestion_content", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "triggered_timestamp", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Pj] 
          , Rj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "SuggestedReplyData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "biz_inbox_suggested_reply", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Qj, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tj = [a, b, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 20 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 20 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:20,width:20)" 
          , Uj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "admin", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Tj, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "comm_icon_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        ac = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageCommItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_comm_item", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, Kj, Lj, Mj, Nj, Oj, Rj, Sj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PageCommItemToPageCommItemOwnersConnection", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "comm_item_owners", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PageCommItemOwner", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "nodes", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Uj], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "subtitle", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "ImageAtRange", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "image_ranges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity_with_image", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: ac, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, x, ah], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, fh, e], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Vj], 
            storageKey: null 
        var Wj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "admin_model_status_string", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "groups_sync_status_string", 
            storageKey: null 
        ph = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "groups_sync_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "fb_group", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: ph, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var Yj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "pinning_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "OmniMActionLite", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "m_suggestions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [a, j, g, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "OmniMActionDataLite", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "data", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "OmniMActionReminderDataLite", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "reminder", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Rh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "topic", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Hc], 
            storageKey: null 
          , $j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "offline_threading_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ak = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "email", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message_sender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, ak], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ck = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ttl", 
            storageKey: null 
          , dk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "unread", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ek = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_sponsored", 
            storageKey: null 
          , fk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ad_client_token", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageCustomization", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "customizations", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "customization_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "customization_value", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , hk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "tags_list", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ik = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageSourceData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message_source_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "message_source", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , jk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MontageReplyData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "montage_reply_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [V, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "reply_action", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            storageKey: null 
          , kk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "reaction", 
            storageKey: null 
          , lk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageReaction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message_reactions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [kk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "user", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , mk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "unsent_timestamp_precise", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "unsender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "messaging_actor", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, b, oh], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , ok = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "verse_group_role_xmd", 
            storageKey: null 
          , pk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "secondary_language_body", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "Profile", 
            abstractKey: "__isProfile" 
          , rk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "MessengerViewerGroupThread", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Ka = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessageThreadKey", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "thread_key", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Ka], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessageThread", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var sk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_profile_range_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , tk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MetaAtRange", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "meta_ranges", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [x, ah, g, dh], 
            storageKey: null 
        rj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagePageAdminSender", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_admin_sender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "admin_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sender_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, b, rj, v, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "profile_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        O = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [pk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "message", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [e, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "EntityAtRange", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "ranges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [x, ah, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, qk, rk, Ka], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, sk], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, tk, O, H, u, rj], 
            type: "UserMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        u = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "answered", 
            storageKey: null 
        var uk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [u, c], 
            type: "VoiceCallMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        U = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "node", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: U, 
            storageKey: null 
        var vk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [u, c, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsConnection", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "call_capture_attachments", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [vh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsEdge", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "edges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: U, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "VideoCallMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , wk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "thread_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            type: "ThreadNameMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Jg = { 
            alias: "preview", 
            args: Jg, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "image(height:280,width:280)" 
        var xk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessageImage", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image_with_metadata", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Jg, Pa, Cc], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            type: "ThreadImageMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , yk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "participants_added", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            type: "ParticipantsAddedMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , zk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "participants_removed", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            type: "ParticipantLeftMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Ak = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewer_has_voted", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ak = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "event_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "total_count", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "option_count", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Question", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "question", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, e, Ak, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "orderby", 
                        value: "creation_time" 
                    concreteType: "QuestionOptionsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "options", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "QuestionOption", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [a, e, Ak, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "QuestionOptionVotersConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "voters", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: Ci, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: 'options(orderby:"creation_time")' 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "GroupPollExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Ci = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "display_name", 
            storageKey: null 
        $f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "event_reminder", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, mf, lf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "end_time", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Hi, Gi, Ni, Mi, Fi, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Page", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "location_page", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Jc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TimezoneInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "timezone_id", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Ci, $f, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "timezone_id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pi], 
            storageKey: null 
        var X = [$f] 
          , Bk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventCreateExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Ck = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventDeleteExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Dk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventNotifyBeforeEventExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Ek = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventNotifyExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Fk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Gk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventUpdateLocationExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Hk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventUpdateTimeExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        X = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: X, 
            type: "LightweightEventUpdateTitleExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Ik = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "guest_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        $f = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Ik, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "guest_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, $f], 
            type: "LightweightEventRSVPExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Jk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "theme_color", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "ThemeColorExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Kk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "thread_icon", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "ThreadIconExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        li = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [li, { 
                alias: "participant_id", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "target_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "ThreadNicknameExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Lk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "accepter_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "requester_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AcceptPendingThreadExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Mk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "contact_added_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "contact_adder_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AddContactExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Nk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "event", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ok = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Nk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_video_call", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, ej], 
            type: "RtcCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Pk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "collapsed_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "expanded_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "template", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "leaderboard_json", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Uk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "game_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "GameScoreExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Vk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "parties_user_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "parties_invite_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PartiesInviteExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Wk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "icebreaker_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "icebreaker_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "icebreaker_subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "vote_buttons_with_icons", 
            storageKey: null 
          , $k = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "friend_request_recipient", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "friend_request_sender", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "friend_request_subtype", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Wk, Xk, Yk, Zk], 
            type: "ConfirmFriendRequestExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , al = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "sender_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , bl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "bump_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "recipient_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, al, h, K, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "icon_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "image_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "facepile_ids", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Uh, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "cta_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "admin_message_string", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "banner_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_two_way", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessengerGrowthGenericExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , cl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Hd, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "ios_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "activity_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_redesign", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "BizInboxDetectedOutcomesActivityAdminTextExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , dl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cta_text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , el = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Hd, dl, Rk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "async_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "www_is_async_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "LinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , fl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "referer_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessengerLiveChatPluginURLUpdateAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , gl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "fb_user_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MessengerLiveChatPluginFBUserStartChatAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Hc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Hc], 
            type: "MessengerLiveChatPluginGuestUserStartChatAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        dl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [dl, Rk, V, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "recipient_is_the_sender", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "WorkChatReminderLinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var hl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "post_uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PostSharedFromGroupExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , il = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ad_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , jl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [il], 
            type: "MessengerAdContextAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , kl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [fk, Fg, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "ad_preferences_link", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "ad_properties", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AdExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , ll = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "page_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "start_time", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "product_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "user_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AppointmentReminderExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , ml = [v] 
          , nl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: ml, 
            type: "GraphQLServicesAppointmentsOptOutExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , ol = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: ml, 
            type: "ServicesLeadGenSurveyExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        ml = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: ml, 
            type: "ServicesLeadGenSurveyEditExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var pl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "caller_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ql = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "callee_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , rl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "conference_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "server_info", 
            storageKey: null 
          , tl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "video", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ul = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "call_duration", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "rating", 
            storageKey: null 
        Wk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Wk, Xk, Yk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "votes_cast", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Zk], 
            type: "MessengerIcebreakerVoteCastExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Xk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "user_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        Yk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "currency_code", 
            storageKey: null 
        Zk = [v, Xk, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "receipt_photo_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Yk, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "detection_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        var wl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Zk, 
            type: "PagesMarkAsPaidExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Zk = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: Zk, 
            type: "PagesMarkAsPaidNewExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var xl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "interaction_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , yl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [v, Xk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "interaction_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, xl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "should_show_cta", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PageThreadActionSystemAddDetailsXMAT", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , zl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Page", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "bot_page", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: d, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "show_landing_page", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "WorkBotInstalledExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        il = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [il, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "should_show_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "results_url", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "AdReplyMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var Al = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "new_magic_word_count", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "magic_word", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "emoji_effect", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "MagicWordsExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Bl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "token_ent_id_string", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "user_action_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "NotificationMessagesAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Cl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "admin_assigner_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Dl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Cl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "assigned_admin_name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "assign_conversation", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "BizInboxAssignAdminAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Cl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Cl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "note_input", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "BizInboxAdminAssignmentNoteAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var El = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "email_thread_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "BizInboxOmnichannelEmailSentAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Fl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "user_subscription_management_action_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "InstantGameBotMessageSubscriptionManagementAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Gl = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "user_mute_management_action_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "InstantGameCustomUpdateMuteManagementAdminText", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Bh = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "extensible_message_admin_text", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, Ak, Bk, Ck, Dk, Ek, Fk, Gk, Hk, X, $f, Jk, Kk, li, Lk, Mk, Ok, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [hb, ig, Pk, Qk, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "instant_game_update_data", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Rk, Uh, Bh, Sk], 
                            type: "InstantGameXMATCustomMessageClientData", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, Tk], 
                    type: "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, Uk, Vk, $k, bl, cl, el, fl, gl, Hc, dl, hl, jl, kl, ll, nl, ol, ml, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [pl, ql, rl, Nk, sl, tl, ul, vl, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "call_capture_attachments", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [vh, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsEdge", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "edges", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: U, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, Wk, wl, Zk, yl, zl, il, Al, Bl, Dl, Cl, El, Fl, Gl], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, ab, c], 
            type: "GenericAdminTextMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        U = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "transfer_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CurrencyQuantity", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "amount", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: dc, 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "p2p_sender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "p2p_receiver", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
        }, c]; 
        dc = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: U, 
            type: "P2PPaymentRequestMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        U = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: U, 
            type: "P2PPaymentMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        lk = [Zj, z, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, lk, mk, nk, ok, N, O, uk, vk, wk, xk, yk, zk, Bh, dc, U, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RepliedToMessage", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "replied_to_message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [qd, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "message", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Zj, z, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, lk, mk, nk, ok, N, O, uk, vk, wk, xk, yk, zk, Bh, dc, U], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        nk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PinnedMessageData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "pinned_messages", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [V, Yj, { 
                condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly", 
                kind: "Condition", 
                passingValue: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: lk, 
                    storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        O = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_default_child_group", 
            storageKey: null 
        vk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "emoji_codepoints", 
            storageKey: null 
        xk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_groups_sync_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "fb_group", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [m, a, b, Fh, O, B, Aj, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MultiBackgroundIcon", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "group_icon", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [vk], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Bh = { 
            condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "saved_messages", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: lk, 
                storageKey: null 
        var Hl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "joinable_link", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Il = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_fuss_red_page", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Group", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "program_group", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 24 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 24 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "profile_picture", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: l, 
                storageKey: "profile_picture(height:24,width:24)" 
            storageKey: null 
        Jd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Group", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "mentorship_group", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Jd, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Kl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "banner_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ll = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "banner_subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ml = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: kd, 
            concreteType: "MessengerMentorshipProgramOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "linked_mentorship_programs", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, Jl, Jd, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: kd, 
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgramToMentorshipMessengerCurriculumStepOrderByStepCountConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "messenger_curriculum_steps", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Kl, Ll], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: "messenger_curriculum_steps(first:1)" 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "linked_mentorship_programs(first:1)" 
          , Nl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_unsendability_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ol = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_pin_timestamp", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_business_page_active", 
            storageKey: null 
        pj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ConversionDetectionData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "conversion_detection_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [pj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "conversion_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Yk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "currency_amount", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: "timestamp", 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "timestamp_graphql_time", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "page_reply", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "icebreaker_key", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "icebreaker_message", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Pj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "shipping_provider", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Xf, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "ctx_ad_info", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Yk = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "SuggestedReplyData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "suggested_reply_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Qj, 
            storageKey: null 
        Pj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "admin_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        Qj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "gender", 
            storageKey: null 
        var Y = { 
            alias: "big_image_src", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 60 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 60 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:60,width:60)" 
          , Ql = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "username", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_friend", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_messenger_user", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_message_blocked_by_viewer", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ul = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_coworker", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Vl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_employee", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_aloha_proxy_confirmed", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_capabilities2", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Yl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "messenger_account_status_category", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Zl = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "company_title", 
            storageKey: null 
        R = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_community", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: R, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Ch], 
            storageKey: null 
        var $l = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Rl, Sl, Tl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_viewer_managing_parent", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "NeoApprovedUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , am = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [m, Y, Ql, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "accepts_messenger_user_feedback", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Sl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_messenger_platform_bot", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Tl, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "InstantGameChannelInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "instant_game_channel", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Application", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "application", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "verification_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Page", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , bm = [m, Y, Tl] 
          , cm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: bm, 
            type: "SmsMessagingParticipant", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , dm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [Y, Tl], 
            type: "InstagramMessagingUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , em = [Y] 
          , fm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "LiveChatOnlyPerson", 
            abstractKey: null 
        bm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: bm, 
            type: "UnavailableMessagingActor", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var gm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "UnifiedMessagingInstagramUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , hm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_blocked_by_viewer", 
            storageKey: null 
          , im = [m, Y, Ql] 
          , jm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: im, 
            type: "Group", 
            abstractKey: null 
        im = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: im, 
            type: "Event", 
            abstractKey: null 
        j = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "WorkForeignEntityInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_foreign_entity_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "detail", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, j, g], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "WorkForeignEntity", 
            abstractKey: "__isWorkForeignEntity" 
        var km = [m, Y, Tb, Tl] 
          , lm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: km, 
            type: "XFBWorkroomsBaseUser", 
            abstractKey: "__isXFBWorkroomsBaseUser" 
        km = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: km, 
            type: "XFBWorkroomsSystemUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var mm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "MessengerCallGuestUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , nm = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "WorkVCEndpointUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , om = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "WECMailboxAccount", 
            abstractKey: null 
        em = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: em, 
            type: "WECCustomer", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var pm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "wec_group_creation_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , qm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "wec_group_invite_link", 
            storageKey: null 
        Kd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: Kd, 
            storageKey: null 
        R = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "all_participants", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadEdge", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "edges", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Pj, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "node", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messaging_actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [a, z, b, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Ql, Rl, Sl, Tl, Ul, Vl, Wl, Xl, Yl, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "scim_company_user", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Zl], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, R], 
                            type: "User", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, $l, am, cm, dm, fm, bm, gm, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [m, Y, Ql, hm, Tl, R], 
                            type: "ReducedMessagingActor", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, jm, im, j, lm, km, mm, nm, om, em, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Y, pm, qm, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "wec_group_participants", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Kd, vh], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "wec_group_admins", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Kd], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            type: "WECGroupRecipient", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Kd = { 
            alias: "watermark", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "timestamp_precise", 
            storageKey: null 
        var rm = { 
            alias: "action", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "action_timestamp_precise", 
            storageKey: null 
          , sm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "read_receipts", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Kd, rm, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "actor", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: d, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Si = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingDeliveryReceiptsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "delivery_receipts", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingDeliveryReceipt", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: Si, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var tm = { 
            condition: "includeDeliveryReceipts", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !0, 
            selections: Si 
          , um = [Ja, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThread", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [a, La, b, Ta, Hg, Mg, p, P, wc, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, oi, xi, yi, zi, Ai, Bi, Ei, Qi, Ri, Ti, cj, fj, tj, Ih, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, ac, Wj, Xj, ph, nk, xk, Bh, K, Hl, Il, Ml, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, R, sm, tm], 
            storageKey: null 
          , vm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "instagram_user_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , wm = [vm, B] 
          , xm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "unseen_count", 
            storageKey: null 
          , ym = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "token", 
            storageKey: null 
          , zm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Am = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_v2_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Bm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "instagram_message_thread_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Cm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "thread_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Dm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_group", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Em = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "last_activity_at", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Fm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadLastSeenUser", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "last_seen_at", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [Me, Rh, Xk], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Gm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "media_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Hm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadDirectStoryData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "direct_story", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [xm, Gm], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Im = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadThreadLabelsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_labels", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W, Wi], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Jm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadThreadCorpLabelsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_corp_labels", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Tj = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "User", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "assigned_admin", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Tj, 
            storageKey: null 
        var Km = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_follow_up", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Lm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_read", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Mm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "business_thread_folder", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Nm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadUserNodesData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_users", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadUserData", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "eimu_id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, vm, Ql, b, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "IGThreadUserProfilePic", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "profile_picture", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: l, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "blocking", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "is_verified", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , Om = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "input_mode", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Pm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_partnership", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Qm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "time_stamp", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Rm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ig_item_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Sm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "client_context", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Tm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemPlaceHolderSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "ig_placeholder", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [h, Eg], 
            storageKey: null 
          , Um = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "height", 
            variableName: "height" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "width", 
            variableName: "width" 
          , Vm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Um, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image_source", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: l, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Wm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Um, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVideoSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "video_source", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
          , Xm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "expiring_at", 
            storageKey: null 
          , Ym = [vm, Ql, b, B] 
          , Zm = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media_owner", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Ym, 
            storageKey: null 
          , $m = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemRavenMedia", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "raven_media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Gm, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "seen_user_ids", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "view_mode", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "seen_count", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "media", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Vm, Wm, Xm], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Ym = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "user", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Ym, 
            storageKey: null 
        var an = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Um, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image_source", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
          , bn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: f, 
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemMediaShare", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , cn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "story_type", 
            storageKey: null 
          , dn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [cn, e, g], 
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemReelShare", 
            abstractKey: null 
        cn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [cn, Eg, h, e], 
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemStoryShare", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Eg = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [h, e], 
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemFelixShare", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var en = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [h, wb, e, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "current_price", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "full_price", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, k], 
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemProductShare", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , fn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "likes_count", 
            storageKey: null 
          , gn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "emojis", 
            storageKey: null 
          , hn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: S, 
            storageKey: null 
        gd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_log", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [K, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogBoldSource", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "bold", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: gd, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogTextAttributesSource", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "text_attributes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [ed, fd, Pb, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "intent", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        ed = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemLinkSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "link_source", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Sm, e, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemLinkContextSource", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "link_context", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "link_url", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "link_title", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "link_summary", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "link_image_url", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        fd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVideoSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "animated_media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: ag, 
            storageKey: null 
        ag = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVoiceMediaSource", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "voice_media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "audio_src", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Hb], 
            storageKey: null 
        var Z = [Gm, an] 
          , jn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Z, 
            storageKey: null 
          , kn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemHScrollShareItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "hscroll_share", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [h, wb, k, jn], 
            storageKey: null 
          , ln = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "header_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , mn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "header_subtitle", 
            storageKey: null 
          , nn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "header_icon_url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , on = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemCollectionShare", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "shops_collection_share", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [ln, mn, nn, h, wb, sc, jn], 
            storageKey: null 
        wb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemAppointmentBooking", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "appointment_booking", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [h, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "max_title_num_of_lines", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, wb, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "max_subtitle_num_of_lines", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "header_title_text", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "header_icon_url_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: S, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, jn, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "preview_extra_urls_info", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: S, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "preview_layout_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, sc, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGXMAMessageCTAButton", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cta_buttons", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Ra, h], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        jn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemShopShare", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "shop_share", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [ln, mn, nn, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "medias", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: Z, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, sc], 
            storageKey: null 
        S = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemGenericXMA", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "generic_xma", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "xma_template_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "xma_layout_type", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, h, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "sub_title", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "GenericXMACTAButton", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cta_buttons", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [h, Ra], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "preview_url_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Z, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        ln = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "send_attribution", 
            storageKey: null 
        mn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemRepliedToMessage", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "replied_to_message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [e, V, Rh, Xk], 
            storageKey: null 
        nn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "end_cursor", 
            storageKey: null 
        Ra = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_next_page", 
            storageKey: null 
        Z = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [nn, Ra], 
            storageKey: null 
        Zm = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [ym, Me, al, Qm, Rm, e, Sm, Tm, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ig_thread_item_media", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Gm, Vm, Wm, Xm, Zm], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, $m, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "share", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Ym, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "media", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Gm, an, Wm, Xm, Zm], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, bn, dn, cn, Eg, en], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemReactions", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ig_reaction", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [fn, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "likes", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: wm, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, gn], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: Um, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemProfileShareSource", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "profileshare", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Ym, hn], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, gd, ed, fd, ag, kn, on, wb, jn, S, ln, mn], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Z]; 
        Ym = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "selected_thread_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        var pn = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "after", 
            variableName: "item_after" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "first", 
            variableName: "item_limit" 
          , qn = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "before_time_precise", 
            variableName: "before" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "last", 
            variableName: "message_limit" 
          , rn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "has_previous_page", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Si = { 
            condition: "load_delivery_receipts", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !0, 
            selections: Si 
        var sn = { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "page_id", 
            variableName: "page_id" 
          , tn = [sn] 
          , un = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "business_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , vn = { 
            kind: "RootArgument", 
            name: "page_id" 
          , wn = { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "business_assets", 
            variableName: "businessAssets" 
        sn = { 
            condition: "getShouldUnifyConfigQueries", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "selected_thread", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [wn, sn], 
                    concreteType: "BizInboxFeatureConfigWrapper", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "BizInboxGatingConfig", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "gating_config", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_product_picker_button_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_send_availability_button_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_create_appointment_button_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_customer_feedback_button_on_move_to_done", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_form_builder_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_send_inthread_forms_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_marketing_messages_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "marketing_messages_in_composer_state", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "is_booking_tool_enabled", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_gcash_id_share_and_copy_button", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_calling_in_composer", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceButtonConfig", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "commerce_invoice_button_config", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_confirm_payment", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_payment_onboarding", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "show_request_payment", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
        var xn = [xm]; 
        xn = { 
            alias: "xfb_unified_thread_list_pending", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "msgr_params", 
                variableName: "msgr_pending_params" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "wa_params", 
                variableName: "wa_pending_params" 
            concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                condition: "isWorkUser", 
                kind: "Condition", 
                passingValue: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: "wa_pending_threads", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "wa_threads", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: xn, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: "msg_pending_threads", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "msgr_threads", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: xn, 
                    storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        var yn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: tn, 
            concreteType: "BizCRMContactCardConfig", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "can_add_activities", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        wn = [wn]; 
        var $ = [z, a] 
          , zn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "DynamicFeedAdAttachmentMedia", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , An = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "GenericAttachmentMedia", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Bn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "MontageImage", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , Cn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: d, 
            type: "MontageVideo", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Va = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, Va, Wa, Za, q, $a, r, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn], 
            storageKey: null 
        Wa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_links", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [z, h, m], 
            storageKey: null 
        Za = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "action_objects", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [z, a, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [lb, mb, t, nb], 
                type: "MessengerPlatformEntPreview", 
                abstractKey: "__isMessengerPlatformEntPreview" 
            storageKey: null 
        q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cta_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, yb, w], 
            storageKey: null 
        lb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messenger_call_to_actions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [jb, kb, Za, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, q, zb, Sa], 
            storageKey: null 
        mb = [z, { 
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentActivityAction" 
        }, s, Ib, Jb, h, Lb, { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: "moneyTransfer", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "generic_money_transfer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, A, D, C, Nb, a], 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "P2PPaymentActionButtonWithTransfer", 
            abstractKey: null 
        t = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "P2PBubbleView", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "bubble_view", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "actions", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: mb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "components", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [z, Ob, G, Rb, Qb], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "P2PBubbleRobotext", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "robotext", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "action", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: mb, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, Pb, Sb, e], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: "rootAction", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "root_action", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: mb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "PaymentViewData", 
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentViewData" 
        yb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "receiver_profile", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, a, b, B, Ub], 
            storageKey: null 
        w = [I, a]; 
        zb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransferContext", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transfer_context", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessageImage", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "memo_images", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: w, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, bc, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        Sa = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerPlatformSoldItemDetail", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "platform_item", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [b, K, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Photo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "photos", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: w, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, m, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        s = [z, b, a, B, Ub]; 
        Ib = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "requester", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: s, 
            storageKey: null 
        Lb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "requestee", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: s, 
            storageKey: null 
        Nb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransfer", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "transfer", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [D, yb, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, zb, ec, fc, J, Sa, a, gc, hc, ic, t], 
            storageKey: null 
        Ob = [jb, kb, Za, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, q]; 
        G = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "call_to_actions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: Ob, 
            storageKey: null 
        Rb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "default_action", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Ob, 
            storageKey: null 
        Qb = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [a, K, pc, nb, qc, b, rc, sc, Rb, G, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "media_blob_attachments", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [z, uc, tc, xc, Ac, Dc, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Sb = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messaging_actor", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, a, b], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, a]; 
        mb = { 
            alias: "primary_photo", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "primary_listing_photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, Ya, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        bc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentItemsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "retail_shipment_items", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, G], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Ub = [b, a]; 
        s = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, $a, sh, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn], 
            storageKey: null 
        jb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, I, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn], 
            storageKey: null 
        kb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Photo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: w, 
            storageKey: null 
        Za = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "cover_photo", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [kb], 
            storageKey: null 
        ob = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "group_general_chat", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: $, 
            storageKey: null 
        pb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "target", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, a, Cb, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Db, r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Hb], 
                type: "WECMessageAudio", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [A, D, C, t], 
                type: "MoneyTransfer", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [D, yb, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, zb, ec, fc, J, Sa, gc, hc, ic, t], 
                type: "PeerToPeerTransfer", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [cc, jc, Ib, Lb, kc, lc, ic, Nb, mc, J, nc, gc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "individual_requests", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [cc, jc, Ib, Lb, kc, lc, a, ic, Nb, mc, J, nc, gc, t], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, t], 
                type: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, t, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [oc, G, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "RetailPromotionItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "promotion_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Qb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MessengerRetailPromotion", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [oc, G, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerBusinessMessageItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "business_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Qb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MessengerBusinessMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Ec, Gc, Kc, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "invite_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: $, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "invite_recipient", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: $, 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "QuickInvite", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Lc, Mc, Nc, Oc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "blob_media", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, Qc, Pc, M], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "MontageDirect", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Rc, c, Sc], 
                type: "MontageShare", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Uc, Vc, Wc, Xc, Yc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "native_component_flow_request", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, a, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [Zc, $c, ad, Tc, bd, dd, hd, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequestServicesProductItemsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "services_product_items", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "ServicesProductItem", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [a, b, K, id, jd, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: kd, 
                                    concreteType: "ProductImage", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "images", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: [ld, a], 
                                    storageKey: "images(first:1)" 
                                }, md], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, nd, od, pd, qd, rd, sd, td, ud, vd, wd, xd, Xc, Yc, yd], 
                        type: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequest", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "PagesPlatformBookingMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [zd, Ad, Bd, Cd], 
                type: "ServicesAppointmentAvailability", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Dd, Ed, Fd, Gd, Hd, Id], 
                type: "ServicesGenericAdminText", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "genie_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Sb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "story_attachment", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "GenieMessage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Ld, Md, Nd, Od, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "event_place", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, b, M], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Pd, Qd, Rd, Sd, Td, b, Ud], 
                type: "Event", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Vd, Wd, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, Rb, G], 
                type: "MessengerRetailItem", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Xd, ce, de, sc, Yd, ee, fe, ge, he, b], 
                type: "AgentItemSuggestion", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [ie, je, ke, le, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "FundraiserCoverPhoto", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "focused_cover_photo", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "Photo", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "photo", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [me, a], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "FundraiserWithPresence", 
                    abstractKey: "__isFundraiserWithPresence" 
                type: "Fundraiser", 
                abstractKey: "__isFundraiser" 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [ne, oe, pe, qe, re, se, te, ue, ve, Ae, qd, Be, Ce, De, Ee, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "RetailReceiptItemsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "retail_items", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Qb, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Fe, Ge, He, Ie], 
                type: "MessengerRetailReceipt", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Je, Ke, Le, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PaymentInvoiceProduct", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "item_list", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Me, b, Ne, K, Mb, Oe, Pe, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ua, Re, Se, Qe, Te, Ue, F, Ve, We, Xe, Ye, Ze, $e], 
                type: "PaymentPlatformAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [af, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "group_commerce_item_seller", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: $, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, bf, cf, mb, m], 
                type: "GroupCommerceProductItem", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [bf, mb], 
                type: "MarketplaceListingRenderable", 
                abstractKey: "__isMarketplaceListingRenderable" 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [ef, ff, Xa, gf, b, hf, jf], 
                type: "Page", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, of, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [pf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: qf, 
                    concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "personal_reminders", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersEdge", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "edges", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "node", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [kf, lf, mf, a], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: 'personal_reminders(orderby:"m_personal_reminder_list_ordering")' 
                type: "MPersonalRemindersList", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [rf, sf, tf, uf, vf, wf, xf, yf, zf, Af, Bf, Cf, Df, Ef, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassesConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "boarding_passes", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassMessageAttachment", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Ff, Gf, Hf, If, Jf, Kf, Lf, Of, Wf, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "shipment", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, bc, cg, dg], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, eg, fg, T, gg, Fe], 
                type: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, bc, we, bg, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailReceipt", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "receipt", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [qe, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "User", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "recipient", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: Ub, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Fe], 
                type: "MessengerRetailShipment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Uf, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Rf, hg, rf, Pf, Vb, ng, og, pg, mg, qg, kg, rg, lg, sg, jg, tg, ug, tf, yf, vg, wg, xg, wf, xf, yg, zg, Ag, Bg, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLegsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "itinerary_legs", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLeg", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Cg, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "segments", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentMessageAttachment", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [Qf, Mf, a], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Sf, Nf, b, Tf], 
                type: "LeadGenDeepLinkData", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Vf], 
                type: "UserLeadGenInfo", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Fc, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [b, E, k, Fb, Gb], 
                type: "WECMessageFile", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Db, n, Dg, o], 
                type: "WECMessageVideo", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Gg, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Fb, Kg, Ng], 
                type: "WECMessageImage", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Og, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Pg, Qg, Rg, Sg, Tg, Ug, Vg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Wg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "mentorship_program", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "other_member", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, Tb, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Yg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerLeavePrompt", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Yg], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerReminder", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Yg, Zg, $g], 
                type: "MentorshipMessengerProgressTracker", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [bh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message_richtext", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [z, ch, dh, eh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ComposedEntityAtRange", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity_ranges", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "entity", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [z, M], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, x, ah], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, fh, e], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Feedback", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "feedback", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [gh, hh, ih, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: kh, 
                        concreteType: "TopReactionsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "top_reactions", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "FeedbackReactionInfo", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [lh, a], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: 'top_reactions(first:3,orderby:["COUNT_DESC","REACTION_TYPE"])' 
                    }, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, mh, mc, nh, rh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "to", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, b, oh, qh, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "attachments", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [cb, m, bb, Qa, s, uh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: jh, 
                        concreteType: "SubattachmentsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "all_subattachments", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [vh, { 
                            alias: "files", 
                            args: wh, 
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [uh, jb], 
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"file_upload")' 
                        }, { 
                            alias: "images", 
                            args: yh, 
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "nodes", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [jb], 
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"photo")' 
                        storageKey: "all_subattachments(first:3)" 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Story", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "attached_story", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [zh, Ah, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "attachments", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [s], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Story", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [b, B, Za, Dh, Eh], 
                type: "User", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [b, Fh, Gh, Hh, Za, ob, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "work_groups_sync_metadata", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messenger_group", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: $, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Group", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Jh, Kh, Lh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AppIntegration", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "app_integration", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Mh, b, Nh, Oh, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ph, Qh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "AppContentAdditionalData", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "link_preview_additional_data", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [h, e, Pb, xb, Rh, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "profiles", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [B, b, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "AppContent", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Rb], 
                type: "CommerceProductItemShare", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Sh], 
                type: "ApplicationReferralXMA", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Th, Vh, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [Wh], 
                type: "XFBP2MXMA", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, Xh], 
            storageKey: null 
        qb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "story_attachment", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb, pb, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "subattachments", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb, pb], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        rb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "ExtensibleMessageAttachment", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "extensible_attachment", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Pa, qb, { 
                alias: "genie_attachment", 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "story_attachment", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: "genie_message", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "target", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, a, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "genie_sender", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [a, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: null, 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "messaging_actor", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [z, b, a, { 
                                    kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                                    abstractKey: "__isNode" 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, qb], 
                        type: "GenieMessage", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        sb = [z, { 
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
            abstractKey: "__isMessageBlobAttachment" 
        }, df, nf, Xg, Ac, th, M]; 
        tb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "blob_attachments", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: sb, 
            storageKey: null 
        ub = { 
            alias: "last_message", 
            args: Ma, 
            concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "messages", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [z, c, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message_sender", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messaging_actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: $, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Na, Oa, L, N, a, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [rb, H, tb], 
                    type: "UserMessage", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [ab, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "extensible_message_admin_text", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, Ab], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "GenericAdminTextMessage", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "messages(last:1)" 
        vb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "JobApplicationsFromThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_associated_job_applications", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "JobApplication", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "JobOpening", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "job_opening", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Ig, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Page", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "employer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [Lg, y, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        v = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThreadCustomization", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "customization_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [ji, mi, ni, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessengerThreadTheme", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_theme", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, pi, qi, ri, si, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerReactionPack", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "reaction_pack", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessengerReactionPackReactionAssetsConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "reaction_assets", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MessengerReactionAsset", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [ti, ui, vi, wi, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, a], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Ob = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_admins", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: $, 
            storageKey: null 
        rc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "thread_queue_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, Di, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        uc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: kd, 
            concreteType: "MessengerEventRemindersOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "event_reminders", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, Fi, mf, Gi, Hi, Jc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Page", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "location_page", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [Ii, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Ji, Ki, Li, lf, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "UserMessage", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "trigger_message", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [V, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, Mi, Ni, Oi, Pi], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "event_reminders(first:1)" 
        tc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageMessageThread", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "related_page_thread", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ui, zd, Yi, $i, bj, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        xc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RtcCallData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "rtc_call_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [dj, ej, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "initiator", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: $, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Dc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MarketplaceThreadData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "marketplace_thread_data", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "GroupCommerceProductItem", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "for_sale_item", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a, Sc, cf, bf, xe, gj, hj, ij, jj, kj, lj, { 
                    alias: "primary_photo", 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "primary_listing_photo", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, I, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, mj, nj], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, oj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "buyer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: $, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "seller", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, a, qj], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, sj], 
            storageKey: null 
        Ya = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "associated_object", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [z, a, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [uj, b, B, ob, vj, wj, xj, yj, Aj, Bj], 
                type: "Group", 
                abstractKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [uj, b, B, vj, wj, xj, Ud, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "event_place", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [z, Cj, M], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Event", 
                abstractKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        $a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageCommItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_comm_item", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [a, Kj, Lj, Mj, Nj, Oj, Rj, Sj, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "PageCommItemToPageCommItemOwnersConnection", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "comm_item_owners", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "PageCommItemOwner", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "nodes", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Uj, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "subtitle", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "ImageAtRange", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "image_ranges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity_with_image", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, I, M, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: d, 
                            type: "XFBBasicMarketplaceImage", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, x, ah], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, fh, e], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Vj], 
            storageKey: null 
        sh = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "groups_sync_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "fb_group", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [m, a], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        zn = { 
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
            abstractKey: "__isMessage" 
        An = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageReaction", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "message_reactions", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [kk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "user", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: $, 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Bn = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "unsender", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "messaging_actor", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, a, b, oh], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        Cn = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [pk, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "message", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [e, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "EntityAtRange", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "ranges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [x, ah, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "entity", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, qk, rk, Ka, M], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, sk], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, tk, rb, H, tb, rj], 
            type: "UserMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        w = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "node", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: sb, 
            storageKey: null 
        Cb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [u, c, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsConnection", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "call_capture_attachments", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [vh, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsEdge", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "edges", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: w, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "VideoCallMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        Hb = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessageImage", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "image_with_metadata", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Jg, Pa, Cc, a], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            type: "ThreadImageMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        C = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "extensible_message_admin_text", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, Ak, Bk, Ck, Dk, Ek, Fk, Gk, Hk, X, $f, Jk, Kk, li, Lk, Mk, Ok, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [hb, ig, Pk, Qk, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "instant_game_update_data", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Rk, Uh, kb, Sk], 
                            type: "InstantGameXMATCustomMessageClientData", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, Tk], 
                    type: "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, Uk, Vk, $k, bl, cl, el, fl, gl, Hc, dl, hl, jl, kl, ll, nl, ol, ml, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [pl, ql, rl, Nk, sl, tl, ul, vl, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "call_capture_attachments", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [vh, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsEdge", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "edges", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: w, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, Wk, wl, Zk, yl, zl, il, Al, Bl, Dl, Cl, El, Fl, Gl], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, ab, c], 
            type: "GenericAdminTextMessage", 
            abstractKey: null 
        D = [z, zn, Zj, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, An, mk, Bn, ok, N, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "RepliedToMessage", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "replied_to_message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [qd, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "message", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, zn, Zj, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, An, mk, Bn, ok, N, a, Cn, uk, Cb, wk, Hb, yk, zk, C, dc, U], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        }, a, Cn, uk, Cb, wk, Hb, yk, zk, C, dc, U]; 
        yb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PinnedMessageData", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "pinned_messages", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [V, Yj, { 
                condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly", 
                kind: "Condition", 
                passingValue: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "message", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: D, 
                    storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Wb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_groups_sync_metadata", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "fb_group", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [m, a, b, Fh, O, B, Aj, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MultiBackgroundIcon", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "group_icon", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [vk, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        Xb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: kd, 
            concreteType: "MessengerMentorshipProgramOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "linked_mentorship_programs", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MentorshipProgram", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [a, Jl, Jd, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: kd, 
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgramToMentorshipMessengerCurriculumStepOrderByStepCountConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "messenger_curriculum_steps", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [Kl, Ll, a], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: "messenger_curriculum_steps(first:1)" 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "linked_mentorship_programs(first:1)" 
        A = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_community", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: Ub, 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Ch], 
            storageKey: null 
        Yb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: Sb, 
            storageKey: null 
        Zb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "all_participants", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadEdge", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "edges", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Pj, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "node", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "messaging_actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [z, { 
                            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                            abstractKey: "__isMessagingActor" 
                        }, a, b, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Ql, Rl, Sl, Tl, Ul, Vl, Wl, Xl, Yl, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "scim_company_user", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Zl, a], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, A], 
                            type: "User", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, $l, am, cm, dm, fm, bm, gm, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [m, Y, Ql, hm, Tl, A], 
                            type: "ReducedMessagingActor", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, jm, im, j, lm, km, mm, nm, om, em, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [Y, pm, qm, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "wec_group_participants", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Yb, vh], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "wec_group_admins", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [Yb], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            type: "WECGroupRecipient", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, a], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        $b = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "read_receipts", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "nodes", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [Kd, rm, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "actor", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: $, 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        zb = { 
            condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly", 
            kind: "Condition", 
            passingValue: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "saved_messages", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: D, 
                storageKey: null 
        ec = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessageThread", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [a, La, b, ub, Hg, vb, p, P, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, v, q, Ob, zi, Ai, Bi, rc, uc, Ri, Ti, tc, xc, Dc, Ya, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, $a, Wj, Xj, sh, yb, Wb, K, Hl, Il, Xb, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, Zb, $b, wc, zb, tm], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Ja]; 
        fc = [vm, B, a]; 
        Sa = [vm, Ql, b, B, a]; 
        hc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "media_owner", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Sa, 
            storageKey: null 
        cc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "user", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Sa, 
            storageKey: null 
        jc = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItem", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [ym, Me, al, Qm, Rm, e, Sm, Tm, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ig_thread_item_media", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [Gm, Vm, Wm, Xm, hc], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, $m, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "share", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [z, cc, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "media", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [Gm, an, Wm, Xm, hc], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, bn, dn, cn, Eg, en], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemReactions", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "ig_reaction", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [fn, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "likes", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: fc, 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, gn], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: Um, 
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemProfileShareSource", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "profileshare", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [cc, hn], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, gd, ed, fd, ag, kn, on, wb, jn, S, ln, mn, a], 
            storageKey: null 
        }, Z]; 
        Ib = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "page_contact_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        Lb = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "ig_thread_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        kc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "unit_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        lc = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 4 
        }, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "message_shared_media_type", 
            value: "PHOTO_AND_VIDEO" 
        ic = { 
            alias: "fbid", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "legacy_attachment_id", 
            storageKey: null 
        Nb = { 
            alias: "dim", 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Vect2", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "original_dimensions", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: Bc, 
            storageKey: null 
        J = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cursor", 
            storageKey: null 
        nc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PageInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "page_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Ra, nn], 
            storageKey: null 
        gc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "full_name", 
            storageKey: null 
        t = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "height", 
            value: 52 
        }, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "width", 
            value: 52 
        oc = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 20 
        Ec = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "contact_count", 
            storageKey: null 
        Gc = { 
            kind: "ClientExtension", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "__id", 
                storageKey: null 
        Kc = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 400 
        Lc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_custom_event_reportable", 
            storageKey: null 
        Mc = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 2 
        Nc = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passes_gk", 
            storageKey: null 
        Oc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "tab", 
                value: "data_sharing" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "settings_uri_in_business_view", 
            storageKey: 'settings_uri_in_business_view(tab:"data_sharing")' 
        Qc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__token", 
            storageKey: null 
        Pc = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "first", 
            value: 5 
        }, { 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "types", 
            value: ["BUSINESS_ORDER"] 
        Rc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_auto_detected", 
            storageKey: null 
        Uc = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "nux_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "nux_content_text", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "nux_ui_type", 
            storageKey: null 
        Vc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "should_show_automated_activity_redesigned_nux", 
            storageKey: null 
        Wc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_classic_page", 
            storageKey: null 
        Zc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "BizCRMContactFBAttributes", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "fb_attributes", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [Xk], 
            storageKey: null 
        $c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_detected_outcomes_label", 
            storageKey: null 
        ad = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Kc, 
            concreteType: "CustomLabelsConnection", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "custom_labels", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "CustomLabelsEdge", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "edges", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "node", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, b, Vi, Ec, W, Wi, Xi, Lc, $c, z], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, J], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, Z], 
            storageKey: "custom_labels(first:400)" 
        Tc = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Kc, 
            filters: null, 
            handle: "connection", 
            key: "BizKitContextCardLabelsSection_custom_labels", 
            kind: "LinkedHandle", 
            name: "custom_labels" 
        bd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: Kc, 
            filters: null, 
            handle: "connection", 
            key: "BizKitContextCardLabelsSection_corp_labels", 
            kind: "LinkedHandle", 
            name: "corp_labels" 
        dd = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "BusinessPresenceNode", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "business_presence_node", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: d, 
            storageKey: null 
        hd = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "gk_name", 
            value: "mcom_kbank_integration_rollout" 
        id = [{ 
            alias: "passes", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passes_gk", 
            storageKey: null 
        jd = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "gk_name", 
            value: "ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk" 
        ld = [{ 
            alias: "is_order_integration_enabled", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passes_gk", 
            storageKey: null 
        md = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "gk_name", 
            value: "ctm_www_tas_timeline_actions_gk" 
        nd = [{ 
            alias: "showTimelineActions", 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "passes_gk", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa, ga, ha, ia, ja, ka, la, ma, na, oa, pa, qa, ra, sa, ta, ua, va, wa, xa, ya, za, Aa, Ba, Ca, Da, Ea, Fa], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", 
                selections: [Ga, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: Ha, 
                    concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "msgr_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: um, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "wa_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: um, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "ig_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "ig_user", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: wm, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, Ia, xm, { 
                            condition: "loadThreads", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !0, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, { 
                                    condition: "loadThreadItems", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !0, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: kd, 
                                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "thread_items", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: Zm, 
                                        storageKey: "thread_items(first:1)" 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, Z] 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "selected_thread", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [Ym, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "selected_ig_thread", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, { 
                                condition: "load_items", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: pn, 
                                    concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "thread_items", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: Zm, 
                                    storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessageThread", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "selected_message_thread", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [a, La, b, Ta, Hg, Mg, p, P, wc, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, oi, xi, yi, zi, Ai, Bi, Ei, Qi, Ri, Ti, cj, fj, tj, Ih, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, ac, Wj, Xj, ph, nk, xk, Bh, K, Hl, Il, Ml, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, R, { 
                                condition: "load_messages", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: qn, 
                                    concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "messages", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [rn, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "nodes", 
                                        plural: !0, 
                                        selections: lk, 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                condition: "load_read_receipts", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [sm] 
                            }, Si], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !0, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread", 
                                name: "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: tn, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContact", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactIdentity", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "identity", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [un], 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardContainer_contact" 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: tn, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactCardConfig", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCard_config" 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                args: null, 
                                argumentDefinitions: [vn] 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, sn], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, xn, { 
                    condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries", 
                    kind: "Condition", 
                    passingValue: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread", 
                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: Ha, 
                            concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "selected_thread", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: tn, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContact", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySection_contact" 
                                    }, { 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_contact" 
                                    }, { 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityNuxForAutoDetected_contact" 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, yn], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: tn, 
                                    concreteType: "Page", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "selected_page", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_page" 
                                    }, { 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityListItem_page" 
                                    storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !0, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: wn, 
                                concreteType: "XFBMBSBusinessAssets", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "xfb_mbs_business_assets", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                    name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_mbsBusinessAssets" 
                                }, { 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                    name: "BizKitContextCardActivityListItem_mbsBusinessAssets" 
                                storageKey: null 
                        args: null, 
                        argumentDefinitions: [{ 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "businessAssets" 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "ig_params" 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool" 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "msgr_params" 
                        }, vn, { 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "selected_item_id" 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "RootArgument", 
                            name: "wa_params" 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [ia, fa, ga, ja, Ca, Ba, Fa, da, na, ma, wa, ea, ta, Da, ua, Ea, sa, aa, qa, ra, oa, la, ka, pa, va, ca, za, ya, xa, Aa, ha, ba], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", 
                selections: [Ga, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: Ha, 
                    concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "msgr_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: ec, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "wa_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: ec, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadsConnection", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "ig_threads", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "ig_user", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: fc, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, Ia, xm, { 
                            condition: "loadThreads", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !0, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, { 
                                    condition: "loadThreadItems", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !0, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: kd, 
                                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "thread_items", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: jc, 
                                        storageKey: "thread_items(first:1)" 
                                }, a], 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, Z] 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "selected_thread", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [Ym, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "selected_ig_thread", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, { 
                                condition: "load_items", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: pn, 
                                    concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "thread_items", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: jc, 
                                    storageKey: null 
                            }, a], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "MessageThread", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "selected_message_thread", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [a, La, b, ub, Hg, vb, p, P, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, v, q, Ob, zi, Ai, Bi, rc, uc, Ri, Ti, tc, xc, Dc, Ya, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, $a, Wj, Xj, sh, yb, Wb, K, Hl, Il, Xb, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, Zb, wc, zb, { 
                                condition: "load_messages", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: qn, 
                                    concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "messages", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [rn, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "nodes", 
                                        plural: !0, 
                                        selections: D, 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                condition: "load_read_receipts", 
                                kind: "Condition", 
                                passingValue: !0, 
                                selections: [$b] 
                            }, Si], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !0, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: tn, 
                                concreteType: "BizCRMContact", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "selected_biz_crm_contact", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactIdentity", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "identity", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [un, g, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "contact_id", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "sub_business_id", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, a, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactSharedAttributes", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "shared_attributes", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [Ib, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "is_guest_chat", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "has_consented_to_contact_card_tos", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    condition: "should3DContextCardSections", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactIGAttributes", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "ig_attributes", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "ig_user_id", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, Lb, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "BizCRMContactIGUserProfileUnit", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "profile_units", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [kc, e], 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactFBAttributes", 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
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                                            plural: !0, 
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                                                name: "text", 
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                                                    name: "ranges", 
                                                    plural: !0, 
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                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: null, 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "entity", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [z, m, M], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, x, ah], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, e], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, kc], 
                                            storageKey: null 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "one_to_one_thread", 
                                                plural: !1, 
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                                                    alias: "sharedMedia", 
                                                    args: lc, 
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                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "message_shared_media", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
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                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
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                                                                kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                                                                abstractKey: "__isMessageSharedMedia" 
                                                            }, M, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [ic, I, Nb], 
                                                                type: "MessageImage", 
                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [ic, I, Nb, r], 
                                                                type: "MessageVideo", 
                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, J], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, nc], 
                                                    storageKey: 'message_shared_media(first:4,message_shared_media_type:"PHOTO_AND_VIDEO")' 
                                                }, { 
                                                    alias: "sharedMedia", 
                                                    args: lc, 
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                                                    handle: "connection", 
                                                    key: "BizKitContextCardSharedPhotos_sharedMedia", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedHandle", 
                                                    name: "message_shared_media" 
                                                }, a], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
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                                            plural: !1, 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "first_name", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, gc, { 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "profile_uris", 
                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: l, 
                                                storageKey: null 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
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                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: l, 
                                                storageKey: "profile_photo_uris_prefetch(height:52,width:52)" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "last_name", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
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                                                args: [{ 
                                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                                    name: "height", 
                                                    value: 100 
                                                }, { 
                                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                                    name: "width", 
                                                    value: 100 
                                                concreteType: "PageContactProfilePhotoURI", 
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                                                name: "profile_photo_uris", 
                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: l, 
                                                storageKey: "profile_photo_uris(height:100,width:100)" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "address", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "city_name", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, ak, { 
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                                                args: null, 
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                                                name: "phone_number", 
                                                plural: !1, 
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                                                    storageKey: null 
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                                                    alias: null, 
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                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, { 
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                                                    name: "display_number", 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, ze, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "zip_code", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "country_code", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
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                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                name: "formatted_birthday", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                name: "suggested_email_address", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                name: "fallback_phone_number", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "city_state", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "ban_action_type", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "is_banned", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
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                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "is_blocked", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
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                                            name: "is_onsite_user", 
                                            storageKey: null 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                name: "edges", 
                                                plural: !0, 
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                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
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                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "node", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [a, b, Vi, Wi, Ec, W, aj, Xi, z], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, J], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, Z, Gc], 
                                            storageKey: "corp_label_list(first:20)" 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: oc, 
                                            filters: null, 
                                            handle: "connection", 
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                                            kind: "LinkedHandle", 
                                            name: "corp_label_list" 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: oc, 
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                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "suggested_labels", 
                                            plural: !1, 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "BizCRMContactSharedAttributesSuggestedLabelsEdge", 
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                                                plural: !0, 
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                                                    args: null, 
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                                                    name: "node", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
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                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: [Ci, xh, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                            name: "upsell", 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        type: "BusinessPresenceDerivedLabel", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, J], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, Z, Gc], 
                                            storageKey: "suggested_labels(first:20)" 
                                        }, { 
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                                            args: oc, 
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                                            name: "suggested_labels" 
                                        storageKey: null 
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                                        name: "business_attributes", 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "BizCRMContactCommunicationPreference", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "communication_preference", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "email_subscription_status", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "BizCRMContactMessageLabelAttribute", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "customer_labels", 
                                            plural: !1, 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: Kc, 
                                                concreteType: "BizCRMContactMessageLabelAttributeLabelListConnection", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "label_list", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [{ 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactMessageLabelAttributeLabelListEdge", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "edges", 
                                                    plural: !0, 
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                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel", 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "node", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [a, b, Vi, Ec, W, Wi, Xi, Lc, z], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, J], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, Z, Gc], 
                                                storageKey: "label_list(first:400)" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: Kc, 
                                                filters: null, 
                                                handle: "connection", 
                                                key: "Contact_customer_label_list", 
                                                kind: "LinkedHandle", 
                                                name: "label_list" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "customer_custom_tags", 
                                                plural: !1, 
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                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactMessageLabelAttributeCustomerCustomTagsEdge", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
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                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "PageCustomTag", 
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                                                        name: "node", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: Zi, 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
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                                            name: "admin_notes", 
                                            plural: !1, 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: Mc, 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "notes_list", 
                                                plural: !1, 
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                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactAdminNotesAttributeNotesListEdge", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "edges", 
                                                    plural: !0, 
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                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "PageAdminNote", 
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                                                        name: "node", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
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                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "body", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: f, 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, Rh, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                            name: "note_label", 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                            name: "action_source_type", 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            concreteType: null, 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "underlying_admin_creator", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: [z, b, a], 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, z], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, J], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, nc, Gc], 
                                                storageKey: "notes_list(first:2)" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: Mc, 
                                                filters: null, 
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                                                key: "BizKitContextCard_notes_list", 
                                                kind: "LinkedHandle", 
                                                name: "notes_list" 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
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                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "wa_attributes", 
                                        plural: !1, 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "wa_customer_id", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "opt_in_status", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
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                                        plural: !1, 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: [{ 
                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                name: "gk_name", 
                                                value: "ctm_custom_label_reporting_pages" 
                                            concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
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                                            name: "gk_check", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: Nc, 
                                            storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"ctm_custom_label_reporting_pages")' 
                                        }, a, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "is_p2m_lite_payment_onboarded", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, Oc], 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, Qc, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
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                                        name: "business_actions", 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: Pc, 
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                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "actions", 
                                            plural: !1, 
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                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "edges", 
                                                plural: !0, 
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                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: null, 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "node", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [z, { 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactAction3DWrapper", 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "wrapper", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [{ 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            concreteType: null, 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "contact_action", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: [z, Rh, Kb, g, Ne, { 
                                                                alias: null, 
                                                                args: null, 
                                                                concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                                name: "descriptions", 
                                                                plural: !0, 
                                                                selections: f, 
                                                                storageKey: null 
                                                            }, nb, { 
                                                                alias: null, 
                                                                args: null, 
                                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                                name: "click_url", 
                                                                storageKey: null 
                                                            }, Jb, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [{ 
                                                                    alias: null, 
                                                                    args: null, 
                                                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                                    name: "invoice_id", 
                                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                                }, xl, Rc], 
                                                                type: "BizCRMContactAdAction", 
                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [{ 
                                                                    alias: null, 
                                                                    args: null, 
                                                                    concreteType: "Story", 
                                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                                    name: "story", 
                                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                                    selections: d, 
                                                                    storageKey: null 
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                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [xl, W, Rc, { 
                                                                    alias: null, 
                                                                    args: null, 
                                                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                                    name: "show_ad_icon", 
                                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                                }, { 
                                                                    alias: null, 
                                                                    args: null, 
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                                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                                type: "BizCRMContactCustomAction", 
                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                                selections: [W], 
                                                                type: "BizCRMContactBusinessOrderAction", 
                                                                abstractKey: null 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, J], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, nc], 
                                            storageKey: 'actions(first:5,types:["BUSINESS_ORDER"])' 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: Pc, 
                                            filters: ["types"], 
                                            handle: "connection", 
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                                            name: "actions" 
                                        storageKey: null 
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                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "should_show_mbs_ads_consent_upsell_in_inbox_at_thread_entry", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "should_show_mbs_ads_event_sharing_consent_at_thread_entry", 
                                        storageKey: null 
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                                        alias: null, 
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                                        plural: !1, 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "ads_event_sharing_business_opt_in_status", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "ads_event_sharing_consumer_opt_in_status", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type", 
                                            value: "DETECTED_ACTIVITY_ON_THREAD_ENTRY" 
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                                        storageKey: 'mbs_ads_event_sharing_eligible_nux_types(mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type:"DETECTED_ACTIVITY_ON_THREAD_ENTRY")' 
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                                            args: null, 
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                                            plural: !1, 
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                                        condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
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                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
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                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: [Wc, a], 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
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                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "profile_photo_uris", 
                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: l, 
                                                storageKey: "profile_photo_uris(height:52,width:52)" 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "PageContactCTAType", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "contact_ctas", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "cta_type", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, Zc, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactIGAttributes", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "ig_attributes", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [Lb, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "BizCRMContactIGUserProfileUnit", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "profile_units", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [e, kc], 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    condition: "shouldSkipPageQuery", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "Page", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "page", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [a, ad, Tc, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: Kc, 
                                            concreteType: "PageCorpLabelsConnection", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "corp_labels", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "PageCorpLabelsEdge", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "edges", 
                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: [{ 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "node", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [a, b, Vi, Wi, Ec, W, aj, Xi, $c, z], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, J], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, Z], 
                                            storageKey: "corp_labels(first:400)" 
                                        }, bd, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "Page", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "if_viewer_can_manage_permissions", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: $, 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, dd, { 
                                            alias: "is_in_kbank_rollout", 
                                            args: hd, 
                                            concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "gk_check", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: id, 
                                            storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"mcom_kbank_integration_rollout")' 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: "show_payment_onboarding_context_card", 
                                            args: [{ 
                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                name: "gk_name", 
                                                value: "messenger_p2m_lite_merchant_onboarding" 
                                            concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "gk_check", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: Nc, 
                                            storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"messenger_p2m_lite_merchant_onboarding")' 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
                                        kind: "Condition", 
                                        passingValue: !0, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "XFBMBSBusinessAssets", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "mbs_business_assets", 
                                            plural: !1, 
                                            selections: [a, ad, Tc, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: Kc, 
                                                concreteType: "XFBMBSBusinessAssetsCorpLabelsConnection", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "corp_labels", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [{ 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "XFBMBSBusinessAssetsCorpLabelsEdge", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "edges", 
                                                    plural: !0, 
                                                    selections: [{ 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel", 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "node", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [a, b, Vi, Ec, W, Wi, aj, Xi, $c, z], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, J], 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, Z], 
                                                storageKey: "corp_labels(first:400)" 
                                            }, bd, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "Page", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "page_if_viewer_can_manage_permissions", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: $, 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, dd, { 
                                                alias: "is_in_kbank_rollout", 
                                                args: hd, 
                                                concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "gk_check_page", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: id, 
                                                storageKey: 'gk_check_page(gk_name:"mcom_kbank_integration_rollout")' 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: tn, 
                                concreteType: "BizCRMContactCardConfig", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "permission", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    condition: "should3DContextCardSections", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "sections", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    condition: "should3DContextCardSections", 
                                    kind: "Condition", 
                                    passingValue: !0, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "sections_renderers", 
                                        plural: !0, 
                                        selections: [z, { 
                                            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                                            abstractKey: "__isXFBBizCRMContactSectionRenderer" 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "section_enum", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, a, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardProfileSection3DWrapper_profile", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "profile", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardProfileSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardAboutDetailSection3DWrapper_about", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "about", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardAboutDetailSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardAboutSectionFacebook3DWrapper_details", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "details", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardAboutSectionFacebookRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardAboutSectionInstagram3DWrapper_details", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "details", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardAboutSectionInstagramRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardNotesSection3DWrapper_notes", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "notes", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardNotesSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardMediaSection3DWrapper_media", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "media", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardMediaSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardOrdersSection3DWrapper_orders", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "orders", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardOrdersSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardMessageSection3DWrapper_details", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "details", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardMessageSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextLabels3DWrapper_contactLabels", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "contactLabels", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardLabelsSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardActivitySection3DWrapper_activities", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "activities", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardActivitySectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardPaymentSection3DWrapper_payment", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "payment", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitMessengerOrdersContextCardSectionRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                args: null, 
                                                documentName: "BizKitContextCardSection3DWrapper_sections", 
                                                fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardReminderSection3DWrapper_reminder", 
                                                fragmentPropName: "reminder", 
                                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                            type: "XFBBizKitContextCardReminderRenderer", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, sn], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, xn, { 
                    condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries", 
                    kind: "Condition", 
                    passingValue: !0, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: Ha, 
                        concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "selected_thread", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: tn, 
                                concreteType: "BizCRMContact", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "selected_biz_crm_contact", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactAllActions", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "all_actions", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: Mc, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactAllActionsActionsConnection", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "actions", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "BizCRMContactAllActionsActionsEdge", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "edges", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: null, 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "node", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [z, { 
                                                    alias: "codeSplitWrapper", 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactAction3DWrapper", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "wrapper", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [{ 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        documentName: "BizKitContextCardActivityListItem3DWrapper_BizCRMContactAction3DWrapper", 
                                                        fragmentName: "BizKitContextCardActivityListItem_node", 
                                                        fragmentPropName: "node", 
                                                        kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, J], 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, nc, Gc], 
                                        storageKey: "actions(first:2)" 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: Mc, 
                                        filters: null, 
                                        handle: "connection", 
                                        key: "BizKitContextCardActivityList_actions", 
                                        kind: "LinkedHandle", 
                                        name: "actions" 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: "interaction_count", 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactAllActionsActionsConnection", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "actions", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: zj, 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, a, Qc, Zc, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactSharedAttributes", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "shared_attributes", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [Ib], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "should_show_automated_activity_nux", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, Vc, { 
                                    alias: "adsDataSharingActivityNUX", 
                                    args: [{ 
                                        kind: "Literal", 
                                        name: "mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type", 
                                        value: "ACTIVITY" 
                                    concreteType: "XFBMBSAdsEventSharingNux", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "mbs_ads_event_sharing_eligible_nux_types", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: Uc, 
                                    storageKey: 'mbs_ads_event_sharing_eligible_nux_types(mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type:"ACTIVITY")' 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "Page", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "page", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [Oc, a, { 
                                        alias: "two_step_do_nux_tour_gk", 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "gk_name", 
                                            value: "two_step_do_nux_tour" 
                                        concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "gk_check", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: Nc, 
                                        storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"two_step_do_nux_tour")' 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: "adsDataSharingDetectedActivityNUX", 
                                    args: [{ 
                                        kind: "Literal", 
                                        name: "mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type", 
                                        value: "DETECTED_ACTIVITY" 
                                    concreteType: "XFBMBSAdsEventSharingNux", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "mbs_ads_event_sharing_eligible_nux_types", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: Uc, 
                                    storageKey: 'mbs_ads_event_sharing_eligible_nux_types(mbs_ads_event_sharing_event_type:"DETECTED_ACTIVITY")' 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, yn], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
                            kind: "Condition", 
                            passingValue: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: tn, 
                                concreteType: "Page", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "selected_page", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: "ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk", 
                                    args: jd, 
                                    concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "gk_check", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: ld, 
                                    storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk")' 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: "translationFix", 
                                    args: [{ 
                                        kind: "Literal", 
                                        name: "qe_universe", 
                                        value: "tas_bizweb_translation_fix_universe" 
                                    concreteType: "QECheck", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "qe_check", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: "is_enabled", 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "bool_default", 
                                            value: !1 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "param_name", 
                                            value: "has_string_translation" 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "bool", 
                                        storageKey: 'bool(bool_default:false,param_name:"has_string_translation")' 
                                    storageKey: 'qe_check(qe_universe:"tas_bizweb_translation_fix_universe")' 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: "timelineActionsCheck", 
                                    args: md, 
                                    concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "gk_check", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: nd, 
                                    storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"ctm_www_tas_timeline_actions_gk")' 
                                }, a], 
                                storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool", 
                        kind: "Condition", 
                        passingValue: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: wn, 
                            concreteType: "XFBMBSBusinessAssets", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "xfb_mbs_business_assets", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: "ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk", 
                                args: jd, 
                                concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "gk_check_page", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: ld, 
                                storageKey: 'gk_check_page(gk_name:"ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk")' 
                            }, { 
                                alias: "timelineActionsCheck", 
                                args: md, 
                                concreteType: "EntGKCheck", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "gk_check_page", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: nd, 
                                storageKey: 'gk_check_page(gk_name:"ctm_www_tas_timeline_actions_gk")' 
                            }, a], 
                            storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: "26032251909699178", 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    ba("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, aa); 
    ea.exports = aa 
), null); 
__d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        kind: "InlineDataFragment", 
        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery" 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag", ["BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql"); 
    g.BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag = a 
), 98); 
__d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        kind: "InlineDataFragment", 
        name: "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact" 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag", ["BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql"); 
    g.contactDetailsQueryFrag = a 
), 98); 
__d("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory", ["cr:9515"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    g["default"] = b("cr:9515") 
), 98); 
__d("MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    c = a; 
    f["default"] = c 
), 66); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = "draft" 
      , h = "folders" 
      , i = "recent" 
      , j = "unread"; 
    function a(a) { 
        return [j, g] 
    function b(a) { 
        return a === j || a === g || a === h || a === i ? !0 : !1 
    c = "all"; 
    d = "groups"; 
    e = "named"; 
    var k = "unnamed" 
      , l = "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT" 
      , m = "WORKROOMS_ONLY"; 
    f.all = c; 
    f.draft = g; 
    f.folders = h; 
    f.recent = i; 
    f.unread = j; 
    f.groups = d; 
    f.named = e; 
    f.unnamed = k; 
    f.unsyncedChat = l; 
    f.getSupportedFilters = a; 
    f.isSupportedFilter = b; 
    f.workroomsOnly = m 
), null); 
__d("MessagingTag", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = { 
        ACTION_ARCHIVED: "action:archived", 
        INBOX: "inbox", 
        MARKETPLACE_FOLDER: "marketplace_folder", 
        PENDING: "pending", 
        MONTAGE: "montage", 
        OTHER: "other", 
        EVENT: "event", 
        SENT: "sent", 
        SPAM: "spam", 
        UPDATES: "broadcasts_inbox", 
        BCC: "header:bcc", 
        FILTERED_CONTENT: "filtered_content", 
        FILTERED_CONTENT_BH: "filtered_content_bh", 
        FILTERED_CONTENT_ACCOUNT: "filtered_content_account", 
        FILTERED_CONTENT_QUASAR: "filtered_content_quasar", 
        FILTERED_CONTENT_INVALID_APP: "filtered_content_invalid_app", 
        UNAVAILABLE_ATTACHMENT: "unavailable_attachment", 
        UNREAD: "unread", 
        FLAGGED: "flagged", 
        GROUPS: "groups", 
        TRANSITIONAL_MAILBOX: "transitional_mailbox", 
        ARCHIVED: "archived", 
        EMAIL: "email", 
        VOICEMAIL: "voicemail", 
        SPAM_SPOOFING: "spam:spoofing", 
        SPOOF_WARNING: "MTA:spoof_warning", 
        SMS_TAG_ROOT: "SMSShortcode:", 
        APP_ID_ROOT: "app_id:", 
        DOMAIN_AUTH_PASS: "MTA:dmarc:pass", 
        DOMAIN_AUTH_FAIL: "MTA:dmarc:fail", 
        MTA_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: "MTA:system_message", 
        EMAIL_MESSAGE: "source:email", 
        MARKETPLACE: "marketplace", 
        BC_PARTNERSHIP: "bc_partnership", 
        ROOM: "room", 
        PAGES: "pages", 
        PAGE_BACKGROUND: "page_background", 
        PAGE_FOLLOWUP: "page_followup", 
        ONE_CLICK_MESSAGE: "page_one_click_message", 
        MESSAGE_REQUEST_AGGREGATION_UNIT: "message_request_aggregation_unit", 
        ONE_WAY_MESSAGE: "one_way_message", 
        FIRST_MESSAGE: "first_message", 
        ACTION_COPIED_MESSAGE: "action:copy_message", 
        ACTION_COPIED_SELF_MESSAGE: "copy_self_message", 
        ACTION_COPIED_ATTACHMENT: "action:copy_attachment", 
        ACTION_COPIED_SELF_ATTACHMENT: "copy_self_attachment", 
        STORY_REPLY: "story_reply", 
        RICH_TEXT_COMMON_MARK: "rich_text:common_mark", 
        IRIS_MAPPING: { 
            FOLDER_INVALID: null, 
            FOLDER_INBOX: "inbox", 
            FOLDER_OTHER: "other", 
            FOLDER_SPAM: "spam", 
            FOLDER_PENDING: "pending", 
            FOLDER_MONTAGE: "montage", 
            FOLDER_HIDDEN: "hidden", 
            FOLDER_DISABLED: "disabled", 
            FOLDER_PAGE_BACKGROUND: "page_background", 
            FOLDER_PAGE_DONE: "page_done", 
            FOLDER_BLOCKED: "blocked", 
            FOLDER_COMMUNITY: "community", 
            FOLDER_RESTRICTED: "restricted", 
            FOLDER_BC_PARTNERSHIP: "bc_partnership", 
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER: "e2ee_cutover", 
            FOLDER_INTEROP: "interop", 
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_ARCHIVED: "e2ee_cutover_archived", 
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_PENDING: "e2ee_cutover_pending", 
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_OTHER: "e2ee_cutover_other", 
            FOLDER_AI_ACTIVE: "ai_active", 
            FOLDER_SALSA_RESTRICTED: "salsa_restricted", 
            FOLDER_MESSENGER_MARKETING_MESSAGE: "messenger_marketing_message" 
), null); 
__d("PageCommItemFolder", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = { 
        PAGE: "PAGE", 
        GROUP: "GROUP", 
        DONE: "DONE", 
        FOLLOW_UP: "FOLLOW_UP", 
        SPAM: "SPAM", 
        TODO: "TODO", 
        UNREAD: "UNREAD", 
        SENT: "SENT", 
        LABELS: "LABELS", 
        CTX_AD: "CTX_AD", 
        LEADS: "LEADS", 
        AI_AGENT: "AI_AGENT", 
), null); 
__d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", ["BizInboxGating", "qex"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function h() { 
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? 0 : 16 
    function a() { 
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : !0 
    function b() { 
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : h() > 0 
    function e() { 
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : !0 
    function f() { 
        var a; 
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : (a = c("qex")._("1024")) != null ? a : !1 
    g.getUnifiedThreadsQueryLimit = h; 
    g.getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries = a; 
    g.getShouldUnifyThreadQueries = b; 
    g.getShouldUnifyConfigQueries = e; 
    g.getShouldLazyLoadContextCardQueries = f 
), 98); 
__d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return c("gkx")("22658") 
    g.getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections = a 
), 98); 
__d("BizInboxUnfiedThreadsQueryService", ["Base64", "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils", "BizInboxDetailViewConsts", "BizInboxGating", "BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil", "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql", "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag", "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag", "BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory", "CurrentUser", "Deferred", "FBLogger", "InteractionTracingMetrics", "MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook", "", "MessagingTag", "MessengerConfig", "PageCommItemFolder", "RelayHooks", "getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", "getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils", "gkx", "nullthrows", "react-relay", "stableStringify"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = { 
        messenger_threads: null, 
        instagram_threads: null, 
        whatsapp_threads: null, 
        messenger_thread_items: null, 
        instagram_thread_items: null, 
        whatsapp_thread_items: null, 
        context_card_details: null, 
        messenger_actor_id: null, 
        whatsapp_actor_id: null, 
        instagram_actor_id: null, 
        selected_thread_item_id: null, 
        active_folder: null, 
        is_selected_thread_item_id_set: !1, 
        is_thread_clicked: !1, 
        is_active_folder_set: !1, 
        executed_queries: null, 
        checked_context_card_vars: !1, 
        page_id: null, 
        getShouldUnifyConfigQueries: d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyConfigQueries(), 
        interaction_trace_id: null, 
        shouldSkipPageQuery: !1, 
        shouldSkipMessage: !1, 
        should3DContextCardSections: d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils").getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections(), 
        shouldUnifyContextCardQueries: d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries(), 
        isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool: !1, 
        businessAssets: null 
      , i = { 
        commerce_invoice_data: d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils").getDefaultBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData(), 
        composer_toolbar_config: { 
            isCommerceInvoiceEnabled: !1, 
            isCreateAppointmentEnabled: !1, 
            isProductPickerEnabled: !1, 
            isSendAvailabilityEnabled: !1, 
            isSendInThreadFormsEnabled: !1, 
            isSendMarketingMessagesEnabled: "INELIGIBLE", 
            isBookingToolEnabled: !0, 
            isGcashIdShareAndCopyButtonEnabled: !1, 
            isCallButtonEnabled: !1 
    function a() { 
        return i 
    function e() { 
        return h.msg_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? h.ig_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? null : h.ig_predicted_selected_thread : h.msg_predicted_selected_thread 
    function f(a, b, d, e, f) { 
        h.messenger_actor_id = a; 
        a = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser(); 
        d = r(d, f, e); 
        h.messenger_threads == null && (h.messenger_threads = { 
            before: null, 
            includeDeliveryReceipts: !0, 
            includeSeqID: !1, 
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1, 
            limit: b + 1, 
            onlyPinnedThreads: void 0, 
            source: "mercury", 
            tags: d, 
            isWorkUser: a, 
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: c("gkx")("22424") 
        h.messenger_thread_items = { 
            before: void 0, 
            id: "", 
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1, 
            load_delivery_receipts: !0, 
            load_messages: b > 0, 
            load_read_receipts: !0, 
            message_limit: c("MessengerConfig").MessageLoadCount, 
            source: "mercury", 
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: !1 
    function j(a, b, d, e, f, g) { 
        h.whatsapp_actor_id = a; 
        a = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser(); 
        d = r(d, g, e); 
        h.whatsapp_threads == null && (h.whatsapp_threads = { 
            before: null, 
            includeDeliveryReceipts: !0, 
            includeSeqID: !1, 
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1, 
            limit: b + 1, 
            onlyPinnedThreads: void 0, 
            source: f, 
            tags: d, 
            isWorkUser: a, 
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: c("gkx")("22424") 
        h.whatsapp_thread_items = { 
            before: void 0, 
            id: "", 
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1, 
            load_delivery_receipts: !0, 
            load_messages: b > 0, 
            load_read_receipts: !0, 
            message_limit: c("MessengerConfig").MessageLoadCount, 
            source: f, 
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: !1 
    function k(a, b, e, f, g, i, j, k) { 
        j === void 0 && (j = !1), 
        h.instagram_threads == null && (h.instagram_threads = { 
            after: void 0, 
            assigned_admin_id: i, 
            folder: e, 
            is_follow_up: f, 
            is_page_unresponded_thread: void 0, 
            is_priority_thread: void 0, 
            is_unread: g, 
            limit: b, 
            loadThreads: !0, 
            loadThreadItems: j ? !1 : d("BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil").getShouldMergeIgThreadQuery(), 
            ig_asset_id: d("BizInboxGating").getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1() ? k : null 
        h.instagram_thread_items = { 
            width: 480, 
            height: 480, 
            item_after: null, 
            item_limit: c("BizInboxDetailViewConsts").MESSAGE_LIST_INIT_COUNT, 
            load_items: !0, 
            token: "" 
        h.instagram_actor_id = a) 
    function l(a, b, c, e) { 
        var f; 
        f = (f = (f = h.executed_queries) == null ? void 0 : f.has("context_card_details")) != null ? f : !1; 
        if (f) 
        h.shouldSkipPageQuery = a; 
        h.shouldSkipMessage = !1; 
        h.should3DContextCardSections = d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils").getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections(); 
        h.shouldUnifyContextCardQueries = d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries(); 
        h.isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool = d("BizInboxGating").getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1(); 
        h.context_card_details = { 
            selected_thread_item_id: b, 
            business_id: c 
        h.businessAssets = e 
    function m(a) { 
        h.page_id = a 
    function n(a) { 
        h.is_thread_clicked = a 
    function o(a) { 
        h.is_selected_thread_item_id_set || (h.selected_thread_item_id = a, 
        h.is_selected_thread_item_id_set = !0) 
    function p(a) { 
        h.is_active_folder_set || (h.active_folder = a, 
        h.is_active_folder_set = !0) 
    function q(a) { 
        h.interaction_trace_id = a 
    function r(a, b, e) { 
        var f = a === c("PageCommItemFolder").SPAM ? c("MessagingTag").SPAM : b.getActiveFolder(a); 
        b = b.getActiveFilter(a, e); 
        a = b === d("").all ? null : b.toUpperCase(); 
        b = (e = {}, 
        e[c("MessagingTag").INBOX] = "INBOX", 
        e[c("MessagingTag").OTHER] = "OTHER", 
        e[c("MessagingTag").ACTION_ARCHIVED] = "ARCHIVED", 
        e[c("MessagingTag").SPAM] = "SPAM", 
        e[c("MessagingTag").PENDING] = "PENDING", 
        e[c("MessagingTag").PAGE_BACKGROUND] = "PAGE_BACKGROUND", 
        e = b[f]; 
        return e !== null || e !== void 0 ? a !== null ? [e, s(a)] : [e] : [] 
    function s(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case "ARCHIVED": 
            return "ARCHIVED"; 
        case "INBOX": 
            return "INBOX"; 
        case "MONTAGE": 
            return "MONTAGE"; 
        case "NAMED": 
            return "NAMED"; 
        case "OTHER": 
            return "OTHER"; 
        case "PAGE_BACKGROUND": 
            return "PAGE_BACKGROUND"; 
        case "PENDING": 
            return "PENDING"; 
        case "READ_BUT_UNRESPONDED": 
            return "READ_BUT_UNRESPONDED"; 
        case "ROOM": 
            return "ROOM"; 
        case "SPAM": 
            return "SPAM"; 
        case "UNNAMED": 
            return "UNNAMED"; 
        case "UNREAD": 
            return "UNREAD"; 
        case "WORK_CHANNEL": 
            return "WORK_CHANNEL"; 
        case "WORK_SYNCED_GROUP": 
            return "WORK_SYNCED_GROUP"; 
        case "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT": 
            return "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT"; 
            return "%future added value" 
    function t(a, d) { 
        var e, f, g, i, j = b("react-relay"); 
        j = j.fetchQuery; 
        e = c("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory") == null ? void 0 : c("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory").getForActorID(c("nullthrows")((e = (e = h.messenger_actor_id) != null ? e : h.instagram_actor_id) != null ? e : h.whatsapp_actor_id)); 
        var k = new (c("Deferred"))() 
          , l = k.getPromise(); 
        f = h.instagram_actor_id !== null ? { 
            first: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.limit, 
            after: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.after, 
            mode: "MIXED", 
            folder: (f = (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.folder) != null ? f : "TODO", 
            is_follow_up: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_follow_up, 
            is_unread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_unread, 
            is_page_unresponded_thread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_page_unresponded_thread, 
            assigned_admin_id: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.assigned_admin_id, 
            is_priority_thread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_priority_thread, 
            ig_asset_id: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.ig_asset_id 
        } : null; 
        g = h.messenger_actor_id !== null ? { 
            pinned_threads_only: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.onlyPinnedThreads, 
            with_tags: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.tags, 
            before_time_precise: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.before, 
            last: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.limit 
        } : null; 
        i = h.whatsapp_actor_id !== null ? { 
            pinned_threads_only: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.onlyPinnedThreads, 
            with_tags: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.tags, 
            before_time_precise: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.before, 
            last: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.limit 
        } : null; 
        var m = h.messenger_actor_id !== null ? { 
            with_tags: ["PENDING"] 
        } : null 
          , n = h.whatsapp_actor_id !== null ? { 
            with_tags: ["PENDING"] 
        } : null; 
        j(c("nullthrows")(e), c("BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql"), { 
            height: (j = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.height, 
            loadThreadItems: (e = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.loadThreadItems, 
            loadThreads: (j = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.loadThreads, 
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads, 
            includeDeliveryReceipts: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.includeDeliveryReceipts) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.includeDeliveryReceipts, 
            includeSeqID: (j = (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.includeSeqID) != null ? j : (e = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.includeSeqID, 
            isWorkUser: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.isWorkUser) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.isWorkUser, 
            source: (j = (e = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.source) != null ? j : (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.source, 
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.threadlistViewFieldsOnly) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.threadlistViewFieldsOnly, 
            width: (e = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.width, 
            ig_params: f, 
            msgr_params: g, 
            wa_params: i, 
            msgr_pending_params: m, 
            wa_pending_params: n, 
            message_limit: (e = (j = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : j.message_limit) != null ? e : (f = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : f.message_limit, 
            before: (i = (g = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : g.before) != null ? i : (m = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : m.before, 
            load_messages: (j = (n = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : n.load_messages) != null ? j : (e = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : e.load_messages, 
            load_read_receipts: (g = (f = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : f.load_read_receipts) != null ? g : (i = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : i.load_read_receipts, 
            load_delivery_receipts: (m = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : m.load_delivery_receipts, 
            item_limit: (n = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : n.item_limit, 
            item_after: (j = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : j.item_after, 
            load_items: (e = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : e.load_items, 
            selected_item_id: h.selected_thread_item_id, 
            page_id: h.page_id, 
            getShouldUnifyConfigQueries: h.getShouldUnifyConfigQueries, 
            shouldSkipPageQuery: h.shouldSkipPageQuery, 
            shouldSkipMessage: h.shouldSkipMessage, 
            should3DContextCardSections: h.should3DContextCardSections, 
            shouldUnifyContextCardQueries: h.shouldUnifyContextCardQueries, 
            isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool: h.isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool, 
            businessAssets: (f = h.businessAssets) != null ? f : [] 
        }, { 
            fetchPolicy: "store-or-network" 
            start: function() {}, 
            complete: function() {}, 
            error: function(a) { 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: a.message, 
                        severity: "CRITICAL", 
                        error: a 
            next: function(b) { 
                if (b) { 
                    var e = u(b, a); 
                    e ? (a === "context_card_details" && (d && d(e)), 
                    k.resolve(e)) : (c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "error_with_query_response").warn("Error with %s response", a), 
                        data: {}, 
                        errors: [{ 
                            message: "Unexpected response received from server.", 
                            severity: "CRITICAL", 
                            response: e 
                } else 
                        data: {}, 
                        errors: [{ 
                            message: "Unexpected response received from server.", 
                            severity: "CRITICAL", 
                            response: b 
        return l 
    function u(a, b) { 
        switch (b) { 
        case "messenger_threads": 
            return w(a); 
        case "whatsapp_threads": 
            return x(a); 
        case "instagram_threads": 
            return y(a); 
        case "messenger_thread_items": 
            return z(a); 
        case "whatsapp_thread_items": 
            return z(a); 
        case "instagram_thread_items": 
            return A(a); 
        case "context_card_details": 
            return B(a); 
            return null 
    function v(a) { 
        return a === "messenger_thread_items" || a === "whatsapp_thread_items" || a === "instagram_thread_items" 
    function w(a) { 
        var b; 
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.msgr_threads) { 
            return { 
                viewer: { 
                    message_threads: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.msgr_threads, 
                    pending_threads: (b = a.xfb_unified_thread_list_pending) == null ? void 0 : b.msg_pending_threads 
        return null 
    function x(a) { 
        var b; 
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_threads) { 
            return { 
                viewer: { 
                    message_threads: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_threads, 
                    pending_threads: (b = a.xfb_unified_thread_list_pending) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_pending_threads 
        return null 
    function y(a) { 
        var b, c; 
        b = (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.ig_threads; 
        var d = (c = (c = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.selected_ig_thread) == null ? void 0 : c.token) != null ? c : ""; 
        if (b) { 
            c = b.nodes; 
            var e = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(b, ["nodes"]) 
              , f = c == null ? void 0 : c.findIndex(function(a) { 
                return a.token === d 
            if (c != null && f != null && f !== -1) { 
                var g = c[f]; 
                g = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(g, ["thread_items"]); 
                a = (a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_ig_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.thread_items; 
                var h = babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                    thread_items: a 
                }, g); 
                a =, b) { 
                    return b === f ? h : a 
                return { 
                    viewer: { 
                        instagram_message_threads: babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                            nodes: a 
                        }, e) 
            return { 
                viewer: { 
                    instagram_message_threads: b 
        return null 
    function z(a) { 
        var b; 
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_message_thread) { 
            return { 
                message_thread: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_message_thread 
        return null 
    function A(a) { 
        var b; 
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_ig_thread) { 
            return { 
                instagram_message_thread: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_ig_thread 
        return null 
    function B(a) { 
        var b, e; 
        if (!d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries()) { 
            c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "context_card").mustfix("Trying to fetch Context Card Details data from Unified Threads query although data was not fetched"); 
            return null 
        b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_thread; 
        b = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag").contactDetailsQueryFrag, b); 
        b = { 
            selected_biz_crm_contact: b == null ? void 0 : b.selected_biz_crm_contact, 
            selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config: b == null ? void 0 : b.selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config 
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : e.selected_thread_type; 
        var f = null; 
        e !== "whatsapp_thread" && (f = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag").BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag, a)); 
        e = { 
            can_add_activities: (e = (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config) == null ? void 0 : a.can_add_activities) != null ? e : !1, 
            selected_biz_crm_contact: { 
                activityRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_biz_crm_contact, 
                activityDropDownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : e.selected_biz_crm_contact, 
                adsDataSharingNUXRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_biz_crm_contact 
            page: { 
                dropdownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_page, 
                listItemRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_page 
            xfb_mbs_business_assets: { 
                dropdownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : e.xfb_mbs_business_assets, 
                listItemRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : a.xfb_mbs_business_assets 
        return { 
            detailsRef: b, 
            activitiesRef: e 
    function C(a) { 
        if (!d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries()) 
            return null; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_thread; 
        a = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag").contactDetailsQueryFrag, a); 
        return a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_biz_crm_contact) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.identity) == null ? void 0 : a.business_id 
    function D(a) { 
        i.commerce_invoice_data = d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils").parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData(a), 
        i.composer_toolbar_config = E(a) 
    function E(a) { 
        var b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; 
        b = Boolean((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer); 
        d = Boolean((d = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : d.show_create_appointment_button_in_composer); 
        e = Boolean((e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : e.show_product_picker_button_in_composer); 
        f = Boolean((f = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : f.show_send_availability_button_in_composer); 
        g = Boolean((g = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : g.show_send_inthread_forms_in_composer); 
        h = (h = c("MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook").cast(String((h = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : h.marketing_messages_in_composer_state))) != null ? h : "INELIGIBLE"; 
        i = Boolean((i = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : i.is_booking_tool_enabled); 
        j = Boolean((j = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : j.show_gcash_id_share_and_copy_button); 
        a = Boolean((a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_calling_in_composer); 
        return { 
            isCommerceInvoiceEnabled: b, 
            isCreateAppointmentEnabled: d, 
            isProductPickerEnabled: e, 
            isSendAvailabilityEnabled: f, 
            isSendInThreadFormsEnabled: g, 
            isSendMarketingMessagesEnabled: h, 
            isBookingToolEnabled: i, 
            isGcashIdShareAndCopyButtonEnabled: j, 
            isCallButtonEnabled: a 
    function F(a) { 
        var b; 
        h.ig_predicted_selected_thread = (b = (b = A(a)) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.instagram_message_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.token) != null ? b : ""; 
        h.msg_predicted_selected_thread = G((b = (b = z(a)) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.message_thread) == null ? void 0 : != null ? b : ""); 
        h.context_card_details == null ? h.context_card_details = { 
            selected_thread_item_id: h.ig_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? h.msg_predicted_selected_thread : h.ig_predicted_selected_thread, 
            business_id: C(a) 
        } : h.context_card_details.business_id = C(a) 
    function G(a) { 
        if (a === "") 
            return a; 
        var b = c("Base64").decode(a).split(":"); 
        return b.length === 2 ? b[1] : a 
    function H(a, b, d, e) { 
        e === void 0 && (e = !1); 
        if (a === "instagram_thread_items" && h.instagram_thread_items) { 
            var f; 
            h.instagram_thread_items.token = (f = h.ig_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : "" 
        if (a === "messenger_thread_items" && h.messenger_thread_items) { 
   = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : "" 
        if (a === "whatsapp_thread_items" && h.whatsapp_thread_items) { 
   = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : "" 
        if (a === "context_card_details" && h.context_card_details) 
            if (h.msg_predicted_selected_thread !== "") { 
                h.context_card_details.selected_thread_item_id = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : "" 
            } else if (h.ig_predicted_selected_thread !== "") { 
                h.context_card_details.selected_thread_item_id = (f = h.ig_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : "" 
        var g = h[a]; 
        d && d.forEach(function(a) { 
            g &&, a) && (b[a] = g[a]) 
        f = c("stableStringify")(g) === c("stableStringify")(b); 
        d = N((d = g) != null ? d : {}, b); 
        var i = new Map(); 
        if (!f && !e) { 
            c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "query_variables_mismatch").warn("Unified Query Mismatching Variables for %s : 
Mismatching Fields [%s] : with thread item selected %s", a, d.toString(), h.selected_thread_item_id != null); 
            i.set("unified_variables", P(Object.keys((e = g) != null ? e : {}), Object.values((e = g) != null ? e : {}))); 
            i.set("query_variables", P(Object.keys(b), Object.values(b))) 
        v(a) && (d.includes("id") || d.includes("token") ? i.set("is_selected_thread_matched", !1) : i.set("is_selected_thread_matched", !0), 
        i.set("is_thread_item_selected", h.selected_thread_item_id != null)); 
        O(h.interaction_trace_id, i); 
        return f 
    function I(a, b) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case "MessengerGraphQLThreadlistFetcher": 
            return b != null && b === ((a = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : a.source) ? "whatsapp_threads" : "messenger_threads"; 
        case "InstagramMessageGraphQLThreadsFetcher": 
            return "instagram_threads"; 
        case "MessengerGraphQLThreadFetcher": 
            return b != null && b === ((a = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : a.source) ? "whatsapp_thread_items" : "messenger_thread_items"; 
        case "InstagramMessageGraphQLThreadItemsFetcher": 
            return "instagram_thread_items"; 
            return null 
    function J(a) { 
        h.executed_queries == null ? h.executed_queries = new Set([a]) : h.executed_queries.add(a) 
    function K(a) { 
        var b; 
        if (h.is_thread_clicked) 
            return !1; 
        a = (b = (b = h.executed_queries) == null ? void 0 : b.has(a)) != null ? b : !1; 
        return !a 
    function L(a, b, c) { 
        if (h[a] == null) 
            return !1; 
        if (a === "context_card_details") { 
            var d = h.checked_context_card_vars; 
            h.checked_context_card_vars = !0; 
            return H(a, b, c, d) 
        return K(a) && H(a, b, c) 
    function M(a, b) { 
        var c = "instagram_thread_items"; 
        if (h[c] == null || !K(c)) 
        H(c, a, b) 
    function N(a, b) { 
        var c = [] 
          , d = Object.keys(a); 
        for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { 
            var f = d[e] 
              , g = a[f] != null ? JSON.stringify(a[f]) : "" 
              , h = b[f] != null ? JSON.stringify(b[f]) : ""; 
            g != h && c.push(f) 
        g = Object.keys(b); 
        for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) { 
            f = g[h]; 
            e = a[f]; 
            e == null && b[f] != null && c.push(f) 
        return Array.from(new Set(c)).sort() 
    function O(a, b) { 
        a != null && b.forEach(function(b, d) { 
            c("InteractionTracingMetrics").addMetadata(a, d, b) 
    function P(a, b) { 
        var c = new Map(); 
        for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) 
            if (b[d] === null) 
                c.set(a[d], "null"); 
            else if (b[d] === void 0) 
                c.set(a[d], "undefied"); 
            else if (typeof b[d] === "string") 
                c.set(a[d], "string"); 
            else if (typeof b[d] === "number") 
                c.set(a[d], "number"); 
            else if (typeof b[d] === "boolean") 
                c.set(a[d], b[d] ? "true" : "false"); 
            else { 
                var e = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b[d]); 
                c.set(a[d], P(Object.keys(e), Object.values(e))) 
        return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(c)) 
    g.getConfigQueriesData = a; 
    g.getSelectedThreadID = e; 
    g.setMessengerVariables = f; 
    g.setWhatsAppVariables = j; 
    g.setInstagramVariables = k; 
    g.setContextDetailsQueryVariables = l; 
    g.setConfigQueryVariables = m; 
    g.setIsThreadClicked = n; 
    g.setSelectedThreadID = o; 
    g.setActiveFolder = p; 
    g.setInteractionTraceID = q; 
    g.execUnifiedQuery = t; 
    g.getChannelRespons = u; 
    g.isThreadItemChannel = v; 
    g.getMessengerThreadsResponse = w; 
    g.getWhatsAppThreadsResponse = x; 
    g.getInstagramThreadsResponse = y; 
    g.getMessengerThreadItemsResponse = z; 
    g.getInstagramThreadItemsResponse = A; 
    g.getContextCardDetailsResponse = B; 
    g.getBusinessIDFromContextCardDetailsResponse = C; 
    g.setConfigQueriesResponse = D; 
    g.decodeMessengerThreadId = G; 
    g.getUnifiedChannelFromMercuryOperations = I; 
    g.shouldUseUnifiedQuery = L; 
    g.logInstagramThreadItemsQueryPrediction = M; 
    g.logInteractionTracing = O 
), 98); 
__d("BrowserPushCommands", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = "browser_push_ack"; 
    b = "browser_push_redirect"; 
    c = "browser_push_window_visible"; 
    d = "should_reuse_m_dot_com_tab"; 
    e = "should_reuse_m_dot_com_tab_response"; 
    a = { 
        ACK: a, 
        REDIRECT: b, 
        WINDOW_VISIBLE: c, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6085"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("notif_user_setting_action", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("BrowserPushMessageHandler", ["BrowserPushCommands", "EventListener", "URI", "URISchemes", "cr:6901", "isFacebookURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    var h, i; 
    function j(a) { 
        if ( && === c("BrowserPushCommands").REDIRECT) { 
            if (typeof window.onbeforeunload === "function" && window.onbeforeunload() === void 0) 
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").ACK, 
                    success: !0 
            else { 
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").ACK, 
                    success: !1 
            a =; 
            if (/^([^.:/?#]+):/.test(a) && !(i || (i = d("URISchemes"))).isAllowed(/^([^.:/?#]+):/.exec(a)[1]) || !c("isFacebookURI")(new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a))) 
                throw new Error("goURI: URI scheme rejected, URI: " + a); 
            b("cr:6901")(a) && (window.location.href = a) 
    a = { 
        registerRedirectHandler: function() { 
            c("EventListener").listen(window, "message", function(a) { 
                a.origin === "" && j(a) 
            navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener && (navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", function(a) { 
                (navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.controller && && && === navigator.serviceWorker.controller || new RegExp("^" + window.location.protocol + "//" + + "$").test(a.origin)) && j(a) 
            navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", function(a) { 
                var b; 
                b = (b = != null ? b : {}; 
                b = b.command; 
                if (b !== c("BrowserPushCommands").SHOULD_REUSE_M_DOT_COM_TAB) 
                b = [].concat(a == null ? void 0 : a.ports); 
                a = { 
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").SHOULD_REUSE_M_DOT_COM_TAB_RESPONSE, 
                    value: !1 
                b == null ? void 0 : b[0].postMessage(a) 
    e = a; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("BrowserPushVisibilityChanger", ["BrowserPushCommands", "ClientServiceWorkerMessage", "Visibility"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    function h() { 
        new (c("ClientServiceWorkerMessage"))(c("BrowserPushCommands").WINDOW_VISIBLE,null).sendViaController() 
    a = { 
        listenForVisibility: function() { 
            c("Visibility").isHidden() || h(), 
            c("Visibility").addListener(c("Visibility").VISIBLE, h) 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MPushPermissionUtil", ["BanzaiLogger", "NuxWizardFalcoEvent", "gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    function a(a, b) { 
        b === void 0 && (b = !1); 
        var d = c("gkx")("21006"); 
        d && c("BanzaiLogger").log("ChromePushPermissionEventsLoggerConfig", { 
            event: a 
        if (b) { 
            var e = null 
              , f = "step"; 
            a === "allow" ? (e = "allow", 
            f = "conversion") : a === "deny" ? e = "deny" : a === "install_ignore" ? e = "ignore" : a === "turn_on_attempt" && (e = "show_browser_dialog"); 
            e !== null && c("NuxWizardFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
                return { 
                    event: e, 
                    event_type: f, 
                    platform: "mobile", 
                    step: "turn_on_notification" 
    g.logEvent = a 
), 98); 
__d("PushRegistrationUtils", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function g(a) { 
        var b = a.endpoint; 
        "subscriptionId"in a && !new RegExp("/" + a.subscriptionId + "$").test(b) && (b += "/" + a.subscriptionId); 
        return b 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var c = g(a) 
          , d = null; 
        a.toJSON ? d = a.toJSON().keys : a.keys && (d = a.keys); 
        return { 
            app_id: b, 
            push_endpoint: c, 
            subscription_keys: JSON.stringify(d) 
    f.normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint = g; 
    f.setupPushRegistrationData = a 
), 66); 
__d("XAsyncPushMuteController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/settings/push/mute/", { 
        appid: { 
            type: "Int", 
            required: !0 
        push_endpoint: { 
            type: "String", 
            required: !0 
        mute_for: { 
            type: "Enum", 
            enumType: 0 
), null); 
__d("XAsyncPushMuteStateController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/settings/push/mute/state/", { 
        appid: { 
            type: "Int", 
            required: !0 
        push_endpoint: { 
            type: "String", 
            required: !0 
), null); 
__d("PushRegistration", ["BrowserPushMessageHandler", "BrowserPushPubKey", "BrowserPushVisibilityChanger", "MPushPermissionUtil", "Promise", "PushRegistrationUtils", "ServiceWorkerRegistration", "XAsyncPushMuteController", "XAsyncPushMuteStateController", "emptyFunction", "gkx", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    var g, h = window.Notification, i = new Map(), j = 65, k = 4; 
    a = function() { 
        "use strict"; 
        a.get = function(b, c) { 
            if (i.has(c)) 
                return i.get(c); 
            b = new a(b,c); 
            i.set(c, b); 
            return b 
        function a(b, c) { 
            this.$3 = b, 
            this.appID = c, 
            !a.$1 && !a.$2 && (a.$1 = !1, 
            a.$2 = !1) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.getPushSubscription = function() { 
            var c = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(d, e) { 
                a.pushPermissionIsDenied() && (b("MPushPermissionUtil").logEvent("permission_denied_or_blocked"), 
                e(new Error("No permission or not supported"))), 
                b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").getWorkerRegistration(c.$3).then(function(a) { 
                    if (!a) { 
                    a.pushManager.getSubscription().then(function(a) { 
        c.$4 = function(a, c, d) { 
            a = a.getURIBuilder().getURI(); 
            c = new c(a); 
            c.setData(b("PushRegistrationUtils").setupPushRegistrationData(d, this.appID)); 
        c.getMutedUntilInServer = function(a) { 
            var c = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(d, e) { 
                c.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) { 
                    if (f) { 
                        f = b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(f); 
                        f = b("XAsyncPushMuteStateController").getURIBuilder().setString("push_endpoint", f).setInt("appid", c.appID).getURI(); 
                        f = new a(f); 
                        f.listen("done", function(a) { 
                    } else 
                        e("cannot check mute status for unsubscribed endpoint") 
        c.muteNotifications = function(a, c) { 
            var d = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) { 
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(g) { 
                    if (g) { 
                        g = b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(g); 
                        g = b("XAsyncPushMuteController").getURIBuilder().setEnum("mute_for", a).setString("push_endpoint", g).setInt("appid", d.appID).getURI(); 
                        g = new c(g); 
                        g.listen("done", function(b) { 
                            a !== 0 && b.payload.muteUntilTimestampSec === 0 ? f("operation failed in server") : e(b.payload.muteUntilTimestampSec) 
                    } else 
                        f("no subscription found") 
        c.getSubscription = function() { 
            var a = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(c, d) { 
                a.getPushSubscription().then(function(a) { 
                    a ? c(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(a)) : c(null) 
        c.maybeRegisterPushAgain = function(a, c) { 
            var d = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) { 
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) { 
                    f ? (d.$4(a, c, f), 
                    e(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(f))) : e(null) 
                })["catch"](function() { 
        c.$5 = function(c, d, e) { 
            var f = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) { 
                if (a.$2 && !e) { 
                    g(new Error("sending disable info already")); 
                a.$2 = !0; 
                var h = c.getURIBuilder().getURI(); 
                h = new d(h.toString()); 
                    appid: f.appID, 
                    from_browser_settings: e 
                h.listen ? (h.listen("finally", b), 
                h.listen("fail", function() { 
                    a.$2 = !1, 
                })) : h.setErrorHandler && h.setHandler ? (h.setErrorHandler(function() { 
                    a.$2 = !1, 
                h.setHandler(b)) : b(); 
        c.isPushRegistered = function(c, d, e, f, h, i) { 
            var j = this; 
            h === void 0 && (h = !1); 
            i === void 0 && (i = !1); 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(g, k) { 
                j.getPushSubscription().then(function(k) { 
                    g(!!k || c && !a.pushPermissionIsPending()); 
                    var l = j.$6(); 
                    l = j.$7(k, l); 
                    if (k && l) 
                        h ? j.$4(d, f, k) : b("BrowserPushVisibilityChanger").listenForVisibility(); 
                    else if ((!k || !l) && c) { 
                        k = j.$8(k, !l); 
                        a.pushPermissionIsOn() ? k.then(function(a) { 
                            return j.registerPush(d, f, i) 
                        })["catch"](function() {}) : j.$5(e, f, !1) 
                })["catch"](function() { 
                    c && j.$5(e, f, !1), 
                    i && b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").unregisterControllingWorker(), 
        c.$8 = function(a, c) { 
            if (!!a && c) 
                return a.unsubscribe().then(function(a) { 
                    return !!a 
                })["catch"](function(a) { 
                    throw new Error("Unsubscribing invalid PushToken failed") 
                return (g || (g = b("Promise"))).resolve(!0) 
        c.$7 = function(a, c) { 
            if (!b("gkx")("21098")) 
                return !0; 
            if (!a) 
                return !1; 
            var d = this.$9(a); 
            return c ? !d ? !1 : this.$10(a, b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey) : !d 
        c.$10 = function(a, b) { 
            a = this.$11(a); 
            if (!a) 
                return !1; 
            a = new Uint8Array(a); 
            a = window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a)); 
            a = a.replace("/", "_").replace("=", ""); 
            return a === b 
        c.$9 = function(a) { 
            a = this.$11(a); 
            if (!!a && a.byteLength === j) { 
                a = new Uint8Array(a); 
                return a[0] === k 
            return !1 
        c.$11 = function(a) { 
            return !!a && !!a.options && !!a.options.applicationServerKey ? a.options.applicationServerKey : null 
        c.$12 = function() { 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(a, b) { 
        c.registerPushAndWaitForEndpoint = function(a, c, d) { 
            var e = this; 
            d === void 0 && (d = !1); 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, f) { 
                e.$13(a, c, !0, null, d).then(function(a) { 
                    if (typeof a !== "string") { 
                        f(new Error("registerPushImpl did not return an endpoint")); 
        c.registerPushOnKaiOS = function(a, c, d) { 
            var e = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(f, g) { 
                b("promiseDone")(d.waitForKaiOS(), function() { 
                    d.registerPush(function(d) { 
                        d = JSON.parse(d.get("push_endpoint")); 
                        e.$4(a, c, d); 
        c.registerPush = function(a, c, d, e) { 
            d === void 0 && (d = !1); 
            e === void 0 && (e = b("emptyFunction")); 
            return this.registerPushWithFinishedCallBack(a, c, e, d) 
        c.registerPushWithFinishedCallBack = function(a, c, d, e) { 
            var f = this; 
            e === void 0 && (e = !1); 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) { 
                f.$13(a, c, !1, d, e).then(function(a) { 
                    if (typeof a !== "boolean") { 
                        g(new Error("registerPushImpl did not return a boolean")); 
        c.$13 = function(c, d, e, f, h) { 
            var i = this; 
            if (a.$1) 
                return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(a, b) { 
                    b(new Error("registering already")) 
            if (!self.PushManager) 
                return (g || (g = b("Promise"))).reject(new Error("PushManager not found.")); 
            a.$1 = !0; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(j, k) { 
                var l = b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").registerWorkerIfUnregistered(i.$3) 
                  , m = i.$12(); 
                (g || (g = b("Promise"))).all([l, m]).then(function(g) { 
                    var l = g[0]; 
                    if (!a.pushPermissionIsOn()) { 
                        h && l.unregister(); 
                        throw new Error("Push permission was denied") 
                    e || j(!0); 
                    g = b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey; 
                    var m = i.$6(); 
                    m = m ? { 
                        userVisibleOnly: !0, 
                        applicationServerKey: g 
                    } : { 
                        userVisibleOnly: !0 
                    l.pushManager.subscribe(m).then(function(a) { 
                        e && j(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(a)), 
                        i.$4(c, d, a), 
                        f && f(), 
                    })["catch"](function(b) { 
                        a.$1 = !1, 
                        h && l.unregister(), 
                })["catch"](function(b) { 
                    a.$1 = !1, 
        c.$6 = function() { 
            var a = b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey; 
            return b("gkx")("21099") && a != null && a != "" 
        c.unregisterPushAndSWOnKaiOS = function(a, c, d, e) { 
            var f = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) { 
                f.$5(a, c, e).then(function() { 
        c.unregisterPushAndSW = function(a, c) { 
            var d = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) { 
                d.$5(a, c, !0).then(function() { 
                    b("promiseDone")(b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").unregisterControllingWorker(), e) 
        c.unregisterPushOnly = function(a, c) { 
            var d = this; 
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, e) { 
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) { 
                    f ? f.unsubscribe().then(d.$5(a, c, !0)).then(function() { 
                    })["catch"](e) : e() 
        a.pushPermissionIsPending = function() { 
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "default" 
        a.pushPermissionIsOn = function() { 
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "granted" 
        a.pushPermissionIsDenied = function() { 
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "denied" 
        return a 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("XBrowserPushDisabledController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/client/push/disabled/", {}) 
), null); 
__d("XBrowserPushXOutController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/client/push/xout/", {}) 
), null); 
__d("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/push/register/service_worker/", {}) 
), null); 
__d("incognito", ["Promise", "UserAgent", "WebStorage", "gkx", "regeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    function d() { 
        var d; 
        return b("regeneratorRuntime").async(function(e) { 
            while (1) 
                switch (e.prev = { 
                case 0: 
                    d = window.RequestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; 
                    if (!d) { 
               = 3; 
                    return e.abrupt("return", new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) { 
                        return d(window.TEMPORARY, 10, function() { 
                            return a(!1) 
                        }, function() { 
                            return a(!0) 
                case 3: 
                    if (!(c("UserAgent").isBrowser("IE >= 10") || c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Edge"))) { 
               = 5; 
                    return e.abrupt("return", !window.indexedDB); 
                case 5: 
                    if (!c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Firefox >= 16")) { 
               = 7; 
                    return e.abrupt("return", new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) { 
                        var b ="__test__"); 
                        b.onsuccess = function() { 
                            return a(!1) 
                        b.onerror = function(b) { 
                case 7: 
                    if (!(c("gkx")("21036") && (c("UserAgent").isPlatform("iOS") && c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari >= 10.3") || c("UserAgent").isPlatform("Mac OS X") && c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari >= 11.1")))) { 
               = 18; 
                    e.prev = 8; 
                    a.I_AM_INCOGNITO_AND_I_REALLY_NEED_WEBSQL("sid", "1.0", "", 0); 
           = 16; 
                case 12: 
                    e.prev = 12; 
                    e.t0 = e["catch"](8); 
                    if (!( === "SecurityError")) { 
               = 16; 
                    return e.abrupt("return", !0); 
                case 16: 
           = 20; 
                case 18: 
                    if (!c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari")) { 
               = 20; 
                    return e.abrupt("return", !(h || (h = c("WebStorage"))).getLocalStorage()); 
                case 20: 
                    return e.abrupt("return", !1); 
                case 21: 
                case "end": 
                    return e.stop() 
        }, null, this, [[8, 12]]) 
    g["default"] = d 
), 98); 
__d("BrowserPushDirectPromptInstallerComet", ["AsyncRequest", "BanzaiLogger", "NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent", "Promise", "PushNotificationsEventEmitter", "PushRegistration", "QE2Logger", "XBrowserPushDisabledController", "XBrowserPushXOutController", "XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController", "incognito"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j; 
    function k(a, b, d) { 
        d === void 0 && (d = "prompt"); 
        b = babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            appID: b, 
            event: a, 
            surface: d 
        }, i); 
        c("BanzaiLogger").log("BrowserPushLoggerConfig", b) 
    function a(a, b, d, e, f, g) { 
        c("NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
            return { 
                app_id: b, 
                controller_class: g, 
                cur_state: f, 
                event_type: d, 
                medium: "push", 
                prev_state: e, 
                recip_id: a, 
                source: "web_settings_page" 
    function l() { 
        i != null && i.xout_count === 0 && j && d("QE2Logger").logExposureForUser(j) 
    function m(a) { 
        var b = c("XBrowserPushXOutController").getURIBuilder().getURI(); 
        new (c("AsyncRequest"))().setURI(b).setMethod("POST").send(); 
        k("xout", a) 
    function e(a, b) { 
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b); 
        return a.getSubscription() 
    function f(a, b) { 
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b); 
        k("turn_off", b); 
        return a.unregisterPushAndSW(c("XBrowserPushDisabledController"), c("AsyncRequest")) 
    function n(a, b, d, e) { 
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b); 
        k("turn_on", b); 
        return a.registerPushAndWaitForEndpoint(c("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController"), c("AsyncRequest"), e).then(function() { 
            k("install", b) 
        })["catch"](function(a) { 
            c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsDenied() ? (c("PushNotificationsEventEmitter").emit("openPushBlockedNotice", d), 
            k("deny", b)) : k("install_ignore", b), 
    function o(a, d, e, f, g, i, j, k) { 
        var m = c("PushRegistration").get(a, d); 
        m = m.isPushRegistered(e, c("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController"), c("XBrowserPushDisabledController"), c("AsyncRequest"), !!g, j); 
        (h || (h = b("Promise"))).all([m, c("incognito")()]).then(function(b) { 
            var e = b[0]; 
            b = b[1]; 
            if (e || b) 
            if (c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsPending()) { 
                if (!k || f) 
                c("PushNotificationsEventEmitter").emit("openInstallPush", { 
                    appID: d, 
                    browserName: i, 
                    path: a, 
                    workerIsForPushOnly: j 
            } else 
                f || n(a, d, i, j) 
        })["catch"](function() { 
            c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsDenied() && l() 
    function p(a) { 
        i = a 
    function q(a) { 
        j = a 
    g.logUserSettingAction = a; 
    g.genPushSubscription = e; 
    g.genDisableNotifications = f; 
    g.genEnableNotifications = n; 
    g.installPush = o; 
    g.setLogExtraData = p; 
    g.setQEUniverseName = q 
), 98); 
__d("BrowserPushMessageRedirectUtil", ["Bootloader"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = "(messages)(.*?)(?:(tid=))([^&]*)"; 
        a = a.match(b); 
        if (!a) 
            return !0; 
        var d = a.pop(); 
        c("Bootloader").loadModules(["FantaTabActions"], function(a) { 
        }, "BrowserPushMessageRedirectUtil"); 
        return !1 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("BusinessCometRelayEnvironmentFactory", ["cr:9829"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    g["default"] = b("cr:9829") 
), 98); 
__d("ChannelConstants", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    var g = "channel/"; 
    a = { 
        MUTE_WARNING_TIME_MSEC: 25e3, 
        ON_SHUTDOWN: g + "shutdown", 
        ON_INVALID_HISTORY: g + "invalid_history", 
        ON_CONFIG: g + "config", 
        ON_ENTER_STATE: g + "enter_state", 
        ON_EXIT_STATE: g + "exit_state", 
        ATTEMPT_RECONNECT: g + "attempt_reconnect", 
        RTI_SESSION: g + "new_rti_address", 
        CONSOLE_LOG: g + "message:console_log", 
        GET_RTI_SESSION_REQUEST: g + "rti_session_request", 
        SKYWALKER: g + "skywalker", 
        CHANNEL_ESTABLISHED: g + "established", 
        OK: "ok", 
        ERROR: "error", 
        ERROR_MAX: "error_max", 
        ERROR_MISSING: "error_missing", 
        ERROR_MSG_TYPE: "error_msg_type", 
        ERROR_SHUTDOWN: "error_shutdown", 
        ERROR_STALE: "error_stale", 
        SYS_OWNER: "sys_owner", 
        SYS_NONOWNER: "sys_nonowner", 
        SYS_ONLINE: "sys_online", 
        SYS_OFFLINE: "sys_offline", 
        SYS_TIMETRAVEL: "sys_timetravel", 
        HINT_AUTH: "shutdown auth", 
        HINT_CONN: "shutdown conn", 
        HINT_DISABLED: "shutdown disabled", 
        HINT_INVALID_STATE: "shutdown invalid state", 
        HINT_MAINT: "shutdown maint", 
        HINT_UNSUPPORTED: "shutdown unsupported", 
        reason_Unknown: 0, 
        reason_AsyncError: 1, 
        reason_TooLong: 2, 
        reason_Refresh: 3, 
        reason_RefreshDelay: 4, 
        reason_UIRestart: 5, 
        reason_NeedSeq: 6, 
        reason_PrevFailed: 7, 
        reason_IFrameLoadGiveUp: 8, 
        reason_IFrameLoadRetry: 9, 
        reason_IFrameLoadRetryWorked: 10, 
        reason_PageTransitionRetry: 11, 
        reason_IFrameLoadMaxSubdomain: 12, 
        reason_NoChannelInfo: 13, 
        reason_NoChannelHost: 14, 
        SUBSCRIBE: "subscribe", 
        UNSUBSCRIBE: "unsubscribe", 
        FAKE_DFF: "fake_dff", 
        THROTTLED: g + "throttled", 
        JUMPSTART: g + "jumpstart", 
        ENTITY_PRESENCE_ACTIVE_PING: "entity_presence/active_ping", 
        ENTITY_PRESENCE_SKIPPED_PING: "entity_presence/skipped_ping", 
            SUBSCRIBE: "s", 
            MUTATE_CONTEXT: "m", 
            UNSUBSCRIBE: "u" 
        getArbiterType: function(a) { 
            return g + "message:" + a 
        getRTISkywalkerArbiterType: function(a, b) { 
            return g + "skywalker:" + a + ":" + b 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("ChatConfig", ["invariant", "ChatConfigInitialData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    var i = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("ChatConfigInitialData")); 
    function j(a, b) { 
        return a in i ? i[a] : b 
    function a(a) { 
        return !!j(a, !1) 
    function b(a, b) { 
        b === void 0 && (b = 0); 
        if (a in i) { 
            typeof i[a] === "number" || h(0, 3109); 
            return i[a] 
        return b 
    function d(a, b) { 
        i[a] = b 
    function e() { 
        return i 
    g.get = j; 
    g.getBool = a; 
    g.getNumber = b; 
    g.set = d; 
    g.getDebugInfo = e 
), 98); 
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "6546596222061607" 
), null); 
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "environment" 
          , c = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
          , d = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "data", 
                variableName: "input" 
            concreteType: "BatchNotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "batch_notification_state_change_subscribe", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Notification", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "aggregated_notifications", 
                plural: !0, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "seen_state", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Viewer", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "viewer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "environment", 
                        variableName: "environment" 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "last_update_timestamp", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d, 
                type: "Subscription", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: { 
                    subscriptionName: "batch_notification_state_change_subscribe" 
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                operationKind: "subscription", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, { 
            subscription: i, 
            variables: { 
                environment: "MAIN_SURFACE", 
                input: { 
                    environment: "MAIN_SURFACE", 
                    query_flags: ["INCLUDE_WA_P2B_NOTIFS"] 
    g.subscription = i; 
    g.batchSubscribe = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometCastingMiniplayerRoot.react", ["CastingContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "JSResourceForInteraction", "lazyLoadComponent", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext, k = c("lazyLoadComponent")(c("JSResourceForInteraction")("CometCastingMiniplayer.react").__setRef("CometCastingMiniplayerRoot.react")); 
    function a() { 
        var a = j(d("CastingContext").CastingStateContext); 
        return a == null ? null : i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
            fallback: null, 
            children: i.jsx(k, {}) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "4872300252838190" 
), null); 
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "environment" 
          , c = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
          , d = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "data", 
                variableName: "input" 
            concreteType: "NotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "notification_state_change_subscribe", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Notification", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "notification", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "seen_state", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "notif_id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Viewer", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "viewer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "environment", 
                        variableName: "environment" 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "last_update_timestamp", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d, 
                type: "Subscription", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: { 
                    subscriptionName: "notification_state_change_subscribe" 
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                operationKind: "subscription", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper", ["react", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = c("requireDeferred")("FriendingCometConfirmedFriendRequestToast.react").__setRef("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"), k = c("requireDeferred")("FriendingCometFriendRequestToast.react").__setRef("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"), l = new Set(), m = {}; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var c, d = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_receive_subscribe; 
        c = d == null ? void 0 : (c = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : c.seen_state; 
        var e = d == null ? void 0 : (d = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : d.notif_id; 
        c === "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && e != null && (l.add(e), 
        k.onReadyImmediately(function(c) { 
            if (!l.has(e)) 
            var d = b.push(i.jsx(c, { 
                onCloseClick: function() { 
                    return b.expire(d) 
                response: a 
            }), 5e3); 
            m[e] = d 
    function b(a, b) { 
        var c, d = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_confirm_subscribe; 
        c = d == null ? void 0 : (c = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : c.seen_state; 
        var e = d == null ? void 0 : (d = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : d.notif_id; 
        c === "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && e != null && (l.add(e), 
        j.onReadyImmediately(function(c) { 
            if (!l.has(e)) 
            var d = b.push(i.jsx(c, { 
                onCloseClick: function() { 
                    return b.expire(d) 
                response: a 
            }), 5e3); 
            m[e] = d 
    function e(a, b, c) { 
        var d = c.getState(); 
        a !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && b in m && ((a = d[m[b]]) == null ? void 0 : a.shown) !== !0 && (c["delete"](m[b]), 
        delete m[b], 
    g.pushFriendingCometToast = a; 
    g.pushFriendingConfirmedCometToast = b; 
    g.deleteToastIfSeen = e 
), 98); 
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay", "FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql"); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var c = function(a) { 
            a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.notification_state_change_subscribe) == null ? void 0 : a.notification; 
            var c = a == null ? void 0 : a.seen_state; 
            a = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif_id; 
            c != null && a != null && d("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper").deleteToastIfSeen(c, a, b) 
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, { 
            onNext: c, 
            subscription: i, 
            variables: { 
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB", 
                input: { 
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB" 
    g.subscription = i; 
    g.subscribeToFriendNotifs = a 
), 98); 
__d("GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1942319"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ghl_test_ubt", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("CometGHLTestUBT", ["GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent", "JSScheduler", "ghlTestUBT"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    function a(a) { 
        (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
            c("ghlTestUBT")(function(b, d) { 
                b && a.addGlobalMetadata("adblocker_enabled", 1); 
                return c("GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
                    return { 
                        recent: d, 
                        ubt: b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "6421625191268347" 
), null); 
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "environment" 
          , c = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
          , d = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "data", 
                variableName: "input" 
            concreteType: "NotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "notification_state_change_subscribe", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Notification", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "notification", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "id", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "seen_state", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Viewer", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "viewer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "environment", 
                        variableName: "environment" 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "last_update_timestamp", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d, 
                type: "Subscription", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                selections: d 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: { 
                    subscriptionName: "notification_state_change_subscribe" 
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", 
                operationKind: "subscription", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, { 
            subscription: i, 
            variables: { 
                environment: "MAIN_SURFACE", 
                input: { 
                    environment: "MAIN_SURFACE", 
                    query_flags: ["INCLUDE_WA_P2B_NOTIFS"] 
    c = { 
        subscribe: a, 
        subscription: i 
    g["default"] = c 
), 98); 
__d("CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react", ["CometObjectFitContainer.react", "react", "useCometSize_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.contentAspectRatio 
          , d = a.maxHeight; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["contentAspectRatio", "maxHeight"]); 
        var e = c("useCometSize_DO_NOT_USE")() 
          , f = e[0]; 
        e = e[1]; 
        var g = 16 / 9; 
        b = b != null && isFinite(b) && b > 0 ? b : g; 
        if (d != null && d > 0 && e != null) { 
            g = e.width / b; 
            g > d && (b = e.width / d) 
        return i.jsx(c("CometObjectFitContainer.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            contentAspectRatio: b, 
            objectFitMode: "CONTAINER_WIDTH_BASED_ASPECT_RATIO", 
            ref: f 
        }, a)) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometOnBeforeUnloadDialog.react", ["fbt", "CometTrackingNodeProvider.react", "FDSCardedDialogLegacy.react", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "TetraText.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.disabled; 
        b = b === void 0 ? !1 : b; 
        var d = a.onClose 
          , e = a.onCloseButtonPress 
          , f = a.primaryAction 
          , g = a.secondaryAction 
          , i = a.body 
          , k = a.cancel 
          , l = a.confirm; 
        a = a.title; 
        var m = function() { 
          , n = function() { 
        return j.jsx(c("CometTrackingNodeProvider.react"), { 
            trackingNode: 163, 
            children: j.jsxs(c("FDSCardedDialogLegacy.react"), { 
                onClose: function() { 
                testid: void 0, 
                title: a, 
                titleHorizontalAlignment: "start", 
                withCloseButton: !0, 
                children: [j.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "xz9dl7a x1pi30zi xsag5q8 x1swvt13 x1n2onr6", 
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                        type: "body3", 
                        children: i 
                }), j.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x78zum5 x1q0g3np x13a6bvl xexx8yu x4uap5 x1l90r2v xkhd6sd", 
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), { 
                        direction: "backward", 
                        paddingHorizontal: 16, 
                        primary: { 
                            disabled: b, 
                            label: (a = l) != null ? a : h._("__JHASH__dV9Vz_8TRow__JHASH__"), 
                            onPress: m, 
                            testid: "CometOnBeforeUnloadDialogConfirmButton" 
                        secondary: { 
                            disabled: b, 
                            label: (i = k) != null ? i : h._("__JHASH__vfZ0qXC5Zmr__JHASH__"), 
                            onPress: n, 
                            reduceEmphasis: !0, 
                            testid: "CometOnBeforeUnloadDialogCancelButton" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometProfileSwitchedToast_query", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query" 
        type: "Query", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            argumentDefinitions: [], 
            kind: "Fragment", 
            metadata: null, 
            name: "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Viewer", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "viewer", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "actor", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "username", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, a, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "name", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "profile_type_name_for_content", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 32 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 32 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "profile_picture", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "uri", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:32,width:32)" 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "UserProfileSwitcherEligibleProfilesConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "profile_switcher_eligible_profiles", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "ProfileSwitcherEligibleProfile", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "nodes", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "User", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "profile", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [a], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        type: "User", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                args: null, 
                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                name: "useCometProfileSwitchMutation_query" 
            type: "Query", 
            abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("useCometProfileSwitchedToast", ["fbt", "CometListCellStrict_DEPRECATED.react", "CometRelay", "CometRouteURL", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "TetraText.react", "XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometProfileControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometProfileVanityControllerRouteBuilder", "emptyFunction", "react", "useCometProfileSwitchMutation", "useCometProfileSwitchTracer", "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e, f, g, j, l, m = a.onDismiss, n = a.previousProfileID; 
        a = a.query; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"), a); 
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (e = == null ? void 0 :; 
        f = a == null ? void 0 : (f = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (f = == null ? void 0 :; 
        g = a == null ? void 0 : (g = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (g = == null ? void 0 : (g = g.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : g.uri; 
        var o = a == null ? void 0 : (j = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (j = == null ? void 0 : (j = j.profile_switcher_eligible_profiles) == null ? void 0 : { 
            return (a = a.profile) == null ? void 0 : 
        j = (a == null ? void 0 : (j = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (j = == null ? void 0 : j.profile_type_name_for_content) === "PAGE"; 
        l = (l = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (l = == null ? void 0 : l.username; 
        l = l == null || l.length === 0 ? "" : c("XCometProfileVanityControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({ 
            vanity: l 
        var p = d("CometRouteURL").useRouteURLPath(); 
        l = l === p; 
        var q = c("XCometProfileControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({}) 
          , r = d("CometRouteURL").useRouteURLParams().id; 
        q = q === p && r === f; 
        p = l || q; 
        var s = c("useCometProfileSwitchTracer")({ 
            origin: "switched_toast", 
            originatingSurface: "switched_toast" 
          , t = c("useCometProfileSwitchMutation")({ 
            data: a 
        r = function() { 
            (o == null ? void 0 : o.includes(n)) && s(function(a) { 
                t(n, a, null, "switched_toast") 
        f = null; 
        l = k.jsx(c("CometListCellStrict_DEPRECATED.react"), { 
            addOnStart: g != null ? { 
                "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__fZU-5mdO94e__JHASH__"), 
                linkProps: { 
                    url: c("XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({}) 
                onPress: m, 
                shape: "circle", 
                size: 48, 
                source: { 
                    uri: g 
                type: "profile-photo" 
            } : null, 
            body: k.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), { 
                align: p ? "start" : "justify", 
                paddingHorizontal: 0, 
                paddingTop: 12, 
                primary: p ? { 
                    label: h._("__JHASH__2kACvdZJNBP__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: r, 
                    padding: "wide", 
                    type: "secondary" 
                } : { 
                    label: j ? h._("__JHASH__--2XPIPCpnJ__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__GRs1INByQRl__JHASH__"), 
                    linkProps: { 
                        url: c("XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({}) 
                    onPress: m, 
                    type: "primary" 
                secondary: p ? null : { 
                    label: h._("__JHASH__2kACvdZJNBP__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: r, 
                    type: "secondary" 
                size: "large", 
                wrap: "forward" 
            headline: k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                type: "headline4", 
                children: h._("__JHASH__AG0e6FYCEFC__JHASH__", [h._param("profile_name", e)]) 
        return { 
            accessibilityAnnouncement: f, 
            content: l, 
            onCloseClick: m, 
            onMouseEnter: c("emptyFunction"), 
            profileName: e 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometProfileSwitchedToast.react", ["fbt", "CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "useCometProfileSwitchedToast"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.onDismiss 
          , f = a.previousProfileID; 
        a = a.query; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"), a); 
        f = c("useCometProfileSwitchedToast")({ 
            onDismiss: e, 
            previousProfileID: f, 
            query: a 
        return k.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), { 
            accessibilityAnnouncement: f.accessibilityAnnouncement, 
            content: f.content, 
            headline: h._("__JHASH__H1oTPehjLo5__JHASH__", [h._param("profile_name", f.profileName)]), 
            onCloseClick: e, 
            onMouseEnter: function() {} 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder", ["jsRouteBuilder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    a = c("jsRouteBuilder")("/shared/user_preferences/", Object.freeze({}), void 0); 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("DOMScanner", ["Base64", "ConstUriUtils", "DOMScannerConfig", "FBLogger", "JSScheduler", "Promise", "WebStorage", "XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder", "cometAsyncFetch", "isFacebookURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k = 0, l = !1, m = !1; 
    function n(a) { 
        return a.startsWith("data:") && a.includes(";base64,") 
    function o(a) { 
        return n(a) ? !1 : q(a) 
    function p() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); 
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) 
            b[c].shadowRoot != null && a.push(b[c]); 
        return a 
    function q(a) { 
        a = d("ConstUriUtils").getUri(a.toString()); 
        return a == null ? !1 : !c("isFacebookURI")(a) 
    function r() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = p(); 
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { 
            var d = b[c] 
              , e = d.getBoundingClientRect(); 
            e = JSON.stringify({ 
                position: { 
                    b: e.bottom, 
                    l: e.left, 
                    r: e.right, 
                size: { 
                    h: e.height, 
                    w: e.width 
            }, null, 2); 
            a.push(["shadow_root", d.tagName,, d.className, e]) 
        return a 
    function s() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = document.querySelectorAll("script"); 
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { 
            var d = b[c]; 
            if (d.src && o(String(d.src))) { 
                var e = d.src 
                  , f = null 
                  , g = null; 
                d.className && (f = d.className); 
       && (g =; 
                d = ["script", e, g, f, null]; 
        return a 
    function t() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); 
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { 
            var d = b[c]; 
            if (d.src && o(d.src)) { 
                var e = d.src 
                  , f = null 
                  , g = null 
                  , h = d.getBoundingClientRect(); 
                h = JSON.stringify({ 
                    position: { 
                        b: h.bottom, 
                        l: h.left, 
                        r: h.right, 
                    size: { 
                        h: d.height, 
                        w: d.width 
                    src: d.src, 
                }, null, 2); 
                d.className && (f = d.className); 
       && (g =; 
                d = ["iframe", e, g, f, h]; 
        return a 
    function u() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = (j || (j = c("WebStorage"))).getLocalStorage(); 
        if (!b || !b.length) 
            return a; 
        for (var d = 0; d < b.length; ++d) 
        return a 
    function v() { 
        var a = [] 
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); 
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { 
            var d = b[c]; 
            if (d.href && o(String(d.href))) { 
                var e = d.href; 
                e = ["link", e, d.type,, null]; 
        return a 
    function w(a, b, d, e) { 
        e = { 
            event: e ? "scan_result" : "logged_out_scan_result", 
            local_storage: b, 
            results: a, 
            runtime: k, 
            scan_id: d 
        c("cometAsyncFetch")(c("XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder").buildUri({}).toString(), { 
            data: { 
                data: c("Base64").encodeObject(e) 
            method: "POST" 
        })["catch"](function(a) { 
            c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Send response failed. %s", a.errorCode, a.errorType) 
    function x(a) { 
        var e = new Date().valueOf() 
          , f = [] 
          , g = [] 
          , j = new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) { 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                try { 
                    f = f.concat(s()) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check Scripts failed") 
          , l = new i(function(a) { 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                try { 
                    g = g.concat(u()) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check local storage failed") 
          , m = new i(function(a) { 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                try { 
                    f = f.concat(v()) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check link tags failed") 
          , n = new i(function(a) { 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                try { 
                    f = f.concat(r()) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check shadow roots failed") 
          , o = new i(function(a) { 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                try { 
                    f = f.concat(t()) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check iframes failed") 
        i.all([j, l, m, n, o])["finally"](function() { 
            k = new Date().valueOf() - e, 
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                return w(f, g, a, !0) 
    function a() { 
        !l && c("DOMScannerConfig").needs_scan && (l = !0, 
        window.setTimeout(function() { 
            return (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
                return x(c("DOMScannerConfig").scan_id) 
        }, c("DOMScannerConfig").delay)) 
    function e() { 
        if (!m && c("DOMScannerConfig").needs_scan) { 
            m = !0; 
            var a = new Date().valueOf() 
              , b = [] 
              , d = []; 
            try { 
                b = s(), 
                d = u() 
            } catch (a) { 
                c("FBLogger")("domscanner_loginpage").catching(a).mustfix("Scanning failed on login page %s", a.errorCode, a.errorType) 
            k = new Date().valueOf() - a; 
            w(b, d, c("DOMScannerConfig").scan_id, !1) 
    f = { 
        checkIframes: t, 
        checkLinkTags: v, 
        checkScripts: s, 
        checkShadowRoots: r 
    g.scheduleScan = a; 
    g.scanLoginPage = e; 
    g.exportedForTesting = f 
), 98); 
__d("CometRootDeferredSharedWithDomScanner", ["CometRootDeferredShared", "DOMScanner", "ErrorGuard"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    function a(a) { 
        (h || (h = c("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(function() { 
            return d("DOMScanner").scheduleScan() 
        }, null, []), 
    g.initDeferred = a 
), 98); 
__d("XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder", ["jsExtraRouteBuilder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    a = c("jsExtraRouteBuilder")("/ajax/autoset_timezone_ajax/", Object.freeze({ 
        is_forced: !1 
    }), ["/ajax/autoset_timezone_ajax.php", "/ajax/timezone/update/", "/ajax/timezone/update.php"], void 0); 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("getBrowserTimezone", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        try { 
            var a; 
            a = ((a = window.Intl) == null ? void 0 : a.DateTimeFormat) && Intl.DateTimeFormat(); 
            a = (a == null ? void 0 : a.resolvedOptions) && a.resolvedOptions(); 
            return a == null ? void 0 : a.timeZone 
        } catch (a) { 
            c("FBLogger")("TimezoneAutoset").catching(a).warn("Could not read IANA timezone from browser"); 
            return null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometTimezoneUpdater", ["UserTimezoneServerTimeData", "XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder", "cometAsyncFetch", "getBrowserGMTOffsetAdjustedForSkew", "getBrowserTimezone", "killswitch"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        var a, b = (a = d("UserTimezoneServerTimeData")).force_update, e = a.server_gmt_offset, f = a.server_time; 
        a = a.timezone; 
        if (f == null || e == null) 
        f = -c("getBrowserGMTOffsetAdjustedForSkew")(f); 
        var g = c("killswitch")("TIMEZONE_SET_IANA_ZONE_NAME") ? null : c("getBrowserTimezone")(); 
        (b === !0 || f !== e || g != null && g !== a) && c("cometAsyncFetch")(c("XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder").buildExtraURL("/ajax/timezone/update.php", {}), { 
            data: { 
                gmt_off: f, 
                is_forced: b, 
                tz: g 
            method: "POST" 
    b = { 
        updateTimezoneIfNecessary: a 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("CometRootDeferred", ["CometRootDeferredSharedWithDomScanner", "CometTimezoneUpdater", "JSScheduler", "SketchComet", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.sketchInfo; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["sketchInfo"]); 
        b != null && (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleSpeculativeCallback(function() { 
            c("promiseDone")(c("SketchComet").solveAllPrimitivesAndCallAsyncController(b.seed1, b.seed2, b.rounds)) 
    g.initDeferred = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "6178173252294200" 
), null); 
__d("CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql", ["CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , d = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: "toast_icon", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 32 
            }, { 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "scale", 
                variableName: "scale" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 32 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c, d, e], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "actor", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c, d, e, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "id", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometRouteActorToaster.react", ["fbt", "Actor", "CometRelay", "CometRouteActorToasterBlocklist", "CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "TetraText.react", "WebPixelRatio", "cometPushToast", "getTopMostRoute", "promiseDone", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useCurrentRoute", "useProfileCometIsViewAs", "useRouteReferrer"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react")); 
    e = j; 
    var l = e.useEffect 
      , m = e.useRef 
      , n = c("requireDeferred")("AcfToastImpressionFalcoEvent").__setRef("CometRouteActorToaster.react"); 
    function o(a, b) { 
        if (b) 
            return k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                color: "primary", 
                type: "body3", 
                children: h._("__JHASH__dhtpcLgifst__JHASH__", [h._implicitParam("=m2", k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                    type: "bodyLink3", 
                    children: h._("__JHASH__IxzOnYaj38q__JHASH__") 
            return k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                color: "primary", 
                type: "body3", 
                children: h._("__JHASH__Kzzb7vg3fH___JHASH__", [h._param("actor", k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                    type: "bodyLink3", 
                    children: a 
    var p = i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql"); 
    function a() { 
        var a = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment() 
          , b = d("Actor").useActor() 
          , e = b[0]; 
        b = c("useCometRouterState")(); 
        var f = c("useCurrentRoute")() 
          , g = c("useRouteReferrer")() 
          , h = c("useProfileCometIsViewAs")() 
          , i = m({ 
            actorID: g == null ? void 0 : g.actorID, 
            tracePolicy: g == null ? void 0 : g.tracePolicy 
        g = c("CometRouteActorToasterBlocklist").route_trace_policies; 
        var j = f == null ? void 0 : f.tracePolicy; 
        g = g.includes(j); 
        b = b != null ? c("getTopMostRoute")(b) : null; 
        f = f === b; 
        var q = f && !g && !h; 
        l(function() { 
            var b, f = (b = i.current) == null ? void 0 : b.actorID, g = (b = i.current) == null ? void 0 : b.tracePolicy; 
            if (f != null && f !== e && q) { 
                b = function(a) { 
                    var b; 
                    b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (b = == null ? void 0 :; 
                    if (b != null) { 
                        var e; 
                        e = (a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (e = == null ? void 0 : e.__typename) === "User"; 
                        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (a = == null ? void 0 : (a = a.toast_icon) == null ? void 0 : a.uri; 
                        a = a != null ? k.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), { 
                            shape: "circle", 
                            size: 32, 
                            source: { 
                                uri: a 
                        }) : null; 
                        b = o(b, e); 
                            icon: a, 
                            message: b 
                        n.onReady(function(a) { 
                            a = a.log; 
                            a(function() { 
                                var a; 
                                return { 
                                    destination: (a = j) != null ? a : "", 
                                    destination_type: "comet_route", 
                                    source: g, 
                                    source_type: "comet_route", 
                                    source_userid: f 
                var h = { 
                    scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get() 
                c("promiseDone")(d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(a, p, h).toPromise(), b) 
            i.current = { 
                actorID: e, 
                tracePolicy: j 
        }, [e, j, a, q]); 
        return null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks", ["CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useContext; 
    function a() { 
        return i(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext) 
    g.useCometVideoPictureInPictureManager = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "owner", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "has_professional_features_for_watch", 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "VideoOwner", 
                abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
            storageKey: null 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "TetraIcon.react", "VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "stylex", "useCometRouterState", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useVideoPlayerDefaultControlsVisibility"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k, l, m = l || (l = d("react")), n = l.useContext, o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), p = { 
        absolutePosition: { 
            end: "xnx3k43", 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            top: "x1jzctok", 
            $$css: !0 
        closeButton: { 
            zIndex: "x1vjfegm", 
            $$css: !0 
        closeButtonHidden: { 
            opacity: "xg01cxk", 
            visibility: "xlshs6z", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        a =; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql"), a); 
        var e = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , f = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , g = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext() 
          , l = g.chainingDepthState; 
        g = c("useVideoPlayerDefaultControlsVisibility")(); 
        var q = g.isControlsVisible 
          , r = g.onUserInteraction; 
        a = !!(a == null ? void 0 : (g = a.owner) == null ? void 0 : g.has_professional_features_for_watch); 
        g = d("VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks").useInstreamAdsIsStart(); 
        var s = a || g 
          , t = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")(); 
        a = c("useCometRouterState")(); 
        var u = (g = a == null ? void 0 : a.main.route.tabKey) != null ? g : "undefined"; 
        return m.jsx("i", { 
            className: (k || (k = c("stylex")))(!s && p.absolutePosition, p.closeButton, !s && !q && p.closeButtonHidden), 
            children: m.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), { 
                "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__gRfYYYiiNCL__JHASH__"), 
                color: s ? "primary" : "white", 
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("478233"), 20), 
                onPress: function() { 
                    var a = f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionStartTime 
                      , b = new Date() 
                      , c = (f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionTrigger) ? f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionTrigger : null; 
                        name: "exit_watch_and_scroll_video", 
                        type: "happened" 
                    s && o.onReady(function(d) { 
                        var e = l + 1 
                          , f = a ? (b.getTime() - a.getTime()) / 1e3 : null; 
                            attribution_id_v2: t, 
                            click_point: "close_button", 
                            click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                            event: "click", 
                            event_target_info: u 
                            event: "watch_and_scroll_end_session", 
                            event_target_info: c, 
                            video_watched_count: e, 
                            watch_time_in_watch_and_scroll_s: f 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay_video" 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , b = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri_token", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            argumentDefinitions: [{ 
                kind: "RootArgument", 
                name: "scale" 
            kind: "Fragment", 
            metadata: null, 
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video", 
            selections: [a, b, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "title_with_fallback", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "url", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                args: null, 
                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video" 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "owner", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [b, a, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "height", 
                        value: 32 
                    }, { 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "scale", 
                        variableName: "scale" 
                    }, { 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "width", 
                        value: 32 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "profile_picture", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "uri", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [c, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "page_vanity_url", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "vanity", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    type: "Page", 
                    abstractKey: null 
                }, { 
                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                    selections: [c, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "site", 
                                value: "www" 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "url", 
                            storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
                        type: "User", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    type: "VideoOwner", 
                    abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Story", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "creation_story", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "identifier_token", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "debug_info", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "tracking", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Video", 
            abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react", ["ix", "CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometRow.react", "CometRowItem.react", "CometVideoHomeThreeDotContextMenu.react", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql", "FDSTextPairing.react", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "XCometGamingVanityControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder", "fbicon", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useNavigateToTahoePassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react")), l = j.useState, m = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react"), n = { 
        actorIcon: { 
            marginStart: "x1i64zmx", 
            marginLeft: null, 
            marginRight: null, 
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu", 
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5", 
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69", 
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd", 
            $$css: !0 
        closeButton: { 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            marginTop: "x14vqqas", 
            marginEnd: "xq8finb", 
            marginBottom: "xod5an3", 
            marginStart: "x16n37ib", 
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu", 
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5", 
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69", 
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd", 
            $$css: !0 
        row: { 
            marginTop: "xdj266r", 
            marginEnd: "x11i5rnm", 
            marginBottom: "xat24cr", 
            marginStart: "x1mh8g0r", 
            width: "xh8yej3", 
            $$css: !0 
        threeDot: { 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            marginTop: "xdj266r", 
            marginEnd: "x11i5rnm", 
            marginBottom: "xat24cr", 
            marginStart: "x1mh8g0r", 
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu", 
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5", 
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69", 
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.isGamingVideo 
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy 
          , g = a.subOrigin 
          , j =; 
        a = a.videoUrl; 
        j = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql"), j); 
        var r = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")() 
          , s = c("useNavigateToTahoePassthroughProps")() 
          , t = l(!1); 
        var u = t[1]; 
        t = function(a) { 
        var v = j == null ? void 0 : j.owner; 
        if (j == null || v == null) 
            return null; 
        s = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, s, { 
            playerSubOrigin: g, 
            portalingRouteTracePolicy: f, 
            portalingSubOrigin: g 
        f = "#"; 
        g = v.uri_token; 
        g != null ? f = c("XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({ 
            idorvanity: g 
        }) : v.url != null && (f = v.url); 
        if (e) { 
            g = (g = (g = v.page_vanity_url) != null ? g : v.vanity) != null ? g : v.uri_token; 
            if (g != null) { 
                var w; 
                f = c("XCometGamingVanityControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({ 
                    injected_hero_video_id: (w = != null ? w : void 0, 
                    vanity: g 
        return k.jsx("div", { 
            className: "x1jx94hy xgqcy7u x1lq5wgf x163d74j x78zum5 xds687c x1dqyrwa x1hc1fzr x10l6tqk x17qophe x11zq2l5 x1nm1lid xm4efwp xx6bhzk x11xpdln", 
            children: k.jsxs(c("CometRow.react"), { 
                paddingHorizontal: 0, 
                paddingVertical: 0, 
                verticalAlign: "center", 
                xstyle: n.row, 
                children: [k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), { 
                    xstyle: n.actorIcon, 
                    children: k.jsx(o, { 
                        actorURL: f, 
                        iconURI: (w = v.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : w.uri, 
                        passthroughProps: e ? s : void 0, 
                        productAttribution: r 
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), { 
                    expanding: !0, 
                    children: k.jsx(c("FDSTextPairing.react"), { 
                        headline: k.jsx(q, { 
                            passthroughProps: s, 
                            productAttribution: r, 
                            title: j.title_with_fallback, 
                            videoUrl: a 
                        headlineLineLimit: 1, 
                        level: 4, 
                        meta: k.jsx(p, { 
                            actorURL: f, 
                            passthroughProps: e ? s : void 0, 
                            productAttribution: r 
                        metaLineLimit: 1, 
                        metaLocation: "above" 
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), { 
                    xstyle: n.threeDot, 
                    children: k.jsx(c("CometVideoHomeThreeDotContextMenu.react"), { 
                        icon: d("fbicon")._(h("555291"), 20), 
                        identifierToken: (g = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : g.identifier_token, 
                        onMenuVisibilityChange: t, 
                        onPress: function() { 
                            m.onReady(function(a) { 
                                    attribution_id_v2: r, 
                                    click_point: "three_dot_menu", 
                                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                                    event: "click" 
                        position: "above", 
                        storyDebugInfo: (w = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : w.debug_info, 
                        tracking: (a = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : a.tracking, 
                        videoMenuLocation: "WATCH_AND_SCROLL" 
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), { 
                    xstyle: n.closeButton, 
                    children: k.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), { 
                        video: j 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function o(a) { 
        var b = a.actorName 
          , d = a.actorURL 
          , e = a.iconURI 
          , f = a.passthroughProps 
          , g = a.productAttribution; 
        return k.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), { 
            "aria-label": c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(b) ? d : b, 
            linkProps: { 
                passthroughProps: (a = f) != null ? a : void 0, 
                url: d 
            onPress: function() { 
                m.onReady(function(a) { 
                        attribution_id_v2: g, 
                        click_point: "actor_profile_picture", 
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                        event: "click" 
            size: 32, 
            source: { 
                uri: e || "" 
    o.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function p(a) { 
        var b = a.actorName 
          , d = a.actorURL 
          , e = a.passthroughProps 
          , f = a.productAttribution; 
        return c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(b) ? null : k.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), { 
            href: d, 
            onClick: function() { 
                m.onReady(function(a) { 
                        attribution_id_v2: f, 
                        click_point: "actor_name", 
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                        event: "click" 
            passthroughProps: (a = e) != null ? a : void 0, 
            children: b 
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function q(a) { 
        var b = a.passthroughProps 
          , d = a.productAttribution 
          , e = a.title; 
        a = a.videoUrl; 
        var f = c("useCometRouterState")() 
          , g = f == null ? void 0 : f.main.route.tabKey; 
        return k.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), { 
            href: a, 
            onClick: function() { 
                m.onReady(function(a) { 
                        attribution_id_v2: d, 
                        click_point: "video_title", 
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                        event: "click", 
                        event_target_info: g 
            passthroughProps: b, 
            children: e 
    q.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "26392843793693065" 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql", ["VideoPlayerRelay_video$normalization.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "chainingCursor" 
          , c = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "chainingSeedVideoID" 
          , d = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , e = { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "videoID" 
          , f = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "id", 
            variableName: "videoID" 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_professional_features_for_watch", 
            storageKey: null 
          , j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_gaming_video", 
            storageKey: null 
          , k = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_soundbites_video", 
            storageKey: null 
          , l = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "PayToAccessPaywall", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "pay_to_access_paywall", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "should_show_paywall", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , m = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "id", 
            variableName: "chainingSeedVideoID" 
          , n = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , o = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri_token", 
            storageKey: null 
          , p = [{ 
            kind: "Literal", 
            name: "site", 
            value: "www" 
          , q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , r = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , s = [g] 
          , t = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "title_with_fallback", 
            storageKey: null 
          , u = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: s, 
            type: "Node", 
            abstractKey: "__isNode" 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, d, e], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: f, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [g, h, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "owner", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [i], 
                            type: "VideoOwner", 
                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, j, k, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerRelay_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground_video" 
                    }, { 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video" 
                    }, l], 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: "chainingSeedVideo", 
                    args: m, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "Defer", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Variable", 
                                name: "cursor", 
                                variableName: "chainingCursor" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Variable", 
                                name: "seedVideoID", 
                                variableName: "chainingSeedVideoID" 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video" 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, e, d], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: f, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [g, h, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "owner", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [n, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [i, o, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: p, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "url", 
                                    storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
                                type: "User", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            type: "VideoOwner", 
                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
                        }, g, q, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 32 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Variable", 
                                name: "scale", 
                                variableName: "scale" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 32 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "profile_picture", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: r, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [o, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "page_vanity_url", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "vanity", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            type: "Page", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, j, k, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "original_width", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "original_height", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "original_rotation", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "live_end_text", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "text", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "is_huddle", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "is_live_audio_room_v2_broadcast", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Event", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "associated_paid_online_event", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: s, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "is_live_streaming", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "is_paid_virtual_event_premium_content", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: "breakingStatus", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "breaking_status", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: "videoId", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "id", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: "isPremiere", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "is_premiere", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: "liveViewerCount", 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "live_viewer_count_read_only", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: "rehearsalInfo", 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "LiveVideoRehearsalInfo", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "rehearsal_info", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: "typeName", 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "__typename", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "publish_time", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Video", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "live_speaker_count_indicator", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: null, 
                            documentName: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator_video", 
                            fragmentName: "HuddlesSpeakerCountIndicatorContainer_video", 
                            fragmentPropName: "video", 
                            kind: "ModuleImport" 
                        }, g], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, q, t, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Story", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "creation_story", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "identifier_token", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "debug_info", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "tracking", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, g, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "shareable", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [n, { 
                                alias: "wwwUrl", 
                                args: p, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "url", 
                                storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
                            }, u], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: [{ 
                            kind: "Literal", 
                            name: "framework", 
                            value: "WARNING_SCREENS" 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "Literal", 
                            name: "location", 
                            value: "video_channel" 
                        concreteType: "CIXScreen", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "cix_screen", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "view_model", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [n, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometWarningScreenOverlay_data", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "data", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "OverlayWarningScreenViewModel", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, u], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: 'cix_screen(framework:"WARNING_SCREENS",location:"video_channel")' 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Story", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "container_story", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: s, 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "VideoThumbnail", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "preferred_thumbnail", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "image", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: r, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, g], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: [{ 
                            kind: "Literal", 
                            name: "supported", 
                            value: "2sq8zP" 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "comet_video_player_audio_overlay_renderer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [n, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video", 
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithLiveAudioRoomV2OverlayRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithLiveAudioRoomV2OverlayRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video", 
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithHuddleOverlayRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithHuddleOverlayRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video", 
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithPodcastOverlayRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithPodcastOverlayRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video", 
                                fragmentName: "VideoPlayerWithMusicSproutOverlayRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "VideoPlayerWithMusicSproutOverlayRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video", 
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithSoundbiteOverlayRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithSoundbiteOverlayRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: 'comet_video_player_audio_overlay_renderer(supported:"2sq8zP")' 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: [{ 
                            kind: "Literal", 
                            name: "supported", 
                            value: "2ZlrYX" 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "comet_video_player_audio_background_renderer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [n, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground_video", 
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithHuddleBackgroundRenderer_renderer", 
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer", 
                                kind: "ModuleImport" 
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithHuddleBackgroundRenderer", 
                            abstractKey: null 
                        storageKey: 'comet_video_player_audio_background_renderer(supported:"2ZlrYX")' 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "can_viewer_share", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, l, { 
                        args: null, 
                        fragment: b("VideoPlayerRelay_video$normalization.graphql"), 
                        kind: "FragmentSpread" 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: "chainingSeedVideo", 
                    args: m, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        "if": null, 
                        kind: "Defer", 
                        label: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery$defer$VideoPlayerSkipControl_video_izUbj", 
                        selections: [g, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "entry_point", 
                                value: "WNS" 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "video_channel", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [n, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: [{ 
                                    kind: "Variable", 
                                    name: "after", 
                                    variableName: "chainingCursor" 
                                }, { 
                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                    name: "caller", 
                                    value: "WNS" 
                                }, { 
                                    kind: "Variable", 
                                    name: "exclude_video", 
                                    variableName: "chainingSeedVideoID" 
                                }, { 
                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                    name: "first", 
                                    value: 1 
                                concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "video_channel_feed", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "edges", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "cursor", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "node", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [n, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "attachments", 
                                                plural: !0, 
                                                selections: [{ 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: null, 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "media", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [n, { 
                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: [g, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: [{ 
                                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                                name: "height", 
                                                                value: 202 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                                name: "sizing", 
                                                                value: "cover-fill-cropped" 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                                name: "width", 
                                                                value: 360 
                                                            concreteType: "Image", 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "image", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: r, 
                                                            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)' 
                                                        }, t, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            concreteType: null, 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "owner", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: [n, q, g], 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, h], 
                                                        type: "Video", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    }, u, { 
                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: s, 
                                                        type: "DynamicFeedAdAttachmentMedia", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    }, { 
                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: s, 
                                                        type: "GenericAttachmentMedia", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    }, { 
                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: s, 
                                                        type: "MontageImage", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    }, { 
                                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                        selections: s, 
                                                        type: "MontageVideo", 
                                                        abstractKey: null 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "click_tracking_linkshim_cb", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "encrypted_click_tracking", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "encrypted_tracking", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "viewability_config", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "CometClientViewConfig", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "client_view_config", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [{ 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                    name: "can_delay_log_impression", 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                    name: "use_banzai_signal_imp", 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                    name: "use_banzai_vital_imp", 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            type: "Story", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, u, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "CommunityTabNewJoinFeedUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "CommunityTabTrendingPOGFeedUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "FBShortsMidCardFeedUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "GroupsMultiGYSJStoryUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "GroupsTabCategoriesUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "PagesYouMayLikeFeedUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "StoriesTrayFeedUnit", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: s, 
                                            type: "XFBDummyReelsInWatchIFU", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, g], 
                            storageKey: 'video_channel(entry_point:"WNS")' 
                    }, g], 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "VideoPlayerControlIcon.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k, l = j || (j = d("react")); 
    b = j; 
    var m = b.useCallback 
      , n = b.useContext 
      , o = b.useEffect 
      , p = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react") 
      , q = window.document.pictureInPictureEnabled; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.routeTracePolicy 
          , e = a.subOrigin; 
        a = h._("__JHASH__AQMjhAwOZ46__JHASH__"); 
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")() 
          , g = m(function() { 
            p.onReady(function(a) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: f, 
                    click_point: "control_picture_in_picture", 
                    event: "click", 
                    event_target_info: b, 
                    player_suborigin: e 
        }, [b, e, f]) 
          , j = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , r = n(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerAPIContext) 
          , s = m(function() { 
        }, [g, r]) 
          , t = c("useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps")() 
          , u = t.portableVideoID; 
        o(function() { 
            q && (r.setController(j), 
        }, [r, j, u]); 
        return q ? l.jsx(c("VideoPlayerControlIcon.react"), { 
            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("509931"), 20), 
            label: a, 
            onPress: s, 
            tooltip: a 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g.VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl = a 
), 226); 
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", ["fbt", "ix", "VideoPlayerControlIcon.react", "fbicon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k = j || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.disabled 
          , e = a.onHoverIn 
          , f = a.onHoverOut; 
        a = a.onPress; 
        return k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerControlIcon.react"), { 
            color: "white", 
            disabled: b, 
            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("1052613"), 20), 
            label: h._("__JHASH__RMwYtzhsEt6__JHASH__"), 
            onHoverIn: e, 
            onHoverOut: f, 
            onPress: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "7483165565124639" 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql", ["CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "caller" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "chainingCursor" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "channelEntryPoint" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "count" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "seedVideoID" 
          , c = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "id", 
            variableName: "seedVideoID" 
          , d = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "entry_point", 
            variableName: "channelEntryPoint" 
          , e = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "after", 
            variableName: "chainingCursor" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "caller", 
            variableName: "caller" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "exclude_video", 
            variableName: "seedVideoID" 
        }, { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "first", 
            variableName: "count" 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "cursor", 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , i = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 202 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "sizing", 
                value: "cover-fill-cropped" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 360 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: i, 
            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)' 
          , k = [h] 
          , l = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , m = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "click_tracking_linkshim_cb", 
            storageKey: null 
          , n = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "encrypted_click_tracking", 
            storageKey: null 
          , o = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "encrypted_tracking", 
            storageKey: null 
          , p = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "viewability_config", 
            storageKey: null 
          , q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "CometClientViewConfig", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "client_view_config", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "can_delay_log_impression", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "use_banzai_signal_imp", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "use_banzai_vital_imp", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , r = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: k, 
            type: "Node", 
            abstractKey: "__isNode" 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: d, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "video_channel", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: e, 
                            concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "video_channel_feed", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "edges", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [f, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: null, 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "node", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "attachments", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: null, 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "media", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [g, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: [{ 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video" 
                                                    }, h, j, { 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "MusicVideoMetadata", 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "pmv_metadata", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [g], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, { 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: null, 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "owner", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: k, 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, l], 
                                                    type: "Video", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, m, n, o, p, q], 
                                        type: "Story", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "Video", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: d, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "video_channel", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [g, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: e, 
                            concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "video_channel_feed", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "edges", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [f, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: null, 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "node", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [g, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "attachments", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [{ 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: null, 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "media", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [g, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: [{ 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                        name: "title_with_fallback", 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, { 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: null, 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "owner", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [g, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: null, 
                                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                            name: "name", 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, h, { 
                                                            alias: null, 
                                                            args: [{ 
                                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                                name: "height", 
                                                                value: 32 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "Variable", 
                                                                name: "scale", 
                                                                variableName: "scale" 
                                                            }, { 
                                                                kind: "Literal", 
                                                                name: "width", 
                                                                value: 32 
                                                            concreteType: "Image", 
                                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                            name: "profile_picture", 
                                                            plural: !1, 
                                                            selections: i, 
                                                            storageKey: null 
                                                        }, { 
                                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                            selections: [{ 
                                                                alias: null, 
                                                                args: null, 
                                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                                name: "has_professional_features_for_watch", 
                                                                storageKey: null 
                                                            type: "VideoOwner", 
                                                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
                                                        }, { 
                                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                            selections: [{ 
                                                                alias: null, 
                                                                args: [{ 
                                                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                                                    name: "site", 
                                                                    value: "www" 
                                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                                name: "url", 
                                                                storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
                                                            type: "User", 
                                                            abstractKey: null 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, h, j, { 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        concreteType: "MusicVideoMetadata", 
                                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                        name: "pmv_metadata", 
                                                        plural: !1, 
                                                        selections: [g, h], 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    }, l], 
                                                    type: "Video", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                }, r, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: k, 
                                                    type: "DynamicFeedAdAttachmentMedia", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: k, 
                                                    type: "GenericAttachmentMedia", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: k, 
                                                    type: "MontageImage", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                }, { 
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                                    selections: k, 
                                                    type: "MontageVideo", 
                                                    abstractKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, m, n, o, p, q], 
                                        type: "Story", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, r, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "CommunityTabNewJoinFeedUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "CommunityTabTrendingPOGFeedUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "FBShortsMidCardFeedUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "GroupsMultiGYSJStoryUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "GroupsTabCategoriesUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "PagesYouMayLikeFeedUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "StoriesTrayFeedUnit", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                        selections: k, 
                                        type: "XFBDummyReelsInWatchIFU", 
                                        abstractKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, h], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, h], 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video" 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [{ 
            kind: "RootArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "title_with_fallback", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "owner", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "name", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "id", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "height", 
                    value: 32 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Variable", 
                    name: "scale", 
                    variableName: "scale" 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "width", 
                    value: 32 
                concreteType: "Image", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "profile_picture", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "uri", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "has_professional_features_for_watch", 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "VideoOwner", 
                abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner" 
            }, { 
                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Literal", 
                        name: "site", 
                        value: "www" 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "url", 
                    storageKey: 'url(site:"www")' 
                type: "User", 
                abstractKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react", ["CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "TetraText.react", "XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "react", "requireDeferred", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = i || d("react"), k = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e; 
        a =; 
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")(); 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql"), a); 
        var g = a == null ? void 0 : a.owner; 
        if (a == null || g == null) 
            return null; 
        var i = 
          , l = 
          , m = g.url; 
        e = (e = g.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : e.uri; 
        var n = "#"; 
        g.has_professional_features_for_watch === !0 ? n = c("XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({ 
            idorvanity: i 
        }) : m != null && (n = m); 
        return j.jsxs("div", { 
            className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5", 
            children: [j.jsx("div", { 
                className: "x1emribx", 
                children: j.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), { 
                    "aria-label": c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(l) ? n : l, 
                    linkProps: { 
                        url: n 
                    onPress: function() { 
                        k.onReady(function(a) { 
                                attribution_id_v2: f, 
                                click_point: "actor_profile_picture", 
                                click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen", 
                                event: "click" 
                    size: 32, 
                    source: { 
                        uri: e || "" 
            }), j.jsxs("div", { 
                className: "xeuugli", 
                children: [!c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(l) && j.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), { 
                    color: "secondary", 
                    href: n, 
                    onClick: function() { 
                        k.onReady(function(a) { 
                                click_point: "actor_name", 
                                click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen", 
                                event: "click" 
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                        color: "secondary", 
                        numberOfLines: 1, 
                        type: "meta4", 
                        children: l 
                }), j.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x1gslohp", 
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                        color: "primary", 
                        numberOfLines: 1, 
                        type: "headlineEmphasized4", 
                        children: a == null ? void 0 : a.title_with_fallback 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react", ["CometPressable.react", "TetraIcon.react", "TetraText.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.icon 
          , d = a.label 
          , e = a.onPress 
          , f = a.testid; 
        f = a.url; 
        return i.jsxs("div", { 
            className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xdt5ytf xl56j7k x14vqqas xq8finb xod5an3 x16n37ib x1n2onr6 x1dmp6jm", 
            "data-testid": void 0, 
            children: [i.jsx("div", { 
                className: "xgjxtca xnuwv8w x1lqxvo2 xgi2ibe x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu x13fuv20 xu3j5b3 x1q0q8m5 x26u7qi xamhcws xol2nv xlxy82 x19p7ews xod5an3 x889kno x1iji9kk x1a8lsjc x1sln4lm", 
                children: i.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), { 
                    "aria-label": d, 
                    linkProps: { 
                        url: f 
                    onPress: e, 
                    children: i.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), { 
                        "aria-label": d, 
                        color: "white", 
                        hideHoverOverlay: !0, 
                        icon: b 
            }), i.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), { 
                linkProps: { 
                    url: f 
                onPress: e, 
                children: i.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                    align: "center", 
                    color: "primaryOnMedia", 
                    type: "bodyLink4", 
                    children: d 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "VideoPlayerReshareButton_video" 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerReshareButton.react", "XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k, l, m = k || (k = d("react")), n = k.useContext, o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.setIsCanceled; 
        a =; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql"), a); 
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")() 
          , g = (l || (l = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , k = c("useCometRouterState")(); 
        k = k == null ? void 0 : k.main.route.tabKey; 
        k = k !== "watch"; 
        var p = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , q = function(a) { 
            o.onReady(function(b) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: f, 
                    click_point: a, 
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen", 
                    event: "click" 
        return m.jsx("div", { 
            className: "x6s0dn4 xrmyhay x1l1xfun x13fuv20 x178xt8z x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xl56j7k x13zrc24 xbxaen2 x1t1ogtf x1u72gb5 x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
            children: m.jsxs("div", { 
                className: "x1cy8zhl x78zum5 x1q0g3np xl56j7k", 
                children: [k && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), { 
                    icon: d("fbicon")._(i("607168"), 16), 
                    label: h._("__JHASH___cyqgKfFL6l__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: function() { 
                    url: c("XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({}) 
                }), m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), { 
                    icon: d("fbicon")._(i("534218"), 16), 
                    label: h._("__JHASH__3wtbhevyblT__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: function() { 
                }), a != null && m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerReshareButton.react"), { 
                    renderActionButton: function(a) { 
                        var b = a.onPress; 
                        return m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), { 
                            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("484394"), 16), 
                            label: h._("__JHASH__7sgCXbUM9aN__JHASH__"), 
                            onPress: function() { 
                    video: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometBackgroundImage.react", "CometPictureInPictureExpContext", "CometPressable.react", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react", "CometTheme.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react", "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react", "CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "TetraIcon.react", "TetraText.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "WebPixelRatio", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k, l, m, n = l || (l = d("react")); 
    e = l; 
    var o = e.useCallback 
      , p = e.useContext 
      , q = e.useEffect 
      , r = e.useState 
      , s = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e, f = a.hidden, g = a.routeTracePolicy, l = a.seedVideoID, t = a.subOrigin; 
        a =; 
        var u = p(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , v = u == null ? void 0 : u.chainingCursor; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql"), a); 
        v = d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(k !== void 0 ? k : k = b("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql"), { 
            caller: "WNS", 
            chainingCursor: v, 
            channelEntryPoint: "WNS", 
            count: 1, 
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(), 
            seedVideoID: l 
        var w = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext() 
          , x = w.chainingDepthDispatch; 
        w = r(!1); 
        var y = w[0] 
          , z = w[1] 
          , A = (m || (m = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , B = p(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , C = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")(); 
        w = (w = == null ? void 0 : (v = w.video_channel) == null ? void 0 : (w = v.video_channel_feed) == null ? void 0 : (v = w.edges) == null ? void 0 : v[0]; 
        var D = w == null ? void 0 : w.cursor 
          , E = w == null ? void 0 : w.node 
          , F = E == null ? void 0 : (v = E.attachments) == null ? void 0 : (w = v[0]) == null ? void 0 :; 
        v = (F == null ? void 0 : F.pmv_metadata) && F.pmv_metadata != null; 
        var G = !!v; 
        q(function() { 
            !f && !y && s.onReady(function(a) { 
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen_impression" 
        }, [f, y]); 
        var H = p(c("CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext")) 
          , I = p(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext")) 
          , J = o(function(a) { 
            s.onReady(function(b) { 
                    event: a 
                chainingCursor: D, 
                chainingSeedVideoID: l, 
                routeTracePolicy: g, 
                sessionStartTime: u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionStartTime, 
                sessionTrigger: u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionTrigger, 
                subOrigin: t, 
                videoID: F == null ? void 0 :, 
                videoUrl: F == null ? void 0 : F.url 
                clientViewConfig: E == null ? void 0 : E.client_view_config, 
                encryptedTracking: E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking, 
                trackingCode: { 
                    click_tracking_linkshim_cb: (E == null ? void 0 : E.click_tracking_linkshim_cb) || "", 
                    encrypted_click_tracking: (E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_click_tracking) || "", 
                    encrypted_tracking: (E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking) || "" 
                videoID: F == null ? void 0 :, 
                viewabilityConfig: E == null ? void 0 : E.viewability_config 
        }, [D, g, l, H, B, E == null ? void 0 : E.click_tracking_linkshim_cb, E == null ? void 0 : E.client_view_config, E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_click_tracking, E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking, E == null ? void 0 : E.viewability_config, t, u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionStartTime, u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionTrigger, F]); 
        if (y) 
            return n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react"), { 
                setIsCanceled: z, 
                video: a 
        if (F == null || F.__typename !== "Video") { 
            s.onReady(function(a) { 
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_chaining_query_empty" 
            return n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react"), { 
                setIsCanceled: z, 
                video: a 
        v = (w = F.image) == null ? void 0 : w.uri; 
        a = function() { 
            s.onReady(function(a) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: C, 
                    click_point: "cancel_button", 
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen", 
                    event: "click" 
        w = function() { 
            s.onReady(function(a) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: C, 
                    click_point: "replay", 
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen", 
                    event: "click" 
        var K = h._("__JHASH__gHxfq7Lt3Mv__JHASH__") 
          , L = F == null ? void 0 : (e = F.owner) == null ? void 0 :; 
        return n.jsx(c("CometTheme.react"), { 
            theme: "dark", 
            children: n.jsxs("div", { 
                className: "x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
                children: [n.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
                    children: v != null && n.jsx(c("CometBackgroundImage.react"), { 
                        src: v 
                }), n.jsxs("div", { 
                    className: "xrmyhay x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xdt5ytf x889kno x1iji9kk x1a8lsjc x1sln4lm x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
                    children: [n.jsx("div", { 
                        className: "xyorhqc", 
                        children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                            color: "primaryOnMedia", 
                            type: "body3", 
                            children: h._("__JHASH__59L0MmpSxEn__JHASH__") 
                    }), n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react"), { 
                        video: F 
                    }), n.jsxs("div", { 
                        className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xr1yuqi", 
                        children: [n.jsx("div", { 
                            className: "x1emribx", 
                            children: n.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), { 
                                "aria-label": K, 
                                color: "white", 
                                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("534219"), 20), 
                                onPress: w 
                        }), n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), { 
                            onPress: w, 
                            children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                                color: "primaryOnMedia", 
                                type: "bodyLink4", 
                                children: K 
                }), n.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x6s0dn4 x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xdt5ytf xl56j7k x47corl x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
                    children: n.jsxs("div", { 
                        className: "x1sy10c2 x71s49j", 
                        children: [!f && n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), { 
                            "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__RPoFRbVl1Un__JHASH__"), 
                            onPress: function() { 
                                x && x({ 
                                    type: "INCREMENT" 
                            children: n.jsx(c("CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react"), { 
                                circleDiameter: 44, 
                                circleStrokeColor: "var(--base-blue)", 
                                circleStrokeWidth: 3, 
                                iconSize: 20, 
                                isMakingProgress: !f, 
                                onProgressDone: function() { 
                                    var a = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp 
                                      , b = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExpControlGroup 
                                      , c = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isSkipAndChainingDisabled; 
                                    a = !a && !b || (a || b) && !G && !d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").EXCLUDED_PROVIDERS.includes(L) && !c; 
                                    if (a) 
                                        x && x({ 
                                            type: "INCREMENT" 
                                timeoutSec: 6 
                        }), n.jsx("div", { 
                            className: "x1anpbxc", 
                            children: n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), { 
                                onPress: a, 
                                children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                                    color: "secondary", 
                                    type: "bodyLink4", 
                                    children: h._("__JHASH__DTSCtZ4zhvM__JHASH__") 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video" 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react", ["CometLoadingAnimation.react", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometRelay", "CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useContext; 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.hidden 
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy 
          , g = a.subOrigin; 
        a =; 
        var i = k(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext")); 
        i = i == null ? void 0 : i.chainingSeedVideoID; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql"), a); 
        return i == null ? null : j.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
            fallback: j.jsx("div", { 
                className: "x6s0dn4 xrmyhay x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xl56j7k x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
                children: j.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "xc9qbxq x1n2onr6 x14qfxbe", 
                    children: j.jsx(c("CometLoadingAnimation.react"), { 
                        size: 36 
            children: j.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react"), { 
                hidden: e, 
                routeTracePolicy: f, 
                seedVideoID: i, 
                subOrigin: g, 
                video: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            args: null, 
            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
            name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video" 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react", ["CometPrerenderer.react", "CometRelay", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql", "react", "stylex", "useVideoPlayerControllerSubscription"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k, l = j || d("react"), m = .8, n = 0, o = { 
        hidden: { 
            display: "x1s85apg", 
            $$css: !0 
    function p(a) { 
        var b = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useIsLive() 
          , e = c("useVideoPlayerControllerSubscription")(function(a, c) { 
            var d, e; 
            if (b) 
                d = !1, 
                e = !1; 
            else { 
                var f = a.getCurrentState().ended 
                  , g = a.getPlayheadPosition(); 
                a = a.getCurrentState(); 
                var h = a.duration 
                  , i = a.loopCount; 
                a = a.loopCurrent; 
                h = Math.min(h * m, h - n); 
                d = a >= i && f; 
                e = c != null && c.shouldPrerender || g > h 
            return c != null && c.isVisible === d && c.shouldPrerender === e ? c : { 
                isVisible: d, 
                shouldPrerender: e 
        return !a ? { 
            isVisible: !1, 
            shouldPrerender: !1 
        } : e 
    function a(a) { 
        var e = a.isVideoHomeEligible 
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy 
          , g = a.subOrigin; 
        a =; 
        var j = p(e) 
          , k = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql"), a); 
        return e ? l.jsx(c("CometPrerenderer.react"), { 
            prerenderingProps: j, 
            children: function(a) { 
                return l.jsx("div", { 
                    className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(a.hidden === !0 && o.hidden), 
                    children: l.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                        routeTracePolicy: f, 
                        subOrigin: g 
                    }, a, { 
                        video: k 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g.useWatchAndScrollChainingComponentRenderedStatus = p; 
    g.VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper = a 
), 98); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react", ["CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "react", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    b = h || d("react"); 
    var j = b.useContext 
      , k = b.useEffect 
      , l = b.useRef; 
    function a() { 
        var a = j(c("CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext")) 
          , b = (i || (i = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , e = i.useMuted() 
          , f = i.useVolume() 
          , g = i.usePaused() 
          , h = c("usePrevious")(e) 
          , m = c("usePrevious")(f) 
          , n = l(e) 
          , o = l(f); 
        k(function() { 
            h !== null && h !== e && a.setMuted(e), 
            m !== null && m !== f && a.setVolume(f) 
        }, [e, h, m, a, f]); 
        k(function() { 
            g || (a.muted == null && a.setMuted(n.current), 
            a.volume == null && a.setVolume(o.current)) 
        }, [g, a]); 
        k(function() { 
            if (!g) { 
                var c = a.muted 
                  , d = a.volume; 
                c != null && b.setMuted(c, "user_initiated"); 
                d != null && b.setVolume(d) 
        }, [b, g, a]); 
        return null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            argumentDefinitions: [], 
            kind: "Fragment", 
            metadata: null, 
            name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "framework", 
                    value: "WARNING_SCREENS" 
                }, { 
                    kind: "Literal", 
                    name: "location", 
                    value: "video_channel" 
                concreteType: "CIXScreen", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "cix_screen", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "view_model", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: null, 
                            documentName: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video", 
                            fragmentName: "CometWarningScreenOverlay_data", 
                            fragmentPropName: "data", 
                            kind: "ModuleImport" 
                        type: "OverlayWarningScreenViewModel", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: 'cix_screen(framework:"WARNING_SCREENS",location:"video_channel")' 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Story", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "container_story", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [a], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, a, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "VideoThumbnail", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "preferred_thumbnail", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Image", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "image", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                        name: "uri", 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Video", 
            abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react", ["CometRelay", "CometWarningScreenContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k = i || (i = d("react")), l = i.useEffect; 
    function a(a) { 
        var c, e; 
        a =; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql"), a); 
        var f = (j || (j = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , g = j.usePaused() 
          , i = j.useEnded() 
          , m = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useSetOverlayExists() 
          , n = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useShowOverlay() 
          , o = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useIsOverlayShown(); 
        c = a == null ? void 0 : (c = a.cix_screen) == null ? void 0 : c.view_model; 
        var p = c != null; 
        e = (e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.preferred_thumbnail) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.image) == null ? void 0 : e.uri) != null ? e : "#"; 
        var q = a == null ? void 0 :; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.container_story) == null ? void 0 :; 
        l(function() { 
            p && (m(!0), 
        }, [f, m, n, p]); 
        l(function() { 
            !g && o && f.pause("warning_screen_cover") 
        }, [f, o, g]); 
        return p && !i ? k.jsx(d("CometRelay").MatchContainer, { 
            match: c, 
            props: { 
                alwaysShowDetails: !0, 
                contentID: q, 
                data: c, 
                mediaUri: e, 
                storyID: a, 
                surface: "video_channel" 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScroll.react", ["CaptionsTextSizeMapping", "CometInteractionSourceContext", "CometLoadingAnimation.react", "CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react", "CometPictureInPictureExpContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometProductAttribution", "CometRelay", "CometRouteProductAttributionContext", "CometRouterPushViewStackContext", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometTahoeChainingDepthLogging.react", "CometTrackingCodeProvider.react", "CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "CometWarningScreenContext", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext", "CometWatchAndScrollStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql", "HiddenSubtreeContext", "HiddenSubtreeContextProvider.react", "Locale", "VideoAutoplayLocalScopeProvider.react", "VideoPlayerAutoplayRulesProvider", "VideoPlayerCaptionsDisplayConfigContext", "VideoPlayerCometWatchInjectionControl.react", "VideoPlayerDefaultControls.react", "VideoPlayerDefaultControlsProperties", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks", "VideoPlayerNavigateToTahoeOrFullScreenControl.react", "VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react", "VideoPlayerRelay.react", "VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", "VideoPlayerSurface.react", "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground.react", "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay.react", "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen.react", "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react", "WebPixelRatio", "XCometGamingVideoControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder", "deferredLoadComponent", "isRouteTransparent", "react", "requireDeferred", "requireDeferredForDisplay", "stylex", "useCometRouterState", "useMWChatOpenTabCount", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useStoryViewabilityLogger", "useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay", "useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k, l, m = l || (l = d("react")); 
    e = l; 
    var n = e.useContext 
      , o = e.useEffect 
      , p = e.useMemo 
      , q = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScroll.react") 
      , r = c("deferredLoadComponent")(c("requireDeferredForDisplay")("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react").__setRef("CometWatchAndScroll.react")) 
      , s = d("VideoPlayerAutoplayRulesProvider").provideAutoplayRules("wns") 
      , t = { 
        container: { 
            backgroundColor: "xal61yo", 
            bottom: "x1jn9clo", 
            boxShadow: "x2c8kfy", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            end: "x164qtfw", 
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k", 
            minHeight: "xz65tgg", 
            position: "xixxii4", 
            width: "xxsgkw5", 
            $$css: !0 
        hiddenContainer: { 
            backgroundColor: "xal61yo", 
            bottom: "x1jn9clo", 
            boxShadow: "x2c8kfy", 
            display: "x1s85apg", 
            end: "x164qtfw", 
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k", 
            minHeight: "xz65tgg", 
            position: "xixxii4", 
            width: "xxsgkw5", 
            $$css: !0 
    function u() { 
        var a = c("useMWChatOpenTabCount")() 
          , b = 338 
          , d = 80; 
        return a * b + d 
    function a() { 
        var a = n(c("CometRouterPushViewStackContext")) 
          , b = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , e = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , f = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext")) 
          , g = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext")) 
          , h = !1; 
        b != null && g.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp && (h = !0); 
        g = h ? !1 : (a || []).some(function(a) { 
            a = a.route; 
            return !c("isRouteTransparent")(a) 
        a = b == null ? void 0 : b.portableVideoID; 
        var i = b == null ? void 0 : b.routeTracePolicy 
          , k = b == null ? void 0 : b.subOrigin 
          , l = b == null ? void 0 : b.videoID 
          , p = b == null ? void 0 : b.chainingSeedVideoID 
          , q = b == null ? void 0 : b.chainingCursor; 
        o(function() { 
            b != null && l != null && p == null && e(babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, { 
                chainingSeedVideoID: l 
        }, [p, e, l, b]); 
        o(function() { 
            l == null && (f.setMuted(null), 
        }, [f, l]); 
        var r = u(); 
        return l == null || k == null || i == null || g ? null : m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
            fallback: m.jsx("div", { 
                className: (j || (j = c("stylex")))(h ? t.hiddenContainer : t.container), 
                style: d("Locale").isRTL() ? { 
                    left: r 
                } : { 
                    right: r 
                children: m.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x78zum5 x6gtfd8 x10l6tqk x14qfxbe", 
                    children: m.jsx(c("CometLoadingAnimation.react"), { 
                        size: 36 
            children: m.jsx(c("HiddenSubtreeContextProvider.react"), { 
                isHidden: g, 
                children: m.jsx(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").CometVideoPictureInPictureManager, { 
                    isPipEnabled: h, 
                    children: m.jsx(v, { 
                        chainingCursor: q, 
                        chainingSeedVideoID: p, 
                        portableVideoID: a, 
                        routeTracePolicy: i, 
                        subOrigin: k, 
                        videoID: l 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function v(a) { 
        var e, f = a.chainingCursor, g = a.chainingSeedVideoID, i = a.portableVideoID, j = a.routeTracePolicy, k = a.subOrigin; 
        a = a.videoID; 
        g = d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql"), { 
            chainingCursor: f, 
            chainingSeedVideoID: (f = g) != null ? f : a, 
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(), 
            videoID: a 
        var l = d("CaptionsTextSizeMapping").FixedCaptionsTextSizeMap; 
        f = p(function() { 
            return { 
                liveCaptionsTextAlignment: "center", 
                textSizeMapping: l 
        }, [l]); 
        var n = p(function() { 
            return { 
                v2: [d("CometProductAttribution").getProductAttributionEntryV2({ 
                    link_context: null, 
                    navChainContent: null, 
                    rootName: "CometWatchAndScroll.react", 
                    tap_point: "unexpected", 
                    tracePolicy: j, 
                    trackingNodes: null 
        }, [j]) 
          , o = g.chainingSeedVideo; 
        g =; 
        if (g == null) 
            return null; 
        var q = (g == null ? void 0 : g.is_gaming_video) === !0 
          , r = g == null ? void 0 : 
          , t = c("XCometGamingVideoControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(r != null ? { 
            ref: "comet_wns", 
            video_id: r 
        } : {}); 
        r = c("XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(r != null ? { 
            v: r 
        } : {}); 
        e = (g == null ? void 0 : (e = g.pay_to_access_paywall) == null ? void 0 : e.should_show_paywall) === !0; 
        t = q ? t : r; 
        return e ? null : m.jsx(c("CometInteractionSourceContext").Provider, { 
            value: 54, 
            children: m.jsx(c("VideoAutoplayLocalScopeProvider.react"), { 
                autoplayLocalRules: s, 
                children: m.jsx(d("CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils").CometUFIVideoPlayerStateAndControllerContextProvider, { 
                    children: m.jsx(d("CometWarningScreenContext").CometWarningScreenContextProvider, { 
                        overlayExists: !1, 
                        children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerCaptionsDisplayConfigContext").Provider, { 
                            value: f, 
                            children: m.jsx(c("CometRouteProductAttributionContext").Provider, { 
                                value: n, 
                                children: m.jsx(w, { 
                                    video: g, 
                                    videoID: a, 
                                    children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerRelay.react"), { 
                                        initialTracePolicy: j, 
                                        playerFormat: "watch_scroll", 
                                        portalingEnabled: !0, 
                                        portalingFromVideoID: i, 
                                        portalingPlaceMetaData: { 
                                            placeDescription: "watch_and_scroll" 
                                        subOrigin: k, 
                                        video: g, 
                                        volumeSetting: null, 
                                        children: m.jsx(y, { 
                                            chainingSeedVideo: o, 
                                            isGamingVideo: q, 
                                            isVideoHomeEligible: !!((r = g.owner) == null ? void 0 : r.has_professional_features_for_watch), 
                                            permalinkUrl: t, 
                                            routeTracePolicy: j, 
                                            subOrigin: k, 
                                            video: g 
    v.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function w(a) { 
        var e = a.children 
          , f =; 
        a = a.videoID; 
        f = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql"), f); 
        f = c("useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay")(f); 
        f = f.originalAspectRatio; 
        var g = u() 
          , h = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollStoryViewabilityLoggerContext")); 
        a = (h == null ? void 0 : h.videoID) === a; 
        var k = c("useStoryViewabilityLogger")({ 
            clientViewConfig: h == null ? void 0 : h.clientViewConfig, 
            encryptedTracking: h == null ? void 0 : h.encryptedTracking, 
            position: 0, 
            viewabilityConfig: h == null ? void 0 : h.viewabilityConfig 
          , l = k.debuggingInfoLoggers; 
        k = k.ref; 
        var o = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext")); 
        o = o.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp; 
        o = m.jsxs("div", { 
            className: (j || (j = c("stylex")))(o ? t.hiddenContainer : t.container), 
            ref: a ? k : null, 
            style: d("Locale").isRTL() ? { 
                left: g 
            } : { 
                right: g 
            children: [l, m.jsx(c("CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react"), { 
                contentAspectRatio: f, 
                maxHeight: 300, 
                children: e 
        k = h == null ? void 0 : h.trackingCode; 
        return k != null && a ? m.jsx(c("CometTrackingCodeProvider.react"), { 
            trackingCode: k, 
            children: o 
        }) : o 
    w.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function x() { 
        var a = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController() 
          , b = n(c("HiddenSubtreeContext")).hidden; 
        o(function() { 
            b ||"user_initiated") 
        }, [a, b]) 
    function y(a) { 
        var b = a.chainingSeedVideo 
          , e = a.isGamingVideo 
          , f = a.isVideoHomeEligible 
          , g = a.permalinkUrl 
          , h = a.routeTracePolicy 
          , i = a.subOrigin; 
        a =; 
        var j = c("useCometRouterState")(); 
        j = j == null ? void 0 : j.main.route.tabKey; 
        var l = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useHasOverlay() 
          , s = d("VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks").useInstreamAdsIsStart() 
          , t = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useIsVideoBroadcast() 
          , u = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")) 
          , v = a.is_soundbites_video === !0; 
        s = f || s || v; 
        v = e ? "gaming" : "watch"; 
        t = f && !l && j === "watch" && !((t = t) != null ? t : !1); 
        j = j !== v && f && !l; 
        var w = !e && (j || t); 
        v = d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react").useWatchAndScrollChainingComponentRenderedStatus(f).isVisible; 
        l = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext")); 
        var y = l.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp; 
        j = l.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isSkipAndChainingDisabled; 
        t = y && !j; 
        l = !v; 
        var z = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")() 
          , A = function(a) { 
            q.onReady(function(b) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: z, 
                    click_point: a, 
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                    event: "click" 
          , B = a.url; 
        j = p(function() { 
            return { 
                subOrigin: i, 
                videoTahoeUrl: B 
        }, [i, B]); 
        v = d("VideoPlayerDefaultControlsProperties").MutedButtonVisibility.SEPARATE_FROM_OTHER_CONTROLS; 
        var C = k.useController() 
          , D = n(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerAPIContext) 
          , E = c("useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps")() 
          , F = E.portableVideoID; 
        o(function() { 
            y && (D.setController(C), 
        }, [D, C, F, y]); 
        return m.jsxs(c("VideoPlayerSurface.react"), { 
            children: [m.jsx(c("CometTahoeChainingDepthLogging.react"), {}), s && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react"), { 
                isGamingVideo: e, 
                routeTracePolicy: h, 
                subOrigin: i, 
                video: a, 
                videoUrl: w ? g : B 
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                fallback: null, 
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground.react"), { 
                    playerFormat: "inline", 
                    video: a 
            }), l && m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerDefaultControls.react"), { 
                mutedButtonVisibility: v, 
                pictureInPictureControl: m.jsx(d("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react").VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl, { 
                    routeTracePolicy: h, 
                    subOrigin: i 
                renderExpandControl: function(a) { 
                    a = a.onUserInteraction; 
                    return w ? m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerCometWatchInjectionControl.react"), { 
                        onPress: function() { 
                        routeTracePolicy: h, 
                        subOrigin: i, 
                        videoWatchUrl: g 
                    }) : m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerNavigateToTahoeOrFullScreenControl.react"), { 
                        onPressFullscreenControl: function() { 
                            return A("control_fullscreen") 
                        onPressTahoeControl: function() { 
                        onUserInteraction: a, 
                        subOrigin: "watch_scroll", 
                        videoTahoeUrl: B 
                shouldRenderCaptionsControl: !1, 
                skipControl: t ? m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                    fallback: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), { 
                        disabled: !0 
                    children: b ? m.jsx(r, { 
                        subOrigin: i, 
                        video: b 
                    }) : m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), { 
                        disabled: !0 
                }) : null, 
                subOrigin: "watch_scroll" 
            }), !s && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), { 
                video: a 
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen.react"), { 
                video: a 
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator.react"), { 
                hasCometNavOverlay: !1, 
                video: a 
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                fallback: null, 
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay.react"), { 
                    playerFormat: "watch_scroll", 
                    video: a 
            }), m.jsx(d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react").VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper, { 
                isVideoHomeEligible: f, 
                routeTracePolicy: h, 
                subOrigin: i, 
                video: a 
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                fallback: null, 
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react"), { 
                    video: a 
            }), m.jsx(d("CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils").CometUFIVideoPlayerStateAndControllerExtractor, { 
                data: j 
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react"), {})] 
    y.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        argumentDefinitions: [], 
        kind: "Fragment", 
        metadata: null, 
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video", 
        selections: [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 202 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "sizing", 
                value: "cover-fill-cropped" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 360 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "image", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)' 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "title_with_fallback", 
            storageKey: null 
        }, { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: null, 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "owner", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "name", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        type: "Video", 
        abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react", ["fbt", "CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometResponsiveColumns.react", "CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react", "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql", "TetraText.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k, l = j || d("react"), m = { 
        metaColumn: { 
            flexBasis: "x12s9zaq", 
            $$css: !0 
        thumbnailColumn: { 
            flexBasis: "x19l4sor", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var e, f = a.hidden, g = a.onNextVideo; 
        a =; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql"), a); 
        var j = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useEnded(); 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        e = (e = a.image) == null ? void 0 : e.uri; 
        e = e != null ? { 
            backgroundImage: "url(" + e + ")" 
        } : { 
            backgroundColor: "var(--disabled-icon)" 
        e = l.jsx("div", { 
            className: "xztyhrg x18d0r48 x1lcm9me x1yr5g0i xrt01vj x10y3i5r x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy", 
            style: e 
        var n = a.title_with_fallback; 
        a = (a = a.owner) == null ? void 0 :; 
        return l.jsx("div", { 
            className: "x1jx94hy x1lq5wgf xgqcy7u x30kzoy x9jhf4c x1qqjqyx x78zum5 xds687c x1xmf6yo x1emribx x1e56ztr x1i64zmx x1y1aw1k x1sxyh0 xwib8y2 xurb0ha x10l6tqk x17qophe", 
            children: l.jsxs(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Container, { 
                children: [l.jsx(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Column, { 
                    xstyle: m.thumbnailColumn, 
                    children: l.jsxs("div", { 
                        className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xdt5ytf xaymia4 xl56j7k x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy x10y0s8s", 
                        children: [e, g && l.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), { 
                            onClick: function() { 
                                return g("watch_and_scroll_chaining_click_advance") 
                            children: l.jsx(c("CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react"), { 
                                circleDiameter: 32, 
                                circleStrokeColor: "var(--base-blue)", 
                                circleStrokeWidth: 3, 
                                iconSize: 20, 
                                isMakingProgress: !f && j, 
                                onProgressDone: function() { 
                                    return g("watch_and_scroll_chaining_auto_advance") 
                                timeoutSec: 6 
                }), l.jsx(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Column, { 
                    xstyle: m.metaColumn, 
                    children: l.jsxs("div", { 
                        className: "x78zum5 xdt5ytf xu06os2 x1ok221b", 
                        children: [l.jsx("div", { 
                            className: "xjpr12u", 
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                                color: "secondary", 
                                type: "meta4", 
                                children: h._("__JHASH__ie05BxoRsTp__JHASH__") 
                        }), l.jsx("div", { 
                            className: "x1xmf6yo", 
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                                color: "secondary", 
                                numberOfLines: 1, 
                                type: "body4", 
                                children: a 
                        }), l.jsx("div", { 
                            className: "x1xmf6yo", 
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), { 
                                color: "primary", 
                                numberOfLines: 1, 
                                type: "bodyLink4", 
                                children: n 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("StructuredConfigBase", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            this.$1 = a 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.getBool = function(a) { 
            return this.$1.getValue(a) > 0 
        b.getInt = function(a) { 
            return this.$1.getValue(a) 
        return a 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("Configs", ["StructuredConfigBase"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    c = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ExampleConfig1 = c.getBool(0), 
            c.$ExampleConfig2 = c.getBool(2), 
            c.$ExampleConfig3 = c.getBool(1724), 
            c.$ExampleConfig4 = c.getBool(2044), 
            c.$ExampleConfig5 = c.getInt(1), 
            c.$ExampleConfig6 = c.getInt(3), 
            c.$ExampleConfig7 = c.getInt(2011), 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ExampleConfig1 = this.getBool(0), 
            this.$ExampleConfig2 = this.getBool(2), 
            this.$ExampleConfig3 = this.getBool(1724), 
            this.$ExampleConfig4 = this.getBool(2044), 
            this.$ExampleConfig5 = this.getInt(1), 
            this.$ExampleConfig6 = this.getInt(3), 
            this.$ExampleConfig7 = this.getInt(2011) 
        c.isEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig1 
        c.isSomeBoolean = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig2 
        c.isSomeOtherIntegerHasValue = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig3 
        c.isSomeOtherBoolean = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig4 
        c.getSomeInteger = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig5 
        c.getSomeOtherInteger = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig6 
        c.getSomeDouble = function() { 
            return this.$ExampleConfig7 
        return b 
    }(a = b("StructuredConfigBase")); 
    d = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1 = c.getBool(651), 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1 = this.getBool(651) 
        c.isSimulcastOverSignalingEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1 
        return b 
    f = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig1 = c.getBool(173), 
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig2 = c.getBool(3919), 
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig3 = c.getInt(174), 
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig4 = c.getInt(175), 
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig5 = c.getInt(176), 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig1 = this.getBool(173), 
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig2 = this.getBool(3919), 
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig3 = this.getInt(174), 
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig4 = this.getInt(175), 
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig5 = this.getInt(176) 
        c.isEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig1 
        c.isPreferStableFps = function() { 
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig2 
        c.getWidthPx = function() { 
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig3 
        c.getHeightPx = function() { 
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig4 
        c.getFps = function() { 
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig5 
        return b 
    b = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1 = c.getBool(244), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2 = c.getBool(420), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3 = c.getBool(421), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4 = c.getBool(245), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5 = c.getBool(246), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6 = c.getBool(248), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7 = c.getBool(1448), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8 = c.getBool(1444), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9 = c.getBool(1445), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10 = c.getInt(1446), 
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11 = c.getInt(1447), 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1 = this.getBool(244), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2 = this.getBool(420), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3 = this.getBool(421), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4 = this.getBool(245), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5 = this.getBool(246), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6 = this.getBool(248), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7 = this.getBool(1448), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8 = this.getBool(1444), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9 = this.getBool(1445), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10 = this.getInt(1446), 
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11 = this.getInt(1447) 
        c.isPreserveH264 = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1 
        c.isPreferH264ForMwCall = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2 
        c.isPreferSwH264 = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3 
        c.isAddAudioNack = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4 
        c.isDisableOpusStereo = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5 
        c.isPreferIsacForGroupAudio = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6 
        c.isEnableOpusFmtpMunging = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7 
        c.isSetOpusUsedtx = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8 
        c.isSetOpusUseinbandfec = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9 
        c.getSetOpusMaxplaybackrate = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10 
        c.getSetOpusMaxaveragebitrate = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11 
        return b 
    var g = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1 = c.getBool(302), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1 = this.getBool(302) 
        c.isRtpDataChannels = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1 
        return a 
      , h = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1 = c.getBool(308), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1 = this.getBool(308) 
        c.isEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1 
        return a 
      , i = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1 = c.getInt(1891), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1 = this.getInt(1891) 
        c.getDuplicatedParticipantsProcessingMode = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1 
        return a 
      , j = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1 = c.getInt(309), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1 = this.getInt(309) 
        c.getMaxConnectedCalls = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1 
        return a 
      , k = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1 = c.getBool(316), 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2 = c.getBool(318), 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3 = c.getBool(2251), 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4 = c.getBool(1900), 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5 = c.getInt(317), 
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6 = c.getInt(319), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1 = this.getBool(316), 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2 = this.getBool(318), 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3 = this.getBool(2251), 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4 = this.getBool(1900), 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5 = this.getInt(317), 
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6 = this.getInt(319) 
        c.isSupportsZenonPlatform = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1 
        c.isStartImmediatelyEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2 
        c.isUploadSummaryOnCallEnded = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3 
        c.isMultiwayAvEscalationEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4 
        c.getMaxConnectedCalls = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5 
        c.getParentWindowConnectionTimeoutMs = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6 
        return a 
      , l = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1 = c.getBool(453), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1 = this.getBool(453) 
        c.isSimulcastEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1 
        return a 
      , m = function(b) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b); 
        function a() { 
            var a, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig1 = c.getBool(1342), 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig2 = c.getBool(1597), 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig3 = c.getBool(3996), 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig4 = c.getInt(1359), 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig5 = c.getInt(1510), 
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig6 = c.getInt(1612), 
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig1 = this.getBool(1342), 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig2 = this.getBool(1597), 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig3 = this.getBool(3996), 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig4 = this.getInt(1359), 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig5 = this.getInt(1510), 
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig6 = this.getInt(1612) 
        c.isEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig1 
        c.isDebugLoggingEnabled = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig2 
        c.isEnableDynamicRuleLatest = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig3 
        c.getProcessIntervalMs = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig4 
        c.getNetworkProcessIntervalMs = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig5 
        c.getDebugLoggingIntervalMs = function() { 
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig6 
        return a 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$SignalingPingConfig1 = c.getInt(1470), 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateParams = function() { 
            this.$SignalingPingConfig1 = this.getInt(1470) 
        c.getPingIntervalMs = function() { 
            return this.$SignalingPingConfig1 
        return b 
    e.exports = { 
        ExampleConfig: c, 
        SimulcastOverSignalingConfig: d, 
        PreferredCaptureConfig: f, 
        ZenonSdpTransformConfig: b, 
        ZenonPeerConnectionConfig: g, 
        ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig: h, 
        ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig: i, 
        ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig: j, 
        ZenonPlatformSupportConfig: k, 
        ZenonSimulcastConfig: l, 
        DynamicRuleConfig: m, 
        SignalingPingConfig: a 
), null); 
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            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
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            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 7 
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            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
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            fname: "get_ik_time_ms", 
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            fname: "peer_connection_index", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 12 
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            fname: "srtp_crypto_suite", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 13 
        a.engine_error != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "engine_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 14 
        a.libsignal_error != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "libsignal_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 15 
        a.identity_key_mode != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "identity_key_mode", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 16 
        a.identity_key_num_persistent != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "identity_key_num_persistent", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 17 
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            fname: "identity_key_num_validated", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 18 
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            fname: "identity_key_num_saved", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 19 
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            fname: "identity_key_num_existing", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 20 
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            fname: "is_e2ee_mandated", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 21 
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            fname: "local_trace_id", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 22 
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            fname: "remote_trace_id", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 23 
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            fname: "local_device_id", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 24 
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            fname: "remote_device_id", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 25 
        if ( != null) { 
                fname: "events", 
                ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).LIST, 
                fid: 26 
                etype: g.I64, 
            for (var d =, e = Array.isArray(d), f = 0, d = e ? d : d[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) { 
                var h; 
                if (e) { 
                    if (f >= d.length) 
                    h = d[f++] 
                } else { 
                    f =; 
                    if (f.done) 
                    h = f.value 
                h = h; 
        a.gen_dtls_auth_info_status != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_status", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 27 
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            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 28 
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            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_time_ms", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 29 
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            fname: "verify_dtls_auth_info_status", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 30 
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            fname: "verify_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status", 
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            fid: 31 
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            fname: "verify_dtls_auth_info_time_ms", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 32 
    function k(a, c) { 
        a.received_key_message_counter != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "received_key_message_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 1 
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            fname: "sent_key_message_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 2 
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            fname: "cached_key_message_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 3 
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            fname: "used_cached_key_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 4 
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            fname: "unused_smu_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 5 
        a.missing_key_message_counter != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "missing_key_message_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 6 
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            fname: "negotiate_off_status", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 7 
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            fname: "cipher_suite_status", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 8 
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            fname: "decrypt_used_cached_session_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 9 
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            fname: "encrypt_used_cached_session_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 10 
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            fname: "sent_ack_message_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 11 
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            fname: "reuse_ackd_uid_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 12 
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            fname: "total_uids_created_counter", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 13 
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            fname: "generate_chain_key_failed_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 14 
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            fname: "set_chain_key_failed_error", 
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            fid: 15 
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            fname: "key_provider_not_found_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 16 
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            fname: "key_message_parse_failed_error", 
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            fid: 17 
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            fname: "empty_pkb_result_error", 
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            fid: 18 
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            fname: "empty_encrypt_result_error", 
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            fname: "empty_decrypt_result_error", 
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            fname: "unsupported_version_error", 
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            fid: 22 
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            fname: "midcall_version_change_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 23 
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            fname: "inconsistent_remote_maps_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 24 
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            fname: "key_message_pkb_mismatch_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 25 
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            fname: "no_key_or_ack_in_e2ee_message_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 26 
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            fname: "receiver_key_provider_not_found_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 27 
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            fname: "pkb_parse_failed_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 28 
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            fname: "message_deserialized_failed_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 29 
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            fname: "decrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 30 
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            fname: "encrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 31 
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            fname: "decrypt_ack_wrong_message_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 32 
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            fname: "invalid_uid_received_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 33 
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            fname: "ack_for_absent_user", 
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            fname: "uid_not_awaiting_ack_error", 
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            fname: "decrypt_ack_error", 
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            fid: 36 
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            fname: "empty_decrypt_result_ack_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 37 
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            fname: "decrypt_ack_cached_session_not_used_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
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            fname: "encrypt_ack_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 39 
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            fname: "empty_encrypt_result_ack_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
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            fname: "invalid_message_type_error", 
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            fname: "empty_e2ee_client_state_error", 
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                etype: g.I64, 
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                    if (f >= d.length) 
                    h = d[f++] 
                } else { 
                    f =; 
                    if (f.done) 
                    h = f.value 
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            fid: 151 
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 152 
        a.encryption_error_frames_no_active_key != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "encryption_error_frames_no_active_key", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 153 
        a.key_negotiation_protocol != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "key_negotiation_protocol", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 154 
        a.key_messages_received_via_signaling != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_signaling", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 155 
        a.key_messages_received_via_media != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_media", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 156 
        a.key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 157 
        a.key_messages_received_via_media_joiner != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_media_joiner", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 158 
        a.g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({ 
            fname: "g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64, 
            fid: 159 
    function c(a, c) { 
            fname: "p2p_e2ee", 
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT, 
            fid: 1 
        if (a.p2p_e2ee != null) 
            j(a.p2p_e2ee, c); 
        else { 
            var d = h(); 
            j(d, c) 
            fname: "group_e2ee", 
            ftype: g.STRUCT, 
            fid: 2 
        if (a.group_e2ee != null) 
            k(a.group_e2ee, c); 
        else { 
            d = i(); 
            k(d, c) 
    function l(a) { 
        var c = {}; 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = a.readFieldBegin() 
              , e = d.ftype; 
            d = d.fid; 
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP) 
            switch (d) { 
            case 1: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.engine_type = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 2: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 3: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.version = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 4: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_prekey_bundle_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 5: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypted_msg_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 6: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypted_msg_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 7: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.process_sdp_crypto_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 8: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.create_crypto_offer_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 9: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.create_crypto_answer_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 10: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.get_ik_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 11: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.peer_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 12: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.peer_connection_index = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 13: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.srtp_crypto_suite = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 14: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.engine_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 15: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.libsignal_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 16: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_mode = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 17: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_persistent = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 18: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_validated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 19: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_saved = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 20: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_existing = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 21: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.is_e2ee_mandated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 22: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.local_trace_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 23: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.remote_trace_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 24: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.local_device_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 25: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.remote_device_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 26: 
                if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).LIST) { 
           = []; 
                    d = a.readListBegin(); 
                    for (var f = 0; f < d.size; f++) { 
                        var h = a.readI64().toString(); 
                } else 
            case 27: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 28: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 29: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 30: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 31: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 32: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
        return c 
    function m(a) { 
        var c = {}; 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = a.readFieldBegin() 
              , e = d.ftype; 
            d = d.fid; 
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP) 
            switch (d) { 
            case 1: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.received_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 2: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.sent_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 3: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.cached_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 4: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.used_cached_key_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 5: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.unused_smu_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 6: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.missing_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 7: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiate_off_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 8: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.cipher_suite_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 9: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_used_cached_session_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 10: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_used_cached_session_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 11: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.sent_ack_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 12: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.reuse_ackd_uid_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 13: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.total_uids_created_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 14: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.generate_chain_key_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 15: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.set_chain_key_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 16: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_provider_not_found_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 17: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_message_parse_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 18: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_pkb_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 19: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_encrypt_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 20: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_decrypt_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 21: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_version_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 22: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.unsupported_version_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 23: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.midcall_version_change_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 24: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.inconsistent_remote_maps_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 25: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_message_pkb_mismatch_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 26: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.no_key_or_ack_in_e2ee_message_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 27: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.receiver_key_provider_not_found_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 28: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.pkb_parse_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 29: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.message_deserialized_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 30: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 31: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 32: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_wrong_message_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 33: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.invalid_uid_received_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 34: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.ack_for_absent_user = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 35: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.uid_not_awaiting_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 36: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 37: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_decrypt_result_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 38: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 39: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 40: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_encrypt_result_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 41: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.invalid_message_type_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 42: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.server_state_deserialized_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 43: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.crypto_engine_failure_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 44: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_e2ee_client_state_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 45: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.group_e2ee_negotiated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 46: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiation_mode_kn = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 47: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.group_e2ee_setup_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 48: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.enable_group_e2ee = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 49: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_mode_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 50: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_persistent_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 51: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_validated_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 52: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_saved_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 53: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_existing_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 54: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_key_message_latency_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 55: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_key_message_latency_ms_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 56: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_smu_to_key_message_latency_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 57: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.process_smu_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 58: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 59: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 60: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 61: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 62: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 63: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 64: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 65: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 66: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_out_of_ratchet_space = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 67: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 68: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_frame_too_old = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 69: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_seen_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 70: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 71: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_setting_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 72: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_setting_existing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 73: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 74: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_deescape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 75: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_parse_frame_or_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 76: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 77: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_unencrypted_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 78: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 79: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 80: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_escape_bytes = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 81: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 82: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 83: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 84: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 85: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 86: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 87: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 88: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 89: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_unsupported_codec = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 90: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 91: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 92: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 93: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 94: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 95: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 96: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 97: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 98: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 99: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_out_of_ratchet_space = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 100: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 101: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_frame_too_old = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 102: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_seen_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 103: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 104: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_setting_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 105: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_setting_existing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 106: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 107: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_deescape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 108: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse_frame_or_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 109: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 110: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_unencrypted_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 111: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 112: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 113: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 114: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 115: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 116: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 117: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 118: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 119: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 120: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 121: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_unsupported_codec = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 122: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 123: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_removed_data_decryptors = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 124: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_frame_decryptor_with_unencrypted_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 125: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_removed_decryptors = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 126: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.data_channel_encryption_not_ready_in_mandated_calls_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 127: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_total_encrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 128: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_encrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 129: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_total_decrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 130: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 131: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiate_off_time = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 132: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiated_version = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 133: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryptor_removed_time = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 134: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.is_e2ee_mandated_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 135: 
                if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).LIST) { 
           = []; 
                    d = a.readListBegin(); 
                    for (var f = 0; f < d.size; f++) { 
                        var h = a.readI64().toString(); 
                } else 
            case 136: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_received = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 137: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_non_e2ee_received = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 138: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_missing_sender = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 139: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_exceeding_retry = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 140: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_media_channel_key_message_retry_count = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 141: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 142: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 143: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures_due_to_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 144: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_decryption_error_frames_empty_supported_codes = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 146: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 147: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty_nalu_blocks = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 148: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h264 = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 149: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265 = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 150: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265_nalu_block = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 151: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 152: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 153: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_no_active_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 154: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_negotiation_protocol = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 155: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_signaling = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 156: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_media = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 157: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 158: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_media_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
            case 159: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e); 
        return c 
    function d(a) { 
        var c = {}; 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = a.readFieldBegin() 
              , e = d.ftype; 
            d = d.fid; 
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP) 
            switch (d) { 
            case 1: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT ? c.p2p_e2ee = l(a) : a.skip(e); 
            case 2: 
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT ? c.group_e2ee = m(a) : a.skip(e); 
        c.p2p_e2ee === void 0 && (c.p2p_e2ee = h()); 
        c.group_e2ee === void 0 && (c.group_e2ee = i()); 
        return c 
    f.P2pE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = h; 
    f.GroupE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = i; 
    f.E2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = a; 
    f.serializeP2pE2eeMetrics = j; 
    f.serializeGroupE2eeMetrics = k; 
    f.serializeE2eeMetrics = c; 
    f.deserializeP2pE2eeMetrics = l; 
    f.deserializeGroupE2eeMetrics = m; 
    f.deserializeE2eeMetrics = d 
), 66); 
__d("FBIDCheck", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = /^[1-9]\d*$/; 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a; 
        if (a == null || typeof a === "string" && !g.test(a)) 
            return !1; 
        a = parseInt(a, 10); 
        return !a ? !1 : a > 0 && a < 22e8 || a >= 1e14 && a <= 100099999989999 || a >= 89e12 && a <= 89999999999999 || a >= 6000001e7 && a <= 60000019999999 
    f.isUser_deprecated = a 
), 66); 
__d("FBIDForMercury", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return b.localeCompare(a) 
    d = { 
        cmp: a 
    function b(a) { 
        return a 
    function c(a) { 
        return a 
    f.Comparable = d; = a; 
    f.ofString = c; 
    f.ofStringExn = b 
), null); 
__d("LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743880"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_call_summary", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743881"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_connection_start", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1066"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_group_e2ee", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("5665"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_p2p_e2ee", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743883"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_peer_connection_summary", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", ["performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = function(a) { 
        return String(Math.trunc(a)) 
    a = function() { 
        return i((h || (h = c("performanceNow")))()) 
    b = function(a) { 
        return i((a = a) != null ? a : 0) 
    d = function(a) { 
        return a == null ? null : i((a = a) != null ? a : 0) 
    e = function(a) { 
        return (a = a) != null ? a : "" 
    g.truncateNumber = i; 
    g.performanceNowParsed = a; 
    g.nonNullIntNumber = b; 
    g.intNumberOrNull = d; 
    g.nonNullString = e 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallInfoManager", ["ChannelClientID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            var b = a.callTrigger 
              , c = a.conferenceName 
              , e = a.isCaller 
              , f = a.isVideo 
              , g = a.localCallID 
              , h = a.peerID 
              , i = a.protocol 
              , j = a.serverInfoData; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            var k = d("ChannelClientID").getID(); 
            c = { 
                callTrigger: (b = b) != null ? b : "", 
                conferenceName: (b = c) != null ? b : "", 
                deviceID: k, 
                isCaller: e, 
                isVideo: f, 
                localCallID: g, 
                peerID: h, 
                protocol: i, 
                signalingID: a 
            this.$1 = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c, { 
                serverInfoData: j 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.setDeviceID = function(a) { 
            this.$1.deviceID = a 
        b.setSharedCallId = function(a) { 
            this.$1.serverInfoData = a 
        b.getCallInfo = function() { 
            return this.$1 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++) 
                e[f] = arguments[f]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1 = {}, 
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = !1, 
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = !1, 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateEventTimestamp = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1[a] == null && (this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1[a] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed()) 
        c.receivedFromInvite = function() { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = !0 
        c.receivedFromServer = function() { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = !0 
        c.getStartEventData = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo(); 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            var b = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.getTimestamps(), this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_4()); 
            a !== "" && (b.local_signaling_id = a); 
            return b 
        c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_4 = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.localCallID 
              , e = a.peerID 
              , f = a.serverInfoData; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                connection_logging_id: a, 
                local_call_id: c, 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e), 
                protocol: "multiway" 
            }, f != null && { 
                shared_call_id: f 
            }, { 
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(), 
                system_time_ms: String(, 
                web_device_id: b 
        c.getTimestamps = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1 
        ; = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            a.storeCallStartEventManager(c, b, this) 
        c["delete"] = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
                peerID: c, 
                signalingID: b 
        c.toJsonString = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.signalingID; 
            a = { 
                callInfo: a, 
                connectionLoggingId: b, 
                receivedFromInvite: this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2, 
                receivedFromServer: this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3, 
                timestamps: this.getTimestamps() 
            return JSON.stringify(a) 
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) { 
            var c; 
            try { 
                c = JSON.parse(a) 
            } catch (a) { 
                return null 
            a = c.callInfo; 
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]); 
            a = new b(a); 
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = c.receivedFromInvite; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = c.receivedFromServer; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1 = c.timestamps; 
            return a 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", ["CacheStorage", "WebStorage", "ZenonODSLogger", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "areEqual", "setTimeout"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = 2e3, k = 3; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a, b, d) { 
            this.$1 = a, 
            this.$2 = new (c("CacheStorage"))(b,d) 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.getLocalStorageObjects = function() { 
            return this.$2.get(this.$1) || {} 
        b.removeLocalStorageObjects = function(a) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(b) { 
                a.forEach(function(a) { 
                    var c = a.peerID; 
                    a = a.signalingID; 
                    b[c] && b[c][a] && (delete b[c][a], 
                    Object.entries(b[c]).length === 0 && delete b[c]) 
                return b 
        b.mutateLocalStorageObjects = function(a, b, d, e) { 
            var f = this; 
            b === void 0 && (b = k); 
            d === void 0 && (d = !1); 
            e === void 0 && (e = null); 
            var g = this.getLocalStorageObjects() 
              , i = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            g = a(g); 
            var l = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            (h || (h = c("areEqual")))(i, l) ? (this.$2.set(this.$1, g), 
            this.logStorageError(this.$2.getLastSetException(), e)) : b > 0 && (d ? c("setTimeout")(function() { 
                f.mutateLocalStorageObjects(a, b - 1, !0) 
            }, j) : this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(a, b - 1, !0)) 
        b.logStorageError = function(a, b) { 
            a != null && (d("ZenonUserActionLogger").logError({ 
                call_id: b == null ? void 0 : b.signalingID, 
                error_domain: "ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore_storeLocalStorageObjects", 
                peer_id: b == null ? void 0 : b.peerID 
            (i || (i = c("WebStorage"))).isLocalStorageQuotaExceeded() && c("ZenonODSLogger").logCounter("local_storage_quota_exceeded")) 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = "localstorage" 
      , i = "RTC_LS_CALL_START_" 
      , j = "ls_call_start" 
      , k = 3; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return, j, h, i) || this 
        var d = b.prototype; 
        d.retrieveCallStartEventManager = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null; 
            if (d) 
                return c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager").fromJsonString(d.__d); 
                return null 
        d.storeCallStartEventManager = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) { 
                d[a] || (d[a] = {}); 
                d[a][b] = { 
                    __d: c.toJsonString(), 
                    __z: !0 
                return d 
            }, k, !1, { 
                peerID: a, 
                signalingID: b 
        return b 
    b = new a(); 
    g.ZenonLSCallStartEventStoreInstance = b 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper", ["asyncToGeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = -1 
      , h = !1 
      , i = { 
        getBatteryStats: function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() { 
                var a = (yield i.internalGetWindow().navigator.getBattery); 
                if (typeof a !== "function") 
                    return { 
                        level: g, 
                        placeholder: !0, 
                        wasCharged: !1 
                a = (yield; 
                a.charging ? h = !0 : a.onchargingchange = function(a) { 
           && (h = !0), 
           = null 
                return { 
                    level: a.level * 100, 
                    placeholder: !1, 
                    wasCharged: h 
            function c() { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return c 
        internalGetWindow: function() { 
            return window 
    a = i; 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("ZenonLSCallSummary", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonDeviceInfoHelper", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonPeerID", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "performanceNow", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(e, a); 
        function e(b) { 
            var e; 
            e =, b) || this; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1 = { 
                call_answered_time: "-1", 
                call_connected_time: "-1", 
                call_created_time: "-1", 
                call_ended_time: "-1", 
                last_updated_time: "-1" 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = !1; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = null; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = !1; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12 = b.callTrigger; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7 = b.isVideo; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 = 0; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14 = (b = b.joinMode) != null ? b : d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonJoinMode.Primary; 
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5 = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))(); 
            return e 
        var f = e.prototype; 
        f.setTimestamp = function(a) { 
            if (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1[a] !== "-1") 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1[a] = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20()) 
        f.getTimestamps = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1 
        f.getExtraInfo = function() { 
            var a = {}; 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 != null && !isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9) && (a.battery_end_level = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9)); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 != null && !isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8) && (a.battery_start_level = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8)); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 != null && (a.was_device_charged = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 != null && (a.max_concurrent_connected_participant = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11); 
            return a 
        f.getVideoStats = function() { 
            var a = {}; 
            if (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 != null) { 
                var b; 
                isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6.ld) || (a.local_video_duration = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6.ld)); 
                if (!isNaN((b = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6) == null ? void 0 : b.rd)) { 
                    a.remote_video_duration = String((b = (b = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6) == null ? void 0 : b.rd) != null ? b : 0) 
            return a 
        f.getEndCallStats = function() { 
            var a = {}; 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 != null && (a.end_call_reason = d("ZenonDismissReason").dismissToEndCallReason(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16)); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 != null && (a.end_call_subreason = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 != null && (a.remote_ended = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19); 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 != null && (a.is_connected_end = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3); 
            return a 
        f.getLoggingArgs = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.peerID 
              , e = a.serverInfoData; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            return { 
                call_id: a, 
                conf_name: (a = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13) != null ? a : "", 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(c), 
                serv_info: (a = e) != null ? a : "", 
                web_device_id: b 
        f.getSummaryLoggingInfo = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.isCaller 
              , e = a.localCallID 
              , f = a.peerID; 
            a = a.serverInfoData; 
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.getTimestamps(), this.getExtraInfo(), this.getVideoStats(), this.getEndCallStats(), a != null && { 
                shared_call_id: a 
            }, { 
                call_trigger: (a = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12) != null ? a : "", 
                invite_requested_video: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7, 
                is_caller: c, 
                join_mode: String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14), 
                local_call_id: e, 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(f), 
                rtc_actor_id: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15, 
                steady_time: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(), 
                system_time: String(, 
                web_device_id: b 
        f.onCallEscalated = function() { 
        f.onCallAccepted = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12 = a, 
        f.onCallConnected = function() { 
        f.setMediaStats = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 =, 
        f.setMaxConnectedParticipants = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(a), 
        f.setRtcActorID = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = a 
        f.unsetEndCallFields = function() { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 === !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = null, 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = null, 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = null, 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = null, 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1.call_ended_time = "-1", 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5 = 0, 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = null) 
        f.onCallEnded = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a, b, c, d) { 
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = a, 
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = d, 
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = c, 
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = b, 
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 == null && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2), 
                yield this.updateBatteryEnd(), 
            function c(b, c, d, e) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return c 
        f.onPCStateChange = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = a, 
        f.updateBatteryStart = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() { 
                var a = (yield c("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper").getBatteryStats()) 
                  , b = a.level; 
                a = a.placeholder; 
                a !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = parseInt(b, 10)) 
            function d() { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return d 
        f.updateBatteryEnd = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() { 
                var a = (yield c("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper").getBatteryStats()) 
                  , b = a.level 
                  , d = a.placeholder; 
                a = a.wasCharged; 
                d !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = parseInt(b, 10), 
            function d() { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return d 
        f.setDeviceCharged = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = a) 
        f.setConferenceName = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13 = a, 
        f.getDeviceCharged = function() { 
            return this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 
        e.fromJsonString = function(a) { 
            var b; 
            try { 
                b = JSON.parse(a) 
            } catch (a) { 
                return null 
            a = b.callInfo; 
            var c = a.deviceID; 
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]); 
            a = new e(a); 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1 = b.timestamps; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = b.pcIsConnected; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = b.endIsConnected; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = b.endCallReason; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = b.endCallSubreason; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = b.isRemoteEnded; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7 = b.isVideo; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = (c = b.rtcActorID) != null ? c : null; 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 = { 
                ld: parseInt(b.videoStats.local_video_duration, 10), 
                rd: parseInt(b.videoStats.remote_video_duration, 10) 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = parseInt(b.extraInfo.battery_start_level, 10); 
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = parseInt(b.extraInfo.battery_end_level, 10); 
            b.extraInfo.was_device_charged != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = b.extraInfo.was_device_charged); 
            b.extraInfo.max_concurrent_connected_participant != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = b.extraInfo.max_concurrent_connected_participant); 
            b.unsetOnRetrieve != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = b.unsetOnRetrieve); 
            b.accumulatedCallTime != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 = b.accumulatedCallTime); 
            b.conferenceName != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13 = b.conferenceName); 
            return a 
        f.toJsonString = function() { 
            var a = { 
                accumulatedCallTime: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20(), 
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(), 
                conferenceName: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13, 
                endCallReason: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16, 
                endCallSubreason: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17, 
                endIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3, 
                extraInfo: this.getExtraInfo(), 
                isRemoteEnded: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19, 
                isVideo: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7, 
                joinMode: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14, 
                pcIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2, 
                rtcActorID: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15, 
                timestamps: this.getTimestamps(), 
                unsetOnRetrieve: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18, 
                videoStats: this.getVideoStats() 
            return JSON.stringify(a) 
        f.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20 = function() { 
            var a = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))() - this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5; 
            return Math.floor(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 + a) 
        f.updateLastUpdatedTime = function() { 
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1.last_updated_time = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20()) 
        ; = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            a.storeCallSummary(c, b, this) 
        f.remove = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
                peerID: c, 
                signalingID: b 
        return e 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = "localstorage" 
      , i = "RTC_LS_CALL_SUMMARY_" 
      , j = "ls_summary" 
      , k = 3; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return, j, h, i) || this 
        var d = b.prototype; 
        d.retrieveCallSummary = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null; 
            if (d) 
                return c("ZenonLSCallSummary").fromJsonString(d.__d); 
                return null 
        d.storeCallSummary = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) { 
                d[a] || (d[a] = {}); 
                d[a][b] = { 
                    __d: c.toJsonString(), 
                    __z: !0 
                return d 
            }, k, !1, { 
                peerID: a, 
                signalingID: b 
        return b 
    b = new a(); 
    g.ZenonLSCallSummaryStoreInstance = b 
), 98); 
__d("WebAssemblyMemorySingleton", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = 64 * 1024; 
    c = 5701632; 
    d = 45 * g; 
    var h = c + d 
      , i = null 
      , j = 0 
      , k = 0; 
    function a() { 
        i == null && (i = new WebAssembly.Memory({ 
            initial: h / g, 
            maximum: 2147483648 / g 
        j = h); 
        return i 
    function b() { 
        if (i != null) { 
            var a = i.buffer.byteLength; 
            a !== j && (k++, 
            j = a) 
        return { 
            memory_reallocation_count: k, 
            memory_size_kb: j / 1024 
    e = { 
        get: a, 
        getMetrics: b 
    f.WebAssemblyMemorySingleton = e 
), 66); 
__d("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", ["E2eeMetricsSerializers", "WebAssemblyMemorySingleton", "ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            var b, c; 
            for (var e = arguments.length, f = new Array(e), g = 0; g < e; g++) 
                f[g] = arguments[g]; 
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(f)) || this, 
            c.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = { 
                group_e2ee_metrics: d("E2eeMetricsSerializers").GroupE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor(), 
                p2p_e2ee_metrics: d("E2eeMetricsSerializers").P2pE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor(), 
                track_specific_e2ee_stats: new Map(), 
                wasm_metrics: d("WebAssemblyMemorySingleton").WebAssemblyMemorySingleton.getMetrics() 
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c) 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.updateE2eeStats = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = a 
        c.getGroupE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.localCallID; 
            a = a.serverInfoData; 
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                g_e2ee_web_wasm_final_memory_usage_kb: String(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics.memory_size_kb), 
                g_e2ee_web_wasm_memory_reallocation_count: String(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics.memory_reallocation_count), 
                local_call_id: c 
            }, a != null && { 
                shared_call_id: a 
            }, { 
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(), 
                system_time_ms: String(, 
                web_device_id: b 
            }, this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.group_e2ee_metrics) 
        c.getP2pE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.localCallID 
              , e = a.peerID; 
            a = a.serverInfoData; 
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                local_call_id: c 
            }, a != null && { 
                shared_call_id: a 
            }, { 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e), 
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(), 
                system_time_ms: String(, 
                web_device_id: b 
            }, this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.p2p_e2ee_metrics) 
        ; = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            a.storeE2eeStats(c, b, this) 
        c["delete"] = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
                peerID: c, 
                signalingID: b 
        c.toJsonString = function() { 
            var a = { 
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(), 
                groupE2eeMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.group_e2ee_metrics, 
                p2pE2eeMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.p2p_e2ee_metrics, 
                trackSpecificE2eeStatsWithTrackId: Array.from(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.track_specific_e2ee_stats), 
                wasmMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics 
            return JSON.stringify(a) 
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) { 
            var c; 
            try { 
                c = JSON.parse(a) 
            } catch (a) { 
                return null 
            a = c.callInfo; 
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]); 
            a = new b(a); 
            a.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = { 
                group_e2ee_metrics: c.groupE2eeMetrics, 
                p2p_e2ee_metrics: c.p2pE2eeMetrics, 
                track_specific_e2ee_stats: new Map(c.trackSpecificE2eeStatsWithTrackId), 
                wasm_metrics: c.wasmMetrics 
            return a 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSE2EEStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = "localstorage" 
      , i = "RTC_LS_E2EE_STATS_" 
      , j = "ls_e2ee_stats" 
      , k = 3; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return, j, h, i) || this 
        var d = b.prototype; 
        d.retrieveE2eeStats = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null; 
            if (d) 
                return c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager").fromJsonString(d.__d); 
                return null 
        d.storeE2eeStats = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) { 
                d[a] || (d[a] = {}); 
                d[a][b] = { 
                    __d: c.toJsonString(), 
                    __z: !0 
                return d 
            }, k, !1, { 
                peerID: a, 
                signalingID: b 
        return b 
    b = new a(); 
    g.ZenonLSE2EEStoreInstance = b 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonIceStatsParser", "ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonPeerID", "performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b(b) { 
            b =, b) || this; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = { 
                CoreAudioMetrics: { 
                    isstall: "0", 
                    voice_detect_pct: [] 
                CoreVideoMetrics: { 
                    screen: { 
                        capture_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        encode_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        sent_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                    video: { 
                        capture_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        encode_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        sent_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                DebugAudioMetrics: { 
                    NetworkReceive: {} 
                audio: { 
                    echo_confidence: {} 
                dataChannelMetrics: {}, 
                ecv: {}, 
                extraInfo: {}, 
                receiver: {}, 
                receiver_pct: { 
                    audio: {} 
                receiver_stalls: { 
                    screen_recv_stalls: { 
                        recv_decode_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        recv_no_bytes_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        recv_render_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                    video_recv_stalls: { 
                        recv_decode_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        recv_no_bytes_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                        recv_render_stall: { 
                            is_stall: "0" 
                sender: {}, 
                sender_pct: { 
                    screen: {}, 
                    video: {} 
                video: {} 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 = {}; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3 = {}; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5 = -1; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = null; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9 = new Map(); 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = "unknown"; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_6 = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))(); 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 = 0; 
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = null; 
            return b 
        var e = b.prototype; 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_11 = function() { 
            var a, b = this, c = "", e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; 
            Object.keys((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.dataChannelMetrics) != null ? a : {}).forEach(function(a) { 
                a = b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.dataChannelMetrics[a]; 
                if (a == null) 
                c += a.label + ":" + a.bytes_sent + ":" + a.bytes_received + ":" + a.messages_sent + ":" + a.messages_received + ","; 
                e += Number(a.bytes_sent); 
                f += Number(a.bytes_received); 
                g += Number(a.messages_sent); 
                h += Number(a.messages_received) 
            return { 
                data_channel_total_bytes_recv: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(f), 
                data_channel_total_bytes_sent: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(e), 
                data_channel_total_msg_recv: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(h), 
                data_channel_total_msg_sent: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(g), 
                data_channel_type: "SCTP", 
                sctp_per_channel_stats_raw: c 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_12 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.sender 
              , b = a.codec; 
            b = b === void 0 ? {} : b; 
            var c = { 
                gen0_ice_sent_host: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$, 
                gen0_ice_sent_relay: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2.relay), 
                gen0_ice_sent_srflx: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2.srflx) 
            b = b.www; 
            b != null && (c.audio_send_codec = String(b)); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_bytes_sent", a.bytes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_level_count", a.taulc); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_level_sum", a.tx_sum_lvl); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_packets_sent", a.psent); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate", a.ube_avg); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "transport_conn_rtt_avg", a.avgrtt); 
            return c 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_14 = function() { 
            var a, b, c; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 :; 
            b = (b = a == null ? void 0 : a.frames) != null ? b : 0; 
            c = (c = a == null ? void 0 : a.eqps) != null ? c : 0; 
            c = b > 0 && c > 0 ? c / b : null; 
            b = {}; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avbr); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avbw); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_duration_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.dur); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_frames_send_to_encoder_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.eiframes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_total_input_pixel_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_capture_pixel); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_total_output_pixel_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_encoded_pixel); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_frames_encoded_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.frames); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_qp_sum_ss", c); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_16 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ 
              , b = {}; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_enc_bitrate); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_enc_bitrate_ss); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_retransmit_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_retrans_bitrate); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_transmit_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_trans_bitrate); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_send_bw); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_18 = function() { 
            var a; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : a.vqs; 
            var b = {}; 
            (a == null ? void 0 : a.avg) != null && (b.video_send_quality_score = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(a == null ? void 0 : a.avg)); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_19 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ 
              , b = { 
                video_send_codec: a == null ? void 0 : a.ename 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_firs_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.fir); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_nacks_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.nack); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_plis_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.pli); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_height", a == null ? void 0 : a.ah); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_height_input", a == null ? void 0 :; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_width", a == null ? void 0 :; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_width_input", a == null ? void 0 :; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_captured", a == null ? void 0 : a.fcap); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_encoded", a == null ? void 0 : a.frames); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.fcsn); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_send_to_encoder", a == null ? void 0 : a.eiframes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_capture_duration_ms", this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_duration_blur", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_blur_dur); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_key_frames_encoded", a == null ? void 0 : a.kframes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_packets_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.psent); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_qp_sum", a == null ? void 0 : a.eqps); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_total_input_pixel", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_capture_pixel); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_total_output_pixel", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_encoded_pixel); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_21 = function() { 
            var a, b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$, c = { 
                video_recv_codec: b == null ? void 0 : b.dname 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_frames_assembled", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtasb); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_frames_out", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtfrm); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_keyframes_out", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtkey); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_bytes_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_bytes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_packets_lost", b == null ? void 0 : b.plost); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_packets_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.precv); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_av_sync_abs", b == null ? void 0 : b.avabs); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frame_height", b == null ? void 0 : b.rh); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frame_width", b == null ? void 0 :; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frames_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.frd); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_count", b == null ? void 0 : b.frcnt); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_duration", b == null ? void 0 : b.frdur); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_duration_above_500_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.frdur500); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_pause_count", b == null ? void 0 : b.pact); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_pause_duration_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.padur); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_qp_sum", b == null ? void 0 : b.qps); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_total_pixels_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.agg_video_sum_decoded_pixel); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_union_decode_time_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_time); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_firs_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.fir); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_nacks_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.nack); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_plis_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.pli); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_weighted_vqs", b == null ? void 0 : (a = b.vqs) == null ? void 0 : a.avg); 
            a = b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_time_all_streams; 
            b = b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_frame; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_decode_time_ms", a); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_frames_decoded", b); 
            a != null && a > 0 && b != null && b > 0 && this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_framerate_decoded", b * 1e3 / a); 
            return c 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_23 = function() { 
            var a; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : a.ss_recv; 
            var b = {}; 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_24(b, "video_recv_duration_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.ss_recv_dur); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_24 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_25 = function() { 
            var a, b, c; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : a.recv_no_bytes_stall; 
            b = (b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : b.recv_decode_stall; 
            c = (c = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : c.recv_render_stall; 
            var d = {}; 
            if (a) { 
                var e = a.is_stall 
                  , f = a.sdur; 
                a = a.nstall; 
                e != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_is_stalled = String(e)); 
                f != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_total_stall_duration_ms = String(f)); 
                a != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_total_stalls = String(a)) 
            if (b) { 
                e = b.is_stall; 
                f = b.sdur; 
                a = b.nstall; 
                e != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_is_stalled = String(e)); 
                f != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_total_stall_duration_ms = String(f)); 
                a != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_total_stalls = String(a)) 
            if (c) { 
                b = c.is_stall; 
                e = c.sdur; 
                f = c.nstall; 
                b != null && (d.video_render_is_stalled = String(b)); 
                e != null && (d.video_render_total_stall_duration_ms = String(e)); 
                f != null && (d.video_render_total_stalls = String(f)) 
            return d 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_26 = function() { 
            var a; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.screen_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : a.recv_decode_stall; 
            var b = {}; 
            if (a) { 
                var c = a.is_stall 
                  , d = a.sdur; 
                a = a.nstall; 
                c != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_is_stalled = String(c)); 
                d != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d)); 
                a != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_total_stalls = String(a)) 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_27 = function() { 
            var a, b, c = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.DebugAudioMetrics.NetworkReceive.jb_nm; 
            a = c == null ? void 0 : (a = c.neteq) == null ? void 0 : a.meanWait; 
            b = c == null ? void 0 : (b = c.speech_expand_rate) == null ? void 0 : b.avg; 
            c = c == null ? void 0 : (c = c.speech_expand_rate) == null ? void 0 : c.M; 
            var d = {}; 
            a != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_mean_wait_ms = String(a)); 
            b != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_speech_expand_rate_avg = String(b)); 
            c != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_speech_expand_rate_max = String(c)); 
            return d 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_28 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreAudioMetrics 
              , b = a.audio_device 
              , c = a.isstall 
              , d = a.sdur; 
            a = a.astall; 
            var e = {}; 
            b != null && (e.audio_device = String(b)); 
            c != null && (e.audio_device_is_stalled = String(c)); 
            d != null && (e.audio_device_stall_duration = String(d)); 
            a != null && (e.audio_device_total_stall = String(a)); 
            return e 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_29 = function() { 
            var a, b = {}; 
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms) != null) { 
                b.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms)) 
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_rtt_ms) != null) { 
                b.ecv_rtt_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_rtt_ms)) 
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_plccng) != null) { 
                b.ecv_plccng = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_plccng)) 
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms) != null) { 
                b.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms)) 
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms) != null) { 
                b.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms)) 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_30 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ 
              , b = a.is_stall 
              , c = a.last_sdur 
              , d = a.sdur; 
            a = a.nstall; 
            var e = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ 
              , f = e.is_stall 
              , g = e.last_sdur 
              , h = e.sdur; 
            e = e.nstall; 
            var i = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ 
              , j = i.is_stall 
              , k = i.last_sdur 
              , l = i.sdur; 
            i = i.nstall; 
            var m = {}; 
            b != null && (m.video_device_capture_is_stalled = String(b)); 
            c != null && (m.video_device_capture_last_stall_duration_ms = String(c)); 
            d != null && (m.video_device_capture_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d)); 
            a != null && (m.video_device_capture_total_stalls = String(a)); 
            f != null && (m.video_encode_is_stalled = String(f)); 
            g != null && (m.video_encode_last_stall_duration_ms = String(g)); 
            h != null && (m.video_encode_total_stall_duration_ms = String(h)); 
            e != null && (m.video_encode_total_stalls = String(e)); 
            j != null && (m.video_send_is_stalled = String(j)); 
            k != null && (m.video_send_last_stall_duration_ms = String(k)); 
            l != null && (m.video_send_total_stall_duration_ms = String(l)); 
            i != null && (m.video_send_total_stalls = String(i)); 
            return m 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_31 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 
              , b = a.receiver; 
            a = a.receiver_pct; 
            var c = null; 
            b.codec != null && (c = String(Object.values(b.codec).pop())); 
            var e = { 
                gen0_ice_received_host: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$, 
                gen0_ice_received_relay: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3.relay), 
                gen0_ice_received_srflx: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3.srflx) 
            c != null && (e.audio_recv_codec = String(c)); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_avg_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.avg, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.avg); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p5_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p5, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p5); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p50_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p50, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p50); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p95_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p95, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p95); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_bytes_recv", b.bytes); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_concealed_samples", b.sp_c); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_fec_packets_discarded", b.fecpd); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_fec_packets_received", b.fecpr); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_jitter", b.jitter); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_flushes", b.dec_pack_flush); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_level_count", b.taulc); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_level_sum", b.rx_sum_lvl); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_total_samples_duration", b.sp_dur); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_total_samples_received", b.sp_r); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_accelerate", b.dec_ar); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_normal", b.dec_normal); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_operations", b.neteq_calls); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_plc", b.dec_plc); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_plccng", b.dec_plc_cng); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_preemptive_expand", b.dec_per); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_packets_lost", b.plost); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_packets_recv", b.precv); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_silent_concealed_samples", b.sp_sc); 
            return e 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_34 = function() { 
            var a, b = {}; 
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 :; 
            if ((a == null ? void 0 : a.dur) != null && (a == null ? void 0 : a.dur) > 0) { 
                a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.capture_stall; 
                var c = a.is_stall 
                  , d = a.sdur; 
                a = a.nstall; 
                var e = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.encode_stall 
                  , f = e.is_stall 
                  , g = e.sdur; 
                e = e.nstall; 
                var h = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.sent_stall 
                  , i = h.is_stall 
                  , j = h.sdur; 
                h = h.nstall; 
                c != null && (b.screen_share_capture_is_stalled = String(c)); 
                d != null && (b.screen_share_capture_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d)); 
                a != null && (b.screen_share_capture_total_stalls = String(a)); 
                f != null && (b.screen_share_encode_is_stalled = String(f)); 
                g != null && (b.screen_share_encode_total_stall_duration_ms = String(g)); 
                e != null && (b.screen_share_encode_total_stalls = String(e)); 
                i != null && (b.screen_share_send_is_stalled = String(i)); 
                j != null && (b.screen_share_send_total_stall_duration_ms = String(j)); 
                h != null && (b.screen_share_send_total_stalls = String(h)) 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33 = function(a, b, c) { 
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_35 = function() { 
            var a, b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.extraInfo, c = b.localIceCandidate; 
            b = b.remoteIceCandidate; 
            return { 
                relay_protocol: c == null ? void 0 : c.relayProtocol, 
                transport_conn_type: "l:" + ((a = c == null ? void 0 : c.candidateType) != null ? a : "") + "-" + ((a = c == null ? void 0 : c.protocol) != null ? a : "") + ";r:" + ((c = b == null ? void 0 : b.candidateType) != null ? c : "") + "-" + ((a = b == null ? void 0 : b.protocol) != null ? a : "") 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_36 = function() { 
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9 
              , b = {} 
              , c = 0 
              , e = !1 
              , f = 0 
              , g = 0; 
            a.forEach(function(a, b) { 
                e !== a && (a ? c > 0 && (g++, 
                f += b - c, 
                c = 0) : c = b, 
                e = a) 
            if (c > 0) { 
                a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5; 
                a > -1 && a > c && (g++, 
                f += a - c) 
            b.transport_num_gaps = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(g); 
            b.transport_total_gap_duration_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(f); 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 != null && (b.transport_connected = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 ? "1" : "0"); 
            return b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_37 = function() { 
            var a, b = {}; 
            b.audio_send_echo_confidence = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : (a = a.echo_confidence) == null ? void 0 : a.audio_send_echo_confidence; 
            return b 
        e.onCallEnded = function() { 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(), 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 == null && (this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32 = function(a, b, c, e) { 
            var f = 0; 
            c != null && (f += c); 
            e != null && (f += e / 2); 
            f > 0 && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(f)) 
        e.getPeerConnectionSummary = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo() 
              , b = a.deviceID 
              , c = a.localCallID 
              , e = a.peerID 
              , f = a.serverInfoData; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_11(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_28(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_12(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_31(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_14(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_16(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_18(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_19(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_21(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_23(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_27(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_36(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_29(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_30(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_34(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_25(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_26(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_35(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_37(), f != null && { 
                shared_call_id: f 
            }, { 
                connection_logging_id: a, 
                local_call_id: c, 
                media_path: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10, 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e), 
                protocol: "multiway", 
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(), 
                system_time_ms: String(, 
                web_device_id: b 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38 = function() { 
            var a = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))() - this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_6; 
            return Math.floor(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 + a) 
        e.updateIceInfo = function(a, b) { 
            var c = b === d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send ? this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 : this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3; 
            b = d("ZenonIceStatsParser").extractIceInfo(a); 
            b.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = a.gen; 
                a = a.type; 
                b === 0 && (c[a] == null ? c[a] = 1 : c[a]++) 
        e.onPCStateChange = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 !== a && (this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = a, 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9.set(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(), a)) 
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_39 = function(a) { 
            switch (a) { 
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.SFU: 
                return "sfu"; 
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.P2P: 
                return "p2p"; 
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.UNKNOWN: 
                return "unknown" 
        e.setMediaPath = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_39(a) 
        e.setMediaStats = function(a) { 
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = a 
        ; = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            a.storePeerConnectionSummary(c, b, this) 
        e["delete"] = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
                peerID: c, 
                signalingID: b 
        e.toJsonString = function() { 
            var a = this.getCallInfo(); 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            a = { 
                accumulatedCallTime: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(), 
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(), 
                connectionLoggingId: a, 
                endIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8, 
                gen0IceReceivedCount: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3, 
                gen0IceSentCount: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2, 
                mediaPath: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10, 
                mediaStats: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1, 
                pcIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 
            return JSON.stringify(a) 
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) { 
            var c, d; 
            try { 
                d = JSON.parse(a) 
            } catch (a) { 
                return null 
            a = d.callInfo; 
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]); 
            a = new b(a); 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = d.mediaPath; 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = d.mediaStats; 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3 = d.gen0IceReceivedCount; 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 = d.gen0IceSentCount; 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = (c = d.pcIsConnected) != null ? c : null; 
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = d.endIsConnected; 
            d.accumulatedCallTime != null && (a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 = d.accumulatedCallTime); 
            return a 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = "localstorage" 
      , i = "RTC_LS_PCS_" 
      , j = "ls_pcs" 
      , k = 3; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return, j, h, i) || this 
        var d = b.prototype; 
        d.retrievePeerConnectionSummary = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null; 
            if (d) 
                return c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary").fromJsonString(d.__d); 
                return null 
        d.storePeerConnectionSummary = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) { 
                d[a] || (d[a] = {}); 
                d[a][b] = { 
                    __d: c.toJsonString(), 
                    __z: !0 
                return d 
            }, k, !1, { 
                peerID: a, 
                signalingID: b 
        return b 
    b = new a(); 
    g.ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStoreInstance = b 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSLogsUploader", ["DateConsts", "LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent", "LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent", "LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent", "LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent", "LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", "ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary", "ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", "ZenonLSE2EEStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", "justknobx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = d("DateConsts").MS_PER_MIN * 30 
      , i = { 
        getLoggableEndCallLogs: function(a) { 
            a = a.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            var b = []; 
            for (var c in a) 
                for (var d in a[c]) { 
                    var e = a[c][d]; 
                    if (e.__z) { 
                        var f = e.__t; 
                        if ( - f > h) { 
                            f = e.__d; 
                                endCallLogStr: f, 
                                peerID: c, 
                                signalingID: d 
            return b 
        logCallStartEventManager: function(a) { 
            var b = a.callStartEventManager 
              , e = a.peerID; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            if (c("justknobx")._("853")) 
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL call start summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a 
            c("LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() { 
                return b.getStartEventData() 
                peerID: e, 
                signalingID: a 
        logCallStartEvents: function() { 
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSCallStartEventStore").ZenonLSCallStartEventStoreInstance); 
            a.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = a.endCallLogStr 
                  , d = a.peerID; 
                a = a.signalingID; 
                try { 
                    b = c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager").fromJsonString(b); 
                    b && i.logCallStartEventManager({ 
                        callStartEventManager: b, 
                        peerID: d, 
                        signalingID: a 
                } catch (a) { 
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR, 
                        error: a.message, 
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_callStartEvent" 
        logCallSummaries: function() { 
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSCallSummaryStore").ZenonLSCallSummaryStoreInstance); 
            a.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = a.endCallLogStr 
                  , d = a.peerID; 
                a = a.signalingID; 
                try { 
                    b = c("ZenonLSCallSummary").fromJsonString(b); 
                    b && i.logCallSummary({ 
                        callSummary: b, 
                        peerID: d, 
                        signalingID: a 
                } catch (a) { 
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR, 
                        error: a.message, 
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_callSummary" 
        logCallSummary: function(a) { 
            var b = a.callSummary 
              , e = a.peerID; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            if (c("justknobx")._("853")) 
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL call summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a 
            c("LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() { 
                return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b.getSummaryLoggingInfo()) 
                peerID: e, 
                signalingID: a 
        logE2eeStats: function() { 
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSE2EEStore").ZenonLSE2EEStoreInstance); 
            a.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = a.endCallLogStr 
                  , d = a.peerID; 
                a = a.signalingID; 
                try { 
                    b = c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager").fromJsonString(b); 
                    b && i.logE2eeStatsManager({ 
                        e2eeStatsManager: b, 
                        peerID: d, 
                        signalingID: a 
                } catch (a) { 
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR, 
                        error: a.message, 
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_e2eeStats" 
        logE2eeStatsManager: function(a) { 
            var b = a.e2eeStatsManager 
              , e = a.peerID; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            if (c("justknobx")._("853")) 
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL E2EE summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a 
            c("LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() { 
                return b.getGroupE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape() 
            c("LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() { 
                return b.getP2pE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape() 
                peerID: e, 
                signalingID: a 
        logEndCallLogEvents: function() { 
        logPeerConnectionSummaries: function() { 
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore").ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStoreInstance); 
            a.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = a.endCallLogStr 
                  , d = a.peerID; 
                a = a.signalingID; 
                try { 
                    b = c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary").fromJsonString(b); 
                    b && i.logPeerConnectionSummary({ 
                        peerConnectionSummary: b, 
                        peerID: d, 
                        signalingID: a 
                } catch (a) { 
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR, 
                        error: a.message, 
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_peerConnectionSummary" 
        logPeerConnectionSummary: function(a) { 
            var b = a.peerConnectionSummary 
              , e = a.peerID; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            if (c("justknobx")._("853")) 
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL PCS summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a 
            c("LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() { 
                return b.getPeerConnectionSummary() 
                peerID: e, 
                signalingID: a 
    a = i; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("FBRTCCallSummaryUploader", ["DateConsts", "ZenonLSLogsUploader"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    var h = 10 * d("DateConsts").MS_PER_MIN 
      , i = null; 
    function a() { 
        if (i !== null) 
        i = window.setInterval(function() { 
        }, h) 
    g.init = a 
), 98); 
__d("FriendingCometConfirmedFriendRequestToast.react", ["fbt", "CometNotificationsListItem.react", "CometNotificationsMutationLogger", "CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "recoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")); 
    b = i; 
    var k = b.useCallback 
      , l = b.useRef 
      , m = "MARK_SEEN" 
      , n = "comet_toast" 
      , o = "beeper"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b, e = a.onCloseClick; 
        a = a.response; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_confirm_subscribe; 
        var f = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif 
          , g = f == null ? void 0 : 
          , i = f == null ? void 0 : f.seen_state 
          , p = a == null ? void 0 : a.new_friend; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 :; 
        b = f == null ? void 0 : (b = f.body) == null ? void 0 : b.text; 
        var q = l(!1) 
          , r = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment() 
          , s = k(function() { 
            if (g == null || i !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" || q.current === !0) 
            d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation(r, { 
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB", 
                input: { 
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB", 
                    is_comet: !0, 
                    last_notif_sync_time: 0, 
                    notif_ids: [g], 
                    source: n, 
                    update_type: m 
            }, { 
                mutationLogger: d("CometNotificationsMutationLogger").notificationMarkAsSeenStart, 
                onError: function(a) { 
                    c("recoverableViolation")("Failed to mark friend confirmed notification as seen in the toast: ", "growth_friending", { 
                        error: a 
                onSuccess: function() { 
                    q.current = !0 
                updater: function(a) { 
                    d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").updateSingleNotifReadState(a, g) 
        }, [r, g, i]); 
        if (p == null || f == null) 
            return null; 
        p = g == null || b == null ? null : { 
            id: g, 
            text: b 
        return j.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), { 
            accessibilityAnnouncement: p, 
            content: j.jsx("div", { 
                role: "grid", 
                children: j.jsx(c("CometNotificationsListItem.react"), { 
                    actor: a, 
                    loggerContext: o, 
                    notification: f, 
                    onClick: e 
            headline: h._("__JHASH__tXZ99ZeyFDZ__JHASH__"), 
            onCloseClick: e, 
            onMouseEnter: s 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "8294990683862995" 
), null); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql", ["CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql", "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , c = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "data", 
            variableName: "input" 
          , d = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "notif_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "seen_state", 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "time_confirmed", 
            storageKey: null 
          , i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , k = { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "scale", 
            variableName: "scale" 
          , l = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestConfirmSubscribeResponsePayload", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Viewer", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "viewer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "bookmarkID", 
                                value: "2356318349" 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "useTopTabBadgeCount_viewer" 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "actor", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                name: "CometNotificationsListItem_actor" 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "new_friend", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "FriendingCometAcceptedFriendRequestsPanel_user" 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Notification", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "notif", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "isToast", 
                                value: !0 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "CometNotificationsListItem_notification" 
                        }, d, e, f, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "body", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [g], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, h], 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Subscription", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestConfirmSubscribeResponsePayload", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Viewer", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "viewer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                items: [{ 
                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                    name: "bookmark_ids.0", 
                                    value: "2356318349" 
                                kind: "ListValue", 
                                name: "bookmark_ids" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "environment", 
                                value: "COMET" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "folder_id", 
                                value: "PRODUCT" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "sections", 
                                value: ["FACEBOOK_APP"] 
                            concreteType: "BookmarksConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "bookmarks", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "BookmarksEdge", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "edges", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "Bookmark", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "node", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "bookmarked_node", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [i, e], 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "bookmark_render_location", 
                                            value: "COMET_TOP_TAB" 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "unread_count", 
                                        storageKey: 'unread_count(bookmark_render_location:"COMET_TOP_TAB")' 
                                    }, e], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: 'bookmarks(bookmark_ids:["2356318349"],environment:"COMET",folder_id:"PRODUCT",sections:["FACEBOOK_APP"])' 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "actor", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [i, { 
                                kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                                abstractKey: "__isActor" 
                            }, e, j], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "new_friend", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [j, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "url", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 60 
                            }, k, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 60 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "profile_picture", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: l, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, e], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Notification", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "notif", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [e, d, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "notif_type", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "ClientExtension", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: "id_for_entrypoint", 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "__id", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "is_hidden", 
                                storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "notif_attachments", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [i, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemFriendRequestAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "FriendRequestNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemInlineCTAAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "InlineCTACometNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemPageInviteAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "PageInviteNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemQuickPromotionAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "QuickPromotionNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "StructuredSurveySession", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "inline_survey", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [i], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                type: "InlineSurveyNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "body", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                fragment: b("CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql"), 
                                kind: "FragmentSpread" 
                            }, g], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 56 
                            }, k, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 56 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "notif_image", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: l, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "site", 
                                value: "comet" 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "url", 
                            storageKey: 'url(site:"comet")' 
                        }, f, { 
                            alias: "creation_time", 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "CreationTimeWithRelativeText", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "creation_time_with_relative_text", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "timestamp", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "GlyphIconData", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "icon_data", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "reaction_type", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "glyph_name", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "glyph_icon_url", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "tracking", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, h], 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: { 
                    subscriptionName: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe" 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription", 
                operationKind: "subscription", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription", ["CometRelay", "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "cr:1723177", "relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql"); 
    function a(a, c, e, f, g, h) { 
        var j = function(a) { 
            var b = a.getRootField("friend_request_confirm_subscribe"); 
            if (b == null) 
            var c = a.get(d("relay-runtime").VIEWER_ID); 
            if (c == null) 
            var e = b.getLinkedRecord("new_friend"); 
            if (e == null) 
            b = b.getValue("time_confirmed"); 
            c = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.getConnection(c, "FriendingCometAcceptedFriendRequestsPanel_friend_confirmed_notifications"); 
            if (c == null) 
            a = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.createEdge(a, c, e, "FriendConfirmedNotificationsEdge"); 
            a.setValue(b, "time_sent"); 
            d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeBefore(c, a); 
            e = parseInt(c.getValue("count"), 0); 
            c.setValue(e + 1, "count") 
          , k = function(a) { 
            a != null && b("cr:1723177") != null && f !== !0 && b("cr:1723177").pushFriendingConfirmedCometToast(a, e) 
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(c, { 
            onCompleted: g, 
            onError: h, 
            onNext: k, 
            subscription: i, 
            updater: j, 
            variables: { 
                input: { 
                    requester_id: a 
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get() 
    g.subscribe = a 
), 98); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "25901335256117396" 
), null); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql", ["CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql", "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , c = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "data", 
            variableName: "input" 
          , d = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "friendship_status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "time_received", 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "notif_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "seen_state", 
            storageKey: null 
          , i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "text", 
            storageKey: null 
          , j = [i] 
          , k = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , l = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , m = { 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "scale", 
            variableName: "scale" 
          , n = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "uri", 
            storageKey: null 
          , o = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "site", 
                value: "comet" 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: 'url(site:"comet")' 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestReceiveSubscribeResponsePayload", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "friend_request_receive_subscribe", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Viewer", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "viewer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "bookmarkID", 
                                value: "2356318349" 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "useTopTabBadgeCount_viewer" 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "actor", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                name: "CometNotificationsListItem_actor" 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "sender", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [d, e, { 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestsListItem_user" 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, f, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Notification", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "notif", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "isToast", 
                                value: !0 
                            kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                            name: "CometNotificationsListItem_notification" 
                        }, g, d, h, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "body", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: j, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Subscription", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: c, 
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestReceiveSubscribeResponsePayload", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "friend_request_receive_subscribe", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Viewer", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "viewer", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                items: [{ 
                                    kind: "Literal", 
                                    name: "bookmark_ids.0", 
                                    value: "2356318349" 
                                kind: "ListValue", 
                                name: "bookmark_ids" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "environment", 
                                value: "COMET" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "folder_id", 
                                value: "PRODUCT" 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "sections", 
                                value: ["FACEBOOK_APP"] 
                            concreteType: "BookmarksConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "bookmarks", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "BookmarksEdge", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "edges", 
                                plural: !0, 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "Bookmark", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "node", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "bookmarked_node", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [k, d], 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "bookmark_render_location", 
                                            value: "COMET_TOP_TAB" 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "unread_count", 
                                        storageKey: 'unread_count(bookmark_render_location:"COMET_TOP_TAB")' 
                                    }, d], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: 'bookmarks(bookmark_ids:["2356318349"],environment:"COMET",folder_id:"PRODUCT",sections:["FACEBOOK_APP"])' 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "actor", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [k, { 
                                kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                                abstractKey: "__isActor" 
                            }, d, l], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "User", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "sender", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [d, e, l, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "url", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 60 
                            }, m, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 60 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "profile_picture", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: n, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "social_context", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: j, 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "User", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "social_context_top_mutual_friends", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: [d, l, o, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "height", 
                                            value: 20 
                                        }, m, { 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "width", 
                                            value: 20 
                                        concreteType: "Image", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "profile_picture", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: n, 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                type: "User", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            type: "FriendNode", 
                            abstractKey: "__isFriendNode" 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, f, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "Notification", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "notif", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [d, g, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "notif_type", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            kind: "ClientExtension", 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: "id_for_entrypoint", 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "__id", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "is_hidden", 
                                storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "notif_attachments", 
                            plural: !0, 
                            selections: [k, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemFriendRequestAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "FriendRequestNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemInlineCTAAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "InlineCTACometNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemPageInviteAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "PageInviteNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    args: null, 
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification", 
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemQuickPromotionAttachment_notifAttachments", 
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments", 
                                    kind: "ModuleImport" 
                                type: "QuickPromotionNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "StructuredSurveySession", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "inline_survey", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [k], 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                type: "InlineSurveyNotifAttachment", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "body", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                args: null, 
                                fragment: b("CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql"), 
                                kind: "FragmentSpread" 
                            }, i], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: [{ 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "height", 
                                value: 56 
                            }, m, { 
                                kind: "Literal", 
                                name: "width", 
                                value: 56 
                            concreteType: "Image", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "notif_image", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: n, 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, o, h, { 
                            alias: "creation_time", 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "CreationTimeWithRelativeText", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "creation_time_with_relative_text", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "timestamp", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "GlyphIconData", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "icon_data", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "reaction_type", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "glyph_name", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            }, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                name: "glyph_icon_url", 
                                storageKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "tracking", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: { 
                    subscriptionName: "friend_request_receive_subscribe" 
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription", 
                operationKind: "subscription", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription", ["CometRelay", "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "cr:1723177", "relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql"); 
    function a(a, c, e, f, g, h) { 
        var j = function(a) { 
            var b = a.getRootField("friend_request_receive_subscribe"); 
            if (b == null) 
            var c = a.get(d("relay-runtime").VIEWER_ID); 
            if (c == null) 
            var e = b.getLinkedRecord("sender"); 
            if (e == null) 
            b = b.getValue("time_received"); 
            c = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.getConnection(c, "FriendingCometFriendRequestsPanel_friending_possibilities", { 
                friending_channel: "REQUESTS_JEWEL" 
            if (c == null) 
            var f = c.getLinkedRecords("edges"); 
            if (f != null) { 
                f = f == null ? void 0 : f.filter(function(a) { 
                    a = a == null ? void 0 : a.getLinkedRecord("node"); 
                    return (a == null ? void 0 : a.getValue("id")) !== e.getValue("id") 
                c.setLinkedRecords(f, "edges"); 
                c.setValue(f.length, "count") 
            f = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.createEdge(a, c, e, "FriendingPossibilitiesEdge"); 
            f.setValue(b, "time"); 
            f.setValue(!1, "is_seen"); 
            d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeBefore(c, f); 
            a = parseInt(c.getValue("count"), 10); 
            c.setValue(a + 1, "count") 
          , k = function(a) { 
            a != null && b("cr:1723177") != null && f !== !0 && b("cr:1723177").pushFriendingCometToast(a, e) 
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(c, { 
            onCompleted: g, 
            onError: h, 
            onNext: k, 
            subscription: i, 
            updater: j, 
            variables: { 
                input: { 
                    receiver_id: a 
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get() 
    g.subscribe = a 
), 98); 
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestToast.react", ["fbt", "CometNotificationsListItem.react", "CometNotificationsMutationLogger", "CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "recoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")); 
    b = i; 
    var k = b.useCallback 
      , l = b.useRef 
      , m = "MARK_SEEN" 
      , n = "comet_toast" 
      , o = "beeper"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b, e = a.onCloseClick; 
        a = a.response; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_receive_subscribe; 
        var f = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif 
          , g = f == null ? void 0 : 
          , i = f == null ? void 0 : f.seen_state; 
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 :; 
        b = f == null ? void 0 : (b = f.body) == null ? void 0 : b.text; 
        var p = l(!1) 
          , q = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment() 
          , r = k(function() { 
            if (g == null || i !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" || p.current === !0) 
            d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation(q, { 
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB", 
                input: { 
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB", 
                    is_comet: !0, 
                    last_notif_sync_time: 0, 
                    notif_ids: [g], 
                    source: n, 
                    update_type: m 
            }, { 
                mutationLogger: d("CometNotificationsMutationLogger").notificationMarkAsSeenStart, 
                onError: function(a) { 
                    c("recoverableViolation")("Failed to mark friend notification as seen in the toast: ", "growth_friending", { 
                        error: a 
                onSuccess: function() { 
                    p.current = !0 
                updater: function(a) { 
                    d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").updateSingleNotifSeenState(a, g), 
        }, [q, g, i]); 
        if (f == null) 
            return null; 
        b = g == null || b == null ? null : { 
            id: g, 
            text: b 
        return j.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), { 
            accessibilityAnnouncement: b, 
            content: j.jsx("div", { 
                role: "grid", 
                children: j.jsx(c("CometNotificationsListItem.react"), { 
                    actor: a, 
                    loggerContext: o, 
                    notification: f, 
                    onClick: e 
            headline: h._("__JHASH__tXZ99ZeyFDZ__JHASH__"), 
            onCloseClick: e, 
            onMouseEnter: r 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("FundsAvailability", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        NONE: 0, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("ImmutableValue", ["invariant", "isNode"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(b) { 
            b === a[h] || g(0, 5608) 
        a.mergeAllPropertiesInto = function(a, b) { 
            var c = b.length; 
            for (var d = 0; d < c; d++) 
                Object.assign(a, b[d]) 
        a.deepFreezeRootNode = function(c) { 
            if (b("isNode")(c)) 
            for (var d in c) 
      , d) && a.recurseDeepFreeze(c[d]); 
        a.recurseDeepFreeze = function(c) { 
            if (b("isNode")(c) || !a.shouldRecurseFreeze(c)) 
            for (var d in c) 
      , d) && a.recurseDeepFreeze(c[d]); 
        a.shouldRecurseFreeze = function(b) { 
            return typeof b === "object" && !(b instanceof a) && b !== null 
        return a 
    a._DONT_EVER_TYPE_THIS_SECRET_KEY = Math.random(); 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("ImmutableObject", ["invariant", "ImmutableValue", "mergeHelpers"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = b("mergeHelpers").checkMergeObjectArgs 
      , i = b("mergeHelpers").isTerminal 
    function k(a) { 
        a instanceof b("ImmutableValue") || g(0, 3884) 
    var l = function(c) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, c); 
        function a() { 
            var a; 
            a =, b("ImmutableValue")[j]) || this; 
            b("ImmutableValue").mergeAllPropertiesInto(babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(a), arguments); 
            return a 
        a.set = function(b, c) { 
            typeof c === "object" && c !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(c) || g(0, 3885); 
            return new a(b,c) 
        a.setProperty = function(b, c, d) { 
            var e = {}; 
            e[c] = d; 
            return a.set(b, e) 
        a.deleteProperty = function(b, c) { 
            var d = {}; 
            for (var e in b) 
                e !== c &&, e) && (d[e] = b[e]); 
            return new a(d) 
        a.setDeep = function(a, b) { 
            return m(a, b) 
        a.values = function(a) { 
            return Object.keys(a).map(function(b) { 
                return a[b] 
        return a 
    function m(a, c) { 
        h(a, c); 
        var d = {} 
          , e = Object.keys(a); 
        for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) { 
            var g = e[f]; 
            !, g) ? d[g] = a[g] : i(a[g]) || i(c[g]) ? d[g] = c[g] : d[g] = m(a[g], c[g]) 
        g = Object.keys(c); 
        for (f = 0; f < g.length; f++) { 
            e = g[f]; 
            if (, e)) 
            d[e] = c[e] 
        return a instanceof b("ImmutableValue") ? new l(d) : c instanceof b("ImmutableValue") ? new l(d) : d 
    e.exports = l 
), null); 
__d("InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        UNKNOWN: "unknown", 
        GAME_SCORE: "game_score", 
        CUSTOM_MESSAGE: "custom_message" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("LeadGenInfoFieldTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        CUSTOM: "CUSTOM", 
        CITY: "CITY", 
        COUNTRY: "COUNTRY", 
        DOB: "DOB", 
        EMAIL: "EMAIL", 
        GENDER: "GENDER", 
        FULL_NAME: "FULL_NAME", 
        JOB_TITLE: "JOB_TITLE", 
        LAST_NAME: "LAST_NAME", 
        PHONE: "PHONE", 
        PHONE_OTP: "PHONE_OTP", 
        POST_CODE: "POST_CODE", 
        STATE: "STATE", 
        ZIP: "ZIP", 
        SLIDER: "SLIDER", 
        DATE_TIME: "DATE_TIME", 
        ID_CPF: "ID_CPF", 
        ID_AR_DNI: "ID_AR_DNI", 
        ID_CL_RUT: "ID_CL_RUT", 
        ID_CO_CC: "ID_CO_CC", 
        ID_EC_CI: "ID_EC_CI", 
        ID_PE_DNI: "ID_PE_DNI", 
        ID_MX_RFC: "ID_MX_RFC", 
        JOIN_CODE: "JOIN_CODE", 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743882"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_end_call_survey", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743884"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_star_rating", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSBaseCircleButton.react", ["ComponentWithDataAttributes.react", "MDSIcon.react", "MDSPressable.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        pressableOverlayPressed: { 
            backgroundColor: "x1lxk4cn", 
            $$css: !0 
        pressed: { 
            transform: "x1n5d1j9", 
            $$css: !0 
        root: { 
            alignItems: "x6s0dn4", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1z11no5", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "xjy5m1g", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1mnwbp6", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x4pb5v6", 
            borderTopWidth: "x972fbf", 
            borderEndWidth: "xcfux6l", 
            borderBottomWidth: "x1qhh985", 
            borderStartWidth: "xm0m39n", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k", 
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu", 
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5", 
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69", 
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd", 
            position: "x1n2onr6", 
            $$css: !0 
    }, k = { 
        24: { 
            height: "xxk0z11", 
            width: "xvy4d1p", 
            $$css: !0 
        28: { 
            height: "x1fgtraw", 
            width: "xgd8bvy", 
            $$css: !0 
        32: { 
            height: "x10w6t97", 
            width: "x1td3qas", 
            $$css: !0 
        36: { 
            height: "xc9qbxq", 
            width: "x14qfxbe", 
            $$css: !0 
        40: { 
            height: "x1vqgdyp", 
            width: "x100vrsf", 
            $$css: !0 
        48: { 
            height: "xsdox4t", 
            width: "x1useyqa", 
            $$css: !0 
    }, l = { 
        "dark-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "x18l40ae", 
            color: "x14ctfv", 
            $$css: !0 
        deemphasized: { 
            backgroundColor: "xjbqb8w", 
            $$css: !0 
        "deemphasized-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "x1hr4nm9", 
            $$css: !0 
        green: { 
            backgroundColor: "x2h9iz9", 
            $$css: !0 
        normal: { 
            backgroundColor: "x10ltxyv", 
            $$css: !0 
        overlay: { 
            backgroundColor: "x9bbmet", 
            boxShadow: "x10f5nwc", 
            color: "xi81zsa", 
            $$css: !0 
        "overlay-floating": { 
            backgroundColor: "x1l31dnx", 
            boxShadow: "x1qeybcx", 
            $$css: !0 
        "overlay-raised": { 
            backgroundColor: "x9bbmet", 
            boxShadow: "x1k54i6l", 
            color: "xi81zsa", 
            $$css: !0 
        "primary-background-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "xtvsq51", 
            $$css: !0 
        red: { 
            backgroundColor: "x18tkn2g", 
            $$css: !0 
    }, m = { 
        "dark-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "x18l40ae", 
            $$css: !0 
        deemphasized: { 
            backgroundColor: "xjbqb8w", 
            $$css: !0 
        "deemphasized-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "x1f2gare", 
            $$css: !0 
        green: { 
            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6", 
            $$css: !0 
        normal: { 
            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6", 
            $$css: !0 
        overlay: { 
            backgroundColor: "x1ahlmzr", 
            borderTopWidth: "x972fbf", 
            borderEndWidth: "xcfux6l", 
            borderBottomWidth: "x1qhh985", 
            borderStartWidth: "xm0m39n", 
            boxShadow: "xxnfx33", 
            color: "x1dntmbh", 
            $$css: !0 
        "primary-background-overlay": { 
            backgroundColor: "xtvsq51", 
            $$css: !0 
        red: { 
            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6", 
            $$css: !0 
    }, n = (b = {}, 
    b[24] = 12, 
    b[28] = 16, 
    b[32] = 16, 
    b[36] = 20, 
    b[40] = 20, 
    b), o = (e = {}, 
    e[24] = 20, 
    e[28] = 20, 
    e[32] = 24, 
    e[36] = 28, 
    e[40] = 32, 
    d = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a); 
        var d = a.color 
          , e = a.dataAttributes 
          , f = a.disabled 
          , g = f === void 0 ? !1 : f; 
        f = a.focusable; 
        var h = a.icon 
          , q = a.iconRatio 
          , r = a.label 
          , s = a.linkProps 
          , t = a.onFocusIn 
          , u = a.onFocusOut 
          , v = a.onHoverIn 
          , w = a.onHoverOut 
          , x = a.onPress 
          , y = a.onPressIn 
          , z = a.onPressOut 
          , A = a.overlayHoveredStyle 
          , B = a.size 
          , C = a.testid; 
        C = a.testOnly_pressed; 
        var D = a.type 
          , E = D === void 0 ? "normal" : D; 
        D = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["color", "dataAttributes", "disabled", "focusable", "icon", "iconRatio", "label", "linkProps", "onFocusIn", "onFocusOut", "onHoverIn", "onHoverOut", "onPress", "onPressIn", "onPressOut", "overlayHoveredStyle", "size", "testid", "testOnly_pressed", "type"]); 
        D = i.jsx(c("MDSPressable.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, D, { 
            "aria-label": r, 
            disabled: g, 
            display: "inline", 
            focusable: f, 
            linkProps: s, 
            onFocusIn: t, 
            onFocusOut: u, 
            onHoverIn: v, 
            onHoverOut: w, 
            onPress: x, 
            onPressIn: y, 
            onPressOut: z, 
            overlayHoveredStyle: A, 
            overlayPressedStyle: j.pressableOverlayPressed, 
            overlayRadius: "50%", 
            ref: b, 
            testOnly_pressed: C, 
            testid: void 0, 
            xstyle: function(a) { 
                a = a.pressed; 
                return [j.root, k[B], l[E], g && m[E === "overlay-raised" || E === "overlay-floating" ? "overlay" : E], a && j.pressed] 
            children: i.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), { 
                color: g ? "disabled" : (a = d) != null ? a : p(E), 
                icon: h, 
                size: q === "large" ? o[B] : n[B] 
        return i.jsx(c("ComponentWithDataAttributes.react"), { 
            dataAttributes: e, 
            children: D 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    b = d; 
    function p(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case "dark-overlay": 
            return "white"; 
        case "deemphasized-overlay": 
            return "highlight"; 
            return "primary" 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MDSButtonGroup.react", ["Box.react", "CometFocusTableContext", "MDSButton.react", "MDSRow.react", "MDSRowItem.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext, k = { 
        hiddenButton: { 
            height: "xqtp20y", 
            opacity: "xg01cxk", 
            $$css: !0 
        resetFlexBasis: { 
            flexBasis: "xdl72j9", 
            $$css: !0 
    function l(a) { 
        var b = j(c("CometFocusTableContext")); 
        b = b.FocusCell; 
        a = a.children; 
        return b != null ? i.jsx(b, { 
            children: a 
        }) : a 
    l.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.align 
          , d = b === void 0 ? "justify" : b; 
        b = a.direction; 
        b = b === void 0 ? "forward" : b; 
        var e = a.expanding; 
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e; 
        var f = a.paddingHorizontal 
          , g = a.paddingTop 
          , h = a.primary 
          , j = a.secondary 
          , m = a.secondaryIcon 
          , n = a.size 
          , o = a.testid; 
        o = a.verticalAlign; 
        a = a.wrap; 
        a = a === void 0 ? "none" : a; 
        var p = [] 
          , q = [] 
          , r = null; 
        if (h != null) { 
            var s = h.ref 
              , t = h.testid; 
            t = h.type; 
            h = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(h, ["ref", "testid", "type"]); 
            r = i.jsx(l, { 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, { 
                    ref: s, 
                    size: n, 
                    testid: void 0, 
                    type: t 
                hidden: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, { 
                    disabled: !0, 
                    padding: "normal", 
                    size: n, 
                    type: t 
                visible: r 
        if (j != null) { 
            s = j.ref; 
            h = j.testid; 
            t = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(j, ["ref", "testid"]); 
                hidden: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, t, { 
                    disabled: !0, 
                    padding: "normal", 
                    size: n, 
                    type: "secondary" 
                visible: i.jsx(l, { 
                    children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, t, { 
                        ref: s, 
                        size: n, 
                        testid: void 0, 
                        type: "secondary" 
        } else 
            m != null && q.push(i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                children: i.jsx(l, { 
                    children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, m, { 
                        labelIsHidden: !0, 
                        size: n, 
                        type: "secondary" 
            }, "secondary-icon")); 
        h =, b) { 
            return i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                expanding: d === "justify", 
                xstyle: k.resetFlexBasis, 
                children:, d) { 
                    return i.jsx(i.Fragment, { 
                        children: b !== d ? i.jsx(c("Box.react"), { 
                            "aria-hidden": !0, 
                            xstyle: k.hiddenButton, 
                            children: a.hidden 
                        }) : a.visible 
                    }, d) 
            }, b) 
        j = r != null ? i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
            expanding: d === "justify", 
            xstyle: k.resetFlexBasis, 
            children: r 
        }, "primary") : null; 
        t = [j].concat(q); 
        s = p.length === 2; 
        return i.jsx(c("MDSRow.react"), { 
            align: d, 
            direction: b, 
            expanding: e, 
            paddingHorizontal: f, 
            paddingTop: g, 
            spacing: 8, 
            testid: void 0, 
            verticalAlign: o, 
            wrap: a, 
            children: s || r == null ? h : t 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogSizes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        content: { 
            maxWidth: "x193iq5w", 
            $$css: !0 
        "content-mobile-safe": { 
            width: "xh8yej3", 
            $$css: !0 
        medium: { 
            maxWidth: "x1hzco51", 
            width: "x3dwbn0", 
            $$css: !0 
        small: { 
            maxWidth: "xeb55yp", 
            width: "x17omtbh", 
            $$css: !0 
    g.sizeStyles = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react", ["BaseDialog.react", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "MDSDialogSizes", "XPlatReactEnvironment", "emptyFunction", "react", "useIsCometOnMobile"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        anchor: { 
            paddingTop: "x1x97wu9", 
            paddingBottom: "xbr3nou", 
            paddingStart: "x1c2jvxr", 
            paddingLeft: null, 
            paddingRight: null, 
            paddingEnd: "x1paickk", 
            $$css: !0 
        anchorInMobileEnvironment: { 
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu", 
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69", 
            $$css: !0 
        anchorWeb: { 
            paddingStart: "x3v4vwv x1c2jvxr", 
            paddingLeft: null, 
            paddingRight: null, 
            paddingEnd: "x1dzdb2q x1paickk", 
            $$css: !0 
        card: { 
            backgroundColor: "x1jx94hy", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "xxadwq3", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "x3hh19s", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1kl8bxo", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xb3b7hn", 
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir", 
            $$css: !0 
        cardWeb: { 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1g2kw80 xxadwq3", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "x16n5opg x3hh19s", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "xl7ujzl x1kl8bxo", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xhkep3z xb3b7hn", 
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir", 
            $$css: !0 
        rootInMobileEnvironment: { 
            justifyContent: "x1nhvcw1", 
            $$css: !0 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var e = a.anchorXStyle 
          , f = a.children 
          , g = a.disableClosingWithMask; 
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g; 
        var h = a.onClose; 
        h = h === void 0 ? c("emptyFunction") : h; 
        var k = a.size; 
        k = k === void 0 ? "small" : k; 
        var l = a.testid; 
        l = a.title; 
        a = a.xstyle; 
        var m = c("useIsCometOnMobile")(); 
        k = k === "content-mobile-safe" && !m ? "content" : k; 
        var n = d("XPlatReactEnvironment").isWeb() 
          , o = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogLabelID(); 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseDialog.react"), { 
            anchorXStyle: [j.anchor, n && j.anchorWeb, m && j.anchorInMobileEnvironment, e], 
            "aria-label": l == null ? void 0 : l, 
            "aria-labelledby": l == null ? o : void 0, 
            disableClosingWithMask: g, 
            onClose: h, 
            ref: b, 
            rootXStyle: m && j.rootInMobileEnvironment, 
            testid: void 0, 
            withDeprecatedStyles: !0, 
            xstyle: [j.card, n && j.cardWeb, d("MDSDialogSizes").sizeStyles[k], a], 
            children: f 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSCircleButton.react", ["MDSBaseCircleButton.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a); 
        return i.jsx(c("MDSBaseCircleButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            iconRatio: "large" 
        }, a, { 
            ref: b 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                d: "M17.634 11.384a1.25 1.25 0 0 0-1.768-1.768l-7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0 1.768l7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 1.768-1.768l-4.94-4.94a.25.25 0 0 1 .177-.426H26.75a1.25 1.25 0 1 0 0-2.5H12.871a.25.25 0 0 1-.177-.427l4.94-4.94z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerArrowLeftIcon", ["MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react", "SVGIcon"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react")); 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerArrowRight.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                d: "M18.366 11.384a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768-1.768l7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768-1.768l4.94-4.94a.25.25 0 0 0-.177-.426H9.25a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 0-2.5h13.879a.25.25 0 0 0 .176-.427l-4.939-4.94z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerArrowRightIcon", ["MessengerArrowRight.svg.react", "SVGIcon"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerArrowRight.svg.react")); 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react", ["XPlatReactSVG", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs(d("XPlatReactSVG").Svg, babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em", 
            title: a.title 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.children != null && i.jsx(d("XPlatReactSVG").Defs, { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx(d("XPlatReactSVG").Path, { 
                d: "m12.631 25.138 5.196-5.189a.25.25 0 0 1 .353 0l5.197 5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.761L19.95 18.18a.25.25 0 0 1 0-.354l5.188-5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0l-5.197 5.188a.25.25 0 0 1-.353 0l-5.196-5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.761l5.188 5.196a.25.25 0 0 1 0 .354l-5.189 5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.761 0z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogHeader.react", ["fbt", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseHeading.react", "Box.react", "Locale", "MDSCircleButton.react", "MDSGlimmer.react", "MDSText.react", "MessengerArrowLeftIcon", "MessengerArrowRightIcon", "MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"), k = { 
        backButton: { 
            start: "x16q8cke", 
            left: null, 
            right: null, 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            top: "xomnu4r", 
            zIndex: "x1vjfegm", 
            $$css: !0 
        closeButton: { 
            end: "x92rtbv", 
            left: null, 
            right: null, 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            top: "xomnu4r", 
            zIndex: "x1vjfegm", 
            $$css: !0 
        header: { 
            alignItems: "x6s0dn4", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            flexDirection: "x1q0g3np", 
            height: "x1peatla", 
            paddingBottom: "x1l90r2v", 
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13", 
            paddingLeft: null, 
            paddingRight: null, 
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi", 
            paddingTop: "xyamay9", 
            $$css: !0 
        headerGlimmer: { 
            borderTopStartRadius: "xhk9q7s", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "x1otrzb0", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1i1ezom", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x1o6z2jb", 
            height: "xlup9mm", 
            width: "xq1dxzn", 
            $$css: !0 
        headerWithPadding: { 
            paddingEnd: "x525zg8", 
            paddingStart: "xyxze6z", 
            $$css: !0 
    }, l = { 
        center: { 
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k", 
            $$css: !0 
        start: { 
            justifyContent: "x1nhvcw1", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.backButtonType 
          , e = a.closeButtonTestId; 
        e = e === void 0 ? "close-button" : e; 
        e = a.closeButtonType; 
        var f = a.isLoading; 
        f = f === void 0 ? !1 : f; 
        var g = a.onBack 
          , i = a.onClose 
          , m = a.title 
          , n = a.titleHorizontalAlignment; 
        n = n === void 0 ? "center" : n; 
        var o = a.withBackButton; 
        o = o === void 0 ? !1 : o; 
        a = a.withCloseButton; 
        a = a === void 0 ? !1 : a; 
        var p = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogHeaderID(); 
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, { 
            children: [m != null || f === !0 ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), { 
                id: p, 
                xstyle: [k.header, (a || o) && n === "center" && k.headerWithPadding, l[n]], 
                children: f === !0 ? j.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), { 
                    index: 0, 
                    xstyle: k.headerGlimmer 
                }) : j.jsx(c("BaseHeading.react"), { 
                    children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), { 
                        align: "center", 
                        type: "headlineEmphasized3", 
                        children: m 
            }) : null, a ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), { 
                xstyle: k.closeButton, 
                children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), { 
                    color: "primary", 
                    icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react")), 
                    label: h._("__JHASH__tnRfHlva-bL__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: i, 
                    size: 32, 
                    testid: void 0, 
                    type: e 
            }) : null, o ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), { 
                xstyle: k.backButton, 
                children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), { 
                    color: "primary", 
                    icon: d("Locale").isRTL() ? c("MessengerArrowRightIcon") : c("MessengerArrowLeftIcon"), 
                    label: h._("__JHASH__sqTeJmgA5ut__JHASH__"), 
                    onPress: g, 
                    size: 32, 
                    testid: void 0, 
                    type: b 
            }) : null] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("MDSSpinner.react", ["CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    a = function(a) { 
        var b = a.color; 
        b = b === void 0 ? "blue" : b; 
        a = a.size; 
        a = a === void 0 ? 24 : a; 
        return i.jsx(c("CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react"), { 
            color: b !== "blue" ? "disabled" : "blue", 
            size: a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogFooter.react", ["MDSButton.react", "MDSButtonGroup.react", "MDSSpinner.react", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        buttonContainer: { 
            paddingTop: "xyamay9", 
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi", 
            paddingBottom: "x1l90r2v", 
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.callToActionGroupDirection; 
        b = b === void 0 ? "forward" : b; 
        var e = a.callToActionGroupWrap; 
        e = e === void 0 ? "none" : e; 
        var f = a.primaryCallToAction; 
        a = a.secondaryCallToAction; 
        var g = null; 
        if (f != null && a != null) { 
            var h = f.disabled 
              , k = f.loading 
              , l = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(f, ["disabled", "loading"]); 
            g = i.jsx(c("MDSButtonGroup.react"), { 
                direction: b, 
                expanding: !0, 
                paddingHorizontal: 0, 
                paddingTop: 0, 
                primary: babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                    addOnStart: k === !0 ? i.jsx(c("MDSSpinner.react"), { 
                        color: "grey", 
                        size: 24 
                    }) : void 0, 
                    disabled: h === !0 || k, 
                    type: "primary" 
                }, l), 
                secondary: a, 
                size: 36, 
                wrap: e 
        } else if (f != null) { 
            b = f.disabled; 
            h = f.loading; 
            k = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(f, ["disabled", "loading"]); 
            g = i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                addOnStart: h === !0 ? i.jsx(c("MDSSpinner.react"), { 
                    color: "grey", 
                    size: 24 
                }) : void 0, 
                disabled: b === !0 || h, 
                size: 36, 
                type: "primary" 
            }, k)) 
        } else 
            a != null && (g = i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                size: 36, 
                type: "secondary" 
            }, a))); 
        return g != null ? i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, { 
            style: j.buttonContainer, 
            children: g 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogPageLegacy.react", ["MDSDialogFooter.react", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        content: { 
            paddingBottom: "xwib8y2", 
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi", 
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13", 
            $$css: !0 
        textOnlyContent: { 
            textAlign: "x2b8uid", 
            $$css: !0 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var e = a.children 
          , f = a.hasTextOnlyContent; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["children", "hasTextOnlyContent"]); 
        return i.jsxs(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, { 
            ref: b, 
            children: [i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, { 
                style: [j.content, f === !0 && j.textOnlyContent], 
                children: e 
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSDialogFooter.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a))] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSCardedDialog.react", ["BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react", "MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogPageLegacy.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var e = a.callToActionGroupWrap; 
        e = e === void 0 ? "none" : e; 
        var f = a.children 
          , g = a.closeButtonType 
          , h = a.onClose; 
        h = h === void 0 ? function() {} 
        : h; 
        var j = a.header 
          , k = a.title 
          , l = a.titleHorizontalAlignment; 
        l = l === void 0 ? "center" : l; 
        var m = a.withBackButton; 
        m = m === void 0 ? !1 : m; 
        var n = a.onBack 
          , o = a.backButtonType 
          , p = a.withCloseButton; 
        p = p === void 0 ? !1 : p; 
        var q = a.primaryCallToAction 
          , r = a.secondaryCallToAction 
          , s = a.callToActionGroupDirection; 
        s = s === void 0 ? "forward" : s; 
        var t = a.closeButtonTestId; 
        t = t === void 0 ? "close_button" : t; 
        var u = a.hasTextOnlyContent; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["callToActionGroupWrap", "children", "closeButtonType", "onClose", "header", "title", "titleHorizontalAlignment", "withBackButton", "onBack", "backButtonType", "withCloseButton", "primaryCallToAction", "secondaryCallToAction", "callToActionGroupDirection", "closeButtonTestId", "hasTextOnlyContent"]); 
        return i.jsx(d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").BaseDialogLabelIDProvider, { 
            children: i.jsxs(c("MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                onClose: h, 
                ref: b, 
                title: k 
            }, a, { 
                children: [j != null ? j : null, i.jsxs(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), { 
                    children: [i.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), { 
                        backButtonType: o, 
                        closeButtonTestId: t, 
                        closeButtonType: g, 
                        onBack: n, 
                        onClose: h, 
                        title: j == null ? k : null, 
                        titleHorizontalAlignment: l, 
                        withBackButton: m, 
                        withCloseButton: p 
                    }), i.jsx(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), { 
                        children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPageLegacy.react"), { 
                            callToActionGroupDirection: s, 
                            callToActionGroupWrap: e, 
                            hasTextOnlyContent: u, 
                            primaryCallToAction: q, 
                            secondaryCallToAction: r, 
                            children: f 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", ["MDSColumn.react", "MDSColumnItem.react", "MDSGlimmer.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        bodyGlimmer: { 
            borderTopStartRadius: "xhk9q7s", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "x1otrzb0", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1i1ezom", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x1o6z2jb", 
            height: "x1kpxq89", 
            marginBottom: "x1yztbdb", 
            $$css: !0 
        bodyGlimmerFirst: { 
            width: "xktia5q", 
            $$css: !0 
        bodyGlimmerSecond: { 
            width: "x65xoit", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a() { 
        return i.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), { 
            align: "center", 
            spacing: 4, 
            children: [i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), { 
                    index: 0, 
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerFirst] 
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), { 
                    index: 0, 
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerSecond] 
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), { 
                    index: 0, 
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerFirst] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogPage.react", ["BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react", "BaseScrollableArea.react", "XPlatReactEnvironment", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useRef, k = { 
        content: { 
            paddingBottom: "xwib8y2", 
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi", 
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13", 
            $$css: !0 
        root: { 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            flexDirection: "xdt5ytf", 
            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2", 
            position: "x1n2onr6", 
            $$css: !0 
        rootWeb: { 
            maxHeight: "x1yr2tfi", 
            $$css: !0 
        scrollableArea: { 
            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2", 
            $$css: !0 
        textOnlyContent: { 
            textAlign: "x2b8uid", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.children 
          , e = a.disablePageScroll; 
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e; 
        var f = a.footer 
          , g = a.hasTextOnlyContent; 
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g; 
        var h = a.header; 
        a = a.scrollAreaRef; 
        var l = j(null); 
        g = i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, { 
            ref: l, 
            style: [k.content, g === !0 && k.textOnlyContent], 
            children: b 
        return i.jsxs(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, { 
            style: [k.root, d("XPlatReactEnvironment").isWeb() ? k.rootWeb : null], 
            children: [h, b != null && i.jsx(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), { 
                children: e ? g : i.jsx(c("BaseScrollableArea.react"), { 
                    contentRef: l, 
                    horizontal: !1, 
                    ref: a, 
                    vertical: !0, 
                    xstyle: k.scrollableArea, 
                    children: g 
            }), f] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react", ["fbt", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", "MDSDialogPage.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.onClose; 
        var b = a != null; 
        return j.jsx(c("MDSDialogPage.react"), { 
            footer: null, 
            header: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), { 
                isLoading: !0, 
                onClose: a, 
                title: h._("__JHASH__6lD-XyRyuHe__JHASH__"), 
                withBackButton: !1, 
                withCloseButton: b 
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react"), {}) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("MDSDialogContainer.react", ["BaseDialog.react", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseMultiPageView.react", "MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react", "MDSDialogSizes", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        anchor: { 
            paddingTop: "x1x97wu9", 
            paddingBottom: "xbr3nou", 
            paddingStart: "x1c2jvxr", 
            paddingLeft: null, 
            paddingRight: null, 
            paddingEnd: "x1paickk", 
            $$css: !0 
        card: { 
            backgroundColor: "x1jx94hy", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "xxadwq3", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "x3hh19s", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1kl8bxo", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xb3b7hn", 
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir", 
            clipPath: "x1gj8qfm", 
            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2", 
            overflowX: "x6ikm8r", 
            overflowY: "x10wlt62", 
            $$css: !0 
        dialog: { 
            alignItems: "x1qjc9v5", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1qpq9i9", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "xdney7k", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "xu5ydu1", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xt3gfkd", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            overflowX: "x1plvlek", 
            overflowY: "xryxfnj", 
            $$css: !0 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var e = a.anchorXStyle 
          , f = a.children 
          , g = a.disableClosingWithMask; 
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g; 
        var h = a.onClose 
          , k = a.size; 
        k = k === void 0 ? "small" : k; 
        a = a.testid; 
        a = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogLabelID(); 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseDialog.react"), { 
            anchorXStyle: [j.anchor, e], 
            "aria-labelledby": a, 
            disableClosingWithMask: g, 
            onClose: (e = h) != null ? e : c("emptyFunction"), 
            ref: b, 
            testid: void 0, 
            xstyle: [j.dialog, d("MDSDialogSizes").sizeStyles[k]], 
            children: i.jsx(c("BaseMultiPageView.react"), { 
                fallback: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react"), { 
                    onClose: h 
                xstyle: j.card, 
                children: f 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialog.react", ["BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "MDSDialogContainer.react", "MDSDialogPage.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    b = i.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var e = a.anchorXStyle 
          , f = a.disableClosingWithMask 
          , g = a.onClose 
          , h = a.size 
          , j = a.testid; 
        j = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["anchorXStyle", "disableClosingWithMask", "onClose", "size", "testid"]); 
        return i.jsx(d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").BaseDialogLabelIDProvider, { 
            children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogContainer.react"), { 
                anchorXStyle: e, 
                disableClosingWithMask: f, 
                onClose: g, 
                ref: b, 
                size: h, 
                testid: void 0, 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPage.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, j)) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDialogLoadingState.react", ["fbt", "MDSDialog.react", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.onClose; 
        var b = a != null; 
        return j.jsx(c("MDSDialog.react"), { 
            footer: null, 
            header: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), { 
                isLoading: !0, 
                onClose: a, 
                title: h._("__JHASH__6lD-XyRyuHe__JHASH__"), 
                withBackButton: !1, 
                withCloseButton: b 
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react"), {}) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react", ["MDSDialogLoadingState.react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    g["default"] = c("MDSDialogLoadingState.react") 
), 98); 
__d("MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", ["BaseModal.react", "CometPlaceholder.react", "MDSCardedDialog.react", "MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.callToActionGroupDirection 
          , d = a.children 
          , e = a.disableClosingWithMask 
          , f = a.onDismiss; 
        f = f === void 0 ? c("emptyFunction") : f; 
        var g = a.primaryCallToAction 
          , h = a.secondaryCallToAction 
          , j = a.size; 
        j = j === void 0 ? "small" : j; 
        var k = a.title 
          , l = a.titleHorizontalAlignment; 
        a = a.withCloseButton; 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseModal.react"), { 
            blockKeyCommands: !0, 
            stackingBehavior: "above-everything", 
            children: i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                fallback: i.jsx(c("MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react"), { 
                    onClose: f 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSCardedDialog.react"), { 
                    callToActionGroupDirection: b, 
                    disableClosingWithMask: e, 
                    onClose: f, 
                    primaryCallToAction: g, 
                    secondaryCallToAction: h, 
                    size: j, 
                    title: k, 
                    titleHorizontalAlignment: l, 
                    withCloseButton: a, 
                    children: d 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react", ["fbt", "react", "useSetAttributeRef"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useId; 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.size; 
        var b = k() 
          , d = c("useSetAttributeRef")("id", b) 
          , e = "url(#" + b + ")" 
          , f = c("useSetAttributeRef")("clip-path", e); 
        return j.jsxs("svg", { 
            className: "x1lliihq", 
            fill: "none", 
            height: a, 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            width: a, 
            xmlns: "", 
            children: [j.jsx("title", { 
                children: h._("__JHASH__GHJU3Bu9b8k__JHASH__") 
            }), j.jsxs("g", { 
                clipPath: e, 
                ref: f, 
                children: [j.jsx("path", { 
                    d: "M18 36C27.9411 36 36 27.9411 36 18C36 8.05888 27.9411 0 18 0C8.05888 0 0 8.05888 0 18C0 27.9411 8.05888 36 18 36Z", 
                    fill: "#F1F1F1" 
                }), j.jsx("path", { 
                    clipRule: "evenodd", 
                    d: "M27.509 25.8997C28.1761 26.418 28.2142 27.3898 27.6045 27.9745C25.1057 30.371 21.714 31.8436 17.9784 31.8436C14.2428 31.8436 10.8512 30.371 8.35234 27.9746C7.74264 27.3899 7.78075 26.418 8.44782 25.8997C10.8669 24.0202 14.2885 22.8436 17.9784 22.8436C21.6683 22.8436 25.0899 24.0202 27.509 25.8997ZM17.9784 19.5709C14.8984 19.5709 12.2512 17.4366 12.2512 12.7936C12.2512 9.00661 14.663 6.47998 17.9784 6.47998C21.2939 6.47998 23.7057 9.00661 23.7057 12.7936C23.7057 17.4366 21.0584 19.5709 17.9784 19.5709Z", 
                    fill: "black", 
                    fillOpacity: "0.34", 
                    fillRule: "evenodd" 
            }), j.jsx("defs", { 
                children: j.jsx("clipPath", { 
                    id: b, 
                    ref: d, 
                    children: j.jsx("rect", { 
                        fill: "white", 
                        height: "36", 
                        width: "36" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("MDSPhotoUtils", ["Locale"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case 28: 
        case 32: 
        case 36: 
            return 8; 
        case 40: 
        case 48: 
            return 9; 
        case 60: 
            return 14; 
        case 72: 
            return 18; 
            return 8 
    function b(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case 28: 
        case 32: 
        case 36: 
        case 40: 
        case 48: 
            return 2; 
        case 60: 
        case 72: 
            return 4; 
            return 2 
    function c(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case 12: 
            return [6, 1.5]; 
        case 28: 
            return [7, 1.5]; 
        case 32: 
            return [8, 2]; 
        case 36: 
        case 40: 
        case 48: 
            return [9, 2]; 
        case 60: 
            return [14, 4]; 
        case 72: 
            return [18, 4]; 
            return [8, 2] 
    function e(a) { 
        a = Math.sqrt(2) * a - a; 
        a = Math.round(Math.sqrt(a * a / 2)); 
        if (d("Locale").isRTL()) 
            return { 
                bottom: a, 
                left: a, 
                transform: "translate(-50%, 50%)" 
            return { 
                bottom: a, 
                right: a, 
                transform: "translate(50%, 50%)" 
    function f(a) { 
        switch (a) { 
        case 12: 
        case 28: 
        case 32: 
            return -4; 
        case 36: 
        case 40: 
        case 48: 
        case 60: 
            return -2; 
        case 72: 
            return -1; 
            return -4 
    g.getDiagonalFacepileBadgeSize = a; 
    g.getDiagonalFacepileCutoffSpacing = b; 
    g.getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth = c; 
    g.getProfilePhotoBadgePosition = e; 
    g.getHorizontalFacepileCutoffSpacing = f 
), 98); 
__d("MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", ["BaseTheme.react", "CometProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = { 
        dark: { 
            positive: "#45D658" 
        light: { 
            positive: "#31CC46" 
        type: "VARIABLES" 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.size; 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTheme.react"), { 
            config: j, 
            children: i.jsx(c("CometProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react"), { 
                pressed: !1, 
                size: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react", ["DoorFilled12.svg.react", "MDSIcon.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a() { 
        return i.jsx("div", { 
            className: "x1jx94hy x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu x1xhlmw5 x78zum5 x1k7wse1 xq1fj8y xk35gh9 x7kqqw5 x1n2onr6", 
            children: i.jsx("div", { 
                className: "x6s0dn4 xm5zo1x x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu xyqdw3p x10ogl3i xg8j3zb x1k2j06m", 
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), { 
                    color: "white", 
                    icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("DoorFilled12.svg.react")), 
                    size: 10 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSProfilePhoto.react", ["fbt", "BaseImage.react", "BaseSvgImage.react", "CometProfilePhotoLastActiveTimeBadge.react", "MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react", "MDSPhotoUtils", "MDSPressable.react", "MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", "MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react", "getImageSourceURLFromImageish", "react", "stylex", "useSetAttributeRef"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react")); 
    b = j; 
    var l = b.useEffect 
      , m = b.useId 
      , n = b.useState 
      , o = { 
        badge: { 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x14yjl9h", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "xudhj91", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x18nykt9", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xww2gxu", 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            zIndex: "xhtitgo", 
            $$css: !0 
        badgeWithLastActiveTime: { 
            bottom: "x1ey2m1c", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            end: "xds687c", 
            left: null, 
            right: null, 
            justifyContent: "x13a6bvl", 
            start: "x17qophe", 
            $$css: !0 
        insetSVG: { 
            fill: "xbh8q5q", 
            stroke: "x1pwv2dq", 
            strokeWidth: "xvlca1e", 
            $$css: !0 
        pressable: { 
            color: "xzsf02u", 
            display: "x1rg5ohu", 
            $$css: !0 
        pressed: { 
            transform: "x1n5d1j9", 
            $$css: !0 
        svgOverlay: { 
            fill: "x1tgjyoi", 
            $$css: !0 
    e = k.forwardRef(a); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a); 
        var e = a.addOn 
          , f = a.alt 
          , g = f === void 0 ? h._("__JHASH__GHJU3Bu9b8k__JHASH__") : f; 
        f = a.cursorDisabled; 
        var j = a.isOverlapped 
          , q = j === void 0 ? !1 : j; 
        j = a.linkProps; 
        var r = a.onHoverIn 
          , s = a.onHoverOut 
          , t = a.onPress 
          , u = a.onPressIn 
          , v = a.size 
          , w = a.source 
          , x = a.testid; 
        x = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["addOn", "alt", "cursorDisabled", "isOverlapped", "linkProps", "onHoverIn", "onHoverOut", "onPress", "onPressIn", "size", "source", "testid"]); 
        a = n(!1); 
        var y = a[0] 
          , z = a[1] 
          , A = function() { 
            return z(!0) 
        l(function() { 
        }, [w]); 
        var B = m() 
          , C = c("useSetAttributeRef")("id", B) 
          , D = "url(#" + B + ")" 
          , E = c("useSetAttributeRef")("mask", D) 
          , F = function(a, b) { 
            var f = a.overlay; 
            a = a.pressed; 
            var h = d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth(v) 
              , j = h[0]; 
            h = h[1]; 
            var l = v / 2 
              , m = (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) !== "lastActiveTimeBadge" ? d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgePosition(l) : {} 
              , n = e != null ? k.jsx("div", { 
                className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(o.badge, e.type === "lastActiveTimeBadge" && o.badgeWithLastActiveTime), 
                style: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, m), 
                children: k.jsx(p, { 
                    addOn: e, 
                    pressed: a, 
                    size: v 
            }) : null 
              , r = w.uri 
              , s = c("getImageSourceURLFromImageish")(r); 
            m = !y && typeof r !== "string" && s !== "" ? k.jsx(c("BaseImage.react"), { 
                alt: g, 
                height: v, 
                onError: A, 
                src: s, 
                style: { 
                    borderRadius: "50%", 
                    verticalAlign: "bottom" 
                width: v 
            }) : k.jsxs("svg", { 
                "aria-label": g, 
                className: "x3ajldb", 
                role: "img", 
                style: { 
                    height: v, 
                    width: v 
                children: [k.jsx("title", { 
                    children: g 
                }), k.jsxs("mask", { 
                    id: B, 
                    ref: C, 
                    suppressHydrationWarning: !0, 
                    children: [k.jsx("circle", { 
                        cx: l, 
                        cy: l, 
                        fill: "white", 
                        r: l 
                    }), n != null && (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) !== "lastActiveTimeBadge" && k.jsx("circle", { 
                        cx: (s = m.left) != null ? s : v - ((s = m.right) != null ? s : 0), 
                        cy: (s = != null ? s : v - ((s = m.bottom) != null ? s : 0), 
                        fill: "black", 
                        r: Math.max(0, j / 2 + h) 
                    }), q && k.jsx("circle", { 
                        cx: -l + 4, 
                        cy: l, 
                        fill: "black", 
                        r: l + 2 
                }), k.jsxs("g", { 
                    mask: D, 
                    ref: E, 
                    suppressHydrationWarning: !0, 
                    children: [!y && typeof r === "string" && r !== "" ? k.jsx(c("BaseSvgImage.react"), { 
                        onError: A, 
                        src: r, 
                        style: { 
                            height: v, 
                            width: v 
                        x: 0, 
                        y: 0 
                    }) : k.jsx(c("MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react"), { 
                        size: v 
                    }), k.jsx("circle", { 
                        className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(o.insetSVG, a && o.svgOverlay), 
                        cx: l, 
                        cy: l, 
                        r: l 
            return k.jsxs("div", { 
                className: "x1rg5ohu x1n2onr6 x3ajldb x1ja2u2z", 
                ref: b, 
                children: [m, f, n] 
        return !t && !j ? F({ 
            pressed: !1 
        }, b) : k.jsx(c("MDSPressable.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, x, { 
            cursorDisabled: f, 
            linkProps: j, 
            onHoverIn: r, 
            onHoverOut: s, 
            onPress: t, 
            onPressIn: u, 
            overlayRadius: "50%", 
            ref: b, 
            testid: void 0, 
            xstyle: function(a) { 
                a = a.pressed; 
                return [o.pressable, a && o.pressed] 
            children: function(a) { 
                var b = a.overlay; 
                a = a.pressed; 
                return F({ 
                    overlay: b, 
                    pressed: a 
                }, null) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    b = e; 
    function p(a) { 
        var b = a.addOn 
          , e = a.pressed; 
        a = a.size; 
        switch (b.type) { 
        case "availabilityBadge": 
            a = d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth(a); 
            a = a[0]; 
            return k.jsx(c("MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react"), { 
                size: a 
        case "lastActiveTimeBadge": 
            return k.jsx(c("CometProfilePhotoLastActiveTimeBadge.react"), { 
                border: b.border, 
                pressed: e, 
                time: b.time 
        case "companionBadge": 
            return k.jsx(c("MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react"), {}); 
            return null 
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 226); 
__d("MDSThemeConfig", ["cr:8929", "cr:8930"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        dark: b("cr:8929"), 
        light: b("cr:8930"), 
        type: "VARIABLES" 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSTheme.react", ["BaseTheme.react", "MDSThemeConfig", "react", "useCurrentDisplayMode"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useMemo, k = { 
        root: { 
            boxSizing: "x1afcbsf", 
            position: "x1uhb9sk", 
            zIndex: "x1swf91x", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.displayMode; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["displayMode"]); 
        var d = c("useCurrentDisplayMode")() 
          , e = j(function() { 
            var a; 
            return b === "invert" ? d === "dark" ? "light" : "dark" : (a = b) != null ? a : d 
        }, [b, d]); 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTheme.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            config: c("MDSThemeConfig"), 
            displayMode: e, 
            xstyle: k.root 
        }, a)) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSTooltipImpl.react", ["BaseContextualLayer.react", "BaseContextualLayerLayerAdjustmentContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTheme.react", "clearTimeout", "react", "setTimeout", "stylex", "useCometDisplayTimingTrackerForInteraction", "useFadeEffect"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = i || (i = d("react")); 
    b = i; 
    var k = b.useContext 
      , l = b.useLayoutEffect 
      , m = b.useRef 
      , n = b.useState 
      , o = { 
        arrowAbove: { 
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1enjb0b", 
            bottom: "xuvo3zv", 
            clipPath: "xinh0ix", 
            height: "x1v9usgg", 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            start: "x1cgjj4e", 
            transform: "x1158fpu", 
            width: "x6jxa94", 
            $$css: !0 
        arrowBelow: { 
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1npaq5j", 
            clipPath: "x1ii9esy", 
            height: "x1v9usgg", 
            position: "x10l6tqk", 
            start: "x1cgjj4e", 
            top: "x1ans9ou", 
            transform: "x1158fpu", 
            width: "x6jxa94", 
            $$css: !0 
        containerVisible: { 
            opacity: "x1hc1fzr", 
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6", 
            transitionProperty: "x19991ni", 
            $$css: !0 
        contextualLayer: { 
            pointerEvents: "x47corl", 
            $$css: !0 
        outerContainerArrowAboveMarginSpacing: { 
            marginBottom: "xvrx75z", 
            marginTop: "xr9ek0c", 
            $$css: !0 
        outerContainerArrowBelowMarginSpacing: { 
            marginBottom: "xjpr12u", 
            marginTop: "x1is9kpn", 
            $$css: !0 
        tooltipContentContainer: { 
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1lq5wgf", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "xgqcy7u", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x30kzoy", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x9jhf4c", 
            boxShadow: "x152obne", 
            maxWidth: "x86nfjv", 
            opacity: "xg01cxk", 
            paddingTop: "xz9dl7a", 
            paddingEnd: "xn6708d", 
            paddingBottom: "xsag5q8", 
            paddingStart: "x1ye3gou", 
            position: "x1n2onr6", 
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6", 
            transitionProperty: "x19991ni", 
            $$css: !0 
    function p(a) { 
        var b = a.contextualLayerRef; 
        l(function() { 
            var a = b.current; 
            a && a.reposition({ 
                autoflip: !0 
        }, [b]); 
        return null 
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function q(a) { 
        var b; 
        a = a.position; 
        b = (b = k(c("BaseContextualLayerLayerAdjustmentContext"))) != null ? b : 0; 
        return a == null ? null : j.jsx("div", { 
            className: (h || (h = c("stylex")))(a === "above" && o.arrowAbove, a === "below" && o.arrowBelow), 
            style: { 
                transform: "translate(" + -b + "px, 0px) rotate(45deg)" 
    q.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.contentKey 
          , d = a.delayContentMs 
          , e = d === void 0 ? 0 : d; 
        d =; 
        var f = a.isVisible; 
        var g = a.tooltip 
          , i = a.tooltipTheme; 
        i = i === void 0 ? "invert" : i; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["contentKey", "delayContentMs", "headline", "id", "isVisible", "themeWrapper", "tooltip", "tooltipTheme"]); 
        var k = a.position 
          , r = m(null) 
          , s = c("useFadeEffect")(f) 
          , t = s[0] 
          , u = s[1]; 
        s = s[2]; 
        var v = c("useCometDisplayTimingTrackerForInteraction")("ToolTip") 
          , w = m(null) 
          , x = m(f) 
          , y = n(function() { 
            return f === !0 && x.current === !1 && e > 0 
          , z = y[0] 
          , A = y[1]; 
        l(function() { 
            if (f === !0 && x.current === !1 && e > 0) { 
                w.current = c("setTimeout")(function() { 
                    w.current = null 
                }, e); 
                return function() { 
                    w.current = null 
            } else 
                w.current != null && (A(!1), 
                w.current = null); 
            x.current = f 
        }, [e, f]); 
        if (g == null || !t) 
            return null; 
        y = j.jsx("div", { 
            className: "x78zum5 xl56j7k", 
            children: j.jsx(c("CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react"), { 
                color: "dark", 
                size: 20 
        return j.jsx(c("BaseContextualLayer.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            align: "middle" 
        }, a, { 
            imperativeRef: r, 
            ref: v, 
            xstyle: o.contextualLayer, 
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSTheme.react"), { 
                displayMode: i, 
                children: j.jsx("div", { 
                    className: (h || (h = c("stylex")))(k === "below" && o.outerContainerArrowBelowMarginSpacing, k === "above" && o.outerContainerArrowAboveMarginSpacing), 
                    children: j.jsxs("div", { 
                        className: h(o.tooltipContentContainer, u && o.containerVisible), 
                        "data-testid": void 0, 
                        id: d, 
                        ref: s, 
                        role: "tooltip", 
                        children: [j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), { 
                            type: "body4", 
                            children: z ? y : j.jsxs(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
                                fallback: y, 
                                children: [j.jsx(p, { 
                                    contextualLayerRef: r 
                                }), g] 
                            }, b) 
                        }), j.jsx(q, { 
                            position: k 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSTooltip.react", ["BaseTooltip.react", "MDSTooltipImpl.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.delayMs; 
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["delayMs", "label"]); 
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTooltip.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, { 
            delayTooltipMs: b, 
            tooltipImpl: c("MDSTooltipImpl.react") 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MDSFacepilePhoto.react", ["fbt", "BaseContainerQueryElement.react", "BaseTheme.react", "FocusGroup.react", "MDSPhotoUtils", "MDSPressable.react", "MDSProfilePhoto.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTooltip.react", "ReactDOMComet", "focusScopeQueries", "gkx", "intlSummarizeNumber", "react", "stylex", "useIntersectionObserver"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react")); 
    b = j; 
    var l = b.useCallback 
      , m = b.useId 
      , n = b.useRef 
      , o = b.useState; 
    e = d("FocusGroup.react").createFocusGroup(d("focusScopeQueries").tabbableScopeQuery); 
    var p = e[0] 
      , q = e[1] 
      , r = 3 
      , s = { 
        dark: { 
            "secondary-button-background": "#4A4A4A" 
        light: { 
            "secondary-button-background": "#A8A8A8" 
        type: "VARIABLES" 
      , t = { 
        item: { 
            position: "x1n2onr6", 
            $$css: !0 
        itemWithSpacing: { 
            marginStart: "xsgj6o6", 
            $$css: !0 
        overflowItem: { 
            alignItems: "x6s0dn4", 
            borderTopStartRadius: "x14yjl9h", 
            borderTopEndRadius: "xudhj91", 
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x18nykt9", 
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xww2gxu", 
            display: "x78zum5", 
            flexShrink: "x2lah0s", 
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k", 
            pointerEvents: "x71s49j", 
            $$css: !0 
        overflowItemOverlay: { 
            fill: "x1wnuiir", 
            opacity: "xg01cxk", 
            transitionDuration: "x1ebt8du", 
            transitionProperty: "x19991ni", 
            transitionTimingFunction: "x1dhq9h", 
            $$css: !0 
        overflowItemOverlayHovered: { 
            fill: "x4bmajx", 
            opacity: "x1hc1fzr", 
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6", 
            $$css: !0 
        overflowItemOverlayPressed: { 
            fill: "x1tgjyoi", 
            opacity: "x1hc1fzr", 
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6", 
            $$css: !0 
        overlappingLargeItem: { 
            marginStart: "x39eecv", 
            $$css: !0 
        overlappingMediumItem: { 
            marginStart: "x8182xy", 
            $$css: !0 
        overlappingSmallItem: { 
            marginStart: "x139jcc6", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.ellipsisTooltip 
          , e = a.items 
          , f = a.onPressOverflow 
          , g = a.size; 
        a = a.testid; 
        var j = d("MDSPhotoUtils").getHorizontalFacepileCutoffSpacing(g) 
          , l = e.length 
          , o = n(null) 
          , w = m() 
          , x = e.length - r + 1 
          , y = c("intlSummarizeNumber")(x) 
          , z = h._("__JHASH__9XeRgIrgALB__JHASH__", [h._param("number more", y)]) 
          , A = g / 2; 
        a = k.jsxs("div", { 
            className: "x78zum5 x1q0g3np xhsvlbd x16pr9af x6ikm8r x889kno x1a8lsjc x1n2onr6", 
            ref: o, 
            role: "row", 
            children: [e.slice(0, r).map(function(a, b) { 
                a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a); 
                return k.jsxs(k.Fragment, { 
                    children: [k.jsx(c("BaseContainerQueryElement.react"), { 
                        breakpoint: (b + 1) * (g + j) - j, 
                        inverseToContainer: !0, 
                        maxWidth: "100%", 
                        minWidth: 0 
                    }), k.jsx(u, babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, { 
                        FocusItemComponent: q, 
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        RIDE_REENGAGEMENT_FIRST_RIDE: "ride_reengagement_first_ride", 
        GET_RIDE: "give_get_ride", 
        GIVE_RIDE: "send_give_get_ride", 
        REFERER_PROMO: "referer_promo", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_SHARE: "instant_games_share", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_SCORE: "instant_games_score", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_LIVE_STREAM: "instant_games_live_stream", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_games_custom_update", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_CUSTOM_UPDATE_MEDIA: "instant_games_custom_update_media", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_TOURNAMENT_UPDATE: "instant_games_tournament_update", 
        LINK: "link_admin_message", 
        UNLINK: "unlink_admin_message", 
        BLOCK_ALL: "block_all_admin_message", 
        UNBLOCK_ALL: "unblock_all_admin_message", 
        BLOCK_PROMOTION: "block_promotion_admin_message", 
        UNBLOCK_PROMOTION: "unblock_promotion_admin_message", 
        INITIAL_PROMOTION: "initial_promotion_admin_message", 
        WEAK_CONSENT_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "weak_consent_admin_message", 
        MESSENGER_TEAM_BOT_MESSAGE: "messenger_team_bot", 
        MESSENGER_BOT_BASE_GENERIC: "messenger_bot_base_generic", 
        COMMERCE_COMPACT_LIST: "commerce_compact_list", 
        FEEDBACK: "feedback", 
        FORM_PROGRESS: "form_progress", 
        MEDIA: "media", 
        PLACE_CARD: "place_card", 
        MESSENGER_CALL_PROMPT: "messenger_call_prompt", 
        MESSENGER_CALL_USER_PROMPT_SENT: "messenger_call_user_prompt_sent" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("MWChatEncryptedBackupsHandleRestoreWrapper.react", ["cr:6741", "cr:8360", "cr:8748"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        b("cr:6741") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:6741")(); 
        b("cr:8748") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:8748")(); 
        b("cr:8360") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:8360")(); 
        return null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useMWV2ChatCloseTabs", ["MWChatStateActions", "MWChatStateContext", "MWChatStateV2.react", "MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent", "react", "useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useCallback; 
    function a() { 
        var a = c("useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger")() 
          , b = d("MWChatStateContext").useChatState(function(a) { 
            return a.tabs 
          , e = d("MWChatStateV2.react").useDispatch(); 
        return i(function() { 
            a(, "", "messenger"); 
            c("MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
                return { 
                    event_name: "close_all_chat_tabs" 
            var f =; 
            return e(Array.from(b.values()).flatMap(function(a) { 
                return d("MWChatStateActions").closeTab(f, a.tabId) 
        }, [e, b, a]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs", ["MWChatStateActions", "MWChatStateContext", "MWChatStateV2.react", "MWChatStateV2IsOpen", "MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent", "react", "useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useCallback; 
    function a() { 
        var a = c("useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger")() 
          , b = d("MWChatStateContext").useChatState(function(a) { 
            return a.tabs 
          , e = d("MWChatStateV2.react").useDispatch(); 
        return i(function() { 
            a(, "", "messenger"); 
            c("MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
                return { 
                    event_name: "minimize_all_chat_tabs" 
            var f =; 
            return e(Array.from(b.values()).filter(function(a) { 
                return d("MWChatStateV2IsOpen").isOpen(void 0, a) 
            }).flatMap(function(a) { 
                return d("MWChatStateActions").minimizeTab(f, a.tabId) 
        }, [e, b, a]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MWV2ChatOptionsHeadPopover.react", ["fbt", "ix", "ARIA_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER_FIXME", "MWXMenu.react", "MWXMenuItem.react", "fbicon", "react", "useMWV2ChatCloseTabs", "useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k = j || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.hasOpenTabs; 
        babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["hasOpenTabs"]); 
        var e = c("useMWV2ChatCloseTabs")() 
          , f = c("useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs")(); 
        return k.jsxs(c("MWXMenu.react"), { 
            "aria-label": c("ARIA_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER_FIXME"), 
            withArrow: !0, 
            children: [k.jsx(c("MWXMenuItem.react"), { 
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("491584"), 20), 
                onClick: function(a) { 
                    return e() 
                primaryText: h._("__JHASH__NqZo9nQ8ikh__JHASH__"), 
                testid: void 0 
            }), b ? k.jsx(c("MWXMenuItem.react"), { 
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("518013"), 20), 
                onClick: function(a) { 
                    return f() 
                primaryText: h._("__JHASH__hQGxv_C9Fv6__JHASH__"), 
                testid: void 0 
            }) : null] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("MercuryAssert", ["MercuryIDs"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    function h(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined"); 
        if (!d("MercuryIDs").isValid(a)) 
            throw new Error("bad_participant_id " + a) 
    function a(a) { 
    function b(a) { 
        var b = d("MercuryIDs").tokenize(a); 
        if (a == null) 
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined"); 
        if (b.type != "fbid") 
            throw new Error("bad_user_id " + a) 
    function c(a) { 
        var b = d("MercuryIDs").tokenize(a); 
        if (a == null) 
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined"); 
        if (b.type != "email") 
            throw new Error("bad_email_id " + a) 
    function e(a) { 
    function i(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined"); 
        if (!d("MercuryIDs").isValid(a)) 
            throw new Error("bad_thread_id " + a) 
    g.isParticipantID = h; 
    g.allParticipantIDs = a; 
    g.isUserParticipantID = b; 
    g.isEmailParticipantID = c; 
    g.allThreadID = e; 
    g.isThreadID = i 
), 98); 
__d("MercurySourceType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        ABRA_WEB: "source:abra_web", 
        BRAND_COLLABS_MANAGER: "source:brand_collabs_manager", 
        BUSINESS_WHATSAPP_SHARE_XMA: "source:business_whatsapp_share_xma", 
        CMB_BOTTOM_SHEET: "source:chat:cmb_bottom_sheet", 
        CHAT_ORCA: "source:chat:orca", 
        CHAT_LIGHT_SPEED: "source:chat:light_speed", 
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_INBOX: "source:chat:web:light_speed:inbox", 
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_CHAT: "source:chat:web:light_speed:chat", 
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_ROOMS_SIDE_CHAT: "source:chat:web:light_speed:rooms_side_chat", 
        CHAT_IPHONE: "source:chat:iphone", 
        CHAT_JABBER: "source:chat:jabber", 
        CHAT_MEEBO: "source:chat:meebo", 
        CHAT_WEB: "source:chat:web", 
        CHAT_TEST: "source:chat:test", 
        CHAT_FORWARD_DIALOG: "source:chat:forward", 
        CHAT_FULLSCREEN: "source:chat:fullscreen", 
        CHAT: "source:chat", 
        CONTACT_ADD_MUTATION: "source:contact_add:graphql_mutation", 
        CONTACT_ADD_CYMK: "source:contact_add:cymk_suggestion", 
        CONTEXTUAL_PROFILE_MESSAGE: "source:contextual_profile:message", 
        CONTEXTUAL_PROFILE_WAVE: "source:contextual_profile:wave", 
        COWORKER_GROUP: "source:work:coworker_group", 
        COVID_HUB_MENTAL_HEALTH_UNIT: "source:covid_hub_mental_health", 
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN: "source:discovery:customer_chat_plugin", 
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN_ESCALATION: "source:discovery:customer_chat_plugin_escalation", 
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_SUPPORT: "source:integrity:customer_chat_support", 
        DEVELOPER_PLATFORM: "source:developer_platform", 
        EMAIL: "source:email", 
        ENT_FRAMEWORK: "source:ent_framework", 
        EVENT_MESSAGE_BLAST: "source:event_message_blast", 
        EVENT_TICKETING: "source:event_ticket", 
        EVENT_REMINDERS: "source:event_reminders", 
        EVENT_INITIAL_MESSAGE: "source:event_initial_message", 
        EVENT_JOIN_CHAT: "source:event_join_chat", 
        EVENT_CREATION: "source:event_creation", 
        WHITEHAT_FBDL: "source:whitehat_fbdl", 
        GENERIC_ADMIN_TEXT: "source:generic_admin_text", 
        GIGABOXX_API: "source:gigaboxx:api", 
        GIGABOXX_BLAST: "source:gigaboxx:blast", 
        GIGABOXX_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:gigaboxx:emailreply", 
        GIGABOXX_MOBILE: "source:gigaboxx:mobile", 
        GIGABOXX_WAP: "source:gigaboxx:wap", 
        GIGABOXX_WEB: "source:gigaboxx:web", 
        GRATITUDE_LIBRARY: "source:gratitude_library", 
        GROUP_ADMOD_THREAD_AUTOJOIN: "source:group:admod_thread_autojoin", 
        GROUP_THREAD_MESSAGING_BOT: "source:group:thread_messaging_bot", 
        GROUP_GENERAL_THREAD_AUTOJOIN: "source:group:general_thread_autojoin", 
        GROUP_ADMOD_THREAD_MODERATION_QUEUE_ENTRYPOINT: "source:group_admod_thread_moderation_queue_entrypoint", 
        GROUP_SEND_POST_TO_CHAT: "source:group:send_post_to_chat", 
        GROUPS_INVITE_VIA_MESSENGER: "source:groups_invite_via_messenger", 
        FANTASY_GAMES: "source:fantasy_games", 
        INBOX_WHATSAPP_AUTOMATION: "source:inbox_whatsapp_automation", 
        INBOX_WHATSAPP_MIGRATION: "source:inbox_whatsapp_migration", 
        INVITE: "source:invite", 
        LEIA: "source:leia", 
        MESSENGER_WEB: "source:messenger:web", 
        MESSENGER_WEB_SEARCH: "source:messenger:web_search", 
        MESSENGER_UNKNOWN: "source:messenger:unknown", 
        MESSENGER_RESTRICT: "source:messenger:restrict", 
        REFERRALS_DIALOG: "source:referrals:dialog", 
        SAM_UFI: "source:sam:ufi", 
        SHARE_DIALOG: "source:share:dialog", 
        SEND_PLUGIN: "source:sendplugin", 
        SMS: "source:sms", 
        SSI_RESOURCES: "source:ssi_resources", 
        TEST: "source:test", 
        TITAN_WAP: "source:titan:wap", 
        TITAN_M_BASIC: "source:titan:m_basic", 
        TITAN_M_FREE: "source:titan:m_free_basic", 
        TITAN_M_JAPAN: "source:titan:m_japan", 
        TITAN_M_MINI: "source:titan:m_mini", 
        TITAN_M_TOUCH: "source:titan:m_touch", 
        TITAN_M_APP: "source:titan:m_app", 
        TITAN_M_TABLET: "source:titan:m_tablet", 
        TITAN_M_ZERO: "source:titan:m_zero", 
        TITAN_M_TALK: "source:titan:m_talk", 
        TITAN_WEB: "source:titan:web", 
        TITAN_FACEWEB_ANDROID: "source:titan:faceweb_android", 
        TITAN_FACEWEB_BUFFY: "source:titan:faceweb_buffy", 
        TITAN_FACEWEB_IPAD: "source:titan:faceweb_ipad", 
        TITAN_FACEWEB_IPHONE: "source:titan:faceweb_iphone", 
        TITAN_FACEWEB_UNKNOWN: "source:titan:faceweb_unknown", 
        TITAN_API: "source:titan:api", 
        TITAN_API_MOBILE: "source:titan:api_mobile", 
        TITAN_ORCA: "source:titan:orca", 
        TITAN_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:titan:emailreply", 
        MOBILE: "source:mobile", 
        PAGE_PLATFORM_API: "source:page_platform_api", 
        PAGE_UNIFIED_INBOX: "source:page_unified_inbox", 
        WHATSAPP_CALLBACK: "source:wa_callback", 
        UNKNOWN: "source:unknown", 
        WEB: "source:web", 
        WESTWORLD: "source:westworld", 
        TESTDATA: "source:testdata", 
        HELPCENTER: "source:helpcenter", 
        HUDDLE: "source:huddle", 
        NEW_SHARE_DIALOG: "source:share:dialog:new", 
        PAID_PROMOTION: "source:paid_promotion", 
        BUFFY_SMS: "source:buffy:sms", 
        WEBRTC_MOBILE: "source:webrtc:mobile", 
        CLICK_TO_DIRECT_LEAD_GEN: "source:click:to:direct:lead:gen", 
        MESSENGER_COMMERCE: "source:messenger:commerce", 
        MESSENGER_BOT: "source:bot", 
        GEN_AI_BOT: "source:gen_ai_bot", 
        GEN_AI_WA_USER_INVOKE: "source:gen_ai_wa_user_invoke", 
        GEN_AI_BOT_WELCOME: "source:gen_ai_bot_welcome", 
        GEN_AI_DISCOVERY_BOTTOMSHEET: "source:gen_ai_discovery_bottomsheet", 
        GEN_AI_FB_CONTEXT_INJECTION: "source:gen_ai_fb_context_injection", 
        MESSENGER_AI_BOT_WELCOME: "source:ai_bot_welcome", 
        MESSENGER_CHAT_ENTITY: "source:messenger:chat_entity", 
        SERVICES_QPC_CTA_TRIGGER_MESSAGE: "source:services:qpc:cta:trigger:message", 
        MESSENGER_EMPLOYEE_ONLY_BOT: "source:bot:employee_only", 
        MESSENGER_OMNIM: "source:messenger:omnim", 
        PAGES_PRIVATE_REPLY: "source:pages:private_reply", 
        MESSENGER_FORWARD_DIALOG: "source:messenger:forward", 
        MESSENGER_AD: "source:messenger:ad", 
        CLICK_TO_MESSENGER_AD: "source:click_to_messenger_ad", 
        CLICK_TO_MESSENGER_CALL_AD: "source:click_to_messenger_call_ad", 
        CLICK_TO_DIRECT_AD: "source:click_to_direct_ad", 
        MARKETPLACE: "source:marketplace", 
        MARKETPLACE_BUSINESS_MESSAGING: "source:marketplace:bizmsg", 
        MARKETPLACE_CARE: "source:marketplace:care", 
        MARKETPLACE_BOT: "source:marketplace:bot", 
        MARKETPLACE_INBOX: "source:marketplace_inbox", 
        PAYMENTS_BOT: "source:payments:bot", 
        CHEX_C2C: "source:chex:c2c", 
        MESSENGER_LEAD_GEN: "source:messenger:lead_gen", 
        PAGES_MESSAGE_SHORTLINK: "source:pages:message_shortlink", 
        STICKER_SUBSCRIBE: "source:messenger:sticker_subscribe", 
        PHOTO_TAG: "source:messenger:photo_tag", 
        INTERN_APPROVALS: "source:intern:approvals", 
        INTERNAL_TEST_INBOX: "source:internal:test_inbox", 
        INTERNAL_TEST_PENDING: "source:internal:test_pending", 
        INTERNAL_TEST_OTHER: "source:internal:test_other", 
        INTERNAL_TEST_ML_ONLY: "source:internal:test_ml_only", 
        JOB_SEARCH_APPLICATION: "source:job_search:application", 
        JOB_SEARCH_JOB_OPENING: "source:job_search:job_opening", 
        MEMORIES: "source:memories", 
        MESSENGER_JOINABLE_LINK: "source:messenger:joinable_link", 
        MESSENGER_JOINABLE_GROUP_LINK: "source:messenger:joinable_group_link", 
        MESSENGER_ADD_WITH_APPROVAL: "source:messenger:add_with_approval", 
        MESSENGER_SMS_BRIDGE_CONVERT: "source:messenger:sms_bridge_conversion", 
        TINCAN_ORCA: "source:tincan:orca", 
        TINCAN_IOS: "source:tincan:ios", 
        TINCAN_UNKNOWN: "source:tincan:unknown", 
        FACEBOOK_GROUPS_CHANNELS: "source:groups:channels", 
        GROUP_COMMERCE: "source:group_commerce", 
        INTERNAL_TOOL: "source:internal:tool", 
        PAGE_COMMENT_OPT_IN: "source:pages:opt_in", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM: "source:pages:platform", 
        PAGES_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:recommendation", 
        PAGES_ORDER_MANAGEMENT: "source:pages:order_management", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE: "source:pages:auto_response", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_INSTANT_REPLY: "source:pages:auto_response:instant_reply", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_AWAY_MESSAGE: "source:pages:auto_response:away_message", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_CUSTOM_QUESTIONS: "source:pages:auto_response:custom_questions", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_KEYWORD_DETECTION: "source:pages:auto_response:keyword_detection", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_JOB_APPLICATION: "source:pages:auto_response:job_application", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_COMMENT_TO_INBOX: "source:pages:auto_response:comment_to_inbox", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_APPOINTMENT_REMINDER: "source:pages:auto_response:appointment_reminder", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_ORGANIC_INTAKE_FORM: "source:pages:auto_response:organic_intake_form", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_NOT_RESPONDED: "source:pages:auto_response:not_responded", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_CUSTOM_AUTOMATION: "source:pages:auto_response:custom_automation", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_CONTACT: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_contact", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_HOURS: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_hours", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_LOCATION: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_location", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_positive_feedback", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_NEGATIVE_FEEDBACK: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_negative_feedback", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_POSITIVE_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:auto_response:positive_recommendation", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_NEGATIVE_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:auto_response:negative_recommendation", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SHIPPING_UPDATES: "source:pages:auto_response:shipping_updates", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FOLLOWUP_MESSAGE: "source:pages:auto_response:followup_message", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FUNDRAISER_CREATED: "source:pages:auto_response:fundraiser_created", 
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FUNDRAISER_DONATION: "source:pages:auto_response:fundraiser_donation", 
        PAGES_INVITE: "source:pages:invite", 
        PAGES_INVITE_SEND_MESSAGE_BOTTOMSHEET: "source:pages:invite_send_message_bottomsheet", 
        PAGES_CHAT_EXTENSION: "source:pages:chat_extension", 
        PAGES_COMPOSER: "source:pages:composer", 
        PAGES_SMB_LEAD_GEN: "source:pages:smb_lead_gen", 
        PTX: "source:ptx", 
        SAVED_CHAT_EXTENSION: "source:saved:chat_extension", 
        CREATOR_PAGE_INITIATE_TO_CREATOR_PAGE: "source:pages:creator_page_initiate_to_creator_page", 
        LIVE_VIDEO_CHAT: "source:live_video_chat", 
        LIVE_EVENT_CHAT: "source:live_event_chat", 
        GEMSTONE: "source:gemstone", 
        WATCH_PARTY: "source:watch_party", 
        WORK_ACTIVATION_CARD_GENERAL_GROUP_CHAT: "source:work:activation_card_general_group_chat", 
        SCHOOL_COMMUNITY: "source:school_community", 
        SCHOOL_COMMUNITY_COURSE: "source:school_community_course", 
        SOCIAL_ASSISTANT: "source:social_assistant", 
        BELL_RESEARCH: "source:bell_research", 
        BELL_MESSENGER_LINKED: "source:bell_messenger_linked", 
        BELL_MESSENGER_UNLINKED: "source:bell_messenger_unlinked", 
        BELL_MESSENGER_ONBOARD: "source:bell_messenger_onboard", 
        PROFILE_MEET_NEW_FRIENDS: "source:profile_meet_new_friends", 
        PROFILE_MEET_NEW_FRIENDS_REPLY: "source:profile_meet_new_friends_reply", 
        OCULUS_COMMUNICATOR: "source:oculus_communicator", 
        OCULUS_COMMUNICATOR_SALSA_AGE_DOWN: "source:oculus_communicator:salsa_age_down", 
        OCULUS_MEDIA_MESSAGING: "source:oculus_media_messaging", 
        OCULUS_SHARE_TO_MESSENGER: "source:oculus_share_to_messenger", 
        BFF_BOT: "source:bff:bot", 
        PROFILE_PLUS_ORGANIC_LEAD_GEN: "source:profile_plus_organic_lead_gen", 
        FRIENDING_ADMIN_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:friending_admin_bump", 
        NEW_MESSENGER_USER_ADMIN_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:new_messenger_user_admin_bump", 
        EVENT_UPCOMING_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:event_upcoming_bump", 
        PHOTO_TAG_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:photo_tag_bump", 
        WALL_POST_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:wall_post_bump", 
        FRIENDVERSARY_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:friendversary_bump", 
        CUSTOMIZATION_UPSELL_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:customization_upsell_bump", 
        MESSENGER_BROADCASTFLOW: "source:messenger:broadcastflow", 
        PAGE_COMMENT_MSG: "source:pages:question_triggered_convo", 
        COMMENT_PIVOT: "source:messenger_growth:comment_pivot", 
        PAGE_HOVERCARD: "source:pages:hovercard", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_GAME_UPDATE: "source:instant_games_game_updates", 
        FANTASY_GAMES_GAME_UPDATE: "source:fantasy_games_game_updates", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_GAME_SHARE: "source:instant_games_game_share", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_MATCH_MAKING: "source:instant_games_match_making", 
        INSTANT_GAMES_GROUP_CREATION: "source:instant_games_group_creation", 
        MOBILE_GAME_SHARE: "source:games_app:mobile_game_share", 
        GAMES_SERVICE_GAME_INVITE: "source:games_service_game_invite", 
        GAMES_SERVICE_GAME_REQUEST: "source:games_service_game_request", 
        PAGE_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:pages:email_reply", 
        PAGE_HOME_PAGE_PANEL: "source:page_home_page_panel", 
        GROUPSYNC_MESSENGER_GROUP_CREATE: "source:groupsync:messenger_group_create", 
        GROUPSYNC_SYNC_FROM_FB: "source:groupsync:sync_from_fb", 
        GROUPSYNC_NAMING: "source:groupsync:naming", 
        GROUPSYNC_THREAD_INFO_SYNC_FROM_FB: "source:groupsync:thread_info_sync", 
        GROUPSYNC_THREAD_INFO_SYNC_FROM_FB_NON_PARTICIPANT: "source:groupsync:thread_info_sync_non_participant", 
        WORK_GARDEN_CREATION: "source:work:garden:creation", 
        COWORKING: "source:coworking", 
        WORKROOM_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:workroomchat:member_sync", 
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_CREATION: "source:work:groupchat:creation", 
        WORK_DEFAULT_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_CREATION: "source:work:defaultgroupchat:creation", 
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:member_sync", 
        WORK_MEETING_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:meetingchat:member_sync", 
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_DESCRIPTION_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:description_sync", 
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_NAME_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:name_sync", 
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_OPT_IN: "source:work:groupchat:opt_in", 
        PAGE_PQI_MESSAGE: "source:pages:pqi_message", 
        PAGE_PLUGIN_MESSAGE: "source:pages:page_plugin_message", 
        WORKPLACE_CHAT_DESKTOP: "source:workchat:desktop", 
        WORKPLACE_QUICKCHAT: "source:workchat:quickchat", 
        WORKPLACE_SIGNUP_PAGE_ADMIN_INVITE: "source:workplace:signup_page_admin_invite", 
        WORKPLACE_SUBTYPING_MIGRATION: "source:workplace:subtyping", 
        WORKPLACE_APPROVALS: "source:workplace:approvals", 
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_CALL: "source:workplace:teamwork_call", 
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_TEST: "source:workplace:test", 
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_GROUP_POST: "source:workplace:group_post", 
        CREATOR_STUDIO: "source:creator_studio", 
        FB_GROUP_ADMINSHIP_SYNC: "source:fbgroup:adminship_sync", 
        FB_GROUP_CHAT_MUTE_MEMBER: "source:fbgroup:mute_member", 
        MESSENGER_ADS_PARTIAL_AUTOMATED_REMINDER: "source:ads_partial_automated:reminder", 
        AR_CALLING_PARROT_BOT: "source:ar_calling:parrot_bot", 
        COMMUNITY_HELP_LISTING: "source:community_help_listing", 
        FUNDRAISER_MESSAGE_BLAST: "source:fundraiser_message_blast", 
        MENTORSHIP: "source:mentorship", 
        MENTORSHIP_DISCUSSION_TOPIC: "source:mentorship_discussion_topic", 
        MENTORSHIP_OUTREACH: "source:mentorship_outreach", 
        NONPROFIT_SUPPORTER_LIST: "source:nonprofit_supporter_list", 
        VOLUNTEERING_ORGANIZER_REACHOUT: "source:volunteering_organizer_reachout", 
        VOD_CONVERSATION: "source:vod_conversation", 
        LOCAL_SEARCH_SERVICES: "source:local_search_services", 
        YOUTH_VAULT: "source:youth_vault", 
        MESSENGER_KIDS: "source:messenger_kids", 
        MESSENGER_KIDS_ACTIVITY: "source:messenger_kids:activity", 
        STORY_REPLY: "source:story_reply", 
        LOCAL_DEV_PLATFORM: "source:local_dev_platform", 
        INSTAGRAM_DIRECT: "source:instagram_direct", 
        WA_MSGR_INTEROP: "source:wa-msgr-interop", 
        C4G_CURRENT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ENTINTEGRITY: "source:c4g_current_group_members_entintegrity", 
        CHATROOM: "source:chatroom", 
        WHITECLAW_BOT: "source:intern:whiteclaw", 
        FB_FEED: "source:fb_feed", 
        FB_GROUPS: "source:fb_groups", 
        FB_INBOX: "source:messaging_inbox_in_blue", 
        FB_JOINABLE_VIDEO_CHATS: "source:fb_joinable_video_chats", 
        FB_MENTIONS_MESSENGER_SHARING: "source:fb_mentions_messenger_sharing", 
        FB_PAGE: "source:fb_page", 
        FB_PROFILE: "source:fb_profile", 
        FB_SEARCH_NULLSTATE_GLOBAL: "source:fb_search_nullstate_global", 
        FB_SEARCH: "source:fb_search", 
        FB_STORY: "source:fb_story", 
        FB_STATUS: "source:fb_status", 
        FB_TOP_OF_FEED_UNIT: "source:fb_top_of_feed_unit", 
        FEED: "source:feed", 
        MIB_NOTIFICATION: "source:mib_notification", 
        KOTOTORO: "source:kototoro", 
        SHARESHEET: "source:sharesheet", 
        UFI: "source:ufi", 
        ADMIN_ASSIST_RECURRING_MESSAGES: "source:admin_assist_recurring_messages", 
        PRIVATE_SHARING_FORWARD_SUPER_SHARE_SHEET: "source:private_sharing_forward_super_share_sheet", 
        ROOMS_INVITE: "source:rooms_invite", 
        IG_ROOMS: "source:ig_rooms", 
        FRIENDS_HOME: "source:friends_home", 
        FRIENDS_HOME_SENDER_SIDE_POST_ACCEPT: "source:friends_home:sender_side_post_accept", 
        NPE_WHALE: "source:npe_whale", 
        NPE_POUTINE: "source:npe_poutine", 
        NPE_HOBBI: "source:npe_hobbi", 
        SHOPS_XMA_DOGFOODING: "source:shops_xma_dogfooding", 
        SHOPS_QA: "source:shops_qa", 
        CHAT_FOR_ROOM: "source:chat_for_room", 
        WORK_AUTOMATION: "source:work_automation", 
        WORK_ROOM_INCALL_CHAT: "source:work_room_incall_chat", 
        MESSENGER_ROOM_INCALL_CHAT: "source:messenger_room_incall_chat", 
        SECURITY_ACADEMY_BOT: "source:security_academy_bot", 
        VR_MESSENGER: "source:vr_messenger", 
        PRODUCT_PICKER: "product_picker", 
        STARS_ONBOARDING: "source:stars_onboarding", 
        N4M: "source:novi_for_messenger", 
        ARMADILLO_WA: "source:armadillo_wa", 
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_CREATION: "source:online_learning_class_creation", 
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_GOING: "source:online_learning_class_going", 
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_ADMIN_SYNC: "source:online_learning_class_admin_sync", 
        PORTAL_CONTACT_GROUP: "source:portal_contact_group", 
        CAREER_CHAT_THREAD: "source:career_chat_thread", 
        CUSTOMER_DATA_BIZ_TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATES: "source:biz_messaging:transactional_updates", 
        THREAD_HISTORY_TRUNCATION: "source:thread_history_truncation", 
        SERVICEFRIEND: "source:servicefriend", 
        FINANCIAL_INTEGRITY_CORRESPONDENCE_FRAMEWORK: "source:financial_integrity_correspondence_framework", 
        MIB_RTC_CALL_XMA: "source:mib_rtc_call_xma", 
        SUPPORT_BOT: "source:support_bot", 
        CHECKBOX_PLUGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN: "source:checkbox_plugin_marketing_opt_in", 
        CHECKBOX_PLUGIN_PROMOTIONAL_OPT_IN: "source:checkbox_plugin_promotional_opt_in", 
        BUSINESS_SUPPORT_MESSAGING: "source:business_support_messaging", 
        LIVE_SHOPPING_MESSAGING_ORDER: "source:live_shopping_messaging_order", 
        HORIZON_SHARING: "source:horizon_sharing", 
        HORIZON_MESSENGER: "source:horizon_messenger", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_IMPLICIT_AUTO_JOIN: "source:community_chats_implicit_auto_join", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_CONTENT_VISIBILITY_DISCLAIMER: "source:community_chats_content_visibility_disclaimer", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_PARTICIPANT_ACTIONS: "source:community_chats_participant_actions", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_INVITE_FROM_POLL: "source:community_chats_invite_from_poll", 
        SUBSCRIPTIONS: "source:subscriptions", 
        PRIVACY_PORTAL_BOT: "source:privacy_portal_bot", 
        SIMPLE_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE: "source:simple_notification_service", 
        MESSAGING_OFFER_ONE_WAY: "source:messaging_offer_one_way", 
        MESSENGER_PUBLIC_CHATS: "source:messenger_public_chats", 
        COMMENT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE: "source:comment:private_message", 
        COMMENT_IN_THREAD_NOTIFICATION: "source:comment:in_thread_notification", 
        COMMUNITY_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_VALIDATION: "source:cm:participant_validation", 
        COMMUNITY_CHAT_RECALL_MESSAGE_ADMIN_TEXT: "source:cm:recall_msg_admin_text", 
        GROUP_CHAT_PAUSED_STATE_UPDATE: "source:group_chat_paused_state_update", 
        CM_THREAD_SUMMARIES: "source:cm_thread_summaries", 
        USER_DELETION: "source:user_deletion", 
        PUBLIC_CHAT_JOIN_VIA_THREAD_ID: "source:public_chat_join_via_thread_id", 
        PUBLIC_CHAT_INSPIRATION_HUB: "source:public_chat_inspiration_hub", 
        MM_STALE_THREAD_FOLLOW_UP_MESSAGE: "source:mm_stale_thread_follow_up_message", 
        LEAD_ADS_OPT_IN_MESSAGING: "source:lead_ads_opt_in_messaging", 
        OTP_VERIFICATION: "otp_verification", 
        LAUNCHMATE: "source:launchmate", 
        ACTIONABLE_INSIGHTS_INTERNAL: "source:actionable_insights_internal", 
        BM_GENAI_AGENT_HUMAN_TAKEOVER_TRIGGER: "source:bm_genai_agent_human_takeover_trigger", 
        BM_GENAI_AGENT: "source:bm_genai_agent", 
        META_AI_BUSINESS_AGENT_WA_CONSUMER: "source:meta_ai_business_agent_wa_consumer", 
        META_AI_BUSINESS_AGENT_WA_BUSINESS: "source:mera_ai_business_agent_wa_business", 
        MESSENGER_P2B_THREAD_DXMA: "source:messenger_p2b_thread_dxma", 
        MORPHING_JOB: "source:morphing_job", 
        GEO_MESSAGING_THREAD: "source:geo_messaging_thread", 
        CW_ACCESS_REDUCTION: "source:cw_access_reduction", 
        EARLY_ACCESS_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_POST: "source:early_access_broadcast_channel_post", 
        SHARE_TO_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_POST: "source:share_to_broadcast_channel_post", 
        CHANNELS_XPOSTING: "source:channels_xposting", 
        CHANNELS_IN_PERSONAL_INBOX: "source:channels_in_personal_inbox", 
        THREAD_SUBSCRIPTION: "source:thread_subscription", 
        MESSENGER_MEMORIES: "source:messenger_memories", 
        CREATOR_CUES_MEMBERSHIP_MILESTONE: "source:creator_cues_membership_milestone", 
        CREATOR_CUES_ENGAGEMENT_REMINDER: "source:creator_cues_engagement_reminder", 
        WORK_MEETINGS_CHAT: "source:work_meetings_chat", 
        WORK_MEETINGS_TEMP_PARTICIPANT_SYNC: "source:work_meetings_chat_temp_participants", 
        WORKING_TEAM: "source:working_team", 
        FAN_RECOGNITION_DIRECT_MESSAGE_POST: "source:fan_recognition_direct_message_post", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_GENERAL: "source:biz_messaging:general", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_COMMERCE: "source:biz_messaging:commerce", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_P2M: "source:biz_messaging:p2m", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_P2P: "source:biz_messaging:p2p", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_BUYER_SMART_SUGGESTION: "source:biz_messaging:buyer_smart_suggestion", 
        BIZ_MESSAGING_LEAD_GEN: "source:biz_messaging:lead_gen" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("bs_js_null_undefined", ["bs_caml_option"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return a; 
            return b(a) 
    function c(a, b) { 
        if (!(a == null)) 
            return b(a) 
    function d(a) { 
        if (a !== void 0) 
            return b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(a) 
    e = d; 
    f.bind = a; 
    f.iter = c; 
    f.fromOption = d; 
    f.from_opt = e 
), null); 
__d("", ["MercuryAssert", "bs_js_null_undefined"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = {} 
      , i = {}; 
    function a(a) { 
        return c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(h[a.toLowerCase()]) 
    function b(a) { 
        return c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(i[a]) 
    function e(a) { 
        return i[a] !== void 0 
    function f(a) { 
        return h[a.toLowerCase()] !== void 0 
    function j(a, b) { 
        a = a.toLowerCase(); 
        h[a] = b; 
        i[b] = a 
    g.vanityToID = h; 
    g.idToVanity = i; 
    g.getID = a; 
    g.getVanity = b; 
    g.hasID = e; 
    g.hasVanity = f; 
    g.set = j 
), 98); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = {}; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        g[a] = b 
    function b(a) { 
        a = g[a]; 
        if (a !== void 0) 
            return a; 
            return null 
    f._store = g; 
    f.setMessageIDForAttachmentID = a; 
    f.getMessageIDForAttachmentID = b 
), 66); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        switch (a) { 
        case "can_unsend": 
            return "can_unsend"; 
        case "deny_for_specific_ids": 
            return "deny_for_specific_ids"; 
        case "deny_if_cannot_load_thread": 
            return "deny_if_cannot_load_thread"; 
        case "deny_if_marketplace_thread": 
            return "deny_if_marketplace_thread"; 
        case "deny_if_page_thread": 
            return "deny_if_page_thread"; 
        case "deny_if_thread_contains_pau": 
            return "deny_if_thread_contains_pau"; 
            return null 
    f.fromNullableString = a 
), 66); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        switch (a) { 
        case "can_unsend": 
            return "can_unsend"; 
        case "deny_blob_attachment": 
            return "deny_blob_attachment"; 
        case "deny_for_non_sender": 
            return "deny_for_non_sender"; 
        case "deny_log_message": 
            return "deny_log_message"; 
        case "deny_p2p_payment": 
            return "deny_p2p_payment"; 
        case "deny_story_reaction": 
            return "deny_story_reaction"; 
        case "deny_tombstone_message": 
            return "deny_tombstone_message"; 
            return null 
    f.fromNullableString = a 
), 66); 
__d("MessagingGenericAdminTextType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        ALOHA_AUTOCONNECT_INVITED: "aloha_autoconnect_invited", 
        ALOHA_CONTACT_ADDED: "aloha_contact_added", 
        ALOHA_CONTACT_ADDED_TO_ALOHA_PROXY_USER: "aloha_contact_added_to_aloha_proxy_user", 
        ALOHA_CONTACT_REMOVED: "aloha_contact_removed", 
        ALOHA_INVITE_OWNER_ACCEPT: "aloha_invite_owner_accept", 
        ALOHA_INVITE_OWNER_DECLINE: "aloha_invite_owner_decline", 
        ALOHA_MEDIA_ADDED: "aloha_media_added", 
        ALOHA_MEDIA_SENT: "aloha_media_sent", 
        ALOHA_VISUAL_MEDIA_SENT: "aloha_visual_media_sent", 
        ALOHA_OWNER_INVITED: "aloha_owner_invited", 
        ALOHA_PROXY_USER_NAME_SET: "aloha_proxy_user_name_set", 
        ALOHA_PROXY_USER_PROFILE_PHOTO_SET: "aloha_proxy_user_profile_photo_set", 
        ALOHA_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_SET: "aloha_wifi_credentials_set", 
        ALOHA_USER_JOINED_CALL_ON_ALOHA: "aloha_user_joined_call_on_aloha", 
        ALOHA_CALL_ENDED_ON_ALOHA: "aloha_call_ended_on_aloha", 
        ALOHA_CALL_INVITE: "aloha_call_invite", 
        BCMP_RESPOND_TO_PROJECT_BRIEF: "bcmp_respond_to_project_brief", 
        BCMP_BRAND_INITIATED_MESSAGE: "bcmp_brand_initiated_message", 
        BCMP_CAMPAIGN_INVITE: "bcmp_campaign_invite", 
        MADE_POLL_VOTE: "made_poll_vote", 
        GROUP_POLL: "group_poll", 
        GROUP_POLL_DELETED: "group_poll_deleted", 
        GENERIC_NEW_CONNECTION: "generic_new_connection", 
        CONFIRM_FRIEND_REQUEST: "confirm_friend_request", 
        THREAD_CUSTOMIZATION_UPSELL: "thread_customization_upsell", 
        PHONE_CONTACT_UPLOAD: "phone_contact_upload", 
        RELATIONSHIP_CREATED: "relationship_created", 
        ACCEPT_PENDING_THREAD: "accept_pending_thread", 
        RAMP_UP_WELCOME_MESSAGE: "ramp_up_welcome_message", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_THEME: "change_thread_theme", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_THEME_TO_LOCATION_THEME: "change_thread_theme_to_location_theme", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_ICON: "change_thread_icon", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_QUICK_REACTION: "change_thread_quick_reaction", 
        GROUP_THREAD_CREATED: "group_thread_created", 
        THREAD_EPHEMERAL_SEND_MODE: "thread_ephemeral_send_mode", 
        INVITE_ACCEPTED: "invite_accepted", 
        MESSENGER_INVITE_SENT: "messenger_invite_sent", 
        TURN_ON_PUSH: "turn_on_push", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_COLOR: "journey_prompt_color", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_LIKE: "journey_prompt_like", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_NICKNAME: "journey_prompt_nickname", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_SETUP: "journey_prompt_setup", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_NICKNAME: "change_thread_nickname", 
        NOTIFY_GROUP_MAYORSHIP: "notify_group_mayorship", 
        PROMPT_GROUP_MAYORSHIP_CUSTOMIZATION: "prompt_group_mayorship_customization", 
        MESSAGE_COUNT_MILESTONE_MESSAGE: "message_count_milestone_message", 
        BOT_THREAD_SUBSCRIPTION: "bot_thread_subscription", 
        RTC_CALL_LOG: "rtc_call_log", 
        RTC_PAGE_CALLBACK: "rtc_page_callback", 
        RTC_INSTANT_VIDEO_LIFECYCLE: "rtc_instant_video_lifecycle", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_BOT: "journey_prompt_bot", 
        RIDE_ORDERED_MESSAGE: "ride_ordered_message", 
        DESTINATION_ETA_MESSAGE: "destination_eta_message", 
        RIDE_ARRIVED_MESSAGE: "ride_arrived_message", 
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_NEW_SETUP: "journey_prompt_new_setup", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_CREATE: "lightweight_event_create", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_DELETE: "lightweight_event_delete", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_NOTIFY: "lightweight_event_notify", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_NOTIFY_BEFORE_EVENT: "lightweight_event_notify_before_event", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_RSVP: "lightweight_event_rsvp", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE: "lightweight_event_update", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_LOCATION: "lightweight_event_update_location", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_TIME: "lightweight_event_update_time", 
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_TITLE: "lightweight_event_update_title", 
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_SENT: "safety_location_request_sent", 
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_RESPONDED: "safety_location_request_responded", 
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_DENIED: "safety_location_request_denied", 
        AD_MANAGE_MESSAGE: "ad_manage_message", 
        ADMIN_TEXT_WITH_LINK: "admin_text_with_link", 
        ADMIN_TEXT_WITH_RPC: "admin_text_with_rpc", 
        AD_REPLY_MESSAGE: "ad_reply_message", 
        TAGGED_PHOTO: "tagged_photo", 
        GAME_SCORE: "game_score", 
        INSTANT_GAME_UPDATE: "instant_game_update", 
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_INTRO: "instant_game_bot_intro", 
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_FEEDBACK: "instant_game_bot_feedback", 
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_MESSAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT: "instant_game_bot_message_subscription_management", 
        INSTANT_GAME_WORLD_CUP_INTRO: "intant_games_world_cup_intro", 
        INSTANT_GAME_CUSTOM_UPDATE_NUX_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "instant_game_custom_update_nux_admin_message", 
        INSTANT_GAME_CUSTOM_UPDATE_MUTE_MANAGEMENT: "instant_game_custom_update_mute_management", 
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_PROMPT_GENERIC_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "instant_game_bot_prompt_generic_admin_message", 
        INSTANT_GAME_OFFLINE_MATCH_INTRO: "instant_game_offline_match_intro", 
        INSTANT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_REMINDER: "instant_game_tournament_reminder", 
        MEDIA_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGE: "media_subscription_manage", 
        M_AI_SURVEY: "m_ai_survey", 
        PHONE_NUMBER_LOOKUP_NOTICE: "phone_number_lookup_notice", 
        MARK_AS_SHIPPED_UPDATE: "mark_as_shipped_update", 
        MESSENGER_PRECHECKED_PLUGIN: "messenger_prechecked_plugin", 
        MESSENGER_THREAD_RESURRECTION_NOTICE: "messenger_thread_resurrection_notice", 
        MESSENGER_ENTRY_BY_MDOTME_LINK_WITH_REF: "messenger_entry_by_mdotme_link_with_ref", 
        ADD_CONTACT: "add_contact", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_RECEIPT_REJECTED: "product_invoice_receipt_rejected", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAID: "product_invoice_paid", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_VOIDED: "product_invoice_voided", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_SHIPPED: "product_invoice_shipped", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_EXPIRED: "product_invoice_payment_expired", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_RECEIPT_UPLOADED: "product_invoice_receipt_uploaded", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_PROCESSING: "product_invoice_payment_processing", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_FAILED: "product_invoice_payment_failed", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_SHIPPING_UPDATE: "product_invoice_shipping_update", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATE: "product_invoice_status_update", 
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_DUPLICATE_PAYMENT_REFUND_UPDATE: "product_invoice_duplicate_payment_refund_update", 
        SELLER_NOT_ONBOARDED_FOR_PAYMENTS: "seller_not_onboarded_for_payments", 
        CHANGE_JOINABLE_SETTING: "change_joinable_setting", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_ADMINS: "change_thread_admins", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_APPROVAL_MODE: "change_thread_approval_mode", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_JOIN_REQUEST_APPROVAL_SETTING: "change_join_request_approval_setting", 
        CAPY_SESSION_BEGIN: "capy_session_begin", 
        CAPY_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN: "capy_session_bot_begin", 
        CAPY_SESSION_END: "capy_session_end", 
        CAPY_AGENT_JOIN: "capy_agent_join", 
        CAPY_AGENT_DUMPED: "capy_agent_dumped", 
        CAPY_SESSION_UNAVAILABLE: "capy_session_unavailable", 
        CAPY_SESSION_WAIT_TIME: "capy_session_wait_time", 
        CAPY_TRANSCRIPT_NOTIF: "capy_transcript_notif", 
        CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_BOT_BEGIN: "customer_support_bot_begin", 
        GROUP_SMS_PARTICIPANT_JOINED: "group_sms_participant_joined", 
        GROUP_SMS_PARTICIPANT_CAPPED: "group_sms_participant_capped", 
        SMS_PHONE_NUMBER_CHECK: "sms_phone_number_check", 
        MESSENGER_BOT_REVIEW_SENT: "messenger_bot_review_sent", 
        MESSENGER_CODE_SCAN: "messenger_code_scan", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_OPEN: "messenger_livechat_plugin_open", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_GUEST_END_CHAT: "messenger_livechat_plugin_guest_end_chat", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_GUEST_START_CHAT: "messenger_livechat_plugin_guest_start_chat", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_URL_UPDATE: "messenger_livechat_plugin_url_update", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_FB_USER_START_CHAT: "messenger_livechat_plugin_fb_user_start_chat", 
        MESSENGER_LIVECHAT_PLUGIN_GUEST_USER_START_CHAT: "messanger_livechat_plugin_guest_user_start_chat", 
        MN_ACCOUNT_LINKING_TEXT: "mn_account_linking_text", 
        MN_ACCOUNT_UNLINKING_TEXT: "mn_account_unlinking_text", 
        MN_ACCOUNT_FORCED_UNLINKING_TEXT: "mn_account_forced_unlinking_text", 
        MN_REF_SEND_TEXT: "mn_ref_send_text", 
        ADS_WELCOME_MSG: "ads_welcome_msg", 
        THREAD_JOINABLE_PROMOTION_TEXT: "thread_joinable_promotion_text", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_REQUEST_TEXT: "pages_platform_request_text", 
        MESSENGER_NEW_USER_GET_STARTED: "messenger_new_user_get_started", 
        SMS_PHONE_NUMBER_TOGGLE: "sms_phone_number_toggle", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_CREATE_APPOINTMENT: "Pages_Platform_create_appointment", 
        INTERNAL_CAREER_JOBSY_REACHOUT_CONNECTED: "internal_career_jobsy_reachout_connected", 
        JOINABLE_GROUP_THREAD_CREATED: "joinable_group_thread_created", 
        JOINABLE_ROOM_CREATED_WITH_CO_CREATORS: "joinable_room_created_with_co_creators", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_ACCEPT_APPOINTMENT: "pages_platform_accept_appointment", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_REFERRAL_CONFIRMED_APPOINTMENT: "pages_platform_referral_confirmed_appointment", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_DECLINE_APPOINTMENT: "pages_platform_decline_appointment", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_USER_CANCEL: "pages_platform_user_cancel", 
        PAGES_PLATFORM_ADMIN_CANCEL: "pages_platform_admin_cancel", 
        MESSENGER_OMNIM_CREATE_FLOW: "messenger_omnim_create_flow", 
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        SERVICE_BOOKING_LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_ADMIN_TEXT: "service_booking_legal_disclaimer_admin_text", 
        BMC_SELLER_REVIEW_POST_SUBMISSION_TEXT: "bmc_seller_review_post_submission_text", 
        ADMIN_REMOVE_MESSAGE: "admin_remove_message", 
        CM_HOWDY_BOT: "cm_howdy_bot", 
        SERVICE_APPOINTMENT_REMINDER: "service_appointment_reminder", 
        GROUPS_ADMOD_SHARE_ADMIN_ACTION: "groups_admod_share_admin_action", 
        MESSENGER_CART_ACTION: "messenger_cart_action", 
        MESSAGING_OFFERS_REMINDER: "messaging_offers_reminder", 
        IG_HANGOUTS_CANVAS_BUZZ_NOTIFY_ACTION_LOG: "ig_hangouts_canvas_buzz_notify_action_log", 
        ADMIN_MESSAGE_PUBLIC_CHAT_CREATION: "admin_message_public_chat_creation", 
        LIVE_MESSAGE_OPT_IN: "live_message_opt_in", 
        DISABLE_VANISH_MODE_ADMIN_TEXT_LOG: "disable_vanish_mode_admin_text_log", 
        LIVE_MESSAGE_OPT_OUT: "live_message_opt_out", 
        MCOM_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CREATION: "mcom_customer_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_creation", 
        MCOM_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CANCELATION: "mcom_customer_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_cancelation", 
        MCOM_MERCHANT_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CREATION: "mcom_merchant_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_creation", 
        VR_REQUEST_THREAD_ACCEPT: "vr_request_thread_accept", 
        BIZ_INBOX_AUTOMATION_NONPROFITS_SUPPORTER_ACTIVITY: "biz_inbox_automation_nonprofits_supporter_activity", 
        BIZ_INBOX_AUTOMATION_NONPROFITS_PAGE_ADMIN: "biz_inbox_automation_nonprofits_page_admin", 
        GROUP_SET_WELCOME_MESSAGE_MEDIA: "group_set_welcome_message_media", 
        GROUP_INVITE_VIA_MESSENGER: "group_invite_via_messenger", 
        GROUP_INVITE_PENDING_VIA_MESSENGER: "group_invite_pending_via_messenger", 
        EVENT_RSVP_UPDATED: "event_rsvp_updated", 
        EVENT_RSVP_UPDATED_BY_ADMOD: "event_rsvp_updated_by_admod", 
        VR_REQUEST_GROUP_THREAD_ACCEPT: "vr_request_group_thread_accept", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_IMAGE: "change_thread_image", 
        PROMPT_CREATION: "prompt_creation", 
        ROLL_CALL_RESPONSE: "roll_call_response", 
        IG_BROADCAST_CHAT_COLLABORATOR_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "ig_broadcast_chat_collaborator_join_or_leave", 
        VR_GROUPS_CREATED_GROUP: "vr_groups_created_group", 
        VR_GROUPS_JOINED_GROUP_CALL: "vr_groups_joined_group_call", 
        VR_GROUPS_LEFT_GROUP_CALL: "vr_groups_left_group_call", 
        VR_GROUPS_INVITED_DESTINATION: "vr_groups_invited_destination", 
        VR_APPLICATION_INVITED_DESTINATION_INVITE_UPDATED: "vr_application_invited_destination_invite_udpated", 
        VR_GROUPS_TRAVELED_DESTINATION: "vr_groups_traveled_destination", 
        IG_BROADCAST_CHAT_DECLINE_COLLABORATOR_INVITE: "ig_broadcast_chat_decline_collaborator_invite", 
        REELS_TOGETHER_ENDED: "reels_together_ended", 
        SCHEDULED_CALL: "scheduled_call", 
        DEPRECATE_THREAD_QUICK_REACTION_OPTION: "deprecate_thread_quick_reaction_option", 
        TOGGLE_READ_RECEIPTS: "toggle_read_receipts", 
        EVENT_THREAD_REMOVAL: "event_thread_removal", 
        EVENT_ENDED: "event_ended", 
        EVENT_STARTING: "event_starting", 
        INSTANT_GAME_DYNAMIC_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_game_dynamic_custom_update", 
        P2M_NOTIFICATION_HUB: "p2m_notification_hub", 
        GROUP_CHAT_PAUSED: "group_chat_paused", 
        GROUP_CHAT_UNPAUSED: "group_chat_unpaused", 
        GROUP_WELCOME_PROMPT: "group_welcome_prompt", 
        MEMBER_ONBOARDING_PROMPT: "member_onboarding_prompt", 
        AUTO_END_SOCIAL_CHANNEL: "auto_end_social_channel", 
        AUTO_END_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: "auto_end_broadcast_channel", 
        BCP_CREATOR_ACCEPTS_UGC_REQUEST_FROM_BRAND: "bcp_creator_accepts_ugc_request_from_brand", 
        FANTASY_GAMES: "fantasy_games", 
        GROUP_THREAD_ROLE_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "group_thread_role_join_or_leave", 
        FANTASY_GAMES_RESULTS: "fantasy_games_results", 
        EVENT_TOMORROW: "event_tomorrow", 
        DECLINE_ROLE_INVITE: "decline_role_invite", 
        BCP_BRAND_MARKS_CREATOR_CHALLENGE_SUBMISSION_AS_WINNER: "bcp_brand_marks_creator_challenge_submission_as_winner", 
        EXPLORE_WITH_FRIENDS_INVITE: "explore_with_friends_invite", 
        CM_GROUP_UPDATES_BOT: "cm_group_updates_bot", 
        SHARED_ALBUM_ADDITION: "shared_album_addition", 
        WORKROOMS_COLLAB_NOTIFS: "workrooms_collab_notifs", 
        SHARED_ALBUM_CONTENT_REMOVAL: "shared_album_content_removal", 
        SHARED_ALBUM_RENAME: "shared_album_rename", 
        SHARED_ALBUM_DELETE: "shared_album_delete", 
        UPDATE_E2EE_PAYMENTS_XMA: "update_e2ee_payments_xma", 
        IG_CHANNELS_MESSAGE_TAKEDOWN: "ig_channels_message_takedown", 
        CHANGE_DISAPPEARING_SETTING: "change_disappearing_setting", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_ADMOD_REMOVE_MESSAGE: "community_chats_admod_remove_message", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_CONTENT_DISCLAIMER: "community_chats_content_disclaimer", 
        IG_EVENT_THREAD_CREATED: "ig_event_thread_created", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_SUB_THREAD_CREATION: "community_chats_sub_thread_creation", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_THREAD_CREATED_FROM_POLL: "community_chats_thread_created_from_poll", 
        BIZ_INBOX_DETECTED_OUTCOMES_ACTIVITY: "biz_inbox_detected_outcomes_activity", 
        TOGGLE_DM_SETTINGS: "toggle_dm_settings", 
        BM_GEN_AI_CONSUMER_DISCLAIMER: "bm_gen_ai_consumer_disclaimer", 
        BM_GEN_AI_BUSINESS_DISCLAIMER: "bm_gen_ai_business_disclaimer", 
        CHANNEL_COMMENT_STATUS: "channel_comment_status", 
        MM_STALE_THREAD_ADMIN_TEXT: "mm_stale_thread_admin_text", 
        FANTASY_GAMES_NEW_THREAD: "fantasy_games_new_thread", 
        GEN_AI_ERROR_MESSAGE: "gen_ai_error_message", 
        GEN_AI_CONTEXT_UPDATE: "gen_ai_context_update", 
        BM_GEN_AI_AGENT_STOPPED_RESPONDING_NOTIF: "bm_gen_ai_agent_stopped_responding_notif", 
        EPHEMERAL_SCREENSHOT: "ephemeral_screenshot", 
        MESSENGER_AUTO_MARK_AS_LEAD: "messenger_auto_mark_as_lead", 
        MESSENGER_LEAD_FORM_RECEIVED: "messenger_lead_form_received", 
        IG_SOCIAL_CHANNELS_DIRECT_INVITE_RECEIVED: "ig_social_channels_direct_invite_received", 
        REMOVE_ROLE_INVITE: "remove_role_invite", 
        REQUEST_TO_CALL_AGENT_UPDATE: "request_to_call_agent_update", 
        CHANGE_THREAD_GEO_METADATA: "change_thread_geo_metadata", 
        XS_ADVERTISER_GEN_AI_DISCLAIMER: "xs_advertiser_gen_ai_disclaimer", 
        XS_ADVERTISER_GEN_AI_BEGIN_BOT: "xs_advertiser_gen_ai_begin_bot", 
        IG_EVENT_DXMA_CREATE_OR_UPDATE: "ig_event_dxma_create_or_update", 
        MARKETING_PRO_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN: "marketing_pro_session_bot_begin", 
        MARKETING_PRO_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN_EPD: "marketing_pro_session_bot_begin_epd", 
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_RECURRING_PROMPT_STOPPED: "community_chats_recurring_prompt_stopped", 
        INSTANT_GAME_ENCRYPTED_DYNAMIC_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_game_encrypted_dynamic_custom_update", 
        MESSENGER_THREAD_SUBS_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION: "messenger_thread_subs_add_subscription", 
        MESSENGER_THREAD_SUBS_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION: "messenger_thread_subs_remove_subscription", 
        CONFIRM_FRIEND_REQUEST_ENCRYPTED: "confirm_friend_request_encrypted", 
        BIZ_INBOX_MSGR_NUDGE: "biz_inbox_msgr_nudge", 
        BIZ_INBOX_IGD_NUDGE: "biz_inbox_igd_nudge", 
        IGD_CHANNEL_PARTICIPANT_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "igd_channel_participant_join_or_leave", 
        BUSINESS_INITIATED_CALLING_ADMIN_TEXT: "business_initiated_calling_admin_text", 
        IGD_THREAD_REMINDER: "igd_thread_reminder", 
        MM_CTM_ADS_CLICK: "mm_ctm_ads_click", 
        BIZ_INBOX_LEAD_STAGE_CHANGE: "biz_inbox_lead_stage_change", 
        IGD_CREATOR_AI_FAN_ONBOARDING: "igd_creator_ai_fan_onboarding", 
        BUZZ_THREAD: "buzz_thread", 
        BIZ_INBOX_THREAD_AUTO_MOVED_TO_SPAM: "biz_inbox_thread_auto_moved_to_spam", 
        COLADA_AUTOSHARING_UPDATED: "colada_autosharing_updated", 
        IGD_CHANNEL_REACTION_NOTIF: "igd_channel_reaction_notif", 
        IGD_CHANNEL_XPOSTING: "igd_channel_xposting", 
        IGD_STOP_RECURRING_PROMPT: "igd_stop_recurring_prompt", 
        IG_REELS_BLEND_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATE: "ig_reels_blend_membership_update", 
        PAGE_FEATURE_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_NOTIFICATION: "page_feature_limit_customer_notification", 
        FANTASY_GAME_BOT_MESSAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT: "fantasy_game_bot_message_subscription_management", 
        AI_STUDIO_CREATION: "ai_studio_creation", 
        IG_BUYER_SMART_SUGGESTION: "ig_buyer_smart_suggestion" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("MessagingTagUtils", ["MercurySourceType", "MessagingTagConstants"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = new Set(Object.values(c("MercurySourceType"))); 
    function a(a) { 
        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { 
            var c = a[b]; 
            if (h.has(c)) 
                return c 
        return "source:unknown" 
    function i(a) { 
        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { 
            var d = a[b]; 
            d = d.split(c("MessagingTagConstants").app_id_root); 
            if (d.length > 1) 
                return d[1].trim() 
        return null 
    function b(a, b) { 
        var d = [] 
          , e = i(a); 
        e && c("MessagingTagConstants").orca_app_ids.indexOf(e) !== -1 && d.push("source:messenger"); 
        c("MessagingTagConstants").chat_sources.indexOf(b) !== -1 && d.push("source:chat"); 
        c("MessagingTagConstants").email_source === b && d.push("source:email"); 
        c("MessagingTagConstants").mobile_sources.indexOf(b) !== -1 && d.push("source:mobile"); 
        a.indexOf("source:workchat:desktop") !== -1 && d.push("source:workchat:desktop"); 
        return d 
    g.getSourceFromTags = a; 
    g.getSourceTags = b 
), 98); 
__d("P2PPaymentRequestStatus", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        INITED: 1, 
        DECLINED: 2, 
        TRANSFER_INITED: 3, 
        TRANSFER_FAILED: 5, 
        CANCELED: 6, 
        EXPIRED: 7, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("P2PTransferStatus", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        SYSTEM_FAILURE: 0, 
        PENDING_PUSH_FAIL: 9, 
        CANCELED_EXPIRED: 12, 
        COMPLETED: 13, 
        CANCELED_SAME_CARD: 16, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("PaymentModulesClient", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        DONATION_P4P: "donation_p4p", 
        MOR_DONATIONS: "mor_donations", 
        PPGF_DONATION: "ppgf_donation", 
        DONATION_P4C: "donation_p4c", 
        INSTANT_EXPERIENCES: "instant_experiences", 
        BUSINESS_PLATFORM_COMMERCE: "business_platform_commerce", 
        MESSENGER_OMNIM: "messenger_omnim", 
        MESSENGER_PLATFORM: "messenger_platform", 
        PAGES_COMMERCE: "pages_commerce", 
        MESSAGING_COMMERCE: "messaging_commerce", 
        SHIPPING_LABEL: "shipping_label", 
        SYNCHRONOUS_COMPONENT_FLOW: "synchronous_component_flow", 
        PAGES_SOLUTION: "pages_solution", 
        CHECKOUT_EXPERIENCES: "checkout_experiences", 
        C2C_CHECKOUT_EXPERIENCES: "c2c_checkout_experiences", 
        MOBILE_TOP_UP: "mobile_top_up", 
        MOCK: "mock", 
        ADVERTISER_SUBSCRIPTION: "advertiser_subscription", 
        NMOR_FB_BROWSER_PAY: "fb_browser_payment", 
        P2M_MESSENGER: "p2m_messenger" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("ServicesCalendarSyncType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        CLIENT_ONLY: "client_only", 
        NO_CALENDAR_SYNC: "no_calendar_sync", 
        SERVER_CONTINUOUS: "server_continuous", 
        SERVER_SINGLE: "server_single" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("bs_caml_bytes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b, c) { 
        if (b < 0 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "index out of bounds", 
                Error: new Error() 
        a[b] = c 
    function b(a, b) { 
        if (b < 0 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "index out of bounds", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return a[b] 
    function c(a, b, c, d) { 
        if (c <= 0) 
        for (var e = b, c = c + b | 0; e < c; ++e) 
            a[e] = d 
    function d(a) { 
        if (a < 0) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.create", 
                Error: new Error() 
        var b = new Array(a); 
        for (var c = 0; c < a; ++c) 
            b[c] = 0; 
        return b 
    function e(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        if (e <= 0) 
        if (a === c) { 
            if (b < d) { 
                var f = (a.length - d | 0) - 1 | 0 
                  , g = e - 1 | 0; 
                g = f > g ? g : f; 
                for (f = g; f >= 0; --f) 
                    a[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0]; 
            if (b <= d) 
            g = (a.length - b | 0) - 1 | 0; 
            f = e - 1 | 0; 
            f = g > f ? f : g; 
            for (g = 0; g <= f; ++g) 
                a[d + g | 0] = a[b + g | 0]; 
        g = a.length - b | 0; 
        if (e <= g) { 
            for (f = 0; f < e; ++f) 
                c[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0]; 
        for (f = 0; f < g; ++f) 
            c[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0]; 
        for (f = g; f < e; ++f) 
            c[d + f | 0] = 0 
    function g(a) { 
        var b = 0 
          , c = a.length 
          , d = "" 
          , e = c; 
        if (b === 0 && c <= 4096 && c === a.length) 
            return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a); 
        b = 0; 
        while (e > 0) { 
            c = e < 1024 ? e : 1024; 
            var f = new Array(c); 
            for (var g = 0; g < c; ++g) 
                f[g] = a[g + b | 0]; 
            d = d + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, f); 
            e = e - c | 0; 
            b = b + c | 0 
        return d 
    function h(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        if (e <= 0) 
        var f = a.length - b | 0; 
        if (e <= f) { 
            for (var g = 0; g < e; ++g) 
                c[d + g | 0] = a.charCodeAt(b + g | 0); 
        for (g = 0; g < f; ++g) 
            c[d + g | 0] = a.charCodeAt(b + g | 0); 
        for (g = f; g < e; ++g) 
            c[d + g | 0] = 0 
    function i(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = new Array(b); 
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) 
            c[d] = a.charCodeAt(d); 
        return c 
    function j(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var f = c; 
            if (f >= d) 
                return e; 
            var g = a[f] 
              , h = b[f]; 
            if (g > h) 
                return 1; 
            if (g < h) 
                return -1; 
            c = f + 1 | 0; 
    function k(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = b.length; 
        if (c === d) 
            return j(a, b, 0, c, 0); 
        else if (c < d) 
            return j(a, b, 0, c, -1); 
            return j(a, b, 0, d, 1) 
    function l(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = b.length; 
        if (c === d) { 
            d = 0; 
            while (!0) { 
                var e = d; 
                if (e === c) 
                    return !0; 
                var f = a[e] 
                  , g = b[e]; 
                if (f !== g) 
                    return !1; 
                d = e + 1 | 0; 
        } else 
            return !1 
    function m(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) > 0 
    function n(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) >= 0 
    function o(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) < 0 
    function p(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) <= 0 
    f.caml_create_bytes = d; 
    f.caml_fill_bytes = c; 
    f.get = b; 
    f.set = a; 
    f.bytes_to_string = g; 
    f.caml_blit_bytes = e; 
    f.caml_blit_string = h; 
    f.bytes_of_string = i; 
    f.caml_bytes_compare = k; 
    f.caml_bytes_greaterthan = m; 
    f.caml_bytes_greaterequal = n; 
    f.caml_bytes_lessthan = o; 
    f.caml_bytes_lessequal = p; 
    f.caml_bytes_equal = l 
), null); 
__d("bs_char", ["bs_caml_bytes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a < 0 || a > 255) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Char.chr", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return a 
    function c(a) { 
        var c = 0; 
        if (a >= 40) { 
            if (a === 92) 
                return "\\"; 
            c = a >= 127 ? 1 : 2 
        } else if (a >= 32) { 
            if (a >= 39) 
                return "\'"; 
            c = 2 
        } else if (a >= 14) 
            c = 1; 
            switch (a) { 
            case 8: 
                return "\b"; 
            case 9: 
                return "\t"; 
            case 10: 
                return "\n"; 
            case 0: 
            case 1: 
            case 2: 
            case 3: 
            case 4: 
            case 5: 
            case 6: 
            case 7: 
            case 11: 
            case 12: 
                c = 1; 
            case 13: 
                return "\r" 
        switch (c) { 
        case 1: 
            c = [0, 0, 0, 0]; 
            c[0] = 92; 
            c[1] = 48 + (a / 100 | 0) | 0; 
            c[2] = 48 + (a / 10 | 0) % 10 | 0; 
            c[3] = 48 + a % 10 | 0; 
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(c); 
        case 2: 
            c = [0]; 
            c[0] = a; 
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(c) 
    function d(a) { 
        if (a >= 65 && a <= 90 || a >= 192 && a <= 214 || a >= 216 && a <= 222) 
            return a + 32 | 0; 
            return a 
    function e(a) { 
        if (a >= 97 && a <= 122 || a >= 224 && a <= 246 || a >= 248 && a <= 254) 
            return a - 32 | 0; 
            return a 
    function g(a) { 
        if (a >= 65 && a <= 90) 
            return a + 32 | 0; 
            return a 
    function h(a) { 
        if (a >= 97 && a <= 122) 
            return a - 32 | 0; 
            return a 
    function i(a, b) { 
        return a - b | 0 
    function j(a, b) { 
        return (a - b | 0) === 0 
    f.chr = a; 
    f.escaped = c; 
    f.lowercase = d; 
    f.uppercase = e; 
    f.lowercase_ascii = g; 
    f.uppercase_ascii = h; = i; 
    f.equal = j 
), null); 
__d("bs_bytes", ["bs_caml", "bs_caml_bytes", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_char", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g, h; 
    function a(a, c) { 
        var d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(a); 
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_fill_bytes(d, 0, a, c); 
        return d 
    function c(a, c) { 
        var d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(a); 
        for (var e = 0; e < a; ++e) 
            d[e] = b("bs_curry")._1(c, e); 
        return d 
    var i = []; 
    function j(a) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(c); 
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, d, 0, c); 
        return d 
    function d(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(j(a)) 
    function e(a) { 
        return j(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)) 
    function k(a, c, d) { 
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.sub / Bytes.sub", 
                Error: new Error() 
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d); 
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, e, 0, d); 
        return e 
    function l(a, c, d) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(k(a, c, d)) 
    function m(a, b) { 
        var c = a + b | 0; 
        a = a < 0; 
        b = b < 0; 
        var d = c < 0; 
        if (a) { 
            if (!b) 
                return c; 
            if (d) 
                return c; 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Bytes.extend", 
                Error: new Error() 
        if (b) 
            return c; 
        if (d) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Bytes.extend", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return c 
    function n(a, c, d) { 
        d = m(m(a.length, c), d); 
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d); 
        c = c < 0 ? [-c | 0, 0] : [0, c]; 
        var f = c[1]; 
        c = c[0]; 
        d = (h || (h = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length - c | 0, d - f | 0); 
        d > 0 && b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, e, f, d); 
        return e 
    function o(a, c, d, e) { 
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.fill / Bytes.fill", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_fill_bytes(a, c, d, e) 
    function p(a, c, d, e, f) { 
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Bytes.blit", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, d, e, f) 
    function q(a, c, d, e, f) { 
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.blit / Bytes.blit_string", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(a, c, d, e, f) 
    function r(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[d]) 
    function s(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c[d]) 
    function t(a, b) { 
        if (a >= b) 
            return a; 
        throw { 
            RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
            _1: "Bytes.concat", 
            Error: new Error() 
    function u(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = c 
              , e = a; 
            if (!d) 
                return e; 
            var f =; 
            d = d.hd; 
            if (!f) 
                return d.length + e | 0; 
            c = f; 
            a = t((d.length + b | 0) + e | 0, e); 
    function v(a, c) { 
        if (!c) 
            return i; 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(u(0, d, c)) 
          , f = 0; 
        c = c; 
        while (!0) { 
            var g = c 
              , h = f; 
            if (!g) 
                return e; 
            var j =; 
            g = g.hd; 
            if (j) { 
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(g, 0, e, h, g.length); 
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, e, h + g.length | 0, d); 
                c = j; 
                f = (h + g.length | 0) + d | 0; 
            b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(g, 0, e, h, g.length); 
            return e 
    function w(a, c) { 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = c.length 
          , f = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d + e | 0); 
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, f, 0, d); 
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(c, 0, f, d, e); 
        return f 
    function x(a) { 
        if (a > 13 || a < 9) 
            return a === 32; 
            return a !== 11 
    function y(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = 0; 
        while (c < b && x(a[c])) 
            c = c + 1 | 0; 
        b = b - 1 | 0; 
        while (b >= c && x(a[b])) 
            b = b - 1 | 0; 
        if (b >= c) 
            return k(a, c, (b - c | 0) + 1 | 0); 
            return i 
    function z(a) { 
        var c = 0; 
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) { 
            var f = a[d]; 
            c = c + (f >= 32 ? f > 92 || f < 34 ? f >= 127 ? 4 : 1 : f > 91 || f < 35 ? 2 : 1 : f >= 11 ? f !== 13 ? 4 : 2 : f >= 8 ? 2 : 4) | 0 
        if (c === a.length) 
            return j(a); 
        f = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(c); 
        c = 0; 
        for (d = 0, 
        e = a.length; d < e; ++d) { 
            var g = a[d] 
              , h = 0; 
            if (g >= 35) 
                g !== 92 ? g >= 127 ? h = 1 : f[c] = g : h = 2; 
            else if (g >= 32) 
                g >= 34 ? h = 2 : f[c] = g; 
            else if (g >= 14) 
                h = 1; 
                switch (g) { 
                case 8: 
                    f[c] = 92; 
                    c = c + 1 | 0; 
                    f[c] = 98; 
                case 9: 
                    f[c] = 92; 
                    c = c + 1 | 0; 
                    f[c] = 116; 
                case 10: 
                    f[c] = 92; 
                    c = c + 1 | 0; 
                    f[c] = 110; 
                case 0: 
                case 1: 
                case 2: 
                case 3: 
                case 4: 
                case 5: 
                case 6: 
                case 7: 
                case 11: 
                case 12: 
                    h = 1; 
                case 13: 
                    f[c] = 92; 
                    c = c + 1 | 0; 
                    f[c] = 114; 
            switch (h) { 
            case 1: 
                f[c] = 92; 
                c = c + 1 | 0; 
                f[c] = 48 + (g / 100 | 0) | 0; 
                c = c + 1 | 0; 
                f[c] = 48 + (g / 10 | 0) % 10 | 0; 
                c = c + 1 | 0; 
                f[c] = 48 + g % 10 | 0; 
            case 2: 
                f[c] = 92; 
                c = c + 1 | 0; 
                f[c] = g; 
            c = c + 1 | 0 
        return f 
    function A(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return c; 
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d); 
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]); 
        return e 
    function B(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return c; 
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d); 
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, f, c[f]); 
        return e 
    function C(a) { 
        return A(b("bs_char").uppercase_ascii, a) 
    function D(a) { 
        return A(b("bs_char").lowercase_ascii, a) 
    function E(a, c) { 
        if (c.length === 0) 
            return c; 
        var d = j(c); 
        d[0] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[0]); 
        return d 
    function F(a) { 
        return E(b("bs_char").uppercase_ascii, a) 
    function G(a) { 
        return E(b("bs_char").lowercase_ascii, a) 
    function H(a, b, c, d) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = c; 
            if (e >= b) 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found", 
                    Error: new Error() 
            if (a[e] === d) 
                return e; 
            c = e + 1 | 0; 
    function I(a, b) { 
        return H(a, a.length, 0, b) 
    function J(a, b, c, d) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = c; 
            if (e >= b) 
            if (a[e] === d) 
                return e; 
            c = e + 1 | 0; 
    function K(a, b) { 
        return J(a, a.length, 0, b) 
    function L(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (b < 0 || b > d) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.index_from / Bytes.index_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return H(a, d, b, c) 
    function M(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (b < 0 || b > d) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.index_from_opt / Bytes.index_from_opt", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return J(a, d, b, c) 
    function N(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = b; 
            if (d < 0) 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found", 
                    Error: new Error() 
            if (a[d] === c) 
                return d; 
            b = d - 1 | 0; 
    function O(a, b) { 
        return N(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b) 
    function P(a, b, c) { 
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rindex_from / Bytes.rindex_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return N(a, b, c) 
    function Q(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = b; 
            if (d < 0) 
            if (a[d] === c) 
                return d; 
            b = d - 1 | 0; 
    function R(a, b) { 
        return Q(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b) 
    function S(a, b, c) { 
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rindex_from_opt / Bytes.rindex_from_opt", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return Q(a, b, c) 
    function T(a, c, d) { 
        var e = a.length; 
        if (c < 0 || c > e) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.contains_from / Bytes.contains_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        try { 
            H(a, e, c, d); 
            return !0 
        } catch (c) { 
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c); 
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found") 
                return !1; 
            throw a 
    function U(a, b) { 
        return T(a, 0, b) 
    function V(a, c, d) { 
        if (c < 0 || c >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rcontains_from / Bytes.rcontains_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        try { 
            N(a, c, d); 
            return !0 
        } catch (c) { 
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c); 
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found") 
                return !1; 
            throw a 
    var W = (g = b("bs_caml_bytes")).caml_bytes_compare; 
    function X(a) { 
        return A(b("bs_char").uppercase, a) 
    function Y(a) { 
        return A(b("bs_char").lowercase, a) 
    function Z(a) { 
        return E(b("bs_char").uppercase, a) 
    function $(a) { 
        return E(b("bs_char").lowercase, a) 
    var aa = g.caml_bytes_equal 
      , ba = g.bytes_to_string; 
    g = g.bytes_of_string; 
    f.make = a; 
    f.init = c; 
    f.empty = i; 
    f.copy = j; 
    f.of_string = e; 
    f.to_string = d; 
    f.sub = k; 
    f.sub_string = l; 
    f.extend = n; 
    f.fill = o; 
    f.blit = p; 
    f.blit_string = q; 
    f.concat = v; = w; 
    f.iter = r; 
    f.iteri = s; = A; 
    f.mapi = B; 
    f.trim = y; 
    f.escaped = z; 
    f.index = I; 
    f.index_opt = K; 
    f.rindex = O; 
    f.rindex_opt = R; 
    f.index_from = L; 
    f.index_from_opt = M; 
    f.rindex_from = P; 
    f.rindex_from_opt = S; 
    f.contains = U; 
    f.contains_from = T; 
    f.rcontains_from = V; 
    f.uppercase = X; 
    f.lowercase = Y; 
    f.capitalize = Z; 
    f.uncapitalize = $; 
    f.uppercase_ascii = C; 
    f.lowercase_ascii = D; 
    f.capitalize_ascii = F; 
    f.uncapitalize_ascii = G; = W; 
    f.equal = aa; 
    f.unsafe_to_string = ba; 
    f.unsafe_of_string = g 
), null); 
__d("bs_caml_string", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        if (b >= a.length || b < 0) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "index out of bounds", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return a.charCodeAt(b) 
    function b(a, b) { 
        return String.fromCharCode(b).repeat(a) 
    f.get = a; 
    f.make = b 
), null); 
__d("bs_string", ["bs_bytes", "bs_caml", "bs_caml_bytes", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_caml_string", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g; 
    function a(a, c) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").init(a, c)) 
    function h(a, c, d) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").sub(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a), c, d)) 
    function i(a, b) { 
        if (a >= b) 
            return a; 
        throw { 
            RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
            _1: "String.concat", 
            Error: new Error() 
    function j(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = c 
              , e = a; 
            if (!d) 
                return e; 
            var f =; 
            d = d.hd; 
            if (!f) 
                return d.length + e | 0; 
            c = f; 
            a = i((d.length + b | 0) + e | 0, e); 
    function k(a, c, d, e, f) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var g = f 
              , h = c; 
            if (!g) 
                return a; 
            var i =; 
            g = g.hd; 
            if (i) { 
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(g, 0, a, h, g.length); 
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(d, 0, a, h + g.length | 0, e); 
                f = i; 
                c = (h + g.length | 0) + e | 0; 
            b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(g, 0, a, h, g.length); 
            return a 
    function c(a, c) { 
        if (!c) 
            return ""; 
        var d = a.length; 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(k(b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(j(0, d, c)), 0, a, d, c)) 
    function d(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c.charCodeAt(d)) 
    function e(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c.charCodeAt(d)) 
    function l(a, c) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").map(a, b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(c))) 
    function m(a, c) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").mapi(a, b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(c))) 
    function n(a) { 
        if (a > 13 || a < 9) 
            return a === 32; 
            return a !== 11 
    function o(a) { 
        if (a === "" || !(n(a.charCodeAt(0)) || n(a.charCodeAt(a.length - 1 | 0)))) 
            return a; 
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").trim(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function p(a) { 
        var c = function(b) { 
            while (!0) { 
                var c = b; 
                if (c >= a.length) 
                    return !1; 
                var d = a.charCodeAt(c); 
                if (d < 32) 
                    return !0; 
                if (d > 92 || d < 34) { 
                    if (d >= 127) 
                        return !0; 
                    b = c + 1 | 0; 
                if (d > 91 || d < 35) 
                    return !0; 
                b = c + 1 | 0; 
        if (c(0)) 
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").escaped(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))); 
            return a 
    function q(a, b, c, d) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = c; 
            if (e >= b) 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found", 
                    Error: new Error() 
            if (a.charCodeAt(e) === d) 
                return e; 
            c = e + 1 | 0; 
    function r(a, b) { 
        return q(a, a.length, 0, b) 
    function s(a, b, c, d) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = c; 
            if (e >= b) 
            if (a.charCodeAt(e) === d) 
                return e; 
            c = e + 1 | 0; 
    function t(a, b) { 
        return s(a, a.length, 0, b) 
    function u(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (b < 0 || b > d) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.index_from / Bytes.index_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return q(a, d, b, c) 
    function v(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (b < 0 || b > d) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.index_from_opt / Bytes.index_from_opt", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return s(a, d, b, c) 
    function w(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = b; 
            if (d < 0) 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found", 
                    Error: new Error() 
            if (a.charCodeAt(d) === c) 
                return d; 
            b = d - 1 | 0; 
    function x(a, b) { 
        return w(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b) 
    function y(a, b, c) { 
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rindex_from / Bytes.rindex_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return w(a, b, c) 
    function z(a, b, c) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = b; 
            if (d < 0) 
            if (a.charCodeAt(d) === c) 
                return d; 
            b = d - 1 | 0; 
    function A(a, b) { 
        return z(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b) 
    function B(a, b, c) { 
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rindex_from_opt / Bytes.rindex_from_opt", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return z(a, b, c) 
    function C(a, c, d) { 
        var e = a.length; 
        if (c < 0 || c > e) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.contains_from / Bytes.contains_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        try { 
            q(a, e, c, d); 
            return !0 
        } catch (c) { 
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c); 
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found") 
                return !1; 
            throw a 
    function D(a, b) { 
        return C(a, 0, b) 
    function E(a, c, d) { 
        if (c < 0 || c >= a.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "String.rcontains_from / Bytes.rcontains_from", 
                Error: new Error() 
        try { 
            w(a, c, d); 
            return !0 
        } catch (c) { 
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c); 
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found") 
                return !1; 
            throw a 
    function F(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uppercase_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function G(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").lowercase_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function H(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").capitalize_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function I(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uncapitalize_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    var J = (g || b("bs_caml")).caml_string_compare; 
    function K(a, b) { 
        var c = 0 
          , d = b.length; 
        for (var e = b.length - 1 | 0; e >= 0; --e) 
            b.charCodeAt(e) === a && (c = { 
                hd: h(b, e + 1 | 0, (d - e | 0) - 1 | 0), 
                tl: c 
            d = e); 
        return { 
            hd: h(b, 0, d), 
            tl: c 
    function L(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uppercase(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function M(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").lowercase(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function N(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").capitalize(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    function O(a) { 
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uncapitalize(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))) 
    var P = b("bs_caml_string").make 
      , Q = b("bs_bytes").blit_string; 
    function R(a, b) { 
        return a === b 
    f.make = P; 
    f.init = a; 
    f.sub = h; 
    f.blit = Q; 
    f.concat = c; 
    f.iter = d; 
    f.iteri = e; = l; 
    f.mapi = m; 
    f.trim = o; 
    f.escaped = p; 
    f.index = r; 
    f.index_opt = t; 
    f.rindex = x; 
    f.rindex_opt = A; 
    f.index_from = u; 
    f.index_from_opt = v; 
    f.rindex_from = y; 
    f.rindex_from_opt = B; 
    f.contains = D; 
    f.contains_from = C; 
    f.rcontains_from = E; 
    f.uppercase = L; 
    f.lowercase = M; 
    f.capitalize = N; 
    f.uncapitalize = O; 
    f.uppercase_ascii = F; 
    f.lowercase_ascii = G; 
    f.capitalize_ascii = H; 
    f.uncapitalize_ascii = I; = J; 
    f.equal = R; 
    f.split_on_char = K 
), null); 
__d("", ["fbt", "CurrentUser", "FundsAvailability", "LeadGenInfoFieldTypes", "MNCommerceBubbleType", "MNCommerceCallToActionType", "P2PPaymentRequestStatus", "P2PTransferStatus", "PaymentModulesClient", "ServicesCalendarSyncType", "URI", "bs_belt_Option", "bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_null_undefined", "bs_string"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i; 
    function j(a) { 
        return { 
            var b = a.user_confirmation; 
            b = b == null ? [null, null, null, null, !1] : [b.cancel_button_label, b.continue_button_label, b.confirmation_message, b.confirmation_title, !0]; 
            var d = a.payment_metadata; 
            return { 
                action_link: a.action_link, 
                action_objects: a.action_objects, 
                action_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceCallToActionType")[a.action_open_type]), 
                confirmation_cancel_label: b[0], 
                confirmation_continue_label: b[1], 
                confirmation_message: b[2], 
                confirmation_title: b[3], 
                cta_data: a.cta_data, 
                is_disabled: a.is_disabled, 
                is_mutable_by_server: a.is_mutable_by_server, 
                logging_token: a.logging_token, 
                page_id: a.page_id, 
                payment_metadata: d == null ? { 
                    payment_module_config: null, 
                    total_price: null 
                } : { 
                    payment_module_config: d.payment_module_config, 
                    total_price: d.total_price 
                render_style: a.render_style, 
                should_show_user_confirmation: b[4], 
                title: a.title, 
                webview_metadata: { 
                    fallback_url: a.webview_metadata.fallback_url, 
                    messenger_extensions: a.webview_metadata.messenger_extensions, 
                    webview_height_ratio: a.webview_metadata.webview_height_ratio, 
                    webview_share_button: a.webview_metadata.webview_share_button 
    function k(a) { 
        return { 
            var b = a.url; 
            b = b == null ? null : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(b).getUnqualifiedURI().toString(); 
            return { 
                title: a.title, 
                uri: b 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a != null && a !== "") 
            return "#" + c("bs_string").sub(a, 2, a.length - 2 | 0); 
            return null 
    function d(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
            return { 
                height: a.height, 
                src: a.uri, 
                url: a.uri, 
                width: a.width 
    function l(a, b) { 
        var c = b.cover_photo, d; 
        if (c == null) 
            d = [null, null, null]; 
        else { 
            var e =; 
            e = e == null ? [null, null] : [e.uri, { 
                height: e.height, 
                width: e.width 
            d = [, e[0], e[1]] 
        c = b.location; 
        e = c == null ? [null, null] : [c.latitude, c.longitude]; 
        c = b.overall_star_rating; 
        return { 
            address: b.address.single_line_full_address, 
            category: b.top_category_name, 
            coverPhotoDimensions: d[2], 
            coverPhotoID: d[0], 
            coverPhotoURL: d[1], 
            latitude: e[0], 
            longitude: e[1], 
            priceRange: b.price_range_description, 
            rating: c == null ? null : c.value, 
            viewerID: a 
    function m(a) { 
        var b = a.group_commerce_item_seller, c = a.primary_photo, d; 
        if (c == null) 
            d = null; 
        else { 
            c = c.image; 
            d = c == null ? null : c.uri 
        return { 
            caption: a.group_commerce_item_description.text, 
            desc: a.group_commerce_item_description.text, 
            owner_id: b == null ? null :, 
            price: a.formatted_price.text, 
            text: a.group_commerce_item_description.text, 
            thumb_url: d, 
            title: a.group_commerce_item_title, 
            url: a.url 
    function n(a) { 
        return { 
            app_name: a.application_name, 
            artists: a.artist_names, 
            audio_url: a.audio_url, 
            duration_ms: a.duration_ms, 
            title: a.music_title 
    function o(a) { 
        var b = a.payment; 
        return { 
            desc: a.desc, 
            display_total_cost: a.total_cost, 
            merchant_name: a.merchant_name, 
            payment_id: b == null ? null :, 
            raw_amount: a.raw_amount, 
            target_url: a.target_url, 
            thumb_url: a.thumb_url, 
            total_cost: { 
                amount: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(a.price_amount), 
                currency: a.price_currency 
    function p(a) { 
        return { 
            canDonate: a.canDonate, 
            focusedCoverPhoto: a.focusedCoverPhoto, 
            fundraiserDetailedProgressText: a.fundraiserDetailedProgressText, 
            fundraiserID: a.fundraiserID, 
            fundraiserSubtitleText: a.fundraiserSubtitleText, 
            hasViewerDonated: a.hasViewerDonated 
    function q(a) { 
        return { 
            attach_type: "file", 
            extension: a.extension, 
            filesize: a.filesize, 
            is_malicious: a.is_malicious, 
            url: a.uri 
    function r(a) { 
        return { 
            attach_type: "video", 
            extension: a.extension, 
            filesize: a.filesize, 
            height: a.height, 
            name: a.filename, 
            url: a.playable_url, 
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash, 
            width: a.width 
    function s(a) { 
        return { 
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions), 
            default_action: a.default_action, 
            desc: a.desc, 
            image_aspect_ratio: a.image_aspect_ratio, 
            item_url: a.item_url, 
            metalines: { 
                metaline_1: a.first_metaline, 
                metaline_2: a.second_metaline, 
                metaline_3: a.third_metaline 
            source: a.source, 
            text: a.desc, 
            thumb_url: a.thumb_url, 
    function t(a) { 
        var b = function(a) { 
            a = a.services_vertical_info; 
            if (a != null) 
                return { 
                    isEligibleForAppointmentCalendar: a.is_eligible_for_appointment_calendar, 
                    isEligibleForMBSCalendar: a.is_eligible_for_mbs_calendar, 
                    isPageSPEnabled: a.is_page_sp_enabled, 
                    timezoneName: a.time_zone_name 
          , d =; 
        b = d == null ? [void 0, void 0, void 0] : [, c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("ServicesCalendarSyncType")[d.calendar_sync_type]), b(d)]; 
        d = a.native_component_flow_request; 
        var e; 
        if (d == null) 
            e = null; 
        else { 
            var f =, g =, i =, j; 
            if (i == null) 
                j = void 0; 
            else { 
                i = i.profile_picture; 
                j = i == null ? void 0 : i.uri 
            i = d.suggested_time_range; 
            var k = d.user, l = d.user, m = d.job_application, n = d.user, o; 
            if (n == null) 
                o = void 0; 
            else { 
                n = n.profile_picture; 
                o = n == null ? void 0 : n.uri 
            e = { 
                additionalInfo: d.additional_info, 
                appointmentAddress: d.appointment_address, 
                archivedStatus: d.archived_status, 
                availability: d.availability, 
                consumer_phone_number: d.consumer_phone_number, 
                generalInfo: d.service_general_info, 
                hasSavedToCalendar: d.has_saved_to_calendar, 
                jobApplicationID: m != null ? : void 0, 
                pageID: f != null ? : void 0, 
                pageName: g != null ? : void 0, 
                pageProfilePic: j, 
                preferredTimeRange: i == null ? null : { 
                    end: i.end, 
                    start: i.start 
                productItems: d.services_product_items, 
                recurMessage: d.recur_message, 
                reminderBubbleText: d.reminder_bubble_text, 
                requestAdminApprovalType: d.request_admin_approval_type, 
                requestedTime: d.requested_time, 
                requestFlowType: d.request_flow_type, 
                specialRequest: d.special_request, 
                status: d.booking_status_value, 
                statusLabel: d.status, 
                userID: k != null ? : void 0, 
                username: l != null ? l.short_name : void 0, 
                userProfilePic: o 
        n = a.message_bubble_type; 
        var p; 
        switch (n) { 
        case "ATTENDANCE_UPDATE": 
            p = ["Attendance Update", h._("__JHASH__0qfdnRKA9Ag__JHASH__")]; 
        case "CANCELLED": 
            p = ["Cancelled", h._("__JHASH__EBurxV5oTK7__JHASH__")]; 
        case "DECLINED": 
            p = ["Declined", h._("__JHASH__AlGwHch7pkD__JHASH__")]; 
        case "NO_SHOW": 
            p = ["No Show", h._("__JHASH__FBK2-m7QkC9__JHASH__")]; 
        case "REQUESTED": 
            p = ["Requested", h._("__JHASH__fZa0Y0vJA5c__JHASH__")]; 
        case "SCHEDULEED": 
            p = ["Scheduled", h._("__JHASH__shi97YE6--k__JHASH__")]; 
            throw { 
                _1: "Erroneous target status", 
                Error: new Error(), 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument" 
        m = a.user; 
        return { 
            calendarSyncType: b[1], 
            ls_xma_subtitle: a.ls_xma_subtitle, 
            ls_xma_title: a.ls_xma_title, 
            pageID: b[0], 
            requestMetadata: e, 
            servicesVerticalInfo: b[2], 
            status: p[0], 
            statusLabel: p[1], 
            userID: m == null ? "0" :, 
            viewerID: c("CurrentUser").getAccountID() 
    function u(a) { 
        return { 
            has_booking_request_created: a.has_booking_request_created, 
            time_ranges: { 
                return { 
                    end: a.end, 
                    start: a.start 
    function v(a) { 
        return { 
    function w(a) { 
        return { 
            coordinate: a.coordinate, 
            expiration_time: a.expiration_time, 
            is_expired: a.is_expired, 
            live_location_id: a.live_location_id, 
            location_title: a.location_title, 
            sender: a.sender, 
            sender_destination: a.sender_destination, 
            stop_reason: a.stop_reason 
    function x(a) { 
        return { 
            sender_wec_name: a.sender_wec_name, 
            sender_wec_number: a.sender_wec_number, 
            sender_wec_number_fbid: a.sender_wec_number_fbid, 
            sender_wec_number_formated: a.sender_wec_number_formated, 
            templated_message_body: a.templated_message_body, 
            templated_message_btn1_text: a.templated_message_btn1_text, 
            templated_message_btn1_type: a.templated_message_btn1_type, 
            templated_message_btn2_text: a.templated_message_btn2_text, 
            templated_message_btn2_type: a.templated_message_btn2_type, 
            templated_message_btn3_text: a.templated_message_btn3_text, 
            templated_message_btn3_type: a.templated_message_btn3_type, 
            templated_message_footer: a.templated_message_footer, 
            templated_message_header_media: a.templated_message_header_media, 
            templated_message_header_text: a.templated_message_header_text, 
            templated_message_header_type: a.templated_message_header_type, 
            templated_message_offer_text: a.templated_message_offer_text, 
            templated_message_offer_has_expiration: a.templated_message_offer_has_expiration, 
            templated_message_offer_expiration_time: a.templated_message_offer_expiration_time, 
            templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized: a.templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized, 
            templated_message_id: a.templated_message_id, 
            templated_message_name: a.templated_message_name, 
            wec_referral_body: a.wec_referral_body, 
            wec_referral_headline: a.wec_referral_headline, 
            wec_referral_media: a.wec_referral_media, 
            wec_referral_media_type: a.wec_referral_media_type, 
            wec_referral_url: a.wec_referral_url, 
            wec_referral_has_admin_text: a.wec_referral_has_admin_text 
    function y(a) { 
        return { 
            text: a.text, 
            type: a.type 
    function z(a) { 
        return { 
            title_type: a.title_type, 
            sample_handle: a.sample_handle, 
            body: a.body, 
            button: y(a.button) 
    function A(a) { 
        var b = a.preview; 
        b = b == null ? null : b.uri; 
        var c = a.large_preview; 
        c = c == null ? null : c.uri; 
        return { 
            attach_type: "photo", 
            extension: a.extension, 
            large_preview: a.large_preview, 
            large_preview_url: c, 
            preview: a.preview, 
            preview_url: b 
    function B(a) { 
        return { 
            attach_type: "audio", 
            duration: a.duration, 
            extension: a.extension, 
            filesize: a.filesize, 
            name: a.filename, 
            url: a.playable_url, 
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash 
    function C(a) { 
        var b = a.first_metaline; 
        return { 
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions), 
            default_action: a.default_action, 
            desc: a.description, 
            image_aspect_ratio: a.image_aspect_ratio, 
            item_url: a.target_url, 
            media_blob_attachments: a.media_blob_attachments, 
            metalines: b == null ? {} : { 
                metaline_1: b 
            source: a.source_name, 
            text: a.description, 
            thumb_url: a.image_url, 
    function D(a) { 
        var b = 
          , c = j(a.call_to_actions); 
        return { 
            call_to_actions: c, 
            items: b, 
            message: a.message 
    function E(a) { 
        return { 
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions), 
            message: a.message 
    function F(a) { 
        var b = a.structured_address.streets 
          , d = a.partner_logo; 
        return { 
            account_holder_name: a.account_holder_name, 
            adjustments: { 
                return { 
                    adjustment_type: a.adjustment_type, 
                    display_adjustment_amount: a.adjustment_amount 
            cancellation_url: a.cancellation_url, 
            merchant_name: a.merchant_name, 
            messenger_commerce_bubble_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceBubbleType")[a.messenger_commerce_bubble_type]), 
            order_id: a.order_id, 
            order_time: a.order_time, 
            order_url: a.order_url, 
            partner_logo: d != null ? d.uri : void 0, 
            payment_method: a.payment_method, 
            receipt_id: a.receipt_id, 
            recipient_name: a.recipient_name, 
            shipping_cost: a.shipping_cost, 
            shipping_method: a.shipping_method, 
            status: a.status, 
            structured_address: { 
                postal_code: a.structured_address.postal_code, 
                state: a.structured_address.state, 
                street_1: c("bs_caml_array").get(b, 0), 
                street_2: c("bs_caml_array").get(b, 1) 
            subtotal: a.subtotal, 
            total_cost: a.total_cost, 
            total_tax: a.total_tax 
    function G(a, b) { 
        return { 
            actor_id: a, 
            buyer_name: b.buyer_name, 
            click_action: b.click_action, 
            components: b.components, 
            invoicer_id: b.invoicer_id, 
            is_last_attachment: b.is_last_attachment, 
            is_viewer_seller: b.is_viewer_seller, 
            item_list: { 
                return { 
                    description: a.description, 
                    image_urls: { 
                        return a.uri 
                    item_id: a.item_id, 
                    quantity: a.quantity, 
                    subtitle: a.subtitle, 
                    unit_price: a.unit_price 
            payment_call_to_actions: b.payment_call_to_actions, 
            payment_modules_client: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("PaymentModulesClient")[b.payment_modules_client]), 
            payment_snippet: b.payment_snippet, 
            payment_status_icon: b.payment_status_icon, 
            payment_sub_statuses: b.payment_sub_statuses, 
            payment_total: b.payment_total, 
            product_detail: b.product_detail, 
            should_show_new_xma: b.should_show_new_xma, 
            summary_action: b.summary_action, 
            user_facing_payment_status: b.user_facing_payment_status 
    var H = function(a) { 
        var c = b("LeadGenInfoFieldTypes") 
          , d = {} 
          , e = []; 
        for (var a = a.field_data_list, f = Array.isArray(a), g = 0, a = f ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) { 
            var h; 
            if (f) { 
                if (g >= a.length) 
                h = a[g++] 
            } else { 
                g =; 
                if (g.done) 
                h = g.value 
            h = h; 
            var i = h.field_type 
              , j = h.label; 
            h = h.values; 
            i === c.CUSTOM || i === c.ZIP ? e.push({ 
                label: j, 
                values: h 
            }) : d[i] = { 
                label: j, 
                values: h 
        d.questions = e; 
        return d 
    function I(a, b) { 
        var c = b.invite_recipient; 
        c = c == null ? null :; 
        var d = b.invite_sender; 
        d = d == null ? null :; 
        return { 
            is_viewer_recipient: a === c, 
            recipient_id: c, 
            sender_id: d 
    function J(a) { 
        var b = function(a) { 
            if (a == null) 
                return null; 
                return a.uri 
          , c = a.listing_category; 
        c = c == null ? [null, null] : [c.offer_image, c.request_image]; 
        return { 
            listingType: a.listing_type, 
            mapURI: b(a.map_image), 
            offerURI: b(c[0]), 
            requestURI: b(c[1]) 
    function K(a) { 
        return { 
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view, 
            receiver: a.receiver, 
            sender: a.sender, 
            transfer_id: a.transfer_id 
    function L(a) { 
        var b = a.receiver_profile, d; 
        if (b == null) 
            d = null; 
        else { 
            var e = b.profile_picture; 
            d = { 
                name: b.short_name, 
                picture: e == null ? null : e.uri, 
                profile_url: b.url 
        e = a.sender; 
        if (e == null) 
            b = {}; 
        else { 
            var f = e.profile_picture; 
            b = { 
                full_name: e.full_name, 
                picture: f == null ? null : f.uri, 
                profile_uri: e.url 
        f = a.transfer_context; 
        if (f == null) 
            e = [null, null]; 
        else { 
            var g = f.transfer_theme; 
            e = [ { 
                a = a.image; 
                if (a == null) 
                    return null; 
                    return a.uri 
            }), g == null ? null :] 
        f = a.platform_item; 
        g = f == null ? null : { 
            description: f.description, 
            image: { 
                a = a.image; 
                if (a == null) 
                    return null; 
                    return a.uri 
            refURL: f.url 
        f = a.amount_fb_discount; 
        return { 
            amount: a.transaction_amount.amount, 
            amountWithSymbol: a.transaction_amount.formatted_amount, 
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view, 
            completedTime: a.completedTime, 
            creationTime: a.creationTime, 
            currencyCode: a.currency_amount.currency, 
            discountAmount: f == null ? null : f.formatted, 
            fundsAvailability: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("FundsAvailability")[a.funds_availability]), 
            groupThreadFBID: a.group_thread_fbid, 
            memoPhotoURLs: e[0], 
            memoText: a.memo_text, 
            platform_item: g, 
            receiver: d, 
            sender: b, 
            status: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("P2PTransferStatus")[a.transfer_status]), 
            statusDescription: { 
                markup: a.status_description 
            themeID: e[1], 
            transfer_id: a.transfer_id, 
            updatedTime: a.updatedTime 
    function M(a) { 
        var b = a.requester, d; 
        if (b == null) 
            d = void 0; 
        else { 
            var e = b.profile_picture; 
            d = { 
                name: b.short_name, 
                picture: e == null ? null : e.uri, 
                profile_url: b.url 
        e = a.requestee; 
        if (e == null) 
            b = void 0; 
        else { 
            var f = e.profile_picture; 
            b = { 
                name: e.short_name, 
                picture: f == null ? null : f.uri, 
                profile_url: e.url 
        f = c("P2PPaymentRequestStatus")[a.request_status]; 
        e = a.transfer; 
        e = e == null ? [null, ""] : [L(e),]; 
        var g = a.request_theme; 
        return { 
            amount: a.transaction_amount.amount, 
            amountWithSymbol: a.amount.formatted, 
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view, 
            creationTime: a.creation_time, 
            currency: a.amount.currency, 
            currentStatus: f, 
            groupThreadFBID: a.group_thread_fbid, 
            memoText: a.memo_text, 
            requestee: b, 
            requester: d, 
            statusDescription: { 
                markup: a.status_description 
            themeID: g == null ? null :, 
            transfer: e[0], 
            transferID: e[1], 
            updatedTime: a.updated_time 
    function N(a) { 
        var b = M({ 
            amount: a.amount, 
            bubble_view: a.bubble_view, 
            creation_time: a.creation_time, 
            group_thread_fbid: a.group_thread_fbid, 
            memo_text: a.memo_text, 
            request_status: a.request_status, 
            request_theme: a.request_theme, 
            requestee: a.requestee, 
            requester: a.requester, 
            status_description: a.status_description, 
            transaction_amount: a.transaction_amount, 
            transfer: a.transfer, 
            updated_time: a.updated_time 
        a = { 
        return Object.assign(b, a) 
    function O(a, b, d) { 
        var e = 
          , f = e == null ? null : e.animated_image 
          , g = e == null ? null : e.image 
          , h = {}; { 
            var b = a.value; 
            h[a.key] = b == null ? null : b.text 
        var i =, j; 
        if (i == null) 
            j = null; 
            switch (i.TAG) { 
            case 0: 
                j = J(i._0); 
            case 1: 
                j = K(i._0); 
            case 2: 
                j = L(i._0); 
            case 3: 
                j = N(i._0); 
            case 4: 
                j = G(a, i._0); 
            case 5: 
                j = E(i._0); 
            case 6: 
                j = D(i._0); 
            case 8: 
                j = H(i._0); 
            case 9: 
                j = w(i._0); 
            case 10: 
                j = I(a, i._0); 
            case 11: 
                j = t(i._0); 
            case 12: 
                j = u(i._0); 
            case 13: 
                j = v(i._0); 
            case 14: 
                var C = i._0 
                  , M = C.genie_sender; 
                M = M == null ? [null, null] : [,]; 
                var O = M[0], Q = { 
                    action_links: [], 
                    deduplication_key: null, 
                    description: null, 
                    media: null, 
                    messaging_attribution: null, 
                    messenger_call_to_actions: [], 
                    messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: null, 
                    properties: [], 
                    source: null, 
                    style_list: [], 
                    subattachments: [], 
                    target: null, 
                    title_with_entities: null, 
                    url: null, 
                    xma_layout_info: null 
                }, R =, S; 
                if (R == null) 
                    S = null; 
                else { 
                    R = R.pack; 
                    if (R == null) { 
                        R = C.story_attachment; 
                        S = R == null || d == null ? null : P(a, { 
                            genie_attachment: { 
                                genie_message: { 
                                    story_attachment: Q 
                            legacy_attachment_id: O, 
                            story_attachment: { 
                                action_links: d.action_links, 
                                deduplication_key: d.deduplication_key, 
                                description: d.description, 
                                messaging_attribution: d.messaging_attribution, 
                                messenger_call_to_actions: d.messenger_call_to_actions, 
                                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: d.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
                                source: d.source, 
                                style_list: d.style_list, 
                                subattachments: d.subattachments, 
                                title_with_entities: d.title_with_entities, 
                                url: d.url, 
                                xma_layout_info: d.xma_layout_info 
                    } else 
                        S = d == null ? null : P(a, { 
                            genie_attachment: { 
                                genie_message: { 
                                    story_attachment: Q 
                            legacy_attachment_id: O, 
                            story_attachment: Q 
                j = { 
                    attachment: S, 
                    genie_id: O, 
                    genie_name: M[1] 
            case 16: 
                j = n(i._0); 
            case 18: 
                j = s(i._0); 
            case 19: 
                j = o(i._0); 
            case 20: 
                j = p(i._0); 
            case 21: 
                j = F(i._0); 
            case 23: 
                j = m(i._0); 
            case 24: 
                j = l(a, i._0); 
            case 36: 
                j = x(i._0); 
            case 37: 
                j = A(i._0); 
            case 38: 
                j = B(i._0); 
            case 39: 
                j = q(i._0); 
            case 40: 
                j = r(i._0); 
            case 60: 
                j = z(i._0); 
            case 61: 
                j = y(i._0); 
                j = i._0 
        C =; 
        R = C == null || C.TAG !== 5 ? null : 0; 
        d = b.description; 
        Q = b.source; 
        S = b.title_with_entities; 
        return { 
            action_links: k(b.action_links), 
            deduplication_key: b.deduplication_key, 
            description: d == null ? null : d.text, 
            label: R, 
            media: { 
                animated_image: f == null ? null : f.uri, 
                animated_image_size: f == null ? { 
                    height: null, 
                    width: null 
                } : { 
                    height: f.height, 
                    width: f.width 
                duration: e == null ? null : e.playable_duration, 
                image: g == null ? null : g.uri, 
                image_size: g == null ? { 
                    height: null, 
                    width: null 
                } : { 
                    height: g.height, 
                    width: g.width 
                playable: e == null ? null : e.is_playable, 
                source: e == null ? null : e.playable_url 
            messaging_attribution: b.messaging_attribution, 
            messenger_ctas: { 
                return { 
                    action_open_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceCallToActionType")[a.action_open_type]), 
                    action_title: a.title, 
                    action_url: a.action_link, 
                    is_disabled: a.is_disabled, 
                    is_high_confidence: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.is_high_confidence), !1), 
                    is_mutable_by_server: a.is_mutable_by_server, 
                    native_url: a.native_url, 
                    page_id: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.page_id), ""), 
                    webview_metadata: { 
                        fallback_url: a.webview_metadata.fallback_url, 
                        messenger_extensions: a.webview_metadata.messenger_extensions, 
                        webview_height_ratio: a.webview_metadata.webview_height_ratio, 
                        webview_share_button: a.webview_metadata.webview_share_button 
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: b.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
            properties: h, 
            source: Q == null ? null : Q.text, 
            style_list: b.style_list, 
            target: j, 
            title: S == null ? null : S.text, 
            uri: b.url, 
            xma_layout_info: b.xma_layout_info 
    function P(a, b) { 
        var c = b.genie_attachment, d; 
        if (c == null) 
            d = null; 
        else { 
            c = c.genie_message; 
            if (c == null) 
                d = null; 
            else { 
                c = c.story_attachment; 
                d = c == null ? null : { 
                    action_links: c.action_links, 
                    deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key, 
                    description: c.description, 
                    messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution, 
                    messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions, 
                    messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
                    source: c.source, 
                    style_list: c.style_list, 
                    subattachments: c.subattachments, 
                    title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities, 
                    url: c.url, 
                    xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info 
        c = b.story_attachment; 
        var e; 
        if (c == null) 
            e = null; 
        else { 
            var f = { 
                action_links: [], 
                deduplication_key: null, 
                description: null, 
                media: null, 
                messaging_attribution: null, 
                messenger_call_to_actions: [], 
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: null, 
                properties: [], 
                source: null, 
                style_list: [], 
                subattachments: [], 
                target: null, 
                title_with_entities: null, 
                url: null, 
                xma_layout_info: null 
            b = { 
                share_id: b.legacy_attachment_id, 
                subattachments: { 
                    return O(a, b, f) 
            var g = { 
                action_links: c.action_links, 
                deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key, 
                description: c.description, 
                messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution, 
                messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions, 
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
                source: c.source, 
                style_list: c.style_list, 
                title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities, 
                url: c.url, 
                xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info 
            c = d == null ? { 
                action_links: c.action_links, 
                deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key, 
                description: c.description, 
                messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution, 
                messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions, 
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
                source: c.source, 
                style_list: c.style_list, 
                subattachments: c.subattachments, 
                title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities, 
                url: c.url, 
                xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info 
            } : { 
                action_links: d.action_links, 
                deduplication_key: d.deduplication_key, 
                description: d.description, 
                messaging_attribution: d.messaging_attribution, 
                messenger_call_to_actions: d.messenger_call_to_actions, 
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: d.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
                source: d.source, 
                style_list: d.style_list, 
                subattachments: d.subattachments, 
                title_with_entities: d.title_with_entities, 
                url: d.url, 
                xma_layout_info: d.xma_layout_info 
            e = Object.assign(b, O(a, g, c)) 
        return { 
            app_attribution: null, 
            attach_type: "share", 
            icon_type: null, 
            large_preview_height: null, 
            large_preview_url: null, 
            large_preview_width: null, 
            metadata: null, 
            name: null, 
            preview_height: null, 
            preview_url: null, 
            preview_width: null, 
            rel: null, 
            share: e, 
            thumbnail_url: null, 
            url: null 
    g._getCallToActions = j; 
    g._getActionLinks = k; 
    g._getColor = a; 
    g._getLogo = d; 
    g._getPageTarget = l; 
    g._getGroupCommerceProductItemTarget = m; 
    g._getExternalSongTarget = n; 
    g._getAgentSuggestionItemTarget = o; 
    g._getFundraiserTarget = p; 
    g._getWECFileTarget = q; 
    g._getWECMessageVideoTarget = r; 
    g._getRetailItemTarget = s; 
    g._getPagesPlatformBookingMessageTarget = t; 
    g._getServicesAppointmentAvailabilityTarget = u; 
    g._getServicesGenericAdminTextTarget = v; 
    g._getMessageLiveLocationTarget = w; 
    g._getWECMessageTarget = x; 
    g._getWECMessageButtonTarget = y; 
    g._getWECMessageCardTarget = z; 
    g._getWECMessageImageTarget = A; 
    g._getWECMessageAudioTarget = B; 
    g._getBusinessRetailItem = C; 
    g._getMessengerBusinessMessageTarget = D; 
    g._getMessengerRetailPromotionTarget = E; 
    g._getMessengerRetailReceiptTarget = F; 
    g._getPagesPlatformAttachmentTarget = G; 
    g._getPagesPlatformLeadGenInfoTarget = H; 
    g._getQuickInviteTarget = I; 
    g._getCrisisListingTarget = J; 
    g._getMoneyTransferTarget = K; 
    g._getP2PTransferTarget = L; 
    g._getP2PTransferRequestTarget = M; 
    g._getP2PTransferRequestWithIndividualRequests = N; 
    g.transformStoryAttachment = O; 
    g.getExtensibleAttachmentPayload = P 
), 226); 
__d("", ["fbt", "", "", "bs_caml"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i; 
    function j(a) { 
        if (a.is_malicious) { 
            var b = h._("__JHASH__Yqgf6F7YPxj__JHASH__"); 
            return { 
                app_attribution: null, 
                attach_type: "error", 
                error_msg: b, 
                icon_type: "attach:unknown", 
                message_file_fbid: null, 
                metadata: null, 
                mime_type: null, 
                name: null, 
                preview: null, 
                preview_height: null, 
                preview_url: null, 
                preview_width: null, 
                rel: null, 
                share: null, 
                thumbnail_url: null, 
                url: null, 
                url_shimhash: null, 
                url_skipshim: null 
        b = a.attribution_app; 
        var c; 
        if (b == null) 
            c = null; 
        else { 
            var d = b.square_logo; 
            c = { 
                icon_url: d == null ? null : d.uri, 
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
        d = a.url; 
        return { 
            app_attribution: c, 
            attach_type: "file", 
            error_msg: void 0, 
            icon_type: a.content_type, 
            message_file_fbid: a.message_file_fbid, 
            metadata: null, 
            mime_type: a.mimetype, 
            name: a.filename, 
            preview: a.preview, 
            preview_height: null, 
            preview_url: a.preview_url, 
            preview_width: null, 
            rel: "ignore", 
            share: null, 
            thumbnail_url: null, 
            url: d == null ? null : d, 
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash, 
            url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim 
    function k(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.chat_image; 
        d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height]; 
        var e = d[0] 
          , f = a.chat_image; 
        f = f == null ? null : { 
            height: f.height, 
            width: f.width 
        var g = a.large_image; 
        g = g == null ? [null, null] : [g.uri, { 
            height: g.height, 
            width: g.width 
        var h = a.inbox_image; 
        h = h == null ? [null, null] : [h.uri, { 
            height: h.height, 
            width: h.width 
        var i = a.attribution_app, j; 
        if (i == null) 
            j = null; 
        else { 
            var k = i.square_logo; 
            j = { 
                icon_url: k == null ? null : k.uri, 
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
        return { 
            app_attribution: j, 
            attach_type: "video", 
            icon_type: "attach:video", 
            large_preview_height: null, 
            large_preview_url: null, 
            large_preview_width: null, 
            metadata: { 
                chat_preview: e, 
                chat_size: f, 
                dimensions: { 
                    height: a.original_dimensions.y, 
                    width: a.original_dimensions.x 
                duration: a.playable_duration_in_ms, 
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                inbox_preview: h[0], 
                inbox_size: h[1], 
                large_preview: g[0], 
                large_size: g[1], 
                pageid: c ? b : void 0, 
                render_as_sticker: a.video_type === "SPEAKING_STICKER" 
            name: a.filename, 
            preview_height: d[2], 
            preview_url: e, 
            preview_width: d[1], 
            rel: "async", 
            share: null, 
            thumbnail_url: e, 
            url: a.playable_url 
    function l(a) { 
        var b = a.attribution_app, c; 
        if (b == null) 
            c = null; 
        else { 
            var d = b.square_logo; 
            c = { 
                icon_url: d == null ? null : d.uri, 
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
        return { 
            app_attribution: c, 
            attach_type: "file", 
            icon_type: "attach:music", 
            large_preview_height: null, 
            large_preview_url: null, 
            large_preview_width: null, 
            metadata: { 
                duration: a.playable_duration_in_ms, 
                isVoicemail: a.is_voicemail ? "1" : "0", 
                type: a.audio_type === "VOICE_MESSAGE" ? "fb_voice_message" : a.audio_type === "VOICE_MESSAGE_WITH_TRANSCRIPT" ? "fb_voice_message_with_transcript" : "file_attachment" 
            name: a.filename, 
            preview_height: null, 
            preview_url: null, 
            preview_width: null, 
            rel: "ignore", 
            share: null, 
            thumbnail_url: null, 
            url: a.playable_url, 
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash, 
            url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim 
    function m(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.preview_image; 
        d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height]; 
        var e = a.animated_image; 
        e = e == null ? null : e.uri; 
        var f = a.attribution_app, g; 
        if (f == null) 
            g = null; 
        else { 
            var h = f.square_logo; 
            g = { 
                icon_url: h == null ? null : h.uri, 
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
        return { 
            app_attribution: g, 
            attach_type: "animated_image", 
            icon_type: "attach:image", 
            large_preview_height: null, 
            large_preview_url: null, 
            large_preview_width: null, 
            metadata: { 
                dimensions: String(a.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(a.original_dimensions.y)), 
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                image: e, 
                pageid: c ? b : void 0 
            name: a.filename, 
            preview_height: d[2], 
            preview_url: d[0], 
            preview_width: d[1], 
            rel: "async", 
            share: null, 
            thumbnail_url: e, 
            title: a.title, 
            url: e 
    function n(a) { 
        var b = a.original_extension === "gif" ? "animated_image" : a.render_as_sticker ? "third_party_sticker" : "photo" 
          , c = a.preview; 
        c = c == null ? [null, null, null] : [c.uri, c.width, c.height]; 
        if (b === "photo") { 
            var d = a.large_preview; 
            d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height] 
        } else 
            d = [null, null, null]; 
        var e = a.attribution_app, f; 
        if (e == null) 
            f = null; 
        else { 
            var g = e.square_logo; 
            f = { 
                icon_url: g == null ? null : g.uri, 
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
        g = a.thumbnail; 
        return { 
            app_attribution: f, 
            attach_type: b, 
            blurred_image_uri: a.blurred_image_uri, 
            icon_type: "attach:image", 
            large_preview_height: d[2], 
            large_preview_url: d[0], 
            large_preview_width: d[1], 
            metadata: { 
                dimensions: String(a.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(a.original_dimensions.y)), 
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id 
            name: a.filename, 
            photo_encodings: a.photo_encodings, 
            preview_height: c[2], 
            preview_url: c[0], 
            preview_width: c[1], 
            rel: "async", 
            share: null, 
            thumbnail_url: g == null ? null : g.uri, 
            url: null 
    function o(a, b) { 
        var d = a 
          , e = b; 
        if (a >= b) { 
            a = (i || (i = c("bs_caml"))).caml_float_min(120, d / 2); 
            b = a / (d / 2); 
            return [a | 0, e / 2 * b | 0] 
        a = (i || (i = c("bs_caml"))).caml_float_min(120, e / 2); 
        b = a / (e / 2); 
        return [d / 2 * b | 0, a | 0] 
    function p(a) { 
        var b = o(a.width, a.height) 
          , c = a.pack 
          , d = a.padded_sprite_image 
          , e = a.padded_sprite_image_2x 
          , f = a.sprite_image 
          , g = a.sprite_image_2x; 
        return { 
            app_attribution: null, 
            attach_type: "sticker", 
            icon_type: "attach:unknown", 
            large_preview_height: null, 
            large_preview_url: null, 
            large_preview_width: null, 
            metadata: { 
                accessibilityLabel: a.label, 
                frameCount: a.frame_count, 
                frameRate: a.frame_rate, 
                framesPerCol: a.frame_count > 1 ? a.frames_per_column : 1, 
                framesPerRow: a.frame_count > 1 ? a.frames_per_row : 1, 
                height: b[1], 
                packID: c == null ? null :, 
                paddedSpriteURI: d == null ? null : d.uri, 
                paddedSpriteURI2x: e == null ? null : e.uri, 
                share: null, 
                spriteURI: f == null ? null : f.uri, 
                spriteURI2x: g == null ? null : g.uri, 
                thumbnail_url: null, 
                width: b[0] 
            name: null, 
            preview_height: null, 
            preview_url: null, 
            preview_width: null, 
            rel: null, 
            url: a.url 
    function q(a, b) { 
        if (b != null) 
            return d("").setMessageIDForAttachmentID(a, b) 
    function a(a, b, c, e) { 
        var f = [], g = { 
            frame_count: 0, 
            frame_rate: 0, 
            frames_per_column: 0, 
            frames_per_row: 0, 
            height: 0, 
            id: "", 
            label: "", 
            pack: null, 
            padded_sprite_image: null, 
            padded_sprite_image_2x: null, 
            sprite_image: null, 
            sprite_image_2x: null, 
            url: null, 
            width: 0 
        }, h = b.extensible_attachment, i; 
        if (h == null) 
            i = g; 
        else { 
            h = h.story_attachment; 
            if (h == null) 
                i = g; 
            else { 
                h =; 
                if (h == null) 
                    i = g; 
                else { 
                    var o = h.__typename; 
                    i = o === "Sticker" ? { 
                        frame_count: h.frame_count, 
                        frame_rate: h.frame_rate, 
                        frames_per_column: h.frames_per_column, 
                        frames_per_row: h.frames_per_row, 
                        height: h.height, 
                        label: h.label, 
                        pack: h.pack, 
                        padded_sprite_image: h.padded_sprite_image, 
                        padded_sprite_image_2x: h.padded_sprite_image_2x, 
                        sprite_image: h.sprite_image, 
                        sprite_image_2x: h.sprite_image_2x, 
                        url: h.url, 
                        width: h.width 
                    } : g 
        o =; 
        o != null && o !== "" && f.push(p(i)); 
        h = b.extensible_attachment; 
        h != null && f.push(d("").getExtensibleAttachmentPayload(a, h)); 
        g = b.sticker; 
        g != null && f.push(p(g)); 
        o = b.blob_attachments; 
        o != null && o.forEach(function(b) { 
            switch (b.TAG) { 
            case 0: 
                var d = b._0; 
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c); 
            case 1: 
                d = b._0; 
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c); 
                f.push(m(d, a, e)); 
            case 2: 
            case 3: 
                d = b._0; 
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c); 
                f.push(k(d, a, e)); 
            case 4: 
        return f 
    g._getFilePayload = j; 
    g._getVideoPayload = k; 
    g._getAudioPayload = l; 
    g._getAnimatedImagePayload = m; 
    g._getImagePayload = n; 
    g._getStickerDimensions = o; 
    g.getStickerPayload = p; 
    g._storeAttachmentMapping = q; 
    g.transformAttachment = a 
), 226); 
__d("MessengerCamcorder.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                d: "M9 9.5a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v9a4 4 0 0 0 4 4h10a4 4 0 0 0 4-4v-9a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H9zM25.829 21.532l3.723 1.861A1 1 0 0 0 31 22.5V13.5a1 1 0 0 0-1.448-.894l-3.723 1.861A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 25 15.81v4.38a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 .829 1.342z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerCross.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                d: "m12.631 25.138 5.196-5.189a.25.25 0 0 1 .353 0l5.197 5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.761L19.95 18.18a.25.25 0 0 1 0-.354l5.189-5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.761 0l-5.197 5.188a.25.25 0 0 1-.353 0l-5.196-5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.761l5.188 5.196a.25.25 0 0 1 0 .354l-5.189 5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.761 0z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        DEFAULT: "default", 
        DENIED: "denied", 
        GRANTED: "granted" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("PresenceConfig", ["PresenceConfigInitialData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    var h = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("PresenceConfigInitialData")); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return a in h ? h[a] : b 
    g.get = a 
), 98); 
__d("PresenceViewerCapabilities", ["ArbiterMixin", "PresenceConfig"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = null; 
    a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("ArbiterMixin")); 
    Object.assign(a, { 
        get: function() { 
            if (h != null) 
                return h; 
            h = d("PresenceConfig").get("viewer_presence_capabilities"); 
            return h 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("WorkplaceChatHelper", ["ChannelConstants", "CurrentUser", "PresenceViewerCapabilities"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return window.workchat !== void 0 
    function b() { 
        return window.workchat.appId 
    function e() { 
    function f() { 
        var a; 
        a = (a = window.workchat) == null ? void 0 : a.getIsSystemDoNotDisturbOn; 
        return a == null ? !1 : a() 
    function h() { 
        return window.workchat.getScreenSharingSourceID() 
    function i() { 
        return window.workchat.stopScreenSharing() 
    function j() { 
        return c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() && (c("PresenceViewerCapabilities").get() & d("ChannelConstants").CAPABILITY_ACTIVE_ON_DESKTOP_APP) == d("ChannelConstants").CAPABILITY_ACTIVE_ON_DESKTOP_APP 
    g.isDesktopChatApp = a; 
    g.getAppID = b; 
    g.showWindow = e; 
    g.getIsSystemDoNotDisturbOn = f; 
    g.getScreenSharingSourceID = h; 
    g.stopScreenSharing = i; 
    g.suppressChatIfActiveOnDesktop = j 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerDesktopNotifications", ["MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", "Run", "UserAgent", "WorkplaceChatHelper"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = 5e3 
      , i = new Map(); 
    function a() { 
        i.forEach(function(a, b, c) { 
            a.close && a.close() 
    function b() { 
        return !!window.Notification 
    function j() { 
        if (window.Notification) 
            return window.Notification.permission 
    function e() { 
        return c("UserAgent").isBrowser("FireFox") && c("UserAgent").isPlatform("Mac OS X") 
    function f() { 
        return j() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").DENIED 
    function k() { 
        return j() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").GRANTED 
    function l(a) { 
        window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission(a) 
    function m(a) { 
        if (k()) { 
            var b = window.Notification ? new window.Notification(a.title,{ 
                body: a.body, 
                icon: a.icon, 
                tag: a.tag, 
                silent: a.silent 
            }) : {}; 
            i.set(a.tag, b); 
            a.onShow && a.onShow(); 
            b.onclick = function() { 
                d("WorkplaceChatHelper").isDesktopChatApp() && d("WorkplaceChatHelper").showWindow(), 
            b.onclose = function() { 
            setTimeout(function() { 
            }, a.closeTime || h); 
            return b 
        } else 
            return null 
    function n(a) { 
        a = i.get(a); 
        a && a.close() 
    g.isSupported = b; 
    g.checkPermission = j; 
    g.hasDefaultSound = e; 
    g.isDenied = f; 
    g.isGranted = k; 
    g.requestPermission = l; 
    g.showNotification = m; 
    g.removeNotification = n 
), 98); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        a = a.toUpperCase(); 
        switch (a) { 
        case "NOT_SUPPORTED": 
            return "not_supported"; 
        case "OPTIONAL": 
            return "optional"; 
        case "REQUIRED": 
            return "required"; 
            return null 
    f.fromNullableString = a 
), 66); 
__d("MessengerGroupThreadSubType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        ADMIN_MODEL_V2_THREAD: 1, 
        FB_GROUP_CHAT: 2, 
        SCHOOL_CHAT: 4, 
        BELL_SYNCED_CHAT: 7, 
        GAMES_APP_THREAD: 8, 
        VAULT_CHAT: 9, 
        VERSE_CHAT: 10, 
        USER_JOB_THREAD: 12, 
        CHAT_FOR_ROOM_THREAD: 18, 
        GAMING_PLAY_SQUAD: 19, 
        EITM_BACKED_IG_1TO1_THREAD: 21, 
        LEARNING_SPACE: 23, 
        IGD_BC_PARTNERSHIP: 25, 
        E2EE_1TO1_THREAD_METADATA: 26, 
        TAGGED_PII_DATA: 31, 
        IGD_GROUP: 47, 
        INTEROP_GROUP: 51, 
        IG_GROUP_PROFILES: 55, 
        IG_PRIVATE_EVENT: 56, 
        IG_SOCIAL_CHANNEL: 62, 
        GENAI_IMAGINE: 64, 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        switch (a) { 
        case "OPT_IN": 
            return "OPT_IN"; 
        case "OPT_OUT": 
            return "OPT_OUT"; 
        case "PENDING_OPT_IN": 
            return "PENDING_OPT_IN"; 
        case "PENDING_OPT_OUT": 
            return "PENDING_OPT_OUT"; 
        case "UNSET": 
            return "UNSET"; 
        case "UNSUPPORTED": 
            return "UNSUPPORTED"; 
            return null 
    f.fromNullableString = a 
), 66); 
__d("MessengerLock.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em", 
            fill: "currentColor" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                fillRule: "evenodd", 
                clipRule: "evenodd", 
                d: "M12.25 15.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V12a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 11 0v3.25c0 . 2 0 0 1 2 2v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-13a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-9a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h.75zm3 0h5.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V12a3 3 0 1 0-6 0v3.25c0 ." 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        SENT_IN_GROUP: "sent_in_group", 
        CANCELED_SENDER_RISK: "canceled_sender_risk", 
        CANCELED_DECLINED: "canceled_declined", 
        CANCELED_RECIPIENT_RISK: "canceled_recipient_risk", 
        CANCELED_EXPIRED: "canceled_expired", 
        CANCELED_SAME_CARD: "canceled_same_card", 
        CANCELED_CUSTOMER_SERVICE: "canceled_customer_service", 
        CANCELED_CHARGEBACK: "canceled_chargeback", 
        CANCELED_SYSTEM_FAIL: "canceled_system_fail", 
        REQUEST_CANCELED_BY_REQUESTER: "request_canceled_by_requester", 
        REQUEST_DECLINED_BY_REQUESTEE: "request_declined_by_requestee", 
        REQUEST_EXPIRED: "request_expired", 
        REQUEST_REMINDER: "request_reminder", 
        MONEY_RAIN_GAME_ENTRY_POINT: "money_rain_game_entry_point" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("", ["CurrentUser", "FBIDCheck", "InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType", "MNCommerceMessageType", "MercuryIDs", "", "MessagingGenericAdminTextType", "MessagingTagUtils", "", "P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_null_undefined", "getByPath"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function h(a) { 
        a = a.blob_attachments; 
        var b = []; 
        a != null && a.forEach(function(a) { 
            if (a.__typename === "MessageImage") { 
                    _0: { 
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app, 
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
                        blurred_image_uri: a.blurred_image_uri, 
                        filename: a.filename, 
                        large_preview: a.large_preview, 
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions, 
                        original_extension: a.original_extension, 
                        photo_encodings: a.photo_encodings, 
                        preview: a.preview, 
                        render_as_sticker: a.render_as_sticker, 
                        thumbnail: a.thumbnail 
                    TAG: 0 
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageAnimatedImage") { 
                    _0: { 
                        animated_image: a.animated_image, 
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app, 
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
                        filename: a.filename, 
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions, 
                        preview_image: a.preview_image, 
                        title: a.animated_image_caption 
                    TAG: 1 
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageAudio") { 
                    _0: { 
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app, 
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
                        audio_type: a.audio_type, 
                        filename: a.filename, 
                        is_voicemail: a.is_voicemail, 
                        playable_duration_in_ms: a.playable_duration_in_ms, 
                        playable_url: a.playable_url, 
                        url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash, 
                        url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim 
                    TAG: 2 
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageVideo") { 
                    _0: { 
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app, 
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
                        chat_image: a.chat_image, 
                        filename: a.filename, 
                        inbox_image: a.inbox_image, 
                        large_image: a.large_image, 
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions, 
                        playable_duration_in_ms: a.playable_duration_in_ms, 
                        playable_url: a.playable_url, 
                        video_type: a.video_type 
                    TAG: 3 
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageFile") { 
                    _0: { 
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app, 
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata, 
                        content_type: a.content_type, 
                        filename: a.filename, 
                        is_malicious: a.is_malicious, 
                        message_file_fbid: a.message_file_fbid, 
                        mimetype: a.mimetype, 
                        preview: a.preview, 
                        preview_url: a.preview_url, 
                        url: a.url, 
                        url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash, 
                        url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim 
                    TAG: 4 
            } else 
        return b 
    function i(a, b, c) { 
        var e = b.call_capture_attachments; 
        if (e == null) 
            return []; 
            return d("").transformAttachment(a, { 
                blob_attachments: h({ 
                    blob_attachments: { 
                        return a.node 
                extensible_attachment: null, 
                sticker: null 
            }, b.message_id, c) 
    function j(a, b, d, e, f) { 
        if (b.__typename === "GroupPollExtensibleMessageAdminText") { 
            var g = b.question, h; 
            if (g == null) 
                h = [{}, null]; 
            else { 
                var j = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, g); 
                Object.assign(j, { 
                    options: { 
                        var b = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a); 
                        return Object.assign(b, { 
                            total_count: a.voters.nodes.length, 
                            voters: { 
                    total_count: b.total_count 
                h = [j,] 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: { 
                    event_type: b.event_type.toLowerCase(), 
                    question_id: h[1], 
                    question_json: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(JSON.stringify(h[0])) 
        } else if (b.__typename === "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText") { 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: { 
                    collapsed_text: b.collapsed_text, 
                    cta_title: (g = c("getByPath"))(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "cta_title"]), 
                    cta_url: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "cta_url"]), 
                    custom_image_url: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "photo", "image", "uri"]), 
                    expanded_text: b.expanded_text, 
                    game_id: g(b, ["game", "id"]), 
                    leaderboard_json: b.leaderboard_json, 
                    template: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "template"]), 
                    update_type: c("InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType")[b.update_type] 
        } else if (b.__typename === "MessengerAdContextAdminText") 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: { 
                    ad_url: b.ad_url 
        else if (b.__typename === "AdExtensibleMessageAdminText") 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: { 
                    ad_client_token: b.ad_client_token, 
                    ad_id: b.ad_id, 
                    ad_preferences_link: b.ad_preferences_link, 
                    ad_properties: b.ad_properties 
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText") 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, { 
                    call_capture_attachments: i(a, b, f) 
        else if (b.__typename === "ThemeColorExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ThreadIconExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ThreadNicknameExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AcceptPendingThreadExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AddContactExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "RtcCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "GameScoreExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ConfirmFriendRequestExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerGrowthGenericExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PartiesInviteExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AppointmentReminderExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginURLUpdateAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginFBUserStartChatAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginGuestUserStartChatAdminText" || b.__typename === "GraphQLServicesAppointmentsOptOutExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ServicesLeadGenSurveyExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ServicesLeadGenSurveyEditExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerIcebreakerVoteCastExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PagesMarkAsPaidExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PagesMarkAsPaidNewExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "WorkBotInstalledExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "WorkChatReminderLinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PageThreadActionSystemAddDetailsXMAT" || b.__typename === "MagicWordsExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "NotificationMessagesAdminText" || b.__typename === "PostSharedFromGroupExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "BizInboxFormBuilderSubmitNotifyAdminText" || b.__typename === "BizInboxDetectedOutcomesActivityAdminTextExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "InstantGameBotMessageSubscriptionManagementAdminText" || b.__typename === "InstantGameCustomUpdateMuteManagementAdminText") 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b) 
        else if (b.__typename === "LightweightEventCreateExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventDeleteExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventNotifyBeforeEventExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventNotifyExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateLocationExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateTimeExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateTitleExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventRSVPExtensibleMessageAdminText") { 
            h = b.event_reminder; 
            if (h == null) 
                g = void 0; 
            else { 
                a = h.lightweight_event_creator; 
                f = a != null ? : void 0; 
                a = h.location_page; 
                a = a != null ? : void 0; 
                var k = h.timezone_id; 
                k = k != null ? k.timezone : void 0; 
                var l = h.location_coordinates; 
                l = l == null ? { 
                    latitude: void 0, 
                    longitude: void 0 
                } : l; 
                var m = h.event_reminder_members; 
                m = m != null ? m.edges : void 0; 
                g = { 
                    event_creator_id: f, 
                    event_end_time: h.end_time, 
                    event_location_id: a, 
                    event_location_name: h.location_name, 
                    event_seconds_to_notify_before: h.seconds_to_notify_before, 
                    event_time: h.time, 
                    event_timezone: k, 
                    event_title: h.event_title, 
                    event_track_rsvp: h.allows_rsvp, 
                    event_type: h.lightweight_event_type, 
                    guest_id: b.guest_id, 
                    guest_state_list: m, 
                    guest_status: b.guest_status, 
                    latitude: l.latitude, 
                    longitude: l.longitude 
            j = { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: g 
        } else 
            j = b.__typename === "AdReplyMessageAdminText" ? { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: { 
                    ad_url: b.ad_url, 
                    results_url: b.results_url, 
                    should_show_url: b.should_show_url 
            } : { 
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d], 
                untypedData: void 0 
        return { 
            log_message_body: e, 
            log_message_data: j, 
            log_message_type: "log:generic-admin-text" 
    function k(a) { 
        return { 
            if (a === "p2p_transfer") 
                return "orion"; 
            else if (a === "p2p_payment_request") 
                return "orion_request"; 
                return a 
    function l(a) { 
        var b =, c; 
        if (b == null) 
            c = null; 
        else if (b.__typename === "CrisisListing") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    listing_category: b.listing_category, 
                    listing_type: b.listing_type, 
                    map_image: b.map_image 
                TAG: 0 
        else if (b.__typename === "MoneyTransfer") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view, 
                    receiver: b.receiver, 
                    sender: b.sender, 
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id 
                TAG: 1 
        else if (b.__typename === "PeerToPeerTransfer") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    amount_fb_discount: b.amount_fb_discount, 
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view, 
                    completedTime: b.completedTime, 
                    creationTime: b.creationTime, 
                    currency_amount: b.currency_amount, 
                    funds_availability: b.funds_availability, 
                    group_thread_fbid: b.group_thread_fbid, 
                    memo_text: b.memo_text, 
                    platform_item: b.platform_item, 
                    receiver_profile: b.receiver_profile, 
                    sender: b.sender, 
                    status_description: b.status_description, 
                    transaction_amount: b.transaction_amount, 
                    transfer_context: b.transfer_context, 
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id, 
                    transfer_status: b.transfer_status, 
                    updatedTime: b.updatedTime 
                TAG: 2 
        else if (b.__typename === "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    amount: b.amount, 
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view, 
                    creation_time: b.creation_time, 
                    group_thread_fbid: b.group_thread_fbid, 
                    individual_requests: b.individual_requests, 
                    memo_text: b.memo_text, 
                    request_status: b.request_status, 
                    request_theme: b.request_theme, 
                    requestee: b.requestee, 
                    requester: b.requester, 
                    status_description: b.status_description, 
                    transaction_amount: b.transaction_amount, 
                    transfer: b.transfer, 
                    updated_time: b.updated_time 
                TAG: 3 
        else if (b.__typename === "PaymentPlatformAttachment") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    buyer_name: b.buyer_name, 
                    click_action: b.click_action, 
                    components: b.components, 
                    invoicer_id: b.invoicer_id, 
                    is_last_attachment: b.is_last_attachment, 
                    is_viewer_seller: b.is_viewer_seller, 
                    item_list: b.item_list, 
                    payment_call_to_actions: b.payment_call_to_actions, 
                    payment_modules_client: b.payment_modules_client, 
                    payment_snippet: b.payment_snippet, 
                    payment_status_icon: b.payment_status_icon, 
                    payment_sub_statuses: b.payment_sub_statuses, 
                    payment_total: b.payment_total, 
                    product_detail: b.product_detail, 
                    should_show_new_xma: b.should_show_new_xma, 
                    summary_action: b.summary_action, 
                    user_facing_payment_status: b.user_facing_payment_status 
                TAG: 4 
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerRetailPromotion") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions, 
                    message: b.message, 
                    promotion_items: b.promotion_items 
                TAG: 5 
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerBusinessMessage") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    business_items: b.business_items, 
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions, 
                    message: b.message 
                TAG: 6 
        else if (b.__typename === "Video") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    video_id: b.video_id 
                TAG: 7 
        else if (b.__typename === "PagesPlatformLeadGenInfo") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    field_data_list: b.field_data_list 
                TAG: 8 
        else if (b.__typename === "MessageLiveLocation") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    coordinate: b.coordinate, 
                    expiration_time: b.expiration_time, 
                    is_expired: b.is_expired, 
                    live_location_id: b.live_location_id, 
                    location_title: b.location_title, 
                    sender: b.sender, 
                    sender_destination: b.sender_destination, 
                    stop_reason: b.stop_reason 
                TAG: 9 
        else if (b.__typename === "QuickInvite") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    invite_recipient: b.invite_recipient, 
                    invite_sender: b.invite_sender 
                TAG: 10 
        else if (b.__typename === "PagesPlatformBookingMessage") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    ls_xma_subtitle: b.ls_xma_subtitle, 
                    ls_xma_title: b.ls_xma_title, 
                    message_bubble_type: b.message_bubble_type, 
                    native_component_flow_request: b.native_component_flow_request, 
                    user: b.user 
                TAG: 11 
        else if (b.__typename === "ServicesAppointmentAvailability") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    consumer: b.consumer, 
                    formatted_available_time_ranges: b.formatted_available_time_ranges, 
                    has_booking_request_created: b.has_booking_request_created, 
                TAG: 12 
        else if (b.__typename === "ServicesGenericAdminText") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                TAG: 13 
        else if (b.__typename === "GenieMessage") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    genie_sender: b.genie_sender, 
                    story_attachment: b.story_attachment 
                TAG: 14 
        else if (b.__typename === "Event") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    canViewerJoin: b.canViewerJoin, 
                    canViewerWatch: b.canViewerWatch, 
                    connection_style: b.connection_style, 
                    event_place: b.event_place, 
                    eventID: b.eventID, 
                    guestStatus: b.guestStatus, 
                    profile_picture: b.profile_picture, 
                    social_context: b.social_context, 
                    start_timestamp: b.start_timestamp, 
                    timeString: b.timeString, 
                    watchStatus: b.watchStatus 
                TAG: 15 
        else if (b.__typename === "ExternalSong") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    application_name: b.application_name, 
                    artist_names: b.artist_names, 
                    audio_url: b.audio_url, 
                    duration_ms: b.duration_ms, 
                    music_title: b.music_title 
                TAG: 16 
        else if (b.__typename === "LightweightAction") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    lwa_state: b.lwa_state, 
                    lwa_type: b.lwa_type 
                TAG: 17 
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerRetailItem") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions, 
                    default_action: b.default_action, 
                    desc: b.desc, 
                    first_metaline: b.first_metaline, 
                    image_aspect_ratio: b.image_aspect_ratio, 
                    item_url: b.item_url, 
                    second_metaline: b.second_metaline, 
                    source: b.source, 
                    third_metaline: b.third_metaline, 
                    thumb_url: b.thumb_url 
                TAG: 18 
        else if (b.__typename === "AgentItemSuggestion") 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    desc: b.desc, 
                    merchant_name: b.merchant_name, 
                    payment: b.payment, 
                    price_amount: b.price_amount, 
                    price_currency: b.price_currency, 
                    raw_amount: b.raw_amount, 
                    target_url: b.target_url, 
                    thumb_url: b.thumb_url, 
                    total_cost: b.total_cost 
                TAG: 19 
        else if (b.__typename === "FundraiserPersonToCharity" || b.__typename === "FundraiserPersonForPerson") { 
            var d = b.focused_cover_photo 
              , e = b.fundraiser_detailed_progress_text 
              , f = b.fundraiser_subtitle_text; 
            c = { 
                _0: { 
                    canDonate: b.can_donate, 
                    focusedCoverPhoto: d == null ? null : { 
                        data: { 
                    fundraiserDetailedProgressText: e == null ? null : e.text, 
                    fundraiserSubtitleText: f == null ? null : f.text, 
                    hasViewerDonated: b.has_viewer_donated 
                TAG: 20 
        } else 
            c = b.__typename === "MessengerRetailReceipt" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    account_holder_name: b.account_holder_name, 
                    adjustments: b.retail_adjustments, 
                    cancellation_url: b.cancellation_url, 
                    items: b.retail_items, 
                    merchant_name: b.merchant_name, 
                    messenger_commerce_bubble_type: b.bubble_type, 
                    order_id: b.receipt_id, 
                    order_time: b.order_time_for_display, 
                    order_url: b.receipt_url, 
                    partner_logo: b.partner_log, 
                    payment_method: b.order_payment_method, 
                    recipient_name: b.recipient_name, 
                    shipping_cost: b.shipping_cost, 
                    shipping_method: b.shipping_method, 
                    status: b.status, 
                    structured_address: b.structured_address, 
                    subtotal: b.subtotal, 
                TAG: 21 
            } : b.__typename === "JobApplication" ? { 
                _0: { 
                TAG: 22 
            } : b.__typename === "GroupCommerceProductItem" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    formatted_price: b.formatted_price, 
                    group_commerce_item_description: b.group_commerce_item_description, 
                    group_commerce_item_seller: b.group_commerce_item_seller, 
                    group_commerce_item_title: b.group_commerce_item_title, 
                    primary_photo: b.primary_photo, 
                    url: b.url 
                TAG: 23 
            } : b.__typename === "Page" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    address: b.address, 
                    cover_photo: b.cover_photo, 
                    location: b.location, 
                    overall_star_rating: b.overall_star_rating, 
                    price_range_description: b.price_range_description, 
                    top_category_name: b.top_category_name 
                TAG: 24 
            } : b.__typename === "MessengerEventReminder" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    event_title: b.event_title, 
                    is_active: b.is_active, 
                    time: b.time 
                TAG: 25 
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    boarding_pass_error_title_label: b.boarding_pass_error_title_label, 
                    boarding_pass_title_label: b.boarding_pass_title_label, 
                    boarding_passes: b.boarding_passes, 
                    boarding_time_label: b.boarding_time_label, 
                    departure_label: b.departure_label, 
                    flight_gate_label: b.flight_gate_label, 
                    flight_label: b.flight_label, 
                    flight_terminal_label: b.flight_terminal_label, 
                    logo: b.logo, 
                    message_cta_label: b.message_cta_label, 
                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label, 
                    passenger_seat_label: b.passenger_seat_label, 
                    share_cta_label: b.share_cta_label, 
                    tint_color: b.tint_color, 
                    view_boarding_pass_cta_label: b.view_boarding_pass_cta_label 
                TAG: 26 
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineCheckInReminderMessageAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    arrival_time_label: b.arrival_time_label, 
                    booking_number_label: b.booking_number_label, 
                    checkin_cta_label: b.checkin_cta_label, 
                    checkin_url: b.checkin_url, 
                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label, 
                    flight_infos: b.flight_infos, 
                    flight_label: b.flight_label, 
                    logo: b.logo, 
                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number, 
                    tint_color: b.tint_color 
                TAG: 27 
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineUpdateMessageAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    arrival_time_label: b.arrival_time_label, 
                    booking_number_label: b.booking_number_label, 
                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label, 
                    flight_gate_label: b.flight_gate_label, 
                    flight_info: b.flight_info, 
                    flight_label: b.flight_label, 
                    flight_status_label: b.flight_status_label, 
                    hightlighted_labels: b.hightlighted_labels, 
                    logo: b.logo, 
                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label, 
                    passenger_seat_label: b.passenger_seat_label, 
                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number, 
                    tint_color: b.tint_color, 
                    update_type: b.update_type 
                TAG: 28 
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    aircraft_type_label: b.aircraft_type_label, 
                    arrival_time_label: b.arrival_time_label, 
                    base_price_label: b.base_price_label, 
                    booking_number_label: b.booking_number_label, 
                    cabin_type_label: b.cabin_type_label, 
                    confirmation_number: b.confirmation_number, 
                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label, 
                    flight_confirmation_label: b.flight_confirmation_label, 
                    flight_date_label: b.flight_date_label, 
                    flight_label: b.flight_label, 
                    flight_terminal_label: b.flight_terminal_label, 
                    formatted_base_price: b.formatted_base_price, 
                    formatted_tax: b.formatted_tax, 
                    formatted_total: b.formatted_total, 
                    itemized_price_infos: b.itemized_price_infos, 
                    itinerary_error_title_label: b.itinerary_error_title_label, 
                    itinerary_legs: b.itinerary_legs, 
                    itinerary_title_label: b.itinerary_title_label, 
                    logo: b.logo, 
                    passenger_infos: b.passenger_infos, 
                    passenger_name_label: b.passenger_name_label, 
                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label, 
                    passenger_seat_label: b.passenger_seat_label, 
                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number, 
                    purchase_summary_label: b.purchase_summary_label, 
                    taxes_label: b.taxes_label, 
                    tint_color: b.tint_color, 
                    total_label: b.total_label, 
                    view_details_cta_label: b.view_details_cta_label 
                TAG: 29 
            } : b.__typename === "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    bubble_type: b.bubble_type, 
                    messenger_commerce_location: b.messenger_commerce_location, 
                    shipment: b.shipment, 
                    shipment_tracking_event_type: b.shipment_tracking_event_type, 
                    tracking_event_description: b.tracking_event_description, 
                    tracking_event_time_for_display: b.tracking_event_time_for_display 
                TAG: 30 
            } : b.__typename === "MessengerRetailShipment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    bubble_type: b.bubble_type, 
                    commerce_destination: b.commerce_destination, 
                    commerce_origin: b.commerce_origin, 
                    estimated_delivery_time_for_display: b.estimated_delivery_time_for_display, 
                    receipt: b.receipt, 
                    recipient: b.recipient, 
                    retail_carrier: b.retail_carrier, 
                    retail_shipment_items: b.retail_shipment_items, 
                    shipdate_for_display: b.shipdate_for_display, 
                    shipment_tracking_events: b.shipment_tracking_events, 
                    tracking_number: b.tracking_number 
                TAG: 31 
            } : b.__typename === "EventAttendanceConfirmation" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    attendee_answers: b.attendee_answers, 
                    event: b.event, 
                    num_guests: b.num_guests 
                TAG: 33 
            } : b.__typename === "LeadGenDeepLinkData" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    cover_image: b.cover_image, 
                    headline: b.headline, 
                TAG: 32 
            } : b.__typename === "UserLeadGenInfo" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    field_data: b.field_data, 
                TAG: 34 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageAudio" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    duration: b.duration, 
                    extension: b.extension, 
                    filename: b.filename, 
                    filesize: b.filesize, 
                    playable_url: b.playable_url, 
                    url_shimhash: b.url_shimhash 
                TAG: 38 
            } : b.__typename === "IceBreakerMessageAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    ad_id: b.ad_id, 
                    ice_breaker_messages: b.ice_breaker_messages, 
                    ice_breaker_title: b.ice_breaker_title 
                TAG: 35 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessage" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    sender_wec_name: b.sender_wec_name, 
                    sender_wec_number: b.sender_wec_number, 
                    sender_wec_number_fbid: b.sender_wec_number_fbid, 
                    sender_wec_number_formated: b.sender_wec_number_formated, 
                    templated_message_body: b.templated_message_body, 
                    templated_message_btn1_text: b.templated_message_btn1_text, 
                    templated_message_btn1_type: b.templated_message_btn1_type, 
                    templated_message_btn2_text: b.templated_message_btn2_text, 
                    templated_message_btn2_type: b.templated_message_btn2_type, 
                    templated_message_btn3_text: b.templated_message_btn3_text, 
                    templated_message_btn3_type: b.templated_message_btn3_type, 
                    templated_message_buttons: b.templated_message_buttons, 
                    templated_message_footer: b.templated_message_footer, 
                    templated_message_header_media: b.templated_message_header_media, 
                    templated_message_header_text: b.templated_message_header_text, 
                    templated_message_header_type: b.templated_message_header_type, 
                    templated_message_offer_text: b.templated_message_offer_text, 
                    templated_message_cards: b.templated_message_cards, 
                    templated_message_offer_has_expiration: b.templated_message_offer_has_expiration, 
                    templated_message_offer_expiration_time: b.templated_message_offer_expiration_time, 
                    templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized: b.templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized, 
                    templated_message_id: b.templated_message_id, 
                    templated_message_name: b.templated_message_name, 
                    wec_referral_body: b.wec_referral_body, 
                    wec_referral_headline: b.wec_referral_headline, 
                    wec_referral_media: b.wec_referral_media, 
                    wec_referral_media_type: b.wec_referral_media_type, 
                    wec_referral_url: b.wec_referral_url, 
                    wec_referral_has_admin_text: b.wec_referral_has_admin_text 
                TAG: 36 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageCard" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    title_type: b.title_type, 
                    sample_handle: b.sample_handle, 
                    body: b.body, 
                    button: b.button 
                TAG: 60 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageButton" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    text: b.text, 
                    type: b.type 
                TAG: 61 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageImage" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    extension: b.extension, 
                    large_preview: b.large_preview, 
                    preview: b.preview 
                TAG: 37 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageFile" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    extension: b.extension, 
                    filesize: b.filesize, 
                    is_malicious: b.is_malicious, 
                    uri: b.uri 
                TAG: 39 
            } : b.__typename === "WECMessageVideo" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    extension: b.extension, 
                    filename: b.filename, 
                    filesize: b.filesize, 
                    height: b.height, 
                    playable_url: b.playable_url, 
                    url_shimhash: b.url_shimhash, 
                    width: b.width 
                TAG: 40 
            } : b.__typename === "MontageDirect" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    blob_media: b.blob_media, 
                    blob_media_type: b.blob_media_type, 
                    image: b.image, 
                    is_keep_disabled: b.is_keep_disabled, 
                    message_state: b.message_state 
                TAG: 41 
            } : b.__typename === "MBirthdayReminderAttachment" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    birthday_date: b.birthday_date, 
                    confidence: b.confidence, 
                    friend_id: b.friend_id 
                TAG: 42 
            } : b.__typename === "MPersonalRemindersList" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    has_more_upcoming_reminders: b.has_more_upcoming_reminders, 
                    personal_reminders: b.personal_reminders 
                TAG: 43 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    curriculum_message: b.curriculum_message, 
                    mentorship_program: b.mentorship_program, 
                    module_name: b.module_name, 
                    program_name: b.program_name, 
                    prompt: b.prompt, 
                    step_count: b.step_count, 
                    total_steps: b.total_steps 
                TAG: 44 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    topics: b.topics 
                TAG: 45 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerLeavePrompt" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    mentorship_program: b.mentorship_program, 
                    xma_type: b.xma_type 
                TAG: 46 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerReminder" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    xma_type: b.xma_type 
                TAG: 47 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerSurvey" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    mentorship_program: b.mentorship_program, 
                    xma_disclaimer: b.xma_disclaimer, 
                    xma_title: b.xma_title, 
                    xma_type: b.xma_type 
                TAG: 48 
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerProgressTracker" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    xma_body: b.xma_body, 
                    xma_title: b.xma_title, 
                    xma_type: b.xma_type 
                TAG: 49 
            } : b.__typename === "Story" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    actors: b.actors, 
                    attached_story: b.attached_story, 
                    attachments: b.attachments, 
                    creation_time: b.creation_time, 
                    description: b.description, 
                    message_richtext: b.message_richtext, 
                    post_id: b.post_id, 
                    reaction_count_reduced: b.reaction_count_reduced, 
                    title: b.title, 
                    top_reactions: b.top_reactions 
                TAG: 50 
            } : b.__typename === "User" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    cover_photo: b.cover_photo, 
                    profile_picture: b.profile_picture, 
                    subscribe_status: b.subscribe_status, 
                    type: b.__typename, 
                    work_info: b.work_info 
                TAG: 51 
            } : b.__typename === "Group" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    cover_photo: b.cover_photo, 
                    group_general_chat: b.group_general_chat, 
                    type: b.__typename, 
                    viewer_join_state: b.viewer_join_state, 
                    visibility: b.visibility, 
                    visibility_sentence: b.visibility_sentence, 
                    work_groups_sync_metadata: b.work_groups_sync_metadata 
                TAG: 52 
            } : b.__typename === "AppContent" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    app_integration: b.app_integration, 
                    attachment_icon: b.app_integration, 
                    attachment_type_name: b.attachment_type_name, 
                    content_uri: b.content_uri, 
                    file_type_category: b.file_type_category, 
                    link_preview_additional_data: b.link_preview_additional_data, 
                    privacy_status: b.privacy_status, 
                    type: b.__typename 
                TAG: 53 
            } : b.__typename === "OfferItem" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    type: b.__typename 
                TAG: 54 
            } : b.__typename === "CommerceProductItemShare" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    default_action: b.default_action, 
                    type: b.__typename 
                TAG: 55 
            } : b.__typename === "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXma" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    order_id: b.order_id, 
                    order_progress: b.order_progress, 
                    type: b.__typename 
                TAG: 56 
            } : b.__typename === "InThreadMultiphotoItemCTAData" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    action_prefill: b.action_prefill, 
                    ad_id: b.ad_id, 
                    cta_title: b.cta_title, 
                    customer_id: b.customer_id, 
                    index: b.index, 
                    page_id: b.page_id, 
                    reply_image_uri: b.reply_image_uri, 
                    type: b.__typename 
                TAG: 57 
            } : b.__typename === "XFBP2MXMA" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    viewer_id: b.viewer_id 
                TAG: 58 
            } : b.__typename === "XFBPaymentInvoiceMediaMessageDetection" ? { 
                _0: { 
                    payment_confirmation_status: b.payment_confirmation_status 
                TAG: 59 
            } : null; 
        return { 
            action_links: a.action_links, 
            deduplication_key: a.deduplication_key, 
            description: a.description, 
            messaging_attribution: a.messaging_attribution, 
            messenger_call_to_actions: a.messenger_call_to_actions, 
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: a.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
            source: a.source, 
            style_list: k(a.style_list), 
            target: c, 
            title_with_entities: a.title_with_entities, 
            url: a.url, 
            xma_layout_info: a.xma_layout_info 
    function m(a) { 
        var b = l({ 
            action_links: a.action_links, 
            deduplication_key: a.deduplication_key, 
            description: a.description, 
            messaging_attribution: a.messaging_attribution, 
            messenger_call_to_actions: a.messenger_call_to_actions, 
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: a.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info, 
            source: a.source, 
            style_list: a.style_list, 
            title_with_entities: a.title_with_entities, 
            url: a.url, 
            xma_layout_info: a.xma_layout_info 
        if (b == null) 
            return null; 
        a =; 
        return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, { 
            subattachments: a 
    function n(a) { 
        a = a.message; 
        if (a == null) 
            return []; 
        var b = []; 
        a.ranges.forEach(function(a) { 
            var c = a.entity; 
            if (c == null) 
            var d = 
              , e = c.thread_key; 
            if (d == null) { 
                if (e == null) 
                e = e.thread_fbid; 
                if (e == null) 
                var f = c.__typename, g; 
                switch (f) { 
                case "MessengerViewerGroupThread": 
                    g = "t"; 
                case "User": 
                    g = "p"; 
                    g = "n" 
                    id: e, 
                    length: a.length, 
                    offset: a.offset, 
                    type: g 
            f = c.__typename; 
            var h; 
            switch (f) { 
            case "MessengerViewerGroupThread": 
                h = "t"; 
            case "User": 
                h = "p"; 
                h = "n" 
                id: d, 
                length: a.length, 
                offset: a.offset, 
                type: h 
        return b 
    function o(a, b, e, f) { 
        var g = {}; 
        b.message_reactions.forEach(function(a) { 
            g[] = a.reaction 
        var k = d("FBIDCheck").isUser_deprecated( 
          , l = k ? d("MessagingTagUtils").getSourceFromTags(b.tags_list) : "source:unknown"; 
        k = k ? d("MessagingTagUtils").getSourceTags(b.tags_list, l) : []; 
        var p = b.message_id 
          , q = e.thread_id 
          , r = e.thread_fbid 
          , s = e.other_user_fbid; 
        s = q == null ? r == null ? s == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getThreadIDFromUserID(s) : d("MercuryIDs").getThreadIDFromThreadFBID(r) : q; 
        r = b.secondary_language_body; 
        q = b.tags_list.some(function(a) { 
            if (a === "action:copy_message" || a === "copy_self_message" || a === "action:copy_attachment") 
                return !0; 
                return a === "copy_self_attachment" 
        var t = b.commerce_message_type 
          , u = b.customizations 
          , v = b.error_data 
          , w = b.unsent_timestamp_precise; 
        w = w == null || w === "0" ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(w)); 
        var x = b.replied_to_message, y; 
        if (x == null) 
            y = null; 
        else { 
            var z = x.message; 
            y = z == null ? { 
                message: null, 
                status: x.status 
            } : { 
                message: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("bs_caml_option").some(o(a, z, e, f))), 
                status: x.status 
        z = b.unsender; 
        x = { 
            action_type: b.__typename === "UserMessage" ? "ma-type:user-generated-message" : "ma-type:log-message", 
            ad_client_token: b.ad_client_token, 
            ad_id: b.ad_id, 
            attachments: null, 
            author: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
            body: null, 
            commerce_message_type: t == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceMessageType")[t]), 
            creator_info: null, 
            customizations: u == null ? [] : u, 
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: b.ttl, 
            error_data: v == null ? null : { 
                description: v.description 
            folder: e.folder, 
            has_attachment: null, 
            is_filtered_content: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content") !== -1, 
            is_filtered_content_account: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_account") !== -1, 
            is_filtered_content_bh: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_bh") !== -1, 
            is_filtered_content_invalid_app: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_invalid_app") !== -1, 
            is_filtered_content_quasar: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_quasar") !== -1, 
            is_forwarded: q, 
            is_one_way_sent: b.tags_list.some(function(a) { 
                return a === "one_way_message" 
            is_sponsored: b.is_sponsored, 
            is_spoof_warning: b.tags_list.indexOf("MTA:dmarc:fail") !== -1 || b.tags_list.indexOf("spam:spoofing") !== -1 || b.tags_list.indexOf("MTA:spoof_warning") !== -1, 
            is_unread: b.unread, 
            log_message_body: null, 
            log_message_data: null, 
            log_message_type: null, 
            m_suggestions: b.m_suggestions, 
            message_id: p, 
            message_source: b.message_source_data, 
            message_unsendability_status: d("").fromNullableString(b.message_unsendability_status), 
            meta_ranges: null, 
            montage_reply_data: b.montage_reply_data, 
            offline_threading_id: b.offline_threading_id, 
            other_user_fbid: e.other_user_fbid, 
            platform_xmd: b.platform_xmd_encoded, 
            preview_attachments: null, 
            profile_ranges: n(b), 
            ranges: null, 
            raw_attachments: null, 
            reactions: g, 
            removed_timestamp: w, 
            replied_to_message: y, 
            secondary_language_body: r, 
            skip_bump_thread: !1, 
            source: l, 
            source_tags: k, 
            status: null, 
            sticker_id: null, 
            subject: null, 
            tags: b.tags_list, 
            thread_fbid: e.thread_fbid, 
            thread_id: s, 
            threading_id: null, 
            timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.timestamp_precise), 
            unsender: z == null ? null : { 
                id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
                short_name: z.messaging_actor.short_name 
            verse_group_role_xmd: b.verse_group_role_xmd 
        if (b.__typename === "UserMessage") { 
            t = h(b); 
            u = b.extensible_attachment; 
            if (u == null) 
                v = null; 
            else { 
                q = u.genie_attachment; 
                if (q == null) 
                    w = null; 
                else { 
                    y = q.genie_message; 
                    if (y == null) 
                        r = null; 
                    else { 
                        l = y.story_attachment; 
                        r = { 
                            story_attachment: l == null ? null : m(l) 
                    w = { 
                        genie_message: r 
                k = u.story_attachment; 
                v = { 
                    genie_attachment: w, 
                    legacy_attachment_id: u.legacy_attachment_id, 
                    story_attachment: k == null ? null : m(k) 
            s = d("").transformAttachment(a, { 
                blob_attachments: t, 
                extensible_attachment: v, 
                sticker: b.sticker 
            }, p, f); 
            z = b.message; 
            q = b.page_admin_sender; 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                attachments: s, 
                body: z == null ? null : z.text, 
                creator_info: q == null ? null : { 
                    creatorID: q.admin_id, 
                    creatorType: q.sender_type, 
                    labelType: q.label_type, 
                    pageID: q.page_id, 
                    profileURI: q.profile_uri 
                has_attachment: s.length > 0, 
                meta_ranges: { 
                    return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, { 
                        data: JSON.parse( 
                ranges: void 0, 
                raw_attachments: null, 
                subject: null 
        } else if (b.__typename === "VoiceCallMessage" || b.__typename === "VideoCallMessage") { 
            y = b.__typename; 
            l = y === "VoiceCallMessage" ? "log:phone-call" : "log:video-call"; 
            r =; 
            w = e.other_user_fbid; 
            u = w == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(r === w ? c("CurrentUser").getID() : w); 
            k = b.answered; 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    answered: k == null ? !1 : k, 
                    call_capture_attachments: i(a, b, f), 
                    callee: u, 
                    caller: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(r) 
                log_message_type: l 
        } else if (b.__typename === "ThreadNameMessage") 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    name: b.thread_name 
                log_message_type: "log:thread-name" 
        else if (b.__typename === "ThreadImageMessage") { 
            t = b.image_with_metadata; 
            if (t == null) 
                v = null; 
            else { 
                p = t.preview; 
                v = { 
                    metadata: { 
                        dimensions: String(t.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(t.original_dimensions.y)), 
                        fbid: t.legacy_attachment_id 
                    preview_url: p == null ? null : p.uri 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    image: v 
                log_message_type: "log:thread-image" 
        } else if (b.__typename === "ParticipantsAddedMessage") { 
            z = b.participants_added; 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    added_participants: z == null ? [] : { 
                        return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID( 
                log_message_type: "log:subscribe" 
        } else if (b.__typename === "ParticipantLeftMessage") { 
            q = b.participants_removed; 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    removed_participants: q == null ? [] : { 
                        return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID( 
                log_message_type: "log:unsubscribe" 
        } else if (b.__typename === "GenericAdminTextMessage") { 
            s = b.extensible_message_admin_text; 
            y = b.extensible_message_admin_text_type; 
            s == null ? y != null && Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[y], 
                    untypedData: void 0 
                log_message_type: "log:generic-admin-text" 
            }) : y != null && Object.assign(x, j(a, s, y, b.snippet, f)) 
        } else if (b.__typename === "P2PPaymentRequestMessage" || b.__typename === "P2PPaymentMessage") { 
            e = b.amount; 
            w = b.p2p_receiver; 
            k = b.p2p_sender; 
            u = b.message_type; 
            Object.assign(x, { 
                log_message_body: b.snippet, 
                log_message_data: { 
                    formattedAmount: e == null ? null : e.formatted, 
                    receiverId: w == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
                    senderId: k == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
                    subtype: u == null ? null : c("P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype")[u], 
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id 
                log_message_type: "log:orion" 
        return x 
    g.unsafeCastBlobAttachments = h; 
    g._getCallCaptureAttachments = i; 
    g._getGenericAdminTextMessage = j; 
    g._getStyleList = k; 
    g.unsafeCastExtensibleAttachmentWithoutSubattachments = l; 
    g.unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment = m; 
    g._getProfileRanges = n; 
    g.transformMessage = o 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerObjectAssociationType", ["keyMirror"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("keyMirror")({ 
        REGULAR_CHAT: null, 
        GENERAL_CHAT: null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "ids" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "source" 
          , b = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "id", 
            variableName: "ids" 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , d = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "__typename", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "gender", 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "url", 
            storageKey: null 
          , h = { 
            alias: "big_image_src", 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 60 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 60 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:60,width:60)" 
          , i = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "short_name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , j = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "username", 
            storageKey: null 
          , k = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_friend", 
            storageKey: null 
          , l = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_messenger_user", 
            storageKey: null 
          , m = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_message_blocked_by_viewer", 
            storageKey: null 
          , n = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_viewer_coworker", 
            storageKey: null 
          , o = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_employee", 
            storageKey: null 
          , p = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_aloha_proxy_confirmed", 
            storageKey: null 
          , q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "message_capabilities2", 
            storageKey: null 
          , r = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "messenger_account_status_category", 
            storageKey: null 
          , s = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "company_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , t = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "job_title", 
            storageKey: null 
          , u = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_community", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [e], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, t], 
            storageKey: null 
          , v = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [f, g, h, i, k, l, m, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_viewer_managing_parent", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "NeoApprovedUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , w = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [g, h, j, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "accepts_messenger_user_feedback", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, l, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_messenger_platform_bot", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, m, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "InstantGameChannelInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "instant_game_channel", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Application", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "application", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [c], 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "verification_status", 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Page", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , x = [g, h, m] 
          , y = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: x, 
            type: "SmsMessagingParticipant", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , z = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [h, m], 
            type: "InstagramMessagingUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , A = [h] 
          , B = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "LiveChatOnlyPerson", 
            abstractKey: null 
        x = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: x, 
            type: "UnavailableMessagingActor", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var C = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "UnifiedMessagingInstagramUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , D = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "is_blocked_by_viewer", 
            storageKey: null 
          , E = [g, h, j] 
          , F = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: E, 
            type: "Group", 
            abstractKey: null 
        E = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: E, 
            type: "Event", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var G = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "WorkForeignEntityInfo", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_foreign_entity_info", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "detail", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "label", 
                    storageKey: null 
                }, { 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                    name: "type", 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "WorkForeignEntity", 
            abstractKey: "__isWorkForeignEntity" 
          , H = [g, h, i, m] 
          , I = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: H, 
            type: "XFBWorkroomsBaseUser", 
            abstractKey: "__isXFBWorkroomsBaseUser" 
        H = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: H, 
            type: "XFBWorkroomsSystemUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var J = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "MessengerCallGuestUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , K = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "WorkVCEndpointUser", 
            abstractKey: null 
          , L = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "WECMailboxAccount", 
            abstractKey: null 
        A = { 
            kind: "InlineFragment", 
            selections: A, 
            type: "WECCustomer", 
            abstractKey: null 
        var M = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "wec_group_creation_time", 
            storageKey: null 
          , N = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "wec_group_invite_link", 
            storageKey: null 
          , O = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "messaging_actor", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [c, e], 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
          , P = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "count", 
            storageKey: null 
        t = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "work_info", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: "Group", 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "work_community", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [e, c], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, t], 
            storageKey: null 
        var Q = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "nodes", 
            plural: !0, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "messaging_actor", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [d, c, e], 
                storageKey: null 
            }, c], 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: b, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "messaging_actors", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [c, d, e, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "scim_company_user", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [s], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, u], 
                        type: "User", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    }, v, w, y, z, B, x, C, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [g, h, j, D, m, u], 
                        type: "ReducedMessagingActor", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    }, F, E, G, I, H, J, K, L, A, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [h, M, N, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "wec_group_participants", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [O, P], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "wec_group_admins", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [O], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        type: "WECGroupRecipient", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: b, 
                    concreteType: null, 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "messaging_actors", 
                    plural: !0, 
                    selections: [d, { 
                        kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                        abstractKey: "__isMessagingActor" 
                    }, c, e, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "scim_company_user", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [s, c], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, t], 
                        type: "User", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    }, v, w, y, z, B, x, C, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [g, h, j, D, m, t], 
                        type: "ReducedMessagingActor", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    }, F, E, G, I, H, J, K, L, A, { 
                        kind: "InlineFragment", 
                        selections: [h, M, N, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "wec_group_participants", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [Q, P], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "wec_group_admins", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [Q], 
                            storageKey: null 
                        type: "WECGroupRecipient", 
                        abstractKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: "7225428284192887", 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    b("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, a); 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        BLOCKED: "blocked", 
        MESSENGER_BLOCKEE: "messenger_blockee", 
        COMPOSER_DISABLED_BOT: "composer_disabled_bot", 
        HAS_EMAIL_PARTICIPANT: "has_email_participant", 
        OBJECT_ORIGINATED: "object_originated", 
        READ_ONLY: "read_only", 
        VIEWER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED: "viewer_not_subscribed", 
        RECIPIENTS_NOT_LOADABLE: "recipients_not_loadable", 
        RECIPIENTS_UNAVAILABLE: "recipients_unavailable", 
        RECIPIENTS_INVALID: "recipients_invalid", 
        RECIPIENTS_INACTIVE_WORK_ACC: "recipients_inactive_work_account", 
        MONTAGE_NOT_AUTHOR: "montage_not_author", 
        VIEWER_MUTED_IN_FBGROUP: "viewer_muted_in_fbgroup", 
        VIEWER_IS_LIMITED_WORK_ACCOUNT: "viewer_is_limited_work_account", 
        RECIPIENTS_IS_LIMITED_WORK_ACCOUNT: "recipients_is_limited_work_account", 
        WORK_GARDEN_ARCHIVED: "work_garden_archived", 
        PARTICIPANTS_IN_RESTRICTED_JURISDICTION: "participants_in_restricted_jurisdiction", 
        BROADCAST_CHAT_READ_ONLY: "broadcast_chat_read_only", 
        CM_PAGES_AP_PLUS_READ_ONLY: "cm_pages_ap_plus_read_only", 
        VIEWER_CANNOT_PARTICIPATE_IN_FB_PUBLIC_GROUP: "viewer_cannot_participate_in_fb_public_group", 
        PAUSED_THREAD: "paused_thread", 
        PAUSED_BY_SOFT_ACTION: "paused_by_soft_action", 
        PAUSED_BY_ADMINLESS_STANDALONE_COMMUNITY: "paused_by_adminless_standalone_community", 
        BLOCKED_BY_CHAT_GOVERNANCE: "blocked_by_chat_governance", 
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_VIEWER: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_viewer", 
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_CREATOR: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_creator", 
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_BRAND: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_brand" 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("", ["MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        if (a != null) 
            return c("MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason")[a.toUpperCase()] 
    function b(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        switch (a.TAG) { 
        case 1: 
            return "recipients_not_loadable"; 
        case 0: 
        case 2: 
            return "blocked"; 
        case 3: 
            return "messenger_blockee" 
    g.fromName = a; 
    g.fromMessageThreadCannotReplyReason = b 
), 98); 
__d("bs_caml_obj", ["bs_caml"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g, h = function(a, b) { 
        for (a in a) 
    }, i = function(a) { 
        if (Array.isArray(a)) { 
            var b = a.length 
              , c = new Array(b); 
            for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) 
                c[d] = a[d]; 
            a.TAG !== void 0 && (c.TAG = a.TAG); 
            return c 
        return Object.assign({}, a) 
    }, j = function(a, b) { 
        var c; 
        if (Array.isArray(b)) { 
            for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) 
                a[c] = b[c]; 
            b.TAG !== void 0 && (a.TAG = b.TAG) 
        } else 
            for (var c in b) 
                a[c] = b[c] 
    function k(a, c) { 
        if (a === c) 
            return 0; 
        var d = typeof a 
          , e = typeof c; 
        switch (d) { 
        case "boolean": 
            if (e === "boolean") 
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_bool_compare(a, c); 
        case "function": 
            if (e === "function") 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                    _1: "compare: functional value", 
                    Error: new Error() 
        case "number": 
            if (e === "number") 
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_compare(a, c); 
        case "string": 
            if (e === "string") 
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_string_compare(a, c); 
                return 1; 
        case "undefined": 
            return -1; 
        switch (e) { 
        case "string": 
            return -1; 
        case "undefined": 
            return 1; 
            if (d === "boolean") 
                return 1; 
            if (e === "boolean") 
                return -1; 
            if (d === "function") 
                return 1; 
            if (e === "function") 
                return -1; 
            if (d === "number") 
                if (c === null || c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                    return 1; 
                    return -1; 
            if (e === "number") 
                if (a === null || a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                    return -1; 
                    return 1; 
            if (a === null) 
                if (c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                    return 1; 
                    return -1; 
            if (c === null) 
                if (a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                    return -1; 
                    return 1; 
            if (a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                if (c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0) 
                    return l(a, c); 
                    return -1; 
            d = a.TAG | 0; 
            e = c.TAG | 0; 
            if (d === 248) 
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_compare(a[1], c[1]); 
            if (d === 251) 
                throw { 
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                    _1: "equal: abstract value", 
                    Error: new Error() 
            if (d !== e) 
                if (d < e) 
                    return -1; 
                    return 1; 
            d = a.length | 0; 
            e = c.length | 0; 
            if (d === e) 
                if (Array.isArray(a)) { 
                    var f = 0; 
                    while (!0) { 
                        var h = f; 
                        if (h === d) 
                            return 0; 
                        var i = k(a[h], c[h]); 
                        if (i !== 0) 
                            return i; 
                        f = h + 1 | 0; 
                } else if (a instanceof Date && c instanceof Date) 
                    return a - c; 
                    return l(a, c); 
            else if (d < e) { 
                i = 0; 
                while (!0) { 
                    h = i; 
                    if (h === d) 
                        return -1; 
                    f = k(a[h], c[h]); 
                    if (f !== 0) 
                        return f; 
                    i = h + 1 | 0; 
            } else { 
                f = 0; 
                while (!0) { 
                    h = f; 
                    if (h === e) 
                        return 1; 
                    i = k(a[h], c[h]); 
                    if (i !== 0) 
                        return i; 
                    f = h + 1 | 0; 
    function l(a, c) { 
        var d = { 
            contents: void 0 
          , e = { 
            contents: void 0 
          , f = function(b, c) { 
            var d = b[2] 
              , a = b[1]; 
            if (!(!, c) || k(b[0][c], a[c]) > 0)) 
            b = d.contents; 
            if (b !== void 0 && c >= b) 
            else { 
                d.contents = c; 
          , i = [a, c, e] 
          , j = function(a) { 
            return f(i, a) 
          , l = [c, a, d] 
          , m = function(a) { 
            return f(l, a) 
        h(a, j); 
        h(c, m); 
        a = d.contents; 
        j = e.contents; 
        if (a !== void 0) 
            if (j !== void 0) 
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_string_compare(a, j); 
                return -1; 
        else if (j !== void 0) 
            return 1; 
            return 0 
    function m(a, b) { 
        if (a === b) 
            return !0; 
        var c = typeof a; 
        if (c === "string" || c === "number" || c === "boolean" || c === "undefined" || a === null) 
            return !1; 
        var d = typeof b; 
        if (c === "function" || d === "function") 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "equal: functional value", 
                Error: new Error() 
        if (d === "number" || d === "undefined" || b === null) 
            return !1; 
        c = a.TAG | 0; 
        d = b.TAG | 0; 
        if (c === 248) 
            return a[1] === b[1]; 
        if (c === 251) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "equal: abstract value", 
                Error: new Error() 
        if (c !== d) 
            return !1; 
        c = a.length | 0; 
        d = b.length | 0; 
        if (c === d) 
            if (Array.isArray(a)) { 
                d = 0; 
                while (!0) { 
                    var e = d; 
                    if (e === c) 
                        return !0; 
                    if (!m(a[e], b[e])) 
                        return !1; 
                    d = e + 1 | 0; 
            } else if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) 
                return !(a > b || a < b); 
            else { 
                var f = { 
                    contents: !0 
                e = function(a) { 
                    if (!, a)) { 
                        f.contents = !1; 
                d = function(c) { 
                    if (!, c) || !m(b[c], a[c])) { 
                        f.contents = !1; 
                h(a, e); 
                f.contents && h(b, d); 
                return f.contents 
            return !1 
    function a(a, b) { 
        if (b !== null) 
            return m(a, b); 
            return a === b 
    function c(a, b) { 
        if (b !== void 0) 
            return m(a, b); 
            return a === b 
    function d(a, b) { 
        if (b == null) 
            return a === b; 
            return m(a, b) 
    function e(a, b) { 
        return !m(a, b) 
    function n(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) >= 0 
    function o(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) > 0 
    function p(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) <= 0 
    function q(a, b) { 
        return k(a, b) < 0 
    function r(a, b) { 
        if (k(a, b) <= 0) 
            return a; 
            return b 
    function s(a, b) { 
        if (k(a, b) >= 0) 
            return a; 
            return b 
    f.caml_obj_dup = i; 
    f.update_dummy = j; 
    f.caml_compare = k; 
    f.caml_equal = m; 
    f.caml_equal_null = a; 
    f.caml_equal_undefined = c; 
    f.caml_equal_nullable = d; 
    f.caml_notequal = e; 
    f.caml_greaterequal = n; 
    f.caml_greaterthan = o; 
    f.caml_lessthan = q; 
    f.caml_lessequal = p; 
    f.caml_min = r; 
    f.caml_max = s 
), null); 
__d("bs_array", ["bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_exceptions", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_caml_obj", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = b("bs_caml_array").make_float 
      , h = {}; 
    function a(a, c) { 
        if (a === 0) 
            return []; 
        if (a < 0) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.init", 
                Error: new Error() 
        var d = b("bs_caml_array").make(a, b("bs_curry")._1(c, 0)); 
        for (var e = 1; e < a; ++e) 
            d[e] = b("bs_curry")._1(c, e); 
        return d 
    function c(a, c, d) { 
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(a, []); 
        for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f) 
            e[f] = b("bs_caml_array").make(c, d); 
        return e 
    function i(a) { 
        var c = a.length; 
        if (c === 0) 
            return []; 
            return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, 0, c) 
    function d(a, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return i(c); 
        else if (c.length === 0) 
            return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, 0, d); 
            return a.concat(c) 
    function e(a, c, d) { 
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.sub", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, c, d) 
    function j(a, b, c, d) { 
        if (b < 0 || c < 0 || b > (a.length - c | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.fill", 
                Error: new Error() 
        for (var e = b, b = b + c | 0; e < b; ++e) 
            a[e] = d 
    function k(a, c, d, e, f) { 
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.blit", 
                Error: new Error() 
        return b("bs_caml_array").blit(a, c, d, e, f) 
    function l(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[d]) 
    function m(a, c, d) { 
        if (c.length !== d.length) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.iter2: arrays must have the same length", 
                Error: new Error() 
        for (var e = 0, f = c.length; e < f; ++e) 
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[e], d[e]) 
    function n(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return []; 
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(d, b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[0])); 
        for (var f = 1; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]); 
        return e 
    function o(a, c, d) { 
        var e = c.length 
          , f = d.length; 
        if (e !== f) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument", 
                _1: "Array.map2: arrays must have the same length", 
                Error: new Error() 
        if (e === 0) 
            return []; 
        f = b("bs_caml_array").make(e, b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[0], d[0])); 
        for (var g = 1; g < e; ++g) 
            f[g] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[g], d[g]); 
        return f 
    function p(a, c) { 
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c[d]) 
    function q(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return []; 
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(d, b("bs_curry")._2(a, 0, c[0])); 
        for (var f = 1; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, f, c[f]); 
        return e 
    function r(a) { 
        var b = a.length - 1 | 0 
          , c = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var d = c 
              , e = b; 
            if (e < 0) 
                return d; 
            c = { 
                hd: a[e], 
                tl: d 
            b = e - 1 | 0; 
    function s(a, b) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var c = b 
              , d = a; 
            if (!c) 
                return d; 
            b =; 
            a = d + 1 | 0; 
    function t(a) { 
        if (!a) 
            return []; 
        var c = b("bs_caml_array").make(s(0, a), a.hd) 
          , d = 1; 
        a =; 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = a 
              , f = d; 
            if (!e) 
                return c; 
            c[f] = e.hd; 
            a =; 
            d = f + 1 | 0; 
    function u(a, c, d) { 
        c = c; 
        for (var e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; ++e) 
            c = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c, d[e]); 
        return c 
    function v(a, c, d) { 
        d = d; 
        for (var e = c.length - 1 | 0; e >= 0; --e) 
            d = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[e], d); 
        return d 
    function w(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length 
          , e = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var f = e; 
            if (f === d) 
                return !1; 
            if (b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f])) 
                return !0; 
            e = f + 1 | 0; 
    function x(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length 
          , e = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var f = e; 
            if (f === d) 
                return !0; 
            if (!b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f])) 
                return !1; 
            e = f + 1 | 0; 
    function y(a, c) { 
        var d = c.length 
          , e = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var f = e; 
            if (f === d) 
                return !1; 
            if (b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c[f], a)) 
                return !0; 
            e = f + 1 | 0; 
    function z(a, b) { 
        var c = b.length 
          , d = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = d; 
            if (e === c) 
                return !1; 
            if (a === b[e]) 
                return !0; 
            d = e + 1 | 0; 
    var A = b("bs_caml_exceptions").create("Array.Bottom"); 
    function B(a, c) { 
        var d = function(d, e) { 
            var f = ((e + e | 0) + e | 0) + 1 | 0 
              , g = f; 
            if ((f + 2 | 0) < d) { 
                b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 1 | 0)) < 0 && (g = f + 1 | 0); 
                b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 2 | 0)) < 0 && (g = f + 2 | 0); 
                return g 
            if ((f + 1 | 0) < d && b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 1 | 0)) < 0) 
                return f + 1 | 0; 
            if (f < d) 
                return f; 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: A, 
                _1: e, 
                Error: new Error() 
          , e = function(e, f, g) { 
            try { 
                f = f; 
                while (!0) { 
                    var h = f 
                      , i = d(e, h); 
                    if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i), g) <= 0) 
                        return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h, g); 
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i)); 
                    f = i; 
            } catch (a) { 
                h = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(a); 
                if (h.RE_EXN_ID === A) 
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h._1, g); 
                throw h 
          , f = function(a, e) { 
            try { 
                e = e; 
                while (!0) { 
                    var f = e 
                      , g = d(a, f); 
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(c, f, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g)); 
                    e = g; 
            } catch (a) { 
                f = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(a); 
                if (f.RE_EXN_ID === A) 
                    return f._1; 
                throw f 
          , g = function(e, f) { 
            while (!0) { 
                var d = e 
                  , g = (d - 1 | 0) / 3 | 0; 
                if (d === g) 
                    throw { 
                        RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", 
                        _1: ["", 238, 4], 
                        Error: new Error() 
                if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g), f) >= 0) 
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, d, f); 
                b("bs_caml_array").set(c, d, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g)); 
                if (g <= 0) 
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 0, f); 
                e = g; 
          , h = c.length; 
        for (var i = ((h + 1 | 0) / 3 | 0) - 1 | 0; i >= 0; --i) 
            e(h, i, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i)); 
        for (i = h - 1 | 0; i >= 2; --i) { 
            e = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i); 
            b("bs_caml_array").set(c, i, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0)); 
            g(f(i, 0), e) 
        if (h <= 1) 
        e = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 1); 
        b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 1, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0)); 
        return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 0, e) 
    function C(a, c) { 
        var d = function(d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { 
            e = d + e | 0; 
            h = g + h | 0; 
            var l = d; 
            d = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, d); 
            var m = g; 
            g = b("bs_caml_array").get(f, g); 
            j = j; 
            while (!0) { 
                var n = j 
                  , o = g 
                  , p = m 
                  , q = d 
                  , r = l; 
                if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, q, o) <= 0) { 
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(i, n, q); 
                    q = r + 1 | 0; 
                    if (q >= e) 
                        return k(f, p, i, n + 1 | 0, h - p | 0); 
                    j = n + 1 | 0; 
                    d = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, q); 
                    l = q; 
                b("bs_caml_array").set(i, n, o); 
                q = p + 1 | 0; 
                if (q >= h) 
                    return k(c, r, i, n + 1 | 0, e - r | 0); 
                j = n + 1 | 0; 
                g = b("bs_caml_array").get(f, q); 
                m = q; 
          , e = function(d, e, f, g) { 
            for (var h = 0; h < g; ++h) { 
                var i = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, d + h | 0) 
                  , j = (f + h | 0) - 1 | 0; 
                while (j >= f && b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(e, j), i) > 0) 
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(e, j + 1 | 0, b("bs_caml_array").get(e, j)), 
                    j = j - 1 | 0; 
                b("bs_caml_array").set(e, j + 1 | 0, i) 
          , f = function a(f, g, h, i) { 
            if (i <= 5) 
                return e(f, g, h, i); 
            var b = i / 2 | 0; 
            i = i - b | 0; 
            a(f + b | 0, g, h + b | 0, i); 
            a(f, c, f + i | 0, b); 
            return d(f + i | 0, b, g, h + b | 0, i, g, h) 
          , g = c.length; 
        if (g <= 5) 
            return e(0, c, 0, g); 
        var h = g / 2 | 0; 
        g = g - h | 0; 
        var i = b("bs_caml_array").make(g, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0)); 
        f(h, i, 0, g); 
        f(0, c, g, h); 
        return d(g, h, i, 0, g, c, 0) 
    var D = c 
      , E = b("bs_caml_array").concat 
      , F = C; 
    f.make_float = g; 
    f.init = a; 
    f.make_matrix = c; 
    f.create_matrix = D; 
    f.append = d; 
    f.concat = E; 
    f.sub = e; 
    f.copy = i; 
    f.fill = j; 
    f.blit = k; 
    f.to_list = r; 
    f.of_list = t; 
    f.iter = l; 
    f.iteri = p; = n; 
    f.mapi = q; 
    f.fold_left = u; 
    f.fold_right = v; 
    f.iter2 = m; 
    f.map2 = o; 
    f.for_all = x; 
    f.exists = w; 
    f.mem = y; 
    f.memq = z; 
    f.sort = B; 
    f.stable_sort = C; 
    f.fast_sort = F; 
    f.Floatarray = h 
), null); 
__d("bs_js_json", ["bs_caml_option"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = typeof a; 
        if (b === "string") 
            return { 
                TAG: 0, 
                _0: a 
        else if (b === "number") 
            return { 
                TAG: 1, 
                _0: a 
        else if (b === "boolean") 
            if (a === !0) 
                return 1; 
                return 0; 
        else if (a === null) 
            return 2; 
        else if (Array.isArray(a)) 
            return { 
                TAG: 3, 
                _0: a 
            return { 
                TAG: 2, 
                _0: a 
    function c(a, b) { 
        switch (b) { 
        case 0: 
            return typeof a === "string"; 
        case 1: 
            return typeof a === "number"; 
        case 2: 
            if (a !== null && typeof a === "object") 
                return !Array.isArray(a); 
                return !1; 
        case 3: 
            return Array.isArray(a); 
        case 4: 
            return typeof a === "boolean"; 
        case 5: 
            return a === null 
    function d(a) { 
        if (typeof a === "string") 
            return a 
    function e(a) { 
        if (typeof a === "number") 
            return a 
    function g(a) { 
        if (typeof a === "object" && !Array.isArray(a) && a !== null) 
            return b("bs_caml_option").some(a) 
    function h(a) { 
        if (Array.isArray(a)) 
            return a 
    function i(a) { 
        if (typeof a === "boolean") 
            return a 
    function j(a) { 
        if (a === null) 
            return null 
    var k = function(a) { 
        a = [a]; 
        var b = [{ 
            kind: 0, 
            i: 0, 
            parent: a 
        while (b.length !== 0) { 
            var c = b[b.length - 1]; 
            c.kind === 0 ? (c.val = c.parent[c.i], 
            ++c.i === c.parent.length && b.pop()) : b.pop(); 
            var d = c.val; 
            if (typeof d === "object") 
                if (Array.isArray(d) && d.length !== 0) 
                        kind: 0, 
                        i: 0, 
                        parent: d, 
                        val: void 0 
                    for (var e in d) { 
                        if (e === "RE_PRIVATE_NONE") { 
                            c.kind === 0 ? c.parent[c.i - 1] = void 0 : c.parent[c.i] = void 0; 
                            kind: 1, 
                            i: e, 
                            parent: d, 
                            val: d[e] 
        return a[0] 
    function l(a) { 
        return function(a) { 
            a = JSON.stringify(a, function(a, b) { 
                return b === void 0 ? { 
                    RE_PRIVATE_NONE: !0 
                } : b 
            if (a === void 0) 
                throw new TypeError("output is undefined"); 
            return a 
    function m(a) { 
        return k(JSON.parse(a)) 
    f.classify = a; 
    f.test = c; 
    f.decodeString = d; 
    f.decodeNumber = e; 
    f.decodeObject = g; 
    f.decodeArray = h; 
    f.decodeBoolean = i; 
    f.decodeNull = j; 
    f.deserializeUnsafe = m; 
    f.serializeExn = l 
), null); 
__d("", ["fbt", "ChatConfig", "CurrentUser", "FBIDForMercury", "GenderConst", "MercuryIDs", "", "MessagingThreadType", "", "", "MessengerGroupThreadSubType", "", "", "MessengerObjectAssociationType", "", "URI", "bs_array", "bs_belt_Option", "bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_json", "bs_js_null_undefined", "bs_string", "getByPath", "isMessengerDotComURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i; 
    function j(a) { 
        var b = a.location_coordinates; 
        b = b == null ? [null, null] : [b.latitude, b.longitude]; 
        var d = a.location_page, e; 
        if (d == null) 
            e = null; 
        else { 
            d = d.address; 
            e = d == null ? null : d.full_address 
        d = a.allows_rsvp ? 1 : 0; 
        var f = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) { 
            a[] = b.guest_list_state; 
            return a 
        }, {}, a.event_reminder_members.edges) 
          , g = a.lightweight_event_creator; 
        return { 
            creator_id: g == null ? null :, 
            event_members: f, 
            event_time: a.time, 
            event_type: a.lightweight_event_type, 
            latitude: b[0], 
            location_address: e, 
            location_name: a.location_name, 
            longitude: b[1], 
            note: a.note, 
            related_event: a.related_event, 
            repeat_mode: a.repeat_mode, 
            seconds_to_notify_before: a.seconds_to_notify_before, 
            status: a.lightweight_event_status, 
            title: a.event_title, 
            track_rsvp: d 
    function k(a) { 
        a = a.associated_object; 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        var b = a.action_link 
          , d = a.group_general_chat 
          , e = a.group_saves 
          , f = a.profile_picture 
          , g = a.verse_group_link; 
        return { 
            action_link: b == null ? null : c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() ? b : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(b).setDomain(""), 
            approval_mode_toggleable: a.approval_mode_toggleable, 
            event_place: a.event_place, 
            group_general_chat: d == null ? null : { 
            group_saves: e == null ? { 
                count: 0 
            } : { 
                count: e.count 
            mentorship_program: a.mentorship_program, 
            privacy_mode: a.privacy_mode, 
            profile_picture: f == null ? null : { 
                uri: f.uri 
            room_type: a.room_type, 
            start_timestamp: a.start_timestamp, 
            verse_group_link: g == null ? null : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(g).setDomain("") 
    function l(a) { 
        a = a.related_page_thread; 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        var b = { 
            return { 
                color: a.color, 
          , c = { 
            return { 
                color: a.label_color, 
                data_silo: a.data_silo, 
                label_source: a.label_source, 
                is_ad_response_label: a.is_ad_response_label 
          , d = { 
            return { 
                color: a.label_color, 
                data_silo: a.data_silo, 
                is_ai_label: a.is_ai_label, 
                is_ad_response_label: a.is_ad_response_label 
          , e =; 
        e = e == null ? null :; 
        return { 
            corpLabels: d, 
            customLabels: c, 
            customTags: b, 
            flagged: a.is_flagged, 
            pageID: e 
    function m(a) { 
        var b = a.thread_key.other_user_id; 
        if (b == null) 
            return !1; 
        a = a.all_participants.edges; 
        return c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, c) { 
            c = c.node.messaging_actor; 
            if ( === b) 
                return c.__typename === "User"; 
                return a 
        }, !1, a) 
    function n(a) { 
        if (a.length === 0) 
            return null; 
        var b = {}; 
        a.forEach(function(a) { 
            var c = a.nickname; 
            if (c != null) { 
                b[a.participant_id] = c; 
        return b 
    function o(a) { 
        return "#" + c("bs_string").sub(a, 2, a.length - 2 | 0) 
    function p(a) { 
        if (a == null || a === "") 
            return null; 
            return o(a) 
    function a(a) { 
        return a.thread_key.thread_fbid 
    function b(a) { 
        return a.thread_key.other_user_id 
    function e(a) { 
        return c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(c("getByPath")(a, ["messages", "page_info"])) 
    function f(a) { 
        var b = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() ? h._("__JHASH__8Hq3iHE6VuY__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__u21fesk-4Br__JHASH__"); 
        return { 
            accepts_messenger_user_feedback: !1, 
            big_image_src: null, 
            company_name: null, 
            employee: !1, 
            fbid: d("FBIDForMercury").ofStringExn(a), 
            gender: c("GenderConst").UNKNOWN_SINGULAR, 
            href: null, 
            id: "fbid:" + a, 
            image_src: null, 
            instant_game_channel: null, 
            is_aloha_proxy_confirmed: !1, 
            is_business_enabled: !1, 
            is_facebook_blocked: !0, 
            is_friend: !1, 
            is_messenger_blocked: !1, 
            is_messenger_ignored: null, 
            is_messenger_platform_bot: !1, 
            is_messenger_user: !1, 
            is_subscribed_to_page_updates: !1, 
            is_viewer_managing_parent: !1, 
            message_capabilities2: null, 
            messenger_account_status_category: null, 
            name: b, 
            short_name: b, 
            square_image_src: null, 
            timezone: null, 
            title: null, 
            user_type: null, 
            vanity: null, 
            verification_status: null, 
            wec_group_admins: [], 
            wec_group_creation_time: null, 
            wec_group_invite_link: null, 
            wec_group_participant_count: null, 
            wec_group_participants: [], 
            work_foreign_entity_info: null 
    function q(a) { 
        var b = a.profile_picture_url; 
        if (b == null) { 
            var e = a.big_image_src; 
            e = e == null ? null : e.uri 
        } else 
            e = b; 
        b = a.accepts_messenger_user_feedback; 
        var f = a.work_info, g; 
        if (f == null) 
            g = null; 
        else { 
            f = f.work_community; 
            f = f == null ? null :; 
            var h = a.work_foreign_entity_info; 
            g = f == null || h == null || h.type !== "FOREIGN" ? null : f 
        h = a.is_employee; 
        f = a.gender; 
        var j = a.url, k; 
        if (j == null) 
            k = null; 
        else { 
            var l = c("isMessengerDotComURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(j)); 
            k = l ? new (i || (i = c("URI")))(j).getUnqualifiedURI().setDomain("").setProtocol("https").toString() : j 
        l = a.is_aloha_proxy_confirmed; 
        j = a.is_blocked_by_viewer; 
        var m = a.is_viewer_friend, n = a.is_message_blocked_by_viewer, o = a.is_messenger_platform_bot, p = a.is_messenger_user, q = a.is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates, r = a.is_viewer_managing_parent, s = a.message_capabilities2, t = a.messenger_account_status_category, u = a.work_info, v; 
        if (u == null) 
            v = null; 
        else { 
            var w = u.work_community; 
            w = w == null ? null :; 
            u = u.job_title; 
            v = w == null ? u == null ? null : u : u == null || u.length === 0 ? w : "" + u + "  " + w 
        u = a.__typename; 
        var x; 
        switch (u) { 
        case "NeoApprovedUser": 
            x = "parent_approved_user"; 
        case "Page": 
            x = "page"; 
        case "ReducedMessagingActor": 
            x = "guest"; 
        case "User": 
            x = "user"; 
            x = null 
        w = a.wec_group_admins; 
        u = a.wec_group_creation_time; 
        var y = a.wec_group_invite_link 
          , z = a.wec_group_participants 
          , A = a.wec_group_participants 
          , B = a.work_foreign_entity_info; 
        return { 
            accepts_messenger_user_feedback: b == null ? !1 : b, 
            big_image_src: e, 
            company_name: g, 
            employee: h == null ? !1 : h, 
            gender: f == null ? c("GenderConst").NOT_A_PERSON : f === "MALE" ? c("GenderConst").MALE_SINGULAR : f === "FEMALE" ? c("GenderConst").FEMALE_SINGULAR : c("GenderConst").NOT_A_PERSON, 
            href: k, 
            id: "fbid:" +, 
            image_src: e, 
            instant_game_channel: a.__typename === "Page" ? a.instant_game_channel : null, 
            is_aloha_proxy_confirmed: l == null ? !1 : l, 
            is_business_enabled: a.__typename === "Page", 
            is_facebook_blocked: j == null ? !1 : j, 
            is_friend: m == null ? !1 : m, 
            is_messenger_blocked: n == null ? !1 : n, 
            is_messenger_ignored: null, 
            is_messenger_platform_bot: o == null ? !1 : o, 
            is_messenger_user: p == null ? !1 : p, 
            message_capabilities2: s == null ? null : s, 
            messenger_account_status_category: t == null ? null : t, 
            is_subscribed_to_page_updates: q == null ? !0 : q, 
            is_viewer_managing_parent: r == null ? !1 : r, 
            short_name: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.short_name),, 
            square_image_src: null, 
            timezone: null, 
            title: v, 
            user_type: x, 
            vanity: a.username, 
            verification_status: a.verification_status, 
            wec_group_admins: w == null ? [] : { 
                return { 
                    id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
            wec_group_creation_time: u == null ? null : u, 
            wec_group_invite_link: y == null ? null : y, 
            wec_group_participant_count: z == null ? null : z.count, 
            wec_group_participants: A == null ? [] : { 
                return { 
                    id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(, 
            work_foreign_entity_info: B == null ? null : B 
    function r(a) { 
        return { 
            return q(a.node.messaging_actor) 
    function s(a, b) { 
        b = b.read_receipts; 
        if (b == null) 
        var d = {}; 
        b.nodes.forEach(function(b) { 
            var e =; 
            if (e != null && a !== { 
                d[] = { 
                    action: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.action), 
                    watermark: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.watermark) 
        return c("bs_caml_option").some(d) 
    function t(a) { 
        a = a.delivery_receipts; 
        if (a == null) 
            return []; 
            return a.nodes.sort(function(a, b) { 
                a = c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(a.timestamp_precise); 
                b = c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.timestamp_precise); 
                if (a > b) 
                    return -1; 
                else if (a === b) 
                    return 0; 
                    return 1 
    function u(a, b, c) { 
        var e = b.messages; 
        if (e != null) 
            return { 
                return d("").transformMessage(a, e, { 
                    folder: b.folder.toLowerCase(), 
                    other_user_fbid: b.thread_key.other_user_id, 
                    thread_fbid: b.thread_key.thread_fbid, 
                    thread_id: null 
                }, c) 
    function v(a, b, e) { 
        var f = { 
            var c = d("").unsafeCastBlobAttachments(b), a = b.extensible_attachment, e; 
            if (a == null) 
                e = null; 
            else { 
                var f = a.genie_attachment, g; 
                if (f == null) 
                    g = null; 
                else { 
                    f = f.genie_message; 
                    var h; 
                    if (f == null) 
                        h = null; 
                    else { 
                        f = f.story_attachment; 
                        h = { 
                            story_attachment: f == null ? null : d("").unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment(f) 
                    g = { 
                        genie_message: h 
                f = a.story_attachment; 
                e = { 
                    genie_attachment: g, 
                    legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id, 
                    story_attachment: f == null ? null : d("").unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment(f) 
            return { 
                blob_attachments: c, 
                commerce_message_type: b.commerce_message_type, 
                extensible_attachment: e, 
                extensible_message_admin_text: b.extensible_message_admin_text, 
                extensible_message_admin_text_type: b.extensible_message_admin_text_type, 
                message_id: b.message_id, 
                message_sender: b.message_sender, 
                message_unsendability_status: b.message_unsendability_status, 
                platform_xmd_encoded: b.platform_xmd_encoded, 
                snippet: b.snippet, 
                sticker: b.sticker, 
                timestamp_precise: b.timestamp_precise 
          , g = { 
            admin_model_status_string: b.admin_model_status_string, 
            all_participants: b.all_participants, 
            approval_mode: b.approval_mode, 
            associated_object: b.associated_object, 
            can_viewer_report: b.can_viewer_report, 
            cannot_reply_reason: b.cannot_reply_reason, 
            composer_input_disabled: b.composer_input_disabled, 
            conversion_detection_data: b.conversion_detection_data, 
            customization_enabled: b.customization_enabled, 
            customization_info: b.customization_info, 
            description: b.description, 
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: b.ephemeral_ttl_mode, 
            event_reminders: b.event_reminders, 
            folder: b.folder, 
            group_approval_queue: b.group_approval_queue, 
            group_thread_subtype: b.group_thread_subtype, 
            groups_sync_status_string: b.groups_sync_status_string, 
            has_viewer_archived: b.has_viewer_archived, 
            image: b.image, 
            is_business_page_active: b.is_business_page_active, 
            is_canonical_neo_user: b.is_canonical_neo_user, 
            is_other_recipient_page: b.is_other_recipient_page, 
            is_page_follow_up: b.is_page_follow_up, 
            is_page_unresponded_thread: b.is_page_unresponded_thread, 
            is_pin_protected: b.is_pin_protected, 
            is_pinned: b.is_pinned, 
            is_viewer_subscribed: b.is_viewer_subscribed, 
            joinable_link: b.joinable_link, 
            joinable_mode: b.joinable_mode, 
            last_message: { 
                nodes: f 
            last_read_receipt: b.last_read_receipt, 
            linked_mentorship_programs: b.linked_mentorship_programs, 
            marketplace_thread_data: b.marketplace_thread_data, 
            mentions_mute_mode: b.mentions_mute_mode, 
            message_count: b.messages_count, 
            montage_thread: b.montage_thread, 
            mute_until: b.mute_until, 
            page_comm_item: b.page_comm_item, 
            page_unsubscribe_status: b.page_unsubscribe_status, 
            participant_add_mode_as_string: b.participant_add_mode_as_string, 
            participants_event_status: b.participants_event_status, 
            pinned_messages: b.pinned_messages, 
            privacy_mode: b.privacy_mode, 
            reactions_mute_mode: b.reactions_mute_mode, 
            related_page_thread: b.related_page_thread, 
            rtc_call_data: b.rtc_call_data, 
            square_image: b.square_image, 
            suggested_reply_data: b.suggested_reply_data, 
            theme: b.thread_theme, 
            thread_admins: b.thread_admins, 
            thread_associated_job_applications: b.thread_associated_job_applications, 
            thread_associated_page_admin: b.thread_associated_page_admin, 
            thread_connectivity_data: b.thread_connectivity_data, 
            thread_key: b.thread_key, 
            thread_pin_timestamp: b.thread_pin_timestamp, 
            thread_queue_enabled: b.thread_queue_enabled, 
            thread_queue_metadata: b.thread_queue_metadata, 
            thread_type: b.thread_type, 
            thread_unsendability_status: b.thread_unsendability_status, 
            unread_count: b.unread_count, 
            unread_mentions_count: b.unread_mentions_count, 
            updated_time_precise: b.updated_time_precise, 
            work_groups_sync_metadata: b.work_groups_sync_metadata 
        f = g.customization_info; 
        var h; 
        if (f == null) 
            h = [null, null, null]; 
        else { 
            var i = f.emoji; 
            h = [p(f.outgoing_bubble_color), i == null ? null : { 
                emoji: i 
            }, n(f.participant_customizations)] 
        i = h[0]; 
        f = g.theme; 
        if (f == null) 
            i = [i, i, i, [], null, void 0, null, null]; 
        else { 
            var q = f.reaction_pack, s; 
            if (q == null) 
                s = void 0; 
            else { 
                q = q.reaction_assets; 
                s = q == null ? void 0 : { 
                    return { 
                        keyframeAssetUri: a.keyframe_asset_uri, 
                        reactionEmoji: a.reaction_emoji, 
                        reactionName: a.reaction_name, 
                        staticAssetUri: a.static_asset.uri 
            q = f.gradient_colors.length; 
            var t = o(f.fallback_color) 
              , u = d("FBIDForMercury").ofString(; 
            u = u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u) : null; 
            if (q > 0 && d("ChatConfig").get("chat_tab_has_gradients")) { 
                var v =; 
                i = [t, c("bs_caml_array").get(v, 0), c("bs_caml_array").get(v, q - 1 | 0), v, u, s, f.accessibility_label, f.reverse_gradients_for_radial] 
            } else 
                i = [t, t, t, [], u, s, f.accessibility_label, f.reverse_gradients_for_radial] 
        q = g.page_comm_item; 
        v = q == null ? [null, null, null, null, null, [], !1, [], null, null, !1] : [q.comm_status, q.comm_source_id,, q.subtitle, q.comm_item_owners, q.comm_icon_type, q.is_priority, q.biz_inbox_tags, q.priority_score, q.biz_inbox_suggested_reply, q.is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent]; 
        t = g.last_message.nodes; 
        u = t.length !== 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").some(t[0]) : void 0; 
        s = g.last_read_receipt.nodes; 
        f = s.length !== 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").some(s[0]) : void 0; 
        if (u !== void 0) { 
            q = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u); 
            t = d("").transformAttachment(a, { 
                blob_attachments: q.blob_attachments, 
                extensible_attachment: q.extensible_attachment, 
                sticker: q.sticker 
            }, q.message_id, e) 
        } else 
            t = []; 
        if (u !== void 0) { 
            s = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).extensible_message_admin_text; 
            if (s == null) 
                q = null; 
            else { 
                e =; 
                q = e == null ? null : 
        } else 
            q = null; 
        s = d("").fromName(g.cannot_reply_reason); 
        e = g.thread_key.other_user_id; 
        if (e == null) { 
            var w = g.thread_key.thread_fbid; 
            w = w == null ? null : w 
        } else 
            w = e; 
        e = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) { 
            a[] = 0; 
            return a 
        }, {}, g.thread_admins); 
        e = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) { 
            var c =; 
            b = b.admin_type; 
            var d = a[c]; 
            b != null && d !== void 0 && (a[c] = b); 
            return a 
        }, e, g.all_participants.edges); 
        var x = g.thread_queue_metadata, y = g.group_approval_queue, z = g.group_thread_subtype, A = g.montage_thread, B = g.image, C = g.thread_key.other_user_id, D; 
        if (u !== void 0) { 
            var E = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).platform_xmd_encoded; 
            if (E == null) 
                D = !1; 
            else { 
                try { 
                    E = JSON.parse(E) 
                } catch (a) { 
                    E = {} 
                E = c("bs_js_json").classify(E); 
                D = typeof E === "number" || E.TAG !== 2 ? !1 : E._0.landing_exp !== void 0 
        } else 
            D = !1; 
        E = g.thread_queue_metadata; 
        var F = g.event_reminders.nodes, G = g.linked_mentorship_programs, H = g.marketplace_thread_data, I; 
        if (H == null) 
            I = null; 
        else { 
            var J = H.buyer, K = H.for_sale_item, L; 
            if (K == null) 
                L = null; 
            else { 
                var M = K.primary_photo, N; 
                if (M == null) 
                    N = null; 
                else { 
                    M = M.image; 
                    N = M == null ? null : M.uri 
                M = K.product_item; 
                var O = K.location, P; 
                if (O == null) 
                    P = null; 
                else { 
                    O = O.reverse_geocode; 
                    P = { 
                        reverse_geocode: O == null ? null : { 
                            state: O.state 
                O = K.formatted_price; 
                var Q = K.product_item; 
                L = { 
                    c2c_shipping_eligible: K.c2c_shipping_eligible, 
                    delivery_types: K.delivery_types, 
                    image_uri: N, 
                    inventory_count: K.inventory_count, 
                    is_commerce_post_item: M == null ? !1 : M.is_commerce_post_item, 
                    is_pending: K.is_pending, 
                    is_shipping_offered: K.is_shipping_offered, 
                    is_sold: K.is_sold, 
                    location: P, 
                    price: O == null ? null : O.text, 
                    product_item_id: Q == null ? null :, 
                    story_id: K.story_id, 
                    title: K.group_commerce_item_title, 
                    url: K.url 
            N = H.rating_state; 
            M = H.seller; 
            if (M == null) 
                P = !1; 
            else { 
                O = M.marketplace_c2c_shipping_seller; 
                P = O == null ? !1 : O.is_eligible 
            Q = H.seller; 
            I = { 
                buyer_fbid: J == null ? null :, 
                for_sale_item: L, 
                is_eligible_to_rate: N == null ? null : N.is_eligible_to_rate, 
                is_seller_eligible_for_shipping: P, 
                seller_added_labels: { 
                    return { 
                        label_string: a.label_string, 
                        label_type: a.label_type 
                seller_fbid: Q == null ? null :, 
                thread_fbid: w 
        K =; 
        M = g.associated_object; 
        if (M == null) 
            O = null; 
        else { 
            J = M.group_general_chat; 
            O = J == null || w == null ? null : === w ? c("MessengerObjectAssociationType").GENERAL_CHAT : c("MessengerObjectAssociationType").REGULAR_CHAT 
        L = g.pinned_messages; 
        N = g.rtc_call_data; 
        if (N == null) 
            P = null; 
        else { 
            H = N.initiator; 
            P = { 
                call_state: N.call_state, 
                initiator_fbid: H == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(d("FBIDForMercury").ofString(, 
                server_info_data: N.server_info_data 
        Q = g.square_image; 
        M = g.thread_associated_job_applications; 
        J = g.thread_type; 
        H = g.work_groups_sync_metadata; 
        if (H == null) 
            N = null; 
        else { 
            H = H.fb_group; 
            N = H == null ? null : H 
        return { 
            accessibility_label: i[6], 
            admin_model_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.admin_model_status_string), 
            admins: e, 
            approval_mode: g.approval_mode, 
            approval_queue_ids: x == null ? [] : { 
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(d("FBIDForMercury").ofStringExn( 
            associated_object: k(g), 
            biz_inbox_suggested_reply: v[9], 
            is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent: v[10], 
            biz_inbox_tags: v[7], 
            can_reply: s === void 0, 
            can_viewer_report: g.can_viewer_report, 
            cannot_reply_reason: s !== void 0 ? s : null, 
            comm_icon_type: v[5], 
            comm_item_owners: v[4], 
            comm_source_id: v[1], 
            comm_status: v[0], 
            composer_input_disabled: g.composer_input_disabled, 
            conversion_detection_data: g.conversion_detection_data, 
            custom_like_icon: h[1], 
            custom_nickname: h[2], 
            customization_enabled: g.customization_enabled, 
            description: g.description, 
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: g.ephemeral_ttl_mode, 
            folder: g.folder.toLowerCase(), 
            footer_color: i[2], 
            game_id: q, 
            gradient_colors: i[3], 
            group_approval_queue: y == null ? null : y.nodes, 
            group_thread_subtype: z == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MessengerGroupThreadSubType")[z]), 
            groups_sync_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.groups_sync_status_string), 
            has_email_participant: s !== void 0 ? s === "has_email_participant" : !1, 
            has_montage: A != null, 
            header_color: i[1], 
            image_src: B == null ? null : B.uri, 
            is_archived: g.has_viewer_archived, 
            is_business_page_active: g.is_business_page_active, 
            is_canonical: C != null, 
            is_canonical_neo_user: g.is_canonical_neo_user, 
            is_canonical_user: m(g), 
            is_from_weak_entry_point: D, 
            is_other_recipient_page: g.is_other_recipient_page, 
            is_page_follow_up: g.is_page_follow_up, 
            is_page_unresponded_thread: g.is_page_unresponded_thread, 
            is_pin_protected: g.is_pin_protected, 
            is_pinned: g.is_pinned, 
            is_priority: v[6], 
            is_subscribed: g.is_viewer_subscribed, 
            is_thread_queue_enabled: E != null, 
            joinable_link: g.joinable_link, 
            joinable_mode: { 
                mode: c("bs_caml_format").caml_int_of_string(g.joinable_mode.mode) 
            last_message_admin_text_type: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).extensible_message_admin_text_type : null, 
            last_message_id: null, 
            last_message_timestamp: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).timestamp_precise) : 0, 
            last_message_type: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).commerce_message_type : null, 
            last_message_unsendability_status: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).message_unsendability_status : null, 
            last_read_timestamp: f !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(f).timestamp_precise) : 0, 
            lightweight_event: F.length !== 0 ? j(F[0]) : null, 
            lightweight_events: c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) { 
                a[] = j(b); 
                return a 
            }, {}, g.event_reminders.nodes), 
            linked_mentorship_programs: G == null ? null : G, 
            marketplace_thread_data: I, 
            mentions_mute_mode: g.mentions_mute_mode === "MENTIONS_NOT_MUTED" ? 0 : 1, 
            message_count: g.message_count, 
            mute_until: g.mute_until, 
            name: K == null ? "" : K, 
            object_association_type: O, 
            other_user_fbid: g.thread_key.other_user_id, 
            page_comm_item_id: v[2], 
            page_thread_info: l(g), 
            page_unsubscribe_status: g.page_unsubscribe_status, 
            participant_add_mode: g.participant_add_mode_as_string, 
            participants: { 
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID( 
            participants_event_status: g.participants_event_status, 
            pinned_messages: L == null ? null : { 
                var c = b.message; 
                return { 
                    message: c == null ? null : d("").transformMessage(a, c, { 
                        folder: g.folder.toLowerCase(), 
                        other_user_fbid: g.thread_key.other_user_id, 
                        thread_fbid: g.thread_key.thread_fbid, 
                        thread_id: null 
                    }, !1), 
                    message_id: b.message_id, 
                    pinning_time: b.pinning_time 
            preloaded_participants: r(b), 
            priority_score: v[8], 
            reactions: i[5], 
            reactions_mute_mode: g.reactions_mute_mode === "REACTIONS_NOT_MUTED" ? 0 : 1, 
            read_only: s !== void 0 ? s === "read_only" : !1, 
            recipients_loadable: s !== void 0 ? s !== "recipients_not_loadable" : !0, 
            reverse_gradients_for_radial: i[7], 
            rtc_call_data: P, 
            server_timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(g.updated_time_precise), 
            snippet: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).snippet : null, 
            snippet_attachments: t, 
            snippet_sender: u !== void 0 ? d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u) : null, 
            solid_color: i[0], 
            square_image_src: Q == null ? null : Q.uri, 
            subtitle: v[3], 
            suggested_reply_data: g.suggested_reply_data, 
            theme_id: i[4], 
            thread_associated_job_applications: M == null ? null : M, 
            thread_associated_page_admin: g.thread_associated_page_admin, 
            thread_connectivity_data: g.thread_connectivity_data, 
            thread_fbid: w, 
            thread_id: "", 
            thread_pin_timestamp: g.thread_pin_timestamp, 
            thread_type: J == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MessagingThreadType")[J]), 
            thread_unsendability_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.thread_unsendability_status), 
            timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(g.updated_time_precise), 
            unread_count: g.unread_count, 
            unread_mentions_count: g.unread_mentions_count, 
            work_associated_group: N 
    a = a; 
    b = b; 
    e = e; 
    f = f; 
    var w = q 
      , x = r; 
    s = s; 
    t = t; 
    u = u; 
    v = v; 
    g.getThreadFBID = a; 
    g.getOtherUserID = b; 
    g.getMessagePageInfo = e; 
    g.getBlockedParticipant = f; 
    g.transformParticipant = w; 
    g.transformParticipants = x; 
    g.transformReadReceipts = s; 
    g.transformDeliveryReceipts = t; 
    g.transformMessages = u; 
    g.transformThread = v 
), 226); 
__d("XGraphQLBatchAPIController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/api/graphqlbatch/", { 
        queries: { 
            type: "String" 
        batch_name: { 
            type: "String" 
        scheduler: { 
            type: "Enum", 
            enumType: 1 
        shared_params: { 
            type: "String" 
        fb_api_req_friendly_name: { 
            type: "String" 
), null); 
__d("getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return c("gkx")("22425") 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("MessengerWebGraphQLHelper", ["errorCode", "ActorURI", "AsyncRequest", "DTSG", "DTSGParser", "Deferred", "FBLogger", "WebGraphQLConfig", "XGraphQLBatchAPIController", "cr:2148", "cr:2703", "cr:4351", "getAsyncParams", "getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration", "getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", "nullthrows", "react-relay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i = "for (;;);" 
      , j = i.length; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return l([a], b)[0] 
    function k(a, d, e) { 
        var f = b("react-relay"); 
        f = f.fetchQuery; 
        e = b("cr:2148") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:2148").getForActorID(e); 
        var g = new (c("Deferred"))() 
          , h = g.getPromise(); 
        f(c("nullthrows")(e), a, d.variables).subscribe({ 
            start: function() {}, 
            complete: function() {}, 
            error: function(a) { 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: a.message, 
                        severity: "CRITICAL", 
                        error: a 
            next: function(a) { 
                a ? g.resolve(a) : g.reject({ 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: "Unexpected response received from server.", 
                        severity: "CRITICAL", 
                        response: a 
        return h 
    function l(a, e) { 
        var f = e == null ? void 0 : e.actorID; 
        if (a.length === 1 && f) { 
            if (b("cr:4351")) { 
                var g; 
                g = (g = e == null ? void 0 : e.batchName) != null ? g : ""; 
                var h = a[0].variables 
                  , l = b("cr:4351").getUnifiedChannelFromMercuryOperations(g, h.source); 
                if (l && g && (g === "MessengerGraphQLThreadlistFetcher" || g === "MessengerGraphQLThreadFetcher") && h.source && b("cr:4351").shouldUseUnifiedQuery(l, h) && d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyThreadQueries()) 
                    return [b("cr:4351").execUnifiedQuery(l)] 
            if ((b("cr:2703") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:2703") === ((g = a[0]) == null ? void 0 : && !((h = a[0]) == null ? void 0 : h.variables.before) && c("getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration")()) 
                return [k(b("cr:2703"), a[0], f)] 
        var m = {} 
          , n = {}; 
        l =, b) { 
            b = "o" + b; 
            m[b] = { 
                doc_id: c("nullthrows")(, 
                query_params: a.variables 
            a = new (c("Deferred"))(); 
            n[b] = a; 
            return a.getPromise() 
        g = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("getAsyncParams")("POST")); 
        e && e.actorID != null && (g[d("ActorURI").PARAMETER_ACTOR] = e.actorID); 
        h = e && e.batchName ? { 
            batch_name: e.batchName 
        } : {}; 
        f = new (c("AsyncRequest"))().setURI(c("XGraphQLBatchAPIController").getURIBuilder().getURI()).setOption("suppressEvaluation", !0).setMethod("POST").setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").setData(babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, g, { 
            queries: JSON.stringify(m) 
        })).setHandler(function(a) { 
            a = a.getPayload(); 
            a = a.response; 
            try { 
                if (a.startsWith(i)) { 
                    var b = a.substring(j); 
                    b = JSON.parse(b); 
                    if (b.error == 1357001) { 
                        Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) { 
                            n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({ 
                                data: {}, 
                                errors: [{ 
                                    message: "Not logged in.", 
                                    severity: "CRITICAL", 
                                    should_end_session: !0 
                b = a.split("
                b = { 
                    return JSON.parse(a) 
                b.forEach(function(a) { 
                    return Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b) { 
                        var c = n[b]; 
                        if (c) { 
                            b = a[b]; 
                            if (b.extensions) { 
                                var e; 
                                e = (e = b.extensions) == null ? void 0 : e.dtsg_token; 
                                e && d("DTSG").setToken(e) 
                            b.errors ? c.reject(b) : ? c.resolve( : c.reject({ 
                                data: {}, 
                                errors: [{ 
                                    message: "Unexpected response received from server.", 
                                    severity: "CRITICAL", 
                                    response: b 
            } catch (b) { 
                c("FBLogger")("webgraphql").catching(b).mustfix("Bad response: ", "%s%s", a.substr(0, 250), a.length > 250 ? "[truncated]" : "") 
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) { 
                n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({ 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: "No response received from server.", 
                        severity: "CRITICAL" 
        }).setTimeoutHandler(c("WebGraphQLConfig").timeout, function() { 
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) { 
                n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({ 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: "Request timed out.", 
                        severity: "CRITICAL" 
        }).setErrorHandler(function(a) { 
            var b = a.getErrorDescription(); 
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(c) { 
                n[c].isSettled() || n[c].reject({ 
                    data: {}, 
                    errors: [{ 
                        message: b, 
                        severity: "CRITICAL", 
                        error: a.getError() 
        e && e.msgrRegion && f.setRequestHeader("X-MSGR-Region", e.msgrRegion); 
        return l 
    g.exec = a; 
    g.execRelayQuery = k; 
    g.execAll = l 
), 98); 
__d("", ["MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql", "", "MessengerWebGraphQLHelper", "ODS", "Promise"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    function a(a) { 
        return d("MessengerWebGraphQLHelper").exec({ 
            id: c("MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql"), 
            variables: a 
        }, { 
            actorID: null, 
            batchName: "MessengerParticipantsFetcher", 
            msgrRegion: null 
        })["catch"](function(a) { 
            (i || (i = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participants.failure"); 
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(a) 
        }).then(function(b) { 
            (i || (i = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participants.success"); 
            var c = [] 
              , e = new Set(); 
            b.messaging_actors.forEach(function(a) { 
                if (a == null) 
                a = d("").transformParticipant(a); 
            b = a.ids.filter(function(a) { 
                return !e.has(a) 
            b.length > 0 && b.forEach(function(a) { 
            return c 
    g.$$fetch = a 
), 98); 
__d("bs_js_int", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return a === b 
    b = 2147483647; 
    c = -2147483648; 
    f.equal = a; 
    f.max = b; 
    f.min = c 
), null); 
__d("bs_js_math", ["bs_js_int"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        return Math.ceil(a) 
    function c(a) { 
        if (a > b("bs_js_int").max) 
            return b("bs_js_int").max; 
        else if (a < b("bs_js_int").min) 
            return b("bs_js_int").min; 
            return Math.ceil(a) 
    function d(a) { 
        return Math.floor(a) 
    function g(a) { 
        if (a > b("bs_js_int").max) 
            return b("bs_js_int").max; 
        else if (a < b("bs_js_int").min) 
            return b("bs_js_int").min; 
            return Math.floor(a) 
    function e(a, b) { 
        return g(Math.random() * (b - a | 0)) + a | 0 
    var h = c 
      , i = g; 
    f.unsafe_ceil = a; 
    f.ceil_int = c; 
    f.ceil = h; 
    f.unsafe_floor = d; 
    f.floor_int = g; 
    f.floor = i; 
    f.random_int = e 
), null); 
__d("bs_belt_Array", ["bs_caml", "bs_caml_option", "bs_curry", "bs_js_math"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g; 
    function a(a, c) { 
        if (c >= 0 && c < a.length) 
            return b("bs_caml_option").some(a[c]) 
    function c(a, b) { 
        if (!(b >= 0 && b < a.length)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", 
                _1: ["", 27, 4], 
                Error: new Error() 
        return a[b] 
    function d(a, b, c) { 
        if (b >= 0 && b < a.length) { 
            a[b] = c; 
            return !0 
        } else 
            return !1 
    function e(a, b, c) { 
        if (!(b >= 0 && b < a.length)) 
            throw { 
                RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure", 
                _1: ["", 33, 2], 
                Error: new Error() 
        a[b] = c 
    function h(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a[b]; 
        a[b] = a[c]; 
        a[c] = d 
    function i(a) { 
        var c = a.length; 
        for (var d = 0; d < c; ++d) 
            h(a, d, b("bs_js_math").random_int(d, c)) 
    function j(a) { 
        a = a.slice(0); 
        return a 
    function k(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = 0; 
        for (var d = 0, e = b / 2 | 0; d < e; ++d) 
            h(a, c + d | 0, ((c + b | 0) - d | 0) - 1 | 0) 
    function l(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = new Array(b); 
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) 
            c[d] = a[(b - 1 | 0) - d | 0]; 
        return c 
    function m(a, b) { 
        if (a <= 0) 
            return []; 
        var c = new Array(a); 
        for (var d = 0; d < a; ++d) 
            c[d] = b; 
        return c 
    function n(a, b) { 
        if (a <= 0) 
            return []; 
        var c = new Array(a); 
        for (var d = 0; d < a; ++d) 
            c[d] = b(d); 
        return c 
    function o(a, c) { 
        return n(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function p(a, b) { 
        a = n(a, b); 
        return a 
    function q(a, c) { 
        return p(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function r(a, b) { 
        b = b - a | 0; 
        if (b < 0) 
            return []; 
        var c = new Array(b + 1 | 0); 
        for (var d = 0; d <= b; ++d) 
            c[d] = a + d | 0; 
        return c 
    function s(a, b, c) { 
        b = b - a | 0; 
        if (b < 0 || c <= 0) 
            return []; 
        b = (b / c | 0) + 1 | 0; 
        var d = new Array(b); 
        a = a; 
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e) 
            d[e] = a, 
            a = a + c | 0; 
        return d 
    function t(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = b.length; 
        c = c < d ? c : d; 
        d = new Array(c); 
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e) 
            d[e] = [a[e], b[e]]; 
        return d 
    function u(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = b.length; 
        d = d < e ? d : e; 
        e = new Array(d); 
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = c(a[f], b[f]); 
        return e 
    function v(a, c, d) { 
        return u(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function w(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = b.length 
          , e = new Array(c + d | 0); 
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f) 
            e[f] = a[f]; 
        for (a = 0; a < d; ++a) 
            e[c + a | 0] = b[a]; 
        return e 
    function x(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = 0; 
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) 
            c = c + a[d].length | 0; 
        d = new Array(c); 
        c = 0; 
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e) { 
            var f = a[e]; 
            for (var g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; ++g) 
                d[c] = f[g], 
                c = c + 1 | 0 
        return d 
    function y(a, c, d) { 
        if (d <= 0) 
            return []; 
        var e = a.length; 
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(e + c | 0, 0) : c; 
        e = e - c | 0; 
        e = e < d ? e : d; 
        if (e <= 0) 
            return []; 
        d = new Array(e); 
        for (var f = 0; f < e; ++f) 
            d[f] = a[c + f | 0]; 
        return d 
    function z(a, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(d + c | 0, 0) : c; 
        d = d - c | 0; 
        var e = new Array(d); 
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f) 
            e[f] = a[c + f | 0]; 
        return e 
    function A(a, c, d, e) { 
        if (d <= 0) 
        var f = a.length; 
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(f + c | 0, 0) : c; 
        f = f - c | 0; 
        f = f < d ? f : d; 
        if (f <= 0) 
        for (d = c, 
        c = c + f | 0; d < c; ++d) 
            a[d] = e 
    function B(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        if (d <= b) { 
            for (var f = 0; f < e; ++f) 
                c[f + d | 0] = a[f + b | 0]; 
        for (f = e - 1 | 0; f >= 0; --f) 
            c[f + d | 0] = a[f + b | 0] 
    function C(a, c, d, e, f) { 
        var h = a.length 
          , i = d.length; 
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(h + c | 0, 0) : c; 
        e = e < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(i + e | 0, 0) : e; 
        f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(f, g.caml_int_min(h - c | 0, i - e | 0)); 
        if (e <= c) { 
            for (h = 0; h < f; ++h) 
                d[h + e | 0] = a[h + c | 0]; 
        for (i = f - 1 | 0; i >= 0; --i) 
            d[i + e | 0] = a[i + c | 0] 
    function D(a, b) { 
        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c) 
    function E(a, c) { 
        return D(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function F(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = new Array(c); 
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e) 
            d[e] = b(a[e]); 
        return d 
    function G(a, c) { 
        return F(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function H(a, c) { 
        var d = a.length, e = 0, f; 
        while (f === void 0 && e < d) { 
            var g = a[e]; 
            c(g) && (f = b("bs_caml_option").some(g)); 
            e = e + 1 | 0 
        return f 
    function aa(a, c) { 
        return H(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function I(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length, d = 0, e; 
        while (e === void 0 && d < c) { 
            var f = a[d]; 
            b(f) && (e = d); 
            d = d + 1 | 0 
        return e 
    function ba(a, c) { 
        return I(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function J(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = new Array(c) 
          , e = 0; 
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f) { 
            var g = a[f]; 
            b(g) && (d[e] = g, 
            e = e + 1 | 0) 
        d.length = e; 
        return d 
    function ca(a, c) { 
        return J(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function K(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = new Array(c) 
          , e = 0; 
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f) { 
            var g = a[f]; 
            b(g, f) && (d[e] = g, 
            e = e + 1 | 0) 
        d.length = e; 
        return d 
    function da(a, c) { 
        return K(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c)) 
    function L(a, c) { 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = new Array(d) 
          , f = 0; 
        for (var g = 0; g < d; ++g) { 
            var h = a[g]; 
            h = c(h); 
            h !== void 0 && (e[f] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(h), 
            f = f + 1 | 0) 
        e.length = f; 
        return e 
    function ea(a, c) { 
        return L(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function M(a, b) { 
        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c) 
            b(c, a[c]) 
    function fa(a, c) { 
        return M(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c)) 
    function N(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = new Array(c); 
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e) 
            d[e] = b(e, a[e]); 
        return d 
    function ga(a, c) { 
        return N(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c)) 
    function O(a, b, c) { 
        b = b; 
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b = c(b, a[d]); 
        return b 
    function ha(a, c, d) { 
        return O(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function P(a, b, c) { 
        b = b; 
        for (var d = a.length - 1 | 0; d >= 0; --d) 
            b = c(b, a[d]); 
        return b 
    function ia(a, c, d) { 
        return P(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function Q(a, c, d, e) { 
        d = d; 
        var f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length); 
        for (f = f - 1 | 0; f >= 0; --f) 
            d = e(d, a[f], c[f]); 
        return d 
    function ja(a, c, d, e) { 
        return Q(a, c, d, b("bs_curry").__3(e)) 
    function R(a, b, c) { 
        b = b; 
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) 
            b = c(b, a[d], d); 
        return b 
    function ka(a, c, d) { 
        return R(a, c, b("bs_curry").__3(d)) 
    function S(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = d; 
            if (e === c) 
                return !0; 
            if (!b(a[e])) 
                return !1; 
            d = e + 1 | 0; 
    function la(a, c) { 
        return S(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function T(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = 0; 
        while (!0) { 
            var e = d; 
            if (e === c) 
                return !1; 
            if (b(a[e])) 
                return !0; 
            d = e + 1 | 0; 
    function ma(a, c) { 
        return T(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function U(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        while (!0) { 
            var f = c; 
            if (f === e) 
                return !0; 
            if (!d(a[f], b[f])) 
                return !1; 
            c = f + 1 | 0; 
    function V(a, c, d) { 
        return U(a, c, 0, d, (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length)) 
    function na(a, c, d) { 
        return V(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function W(a, c, d) { 
        var e = 0 
          , f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length); 
        while (!0) { 
            var h = e; 
            if (h === f) 
                return !1; 
            if (d(a[h], c[h])) 
                return !0; 
            e = h + 1 | 0; 
    function oa(a, c, d) { 
        return W(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function X(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = b.length; 
        if (d === e) 
            return U(a, b, 0, c, d); 
            return !1 
    function pa(a, c, d) { 
        return X(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function Y(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length 
          , e = b.length; 
        if (d > e) 
            return 1; 
        else if (d < e) 
            return -1; 
        else { 
            e = 0; 
            while (!0) { 
                var f = e; 
                if (f === d) 
                    return 0; 
                var g = c(a[f], b[f]); 
                if (g !== 0) 
                    return g; 
                e = f + 1 | 0; 
    function qa(a, c, d) { 
        return Y(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d)) 
    function Z(a, b) { 
        var c = a.length 
          , d = 0 
          , e = 0 
          , f = new Array(c) 
          , g = new Array(c); 
        for (var h = 0; h < c; ++h) { 
            var i = a[h]; 
            b(i) ? (f[d] = i, 
            d = d + 1 | 0) : (g[e] = i, 
            e = e + 1 | 0) 
        f.length = d; 
        g.length = e; 
        return [f, g] 
    function ra(a, c) { 
        return Z(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c)) 
    function sa(a) { 
        var b = a.length 
          , c = new Array(b) 
          , d = new Array(b); 
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e) { 
            var f = a[e]; 
            c[e] = f[0]; 
            d[e] = f[1] 
        return [c, d] 
    function $(a, b, c) { 
        var d = a.length; 
        if (d === 0) 
            return ""; 
        d = d - 1 | 0; 
        var e = 0 
          , f = ""; 
        while (!0) { 
            var g = f 
              , h = e; 
            if (h === d) 
                return g + c(a[h]); 
            f = g + (c(a[h]) + b); 
            e = h + 1 | 0; 
    function ta(a, c, d) { 
        return $(a, c, b("bs_curry").__1(d)) 
    f.get = a; 
    f.getExn = c; 
    f.set = d; 
    f.setExn = e; 
    f.shuffleInPlace = i; 
    f.shuffle = j; 
    f.reverseInPlace = k; 
    f.reverse = l; 
    f.make = m; 
    f.range = r; 
    f.rangeBy = s; 
    f.makeByU = n; 
    f.makeBy = o; 
    f.makeByAndShuffleU = p; 
    f.makeByAndShuffle = q; = t; 
    f.zipByU = u; 
    f.zipBy = v; 
    f.unzip = sa; 
    f.concat = w; 
    f.concatMany = x; 
    f.slice = y; 
    f.sliceToEnd = z; 
    f.fill = A; 
    f.blit = C; 
    f.blitUnsafe = B; 
    f.forEachU = D; 
    f.forEach = E; 
    f.mapU = F; = G; 
    f.getByU = H; 
    f.getBy = aa; 
    f.getIndexByU = I; 
    f.getIndexBy = ba; 
    f.keepU = J; 
    f.keep = ca; 
    f.keepWithIndexU = K; 
    f.keepWithIndex = da; 
    f.keepMapU = L; 
    f.keepMap = ea; 
    f.forEachWithIndexU = M; 
    f.forEachWithIndex = fa; 
    f.mapWithIndexU = N; 
    f.mapWithIndex = ga; 
    f.partitionU = Z; 
    f.partition = ra; 
    f.reduceU = O; 
    f.reduce = ha; 
    f.reduceReverseU = P; 
    f.reduceReverse = ia; 
    f.reduceReverse2U = Q; 
    f.reduceReverse2 = ja; 
    f.reduceWithIndexU = R; 
    f.reduceWithIndex = ka; 
    f.joinWithU = $; 
    f.joinWith = ta; 
    f.someU = T; 
    f.some = ma; 
    f.everyU = S; 
    f.every = la; 
    f.every2U = V; 
    f.every2 = na; 
    f.some2U = W; 
    f.some2 = oa; 
    f.cmpU = Y; 
    f.cmp = qa; 
    f.eqU = X; 
    f.eq = pa 
), null); 
__d("", ["fbt", "CurrentUser", "FBIDForMercury", "ImmutableObject", "MercuryAssert", "MercuryIDs", "", "", "ODS", "Promise", "bs_belt_Array", "bs_caml_obj", "bs_caml_option", "bs_curry", "bs_js_null_undefined", "immutable"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = { 
        contents: 1 
    }, k = {}, l = new Set(), m = {}, n = function(b, a) { 
        delete b[a]; 
        return 0 
    }, o = function(b, a) { 
        delete b[a]; 
        return 0 
    function p(a) { 
        a = b("CurrentUser").getAppID(); 
        if (b("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() || a === 1586666294789976..toString()) 
            return g._("__JHASH__wQqRyMlOKFy__JHASH__"); 
        else if (b("CurrentUser").isWorkroomsUser() || a === 424940172743869..toString()) 
            return g._("__JHASH__6YiFugiNOIw__JHASH__"); 
            return g._("__JHASH__yosnsm5UZCw__JHASH__") 
    function q(a) { 
        var c = a.user_type; 
        if (c == null) 
            return a; 
        if (!(b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c, "user") || b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c, "friend"))) 
            return a; 
        c = a.href; 
        var d = a.vanity; 
        if (c != null) 
            return a; 
        if (d != null) 
            return a; 
        c = p(); 
        return Object.assign(a, { 
            name: c, 
            short_name: c 
    function a(a) { 
        Object.keys(k).forEach(function(a) { 
            return o(k, a) 
    function r(a) { 
        var c = 
          , d = a.vanity; 
        d != null && b("").set(d, c); 
        d = k[c]; 
        d !== void 0 ? k[c] = b("ImmutableObject").set(b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d), a) : k[c] = new (b("ImmutableObject"))(q(a)) 
    function c(a) { 
        a = a.participants; 
        if (a != null) { 
    function d(a) { 
        a = a.preloaded_participants; 
        if (a != null) { 
    function s(a, c, d) { 
        var e = {} 
          , f = []; 
        a.forEach(function(a) { 
            var c = k[a]; 
            c !== void 0 ? e[a] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(c) : f.push(a) 
        if (f.length !== 0) { 
            var g = []; 
            f.forEach(function(a) { 
                if (l.has(a)) 
                var c = b("MercuryIDs").getUserIDFromParticipantID(a); 
                if (c != null) { 
            var o = j.contents.toString(); 
            m[o] = [a, d]; 
            j.contents = j.contents + 1 | 0; 
            g.length > 0 && b("").$$fetch({ 
                ids: g, 
                source: c 
            }).then(function(a) { 
                a.forEach(function(a) { 
                    k[] = new (b("ImmutableObject"))(a); 
                    var c =; 
                    a = a.vanity; 
                    a != null && b("").set(a, c); 
                Object.keys(m).forEach(function(a) { 
                    var d = m[a]; 
                    if (d === void 0) 
                    var e = d[0] 
                      , c = {}; 
                    e.forEach(function(a) { 
                        var d = k[a]; 
                        if (d !== void 0) { 
                            c[a] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d); 
                    if (Object.keys(c).length === e.length) { 
                        n(m, a); 
                        return d[1](c) 
                (h || (h = b("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participant.success"); 
                return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve() 
            })["catch"](function(a) { 
                (h || (h = b("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participant.failure"); 
                return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve() 
            return o 
        return null 
    function e(a, b) { 
        return s(a, null, b) 
    function t(a, c) { 
        return s([a], null, function(d) { 
            d = d[a]; 
            if (d !== void 0) 
                return b("bs_curry")._1(c, b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d)) 
    function u(a) { 
        return b("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(k[a]) 
    function v(c, d) { 
        var e = [] 
          , a = []; 
        c.forEach(function(b) { 
            var c = u(b); 
            c == null ? e.push(b) : a.push(c) 
        if (e.length === 0) 
            return [a, null]; 
        var f = s(e, null, function(a) { 
            return b("bs_curry")._1(d, b("bs_belt_Array").keepMap(c, function(a) { 
                return b("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(u(a)) 
        return [a, f] 
    function w(a, c) { 
        var d = function(a) { 
            return b("immutable").Map( { 
                return [, a] 
          , e = function(a) { 
            return b("bs_curry")._1(c, d(a)) 
        a = v(a, e); 
        return [d(a[0]), a[1]] 
    function x(a) { 
        return n(m, a) 
    function y(a) { 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        if (b("").hasVanity(a)) { 
            var c = b("").getID(a); 
            if (c == null) 
                return null; 
                return c 
        c = /^\d+$/; 
        if (!c.test(a)) 
            return null; 
        c = b("FBIDForMercury").ofString(a); 
        if (c !== void 0) 
            return b("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(c)); 
            return null 
    f.reset = a; 
    f.addParticipants = c; 
    f.addPreloadedParticipants = d; 
    f.getDefaultName = p; 
    f.get = t; 
    f.getNow = u; 
    f.getMultiWithSource = s; 
    f.getMulti = e; 
    f.getMultiEager = v; 
    f.getMultiEagerMap = w; 
    f.removeCallback = x; 
    f.getIDFromVanityOrFBID = y 
), 130); 
__d("MessengerPhone.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36", 
            fill: "currentColor", 
            width: "1em", 
            height: "1em" 
        }, a, { 
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", { 
                children: a.title 
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", { 
                children: a.children 
            }), i.jsx("path", { 
                d: "M25.753 28.2c1.07-.357 1.816-1.275 2.423-2.225a2.05 2.05 0 0 0 .037-2.151 4.998 4.998 0 0 0-.723-.963 11.594 11.594 0 0 0-2.888-2.112c-.58-.299-1.272-.212-1.808.159l-2.098 1.452a.472.472 0 0 1-.437.055 11.557 11.557 0 0 1-4.045-2.63 11.554 11.554 0 0 1-2.63-4.044.472.472 0 0 1 .056-.437l1.453-2.098c.37-.536.457-1.228.158-1.807A11.587 11.587 0 0 0 13.14 8.51a4.995 4.995 0 0 0-.963-.723 2.05 2.05 0 0 0-2.15.037c-.951.607-1.87 1.353-2.225 2.424-1.174 3.527 1.187 8.461 5.338 12.613 4.152 4.151 9.086 6.512 12.614 5.338z" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    a._isSVG = !0; 
    b = a; 
    g["default"] = b 
), 98); 
__d("NotificationPermissionRequestComet.react", ["fbt", "BaseAccessibleElement_DEPRECATED.react", "BaseModal.react", "CometHideLayerOnEscape.react", "CometVisualCompletion", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useEffect; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.onClick; 
        k(function() { 
            window.addEventListener("mousedown", b); 
            c("CometVisualCompletion").addAnnotationInt("pushRequestOverlay", 1); 
            return function() { 
                window.removeEventListener("mousedown", b) 
        }, [b]); 
        return j.jsx(c("BaseModal.react"), { 
            stackingBehavior: "above-everything", 
            children: j.jsx(c("CometHideLayerOnEscape.react"), { 
                onHide: b, 
                children: j.jsx(c("BaseAccessibleElement_DEPRECATED.react"), { 
                    children: j.jsxs("div", { 
                        "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__oE04FVLR0CK__JHASH__"), 
                        "aria-modal": "true", 
                        role: "alertdialog", 
                        children: [h._("__JHASH__gW3M_fEDpFx__JHASH__"), j.jsx("button", { 
                            onClick: b, 
                            children: h._("__JHASH__uufiRayKSVE__JHASH__") 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("OverlayConfigDefaults", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = Object.freeze([1, 0, 0, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 640, 360, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 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    b = a; 
    f["default"] = b 
), 66); 
__d("OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer", ["OverlayConfigDefaults", "OverlayConfigLayerSource"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() {} 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.getLayerSource = function() { 
            return c("OverlayConfigLayerSource").DEFAULT 
        b.getValue = function(a) { 
            return c("OverlayConfigDefaults")[a] 
        b.logExposure = function(a) {} 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("OverlayConfigLayerManager", ["OverlayConfigConstants", "OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() { 
            this.$1 = [new (c("OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer"))()] 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.getValue = function(a) { 
            for (var b = this.$1.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) { 
                var d = this.$1[b].getValue(a); 
                if (d > c("OverlayConfigConstants").OverlayConfigNotPresentFlagValue) 
                    return d 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: No value found for id " + String(a), "rtc_www") 
        b.addLayer = function(a) { 
            return this.$1.length - 1 
        b.replaceLayer = function(a, b) { 
            if (a === 0) 
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: Tried to replace default layer!", "rtc_www"); 
            else if (this.$1[a] == null) 
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: Layer does not exist at index " + String(a), "rtc_www"); 
            this.$1[a] = b 
        b.clone = function() { 
            var b = new a(); 
            b.$1 = this.$1.slice(); 
            return b 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("OverlayConfigManager", ["Configs", "OverlayConfigLayerManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var g = (a = b("Configs")).ExampleConfig 
      , h = a.SimulcastOverSignalingConfig 
      , i = a.PreferredCaptureConfig 
      , j = a.ZenonSdpTransformConfig 
      , k = a.ZenonPeerConnectionConfig 
      , l = a.ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig 
      , m = a.ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig 
      , n = a.ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig 
      , o = a.ZenonPlatformSupportConfig 
      , p = a.ZenonSimulcastConfig 
      , q = a.DynamicRuleConfig 
      , r = a.SignalingPingConfig; 
    c = function() { 
        function a() { 
            this.layerManager = new (b("OverlayConfigLayerManager"))() 
        var c = a.prototype; 
        c.getExampleConfig = function() { 
            return new g(this.layerManager) 
        c.getSimulcastOverSignalingConfig = function() { 
            return new h(this.layerManager) 
        c.getPreferredCaptureConfig = function() { 
            return new i(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonSdpTransformConfig = function() { 
            return new j(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonPeerConnectionConfig = function() { 
            return new k(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig = function() { 
            return new l(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig = function() { 
            return new m(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonMultiCallSupportConfig = function() { 
            return new n(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonPlatformSupportConfig = function() { 
            return new o(this.layerManager) 
        c.getZenonSimulcastConfig = function() { 
            return new p(this.layerManager) 
        c.getDynamicRuleConfig = function() { 
            return new q(this.layerManager) 
        c.getSignalingPingConfig = function() { 
            return new r(this.layerManager) 
        return a 
    e.exports = c 
), null); 
__d("OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer", ["OverlayConfigManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b(b) { 
            var c; 
            c = || this; 
            c.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 = -1; 
            b != null && (c.layerManager = b.layerManager.clone()); 
            return c 
        var c = b.prototype; 
        c.setServerLayer = function(a) { 
            if (this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 > -1) { 
                this.layerManager.replaceLayer(this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1, a); 
            this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 = this.layerManager.addLayer(a) 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "7188178894556645" 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql", ["PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "ids" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , c = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "ids", 
            variableName: "ids" 
          , d = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "name", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "height", 
                value: 36 
            }, { 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "scale", 
                variableName: "scale" 
            }, { 
                kind: "Literal", 
                name: "width", 
                value: 36 
            concreteType: "Image", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "profile_picture", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "uri", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: c, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [d, e, f], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: c, 
                        concreteType: null, 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_nodes", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "__typename", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, d, { 
                            kind: "TypeDiscriminator", 
                            abstractKey: "__isProfile" 
                        }, e, f], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "5081675628568293" 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql", ["PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "chat_visibility", 
            storageKey: null 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_converted_to_view_side_settings", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [a, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "id", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        kind: "InlineDataFragment", 
        name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings" 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription", ["AvailableListState", "CometHomeContactsConfig", "CometRelay", "CurrentUser", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql", "Promise", "WebPixelRatio", "chunkArray", "promiseDone", "recoverableViolation", "relay-runtime", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k, l = c("requireDeferred")("FBMqttChannel").__setRef("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription"), m = c("requireDeferred")("MessengerMQTTPresence").__setRef("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription"), n = Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(Object.entries(c("AvailableListState")).map(function(a) { 
        var b, c = a[0]; 
        a = a[1]; 
        return b = {}, 
        b[String(a)] = c, 
    }))), o = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql"), p = i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql"); 
    function q(a) { 
        var b = null 
          , c = l.onReady(function(c) { 
            c.subscribe("/legacy_web", function(b) { 
                var c = JSON.parse(b); 
                c.type === "privacy_changed" && a.commitUpdate(function(a) { 
                    a = a.getRoot(); 
                    if (a == null) 
                    a = a.getLinkedRecord("viewer"); 
                    if (a == null) 
                    a.setValue(((a = == null ? void 0 : a.visibility) === !0, "chat_visibility") 
            b = function() { 
                return c.unsubscribeAll("/legacy_web") 
        return { 
            remove: function() { 
                b != null && b() 
    function r(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        var f = null 
          , g = m.onReady(function(g) { 
                reset: function() { 
                    var f = b.current 
                      , g = {}; 
                    Object.keys(f).forEach(function(a) { 
                        delete g[a] 
                    b.current = g; 
                    A(a, b.current, c, d, e) 
                setMultiFromMQTT: function(f) { 
                    var g = b.current 
                      , h = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, g); 
                    f.forEach(function(a) { 
                        h[a.u] = { 
                            last_active_time: a.l, 
                            status: a.p 
                    b.current = h; 
                    A(a, b.current, c, d, e) 
            f = function() { 
                return g.unsubscribe() 
        return { 
            remove: function() { 
                f != null && f() 
    function s(a, b, c, e, f) { 
        var g, h = d("relay-runtime").getRequest(o); 
        h = d("relay-runtime").createOperationDescriptor(h, {}); 
        h = a.lookup(h.fragment); 
        g = (g = == null ? void 0 : g.viewer; 
        var i = typeof g === "object" ? g == null ? void 0 : g.chat_visibility : null; 
        e.current = !!i; 
        return a.subscribe(h, function(d) { 
            d =; 
            d = d == null ? void 0 : d.viewer; 
            if (typeof d !== "object" || d == null) 
            var g = d == null ? void 0 : d.presence_view_side_settings; 
            if (typeof g === "object" && g != null && g.has_converted_to_view_side_settings === !0) 
            g = d.chat_visibility; 
            i != null && g !== i && A(a, b.current, c, e, f); 
            i = g 
    var t = { 
        height: 36, 
        scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(), 
        width: 36 
      , u = 500; 
    function v(a, e) { 
        a = c("chunkArray")(Array.from(a), u); 
        a = { 
            return d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(e, p, { 
                ids: a, 
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get() 
            }, { 
                fetchPolicy: "store-or-network" 
        return (k || (k = b("Promise"))).all(a) 
    var w = function(a, b, d) { 
        if (b.size === 0) 
        c("promiseDone")(v(b, d).then(function(b) { 
            d.commitUpdate(function(c) { 
                b.forEach(function(b) { 
                    b = (b == null ? void 0 : (b = b.viewer) == null ? void 0 : b.chat_sidebar_contact_nodes) || []; 
                    b.forEach(function(b) { 
                        b = x(b, c); 
                z(c, a) 
    function x(a, b) { 
        var c = a == null ? void 0 :; 
        if (c == null) 
        var d = b.get(c); 
        d == null && (d = b.create(c, "User")); 
        b = a == null ? void 0 :; 
        if (b == null) 
        d.setValue(b, "name"); 
        c = d.getOrCreateLinkedRecord("profile_picture", "Image", t); 
        b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : b.uri; 
        if (b == null) 
        c.setValue(a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : b.uri, "uri"); 
        d.setLinkedRecord(c, "profile_picture", t); 
        return d 
    var y = function(a, b, d, e) { 
        a.commitUpdate(function(f) { 
            if (d == null) 
            var g = new Set(Object.keys(b).filter(function(a) { 
                return c("CurrentUser").getID() !== a && ((a = b[a]) == null ? void 0 : a.status) === 2 
              , h = d.filter(function(a) { 
                var c = a.buddy_id; 
                a = a.status; 
                return a == null || c == null ? !1 : ((c = e.current ? (c = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : c.status : 0) != null ? c : 0) === a 
            }).map(function(a) { 
                a = (a = a.user) == null ? void 0 :; 
                if (a == null) 
                    return null; 
                return f.get(a) 
            g.size > 0 && (g.forEach(function(a) { 
                var b = f.get(a); 
                if (b != null && b.getValue("name") != null) { 
                    var c = b.getLinkedRecord("profile_picture", t); 
                    c != null && c.getValue("uri") != null && (h.push(b), 
            w(h, g, a)); 
            z(f, h) 
    function z(a, b) { 
        a = a.getRoot().getLinkedRecord("viewer"); 
        if (a == null) { 
            c("recoverableViolation")("Viewer should not be null here, something has gone horribly wrong", "messenger_presence_web"); 
        a.setLinkedRecords(b, "chat_sidebar_contacts", { 
            count: c("CometHomeContactsConfig").numContactsToFetch 
    function A(a, b, c, d, e) { 
        a.commitUpdate(function(a) { 
            var e = a.getRoot(); 
            if (e == null) 
            e = e.getLinkedRecord("viewer"); 
            if (e == null) 
            var f = e.getLinkedRecord("presence_view_side_settings") 
              , g = f != null && f.getValue("has_converted_to_view_side_settings") === !0 || e.getValue("chat_visibility") === !0; 
            f = e.getLinkedRecord("actor"); 
            f != null && g ? f.setValue("ACTIVE", "availability") : f != null && f.setValue("OFFLINE", "availability"); 
            d.current = g; 
            e = Object.keys(b); 
            e.forEach(function(c) { 
                var d, e; 
                d = (d = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : d.status; 
                e = (e = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : e.last_active_time; 
                d = d == null ? null : n[String(d)]; 
                var f = a.get(c); 
                f == null && d === "ACTIVE" && (f = a.create(c, "User")); 
                f != null && (f.setValue(d === "ACTIVE" && g ? d : null, "availability"), 
                !g ? f.setValue(null, "last_active_time") : e !== 0 && e != null && f.setValue(e, "last_active_time")) 
        y(a, b, e, d) 
    function a(a, c, e, f, g) { 
        g = g != null ? { 
            return d("CometRelay").readInlineData(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql"), a) 
        }) : null; 
        var h = q(a) 
          , i = r(a, c, e, f, g) 
          , k = s(a, c, e, f, g); 
        return { 
            remove: function() { 
    g.init = a 
), 98); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "count" 
        }, { 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "scale" 
          , b = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "chat_visibility", 
            storageKey: null 
          , c = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "has_converted_to_view_side_settings", 
            storageKey: null 
          , d = [{ 
            kind: "Variable", 
            name: "count", 
            variableName: "count" 
          , e = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "status", 
            storageKey: null 
          , f = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "buddy_id", 
            storageKey: null 
          , g = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [b, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: d, 
                        concreteType: "ChatSidebarRankedContact", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_rankings", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread", 
                            name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings", 
                            selections: [e, f, { 
                                alias: null, 
                                args: null, 
                                concreteType: "User", 
                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                name: "user", 
                                plural: !1, 
                                selections: [g, { 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                    name: "MWChatContact_profile" 
                                storageKey: null 
                            args: null, 
                            argumentDefinitions: [] 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery", 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: null, 
                    concreteType: "Viewer", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "viewer", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [b, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings", 
                        plural: !1, 
                        selections: [c, g], 
                        storageKey: null 
                    }, { 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: d, 
                        concreteType: "ChatSidebarRankedContact", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_rankings", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [e, f, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: "User", 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "user", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [g, { 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "name", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "first", 
                                            value: 1 
                                        concreteType: "DirectInboxBroadcastBucketConnection", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "story_bucket", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            concreteType: "DirectMessageThreadBucket", 
                                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                                            name: "nodes", 
                                            plural: !0, 
                                            selections: [g, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: "Story", 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "first_story_to_show", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [g, { 
                                                    alias: null, 
                                                    args: null, 
                                                    concreteType: "StoryCardSeenState", 
                                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                    name: "story_card_seen_state", 
                                                    plural: !1, 
                                                    selections: [{ 
                                                        alias: null, 
                                                        args: null, 
                                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                        name: "is_seen_by_viewer", 
                                                        storageKey: null 
                                                    storageKey: null 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: "story_bucket(first:1)" 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: [{ 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "height", 
                                            value: 36 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "Variable", 
                                            name: "scale", 
                                            variableName: "scale" 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "Literal", 
                                            name: "width", 
                                            value: 36 
                                        concreteType: "Image", 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "profile_picture", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "uri", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        kind: "ClientExtension", 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "availability", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "last_active_time", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                    type: "User", 
                                    abstractKey: null 
                                type: "Profile", 
                                abstractKey: "__isProfile" 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
            params: { 
                id: "6866728583456581", 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    b("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, a); 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponent.react", ["CometRelay", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = (i || d("react")).useEffect, k = 50; 
    function l() { 
        return d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql"), { 
            count: k, 
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get() 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.chatVisibilityRef 
          , c = a.presenceInformer 
          , e = a.presenceMap; 
        a = l(); 
        var f = (a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : a.chat_sidebar_contact_rankings) != null ? a : null 
          , g = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment(); 
        j(function() { 
            var a = d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription").init(g, e, c, b, f); 
            return function() { 
        }, [g, c, e, f, b]); 
        return null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "6238322836279073" 
), null); 
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql", ["RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            concreteType: "Viewer", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "viewer", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "call_blocked_until", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [], 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery", 
                selections: a, 
                type: "Query", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: [], 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery", 
                selections: a 
            params: { 
                id: b("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery", 
                operationKind: "query", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooks", ["CometRelay", "DateConsts", "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql", "RTWebCallBlockedSettingSubscription", "RTWebPreCallContext", "ServerTime", "promiseDone", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    e = i || d("react"); 
    var j = e.useContext 
      , k = e.useEffect 
      , l = e.useState 
      , m = 6e4 
      , n = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql") 
      , o = function(a, b) { 
        return function(c) { 
            c = c.getRoot(); 
            if (c == null) 
            c = c.getLinkedRecord("viewer"); 
            if (c == null) 
            c.setValue(b, a) 
    function p(a) { 
        return a === -1 ? a : (a || 0) * d("DateConsts").MS_PER_SEC 
    function q() { 
        var a = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment() 
          , b = d("CometRelay").getActorID(a) 
          , e = l(0) 
          , f = e[0] 
          , g = e[1]; 
        k(function() { 
            var e = d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(a, n, {}, { 
                fetchPolicy: "store-or-network" 
            }).toPromise().then(function(a) { 
                a = a == null ? void 0 : a.viewer; 
                a != null && g(p(a.call_blocked_until)) 
            var f = d("RTWebCallBlockedSettingSubscription").subscribe(a, { 
                viewer_id: b 
            }, function(b) { 
                b = b == null ? void 0 : b.rtweb_call_blocked_setting_subscribe; 
                b != null && (g(p(b.call_blocked_until)), 
                a.commitUpdate(o("call_blocked_until", b.call_blocked_until))) 
            return function() { 
        }, [a, b]); 
        return f 
    function r() { 
        var a = q() 
          , b = d("ServerTime").getMillis() 
          , c = a < 0 
          , e = a > b; 
        b = l(c || e); 
        var f = b[0] 
          , g = b[1]; 
        (c || e) !== f && g(c || e); 
        k(function() { 
            if (e) { 
                var b = window.setInterval(function() { 
                    a <= d("ServerTime").getMillis() && (g(!1), 
                }, m); 
                return function() { 
        }, [a, e]); 
        return f 
    function a() { 
        var a = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext")) 
          , b = r(); 
        k(function() { 
            a != null && a.callInviteModel.startListening({ 
                callsBlocked: b 
        }, [a, b]) 
    g.useCallBlockSettingValue = q; 
    g.useHasCallsBlocked = r; 
    g.useCallBlockSetting = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonUsers", ["$InternalEnum", "MercuryIDs", "", "Promise", "immutable", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "memoizeWithArgs", "nullthrows"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = b("$InternalEnum").Mirrored(["Guest", "User", "Page", "ParentApprovedUser"]), j = c("memoizeWithArgs")(function(a) { 
        var b = a.big_image_src 
          , c = a.fbid 
          , d = a.gender 
          , e = a.href 
          , f = a.image_src 
          , g = a.message_capabilities2 
          , h = a.messenger_account_status_category 
          , i = 
          , j = a.short_name 
          , l = a.user_type; 
        a = a.vanity; 
        return Object.freeze({ 
            gender: d, 
            id: c, 
            messageCapabilities2: (d = g) != null ? d : null, 
            messengerAccountStatusCategory: (c = h) != null ? c : null, 
            name: i, 
            profilePictureUrl: (d = (g = b) != null ? g : f) != null ? d : null, 
            profileUrl: (h = e) != null ? h : null, 
            shortName: j, 
            userType: k(l), 
            vanity: (c = a) != null ? c : null 
    }, function(a) { 
        a = a.fbid; 
        return a 
    }), k = function(a) { 
        a = a; 
        if (a === "guest") 
            return i.Guest; 
        else if (a === "page") 
            return i.Page; 
        else if (a === "parent_approved_user") 
            return i.ParentApprovedUser; 
        return i.User 
    }, l = function(a) { 
        var b = a[0]; 
        a = a[1]; 
        return [c("nullthrows")(d("MercuryIDs").getUserIDFromParticipantID(b)), j(a)] 
    function a(a) { 
        return new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b) { 
            var e = { 
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a) 
            d("").getMulti(e, function(a) { 
    function e(a) { 
        a = { 
            return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a) 
        var c = null 
          , e = null; 
        a = d("").getMultiEagerMap(a, function(a) { 
            a = a.mapEntries(l); 
            c ? c(a) : e = a 
        var f = a[0]; 
        a = a[1]; 
        return [f.mapEntries(l), a != null ? new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(a) { 
            e ? a(e) : c = a 
        ) : null] 
    function f(a) { 
        return c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(a) ? (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve(null) : new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b) { 
            d("").get(d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a), function(a) { 
                b(a ? j(a) : null) 
    function m(a) { 
        if (c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(a)) 
            return null; 
        a = d("").getNow(d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a)); 
        return a ? j(a) : null 
    g.ZenonUserType = i; 
    g.getMulti = a; 
    g.getMultiEager = e; 
    g.get = f; 
    g.getNow = m 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonUsersHooks", ["ZenonUsers", "immutable", "promiseDone", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    e = h || d("react"); 
    var i = e.useDebugValue 
      , j = e.useEffect 
      , k = e.useLayoutEffect 
      , l = e.useRef 
      , m = e.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = l(a) 
          , e = m(c("immutable").Map()) 
          , f = e[0] 
          , g = e[1]; 
        j(function() { 
            return function() { 
                b.current = null 
        }, []); 
        k(function() { 
            b.current = a; 
            var e = d("ZenonUsers").getMultiEager(a) 
              , f = e[0]; 
            e = e[1]; 
            e && c("promiseDone")(e, function(a) { 
                var c = b.current; 
                c && g(function(b) { 
                    return b.withMutations(function(b) { 
                        c.forEach(function(c) { 
                            var d = a.get(c); 
                            d && b.set(c, d) 
        }, [a]); 
        return f 
    function b(a) { 
        var b = l(a) 
          , e = m(function() { 
            return d("ZenonUsers").getNow(a) 
          , f = e[0] 
          , g = e[1]; 
        j(function() { 
            b.current = a 
        }, [a]); 
        j(function() { 
            return function() { 
                b.current = null 
        }, []); 
        j(function() { 
            var e = d("ZenonUsers").getNow(a); 
            if (e !== f) { 
            c("promiseDone")(d("ZenonUsers").get(a), function(c) { 
                b.current === a && g(c) 
        }, [a, f]); 
        return f 
    g.useZenonUsers = a; 
    g.useZenonUser = b 
), 98); 
__d("showDesktopNotification", ["MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", "MessengerDesktopNotifications", "ZenonUserActionLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = 8e3; 
    function a() { 
        return function(a) { 
            var b = a.acceptCall 
              , e = a.body 
              , f = a.icon; 
            a = a.title; 
            var g = { 
                body: e, 
                closeTime: h, 
                icon: f, 
                onClick: function() { 
                        component: "browser_notification", 
                        surface: "desktop_notification" 
                        trigger: "desktop_notification" 
                onShow: function() { 
                        component: "browser_notification", 
                        surface: "desktop_notification" 
                title: a 
            if (d("MessengerDesktopNotifications").checkPermission() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").DEFAULT) { 
                d("MessengerDesktopNotifications").requestPermission(function() { 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react", ["fbt", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react", "showDesktopNotification", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.invite; 
        return (a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === "ringing" ? j.jsx(k, { 
            invite: a 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function k(a) { 
        a = a.invite; 
        var b = c("showDesktopNotification")() 
          , e = c("usePrevious")(a.ringID) 
          , f = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useAcceptCallCallback(!1) 
          , g = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(a.inviterID) 
          , h = a.requestingVideo 
          , i = a.participants.length > 1; 
        if (e !== a.ringID && g != null) { 
                acceptCall: f, 
                body: m(g.shortName), 
                icon: (e = g.profilePictureUrl) != null ? e : null, 
                title: l(h, i) 
        return null 
    k.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function l(a, b) { 
        if (!b) 
            return a ? h._("__JHASH__tNVvdc3BFrb__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__g-EGCs7nK0S__JHASH__"); 
            return a ? h._("__JHASH__xQCntgBdfrr__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__P8yKBnycp5c__JHASH__") 
    function m(a) { 
        return h._("__JHASH__Cy_ySzw9b09__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", a)]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup", ["UserAgent", "ZenonUserActionLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = 1280 
      , i = { 
        LargeForGroup: { 
            height: 772, 
            width: 1100 
        LargeForP2P: { 
            height: 720, 
            width: 1280 
        Small: { 
            height: 540, 
            width: 960 
      , j = ["menubar=no", "location=no", "scrollbars=no", "status=no", "personalbar=no"]; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() {} 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.openWindow = function(a) { 
            a = this.$1(a.joinContext); 
            var b = this.$2(a) 
              , e = b.left; 
            b =; 
                checkpoint: "Opening_Popup: left=" + e + ",top=" + b + ",width=" + a.width + ",height=" + a.height 
            var f = c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari") ? window.location.hostname : ""; 
            return, "", [].concat(j, ["height=" + a.height, "width=" + a.width, "left=" + e, "top=" + b]).join(",")) 
        b.$1 = function(a) { 
            if (screen && screen.width > h) 
                if (a.type === "link" || a.thread.type === 2) 
                    return { 
                        height: i.LargeForGroup.height, 
                        width: i.LargeForGroup.width 
                    return { 
                        height: i.LargeForP2P.height, 
                        width: i.LargeForP2P.width 
                return { 
                    height: i.Small.height, 
                    width: i.Small.width 
        b.$2 = function(a) { 
            var b = a.height; 
            a = a.width; 
            return { 
                left: Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2 - a / 2 + ((a = window.screenLeft) != null ? a : window.screenX)), 
                top: Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2 - b / 2 + ((a = window.screenTop) != null ? a : window.screenY)) 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCallWindowOpener", ["RTWebDropInUtils", "ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() { 
            this.$1 = new (c("ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup"))() 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.openWindow = function(a) { 
            if (a.context.intent === "accept invite" && a.context.controllerParams.appMessages != null) { 
                var b = d("RTWebDropInUtils").isDropInFromAppMessages(a.context.controllerParams.appMessages); 
                if (b) 
                    return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, window, { 
                        close: function() { 
                            return null 
            return this.$1.openWindow(a) 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCometCallDialog.react", ["CometControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useId; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b, d = a.acceptIcon, e = a.acceptLabel, f = a.acceptTestid, g = a.body, h = a.declineLabel; 
        h = h === void 0 ? null : h; 
        var k = a.onClose; 
        a = a.title; 
        a = a === void 0 ? null : a; 
        var l = function() { 
          , m = function() { 
          , n = j(); 
        return i.jsxs(c("CometControlledUserBlockingDialog.react"), { 
            disableClosingWithMask: !0, 
            labelledBy: n, 
            onDismiss: m, 
            title: (b = a) != null ? b : void 0, 
            withCloseButton: !0, 
            children: [i.jsx("div", { 
                className: "xdt5ytf xl56j7k xz9dl7a x1pi30zi xsag5q8 x1swvt13", 
                id: a == null ? n : void 0, 
                children: g 
            }), i.jsx("div", { 
                className: "xexx8yu x1sxyh0 x1l90r2v xkhd6sd", 
                children: i.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), { 
                    align: "end", 
                    direction: "backward", 
                    primary: { 
                        icon: d, 
                        label: e, 
                        onPress: l, 
                        testid: f, 
                        type: "primary" 
                    secondary: h !== null ? { 
                        label: h, 
                        onPress: m, 
                        reduceEmphasis: !0 
                    } : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("StartVideoChatLinkCall", ["FBLogger", "RTWebPreCallContextSingleton", "RelayFBDefaultEnvironment", "URI", "XGroupCallControllerRouteBuilder", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonCallIdentifiersUtil", "ZenonPeerID", "ZenonSignalingProtocol", "gkx", "randomZenonNonce"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = d("RTWebPreCallContextSingleton").create({ 
        relayEnvironment: c("RelayFBDefaultEnvironment") 
    function a(a, b, e, f) { 
        b === void 0 && (b = !1); 
        e === void 0 && (e = !1); 
        f === void 0 && (f = ""); 
        if (!c("gkx")("24231")) 
            return null; 
        if (i) { 
            var g = i.callWindowController 
              , h = i.incomingRingSDK 
              , k = "" 
              , l = a 
              , m = d("ZenonCallIdentifiersUtil").generateZenonClientSessionID(); 
            if (b) { 
                b = j(a); 
                k = c("randomZenonNonce")(); 
                if (b != null) { 
                    a = { 
                        call_context: "LINK:" + b, 
                        funnel_session_id: f, 
                        nonce: k 
                    e && (a.auto_join = !0); 
                    l = c("XGroupCallControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(a).toString() 
            b = g.initCall({ 
                context: { 
                    signalingID: m, 
                    intent: "start or join", 
                    invitees: [], 
                    existingCall: null 
                mediaType: "video", 
                nonce: k, 
                joinContext: { 
                    linkUrl: l, 
                    type: "link" 
                representedID: d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID() 
            f = b[0]; 
            h.startCallIntent(k, { 
                signalingID: m, 
                callTrigger: "meetup_join", 
                isE2eeMandated: !1, 
                isPopupBlocked: f === null, 
                isVideo: !0, 
                peerID: d("ZenonPeerID").ZenonMWPeerID, 
                protocol: c("ZenonSignalingProtocol").MW 
            return f 
        } else 
            return null 
    function j(a) { 
        var b = new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a) 
          , d = b.getDomain(); 
        b = b.stripTrailingSlash().getPath(); 
        if (d === "") 
            return b.substring(1); 
        if (d === "" && /^\/v(id)?\//.test(b)) 
            return b.replace(/^\/v(id)?\//, ""); 
        d = /^\/groupcall\/LINK:/; 
        if (d.test(b)) 
            return b.replace(d, ""); 
        c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").mustfix('Could not extract LinkHash from Video Chat Link. Link = "%s"', a); 
        return null 
    g.startCall = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", ["fbt", "MDSCircleButton.react", "MDSColumn.react", "MDSColumnItem.react", "MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", "MDSFacepilePhoto.react", "MDSIcon.react", "MDSRow.react", "MDSRowItem.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTextPairing.react", "MDSTheme.react", "MessengerCamcorder.svg.react", "MessengerCross.svg.react", "MessengerLock.svg.react", "MessengerPhone.svg.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"), k = { 
        content: { 
            maxWidth: "x1tkr9og", 
            $$css: !0 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.acceptLabel 
          , e = a.acceptTestid; 
        e = a.declineLabel; 
        var f = a.headline 
          , g = a.isE2EECall; 
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g; 
        var i = a.isVideoCall 
          , l = a.metaContent 
          , m = a.onAccept 
          , n = a.onClose 
          , o = a.onDecline; 
        var p = a.profiles; 
        a = a.title; 
        var q = function() { 
          , r = function() { 
        g = j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), { 
            type: "meta2", 
            children: g ? j.jsxs(c("MDSRow.react"), { 
                align: "center", 
                paddingHorizontal: 0, 
                paddingVertical: 0, 
                spacing: 0, 
                verticalAlign: "center", 
                children: [j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                    children: j.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), { 
                        color: "secondary", 
                        icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerLock.svg.react")), 
                        size: 20 
                }), j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                    children: h._("__JHASH__-ecQvdNdcfW__JHASH__") 
            }) : l 
        return j.jsx(c("MDSTheme.react"), { 
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react"), { 
                disableClosingWithMask: !0, 
                onDismiss: q, 
                size: "content", 
                title: a, 
                withCloseButton: !0, 
                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), { 
                    align: "center", 
                    expanding: !0, 
                    paddingHorizontal: 20, 
                    xstyle: k.content, 
                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                        paddingVertical: 8, 
                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSFacepilePhoto.react"), { 
                            items: p, 
                            size: 60 
                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSTextPairing.react"), { 
                            headline: f, 
                            isSemanticHeading: !0, 
                            level: 1, 
                            meta: g, 
                            textAlign: "center" 
                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                        align: "stretch", 
                        expanding: !0, 
                        paddingVertical: 12, 
                        children: j.jsxs(c("MDSRow.react"), { 
                            align: "center", 
                            expanding: !0, 
                            children: [j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), { 
                                    align: "center", 
                                    paddingHorizontal: 16, 
                                    spacing: 12, 
                                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), { 
                                            color: "white", 
                                            icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCross.svg.react")), 
                                            label: e, 
                                            onPress: q, 
                                            size: 40, 
                                            testid: void 0, 
                                            type: "red" 
                                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), { 
                                            align: "center", 
                                            type: "body4", 
                                            children: e 
                            }), j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), { 
                                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), { 
                                    align: "center", 
                                    paddingHorizontal: 16, 
                                    spacing: 12, 
                                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), { 
                                            color: "white", 
                                            icon: i === !0 ? d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCamcorder.svg.react")) : d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerPhone.svg.react")), 
                                            label: b, 
                                            onPress: r, 
                                            size: 40, 
                                            testid: void 0, 
                                            type: "green" 
                                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), { 
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), { 
                                            align: "center", 
                                            type: "body4", 
                                            children: b 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react", "RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.isE2EECall; 
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e; 
        var f = a.isVideoCall; 
        f = f === void 0 ? !0 : f; 
        var g = a.onAccept 
          , i = a.onClose 
          , k = a.onDecline; 
        a = a.participantIDs; 
        b = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(b); 
        a = a.length > 1; 
        var l = b == null ? h._("__JHASH__lLvypHbTeYz__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__E5uMxVlOys1__JHASH__", [h._param("name",]) 
          , m = b == null ? h._("__JHASH__vTIK0p-NqNH__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__k3FKWh9ZadY__JHASH__", [h._param("name",]) 
          , n = b == null ? f ? h._("__JHASH__CIJdm48Noob__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__Eplm4Qo5zzt__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__PWAbxoD9AAl__JHASH__", [h._param("name",]); 
        a = a ? f ? l : m : n; 
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, { 
            children: [j.jsx(c("CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react"), { 
                assertive: !0, 
                children: a 
            }), j.jsx(c("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react"), { 
                acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__dpE3kinjxKt__JHASH__"), 
                acceptTestid: "answerCallButton", 
                declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__dTblojfehN7__JHASH__"), 
                headline: a, 
                isE2EECall: e, 
                isVideoCall: f, 
                metaContent: h._("__JHASH__pISuXhjR7Xl__JHASH__"), 
                onAccept: g, 
                onClose: i, 
                onDecline: k, 
                profiles: [{ 
                    source: { 
                        uri: (l = b == null ? void 0 : b.profilePictureUrl) != null ? l : "" 
                title: h._("__JHASH__d62h3ObkIif__JHASH__") 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("useRTWebIncomingCallDialog", ["QPLUserFlow", "RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react", "RTWebPreCallContext", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "qpl", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")); 
    b = h; 
    var j = b.useContext 
      , k = b.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.isE2EECall 
          , f = a.isVideoCall 
          , g = a.onAccept 
          , h = a.onDecline; 
        a = a.participantIDs; 
        var l = k(!1) 
          , m = l[0] 
          , n = l[1]; 
        l = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext")); 
        var o = l ? l.callInviteModel : null; 
        return [m ? i.jsx(c("RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react"), { 
            inviterID: b, 
            isE2EECall: e, 
            isVideoCall: f, 
            onAccept: function() { 
            onClose: function() { 
                return n(!1) 
            onDecline: function() { 
            participantIDs: a 
        }) : null, { 
            dismiss: function() { 
                return n(!1) 
            show: function() { 
                var a; 
                    surface: "incoming_call_dialog" 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "render_dialog", { 
                    instanceKey: +(o == null ? void 0 : (a = o.getCurrentInvite()) == null ? void 0 : a.ringID) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react", ["cr:230"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    g["default"] = b("cr:230") 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "5544929052254241" 
), null); 
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters", ["RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        kind: "PreloadableConcreteRequest", 
        params: { 
            id: b("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
            metadata: {}, 
            name: "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery", 
            operationKind: "query", 
            text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint", ["JSResourceForInteraction", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        getPreloadProps: function(a) { 
            a =; 
            return { 
                queries: { 
                    queryReference: { 
                        parameters: b("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters"), 
                        variables: { 
                            id: a 
        root: c("JSResourceForInteraction")("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.react").__setRef("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint") 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog", ["CometPlaceholder.react", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint", "RelayHooks", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "react", "useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.isE2EECall 
          , f = a.isVideoCall 
          , g = a.onClose 
          , h = a.participantIDs; 
        a = a.threadType; 
        var k = j(!1) 
          , l = k[0] 
          , m = k[1]; 
        k = c("useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider")(); 
        k = d("RelayHooks").useEntryPointLoader(k, c("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint")); 
        var n = k[0] 
          , o = k[1]; 
        function p(a) { 
            a && e && n == null && o({ 
                id: b 
        return [l ? e ? i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
            fallback: null, 
            children: n != null && i.jsx(d("RelayHooks").EntryPointContainer, { 
                entryPointReference: n, 
                props: { 
                    inviterID: b, 
                    onClose: function() { 
                    threadType: a 
        }) : i.jsx(c("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react"), { 
            hide: function() { 
                return p(!1) 
            inviterID: b, 
            isVideoCall: f, 
            onClose: function() { 
            participantIDs: h, 
            threadType: a 
        }) : null, { 
            dismiss: function() { 
                return p(!1) 
            show: function() { 
                    surface: "unsupported_browser_dialog" 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react", "IntlVariations", "RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b, e = a.actorID, f = a.inviterID, g = a.isVideoCall, i = a.onCallback, k = a.onClose, l = a.participantIDs; 
        a = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(f); 
        f = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUsers(l); 
        var m = []; 
            source: { 
                uri: (b = a == null ? void 0 : a.profilePictureUrl) != null ? b : "" 
        f.forEach(function(a) { 
            if ( !== e) { 
                    source: { 
                        uri: (a = a == null ? void 0 : a.profilePictureUrl) != null ? a : "" 
        b = l.length > 1 ? a != null ? h._("__JHASH__gaBcb3A0ac3__JHASH__", [h._name("caller",, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]) : h._("__JHASH__oYTKHbmjvdl__JHASH__") : a != null ? h._("__JHASH__d_49GG-7G7P__JHASH__", [h._name("caller",, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]) : h._("__JHASH__qjr_m32VN_V__JHASH__"); 
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, { 
            children: [j.jsx(c("CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react"), { 
                assertive: !0, 
                children: b 
            }), j.jsx(c("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react"), { 
                acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__EBp4M17vY4j__JHASH__"), 
                acceptTestid: "missedCallRedial", 
                declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__GgiLHNwW0uJ__JHASH__"), 
                headline: h._("__JHASH__6OttBPSrAFd__JHASH__", [h._name("caller", a == null ? void 0 :, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]), 
                isVideoCall: g, 
                metaContent: b, 
                onAccept: i, 
                onClose: k, 
                onDecline: c("emptyFunction"), 
                profiles: m, 
                title: h._("__JHASH__kTzyPp9VwB9__JHASH__") 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("useRTWebMissedCallDialog", ["RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.actorID 
          , e = a.inviterID 
          , f = a.isVideoCall 
          , g = a.onCallback 
          , h = a.participantIDs; 
        a = a.timeMissed; 
        var k = j(!1) 
          , l = k[0] 
          , m = k[1]; 
        return [l ? i.jsx(c("RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react"), { 
            actorID: b, 
            inviterID: e, 
            isVideoCall: f, 
            onCallback: g, 
            onClose: function() { 
                return m(!1) 
            participantIDs: h, 
            timeMissed: a 
        }) : null, { 
            dismiss: function() { 
                return m(!1) 
            show: function() { 
                    surface: "missed_call_dialog" 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "7185429224860500" 
), null); 
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters", ["RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        kind: "PreloadableConcreteRequest", 
        params: { 
            id: b("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation"), 
            metadata: {}, 
            name: "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery", 
            operationKind: "query", 
            text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint", ["JSResourceForInteraction", "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        getPreloadProps: function() { 
            return { 
                queries: { 
                    queryReference: { 
                        parameters: b("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters"), 
                        variables: { 
                            nuxID: 8259 
        root: c("JSResourceForInteraction")("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialogContainer.react").__setRef("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint") 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useRoomIncomingCallDialog", ["CometPlaceholder.react", "CometRelay", "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint", "RelayHooks", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "react", "useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.linkUrl 
          , f = a.onAccept 
          , g = a.onDecline 
          , h = a.roomName; 
        a = a.sender; 
        var k = c("useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider")(); 
        k = d("RelayHooks").useEntryPointLoader(k, c("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint")); 
        var l = k[0] 
          , m = k[1]; 
        k = j(!1); 
        var n = k[0] 
          , o = k[1]; 
        return [n && l != null ? i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), { 
            fallback: null, 
            children: i.jsx(d("CometRelay").EntryPointContainer, { 
                entryPointReference: l, 
                props: { 
                    inviterID: b, 
                    linkUrl: e, 
                    onAccept: function() { 
                    onDecline: function() { 
                    roomName: h, 
                    sender: a 
        }) : null, { 
            dismiss: function() { 
                return o(!1) 
            show: function() { 
                new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_received").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(), 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebMissedCallContent.react", ["fbt", "CometProgressIndicator.react", "CometRelativeTimestamp.react", "RTWebCometCallMessageLayout.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.isRoomCall 
          , f = a.isVideoCall 
          , g = a.participantIDs; 
        a = a.timeMissed; 
        b = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(b); 
        var i = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUsers(g).valueSeq().toArray(); 
        g = g.length > 1; 
        g = !g || e ? h._("__JHASH__yg5Wj05Olkt__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]) : f ? h._("__JHASH__N8i901ca52j__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]) : h._("__JHASH__DUJ5tOEW6-x__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]); 
        return b === null ? j.jsx(c("CometProgressIndicator.react"), {}) : j.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallMessageLayout.react"), { 
            caller: b, 
            mainMessage: g, 
            participants: i, 
            subMessage: j.jsx(c("CometRelativeTimestamp.react"), { 
                date: a, 
                format: "normal" 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "ix", "RTWebCometCallDialog.react", "RTWebMissedCallContent.react", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "fbicon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var j, k = j || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , e = a.linkUrl 
          , f = a.onCallback 
          , g = a.onClose 
          , j = a.participantIDs 
          , l = a.roomName; 
        a = a.timeMissed; 
        return k.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallDialog.react"), { 
            acceptIcon: d("fbicon")._(i("493173"), 16), 
            acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__w3CZsnYYCtS__JHASH__"), 
            body: k.jsx(c("RTWebMissedCallContent.react"), { 
                inviterID: b, 
                isRoomCall: !0, 
                isVideoCall: !1, 
                participantIDs: j, 
                timeMissed: a 
            declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__EugSOocwBfG__JHASH__"), 
            onClose: function(a) { 
                a ? (new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_accepted").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(), 
                f()) : new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_missed_dialog_dismissed").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(), 
            title: h._("__JHASH__bMJmvEBqc28__JHASH__", [h._param("room name", l)]) 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("useRoomMissedCallDialog", ["RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.inviterID 
          , d = a.linkUrl 
          , e = a.onCallback 
          , f = a.participantIDs 
          , g = a.roomName; 
        a = a.timeMissed; 
        var h = j(!1) 
          , k = h[0] 
          , l = h[1]; 
        return [k ? i.jsx(c("RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react"), { 
            inviterID: b, 
            linkUrl: d, 
            onCallback: e, 
            onClose: function() { 
                return l(!1) 
            participantIDs: f, 
            roomName: g, 
            timeMissed: a 
        }) : null, { 
            dismiss: function() { 
                return l(!1) 
            show: function() { 
                new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_missed").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(d).log(), 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useZenonDialogController", ["react", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    b = h || d("react"); 
    var i = b.useEffect 
      , j = b.useState; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var d = j(null) 
          , e = d[0] 
          , f = d[1] 
          , g = c("usePrevious")(a); 
        i(function() { 
            var c; 
            if ((a == null ? void 0 : a.ringID) === (g == null ? void 0 : g.ringID) && (a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === (g == null ? void 0 : g.type)) 
            e != null && (e.dismiss(), 
            if (a === null) 
            (c = b()) == null ? void 0 : 
        }, [e, b, a, g]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react", ["Actor", "RTWebDropInUtils", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "RTWebPreCallContext", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ServerTime", "StartVideoChatLinkCall", "react", "useRTWebIncomingCallDialog", "useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog", "useRTWebMissedCallDialog", "useRoomIncomingCallDialog", "useRoomMissedCallDialog", "useZenonDialogController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b, e = a.invite; 
        a = d("Actor").useActor(); 
        var f = a[0]; 
        a = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext")); 
        var g = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useStartCallCallback() 
          , h = a ? a.callInviteModel : null 
          , k = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.participants) != null ? a : [] 
          , l = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.isE2eeMandated) != null ? a : !1; 
        a = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.inviterID) != null ? a : ""; 
        b = (b = e == null ? void 0 : e.requestingVideo) != null ? b : !1; 
        var m = null 
          , n = "" 
          , o = ""; 
        if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "room") { 
            var p; 
            m =; 
            n = (p = m.linkHash) != null ? p : ""; 
            o = (p = m.roomName) != null ? p : "" 
        var q = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useAcceptCallCallback(!1); 
        p = c("useRoomMissedCallDialog")({ 
            inviterID: a, 
            linkUrl: n, 
            onCallback: function() { 
                d("StartVideoChatLinkCall").startCall(n, !0, !0), 
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss() 
            participantIDs: k, 
            roomName: o, 
            timeMissed: new Date(d("ServerTime").getMillis()) 
        var r = p[0] 
          , s = p[1]; 
        p = c("useRTWebIncomingCallDialog")({ 
            inviterID: a, 
            isE2EECall: l, 
            isVideoCall: b, 
            onAccept: function() { 
                    trigger: "comet_incoming_dialog_accept_button" 
            onDecline: function() { 
                h == null ? void 0 : h.decline("IgnoreCall") 
            participantIDs: k 
        var t = p[0] 
          , u = p[1]; 
        p = c("useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog")({ 
            inviterID: a, 
            isE2EECall: l, 
            isVideoCall: b, 
            onClose: function() { 
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss() 
            participantIDs: k, 
            threadType: (e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "thread" ? e.context.thread.type : 2 
        var v = p[0] 
          , w = p[1]; 
        m = c("useRoomIncomingCallDialog")({ 
            inviterID: a, 
            linkUrl: n, 
            onAccept: function() { 
                d("StartVideoChatLinkCall").startCall(n, !0, !0) 
            onDecline: function() { 
                h == null ? void 0 : h.decline("IgnoreCall") 
            roomName: o, 
            sender: (o = (p = m) == null ? void 0 : p.sender) != null ? o : "" 
        p = m[0]; 
        var x = m[1]; 
        o = c("useRTWebMissedCallDialog")({ 
            actorID: f, 
            inviterID: a, 
            isVideoCall: b, 
            onCallback: function() { 
                if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "thread") { 
                    var a, b = e == null ? void 0 : e.context.thread; 
                        existingCall: null, 
                        invitees: [(a = e == null ? void 0 : e.inviterID) != null ? a : ""].concat(k.filter(function(a) { 
                            return a !== f 
                        isE2eeMandated: (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.isE2eeMandated) != null ? a : !1, 
                        mediaType: (e == null ? void 0 : e.requestingVideo) ? "video" : "audio", 
                        thread: b, 
                        trigger: "comet_missed_call_dialog" 
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss() 
            participantIDs: k, 
            timeMissed: new Date(d("ServerTime").getMillis()) 
        m = o[0]; 
        var y = o[1]; 
        c("useZenonDialogController")(e, function() { 
            if (e === null || h == null) 
                return null; 
            if (d("RTWebDropInUtils").isDropInFromAppMessages(e == null ? void 0 : e.controllerParams.appMessages)) 
                return null; 
            if (l && !d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isE2EESupportedClient()) 
                return w; 
            if (e.context.type === "room") 
                switch (e.type) { 
                case "ringing": 
                    return x; 
                case "missed": 
                    return s; 
                    return null 
            switch (e.type) { 
            case "ringing": 
                return u; 
            case "missed": 
                return e.context.type === "thread" ? y : null; 
            case "unsupported_browser": 
                return w; 
                return null 
        return i.jsxs(i.Fragment, { 
            children: [t, m, v, r, p] 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useZenonRingTone", ["RTCSounds", "Sound", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useEffect, j = [d("RTCSounds").ringtone_mp3_url, d("RTCSounds").ringtone_ogg_url]; 
    function a(a) { 
        a === void 0 && (a = !1), 
        i(function() { 
            if (a) { 
                d("Sound").play(j, null, !0); 
                return function() { 
        }, [a]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react", ["useZenonRingTone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.invite; 
        c("useZenonRingTone")((a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === "ringing"); 
        return null 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("useDocumentTitleBlink", ["DocumentTitle", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useEffect; 
    function a(a) { 
        i(function() { 
            if (a == null) 
            var b = c("DocumentTitle").blink(a); 
            return function() { 
        }, [a]) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react", ["fbt", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react", "useDocumentTitleBlink"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var i, j = i || d("react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        a = a.invite; 
        return a !== null && a.type === "ringing" && a.inviterID != null ? j.jsx(k, { 
            inviterID: a.inviterID 
        }) : null 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    function k(a) { 
        a = a.inviterID; 
        a = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(a); 
        c("useDocumentTitleBlink")(a ? h._("__JHASH__MwALAshovbD__JHASH__", [h._param("name", a.shortName)]) : null); 
        return null 
    k.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 226); 
__d("RTWebCometCallInviteController.react", ["RTWebCallBlockSettingHooks", "RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react", "RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react", "ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react", "react", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = h || d("react"); 
    b = c("requireDeferred")("FBRTCCallSummaryUploader").__setRef("RTWebCometCallInviteController.react"); 
    b.onReady(function(a) { 
    function a() { 
        var a = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useCallInvite(); 
        return i.jsxs(i.Fragment, { 
            children: [i.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react"), { 
                invite: a 
            }), i.jsx(c("RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react"), { 
                invite: a 
            }), i.jsx(c("ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react"), { 
                invite: a 
            }), i.jsx(c("ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react"), { 
                invite: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("RtcDoorCallingTags", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    a = b("$InternalEnum")({ 
        OPEN: 0, 
        VANISHING: 1, 
        SECRET: 2, 
        REELS_TOGETHER: 8, 
        CANVAS: 32, 
        WORKROOMS: 64, 
        LEAD_GEN: 128, 
        COPRESENCE: 256 
    c = a; 
    f["default"] = c 
), 66); 
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "8371614642855977" 
), null); 
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql", ["SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
          , c = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "data", 
                variableName: "input" 
            concreteType: "XFBSetHovercardInteractionPreferenceHovercardSettingsResponsePayload", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "xfb_set_hovercard_interaction_preference_hovercard_settings", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "client_mutation_id", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation", 
                selections: c, 
                type: "Mutation", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation", 
                selections: c 
            params: { 
                id: b("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation", 
                operationKind: "mutation", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreference", ["CometRelay", "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    function a(a) { 
        var c = a.environment; 
        a = a.input; 
        d("CometRelay").commitMutation(c, { 
            mutation: h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql"), 
            variables: a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("SwitchedSuccessFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("2055"); 
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("switched_success", a); 
    e = b; 
    g["default"] = e 
), 98); 
__d("TokenBucketRateLimit", ["DateConsts"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = 1e3; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a, b) { 
            this.$1 = a * h, 
            this.$2 = a * h, 
            this.$3 =, 
            this.$4 = b * h 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.take = function(a) { 
            a === void 0 && (a = 1); 
            a = a * h; 
            if (this.$2 < a) 
                return !1; 
            this.$2 -= a; 
            return !0 
        b.$5 = function() { 
            if (this.$2 >= this.$1) 
            var a = 
              , b = (a - this.$3) / d("DateConsts").MS_PER_SEC; 
            b = Math.round(b * this.$4); 
            if (b === 0) 
            this.$2 = Math.min(this.$1, this.$2 + b); 
            this.$3 = a 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = { 
            alias: null, 
            args: null, 
            kind: "ScalarField", 
            name: "id", 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            argumentDefinitions: [{ 
                defaultValue: "WNS", 
                kind: "LocalArgument", 
                name: "caller" 
            }, { 
                defaultValue: "WNS", 
                kind: "LocalArgument", 
                name: "channelEntryPoint" 
            }, { 
                defaultValue: 1, 
                kind: "LocalArgument", 
                name: "count" 
            }, { 
                defaultValue: null, 
                kind: "LocalArgument", 
                name: "cursor" 
            }, { 
                defaultValue: null, 
                kind: "LocalArgument", 
                name: "seedVideoID" 
            kind: "Fragment", 
            metadata: null, 
            name: "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video", 
            selections: [a, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: [{ 
                    kind: "Variable", 
                    name: "entry_point", 
                    variableName: "channelEntryPoint" 
                concreteType: null, 
                kind: "LinkedField", 
                name: "video_channel", 
                plural: !1, 
                selections: [{ 
                    alias: null, 
                    args: [{ 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "after", 
                        variableName: "cursor" 
                    }, { 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "caller", 
                        variableName: "caller" 
                    }, { 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "exclude_video", 
                        variableName: "seedVideoID" 
                    }, { 
                        kind: "Variable", 
                        name: "first", 
                        variableName: "count" 
                    concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection", 
                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                    name: "video_channel_feed", 
                    plural: !1, 
                    selections: [{ 
                        alias: null, 
                        args: null, 
                        concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge", 
                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                        name: "edges", 
                        plural: !0, 
                        selections: [{ 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                            name: "cursor", 
                            storageKey: null 
                        }, { 
                            alias: null, 
                            args: null, 
                            concreteType: null, 
                            kind: "LinkedField", 
                            name: "node", 
                            plural: !1, 
                            selections: [{ 
                                kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                selections: [{ 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "attachments", 
                                    plural: !0, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        concreteType: null, 
                                        kind: "LinkedField", 
                                        name: "media", 
                                        plural: !1, 
                                        selections: [{ 
                                            alias: null, 
                                            args: null, 
                                            kind: "ScalarField", 
                                            name: "__typename", 
                                            storageKey: null 
                                        }, { 
                                            kind: "InlineFragment", 
                                            selections: [a, { 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "FragmentSpread", 
                                                name: "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video" 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                concreteType: null, 
                                                kind: "LinkedField", 
                                                name: "owner", 
                                                plural: !1, 
                                                selections: [a], 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            }, { 
                                                alias: null, 
                                                args: null, 
                                                kind: "ScalarField", 
                                                name: "url", 
                                                storageKey: null 
                                            type: "Video", 
                                            abstractKey: null 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "click_tracking_linkshim_cb", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "encrypted_click_tracking", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "encrypted_tracking", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    kind: "ScalarField", 
                                    name: "viewability_config", 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                }, { 
                                    alias: null, 
                                    args: null, 
                                    concreteType: "CometClientViewConfig", 
                                    kind: "LinkedField", 
                                    name: "client_view_config", 
                                    plural: !1, 
                                    selections: [{ 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "can_delay_log_impression", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "use_banzai_signal_imp", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    }, { 
                                        alias: null, 
                                        args: null, 
                                        kind: "ScalarField", 
                                        name: "use_banzai_vital_imp", 
                                        storageKey: null 
                                    storageKey: null 
                                type: "Story", 
                                abstractKey: null 
                            storageKey: null 
                        storageKey: null 
                    storageKey: null 
                storageKey: null 
            type: "Video", 
            abstractKey: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react", ["CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks", "CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "usePlayerOriginRouteTracePolicy"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j, k = i || (i = d("react")); 
    e = i; 
    var l = e.useCallback 
      , m = e.useContext 
      , n = e.useState 
      , o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react"); 
    function a(a) { 
        var e, f = a.subOrigin; 
        a =; 
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql"), a); 
        var g = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext() 
          , i = g.chainingDepthDispatch 
          , p = m(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext")); 
        g = (j || (j = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useEnded(); 
        var q = m(c("CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext")) 
          , r = m(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext")); 
        a = (a = a.video_channel) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.video_channel_feed) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.edges) == null ? void 0 : a[0]; 
        var s = a == null ? void 0 : a.cursor 
          , t = a == null ? void 0 : a.node 
          , u = t == null ? void 0 : t.client_view_config; 
        a = t == null ? void 0 : (a = t.attachments) == null ? void 0 : (a = a[0]) == null ? void 0 :; 
        var v = a != null && a.__typename === "Video" ? a == null ? void 0 : : null 
          , w = p == null ? void 0 : p.chainingSeedVideoID 
          , x = c("usePlayerOriginRouteTracePolicy")() 
          , y = n(!1) 
          , z = y[0] 
          , A = y[1]; 
        y = l(function() { 
            o.onReady(function(a) { 
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_skip_overlay_impression" 
        }, []); 
        var B = l(function() { 
        }, []); 
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.owner) == null ? void 0 :; 
        var C = j.useIsPremiumMusicVideo() 
          , D = a == null ? void 0 : a.url 
          , E = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")() 
          , F = l(function() { 
            var a; 
            o.onReady(function(a) { 
                    attribution_id_v2: E, 
                    click_point: "control_skip", 
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll", 
                    event: "click" 
                chainingCursor: s, 
                chainingSeedVideoID: w, 
                routeTracePolicy: (a = p == null ? void 0 : p.routeTracePolicy) != null ? a : x, 
                sessionStartTime: p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionStartTime, 
                sessionTrigger: p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionTrigger, 
                subOrigin: f, 
                videoID: v, 
                videoUrl: D 
            a = { 
                can_delay_log_impression: u == null ? void 0 : u.can_delay_log_impression, 
                use_banzai_signal_imp: u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_signal_imp, 
                use_banzai_vital_imp: u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_vital_imp 
                clientViewConfig: a, 
                encryptedTracking: t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking, 
                trackingCode: { 
                    click_tracking_linkshim_cb: (t == null ? void 0 : t.click_tracking_linkshim_cb) || "", 
                    encrypted_click_tracking: (t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_click_tracking) || "", 
                    encrypted_tracking: (t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking) || "" 
                videoID: v, 
                viewabilityConfig: t == null ? void 0 : t.viewability_config 
            i && i({ 
                type: "INCREMENT" 
        }, [v, i, u == null ? void 0 : u.can_delay_log_impression, u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_signal_imp, u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_vital_imp, s, x, q, r, t == null ? void 0 : t.click_tracking_linkshim_cb, t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_click_tracking, t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking, t == null ? void 0 : t.viewability_config, f, w, p == null ? void 0 : p.routeTracePolicy, p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionStartTime, p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionTrigger, D]) 
          , G = d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks").useCometVideoPictureInPictureManager() 
          , H = G.setHasNextChainedVideo 
          , I = G.setSkippedFromPipPlayer; 
        G = G.skippedFromPipPlayer; 
        if (a == null || a.__typename !== "Video") { 
            o.onReady(function(a) { 
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_chaining_query_empty" 
            return k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), { 
                disabled: !0 
        } else 
            H(!C && !d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").EXCLUDED_PROVIDERS.includes(e)); 
        G && (F(), 
        return k.jsxs(k.Fragment, { 
            children: [k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), { 
                onHoverIn: y, 
                onHoverOut: B, 
                onPress: F 
            }), z && !g && k.jsxs(k.Fragment, { 
                children: [k.jsx("div", { 
                    className: "x1jx94hy xm3z3ea x1x8b98j x131883w x16mih1h x1qqjqyx x1ta3ar0 x10l6tqk xyokknr x1rr8tx7 x1se2ifz" 
                }), k.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react"), { 
                    hidden: !1, 
                    video: a 
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]"; 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallInviteModelTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = { 
        missed: "missed", 
        ringing: "ringing", 
        unsupported_browser: "unsupported_browser" 
    f.CallInviteModelType = a 
), 66); 
__d("ZenonCallInviteModel", ["BaseEventEmitter", "FBLogger", "ZenonCallInviteModelTypes", "ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b(b) { 
            var e; 
            e = || this; 
            e.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_2 = function(a) { 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Received cancel for: ", a.ringID); 
                if (e.__currentRequest && e.__currentRequest.model && e.__currentRequest.model.ringID === a.ringID) 
                    switch (a.reason) { 
                    case d("ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes").ZenonCancelReason.Hangup: 
                        a = ((a = e.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.model) == null ? void 0 : a.type) !== d("ZenonCallInviteModelTypes").CallInviteModelType.unsupported_browser; 
                        e.__currentRequest.model = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, e.__currentRequest.model, { 
                            type: "missed" 
                        a && e.emit("callInvite", e.__currentRequest.model); 
                    case d("ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes").ZenonCancelReason.OtherDismiss: 
            e.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_1 = function(a) { 
                var b; 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Receiving ring: ", a.ringID); 
                if (((b = e.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.model) == null ? void 0 : b.type) === "ringing") 
                e.__currentRequest = { 
                    model: { 
                        actorID: a.actorID, 
                        context: a.context, 
                        controllerParams: a.controllerParams, 
                        inviterID: a.inviterID, 
                        isE2eeMandated: a.isE2eeMandated, 
                        participants: a.otherParticipants, 
                        receiverUserId: a.receiverUserId, 
                        requestingVideo: a.requestingVideo, 
                        ringID: a.ringID, 
                        ringRequest: a.ringRequest, 
                        type: a.isClientPermissableRing ? "ringing" : "unsupported_browser" 
                    ringPayload: a 
                e.emit("callInvite", e.__currentRequest.model); 
                a.isClientPermissableRing || a.onDecline("VersionUnsupported") 
            e.__eventSource = b; 
            e.__currentRequest = null; 
            return e 
        var e = b.prototype; 
        e.getCurrentInvite = function() { 
            var a; 
            return (a = (a = this.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : a.model) != null ? a : null 
        e.startListening = function(a) { 
            a = a.callsBlocked; 
            this.__currentRequest && this.dismiss(); 
            a || (this.__eventSource.addListener("incomingRing", this.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_1), 
            this.__eventSource.addListener("ringCancel", this.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_2)) 
        e.stopListening = function() { 
            this.__currentRequest = null 
        e.dismiss = function() { 
            var a; 
            c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Dismissing ring: ", (a = this.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.model) == null ? void 0 : a.ringID); 
            this.__currentRequest = null; 
            this.emit("callInvite", null) 
        e.accept = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.__currentRequest; 
            if (d) { 
                var e; 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Accepting ring: ", (e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.ringID); 
                ((e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.type) === "ringing" && d.ringPayload.onAccept(a, b); 
        e.decline = function(a, b) { 
            a === void 0 && (a = "IgnoreCall"); 
            var d = this.__currentRequest; 
            if (d) { 
                var e; 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Declining ring: ", (e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.ringID); 
                d.ringPayload.onDecline(a, b); 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLogPromiseRejection", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        return a["catch"](function(a) { 
            return c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).debug(a.message) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallLogger", ["Promise", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLogPromiseRejection", "isEmployeeTestUserZenonLogging", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = new Set(["mwMessageSent", "mwThriftMessageSent", "mwMessageRecv", "mwThriftMessageRecv", "setMediaStats", "updateE2EEStats", "updateIceInfo", "setRemoteSdpOffer"]), j = new Set(["atLeastOneParticipantAlerted", "atLeastOneParticipantAnswered"]); 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            var b = this 
              , c = a.config 
              , d = a.initLoggerInfo 
              , e = a.isE2eeMandated; 
            a = a.processorConfigs; 
            this.$5 = []; 
            this.$6 = new Set(); 
            this.$1 = d; 
            this.$2 = c; 
            this.$3 = e; 
            this.$4 = { 
                clientSessionID: d.signalingID, 
                localCallID: d.localCallID, 
                peerID: d.peerID, 
                sharedCallID: d.serverInfoData 
            a.forEach(function(a) { 
        var d = a.prototype; 
        d.addLogProcessor = function(a) { 
            var b = this; 
            if (this.$3 && !a.approvedForMandatedE2ee()) 
            this.$5.push(new a.LogProcessor({ 
                config: this.$2, 
                data: this.$1, 
                isE2eeMandated: this.$3, 
                updateLogIdentifiers: function(a) { 
                    return b.updateLogIdentifiers(a) 
        d.updateLogIdentifiers = function(a) { 
            Object.assign(this.$4, a), 
                logIdentifiers: a, 
                name: "updateLogIdentifiers" 
        d.log = function(a) { 
            if (j.has( && this.$6.has( 
        d.logToProcessors = function(a) { 
            return c("ZenonLogPromiseRejection")((h || (h = b("Promise"))).all(this.$ { 
                return b.processEvent(a) 
            })).then(function() {})) 
        d.$7 = function(a) { 
            if (!c("isEmployeeTestUserZenonLogging")()) 
            if (i.has( 
                auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM, 
                checkpoint: "[ZP] ZenonCallLogger event: " + 
        d.getLogIdentifiers = function() { 
            return this.$4 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonCallWindowController", ["FBLogger", "Promise", "ZenonCallWindowErrors"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a, b) { 
            var c = b.callWindowInitializerResource 
              , d = b.callWindowOpener; 
            b = b.uriBuilderResource; 
            this.$2 = null; 
            this.$3 = !1; 
            this.$5 = null; 
            this.$1 = a; 
            this.$7 = b; 
            this.$4 = c; 
            this.$6 = d 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.initCall = function(a) { 
            var e = this; 
            if (this.$3) 
                throw new (d("ZenonCallWindowErrors").OpeningAnotherCallError)(); 
            try { 
                if (this.$2 && !this.$2.closed && a.joinContext.type === "thread" && this.$2.inCallWith === { 
                    return [this.$2, (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve({ 
                        alohaEscalatedMW: !1 
            } catch (a) { 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).warn("Failed to access inCallWith on call window") 
            var f = this.$6.openWindow(a); 
            try { 
                this.$2 && (this.$2.closed || this.$2.close(), 
                this.$2 = null) 
            } catch (a) { 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).warn("Failed to access close on call window") 
            this.$2 = f; 
            this.$3 = !0; 
            return [f, (h || (h = b("Promise"))).all([this.$7.load(), this.$4.load()]).then(function(b) { 
                var c = b[0]; 
                b = b[1]; 
                e.$5 === null && (e.$5 = new b(e.$1,new c(e.$1))); 
                return e.$5.initCall(e.$2, a) 
            })["finally"](function() { 
                e.$3 = !1 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = "zenon_popup_opened"; 
    b = "zenon_call_join_request"; 
    c = "zenon_sfu_e2ee_negotiation_complete"; 
    d = "csm_outgoing_start"; 
    e = "csm_incoming_connection_started"; 
    var g = "csm_invite_sent" 
      , h = "csm_invite_ack_recv" 
      , i = "csm_answer_recv" 
      , j = "csm_answer_sdp_recv" 
      , k = "csm_pranswer_sdp_recv" 
      , l = "csm_offer_sdp_recv" 
      , m = "csm_answer_sent" 
      , n = "csm_negotiation_complete" 
      , o = "csm_network_ready" 
      , p = "csm_connection_ready" 
      , q = "csm_dismiss_sent" 
      , r = "csm_dismiss_recv" 
      , s = "signaling_mw_join_req_sent" 
      , t = "signaling_mw_join_response_recv"; 
), 66); 
__d("ZenonCollisionContext", ["RtcDoorCallingTags"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        var c = null; 
        a.groupThreadID != null ? c = { 
            e2eeThreadID: a.groupThreadID, 
            id: a.groupThreadID, 
            type: b ? 16 : 2 
        } : a.peerID != null && (c = { 
            id: a.peerID, 
            secureOneToOneThreadPeerId: b ? a.peerID : void 0, 
            type: b ? 15 : 1 
        return c 
    function b(a) { 
        var b = a.call_trigger 
          , d = a.callable_post_id 
          , e = a.calling_tags 
          , f = a.conference_name 
          , g = a.group_thread_id 
          , h = a.ig_thread_id 
          , i = a.immersive_mode_door_id 
          , j = a.link_url 
          , k = a.live_broadcast_id 
          , l = a.meeting_id 
          , m = a.peer_id 
          , n = a.rtc_door_id; 
        a = a.server_info_data; 
        return { 
            callablePostID: d, 
            callingTags: c("RtcDoorCallingTags").cast(e), 
            callTrigger: b, 
            conferenceName: f, 
            groupThreadID: g, 
            igThreadID: h, 
            immersiveModeDoorID: i, 
            linkUrl: j, 
            liveBroadcastID: k, 
            meetingID: l, 
            peerID: m, 
            rtcDoorID: n, 
            serverInfoData: a 
    function d(a) { 
        a === void 0 && (a = {}); 
        return !Object.values(a).some(function(a) { 
            return a != null 
    g.getThreadIDAndTypeFromCollisionContext = a; 
    g.fromRTCJoiningContext = b; 
    g.isCollisionContextEmpty = d 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonMWMessageLogger", ["ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonMWMessageTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = new Set() 
      , i = new Set(); 
    function a(a, b) { 
        a = a.jsonPayload; 
        var c = a.body; 
        a = a.header; 
        if (h.has(a.transactionId)) 
        switch (a.type) { 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN: 
            c.joinRequest && j(c.joinRequest, b); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.ICE_CANDIDATE: 
            c.iceCandidateRequest && l(c.iceCandidateRequest, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.CLIENT_MEDIA_UPDATE: 
            c.clientMediaUpdateRequest && m(c.clientMediaUpdateRequest, b); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.SERVER_MEDIA_UPDATE: 
            c.serverMediaUpdateResponse && p(c.serverMediaUpdateResponse, b); 
    function b(a, b) { 
        a = a.jsonPayload; 
        var c = a.body; 
        a = a.header; 
        if (i.has(a.transactionId)) 
        switch (a.type) { 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN: 
            c.joinResponse && k(c.joinResponse, b); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.ICE_CANDIDATE: 
            c.iceCandidateRequest && l(c.iceCandidateRequest, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.CLIENT_MEDIA_UPDATE: 
            c.clientMediaUpdateResponse && n(c.clientMediaUpdateResponse, b); 
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.SERVER_MEDIA_UPDATE: 
            c.serverMediaUpdateRequest && o(c.serverMediaUpdateRequest, b); 
    function j(a, b) { 
        var c = a.answer; 
        a = a.offer; 
            name: "inviteSent" 
        q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send); 
        c && q(c, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send) 
    function k(a, b) { 
        a = a.answer; 
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive) 
    function l(a, b, c) { 
        a = a.iceCandidateSdps; 
        a.forEach(function(a) { 
            a.candidateSdpString != null && b({ 
                direction: c, 
                name: "updateIceInfo", 
                sdpString: a.candidateSdpString 
    function m(a, b) { 
        a = a.offer; 
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send) 
    function n(a, b) { 
        a = a.answer; 
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive) 
    function o(a, b) { 
        var c = a.answer; 
        a = a.offer; 
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive); 
        c && q(c, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive) 
    function p(a, b) { 
        a = a.answer; 
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send) 
    function q(a, b, c) { 
        a.sdpString != null && b({ 
            direction: c, 
            name: "updateIceInfo", 
            sdpString: a.sdpString 
    g.logSentMessage = a; 
    g.logReceivedMessage = b 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    e.exports = "8002805496396921" 
), null); 
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql", ["ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        var a = [{ 
            defaultValue: null, 
            kind: "LocalArgument", 
            name: "input" 
          , c = [{ 
            alias: null, 
            args: [{ 
                kind: "Variable", 
                name: "data", 
                variableName: "input" 
            concreteType: "RtcWebSendMultiwaySignalingMessageResponsePayload", 
            kind: "LinkedField", 
            name: "rtc_web_send_multiway_signaling_message", 
            plural: !1, 
            selections: [{ 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "header", 
                storageKey: null 
            }, { 
                alias: null, 
                args: null, 
                kind: "ScalarField", 
                name: "body", 
                storageKey: null 
            storageKey: null 
        return { 
            fragment: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Fragment", 
                metadata: null, 
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", 
                selections: c, 
                type: "Mutation", 
                abstractKey: null 
            kind: "Request", 
            operation: { 
                argumentDefinitions: a, 
                kind: "Operation", 
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", 
                selections: c 
            params: { 
                id: b("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation"), 
                metadata: {}, 
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", 
                operationKind: "mutation", 
                text: null 
    e.exports = a 
), null); 
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", ["CometRelayErrorHandling", "Promise", "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "cr:1012418", "gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    function j(a, e) { 
        return new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(f, g) { 
            b("cr:1012418").commitMutation(e, { 
                mutation: h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql"), 
                onCompleted: function(a) { 
                    return f(a) 
                onError: function(a) { 
                    c("gkx")("20935") && d("CometRelayErrorHandling").markErrorAsHandled(a); 
                    return g(a) 
                variables: { 
                    input: { 
                        message: a 
    function k(a) { 
        a = a.rtc_web_send_multiway_signaling_message; 
        var b = null 
          , c = null; 
        a != null && (a.header != null && (b = JSON.parse(a.header)), 
        a.body != null && (c = JSON.parse(a.body))); 
        return { 
            body: c, 
            header: b 
    function a(a, b) { 
        return l.apply(this, arguments) 
    function l() { 
        l = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a, b) { 
            a = (yield j(a, b)); 
            return k(a) 
        return l.apply(this, arguments) 
    g.sendMessage = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonValidateMWMessage", ["FBLogger", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        var b = a.jsonPayload.header.type; 
        if (a.jsonPayload.header.serverInfoData == null && b != null && b !== d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN) { 
                auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM, 
                checkpoint: "[ZP][DROP] No remoteSignalingID in message: " + b 
            c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").warn("[ZP][DROP] No remoteSignalingID in message: " + b); 
            return !1 
        return !0 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("shouldUseThriftSignaling", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a() { 
        return c("gkx")("25251") || c("gkx")("25252") 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender", ["ChannelClientID", "Promise", "RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger", "ZenonMWMessageLogger", "ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTranslator", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", "ZenonMWTranslatorUtils", "ZenonValidateMWMessage", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "err", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            this.$3 = a; 
            a = c("RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig") { 
                return d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType[a] 
            this.$4 = new Set(a) 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.handleResponse = function(a) { 
            var b = this.$1; 
            if (b == null) 
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("Should never have null message receiver", "rtc_www"); 
            var e = a.header || null; 
            a = a.body || null; 
            if (e != null && a != null) { 
                var f; 
                f = { 
                    endpoint: { 
                        appId: d("ZenonMWTranslatorUtils").getMWAppID(), 
                        deviceId: c("ChannelClientID").getID(), 
                        userId: (f = e.receiverUserId) != null ? f : d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID() 
                    jsonPayload: { 
                        body: a, 
                        header: e 
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("RECEIVED", "GraphQL", f); 
                this.$2 && this.$2({ 
                    mwMessage: f, 
                    name: "mwMessageRecv" 
                a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toSignalingMessage(f); 
                a != null && (b(a), 
        e.$5 = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) { 
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("SENDING", "GraphQL", a); 
                this.$2 && d("ZenonMWMessageLogger").logSentMessage(a, this.$2); 
                try { 
                    var b = (yield d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation").sendMessage(JSON.stringify(a), this.$3)); 
                    this.$2 && this.$2({ 
                        mwMessage: a, 
                        name: "mwMessageSent" 
                } catch (e) { 
                    b = e != null ? e.toString() : "Message Send Error"; 
                    d("ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger").logSendMessageFailed(a, "[GraphQL] " + b); 
                    c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logSendMultiwayMessageFailure(b, a.jsonPayload.header.type); 
                    e != null && c("ZenonInfraActionsLogger").logCheckpoint({ 
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM, 
                        checkpoint: "Failed to send MW message of type " + a.jsonPayload.header.type + ". Stack Trace: " + e.stack + "." 
            function e(b) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return e 
        e.sendMessage = function(a) { 
            a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toMWMessage(a); 
            if (!a || !c("ZenonValidateMWMessage")(a)) 
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("Invalid MW message")); 
            var e = a.jsonPayload.header.type; 
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")() && this.$4.has(a.jsonPayload.header.type)) 
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve(); 
            return a.endpoint.userId !== d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getAccountID() || e !== d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.DATA_MESSAGE ? this.$5(a) : (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("GraphQL only sends DATA_MESSAGE for Page users")) 
        e.setMessageReceiver = function(a) { 
            this.$1 = a 
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) { 
            this.$2 = a 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager", ["LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent", "LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return a.apply(this, arguments) || this 
        var e = b.prototype; 
        e.setRating = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , e = b.deviceID 
              , f = b.localCallID 
              , g = b.peerID; 
            b = b.serverInfoData; 
            var h = { 
                local_call_id: f, 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(g), 
                shared_call_id: b, 
                web_device_id: e 
            c("LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent").logImmediately(function() { 
                return babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                    star_rating: a.toString() 
                }, h) 
        e.setSurvey = function(a, b, e) { 
            b === void 0 && (b = null); 
            e === void 0 && (e = null); 
            var f = this.getCallInfo() 
              , g = f.deviceID 
              , h = f.localCallID 
              , i = f.peerID; 
            f = f.serverInfoData; 
            h = { 
                local_call_id: h, 
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(i), 
                shared_call_id: f, 
                web_device_id: g 
            i = Array.isArray(b) ? b : b != null ? [b] : []; 
            var j = babelHelpers["extends"]({ 
                rtc_end_call_survey_issue: (g = (f = e) == null ? void 0 : f.toLocaleLowerCase()) != null ? g : "", 
                rtc_end_call_survey_selected_options: i 
            }, h, a == null ? {} : { 
                rtc_end_call_survey_freeform: a 
            c("LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent").log(function() { 
                return j 
        ; = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            a.storeStarRatings(c, b, this) 
        e["delete"] = function(a) { 
            var b = this.getCallInfo() 
              , c = b.peerID; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
                peerID: c, 
                signalingID: b 
        e.toJsonString = function() { 
            var a = { 
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo() 
            return JSON.stringify(a) 
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) { 
            var c; 
            try { 
                c = JSON.parse(a) 
            } catch (a) { 
                return null 
            a = c.callInfo; 
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]); 
            return new b(a) 
        return b 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonLSStarRatingsStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSStarRatingsManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h = "localstorage" 
      , i = "RTC_LS_STAR_RATINGS_" 
      , j = "ls_star_ratings" 
      , k = 3; 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a); 
        function b() { 
            return, j, h, i) || this 
        var d = b.prototype; 
        d.retrieveStarRatings = function(a, b) { 
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects(); 
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null; 
            if (d) 
                return c("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager").fromJsonString(d.__d); 
                return null 
        d.storeStarRatings = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) { 
                d[a] || (d[a] = {}); 
                d[a][b] = { 
                    __d: c.toJsonString(), 
                    __z: !0 
                return d 
            }, k, !1, { 
                peerID: a, 
                signalingID: b 
        return b 
    b = new a(); 
    g.ZenonLSStarRatingsStoreInstance = b 
), 98); 
__d("promiseAny", ["invariant", "AggregateError", "Promise"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { 
    var i; 
    function j(a) { 
        return new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(c, d) { 
            return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve(a).then(d, c) 
    function a(a) { 
        a.length !== 0 || h(0, 14837); 
        return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).all( { 
            throw new (c("AggregateError"))(a) 
        }, function(a) { 
            return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonMessageSenderChain", ["promiseAny"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            this.$1 = a 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.addMessageSender = function(a) { 
        b.sendMessage = function(a) { 
            var b = this.$ { 
                return b.sendMessage(a) 
            return c("promiseAny")(b) 
        b.setMessageReceiver = function(a) { 
            this.$1.forEach(function(b) { 
                return b.setMessageReceiver(a) 
        b.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) { 
            this.$1.forEach(function(b) { 
                return b.setLoggingEventHandler(a) 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonMqttMWMessageSender", ["Promise", "RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger", "ZenonMWMessageLogger", "ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTranslator", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonSignalingConstants", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "ZenonValidateMWMessage", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "err", "getZenonMqttChannel", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "waitForZenonMqttConnected"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() { 
            var a = c("RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig") { 
                return d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType[a] 
            this.$3 = new Set(a) 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.$4 = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) { 
                var b = this 
                  , e = !0; 
                yield c("waitForZenonMqttConnected")()["catch"](function(a) { 
                        checkpoint: "Not sending MWS message through MQTT because MQTT could not connect. Error: " + a 
                    e = !1 
                if (!e) 
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("SENDING", "MQTT", a); 
                this.$2 && d("ZenonMWMessageLogger").logSentMessage(a, this.$2); 
                var f = c("getZenonMqttChannel")(); 
                try { 
                    yield f.publish(d("ZenonSignalingConstants").RTC_MULTI_MQTT_TOPIC, JSON.stringify(a)).then(function() { 
                        b.$2 && b.$2({ 
                            mwMessage: a, 
                            name: "mwMessageSent" 
                    }, function(c) { 
                        b.$5(a, c.toString()) 
                } catch (b) { 
                    this.$5(a, b.toString()) 
            function e(b) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return e 
        e.$5 = function(a, b) { 
            b = b != null ? b : "MQTT Message Send Error"; 
            d("ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger").logSendMessageFailed(a, "[MQTT] " + b); 
            c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logSendMultiwayMessageFailure(b, a.jsonPayload.header.type) 
        e.sendMessage = function(a) { 
            a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toMWMessage(a); 
            if (!a || !c("ZenonValidateMWMessage")(a)) 
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("Invalid MW message")); 
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")() && this.$3.has(a.jsonPayload.header.type)) 
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve(); 
            return a.endpoint.userId !== d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getAccountID() && !d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.isInstagramUser() && !d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.isOculusUser() ? (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("MQTT doesn't work with Page users yet")) : this.$4(a) 
        e.setMessageReceiver = function(a) { 
            this.$1 = a 
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) { 
            this.$2 = a 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor", ["Promise", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants", "ZenonDismissReason", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            var b =; 
            a = a.isE2eeMandated; 
            this.$1 = b.localCallID; 
            this.$2 = b.serverInfoData; 
            this.$3 = b.signalingID; 
            this.$4 = a 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.processEvent = function(a) { 
            var e = c("qpl")._(41156610, "2039"); 
            switch ( { 
            case "inviteReceived": 
                this.$2 = a.serverInfoData; 
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerStart(e, +this.$3); 
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerAnnotate(e, { 
                    bool: { 
                        isE2eeMandated: this.$4 
                    string: { 
                        local_call_id: this.$1, 
                        server_info_data: this.$2 
                }, { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "callEnded": 
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerAnnotate(e, { 
                    string: { 
                        endCallReason: d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.getName(a.endCallReason), 
                        endCallSubreason: a.endCallSubreason 
                }, { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerEnd(e, 4, +this.$3); 
            case "popupOpened": 
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerPoint(e, d("ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants").POINT_ZENON_POPUP_OPENED, { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve() 
        return a 
    e = { 
        LogProcessor: a, 
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() { 
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloQPLLoggingEnabled() 
    g.ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor = a; 
    g.ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessorConfig = e 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor", ["ODS", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", "ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary", "ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", "ZenonLSE2EEStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", "ZenonLSStarRatingsManager", "ZenonLSStarRatingsStore", "ZenonPeerID", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            a =; 
            a.peerID = d("ZenonPeerID").ZenonMWPeerID; 
            this.$6 = a.protocol; 
            this.$1 = new (c("ZenonLSCallSummary"))(a); 
            this.$2 = new (c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary"))(a); 
            this.$3 = new (c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager"))(a); 
            this.$4 = new (c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager"))(a); 
            this.$5 = new (c("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager"))(a); 
                checkpoint: "NSL - created call summaries in parent window" 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.processEvent = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) { 
                switch ( { 
                case "callAccepted": 
                case "callEnded": 
                    yield this.$7(a); 
                case "inviteReceived": 
                case "popupOpened": 
                    yield this.$9(a); 
            function c(b) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return c 
        e.$8 = function(a) { 
            a = a.serverInfoData; 
            if (a == null) 
        e.$9 = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) { 
                yield this.$1.onCallEnded(d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.ClientError, !1, !0, a.isPopupBlocked ? "PopupBlocked" : "PopupPending"), 
            function c(b) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return c 
        e.$7 = function() { 
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) { 
                if (a.isRemoteEnded) 
                var b = a.endCallReason 
                  , c = a.endCallSubreason; 
                a = a.isRemoteEnded; 
                if (b === d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.OtherInstanceHandled && a) 
                b === d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.ClientError && (h || (h = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(4083, "zenon_client_crashes", "zenon_client_error_end_call_reason"); 
                yield this.$1.onCallEnded(b, a, !1, c); 
            function c(b) { 
                return a.apply(this, arguments) 
            return c 
        return a 
    e = { 
        LogProcessor: a, 
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() { 
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloCallSummaryLoggingEnabled() 
    g.ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor = a; 
    g.ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessorConfig = e 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor", ["Promise", "QPLUserFlow", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonDismissReason", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            var b =; 
            a = a.isE2eeMandated; 
            this.$1 = b.localCallID; 
            this.$2 = b.serverInfoData; 
            this.$3 = b.signalingID; 
            this.$4 = a 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.processEvent = function(a) { 
            switch ( { 
            case "inviteReceived": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").start(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), { 
                    annotations: { 
                        bool: { 
                            isE2eeMandated: this.$4 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").start(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), { 
                    annotations: { 
                        bool: { 
                            isE2eeMandated: this.$4 
                        string: { 
                            localCallID: this.$1, 
                            serverInfoData: this.$2 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "invite_received", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "callEnded": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").endCancel(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), { 
                    annotations: { 
                        string: { 
                            endCallReason: d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.getName(a.endCallReason), 
                            endCallSubreason: a.endCallSubreason 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                if (a.isRemoteEnded) 
                    return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve(); 
                c("QPLUserFlow").endCancel(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "callAccepted": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "call_accepted", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "call_accepted", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "dismissRecv": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "dismiss_recv", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "dismiss_recv", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "inviteResponded": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "invite_responded", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "invite_responded", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            case "popupOpened": 
                c("QPLUserFlow").endSuccess(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "popup_opened", { 
                    instanceKey: +this.$3 
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve() 
        return a 
    e = { 
        LogProcessor: a, 
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() { 
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloQPLLoggingEnabled() 
    g.ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor = a; 
    g.ZenonParentQPLLogProcessorConfig = e 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonParentSignalingClient", ["Promise", "ZenonDebugLogger", "ZenonSignalingTypes", "promiseDone", "qpl", "recoverableViolation", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a, b, d, e) { 
            var f = this; 
            this.remoteSignalingID = null; 
            this.$4 = "init"; 
            this.$6 = null; 
            this.$7 = null; 
            this.$8 = function() {} 
            this.$9 = function(a, b, d) { 
                c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().logStateMachine("ParentSignalingClient", f.$4, "received " + a.eventName, f.$1.getSignalingID()); 
                switch (a.eventName) { 
                case "inviteRequest": 
                    f.$11(a, b, d); 
                case "remoteSdpRequest": 
                    f.$12(a, b); 
                case "terminateRequest": 
                    f.$13(a, b, d); 
            this.$1 = a; 
            this.$3 = d; 
            this.$5 = e; 
            this.$2 = b; 
            c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().startQPL(c("qpl")._(64234815, "1094"), +a.getSignalingID()) 
        var e = a.prototype; 
        e.setSignalingEventHandlers = function(a) { 
            if (this.$6 != null) { 
                c("recoverableViolation")("setSignalingEventHandlers should only be called once, to avoid accidentally losing handlers.", "rtc_www"); 
            this.$6 = a 
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) { 
            this.$8 = a 
        e.setSecureDataMessageManager = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("setSecureDataMessageManager called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.getSignalingModel = function() { 
            return this.$1 
        e.processReceiveEvent = function(a, b, d) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("processReceiveEvent called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendDismiss = function(a) { 
            this.$4 = "terminated"; 
            a = { 
                eventName: "terminateRequest", 
                fromJoinResponse: !1, 
                reason: a, 
                shouldInformPeer: !0 
            return this.$10(a) 
        e.receiveMessage = function(a) { 
        e.isTerminated = function() { 
            return this.$4 === "terminated" 
        e.sendAnswerIntent = function() { 
            if (this.$4 === "inviteAcknowledged") { 
                this.$4 = "answered"; 
                var a = { 
                    eventName: "answerIntentRequest" 
                return this.$10(a) 
            } else 
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendAnswerIntent called in unexpected state " + this.$4, "rtc_www") 
        e.respondToInvite = function(a) { 
            if (this.$4 === "inviteReceived") { 
                if (this.$7 == null) 
                    throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("respondToInvite called without inviteMessageId being populated first", "rtc_www"); 
                this.$4 = "inviteAcknowledged"; 
                a = { 
                    ackMessageId: this.$7, 
                    eventName: "inviteResponse", 
                    status: a 
                return this.$10(a) 
            } else 
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("respondToInvite called in unexpected state " + this.$4, "rtc_www") 
        e.initiateClientRenegotiation = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("initiateClientRenegotiation called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendClientEvent = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendClientEvent called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendInvite = function(a, b, d) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendInvite called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendSdp = function(a, b) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendSdp called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendIceCandidate = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendIceCandidate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendMediaUpdate = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendMediaUpdate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendAddParticipantsMessage = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendAddParticipantsMessage called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendRemoveParticipantsRequest = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendRemoveParticipantsRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendUsersApprovalRequest = function(a, b) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendUsersApprovalRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendStateSyncUnsubscribe = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendStateSyncUnsubscribe called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendStateSyncUpdate = function(a, b) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendStateSyncUpdate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendSubscriptionRequest = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendSubscriptionRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendClientInfo = function(a) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendClientInfo called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.sendGenericDataMessage = function(a, b, d) { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendGenericDataMessage called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.silentlyTerminate = function() { 
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("terminate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www") 
        e.$10 = function(a) { 
            var d = this; 
            c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().logStateMachine("ParentSignalingClient", this.$4, "sending " + a.eventName, this.$1.getSignalingID()); 
            return new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b, c) { 
                return d.$3.sendEvent(a, b, c) 
        e.$11 = function(a, b, c) { 
            this.$4 === "init" && (this.$4 = "inviteReceived", 
            this.$7 = b, 
            this.$5(a, c, this)) 
        e.$13 = function(a, b, d) { 
            if (this.$4 !== "terminated") { 
                this.$4 = "terminated"; 
                d = { 
                    ackMessageId: b, 
                    eventName: "dismissResponse" 
                if (this.$6 && this.$6.onDismissReceived) { 
                    c("promiseDone")(this.$6.onDismissReceived(this.$1.getSignalingID(), a.reason, (b = a.subreason) != null ? b : null, a.detailedReasonFromMW)) 
        e.$12 = function(a, b) { 
            b = { 
                ackMessageId: b, 
                acknowledgedVersion: a.sdp.version, 
                eventName: "remoteSdpResponse", 
                negotiateType: a.negotiateType, 
                statusCode: d("ZenonSignalingTypes").ZenonSignalingStatusCode.OK, 
                type: a.sdp.type 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonSDKRateLimiter", ["TokenBucketRateLimit", "ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = function() { 
        function a() { 
            this.$1 = new Map() 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.take = function(a, b) { 
            b === void 0 && (b = 1); 
            a = this.$2(a); 
            return a.take(b) 
        b.$2 = function(a) { 
            var b, d = this.$1.get(a); 
            if (d) 
                return d; 
            b = (b = c("ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig").buckets.get(a)) != null ? b : c("ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig")["default"]; 
            d = new (c("TokenBucketRateLimit"))(b.bucket_size,b.refill_rate); 
            this.$1.set(a, d); 
            return d 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    a = Object.freeze({ 
        CHILD_WINDOW_READY: "rtc_child_window_ready", 
        PARENT_INITIATED_CALL: "rtc_child_window_start_call", 
        PARENT_LOG_IDENTIFIERS: "rtc_parent_log_identifiers", 
        PARENT_QPL_MARKER: "rtc_parent_qpl_marker", 
        PARENT_TO_CHILD_MESSAGE: "rtc_child_window_message" 
    f.ChildTransportMessageType = a 
), 66); 
__d("isFacebookishURI", ["isFacebookURI", "isMessengerDotComURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a) { 
        return c("isFacebookURI")(a) || c("isMessengerDotComURI")(a) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonSignalingParentTransport", ["MultiwaySharedTypes", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "Random", "URI", "ZenonBrowsers", "ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager", "ZenonIGMediaUtil", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonSignalingTransportTypes", "isFacebookishURI", "recoverableViolation", "shouldUseSFUMediaPath"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i, j = 45 * 1e3; 
    a = function() { 
        function a(a) { 
            var b = this; 
            this.verificationNonce = null; 
            this.portToChild = null; 
            this.$1 = null; 
            this.$2 = null; 
            this.localCallID = null; 
            this.$3 = new Map(); 
            this.$4 = new Map(); 
            this.$5 = new Map(); 
            this.$6 = new Map(); 
            this.$7 = window; 
            a != null && (this.$7 = a); 
            d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isSupportedClient() && this.$7.addEventListener && this.$7.addEventListener("message", function(a) { 
            }, !1) 
        var b = a.prototype; 
        b.handleWindowMessageFromChild = function(a) { 
            var b = this; 
            if (this.windowMessageValid(a) && === d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.CHILD_WINDOW_READY && this.hasPort(a)) { 
                var c; 
                c = (c = != null ? c : null; 
                var e =; 
                this.portToChild = a.ports[0]; 
                a =; 
                this.$2 = a; 
                this.$1 = this.$7.setTimeout(function() { 
                    b.portToChild = null 
                }, j); 
                this.verificationNonce = this.generateNonce(); 
                this.startCallInChildWindow(c, e); 
        b.generateNonce = function() { 
            return String(d("Random").random()) 
        b.hasPort = function(a) { 
            return Boolean(a.ports != null && Array.isArray(a.ports) && a.ports[0] != null) 
        b.getRingRequestBySID = function(a) { 
            var b; 
            b = k((b = this.$4.get(a)) != null ? b : null); 
            a = l((a = this.$6.get(a)) != null ? a : null); 
            return { 
                mwRingRequest: b, 
                mwThriftRingRequest: a 
        b.startCallInChildWindow = function(a, b) { 
            var c = null 
              , e = null; 
            if (b !== void 0) { 
                if (b != null) { 
                    b = this.getRingRequestBySID(b); 
                    c = b.mwRingRequest; 
                    e = b.mwThriftRingRequest 
            } else if (a != null) { 
                c = k((b = this.$3.get(a)) != null ? b : null); 
                e = l((b = this.$5.get(a)) != null ? b : null) 
            a = { 
                mwRingRequest: c, 
                mwThriftRingRequest: e, 
                nonce: this.$2, 
                type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_INITIATED_CALL 
        b.sendQPLToChildWindow = function() { 
            var a = new Map(); 
            (h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).activeMarkers.forEach(function(b, c) { 
                (c === 398997251 || c === 41156610) && a.set(c, b) 
            if (a.size > 0) { 
                var b = { 
                    markers: a, 
                    nonce: this.$2, 
                    type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_QPL_MARKER, 
                    version: 2 
                a.forEach(function(a) { 
                    for (var a = a, b = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = b ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) { 
                        var e; 
                        if (b) { 
                            if (d >= a.length) 
                            e = a[d++] 
                        } else { 
                            d =; 
                            if (d.done) 
                            e = d.value 
                        e = e; 
                        var f = e[0]; 
                        e = e[1]; 
                        (h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerDrop(e.event, f) 
        b.sendLogIdentifiersToChildWindow = function(a) { 
            a = { 
                localCallID: a, 
                nonce: this.$2, 
                type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_LOG_IDENTIFIERS 
        b.windowMessageValid = function(a) { 
            return Boolean(a.origin === this.$7.location.origin || c("isFacebookishURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(a.origin)) && c("isFacebookishURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(this.$7.location.origin))) && this.postMessageValid(a) 
        b.postMessageValid = function(a) { 
            return this.verificationNonce !== null && (a == null ? void 0 : (a = == null ? void 0 : a.nonce) === this.verificationNonce 
        b.sendMessageToChild = function(a) { 
            this.portToChild != null ? this.portToChild.postMessage(a) : c("recoverableViolation")("The child window port should be available", "rtc_www") 
        b.enqueueRawMWMessage = function(a, b) { 
            var c = a.jsonPayload 
              , d = c.body; 
            c = c.header; 
            d = d.ringRequest; 
            if (d) { 
                d = c.conferenceName; 
                c = c.serverInfoData; 
                d != null && this.$3.set(d, { 
                    parsedMessage: b, 
                    rawMessage: a 
                c != null && this.$4.set(c, { 
                    parsedMessage: b, 
                    rawMessage: a 
        b.enqueueRawMWThriftMessage = function(a, b) { 
            var c = a.messageBody 
              , d = a.messageHeader; 
            c = c.ringRequest; 
            if (c) { 
                c = d.conferenceName; 
                d = d.serverInfoData; 
                c != null && this.$5.set(c, { 
                    parsedMessage: b, 
                    rawMessage: a 
                d != null && this.$6.set(d, { 
                    parsedMessage: b, 
                    rawMessage: a 
        b.testGetChildNonce = function() { 
            return this.$2 
        return a 
    function k(a) { 
        var b, e; 
        if (a === null) 
            return null; 
        var f = a.parsedMessage; 
        a = a.rawMessage; 
        if (f == null) 
            return null; 
        f = n(f); 
        if ((f == null ? void 0 : f.eventName) !== "inviteRequest") 
            return null; 
        f = (f = (f = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : f.isLegacyCall) != null ? f : !1; 
        b = ((b = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : b.mode) === d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWE2eeMode.E2EE_MANDATED; 
        c("ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager").processE2eeMandatedStateFromProductAndRing(b, (e = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : e.infraMandatedExpStatus); 
        return o(b, f) ? a : p(a) 
    function l(a) { 
        var b, e; 
        if (a == null) 
            return null; 
        var f = a.parsedMessage; 
        a = a.rawMessage; 
        if (f == null) 
            return null; 
        f = n(f); 
        if ((f == null ? void 0 : f.eventName) !== "inviteRequest") 
            return null; 
        f = (f = (f = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : f.isLegacyCall) != null ? f : !1; 
        b = ((b = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : b.mode) === d("MultiwaySharedTypes").E2eeMode.E2EE_MANDATED; 
        c("ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager").processE2eeMandatedStateFromProductAndRing(b, (e = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : e.infraMandatedExpStatus); 
        return o(b, f) ? a : q(a) 
    function m(a, b) { 
        return d("ZenonBrowsers").isFirefox() || c("shouldUseSFUMediaPath")(a, b) || c("ZenonIGMediaUtil").shouldUseSFUOnly() 
    function n(a) { 
        a = a.getEvents().find(function(a) { 
            return a.eventName === "inviteRequest" 
        return a 
    function o(a, b) { 
        return b || !m(a, !1) 
    function p(a) { 
        var b; 
        (b = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : delete b.offer; 
        return a 
    function q(a) { 
        var b; 
        (b = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : delete b.offer; 
        return a 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("ZenonParentCallsManager", ["BaseEventEmitter", "FBLogger", "JSResource", "JSResourceForInteraction", "LazyLoadInstance", "OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer", "Promise", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonAppProvider", "ZenonBrowsers", "ZenonCallLogger", "ZenonCallsModelTypes", "ZenonCollisionContext", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender", "ZenonMessageSenderChain", "ZenonMqttMWMessageSender", "ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor", "ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor", "ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor", "ZenonParentSignalingClient", "ZenonSDKRateLimiter", "ZenonSignalingParentTransport", "gkx", "promiseDone", "recoverableViolation", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "uuidv4"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i = c("JSResourceForInteraction")("setE2eeIsMandatedForZenonLoggers").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"), j = c("JSResourceForInteraction")("ZenonGraphQLMWThriftMessageSender").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"); 
    a = function(a) { 
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(e, a); 
        function e(e) { 
            var f; 
            f = || this; 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4 = new Map(); 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_5 = new Set(); 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 = null; 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8 = []; 
            f.onInviteReceived = function(a, b, e) { 
                var g, h = e.getSignalingModel().getSignalingID(); 
                    onDismissReceived: f.onDismissReceived 
                var i = a.appMessages 
                  , j = a.inviterID 
                  , k = a.isE2eeMandated 
                  , l = a.otherParticipants 
                  , m = a.requestingVideo 
                  , n = a.roomInfo 
                  , o = a.serverInfoData; 
                k === !0 && f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10(h); 
                var p = m && d("ZenonBrowsers").supportsVideoCalls() 
                  , q = "multiway_incoming" 
                  , r = c("uuidv4")() 
                  , s = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_11({ 
                    callTrigger: q, 
                    isCaller: !1, 
                    isVideo: p, 
                    localCallID: r, 
                    peerID: j, 
                    protocol: b, 
                    signalingID: h 
                }, (m = k) != null ? m : !1); 
                s == null ? void 0 : s.log({ 
                    name: "inviteReceived", 
                    serverInfoData: o 
                m = d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isSupportedClient(); 
                var t = m ? "OK" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"; 
                s == null ? void 0 : s.log({ 
                    name: "inviteResponded" 
                t = { 
                    thread: { 
                        id: "0", 
                        type: 2 
                    type: "thread" 
                if (n.context != null && (((g = n.context) == null ? void 0 : g.groupThreadID) != null || ((g = n.context) == null ? void 0 : g.peerID) != null)) { 
                    g = (g = a.appMessages) == null ? void 0 : g.collision_context_payload; 
                    var u = null; 
                    if (g != null) 
                        try { 
                            u = JSON.parse(g).calling_tags 
                        } catch (a) {} 
                    g = k === !0 && u === 2; 
                    if (n.context != null) { 
                        t = { 
                            thread: (u = d("ZenonCollisionContext").getThreadIDAndTypeFromCollisionContext(n.context, g)) != null ? u : { 
                                id: "0", 
                                type: 2 
                            type: "thread" 
                } else 
                    ((g = == null ? void 0 : g.linkHash) != null && ((u = == null ? void 0 : u.roomName) != null && (t = { 
                        type: "room" 
                u = (g = a.actorID) != null ? g : d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID(); 
                g = { 
                    mwRingRequest: null, 
                    mwThriftRingRequest: null 
                o != null && (g = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.getRingRequestBySID(o)); 
                n = { 
                    actorID: a.actorID, 
                    context: t, 
                    controllerParams: { 
                        appMessages: i, 
                        configuration: b, 
                        serverInfoData: (t = (o = n.context) == null ? void 0 : o.serverInfoData) != null ? t : null, 
                        signalingID: h 
                    inviterID: j, 
                    isClientPermissableRing: m, 
                    isE2eeMandated: (i = k) != null ? i : !1, 
                    onAccept: function(a, d) { 
                        d = d.isPopupBlocked; 
                        s == null ? void 0 : s.log({ 
                            name: "callAccepted", 
                            trigger: q 
                        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12(a, { 
                            callTrigger: q, 
                            isE2eeMandated: (a = k) != null ? a : !1, 
                            isPopupBlocked: d, 
                            isVideo: p, 
                            peerID: j, 
                            protocol: b, 
                            signalingID: h 
                        }, r) 
                    onDecline: function(a, b) { 
                        b === void 0 && (b = null), 
                        f.onDecline(h, s, a, b) 
                    otherParticipants: l.includes(u) ? l : [u].concat(l), 
                    receiverUserId: a.userID, 
                    requestingVideo: p, 
                    ringID: h, 
                    ringRequest: g 
                f.emit("incomingRing", n) 
            f.onDismissReceived = function(a, c) { 
                var e = d("ZenonDismissReason").dismissReasonToCancelReason(c); 
                e = { 
                    reason: e, 
                    ringID: a 
                f.emit("ringCancel", e); 
                e = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(a); 
                e != null && (e.log({ 
                    name: "dismissRecv" 
                    endCallReason: c, 
                    isRemoteEnded: !0, 
                    name: "callEnded" 
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve() 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_7 = new (c("OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer"))(); 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_3 = e; 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2 = new (c("ZenonSignalingParentTransport"))(window); 
            var g = new (c("ZenonMessageSenderChain"))([new (c("ZenonMqttMWMessageSender"))()].concat(!d("ZenonAppProvider").isOculusCastingSite() && e.relayEnvironment ? [new (c("ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender"))(e.relayEnvironment)] : [])); 
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")()) { 
                var i = new (c("LazyLoadInstance"))(c("JSResource")("ZenonMqttMWThriftMessageSender").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"),function(a) { 
                    return new a() 
                i.get(function(a) { 
                    return g.addMessageSender(a) 
                c("promiseDone")(j.load(), function(a) { 
                    if (e.relayEnvironment) { 
                        a = new a(e.relayEnvironment); 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1 = new (c("LazyLoadInstance"))(c("JSResource")("ZenonSignalingClientManager").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"),function(a) { 
                return new a(c("ZenonParentSignalingClient"),f.onInviteReceived,g) 
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 = new (c("ZenonSDKRateLimiter"))(); 
            return f 
        var f = e.prototype; 
        f.startOutgoingCallIntent = function(a, b) { 
            if (!this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_9("startOutgoingCallIntent")) 
            var d = b.callTrigger 
              , e = b.isE2eeMandated 
              , f = b.isVideo 
              , g = b.peerID 
              , h = b.protocol 
              , i = b.signalingID; 
            e && this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10(i); 
            var j = c("uuidv4")(); 
                callTrigger: d, 
                isCaller: !0, 
                isVideo: f, 
                localCallID: j, 
                peerID: g, 
                protocol: h, 
                signalingID: i 
            }, e); 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12(a, b, j) 
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_11 = function(a, b) { 
            var d, e = a.callTrigger, f = a.isCaller, g = a.isVideo, h = a.localCallID, i = a.peerID, j = a.protocol; 
            a = a.signalingID; 
            d = (d = this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(a)) != null ? d : null; 
            if (e === "meetup_join") 
                return d; 
            if (d != null) { 
                c("recoverableViolation")("Call logger key collision in parentCallsManager for signalingID: " + a, "rtc_www"); 
                return d 
            var k = new (c("ZenonCallLogger"))({ 
                config: this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_7, 
                initLoggerInfo: { 
                    callTrigger: e, 
                    isCaller: f, 
                    isVideo: g, 
                    localCallID: h, 
                    peerID: i, 
                    protocol: j, 
                    signalingID: a 
                isE2eeMandated: b, 
                processorConfigs: this.getLogProcessors() 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.set(a, k); 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8.forEach(function(a) { 
                a.setLoggingEventHandler(function(a) { 
                    return k.log(a) 
            return k 
        f.getLogProcessors = function() { 
            var a = [d("ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor").ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessorConfig, d("ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor").ZenonParentQPLLogProcessorConfig]; 
            c("gkx")("25214") && a.push(d("ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor").ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessorConfig); 
            return a 
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12 = function(a, b, c) { 
            var d = b.isPopupBlocked; 
            b = b.signalingID; 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.localCallID = c; 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.verificationNonce = a; 
            c = this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(b); 
            c != null && c.log({ 
                isPopupBlocked: d, 
                name: "popupOpened" 
        f.initListeners = function(a) { 
            var b = this; 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8 = a; 
            for (var a = a, c = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = c ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) { 
                var e; 
                if (c) { 
                    if (d >= a.length) 
                    e = a[d++] 
                } else { 
                    d =; 
                    if (d.done) 
                    e = d.value 
                e = e; 
                e.subscribe(function(a) { 
                    return b.onMessageReceived(a) 
                }, function(a, c) { 
                    return b.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.enqueueRawMWMessage(a, c) 
                }, function(a, c) { 
                    return b.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.enqueueRawMWThriftMessage(a, c) 
        f.onMessageReceived = function(a) { 
            var b = a.getHeader().signalingID; 
            if (b != null && this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_5.has(b)) 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1.get(function(b) { 
        f.onDecline = function(a, b, e, f) { 
            f === void 0 && (f = null), 
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1.get(function(g) { 
                g = g.getSignalingClient(a); 
                if (g) { 
                    var h = d("ZenonDismissReason").endCallToDismissReason(e); 
                    e !== "VersionUnsupported" && f !== d("ZenonCallsModelTypes").ZenonEndCallSubreason.CallsBlocked && c("promiseDone")(g.sendDismiss(h)); 
                    b == null ? void 0 : b.log({ 
                        endCallReason: h, 
                        endCallSubreason: f == null ? null : f, 
                        isRemoteEnded: !1, 
                        name: "callEnded" 
                } else 
                    c("recoverableViolation")("signaling client should be defined", "rtc_www") 
        f.removeListeners = function(a) { 
            for (var a = a, b = Array.isArray(a), c = 0, a = b ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) { 
                var d; 
                if (b) { 
                    if (c >= a.length) 
                    d = a[c++] 
                } else { 
                    c =; 
                    if (c.done) 
                    d = c.value 
                d = d; 
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_9 = function(a) { 
            if (this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 && !this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6.take(a)) { 
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").warn("[ZP] Dropping %s invocation. This SDK method is being called too rapidly.", a); 
                return !1 
            return !0 
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10 = function(a) { 
            c("promiseDone")(i.load(), function(b) { 
                return b(a) 
        return e 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("addCometProfileSwitchAnnotation", ["JSScheduler", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "isRecentProfileSwitchSessionStorage", "profileSwitchOriginSessionStorage", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    var h, i; 
    function a(a) { 
        (i || (i = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() { 
            var b = c("isRecentProfileSwitchSessionStorage").getAndRemove(); 
            b && ((h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerEnd(c("qpl")._(30606395, "1860"), 2, 0, h.currentTimestamp()), 
            a.addAnnotationInt("is_recent_profile_switch", b.didSwitchToMainProfile ? 2 : 1)); 
            b = c("profileSwitchOriginSessionStorage").getAndRemove(); 
            b && a.addMetadata("origin", b.origin) 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 
__d("delegateZenonCallInviteModel", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b) { 
        a.getCurrentInvite = b.getCurrentInvite.bind(b), 
        a.startListening = b.startListening.bind(b), 
        a.stopListening = b.stopListening.bind(b), 
        a.dismiss = b.dismiss.bind(b), 
        a.accept = b.accept.bind(b), 
        a.decline = b.decline.bind(b), 
        b.addListener("callInvite", function(b) { 
            a.emit("callInvite", b) 
    f["default"] = a 
), 66); 
__d("logCometTopNavTabPress", ["CometHomeProductBadgedNavigationLogger", "logCometWatchTabSelectedEvent"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { 
    "use strict"; 
    function a(a, b, e) { 
        e != null && b != null && b > 0 && d("CometHomeProductBadgedNavigationLogger").markerStartAndAnnotateWithProductID(e); 
        switch (a) { 
        case "watch": 
            c("logCometWatchTabSelectedEvent")("tab", b > 0, "tab"); 
    g["default"] = a 
), 98); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


__d("AcfToastImpressionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1873550");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("acf_toast_impression", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("AggregateError", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b(c, d) {
            var e;
            d = (d = d) != null ? d : g(c);
            e =, d) || this;
   = "AggregateError";
            e.errors = c;
            e.message = d;
            Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(e), b);
            return e
        return b
    function g(a) {
        if (a.length === 0)
            return "No errors";
        return a.length === 1 ? a[0].message : {
            return "- " + a.message
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("AvailableListState", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        OFFLINE: 0,
        IDLE: 1,
        ACTIVE: 2,
        MOBILE: 3
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("BizCoreFbApPlusMessageButtonClickFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6143");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("biz_core_fb_ap_plus_message_button_click", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("BizCoreFbApPlusMessageButtonImpressionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6144");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("biz_core_fb_ap_plus_message_button_impression", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        NONE: "NONE",
        SET_FAQ: "SET_FAQ",
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "6442397089210757"
), null);
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql", ["useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "business_assets"
          , c = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "consumer_id"
          , d = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "page_id"
          , e = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "business_assets",
                variableName: "business_assets"
            }, {
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "consumer_id",
                variableName: "consumer_id"
            }, {
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "page_id",
                variableName: "page_id"
            concreteType: "BizInboxFeatureConfigWrapper",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "biz_inbox_feature_config",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BizInboxGatingConfig",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "gating_config",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceButtonConfig",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "commerce_invoice_button_config",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "show_confirm_payment",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "show_payment_onboarding",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "show_request_payment",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, d],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery",
                selections: e,
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [d, c, a],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery",
                selections: e
            params: {
                id: b("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("getBusinessAssetList", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        return {
            return {
                business_account_id: b == null ? void 0 :,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("useBusinessAssets", ["getBusinessAssetList", "react", "useBizKitSelectedAssets", "useGlobalScope"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useMemo;
    function a(a) {
        var b = c("useBizKitSelectedAssets")();
        b = b.assets;
        var d = a == null ? b : a
          , e = c("useGlobalScope")();
        return i(function() {
            return c("getBusinessAssetList")(d, e)
        }, [e, d])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData", ["RelayHooks", "useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql", "useBusinessAssets"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.pageID;
        a = a.recipientID;
        var f = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataQuery.graphql")
          , g = c("useBusinessAssets")();
        f = d("RelayHooks").useLazyLoadQuery(f, {
            page_id: e,
            consumer_id: a,
            business_assets: g
        return i({
            show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer: (e = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer,
            show_confirm_payment: (g = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (e = g.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : e.show_confirm_payment,
            show_request_payment: (a = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (g = a.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : g.show_request_payment,
            show_payment_onboarding: (e = f.biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_payment_onboarding
    function i(a) {
        var b = a.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer
          , c = a.show_confirm_payment
          , d = a.show_request_payment;
        a = a.show_payment_onboarding;
        b = Boolean(b);
        c = Boolean(c);
        var e = !1;
        d = Boolean(d);
        a = Boolean(a);
        return {
            showInComposer: b,
            showConfirmPayment: c,
            showCommerceInvoiceButtonPUX: e,
            showRequestPayment: d,
            showPaymentOnboarding: a
    g.useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = a;
    g.parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataImpl = i
), 98);
__d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils", ["useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return {
            showInComposer: !1,
            showConfirmPayment: !1,
            showCommerceInvoiceButtonPUX: !1,
            showRequestPayment: !1,
            showPaymentOnboarding: !1
    function b(a) {
        var b;
        return d("useBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData").parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataImpl({
            show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer,
            show_confirm_payment: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_confirm_payment,
            show_request_payment: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_request_payment,
            show_payment_onboarding: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = a.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.commerce_invoice_button_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_payment_onboarding
    g.getDefaultBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = a;
    g.parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData = b
), 98);
__d("BizInboxDetailViewConsts", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = Object.freeze({
        IG_DIRECT_THREAD_TITLE_FALLBACK: "Instagram User",
        IG_POST_PHOTO_SIZE: 236,
        IG_POST_PUBLISHER_NAME_FALLBACK: "Instagram User",
        MS_IN_HR: 1e3 * 60 * 60,
        MS_IN_S: 1e3,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("BizInboxSurface", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = b("$InternalEnum").Mirrored(["BUSINESS_SUITE", "CREATOR_STUDIO", "INVALID", "PAGE", "PAGE_APPOINTMENT"]);
    c = a;
    f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("BizInboxSurfaceContext", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = h || d("react");
    b = a.createContext(Object.freeze({}));
    c = b;
    g["default"] = c
), 98);
__d("BizInboxSurfaceUtils", ["BizInboxSurface", "BizInboxSurfaceContext", "URI", "XBizSuiteControllerRouteBuilder", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = (i || d("react")).useContext;
    function k() {
        var a = c("XBizSuiteControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({});
        a = new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a).getQualifiedURI().toString();
        return h.getRequestURI().getQualifiedURI().toString().startsWith(a)
    function a() {
        var a = j(c("BizInboxSurfaceContext"));
        a = a.inboxSurface;
        return (a = a) != null ? a : c("BizInboxSurface").INVALID
    function b() {
        var a = new RegExp("/inbox/(all|instagram_direct|messenger)","i");
        return k() && a.test((h || (h = c("URI"))).getRequestURI().getQualifiedURI().toString())
    g.isBizSuiteSurface = k;
    g.useBizInboxSurface = a;
    g.useBizInboxSkeletonLoadingState = b
), 98);
__d("BizInboxGating", ["BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType", "BizInboxSurfaceUtils", "gkx", "justknobx", "qex"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return c("justknobx")._("113")
    function b() {
        return c("justknobx")._("112")
    function e() {
        return c("justknobx")._("126")
    function f() {
        return c("justknobx")._("131")
    function h() {
        return c("justknobx")._("104")
    function i() {
        return c("justknobx")._("34")
    function j() {
        return c("justknobx")._("136")
    function k() {
        return c("justknobx")._("33")
    function l() {
        return c("justknobx")._("63")
    function m() {
        return c("justknobx")._("189")
    function n() {
        return c("justknobx")._("140")
    function o() {
        return c("justknobx")._("28")
    function p() {
        return c("justknobx")._("167")
    function q() {
        return !d("BizInboxSurfaceUtils").isBizSuiteSurface()
    function r() {
        return c("gkx")("22410")
    function s(a) {
        return a === c("BizInboxCTSSuggestedActionType").SET_FAQ ? !0 : !1
    function t() {
        return !1
    function u() {
        return c("gkx")("3743")
    function v() {
        var a;
        return (a = c("qex")._("1400")) != null ? a : !1
    function w() {
        return !0
    function x() {
        return !1
    function y() {
        return c("gkx")("22417")
    function z() {
        return c("qex")._("1")
    function A() {
        return c("gkx")("22418")
    function B() {
        return !0
    function C() {
        return c("gkx")("22414")
    function D() {
        return c("gkx")("22415")
    function E() {
        return c("gkx")("2369")
    function F() {
        return c("qex")._("1407") === !0
    function G() {
        return c("qex")._("1407")
    function H() {
        return c("qex")._("176") === !1 ? null : c("qex")._("197") === !0
    function I() {
        return !0
    function J() {
        return !1
    function K() {
        return c("justknobx")._("1133")
    function L() {
        return c("qex")._("197")
    function M() {
        return c("qex")._("1551")
    function N() {
        return c("gkx")("2334")
    function O() {
        return c("gkx")("22419")
    function P() {
        return c("gkx")("22420")
    function Q() {
        return !0
    function R() {
        return c("gkx")("22421")
    function S() {
        return c("qex")._("235") === !0
    function T() {
        return c("gkx")("2641")
    function U() {
        return c("qex")._("1466") === !0
    function V() {
        return c("gkx")("3701")
    function W() {
        return c("qex")._("610") === !0
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingActions = a;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingArchivedStatusChange = b;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingDeleteThread = e;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingFollowUp = f;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingMarkRead = h;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessagingMarkSpam = i;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadAndMessageDFF = j;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadListFetch = k;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForThreadFetch = l;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMessengerParticipantsFetch = m;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForMQTT = n;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForAssignAdmin = o;
    g.getUseSPClientIDForUnreadThreads = p;
    g.getShowNewIAModal = q;
    g.getCTSSuggestionBar = r;
    g.getShouldEnableControlButtonForSuggestionBar = s;
    g.getIsBadgeCountClientCalcDisplayEnabled = t;
    g.getShouldImproveAdminAssignmentText = u;
    g.getShouldShowImportantLabel = v;
    g.getIsIGDirectThreadTitleUpdate = w;
    g.getShouldDisplayOnboardingCardForExistedUsers = x;
    g.getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1 = y;
    g.getShouldEnableIGDContentSearch = z;
    g.getShouldUseClientSideCalculation = A;
    g.getMBS2022H2LaunchGK = B;
    g.getUseSPMigration = C;
    g.getAllowPBIAFrontendChanges = D;
    g.getShouldShowBetaPBUP = E;
    g.shouldLoadIGDOnMsys = F;
    g.getMsysExperimentValue = G;
    g.getMsysMSGRExperimentValue = H;
    g.getCometExperimentValue = I;
    g.shouldAllowEmptyThreadDetails = J;
    g.shouldShowAYMTOnTests = K;
    g.shouldLoadMessengerOnMsys = L;
    g.shouldLoadMessengerOnMsysSilent = M;
    g.shouldPreloadMsys = N;
    g.shouldLoadWAOnMsys = O;
    g.shouldUseIGBusinessAssetID = P;
    g.shouldFixPaginationCount = Q;
    g.shouldUseVerticalNav = R;
    g.shouldSavedReplyUseTabKeybordShortcut = S;
    g.shouldShowSavedReplyRow = T;
    g.getShouldEnableSuggestedSavedReplyRow = U;
    g.shouldShowAdvancedSavedReplyForWA = V;
    g.shouldEnableSentByIconFix = W
), 98);
__d("BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return c("gkx")("22402")
    g.getShouldMergeIgThreadQuery = a
), 98);
__d("BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa) {
    "use strict";
    aa = function() {
        var aa = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "before"
          , ba = {
            defaultValue: [],
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "businessAssets"
          , ca = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "getShouldUnifyConfigQueries"
          , da = {
            defaultValue: 480,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "height"
          , ea = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "ig_params"
          , fa = {
            defaultValue: !0,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "includeDeliveryReceipts"
          , ga = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "includeSeqID"
          , ha = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool"
          , ia = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "isWorkUser"
          , ja = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads"
          , ka = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "item_after"
          , la = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "item_limit"
          , ma = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "loadThreadItems"
          , na = {
            defaultValue: !0,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "loadThreads"
          , oa = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "load_delivery_receipts"
          , pa = {
            defaultValue: !0,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "load_items"
          , qa = {
            defaultValue: !0,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "load_messages"
          , ra = {
            defaultValue: !0,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "load_read_receipts"
          , sa = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "message_limit"
          , ta = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "msgr_params"
          , ua = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "msgr_pending_params"
          , va = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "page_id"
          , wa = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "selected_item_id"
          , xa = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "should3DContextCardSections"
          , ya = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "shouldSkipMessage"
          , za = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "shouldSkipPageQuery"
          , Aa = {
            defaultValue: !1,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries"
          , Ba = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "source"
          , Ca = {
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          , Da = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "wa_params"
          , Ea = {
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            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "wa_pending_params"
          , Fa = {
            defaultValue: 480,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "width"
          , Ga = {
            alias: "unused",
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "string",
                variableName: "source"
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            name: "xfb_returns_zero_make_parameter_used",
            storageKey: null
          , Ha = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "ig_params",
            variableName: "ig_params"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "msgr_params",
            variableName: "msgr_params"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
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            variableName: "selected_item_id"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "wa_params",
            variableName: "wa_params"
          , Ia = {
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            name: "sync_sequence_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Ja = {
            condition: "includeSeqID",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !0,
            selections: [Ia]
          , a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , Ka = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            args: null,
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            name: "thread_key",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "other_user_id",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , b = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
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            value: 1
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , d = [a]
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            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , Oa = {
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            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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          , f = [e]
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          , h = {
            alias: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , Ra = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , Sa = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "native_url",
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          , i = [g, h, Ra, Sa, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "target_id",
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        i = {
            alias: null,
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                args: null,
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            }, {
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                selections: i,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerGenericXMATemplateCTA",
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                selections: i,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
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                plural: !1,
                selections: i,
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
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            kind: "Literal",
            name: "height",
            value: 240
        }, {
            kind: "Literal",
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            value: 240
          , k = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri",
            storageKey: null
          , l = [k]
          , Ua = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "height",
            value: 120
        }, {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "width",
            value: 120
          , m = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: null
          , n = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , o = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
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            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "sprite_image(height:240,width:240)"
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: Ua,
            concreteType: "Image",
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            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "sprite_image(height:120,width:120)"
        }, {
            alias: null,
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            storageKey: "padded_sprite_image(height:240,width:240)"
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            kind: "InlineFragment",
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            type: "Sticker",
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          , p = [k, n, o]
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            selections: p,
            storageKey: null
          , Xa = {
            kind: "Literal",
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            value: "contain-fit"
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            selections: p,
            storageKey: 'image(sizing:"contain-fit")'
          , q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , $a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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          , r = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: f,
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            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
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            alias: null,
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            args: null,
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            alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "confirmation_title",
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            storageKey: null
          , qb = {
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            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , rb = {
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            storageKey: null
          , sb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "total_price",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , ub = {
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            kind: "ScalarField",
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                args: null,
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            }, {
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            storageKey: null
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          , xb = {
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                alias: null,
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                args: null,
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                    args: null,
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                    storageKey: null
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                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "mask",
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                    storageKey: null
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                storageKey: null
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                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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                storageKey: null
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                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerFeedbackQuestionObject",
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                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
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                    }, {
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                        args: null,
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                        selections: [g, w],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
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                plural: !1,
                selections: [e, j, m],
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                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , zb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: [jb, kb, u, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, y, zb, Sa],
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , z = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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                    name: "request_image",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: l,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 315
                }, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 851
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "map_image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: l,
                storageKey: "map_image(height:315,width:851)"
            type: "CrisisListing",
            abstractKey: null
          , Db = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "filename",
            storageKey: null
          , Eb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url_shimhash",
            storageKey: null
          , Fb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "extension",
            storageKey: null
          , Gb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "filesize",
            storageKey: null
          , Hb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "duration",
            storageKey: null
          , A = {
            alias: "transfer_id",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , B = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , C = [a, {
            alias: "name",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "short_name",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: "full_name",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
        }, B, m]
          , D = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "sender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: C,
            storageKey: null
        C = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "receiver",
            plural: !1,
            selections: C,
            storageKey: null
        var E = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "value",
            storageKey: null
        s = {
            alias: "actionDatas",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentActivityActionData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "action_datas",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [z, {
                alias: "additionalInfo",
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PaymentActivityActionDataAdditionalInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "additional_info",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [s, E],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "category",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "identifier",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: "inputType",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "input_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, x, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "optional",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: "placeholderText",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "placeholder_text",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var Ib = {
            alias: "actionIdentifier",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "action_identifier",
            storageKey: null
          , Jb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "style",
            storageKey: null
          , Kb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "title",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , Lb = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: "receiptView",
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PaymentReceiptView",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "receipt_view",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: "additionalInstruction",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "additional_instruction",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: f,
                    storageKey: null
                }, a, {
                    alias: "otherParticipant",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PaymentActivityParticipantView",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "other_participant",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: "imageUrl",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "image_url",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, wb, h],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PaymentActivityViewSection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "sections",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: "preferredPosition",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "preferred_position",
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, Kb],
                storageKey: null
            type: "P2POpenReceiptActionButton",
            abstractKey: null
          , F = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "amount",
            storageKey: null
          , Mb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "currency",
            storageKey: null
          , G = [F, Mb, {
            alias: "formattedAmount",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_amount",
            storageKey: null
          , Nb = {
            alias: "amount",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "currency_amount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: G,
            storageKey: null
          , H = [z, s, Ib, Jb, h, Lb, {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: "moneyTransfer",
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "generic_money_transfer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [A, D, C, Nb],
                storageKey: null
            type: "P2PPaymentActionButtonWithTransfer",
            abstractKey: null
          , Ob = {
            alias: "componentType",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "component_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Pb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "color",
            storageKey: null
        G = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "amount",
                plural: !1,
                selections: G,
                storageKey: null
            }, Pb],
            type: "P2PBubbleAmountComponent",
            abstractKey: null
        var Qb = [{
            alias: "dimensionlessCacheKey",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "dimensionless_cache_key",
            storageKey: null
        }, n, {
            alias: "isSilhouette",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_silhouette",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: "mimeType",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "mime_type",
            storageKey: null
        }, b, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "scale",
            storageKey: null
        }, k, o]
          , Rb = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: "aspectRatio",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "aspect_ratio",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Qb,
                storageKey: null
            type: "P2PBubbleImageComponent",
            abstractKey: null
        Qb = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "alignment",
                storageKey: null
            }, Pb, {
                alias: "facepileUsers",
                args: null,
                concreteType: "User",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "facepile_users",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Image",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "profile_picture",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Qb,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "images",
                plural: !0,
                selections: Qb,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "size",
                storageKey: null
            }, e],
            type: "P2PBubbleTextComponent",
            abstractKey: null
        var Sb = {
            alias: "iconCurrencyCode",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "icon_currency_code",
            storageKey: null
        H = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "P2PBubbleView",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "bubble_view",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "actions",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: H,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "components",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Ob, G, Rb, Qb],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "P2PBubbleRobotext",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "robotext",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "action",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: H,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, Pb, Sb, e],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: "rootAction",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "root_action",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: H,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "PaymentViewData",
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentViewData"
        var Tb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "short_name",
            storageKey: null
          , Ub = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [Tb, m],
            type: "User",
            abstractKey: null
          , Vb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_amount",
            storageKey: null
          , Wb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transaction_amount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [F, Vb],
            storageKey: null
          , Xb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "transfer_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Yb = {
            alias: "completedTime",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "completed_time",
            storageKey: null
          , Zb = {
            alias: "updatedTime",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "updated_time",
            storageKey: null
          , $b = {
            alias: "creationTime",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "creation_time",
            storageKey: null
          , I = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , ac = [I]
          , bc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerPayTheme",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transfer_theme",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , cc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted",
            storageKey: null
          , dc = [cc]
          , ec = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyQuantity",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "amount_fb_discount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: dc,
            storageKey: null
          , fc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "funds_availability",
            storageKey: null
          , J = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "group_thread_fbid",
            storageKey: null
          , K = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "description",
            storageKey: null
          , gc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "status_description",
            storageKey: null
          , hc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "currency_amount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Mb],
            storageKey: null
          , ic = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "memo_text",
            storageKey: null
          , L = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "sender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                args: null,
                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                name: "P2PSenderReceiver"
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "receiver_profile",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, b, B, Ub],
            storageKey: null
        }, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransferContext",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transfer_context",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessageImage",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "memo_images",
                plural: !0,
                selections: ac,
                storageKey: null
            }, bc],
            storageKey: null
        }, ec, fc, J, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerPlatformSoldItemDetail",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "platform_item",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [b, K, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Photo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "photos",
                plural: !0,
                selections: ac,
                storageKey: null
            }, m],
            storageKey: null
        }, a, gc, hc, ic, H];
        cc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyQuantity",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "amount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [cc, Mb],
            storageKey: null
        var jc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transaction_amount",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [F],
            storageKey: null
          , M = [b, a, B, Ub]
          , N = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "requester",
            plural: !1,
            selections: M,
            storageKey: null
        M = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "requestee",
            plural: !1,
            selections: M,
            storageKey: null
        var kc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "request_status",
            storageKey: null
          , lc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerPayTheme",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "request_theme",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , O = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransfer",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transfer",
            plural: !1,
            selections: L,
            storageKey: null
          , mc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "creation_time",
            storageKey: null
          , nc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "updated_time",
            storageKey: null
          , oc = {
            alias: "message",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "snippet",
            storageKey: null
        u = [jb, kb, u, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, y];
        y = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "call_to_actions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: u,
            storageKey: null
        var pc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "image_aspect_ratio",
            storageKey: null
          , qc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "first_metaline",
            storageKey: null
          , rc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "source_name",
            storageKey: null
          , sc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "target_url",
            storageKey: null
        u = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "default_action",
            plural: !1,
            selections: u,
            storageKey: null
        var tc = [a, {
            alias: "large_preview",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: null
          , uc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: tc,
            type: "MessageImage",
            abstractKey: null
        tc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: tc,
            type: "Photo",
            abstractKey: null
        var vc = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "media_type",
            value: "image/gif"
          , wc = {
            alias: null,
            args: [vc],
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "animated_image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: 'animated_image(media_type:"image/gif")'
        vc = {
            alias: "preview_image",
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 206
            }, vc, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 206
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "animated_image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: 'animated_image(height:206,media_type:"image/gif",width:206)'
        var xc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [wc, vc, {
                alias: "large_preview",
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 420
                }, Xa, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 420
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: p,
                storageKey: 'image(height:420,sizing:"contain-fit",width:420)'
            type: "MessageAnimatedImage",
            abstractKey: null
          , yc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Application",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "attribution_app",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, b, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "square_logo",
                plural: !1,
                selections: l,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , zc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "attribution_metadata",
            storageKey: null
          , Ac = [n, o, k]
          , Bc = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "x",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "y",
            storageKey: null
          , Cc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Vect2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "original_dimensions",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Bc,
            storageKey: null
        Ac = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, r, {
                alias: "chat_image",
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 200
                }, Xa, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 168
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Ac,
                storageKey: 'image(height:200,sizing:"contain-fit",width:168)'
            }, Pa, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "video_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, Cc, q, {
                alias: "large_image",
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 640
                }, Xa, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 640
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Ac,
                storageKey: 'image(height:640,sizing:"contain-fit",width:640)'
            }, {
                alias: "inbox_image",
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 450
                }, Xa, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 450
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Ac,
                storageKey: 'image(height:450,sizing:"contain-fit",width:450)'
            type: "MessageVideo",
            abstractKey: null
        var Dc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [o, n, a, r],
            type: "Video",
            abstractKey: null
          , P = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [a, K, pc, nb, qc, b, rc, sc, u, y, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "media_blob_attachments",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [z, uc, tc, xc, Ac, Dc],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Ec = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: "video_id",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "id",
                storageKey: null
            type: "Video",
            abstractKey: null
          , Fc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "values",
            storageKey: null
          , Gc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "ComponentFlowLeadGenField",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "field_data_list",
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                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "field_type",
                    storageKey: null
                }, j, Fc],
                storageKey: null
            type: "PagesPlatformLeadGenInfo",
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          , Hc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "expiration_time",
            storageKey: null
          , Q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , Ic = {
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            args: null,
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          , Jc = [Q, Ic]
          , Kc = {
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                args: null,
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                name: "id",
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_expired",
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            }, Hc, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "User",
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                name: "sender",
                plural: !1,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                name: "coordinate",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Jc,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "location_title",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "LiveLocationDestination",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "sender_destination",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Q, Ic, j],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "stop_reason",
                storageKey: null
            type: "MessageLiveLocation",
            abstractKey: null
          , Lc = {
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            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "kept_by",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
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          , Mc = {
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            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "kept_at",
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          , Nc = {
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            args: null,
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          , Oc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "blob_media_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Pc = [r, m, I]
          , Qc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: Pc,
            type: "MessageVideo",
            abstractKey: null
        Pc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: Pc,
            type: "MessageImage",
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "montage_container_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Sc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "story_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Tc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "calendar_sync_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Uc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Page",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "page",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, Tc, {
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                args: null,
                concreteType: "ServicesVerticalPageBasedInfo",
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                name: "services_vertical_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "is_eligible_for_appointment_calendar",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "is_eligible_for_mbs_calendar",
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                }, {
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                    args: null,
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                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Vc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_bubble_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Wc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
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            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Xc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , Yc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , Zc = {
            alias: "availability",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , $c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , ad = {
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          , bd = {
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            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_saved_to_calendar",
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            name: "end",
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          , gd = [ed, fd]
          , hd = {
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            concreteType: "TimeRange",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "suggested_time_range",
            plural: !1,
            selections: gd,
            storageKey: null
          , id = {
            alias: "duration",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "duration_in_seconds",
            storageKey: null
          , jd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "duration_type",
            storageKey: null
          , kd = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 1
          , ld = {
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            args: [{
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          , qd = {
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            args: null,
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          , rd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , sd = {
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          , td = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "request_admin_approval_type",
            storageKey: null
          , ud = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , vd = {
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            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
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            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, Tb, B],
            storageKey: null
          , wd = {
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            }, E, j],
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                alias: null,
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            storageKey: null
          , yd = {
            alias: null,
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            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Ad = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
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            name: "consumer",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Bd = {
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            args: null,
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            args: null,
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            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_async",
                storageKey: null
            }, k],
            storageKey: null
          , Gd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "render_template",
            storageKey: null
          , Hd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "primary_text",
            storageKey: null
          , Id = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "visible_on_platforms",
            storageKey: null
          , Jd = [a, b]
          , Kd = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messaging_actor",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jd,
            storageKey: null
          , Ld = {
            alias: "eventID",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , Md = {
            alias: "guestStatus",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_guest_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Nd = {
            alias: "canViewerJoin",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "can_viewer_join",
            storageKey: null
          , Od = {
            alias: "timeString",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "start_time_sentence",
            storageKey: null
          , R = [b]
          , Pd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "social_context",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , Qd = {
            alias: "watchStatus",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_watch_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Rd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "connection_style",
            storageKey: null
          , Sd = {
            alias: "canViewerWatch",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "can_viewer_watch",
            storageKey: null
          , Td = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 300
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "profile_picture(width:300)"
          , Ud = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "start_timestamp",
            storageKey: null
          , Vd = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "application_name",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "audio_url",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "duration_ms",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "music_title",
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            type: "ExternalSong",
            abstractKey: null
          , Wd = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "lwa_state",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "lwa_type",
                storageKey: null
            type: "LightweightAction",
            abstractKey: null
          , Xd = {
            alias: "desc",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "description",
            storageKey: null
          , Yd = {
            alias: "thumb_url",
            args: null,
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          , Zd = {
            alias: "item_url",
            args: null,
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            name: "target_url",
            storageKey: null
          , $d = {
            alias: "source",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "source_name",
            storageKey: null
          , ae = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "second_metaline",
            storageKey: null
          , be = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "third_metaline",
            storageKey: null
          , ce = {
            alias: "total_cost",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formated_price",
            storageKey: null
          , de = {
            alias: "merchant_name",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "seller_info",
            storageKey: null
          , ee = {
            alias: "raw_amount",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "price_amount",
            storageKey: null
          , fe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCommercePayment",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "payment",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , ge = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "price_currency",
            storageKey: null
          , he = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "price_amount",
            storageKey: null
          , ie = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "can_donate",
            storageKey: null
          , je = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_viewer_donated",
            storageKey: null
          , ke = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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            name: "fundraiser_detailed_progress_text",
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            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , le = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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            name: "fundraiser_subtitle_text",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , S = [k, o, n]
          , me = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
          , ne = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "recipient_name",
            storageKey: null
          , oe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "merchant_name",
            storageKey: null
          , pe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "account_holder_name",
            storageKey: null
          , qe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "receipt_id",
            storageKey: null
          , re = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "shipping_method",
            storageKey: null
          , se = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "order_payment_method",
            storageKey: null
          , te = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "receipt_url",
            storageKey: null
          , ue = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "cancellation_url",
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          , ve = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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          , we = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , xe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , T = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "country",
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          , ye = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , ze = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
          , Ae = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation",
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            name: "structured_address",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [we, xe, T, ye, ze],
            storageKey: null
          , Be = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "total",
            storageKey: null
          , Ce = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tax",
            storageKey: null
          , De = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "shipping_cost",
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          , Ee = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "subtotal",
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          , Fe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "bubble_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Ge = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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          , He = {
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            concreteType: "RetailReceiptAdjustment",
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            name: "retail_adjustments",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "adjustment_amount",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "adjustment_type",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Ie = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "partner_logo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , Je = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "payment_modules_client",
            storageKey: null
          , Ke = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_seller",
            storageKey: null
          , Le = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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            selections: f,
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          , Me = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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          , Ne = {
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            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
        F = [F, Mb];
        Mb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "unit_price",
            plural: !1,
            selections: F,
            storageKey: null
        var Oe = {
            alias: null,
            args: Ua,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "images",
            plural: !0,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "images(height:120,width:120)"
          , Pe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "quantity",
            storageKey: null
        Ua = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentComponent",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "components",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [Kb, Ne, {
                alias: null,
                args: Ua,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: l,
                storageKey: "image(height:120,width:120)"
            storageKey: null
        var Qe = [ze, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "action_type",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "action_detail",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "checkmark",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "extra_data",
            storageKey: null
          , Re = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "payment_call_to_actions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: Qe,
            storageKey: null
          , Se = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "click_action",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Qe,
            storageKey: null
        Qe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "summary_action",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Qe,
            storageKey: null
        var Te = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "invoicer_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Ue = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_last_attachment",
            storageKey: null
        F = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CurrencyAmount",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "payment_total",
            plural: !1,
            selections: F,
            storageKey: null
        var Ve = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "product_detail",
            storageKey: null
          , We = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PaymentPlatformAttachmentIcon",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "payment_status_icon",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [qd],
            storageKey: null
          , Xe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "user_facing_payment_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Ye = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "payment_sub_statuses",
            storageKey: null
          , Ze = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "should_show_new_xma",
            storageKey: null
          , $e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "buyer_name",
            storageKey: null
          , af = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "group_commerce_item_description",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , bf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "formatted_price",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , cf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "group_commerce_item_title",
            storageKey: null
        Ya = {
            alias: null,
            args: Ya,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: 'image(sizing:"contain-fit")'
        var df = {
            alias: "primary_photo",
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "primary_listing_photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Ya],
            storageKey: null
          , ef = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "StreetAddress",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "address",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "single_line_full_address",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , ff = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "top_category_name",
            storageKey: null
        Xa = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "cover_photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Photo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "photo",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "height",
                        value: 720
                    }, Xa, {
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "width",
                        value: 720
                    concreteType: "Image",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "image",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: S,
                    storageKey: 'image(height:720,sizing:"contain-fit",width:720)'
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var gf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Location",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "location",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jc,
            storageKey: null
          , hf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Rating",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "overall_star_rating",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [E],
            storageKey: null
          , jf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "price_range_description",
            storageKey: null
          , kf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_active",
            storageKey: null
          , lf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "event_title",
            storageKey: null
          , mf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "time",
            storageKey: null
          , nf = [kf, lf, mf]
          , of = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: nf,
            type: "MessengerEventReminder",
            abstractKey: null
          , pf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_more_upcoming_reminders",
            storageKey: null
          , qf = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "orderby",
            value: "m_personal_reminder_list_ordering"
          , rf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tint_color",
            storageKey: null
          , sf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "logo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
          , tf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_label",
            storageKey: null
          , uf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "boarding_time_label",
            storageKey: null
          , vf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "departure_label",
            storageKey: null
          , wf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passenger_names_label",
            storageKey: null
          , xf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passenger_seat_label",
            storageKey: null
          , yf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_terminal_label",
            storageKey: null
          , zf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_gate_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Af = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "view_boarding_pass_cta_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Bf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "share_cta_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Cf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_cta_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Df = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "boarding_pass_title_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Ef = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "boarding_pass_error_title_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Ff = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "airline_logo_image_url",
            storageKey: null
          , Gf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "header_image_url",
            storageKey: null
        E = [h, E];
        var Hf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "auxiliary_fields",
            plural: !0,
            selections: E,
            storageKey: null
          , If = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "secondary_fields",
            plural: !0,
            selections: E,
            storageKey: null
          , Jf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "qr_code_header_image_url",
            storageKey: null
          , Kf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "qr_code_image_url",
            storageKey: null
          , Lf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineProductItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "header_text_field",
            plural: !1,
            selections: E,
            storageKey: null
          , Mf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_number",
            storageKey: null
          , Nf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_time_for_display",
            storageKey: null
          , Of = [Nf]
          , Pf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "departure_time_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Of,
            storageKey: null
          , Qf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "terminal",
            storageKey: null
          , Rf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "gate",
            storageKey: null
          , Sf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "airport_code",
            storageKey: null
          , Tf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "arrival_time_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Of,
            storageKey: null
          , Uf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirportInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "arrival_airport",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Sf, xe],
            storageKey: null
        Of = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "flight_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Mf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "boarding_time_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Of,
                storageKey: null
            }, Pf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirportInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "departure_airport",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Qf, Rf, Sf, xe],
                storageKey: null
            }, Tf, Uf],
            storageKey: null
        var Vf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "seat",
            storageKey: null
          , Wf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlinePassengerSegmentDetail",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "passenger",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Vf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlinePassenger",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "passenger",
                plural: !1,
                selections: R,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Xf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tracking_number",
            storageKey: null
          , Yf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "shipdate_for_display",
            storageKey: null
          , Zf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "estimated_delivery_time_for_display",
            storageKey: null
          , $f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "timezone",
            storageKey: null
        T = [T, xe, ye, Ic, Q, ze, we, $f];
        ye = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "commerce_origin",
            plural: !1,
            selections: T,
            storageKey: null
        Ic = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "commerce_destination",
            plural: !1,
            selections: T,
            storageKey: null
        Q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentItemsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "retail_shipment_items",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, y],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        we = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "carrier_tracking_url",
            storageKey: null
        var ag = [o, n, k]
          , bg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "logo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: ag,
            storageKey: null
          , cg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailCarrier",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "retail_carrier",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [b, we, bg],
            storageKey: null
        T = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCommerceBusinessLocation",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messenger_commerce_location",
            plural: !1,
            selections: T,
            storageKey: null
        var dg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentTrackingEventsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "shipment_tracking_events",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, T],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , eg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tracking_event_time_for_display",
            storageKey: null
          , fg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "shipment_tracking_event_type",
            storageKey: null
          , gg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tracking_event_description",
            storageKey: null
        we = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailCarrier",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "retail_carrier",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [b, we, bg, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "legal_terms_of_service_text",
                plural: !1,
                selections: f,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        bg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentTrackingEventsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "shipment_tracking_events",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, fg, T],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var hg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "pnr_number",
            storageKey: null
          , ig = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "update_type",
            storageKey: null
          , jg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "departure_time_label",
            storageKey: null
          , kg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "arrival_time_label",
            storageKey: null
          , lg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "booking_number_label",
            storageKey: null
          , mg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "logo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: null
        Uf = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [hg, rf, ig, jg, kg, lg, zf, tf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "flight_status_label",
                storageKey: null
            }, wf, xf, mg, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "flight_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Uf, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AirportInfo",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "departure_airport",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Sf, xe, Rf],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Mf, Pf, Tf],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "hightlighted_labels",
                storageKey: null
            type: "AirlineUpdateMessageAttachment",
            abstractKey: null
        Rf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "confirmation_number",
            storageKey: null
        Pf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_total",
            storageKey: null
        Vb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlinePriceInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "itemized_price_infos",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [h, Vb],
            storageKey: null
        var ng = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_tax",
            storageKey: null
          , og = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "formatted_base_price",
            storageKey: null
          , pg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlinePassenger",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "passenger_infos",
            plural: !0,
            selections: R,
            storageKey: null
          , qg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "aircraft_type_label",
            storageKey: null
          , rg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "base_price_label",
            storageKey: null
          , sg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "cabin_type_label",
            storageKey: null
          , tg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_confirmation_label",
            storageKey: null
          , ug = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "flight_date_label",
            storageKey: null
          , vg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "itinerary_error_title_label",
            storageKey: null
          , wg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "itinerary_title_label",
            storageKey: null
          , xg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passenger_name_label",
            storageKey: null
          , yg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "purchase_summary_label",
            storageKey: null
          , zg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "taxes_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Ag = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "total_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Bg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "view_details_cta_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Cg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "number_of_stops_label",
            storageKey: null
        Sf = [Sf, xe, Qf];
        Qf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlineFlightInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "flight_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "aircraft_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, Mf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirportInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "departure_airport",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Sf,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirportInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "arrival_airport",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Sf,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlineFlightTimeInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "departure_time_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Nf, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "formatted_datetime_for_display",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "formatted_date_for_display",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Tf],
            storageKey: null
        Mf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AirlinePassengerSegmentDetail",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "passenger_details",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlinePassenger",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "passenger",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [b, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "ticket_number",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Vf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "seat_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AirlineProductItem",
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                name: "product_items",
                plural: !0,
                selections: E,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "travel_class",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Sf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "cover_image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
        Nf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "headline",
            storageKey: null
        Tf = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Page",
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            name: "page",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jd,
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "LeadGenUserInfoField",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "field_data",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [j, b, Fc],
            storageKey: null
        E = [e, g];
        Fc = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "sender_wec_number",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "sender_wec_number_formated",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "wec_referral_url",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "wec_referral_body",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "wec_referral_headline",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                storageKey: null
            }, {
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                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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            }, {
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            }, {
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                args: null,
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                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_btn1_text",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_btn2_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_btn2_text",
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                selections: E,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_offer_expiration_time",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
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                concreteType: "XFBWATemplatedMessageCardShape",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "templated_message_cards",
                plural: !0,
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "title_type",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
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                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "body",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "XFBWATemplatedMessageButtonShape",
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                    name: "button",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: E,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "templated_message_id",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
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            abstractKey: null
        E = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_malicious",
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
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            name: "thumbnail_image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: null
          , Eg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message",
            storageKey: null
          , Fg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ad_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Gg = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "ice_breaker_title",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IceBreakerMessage",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ice_breaker_messages",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Eg, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "message_key",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Fg],
            type: "IceBreakerMessageAttachment",
            abstractKey: null
          , Hg = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "height",
            value: 280
          , Ig = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "width",
            value: 280
          , Jg = [Hg, Ig]
          , Kg = {
            alias: "preview",
            args: Jg,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: "image(height:280,width:280)"
          , Lg = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "height",
            value: 480
          , Mg = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "width",
            value: 480
          , Ng = {
            alias: "large_preview",
            args: [Lg, Mg],
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: "image(height:480,width:480)"
          , Og = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "friend_id",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "confidence",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "birthday_date",
                storageKey: null
            type: "MBirthdayReminderAttachment",
            abstractKey: null
          , Pg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "module_name",
            storageKey: null
          , Qg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "program_name",
            storageKey: null
          , Rg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "curriculum_message",
            storageKey: null
          , Sg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "prompt",
            storageKey: null
          , Tg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "step_count",
            storageKey: null
          , Ug = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "total_steps",
            storageKey: null
          , Vg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "mentorship_program",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MentorshipCurriculum",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "curriculum",
                plural: !1,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Wg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "topics",
            storageKey: null
          , Xg = [Tb]
          , Yg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "xma_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Zg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "xma_title",
            storageKey: null
          , $g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "xma_body",
            storageKey: null
          , ah = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "offset",
            storageKey: null
          , bh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "title",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [e, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "EntityAtRange",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ranges",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [x, ah],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , ch = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "block_type",
            storageKey: null
          , dh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "data",
            storageKey: null
          , eh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "depth",
            storageKey: null
          , fh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InlineStyleAtRange",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "inline_style_ranges",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "inline_style",
                storageKey: null
            }, x, ah],
            storageKey: null
          , gh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "comment_count_reduced",
            storageKey: null
          , hh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TopLevelCommentsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "top_level_comments",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "total_count",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , ih = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reaction_count_reduced",
            storageKey: null
          , jh = {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 3
          , kh = [jh, {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "orderby",
            value: ["COUNT_DESC", "REACTION_TYPE"]
          , lh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reaction_type",
            storageKey: null
          , mh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "post_id",
            storageKey: null
          , nh = {
            alias: "description",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , oh = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: Xg,
            type: "User",
            abstractKey: null
          , ph = [m]
          , qh = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: ph,
            type: "Entity",
            abstractKey: "__isEntity"
          , rh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "actors",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [z, b, a, oh, qh, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "profile_picture",
                plural: !1,
                selections: p,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , sh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: p,
            storageKey: null
          , th = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [$a, sh],
            storageKey: null
          , uh = {
            alias: "title",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "title_with_entities",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
        jh = [jh];
        var vh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "count",
            storageKey: null
          , wh = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "if_style",
            value: "file_upload"
          , xh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: ac,
            storageKey: null
          , yh = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "if_style",
            value: "photo"
          , zh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , Ah = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "actors",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [z, b, a, oh, qh],
            storageKey: null
          , Bh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Photo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: ac,
            storageKey: null
          , U = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "cover_photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Bh],
            storageKey: null
          , Ch = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "job_title",
            storageKey: null
          , Dh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Ch],
            storageKey: null
          , Eh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "subscribe_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Fh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "visibility",
            storageKey: null
          , Gh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "visibility_sentence",
            plural: !1,
            selections: f,
            storageKey: null
          , Hh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_join_state",
            storageKey: null
          , Ih = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "group_general_chat",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Jh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "attachment_type_name",
            storageKey: null
          , Kh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "privacy_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Lh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "file_type_category",
            storageKey: null
          , Mh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "app_integration_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Nh = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "size",
                value: "D32"
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "logo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: 'logo(size:"D32")'
          , Oh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_auth_link",
            storageKey: null
          , Ph = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "attachment_icon",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , Qh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "content_uri",
            storageKey: null
          , Rh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "timestamp",
            storageKey: null
          , Sh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "referral_offer_link",
            storageKey: null
          , Th = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXmaProgress",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "order_progress",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "total_segments",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "filled_segments",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "order_id",
                storageKey: null
            type: "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXma",
            abstractKey: null
          , Uh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "cta_title",
            storageKey: null
          , Vh = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "action_prefill",
                storageKey: null
            }, Fg, Uh, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "customer_id",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "index",
                storageKey: null
            }, v, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "reply_image_uri",
                storageKey: null
            type: "InThreadMultiphotoItemCTAData",
            abstractKey: null
          , Wh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Xh = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "payment_confirmation_status",
                storageKey: null
            type: "XFBPaymentInvoiceMediaMessageDetection",
            abstractKey: null
        L = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "target",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, Cb, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Db, r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Hb],
                type: "WECMessageAudio",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [A, D, C, H],
                type: "MoneyTransfer",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: L,
                type: "PeerToPeerTransfer",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [cc, jc, N, M, kc, lc, a, ic, O, mc, J, nc, gc, H, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "individual_requests",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [cc, jc, N, M, kc, lc, a, ic, O, mc, J, nc, gc, H],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest",
                abstractKey: null
            }, H, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [oc, y, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "RetailPromotionItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "promotion_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: P,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "MessengerRetailPromotion",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [oc, y, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerBusinessMessageItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "business_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: P,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "MessengerBusinessMessage",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Ec, Gc, Kc, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "invite_sender",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "invite_recipient",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "QuickInvite",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Lc, Mc, Nc, Oc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
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                kind: "InlineFragment",
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            }, {
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                selections: [a, Uc, Vc, Wc, Xc, Yc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "native_component_flow_request",
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequestServicesProductItemsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "services_product_items",
                            plural: !1,
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "ServicesProductItem",
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                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [a, b, K, id, jd, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: kd,
                                    concreteType: "ProductImage",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "images",
                                    plural: !0,
                                    selections: [ld],
                                    storageKey: "images(first:1)"
                                }, md],
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, nd, od, pd, qd, rd, sd, td, ud, vd, wd, xd, Xc, Yc, yd],
                        type: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequest",
                        abstractKey: null
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Dd, Ed, Fd, Gd, Hd, Id],
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                    selections: Kd,
                    storageKey: null
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                    selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb],
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
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                    plural: !1,
                    selections: R,
                    storageKey: null
                }, Pd, Qd, Rd, Sd, Td, b, Ud],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, Vd, Wd, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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            }, {
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                        alias: null,
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                            selections: [me],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "FundraiserWithPresence",
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                type: "Fundraiser",
                abstractKey: "__isFundraiser"
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "RetailReceiptItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "retail_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: P,
                    storageKey: null
                }, Fe, Ge, He, Ie],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Me, b, Ne, K, Mb, Oe, Pe],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Ua, Re, Se, Qe, Te, Ue, F, Ve, We, Xe, Ye, Ze, $e],
                type: "PaymentPlatformAttachment",
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: d,
                type: "JobApplication",
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            }, {
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                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
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                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                }, bf, cf, df, m],
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            }, {
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            }, of, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: qf,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        plural: !0,
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
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                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "node",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: nf,
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: 'personal_reminders(orderby:"m_personal_reminder_list_ordering")'
                type: "MPersonalRemindersList",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassesConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "boarding_passes",
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassMessageAttachment",
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                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [Ff, Gf, Hf, If, Jf, Kf, Lf, Of, Wf],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipment",
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                    name: "shipment",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, Q, cg, dg],
                    storageKey: null
                }, eg, fg, T, gg, Fe],
                type: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailReceipt",
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                    name: "receipt",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [qe],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "User",
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                    plural: !1,
                    selections: R,
                    storageKey: null
                }, Fe],
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
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                            name: "segments",
                            plural: !1,
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
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                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [Qf, Mf],
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Sf, Nf, b, Tf],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Vf],
                type: "UserLeadGenInfo",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Fc, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                abstractKey: null
            }, Gg, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Fb, Kg, Ng],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, Og, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Pg, Qg, Rg, Sg, Tg, Ug, Vg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Wg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
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                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "other_member",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: Xg,
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, Yg],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Yg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerReminder",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Yg, Zg, $g],
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                abstractKey: null
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
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                            alias: null,
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                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [z],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, x, ah],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, fh, e],
                    storageKey: null
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: kh,
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
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                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [lh],
                            storageKey: null
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                    storageKey: null
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                    args: null,
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                    selections: [z, b, oh, qh],
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                        args: jh,
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                        name: "all_subattachments",
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                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [uh, xh],
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                            name: "nodes",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [xh],
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"photo")'
                        storageKey: "all_subattachments(first:3)"
                    storageKey: null
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "attachments",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [th],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Story",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, b, B, U, Dh, Eh],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                    name: "work_groups_sync_metadata",
                    plural: !1,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
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                        selections: d,
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AppIntegration",
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                    name: "app_integration",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Mh, b, Nh, Oh],
                    storageKey: null
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                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "profiles",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [B, b],
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                    storageKey: null
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            }, {
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            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Sh],
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                abstractKey: null
            }, Th, Vh, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [a, Wh],
                type: "XFBP2MXMA",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Xh],
            storageKey: null
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            plural: !1,
            selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb, L, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "subattachments",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Qa, i, ab, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, hb, ib, Ab, Bb, L],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        M = {
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            plural: !1,
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                name: "story_attachment",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
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                            args: null,
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                            selections: [a, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: null,
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "messaging_actor",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [M, b],
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, N],
                        type: "GenieMessage",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
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            args: null,
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                storageKey: 'image(height:280,sizing:"cover-fill",width:280)'
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                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "initial_view_pitch_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "initial_view_vertical_fov_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "initial_view_roll_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "pose_heading_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "pose_pitch_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "pose_roll_degrees",
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Pa, Cc, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "original_extension",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "render_as_sticker",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "blurred_image_uri",
                storageKey: null
            type: "MessageImage",
            abstractKey: null
        nf = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, wc, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "animated_image_caption",
                storageKey: null
            }, Pa, vc, Cc],
            type: "MessageAnimatedImage",
            abstractKey: null
        Q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url_skipshim",
            storageKey: null
        Xg = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, r, q, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_voicemail",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "audio_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, Eb, Q],
            type: "MessageAudio",
            abstractKey: null
        xh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "content_type",
            storageKey: null
        th = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [yc, zc, Db, m, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "mimetype",
                storageKey: null
            }, xh, E, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "message_file_fbid",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "preview_url",
                storageKey: null
            }, Eb, Q, {
                alias: "preview",
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image",
                plural: !1,
                selections: l,
                storageKey: null
            type: "MessageFile",
            abstractKey: null
        U = [z, df, nf, Xg, Ac, th];
        u = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "blob_attachments",
            plural: !0,
            selections: U,
            storageKey: null
        ab = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "extensible_message_admin_text_type",
            storageKey: null
        hb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Application",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "game",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
        Ab = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [hb],
            type: "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText",
            abstractKey: null
        L = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "platform_xmd_encoded",
            storageKey: null
        N = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_unsendability_status",
            storageKey: null
        Ta = {
            alias: "last_message",
            args: Ma,
            concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messages",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [c, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "message_sender",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "messaging_actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: d,
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, Na, Oa, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [O, H, u],
                    type: "UserMessage",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [ab, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "extensible_message_admin_text",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [Ab],
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "GenericAdminTextMessage",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, L, N],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "messages(last:1)"
        Hg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "ThreadConnectivityData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_connectivity_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "connectivity_status",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "first_sender_id",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Ig = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "job_status",
            storageKey: null
        Lg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "should_show_jobs_feature",
            storageKey: null
        y = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "should_show_schdule_interview_dialog",
            storageKey: null
        Mg = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "JobApplicationsFromThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_associated_job_applications",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "JobApplication",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "JobOpening",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "job_opening",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Ig, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Page",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "employer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [Lg, y],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        p = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_associated_page_admin",
            plural: !1,
            selections: cd,
            storageKey: null
        P = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "unread_count",
            storageKey: null
        wc = {
            condition: "is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "unread_mentions_count",
                storageKey: null
        vc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "messages_count",
            storageKey: null
        yc = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "size",
                value: 60
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "square_image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "square_image(size:60)"
        zc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "updated_time_precise",
            storageKey: null
        Q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "mute_until",
            storageKey: null
        cd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_pin_protected",
            storageKey: null
        var Yh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_pinned",
            storageKey: null
          , Zh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_subscribed",
            storageKey: null
          , $h = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_other_recipient_page",
            storageKey: null
          , ai = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_queue_enabled",
            storageKey: null
          , bi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "folder",
            storageKey: null
          , ci = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_viewer_archived",
            storageKey: null
          , di = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_page_follow_up",
            storageKey: null
          , ei = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_page_unresponded_thread",
            storageKey: null
          , fi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "cannot_reply_reason",
            storageKey: null
          , gi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "can_viewer_report",
            storageKey: null
          , hi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "composer_input_disabled",
            storageKey: null
          , ii = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ephemeral_ttl_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , ji = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "emoji",
            storageKey: null
          , ki = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "participant_id",
            storageKey: null
          , li = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "nickname",
            storageKey: null
          , mi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThreadParticipantCustomization",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "participant_customizations",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [ki, li],
            storageKey: null
          , ni = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "outgoing_bubble_color",
            storageKey: null
          , oi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThreadCustomization",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "customization_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [ji, mi, ni],
            storageKey: null
          , pi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "fallback_color",
            storageKey: null
          , qi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "accessibility_label",
            storageKey: null
          , ri = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reverse_gradients_for_radial",
            storageKey: null
          , si = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "gradient_colors",
            storageKey: null
          , ti = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "keyframe_asset_uri",
            storageKey: null
          , ui = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reaction_name",
            storageKey: null
          , vi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reaction_emoji",
            storageKey: null
          , wi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "static_asset",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , xi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerThreadTheme",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_theme",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, pi, qi, ri, si, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerReactionPack",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "reaction_pack",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerReactionPackReactionAssetsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "reaction_assets",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MessengerReactionAsset",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [ti, ui, vi, wi],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , yi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_admins",
            plural: !0,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , zi = {
            alias: "approval_mode",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "group_approval_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , Ai = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThreadJoinableMode",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "joinable_mode",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "mode",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "link",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Bi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupApprovalQueueConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "group_approval_queue",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerGroupRequesterInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "User",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "requester",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "User",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "inviter",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "request_source",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "request_timestamp",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Ci = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Di = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "ApprovalRequestsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "approval_requests",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Ci,
            storageKey: null
          , Ei = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_queue_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Di],
            storageKey: null
          , Fi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "lightweight_event_creator",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Gi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "lightweight_event_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Hi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "location_name",
            storageKey: null
        Jc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Location",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "location_coordinates",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jc,
            storageKey: null
        var Ii = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "StreetAddress",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "address",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "full_address",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Ji = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "lightweight_event_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Ki = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "note",
            storageKey: null
          , Li = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "repeat_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , V = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Mi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "seconds_to_notify_before",
            storageKey: null
          , Ni = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "allows_rsvp",
            storageKey: null
          , Oi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Event",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "related_event",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Pi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminderMembersConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "event_reminder_members",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminderMembersEdge",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "edges",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "User",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "node",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "guest_list_state",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Qi = {
            alias: null,
            args: kd,
            concreteType: "MessengerEventRemindersOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "event_reminders",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, Fi, mf, Gi, Hi, Jc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Page",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "location_page",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Ii],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Ji, Ki, Li, lf, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "UserMessage",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "trigger_message",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [V],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Mi, Ni, Oi, Pi],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "event_reminders(first:1)"
          , Ri = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThread",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "montage_thread",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
          , Si = [Na]
          , Ti = {
            alias: "last_read_receipt",
            args: Ma,
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "read_receipts",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: Si,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "read_receipts(last:1)"
          , Ui = {
            alias: "is_flagged",
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "page_message_tag",
                value: "FLAG"
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_tag",
            storageKey: 'has_tag(page_message_tag:"FLAG")'
          , Vi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "label_color",
            storageKey: null
          , W = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "data_silo",
            storageKey: null
          , Wi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "label_source",
            storageKey: null
          , Xi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_ad_response_label",
            storageKey: null
          , Yi = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCustomThreadLabelsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "custom_thread_labels",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W, Wi, Xi],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Zi = [a, b, Pb]
          , $i = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCustomTagsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "custom_thread_tags",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PageCustomTag",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: Zi,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , aj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_ai_label",
            storageKey: null
          , bj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageMessageThreadCorpThreadLabelsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "corp_thread_labels",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Vi, Wi, W, aj, Xi],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , cj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageMessageThread",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "related_page_thread",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Ui, zd, Yi, $i, bj],
            storageKey: null
          , dj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "call_state",
            storageKey: null
          , ej = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "server_info_data",
            storageKey: null
          , fj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RtcCallData",
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            name: "rtc_call_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [dj, ej, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "initiator",
                plural: !1,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        xe = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Location",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "location",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "ReverseGeocodeData",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "reverse_geocode",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [xe, ze],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var gj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "inventory_count",
            storageKey: null
          , hj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "delivery_types",
            storageKey: null
          , ij = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "c2c_shipping_eligible",
            storageKey: null
          , jj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_pending",
            storageKey: null
          , kj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_shipping_offered",
            storageKey: null
          , lj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_sold",
            storageKey: null
          , mj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            name: "product_item",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_commerce_post_item",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , nj = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "site",
                value: "www"
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
          , oj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MarketplaceRatingState",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "rating_state",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_eligible_to_rate",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , pj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_eligible",
            storageKey: null
          , qj = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MarketplaceC2CShippingSeller",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "marketplace_c2c_shipping_seller",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [pj],
                storageKey: null
            type: "User",
            abstractKey: null
          , rj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "label_type",
            storageKey: null
          , sj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "label_string",
                storageKey: null
            }, rj],
            storageKey: null
          , tj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MarketplaceThreadData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "marketplace_thread_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "GroupCommerceProductItem",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "for_sale_item",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, Sc, cf, bf, xe, gj, hj, ij, jj, kj, lj, {
                    alias: "primary_photo",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "primary_listing_photo",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: ac,
                    storageKey: null
                }, mj, nj],
                storageKey: null
            }, oj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "buyer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "seller",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, qj],
                storageKey: null
            }, sj],
            storageKey: null
          , uj = {
            alias: "action_link",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: null
          , vj = {
            alias: "room_type",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "time_spent_room_type",
            storageKey: null
          , wj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "privacy_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , xj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "approval_mode_toggleable",
            storageKey: null
          , yj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "mentorship_program",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jd,
            storageKey: null
          , zj = [vh]
          , Aj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupSavesConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "group_saves",
            plural: !1,
            selections: zj,
            storageKey: null
          , Bj = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "external_ref",
                value: "messenger"
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "verse_group_link",
            storageKey: 'verse_group_link(external_ref:"messenger")'
          , Cj = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [b, ef],
            type: "Page",
            abstractKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
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            plural: !1,
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                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [uj, a, b, B, Ih, vj, wj, xj, yj, Aj, Bj],
                type: "Group",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [uj, a, b, B, vj, wj, xj, Ud, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "event_place",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Cj],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Event",
                abstractKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var Dj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reactions_mute_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , Ej = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "mentions_mute_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , Fj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "customization_enabled",
            storageKey: null
          , Gj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Hj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "group_thread_subtype",
            storageKey: null
          , Ij = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "participant_add_mode_as_string",
            storageKey: null
          , Jj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_canonical_neo_user",
            storageKey: null
        ki = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThreadParticipantEventStatusInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "participants_event_status",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [ki, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "event_status",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var Kj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "comm_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Lj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "comm_source_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Mj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_priority",
            storageKey: null
          , Nj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "biz_inbox_tags",
            storageKey: null
          , Oj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "priority_score",
            storageKey: null
          , Pj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "trigger_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Qj = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "suggestion_type",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "suggestion_content",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "triggered_timestamp",
            storageKey: null
        }, Pj]
          , Rj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "SuggestedReplyData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "biz_inbox_suggested_reply",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Qj,
            storageKey: null
          , Sj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent",
            storageKey: null
          , Tj = [a, b, {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 20
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 20
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:20,width:20)"
          , Uj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "admin",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Tj,
            storageKey: null
          , Vj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "comm_icon_type",
            storageKey: null
        ac = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: [a, Kj, Lj, Mj, Nj, Oj, Rj, Sj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PageCommItemToPageCommItemOwnersConnection",
                kind: "LinkedField",
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                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PageCommItemOwner",
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                    name: "nodes",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Uj],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "subtitle",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "ImageAtRange",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "image_ranges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "entity_with_image",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: ac,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, x, ah],
                    storageKey: null
                }, fh, e],
                storageKey: null
            }, Vj],
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "admin_model_status_string",
            storageKey: null
          , Xj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "groups_sync_status_string",
            storageKey: null
        ph = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "groups_sync_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "fb_group",
                plural: !1,
                selections: ph,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "pinning_time",
            storageKey: null
          , Zj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "OmniMActionLite",
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            name: "m_suggestions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [a, j, g, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "OmniMActionDataLite",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "data",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "OmniMActionReminderDataLite",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "reminder",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Rh, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "topic",
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Hc],
            storageKey: null
          , $j = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "offline_threading_id",
            storageKey: null
          , ak = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "email",
            storageKey: null
          , bk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message_sender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, ak],
            storageKey: null
          , ck = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ttl",
            storageKey: null
          , dk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "unread",
            storageKey: null
          , ek = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_sponsored",
            storageKey: null
          , fk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ad_client_token",
            storageKey: null
          , gk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageCustomization",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "customizations",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "customization_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "customization_value",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , hk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "tags_list",
            storageKey: null
          , ik = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageSourceData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message_source_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "message_source",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , jk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MontageReplyData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "montage_reply_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [V, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "reply_action",
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            storageKey: null
          , kk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "reaction",
            storageKey: null
          , lk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageReaction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message_reactions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [kk, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "user",
                plural: !1,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , mk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "unsent_timestamp_precise",
            storageKey: null
          , nk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "unsender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "messaging_actor",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, b, oh],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , ok = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "verse_group_role_xmd",
            storageKey: null
          , pk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "secondary_language_body",
            storageKey: null
          , qk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "Profile",
            abstractKey: "__isProfile"
          , rk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "MessengerViewerGroupThread",
            abstractKey: null
        Ka = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessageThreadKey",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "thread_key",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Ka],
                storageKey: null
            type: "MessageThread",
            abstractKey: null
        var sk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_profile_range_type",
            storageKey: null
          , tk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MetaAtRange",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "meta_ranges",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [x, ah, g, dh],
            storageKey: null
        rj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagePageAdminSender",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "page_admin_sender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "admin_id",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "sender_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, b, rj, v, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "profile_uri",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        O = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "message",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [e, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "EntityAtRange",
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                    name: "ranges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [x, ah, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "entity",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, qk, rk, Ka],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, sk],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, tk, O, H, u, rj],
            type: "UserMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        u = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "answered",
            storageKey: null
        var uk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [u, c],
            type: "VoiceCallMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        U = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "node",
            plural: !1,
            selections: U,
            storageKey: null
        var vk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsConnection",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "call_capture_attachments",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [vh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsEdge",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "edges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: U,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "VideoCallMessage",
            abstractKey: null
          , wk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "thread_name",
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            type: "ThreadNameMessage",
            abstractKey: null
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            alias: "preview",
            args: Jg,
            concreteType: "Image",
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            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "image(height:280,width:280)"
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            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessageImage",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image_with_metadata",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Jg, Pa, Cc],
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            type: "ThreadImageMessage",
            abstractKey: null
          , yk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "participants_added",
                plural: !0,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            type: "ParticipantsAddedMessage",
            abstractKey: null
          , zk = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "participants_removed",
                plural: !0,
                selections: d,
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            type: "ParticipantLeftMessage",
            abstractKey: null
          , Ak = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewer_has_voted",
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        Ak = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "event_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: "total_count",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "option_count",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Question",
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                name: "question",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, e, Ak, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "orderby",
                        value: "creation_time"
                    concreteType: "QuestionOptionsConnection",
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                    plural: !1,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [a, e, Ak, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "QuestionOptionVotersConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "voters",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: Ci,
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: 'options(orderby:"creation_time")'
                storageKey: null
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                storageKey: null
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                selections: d,
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                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
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                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, Pi],
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                storageKey: null
            }, $f],
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                alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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            }, {
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                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_video_call",
                storageKey: null
            }, ej],
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            abstractKey: null
          , Pk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            args: null,
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            alias: null,
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          , Yk = {
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                alias: null,
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                storageKey: null
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                args: null,
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            alias: null,
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            }, Zk],
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            args: null,
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                alias: null,
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            }, {
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                args: null,
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                args: null,
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                alias: null,
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            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
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        Cl = {
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                alias: null,
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            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
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                    kind: "InlineFragment",
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        selections: [{
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Rk, Uh, Bh, Sk],
                            type: "InstantGameXMATCustomMessageClientData",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, Tk],
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                        storageKey: null
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                storageKey: null
            }, ab, c],
            type: "GenericAdminTextMessage",
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        U = [{
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            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: dc,
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
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            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
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        U = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
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            type: "P2PPaymentMessage",
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                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        nk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PinnedMessageData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "pinned_messages",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [V, Yj, {
                condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly",
                kind: "Condition",
                passingValue: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "message",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: lk,
                    storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        O = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_default_child_group",
            storageKey: null
        vk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "emoji_codepoints",
            storageKey: null
        xk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_groups_sync_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "fb_group",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [m, a, b, Fh, O, B, Aj, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MultiBackgroundIcon",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "group_icon",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [vk],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Bh = {
            condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "saved_messages",
                plural: !0,
                selections: lk,
                storageKey: null
        var Hl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "joinable_link",
            storageKey: null
          , Il = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_fuss_red_page",
            storageKey: null
          , Jl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Group",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "program_group",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, {
                alias: null,
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 24
                }, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 24
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "profile_picture",
                plural: !1,
                selections: l,
                storageKey: "profile_picture(height:24,width:24)"
            storageKey: null
        Jd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Group",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "mentorship_group",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Jd,
            storageKey: null
        var Kl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "banner_title",
            storageKey: null
          , Ll = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "banner_subtitle",
            storageKey: null
          , Ml = {
            alias: null,
            args: kd,
            concreteType: "MessengerMentorshipProgramOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "linked_mentorship_programs",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, Jl, Jd, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: kd,
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgramToMentorshipMessengerCurriculumStepOrderByStepCountConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "messenger_curriculum_steps",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [Kl, Ll],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: "messenger_curriculum_steps(first:1)"
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "linked_mentorship_programs(first:1)"
          , Nl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_unsendability_status",
            storageKey: null
          , Ol = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_pin_timestamp",
            storageKey: null
          , Pl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_business_page_active",
            storageKey: null
        pj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "ConversionDetectionData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "conversion_detection_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [pj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "conversion_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, Yk, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "currency_amount",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: "timestamp",
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "timestamp_graphql_time",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "page_reply",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "icebreaker_key",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "icebreaker_message",
                storageKey: null
            }, Pj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "shipping_provider",
                storageKey: null
            }, Xf, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "ctx_ad_info",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Yk = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "SuggestedReplyData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "suggested_reply_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Qj,
            storageKey: null
        Pj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "admin_type",
            storageKey: null
        Qj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "gender",
            storageKey: null
        var Y = {
            alias: "big_image_src",
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 60
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 60
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:60,width:60)"
          , Ql = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "username",
            storageKey: null
          , Rl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_friend",
            storageKey: null
          , Sl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_messenger_user",
            storageKey: null
          , Tl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_message_blocked_by_viewer",
            storageKey: null
          , Ul = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_coworker",
            storageKey: null
          , Vl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_employee",
            storageKey: null
          , Wl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_aloha_proxy_confirmed",
            storageKey: null
          , Xl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_capabilities2",
            storageKey: null
          , Yl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "messenger_account_status_category",
            storageKey: null
          , Zl = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "company_title",
            storageKey: null
        R = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_community",
                plural: !1,
                selections: R,
                storageKey: null
            }, Ch],
            storageKey: null
        var $l = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Rl, Sl, Tl, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_viewer_managing_parent",
                storageKey: null
            type: "NeoApprovedUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , am = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [m, Y, Ql, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "accepts_messenger_user_feedback",
                storageKey: null
            }, Sl, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_messenger_platform_bot",
                storageKey: null
            }, Tl, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "InstantGameChannelInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "instant_game_channel",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Application",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "application",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "verification_status",
                storageKey: null
            type: "Page",
            abstractKey: null
          , bm = [m, Y, Tl]
          , cm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: bm,
            type: "SmsMessagingParticipant",
            abstractKey: null
          , dm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [Y, Tl],
            type: "InstagramMessagingUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , em = [Y]
          , fm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "LiveChatOnlyPerson",
            abstractKey: null
        bm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: bm,
            type: "UnavailableMessagingActor",
            abstractKey: null
        var gm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "UnifiedMessagingInstagramUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , hm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_blocked_by_viewer",
            storageKey: null
          , im = [m, Y, Ql]
          , jm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: im,
            type: "Group",
            abstractKey: null
        im = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: im,
            type: "Event",
            abstractKey: null
        j = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "WorkForeignEntityInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_foreign_entity_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "detail",
                    storageKey: null
                }, j, g],
                storageKey: null
            type: "WorkForeignEntity",
            abstractKey: "__isWorkForeignEntity"
        var km = [m, Y, Tb, Tl]
          , lm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: km,
            type: "XFBWorkroomsBaseUser",
            abstractKey: "__isXFBWorkroomsBaseUser"
        km = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: km,
            type: "XFBWorkroomsSystemUser",
            abstractKey: null
        var mm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "MessengerCallGuestUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , nm = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "WorkVCEndpointUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , om = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "WECMailboxAccount",
            abstractKey: null
        em = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: em,
            type: "WECCustomer",
            abstractKey: null
        var pm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "wec_group_creation_time",
            storageKey: null
          , qm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "wec_group_invite_link",
            storageKey: null
        Kd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: Kd,
            storageKey: null
        R = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "all_participants",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadEdge",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "edges",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Pj, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "node",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "messaging_actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [a, z, b, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Ql, Rl, Sl, Tl, Ul, Vl, Wl, Xl, Yl, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "scim_company_user",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Zl],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, R],
                            type: "User",
                            abstractKey: null
                        }, $l, am, cm, dm, fm, bm, gm, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [m, Y, Ql, hm, Tl, R],
                            type: "ReducedMessagingActor",
                            abstractKey: null
                        }, jm, im, j, lm, km, mm, nm, om, em, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Y, pm, qm, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "wec_group_participants",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Kd, vh],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "wec_group_admins",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Kd],
                                storageKey: null
                            type: "WECGroupRecipient",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Kd = {
            alias: "watermark",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "timestamp_precise",
            storageKey: null
        var rm = {
            alias: "action",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "action_timestamp_precise",
            storageKey: null
          , sm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "read_receipts",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Kd, rm, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "actor",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: d,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Si = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingDeliveryReceiptsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "delivery_receipts",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingDeliveryReceipt",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: Si,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var tm = {
            condition: "includeDeliveryReceipts",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !0,
            selections: Si
          , um = [Ja, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThread",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [a, La, b, Ta, Hg, Mg, p, P, wc, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, oi, xi, yi, zi, Ai, Bi, Ei, Qi, Ri, Ti, cj, fj, tj, Ih, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, ac, Wj, Xj, ph, nk, xk, Bh, K, Hl, Il, Ml, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, R, sm, tm],
            storageKey: null
          , vm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "instagram_user_id",
            storageKey: null
          , wm = [vm, B]
          , xm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "unseen_count",
            storageKey: null
          , ym = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "token",
            storageKey: null
          , zm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Am = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_v2_id",
            storageKey: null
          , Bm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "instagram_message_thread_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Cm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "thread_title",
            storageKey: null
          , Dm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_group",
            storageKey: null
          , Em = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "last_activity_at",
            storageKey: null
          , Fm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadLastSeenUser",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "last_seen_at",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [Me, Rh, Xk],
            storageKey: null
          , Gm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "media_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Hm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadDirectStoryData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "direct_story",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [xm, Gm],
            storageKey: null
          , Im = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadThreadLabelsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_labels",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCustomLabel",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W, Wi],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Jm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadThreadCorpLabelsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_corp_labels",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "BusinessPresenceCorporationLabel",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Vi, W],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Tj = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "User",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "assigned_admin",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Tj,
            storageKey: null
        var Km = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_follow_up",
            storageKey: null
          , Lm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_read",
            storageKey: null
          , Mm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "business_thread_folder",
            storageKey: null
          , Nm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadUserNodesData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_users",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadUserData",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "eimu_id",
                    storageKey: null
                }, vm, Ql, b, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "IGThreadUserProfilePic",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "profile_picture",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: l,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "blocking",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "is_verified",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , Om = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "input_mode",
            storageKey: null
          , Pm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_partnership",
            storageKey: null
          , Qm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "time_stamp",
            storageKey: null
          , Rm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ig_item_type",
            storageKey: null
          , Sm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "client_context",
            storageKey: null
          , Tm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemPlaceHolderSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "ig_placeholder",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [h, Eg],
            storageKey: null
          , Um = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "height",
            variableName: "height"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "width",
            variableName: "width"
          , Vm = {
            alias: null,
            args: Um,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image_source",
            plural: !1,
            selections: l,
            storageKey: null
          , Wm = {
            alias: null,
            args: Um,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVideoSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "video_source",
            plural: !1,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
          , Xm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "expiring_at",
            storageKey: null
          , Ym = [vm, Ql, b, B]
          , Zm = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media_owner",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Ym,
            storageKey: null
          , $m = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemRavenMedia",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "raven_media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Gm, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "seen_user_ids",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "view_mode",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "seen_count",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "media",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Vm, Wm, Xm],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Ym = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "user",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Ym,
            storageKey: null
        var an = {
            alias: null,
            args: Um,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image_source",
            plural: !1,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
          , bn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: f,
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemMediaShare",
            abstractKey: null
          , cn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "story_type",
            storageKey: null
          , dn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [cn, e, g],
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemReelShare",
            abstractKey: null
        cn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [cn, Eg, h, e],
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemStoryShare",
            abstractKey: null
        Eg = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [h, e],
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemFelixShare",
            abstractKey: null
        var en = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [h, wb, e, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "current_price",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "full_price",
                storageKey: null
            }, k],
            type: "IGMessageThreadItemProductShare",
            abstractKey: null
          , fn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "likes_count",
            storageKey: null
          , gn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "emojis",
            storageKey: null
          , hn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !0,
            selections: S,
            storageKey: null
        gd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "action_log",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [K, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogBoldSource",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "bold",
                plural: !0,
                selections: gd,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemActionLogTextAttributesSource",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "text_attributes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [ed, fd, Pb, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "intent",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        ed = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemLinkSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "link_source",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Sm, e, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemLinkContextSource",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "link_context",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "link_url",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "link_title",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "link_summary",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "link_image_url",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        fd = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVideoSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "animated_media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: ag,
            storageKey: null
        ag = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGThreadItemVoiceMediaSource",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "voice_media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "audio_src",
                storageKey: null
            }, Hb],
            storageKey: null
        var Z = [Gm, an]
          , jn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Z,
            storageKey: null
          , kn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemHScrollShareItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "hscroll_share",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [h, wb, k, jn],
            storageKey: null
          , ln = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "header_title",
            storageKey: null
          , mn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "header_subtitle",
            storageKey: null
          , nn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "header_icon_url",
            storageKey: null
          , on = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemCollectionShare",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "shops_collection_share",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [ln, mn, nn, h, wb, sc, jn],
            storageKey: null
        wb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemAppointmentBooking",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "appointment_booking",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [h, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "max_title_num_of_lines",
                storageKey: null
            }, wb, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "max_subtitle_num_of_lines",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "header_title_text",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "header_icon_url_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: S,
                storageKey: null
            }, jn, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "preview_extra_urls_info",
                plural: !0,
                selections: S,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "preview_layout_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, sc, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGXMAMessageCTAButton",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "cta_buttons",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Ra, h],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        jn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemShopShare",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "shop_share",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [ln, mn, nn, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "medias",
                plural: !0,
                selections: Z,
                storageKey: null
            }, sc],
            storageKey: null
        S = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemGenericXMA",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "generic_xma",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "xma_template_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "xma_layout_type",
                storageKey: null
            }, h, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "sub_title",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "GenericXMACTAButton",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "cta_buttons",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [h, Ra],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "preview_url_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Z,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        ln = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "send_attribution",
            storageKey: null
        mn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemRepliedToMessage",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "replied_to_message",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [e, V, Rh, Xk],
            storageKey: null
        nn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "end_cursor",
            storageKey: null
        Ra = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_next_page",
            storageKey: null
        Z = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "page_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [nn, Ra],
            storageKey: null
        Zm = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [ym, Me, al, Qm, Rm, e, Sm, Tm, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ig_thread_item_media",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Gm, Vm, Wm, Xm, Zm],
                storageKey: null
            }, $m, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "share",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Ym, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "media",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Gm, an, Wm, Xm, Zm],
                    storageKey: null
                }, bn, dn, cn, Eg, en],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemReactions",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ig_reaction",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [fn, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "likes",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: wm,
                    storageKey: null
                }, gn],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: Um,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemProfileShareSource",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "profileshare",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Ym, hn],
                storageKey: null
            }, gd, ed, fd, ag, kn, on, wb, jn, S, ln, mn],
            storageKey: null
        }, Z];
        Ym = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "selected_thread_type",
            storageKey: null
        var pn = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "after",
            variableName: "item_after"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "first",
            variableName: "item_limit"
          , qn = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "before_time_precise",
            variableName: "before"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "last",
            variableName: "message_limit"
          , rn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "page_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "has_previous_page",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Si = {
            condition: "load_delivery_receipts",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !0,
            selections: Si
        var sn = {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "page_id",
            variableName: "page_id"
          , tn = [sn]
          , un = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "business_id",
            storageKey: null
          , vn = {
            kind: "RootArgument",
            name: "page_id"
          , wn = {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "business_assets",
            variableName: "businessAssets"
        sn = {
            condition: "getShouldUnifyConfigQueries",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "selected_thread",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [wn, sn],
                    concreteType: "BizInboxFeatureConfigWrapper",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "BizInboxGatingConfig",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "gating_config",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_product_picker_button_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_send_availability_button_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_create_appointment_button_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_customer_feedback_button_on_move_to_done",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_form_builder_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_send_inthread_forms_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_marketing_messages_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "marketing_messages_in_composer_state",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "is_booking_tool_enabled",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_gcash_id_share_and_copy_button",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_calling_in_composer",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceButtonConfig",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "commerce_invoice_button_config",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_confirm_payment",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_payment_onboarding",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "show_request_payment",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
        var xn = [xm];
        xn = {
            alias: "xfb_unified_thread_list_pending",
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "msgr_params",
                variableName: "msgr_pending_params"
            }, {
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "wa_params",
                variableName: "wa_pending_params"
            concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                condition: "isWorkUser",
                kind: "Condition",
                passingValue: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: "wa_pending_threads",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "wa_threads",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: xn,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: "msg_pending_threads",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "msgr_threads",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: xn,
                    storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        var yn = {
            alias: null,
            args: tn,
            concreteType: "BizCRMContactCardConfig",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "can_add_activities",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        wn = [wn];
        var $ = [z, a]
          , zn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "DynamicFeedAdAttachmentMedia",
            abstractKey: null
          , An = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "GenericAttachmentMedia",
            abstractKey: null
          , Bn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "MontageImage",
            abstractKey: null
          , Cn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: d,
            type: "MontageVideo",
            abstractKey: null
        Va = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, Va, Wa, Za, q, $a, r, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn],
            storageKey: null
        Wa = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "action_links",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [z, h, m],
            storageKey: null
        Za = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "action_objects",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [z, a, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [lb, mb, t, nb],
                type: "MessengerPlatformEntPreview",
                abstractKey: "__isMessengerPlatformEntPreview"
            storageKey: null
        q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "cta_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, yb, w],
            storageKey: null
        lb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messenger_call_to_actions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [jb, kb, Za, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, q, zb, Sa],
            storageKey: null
        mb = [z, {
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentActivityAction"
        }, s, Ib, Jb, h, Lb, {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: "moneyTransfer",
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "generic_money_transfer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, A, D, C, Nb, a],
                storageKey: null
            type: "P2PPaymentActionButtonWithTransfer",
            abstractKey: null
        t = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "P2PBubbleView",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "bubble_view",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "actions",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: mb,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "components",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [z, Ob, G, Rb, Qb],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "P2PBubbleRobotext",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "robotext",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "action",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: mb,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, Pb, Sb, e],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: "rootAction",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "root_action",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: mb,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "PaymentViewData",
            abstractKey: "__isPaymentViewData"
        yb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "receiver_profile",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, a, b, B, Ub],
            storageKey: null
        w = [I, a];
        zb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransferContext",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transfer_context",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessageImage",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "memo_images",
                plural: !0,
                selections: w,
                storageKey: null
            }, bc, a],
            storageKey: null
        Sa = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerPlatformSoldItemDetail",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "platform_item",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [b, K, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Photo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "photos",
                plural: !0,
                selections: w,
                storageKey: null
            }, m, a],
            storageKey: null
        s = [z, b, a, B, Ub];
        Ib = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "requester",
            plural: !1,
            selections: s,
            storageKey: null
        Lb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "requestee",
            plural: !1,
            selections: s,
            storageKey: null
        Nb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PeerToPeerTransfer",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "transfer",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [D, yb, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, zb, ec, fc, J, Sa, a, gc, hc, ic, t],
            storageKey: null
        Ob = [jb, kb, Za, ob, pb, a, qb, rb, sb, tb, ub, vb, v, q];
        G = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "call_to_actions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: Ob,
            storageKey: null
        Rb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerCallToAction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "default_action",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Ob,
            storageKey: null
        Qb = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [a, K, pc, nb, qc, b, rc, sc, Rb, G, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "media_blob_attachments",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [z, uc, tc, xc, Ac, Dc, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Sb = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messaging_actor",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, a, b],
            storageKey: null
        }, a];
        mb = {
            alias: "primary_photo",
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "primary_listing_photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, Ya, a],
            storageKey: null
        bc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RetailShipmentItemsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "retail_shipment_items",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerRetailItem",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, G],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Ub = [b, a];
        s = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, $a, sh, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn],
            storageKey: null
        jb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, I, M, zn, An, Bn, Cn],
            storageKey: null
        kb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Photo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: w,
            storageKey: null
        Za = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "FocusedPhoto",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "cover_photo",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [kb],
            storageKey: null
        ob = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "group_general_chat",
            plural: !1,
            selections: $,
            storageKey: null
        pb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "target",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, a, Cb, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Db, r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Hb],
                type: "WECMessageAudio",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [A, D, C, t],
                type: "MoneyTransfer",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [D, yb, Wb, Xb, A, Yb, Zb, $b, zb, ec, fc, J, Sa, gc, hc, ic, t],
                type: "PeerToPeerTransfer",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [cc, jc, Ib, Lb, kc, lc, ic, Nb, mc, J, nc, gc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "individual_requests",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [cc, jc, Ib, Lb, kc, lc, a, ic, Nb, mc, J, nc, gc, t],
                    storageKey: null
                }, t],
                type: "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest",
                abstractKey: null
            }, t, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [oc, G, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "RetailPromotionItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "promotion_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Qb,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "MessengerRetailPromotion",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [oc, G, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerBusinessMessageItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "business_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Qb,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "MessengerBusinessMessage",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Ec, Gc, Kc, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "invite_sender",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: $,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "invite_recipient",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: $,
                    storageKey: null
                type: "QuickInvite",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Lc, Mc, Nc, Oc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "blob_media",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, Qc, Pc, M],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "MontageDirect",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Rc, c, Sc],
                type: "MontageShare",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Uc, Vc, Wc, Xc, Yc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "native_component_flow_request",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, a, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [Zc, $c, ad, Tc, bd, dd, hd, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequestServicesProductItemsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "services_product_items",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "ServicesProductItem",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [a, b, K, id, jd, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: kd,
                                    concreteType: "ProductImage",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "images",
                                    plural: !0,
                                    selections: [ld, a],
                                    storageKey: "images(first:1)"
                                }, md],
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, nd, od, pd, qd, rd, sd, td, ud, vd, wd, xd, Xc, Yc, yd],
                        type: "NativeComponentFlowBookingRequest",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "PagesPlatformBookingMessage",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [zd, Ad, Bd, Cd],
                type: "ServicesAppointmentAvailability",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Dd, Ed, Fd, Gd, Hd, Id],
                type: "ServicesGenericAdminText",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "genie_sender",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Sb,
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "story_attachment",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "GenieMessage",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Ld, Md, Nd, Od, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "event_place",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, b, M],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Pd, Qd, Rd, Sd, Td, b, Ud],
                type: "Event",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Vd, Wd, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [b, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, pc, qc, ae, be, Rb, G],
                type: "MessengerRetailItem",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Xd, ce, de, sc, Yd, ee, fe, ge, he, b],
                type: "AgentItemSuggestion",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [ie, je, ke, le, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "FundraiserCoverPhoto",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "focused_cover_photo",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "Photo",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "photo",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [me, a],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "FundraiserWithPresence",
                    abstractKey: "__isFundraiserWithPresence"
                type: "Fundraiser",
                abstractKey: "__isFundraiser"
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [ne, oe, pe, qe, re, se, te, ue, ve, Ae, qd, Be, Ce, De, Ee, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "RetailReceiptItemsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "retail_items",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Qb,
                    storageKey: null
                }, Fe, Ge, He, Ie],
                type: "MessengerRetailReceipt",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Je, Ke, Le, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PaymentInvoiceProduct",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "item_list",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Me, b, Ne, K, Mb, Oe, Pe, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Ua, Re, Se, Qe, Te, Ue, F, Ve, We, Xe, Ye, Ze, $e],
                type: "PaymentPlatformAttachment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [af, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "group_commerce_item_seller",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: $,
                    storageKey: null
                }, bf, cf, mb, m],
                type: "GroupCommerceProductItem",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [bf, mb],
                type: "MarketplaceListingRenderable",
                abstractKey: "__isMarketplaceListingRenderable"
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [ef, ff, Xa, gf, b, hf, jf],
                type: "Page",
                abstractKey: null
            }, of, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [pf, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: qf,
                    concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "personal_reminders",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MPersonalRemindersListToPersonalRemindersEdge",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "edges",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "node",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [kf, lf, mf, a],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: 'personal_reminders(orderby:"m_personal_reminder_list_ordering")'
                type: "MPersonalRemindersList",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [rf, sf, tf, uf, vf, wf, xf, yf, zf, Af, Bf, Cf, Df, Ef, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassesConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "boarding_passes",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "AirlineBoardingPassMessageAttachment",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [Ff, Gf, Hf, If, Jf, Kf, Lf, Of, Wf, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailShipment",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "shipment",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, bc, cg, dg],
                    storageKey: null
                }, eg, fg, T, gg, Fe],
                type: "MessengerRetailShipmentTrackingEvent",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Xf, Yf, Zf, ye, Ic, bc, we, bg, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerRetailReceipt",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "receipt",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [qe, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "User",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "recipient",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: Ub,
                    storageKey: null
                }, Fe],
                type: "MessengerRetailShipment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Uf, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Rf, hg, rf, Pf, Vb, ng, og, pg, mg, qg, kg, rg, lg, sg, jg, tg, ug, tf, yf, vg, wg, xg, wf, xf, yg, zg, Ag, Bg, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLegsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "itinerary_legs",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "AirlineItineraryLeg",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [Cg, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "segments",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "AirlineItinerarySegmentMessageAttachment",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [Qf, Mf, a],
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Sf, Nf, b, Tf],
                type: "LeadGenDeepLinkData",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Vf],
                type: "UserLeadGenInfo",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Fc, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [b, E, k, Fb, Gb],
                type: "WECMessageFile",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [r, Eb, Fb, Gb, Db, n, Dg, o],
                type: "WECMessageVideo",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Gg, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Fb, Kg, Ng],
                type: "WECMessageImage",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Og, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Pg, Qg, Rg, Sg, Tg, Ug, Vg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Wg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "mentorship_program",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "other_member",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, Tb, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, Yg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerLeavePrompt",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Yg],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerReminder",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Yg, Zg, $g],
                type: "MentorshipMessengerProgressTracker",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [bh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "message_richtext",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [z, ch, dh, eh, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "ComposedEntityAtRange",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "entity_ranges",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "entity",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [z, M],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, x, ah],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, fh, e],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Feedback",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "feedback",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [gh, hh, ih, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: kh,
                        concreteType: "TopReactionsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "top_reactions",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "FeedbackReactionInfo",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "nodes",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [lh, a],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: 'top_reactions(first:3,orderby:["COUNT_DESC","REACTION_TYPE"])'
                    }, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, mh, mc, nh, rh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "to",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, b, oh, qh, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "attachments",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [cb, m, bb, Qa, s, uh, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: jh,
                        concreteType: "SubattachmentsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "all_subattachments",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [vh, {
                            alias: "files",
                            args: wh,
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "nodes",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [uh, jb],
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"file_upload")'
                        }, {
                            alias: "images",
                            args: yh,
                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "nodes",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [jb],
                            storageKey: 'nodes(if_style:"photo")'
                        storageKey: "all_subattachments(first:3)"
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Story",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "attached_story",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [zh, Ah, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "attachments",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [s],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, a],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Story",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [b, B, Za, Dh, Eh],
                type: "User",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [b, Fh, Gh, Hh, Za, ob, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "work_groups_sync_metadata",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "messenger_group",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: $,
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Group",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Jh, Kh, Lh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AppIntegration",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "app_integration",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Mh, b, Nh, Oh, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Ph, Qh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "AppContentAdditionalData",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "link_preview_additional_data",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [h, e, Pb, xb, Rh, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "User",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "profiles",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [B, b, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "AppContent",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Rb],
                type: "CommerceProductItemShare",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Sh],
                type: "ApplicationReferralXMA",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Th, Vh, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [Wh],
                type: "XFBP2MXMA",
                abstractKey: null
            }, Xh],
            storageKey: null
        qb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "story_attachment",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb, pb, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "subattachments",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Qa, i, Va, bb, cb, db, eb, fb, gb, Wa, ib, lb, Bb, pb],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        rb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "ExtensibleMessageAttachment",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "extensible_attachment",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Pa, qb, {
                alias: "genie_attachment",
                args: null,
                concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "story_attachment",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: "genie_message",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "target",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, a, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "genie_sender",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [a, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: null,
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "messaging_actor",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [z, b, a, {
                                    kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                                    abstractKey: "__isNode"
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, qb],
                        type: "GenieMessage",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, a],
            storageKey: null
        sb = [z, {
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
            abstractKey: "__isMessageBlobAttachment"
        }, df, nf, Xg, Ac, th, M];
        tb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "blob_attachments",
            plural: !0,
            selections: sb,
            storageKey: null
        ub = {
            alias: "last_message",
            args: Ma,
            concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "messages",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [z, c, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "message_sender",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "messaging_actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: $,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Na, Oa, L, N, a, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [rb, H, tb],
                    type: "UserMessage",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [ab, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "extensible_message_admin_text",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, Ab],
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "GenericAdminTextMessage",
                    abstractKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "messages(last:1)"
        vb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "JobApplicationsFromThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_associated_job_applications",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "JobApplication",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "JobOpening",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "job_opening",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Ig, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Page",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "employer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [Lg, y, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, a],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        v = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThreadCustomization",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "customization_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [ji, mi, ni, a],
            storageKey: null
        q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessengerThreadTheme",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_theme",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, pi, qi, ri, si, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerReactionPack",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "reaction_pack",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessengerReactionPackReactionAssetsConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "reaction_assets",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MessengerReactionAsset",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [ti, ui, vi, wi, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, a],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Ob = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_admins",
            plural: !0,
            selections: $,
            storageKey: null
        rc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "thread_queue_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, Di, a],
            storageKey: null
        uc = {
            alias: null,
            args: kd,
            concreteType: "MessengerEventRemindersOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "event_reminders",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessengerEventReminder",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, Fi, mf, Gi, Hi, Jc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Page",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "location_page",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [Ii, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Ji, Ki, Li, lf, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "UserMessage",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "trigger_message",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [V, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, Mi, Ni, Oi, Pi],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "event_reminders(first:1)"
        tc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageMessageThread",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "related_page_thread",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Ui, zd, Yi, $i, bj, a],
            storageKey: null
        xc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RtcCallData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "rtc_call_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [dj, ej, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "initiator",
                plural: !1,
                selections: $,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Dc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MarketplaceThreadData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "marketplace_thread_data",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "GroupCommerceProductItem",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "for_sale_item",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a, Sc, cf, bf, xe, gj, hj, ij, jj, kj, lj, {
                    alias: "primary_photo",
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "primary_listing_photo",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, I, a],
                    storageKey: null
                }, mj, nj],
                storageKey: null
            }, oj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "buyer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: $,
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "seller",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, a, qj],
                storageKey: null
            }, sj],
            storageKey: null
        Ya = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "associated_object",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [z, a, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [uj, b, B, ob, vj, wj, xj, yj, Aj, Bj],
                type: "Group",
                abstractKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [uj, b, B, vj, wj, xj, Ud, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "event_place",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [z, Cj, M],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Event",
                abstractKey: null
            storageKey: null
        $a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PageCommItem",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "page_comm_item",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [a, Kj, Lj, Mj, Nj, Oj, Rj, Sj, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "PageCommItemToPageCommItemOwnersConnection",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "comm_item_owners",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "PageCommItemOwner",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "nodes",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Uj, a],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "subtitle",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "ImageAtRange",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "image_ranges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "entity_with_image",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, I, M, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: d,
                            type: "XFBBasicMarketplaceImage",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, x, ah],
                    storageKey: null
                }, fh, e],
                storageKey: null
            }, Vj],
            storageKey: null
        sh = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "groups_sync_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "fb_group",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [m, a],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        zn = {
            kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
            abstractKey: "__isMessage"
        An = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageReaction",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "message_reactions",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [kk, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "user",
                plural: !1,
                selections: $,
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Bn = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "unsender",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "messaging_actor",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, a, b, oh],
                storageKey: null
            }, a],
            storageKey: null
        Cn = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [pk, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "message",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [e, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "EntityAtRange",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "ranges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [x, ah, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "entity",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, qk, rk, Ka, M],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, sk],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, tk, rb, H, tb, rj],
            type: "UserMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        w = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "node",
            plural: !1,
            selections: sb,
            storageKey: null
        Cb = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [u, c, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsConnection",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "call_capture_attachments",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [vh, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "VideoCallMessageToCaptureAttachmentsEdge",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "edges",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: w,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "VideoCallMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        Hb = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessageImage",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "image_with_metadata",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Jg, Pa, Cc, a],
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            type: "ThreadImageMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        C = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "extensible_message_admin_text",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, Ak, Bk, Ck, Dk, Ek, Fk, Gk, Hk, X, $f, Jk, Kk, li, Lk, Mk, Ok, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [hb, ig, Pk, Qk, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "instant_game_update_data",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Rk, Uh, kb, Sk],
                            type: "InstantGameXMATCustomMessageClientData",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, Tk],
                    type: "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, Uk, Vk, $k, bl, cl, el, fl, gl, Hc, dl, hl, jl, kl, ll, nl, ol, ml, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [pl, ql, rl, Nk, sl, tl, ul, vl, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "call_capture_attachments",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [vh, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminTextCallCaptureAttachmentsEdge",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "edges",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: w,
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, Wk, wl, Zk, yl, zl, il, Al, Bl, Dl, Cl, El, Fl, Gl],
                storageKey: null
            }, ab, c],
            type: "GenericAdminTextMessage",
            abstractKey: null
        D = [z, zn, Zj, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, An, mk, Bn, ok, N, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "RepliedToMessage",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "replied_to_message",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [qd, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "message",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, zn, Zj, V, $j, bk, ck, Na, dk, ek, Fg, fk, Oa, gk, hk, L, ik, jk, An, mk, Bn, ok, N, a, Cn, uk, Cb, wk, Hb, yk, zk, C, dc, U],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        }, a, Cn, uk, Cb, wk, Hb, yk, zk, C, dc, U];
        yb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PinnedMessageData",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "pinned_messages",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [V, Yj, {
                condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly",
                kind: "Condition",
                passingValue: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "message",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: D,
                    storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Wb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "GroupsSyncMetadata",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_groups_sync_metadata",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "fb_group",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [m, a, b, Fh, O, B, Aj, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MultiBackgroundIcon",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "group_icon",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [vk, a],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        Xb = {
            alias: null,
            args: kd,
            concreteType: "MessengerMentorshipProgramOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "linked_mentorship_programs",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MentorshipProgram",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [a, Jl, Jd, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: kd,
                    concreteType: "MentorshipProgramToMentorshipMessengerCurriculumStepOrderByStepCountConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "messenger_curriculum_steps",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [Kl, Ll, a],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: "messenger_curriculum_steps(first:1)"
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "linked_mentorship_programs(first:1)"
        A = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_community",
                plural: !1,
                selections: Ub,
                storageKey: null
            }, Ch],
            storageKey: null
        Yb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: Sb,
            storageKey: null
        Zb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "all_participants",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "AllMessagingParticipantsOfThreadEdge",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "edges",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Pj, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "node",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "messaging_actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [z, {
                            kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                            abstractKey: "__isMessagingActor"
                        }, a, b, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Qj, m, Y, Tb, Ql, Rl, Sl, Tl, Ul, Vl, Wl, Xl, Yl, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "scim_company_user",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Zl, a],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, A],
                            type: "User",
                            abstractKey: null
                        }, $l, am, cm, dm, fm, bm, gm, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [m, Y, Ql, hm, Tl, A],
                            type: "ReducedMessagingActor",
                            abstractKey: null
                        }, jm, im, j, lm, km, mm, nm, om, em, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [Y, pm, qm, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "wec_group_participants",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Yb, vh],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "wec_group_admins",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [Yb],
                                storageKey: null
                            type: "WECGroupRecipient",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, a],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        $b = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingReadReceiptsOfThreadConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "read_receipts",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "MessagingReadReceipt",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "nodes",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [Kd, rm, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "actor",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: $,
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
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            condition: "threadlistViewFieldsOnly",
            kind: "Condition",
            passingValue: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "saved_messages",
                plural: !0,
                selections: D,
                storageKey: null
        ec = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessageThread",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [a, La, b, ub, Hg, vb, p, P, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, v, q, Ob, zi, Ai, Bi, rc, uc, Ri, Ti, tc, xc, Dc, Ya, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, $a, Wj, Xj, sh, yb, Wb, K, Hl, Il, Xb, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, Zb, $b, wc, zb, tm],
            storageKey: null
        }, Ja];
        fc = [vm, B, a];
        Sa = [vm, Ql, b, B, a];
        hc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "media_owner",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Sa,
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "user",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Sa,
            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [ym, Me, al, Qm, Rm, e, Sm, Tm, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ig_thread_item_media",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [Gm, Vm, Wm, Xm, hc],
                storageKey: null
            }, $m, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "share",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [z, cc, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "IGMessageThreadItemMedia",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "media",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [Gm, an, Wm, Xm, hc],
                    storageKey: null
                }, bn, dn, cn, Eg, en],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemReactions",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "ig_reaction",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [fn, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
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                    name: "likes",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: fc,
                    storageKey: null
                }, gn],
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: Um,
                concreteType: "IGThreadItemProfileShareSource",
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                name: "profileshare",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [cc, hn],
                storageKey: null
            }, gd, ed, fd, ag, kn, on, wb, jn, S, ln, mn, a],
            storageKey: null
        }, Z];
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "page_contact_id",
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        Lb = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "ig_thread_id",
            storageKey: null
        kc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "unit_type",
            storageKey: null
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            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 4
        }, {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "message_shared_media_type",
            value: "PHOTO_AND_VIDEO"
        ic = {
            alias: "fbid",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "legacy_attachment_id",
            storageKey: null
        Nb = {
            alias: "dim",
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Vect2",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "original_dimensions",
            plural: !1,
            selections: Bc,
            storageKey: null
        J = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
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            storageKey: null
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
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            selections: [Ra, nn],
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "full_name",
            storageKey: null
        t = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "height",
            value: 52
        }, {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "width",
            value: 52
        oc = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 20
        Ec = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "contact_count",
            storageKey: null
        Gc = {
            kind: "ClientExtension",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "__id",
                storageKey: null
        Kc = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 400
        Lc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_custom_event_reportable",
            storageKey: null
        Mc = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 2
        Nc = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passes_gk",
            storageKey: null
        Oc = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "tab",
                value: "data_sharing"
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "settings_uri_in_business_view",
            storageKey: 'settings_uri_in_business_view(tab:"data_sharing")'
        Qc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__token",
            storageKey: null
        Pc = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "first",
            value: 5
        }, {
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "types",
            value: ["BUSINESS_ORDER"]
        Rc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_auto_detected",
            storageKey: null
        Uc = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "nux_type",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "nux_content_text",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "nux_ui_type",
            storageKey: null
        Vc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "should_show_automated_activity_redesigned_nux",
            storageKey: null
        Wc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_classic_page",
            storageKey: null
        Zc = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "BizCRMContactFBAttributes",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "fb_attributes",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [Xk],
            storageKey: null
        $c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_detected_outcomes_label",
            storageKey: null
        ad = {
            alias: null,
            args: Kc,
            concreteType: "CustomLabelsConnection",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "custom_labels",
            plural: !1,
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                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "CustomLabelsEdge",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "edges",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
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                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "node",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, b, Vi, Ec, W, Wi, Xi, Lc, $c, z],
                    storageKey: null
                }, J],
                storageKey: null
            }, Z],
            storageKey: "custom_labels(first:400)"
        Tc = {
            alias: null,
            args: Kc,
            filters: null,
            handle: "connection",
            key: "BizKitContextCardLabelsSection_custom_labels",
            kind: "LinkedHandle",
            name: "custom_labels"
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            alias: null,
            args: Kc,
            filters: null,
            handle: "connection",
            key: "BizKitContextCardLabelsSection_corp_labels",
            kind: "LinkedHandle",
            name: "corp_labels"
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            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "BusinessPresenceNode",
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            name: "business_presence_node",
            plural: !1,
            selections: d,
            storageKey: null
        hd = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "gk_name",
            value: "mcom_kbank_integration_rollout"
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            alias: "passes",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passes_gk",
            storageKey: null
        jd = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "gk_name",
            value: "ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk"
        ld = [{
            alias: "is_order_integration_enabled",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passes_gk",
            storageKey: null
        md = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "gk_name",
            value: "ctm_www_tas_timeline_actions_gk"
        nd = [{
            alias: "showTimelineActions",
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "passes_gk",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [aa, ba, ca, da, ea, fa, ga, ha, ia, ja, ka, la, ma, na, oa, pa, qa, ra, sa, ta, ua, va, wa, xa, ya, za, Aa, Ba, Ca, Da, Ea, Fa],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery",
                selections: [Ga, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: Ha,
                    concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "msgr_threads",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: um,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "wa_threads",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: um,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadsConnection",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "ig_threads",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "ig_user",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: wm,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, Ia, xm, {
                            condition: "loadThreads",
                            kind: "Condition",
                            passingValue: !0,
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, {
                                    condition: "loadThreadItems",
                                    kind: "Condition",
                                    passingValue: !0,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: kd,
                                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection",
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "thread_items",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: Zm,
                                        storageKey: "thread_items(first:1)"
                                storageKey: null
                            }, Z]
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "selected_thread",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [Ym, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "selected_ig_thread",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, {
                                condition: "load_items",
                                kind: "Condition",
                                passingValue: !0,
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: pn,
                                    concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "thread_items",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: Zm,
                                    storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "MessageThread",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "selected_message_thread",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [a, La, b, Ta, Hg, Mg, p, P, wc, vc, yc, I, zc, Q, cd, Yh, Zh, $h, ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi, gi, hi, ii, oi, xi, yi, zi, Ai, Bi, Ei, Qi, Ri, Ti, cj, fj, tj, Ih, wj, Dj, Ej, Fj, Gj, Hj, Ij, Jj, ki, ac, Wj, Xj, ph, nk, xk, Bh, K, Hl, Il, Ml, Nl, Ol, Pl, pj, Yk, R, {
                                condition: "load_messages",
                                kind: "Condition",
                                passingValue: !0,
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: qn,
                                    concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "messages",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [rn, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        concreteType: null,
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "nodes",
                                        plural: !0,
                                        selections: lk,
                                        storageKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                condition: "load_read_receipts",
                                kind: "Condition",
                                passingValue: !0,
                                selections: [sm]
                            }, Si],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries",
                            kind: "Condition",
                            passingValue: !0,
                            selections: [{
                                kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread",
                                name: "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: tn,
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContact",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        concreteType: "BizCRMContactIdentity",
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "identity",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [un],
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardContainer_contact"
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: tn,
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContactCardConfig",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCard_config"
                                    storageKey: null
                                args: null,
                                argumentDefinitions: [vn]
                        storageKey: null
                    }, sn],
                    storageKey: null
                }, xn, {
                    condition: "shouldUnifyContextCardQueries",
                    kind: "Condition",
                    passingValue: !0,
                    selections: [{
                        kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread",
                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery",
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: Ha,
                            concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list",
                            plural: !1,
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread",
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                                plural: !1,
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                                    args: tn,
                                    concreteType: "BizCRMContact",
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                                    name: "selected_biz_crm_contact",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySection_contact"
                                    }, {
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_contact"
                                    }, {
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityNuxForAutoDetected_contact"
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, yn],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                condition: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool",
                                kind: "Condition",
                                passingValue: !1,
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: tn,
                                    concreteType: "Page",
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                                    name: "selected_page",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                        name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_page"
                                    }, {
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
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                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
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                                plural: !1,
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                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                    name: "BizKitContextCardActivityDropDown_mbsBusinessAssets"
                                }, {
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                    name: "BizKitContextCardActivityListItem_mbsBusinessAssets"
                                storageKey: null
                        args: null,
                        argumentDefinitions: [{
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "businessAssets"
                        }, {
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "ig_params"
                        }, {
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool"
                        }, {
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "msgr_params"
                        }, vn, {
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "selected_item_id"
                        }, {
                            kind: "RootArgument",
                            name: "wa_params"
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [ia, fa, ga, ja, Ca, Ba, Fa, da, na, ma, wa, ea, ta, Da, ua, Ea, sa, aa, qa, ra, oa, la, ka, pa, va, ca, za, ya, xa, Aa, ha, ba],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery",
                selections: [Ga, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: Ha,
                    concreteType: "XFBBizInboxUnifiedThreadList",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list",
                    plural: !1,
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "msgr_threads",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: ec,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "ViewerMessageThreadsConnection",
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                        name: "wa_threads",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: ec,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        plural: !1,
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "InstagramUserV2",
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                            name: "ig_user",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: fc,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, Ia, xm, {
                            condition: "loadThreads",
                            kind: "Condition",
                            passingValue: !0,
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread",
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                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, {
                                    condition: "loadThreadItems",
                                    kind: "Condition",
                                    passingValue: !0,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: kd,
                                        concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection",
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "thread_items",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: jc,
                                        storageKey: "thread_items(first:1)"
                                }, a],
                                storageKey: null
                            }, Z]
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "XFBBizInboxSelectedThread",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "selected_thread",
                        plural: !1,
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "InstagramMessageThread",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "selected_ig_thread",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [ym, zm, Am, Bm, Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Hm, Im, Jm, Tj, Km, Lm, Mm, Nm, Om, Pm, Nj, Oj, {
                                condition: "load_items",
                                kind: "Condition",
                                passingValue: !0,
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: pn,
                                    concreteType: "InstagramMessageThreadItemsConnection",
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                                    name: "thread_items",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: jc,
                                    storageKey: null
                            }, a],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
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                                condition: "load_messages",
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                                    alias: null,
                                    args: qn,
                                    concreteType: "MessagesOfThreadConnection",
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                                        selections: D,
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                                kind: "Condition",
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                                selections: [$b]
                            }, Si],
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                                            args: null,
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                                                    }, x, ah],
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                                                plural: !1,
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                                                            }, M, {
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                                                                abstractKey: null
                                                            }, {
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                                                                type: "MessageVideo",
                                                                abstractKey: null
                                                            storageKey: null
                                                        }, J],
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, nc],
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                                                args: null,
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                                                name: "first_name",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, gc, {
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                                                storageKey: null
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                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                name: "last_name",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
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                                                args: [{
                                                    kind: "Literal",
                                                    name: "height",
                                                    value: 100
                                                }, {
                                                    kind: "Literal",
                                                    name: "width",
                                                    value: 100
                                                concreteType: "PageContactProfilePhotoURI",
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                                                name: "profile_photo_uris",
                                                plural: !0,
                                                selections: l,
                                                storageKey: "profile_photo_uris(height:100,width:100)"
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                name: "address",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
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                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, ak, {
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                                                args: null,
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                                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                                name: "phone_number",
                                                plural: !1,
                                                selections: [{
                                                    alias: null,
                                                    args: null,
                                                    kind: "ScalarField",
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, {
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, {
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, ze, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                name: "zip_code",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "ScalarField",
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                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, {
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
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                                                name: "formatted_birthday",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
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                                            }, {
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                                                storageKey: null
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                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
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                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "is_banned",
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
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                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "is_blocked",
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
                                            alias: null,
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                                            storageKey: null
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                                                args: null,
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                                                plural: !0,
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                                                    args: null,
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                                                    name: "node",
                                                    plural: !1,
                                                    selections: [a, b, Vi, Wi, Ec, W, aj, Xi, z],
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, J],
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, Z, Gc],
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                                        }, {
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                                            plural: !1,
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                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
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                                                            args: null,
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                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, J],
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                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
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                                                args: null,
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                                                storageKey: null
                                            storageKey: null
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                                                alias: null,
                                                args: Kc,
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                                                plural: !1,
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                                                    alias: null,
                                                    args: null,
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                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: [a, b, Vi, Ec, W, Wi, Xi, Lc, z],
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, J],
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, Z, Gc],
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                                                args: Kc,
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                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: Zi,
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            storageKey: null
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                                            args: null,
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                                                plural: !1,
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                                                    args: null,
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                                                    kind: "LinkedField",
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                                                            plural: !1,
                                                            selections: f,
                                                            storageKey: null
                                                        }, Rh, {
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                                                            args: null,
                                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                                            name: "note_label",
                                                            storageKey: null
                                                        }, {
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                                                        }, {
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                                                            selections: [z, b, a],
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                                                        }, z],
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, J],
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, nc, Gc],
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                                        }, {
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
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                                        }, a, {
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                                            args: null,
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                                        }, Oc],
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                                                                storageKey: null
                                                            }, nb, {
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                                                            }, Jb, {
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                                                                }, xl, Rc],
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                                                            }, {
                                                                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                                                                }, {
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                                                            }, {
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                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                }, J],
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                                    storageKey: null
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                                        storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"two_step_do_nux_tour")'
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
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                                    selections: ld,
                                    storageKey: 'gk_check(gk_name:"ctm_www_tas_order_integration_gk")'
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                                            name: "bool_default",
                                            value: !1
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                            storageKey: null
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                metadata: {},
                name: "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery",
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                text: null
    ba("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, aa);
    ea.exports = aa
), null);
__d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
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    a = {
        kind: "InlineDataFragment",
        name: "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery"
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag", ["BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag_activitiesquery.graphql");
    g.BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag = a
), 98);
__d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        kind: "InlineDataFragment",
        name: "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact"
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag", ["BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag_selectedContact.graphql");
    g.contactDetailsQueryFrag = a
), 98);
__d("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory", ["cr:9515"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    g["default"] = b("cr:9515")
), 98);
__d("MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    c = a;
    f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = "draft"
      , h = "folders"
      , i = "recent"
      , j = "unread";
    function a(a) {
        return [j, g]
    function b(a) {
        return a === j || a === g || a === h || a === i ? !0 : !1
    c = "all";
    d = "groups";
    e = "named";
    var k = "unnamed"
      , l = "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT"
      , m = "WORKROOMS_ONLY";
    f.all = c;
    f.draft = g;
    f.folders = h;
    f.recent = i;
    f.unread = j;
    f.groups = d;
    f.named = e;
    f.unnamed = k;
    f.unsyncedChat = l;
    f.getSupportedFilters = a;
    f.isSupportedFilter = b;
    f.workroomsOnly = m
), null);
__d("MessagingTag", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = {
        ACTION_ARCHIVED: "action:archived",
        INBOX: "inbox",
        MARKETPLACE_FOLDER: "marketplace_folder",
        PENDING: "pending",
        MONTAGE: "montage",
        OTHER: "other",
        EVENT: "event",
        SENT: "sent",
        SPAM: "spam",
        UPDATES: "broadcasts_inbox",
        BCC: "header:bcc",
        FILTERED_CONTENT: "filtered_content",
        FILTERED_CONTENT_BH: "filtered_content_bh",
        FILTERED_CONTENT_ACCOUNT: "filtered_content_account",
        FILTERED_CONTENT_QUASAR: "filtered_content_quasar",
        FILTERED_CONTENT_INVALID_APP: "filtered_content_invalid_app",
        UNAVAILABLE_ATTACHMENT: "unavailable_attachment",
        UNREAD: "unread",
        FLAGGED: "flagged",
        GROUPS: "groups",
        TRANSITIONAL_MAILBOX: "transitional_mailbox",
        ARCHIVED: "archived",
        EMAIL: "email",
        VOICEMAIL: "voicemail",
        SPAM_SPOOFING: "spam:spoofing",
        SPOOF_WARNING: "MTA:spoof_warning",
        SMS_TAG_ROOT: "SMSShortcode:",
        APP_ID_ROOT: "app_id:",
        DOMAIN_AUTH_PASS: "MTA:dmarc:pass",
        DOMAIN_AUTH_FAIL: "MTA:dmarc:fail",
        MTA_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: "MTA:system_message",
        EMAIL_MESSAGE: "source:email",
        MARKETPLACE: "marketplace",
        BC_PARTNERSHIP: "bc_partnership",
        ROOM: "room",
        PAGES: "pages",
        PAGE_BACKGROUND: "page_background",
        PAGE_FOLLOWUP: "page_followup",
        ONE_CLICK_MESSAGE: "page_one_click_message",
        MESSAGE_REQUEST_AGGREGATION_UNIT: "message_request_aggregation_unit",
        ONE_WAY_MESSAGE: "one_way_message",
        FIRST_MESSAGE: "first_message",
        ACTION_COPIED_MESSAGE: "action:copy_message",
        ACTION_COPIED_SELF_MESSAGE: "copy_self_message",
        ACTION_COPIED_ATTACHMENT: "action:copy_attachment",
        ACTION_COPIED_SELF_ATTACHMENT: "copy_self_attachment",
        STORY_REPLY: "story_reply",
        RICH_TEXT_COMMON_MARK: "rich_text:common_mark",
        IRIS_MAPPING: {
            FOLDER_INVALID: null,
            FOLDER_INBOX: "inbox",
            FOLDER_OTHER: "other",
            FOLDER_SPAM: "spam",
            FOLDER_PENDING: "pending",
            FOLDER_MONTAGE: "montage",
            FOLDER_HIDDEN: "hidden",
            FOLDER_DISABLED: "disabled",
            FOLDER_PAGE_BACKGROUND: "page_background",
            FOLDER_PAGE_DONE: "page_done",
            FOLDER_BLOCKED: "blocked",
            FOLDER_COMMUNITY: "community",
            FOLDER_RESTRICTED: "restricted",
            FOLDER_BC_PARTNERSHIP: "bc_partnership",
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER: "e2ee_cutover",
            FOLDER_INTEROP: "interop",
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_ARCHIVED: "e2ee_cutover_archived",
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_PENDING: "e2ee_cutover_pending",
            FOLDER_E2EE_CUTOVER_OTHER: "e2ee_cutover_other",
            FOLDER_AI_ACTIVE: "ai_active",
            FOLDER_SALSA_RESTRICTED: "salsa_restricted",
            FOLDER_MESSENGER_MARKETING_MESSAGE: "messenger_marketing_message"
), null);
__d("PageCommItemFolder", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = {
        PAGE: "PAGE",
        GROUP: "GROUP",
        DONE: "DONE",
        SPAM: "SPAM",
        TODO: "TODO",
        UNREAD: "UNREAD",
        SENT: "SENT",
        LABELS: "LABELS",
        CTX_AD: "CTX_AD",
        LEADS: "LEADS",
        AI_AGENT: "AI_AGENT",
), null);
__d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", ["BizInboxGating", "qex"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function h() {
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? 0 : 16
    function a() {
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : !0
    function b() {
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : h() > 0
    function e() {
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : !0
    function f() {
        var a;
        return d("BizInboxGating").shouldLoadIGDOnMsys() ? !1 : (a = c("qex")._("1024")) != null ? a : !1
    g.getUnifiedThreadsQueryLimit = h;
    g.getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries = a;
    g.getShouldUnifyThreadQueries = b;
    g.getShouldUnifyConfigQueries = e;
    g.getShouldLazyLoadContextCardQueries = f
), 98);
__d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return c("gkx")("22658")
    g.getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections = a
), 98);
__d("BizInboxUnfiedThreadsQueryService", ["Base64", "BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils", "BizInboxDetailViewConsts", "BizInboxGating", "BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil", "BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql", "BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag", "BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag", "BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory", "CurrentUser", "Deferred", "FBLogger", "InteractionTracingMetrics", "MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook", "", "MessagingTag", "MessengerConfig", "PageCommItemFolder", "RelayHooks", "getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", "getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils", "gkx", "nullthrows", "react-relay", "stableStringify"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = {
        messenger_threads: null,
        instagram_threads: null,
        whatsapp_threads: null,
        messenger_thread_items: null,
        instagram_thread_items: null,
        whatsapp_thread_items: null,
        context_card_details: null,
        messenger_actor_id: null,
        whatsapp_actor_id: null,
        instagram_actor_id: null,
        selected_thread_item_id: null,
        active_folder: null,
        is_selected_thread_item_id_set: !1,
        is_thread_clicked: !1,
        is_active_folder_set: !1,
        executed_queries: null,
        checked_context_card_vars: !1,
        page_id: null,
        getShouldUnifyConfigQueries: d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyConfigQueries(),
        interaction_trace_id: null,
        shouldSkipPageQuery: !1,
        shouldSkipMessage: !1,
        should3DContextCardSections: d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils").getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections(),
        shouldUnifyContextCardQueries: d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries(),
        isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool: !1,
        businessAssets: null
      , i = {
        commerce_invoice_data: d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils").getDefaultBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData(),
        composer_toolbar_config: {
            isCommerceInvoiceEnabled: !1,
            isCreateAppointmentEnabled: !1,
            isProductPickerEnabled: !1,
            isSendAvailabilityEnabled: !1,
            isSendInThreadFormsEnabled: !1,
            isSendMarketingMessagesEnabled: "INELIGIBLE",
            isBookingToolEnabled: !0,
            isGcashIdShareAndCopyButtonEnabled: !1,
            isCallButtonEnabled: !1
    function a() {
        return i
    function e() {
        return h.msg_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? h.ig_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? null : h.ig_predicted_selected_thread : h.msg_predicted_selected_thread
    function f(a, b, d, e, f) {
        h.messenger_actor_id = a;
        a = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser();
        d = r(d, f, e);
        h.messenger_threads == null && (h.messenger_threads = {
            before: null,
            includeDeliveryReceipts: !0,
            includeSeqID: !1,
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1,
            limit: b + 1,
            onlyPinnedThreads: void 0,
            source: "mercury",
            tags: d,
            isWorkUser: a,
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: c("gkx")("22424")
        h.messenger_thread_items = {
            before: void 0,
            id: "",
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1,
            load_delivery_receipts: !0,
            load_messages: b > 0,
            load_read_receipts: !0,
            message_limit: c("MessengerConfig").MessageLoadCount,
            source: "mercury",
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: !1
    function j(a, b, d, e, f, g) {
        h.whatsapp_actor_id = a;
        a = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser();
        d = r(d, g, e);
        h.whatsapp_threads == null && (h.whatsapp_threads = {
            before: null,
            includeDeliveryReceipts: !0,
            includeSeqID: !1,
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1,
            limit: b + 1,
            onlyPinnedThreads: void 0,
            source: f,
            tags: d,
            isWorkUser: a,
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: c("gkx")("22424")
        h.whatsapp_thread_items = {
            before: void 0,
            id: "",
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: !1,
            load_delivery_receipts: !0,
            load_messages: b > 0,
            load_read_receipts: !0,
            message_limit: c("MessengerConfig").MessageLoadCount,
            source: f,
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: !1
    function k(a, b, e, f, g, i, j, k) {
        j === void 0 && (j = !1),
        h.instagram_threads == null && (h.instagram_threads = {
            after: void 0,
            assigned_admin_id: i,
            folder: e,
            is_follow_up: f,
            is_page_unresponded_thread: void 0,
            is_priority_thread: void 0,
            is_unread: g,
            limit: b,
            loadThreads: !0,
            loadThreadItems: j ? !1 : d("BizInboxIgThreadQueryMergeUtil").getShouldMergeIgThreadQuery(),
            ig_asset_id: d("BizInboxGating").getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1() ? k : null
        h.instagram_thread_items = {
            width: 480,
            height: 480,
            item_after: null,
            item_limit: c("BizInboxDetailViewConsts").MESSAGE_LIST_INIT_COUNT,
            load_items: !0,
            token: ""
        h.instagram_actor_id = a)
    function l(a, b, c, e) {
        var f;
        f = (f = (f = h.executed_queries) == null ? void 0 : f.has("context_card_details")) != null ? f : !1;
        if (f)
        h.shouldSkipPageQuery = a;
        h.shouldSkipMessage = !1;
        h.should3DContextCardSections = d("getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections.entrypointutils").getShould3DBizInboxContextCardSections();
        h.shouldUnifyContextCardQueries = d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries();
        h.isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool = d("BizInboxGating").getIsEligibleForRemovePageDependencyInboxPhase1();
        h.context_card_details = {
            selected_thread_item_id: b,
            business_id: c
        h.businessAssets = e
    function m(a) {
        h.page_id = a
    function n(a) {
        h.is_thread_clicked = a
    function o(a) {
        h.is_selected_thread_item_id_set || (h.selected_thread_item_id = a,
        h.is_selected_thread_item_id_set = !0)
    function p(a) {
        h.is_active_folder_set || (h.active_folder = a,
        h.is_active_folder_set = !0)
    function q(a) {
        h.interaction_trace_id = a
    function r(a, b, e) {
        var f = a === c("PageCommItemFolder").SPAM ? c("MessagingTag").SPAM : b.getActiveFolder(a);
        b = b.getActiveFilter(a, e);
        a = b === d("").all ? null : b.toUpperCase();
        b = (e = {},
        e[c("MessagingTag").INBOX] = "INBOX",
        e[c("MessagingTag").OTHER] = "OTHER",
        e[c("MessagingTag").ACTION_ARCHIVED] = "ARCHIVED",
        e[c("MessagingTag").SPAM] = "SPAM",
        e[c("MessagingTag").PENDING] = "PENDING",
        e[c("MessagingTag").PAGE_BACKGROUND] = "PAGE_BACKGROUND",
        e = b[f];
        return e !== null || e !== void 0 ? a !== null ? [e, s(a)] : [e] : []
    function s(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case "ARCHIVED":
            return "ARCHIVED";
        case "INBOX":
            return "INBOX";
        case "MONTAGE":
            return "MONTAGE";
        case "NAMED":
            return "NAMED";
        case "OTHER":
            return "OTHER";
        case "PAGE_BACKGROUND":
            return "PAGE_BACKGROUND";
        case "PENDING":
            return "PENDING";
        case "READ_BUT_UNRESPONDED":
            return "READ_BUT_UNRESPONDED";
        case "ROOM":
            return "ROOM";
        case "SPAM":
            return "SPAM";
        case "UNNAMED":
            return "UNNAMED";
        case "UNREAD":
            return "UNREAD";
        case "WORK_CHANNEL":
            return "WORK_CHANNEL";
        case "WORK_SYNCED_GROUP":
            return "WORK_SYNCED_GROUP";
        case "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT":
            return "WORK_UNSYNCED_CHAT";
            return "%future added value"
    function t(a, d) {
        var e, f, g, i, j = b("react-relay");
        j = j.fetchQuery;
        e = c("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory") == null ? void 0 : c("BizKitRelayEnvironmentFactory").getForActorID(c("nullthrows")((e = (e = h.messenger_actor_id) != null ? e : h.instagram_actor_id) != null ? e : h.whatsapp_actor_id));
        var k = new (c("Deferred"))()
          , l = k.getPromise();
        f = h.instagram_actor_id !== null ? {
            first: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.limit,
            after: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.after,
            mode: "MIXED",
            folder: (f = (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.folder) != null ? f : "TODO",
            is_follow_up: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_follow_up,
            is_unread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_unread,
            is_page_unresponded_thread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_page_unresponded_thread,
            assigned_admin_id: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.assigned_admin_id,
            is_priority_thread: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.is_priority_thread,
            ig_asset_id: (f = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : f.ig_asset_id
        } : null;
        g = h.messenger_actor_id !== null ? {
            pinned_threads_only: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.onlyPinnedThreads,
            with_tags: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.tags,
            before_time_precise: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.before,
            last: (g = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : g.limit
        } : null;
        i = h.whatsapp_actor_id !== null ? {
            pinned_threads_only: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.onlyPinnedThreads,
            with_tags: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.tags,
            before_time_precise: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.before,
            last: (i = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : i.limit
        } : null;
        var m = h.messenger_actor_id !== null ? {
            with_tags: ["PENDING"]
        } : null
          , n = h.whatsapp_actor_id !== null ? {
            with_tags: ["PENDING"]
        } : null;
        j(c("nullthrows")(e), c("BizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery.graphql"), {
            height: (j = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.height,
            loadThreadItems: (e = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.loadThreadItems,
            loadThreads: (j = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.loadThreads,
            is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads: (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.is_work_teamwork_not_putting_muted_in_unreads,
            includeDeliveryReceipts: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.includeDeliveryReceipts) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.includeDeliveryReceipts,
            includeSeqID: (j = (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.includeSeqID) != null ? j : (e = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.includeSeqID,
            isWorkUser: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.isWorkUser) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.isWorkUser,
            source: (j = (e = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.source) != null ? j : (e = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.source,
            threadlistViewFieldsOnly: (e = (j = h.messenger_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.threadlistViewFieldsOnly) != null ? e : (j = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : j.threadlistViewFieldsOnly,
            width: (e = h.instagram_threads) == null ? void 0 : e.width,
            ig_params: f,
            msgr_params: g,
            wa_params: i,
            msgr_pending_params: m,
            wa_pending_params: n,
            message_limit: (e = (j = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : j.message_limit) != null ? e : (f = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : f.message_limit,
            before: (i = (g = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : g.before) != null ? i : (m = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : m.before,
            load_messages: (j = (n = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : n.load_messages) != null ? j : (e = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : e.load_messages,
            load_read_receipts: (g = (f = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : f.load_read_receipts) != null ? g : (i = h.whatsapp_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : i.load_read_receipts,
            load_delivery_receipts: (m = h.messenger_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : m.load_delivery_receipts,
            item_limit: (n = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : n.item_limit,
            item_after: (j = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : j.item_after,
            load_items: (e = h.instagram_thread_items) == null ? void 0 : e.load_items,
            selected_item_id: h.selected_thread_item_id,
            page_id: h.page_id,
            getShouldUnifyConfigQueries: h.getShouldUnifyConfigQueries,
            shouldSkipPageQuery: h.shouldSkipPageQuery,
            shouldSkipMessage: h.shouldSkipMessage,
            should3DContextCardSections: h.should3DContextCardSections,
            shouldUnifyContextCardQueries: h.shouldUnifyContextCardQueries,
            isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool: h.isDependencyOfRemovePageDependencyEnabledTool,
            businessAssets: (f = h.businessAssets) != null ? f : []
        }, {
            fetchPolicy: "store-or-network"
            start: function() {},
            complete: function() {},
            error: function(a) {
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: a.message,
                        severity: "CRITICAL",
                        error: a
            next: function(b) {
                if (b) {
                    var e = u(b, a);
                    e ? (a === "context_card_details" && (d && d(e)),
                    k.resolve(e)) : (c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "error_with_query_response").warn("Error with %s response", a),
                        data: {},
                        errors: [{
                            message: "Unexpected response received from server.",
                            severity: "CRITICAL",
                            response: e
                } else
                        data: {},
                        errors: [{
                            message: "Unexpected response received from server.",
                            severity: "CRITICAL",
                            response: b
        return l
    function u(a, b) {
        switch (b) {
        case "messenger_threads":
            return w(a);
        case "whatsapp_threads":
            return x(a);
        case "instagram_threads":
            return y(a);
        case "messenger_thread_items":
            return z(a);
        case "whatsapp_thread_items":
            return z(a);
        case "instagram_thread_items":
            return A(a);
        case "context_card_details":
            return B(a);
            return null
    function v(a) {
        return a === "messenger_thread_items" || a === "whatsapp_thread_items" || a === "instagram_thread_items"
    function w(a) {
        var b;
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.msgr_threads) {
            return {
                viewer: {
                    message_threads: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.msgr_threads,
                    pending_threads: (b = a.xfb_unified_thread_list_pending) == null ? void 0 : b.msg_pending_threads
        return null
    function x(a) {
        var b;
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_threads) {
            return {
                viewer: {
                    message_threads: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_threads,
                    pending_threads: (b = a.xfb_unified_thread_list_pending) == null ? void 0 : b.wa_pending_threads
        return null
    function y(a) {
        var b, c;
        b = (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.ig_threads;
        var d = (c = (c = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.selected_ig_thread) == null ? void 0 : c.token) != null ? c : "";
        if (b) {
            c = b.nodes;
            var e = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(b, ["nodes"])
              , f = c == null ? void 0 : c.findIndex(function(a) {
                return a.token === d
            if (c != null && f != null && f !== -1) {
                var g = c[f];
                g = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(g, ["thread_items"]);
                a = (a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_ig_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.thread_items;
                var h = babelHelpers["extends"]({
                    thread_items: a
                }, g);
                a =, b) {
                    return b === f ? h : a
                return {
                    viewer: {
                        instagram_message_threads: babelHelpers["extends"]({
                            nodes: a
                        }, e)
            return {
                viewer: {
                    instagram_message_threads: b
        return null
    function z(a) {
        var b;
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_message_thread) {
            return {
                message_thread: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_message_thread
        return null
    function A(a) {
        var b;
        if ((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_ig_thread) {
            return {
                instagram_message_thread: (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_ig_thread
        return null
    function B(a) {
        var b, e;
        if (!d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries()) {
            c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "context_card").mustfix("Trying to fetch Context Card Details data from Unified Threads query although data was not fetched");
            return null
        b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : b.selected_thread;
        b = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag").contactDetailsQueryFrag, b);
        b = {
            selected_biz_crm_contact: b == null ? void 0 : b.selected_biz_crm_contact,
            selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config: b == null ? void 0 : b.selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : e.selected_thread_type;
        var f = null;
        e !== "whatsapp_thread" && (f = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag").BizKitContextCardActivitySectionFrag, a));
        e = {
            can_add_activities: (e = (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_biz_crm_contact_card_config) == null ? void 0 : a.can_add_activities) != null ? e : !1,
            selected_biz_crm_contact: {
                activityRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_biz_crm_contact,
                activityDropDownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : e.selected_biz_crm_contact,
                adsDataSharingNUXRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : (e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_biz_crm_contact
            page: {
                dropdownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_page,
                listItemRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : (a = e.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_page
            xfb_mbs_business_assets: {
                dropdownRef: (e = f) == null ? void 0 : e.xfb_mbs_business_assets,
                listItemRef: (a = f) == null ? void 0 : a.xfb_mbs_business_assets
        return {
            detailsRef: b,
            activitiesRef: e
    function C(a) {
        if (!d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyContextCardQueries())
            return null;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : a.selected_thread;
        a = d("RelayHooks").readInlineData(d("BizKitContextCardContainerDetailsFrag").contactDetailsQueryFrag, a);
        return a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_biz_crm_contact) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.identity) == null ? void 0 : a.business_id
    function D(a) {
        i.commerce_invoice_data = d("BizInboxCommerceInvoiceDataUtils").parseBizInboxCommerceInvoiceData(a),
        i.composer_toolbar_config = E(a)
    function E(a) {
        var b, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
        b = Boolean((b = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : b.show_commerce_invoice_button_in_composer);
        d = Boolean((d = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (d = d.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : d.show_create_appointment_button_in_composer);
        e = Boolean((e = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : e.show_product_picker_button_in_composer);
        f = Boolean((f = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (f = f.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : f.show_send_availability_button_in_composer);
        g = Boolean((g = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (g = g.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : g.show_send_inthread_forms_in_composer);
        h = (h = c("MarketingMessagesButtonState.facebook").cast(String((h = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (h = h.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : h.marketing_messages_in_composer_state))) != null ? h : "INELIGIBLE";
        i = Boolean((i = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (i = i.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : i.is_booking_tool_enabled);
        j = Boolean((j = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (j = j.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : j.show_gcash_id_share_and_copy_button);
        a = Boolean((a = a.xfb_biz_inbox_unified_thread_list) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.selected_thread_biz_inbox_feature_config) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.gating_config) == null ? void 0 : a.show_calling_in_composer);
        return {
            isCommerceInvoiceEnabled: b,
            isCreateAppointmentEnabled: d,
            isProductPickerEnabled: e,
            isSendAvailabilityEnabled: f,
            isSendInThreadFormsEnabled: g,
            isSendMarketingMessagesEnabled: h,
            isBookingToolEnabled: i,
            isGcashIdShareAndCopyButtonEnabled: j,
            isCallButtonEnabled: a
    function F(a) {
        var b;
        h.ig_predicted_selected_thread = (b = (b = A(a)) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.instagram_message_thread) == null ? void 0 : b.token) != null ? b : "";
        h.msg_predicted_selected_thread = G((b = (b = z(a)) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.message_thread) == null ? void 0 : != null ? b : "");
        h.context_card_details == null ? h.context_card_details = {
            selected_thread_item_id: h.ig_predicted_selected_thread === "" ? h.msg_predicted_selected_thread : h.ig_predicted_selected_thread,
            business_id: C(a)
        } : h.context_card_details.business_id = C(a)
    function G(a) {
        if (a === "")
            return a;
        var b = c("Base64").decode(a).split(":");
        return b.length === 2 ? b[1] : a
    function H(a, b, d, e) {
        e === void 0 && (e = !1);
        if (a === "instagram_thread_items" && h.instagram_thread_items) {
            var f;
            h.instagram_thread_items.token = (f = h.ig_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : ""
        if (a === "messenger_thread_items" && h.messenger_thread_items) {
   = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : ""
        if (a === "whatsapp_thread_items" && h.whatsapp_thread_items) {
   = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : ""
        if (a === "context_card_details" && h.context_card_details)
            if (h.msg_predicted_selected_thread !== "") {
                h.context_card_details.selected_thread_item_id = (f = h.msg_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : ""
            } else if (h.ig_predicted_selected_thread !== "") {
                h.context_card_details.selected_thread_item_id = (f = h.ig_predicted_selected_thread) != null ? f : ""
        var g = h[a];
        d && d.forEach(function(a) {
            g &&, a) && (b[a] = g[a])
        f = c("stableStringify")(g) === c("stableStringify")(b);
        d = N((d = g) != null ? d : {}, b);
        var i = new Map();
        if (!f && !e) {
            c("FBLogger")("biz_inbox_unified_threads_query", "query_variables_mismatch").warn("Unified Query Mismatching Variables for %s : \nMismatching Fields [%s] : with thread item selected %s", a, d.toString(), h.selected_thread_item_id != null);
            i.set("unified_variables", P(Object.keys((e = g) != null ? e : {}), Object.values((e = g) != null ? e : {})));
            i.set("query_variables", P(Object.keys(b), Object.values(b)))
        v(a) && (d.includes("id") || d.includes("token") ? i.set("is_selected_thread_matched", !1) : i.set("is_selected_thread_matched", !0),
        i.set("is_thread_item_selected", h.selected_thread_item_id != null));
        O(h.interaction_trace_id, i);
        return f
    function I(a, b) {
        switch (a) {
        case "MessengerGraphQLThreadlistFetcher":
            return b != null && b === ((a = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : a.source) ? "whatsapp_threads" : "messenger_threads";
        case "InstagramMessageGraphQLThreadsFetcher":
            return "instagram_threads";
        case "MessengerGraphQLThreadFetcher":
            return b != null && b === ((a = h.whatsapp_threads) == null ? void 0 : a.source) ? "whatsapp_thread_items" : "messenger_thread_items";
        case "InstagramMessageGraphQLThreadItemsFetcher":
            return "instagram_thread_items";
            return null
    function J(a) {
        h.executed_queries == null ? h.executed_queries = new Set([a]) : h.executed_queries.add(a)
    function K(a) {
        var b;
        if (h.is_thread_clicked)
            return !1;
        a = (b = (b = h.executed_queries) == null ? void 0 : b.has(a)) != null ? b : !1;
        return !a
    function L(a, b, c) {
        if (h[a] == null)
            return !1;
        if (a === "context_card_details") {
            var d = h.checked_context_card_vars;
            h.checked_context_card_vars = !0;
            return H(a, b, c, d)
        return K(a) && H(a, b, c)
    function M(a, b) {
        var c = "instagram_thread_items";
        if (h[c] == null || !K(c))
        H(c, a, b)
    function N(a, b) {
        var c = []
          , d = Object.keys(a);
        for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
            var f = d[e]
              , g = a[f] != null ? JSON.stringify(a[f]) : ""
              , h = b[f] != null ? JSON.stringify(b[f]) : "";
            g != h && c.push(f)
        g = Object.keys(b);
        for (h = 0; h < g.length; h++) {
            f = g[h];
            e = a[f];
            e == null && b[f] != null && c.push(f)
        return Array.from(new Set(c)).sort()
    function O(a, b) {
        a != null && b.forEach(function(b, d) {
            c("InteractionTracingMetrics").addMetadata(a, d, b)
    function P(a, b) {
        var c = new Map();
        for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
            if (b[d] === null)
                c.set(a[d], "null");
            else if (b[d] === void 0)
                c.set(a[d], "undefied");
            else if (typeof b[d] === "string")
                c.set(a[d], "string");
            else if (typeof b[d] === "number")
                c.set(a[d], "number");
            else if (typeof b[d] === "boolean")
                c.set(a[d], b[d] ? "true" : "false");
            else {
                var e = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b[d]);
                c.set(a[d], P(Object.keys(e), Object.values(e)))
        return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(c))
    g.getConfigQueriesData = a;
    g.getSelectedThreadID = e;
    g.setMessengerVariables = f;
    g.setWhatsAppVariables = j;
    g.setInstagramVariables = k;
    g.setContextDetailsQueryVariables = l;
    g.setConfigQueryVariables = m;
    g.setIsThreadClicked = n;
    g.setSelectedThreadID = o;
    g.setActiveFolder = p;
    g.setInteractionTraceID = q;
    g.execUnifiedQuery = t;
    g.getChannelRespons = u;
    g.isThreadItemChannel = v;
    g.getMessengerThreadsResponse = w;
    g.getWhatsAppThreadsResponse = x;
    g.getInstagramThreadsResponse = y;
    g.getMessengerThreadItemsResponse = z;
    g.getInstagramThreadItemsResponse = A;
    g.getContextCardDetailsResponse = B;
    g.getBusinessIDFromContextCardDetailsResponse = C;
    g.setConfigQueriesResponse = D;
    g.decodeMessengerThreadId = G;
    g.getUnifiedChannelFromMercuryOperations = I;
    g.shouldUseUnifiedQuery = L;
    g.logInstagramThreadItemsQueryPrediction = M;
    g.logInteractionTracing = O
), 98);
__d("BrowserPushCommands", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = "browser_push_ack";
    b = "browser_push_redirect";
    c = "browser_push_window_visible";
    d = "should_reuse_m_dot_com_tab";
    e = "should_reuse_m_dot_com_tab_response";
    a = {
        ACK: a,
        REDIRECT: b,
        WINDOW_VISIBLE: c,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("6085");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("notif_user_setting_action", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("BrowserPushMessageHandler", ["BrowserPushCommands", "EventListener", "URI", "URISchemes", "cr:6901", "isFacebookURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    var h, i;
    function j(a) {
        if ( && === c("BrowserPushCommands").REDIRECT) {
            if (typeof window.onbeforeunload === "function" && window.onbeforeunload() === void 0)
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").ACK,
                    success: !0
            else {
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").ACK,
                    success: !1
            a =;
            if (/^([^.:/?#]+):/.test(a) && !(i || (i = d("URISchemes"))).isAllowed(/^([^.:/?#]+):/.exec(a)[1]) || !c("isFacebookURI")(new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a)))
                throw new Error("goURI: URI scheme rejected, URI: " + a);
            b("cr:6901")(a) && (window.location.href = a)
    a = {
        registerRedirectHandler: function() {
            c("EventListener").listen(window, "message", function(a) {
                a.origin === "" && j(a)
            navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener && (navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
                (navigator.serviceWorker && navigator.serviceWorker.controller && && && === navigator.serviceWorker.controller || new RegExp("^" + window.location.protocol + "//" + + "$").test(a.origin)) && j(a)
            navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
                var b;
                b = (b = != null ? b : {};
                b = b.command;
                if (b !== c("BrowserPushCommands").SHOULD_REUSE_M_DOT_COM_TAB)
                b = [].concat(a == null ? void 0 : a.ports);
                a = {
                    command: c("BrowserPushCommands").SHOULD_REUSE_M_DOT_COM_TAB_RESPONSE,
                    value: !1
                b == null ? void 0 : b[0].postMessage(a)
    e = a;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("BrowserPushVisibilityChanger", ["BrowserPushCommands", "ClientServiceWorkerMessage", "Visibility"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    function h() {
        new (c("ClientServiceWorkerMessage"))(c("BrowserPushCommands").WINDOW_VISIBLE,null).sendViaController()
    a = {
        listenForVisibility: function() {
            c("Visibility").isHidden() || h(),
            c("Visibility").addListener(c("Visibility").VISIBLE, h)
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MPushPermissionUtil", ["BanzaiLogger", "NuxWizardFalcoEvent", "gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    function a(a, b) {
        b === void 0 && (b = !1);
        var d = c("gkx")("21006");
        d && c("BanzaiLogger").log("ChromePushPermissionEventsLoggerConfig", {
            event: a
        if (b) {
            var e = null
              , f = "step";
            a === "allow" ? (e = "allow",
            f = "conversion") : a === "deny" ? e = "deny" : a === "install_ignore" ? e = "ignore" : a === "turn_on_attempt" && (e = "show_browser_dialog");
            e !== null && c("NuxWizardFalcoEvent").log(function() {
                return {
                    event: e,
                    event_type: f,
                    platform: "mobile",
                    step: "turn_on_notification"
    g.logEvent = a
), 98);
__d("PushRegistrationUtils", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function g(a) {
        var b = a.endpoint;
        "subscriptionId"in a && !new RegExp("/" + a.subscriptionId + "$").test(b) && (b += "/" + a.subscriptionId);
        return b
    function a(a, b) {
        var c = g(a)
          , d = null;
        a.toJSON ? d = a.toJSON().keys : a.keys && (d = a.keys);
        return {
            app_id: b,
            push_endpoint: c,
            subscription_keys: JSON.stringify(d)
    f.normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint = g;
    f.setupPushRegistrationData = a
), 66);
__d("XAsyncPushMuteController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/settings/push/mute/", {
        appid: {
            type: "Int",
            required: !0
        push_endpoint: {
            type: "String",
            required: !0
        mute_for: {
            type: "Enum",
            enumType: 0
), null);
__d("XAsyncPushMuteStateController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/settings/push/mute/state/", {
        appid: {
            type: "Int",
            required: !0
        push_endpoint: {
            type: "String",
            required: !0
), null);
__d("PushRegistration", ["BrowserPushMessageHandler", "BrowserPushPubKey", "BrowserPushVisibilityChanger", "MPushPermissionUtil", "Promise", "PushRegistrationUtils", "ServiceWorkerRegistration", "XAsyncPushMuteController", "XAsyncPushMuteStateController", "emptyFunction", "gkx", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    var g, h = window.Notification, i = new Map(), j = 65, k = 4;
    a = function() {
        "use strict";
        a.get = function(b, c) {
            if (i.has(c))
                return i.get(c);
            b = new a(b,c);
            i.set(c, b);
            return b
        function a(b, c) {
            this.$3 = b,
            this.appID = c,
            !a.$1 && !a.$2 && (a.$1 = !1,
            a.$2 = !1)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.getPushSubscription = function() {
            var c = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(d, e) {
                a.pushPermissionIsDenied() && (b("MPushPermissionUtil").logEvent("permission_denied_or_blocked"),
                e(new Error("No permission or not supported"))),
                b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").getWorkerRegistration(c.$3).then(function(a) {
                    if (!a) {
                    a.pushManager.getSubscription().then(function(a) {
        c.$4 = function(a, c, d) {
            a = a.getURIBuilder().getURI();
            c = new c(a);
            c.setData(b("PushRegistrationUtils").setupPushRegistrationData(d, this.appID));
        c.getMutedUntilInServer = function(a) {
            var c = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(d, e) {
                c.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) {
                    if (f) {
                        f = b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(f);
                        f = b("XAsyncPushMuteStateController").getURIBuilder().setString("push_endpoint", f).setInt("appid", c.appID).getURI();
                        f = new a(f);
                        f.listen("done", function(a) {
                    } else
                        e("cannot check mute status for unsubscribed endpoint")
        c.muteNotifications = function(a, c) {
            var d = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) {
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(g) {
                    if (g) {
                        g = b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(g);
                        g = b("XAsyncPushMuteController").getURIBuilder().setEnum("mute_for", a).setString("push_endpoint", g).setInt("appid", d.appID).getURI();
                        g = new c(g);
                        g.listen("done", function(b) {
                            a !== 0 && b.payload.muteUntilTimestampSec === 0 ? f("operation failed in server") : e(b.payload.muteUntilTimestampSec)
                    } else
                        f("no subscription found")
        c.getSubscription = function() {
            var a = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(c, d) {
                a.getPushSubscription().then(function(a) {
                    a ? c(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(a)) : c(null)
        c.maybeRegisterPushAgain = function(a, c) {
            var d = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) {
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) {
                    f ? (d.$4(a, c, f),
                    e(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(f))) : e(null)
                })["catch"](function() {
        c.$5 = function(c, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) {
                if (a.$2 && !e) {
                    g(new Error("sending disable info already"));
                a.$2 = !0;
                var h = c.getURIBuilder().getURI();
                h = new d(h.toString());
                    appid: f.appID,
                    from_browser_settings: e
                h.listen ? (h.listen("finally", b),
                h.listen("fail", function() {
                    a.$2 = !1,
                })) : h.setErrorHandler && h.setHandler ? (h.setErrorHandler(function() {
                    a.$2 = !1,
                h.setHandler(b)) : b();
        c.isPushRegistered = function(c, d, e, f, h, i) {
            var j = this;
            h === void 0 && (h = !1);
            i === void 0 && (i = !1);
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(g, k) {
                j.getPushSubscription().then(function(k) {
                    g(!!k || c && !a.pushPermissionIsPending());
                    var l = j.$6();
                    l = j.$7(k, l);
                    if (k && l)
                        h ? j.$4(d, f, k) : b("BrowserPushVisibilityChanger").listenForVisibility();
                    else if ((!k || !l) && c) {
                        k = j.$8(k, !l);
                        a.pushPermissionIsOn() ? k.then(function(a) {
                            return j.registerPush(d, f, i)
                        })["catch"](function() {}) : j.$5(e, f, !1)
                })["catch"](function() {
                    c && j.$5(e, f, !1),
                    i && b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").unregisterControllingWorker(),
        c.$8 = function(a, c) {
            if (!!a && c)
                return a.unsubscribe().then(function(a) {
                    return !!a
                })["catch"](function(a) {
                    throw new Error("Unsubscribing invalid PushToken failed")
                return (g || (g = b("Promise"))).resolve(!0)
        c.$7 = function(a, c) {
            if (!b("gkx")("21098"))
                return !0;
            if (!a)
                return !1;
            var d = this.$9(a);
            return c ? !d ? !1 : this.$10(a, b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey) : !d
        c.$10 = function(a, b) {
            a = this.$11(a);
            if (!a)
                return !1;
            a = new Uint8Array(a);
            a = window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a));
            a = a.replace("/", "_").replace("=", "");
            return a === b
        c.$9 = function(a) {
            a = this.$11(a);
            if (!!a && a.byteLength === j) {
                a = new Uint8Array(a);
                return a[0] === k
            return !1
        c.$11 = function(a) {
            return !!a && !!a.options && !!a.options.applicationServerKey ? a.options.applicationServerKey : null
        c.$12 = function() {
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(a, b) {
        c.registerPushAndWaitForEndpoint = function(a, c, d) {
            var e = this;
            d === void 0 && (d = !1);
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, f) {
                e.$13(a, c, !0, null, d).then(function(a) {
                    if (typeof a !== "string") {
                        f(new Error("registerPushImpl did not return an endpoint"));
        c.registerPushOnKaiOS = function(a, c, d) {
            var e = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(f, g) {
                b("promiseDone")(d.waitForKaiOS(), function() {
                    d.registerPush(function(d) {
                        d = JSON.parse(d.get("push_endpoint"));
                        e.$4(a, c, d);
        c.registerPush = function(a, c, d, e) {
            d === void 0 && (d = !1);
            e === void 0 && (e = b("emptyFunction"));
            return this.registerPushWithFinishedCallBack(a, c, e, d)
        c.registerPushWithFinishedCallBack = function(a, c, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            e === void 0 && (e = !1);
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) {
                f.$13(a, c, !1, d, e).then(function(a) {
                    if (typeof a !== "boolean") {
                        g(new Error("registerPushImpl did not return a boolean"));
        c.$13 = function(c, d, e, f, h) {
            var i = this;
            if (a.$1)
                return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(a, b) {
                    b(new Error("registering already"))
            if (!self.PushManager)
                return (g || (g = b("Promise"))).reject(new Error("PushManager not found."));
            a.$1 = !0;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(j, k) {
                var l = b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").registerWorkerIfUnregistered(i.$3)
                  , m = i.$12();
                (g || (g = b("Promise"))).all([l, m]).then(function(g) {
                    var l = g[0];
                    if (!a.pushPermissionIsOn()) {
                        h && l.unregister();
                        throw new Error("Push permission was denied")
                    e || j(!0);
                    g = b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey;
                    var m = i.$6();
                    m = m ? {
                        userVisibleOnly: !0,
                        applicationServerKey: g
                    } : {
                        userVisibleOnly: !0
                    l.pushManager.subscribe(m).then(function(a) {
                        e && j(b("PushRegistrationUtils").normalizeSubscriptionEndpoint(a)),
                        i.$4(c, d, a),
                        f && f(),
                    })["catch"](function(b) {
                        a.$1 = !1,
                        h && l.unregister(),
                })["catch"](function(b) {
                    a.$1 = !1,
        c.$6 = function() {
            var a = b("BrowserPushPubKey").appServerKey;
            return b("gkx")("21099") && a != null && a != ""
        c.unregisterPushAndSWOnKaiOS = function(a, c, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, g) {
                f.$5(a, c, e).then(function() {
        c.unregisterPushAndSW = function(a, c) {
            var d = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(e, f) {
                d.$5(a, c, !0).then(function() {
                    b("promiseDone")(b("ServiceWorkerRegistration").unregisterControllingWorker(), e)
        c.unregisterPushOnly = function(a, c) {
            var d = this;
            return new (g || (g = b("Promise")))(function(b, e) {
                d.getPushSubscription().then(function(f) {
                    f ? f.unsubscribe().then(d.$5(a, c, !0)).then(function() {
                    })["catch"](e) : e()
        a.pushPermissionIsPending = function() {
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "default"
        a.pushPermissionIsOn = function() {
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "granted"
        a.pushPermissionIsDenied = function() {
            return window.Notification && window.Notification.permission === "denied"
        return a
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("XBrowserPushDisabledController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/client/push/disabled/", {})
), null);
__d("XBrowserPushXOutController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/notifications/client/push/xout/", {})
), null);
__d("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/push/register/service_worker/", {})
), null);
__d("incognito", ["Promise", "UserAgent", "WebStorage", "gkx", "regeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    function d() {
        var d;
        return b("regeneratorRuntime").async(function(e) {
            while (1)
                switch (e.prev = {
                case 0:
                    d = window.RequestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
                    if (!d) {
               = 3;
                    return e.abrupt("return", new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) {
                        return d(window.TEMPORARY, 10, function() {
                            return a(!1)
                        }, function() {
                            return a(!0)
                case 3:
                    if (!(c("UserAgent").isBrowser("IE >= 10") || c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Edge"))) {
               = 5;
                    return e.abrupt("return", !window.indexedDB);
                case 5:
                    if (!c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Firefox >= 16")) {
               = 7;
                    return e.abrupt("return", new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) {
                        var b ="__test__");
                        b.onsuccess = function() {
                            return a(!1)
                        b.onerror = function(b) {
                case 7:
                    if (!(c("gkx")("21036") && (c("UserAgent").isPlatform("iOS") && c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari >= 10.3") || c("UserAgent").isPlatform("Mac OS X") && c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari >= 11.1")))) {
               = 18;
                    e.prev = 8;
                    a.I_AM_INCOGNITO_AND_I_REALLY_NEED_WEBSQL("sid", "1.0", "", 0);
           = 16;
                case 12:
                    e.prev = 12;
                    e.t0 = e["catch"](8);
                    if (!( === "SecurityError")) {
               = 16;
                    return e.abrupt("return", !0);
                case 16:
           = 20;
                case 18:
                    if (!c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari")) {
               = 20;
                    return e.abrupt("return", !(h || (h = c("WebStorage"))).getLocalStorage());
                case 20:
                    return e.abrupt("return", !1);
                case 21:
                case "end":
                    return e.stop()
        }, null, this, [[8, 12]])
    g["default"] = d
), 98);
__d("BrowserPushDirectPromptInstallerComet", ["AsyncRequest", "BanzaiLogger", "NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent", "Promise", "PushNotificationsEventEmitter", "PushRegistration", "QE2Logger", "XBrowserPushDisabledController", "XBrowserPushXOutController", "XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController", "incognito"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j;
    function k(a, b, d) {
        d === void 0 && (d = "prompt");
        b = babelHelpers["extends"]({
            appID: b,
            event: a,
            surface: d
        }, i);
        c("BanzaiLogger").log("BrowserPushLoggerConfig", b)
    function a(a, b, d, e, f, g) {
        c("NotifUserSettingActionFalcoEvent").log(function() {
            return {
                app_id: b,
                controller_class: g,
                cur_state: f,
                event_type: d,
                medium: "push",
                prev_state: e,
                recip_id: a,
                source: "web_settings_page"
    function l() {
        i != null && i.xout_count === 0 && j && d("QE2Logger").logExposureForUser(j)
    function m(a) {
        var b = c("XBrowserPushXOutController").getURIBuilder().getURI();
        new (c("AsyncRequest"))().setURI(b).setMethod("POST").send();
        k("xout", a)
    function e(a, b) {
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b);
        return a.getSubscription()
    function f(a, b) {
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b);
        k("turn_off", b);
        return a.unregisterPushAndSW(c("XBrowserPushDisabledController"), c("AsyncRequest"))
    function n(a, b, d, e) {
        a = c("PushRegistration").get(a, b);
        k("turn_on", b);
        return a.registerPushAndWaitForEndpoint(c("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController"), c("AsyncRequest"), e).then(function() {
            k("install", b)
        })["catch"](function(a) {
            c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsDenied() ? (c("PushNotificationsEventEmitter").emit("openPushBlockedNotice", d),
            k("deny", b)) : k("install_ignore", b),
    function o(a, d, e, f, g, i, j, k) {
        var m = c("PushRegistration").get(a, d);
        m = m.isPushRegistered(e, c("XPushRegisterServiceWorkerController"), c("XBrowserPushDisabledController"), c("AsyncRequest"), !!g, j);
        (h || (h = b("Promise"))).all([m, c("incognito")()]).then(function(b) {
            var e = b[0];
            b = b[1];
            if (e || b)
            if (c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsPending()) {
                if (!k || f)
                c("PushNotificationsEventEmitter").emit("openInstallPush", {
                    appID: d,
                    browserName: i,
                    path: a,
                    workerIsForPushOnly: j
            } else
                f || n(a, d, i, j)
        })["catch"](function() {
            c("PushRegistration").pushPermissionIsDenied() && l()
    function p(a) {
        i = a
    function q(a) {
        j = a
    g.logUserSettingAction = a;
    g.genPushSubscription = e;
    g.genDisableNotifications = f;
    g.genEnableNotifications = n;
    g.installPush = o;
    g.setLogExtraData = p;
    g.setQEUniverseName = q
), 98);
__d("BrowserPushMessageRedirectUtil", ["Bootloader"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    function a(a) {
        var b = "(messages)(.*?)(?:(tid=))([^&]*)";
        a = a.match(b);
        if (!a)
            return !0;
        var d = a.pop();
        c("Bootloader").loadModules(["FantaTabActions"], function(a) {
        }, "BrowserPushMessageRedirectUtil");
        return !1
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("BusinessCometRelayEnvironmentFactory", ["cr:9829"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    g["default"] = b("cr:9829")
), 98);
__d("ChannelConstants", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    var g = "channel/";
    a = {
        ON_SHUTDOWN: g + "shutdown",
        ON_INVALID_HISTORY: g + "invalid_history",
        ON_CONFIG: g + "config",
        ON_ENTER_STATE: g + "enter_state",
        ON_EXIT_STATE: g + "exit_state",
        ATTEMPT_RECONNECT: g + "attempt_reconnect",
        RTI_SESSION: g + "new_rti_address",
        CONSOLE_LOG: g + "message:console_log",
        GET_RTI_SESSION_REQUEST: g + "rti_session_request",
        SKYWALKER: g + "skywalker",
        CHANNEL_ESTABLISHED: g + "established",
        OK: "ok",
        ERROR: "error",
        ERROR_MAX: "error_max",
        ERROR_MISSING: "error_missing",
        ERROR_MSG_TYPE: "error_msg_type",
        ERROR_SHUTDOWN: "error_shutdown",
        ERROR_STALE: "error_stale",
        SYS_OWNER: "sys_owner",
        SYS_NONOWNER: "sys_nonowner",
        SYS_ONLINE: "sys_online",
        SYS_OFFLINE: "sys_offline",
        SYS_TIMETRAVEL: "sys_timetravel",
        HINT_AUTH: "shutdown auth",
        HINT_CONN: "shutdown conn",
        HINT_DISABLED: "shutdown disabled",
        HINT_INVALID_STATE: "shutdown invalid state",
        HINT_MAINT: "shutdown maint",
        HINT_UNSUPPORTED: "shutdown unsupported",
        reason_Unknown: 0,
        reason_AsyncError: 1,
        reason_TooLong: 2,
        reason_Refresh: 3,
        reason_RefreshDelay: 4,
        reason_UIRestart: 5,
        reason_NeedSeq: 6,
        reason_PrevFailed: 7,
        reason_IFrameLoadGiveUp: 8,
        reason_IFrameLoadRetry: 9,
        reason_IFrameLoadRetryWorked: 10,
        reason_PageTransitionRetry: 11,
        reason_IFrameLoadMaxSubdomain: 12,
        reason_NoChannelInfo: 13,
        reason_NoChannelHost: 14,
        SUBSCRIBE: "subscribe",
        UNSUBSCRIBE: "unsubscribe",
        FAKE_DFF: "fake_dff",
        THROTTLED: g + "throttled",
        JUMPSTART: g + "jumpstart",
        ENTITY_PRESENCE_ACTIVE_PING: "entity_presence/active_ping",
        ENTITY_PRESENCE_SKIPPED_PING: "entity_presence/skipped_ping",
            SUBSCRIBE: "s",
            MUTATE_CONTEXT: "m",
            UNSUBSCRIBE: "u"
        getArbiterType: function(a) {
            return g + "message:" + a
        getRTISkywalkerArbiterType: function(a, b) {
            return g + "skywalker:" + a + ":" + b
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("ChatConfig", ["invariant", "ChatConfigInitialData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    var i = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("ChatConfigInitialData"));
    function j(a, b) {
        return a in i ? i[a] : b
    function a(a) {
        return !!j(a, !1)
    function b(a, b) {
        b === void 0 && (b = 0);
        if (a in i) {
            typeof i[a] === "number" || h(0, 3109);
            return i[a]
        return b
    function d(a, b) {
        i[a] = b
    function e() {
        return i
    g.get = j;
    g.getBool = a;
    g.getNumber = b;
    g.set = d;
    g.getDebugInfo = e
), 98);
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "6546596222061607"
), null);
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "environment"
          , c = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
          , d = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "data",
                variableName: "input"
            concreteType: "BatchNotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "batch_notification_state_change_subscribe",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Notification",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "aggregated_notifications",
                plural: !0,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "id",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "seen_state",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Viewer",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "viewer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "environment",
                        variableName: "environment"
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "last_update_timestamp",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d,
                type: "Subscription",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d
            params: {
                id: b("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {
                    subscriptionName: "batch_notification_state_change_subscribe"
                name: "CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                operationKind: "subscription",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometBatchNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql");
    function a(a) {
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, {
            subscription: i,
            variables: {
                environment: "MAIN_SURFACE",
                input: {
                    environment: "MAIN_SURFACE",
                    query_flags: ["INCLUDE_WA_P2B_NOTIFS"]
    g.subscription = i;
    g.batchSubscribe = a
), 98);
__d("CometCastingMiniplayerRoot.react", ["CastingContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "JSResourceForInteraction", "lazyLoadComponent", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext, k = c("lazyLoadComponent")(c("JSResourceForInteraction")("CometCastingMiniplayer.react").__setRef("CometCastingMiniplayerRoot.react"));
    function a() {
        var a = j(d("CastingContext").CastingStateContext);
        return a == null ? null : i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
            fallback: null,
            children: i.jsx(k, {})
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "4872300252838190"
), null);
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "environment"
          , c = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
          , d = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "data",
                variableName: "input"
            concreteType: "NotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "notification_state_change_subscribe",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Notification",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "notification",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "id",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "seen_state",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "notif_id",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Viewer",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "viewer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "environment",
                        variableName: "environment"
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "last_update_timestamp",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d,
                type: "Subscription",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d
            params: {
                id: b("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {
                    subscriptionName: "notification_state_change_subscribe"
                name: "CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                operationKind: "subscription",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper", ["react", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = c("requireDeferred")("FriendingCometConfirmedFriendRequestToast.react").__setRef("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"), k = c("requireDeferred")("FriendingCometFriendRequestToast.react").__setRef("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"), l = new Set(), m = {};
    function a(a, b) {
        var c, d = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_receive_subscribe;
        c = d == null ? void 0 : (c = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : c.seen_state;
        var e = d == null ? void 0 : (d = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : d.notif_id;
        c === "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && e != null && (l.add(e),
        k.onReadyImmediately(function(c) {
            if (!l.has(e))
            var d = b.push(i.jsx(c, {
                onCloseClick: function() {
                    return b.expire(d)
                response: a
            }), 5e3);
            m[e] = d
    function b(a, b) {
        var c, d = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_confirm_subscribe;
        c = d == null ? void 0 : (c = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : c.seen_state;
        var e = d == null ? void 0 : (d = d.notif) == null ? void 0 : d.notif_id;
        c === "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && e != null && (l.add(e),
        j.onReadyImmediately(function(c) {
            if (!l.has(e))
            var d = b.push(i.jsx(c, {
                onCloseClick: function() {
                    return b.expire(d)
                response: a
            }), 5e3);
            m[e] = d
    function e(a, b, c) {
        var d = c.getState();
        a !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" && b in m && ((a = d[m[b]]) == null ? void 0 : a.shown) !== !0 && (c["delete"](m[b]),
        delete m[b],
    g.pushFriendingCometToast = a;
    g.pushFriendingConfirmedCometToast = b;
    g.deleteToastIfSeen = e
), 98);
__d("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay", "FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometFriendNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql");
    function a(a, b) {
        var c = function(a) {
            a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.notification_state_change_subscribe) == null ? void 0 : a.notification;
            var c = a == null ? void 0 : a.seen_state;
            a = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif_id;
            c != null && a != null && d("FriendingCometSubscriptionToastHelper").deleteToastIfSeen(c, a, b)
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, {
            onNext: c,
            subscription: i,
            variables: {
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB",
                input: {
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB"
    g.subscription = i;
    g.subscribeToFriendNotifs = a
), 98);
__d("GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1942319");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ghl_test_ubt", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("CometGHLTestUBT", ["GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent", "JSScheduler", "ghlTestUBT"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    function a(a) {
        (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
            c("ghlTestUBT")(function(b, d) {
                b && a.addGlobalMetadata("adblocker_enabled", 1);
                return c("GhlTestUbtFalcoEvent").log(function() {
                    return {
                        recent: d,
                        ubt: b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "6421625191268347"
), null);
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", ["CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "environment"
          , c = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
          , d = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "data",
                variableName: "input"
            concreteType: "NotificationStateChangeSubscribeResponsePayload",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "notification_state_change_subscribe",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Notification",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "notification",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "id",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "seen_state",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Viewer",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "viewer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "environment",
                        variableName: "environment"
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "notifications_unseen_count",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "last_update_timestamp",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d,
                type: "Subscription",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [c, a],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                selections: d
            params: {
                id: b("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {
                    subscriptionName: "notification_state_change_subscribe"
                name: "CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription",
                operationKind: "subscription",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription", ["CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql", "CometRelay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometNotificationsStateChangeSubscription.graphql");
    function a(a) {
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(a, {
            subscription: i,
            variables: {
                environment: "MAIN_SURFACE",
                input: {
                    environment: "MAIN_SURFACE",
                    query_flags: ["INCLUDE_WA_P2B_NOTIFS"]
    c = {
        subscribe: a,
        subscription: i
    g["default"] = c
), 98);
__d("CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react", ["CometObjectFitContainer.react", "react", "useCometSize_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.contentAspectRatio
          , d = a.maxHeight;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["contentAspectRatio", "maxHeight"]);
        var e = c("useCometSize_DO_NOT_USE")()
          , f = e[0];
        e = e[1];
        var g = 16 / 9;
        b = b != null && isFinite(b) && b > 0 ? b : g;
        if (d != null && d > 0 && e != null) {
            g = e.width / b;
            g > d && (b = e.width / d)
        return i.jsx(c("CometObjectFitContainer.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
            contentAspectRatio: b,
            objectFitMode: "CONTAINER_WIDTH_BASED_ASPECT_RATIO",
            ref: f
        }, a))
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometOnBeforeUnloadDialog.react", ["fbt", "CometTrackingNodeProvider.react", "FDSCardedDialogLegacy.react", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "TetraText.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.disabled;
        b = b === void 0 ? !1 : b;
        var d = a.onClose
          , e = a.onCloseButtonPress
          , f = a.primaryAction
          , g = a.secondaryAction
          , i = a.body
          , k = a.cancel
          , l = a.confirm;
        a = a.title;
        var m = function() {
          , n = function() {
        return j.jsx(c("CometTrackingNodeProvider.react"), {
            trackingNode: 163,
            children: j.jsxs(c("FDSCardedDialogLegacy.react"), {
                onClose: function() {
                testid: void 0,
                title: a,
                titleHorizontalAlignment: "start",
                withCloseButton: !0,
                children: [j.jsx("div", {
                    className: "xz9dl7a x1pi30zi xsag5q8 x1swvt13 x1n2onr6",
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                        type: "body3",
                        children: i
                }), j.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x78zum5 x1q0g3np x13a6bvl xexx8yu x4uap5 x1l90r2v xkhd6sd",
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), {
                        direction: "backward",
                        paddingHorizontal: 16,
                        primary: {
                            disabled: b,
                            label: (a = l) != null ? a : h._("__JHASH__dV9Vz_8TRow__JHASH__"),
                            onPress: m,
                            testid: "CometOnBeforeUnloadDialogConfirmButton"
                        secondary: {
                            disabled: b,
                            label: (i = k) != null ? i : h._("__JHASH__vfZ0qXC5Zmr__JHASH__"),
                            onPress: n,
                            reduceEmphasis: !0,
                            testid: "CometOnBeforeUnloadDialogCancelButton"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometProfileSwitchedToast_query",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query"
        type: "Query",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            argumentDefinitions: [],
            kind: "Fragment",
            metadata: null,
            name: "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Viewer",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "viewer",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "actor",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "username",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, a, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "name",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "profile_type_name_for_content",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "height",
                                value: 32
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 32
                            concreteType: "Image",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "profile_picture",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "uri",
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:32,width:32)"
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "UserProfileSwitcherEligibleProfilesConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "profile_switcher_eligible_profiles",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "ProfileSwitcherEligibleProfile",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "nodes",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "User",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "profile",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [a],
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        type: "User",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                args: null,
                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                name: "useCometProfileSwitchMutation_query"
            type: "Query",
            abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("useCometProfileSwitchedToast", ["fbt", "CometListCellStrict_DEPRECATED.react", "CometRelay", "CometRouteURL", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "TetraText.react", "XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometProfileControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometProfileVanityControllerRouteBuilder", "emptyFunction", "react", "useCometProfileSwitchMutation", "useCometProfileSwitchTracer", "useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var e, f, g, j, l, m = a.onDismiss, n = a.previousProfileID;
        a = a.query;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("useCometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"), a);
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (e = == null ? void 0 :;
        f = a == null ? void 0 : (f = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (f = == null ? void 0 :;
        g = a == null ? void 0 : (g = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (g = == null ? void 0 : (g = g.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : g.uri;
        var o = a == null ? void 0 : (j = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (j = == null ? void 0 : (j = j.profile_switcher_eligible_profiles) == null ? void 0 : {
            return (a = a.profile) == null ? void 0 :
        j = (a == null ? void 0 : (j = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (j = == null ? void 0 : j.profile_type_name_for_content) === "PAGE";
        l = (l = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (l = == null ? void 0 : l.username;
        l = l == null || l.length === 0 ? "" : c("XCometProfileVanityControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({
            vanity: l
        var p = d("CometRouteURL").useRouteURLPath();
        l = l === p;
        var q = c("XCometProfileControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({})
          , r = d("CometRouteURL").useRouteURLParams().id;
        q = q === p && r === f;
        p = l || q;
        var s = c("useCometProfileSwitchTracer")({
            origin: "switched_toast",
            originatingSurface: "switched_toast"
          , t = c("useCometProfileSwitchMutation")({
            data: a
        r = function() {
            (o == null ? void 0 : o.includes(n)) && s(function(a) {
                t(n, a, null, "switched_toast")
        f = null;
        l = k.jsx(c("CometListCellStrict_DEPRECATED.react"), {
            addOnStart: g != null ? {
                "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__fZU-5mdO94e__JHASH__"),
                linkProps: {
                    url: c("XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({})
                onPress: m,
                shape: "circle",
                size: 48,
                source: {
                    uri: g
                type: "profile-photo"
            } : null,
            body: k.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), {
                align: p ? "start" : "justify",
                paddingHorizontal: 0,
                paddingTop: 12,
                primary: p ? {
                    label: h._("__JHASH__2kACvdZJNBP__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: r,
                    padding: "wide",
                    type: "secondary"
                } : {
                    label: j ? h._("__JHASH__--2XPIPCpnJ__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__GRs1INByQRl__JHASH__"),
                    linkProps: {
                        url: c("XCometMeControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({})
                    onPress: m,
                    type: "primary"
                secondary: p ? null : {
                    label: h._("__JHASH__2kACvdZJNBP__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: r,
                    type: "secondary"
                size: "large",
                wrap: "forward"
            headline: k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                type: "headline4",
                children: h._("__JHASH__AG0e6FYCEFC__JHASH__", [h._param("profile_name", e)])
        return {
            accessibilityAnnouncement: f,
            content: l,
            onCloseClick: m,
            onMouseEnter: c("emptyFunction"),
            profileName: e
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometProfileSwitchedToast.react", ["fbt", "CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "useCometProfileSwitchedToast"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.onDismiss
          , f = a.previousProfileID;
        a = a.query;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometProfileSwitchedToast_query.graphql"), a);
        f = c("useCometProfileSwitchedToast")({
            onDismiss: e,
            previousProfileID: f,
            query: a
        return k.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), {
            accessibilityAnnouncement: f.accessibilityAnnouncement,
            content: f.content,
            headline: h._("__JHASH__H1oTPehjLo5__JHASH__", [h._param("profile_name", f.profileName)]),
            onCloseClick: e,
            onMouseEnter: function() {}
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder", ["jsRouteBuilder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    a = c("jsRouteBuilder")("/shared/user_preferences/", Object.freeze({}), void 0);
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("DOMScanner", ["Base64", "ConstUriUtils", "DOMScannerConfig", "FBLogger", "JSScheduler", "Promise", "WebStorage", "XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder", "cometAsyncFetch", "isFacebookURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k = 0, l = !1, m = !1;
    function n(a) {
        return a.startsWith("data:") && a.includes(";base64,")
    function o(a) {
        return n(a) ? !1 : q(a)
    function p() {
        var a = []
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c)
            b[c].shadowRoot != null && a.push(b[c]);
        return a
    function q(a) {
        a = d("ConstUriUtils").getUri(a.toString());
        return a == null ? !1 : !c("isFacebookURI")(a)
    function r() {
        var a = []
          , b = p();
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
            var d = b[c]
              , e = d.getBoundingClientRect();
            e = JSON.stringify({
                position: {
                    b: e.bottom,
                    l: e.left,
                    r: e.right,
                size: {
                    h: e.height,
                    w: e.width
            }, null, 2);
            a.push(["shadow_root", d.tagName,, d.className, e])
        return a
    function s() {
        var a = []
          , b = document.querySelectorAll("script");
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
            var d = b[c];
            if (d.src && o(String(d.src))) {
                var e = d.src
                  , f = null
                  , g = null;
                d.className && (f = d.className);
       && (g =;
                d = ["script", e, g, f, null];
        return a
    function t() {
        var a = []
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
            var d = b[c];
            if (d.src && o(d.src)) {
                var e = d.src
                  , f = null
                  , g = null
                  , h = d.getBoundingClientRect();
                h = JSON.stringify({
                    position: {
                        b: h.bottom,
                        l: h.left,
                        r: h.right,
                    size: {
                        h: d.height,
                        w: d.width
                    src: d.src,
                }, null, 2);
                d.className && (f = d.className);
       && (g =;
                d = ["iframe", e, g, f, h];
        return a
    function u() {
        var a = []
          , b = (j || (j = c("WebStorage"))).getLocalStorage();
        if (!b || !b.length)
            return a;
        for (var d = 0; d < b.length; ++d)
        return a
    function v() {
        var a = []
          , b = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) {
            var d = b[c];
            if (d.href && o(String(d.href))) {
                var e = d.href;
                e = ["link", e, d.type,, null];
        return a
    function w(a, b, d, e) {
        e = {
            event: e ? "scan_result" : "logged_out_scan_result",
            local_storage: b,
            results: a,
            runtime: k,
            scan_id: d
        c("cometAsyncFetch")(c("XDOMScannerResultsControllerRouteBuilder").buildUri({}).toString(), {
            data: {
                data: c("Base64").encodeObject(e)
            method: "POST"
        })["catch"](function(a) {
            c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Send response failed. %s", a.errorCode, a.errorType)
    function x(a) {
        var e = new Date().valueOf()
          , f = []
          , g = []
          , j = new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(a) {
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                try {
                    f = f.concat(s())
                } catch (a) {
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check Scripts failed")
          , l = new i(function(a) {
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                try {
                    g = g.concat(u())
                } catch (a) {
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check local storage failed")
          , m = new i(function(a) {
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                try {
                    f = f.concat(v())
                } catch (a) {
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check link tags failed")
          , n = new i(function(a) {
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                try {
                    f = f.concat(r())
                } catch (a) {
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check shadow roots failed")
          , o = new i(function(a) {
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                try {
                    f = f.concat(t())
                } catch (a) {
                    c("FBLogger")("domscanner").catching(a).mustfix("Check iframes failed")
        i.all([j, l, m, n, o])["finally"](function() {
            k = new Date().valueOf() - e,
            (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                return w(f, g, a, !0)
    function a() {
        !l && c("DOMScannerConfig").needs_scan && (l = !0,
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            return (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
                return x(c("DOMScannerConfig").scan_id)
        }, c("DOMScannerConfig").delay))
    function e() {
        if (!m && c("DOMScannerConfig").needs_scan) {
            m = !0;
            var a = new Date().valueOf()
              , b = []
              , d = [];
            try {
                b = s(),
                d = u()
            } catch (a) {
                c("FBLogger")("domscanner_loginpage").catching(a).mustfix("Scanning failed on login page %s", a.errorCode, a.errorType)
            k = new Date().valueOf() - a;
            w(b, d, c("DOMScannerConfig").scan_id, !1)
    f = {
        checkIframes: t,
        checkLinkTags: v,
        checkScripts: s,
        checkShadowRoots: r
    g.scheduleScan = a;
    g.scanLoginPage = e;
    g.exportedForTesting = f
), 98);
__d("CometRootDeferredSharedWithDomScanner", ["CometRootDeferredShared", "DOMScanner", "ErrorGuard"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    function a(a) {
        (h || (h = c("ErrorGuard"))).applyWithGuard(function() {
            return d("DOMScanner").scheduleScan()
        }, null, []),
    g.initDeferred = a
), 98);
__d("XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder", ["jsExtraRouteBuilder"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    a = c("jsExtraRouteBuilder")("/ajax/autoset_timezone_ajax/", Object.freeze({
        is_forced: !1
    }), ["/ajax/autoset_timezone_ajax.php", "/ajax/timezone/update/", "/ajax/timezone/update.php"], void 0);
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("getBrowserTimezone", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        try {
            var a;
            a = ((a = window.Intl) == null ? void 0 : a.DateTimeFormat) && Intl.DateTimeFormat();
            a = (a == null ? void 0 : a.resolvedOptions) && a.resolvedOptions();
            return a == null ? void 0 : a.timeZone
        } catch (a) {
            c("FBLogger")("TimezoneAutoset").catching(a).warn("Could not read IANA timezone from browser");
            return null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometTimezoneUpdater", ["UserTimezoneServerTimeData", "XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder", "cometAsyncFetch", "getBrowserGMTOffsetAdjustedForSkew", "getBrowserTimezone", "killswitch"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        var a, b = (a = d("UserTimezoneServerTimeData")).force_update, e = a.server_gmt_offset, f = a.server_time;
        a = a.timezone;
        if (f == null || e == null)
        f = -c("getBrowserGMTOffsetAdjustedForSkew")(f);
        var g = c("killswitch")("TIMEZONE_SET_IANA_ZONE_NAME") ? null : c("getBrowserTimezone")();
        (b === !0 || f !== e || g != null && g !== a) && c("cometAsyncFetch")(c("XUpdateTimezoneControllerRouteBuilder").buildExtraURL("/ajax/timezone/update.php", {}), {
            data: {
                gmt_off: f,
                is_forced: b,
                tz: g
            method: "POST"
    b = {
        updateTimezoneIfNecessary: a
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("CometRootDeferred", ["CometRootDeferredSharedWithDomScanner", "CometTimezoneUpdater", "JSScheduler", "SketchComet", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.sketchInfo;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["sketchInfo"]);
        b != null && (h || (h = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleSpeculativeCallback(function() {
            c("promiseDone")(c("SketchComet").solveAllPrimitivesAndCallAsyncController(b.seed1, b.seed2, b.rounds))
    g.initDeferred = a
), 98);
__d("CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "6178173252294200"
), null);
__d("CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql", ["CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , d = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , e = {
            alias: "toast_icon",
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 32
            }, {
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "scale",
                variableName: "scale"
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 32
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "uri",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c, d, e],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "actor",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c, d, e, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "id",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("CometRouteActorToasterQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "CometRouteActorToasterQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometRouteActorToaster.react", ["fbt", "Actor", "CometRelay", "CometRouteActorToasterBlocklist", "CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "TetraText.react", "WebPixelRatio", "cometPushToast", "getTopMostRoute", "promiseDone", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useCurrentRoute", "useProfileCometIsViewAs", "useRouteReferrer"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react"));
    e = j;
    var l = e.useEffect
      , m = e.useRef
      , n = c("requireDeferred")("AcfToastImpressionFalcoEvent").__setRef("CometRouteActorToaster.react");
    function o(a, b) {
        if (b)
            return k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                color: "primary",
                type: "body3",
                children: h._("__JHASH__dhtpcLgifst__JHASH__", [h._implicitParam("=m2", k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                    type: "bodyLink3",
                    children: h._("__JHASH__IxzOnYaj38q__JHASH__")
            return k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                color: "primary",
                type: "body3",
                children: h._("__JHASH__Kzzb7vg3fH___JHASH__", [h._param("actor", k.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                    type: "bodyLink3",
                    children: a
    var p = i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometRouteActorToasterQuery.graphql");
    function a() {
        var a = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment()
          , b = d("Actor").useActor()
          , e = b[0];
        b = c("useCometRouterState")();
        var f = c("useCurrentRoute")()
          , g = c("useRouteReferrer")()
          , h = c("useProfileCometIsViewAs")()
          , i = m({
            actorID: g == null ? void 0 : g.actorID,
            tracePolicy: g == null ? void 0 : g.tracePolicy
        g = c("CometRouteActorToasterBlocklist").route_trace_policies;
        var j = f == null ? void 0 : f.tracePolicy;
        g = g.includes(j);
        b = b != null ? c("getTopMostRoute")(b) : null;
        f = f === b;
        var q = f && !g && !h;
        l(function() {
            var b, f = (b = i.current) == null ? void 0 : b.actorID, g = (b = i.current) == null ? void 0 : b.tracePolicy;
            if (f != null && f !== e && q) {
                b = function(a) {
                    var b;
                    b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (b = == null ? void 0 :;
                    if (b != null) {
                        var e;
                        e = (a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (e = == null ? void 0 : e.__typename) === "User";
                        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : (a = == null ? void 0 : (a = a.toast_icon) == null ? void 0 : a.uri;
                        a = a != null ? k.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), {
                            shape: "circle",
                            size: 32,
                            source: {
                                uri: a
                        }) : null;
                        b = o(b, e);
                            icon: a,
                            message: b
                        n.onReady(function(a) {
                            a = a.log;
                            a(function() {
                                var a;
                                return {
                                    destination: (a = j) != null ? a : "",
                                    destination_type: "comet_route",
                                    source: g,
                                    source_type: "comet_route",
                                    source_userid: f
                var h = {
                    scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get()
                c("promiseDone")(d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(a, p, h).toPromise(), b)
            i.current = {
                actorID: e,
                tracePolicy: j
        }, [e, j, a, q]);
        return null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks", ["CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useContext;
    function a() {
        return i(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext)
    g.useCometVideoPictureInPictureManager = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video",
        selections: [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "owner",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "has_professional_features_for_watch",
                    storageKey: null
                type: "VideoOwner",
                abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
            storageKey: null
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "TetraIcon.react", "VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "stylex", "useCometRouterState", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useVideoPlayerDefaultControlsVisibility"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k, l, m = l || (l = d("react")), n = l.useContext, o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), p = {
        absolutePosition: {
            end: "xnx3k43",
            position: "x10l6tqk",
            top: "x1jzctok",
            $$css: !0
        closeButton: {
            zIndex: "x1vjfegm",
            $$css: !0
        closeButtonHidden: {
            opacity: "xg01cxk",
            visibility: "xlshs6z",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        a =;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video.graphql"), a);
        var e = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , f = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , g = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext()
          , l = g.chainingDepthState;
        g = c("useVideoPlayerDefaultControlsVisibility")();
        var q = g.isControlsVisible
          , r = g.onUserInteraction;
        a = !!(a == null ? void 0 : (g = a.owner) == null ? void 0 : g.has_professional_features_for_watch);
        g = d("VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks").useInstreamAdsIsStart();
        var s = a || g
          , t = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")();
        a = c("useCometRouterState")();
        var u = (g = a == null ? void 0 : a.main.route.tabKey) != null ? g : "undefined";
        return m.jsx("i", {
            className: (k || (k = c("stylex")))(!s && p.absolutePosition, p.closeButton, !s && !q && p.closeButtonHidden),
            children: m.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), {
                "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__gRfYYYiiNCL__JHASH__"),
                color: s ? "primary" : "white",
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("478233"), 20),
                onPress: function() {
                    var a = f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionStartTime
                      , b = new Date()
                      , c = (f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionTrigger) ? f == null ? void 0 : f.sessionTrigger : null;
                        name: "exit_watch_and_scroll_video",
                        type: "happened"
                    s && o.onReady(function(d) {
                        var e = l + 1
                          , f = a ? (b.getTime() - a.getTime()) / 1e3 : null;
                            attribution_id_v2: t,
                            click_point: "close_button",
                            click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                            event: "click",
                            event_target_info: u
                            event: "watch_and_scroll_end_session",
                            event_target_info: c,
                            video_watched_count: e,
                            watch_time_in_watch_and_scroll_s: f
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay_video"
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , b = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri_token",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            argumentDefinitions: [{
                kind: "RootArgument",
                name: "scale"
            kind: "Fragment",
            metadata: null,
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video",
            selections: [a, b, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "title_with_fallback",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "url",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                args: null,
                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video"
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "owner",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [b, a, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "height",
                        value: 32
                    }, {
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "scale",
                        variableName: "scale"
                    }, {
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "width",
                        value: 32
                    concreteType: "Image",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "profile_picture",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "uri",
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [c, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "page_vanity_url",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "vanity",
                        storageKey: null
                    type: "Page",
                    abstractKey: null
                }, {
                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                    selections: [c, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "site",
                                value: "www"
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "url",
                            storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
                        type: "User",
                        abstractKey: null
                    type: "VideoOwner",
                    abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Story",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "creation_story",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "identifier_token",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "debug_info",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "tracking",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "Video",
            abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react", ["ix", "CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometRow.react", "CometRowItem.react", "CometVideoHomeThreeDotContextMenu.react", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql", "FDSTextPairing.react", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "XCometGamingVanityControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder", "fbicon", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useNavigateToTahoePassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react")), l = j.useState, m = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react"), n = {
        actorIcon: {
            marginStart: "x1i64zmx",
            marginLeft: null,
            marginRight: null,
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu",
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5",
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69",
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd",
            $$css: !0
        closeButton: {
            display: "x78zum5",
            marginTop: "x14vqqas",
            marginEnd: "xq8finb",
            marginBottom: "xod5an3",
            marginStart: "x16n37ib",
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu",
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5",
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69",
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd",
            $$css: !0
        row: {
            marginTop: "xdj266r",
            marginEnd: "x11i5rnm",
            marginBottom: "xat24cr",
            marginStart: "x1mh8g0r",
            width: "xh8yej3",
            $$css: !0
        threeDot: {
            display: "x78zum5",
            marginTop: "xdj266r",
            marginEnd: "x11i5rnm",
            marginBottom: "xat24cr",
            marginStart: "x1mh8g0r",
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu",
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5",
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69",
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.isGamingVideo
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy
          , g = a.subOrigin
          , j =;
        a = a.videoUrl;
        j = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video.graphql"), j);
        var r = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")()
          , s = c("useNavigateToTahoePassthroughProps")()
          , t = l(!1);
        var u = t[1];
        t = function(a) {
        var v = j == null ? void 0 : j.owner;
        if (j == null || v == null)
            return null;
        s = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, s, {
            playerSubOrigin: g,
            portalingRouteTracePolicy: f,
            portalingSubOrigin: g
        f = "#";
        g = v.uri_token;
        g != null ? f = c("XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({
            idorvanity: g
        }) : v.url != null && (f = v.url);
        if (e) {
            g = (g = (g = v.page_vanity_url) != null ? g : v.vanity) != null ? g : v.uri_token;
            if (g != null) {
                var w;
                f = c("XCometGamingVanityControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({
                    injected_hero_video_id: (w = != null ? w : void 0,
                    vanity: g
        return k.jsx("div", {
            className: "x1jx94hy xgqcy7u x1lq5wgf x163d74j x78zum5 xds687c x1dqyrwa x1hc1fzr x10l6tqk x17qophe x11zq2l5 x1nm1lid xm4efwp xx6bhzk x11xpdln",
            children: k.jsxs(c("CometRow.react"), {
                paddingHorizontal: 0,
                paddingVertical: 0,
                verticalAlign: "center",
                xstyle: n.row,
                children: [k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), {
                    xstyle: n.actorIcon,
                    children: k.jsx(o, {
                        actorURL: f,
                        iconURI: (w = v.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : w.uri,
                        passthroughProps: e ? s : void 0,
                        productAttribution: r
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), {
                    expanding: !0,
                    children: k.jsx(c("FDSTextPairing.react"), {
                        headline: k.jsx(q, {
                            passthroughProps: s,
                            productAttribution: r,
                            title: j.title_with_fallback,
                            videoUrl: a
                        headlineLineLimit: 1,
                        level: 4,
                        meta: k.jsx(p, {
                            actorURL: f,
                            passthroughProps: e ? s : void 0,
                            productAttribution: r
                        metaLineLimit: 1,
                        metaLocation: "above"
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), {
                    xstyle: n.threeDot,
                    children: k.jsx(c("CometVideoHomeThreeDotContextMenu.react"), {
                        icon: d("fbicon")._(h("555291"), 20),
                        identifierToken: (g = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : g.identifier_token,
                        onMenuVisibilityChange: t,
                        onPress: function() {
                            m.onReady(function(a) {
                                    attribution_id_v2: r,
                                    click_point: "three_dot_menu",
                                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                                    event: "click"
                        position: "above",
                        storyDebugInfo: (w = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : w.debug_info,
                        tracking: (a = j.creation_story) == null ? void 0 : a.tracking,
                        videoMenuLocation: "WATCH_AND_SCROLL"
                }), k.jsx(c("CometRowItem.react"), {
                    xstyle: n.closeButton,
                    children: k.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), {
                        video: j
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function o(a) {
        var b = a.actorName
          , d = a.actorURL
          , e = a.iconURI
          , f = a.passthroughProps
          , g = a.productAttribution;
        return k.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), {
            "aria-label": c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(b) ? d : b,
            linkProps: {
                passthroughProps: (a = f) != null ? a : void 0,
                url: d
            onPress: function() {
                m.onReady(function(a) {
                        attribution_id_v2: g,
                        click_point: "actor_profile_picture",
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                        event: "click"
            size: 32,
            source: {
                uri: e || ""
    o.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function p(a) {
        var b = a.actorName
          , d = a.actorURL
          , e = a.passthroughProps
          , f = a.productAttribution;
        return c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(b) ? null : k.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), {
            href: d,
            onClick: function() {
                m.onReady(function(a) {
                        attribution_id_v2: f,
                        click_point: "actor_name",
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                        event: "click"
            passthroughProps: (a = e) != null ? a : void 0,
            children: b
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function q(a) {
        var b = a.passthroughProps
          , d = a.productAttribution
          , e = a.title;
        a = a.videoUrl;
        var f = c("useCometRouterState")()
          , g = f == null ? void 0 : f.main.route.tabKey;
        return k.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), {
            href: a,
            onClick: function() {
                m.onReady(function(a) {
                        attribution_id_v2: d,
                        click_point: "video_title",
                        click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                        event: "click",
                        event_target_info: g
            passthroughProps: b,
            children: e
    q.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "26392843793693065"
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql", ["VideoPlayerRelay_video$normalization.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "chainingCursor"
          , c = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "chainingSeedVideoID"
          , d = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , e = {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "videoID"
          , f = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "id",
            variableName: "videoID"
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , h = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: null
          , i = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_professional_features_for_watch",
            storageKey: null
          , j = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_gaming_video",
            storageKey: null
          , k = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_soundbites_video",
            storageKey: null
          , l = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "PayToAccessPaywall",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "pay_to_access_paywall",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "should_show_paywall",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , m = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "id",
            variableName: "chainingSeedVideoID"
          , n = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , o = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri_token",
            storageKey: null
          , p = [{
            kind: "Literal",
            name: "site",
            value: "www"
          , q = {
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            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , r = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri",
            storageKey: null
          , s = [g]
          , t = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "title_with_fallback",
            storageKey: null
          , u = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: s,
            type: "Node",
            abstractKey: "__isNode"
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, d, e],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery",
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                    args: f,
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                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [g, h, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "owner",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [i],
                            type: "VideoOwner",
                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
                        storageKey: null
                    }, j, k, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerRelay_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen_video"
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                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
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                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground_video"
                    }, {
                        args: null,
                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video"
                    }, l],
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
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                        kind: "Defer",
                        selections: [{
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Variable",
                                name: "cursor",
                                variableName: "chainingCursor"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Variable",
                                name: "seedVideoID",
                                variableName: "chainingSeedVideoID"
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video"
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [a, c, e, d],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery",
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                    alias: null,
                    args: f,
                    concreteType: "Video",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "video",
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: null,
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                        name: "owner",
                        plural: !1,
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                            selections: [i, o, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: p,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "url",
                                    storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
                                type: "User",
                                abstractKey: null
                            type: "VideoOwner",
                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
                        }, g, q, {
                            alias: null,
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                                name: "height",
                                value: 32
                            }, {
                                kind: "Variable",
                                name: "scale",
                                variableName: "scale"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 32
                            concreteType: "Image",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "profile_picture",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: r,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [o, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "page_vanity_url",
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "vanity",
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                            type: "Page",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, j, k, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
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                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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                        name: "live_end_text",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "text",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "is_huddle",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "is_live_audio_room_v2_broadcast",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Event",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "associated_paid_online_event",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: s,
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "is_live_streaming",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "is_paid_virtual_event_premium_content",
                        storageKey: null
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                        alias: "breakingStatus",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "breaking_status",
                        storageKey: null
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                        alias: "videoId",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "id",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: "isPremiere",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "is_premiere",
                        storageKey: null
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                        alias: "liveViewerCount",
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
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                        alias: "rehearsalInfo",
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                        plural: !1,
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                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "__typename",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "publish_time",
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Video",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "live_speaker_count_indicator",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: null,
                            documentName: "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator_video",
                            fragmentName: "HuddlesSpeakerCountIndicatorContainer_video",
                            fragmentPropName: "video",
                            kind: "ModuleImport"
                        }, g],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, q, t, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Story",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "creation_story",
                        plural: !1,
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                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
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                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
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                            alias: null,
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                            name: "shareable",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [n, {
                                alias: "wwwUrl",
                                args: p,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "url",
                                storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
                            }, u],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: [{
                            kind: "Literal",
                            name: "framework",
                            value: "WARNING_SCREENS"
                        }, {
                            kind: "Literal",
                            name: "location",
                            value: "video_channel"
                        concreteType: "CIXScreen",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "cix_screen",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "view_model",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [n, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    args: null,
                                    documentName: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video",
                                    fragmentName: "CometWarningScreenOverlay_data",
                                    fragmentPropName: "data",
                                    kind: "ModuleImport"
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                            }, u],
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                        args: null,
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                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "Image",
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                            plural: !1,
                            selections: r,
                            storageKey: null
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                        alias: null,
                        args: [{
                            kind: "Literal",
                            name: "supported",
                            value: "2sq8zP"
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                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [n, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video",
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithLiveAudioRoomV2OverlayRenderer_renderer",
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer",
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                            abstractKey: null
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                                args: null,
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video",
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                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video",
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                            kind: "InlineFragment",
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                                args: null,
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video",
                                fragmentName: "VideoPlayerWithMusicSproutOverlayRenderer_renderer",
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer",
                                kind: "ModuleImport"
                            type: "VideoPlayerWithMusicSproutOverlayRenderer",
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                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay_video",
                                fragmentName: "CometVideoPlayerWithSoundbiteOverlayRenderer_renderer",
                                fragmentPropName: "renderer",
                                kind: "ModuleImport"
                            type: "CometVideoPlayerWithSoundbiteOverlayRenderer",
                            abstractKey: null
                        storageKey: 'comet_video_player_audio_overlay_renderer(supported:"2sq8zP")'
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: [{
                            kind: "Literal",
                            name: "supported",
                            value: "2ZlrYX"
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
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                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [n, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                documentName: "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground_video",
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                        args: null,
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                        args: null,
                        fragment: b("VideoPlayerRelay_video$normalization.graphql"),
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                        "if": null,
                        kind: "Defer",
                        label: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery$defer$VideoPlayerSkipControl_video_izUbj",
                        selections: [g, {
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                            args: [{
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                                name: "entry_point",
                                value: "WNS"
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                            plural: !1,
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                                alias: null,
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                                }, {
                                    kind: "Literal",
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                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
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                                                name: "attachments",
                                                plural: !0,
                                                selections: [{
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                                                            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)'
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                                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                                            selections: s,
                                            type: "XFBDummyReelsInWatchIFU",
                                            abstractKey: null
                                        storageKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            }, g],
                            storageKey: 'video_channel(entry_point:"WNS")'
                    }, g],
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "VideoPlayerControlIcon.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k, l = j || (j = d("react"));
    b = j;
    var m = b.useCallback
      , n = b.useContext
      , o = b.useEffect
      , p = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react")
      , q = window.document.pictureInPictureEnabled;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.routeTracePolicy
          , e = a.subOrigin;
        a = h._("__JHASH__AQMjhAwOZ46__JHASH__");
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")()
          , g = m(function() {
            p.onReady(function(a) {
                    attribution_id_v2: f,
                    click_point: "control_picture_in_picture",
                    event: "click",
                    event_target_info: b,
                    player_suborigin: e
        }, [b, e, f])
          , j = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , r = n(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerAPIContext)
          , s = m(function() {
        }, [g, r])
          , t = c("useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps")()
          , u = t.portableVideoID;
        o(function() {
            q && (r.setController(j),
        }, [r, j, u]);
        return q ? l.jsx(c("VideoPlayerControlIcon.react"), {
            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("509931"), 20),
            label: a,
            onPress: s,
            tooltip: a
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g.VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl = a
), 226);
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", ["fbt", "ix", "VideoPlayerControlIcon.react", "fbicon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k = j || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.disabled
          , e = a.onHoverIn
          , f = a.onHoverOut;
        a = a.onPress;
        return k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerControlIcon.react"), {
            color: "white",
            disabled: b,
            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("1052613"), 20),
            label: h._("__JHASH__RMwYtzhsEt6__JHASH__"),
            onHoverIn: e,
            onHoverOut: f,
            onPress: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "7483165565124639"
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql", ["CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "caller"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "chainingCursor"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "channelEntryPoint"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "count"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "seedVideoID"
          , c = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "id",
            variableName: "seedVideoID"
          , d = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "entry_point",
            variableName: "channelEntryPoint"
          , e = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "after",
            variableName: "chainingCursor"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "caller",
            variableName: "caller"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "exclude_video",
            variableName: "seedVideoID"
        }, {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "first",
            variableName: "count"
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "cursor",
            storageKey: null
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , h = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , i = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri",
            storageKey: null
          , j = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 202
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "sizing",
                value: "cover-fill-cropped"
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 360
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: i,
            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)'
          , k = [h]
          , l = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: null
          , m = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "click_tracking_linkshim_cb",
            storageKey: null
          , n = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "encrypted_click_tracking",
            storageKey: null
          , o = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "encrypted_tracking",
            storageKey: null
          , p = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "viewability_config",
            storageKey: null
          , q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "CometClientViewConfig",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "client_view_config",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "can_delay_log_impression",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "use_banzai_signal_imp",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "use_banzai_vital_imp",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , r = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: k,
            type: "Node",
            abstractKey: "__isNode"
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "Video",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "video",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: d,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "video_channel",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: e,
                            concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "video_channel_feed",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "edges",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [f, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: null,
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "node",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                                            kind: "LinkedField",
                                            name: "attachments",
                                            plural: !0,
                                            selections: [{
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                concreteType: null,
                                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                                name: "media",
                                                plural: !1,
                                                selections: [g, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: [{
                                                        args: null,
                                                        kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                                        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video"
                                                    }, h, j, {
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        concreteType: "MusicVideoMetadata",
                                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                                        name: "pmv_metadata",
                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: [g],
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, {
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        concreteType: null,
                                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                                        name: "owner",
                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: k,
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, l],
                                                    type: "Video",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, m, n, o, p, q],
                                        type: "Story",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "Video",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "video",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: d,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "video_channel",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [g, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: e,
                            concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "video_channel_feed",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "edges",
                                plural: !0,
                                selections: [f, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: null,
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "node",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [g, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                                            kind: "LinkedField",
                                            name: "attachments",
                                            plural: !0,
                                            selections: [{
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                concreteType: null,
                                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                                name: "media",
                                                plural: !1,
                                                selections: [g, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: [{
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                                        name: "title_with_fallback",
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, {
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        concreteType: null,
                                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                                        name: "owner",
                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: [g, {
                                                            alias: null,
                                                            args: null,
                                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                                            name: "name",
                                                            storageKey: null
                                                        }, h, {
                                                            alias: null,
                                                            args: [{
                                                                kind: "Literal",
                                                                name: "height",
                                                                value: 32
                                                            }, {
                                                                kind: "Variable",
                                                                name: "scale",
                                                                variableName: "scale"
                                                            }, {
                                                                kind: "Literal",
                                                                name: "width",
                                                                value: 32
                                                            concreteType: "Image",
                                                            kind: "LinkedField",
                                                            name: "profile_picture",
                                                            plural: !1,
                                                            selections: i,
                                                            storageKey: null
                                                        }, {
                                                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                            selections: [{
                                                                alias: null,
                                                                args: null,
                                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                                name: "has_professional_features_for_watch",
                                                                storageKey: null
                                                            type: "VideoOwner",
                                                            abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
                                                        }, {
                                                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                            selections: [{
                                                                alias: null,
                                                                args: [{
                                                                    kind: "Literal",
                                                                    name: "site",
                                                                    value: "www"
                                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                                name: "url",
                                                                storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
                                                            type: "User",
                                                            abstractKey: null
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, h, j, {
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        concreteType: "MusicVideoMetadata",
                                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                                        name: "pmv_metadata",
                                                        plural: !1,
                                                        selections: [g, h],
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    }, l],
                                                    type: "Video",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                }, r, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: k,
                                                    type: "DynamicFeedAdAttachmentMedia",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                }, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: k,
                                                    type: "GenericAttachmentMedia",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                }, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: k,
                                                    type: "MontageImage",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                }, {
                                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                                    selections: k,
                                                    type: "MontageVideo",
                                                    abstractKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, m, n, o, p, q],
                                        type: "Story",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, r, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "CommunityTabNewJoinFeedUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "CommunityTabTrendingPOGFeedUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "FBShortsMidCardFeedUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "GroupsMultiGYSJStoryUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "GroupsTabCategoriesUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "PagesYouMayLikeFeedUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "StoriesTrayFeedUnit",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                                        selections: k,
                                        type: "XFBDummyReelsInWatchIFU",
                                        abstractKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, h],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, h],
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video"
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [{
            kind: "RootArgument",
            name: "scale"
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video",
        selections: [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "title_with_fallback",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "owner",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "name",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "id",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "height",
                    value: 32
                }, {
                    kind: "Variable",
                    name: "scale",
                    variableName: "scale"
                }, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "width",
                    value: 32
                concreteType: "Image",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "profile_picture",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "uri",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "has_professional_features_for_watch",
                    storageKey: null
                type: "VideoOwner",
                abstractKey: "__isVideoOwner"
            }, {
                kind: "InlineFragment",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Literal",
                        name: "site",
                        value: "www"
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "url",
                    storageKey: 'url(site:"www")'
                type: "User",
                abstractKey: null
            storageKey: null
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react", ["CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql", "TetraProfilePhoto.react", "TetraText.react", "XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "react", "requireDeferred", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = i || d("react"), k = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react");
    function a(a) {
        var e;
        a =;
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")();
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection_video.graphql"), a);
        var g = a == null ? void 0 : a.owner;
        if (a == null || g == null)
            return null;
        var i =
          , l =
          , m = g.url;
        e = (e = g.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : e.uri;
        var n = "#";
        g.has_professional_features_for_watch === !0 ? n = c("XCometVideoHomePlaylistControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({
            idorvanity: i
        }) : m != null && (n = m);
        return j.jsxs("div", {
            className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5",
            children: [j.jsx("div", {
                className: "x1emribx",
                children: j.jsx(c("TetraProfilePhoto.react"), {
                    "aria-label": c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(l) ? n : l,
                    linkProps: {
                        url: n
                    onPress: function() {
                        k.onReady(function(a) {
                                attribution_id_v2: f,
                                click_point: "actor_profile_picture",
                                click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen",
                                event: "click"
                    size: 32,
                    source: {
                        uri: e || ""
            }), j.jsxs("div", {
                className: "xeuugli",
                children: [!c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(l) && j.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), {
                    color: "secondary",
                    href: n,
                    onClick: function() {
                        k.onReady(function(a) {
                                click_point: "actor_name",
                                click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen",
                                event: "click"
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                        color: "secondary",
                        numberOfLines: 1,
                        type: "meta4",
                        children: l
                }), j.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x1gslohp",
                    children: j.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                        color: "primary",
                        numberOfLines: 1,
                        type: "headlineEmphasized4",
                        children: a == null ? void 0 : a.title_with_fallback
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react", ["CometPressable.react", "TetraIcon.react", "TetraText.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.icon
          , d = a.label
          , e = a.onPress
          , f = a.testid;
        f = a.url;
        return i.jsxs("div", {
            className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xdt5ytf xl56j7k x14vqqas xq8finb xod5an3 x16n37ib x1n2onr6 x1dmp6jm",
            "data-testid": void 0,
            children: [i.jsx("div", {
                className: "xgjxtca xnuwv8w x1lqxvo2 xgi2ibe x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu x13fuv20 xu3j5b3 x1q0q8m5 x26u7qi xamhcws xol2nv xlxy82 x19p7ews xod5an3 x889kno x1iji9kk x1a8lsjc x1sln4lm",
                children: i.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), {
                    "aria-label": d,
                    linkProps: {
                        url: f
                    onPress: e,
                    children: i.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), {
                        "aria-label": d,
                        color: "white",
                        hideHoverOverlay: !0,
                        icon: b
            }), i.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), {
                linkProps: {
                    url: f
                onPress: e,
                children: i.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                    align: "center",
                    color: "primaryOnMedia",
                    type: "bodyLink4",
                    children: d
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "VideoPlayerReshareButton_video"
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerReshareButton.react", "XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometRouterState", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k, l, m = k || (k = d("react")), n = k.useContext, o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react");
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.setIsCanceled;
        a =;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen_video.graphql"), a);
        var f = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")()
          , g = (l || (l = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , k = c("useCometRouterState")();
        k = k == null ? void 0 : k.main.route.tabKey;
        k = k !== "watch";
        var p = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , q = function(a) {
            o.onReady(function(b) {
                    attribution_id_v2: f,
                    click_point: a,
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen",
                    event: "click"
        return m.jsx("div", {
            className: "x6s0dn4 xrmyhay x1l1xfun x13fuv20 x178xt8z x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xl56j7k x13zrc24 xbxaen2 x1t1ogtf x1u72gb5 x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
            children: m.jsxs("div", {
                className: "x1cy8zhl x78zum5 x1q0g3np xl56j7k",
                children: [k && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), {
                    icon: d("fbicon")._(i("607168"), 16),
                    label: h._("__JHASH___cyqgKfFL6l__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: function() {
                    url: c("XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL({})
                }), m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), {
                    icon: d("fbicon")._(i("534218"), 16),
                    label: h._("__JHASH__3wtbhevyblT__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: function() {
                }), a != null && m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerReshareButton.react"), {
                    renderActionButton: function(a) {
                        var b = a.onPress;
                        return m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollActionButton.react"), {
                            icon: d("fbicon")._(i("484394"), 16),
                            label: h._("__JHASH__7sgCXbUM9aN__JHASH__"),
                            onPress: function() {
                    video: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react", ["fbt", "ix", "CometBackgroundImage.react", "CometPictureInPictureExpContext", "CometPressable.react", "CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react", "CometTheme.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react", "CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react", "CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "TetraIcon.react", "TetraText.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "WebPixelRatio", "fbicon", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k, l, m, n = l || (l = d("react"));
    e = l;
    var o = e.useCallback
      , p = e.useContext
      , q = e.useEffect
      , r = e.useState
      , s = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react");
    function a(a) {
        var e, f = a.hidden, g = a.routeTracePolicy, l = a.seedVideoID, t = a.subOrigin;
        a =;
        var u = p(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , v = u == null ? void 0 : u.chainingCursor;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql"), a);
        v = d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(k !== void 0 ? k : k = b("CometWatchAndScrollChainingQuery.graphql"), {
            caller: "WNS",
            chainingCursor: v,
            channelEntryPoint: "WNS",
            count: 1,
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(),
            seedVideoID: l
        var w = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext()
          , x = w.chainingDepthDispatch;
        w = r(!1);
        var y = w[0]
          , z = w[1]
          , A = (m || (m = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , B = p(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , C = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")();
        w = (w = == null ? void 0 : (v = w.video_channel) == null ? void 0 : (w = v.video_channel_feed) == null ? void 0 : (v = w.edges) == null ? void 0 : v[0];
        var D = w == null ? void 0 : w.cursor
          , E = w == null ? void 0 : w.node
          , F = E == null ? void 0 : (v = E.attachments) == null ? void 0 : (w = v[0]) == null ? void 0 :;
        v = (F == null ? void 0 : F.pmv_metadata) && F.pmv_metadata != null;
        var G = !!v;
        q(function() {
            !f && !y && s.onReady(function(a) {
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen_impression"
        }, [f, y]);
        var H = p(c("CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext"))
          , I = p(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext"))
          , J = o(function(a) {
            s.onReady(function(b) {
                    event: a
                chainingCursor: D,
                chainingSeedVideoID: l,
                routeTracePolicy: g,
                sessionStartTime: u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionStartTime,
                sessionTrigger: u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionTrigger,
                subOrigin: t,
                videoID: F == null ? void 0 :,
                videoUrl: F == null ? void 0 : F.url
                clientViewConfig: E == null ? void 0 : E.client_view_config,
                encryptedTracking: E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking,
                trackingCode: {
                    click_tracking_linkshim_cb: (E == null ? void 0 : E.click_tracking_linkshim_cb) || "",
                    encrypted_click_tracking: (E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_click_tracking) || "",
                    encrypted_tracking: (E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking) || ""
                videoID: F == null ? void 0 :,
                viewabilityConfig: E == null ? void 0 : E.viewability_config
        }, [D, g, l, H, B, E == null ? void 0 : E.click_tracking_linkshim_cb, E == null ? void 0 : E.client_view_config, E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_click_tracking, E == null ? void 0 : E.encrypted_tracking, E == null ? void 0 : E.viewability_config, t, u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionStartTime, u == null ? void 0 : u.sessionTrigger, F]);
        if (y)
            return n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react"), {
                setIsCanceled: z,
                video: a
        if (F == null || F.__typename !== "Video") {
            s.onReady(function(a) {
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_chaining_query_empty"
            return n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollFallbackCTAScreen.react"), {
                setIsCanceled: z,
                video: a
        v = (w = F.image) == null ? void 0 : w.uri;
        a = function() {
            s.onReady(function(a) {
                    attribution_id_v2: C,
                    click_point: "cancel_button",
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen",
                    event: "click"
        w = function() {
            s.onReady(function(a) {
                    attribution_id_v2: C,
                    click_point: "replay",
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll_end_screen",
                    event: "click"
        var K = h._("__JHASH__gHxfq7Lt3Mv__JHASH__")
          , L = F == null ? void 0 : (e = F.owner) == null ? void 0 :;
        return n.jsx(c("CometTheme.react"), {
            theme: "dark",
            children: n.jsxs("div", {
                className: "x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
                children: [n.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
                    children: v != null && n.jsx(c("CometBackgroundImage.react"), {
                        src: v
                }), n.jsxs("div", {
                    className: "xrmyhay x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xdt5ytf x889kno x1iji9kk x1a8lsjc x1sln4lm x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
                    children: [n.jsx("div", {
                        className: "xyorhqc",
                        children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                            color: "primaryOnMedia",
                            type: "body3",
                            children: h._("__JHASH__59L0MmpSxEn__JHASH__")
                    }), n.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollContextSection.react"), {
                        video: F
                    }), n.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xr1yuqi",
                        children: [n.jsx("div", {
                            className: "x1emribx",
                            children: n.jsx(c("TetraIcon.react"), {
                                "aria-label": K,
                                color: "white",
                                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("534219"), 20),
                                onPress: w
                        }), n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), {
                            onPress: w,
                            children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                                color: "primaryOnMedia",
                                type: "bodyLink4",
                                children: K
                }), n.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x6s0dn4 x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xdt5ytf xl56j7k x47corl x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
                    children: n.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "x1sy10c2 x71s49j",
                        children: [!f && n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), {
                            "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__RPoFRbVl1Un__JHASH__"),
                            onPress: function() {
                                x && x({
                                    type: "INCREMENT"
                            children: n.jsx(c("CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react"), {
                                circleDiameter: 44,
                                circleStrokeColor: "var(--base-blue)",
                                circleStrokeWidth: 3,
                                iconSize: 20,
                                isMakingProgress: !f,
                                onProgressDone: function() {
                                    var a = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp
                                      , b = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExpControlGroup
                                      , c = I.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isSkipAndChainingDisabled;
                                    a = !a && !b || (a || b) && !G && !d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").EXCLUDED_PROVIDERS.includes(L) && !c;
                                    if (a)
                                        x && x({
                                            type: "INCREMENT"
                                timeoutSec: 6
                        }), n.jsx("div", {
                            className: "x1anpbxc",
                            children: n.jsx(c("CometPressable.react"), {
                                onPress: a,
                                children: n.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                                    color: "secondary",
                                    type: "bodyLink4",
                                    children: h._("__JHASH__DTSCtZ4zhvM__JHASH__")
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "CometWatchAndScrollChaining_video"
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react", ["CometLoadingAnimation.react", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometRelay", "CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useContext;
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.hidden
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy
          , g = a.subOrigin;
        a =;
        var i = k(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext"));
        i = i == null ? void 0 : i.chainingSeedVideoID;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video.graphql"), a);
        return i == null ? null : j.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
            fallback: j.jsx("div", {
                className: "x6s0dn4 xrmyhay x1ey2m1c x9f619 x78zum5 xds687c xl56j7k x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
                children: j.jsx("div", {
                    className: "xc9qbxq x1n2onr6 x14qfxbe",
                    children: j.jsx(c("CometLoadingAnimation.react"), {
                        size: 36
            children: j.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollChaining.react"), {
                hidden: e,
                routeTracePolicy: f,
                seedVideoID: i,
                subOrigin: g,
                video: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video",
        selections: [{
            args: null,
            kind: "FragmentSpread",
            name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining_video"
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react", ["CometPrerenderer.react", "CometRelay", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql", "react", "stylex", "useVideoPlayerControllerSubscription"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k, l = j || d("react"), m = .8, n = 0, o = {
        hidden: {
            display: "x1s85apg",
            $$css: !0
    function p(a) {
        var b = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useIsLive()
          , e = c("useVideoPlayerControllerSubscription")(function(a, c) {
            var d, e;
            if (b)
                d = !1,
                e = !1;
            else {
                var f = a.getCurrentState().ended
                  , g = a.getPlayheadPosition();
                a = a.getCurrentState();
                var h = a.duration
                  , i = a.loopCount;
                a = a.loopCurrent;
                h = Math.min(h * m, h - n);
                d = a >= i && f;
                e = c != null && c.shouldPrerender || g > h
            return c != null && c.isVisible === d && c.shouldPrerender === e ? c : {
                isVisible: d,
                shouldPrerender: e
        return !a ? {
            isVisible: !1,
            shouldPrerender: !1
        } : e
    function a(a) {
        var e = a.isVideoHomeEligible
          , f = a.routeTracePolicy
          , g = a.subOrigin;
        a =;
        var j = p(e)
          , k = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper_video.graphql"), a);
        return e ? l.jsx(c("CometPrerenderer.react"), {
            prerenderingProps: j,
            children: function(a) {
                return l.jsx("div", {
                    className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(a.hidden === !0 && o.hidden),
                    children: l.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChaining.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
                        routeTracePolicy: f,
                        subOrigin: g
                    }, a, {
                        video: k
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g.useWatchAndScrollChainingComponentRenderedStatus = p;
    g.VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper = a
), 98);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react", ["CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "react", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    b = h || d("react");
    var j = b.useContext
      , k = b.useEffect
      , l = b.useRef;
    function a() {
        var a = j(c("CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext"))
          , b = (i || (i = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , e = i.useMuted()
          , f = i.useVolume()
          , g = i.usePaused()
          , h = c("usePrevious")(e)
          , m = c("usePrevious")(f)
          , n = l(e)
          , o = l(f);
        k(function() {
            h !== null && h !== e && a.setMuted(e),
            m !== null && m !== f && a.setVolume(f)
        }, [e, h, m, a, f]);
        k(function() {
            g || (a.muted == null && a.setMuted(n.current),
            a.volume == null && a.setVolume(o.current))
        }, [g, a]);
        k(function() {
            if (!g) {
                var c = a.muted
                  , d = a.volume;
                c != null && b.setMuted(c, "user_initiated");
                d != null && b.setVolume(d)
        }, [b, g, a]);
        return null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            argumentDefinitions: [],
            kind: "Fragment",
            metadata: null,
            name: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: [{
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "framework",
                    value: "WARNING_SCREENS"
                }, {
                    kind: "Literal",
                    name: "location",
                    value: "video_channel"
                concreteType: "CIXScreen",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "cix_screen",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "view_model",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [{
                            args: null,
                            documentName: "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video",
                            fragmentName: "CometWarningScreenOverlay_data",
                            fragmentPropName: "data",
                            kind: "ModuleImport"
                        type: "OverlayWarningScreenViewModel",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: 'cix_screen(framework:"WARNING_SCREENS",location:"video_channel")'
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Story",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "container_story",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [a],
                storageKey: null
            }, a, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "VideoThumbnail",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "preferred_thumbnail",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Image",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "image",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        kind: "ScalarField",
                        name: "uri",
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "Video",
            abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react", ["CometRelay", "CometWarningScreenContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k = i || (i = d("react")), l = i.useEffect;
    function a(a) {
        var c, e;
        a =;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen_video.graphql"), a);
        var f = (j || (j = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , g = j.usePaused()
          , i = j.useEnded()
          , m = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useSetOverlayExists()
          , n = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useShowOverlay()
          , o = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useIsOverlayShown();
        c = a == null ? void 0 : (c = a.cix_screen) == null ? void 0 : c.view_model;
        var p = c != null;
        e = (e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.preferred_thumbnail) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.image) == null ? void 0 : e.uri) != null ? e : "#";
        var q = a == null ? void 0 :;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.container_story) == null ? void 0 :;
        l(function() {
            p && (m(!0),
        }, [f, m, n, p]);
        l(function() {
            !g && o && f.pause("warning_screen_cover")
        }, [f, o, g]);
        return p && !i ? k.jsx(d("CometRelay").MatchContainer, {
            match: c,
            props: {
                alwaysShowDetails: !0,
                contentID: q,
                data: c,
                mediaUri: e,
                storyID: a,
                surface: "video_channel"
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScroll.react", ["CaptionsTextSizeMapping", "CometInteractionSourceContext", "CometLoadingAnimation.react", "CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react", "CometPictureInPictureExpContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometProductAttribution", "CometRelay", "CometRouteProductAttributionContext", "CometRouterPushViewStackContext", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometTahoeChainingDepthLogging.react", "CometTrackingCodeProvider.react", "CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext", "CometWarningScreenContext", "CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react", "CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql", "CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext", "CometWatchAndScrollStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql", "HiddenSubtreeContext", "HiddenSubtreeContextProvider.react", "Locale", "VideoAutoplayLocalScopeProvider.react", "VideoPlayerAutoplayRulesProvider", "VideoPlayerCaptionsDisplayConfigContext", "VideoPlayerCometWatchInjectionControl.react", "VideoPlayerDefaultControls.react", "VideoPlayerDefaultControlsProperties", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks", "VideoPlayerNavigateToTahoeOrFullScreenControl.react", "VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react", "VideoPlayerRelay.react", "VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", "VideoPlayerSurface.react", "VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground.react", "VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay.react", "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen.react", "VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react", "VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react", "WebPixelRatio", "XCometGamingVideoControllerRouteBuilder", "XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder", "deferredLoadComponent", "isRouteTransparent", "react", "requireDeferred", "requireDeferredForDisplay", "stylex", "useCometRouterState", "useMWChatOpenTabCount", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "useStoryViewabilityLogger", "useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay", "useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k, l, m = l || (l = d("react"));
    e = l;
    var n = e.useContext
      , o = e.useEffect
      , p = e.useMemo
      , q = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("CometWatchAndScroll.react")
      , r = c("deferredLoadComponent")(c("requireDeferredForDisplay")("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react").__setRef("CometWatchAndScroll.react"))
      , s = d("VideoPlayerAutoplayRulesProvider").provideAutoplayRules("wns")
      , t = {
        container: {
            backgroundColor: "xal61yo",
            bottom: "x1jn9clo",
            boxShadow: "x2c8kfy",
            display: "x78zum5",
            end: "x164qtfw",
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k",
            minHeight: "xz65tgg",
            position: "xixxii4",
            width: "xxsgkw5",
            $$css: !0
        hiddenContainer: {
            backgroundColor: "xal61yo",
            bottom: "x1jn9clo",
            boxShadow: "x2c8kfy",
            display: "x1s85apg",
            end: "x164qtfw",
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k",
            minHeight: "xz65tgg",
            position: "xixxii4",
            width: "xxsgkw5",
            $$css: !0
    function u() {
        var a = c("useMWChatOpenTabCount")()
          , b = 338
          , d = 80;
        return a * b + d
    function a() {
        var a = n(c("CometRouterPushViewStackContext"))
          , b = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , e = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , f = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollSoundContext"))
          , g = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext"))
          , h = !1;
        b != null && g.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp && (h = !0);
        g = h ? !1 : (a || []).some(function(a) {
            a = a.route;
            return !c("isRouteTransparent")(a)
        a = b == null ? void 0 : b.portableVideoID;
        var i = b == null ? void 0 : b.routeTracePolicy
          , k = b == null ? void 0 : b.subOrigin
          , l = b == null ? void 0 : b.videoID
          , p = b == null ? void 0 : b.chainingSeedVideoID
          , q = b == null ? void 0 : b.chainingCursor;
        o(function() {
            b != null && l != null && p == null && e(babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, {
                chainingSeedVideoID: l
        }, [p, e, l, b]);
        o(function() {
            l == null && (f.setMuted(null),
        }, [f, l]);
        var r = u();
        return l == null || k == null || i == null || g ? null : m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
            fallback: m.jsx("div", {
                className: (j || (j = c("stylex")))(h ? t.hiddenContainer : t.container),
                style: d("Locale").isRTL() ? {
                    left: r
                } : {
                    right: r
                children: m.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x78zum5 x6gtfd8 x10l6tqk x14qfxbe",
                    children: m.jsx(c("CometLoadingAnimation.react"), {
                        size: 36
            children: m.jsx(c("HiddenSubtreeContextProvider.react"), {
                isHidden: g,
                children: m.jsx(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").CometVideoPictureInPictureManager, {
                    isPipEnabled: h,
                    children: m.jsx(v, {
                        chainingCursor: q,
                        chainingSeedVideoID: p,
                        portableVideoID: a,
                        routeTracePolicy: i,
                        subOrigin: k,
                        videoID: l
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function v(a) {
        var e, f = a.chainingCursor, g = a.chainingSeedVideoID, i = a.portableVideoID, j = a.routeTracePolicy, k = a.subOrigin;
        a = a.videoID;
        g = d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("CometWatchAndScrollVideoQuery.graphql"), {
            chainingCursor: f,
            chainingSeedVideoID: (f = g) != null ? f : a,
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(),
            videoID: a
        var l = d("CaptionsTextSizeMapping").FixedCaptionsTextSizeMap;
        f = p(function() {
            return {
                liveCaptionsTextAlignment: "center",
                textSizeMapping: l
        }, [l]);
        var n = p(function() {
            return {
                v2: [d("CometProductAttribution").getProductAttributionEntryV2({
                    link_context: null,
                    navChainContent: null,
                    rootName: "CometWatchAndScroll.react",
                    tap_point: "unexpected",
                    tracePolicy: j,
                    trackingNodes: null
        }, [j])
          , o = g.chainingSeedVideo;
        g =;
        if (g == null)
            return null;
        var q = (g == null ? void 0 : g.is_gaming_video) === !0
          , r = g == null ? void 0 :
          , t = c("XCometGamingVideoControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(r != null ? {
            ref: "comet_wns",
            video_id: r
        } : {});
        r = c("XCometWatchControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(r != null ? {
            v: r
        } : {});
        e = (g == null ? void 0 : (e = g.pay_to_access_paywall) == null ? void 0 : e.should_show_paywall) === !0;
        t = q ? t : r;
        return e ? null : m.jsx(c("CometInteractionSourceContext").Provider, {
            value: 54,
            children: m.jsx(c("VideoAutoplayLocalScopeProvider.react"), {
                autoplayLocalRules: s,
                children: m.jsx(d("CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils").CometUFIVideoPlayerStateAndControllerContextProvider, {
                    children: m.jsx(d("CometWarningScreenContext").CometWarningScreenContextProvider, {
                        overlayExists: !1,
                        children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerCaptionsDisplayConfigContext").Provider, {
                            value: f,
                            children: m.jsx(c("CometRouteProductAttributionContext").Provider, {
                                value: n,
                                children: m.jsx(w, {
                                    video: g,
                                    videoID: a,
                                    children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerRelay.react"), {
                                        initialTracePolicy: j,
                                        playerFormat: "watch_scroll",
                                        portalingEnabled: !0,
                                        portalingFromVideoID: i,
                                        portalingPlaceMetaData: {
                                            placeDescription: "watch_and_scroll"
                                        subOrigin: k,
                                        video: g,
                                        volumeSetting: null,
                                        children: m.jsx(y, {
                                            chainingSeedVideo: o,
                                            isGamingVideo: q,
                                            isVideoHomeEligible: !!((r = g.owner) == null ? void 0 : r.has_professional_features_for_watch),
                                            permalinkUrl: t,
                                            routeTracePolicy: j,
                                            subOrigin: k,
                                            video: g
    v.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function w(a) {
        var e = a.children
          , f =;
        a = a.videoID;
        f = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollContainer_video.graphql"), f);
        f = c("useVideoOriginalDimensionsRelay")(f);
        f = f.originalAspectRatio;
        var g = u()
          , h = n(c("CometWatchAndScrollStoryViewabilityLoggerContext"));
        a = (h == null ? void 0 : h.videoID) === a;
        var k = c("useStoryViewabilityLogger")({
            clientViewConfig: h == null ? void 0 : h.clientViewConfig,
            encryptedTracking: h == null ? void 0 : h.encryptedTracking,
            position: 0,
            viewabilityConfig: h == null ? void 0 : h.viewabilityConfig
          , l = k.debuggingInfoLoggers;
        k = k.ref;
        var o = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext"));
        o = o.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp;
        o = m.jsxs("div", {
            className: (j || (j = c("stylex")))(o ? t.hiddenContainer : t.container),
            ref: a ? k : null,
            style: d("Locale").isRTL() ? {
                left: g
            } : {
                right: g
            children: [l, m.jsx(c("CometObjectFitContainerWithMaxHeight.react"), {
                contentAspectRatio: f,
                maxHeight: 300,
                children: e
        k = h == null ? void 0 : h.trackingCode;
        return k != null && a ? m.jsx(c("CometTrackingCodeProvider.react"), {
            trackingCode: k,
            children: o
        }) : o
    w.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function x() {
        var a = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useController()
          , b = n(c("HiddenSubtreeContext")).hidden;
        o(function() {
            b ||"user_initiated")
        }, [a, b])
    function y(a) {
        var b = a.chainingSeedVideo
          , e = a.isGamingVideo
          , f = a.isVideoHomeEligible
          , g = a.permalinkUrl
          , h = a.routeTracePolicy
          , i = a.subOrigin;
        a =;
        var j = c("useCometRouterState")();
        j = j == null ? void 0 : j.main.route.tabKey;
        var l = d("CometWarningScreenContext").useHasOverlay()
          , s = d("VideoPlayerInstreamAdsStateHooks").useInstreamAdsIsStart()
          , t = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useIsVideoBroadcast()
          , u = n(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"))
          , v = a.is_soundbites_video === !0;
        s = f || s || v;
        v = e ? "gaming" : "watch";
        t = f && !l && j === "watch" && !((t = t) != null ? t : !1);
        j = j !== v && f && !l;
        var w = !e && (j || t);
        v = d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react").useWatchAndScrollChainingComponentRenderedStatus(f).isVisible;
        l = n(c("CometPictureInPictureExpContext"));
        var y = l.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isInPictureInPictureExp;
        j = l.pictureInPictureExpConfig.isSkipAndChainingDisabled;
        t = y && !j;
        l = !v;
        var z = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")()
          , A = function(a) {
            q.onReady(function(b) {
                    attribution_id_v2: z,
                    click_point: a,
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                    event: "click"
          , B = a.url;
        j = p(function() {
            return {
                subOrigin: i,
                videoTahoeUrl: B
        }, [i, B]);
        v = d("VideoPlayerDefaultControlsProperties").MutedButtonVisibility.SEPARATE_FROM_OTHER_CONTROLS;
        var C = k.useController()
          , D = n(d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerContext").CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerAPIContext)
          , E = c("useVideoPlayerPortalingPassthroughProps")()
          , F = E.portableVideoID;
        o(function() {
            y && (D.setController(C),
        }, [D, C, F, y]);
        return m.jsxs(c("VideoPlayerSurface.react"), {
            children: [m.jsx(c("CometTahoeChainingDepthLogging.react"), {}), s && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollTopBar.react"), {
                isGamingVideo: e,
                routeTracePolicy: h,
                subOrigin: i,
                video: a,
                videoUrl: w ? g : B
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                fallback: null,
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithAudioBackground.react"), {
                    playerFormat: "inline",
                    video: a
            }), l && m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerDefaultControls.react"), {
                mutedButtonVisibility: v,
                pictureInPictureControl: m.jsx(d("VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl.react").VideoPlayerPictureInPictureControl, {
                    routeTracePolicy: h,
                    subOrigin: i
                renderExpandControl: function(a) {
                    a = a.onUserInteraction;
                    return w ? m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerCometWatchInjectionControl.react"), {
                        onPress: function() {
                        routeTracePolicy: h,
                        subOrigin: i,
                        videoWatchUrl: g
                    }) : m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerNavigateToTahoeOrFullScreenControl.react"), {
                        onPressFullscreenControl: function() {
                            return A("control_fullscreen")
                        onPressTahoeControl: function() {
                        onUserInteraction: a,
                        subOrigin: "watch_scroll",
                        videoTahoeUrl: B
                shouldRenderCaptionsControl: !1,
                skipControl: t ? m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                    fallback: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), {
                        disabled: !0
                    children: b ? m.jsx(r, {
                        subOrigin: i,
                        video: b
                    }) : m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), {
                        disabled: !0
                }) : null,
                subOrigin: "watch_scroll"
            }), !s && m.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollCloseButton.react"), {
                video: a
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoEndscreen.react"), {
                video: a
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithLiveVideoIndicator.react"), {
                hasCometNavOverlay: !1,
                video: a
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                fallback: null,
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithAudioOverlay.react"), {
                    playerFormat: "watch_scroll",
                    video: a
            }), m.jsx(d("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper.react").VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollChainingWrapper, {
                isVideoHomeEligible: f,
                routeTracePolicy: h,
                subOrigin: i,
                video: a
            }), m.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                fallback: null,
                children: m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollWarningScreen.react"), {
                    video: a
            }), m.jsx(d("CometUFIVideoPlayerUtils").CometUFIVideoPlayerStateAndControllerExtractor, {
                data: j
            }), m.jsx(c("VideoPlayerWithWatchAndScrollSoundContext.react"), {})]
    y.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        argumentDefinitions: [],
        kind: "Fragment",
        metadata: null,
        name: "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video",
        selections: [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 202
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "sizing",
                value: "cover-fill-cropped"
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 360
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "image",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "uri",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: 'image(height:202,sizing:"cover-fill-cropped",width:360)'
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "title_with_fallback",
            storageKey: null
        }, {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: null,
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "owner",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "name",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        type: "Video",
        abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react", ["fbt", "CometLink.react", "CometRelay", "CometResponsiveColumns.react", "CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react", "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql", "TetraText.react", "VideoPlayerHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k, l = j || d("react"), m = {
        metaColumn: {
            flexBasis: "x12s9zaq",
            $$css: !0
        thumbnailColumn: {
            flexBasis: "x19l4sor",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var e, f = a.hidden, g = a.onNextVideo;
        a =;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video.graphql"), a);
        var j = (k || (k = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useEnded();
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        e = (e = a.image) == null ? void 0 : e.uri;
        e = e != null ? {
            backgroundImage: "url(" + e + ")"
        } : {
            backgroundColor: "var(--disabled-icon)"
        e = l.jsx("div", {
            className: "xztyhrg x18d0r48 x1lcm9me x1yr5g0i xrt01vj x10y3i5r x1ey2m1c x9f619 xds687c x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy",
            style: e
        var n = a.title_with_fallback;
        a = (a = a.owner) == null ? void 0 :;
        return l.jsx("div", {
            className: "x1jx94hy x1lq5wgf xgqcy7u x30kzoy x9jhf4c x1qqjqyx x78zum5 xds687c x1xmf6yo x1emribx x1e56ztr x1i64zmx x1y1aw1k x1sxyh0 xwib8y2 xurb0ha x10l6tqk x17qophe",
            children: l.jsxs(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Container, {
                children: [l.jsx(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Column, {
                    xstyle: m.thumbnailColumn,
                    children: l.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "x6s0dn4 x78zum5 xdt5ytf xaymia4 xl56j7k x10l6tqk x17qophe x13vifvy x10y0s8s",
                        children: [e, g && l.jsx(c("CometLink.react"), {
                            onClick: function() {
                                return g("watch_and_scroll_chaining_click_advance")
                            children: l.jsx(c("CometTahoeEndScreenProgressCircle.react"), {
                                circleDiameter: 32,
                                circleStrokeColor: "var(--base-blue)",
                                circleStrokeWidth: 3,
                                iconSize: 20,
                                isMakingProgress: !f && j,
                                onProgressDone: function() {
                                    return g("watch_and_scroll_chaining_auto_advance")
                                timeoutSec: 6
                }), l.jsx(d("CometResponsiveColumns.react").Column, {
                    xstyle: m.metaColumn,
                    children: l.jsxs("div", {
                        className: "x78zum5 xdt5ytf xu06os2 x1ok221b",
                        children: [l.jsx("div", {
                            className: "xjpr12u",
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                                color: "secondary",
                                type: "meta4",
                                children: h._("__JHASH__ie05BxoRsTp__JHASH__")
                        }), l.jsx("div", {
                            className: "x1xmf6yo",
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                                color: "secondary",
                                numberOfLines: 1,
                                type: "body4",
                                children: a
                        }), l.jsx("div", {
                            className: "x1xmf6yo",
                            children: l.jsx(c("TetraText.react"), {
                                color: "primary",
                                numberOfLines: 1,
                                type: "bodyLink4",
                                children: n
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("StructuredConfigBase", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            this.$1 = a
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.getBool = function(a) {
            return this.$1.getValue(a) > 0
        b.getInt = function(a) {
            return this.$1.getValue(a)
        return a
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("Configs", ["StructuredConfigBase"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    c = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ExampleConfig1 = c.getBool(0),
            c.$ExampleConfig2 = c.getBool(2),
            c.$ExampleConfig3 = c.getBool(1724),
            c.$ExampleConfig4 = c.getBool(2044),
            c.$ExampleConfig5 = c.getInt(1),
            c.$ExampleConfig6 = c.getInt(3),
            c.$ExampleConfig7 = c.getInt(2011),
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ExampleConfig1 = this.getBool(0),
            this.$ExampleConfig2 = this.getBool(2),
            this.$ExampleConfig3 = this.getBool(1724),
            this.$ExampleConfig4 = this.getBool(2044),
            this.$ExampleConfig5 = this.getInt(1),
            this.$ExampleConfig6 = this.getInt(3),
            this.$ExampleConfig7 = this.getInt(2011)
        c.isEnabled = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig1
        c.isSomeBoolean = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig2
        c.isSomeOtherIntegerHasValue = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig3
        c.isSomeOtherBoolean = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig4
        c.getSomeInteger = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig5
        c.getSomeOtherInteger = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig6
        c.getSomeDouble = function() {
            return this.$ExampleConfig7
        return b
    }(a = b("StructuredConfigBase"));
    d = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1 = c.getBool(651),
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1 = this.getBool(651)
        c.isSimulcastOverSignalingEnabled = function() {
            return this.$SimulcastOverSignalingConfig1
        return b
    f = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig1 = c.getBool(173),
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig2 = c.getBool(3919),
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig3 = c.getInt(174),
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig4 = c.getInt(175),
            c.$PreferredCaptureConfig5 = c.getInt(176),
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig1 = this.getBool(173),
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig2 = this.getBool(3919),
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig3 = this.getInt(174),
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig4 = this.getInt(175),
            this.$PreferredCaptureConfig5 = this.getInt(176)
        c.isEnabled = function() {
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig1
        c.isPreferStableFps = function() {
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig2
        c.getWidthPx = function() {
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig3
        c.getHeightPx = function() {
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig4
        c.getFps = function() {
            return this.$PreferredCaptureConfig5
        return b
    b = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1 = c.getBool(244),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2 = c.getBool(420),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3 = c.getBool(421),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4 = c.getBool(245),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5 = c.getBool(246),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6 = c.getBool(248),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7 = c.getBool(1448),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8 = c.getBool(1444),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9 = c.getBool(1445),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10 = c.getInt(1446),
            c.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11 = c.getInt(1447),
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1 = this.getBool(244),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2 = this.getBool(420),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3 = this.getBool(421),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4 = this.getBool(245),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5 = this.getBool(246),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6 = this.getBool(248),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7 = this.getBool(1448),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8 = this.getBool(1444),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9 = this.getBool(1445),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10 = this.getInt(1446),
            this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11 = this.getInt(1447)
        c.isPreserveH264 = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig1
        c.isPreferH264ForMwCall = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig2
        c.isPreferSwH264 = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig3
        c.isAddAudioNack = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig4
        c.isDisableOpusStereo = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig5
        c.isPreferIsacForGroupAudio = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig6
        c.isEnableOpusFmtpMunging = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig7
        c.isSetOpusUsedtx = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig8
        c.isSetOpusUseinbandfec = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig9
        c.getSetOpusMaxplaybackrate = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig10
        c.getSetOpusMaxaveragebitrate = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSdpTransformConfig11
        return b
    var g = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1 = c.getBool(302),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1 = this.getBool(302)
        c.isRtpDataChannels = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPeerConnectionConfig1
        return a
      , h = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1 = c.getBool(308),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1 = this.getBool(308)
        c.isEnabled = function() {
            return this.$ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig1
        return a
      , i = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1 = c.getInt(1891),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1 = this.getInt(1891)
        c.getDuplicatedParticipantsProcessingMode = function() {
            return this.$ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig1
        return a
      , j = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1 = c.getInt(309),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1 = this.getInt(309)
        c.getMaxConnectedCalls = function() {
            return this.$ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig1
        return a
      , k = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1 = c.getBool(316),
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2 = c.getBool(318),
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3 = c.getBool(2251),
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4 = c.getBool(1900),
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5 = c.getInt(317),
            c.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6 = c.getInt(319),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1 = this.getBool(316),
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2 = this.getBool(318),
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3 = this.getBool(2251),
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4 = this.getBool(1900),
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5 = this.getInt(317),
            this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6 = this.getInt(319)
        c.isSupportsZenonPlatform = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig1
        c.isStartImmediatelyEnabled = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig2
        c.isUploadSummaryOnCallEnded = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig3
        c.isMultiwayAvEscalationEnabled = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig4
        c.getMaxConnectedCalls = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig5
        c.getParentWindowConnectionTimeoutMs = function() {
            return this.$ZenonPlatformSupportConfig6
        return a
      , l = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1 = c.getBool(453),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1 = this.getBool(453)
        c.isSimulcastEnabled = function() {
            return this.$ZenonSimulcastConfig1
        return a
      , m = function(b) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, b);
        function a() {
            var a, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (a = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig1 = c.getBool(1342),
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig2 = c.getBool(1597),
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig3 = c.getBool(3996),
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig4 = c.getInt(1359),
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig5 = c.getInt(1510),
            c.$DynamicRuleConfig6 = c.getInt(1612),
            a) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig1 = this.getBool(1342),
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig2 = this.getBool(1597),
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig3 = this.getBool(3996),
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig4 = this.getInt(1359),
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig5 = this.getInt(1510),
            this.$DynamicRuleConfig6 = this.getInt(1612)
        c.isEnabled = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig1
        c.isDebugLoggingEnabled = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig2
        c.isEnableDynamicRuleLatest = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig3
        c.getProcessIntervalMs = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig4
        c.getNetworkProcessIntervalMs = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig5
        c.getDebugLoggingIntervalMs = function() {
            return this.$DynamicRuleConfig6
        return a
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$SignalingPingConfig1 = c.getInt(1470),
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateParams = function() {
            this.$SignalingPingConfig1 = this.getInt(1470)
        c.getPingIntervalMs = function() {
            return this.$SignalingPingConfig1
        return b
    e.exports = {
        ExampleConfig: c,
        SimulcastOverSignalingConfig: d,
        PreferredCaptureConfig: f,
        ZenonSdpTransformConfig: b,
        ZenonPeerConnectionConfig: g,
        ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig: h,
        ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig: i,
        ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig: j,
        ZenonPlatformSupportConfig: k,
        ZenonSimulcastConfig: l,
        DynamicRuleConfig: m,
        SignalingPingConfig: a
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__d("E2eeMetricsSerializers", ["ThriftTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
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    function j(a, c) {
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            fid: 7
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            fid: 12
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            fname: "srtp_crypto_suite",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 13
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            fname: "engine_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 14
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            fname: "libsignal_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 15
        a.identity_key_mode != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "identity_key_mode",
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            fid: 16
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            fname: "is_e2ee_mandated",
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                fid: 26
                etype: g.I64,
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                var h;
                if (e) {
                    if (f >= d.length)
                    h = d[f++]
                } else {
                    f =;
                    if (f.done)
                    h = f.value
                h = h;
        a.gen_dtls_auth_info_status != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_status",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 27
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            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status",
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            fname: "gen_dtls_auth_info_time_ms",
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            fname: "verify_dtls_auth_info_time_ms",
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            fid: 32
    function k(a, c) {
        a.received_key_message_counter != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "received_key_message_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 1
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            fname: "sent_key_message_counter",
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            fname: "cached_key_message_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 3
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            fname: "used_cached_key_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 4
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            fname: "unused_smu_counter",
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            fid: 5
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            fname: "missing_key_message_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 6
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            fname: "negotiate_off_status",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 7
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            fname: "cipher_suite_status",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 8
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            fname: "decrypt_used_cached_session_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
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            fname: "encrypt_used_cached_session_counter",
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            fname: "sent_ack_message_counter",
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            fname: "reuse_ackd_uid_counter",
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            fid: 12
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            fname: "total_uids_created_counter",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 13
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            fname: "generate_chain_key_failed_error",
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            fname: "set_chain_key_failed_error",
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            fname: "key_provider_not_found_error",
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            fname: "key_message_parse_failed_error",
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            fname: "empty_pkb_result_error",
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            fname: "empty_encrypt_result_error",
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            fname: "empty_decrypt_result_error",
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            fname: "unsupported_version_error",
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            fname: "midcall_version_change_error",
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            fid: 23
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            fname: "inconsistent_remote_maps_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 24
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            fname: "key_message_pkb_mismatch_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 25
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            fname: "no_key_or_ack_in_e2ee_message_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 26
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            fname: "receiver_key_provider_not_found_error",
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            fname: "is_e2ee_mandated_group",
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                fname: "events",
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                    if (f >= d.length)
                    h = d[f++]
                } else {
                    f =;
                    if (f.done)
                    h = f.value
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            fname: "num_e2ee_message_received",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 136
        a.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_non_e2ee_received != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_non_e2ee_received",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 137
        a.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_missing_sender != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_missing_sender",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 138
        a.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_exceeding_retry != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_exceeding_retry",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 139
        a.max_media_channel_key_message_retry_count != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "max_media_channel_key_message_retry_count",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 140
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 141
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 142
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures_due_to_missing_key != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures_due_to_missing_key",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 143
        a.g_e2ee_decryption_error_frames_empty_supported_codes != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_decryption_error_frames_empty_supported_codes",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 144
        a.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 146
        a.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty_nalu_blocks != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty_nalu_blocks",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 147
        a.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h264 != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h264",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 148
        a.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265 != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 149
        a.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265_nalu_block != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265_nalu_block",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 150
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 151
        a.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 152
        a.encryption_error_frames_no_active_key != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "encryption_error_frames_no_active_key",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 153
        a.key_negotiation_protocol != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "key_negotiation_protocol",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 154
        a.key_messages_received_via_signaling != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_signaling",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 155
        a.key_messages_received_via_media != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_media",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 156
        a.key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 157
        a.key_messages_received_via_media_joiner != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "key_messages_received_via_media_joiner",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 158
        a.g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error != null && (c.writeFieldBegin({
            fname: "g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64,
            fid: 159
    function c(a, c) {
            fname: "p2p_e2ee",
            ftype: (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT,
            fid: 1
        if (a.p2p_e2ee != null)
            j(a.p2p_e2ee, c);
        else {
            var d = h();
            j(d, c)
            fname: "group_e2ee",
            ftype: g.STRUCT,
            fid: 2
        if (a.group_e2ee != null)
            k(a.group_e2ee, c);
        else {
            d = i();
            k(d, c)
    function l(a) {
        var c = {};
        while (!0) {
            var d = a.readFieldBegin()
              , e = d.ftype;
            d = d.fid;
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP)
            switch (d) {
            case 1:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.engine_type = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 2:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 3:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.version = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 4:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_prekey_bundle_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 5:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypted_msg_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 6:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypted_msg_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 7:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.process_sdp_crypto_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 8:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.create_crypto_offer_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 9:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.create_crypto_answer_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 10:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.get_ik_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 11:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.peer_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 12:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.peer_connection_index = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 13:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.srtp_crypto_suite = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 14:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.engine_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 15:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.libsignal_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 16:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_mode = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 17:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_persistent = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 18:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_validated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 19:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_saved = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 20:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_existing = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 21:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.is_e2ee_mandated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 22:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.local_trace_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 23:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.remote_trace_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 24:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.local_device_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 25:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.remote_device_id = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 26:
                if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).LIST) {
           = [];
                    d = a.readListBegin();
                    for (var f = 0; f < d.size; f++) {
                        var h = a.readI64().toString();
                } else
            case 27:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 28:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 29:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.gen_dtls_auth_info_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 30:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 31:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_libsignal_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 32:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.verify_dtls_auth_info_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
        return c
    function m(a) {
        var c = {};
        while (!0) {
            var d = a.readFieldBegin()
              , e = d.ftype;
            d = d.fid;
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP)
            switch (d) {
            case 1:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.received_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 2:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.sent_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 3:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.cached_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 4:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.used_cached_key_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 5:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.unused_smu_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 6:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.missing_key_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 7:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiate_off_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 8:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.cipher_suite_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 9:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_used_cached_session_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 10:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_used_cached_session_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 11:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.sent_ack_message_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 12:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.reuse_ackd_uid_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 13:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.total_uids_created_counter = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 14:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.generate_chain_key_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 15:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.set_chain_key_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 16:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_provider_not_found_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 17:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_message_parse_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 18:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_pkb_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 19:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_encrypt_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 20:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_decrypt_result_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 21:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_version_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 22:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.unsupported_version_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 23:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.midcall_version_change_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 24:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.inconsistent_remote_maps_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 25:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_message_pkb_mismatch_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 26:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.no_key_or_ack_in_e2ee_message_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 27:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.receiver_key_provider_not_found_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 28:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.pkb_parse_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 29:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.message_deserialized_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 30:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 31:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_no_identity_key_and_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 32:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_wrong_message_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 33:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.invalid_uid_received_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 34:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.ack_for_absent_user = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 35:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.uid_not_awaiting_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 36:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 37:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_decrypt_result_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 38:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decrypt_ack_cached_session_not_used_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 39:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encrypt_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 40:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_encrypt_result_ack_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 41:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.invalid_message_type_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 42:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.server_state_deserialized_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 43:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.crypto_engine_failure_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 44:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.empty_e2ee_client_state_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 45:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.group_e2ee_negotiated = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 46:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiation_mode_kn = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 47:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.group_e2ee_setup_status = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 48:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.enable_group_e2ee = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 49:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_mode_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 50:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_persistent_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 51:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_validated_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 52:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_saved_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 53:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.identity_key_num_existing_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 54:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_key_message_latency_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 55:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_key_message_latency_ms_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 56:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_smu_to_key_message_latency_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 57:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.process_smu_time_ms = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 58:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 59:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 60:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 61:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 62:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 63:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 64:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 65:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 66:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_out_of_ratchet_space = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 67:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 68:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_frame_too_old = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 69:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_seen_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 70:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_invalid_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 71:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_setting_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 72:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_setting_existing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 73:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 74:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_deescape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 75:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_parse_frame_or_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 76:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 77:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_unencrypted_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 78:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 79:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 80:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_escape_bytes = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 81:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_error_frames = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 82:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 83:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 84:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 85:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 86:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 87:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 88:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 89:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_unsupported_codec = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 90:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 91:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 92:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_total_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 93:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 94:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 95:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 96:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 97:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 98:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 99:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_out_of_ratchet_space = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 100:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 101:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_frame_too_old = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 102:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_seen_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 103:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_frame = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 104:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_setting_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 105:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_setting_existing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 106:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 107:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_deescape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 108:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse_frame_or_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 109:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_error_frames_data_channel_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 110:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryption_unencrypted_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 111:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 112:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 113:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_total_error_frames_data_channel = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 114:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_alloc = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 115:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_params = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 116:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 117:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_parse = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 118:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_invalid_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 119:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_cipher_auth = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 120:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_escape_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 121:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_unsupported_codec = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 122:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_data_channel_unknown = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 123:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_removed_data_decryptors = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 124:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_frame_decryptor_with_unencrypted_data = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 125:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_removed_decryptors = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 126:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.data_channel_encryption_not_ready_in_mandated_calls_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 127:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_total_encrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 128:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_encrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 129:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_total_decrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 130:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 131:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiate_off_time = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 132:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.negotiated_version = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 133:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.decryptor_removed_time = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 134:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.is_e2ee_mandated_group = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 135:
                if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).LIST) {
           = [];
                    d = a.readListBegin();
                    for (var f = 0; f < d.size; f++) {
                        var h = a.readI64().toString();
                } else
            case 136:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_received = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 137:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_non_e2ee_received = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 138:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_missing_sender = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 139:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.num_e2ee_message_error_decrypt_exceeding_retry = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 140:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.max_media_channel_key_message_retry_count = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 141:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 142:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 143:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_decryptions_failures_due_to_missing_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 144:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_decryption_error_frames_empty_supported_codes = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 146:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 147:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_empty_nalu_blocks = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 148:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h264 = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 149:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265 = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 150:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_encryption_error_frames_invalid_h265_nalu_block = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 151:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 152:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_total_count_of_extra_encryptions_failures = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 153:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.encryption_error_frames_no_active_key = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 154:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_negotiation_protocol = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 155:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_signaling = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 156:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_media = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 157:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_signaling_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 158:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.key_messages_received_via_media_joiner = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
            case 159:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).I64 ? c.g_e2ee_participant_hash_verification_failed_error = a.readI64().toString() : a.skip(e);
        return c
    function d(a) {
        var c = {};
        while (!0) {
            var d = a.readFieldBegin()
              , e = d.ftype;
            d = d.fid;
            if (e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STOP)
            switch (d) {
            case 1:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT ? c.p2p_e2ee = l(a) : a.skip(e);
            case 2:
                e === (g || (g = b("ThriftTypes"))).STRUCT ? c.group_e2ee = m(a) : a.skip(e);
        c.p2p_e2ee === void 0 && (c.p2p_e2ee = h());
        c.group_e2ee === void 0 && (c.group_e2ee = i());
        return c
    f.P2pE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = h;
    f.GroupE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = i;
    f.E2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor = a;
    f.serializeP2pE2eeMetrics = j;
    f.serializeGroupE2eeMetrics = k;
    f.serializeE2eeMetrics = c;
    f.deserializeP2pE2eeMetrics = l;
    f.deserializeGroupE2eeMetrics = m;
    f.deserializeE2eeMetrics = d
), 66);
__d("FBIDCheck", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = /^[1-9]\d*$/;
    function a(a) {
        a = a;
        if (a == null || typeof a === "string" && !g.test(a))
            return !1;
        a = parseInt(a, 10);
        return !a ? !1 : a > 0 && a < 22e8 || a >= 1e14 && a <= 100099999989999 || a >= 89e12 && a <= 89999999999999 || a >= 6000001e7 && a <= 60000019999999
    f.isUser_deprecated = a
), 66);
__d("FBIDForMercury", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        return b.localeCompare(a)
    d = {
        cmp: a
    function b(a) {
        return a
    function c(a) {
        return a
    f.Comparable = d; = a;
    f.ofString = c;
    f.ofStringExn = b
), null);
__d("LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743880");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_call_summary", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743881");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_connection_start", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1066");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_group_e2ee", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("5665");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_p2p_e2ee", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743883");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_peer_connection_summary", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", ["performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = function(a) {
        return String(Math.trunc(a))
    a = function() {
        return i((h || (h = c("performanceNow")))())
    b = function(a) {
        return i((a = a) != null ? a : 0)
    d = function(a) {
        return a == null ? null : i((a = a) != null ? a : 0)
    e = function(a) {
        return (a = a) != null ? a : ""
    g.truncateNumber = i;
    g.performanceNowParsed = a;
    g.nonNullIntNumber = b;
    g.intNumberOrNull = d;
    g.nonNullString = e
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallInfoManager", ["ChannelClientID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            var b = a.callTrigger
              , c = a.conferenceName
              , e = a.isCaller
              , f = a.isVideo
              , g = a.localCallID
              , h = a.peerID
              , i = a.protocol
              , j = a.serverInfoData;
            a = a.signalingID;
            var k = d("ChannelClientID").getID();
            c = {
                callTrigger: (b = b) != null ? b : "",
                conferenceName: (b = c) != null ? b : "",
                deviceID: k,
                isCaller: e,
                isVideo: f,
                localCallID: g,
                peerID: h,
                protocol: i,
                signalingID: a
            this.$1 = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c, {
                serverInfoData: j
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.setDeviceID = function(a) {
            this.$1.deviceID = a
        b.setSharedCallId = function(a) {
            this.$1.serverInfoData = a
        b.getCallInfo = function() {
            return this.$1
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var d = arguments.length, e = new Array(d), f = 0; f < d; f++)
                e[f] = arguments[f];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(e)) || this,
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1 = {},
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = !1,
            c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = !1,
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateEventTimestamp = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1[a] == null && (this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1[a] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed())
        c.receivedFromInvite = function() {
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = !0
        c.receivedFromServer = function() {
            this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = !0
        c.getStartEventData = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo();
            a = a.signalingID;
            var b = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.getTimestamps(), this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_4());
            a !== "" && (b.local_signaling_id = a);
            return b
        c.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_4 = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.localCallID
              , e = a.peerID
              , f = a.serverInfoData;
            a = a.signalingID;
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({
                connection_logging_id: a,
                local_call_id: c,
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e),
                protocol: "multiway"
            }, f != null && {
                shared_call_id: f
            }, {
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(),
                system_time_ms: String(,
                web_device_id: b
        c.getTimestamps = function() {
            return this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1
        ; = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
            a.storeCallStartEventManager(c, b, this)
        c["delete"] = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
                peerID: c,
                signalingID: b
        c.toJsonString = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.signalingID;
            a = {
                callInfo: a,
                connectionLoggingId: b,
                receivedFromInvite: this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2,
                receivedFromServer: this.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3,
                timestamps: this.getTimestamps()
            return JSON.stringify(a)
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) {
            var c;
            try {
                c = JSON.parse(a)
            } catch (a) {
                return null
            a = c.callInfo;
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]);
            a = new b(a);
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_2 = c.receivedFromInvite;
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_3 = c.receivedFromServer;
            a.$ZenonLSCallStartEventManager$p_1 = c.timestamps;
            return a
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", ["CacheStorage", "WebStorage", "ZenonODSLogger", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "areEqual", "setTimeout"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = 2e3, k = 3;
    a = function() {
        function a(a, b, d) {
            this.$1 = a,
            this.$2 = new (c("CacheStorage"))(b,d)
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.getLocalStorageObjects = function() {
            return this.$2.get(this.$1) || {}
        b.removeLocalStorageObjects = function(a) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(b) {
                a.forEach(function(a) {
                    var c = a.peerID;
                    a = a.signalingID;
                    b[c] && b[c][a] && (delete b[c][a],
                    Object.entries(b[c]).length === 0 && delete b[c])
                return b
        b.mutateLocalStorageObjects = function(a, b, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            b === void 0 && (b = k);
            d === void 0 && (d = !1);
            e === void 0 && (e = null);
            var g = this.getLocalStorageObjects()
              , i = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            g = a(g);
            var l = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            (h || (h = c("areEqual")))(i, l) ? (this.$2.set(this.$1, g),
            this.logStorageError(this.$2.getLastSetException(), e)) : b > 0 && (d ? c("setTimeout")(function() {
                f.mutateLocalStorageObjects(a, b - 1, !0)
            }, j) : this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(a, b - 1, !0))
        b.logStorageError = function(a, b) {
            a != null && (d("ZenonUserActionLogger").logError({
                call_id: b == null ? void 0 : b.signalingID,
                error_domain: "ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore_storeLocalStorageObjects",
                peer_id: b == null ? void 0 : b.peerID
            (i || (i = c("WebStorage"))).isLocalStorageQuotaExceeded() && c("ZenonODSLogger").logCounter("local_storage_quota_exceeded"))
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = "localstorage"
      , i = "RTC_LS_CALL_START_"
      , j = "ls_call_start"
      , k = 3;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return, j, h, i) || this
        var d = b.prototype;
        d.retrieveCallStartEventManager = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null;
            if (d)
                return c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager").fromJsonString(d.__d);
                return null
        d.storeCallStartEventManager = function(a, b, c) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) {
                d[a] || (d[a] = {});
                d[a][b] = {
                    __d: c.toJsonString(),
                    __z: !0
                return d
            }, k, !1, {
                peerID: a,
                signalingID: b
        return b
    b = new a();
    g.ZenonLSCallStartEventStoreInstance = b
), 98);
__d("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper", ["asyncToGeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = -1
      , h = !1
      , i = {
        getBatteryStats: function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() {
                var a = (yield i.internalGetWindow().navigator.getBattery);
                if (typeof a !== "function")
                    return {
                        level: g,
                        placeholder: !0,
                        wasCharged: !1
                a = (yield;
                a.charging ? h = !0 : a.onchargingchange = function(a) {
           && (h = !0),
           = null
                return {
                    level: a.level * 100,
                    placeholder: !1,
                    wasCharged: h
            function c() {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return c
        internalGetWindow: function() {
            return window
    a = i;
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("ZenonLSCallSummary", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonDeviceInfoHelper", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonPeerID", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "performanceNow", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(e, a);
        function e(b) {
            var e;
            e =, b) || this;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1 = {
                call_answered_time: "-1",
                call_connected_time: "-1",
                call_created_time: "-1",
                call_ended_time: "-1",
                last_updated_time: "-1"
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = !1;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = null;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = !1;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12 = b.callTrigger;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7 = b.isVideo;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 = 0;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14 = (b = b.joinMode) != null ? b : d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonJoinMode.Primary;
            e.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5 = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))();
            return e
        var f = e.prototype;
        f.setTimestamp = function(a) {
            if (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1[a] !== "-1")
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1[a] = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20())
        f.getTimestamps = function() {
            return this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1
        f.getExtraInfo = function() {
            var a = {};
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 != null && !isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9) && (a.battery_end_level = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9));
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 != null && !isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8) && (a.battery_start_level = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8));
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 != null && (a.was_device_charged = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10);
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 != null && (a.max_concurrent_connected_participant = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11);
            return a
        f.getVideoStats = function() {
            var a = {};
            if (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 != null) {
                var b;
                isNaN(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6.ld) || (a.local_video_duration = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6.ld));
                if (!isNaN((b = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6) == null ? void 0 : b.rd)) {
                    a.remote_video_duration = String((b = (b = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6) == null ? void 0 : b.rd) != null ? b : 0)
            return a
        f.getEndCallStats = function() {
            var a = {};
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 != null && (a.end_call_reason = d("ZenonDismissReason").dismissToEndCallReason(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16));
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 != null && (a.end_call_subreason = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17);
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 != null && (a.remote_ended = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19);
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 != null && (a.is_connected_end = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3);
            return a
        f.getLoggingArgs = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.peerID
              , e = a.serverInfoData;
            a = a.signalingID;
            return {
                call_id: a,
                conf_name: (a = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13) != null ? a : "",
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(c),
                serv_info: (a = e) != null ? a : "",
                web_device_id: b
        f.getSummaryLoggingInfo = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.isCaller
              , e = a.localCallID
              , f = a.peerID;
            a = a.serverInfoData;
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.getTimestamps(), this.getExtraInfo(), this.getVideoStats(), this.getEndCallStats(), a != null && {
                shared_call_id: a
            }, {
                call_trigger: (a = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12) != null ? a : "",
                invite_requested_video: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7,
                is_caller: c,
                join_mode: String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14),
                local_call_id: e,
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(f),
                rtc_actor_id: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15,
                steady_time: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(),
                system_time: String(,
                web_device_id: b
        f.onCallEscalated = function() {
        f.onCallAccepted = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_12 = a,
        f.onCallConnected = function() {
        f.setMediaStats = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 =,
        f.setMaxConnectedParticipants = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(a),
        f.setRtcActorID = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = a
        f.unsetEndCallFields = function() {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 === !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = null,
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = null,
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = null,
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = null,
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1.call_ended_time = "-1",
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5 = 0,
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = null)
        f.onCallEnded = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a, b, c, d) {
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = a,
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = d,
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = c,
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = b,
                this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 == null && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2),
                yield this.updateBatteryEnd(),
            function c(b, c, d, e) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return c
        f.onPCStateChange = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = a,
        f.updateBatteryStart = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() {
                var a = (yield c("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper").getBatteryStats())
                  , b = a.level;
                a = a.placeholder;
                a !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = parseInt(b, 10))
            function d() {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return d
        f.updateBatteryEnd = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*() {
                var a = (yield c("ZenonDeviceInfoHelper").getBatteryStats())
                  , b = a.level
                  , d = a.placeholder;
                a = a.wasCharged;
                d !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = parseInt(b, 10),
            function d() {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return d
        f.setDeviceCharged = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 !== !0 && (this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = a)
        f.setConferenceName = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13 = a,
        f.getDeviceCharged = function() {
            return this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10
        e.fromJsonString = function(a) {
            var b;
            try {
                b = JSON.parse(a)
            } catch (a) {
                return null
            a = b.callInfo;
            var c = a.deviceID;
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]);
            a = new e(a);
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1 = b.timestamps;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2 = b.pcIsConnected;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3 = b.endIsConnected;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16 = b.endCallReason;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17 = b.endCallSubreason;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19 = b.isRemoteEnded;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7 = b.isVideo;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15 = (c = b.rtcActorID) != null ? c : null;
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_6 = {
                ld: parseInt(b.videoStats.local_video_duration, 10),
                rd: parseInt(b.videoStats.remote_video_duration, 10)
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_8 = parseInt(b.extraInfo.battery_start_level, 10);
            a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_9 = parseInt(b.extraInfo.battery_end_level, 10);
            b.extraInfo.was_device_charged != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_10 = b.extraInfo.was_device_charged);
            b.extraInfo.max_concurrent_connected_participant != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_11 = b.extraInfo.max_concurrent_connected_participant);
            b.unsetOnRetrieve != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18 = b.unsetOnRetrieve);
            b.accumulatedCallTime != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 = b.accumulatedCallTime);
            b.conferenceName != null && (a.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13 = b.conferenceName);
            return a
        f.toJsonString = function() {
            var a = {
                accumulatedCallTime: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20(),
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(),
                conferenceName: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_13,
                endCallReason: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_16,
                endCallSubreason: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_17,
                endIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_3,
                extraInfo: this.getExtraInfo(),
                isRemoteEnded: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_19,
                isVideo: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_7,
                joinMode: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_14,
                pcIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_2,
                rtcActorID: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_15,
                timestamps: this.getTimestamps(),
                unsetOnRetrieve: this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_18,
                videoStats: this.getVideoStats()
            return JSON.stringify(a)
        f.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20 = function() {
            var a = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))() - this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_5;
            return Math.floor(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_4 + a)
        f.updateLastUpdatedTime = function() {
            this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_1.last_updated_time = String(this.$ZenonLSCallSummary$p_20())
        ; = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
            a.storeCallSummary(c, b, this)
        f.remove = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
                peerID: c,
                signalingID: b
        return e
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = "localstorage"
      , i = "RTC_LS_CALL_SUMMARY_"
      , j = "ls_summary"
      , k = 3;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return, j, h, i) || this
        var d = b.prototype;
        d.retrieveCallSummary = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null;
            if (d)
                return c("ZenonLSCallSummary").fromJsonString(d.__d);
                return null
        d.storeCallSummary = function(a, b, c) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) {
                d[a] || (d[a] = {});
                d[a][b] = {
                    __d: c.toJsonString(),
                    __z: !0
                return d
            }, k, !1, {
                peerID: a,
                signalingID: b
        return b
    b = new a();
    g.ZenonLSCallSummaryStoreInstance = b
), 98);
__d("WebAssemblyMemorySingleton", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = 64 * 1024;
    c = 5701632;
    d = 45 * g;
    var h = c + d
      , i = null
      , j = 0
      , k = 0;
    function a() {
        i == null && (i = new WebAssembly.Memory({
            initial: h / g,
            maximum: 2147483648 / g
        j = h);
        return i
    function b() {
        if (i != null) {
            var a = i.buffer.byteLength;
            a !== j && (k++,
            j = a)
        return {
            memory_reallocation_count: k,
            memory_size_kb: j / 1024
    e = {
        get: a,
        getMetrics: b
    f.WebAssemblyMemorySingleton = e
), 66);
__d("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", ["E2eeMetricsSerializers", "WebAssemblyMemorySingleton", "ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            var b, c;
            for (var e = arguments.length, f = new Array(e), g = 0; g < e; g++)
                f[g] = arguments[g];
            return (b = c =, [this].concat(f)) || this,
            c.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = {
                group_e2ee_metrics: d("E2eeMetricsSerializers").GroupE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor(),
                p2p_e2ee_metrics: d("E2eeMetricsSerializers").P2pE2eeMetrics$DefaultConstructor(),
                track_specific_e2ee_stats: new Map(),
                wasm_metrics: d("WebAssemblyMemorySingleton").WebAssemblyMemorySingleton.getMetrics()
            b) || babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(c)
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.updateE2eeStats = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = a
        c.getGroupE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.localCallID;
            a = a.serverInfoData;
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({
                g_e2ee_web_wasm_final_memory_usage_kb: String(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics.memory_size_kb),
                g_e2ee_web_wasm_memory_reallocation_count: String(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics.memory_reallocation_count),
                local_call_id: c
            }, a != null && {
                shared_call_id: a
            }, {
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(),
                system_time_ms: String(,
                web_device_id: b
            }, this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.group_e2ee_metrics)
        c.getP2pE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.localCallID
              , e = a.peerID;
            a = a.serverInfoData;
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({
                local_call_id: c
            }, a != null && {
                shared_call_id: a
            }, {
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e),
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(),
                system_time_ms: String(,
                web_device_id: b
            }, this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.p2p_e2ee_metrics)
        ; = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
            a.storeE2eeStats(c, b, this)
        c["delete"] = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
                peerID: c,
                signalingID: b
        c.toJsonString = function() {
            var a = {
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(),
                groupE2eeMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.group_e2ee_metrics,
                p2pE2eeMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.p2p_e2ee_metrics,
                trackSpecificE2eeStatsWithTrackId: Array.from(this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.track_specific_e2ee_stats),
                wasmMetrics: this.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1.wasm_metrics
            return JSON.stringify(a)
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) {
            var c;
            try {
                c = JSON.parse(a)
            } catch (a) {
                return null
            a = c.callInfo;
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]);
            a = new b(a);
            a.$ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager$p_1 = {
                group_e2ee_metrics: c.groupE2eeMetrics,
                p2p_e2ee_metrics: c.p2pE2eeMetrics,
                track_specific_e2ee_stats: new Map(c.trackSpecificE2eeStatsWithTrackId),
                wasm_metrics: c.wasmMetrics
            return a
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSE2EEStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = "localstorage"
      , i = "RTC_LS_E2EE_STATS_"
      , j = "ls_e2ee_stats"
      , k = 3;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return, j, h, i) || this
        var d = b.prototype;
        d.retrieveE2eeStats = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null;
            if (d)
                return c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager").fromJsonString(d.__d);
                return null
        d.storeE2eeStats = function(a, b, c) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) {
                d[a] || (d[a] = {});
                d[a][b] = {
                    __d: c.toJsonString(),
                    __z: !0
                return d
            }, k, !1, {
                peerID: a,
                signalingID: b
        return b
    b = new a();
    g.ZenonLSE2EEStoreInstance = b
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", ["ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonIceStatsParser", "ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonPeerID", "performanceNow"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b(b) {
            b =, b) || this;
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = {
                CoreAudioMetrics: {
                    isstall: "0",
                    voice_detect_pct: []
                CoreVideoMetrics: {
                    screen: {
                        capture_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        encode_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        sent_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                    video: {
                        capture_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        encode_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        sent_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                DebugAudioMetrics: {
                    NetworkReceive: {}
                audio: {
                    echo_confidence: {}
                dataChannelMetrics: {},
                ecv: {},
                extraInfo: {},
                receiver: {},
                receiver_pct: {
                    audio: {}
                receiver_stalls: {
                    screen_recv_stalls: {
                        recv_decode_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        recv_no_bytes_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        recv_render_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                    video_recv_stalls: {
                        recv_decode_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        recv_no_bytes_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                        recv_render_stall: {
                            is_stall: "0"
                sender: {},
                sender_pct: {
                    screen: {},
                    video: {}
                video: {}
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 = {};
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3 = {};
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5 = -1;
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = null;
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9 = new Map();
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = "unknown";
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_6 = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))();
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 = 0;
            b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = null;
            return b
        var e = b.prototype;
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_11 = function() {
            var a, b = this, c = "", e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0;
            Object.keys((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.dataChannelMetrics) != null ? a : {}).forEach(function(a) {
                a = b.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.dataChannelMetrics[a];
                if (a == null)
                c += a.label + ":" + a.bytes_sent + ":" + a.bytes_received + ":" + a.messages_sent + ":" + a.messages_received + ",";
                e += Number(a.bytes_sent);
                f += Number(a.bytes_received);
                g += Number(a.messages_sent);
                h += Number(a.messages_received)
            return {
                data_channel_total_bytes_recv: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(f),
                data_channel_total_bytes_sent: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(e),
                data_channel_total_msg_recv: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(h),
                data_channel_total_msg_sent: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(g),
                data_channel_type: "SCTP",
                sctp_per_channel_stats_raw: c
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_12 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.sender
              , b = a.codec;
            b = b === void 0 ? {} : b;
            var c = {
                gen0_ice_sent_host: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$,
                gen0_ice_sent_relay: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2.relay),
                gen0_ice_sent_srflx: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2.srflx)
            b = b.www;
            b != null && (c.audio_send_codec = String(b));
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_bytes_sent", a.bytes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_level_count", a.taulc);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_level_sum", a.tx_sum_lvl);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "audio_send_packets_sent", a.psent);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate", a.ube_avg);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13(c, "transport_conn_rtt_avg", a.avgrtt);
            return c
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_13 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_14 = function() {
            var a, b, c;
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 :;
            b = (b = a == null ? void 0 : a.frames) != null ? b : 0;
            c = (c = a == null ? void 0 : a.eqps) != null ? c : 0;
            c = b > 0 && c > 0 ? c / b : null;
            b = {};
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avbr);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avbw);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_duration_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.dur);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_frames_send_to_encoder_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.eiframes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_total_input_pixel_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_capture_pixel);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_total_output_pixel_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_encoded_pixel);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_frames_encoded_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.frames);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15(b, "video_send_qp_sum_ss", c);
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_15 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_16 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$
              , b = {};
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_enc_bitrate);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_actual_encode_bitrate_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_enc_bitrate_ss);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_retransmit_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_retrans_bitrate);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_transmit_bitrate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_trans_bitrate);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17(b, "avg_video_uplink_bandwidth_estimate", a == null ? void 0 : a.avg_send_bw);
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_17 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_18 = function() {
            var a;
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : a.vqs;
            var b = {};
            (a == null ? void 0 : a.avg) != null && (b.video_send_quality_score = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(a == null ? void 0 : a.avg));
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_19 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$
              , b = {
                video_send_codec: a == null ? void 0 : a.ename
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_firs_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.fir);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_nacks_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.nack);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_recv_plis_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.pli);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_height", a == null ? void 0 : a.ah);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_height_input", a == null ? void 0 :;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_width", a == null ? void 0 :;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frame_width_input", a == null ? void 0 :;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_captured", a == null ? void 0 : a.fcap);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_encoded", a == null ? void 0 : a.frames);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.fcsn);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_frames_send_to_encoder", a == null ? void 0 : a.eiframes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_capture_duration_ms", this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_duration_blur", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_blur_dur);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_key_frames_encoded", a == null ? void 0 : a.kframes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_packets_sent", a == null ? void 0 : a.psent);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_qp_sum", a == null ? void 0 : a.eqps);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_total_input_pixel", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_capture_pixel);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20(b, "video_send_total_output_pixel", a == null ? void 0 : a.video_sum_encoded_pixel);
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_20 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_21 = function() {
            var a, b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$, c = {
                video_recv_codec: b == null ? void 0 : b.dname
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_frames_assembled", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtasb);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_frames_out", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtfrm);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_keyframes_out", b == null ? void 0 : b.jtkey);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_bytes_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_bytes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_packets_lost", b == null ? void 0 : b.plost);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_packets_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.precv);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_av_sync_abs", b == null ? void 0 : b.avabs);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frame_height", b == null ? void 0 : b.rh);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frame_width", b == null ? void 0 :;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_frames_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.frd);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_count", b == null ? void 0 : b.frcnt);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_duration", b == null ? void 0 : b.frdur);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_freeze_duration_above_500_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.frdur500);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_pause_count", b == null ? void 0 : b.pact);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_pause_duration_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.padur);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_qp_sum", b == null ? void 0 : b.qps);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_total_pixels_decoded", b == null ? void 0 : b.agg_video_sum_decoded_pixel);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_union_decode_time_ms", b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_time);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_firs_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.fir);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_nacks_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.nack);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_send_plis_recv", b == null ? void 0 : b.pli);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_weighted_vqs", b == null ? void 0 : (a = b.vqs) == null ? void 0 : a.avg);
            a = b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_time_all_streams;
            b = b == null ? void 0 : b.dec_frame;
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_decode_time_ms", a);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_agg_frames_decoded", b);
            a != null && a > 0 && b != null && b > 0 && this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22(c, "video_recv_framerate_decoded", b * 1e3 / a);
            return c
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_23 = function() {
            var a;
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : a.ss_recv;
            var b = {};
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_24(b, "video_recv_duration_ss", a == null ? void 0 : a.ss_recv_dur);
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_24 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_25 = function() {
            var a, b, c;
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : a.recv_no_bytes_stall;
            b = (b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : b.recv_decode_stall;
            c = (c = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (c = c.video_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : c.recv_render_stall;
            var d = {};
            if (a) {
                var e = a.is_stall
                  , f = a.sdur;
                a = a.nstall;
                e != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_is_stalled = String(e));
                f != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_total_stall_duration_ms = String(f));
                a != null && (d.video_recv_byte_received_total_stalls = String(a))
            if (b) {
                e = b.is_stall;
                f = b.sdur;
                a = b.nstall;
                e != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_is_stalled = String(e));
                f != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_total_stall_duration_ms = String(f));
                a != null && (d.video_recv_decoder_total_stalls = String(a))
            if (c) {
                b = c.is_stall;
                e = c.sdur;
                f = c.nstall;
                b != null && (d.video_render_is_stalled = String(b));
                e != null && (d.video_render_total_stall_duration_ms = String(e));
                f != null && (d.video_render_total_stalls = String(f))
            return d
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_26 = function() {
            var a;
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.receiver_stalls) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.screen_recv_stalls) == null ? void 0 : a.recv_decode_stall;
            var b = {};
            if (a) {
                var c = a.is_stall
                  , d = a.sdur;
                a = a.nstall;
                c != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_is_stalled = String(c));
                d != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d));
                a != null && (b.screen_share_recv_decoder_total_stalls = String(a))
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_22 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_27 = function() {
            var a, b, c = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.DebugAudioMetrics.NetworkReceive.jb_nm;
            a = c == null ? void 0 : (a = c.neteq) == null ? void 0 : a.meanWait;
            b = c == null ? void 0 : (b = c.speech_expand_rate) == null ? void 0 : b.avg;
            c = c == null ? void 0 : (c = c.speech_expand_rate) == null ? void 0 : c.M;
            var d = {};
            a != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_mean_wait_ms = String(a));
            b != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_speech_expand_rate_avg = String(b));
            c != null && (d.audio_recv_neteq_speech_expand_rate_max = String(c));
            return d
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_28 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreAudioMetrics
              , b = a.audio_device
              , c = a.isstall
              , d = a.sdur;
            a = a.astall;
            var e = {};
            b != null && (e.audio_device = String(b));
            c != null && (e.audio_device_is_stalled = String(c));
            d != null && (e.audio_device_stall_duration = String(d));
            a != null && (e.audio_device_total_stall = String(a));
            return e
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_29 = function() {
            var a, b = {};
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms) != null) {
                b.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_neteq_wait_time_ms))
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_rtt_ms) != null) {
                b.ecv_rtt_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_rtt_ms))
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_plccng) != null) {
                b.ecv_plccng = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_plccng))
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms) != null) {
                b.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_video_freeze_duration_above_500_ms))
            if (((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms) != null) {
                b.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(Number((a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.ecv) == null ? void 0 : a.ecv_av_sync_above_1000_ms))
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_30 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$
              , b = a.is_stall
              , c = a.last_sdur
              , d = a.sdur;
            a = a.nstall;
            var e = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$
              , f = e.is_stall
              , g = e.last_sdur
              , h = e.sdur;
            e = e.nstall;
            var i = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$
              , j = i.is_stall
              , k = i.last_sdur
              , l = i.sdur;
            i = i.nstall;
            var m = {};
            b != null && (m.video_device_capture_is_stalled = String(b));
            c != null && (m.video_device_capture_last_stall_duration_ms = String(c));
            d != null && (m.video_device_capture_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d));
            a != null && (m.video_device_capture_total_stalls = String(a));
            f != null && (m.video_encode_is_stalled = String(f));
            g != null && (m.video_encode_last_stall_duration_ms = String(g));
            h != null && (m.video_encode_total_stall_duration_ms = String(h));
            e != null && (m.video_encode_total_stalls = String(e));
            j != null && (m.video_send_is_stalled = String(j));
            k != null && (m.video_send_last_stall_duration_ms = String(k));
            l != null && (m.video_send_total_stall_duration_ms = String(l));
            i != null && (m.video_send_total_stalls = String(i));
            return m
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_31 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1
              , b = a.receiver;
            a = a.receiver_pct;
            var c = null;
            b.codec != null && (c = String(Object.values(b.codec).pop()));
            var e = {
                gen0_ice_received_host: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$,
                gen0_ice_received_relay: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3.relay),
                gen0_ice_received_srflx: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3.srflx)
            c != null && (e.audio_recv_codec = String(c));
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_avg_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.avg, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.avg);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p5_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p5, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p5);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p50_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p50, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p50);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32(e, "audio_ctp_latency_p95_us", (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p95, (c = == null ? void 0 : c.p95);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_bytes_recv", b.bytes);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_concealed_samples", b.sp_c);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_fec_packets_discarded", b.fecpd);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_fec_packets_received", b.fecpr);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_jitter", b.jitter);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_jitter_buffer_flushes", b.dec_pack_flush);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_level_count", b.taulc);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_level_sum", b.rx_sum_lvl);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_total_samples_duration", b.sp_dur);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_total_samples_received", b.sp_r);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_accelerate", b.dec_ar);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_normal", b.dec_normal);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_operations", b.neteq_calls);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_plc", b.dec_plc);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_plccng", b.dec_plc_cng);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_neteq_preemptive_expand", b.dec_per);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_packets_lost", b.plost);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_packets_recv", b.precv);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33(e, "audio_recv_silent_concealed_samples", b.sp_sc);
            return e
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_34 = function() {
            var a, b = {};
            a = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 :;
            if ((a == null ? void 0 : a.dur) != null && (a == null ? void 0 : a.dur) > 0) {
                a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.capture_stall;
                var c = a.is_stall
                  , d = a.sdur;
                a = a.nstall;
                var e = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.encode_stall
                  , f = e.is_stall
                  , g = e.sdur;
                e = e.nstall;
                var h = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.CoreVideoMetrics.screen.sent_stall
                  , i = h.is_stall
                  , j = h.sdur;
                h = h.nstall;
                c != null && (b.screen_share_capture_is_stalled = String(c));
                d != null && (b.screen_share_capture_total_stall_duration_ms = String(d));
                a != null && (b.screen_share_capture_total_stalls = String(a));
                f != null && (b.screen_share_encode_is_stalled = String(f));
                g != null && (b.screen_share_encode_total_stall_duration_ms = String(g));
                e != null && (b.screen_share_encode_total_stalls = String(e));
                i != null && (b.screen_share_send_is_stalled = String(i));
                j != null && (b.screen_share_send_total_stall_duration_ms = String(j));
                h != null && (b.screen_share_send_total_stalls = String(h))
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_33 = function(a, b, c) {
            c != null && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(c))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_35 = function() {
            var a, b = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1.extraInfo, c = b.localIceCandidate;
            b = b.remoteIceCandidate;
            return {
                relay_protocol: c == null ? void 0 : c.relayProtocol,
                transport_conn_type: "l:" + ((a = c == null ? void 0 : c.candidateType) != null ? a : "") + "-" + ((a = c == null ? void 0 : c.protocol) != null ? a : "") + ";r:" + ((c = b == null ? void 0 : b.candidateType) != null ? c : "") + "-" + ((a = b == null ? void 0 : b.protocol) != null ? a : "")
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_36 = function() {
            var a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9
              , b = {}
              , c = 0
              , e = !1
              , f = 0
              , g = 0;
            a.forEach(function(a, b) {
                e !== a && (a ? c > 0 && (g++,
                f += b - c,
                c = 0) : c = b,
                e = a)
            if (c > 0) {
                a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5;
                a > -1 && a > c && (g++,
                f += a - c)
            b.transport_num_gaps = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(g);
            b.transport_total_gap_duration_ms = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").nonNullIntNumber(f);
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 != null && (b.transport_connected = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 ? "1" : "0");
            return b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_37 = function() {
            var a, b = {};
            b.audio_send_echo_confidence = (a = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$ == null ? void 0 : (a = a.echo_confidence) == null ? void 0 : a.audio_send_echo_confidence;
            return b
        e.onCallEnded = function() {
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_5 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(),
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 == null && (this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7)
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_32 = function(a, b, c, e) {
            var f = 0;
            c != null && (f += c);
            e != null && (f += e / 2);
            f > 0 && (a[b] = d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").truncateNumber(f))
        e.getPeerConnectionSummary = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo()
              , b = a.deviceID
              , c = a.localCallID
              , e = a.peerID
              , f = a.serverInfoData;
            a = a.signalingID;
            return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_11(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_28(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_12(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_31(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_14(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_16(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_18(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_19(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_21(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_23(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_27(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_36(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_29(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_30(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_34(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_25(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_26(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_35(), this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_37(), f != null && {
                shared_call_id: f
            }, {
                connection_logging_id: a,
                local_call_id: c,
                media_path: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10,
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(e),
                protocol: "multiway",
                steady_time_ms: d("ZenonCallFalcoEventUtils").performanceNowParsed(),
                system_time_ms: String(,
                web_device_id: b
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38 = function() {
            var a = (h || (h = c("performanceNow")))() - this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_6;
            return Math.floor(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 + a)
        e.updateIceInfo = function(a, b) {
            var c = b === d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send ? this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 : this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3;
            b = d("ZenonIceStatsParser").extractIceInfo(a);
            b.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = a.gen;
                a = a.type;
                b === 0 && (c[a] == null ? c[a] = 1 : c[a]++)
        e.onPCStateChange = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 !== a && (this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = a,
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_9.set(this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(), a))
        e.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_39 = function(a) {
            switch (a) {
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.SFU:
                return "sfu";
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.P2P:
                return "p2p";
            case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWMediaPath.UNKNOWN:
                return "unknown"
        e.setMediaPath = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_39(a)
        e.setMediaStats = function(a) {
            this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = a
        ; = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
            a.storePeerConnectionSummary(c, b, this)
        e["delete"] = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
                peerID: c,
                signalingID: b
        e.toJsonString = function() {
            var a = this.getCallInfo();
            a = a.signalingID;
            a = {
                accumulatedCallTime: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_38(),
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo(),
                connectionLoggingId: a,
                endIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8,
                gen0IceReceivedCount: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3,
                gen0IceSentCount: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2,
                mediaPath: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10,
                mediaStats: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1,
                pcIsConnected: this.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7
            return JSON.stringify(a)
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) {
            var c, d;
            try {
                d = JSON.parse(a)
            } catch (a) {
                return null
            a = d.callInfo;
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]);
            a = new b(a);
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_10 = d.mediaPath;
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_1 = d.mediaStats;
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_3 = d.gen0IceReceivedCount;
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_2 = d.gen0IceSentCount;
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_7 = (c = d.pcIsConnected) != null ? c : null;
            a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_8 = d.endIsConnected;
            d.accumulatedCallTime != null && (a.$ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary$p_4 = d.accumulatedCallTime);
            return a
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = "localstorage"
      , i = "RTC_LS_PCS_"
      , j = "ls_pcs"
      , k = 3;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return, j, h, i) || this
        var d = b.prototype;
        d.retrievePeerConnectionSummary = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null;
            if (d)
                return c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary").fromJsonString(d.__d);
                return null
        d.storePeerConnectionSummary = function(a, b, c) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) {
                d[a] || (d[a] = {});
                d[a][b] = {
                    __d: c.toJsonString(),
                    __z: !0
                return d
            }, k, !1, {
                peerID: a,
                signalingID: b
        return b
    b = new a();
    g.ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStoreInstance = b
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSLogsUploader", ["DateConsts", "LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent", "LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent", "LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent", "LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent", "LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", "ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary", "ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", "ZenonLSE2EEStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", "justknobx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = d("DateConsts").MS_PER_MIN * 30
      , i = {
        getLoggableEndCallLogs: function(a) {
            a = a.getLocalStorageObjects();
            var b = [];
            for (var c in a)
                for (var d in a[c]) {
                    var e = a[c][d];
                    if (e.__z) {
                        var f = e.__t;
                        if ( - f > h) {
                            f = e.__d;
                                endCallLogStr: f,
                                peerID: c,
                                signalingID: d
            return b
        logCallStartEventManager: function(a) {
            var b = a.callStartEventManager
              , e = a.peerID;
            a = a.signalingID;
            if (c("justknobx")._("853"))
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL call start summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a
            c("LsRtcConnectionStartFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() {
                return b.getStartEventData()
                peerID: e,
                signalingID: a
        logCallStartEvents: function() {
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSCallStartEventStore").ZenonLSCallStartEventStoreInstance);
            a.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = a.endCallLogStr
                  , d = a.peerID;
                a = a.signalingID;
                try {
                    b = c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager").fromJsonString(b);
                    b && i.logCallStartEventManager({
                        callStartEventManager: b,
                        peerID: d,
                        signalingID: a
                } catch (a) {
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR,
                        error: a.message,
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_callStartEvent"
        logCallSummaries: function() {
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSCallSummaryStore").ZenonLSCallSummaryStoreInstance);
            a.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = a.endCallLogStr
                  , d = a.peerID;
                a = a.signalingID;
                try {
                    b = c("ZenonLSCallSummary").fromJsonString(b);
                    b && i.logCallSummary({
                        callSummary: b,
                        peerID: d,
                        signalingID: a
                } catch (a) {
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR,
                        error: a.message,
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_callSummary"
        logCallSummary: function(a) {
            var b = a.callSummary
              , e = a.peerID;
            a = a.signalingID;
            if (c("justknobx")._("853"))
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL call summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a
            c("LsRtcCallSummaryFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() {
                return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b.getSummaryLoggingInfo())
                peerID: e,
                signalingID: a
        logE2eeStats: function() {
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSE2EEStore").ZenonLSE2EEStoreInstance);
            a.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = a.endCallLogStr
                  , d = a.peerID;
                a = a.signalingID;
                try {
                    b = c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager").fromJsonString(b);
                    b && i.logE2eeStatsManager({
                        e2eeStatsManager: b,
                        peerID: d,
                        signalingID: a
                } catch (a) {
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR,
                        error: a.message,
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_e2eeStats"
        logE2eeStatsManager: function(a) {
            var b = a.e2eeStatsManager
              , e = a.peerID;
            a = a.signalingID;
            if (c("justknobx")._("853"))
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL E2EE summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a
            c("LsRtcGroupE2eeFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() {
                return b.getGroupE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape()
            c("LsRtcP2pE2eeFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() {
                return b.getP2pE2eeMetricsInFalcoShape()
                peerID: e,
                signalingID: a
        logEndCallLogEvents: function() {
        logPeerConnectionSummaries: function() {
            var a = i.getLoggableEndCallLogs(d("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore").ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStoreInstance);
            a.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = a.endCallLogStr
                  , d = a.peerID;
                a = a.signalingID;
                try {
                    b = c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary").fromJsonString(b);
                    b && i.logPeerConnectionSummary({
                        peerConnectionSummary: b,
                        peerID: d,
                        signalingID: a
                } catch (a) {
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__ERROR,
                        error: a.message,
                        errorDomain: "ZenonLSLogsUploader_peerConnectionSummary"
        logPeerConnectionSummary: function(a) {
            var b = a.peerConnectionSummary
              , e = a.peerID;
            a = a.signalingID;
            if (c("justknobx")._("853"))
                checkpoint: "Uploading NSL PCS summary from local storage peerID: " + e + ", signalingID: " + a
            c("LsRtcPeerConnectionSummaryFalcoEvent").logCritical(function() {
                return b.getPeerConnectionSummary()
                peerID: e,
                signalingID: a
    a = i;
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("FBRTCCallSummaryUploader", ["DateConsts", "ZenonLSLogsUploader"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    var h = 10 * d("DateConsts").MS_PER_MIN
      , i = null;
    function a() {
        if (i !== null)
        i = window.setInterval(function() {
        }, h)
    g.init = a
), 98);
__d("FriendingCometConfirmedFriendRequestToast.react", ["fbt", "CometNotificationsListItem.react", "CometNotificationsMutationLogger", "CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "recoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react"));
    b = i;
    var k = b.useCallback
      , l = b.useRef
      , m = "MARK_SEEN"
      , n = "comet_toast"
      , o = "beeper";
    function a(a) {
        var b, e = a.onCloseClick;
        a = a.response;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_confirm_subscribe;
        var f = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif
          , g = f == null ? void 0 :
          , i = f == null ? void 0 : f.seen_state
          , p = a == null ? void 0 : a.new_friend;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 :;
        b = f == null ? void 0 : (b = f.body) == null ? void 0 : b.text;
        var q = l(!1)
          , r = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment()
          , s = k(function() {
            if (g == null || i !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" || q.current === !0)
            d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation(r, {
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB",
                input: {
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB",
                    is_comet: !0,
                    last_notif_sync_time: 0,
                    notif_ids: [g],
                    source: n,
                    update_type: m
            }, {
                mutationLogger: d("CometNotificationsMutationLogger").notificationMarkAsSeenStart,
                onError: function(a) {
                    c("recoverableViolation")("Failed to mark friend confirmed notification as seen in the toast: ", "growth_friending", {
                        error: a
                onSuccess: function() {
                    q.current = !0
                updater: function(a) {
                    d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").updateSingleNotifReadState(a, g)
        }, [r, g, i]);
        if (p == null || f == null)
            return null;
        p = g == null || b == null ? null : {
            id: g,
            text: b
        return j.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), {
            accessibilityAnnouncement: p,
            content: j.jsx("div", {
                role: "grid",
                children: j.jsx(c("CometNotificationsListItem.react"), {
                    actor: a,
                    loggerContext: o,
                    notification: f,
                    onClick: e
            headline: h._("__JHASH__tXZ99ZeyFDZ__JHASH__"),
            onCloseClick: e,
            onMouseEnter: s
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "8294990683862995"
), null);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql", ["CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql", "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , c = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "data",
            variableName: "input"
          , d = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "notif_id",
            storageKey: null
          , e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "seen_state",
            storageKey: null
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "text",
            storageKey: null
          , h = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "time_confirmed",
            storageKey: null
          , i = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , j = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , k = {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "scale",
            variableName: "scale"
          , l = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestConfirmSubscribeResponsePayload",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Viewer",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "viewer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "bookmarkID",
                                value: "2356318349"
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "useTopTabBadgeCount_viewer"
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "actor",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                name: "CometNotificationsListItem_actor"
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "User",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "new_friend",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: null,
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "FriendingCometAcceptedFriendRequestsPanel_user"
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Notification",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "notif",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "isToast",
                                value: !0
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "CometNotificationsListItem_notification"
                        }, d, e, f, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "body",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [g],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, h],
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Subscription",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestConfirmSubscribeResponsePayload",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Viewer",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "viewer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                items: [{
                                    kind: "Literal",
                                    name: "bookmark_ids.0",
                                    value: "2356318349"
                                kind: "ListValue",
                                name: "bookmark_ids"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "environment",
                                value: "COMET"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "folder_id",
                                value: "PRODUCT"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "sections",
                                value: ["FACEBOOK_APP"]
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                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "bookmarks",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
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                                name: "edges",
                                plural: !0,
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                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "node",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        concreteType: null,
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "bookmarked_node",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [i, e],
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: [{
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "bookmark_render_location",
                                            value: "COMET_TOP_TAB"
                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                        name: "unread_count",
                                        storageKey: 'unread_count(bookmark_render_location:"COMET_TOP_TAB")'
                                    }, e],
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: 'bookmarks(bookmark_ids:["2356318349"],environment:"COMET",folder_id:"PRODUCT",sections:["FACEBOOK_APP"])'
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "actor",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [i, {
                                kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                                abstractKey: "__isActor"
                            }, e, j],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "User",
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
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                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "height",
                                value: 60
                            }, k, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 60
                            concreteType: "Image",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "profile_picture",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: l,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, e],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
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                        name: "notif",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [e, d, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
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                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            kind: "ClientExtension",
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                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "__id",
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "is_hidden",
                                storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
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                                selections: [{
                                    args: null,
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification",
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                                    kind: "ModuleImport"
                                type: "FriendRequestNotifAttachment",
                                abstractKey: null
                            }, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    args: null,
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification",
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                                abstractKey: null
                            }, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                                    args: null,
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification",
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemQuickPromotionAttachment_notifAttachments",
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                                    kind: "ModuleImport"
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                                abstractKey: null
                            }, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "StructuredSurveySession",
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                                    name: "inline_survey",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [i],
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                                type: "InlineSurveyNotifAttachment",
                                abstractKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
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                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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                            name: "body",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                fragment: b("CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql"),
                                kind: "FragmentSpread"
                            }, g],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "height",
                                value: 56
                            }, k, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 56
                            concreteType: "Image",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "notif_image",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: l,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "site",
                                value: "comet"
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "url",
                            storageKey: 'url(site:"comet")'
                        }, f, {
                            alias: "creation_time",
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "CreationTimeWithRelativeText",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "creation_time_with_relative_text",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "timestamp",
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
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                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "GlyphIconData",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "icon_data",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "reaction_type",
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "glyph_name",
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "glyph_icon_url",
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "tracking",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, h],
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {
                    subscriptionName: "friend_request_confirm_subscribe"
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription",
                operationKind: "subscription",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription", ["CometRelay", "FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "cr:1723177", "relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("FriendingCometFriendRequestConfirmSubscription.graphql");
    function a(a, c, e, f, g, h) {
        var j = function(a) {
            var b = a.getRootField("friend_request_confirm_subscribe");
            if (b == null)
            var c = a.get(d("relay-runtime").VIEWER_ID);
            if (c == null)
            var e = b.getLinkedRecord("new_friend");
            if (e == null)
            b = b.getValue("time_confirmed");
            c = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.getConnection(c, "FriendingCometAcceptedFriendRequestsPanel_friend_confirmed_notifications");
            if (c == null)
            a = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.createEdge(a, c, e, "FriendConfirmedNotificationsEdge");
            a.setValue(b, "time_sent");
            d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeBefore(c, a);
            e = parseInt(c.getValue("count"), 0);
            c.setValue(e + 1, "count")
          , k = function(a) {
            a != null && b("cr:1723177") != null && f !== !0 && b("cr:1723177").pushFriendingConfirmedCometToast(a, e)
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(c, {
            onCompleted: g,
            onError: h,
            onNext: k,
            subscription: i,
            updater: j,
            variables: {
                input: {
                    requester_id: a
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get()
    g.subscribe = a
), 98);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "25901335256117396"
), null);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql", ["CometTextWithEntitiesRelay_textWithEntities$normalization.graphql", "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , c = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "data",
            variableName: "input"
          , d = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "friendship_status",
            storageKey: null
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "time_received",
            storageKey: null
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "notif_id",
            storageKey: null
          , h = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "seen_state",
            storageKey: null
          , i = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "text",
            storageKey: null
          , j = [i]
          , k = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , l = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , m = {
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "scale",
            variableName: "scale"
          , n = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "uri",
            storageKey: null
          , o = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "site",
                value: "comet"
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: 'url(site:"comet")'
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestReceiveSubscribeResponsePayload",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "friend_request_receive_subscribe",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Viewer",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "viewer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "bookmarkID",
                                value: "2356318349"
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "useTopTabBadgeCount_viewer"
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "actor",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
                                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                name: "CometNotificationsListItem_actor"
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "User",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "sender",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [d, e, {
                            args: null,
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestsListItem_user"
                        storageKey: null
                    }, f, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Notification",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "notif",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "isToast",
                                value: !0
                            kind: "FragmentSpread",
                            name: "CometNotificationsListItem_notification"
                        }, g, d, h, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "body",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: j,
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Subscription",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: c,
                    concreteType: "FriendRequestReceiveSubscribeResponsePayload",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "friend_request_receive_subscribe",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Viewer",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "viewer",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                items: [{
                                    kind: "Literal",
                                    name: "bookmark_ids.0",
                                    value: "2356318349"
                                kind: "ListValue",
                                name: "bookmark_ids"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "environment",
                                value: "COMET"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "folder_id",
                                value: "PRODUCT"
                            }, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "sections",
                                value: ["FACEBOOK_APP"]
                            concreteType: "BookmarksConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "bookmarks",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "BookmarksEdge",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "edges",
                                plural: !0,
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                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "Bookmark",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "node",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        concreteType: null,
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "bookmarked_node",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [k, d],
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: [{
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "bookmark_render_location",
                                            value: "COMET_TOP_TAB"
                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                        name: "unread_count",
                                        storageKey: 'unread_count(bookmark_render_location:"COMET_TOP_TAB")'
                                    }, d],
                                    storageKey: null
                                storageKey: null
                            storageKey: 'bookmarks(bookmark_ids:["2356318349"],environment:"COMET",folder_id:"PRODUCT",sections:["FACEBOOK_APP"])'
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "actor",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [k, {
                                kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                                abstractKey: "__isActor"
                            }, d, l],
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "User",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "sender",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [d, e, l, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "url",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "height",
                                value: 60
                            }, m, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 60
                            concreteType: "Image",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "profile_picture",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: n,
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                            selections: [{
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "TextWithEntities",
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                                    name: "social_context",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: j,
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "User",
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                                    name: "social_context_top_mutual_friends",
                                    plural: !0,
                                    selections: [d, l, o, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: [{
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "height",
                                            value: 20
                                        }, m, {
                                            kind: "Literal",
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                                        name: "profile_picture",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: n,
                                        storageKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                type: "User",
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                            type: "FriendNode",
                            abstractKey: "__isFriendNode"
                        storageKey: null
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                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "Notification",
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                        name: "notif",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [d, g, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
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                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            kind: "ClientExtension",
                            selections: [{
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                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "__id",
                                storageKey: null
                            }, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                name: "is_hidden",
                                storageKey: null
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "notif_attachments",
                            plural: !0,
                            selections: [k, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    args: null,
                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification",
                                    fragmentName: "CometNotificationsListItemFriendRequestAttachment_notifAttachments",
                                    fragmentPropName: "notifAttachments",
                                    kind: "ModuleImport"
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                                    args: null,
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                                    args: null,
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                                    documentName: "CometNotificationsListItemAttachment_notification",
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                                abstractKey: null
                            }, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
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                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "StructuredSurveySession",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "inline_survey",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [k],
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                                type: "InlineSurveyNotifAttachment",
                                abstractKey: null
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                            selections: [{
                                args: null,
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                                kind: "FragmentSpread"
                            }, i],
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                            alias: null,
                            args: [{
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                                name: "height",
                                value: 56
                            }, m, {
                                kind: "Literal",
                                name: "width",
                                value: 56
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                            name: "notif_image",
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                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
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                            storageKey: null
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                            name: "icon_data",
                            plural: !1,
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                                name: "reaction_type",
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                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "tracking",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {
                    subscriptionName: "friend_request_receive_subscribe"
                name: "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription",
                operationKind: "subscription",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription", ["CometRelay", "FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "cr:1723177", "relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("FriendingCometFriendRequestReceiveSubscription.graphql");
    function a(a, c, e, f, g, h) {
        var j = function(a) {
            var b = a.getRootField("friend_request_receive_subscribe");
            if (b == null)
            var c = a.get(d("relay-runtime").VIEWER_ID);
            if (c == null)
            var e = b.getLinkedRecord("sender");
            if (e == null)
            b = b.getValue("time_received");
            c = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.getConnection(c, "FriendingCometFriendRequestsPanel_friending_possibilities", {
                friending_channel: "REQUESTS_JEWEL"
            if (c == null)
            var f = c.getLinkedRecords("edges");
            if (f != null) {
                f = f == null ? void 0 : f.filter(function(a) {
                    a = a == null ? void 0 : a.getLinkedRecord("node");
                    return (a == null ? void 0 : a.getValue("id")) !== e.getValue("id")
                c.setLinkedRecords(f, "edges");
                c.setValue(f.length, "count")
            f = d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.createEdge(a, c, e, "FriendingPossibilitiesEdge");
            f.setValue(b, "time");
            f.setValue(!1, "is_seen");
            d("relay-runtime").ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeBefore(c, f);
            a = parseInt(c.getValue("count"), 10);
            c.setValue(a + 1, "count")
          , k = function(a) {
            a != null && b("cr:1723177") != null && f !== !0 && b("cr:1723177").pushFriendingCometToast(a, e)
        return d("CometRelay").requestSubscription(c, {
            onCompleted: g,
            onError: h,
            onNext: k,
            subscription: i,
            updater: j,
            variables: {
                input: {
                    receiver_id: a
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get()
    g.subscribe = a
), 98);
__d("FriendingCometFriendRequestToast.react", ["fbt", "CometNotificationsListItem.react", "CometNotificationsMutationLogger", "CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation", "CometRelay", "CometToastCard.react", "react", "recoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react"));
    b = i;
    var k = b.useCallback
      , l = b.useRef
      , m = "MARK_SEEN"
      , n = "comet_toast"
      , o = "beeper";
    function a(a) {
        var b, e = a.onCloseClick;
        a = a.response;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : a.friend_request_receive_subscribe;
        var f = a == null ? void 0 : a.notif
          , g = f == null ? void 0 :
          , i = f == null ? void 0 : f.seen_state;
        a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 :;
        b = f == null ? void 0 : (b = f.body) == null ? void 0 : b.text;
        var p = l(!1)
          , q = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment()
          , r = k(function() {
            if (g == null || i !== "UNSEEN_AND_UNREAD" || p.current === !0)
            d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation(q, {
                environment: "FRIENDS_TAB",
                input: {
                    environment: "FRIENDS_TAB",
                    is_comet: !0,
                    last_notif_sync_time: 0,
                    notif_ids: [g],
                    source: n,
                    update_type: m
            }, {
                mutationLogger: d("CometNotificationsMutationLogger").notificationMarkAsSeenStart,
                onError: function(a) {
                    c("recoverableViolation")("Failed to mark friend notification as seen in the toast: ", "growth_friending", {
                        error: a
                onSuccess: function() {
                    p.current = !0
                updater: function(a) {
                    d("CometNotificationsUpdateSeenStateMutation").updateSingleNotifSeenState(a, g),
        }, [q, g, i]);
        if (f == null)
            return null;
        b = g == null || b == null ? null : {
            id: g,
            text: b
        return j.jsx(c("CometToastCard.react"), {
            accessibilityAnnouncement: b,
            content: j.jsx("div", {
                role: "grid",
                children: j.jsx(c("CometNotificationsListItem.react"), {
                    actor: a,
                    loggerContext: o,
                    notification: f,
                    onClick: e
            headline: h._("__JHASH__tXZ99ZeyFDZ__JHASH__"),
            onCloseClick: e,
            onMouseEnter: r
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("FundsAvailability", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        NONE: 0,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("ImmutableValue", ["invariant", "isNode"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a(b) {
            b === a[h] || g(0, 5608)
        a.mergeAllPropertiesInto = function(a, b) {
            var c = b.length;
            for (var d = 0; d < c; d++)
                Object.assign(a, b[d])
        a.deepFreezeRootNode = function(c) {
            if (b("isNode")(c))
            for (var d in c)
      , d) && a.recurseDeepFreeze(c[d]);
        a.recurseDeepFreeze = function(c) {
            if (b("isNode")(c) || !a.shouldRecurseFreeze(c))
            for (var d in c)
      , d) && a.recurseDeepFreeze(c[d]);
        a.shouldRecurseFreeze = function(b) {
            return typeof b === "object" && !(b instanceof a) && b !== null
        return a
    a._DONT_EVER_TYPE_THIS_SECRET_KEY = Math.random();
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("ImmutableObject", ["invariant", "ImmutableValue", "mergeHelpers"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = b("mergeHelpers").checkMergeObjectArgs
      , i = b("mergeHelpers").isTerminal
    function k(a) {
        a instanceof b("ImmutableValue") || g(0, 3884)
    var l = function(c) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(a, c);
        function a() {
            var a;
            a =, b("ImmutableValue")[j]) || this;
            b("ImmutableValue").mergeAllPropertiesInto(babelHelpers.assertThisInitialized(a), arguments);
            return a
        a.set = function(b, c) {
            typeof c === "object" && c !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(c) || g(0, 3885);
            return new a(b,c)
        a.setProperty = function(b, c, d) {
            var e = {};
            e[c] = d;
            return a.set(b, e)
        a.deleteProperty = function(b, c) {
            var d = {};
            for (var e in b)
                e !== c &&, e) && (d[e] = b[e]);
            return new a(d)
        a.setDeep = function(a, b) {
            return m(a, b)
        a.values = function(a) {
            return Object.keys(a).map(function(b) {
                return a[b]
        return a
    function m(a, c) {
        h(a, c);
        var d = {}
          , e = Object.keys(a);
        for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) {
            var g = e[f];
            !, g) ? d[g] = a[g] : i(a[g]) || i(c[g]) ? d[g] = c[g] : d[g] = m(a[g], c[g])
        g = Object.keys(c);
        for (f = 0; f < g.length; f++) {
            e = g[f];
            if (, e))
            d[e] = c[e]
        return a instanceof b("ImmutableValue") ? new l(d) : c instanceof b("ImmutableValue") ? new l(d) : d
    e.exports = l
), null);
__d("InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        UNKNOWN: "unknown",
        GAME_SCORE: "game_score",
        CUSTOM_MESSAGE: "custom_message"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("LeadGenInfoFieldTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        CUSTOM: "CUSTOM",
        CITY: "CITY",
        DOB: "DOB",
        EMAIL: "EMAIL",
        GENDER: "GENDER",
        PHONE: "PHONE",
        STATE: "STATE",
        ZIP: "ZIP",
        SLIDER: "SLIDER",
        ID_CPF: "ID_CPF",
        ID_AR_DNI: "ID_AR_DNI",
        ID_CL_RUT: "ID_CL_RUT",
        ID_CO_CC: "ID_CO_CC",
        ID_EC_CI: "ID_EC_CI",
        ID_PE_DNI: "ID_PE_DNI",
        ID_MX_RFC: "ID_MX_RFC",
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743882");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_end_call_survey", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("1743884");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("ls_rtc_star_rating", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSBaseCircleButton.react", ["ComponentWithDataAttributes.react", "MDSIcon.react", "MDSPressable.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        pressableOverlayPressed: {
            backgroundColor: "x1lxk4cn",
            $$css: !0
        pressed: {
            transform: "x1n5d1j9",
            $$css: !0
        root: {
            alignItems: "x6s0dn4",
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1z11no5",
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            borderStartWidth: "xm0m39n",
            display: "x78zum5",
            justifyContent: "xl56j7k",
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu",
            paddingEnd: "x4uap5",
            paddingBottom: "x18d9i69",
            paddingStart: "xkhd6sd",
            position: "x1n2onr6",
            $$css: !0
    }, k = {
        24: {
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            $$css: !0
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            height: "x1fgtraw",
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            height: "x1vqgdyp",
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            $$css: !0
        48: {
            height: "xsdox4t",
            width: "x1useyqa",
            $$css: !0
    }, l = {
        "dark-overlay": {
            backgroundColor: "x18l40ae",
            color: "x14ctfv",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "xjbqb8w",
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        "deemphasized-overlay": {
            backgroundColor: "x1hr4nm9",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "x2h9iz9",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "x10ltxyv",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "x9bbmet",
            boxShadow: "x10f5nwc",
            color: "xi81zsa",
            $$css: !0
        "overlay-floating": {
            backgroundColor: "x1l31dnx",
            boxShadow: "x1qeybcx",
            $$css: !0
        "overlay-raised": {
            backgroundColor: "x9bbmet",
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            color: "xi81zsa",
            $$css: !0
        "primary-background-overlay": {
            backgroundColor: "xtvsq51",
            $$css: !0
        red: {
            backgroundColor: "x18tkn2g",
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        "dark-overlay": {
            backgroundColor: "x18l40ae",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "xjbqb8w",
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            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6",
            $$css: !0
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            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6",
            $$css: !0
        overlay: {
            backgroundColor: "x1ahlmzr",
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            boxShadow: "xxnfx33",
            color: "x1dntmbh",
            $$css: !0
        "primary-background-overlay": {
            backgroundColor: "xtvsq51",
            $$css: !0
        red: {
            backgroundColor: "xwcfey6",
            $$css: !0
    }, n = (b = {},
    b[24] = 12,
    b[28] = 16,
    b[32] = 16,
    b[36] = 20,
    b[40] = 20,
    b), o = (e = {},
    e[24] = 20,
    e[28] = 20,
    e[32] = 24,
    e[36] = 28,
    e[40] = 32,
    d = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a);
        var d = a.color
          , e = a.dataAttributes
          , f = a.disabled
          , g = f === void 0 ? !1 : f;
        f = a.focusable;
        var h = a.icon
          , q = a.iconRatio
          , r = a.label
          , s = a.linkProps
          , t = a.onFocusIn
          , u = a.onFocusOut
          , v = a.onHoverIn
          , w = a.onHoverOut
          , x = a.onPress
          , y = a.onPressIn
          , z = a.onPressOut
          , A = a.overlayHoveredStyle
          , B = a.size
          , C = a.testid;
        C = a.testOnly_pressed;
        var D = a.type
          , E = D === void 0 ? "normal" : D;
        D = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["color", "dataAttributes", "disabled", "focusable", "icon", "iconRatio", "label", "linkProps", "onFocusIn", "onFocusOut", "onHoverIn", "onHoverOut", "onPress", "onPressIn", "onPressOut", "overlayHoveredStyle", "size", "testid", "testOnly_pressed", "type"]);
        D = i.jsx(c("MDSPressable.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, D, {
            "aria-label": r,
            disabled: g,
            display: "inline",
            focusable: f,
            linkProps: s,
            onFocusIn: t,
            onFocusOut: u,
            onHoverIn: v,
            onHoverOut: w,
            onPress: x,
            onPressIn: y,
            onPressOut: z,
            overlayHoveredStyle: A,
            overlayPressedStyle: j.pressableOverlayPressed,
            overlayRadius: "50%",
            ref: b,
            testOnly_pressed: C,
            testid: void 0,
            xstyle: function(a) {
                a = a.pressed;
                return [j.root, k[B], l[E], g && m[E === "overlay-raised" || E === "overlay-floating" ? "overlay" : E], a && j.pressed]
            children: i.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), {
                color: g ? "disabled" : (a = d) != null ? a : p(E),
                icon: h,
                size: q === "large" ? o[B] : n[B]
        return i.jsx(c("ComponentWithDataAttributes.react"), {
            dataAttributes: e,
            children: D
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    b = d;
    function p(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case "dark-overlay":
            return "white";
        case "deemphasized-overlay":
            return "highlight";
            return "primary"
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MDSButtonGroup.react", ["Box.react", "CometFocusTableContext", "MDSButton.react", "MDSRow.react", "MDSRowItem.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext, k = {
        hiddenButton: {
            height: "xqtp20y",
            opacity: "xg01cxk",
            $$css: !0
        resetFlexBasis: {
            flexBasis: "xdl72j9",
            $$css: !0
    function l(a) {
        var b = j(c("CometFocusTableContext"));
        b = b.FocusCell;
        a = a.children;
        return b != null ? i.jsx(b, {
            children: a
        }) : a
    l.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.align
          , d = b === void 0 ? "justify" : b;
        b = a.direction;
        b = b === void 0 ? "forward" : b;
        var e = a.expanding;
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e;
        var f = a.paddingHorizontal
          , g = a.paddingTop
          , h = a.primary
          , j = a.secondary
          , m = a.secondaryIcon
          , n = a.size
          , o = a.testid;
        o = a.verticalAlign;
        a = a.wrap;
        a = a === void 0 ? "none" : a;
        var p = []
          , q = []
          , r = null;
        if (h != null) {
            var s = h.ref
              , t = h.testid;
            t = h.type;
            h = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(h, ["ref", "testid", "type"]);
            r = i.jsx(l, {
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, {
                    ref: s,
                    size: n,
                    testid: void 0,
                    type: t
                hidden: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, {
                    disabled: !0,
                    padding: "normal",
                    size: n,
                    type: t
                visible: r
        if (j != null) {
            s = j.ref;
            h = j.testid;
            t = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(j, ["ref", "testid"]);
                hidden: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, t, {
                    disabled: !0,
                    padding: "normal",
                    size: n,
                    type: "secondary"
                visible: i.jsx(l, {
                    children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, t, {
                        ref: s,
                        size: n,
                        testid: void 0,
                        type: "secondary"
        } else
            m != null && q.push(i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                children: i.jsx(l, {
                    children: i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, m, {
                        labelIsHidden: !0,
                        size: n,
                        type: "secondary"
            }, "secondary-icon"));
        h =, b) {
            return i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                expanding: d === "justify",
                xstyle: k.resetFlexBasis,
                children:, d) {
                    return i.jsx(i.Fragment, {
                        children: b !== d ? i.jsx(c("Box.react"), {
                            "aria-hidden": !0,
                            xstyle: k.hiddenButton,
                            children: a.hidden
                        }) : a.visible
                    }, d)
            }, b)
        j = r != null ? i.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
            expanding: d === "justify",
            xstyle: k.resetFlexBasis,
            children: r
        }, "primary") : null;
        t = [j].concat(q);
        s = p.length === 2;
        return i.jsx(c("MDSRow.react"), {
            align: d,
            direction: b,
            expanding: e,
            paddingHorizontal: f,
            paddingTop: g,
            spacing: 8,
            testid: void 0,
            verticalAlign: o,
            wrap: a,
            children: s || r == null ? h : t
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogSizes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        content: {
            maxWidth: "x193iq5w",
            $$css: !0
        "content-mobile-safe": {
            width: "xh8yej3",
            $$css: !0
        medium: {
            maxWidth: "x1hzco51",
            width: "x3dwbn0",
            $$css: !0
        small: {
            maxWidth: "xeb55yp",
            width: "x17omtbh",
            $$css: !0
    g.sizeStyles = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react", ["BaseDialog.react", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "MDSDialogSizes", "XPlatReactEnvironment", "emptyFunction", "react", "useIsCometOnMobile"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        anchor: {
            paddingTop: "x1x97wu9",
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            paddingLeft: null,
            paddingRight: null,
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            $$css: !0
        anchorInMobileEnvironment: {
            paddingTop: "xexx8yu",
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            $$css: !0
        anchorWeb: {
            paddingStart: "x3v4vwv x1c2jvxr",
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            paddingRight: null,
            paddingEnd: "x1dzdb2q x1paickk",
            $$css: !0
        card: {
            backgroundColor: "x1jx94hy",
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            borderBottomStartRadius: "xb3b7hn",
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir",
            $$css: !0
        cardWeb: {
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1g2kw80 xxadwq3",
            borderTopEndRadius: "x16n5opg x3hh19s",
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            borderBottomStartRadius: "xhkep3z xb3b7hn",
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir",
            $$css: !0
        rootInMobileEnvironment: {
            justifyContent: "x1nhvcw1",
            $$css: !0
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        var e = a.anchorXStyle
          , f = a.children
          , g = a.disableClosingWithMask;
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g;
        var h = a.onClose;
        h = h === void 0 ? c("emptyFunction") : h;
        var k = a.size;
        k = k === void 0 ? "small" : k;
        var l = a.testid;
        l = a.title;
        a = a.xstyle;
        var m = c("useIsCometOnMobile")();
        k = k === "content-mobile-safe" && !m ? "content" : k;
        var n = d("XPlatReactEnvironment").isWeb()
          , o = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogLabelID();
        return i.jsx(c("BaseDialog.react"), {
            anchorXStyle: [j.anchor, n && j.anchorWeb, m && j.anchorInMobileEnvironment, e],
            "aria-label": l == null ? void 0 : l,
            "aria-labelledby": l == null ? o : void 0,
            disableClosingWithMask: g,
            onClose: h,
            ref: b,
            rootXStyle: m && j.rootInMobileEnvironment,
            testid: void 0,
            withDeprecatedStyles: !0,
            xstyle: [j.card, n && j.cardWeb, d("MDSDialogSizes").sizeStyles[k], a],
            children: f
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSCircleButton.react", ["MDSBaseCircleButton.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a);
        return i.jsx(c("MDSBaseCircleButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
            iconRatio: "large"
        }, a, {
            ref: b
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                d: "M17.634 11.384a1.25 1.25 0 0 0-1.768-1.768l-7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0 1.768l7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 0 1.768-1.768l-4.94-4.94a.25.25 0 0 1 .177-.426H26.75a1.25 1.25 0 1 0 0-2.5H12.871a.25.25 0 0 1-.177-.427l4.94-4.94z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MessengerArrowLeftIcon", ["MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react", "SVGIcon"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerArrowLeft.svg.react"));
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MessengerArrowRight.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                d: "M18.366 11.384a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768-1.768l7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 0 1.768l-7.5 7.5a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768-1.768l4.94-4.94a.25.25 0 0 0-.177-.426H9.25a1.25 1.25 0 1 1 0-2.5h13.879a.25.25 0 0 0 .176-.427l-4.939-4.94z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MessengerArrowRightIcon", ["MessengerArrowRight.svg.react", "SVGIcon"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerArrowRight.svg.react"));
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react", ["XPlatReactSVG", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs(d("XPlatReactSVG").Svg, babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em",
            title: a.title
        }, a, {
            children: [a.children != null && i.jsx(d("XPlatReactSVG").Defs, {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx(d("XPlatReactSVG").Path, {
                d: "m12.631 25.138 5.196-5.189a.25.25 0 0 1 .353 0l5.197 5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.761L19.95 18.18a.25.25 0 0 1 0-.354l5.188-5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0l-5.197 5.188a.25.25 0 0 1-.353 0l-5.196-5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.761l5.188 5.196a.25.25 0 0 1 0 .354l-5.189 5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.761 0z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogHeader.react", ["fbt", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseHeading.react", "Box.react", "Locale", "MDSCircleButton.react", "MDSGlimmer.react", "MDSText.react", "MessengerArrowLeftIcon", "MessengerArrowRightIcon", "MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react"), k = {
        backButton: {
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            $$css: !0
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            end: "x92rtbv",
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            position: "x10l6tqk",
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            $$css: !0
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            alignItems: "x6s0dn4",
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            $$css: !0
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            justifyContent: "x1nhvcw1",
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    function a(a) {
        var b = a.backButtonType
          , e = a.closeButtonTestId;
        e = e === void 0 ? "close-button" : e;
        e = a.closeButtonType;
        var f = a.isLoading;
        f = f === void 0 ? !1 : f;
        var g = a.onBack
          , i = a.onClose
          , m = a.title
          , n = a.titleHorizontalAlignment;
        n = n === void 0 ? "center" : n;
        var o = a.withBackButton;
        o = o === void 0 ? !1 : o;
        a = a.withCloseButton;
        a = a === void 0 ? !1 : a;
        var p = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogHeaderID();
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, {
            children: [m != null || f === !0 ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), {
                id: p,
                xstyle: [k.header, (a || o) && n === "center" && k.headerWithPadding, l[n]],
                children: f === !0 ? j.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), {
                    index: 0,
                    xstyle: k.headerGlimmer
                }) : j.jsx(c("BaseHeading.react"), {
                    children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), {
                        align: "center",
                        type: "headlineEmphasized3",
                        children: m
            }) : null, a ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), {
                xstyle: k.closeButton,
                children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), {
                    color: "primary",
                    icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCrossFilled.svg.react")),
                    label: h._("__JHASH__tnRfHlva-bL__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: i,
                    size: 32,
                    testid: void 0,
                    type: e
            }) : null, o ? j.jsx(c("Box.react"), {
                xstyle: k.backButton,
                children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), {
                    color: "primary",
                    icon: d("Locale").isRTL() ? c("MessengerArrowRightIcon") : c("MessengerArrowLeftIcon"),
                    label: h._("__JHASH__sqTeJmgA5ut__JHASH__"),
                    onPress: g,
                    size: 32,
                    testid: void 0,
                    type: b
            }) : null]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("MDSSpinner.react", ["CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    a = function(a) {
        var b = a.color;
        b = b === void 0 ? "blue" : b;
        a = a.size;
        a = a === void 0 ? 24 : a;
        return i.jsx(c("CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react"), {
            color: b !== "blue" ? "disabled" : "blue",
            size: a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogFooter.react", ["MDSButton.react", "MDSButtonGroup.react", "MDSSpinner.react", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        buttonContainer: {
            paddingTop: "xyamay9",
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi",
            paddingBottom: "x1l90r2v",
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.callToActionGroupDirection;
        b = b === void 0 ? "forward" : b;
        var e = a.callToActionGroupWrap;
        e = e === void 0 ? "none" : e;
        var f = a.primaryCallToAction;
        a = a.secondaryCallToAction;
        var g = null;
        if (f != null && a != null) {
            var h = f.disabled
              , k = f.loading
              , l = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(f, ["disabled", "loading"]);
            g = i.jsx(c("MDSButtonGroup.react"), {
                direction: b,
                expanding: !0,
                paddingHorizontal: 0,
                paddingTop: 0,
                primary: babelHelpers["extends"]({
                    addOnStart: k === !0 ? i.jsx(c("MDSSpinner.react"), {
                        color: "grey",
                        size: 24
                    }) : void 0,
                    disabled: h === !0 || k,
                    type: "primary"
                }, l),
                secondary: a,
                size: 36,
                wrap: e
        } else if (f != null) {
            b = f.disabled;
            h = f.loading;
            k = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(f, ["disabled", "loading"]);
            g = i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
                addOnStart: h === !0 ? i.jsx(c("MDSSpinner.react"), {
                    color: "grey",
                    size: 24
                }) : void 0,
                disabled: b === !0 || h,
                size: 36,
                type: "primary"
            }, k))
        } else
            a != null && (g = i.jsx(c("MDSButton.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
                size: 36,
                type: "secondary"
            }, a)));
        return g != null ? i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, {
            style: j.buttonContainer,
            children: g
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogPageLegacy.react", ["MDSDialogFooter.react", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        content: {
            paddingBottom: "xwib8y2",
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi",
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13",
            $$css: !0
        textOnlyContent: {
            textAlign: "x2b8uid",
            $$css: !0
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        var e = a.children
          , f = a.hasTextOnlyContent;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["children", "hasTextOnlyContent"]);
        return i.jsxs(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, {
            ref: b,
            children: [i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, {
                style: [j.content, f === !0 && j.textOnlyContent],
                children: e
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSDialogFooter.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a))]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSCardedDialog.react", ["BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react", "MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogPageLegacy.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        var e = a.callToActionGroupWrap;
        e = e === void 0 ? "none" : e;
        var f = a.children
          , g = a.closeButtonType
          , h = a.onClose;
        h = h === void 0 ? function() {}
        : h;
        var j = a.header
          , k = a.title
          , l = a.titleHorizontalAlignment;
        l = l === void 0 ? "center" : l;
        var m = a.withBackButton;
        m = m === void 0 ? !1 : m;
        var n = a.onBack
          , o = a.backButtonType
          , p = a.withCloseButton;
        p = p === void 0 ? !1 : p;
        var q = a.primaryCallToAction
          , r = a.secondaryCallToAction
          , s = a.callToActionGroupDirection;
        s = s === void 0 ? "forward" : s;
        var t = a.closeButtonTestId;
        t = t === void 0 ? "close_button" : t;
        var u = a.hasTextOnlyContent;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["callToActionGroupWrap", "children", "closeButtonType", "onClose", "header", "title", "titleHorizontalAlignment", "withBackButton", "onBack", "backButtonType", "withCloseButton", "primaryCallToAction", "secondaryCallToAction", "callToActionGroupDirection", "closeButtonTestId", "hasTextOnlyContent"]);
        return i.jsx(d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").BaseDialogLabelIDProvider, {
            children: i.jsxs(c("MDSDialogContainerLegacy.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
                onClose: h,
                ref: b,
                title: k
            }, a, {
                children: [j != null ? j : null, i.jsxs(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), {
                    children: [i.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), {
                        backButtonType: o,
                        closeButtonTestId: t,
                        closeButtonType: g,
                        onBack: n,
                        onClose: h,
                        title: j == null ? k : null,
                        titleHorizontalAlignment: l,
                        withBackButton: m,
                        withCloseButton: p
                    }), i.jsx(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), {
                        children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPageLegacy.react"), {
                            callToActionGroupDirection: s,
                            callToActionGroupWrap: e,
                            hasTextOnlyContent: u,
                            primaryCallToAction: q,
                            secondaryCallToAction: r,
                            children: f
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", ["MDSColumn.react", "MDSColumnItem.react", "MDSGlimmer.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        bodyGlimmer: {
            borderTopStartRadius: "xhk9q7s",
            borderTopEndRadius: "x1otrzb0",
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1i1ezom",
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x1o6z2jb",
            height: "x1kpxq89",
            marginBottom: "x1yztbdb",
            $$css: !0
        bodyGlimmerFirst: {
            width: "xktia5q",
            $$css: !0
        bodyGlimmerSecond: {
            width: "x65xoit",
            $$css: !0
    function a() {
        return i.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), {
            align: "center",
            spacing: 4,
            children: [i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), {
                    index: 0,
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerFirst]
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), {
                    index: 0,
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerSecond]
            }), i.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSGlimmer.react"), {
                    index: 0,
                    xstyle: [j.bodyGlimmer, j.bodyGlimmerFirst]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogPage.react", ["BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react", "BaseScrollableArea.react", "XPlatReactEnvironment", "react", "react-strict-dom"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useRef, k = {
        content: {
            paddingBottom: "xwib8y2",
            paddingEnd: "x1pi30zi",
            paddingStart: "x1swvt13",
            $$css: !0
        root: {
            display: "x78zum5",
            flexDirection: "xdt5ytf",
            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2",
            position: "x1n2onr6",
            $$css: !0
        rootWeb: {
            maxHeight: "x1yr2tfi",
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            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2",
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            textAlign: "x2b8uid",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.children
          , e = a.disablePageScroll;
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e;
        var f = a.footer
          , g = a.hasTextOnlyContent;
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g;
        var h = a.header;
        a = a.scrollAreaRef;
        var l = j(null);
        g = i.jsx(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, {
            ref: l,
            style: [k.content, g === !0 && k.textOnlyContent],
            children: b
        return i.jsxs(d("react-strict-dom").html.div, {
            style: [k.root, d("XPlatReactEnvironment").isWeb() ? k.rootWeb : null],
            children: [h, b != null && i.jsx(c("BaseHeadingContextWrapper.react"), {
                children: e ? g : i.jsx(c("BaseScrollableArea.react"), {
                    contentRef: l,
                    horizontal: !1,
                    ref: a,
                    vertical: !0,
                    xstyle: k.scrollableArea,
                    children: g
            }), f]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react", ["fbt", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", "MDSDialogPage.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        a = a.onClose;
        var b = a != null;
        return j.jsx(c("MDSDialogPage.react"), {
            footer: null,
            header: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), {
                isLoading: !0,
                onClose: a,
                title: h._("__JHASH__6lD-XyRyuHe__JHASH__"),
                withBackButton: !1,
                withCloseButton: b
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react"), {})
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("MDSDialogContainer.react", ["BaseDialog.react", "BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "BaseMultiPageView.react", "MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react", "MDSDialogSizes", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        anchor: {
            paddingTop: "x1x97wu9",
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            paddingStart: "x1c2jvxr",
            paddingLeft: null,
            paddingRight: null,
            paddingEnd: "x1paickk",
            $$css: !0
        card: {
            backgroundColor: "x1jx94hy",
            borderTopStartRadius: "xxadwq3",
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            borderBottomStartRadius: "xb3b7hn",
            boxShadow: "xwhkkir",
            clipPath: "x1gj8qfm",
            flexGrow: "x1iyjqo2",
            overflowX: "x6ikm8r",
            overflowY: "x10wlt62",
            $$css: !0
        dialog: {
            alignItems: "x1qjc9v5",
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            borderTopEndRadius: "xdney7k",
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            borderBottomStartRadius: "xt3gfkd",
            display: "x78zum5",
            overflowX: "x1plvlek",
            overflowY: "xryxfnj",
            $$css: !0
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        var e = a.anchorXStyle
          , f = a.children
          , g = a.disableClosingWithMask;
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g;
        var h = a.onClose
          , k = a.size;
        k = k === void 0 ? "small" : k;
        a = a.testid;
        a = d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").useDialogLabelID();
        return i.jsx(c("BaseDialog.react"), {
            anchorXStyle: [j.anchor, e],
            "aria-labelledby": a,
            disableClosingWithMask: g,
            onClose: (e = h) != null ? e : c("emptyFunction"),
            ref: b,
            testid: void 0,
            xstyle: [j.dialog, d("MDSDialogSizes").sizeStyles[k]],
            children: i.jsx(c("BaseMultiPageView.react"), {
                fallback: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPageLoadingState.react"), {
                    onClose: h
                xstyle: j.card,
                children: f
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSDialog.react", ["BaseDialogLabelIDProvider", "MDSDialogContainer.react", "MDSDialogPage.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    b = i.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        var e = a.anchorXStyle
          , f = a.disableClosingWithMask
          , g = a.onClose
          , h = a.size
          , j = a.testid;
        j = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["anchorXStyle", "disableClosingWithMask", "onClose", "size", "testid"]);
        return i.jsx(d("BaseDialogLabelIDProvider").BaseDialogLabelIDProvider, {
            children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogContainer.react"), {
                anchorXStyle: e,
                disableClosingWithMask: f,
                onClose: g,
                ref: b,
                size: h,
                testid: void 0,
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSDialogPage.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, j))
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("MDSDialogLoadingState.react", ["fbt", "MDSDialog.react", "MDSDialogHeader.react", "MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        a = a.onClose;
        var b = a != null;
        return j.jsx(c("MDSDialog.react"), {
            footer: null,
            header: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogHeader.react"), {
                isLoading: !0,
                onClose: a,
                title: h._("__JHASH__6lD-XyRyuHe__JHASH__"),
                withBackButton: !1,
                withCloseButton: b
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSDialogLoadingStateImpl.react"), {})
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react", ["MDSDialogLoadingState.react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    g["default"] = c("MDSDialogLoadingState.react")
), 98);
__d("MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", ["BaseModal.react", "CometPlaceholder.react", "MDSCardedDialog.react", "MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.callToActionGroupDirection
          , d = a.children
          , e = a.disableClosingWithMask
          , f = a.onDismiss;
        f = f === void 0 ? c("emptyFunction") : f;
        var g = a.primaryCallToAction
          , h = a.secondaryCallToAction
          , j = a.size;
        j = j === void 0 ? "small" : j;
        var k = a.title
          , l = a.titleHorizontalAlignment;
        a = a.withCloseButton;
        return i.jsx(c("BaseModal.react"), {
            blockKeyCommands: !0,
            stackingBehavior: "above-everything",
            children: i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                fallback: i.jsx(c("MDSCardedDialogLoadingState.react"), {
                    onClose: f
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSCardedDialog.react"), {
                    callToActionGroupDirection: b,
                    disableClosingWithMask: e,
                    onClose: f,
                    primaryCallToAction: g,
                    secondaryCallToAction: h,
                    size: j,
                    title: k,
                    titleHorizontalAlignment: l,
                    withCloseButton: a,
                    children: d
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react", ["fbt", "react", "useSetAttributeRef"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useId;
    function a(a) {
        a = a.size;
        var b = k()
          , d = c("useSetAttributeRef")("id", b)
          , e = "url(#" + b + ")"
          , f = c("useSetAttributeRef")("clip-path", e);
        return j.jsxs("svg", {
            className: "x1lliihq",
            fill: "none",
            height: a,
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            width: a,
            xmlns: "",
            children: [j.jsx("title", {
                children: h._("__JHASH__GHJU3Bu9b8k__JHASH__")
            }), j.jsxs("g", {
                clipPath: e,
                ref: f,
                children: [j.jsx("path", {
                    d: "M18 36C27.9411 36 36 27.9411 36 18C36 8.05888 27.9411 0 18 0C8.05888 0 0 8.05888 0 18C0 27.9411 8.05888 36 18 36Z",
                    fill: "#F1F1F1"
                }), j.jsx("path", {
                    clipRule: "evenodd",
                    d: "M27.509 25.8997C28.1761 26.418 28.2142 27.3898 27.6045 27.9745C25.1057 30.371 21.714 31.8436 17.9784 31.8436C14.2428 31.8436 10.8512 30.371 8.35234 27.9746C7.74264 27.3899 7.78075 26.418 8.44782 25.8997C10.8669 24.0202 14.2885 22.8436 17.9784 22.8436C21.6683 22.8436 25.0899 24.0202 27.509 25.8997ZM17.9784 19.5709C14.8984 19.5709 12.2512 17.4366 12.2512 12.7936C12.2512 9.00661 14.663 6.47998 17.9784 6.47998C21.2939 6.47998 23.7057 9.00661 23.7057 12.7936C23.7057 17.4366 21.0584 19.5709 17.9784 19.5709Z",
                    fill: "black",
                    fillOpacity: "0.34",
                    fillRule: "evenodd"
            }), j.jsx("defs", {
                children: j.jsx("clipPath", {
                    id: b,
                    ref: d,
                    children: j.jsx("rect", {
                        fill: "white",
                        height: "36",
                        width: "36"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("MDSPhotoUtils", ["Locale"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case 28:
        case 32:
        case 36:
            return 8;
        case 40:
        case 48:
            return 9;
        case 60:
            return 14;
        case 72:
            return 18;
            return 8
    function b(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case 28:
        case 32:
        case 36:
        case 40:
        case 48:
            return 2;
        case 60:
        case 72:
            return 4;
            return 2
    function c(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case 12:
            return [6, 1.5];
        case 28:
            return [7, 1.5];
        case 32:
            return [8, 2];
        case 36:
        case 40:
        case 48:
            return [9, 2];
        case 60:
            return [14, 4];
        case 72:
            return [18, 4];
            return [8, 2]
    function e(a) {
        a = Math.sqrt(2) * a - a;
        a = Math.round(Math.sqrt(a * a / 2));
        if (d("Locale").isRTL())
            return {
                bottom: a,
                left: a,
                transform: "translate(-50%, 50%)"
            return {
                bottom: a,
                right: a,
                transform: "translate(50%, 50%)"
    function f(a) {
        switch (a) {
        case 12:
        case 28:
        case 32:
            return -4;
        case 36:
        case 40:
        case 48:
        case 60:
            return -2;
        case 72:
            return -1;
            return -4
    g.getDiagonalFacepileBadgeSize = a;
    g.getDiagonalFacepileCutoffSpacing = b;
    g.getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth = c;
    g.getProfilePhotoBadgePosition = e;
    g.getHorizontalFacepileCutoffSpacing = f
), 98);
__d("MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", ["BaseTheme.react", "CometProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react"), j = {
        dark: {
            positive: "#45D658"
        light: {
            positive: "#31CC46"
        type: "VARIABLES"
    function a(a) {
        a = a.size;
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTheme.react"), {
            config: j,
            children: i.jsx(c("CometProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react"), {
                pressed: !1,
                size: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react", ["DoorFilled12.svg.react", "MDSIcon.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a() {
        return i.jsx("div", {
            className: "x1jx94hy x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu x1xhlmw5 x78zum5 x1k7wse1 xq1fj8y xk35gh9 x7kqqw5 x1n2onr6",
            children: i.jsx("div", {
                className: "x6s0dn4 xm5zo1x x14yjl9h xudhj91 x18nykt9 xww2gxu xyqdw3p x10ogl3i xg8j3zb x1k2j06m",
                children: i.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), {
                    color: "white",
                    icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("DoorFilled12.svg.react")),
                    size: 10
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSProfilePhoto.react", ["fbt", "BaseImage.react", "BaseSvgImage.react", "CometProfilePhotoLastActiveTimeBadge.react", "MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react", "MDSPhotoUtils", "MDSPressable.react", "MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react", "MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react", "getImageSourceURLFromImageish", "react", "stylex", "useSetAttributeRef"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react"));
    b = j;
    var l = b.useEffect
      , m = b.useId
      , n = b.useState
      , o = {
        badge: {
            borderTopStartRadius: "x14yjl9h",
            borderTopEndRadius: "xudhj91",
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x18nykt9",
            borderBottomStartRadius: "xww2gxu",
            position: "x10l6tqk",
            zIndex: "xhtitgo",
            $$css: !0
        badgeWithLastActiveTime: {
            bottom: "x1ey2m1c",
            display: "x78zum5",
            end: "xds687c",
            left: null,
            right: null,
            justifyContent: "x13a6bvl",
            start: "x17qophe",
            $$css: !0
        insetSVG: {
            fill: "xbh8q5q",
            stroke: "x1pwv2dq",
            strokeWidth: "xvlca1e",
            $$css: !0
        pressable: {
            color: "xzsf02u",
            display: "x1rg5ohu",
            $$css: !0
        pressed: {
            transform: "x1n5d1j9",
            $$css: !0
        svgOverlay: {
            fill: "x1tgjyoi",
            $$css: !0
    e = k.forwardRef(a);
    function a(a, b) {
        a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a);
        var e = a.addOn
          , f = a.alt
          , g = f === void 0 ? h._("__JHASH__GHJU3Bu9b8k__JHASH__") : f;
        f = a.cursorDisabled;
        var j = a.isOverlapped
          , q = j === void 0 ? !1 : j;
        j = a.linkProps;
        var r = a.onHoverIn
          , s = a.onHoverOut
          , t = a.onPress
          , u = a.onPressIn
          , v = a.size
          , w = a.source
          , x = a.testid;
        x = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["addOn", "alt", "cursorDisabled", "isOverlapped", "linkProps", "onHoverIn", "onHoverOut", "onPress", "onPressIn", "size", "source", "testid"]);
        a = n(!1);
        var y = a[0]
          , z = a[1]
          , A = function() {
            return z(!0)
        l(function() {
        }, [w]);
        var B = m()
          , C = c("useSetAttributeRef")("id", B)
          , D = "url(#" + B + ")"
          , E = c("useSetAttributeRef")("mask", D)
          , F = function(a, b) {
            var f = a.overlay;
            a = a.pressed;
            var h = d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth(v)
              , j = h[0];
            h = h[1];
            var l = v / 2
              , m = (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) !== "lastActiveTimeBadge" ? d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgePosition(l) : {}
              , n = e != null ? k.jsx("div", {
                className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(o.badge, e.type === "lastActiveTimeBadge" && o.badgeWithLastActiveTime),
                style: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, m),
                children: k.jsx(p, {
                    addOn: e,
                    pressed: a,
                    size: v
            }) : null
              , r = w.uri
              , s = c("getImageSourceURLFromImageish")(r);
            m = !y && typeof r !== "string" && s !== "" ? k.jsx(c("BaseImage.react"), {
                alt: g,
                height: v,
                onError: A,
                src: s,
                style: {
                    borderRadius: "50%",
                    verticalAlign: "bottom"
                width: v
            }) : k.jsxs("svg", {
                "aria-label": g,
                className: "x3ajldb",
                role: "img",
                style: {
                    height: v,
                    width: v
                children: [k.jsx("title", {
                    children: g
                }), k.jsxs("mask", {
                    id: B,
                    ref: C,
                    suppressHydrationWarning: !0,
                    children: [k.jsx("circle", {
                        cx: l,
                        cy: l,
                        fill: "white",
                        r: l
                    }), n != null && (e == null ? void 0 : e.type) !== "lastActiveTimeBadge" && k.jsx("circle", {
                        cx: (s = m.left) != null ? s : v - ((s = m.right) != null ? s : 0),
                        cy: (s = != null ? s : v - ((s = m.bottom) != null ? s : 0),
                        fill: "black",
                        r: Math.max(0, j / 2 + h)
                    }), q && k.jsx("circle", {
                        cx: -l + 4,
                        cy: l,
                        fill: "black",
                        r: l + 2
                }), k.jsxs("g", {
                    mask: D,
                    ref: E,
                    suppressHydrationWarning: !0,
                    children: [!y && typeof r === "string" && r !== "" ? k.jsx(c("BaseSvgImage.react"), {
                        onError: A,
                        src: r,
                        style: {
                            height: v,
                            width: v
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                    }) : k.jsx(c("MDSDefaultProfilePicture.react"), {
                        size: v
                    }), k.jsx("circle", {
                        className: (i || (i = c("stylex")))(o.insetSVG, a && o.svgOverlay),
                        cx: l,
                        cy: l,
                        r: l
            return k.jsxs("div", {
                className: "x1rg5ohu x1n2onr6 x3ajldb x1ja2u2z",
                ref: b,
                children: [m, f, n]
        return !t && !j ? F({
            pressed: !1
        }, b) : k.jsx(c("MDSPressable.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, x, {
            cursorDisabled: f,
            linkProps: j,
            onHoverIn: r,
            onHoverOut: s,
            onPress: t,
            onPressIn: u,
            overlayRadius: "50%",
            ref: b,
            testid: void 0,
            xstyle: function(a) {
                a = a.pressed;
                return [o.pressable, a && o.pressed]
            children: function(a) {
                var b = a.overlay;
                a = a.pressed;
                return F({
                    overlay: b,
                    pressed: a
                }, null)
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    b = e;
    function p(a) {
        var b = a.addOn
          , e = a.pressed;
        a = a.size;
        switch (b.type) {
        case "availabilityBadge":
            a = d("MDSPhotoUtils").getProfilePhotoBadgeSizeAndStrokeWidth(a);
            a = a[0];
            return k.jsx(c("MDSProfilePhotoAvailabilityBadge.react"), {
                size: a
        case "lastActiveTimeBadge":
            return k.jsx(c("CometProfilePhotoLastActiveTimeBadge.react"), {
                border: b.border,
                pressed: e,
                time: b.time
        case "companionBadge":
            return k.jsx(c("MDSProfilePhotoCompanionBadge.react"), {});
            return null
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = b
), 226);
__d("MDSThemeConfig", ["cr:8929", "cr:8930"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        dark: b("cr:8929"),
        light: b("cr:8930"),
        type: "VARIABLES"
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSTheme.react", ["BaseTheme.react", "MDSThemeConfig", "react", "useCurrentDisplayMode"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useMemo, k = {
        root: {
            boxSizing: "x1afcbsf",
            position: "x1uhb9sk",
            zIndex: "x1swf91x",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.displayMode;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["displayMode"]);
        var d = c("useCurrentDisplayMode")()
          , e = j(function() {
            var a;
            return b === "invert" ? d === "dark" ? "light" : "dark" : (a = b) != null ? a : d
        }, [b, d]);
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTheme.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
            config: c("MDSThemeConfig"),
            displayMode: e,
            xstyle: k.root
        }, a))
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSTooltipImpl.react", ["BaseContextualLayer.react", "BaseContextualLayerLayerAdjustmentContext", "CometPlaceholder.react", "CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTheme.react", "clearTimeout", "react", "setTimeout", "stylex", "useCometDisplayTimingTrackerForInteraction", "useFadeEffect"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = i || (i = d("react"));
    b = i;
    var k = b.useContext
      , l = b.useLayoutEffect
      , m = b.useRef
      , n = b.useState
      , o = {
        arrowAbove: {
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec",
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x1enjb0b",
            bottom: "xuvo3zv",
            clipPath: "xinh0ix",
            height: "x1v9usgg",
            position: "x10l6tqk",
            start: "x1cgjj4e",
            transform: "x1158fpu",
            width: "x6jxa94",
            $$css: !0
        arrowBelow: {
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec",
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1npaq5j",
            clipPath: "x1ii9esy",
            height: "x1v9usgg",
            position: "x10l6tqk",
            start: "x1cgjj4e",
            top: "x1ans9ou",
            transform: "x1158fpu",
            width: "x6jxa94",
            $$css: !0
        containerVisible: {
            opacity: "x1hc1fzr",
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6",
            transitionProperty: "x19991ni",
            $$css: !0
        contextualLayer: {
            pointerEvents: "x47corl",
            $$css: !0
        outerContainerArrowAboveMarginSpacing: {
            marginBottom: "xvrx75z",
            marginTop: "xr9ek0c",
            $$css: !0
        outerContainerArrowBelowMarginSpacing: {
            marginBottom: "xjpr12u",
            marginTop: "x1is9kpn",
            $$css: !0
        tooltipContentContainer: {
            backgroundColor: "xlhe6ec",
            borderTopStartRadius: "x1lq5wgf",
            borderTopEndRadius: "xgqcy7u",
            borderBottomEndRadius: "x30kzoy",
            borderBottomStartRadius: "x9jhf4c",
            boxShadow: "x152obne",
            maxWidth: "x86nfjv",
            opacity: "xg01cxk",
            paddingTop: "xz9dl7a",
            paddingEnd: "xn6708d",
            paddingBottom: "xsag5q8",
            paddingStart: "x1ye3gou",
            position: "x1n2onr6",
            transitionDuration: "x1mq3mr6",
            transitionProperty: "x19991ni",
            $$css: !0
    function p(a) {
        var b = a.contextualLayerRef;
        l(function() {
            var a = b.current;
            a && a.reposition({
                autoflip: !0
        }, [b]);
        return null
    p.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function q(a) {
        var b;
        a = a.position;
        b = (b = k(c("BaseContextualLayerLayerAdjustmentContext"))) != null ? b : 0;
        return a == null ? null : j.jsx("div", {
            className: (h || (h = c("stylex")))(a === "above" && o.arrowAbove, a === "below" && o.arrowBelow),
            style: {
                transform: "translate(" + -b + "px, 0px) rotate(45deg)"
    q.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.contentKey
          , d = a.delayContentMs
          , e = d === void 0 ? 0 : d;
        d =;
        var f = a.isVisible;
        var g = a.tooltip
          , i = a.tooltipTheme;
        i = i === void 0 ? "invert" : i;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["contentKey", "delayContentMs", "headline", "id", "isVisible", "themeWrapper", "tooltip", "tooltipTheme"]);
        var k = a.position
          , r = m(null)
          , s = c("useFadeEffect")(f)
          , t = s[0]
          , u = s[1];
        s = s[2];
        var v = c("useCometDisplayTimingTrackerForInteraction")("ToolTip")
          , w = m(null)
          , x = m(f)
          , y = n(function() {
            return f === !0 && x.current === !1 && e > 0
          , z = y[0]
          , A = y[1];
        l(function() {
            if (f === !0 && x.current === !1 && e > 0) {
                w.current = c("setTimeout")(function() {
                    w.current = null
                }, e);
                return function() {
                    w.current = null
            } else
                w.current != null && (A(!1),
                w.current = null);
            x.current = f
        }, [e, f]);
        if (g == null || !t)
            return null;
        y = j.jsx("div", {
            className: "x78zum5 xl56j7k",
            children: j.jsx(c("CometProgressRingIndeterminate.react"), {
                color: "dark",
                size: 20
        return j.jsx(c("BaseContextualLayer.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({
            align: "middle"
        }, a, {
            imperativeRef: r,
            ref: v,
            xstyle: o.contextualLayer,
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSTheme.react"), {
                displayMode: i,
                children: j.jsx("div", {
                    className: (h || (h = c("stylex")))(k === "below" && o.outerContainerArrowBelowMarginSpacing, k === "above" && o.outerContainerArrowAboveMarginSpacing),
                    children: j.jsxs("div", {
                        className: h(o.tooltipContentContainer, u && o.containerVisible),
                        "data-testid": void 0,
                        id: d,
                        ref: s,
                        role: "tooltip",
                        children: [j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), {
                            type: "body4",
                            children: z ? y : j.jsxs(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
                                fallback: y,
                                children: [j.jsx(p, {
                                    contextualLayerRef: r
                                }), g]
                            }, b)
                        }), j.jsx(q, {
                            position: k
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSTooltip.react", ["BaseTooltip.react", "MDSTooltipImpl.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.delayMs;
        a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["delayMs", "label"]);
        return i.jsx(c("BaseTooltip.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, {
            delayTooltipMs: b,
            tooltipImpl: c("MDSTooltipImpl.react")
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MDSFacepilePhoto.react", ["fbt", "BaseContainerQueryElement.react", "BaseTheme.react", "FocusGroup.react", "MDSPhotoUtils", "MDSPressable.react", "MDSProfilePhoto.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTooltip.react", "ReactDOMComet", "focusScopeQueries", "gkx", "intlSummarizeNumber", "react", "stylex", "useIntersectionObserver"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j, k = j || (j = d("react"));
    b = j;
    var l = b.useCallback
      , m = b.useId
      , n = b.useRef
      , o = b.useState;
    e = d("FocusGroup.react").createFocusGroup(d("focusScopeQueries").tabbableScopeQuery);
    var p = e[0]
      , q = e[1]
      , r = 3
      , s = {
        dark: {
            "secondary-button-background": "#4A4A4A"
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            "secondary-button-background": "#A8A8A8"
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), 226);
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        IG_BIO_SEND_MESSAGE: 75,
        MEMORY_VIEWER: 78,
        WATCH_SHARING: 71,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("MNCommerceMessageType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        TEXT: "text",
        IMAGE: "image",
        VIDEO: "video",
        AUDIO: "audio",
        FILE: "file",
        ROBOT_TEXT: "robot_text",
        LOCATION: "location",
        FORCED_FETCH_MESSAGE: "forced_fetch_message",
        SENDER_ACTION: "sender_action",
        SHOPS_PRODUCT: "shops_product",
        SHOPS_PRODUCT_HSCROLL: "shops_product_hscroll",
        RETAIL_PRODUCT_SUBSCRIPTION: "retail_product_subscription",
        RETAIL_PROMOTION: "retail_promotion",
        RETAIL_CANCELLATION: "retail_cancellation",
        RETAIL_SHIPMENT: "retail_shipment",
        SHIPMENT_TRACKING_EVENT: "shipment_tracking_event",
        AIRLINE_CHECKIN_REMINDER: "airline_checkin_reminder",
        AIRLINE_BOARDING_PASS: "airline_boarding_pass",
        AIRLINE_CHECKIN: "airline_checkin",
        AIRLINE_BOARDINGPASS: "airline_boardingpass",
        AIRLINE_UPDATE: "airline_update",
        AIRLINE_ITINERARY: "airline_itinerary",
        CONTENT_SUBSCRIPTION: "content_subscription",
        AD_ADMIN_TEXT: "ad_admin_text",
        AD_TEXT: "ad_text",
        AD_BUBBLE: "ad_bubble",
        NON_AD: "non_ad",
        UNKNOWN: "unknown",
        OTHER: "other",
        TEMPLATE: "template",
        OPEN_GRAPH: "open_graph",
        GENERIC: "generic",
        LIST: "list",
        COMPACT_LIST: "compact_list",
        BUTTON: "button",
        RECEIPT: "receipt",
        GENERIC_LEGACY: "generic_legacy",
        ICE_BREAKER: "ice_breaker",
        FALLBACK: "fallback",
        ONE_TIME_NOTIF_REQ: "one_time_notif_req",
        NOTIFICATION_MESSAGES: "notification_messages",
        COUPON: "coupon",
        INSTANT_FORM: "instant_form",
        CUSTOMER_FEEDBACK: "customer_feedback",
        RIDE_INTENT: "ride_intent",
        RIDE_SIGNUP: "ride_signup",
        RIDE_WELCOME: "ride_welcome",
        RIDE_ORDER_CONFIRMATION: "ride_order_confirmation",
        RIDE_REQUESTED: "ride_requested",
        RIDE_DRIVER_ON_THE_WAY: "ride_driver_on_the_way",
        RIDE_NO_DRIVER: "ride_no_driver",
        RIDE_DRIVER_ARRIVING: "ride_driver_arriving",
        RIDE_DRIVER_CANCELED: "ride_driver_canceled",
        RIDE_RIDER_CANCELED: "ride_rider_canceled",
        RIDE_COMPLETE: "ride_complete",
        RIDE_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "ride_admin_message",
        RIDE_RECEIPT: "ride_receipt",
        RIDE_REENGAGEMENT_FIRST_RIDE: "ride_reengagement_first_ride",
        GET_RIDE: "give_get_ride",
        GIVE_RIDE: "send_give_get_ride",
        REFERER_PROMO: "referer_promo",
        INSTANT_GAMES_SHARE: "instant_games_share",
        INSTANT_GAMES_SCORE: "instant_games_score",
        INSTANT_GAMES_LIVE_STREAM: "instant_games_live_stream",
        INSTANT_GAMES_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_games_custom_update",
        INSTANT_GAMES_CUSTOM_UPDATE_MEDIA: "instant_games_custom_update_media",
        INSTANT_GAMES_TOURNAMENT_UPDATE: "instant_games_tournament_update",
        LINK: "link_admin_message",
        UNLINK: "unlink_admin_message",
        BLOCK_ALL: "block_all_admin_message",
        UNBLOCK_ALL: "unblock_all_admin_message",
        BLOCK_PROMOTION: "block_promotion_admin_message",
        UNBLOCK_PROMOTION: "unblock_promotion_admin_message",
        INITIAL_PROMOTION: "initial_promotion_admin_message",
        WEAK_CONSENT_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "weak_consent_admin_message",
        MESSENGER_TEAM_BOT_MESSAGE: "messenger_team_bot",
        MESSENGER_BOT_BASE_GENERIC: "messenger_bot_base_generic",
        COMMERCE_COMPACT_LIST: "commerce_compact_list",
        FEEDBACK: "feedback",
        FORM_PROGRESS: "form_progress",
        MEDIA: "media",
        PLACE_CARD: "place_card",
        MESSENGER_CALL_PROMPT: "messenger_call_prompt",
        MESSENGER_CALL_USER_PROMPT_SENT: "messenger_call_user_prompt_sent"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("MWChatEncryptedBackupsHandleRestoreWrapper.react", ["cr:6741", "cr:8360", "cr:8748"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        b("cr:6741") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:6741")();
        b("cr:8748") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:8748")();
        b("cr:8360") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:8360")();
        return null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useMWV2ChatCloseTabs", ["MWChatStateActions", "MWChatStateContext", "MWChatStateV2.react", "MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent", "react", "useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useCallback;
    function a() {
        var a = c("useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger")()
          , b = d("MWChatStateContext").useChatState(function(a) {
            return a.tabs
          , e = d("MWChatStateV2.react").useDispatch();
        return i(function() {
            a(, "", "messenger");
            c("MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent").log(function() {
                return {
                    event_name: "close_all_chat_tabs"
            var f =;
            return e(Array.from(b.values()).flatMap(function(a) {
                return d("MWChatStateActions").closeTab(f, a.tabId)
        }, [e, b, a])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs", ["MWChatStateActions", "MWChatStateContext", "MWChatStateV2.react", "MWChatStateV2IsOpen", "MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent", "react", "useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useCallback;
    function a() {
        var a = c("useCometFeedNoRoutingNavigationEventLogger")()
          , b = d("MWChatStateContext").useChatState(function(a) {
            return a.tabs
          , e = d("MWChatStateV2.react").useDispatch();
        return i(function() {
            a(, "", "messenger");
            c("MessengerWebEventsFalcoEvent").log(function() {
                return {
                    event_name: "minimize_all_chat_tabs"
            var f =;
            return e(Array.from(b.values()).filter(function(a) {
                return d("MWChatStateV2IsOpen").isOpen(void 0, a)
            }).flatMap(function(a) {
                return d("MWChatStateActions").minimizeTab(f, a.tabId)
        }, [e, b, a])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MWV2ChatOptionsHeadPopover.react", ["fbt", "ix", "ARIA_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER_FIXME", "MWXMenu.react", "MWXMenuItem.react", "fbicon", "react", "useMWV2ChatCloseTabs", "useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k = j || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.hasOpenTabs;
        babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["hasOpenTabs"]);
        var e = c("useMWV2ChatCloseTabs")()
          , f = c("useMWV2ChatMinimizeTabs")();
        return k.jsxs(c("MWXMenu.react"), {
            "aria-label": c("ARIA_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER_FIXME"),
            withArrow: !0,
            children: [k.jsx(c("MWXMenuItem.react"), {
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("491584"), 20),
                onClick: function(a) {
                    return e()
                primaryText: h._("__JHASH__NqZo9nQ8ikh__JHASH__"),
                testid: void 0
            }), b ? k.jsx(c("MWXMenuItem.react"), {
                icon: d("fbicon")._(i("518013"), 20),
                onClick: function(a) {
                    return f()
                primaryText: h._("__JHASH__hQGxv_C9Fv6__JHASH__"),
                testid: void 0
            }) : null]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("MercuryAssert", ["MercuryIDs"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    function h(a) {
        if (a == null)
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined");
        if (!d("MercuryIDs").isValid(a))
            throw new Error("bad_participant_id " + a)
    function a(a) {
    function b(a) {
        var b = d("MercuryIDs").tokenize(a);
        if (a == null)
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined");
        if (b.type != "fbid")
            throw new Error("bad_user_id " + a)
    function c(a) {
        var b = d("MercuryIDs").tokenize(a);
        if (a == null)
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined");
        if (b.type != "email")
            throw new Error("bad_email_id " + a)
    function e(a) {
    function i(a) {
        if (a == null)
            throw new Error("participant_id null/undefined");
        if (!d("MercuryIDs").isValid(a))
            throw new Error("bad_thread_id " + a)
    g.isParticipantID = h;
    g.allParticipantIDs = a;
    g.isUserParticipantID = b;
    g.isEmailParticipantID = c;
    g.allThreadID = e;
    g.isThreadID = i
), 98);
__d("MercurySourceType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        ABRA_WEB: "source:abra_web",
        BRAND_COLLABS_MANAGER: "source:brand_collabs_manager",
        BUSINESS_WHATSAPP_SHARE_XMA: "source:business_whatsapp_share_xma",
        CMB_BOTTOM_SHEET: "source:chat:cmb_bottom_sheet",
        CHAT_ORCA: "source:chat:orca",
        CHAT_LIGHT_SPEED: "source:chat:light_speed",
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_INBOX: "source:chat:web:light_speed:inbox",
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_CHAT: "source:chat:web:light_speed:chat",
        CHAT_WEB_LIGHT_SPEED_ROOMS_SIDE_CHAT: "source:chat:web:light_speed:rooms_side_chat",
        CHAT_IPHONE: "source:chat:iphone",
        CHAT_JABBER: "source:chat:jabber",
        CHAT_MEEBO: "source:chat:meebo",
        CHAT_WEB: "source:chat:web",
        CHAT_TEST: "source:chat:test",
        CHAT_FORWARD_DIALOG: "source:chat:forward",
        CHAT_FULLSCREEN: "source:chat:fullscreen",
        CHAT: "source:chat",
        CONTACT_ADD_MUTATION: "source:contact_add:graphql_mutation",
        CONTACT_ADD_CYMK: "source:contact_add:cymk_suggestion",
        CONTEXTUAL_PROFILE_MESSAGE: "source:contextual_profile:message",
        CONTEXTUAL_PROFILE_WAVE: "source:contextual_profile:wave",
        COWORKER_GROUP: "source:work:coworker_group",
        COVID_HUB_MENTAL_HEALTH_UNIT: "source:covid_hub_mental_health",
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN: "source:discovery:customer_chat_plugin",
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_PLUGIN_ESCALATION: "source:discovery:customer_chat_plugin_escalation",
        CUSTOMER_CHAT_SUPPORT: "source:integrity:customer_chat_support",
        DEVELOPER_PLATFORM: "source:developer_platform",
        EMAIL: "source:email",
        ENT_FRAMEWORK: "source:ent_framework",
        EVENT_MESSAGE_BLAST: "source:event_message_blast",
        EVENT_TICKETING: "source:event_ticket",
        EVENT_REMINDERS: "source:event_reminders",
        EVENT_INITIAL_MESSAGE: "source:event_initial_message",
        EVENT_JOIN_CHAT: "source:event_join_chat",
        EVENT_CREATION: "source:event_creation",
        WHITEHAT_FBDL: "source:whitehat_fbdl",
        GENERIC_ADMIN_TEXT: "source:generic_admin_text",
        GIGABOXX_API: "source:gigaboxx:api",
        GIGABOXX_BLAST: "source:gigaboxx:blast",
        GIGABOXX_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:gigaboxx:emailreply",
        GIGABOXX_MOBILE: "source:gigaboxx:mobile",
        GIGABOXX_WAP: "source:gigaboxx:wap",
        GIGABOXX_WEB: "source:gigaboxx:web",
        GRATITUDE_LIBRARY: "source:gratitude_library",
        GROUP_ADMOD_THREAD_AUTOJOIN: "source:group:admod_thread_autojoin",
        GROUP_THREAD_MESSAGING_BOT: "source:group:thread_messaging_bot",
        GROUP_GENERAL_THREAD_AUTOJOIN: "source:group:general_thread_autojoin",
        GROUP_ADMOD_THREAD_MODERATION_QUEUE_ENTRYPOINT: "source:group_admod_thread_moderation_queue_entrypoint",
        GROUP_SEND_POST_TO_CHAT: "source:group:send_post_to_chat",
        GROUPS_INVITE_VIA_MESSENGER: "source:groups_invite_via_messenger",
        FANTASY_GAMES: "source:fantasy_games",
        INBOX_WHATSAPP_AUTOMATION: "source:inbox_whatsapp_automation",
        INBOX_WHATSAPP_MIGRATION: "source:inbox_whatsapp_migration",
        INVITE: "source:invite",
        LEIA: "source:leia",
        MESSENGER_WEB: "source:messenger:web",
        MESSENGER_WEB_SEARCH: "source:messenger:web_search",
        MESSENGER_UNKNOWN: "source:messenger:unknown",
        MESSENGER_RESTRICT: "source:messenger:restrict",
        REFERRALS_DIALOG: "source:referrals:dialog",
        SAM_UFI: "source:sam:ufi",
        SHARE_DIALOG: "source:share:dialog",
        SEND_PLUGIN: "source:sendplugin",
        SMS: "source:sms",
        SSI_RESOURCES: "source:ssi_resources",
        TEST: "source:test",
        TITAN_WAP: "source:titan:wap",
        TITAN_M_BASIC: "source:titan:m_basic",
        TITAN_M_FREE: "source:titan:m_free_basic",
        TITAN_M_JAPAN: "source:titan:m_japan",
        TITAN_M_MINI: "source:titan:m_mini",
        TITAN_M_TOUCH: "source:titan:m_touch",
        TITAN_M_APP: "source:titan:m_app",
        TITAN_M_TABLET: "source:titan:m_tablet",
        TITAN_M_ZERO: "source:titan:m_zero",
        TITAN_M_TALK: "source:titan:m_talk",
        TITAN_WEB: "source:titan:web",
        TITAN_FACEWEB_ANDROID: "source:titan:faceweb_android",
        TITAN_FACEWEB_BUFFY: "source:titan:faceweb_buffy",
        TITAN_FACEWEB_IPAD: "source:titan:faceweb_ipad",
        TITAN_FACEWEB_IPHONE: "source:titan:faceweb_iphone",
        TITAN_FACEWEB_UNKNOWN: "source:titan:faceweb_unknown",
        TITAN_API: "source:titan:api",
        TITAN_API_MOBILE: "source:titan:api_mobile",
        TITAN_ORCA: "source:titan:orca",
        TITAN_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:titan:emailreply",
        MOBILE: "source:mobile",
        PAGE_PLATFORM_API: "source:page_platform_api",
        PAGE_UNIFIED_INBOX: "source:page_unified_inbox",
        WHATSAPP_CALLBACK: "source:wa_callback",
        UNKNOWN: "source:unknown",
        WEB: "source:web",
        WESTWORLD: "source:westworld",
        TESTDATA: "source:testdata",
        HELPCENTER: "source:helpcenter",
        HUDDLE: "source:huddle",
        NEW_SHARE_DIALOG: "source:share:dialog:new",
        PAID_PROMOTION: "source:paid_promotion",
        BUFFY_SMS: "source:buffy:sms",
        WEBRTC_MOBILE: "source:webrtc:mobile",
        CLICK_TO_DIRECT_LEAD_GEN: "source:click:to:direct:lead:gen",
        MESSENGER_COMMERCE: "source:messenger:commerce",
        MESSENGER_BOT: "source:bot",
        GEN_AI_BOT: "source:gen_ai_bot",
        GEN_AI_WA_USER_INVOKE: "source:gen_ai_wa_user_invoke",
        GEN_AI_BOT_WELCOME: "source:gen_ai_bot_welcome",
        GEN_AI_DISCOVERY_BOTTOMSHEET: "source:gen_ai_discovery_bottomsheet",
        GEN_AI_FB_CONTEXT_INJECTION: "source:gen_ai_fb_context_injection",
        MESSENGER_AI_BOT_WELCOME: "source:ai_bot_welcome",
        MESSENGER_CHAT_ENTITY: "source:messenger:chat_entity",
        SERVICES_QPC_CTA_TRIGGER_MESSAGE: "source:services:qpc:cta:trigger:message",
        MESSENGER_EMPLOYEE_ONLY_BOT: "source:bot:employee_only",
        MESSENGER_OMNIM: "source:messenger:omnim",
        PAGES_PRIVATE_REPLY: "source:pages:private_reply",
        MESSENGER_FORWARD_DIALOG: "source:messenger:forward",
        MESSENGER_AD: "source:messenger:ad",
        CLICK_TO_MESSENGER_AD: "source:click_to_messenger_ad",
        CLICK_TO_MESSENGER_CALL_AD: "source:click_to_messenger_call_ad",
        CLICK_TO_DIRECT_AD: "source:click_to_direct_ad",
        MARKETPLACE: "source:marketplace",
        MARKETPLACE_BUSINESS_MESSAGING: "source:marketplace:bizmsg",
        MARKETPLACE_CARE: "source:marketplace:care",
        MARKETPLACE_BOT: "source:marketplace:bot",
        MARKETPLACE_INBOX: "source:marketplace_inbox",
        PAYMENTS_BOT: "source:payments:bot",
        CHEX_C2C: "source:chex:c2c",
        MESSENGER_LEAD_GEN: "source:messenger:lead_gen",
        PAGES_MESSAGE_SHORTLINK: "source:pages:message_shortlink",
        STICKER_SUBSCRIBE: "source:messenger:sticker_subscribe",
        PHOTO_TAG: "source:messenger:photo_tag",
        INTERN_APPROVALS: "source:intern:approvals",
        INTERNAL_TEST_INBOX: "source:internal:test_inbox",
        INTERNAL_TEST_PENDING: "source:internal:test_pending",
        INTERNAL_TEST_OTHER: "source:internal:test_other",
        INTERNAL_TEST_ML_ONLY: "source:internal:test_ml_only",
        JOB_SEARCH_APPLICATION: "source:job_search:application",
        JOB_SEARCH_JOB_OPENING: "source:job_search:job_opening",
        MEMORIES: "source:memories",
        MESSENGER_JOINABLE_LINK: "source:messenger:joinable_link",
        MESSENGER_JOINABLE_GROUP_LINK: "source:messenger:joinable_group_link",
        MESSENGER_ADD_WITH_APPROVAL: "source:messenger:add_with_approval",
        MESSENGER_SMS_BRIDGE_CONVERT: "source:messenger:sms_bridge_conversion",
        TINCAN_ORCA: "source:tincan:orca",
        TINCAN_IOS: "source:tincan:ios",
        TINCAN_UNKNOWN: "source:tincan:unknown",
        FACEBOOK_GROUPS_CHANNELS: "source:groups:channels",
        GROUP_COMMERCE: "source:group_commerce",
        INTERNAL_TOOL: "source:internal:tool",
        PAGE_COMMENT_OPT_IN: "source:pages:opt_in",
        PAGES_PLATFORM: "source:pages:platform",
        PAGES_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:recommendation",
        PAGES_ORDER_MANAGEMENT: "source:pages:order_management",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE: "source:pages:auto_response",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_INSTANT_REPLY: "source:pages:auto_response:instant_reply",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_AWAY_MESSAGE: "source:pages:auto_response:away_message",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_CUSTOM_QUESTIONS: "source:pages:auto_response:custom_questions",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_KEYWORD_DETECTION: "source:pages:auto_response:keyword_detection",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_JOB_APPLICATION: "source:pages:auto_response:job_application",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_COMMENT_TO_INBOX: "source:pages:auto_response:comment_to_inbox",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_APPOINTMENT_REMINDER: "source:pages:auto_response:appointment_reminder",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_ORGANIC_INTAKE_FORM: "source:pages:auto_response:organic_intake_form",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_NOT_RESPONDED: "source:pages:auto_response:not_responded",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_CUSTOM_AUTOMATION: "source:pages:auto_response:custom_automation",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_CONTACT: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_contact",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_HOURS: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_hours",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_LOCATION: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_location",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_POSITIVE_FEEDBACK: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_positive_feedback",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SMART_REPLY_NEGATIVE_FEEDBACK: "source:pages:auto_response:smart_reply_negative_feedback",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_POSITIVE_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:auto_response:positive_recommendation",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_NEGATIVE_RECOMMENDATION: "source:pages:auto_response:negative_recommendation",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_SHIPPING_UPDATES: "source:pages:auto_response:shipping_updates",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FOLLOWUP_MESSAGE: "source:pages:auto_response:followup_message",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FUNDRAISER_CREATED: "source:pages:auto_response:fundraiser_created",
        PAGE_AUTO_RESPONSE_FUNDRAISER_DONATION: "source:pages:auto_response:fundraiser_donation",
        PAGES_INVITE: "source:pages:invite",
        PAGES_INVITE_SEND_MESSAGE_BOTTOMSHEET: "source:pages:invite_send_message_bottomsheet",
        PAGES_CHAT_EXTENSION: "source:pages:chat_extension",
        PAGES_COMPOSER: "source:pages:composer",
        PAGES_SMB_LEAD_GEN: "source:pages:smb_lead_gen",
        PTX: "source:ptx",
        SAVED_CHAT_EXTENSION: "source:saved:chat_extension",
        CREATOR_PAGE_INITIATE_TO_CREATOR_PAGE: "source:pages:creator_page_initiate_to_creator_page",
        LIVE_VIDEO_CHAT: "source:live_video_chat",
        LIVE_EVENT_CHAT: "source:live_event_chat",
        GEMSTONE: "source:gemstone",
        WATCH_PARTY: "source:watch_party",
        WORK_ACTIVATION_CARD_GENERAL_GROUP_CHAT: "source:work:activation_card_general_group_chat",
        SCHOOL_COMMUNITY: "source:school_community",
        SCHOOL_COMMUNITY_COURSE: "source:school_community_course",
        SOCIAL_ASSISTANT: "source:social_assistant",
        BELL_RESEARCH: "source:bell_research",
        BELL_MESSENGER_LINKED: "source:bell_messenger_linked",
        BELL_MESSENGER_UNLINKED: "source:bell_messenger_unlinked",
        BELL_MESSENGER_ONBOARD: "source:bell_messenger_onboard",
        PROFILE_MEET_NEW_FRIENDS: "source:profile_meet_new_friends",
        PROFILE_MEET_NEW_FRIENDS_REPLY: "source:profile_meet_new_friends_reply",
        OCULUS_COMMUNICATOR: "source:oculus_communicator",
        OCULUS_COMMUNICATOR_SALSA_AGE_DOWN: "source:oculus_communicator:salsa_age_down",
        OCULUS_MEDIA_MESSAGING: "source:oculus_media_messaging",
        OCULUS_SHARE_TO_MESSENGER: "source:oculus_share_to_messenger",
        BFF_BOT: "source:bff:bot",
        PROFILE_PLUS_ORGANIC_LEAD_GEN: "source:profile_plus_organic_lead_gen",
        FRIENDING_ADMIN_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:friending_admin_bump",
        NEW_MESSENGER_USER_ADMIN_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:new_messenger_user_admin_bump",
        EVENT_UPCOMING_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:event_upcoming_bump",
        PHOTO_TAG_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:photo_tag_bump",
        WALL_POST_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:wall_post_bump",
        FRIENDVERSARY_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:friendversary_bump",
        CUSTOMIZATION_UPSELL_BUMP: "source:messenger_growth:customization_upsell_bump",
        MESSENGER_BROADCASTFLOW: "source:messenger:broadcastflow",
        PAGE_COMMENT_MSG: "source:pages:question_triggered_convo",
        COMMENT_PIVOT: "source:messenger_growth:comment_pivot",
        PAGE_HOVERCARD: "source:pages:hovercard",
        INSTANT_GAMES_GAME_UPDATE: "source:instant_games_game_updates",
        FANTASY_GAMES_GAME_UPDATE: "source:fantasy_games_game_updates",
        INSTANT_GAMES_GAME_SHARE: "source:instant_games_game_share",
        INSTANT_GAMES_MATCH_MAKING: "source:instant_games_match_making",
        INSTANT_GAMES_GROUP_CREATION: "source:instant_games_group_creation",
        MOBILE_GAME_SHARE: "source:games_app:mobile_game_share",
        GAMES_SERVICE_GAME_INVITE: "source:games_service_game_invite",
        GAMES_SERVICE_GAME_REQUEST: "source:games_service_game_request",
        PAGE_EMAIL_REPLY: "source:pages:email_reply",
        PAGE_HOME_PAGE_PANEL: "source:page_home_page_panel",
        GROUPSYNC_MESSENGER_GROUP_CREATE: "source:groupsync:messenger_group_create",
        GROUPSYNC_SYNC_FROM_FB: "source:groupsync:sync_from_fb",
        GROUPSYNC_NAMING: "source:groupsync:naming",
        GROUPSYNC_THREAD_INFO_SYNC_FROM_FB: "source:groupsync:thread_info_sync",
        GROUPSYNC_THREAD_INFO_SYNC_FROM_FB_NON_PARTICIPANT: "source:groupsync:thread_info_sync_non_participant",
        WORK_GARDEN_CREATION: "source:work:garden:creation",
        COWORKING: "source:coworking",
        WORKROOM_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:workroomchat:member_sync",
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_CREATION: "source:work:groupchat:creation",
        WORK_DEFAULT_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_CREATION: "source:work:defaultgroupchat:creation",
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:member_sync",
        WORK_MEETING_SYNCED_CHAT_MEMBER_SYNC: "source:work:meetingchat:member_sync",
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_DESCRIPTION_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:description_sync",
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_NAME_SYNC: "source:work:groupchat:name_sync",
        WORK_GROUP_SYNCED_CHAT_OPT_IN: "source:work:groupchat:opt_in",
        PAGE_PQI_MESSAGE: "source:pages:pqi_message",
        PAGE_PLUGIN_MESSAGE: "source:pages:page_plugin_message",
        WORKPLACE_CHAT_DESKTOP: "source:workchat:desktop",
        WORKPLACE_QUICKCHAT: "source:workchat:quickchat",
        WORKPLACE_SIGNUP_PAGE_ADMIN_INVITE: "source:workplace:signup_page_admin_invite",
        WORKPLACE_SUBTYPING_MIGRATION: "source:workplace:subtyping",
        WORKPLACE_APPROVALS: "source:workplace:approvals",
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_CALL: "source:workplace:teamwork_call",
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_TEST: "source:workplace:test",
        WORKPLACE_TEAMWORK_GROUP_POST: "source:workplace:group_post",
        CREATOR_STUDIO: "source:creator_studio",
        FB_GROUP_ADMINSHIP_SYNC: "source:fbgroup:adminship_sync",
        FB_GROUP_CHAT_MUTE_MEMBER: "source:fbgroup:mute_member",
        MESSENGER_ADS_PARTIAL_AUTOMATED_REMINDER: "source:ads_partial_automated:reminder",
        AR_CALLING_PARROT_BOT: "source:ar_calling:parrot_bot",
        COMMUNITY_HELP_LISTING: "source:community_help_listing",
        FUNDRAISER_MESSAGE_BLAST: "source:fundraiser_message_blast",
        MENTORSHIP: "source:mentorship",
        MENTORSHIP_DISCUSSION_TOPIC: "source:mentorship_discussion_topic",
        MENTORSHIP_OUTREACH: "source:mentorship_outreach",
        NONPROFIT_SUPPORTER_LIST: "source:nonprofit_supporter_list",
        VOLUNTEERING_ORGANIZER_REACHOUT: "source:volunteering_organizer_reachout",
        VOD_CONVERSATION: "source:vod_conversation",
        LOCAL_SEARCH_SERVICES: "source:local_search_services",
        YOUTH_VAULT: "source:youth_vault",
        MESSENGER_KIDS: "source:messenger_kids",
        MESSENGER_KIDS_ACTIVITY: "source:messenger_kids:activity",
        STORY_REPLY: "source:story_reply",
        LOCAL_DEV_PLATFORM: "source:local_dev_platform",
        INSTAGRAM_DIRECT: "source:instagram_direct",
        WA_MSGR_INTEROP: "source:wa-msgr-interop",
        C4G_CURRENT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ENTINTEGRITY: "source:c4g_current_group_members_entintegrity",
        CHATROOM: "source:chatroom",
        WHITECLAW_BOT: "source:intern:whiteclaw",
        FB_FEED: "source:fb_feed",
        FB_GROUPS: "source:fb_groups",
        FB_INBOX: "source:messaging_inbox_in_blue",
        FB_JOINABLE_VIDEO_CHATS: "source:fb_joinable_video_chats",
        FB_MENTIONS_MESSENGER_SHARING: "source:fb_mentions_messenger_sharing",
        FB_PAGE: "source:fb_page",
        FB_PROFILE: "source:fb_profile",
        FB_SEARCH_NULLSTATE_GLOBAL: "source:fb_search_nullstate_global",
        FB_SEARCH: "source:fb_search",
        FB_STORY: "source:fb_story",
        FB_STATUS: "source:fb_status",
        FB_TOP_OF_FEED_UNIT: "source:fb_top_of_feed_unit",
        FEED: "source:feed",
        MIB_NOTIFICATION: "source:mib_notification",
        KOTOTORO: "source:kototoro",
        SHARESHEET: "source:sharesheet",
        UFI: "source:ufi",
        ADMIN_ASSIST_RECURRING_MESSAGES: "source:admin_assist_recurring_messages",
        PRIVATE_SHARING_FORWARD_SUPER_SHARE_SHEET: "source:private_sharing_forward_super_share_sheet",
        ROOMS_INVITE: "source:rooms_invite",
        IG_ROOMS: "source:ig_rooms",
        FRIENDS_HOME: "source:friends_home",
        FRIENDS_HOME_SENDER_SIDE_POST_ACCEPT: "source:friends_home:sender_side_post_accept",
        NPE_WHALE: "source:npe_whale",
        NPE_POUTINE: "source:npe_poutine",
        NPE_HOBBI: "source:npe_hobbi",
        SHOPS_XMA_DOGFOODING: "source:shops_xma_dogfooding",
        SHOPS_QA: "source:shops_qa",
        CHAT_FOR_ROOM: "source:chat_for_room",
        WORK_AUTOMATION: "source:work_automation",
        WORK_ROOM_INCALL_CHAT: "source:work_room_incall_chat",
        MESSENGER_ROOM_INCALL_CHAT: "source:messenger_room_incall_chat",
        SECURITY_ACADEMY_BOT: "source:security_academy_bot",
        VR_MESSENGER: "source:vr_messenger",
        PRODUCT_PICKER: "product_picker",
        STARS_ONBOARDING: "source:stars_onboarding",
        N4M: "source:novi_for_messenger",
        ARMADILLO_WA: "source:armadillo_wa",
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_CREATION: "source:online_learning_class_creation",
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_GOING: "source:online_learning_class_going",
        ONLINE_LEARNING_CLASS_ADMIN_SYNC: "source:online_learning_class_admin_sync",
        PORTAL_CONTACT_GROUP: "source:portal_contact_group",
        CAREER_CHAT_THREAD: "source:career_chat_thread",
        CUSTOMER_DATA_BIZ_TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATES: "source:biz_messaging:transactional_updates",
        THREAD_HISTORY_TRUNCATION: "source:thread_history_truncation",
        SERVICEFRIEND: "source:servicefriend",
        FINANCIAL_INTEGRITY_CORRESPONDENCE_FRAMEWORK: "source:financial_integrity_correspondence_framework",
        MIB_RTC_CALL_XMA: "source:mib_rtc_call_xma",
        SUPPORT_BOT: "source:support_bot",
        CHECKBOX_PLUGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN: "source:checkbox_plugin_marketing_opt_in",
        CHECKBOX_PLUGIN_PROMOTIONAL_OPT_IN: "source:checkbox_plugin_promotional_opt_in",
        BUSINESS_SUPPORT_MESSAGING: "source:business_support_messaging",
        LIVE_SHOPPING_MESSAGING_ORDER: "source:live_shopping_messaging_order",
        HORIZON_SHARING: "source:horizon_sharing",
        HORIZON_MESSENGER: "source:horizon_messenger",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_IMPLICIT_AUTO_JOIN: "source:community_chats_implicit_auto_join",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_CONTENT_VISIBILITY_DISCLAIMER: "source:community_chats_content_visibility_disclaimer",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_PARTICIPANT_ACTIONS: "source:community_chats_participant_actions",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_INVITE_FROM_POLL: "source:community_chats_invite_from_poll",
        SUBSCRIPTIONS: "source:subscriptions",
        PRIVACY_PORTAL_BOT: "source:privacy_portal_bot",
        SIMPLE_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE: "source:simple_notification_service",
        MESSAGING_OFFER_ONE_WAY: "source:messaging_offer_one_way",
        MESSENGER_PUBLIC_CHATS: "source:messenger_public_chats",
        COMMENT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE: "source:comment:private_message",
        COMMENT_IN_THREAD_NOTIFICATION: "source:comment:in_thread_notification",
        COMMUNITY_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_VALIDATION: "source:cm:participant_validation",
        COMMUNITY_CHAT_RECALL_MESSAGE_ADMIN_TEXT: "source:cm:recall_msg_admin_text",
        GROUP_CHAT_PAUSED_STATE_UPDATE: "source:group_chat_paused_state_update",
        CM_THREAD_SUMMARIES: "source:cm_thread_summaries",
        USER_DELETION: "source:user_deletion",
        PUBLIC_CHAT_JOIN_VIA_THREAD_ID: "source:public_chat_join_via_thread_id",
        PUBLIC_CHAT_INSPIRATION_HUB: "source:public_chat_inspiration_hub",
        MM_STALE_THREAD_FOLLOW_UP_MESSAGE: "source:mm_stale_thread_follow_up_message",
        LEAD_ADS_OPT_IN_MESSAGING: "source:lead_ads_opt_in_messaging",
        OTP_VERIFICATION: "otp_verification",
        LAUNCHMATE: "source:launchmate",
        ACTIONABLE_INSIGHTS_INTERNAL: "source:actionable_insights_internal",
        BM_GENAI_AGENT_HUMAN_TAKEOVER_TRIGGER: "source:bm_genai_agent_human_takeover_trigger",
        BM_GENAI_AGENT: "source:bm_genai_agent",
        META_AI_BUSINESS_AGENT_WA_CONSUMER: "source:meta_ai_business_agent_wa_consumer",
        META_AI_BUSINESS_AGENT_WA_BUSINESS: "source:mera_ai_business_agent_wa_business",
        MESSENGER_P2B_THREAD_DXMA: "source:messenger_p2b_thread_dxma",
        MORPHING_JOB: "source:morphing_job",
        GEO_MESSAGING_THREAD: "source:geo_messaging_thread",
        CW_ACCESS_REDUCTION: "source:cw_access_reduction",
        EARLY_ACCESS_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_POST: "source:early_access_broadcast_channel_post",
        SHARE_TO_BROADCAST_CHANNEL_POST: "source:share_to_broadcast_channel_post",
        CHANNELS_XPOSTING: "source:channels_xposting",
        CHANNELS_IN_PERSONAL_INBOX: "source:channels_in_personal_inbox",
        THREAD_SUBSCRIPTION: "source:thread_subscription",
        MESSENGER_MEMORIES: "source:messenger_memories",
        CREATOR_CUES_MEMBERSHIP_MILESTONE: "source:creator_cues_membership_milestone",
        CREATOR_CUES_ENGAGEMENT_REMINDER: "source:creator_cues_engagement_reminder",
        WORK_MEETINGS_CHAT: "source:work_meetings_chat",
        WORK_MEETINGS_TEMP_PARTICIPANT_SYNC: "source:work_meetings_chat_temp_participants",
        WORKING_TEAM: "source:working_team",
        FAN_RECOGNITION_DIRECT_MESSAGE_POST: "source:fan_recognition_direct_message_post",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_GENERAL: "source:biz_messaging:general",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_COMMERCE: "source:biz_messaging:commerce",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_P2M: "source:biz_messaging:p2m",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_P2P: "source:biz_messaging:p2p",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_BUYER_SMART_SUGGESTION: "source:biz_messaging:buyer_smart_suggestion",
        BIZ_MESSAGING_LEAD_GEN: "source:biz_messaging:lead_gen"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("bs_js_null_undefined", ["bs_caml_option"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        if (a == null)
            return a;
            return b(a)
    function c(a, b) {
        if (!(a == null))
            return b(a)
    function d(a) {
        if (a !== void 0)
            return b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(a)
    e = d;
    f.bind = a;
    f.iter = c;
    f.fromOption = d;
    f.from_opt = e
), null);
__d("", ["MercuryAssert", "bs_js_null_undefined"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = {}
      , i = {};
    function a(a) {
        return c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(h[a.toLowerCase()])
    function b(a) {
        return c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(i[a])
    function e(a) {
        return i[a] !== void 0
    function f(a) {
        return h[a.toLowerCase()] !== void 0
    function j(a, b) {
        a = a.toLowerCase();
        h[a] = b;
        i[b] = a
    g.vanityToID = h;
    g.idToVanity = i;
    g.getID = a;
    g.getVanity = b;
    g.hasID = e;
    g.hasVanity = f;
    g.set = j
), 98);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = {};
    function a(a, b) {
        g[a] = b
    function b(a) {
        a = g[a];
        if (a !== void 0)
            return a;
            return null
    f._store = g;
    f.setMessageIDForAttachmentID = a;
    f.getMessageIDForAttachmentID = b
), 66);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        switch (a) {
        case "can_unsend":
            return "can_unsend";
        case "deny_for_specific_ids":
            return "deny_for_specific_ids";
        case "deny_if_cannot_load_thread":
            return "deny_if_cannot_load_thread";
        case "deny_if_marketplace_thread":
            return "deny_if_marketplace_thread";
        case "deny_if_page_thread":
            return "deny_if_page_thread";
        case "deny_if_thread_contains_pau":
            return "deny_if_thread_contains_pau";
            return null
    f.fromNullableString = a
), 66);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        switch (a) {
        case "can_unsend":
            return "can_unsend";
        case "deny_blob_attachment":
            return "deny_blob_attachment";
        case "deny_for_non_sender":
            return "deny_for_non_sender";
        case "deny_log_message":
            return "deny_log_message";
        case "deny_p2p_payment":
            return "deny_p2p_payment";
        case "deny_story_reaction":
            return "deny_story_reaction";
        case "deny_tombstone_message":
            return "deny_tombstone_message";
            return null
    f.fromNullableString = a
), 66);
__d("MessagingGenericAdminTextType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        ALOHA_AUTOCONNECT_INVITED: "aloha_autoconnect_invited",
        ALOHA_CONTACT_ADDED: "aloha_contact_added",
        ALOHA_CONTACT_ADDED_TO_ALOHA_PROXY_USER: "aloha_contact_added_to_aloha_proxy_user",
        ALOHA_CONTACT_REMOVED: "aloha_contact_removed",
        ALOHA_INVITE_OWNER_ACCEPT: "aloha_invite_owner_accept",
        ALOHA_INVITE_OWNER_DECLINE: "aloha_invite_owner_decline",
        ALOHA_MEDIA_ADDED: "aloha_media_added",
        ALOHA_MEDIA_SENT: "aloha_media_sent",
        ALOHA_VISUAL_MEDIA_SENT: "aloha_visual_media_sent",
        ALOHA_OWNER_INVITED: "aloha_owner_invited",
        ALOHA_PROXY_USER_NAME_SET: "aloha_proxy_user_name_set",
        ALOHA_PROXY_USER_PROFILE_PHOTO_SET: "aloha_proxy_user_profile_photo_set",
        ALOHA_WIFI_CREDENTIALS_SET: "aloha_wifi_credentials_set",
        ALOHA_USER_JOINED_CALL_ON_ALOHA: "aloha_user_joined_call_on_aloha",
        ALOHA_CALL_ENDED_ON_ALOHA: "aloha_call_ended_on_aloha",
        ALOHA_CALL_INVITE: "aloha_call_invite",
        BCMP_RESPOND_TO_PROJECT_BRIEF: "bcmp_respond_to_project_brief",
        BCMP_BRAND_INITIATED_MESSAGE: "bcmp_brand_initiated_message",
        BCMP_CAMPAIGN_INVITE: "bcmp_campaign_invite",
        MADE_POLL_VOTE: "made_poll_vote",
        GROUP_POLL: "group_poll",
        GROUP_POLL_DELETED: "group_poll_deleted",
        GENERIC_NEW_CONNECTION: "generic_new_connection",
        CONFIRM_FRIEND_REQUEST: "confirm_friend_request",
        THREAD_CUSTOMIZATION_UPSELL: "thread_customization_upsell",
        PHONE_CONTACT_UPLOAD: "phone_contact_upload",
        RELATIONSHIP_CREATED: "relationship_created",
        ACCEPT_PENDING_THREAD: "accept_pending_thread",
        RAMP_UP_WELCOME_MESSAGE: "ramp_up_welcome_message",
        CHANGE_THREAD_THEME: "change_thread_theme",
        CHANGE_THREAD_THEME_TO_LOCATION_THEME: "change_thread_theme_to_location_theme",
        CHANGE_THREAD_ICON: "change_thread_icon",
        CHANGE_THREAD_QUICK_REACTION: "change_thread_quick_reaction",
        GROUP_THREAD_CREATED: "group_thread_created",
        THREAD_EPHEMERAL_SEND_MODE: "thread_ephemeral_send_mode",
        INVITE_ACCEPTED: "invite_accepted",
        MESSENGER_INVITE_SENT: "messenger_invite_sent",
        TURN_ON_PUSH: "turn_on_push",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_COLOR: "journey_prompt_color",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_LIKE: "journey_prompt_like",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_NICKNAME: "journey_prompt_nickname",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_SETUP: "journey_prompt_setup",
        CHANGE_THREAD_NICKNAME: "change_thread_nickname",
        NOTIFY_GROUP_MAYORSHIP: "notify_group_mayorship",
        PROMPT_GROUP_MAYORSHIP_CUSTOMIZATION: "prompt_group_mayorship_customization",
        MESSAGE_COUNT_MILESTONE_MESSAGE: "message_count_milestone_message",
        BOT_THREAD_SUBSCRIPTION: "bot_thread_subscription",
        RTC_CALL_LOG: "rtc_call_log",
        RTC_PAGE_CALLBACK: "rtc_page_callback",
        RTC_INSTANT_VIDEO_LIFECYCLE: "rtc_instant_video_lifecycle",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_BOT: "journey_prompt_bot",
        RIDE_ORDERED_MESSAGE: "ride_ordered_message",
        DESTINATION_ETA_MESSAGE: "destination_eta_message",
        RIDE_ARRIVED_MESSAGE: "ride_arrived_message",
        JOURNEY_PROMPT_NEW_SETUP: "journey_prompt_new_setup",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_CREATE: "lightweight_event_create",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_DELETE: "lightweight_event_delete",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_NOTIFY: "lightweight_event_notify",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_NOTIFY_BEFORE_EVENT: "lightweight_event_notify_before_event",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_RSVP: "lightweight_event_rsvp",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE: "lightweight_event_update",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_LOCATION: "lightweight_event_update_location",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_TIME: "lightweight_event_update_time",
        LIGHTWEIGHT_EVENT_UPDATE_TITLE: "lightweight_event_update_title",
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_SENT: "safety_location_request_sent",
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_RESPONDED: "safety_location_request_responded",
        SAFETY_LOCATION_REQUEST_DENIED: "safety_location_request_denied",
        AD_MANAGE_MESSAGE: "ad_manage_message",
        ADMIN_TEXT_WITH_LINK: "admin_text_with_link",
        ADMIN_TEXT_WITH_RPC: "admin_text_with_rpc",
        AD_REPLY_MESSAGE: "ad_reply_message",
        TAGGED_PHOTO: "tagged_photo",
        GAME_SCORE: "game_score",
        INSTANT_GAME_UPDATE: "instant_game_update",
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_INTRO: "instant_game_bot_intro",
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_FEEDBACK: "instant_game_bot_feedback",
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_MESSAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT: "instant_game_bot_message_subscription_management",
        INSTANT_GAME_WORLD_CUP_INTRO: "intant_games_world_cup_intro",
        INSTANT_GAME_CUSTOM_UPDATE_NUX_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "instant_game_custom_update_nux_admin_message",
        INSTANT_GAME_CUSTOM_UPDATE_MUTE_MANAGEMENT: "instant_game_custom_update_mute_management",
        INSTANT_GAME_BOT_PROMPT_GENERIC_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "instant_game_bot_prompt_generic_admin_message",
        INSTANT_GAME_OFFLINE_MATCH_INTRO: "instant_game_offline_match_intro",
        INSTANT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_REMINDER: "instant_game_tournament_reminder",
        MEDIA_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGE: "media_subscription_manage",
        M_AI_SURVEY: "m_ai_survey",
        PHONE_NUMBER_LOOKUP_NOTICE: "phone_number_lookup_notice",
        MARK_AS_SHIPPED_UPDATE: "mark_as_shipped_update",
        MESSENGER_PRECHECKED_PLUGIN: "messenger_prechecked_plugin",
        MESSENGER_THREAD_RESURRECTION_NOTICE: "messenger_thread_resurrection_notice",
        MESSENGER_ENTRY_BY_MDOTME_LINK_WITH_REF: "messenger_entry_by_mdotme_link_with_ref",
        ADD_CONTACT: "add_contact",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_RECEIPT_REJECTED: "product_invoice_receipt_rejected",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAID: "product_invoice_paid",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_VOIDED: "product_invoice_voided",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_SHIPPED: "product_invoice_shipped",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_EXPIRED: "product_invoice_payment_expired",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_RECEIPT_UPLOADED: "product_invoice_receipt_uploaded",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_PROCESSING: "product_invoice_payment_processing",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_FAILED: "product_invoice_payment_failed",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_SHIPPING_UPDATE: "product_invoice_shipping_update",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_STATUS_UPDATE: "product_invoice_status_update",
        PRODUCT_INVOICE_DUPLICATE_PAYMENT_REFUND_UPDATE: "product_invoice_duplicate_payment_refund_update",
        SELLER_NOT_ONBOARDED_FOR_PAYMENTS: "seller_not_onboarded_for_payments",
        CHANGE_JOINABLE_SETTING: "change_joinable_setting",
        CHANGE_THREAD_ADMINS: "change_thread_admins",
        CHANGE_THREAD_APPROVAL_MODE: "change_thread_approval_mode",
        CHANGE_THREAD_JOIN_REQUEST_APPROVAL_SETTING: "change_join_request_approval_setting",
        CAPY_SESSION_BEGIN: "capy_session_begin",
        CAPY_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN: "capy_session_bot_begin",
        CAPY_SESSION_END: "capy_session_end",
        CAPY_AGENT_JOIN: "capy_agent_join",
        CAPY_AGENT_DUMPED: "capy_agent_dumped",
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        BIZ_INBOX_ADMIN_ASSIGNMENT_NOTE: "biz_inbox_admin_assignment_note",
        LAST_ADMIN_LEFT: "last_admin_left",
        MARKETPLACE_LOCAL_DELIVERY_UPDATE: "marketplace_local_delivery_update",
        CM_THREAD_HISTORY_TRUNCATED: "cm_thread_history_truncated",
        EVENT_THREAD_CREATION: "event_thread_creation",
        MESSENGER_P2B_PRIVACY_DISCLOSURE: "messenger_p2b_privacy_disclosure",
        HELPDESK_CHAT_ADMIN_MESSAGE: "helpdesk_chat_admin_message",
        SHOPS_QA_BUYER_PRIVATE_REPLY_MANAGE: "shops_qa_buyer_private_reply_manage",
        BIZ_INBOX_OMNICHANNEL_EMAIL_SENT: "biz_inbox_omnichannel_email_sent",
        BIZ_INBOX_FORM_BUILDER_SUBMIT_NOTIFY: "biz_inbox_form_builder_submit_notify",
        BCP_CREATOR_ACCEPTS_PROJECT_INVITE: "bcp_creator_accepts_project_invite",
        IG_ME_ADMIN_TEXT_LOG: "ig_me_admin_text_log",
        BCP_AGENCY_INVITES_CREATOR_TO_PROJECT: "bcp_agency_invites_creator_to_project",
        BCP_BRAND_UPDATES_PROJECT_DETAILS: "bcp_brand_updates_project_details",
        PARTNERSHIP_MESSAGING_AFFILIATE_SELLER_INITIATION: "partnership_messaging_affiliate_seller_initiation",
        BCP_CREATOR_ATTACHES_MEDIA_TO_PROJECT: "bcp_creator_attaches_media_to_project",
        BCP_CREATOR_COMPLETES_PROJECT: "bcp_creator_completes_project",
        BCP_BRAND_INITIATED_PAYMENT_FOR_PROJECT: "bcp_brand_initiated_payment_for_project",
        BCP_BRAND_REMOVES_CREATOR_FROM_PROJECT: "bcp_brand_removes_creator_from_project",
        MESSENGER_FAQ_RESPONSE_RESOLUTION_SIGNAL_COLLECTION_XMAT: "messenger_faq_response_resolution_signal_collection_xmat",
        DEFAULT_ICEBREAKER_ADMIN_TEXT_LOG: "default_icebreaker_admin_text_log",
        BIZ_INBOX_AUTO_ASSIGNED_ADMIN: "biz_inbox_auto_assigned_admin",
        GROUP_CHALLENGE_PARTICIPANT_ADD_ACTIVITY: "group_challenge_participant_add_activity",
        IG_HANGOUTS_CANVAS_CONTENT_UPDATE_ACTION_LOG: "ig_hangouts_canvas_content_update_action_log",
        BUSINESS_CALLING_PROMOTION_ADMIN_TEXT_LOG: "business_calling_promotion_admin_text_log",
        NOTIFY_ONE_HOUR_BEFORE_CSC_END: "notify_one_hour_before_csc_end",
        BCP_BRAND_PAID_CREATOR_OFFSITE_FOR_PROJECT: "bcp_brand_paid_creator_offsite_for_project",
        SERVICE_BOOKING_LEGAL_DISCLAIMER_ADMIN_TEXT: "service_booking_legal_disclaimer_admin_text",
        BMC_SELLER_REVIEW_POST_SUBMISSION_TEXT: "bmc_seller_review_post_submission_text",
        ADMIN_REMOVE_MESSAGE: "admin_remove_message",
        CM_HOWDY_BOT: "cm_howdy_bot",
        SERVICE_APPOINTMENT_REMINDER: "service_appointment_reminder",
        GROUPS_ADMOD_SHARE_ADMIN_ACTION: "groups_admod_share_admin_action",
        MESSENGER_CART_ACTION: "messenger_cart_action",
        MESSAGING_OFFERS_REMINDER: "messaging_offers_reminder",
        IG_HANGOUTS_CANVAS_BUZZ_NOTIFY_ACTION_LOG: "ig_hangouts_canvas_buzz_notify_action_log",
        ADMIN_MESSAGE_PUBLIC_CHAT_CREATION: "admin_message_public_chat_creation",
        LIVE_MESSAGE_OPT_IN: "live_message_opt_in",
        DISABLE_VANISH_MODE_ADMIN_TEXT_LOG: "disable_vanish_mode_admin_text_log",
        LIVE_MESSAGE_OPT_OUT: "live_message_opt_out",
        MCOM_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CREATION: "mcom_customer_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_creation",
        MCOM_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CANCELATION: "mcom_customer_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_cancelation",
        MCOM_MERCHANT_PAYMENT_INVOICE_MEDIA_MESSAGE_DETECTION_CREATION: "mcom_merchant_payment_invoice_media_message_detection_creation",
        VR_REQUEST_THREAD_ACCEPT: "vr_request_thread_accept",
        BIZ_INBOX_AUTOMATION_NONPROFITS_SUPPORTER_ACTIVITY: "biz_inbox_automation_nonprofits_supporter_activity",
        BIZ_INBOX_AUTOMATION_NONPROFITS_PAGE_ADMIN: "biz_inbox_automation_nonprofits_page_admin",
        GROUP_SET_WELCOME_MESSAGE_MEDIA: "group_set_welcome_message_media",
        GROUP_INVITE_VIA_MESSENGER: "group_invite_via_messenger",
        GROUP_INVITE_PENDING_VIA_MESSENGER: "group_invite_pending_via_messenger",
        EVENT_RSVP_UPDATED: "event_rsvp_updated",
        EVENT_RSVP_UPDATED_BY_ADMOD: "event_rsvp_updated_by_admod",
        VR_REQUEST_GROUP_THREAD_ACCEPT: "vr_request_group_thread_accept",
        CHANGE_THREAD_IMAGE: "change_thread_image",
        PROMPT_CREATION: "prompt_creation",
        ROLL_CALL_RESPONSE: "roll_call_response",
        IG_BROADCAST_CHAT_COLLABORATOR_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "ig_broadcast_chat_collaborator_join_or_leave",
        VR_GROUPS_CREATED_GROUP: "vr_groups_created_group",
        VR_GROUPS_JOINED_GROUP_CALL: "vr_groups_joined_group_call",
        VR_GROUPS_LEFT_GROUP_CALL: "vr_groups_left_group_call",
        VR_GROUPS_INVITED_DESTINATION: "vr_groups_invited_destination",
        VR_APPLICATION_INVITED_DESTINATION_INVITE_UPDATED: "vr_application_invited_destination_invite_udpated",
        VR_GROUPS_TRAVELED_DESTINATION: "vr_groups_traveled_destination",
        IG_BROADCAST_CHAT_DECLINE_COLLABORATOR_INVITE: "ig_broadcast_chat_decline_collaborator_invite",
        REELS_TOGETHER_ENDED: "reels_together_ended",
        SCHEDULED_CALL: "scheduled_call",
        DEPRECATE_THREAD_QUICK_REACTION_OPTION: "deprecate_thread_quick_reaction_option",
        TOGGLE_READ_RECEIPTS: "toggle_read_receipts",
        EVENT_THREAD_REMOVAL: "event_thread_removal",
        EVENT_ENDED: "event_ended",
        EVENT_STARTING: "event_starting",
        INSTANT_GAME_DYNAMIC_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_game_dynamic_custom_update",
        P2M_NOTIFICATION_HUB: "p2m_notification_hub",
        GROUP_CHAT_PAUSED: "group_chat_paused",
        GROUP_CHAT_UNPAUSED: "group_chat_unpaused",
        GROUP_WELCOME_PROMPT: "group_welcome_prompt",
        MEMBER_ONBOARDING_PROMPT: "member_onboarding_prompt",
        AUTO_END_SOCIAL_CHANNEL: "auto_end_social_channel",
        AUTO_END_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: "auto_end_broadcast_channel",
        BCP_CREATOR_ACCEPTS_UGC_REQUEST_FROM_BRAND: "bcp_creator_accepts_ugc_request_from_brand",
        FANTASY_GAMES: "fantasy_games",
        GROUP_THREAD_ROLE_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "group_thread_role_join_or_leave",
        FANTASY_GAMES_RESULTS: "fantasy_games_results",
        EVENT_TOMORROW: "event_tomorrow",
        DECLINE_ROLE_INVITE: "decline_role_invite",
        BCP_BRAND_MARKS_CREATOR_CHALLENGE_SUBMISSION_AS_WINNER: "bcp_brand_marks_creator_challenge_submission_as_winner",
        EXPLORE_WITH_FRIENDS_INVITE: "explore_with_friends_invite",
        CM_GROUP_UPDATES_BOT: "cm_group_updates_bot",
        SHARED_ALBUM_ADDITION: "shared_album_addition",
        WORKROOMS_COLLAB_NOTIFS: "workrooms_collab_notifs",
        SHARED_ALBUM_CONTENT_REMOVAL: "shared_album_content_removal",
        SHARED_ALBUM_RENAME: "shared_album_rename",
        SHARED_ALBUM_DELETE: "shared_album_delete",
        UPDATE_E2EE_PAYMENTS_XMA: "update_e2ee_payments_xma",
        IG_CHANNELS_MESSAGE_TAKEDOWN: "ig_channels_message_takedown",
        CHANGE_DISAPPEARING_SETTING: "change_disappearing_setting",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_ADMOD_REMOVE_MESSAGE: "community_chats_admod_remove_message",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_CONTENT_DISCLAIMER: "community_chats_content_disclaimer",
        IG_EVENT_THREAD_CREATED: "ig_event_thread_created",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_SUB_THREAD_CREATION: "community_chats_sub_thread_creation",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_THREAD_CREATED_FROM_POLL: "community_chats_thread_created_from_poll",
        BIZ_INBOX_DETECTED_OUTCOMES_ACTIVITY: "biz_inbox_detected_outcomes_activity",
        TOGGLE_DM_SETTINGS: "toggle_dm_settings",
        BM_GEN_AI_CONSUMER_DISCLAIMER: "bm_gen_ai_consumer_disclaimer",
        BM_GEN_AI_BUSINESS_DISCLAIMER: "bm_gen_ai_business_disclaimer",
        CHANNEL_COMMENT_STATUS: "channel_comment_status",
        MM_STALE_THREAD_ADMIN_TEXT: "mm_stale_thread_admin_text",
        FANTASY_GAMES_NEW_THREAD: "fantasy_games_new_thread",
        GEN_AI_ERROR_MESSAGE: "gen_ai_error_message",
        GEN_AI_CONTEXT_UPDATE: "gen_ai_context_update",
        BM_GEN_AI_AGENT_STOPPED_RESPONDING_NOTIF: "bm_gen_ai_agent_stopped_responding_notif",
        EPHEMERAL_SCREENSHOT: "ephemeral_screenshot",
        MESSENGER_AUTO_MARK_AS_LEAD: "messenger_auto_mark_as_lead",
        MESSENGER_LEAD_FORM_RECEIVED: "messenger_lead_form_received",
        IG_SOCIAL_CHANNELS_DIRECT_INVITE_RECEIVED: "ig_social_channels_direct_invite_received",
        REMOVE_ROLE_INVITE: "remove_role_invite",
        REQUEST_TO_CALL_AGENT_UPDATE: "request_to_call_agent_update",
        CHANGE_THREAD_GEO_METADATA: "change_thread_geo_metadata",
        XS_ADVERTISER_GEN_AI_DISCLAIMER: "xs_advertiser_gen_ai_disclaimer",
        XS_ADVERTISER_GEN_AI_BEGIN_BOT: "xs_advertiser_gen_ai_begin_bot",
        IG_EVENT_DXMA_CREATE_OR_UPDATE: "ig_event_dxma_create_or_update",
        MARKETING_PRO_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN: "marketing_pro_session_bot_begin",
        MARKETING_PRO_SESSION_BOT_BEGIN_EPD: "marketing_pro_session_bot_begin_epd",
        COMMUNITY_CHATS_RECURRING_PROMPT_STOPPED: "community_chats_recurring_prompt_stopped",
        INSTANT_GAME_ENCRYPTED_DYNAMIC_CUSTOM_UPDATE: "instant_game_encrypted_dynamic_custom_update",
        MESSENGER_THREAD_SUBS_ADD_SUBSCRIPTION: "messenger_thread_subs_add_subscription",
        MESSENGER_THREAD_SUBS_REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTION: "messenger_thread_subs_remove_subscription",
        CONFIRM_FRIEND_REQUEST_ENCRYPTED: "confirm_friend_request_encrypted",
        BIZ_INBOX_MSGR_NUDGE: "biz_inbox_msgr_nudge",
        BIZ_INBOX_IGD_NUDGE: "biz_inbox_igd_nudge",
        IGD_CHANNEL_PARTICIPANT_JOIN_OR_LEAVE: "igd_channel_participant_join_or_leave",
        BUSINESS_INITIATED_CALLING_ADMIN_TEXT: "business_initiated_calling_admin_text",
        IGD_THREAD_REMINDER: "igd_thread_reminder",
        MM_CTM_ADS_CLICK: "mm_ctm_ads_click",
        BIZ_INBOX_LEAD_STAGE_CHANGE: "biz_inbox_lead_stage_change",
        IGD_CREATOR_AI_FAN_ONBOARDING: "igd_creator_ai_fan_onboarding",
        BUZZ_THREAD: "buzz_thread",
        BIZ_INBOX_THREAD_AUTO_MOVED_TO_SPAM: "biz_inbox_thread_auto_moved_to_spam",
        COLADA_AUTOSHARING_UPDATED: "colada_autosharing_updated",
        IGD_CHANNEL_REACTION_NOTIF: "igd_channel_reaction_notif",
        IGD_CHANNEL_XPOSTING: "igd_channel_xposting",
        IGD_STOP_RECURRING_PROMPT: "igd_stop_recurring_prompt",
        IG_REELS_BLEND_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATE: "ig_reels_blend_membership_update",
        PAGE_FEATURE_LIMIT_CUSTOMER_NOTIFICATION: "page_feature_limit_customer_notification",
        FANTASY_GAME_BOT_MESSAGE_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGEMENT: "fantasy_game_bot_message_subscription_management",
        AI_STUDIO_CREATION: "ai_studio_creation",
        IG_BUYER_SMART_SUGGESTION: "ig_buyer_smart_suggestion"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("MessagingTagUtils", ["MercurySourceType", "MessagingTagConstants"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = new Set(Object.values(c("MercurySourceType")));
    function a(a) {
        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var c = a[b];
            if (h.has(c))
                return c
        return "source:unknown"
    function i(a) {
        for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
            var d = a[b];
            d = d.split(c("MessagingTagConstants").app_id_root);
            if (d.length > 1)
                return d[1].trim()
        return null
    function b(a, b) {
        var d = []
          , e = i(a);
        e && c("MessagingTagConstants").orca_app_ids.indexOf(e) !== -1 && d.push("source:messenger");
        c("MessagingTagConstants").chat_sources.indexOf(b) !== -1 && d.push("source:chat");
        c("MessagingTagConstants").email_source === b && d.push("source:email");
        c("MessagingTagConstants").mobile_sources.indexOf(b) !== -1 && d.push("source:mobile");
        a.indexOf("source:workchat:desktop") !== -1 && d.push("source:workchat:desktop");
        return d
    g.getSourceFromTags = a;
    g.getSourceTags = b
), 98);
__d("P2PPaymentRequestStatus", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        INITED: 1,
        DECLINED: 2,
        CANCELED: 6,
        EXPIRED: 7,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("P2PTransferStatus", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        SYSTEM_FAILURE: 0,
        COMPLETED: 13,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("PaymentModulesClient", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        DONATION_P4P: "donation_p4p",
        MOR_DONATIONS: "mor_donations",
        PPGF_DONATION: "ppgf_donation",
        DONATION_P4C: "donation_p4c",
        INSTANT_EXPERIENCES: "instant_experiences",
        BUSINESS_PLATFORM_COMMERCE: "business_platform_commerce",
        MESSENGER_OMNIM: "messenger_omnim",
        MESSENGER_PLATFORM: "messenger_platform",
        PAGES_COMMERCE: "pages_commerce",
        MESSAGING_COMMERCE: "messaging_commerce",
        SHIPPING_LABEL: "shipping_label",
        SYNCHRONOUS_COMPONENT_FLOW: "synchronous_component_flow",
        PAGES_SOLUTION: "pages_solution",
        CHECKOUT_EXPERIENCES: "checkout_experiences",
        C2C_CHECKOUT_EXPERIENCES: "c2c_checkout_experiences",
        MOBILE_TOP_UP: "mobile_top_up",
        MOCK: "mock",
        ADVERTISER_SUBSCRIPTION: "advertiser_subscription",
        NMOR_FB_BROWSER_PAY: "fb_browser_payment",
        P2M_MESSENGER: "p2m_messenger"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("ServicesCalendarSyncType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        CLIENT_ONLY: "client_only",
        NO_CALENDAR_SYNC: "no_calendar_sync",
        SERVER_CONTINUOUS: "server_continuous",
        SERVER_SINGLE: "server_single"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("bs_caml_bytes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b, c) {
        if (b < 0 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "index out of bounds",
                Error: new Error()
        a[b] = c
    function b(a, b) {
        if (b < 0 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "index out of bounds",
                Error: new Error()
        return a[b]
    function c(a, b, c, d) {
        if (c <= 0)
        for (var e = b, c = c + b | 0; e < c; ++e)
            a[e] = d
    function d(a) {
        if (a < 0)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.create",
                Error: new Error()
        var b = new Array(a);
        for (var c = 0; c < a; ++c)
            b[c] = 0;
        return b
    function e(a, b, c, d, e) {
        if (e <= 0)
        if (a === c) {
            if (b < d) {
                var f = (a.length - d | 0) - 1 | 0
                  , g = e - 1 | 0;
                g = f > g ? g : f;
                for (f = g; f >= 0; --f)
                    a[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0];
            if (b <= d)
            g = (a.length - b | 0) - 1 | 0;
            f = e - 1 | 0;
            f = g > f ? f : g;
            for (g = 0; g <= f; ++g)
                a[d + g | 0] = a[b + g | 0];
        g = a.length - b | 0;
        if (e <= g) {
            for (f = 0; f < e; ++f)
                c[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0];
        for (f = 0; f < g; ++f)
            c[d + f | 0] = a[b + f | 0];
        for (f = g; f < e; ++f)
            c[d + f | 0] = 0
    function g(a) {
        var b = 0
          , c = a.length
          , d = ""
          , e = c;
        if (b === 0 && c <= 4096 && c === a.length)
            return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a);
        b = 0;
        while (e > 0) {
            c = e < 1024 ? e : 1024;
            var f = new Array(c);
            for (var g = 0; g < c; ++g)
                f[g] = a[g + b | 0];
            d = d + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, f);
            e = e - c | 0;
            b = b + c | 0
        return d
    function h(a, b, c, d, e) {
        if (e <= 0)
        var f = a.length - b | 0;
        if (e <= f) {
            for (var g = 0; g < e; ++g)
                c[d + g | 0] = a.charCodeAt(b + g | 0);
        for (g = 0; g < f; ++g)
            c[d + g | 0] = a.charCodeAt(b + g | 0);
        for (g = f; g < e; ++g)
            c[d + g | 0] = 0
    function i(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = new Array(b);
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d)
            c[d] = a.charCodeAt(d);
        return c
    function j(a, b, c, d, e) {
        while (!0) {
            var f = c;
            if (f >= d)
                return e;
            var g = a[f]
              , h = b[f];
            if (g > h)
                return 1;
            if (g < h)
                return -1;
            c = f + 1 | 0;
    function k(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = b.length;
        if (c === d)
            return j(a, b, 0, c, 0);
        else if (c < d)
            return j(a, b, 0, c, -1);
            return j(a, b, 0, d, 1)
    function l(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = b.length;
        if (c === d) {
            d = 0;
            while (!0) {
                var e = d;
                if (e === c)
                    return !0;
                var f = a[e]
                  , g = b[e];
                if (f !== g)
                    return !1;
                d = e + 1 | 0;
        } else
            return !1
    function m(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) > 0
    function n(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) >= 0
    function o(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) < 0
    function p(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) <= 0
    f.caml_create_bytes = d;
    f.caml_fill_bytes = c;
    f.get = b;
    f.set = a;
    f.bytes_to_string = g;
    f.caml_blit_bytes = e;
    f.caml_blit_string = h;
    f.bytes_of_string = i;
    f.caml_bytes_compare = k;
    f.caml_bytes_greaterthan = m;
    f.caml_bytes_greaterequal = n;
    f.caml_bytes_lessthan = o;
    f.caml_bytes_lessequal = p;
    f.caml_bytes_equal = l
), null);
__d("bs_char", ["bs_caml_bytes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a < 0 || a > 255)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Char.chr",
                Error: new Error()
        return a
    function c(a) {
        var c = 0;
        if (a >= 40) {
            if (a === 92)
                return "\\\\";
            c = a >= 127 ? 1 : 2
        } else if (a >= 32) {
            if (a >= 39)
                return "\\'";
            c = 2
        } else if (a >= 14)
            c = 1;
            switch (a) {
            case 8:
                return "\\b";
            case 9:
                return "\\t";
            case 10:
                return "\\n";
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 11:
            case 12:
                c = 1;
            case 13:
                return "\\r"
        switch (c) {
        case 1:
            c = [0, 0, 0, 0];
            c[0] = 92;
            c[1] = 48 + (a / 100 | 0) | 0;
            c[2] = 48 + (a / 10 | 0) % 10 | 0;
            c[3] = 48 + a % 10 | 0;
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(c);
        case 2:
            c = [0];
            c[0] = a;
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(c)
    function d(a) {
        if (a >= 65 && a <= 90 || a >= 192 && a <= 214 || a >= 216 && a <= 222)
            return a + 32 | 0;
            return a
    function e(a) {
        if (a >= 97 && a <= 122 || a >= 224 && a <= 246 || a >= 248 && a <= 254)
            return a - 32 | 0;
            return a
    function g(a) {
        if (a >= 65 && a <= 90)
            return a + 32 | 0;
            return a
    function h(a) {
        if (a >= 97 && a <= 122)
            return a - 32 | 0;
            return a
    function i(a, b) {
        return a - b | 0
    function j(a, b) {
        return (a - b | 0) === 0
    f.chr = a;
    f.escaped = c;
    f.lowercase = d;
    f.uppercase = e;
    f.lowercase_ascii = g;
    f.uppercase_ascii = h; = i;
    f.equal = j
), null);
__d("bs_bytes", ["bs_caml", "bs_caml_bytes", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_char", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g, h;
    function a(a, c) {
        var d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(a);
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_fill_bytes(d, 0, a, c);
        return d
    function c(a, c) {
        var d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(a);
        for (var e = 0; e < a; ++e)
            d[e] = b("bs_curry")._1(c, e);
        return d
    var i = [];
    function j(a) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(c);
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, d, 0, c);
        return d
    function d(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(j(a))
    function e(a) {
        return j(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a))
    function k(a, c, d) {
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.sub / Bytes.sub",
                Error: new Error()
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d);
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, e, 0, d);
        return e
    function l(a, c, d) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(k(a, c, d))
    function m(a, b) {
        var c = a + b | 0;
        a = a < 0;
        b = b < 0;
        var d = c < 0;
        if (a) {
            if (!b)
                return c;
            if (d)
                return c;
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Bytes.extend",
                Error: new Error()
        if (b)
            return c;
        if (d)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Bytes.extend",
                Error: new Error()
        return c
    function n(a, c, d) {
        d = m(m(a.length, c), d);
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d);
        c = c < 0 ? [-c | 0, 0] : [0, c];
        var f = c[1];
        c = c[0];
        d = (h || (h = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length - c | 0, d - f | 0);
        d > 0 && b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, e, f, d);
        return e
    function o(a, c, d, e) {
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.fill / Bytes.fill",
                Error: new Error()
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_fill_bytes(a, c, d, e)
    function p(a, c, d, e, f) {
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Bytes.blit",
                Error: new Error()
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, c, d, e, f)
    function q(a, c, d, e, f) {
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.blit / Bytes.blit_string",
                Error: new Error()
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(a, c, d, e, f)
    function r(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[d])
    function s(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c[d])
    function t(a, b) {
        if (a >= b)
            return a;
        throw {
            RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
            _1: "Bytes.concat",
            Error: new Error()
    function u(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = c
              , e = a;
            if (!d)
                return e;
            var f =;
            d = d.hd;
            if (!f)
                return d.length + e | 0;
            c = f;
            a = t((d.length + b | 0) + e | 0, e);
    function v(a, c) {
        if (!c)
            return i;
        var d = a.length
          , e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(u(0, d, c))
          , f = 0;
        c = c;
        while (!0) {
            var g = c
              , h = f;
            if (!g)
                return e;
            var j =;
            g = g.hd;
            if (j) {
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(g, 0, e, h, g.length);
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, e, h + g.length | 0, d);
                c = j;
                f = (h + g.length | 0) + d | 0;
            b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(g, 0, e, h, g.length);
            return e
    function w(a, c) {
        var d = a.length
          , e = c.length
          , f = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d + e | 0);
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(a, 0, f, 0, d);
        b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_bytes(c, 0, f, d, e);
        return f
    function x(a) {
        if (a > 13 || a < 9)
            return a === 32;
            return a !== 11
    function y(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = 0;
        while (c < b && x(a[c]))
            c = c + 1 | 0;
        b = b - 1 | 0;
        while (b >= c && x(a[b]))
            b = b - 1 | 0;
        if (b >= c)
            return k(a, c, (b - c | 0) + 1 | 0);
            return i
    function z(a) {
        var c = 0;
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) {
            var f = a[d];
            c = c + (f >= 32 ? f > 92 || f < 34 ? f >= 127 ? 4 : 1 : f > 91 || f < 35 ? 2 : 1 : f >= 11 ? f !== 13 ? 4 : 2 : f >= 8 ? 2 : 4) | 0
        if (c === a.length)
            return j(a);
        f = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(c);
        c = 0;
        for (d = 0,
        e = a.length; d < e; ++d) {
            var g = a[d]
              , h = 0;
            if (g >= 35)
                g !== 92 ? g >= 127 ? h = 1 : f[c] = g : h = 2;
            else if (g >= 32)
                g >= 34 ? h = 2 : f[c] = g;
            else if (g >= 14)
                h = 1;
                switch (g) {
                case 8:
                    f[c] = 92;
                    c = c + 1 | 0;
                    f[c] = 98;
                case 9:
                    f[c] = 92;
                    c = c + 1 | 0;
                    f[c] = 116;
                case 10:
                    f[c] = 92;
                    c = c + 1 | 0;
                    f[c] = 110;
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                case 11:
                case 12:
                    h = 1;
                case 13:
                    f[c] = 92;
                    c = c + 1 | 0;
                    f[c] = 114;
            switch (h) {
            case 1:
                f[c] = 92;
                c = c + 1 | 0;
                f[c] = 48 + (g / 100 | 0) | 0;
                c = c + 1 | 0;
                f[c] = 48 + (g / 10 | 0) % 10 | 0;
                c = c + 1 | 0;
                f[c] = 48 + g % 10 | 0;
            case 2:
                f[c] = 92;
                c = c + 1 | 0;
                f[c] = g;
            c = c + 1 | 0
        return f
    function A(a, c) {
        var d = c.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return c;
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d);
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]);
        return e
    function B(a, c) {
        var d = c.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return c;
        var e = b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(d);
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, f, c[f]);
        return e
    function C(a) {
        return A(b("bs_char").uppercase_ascii, a)
    function D(a) {
        return A(b("bs_char").lowercase_ascii, a)
    function E(a, c) {
        if (c.length === 0)
            return c;
        var d = j(c);
        d[0] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[0]);
        return d
    function F(a) {
        return E(b("bs_char").uppercase_ascii, a)
    function G(a) {
        return E(b("bs_char").lowercase_ascii, a)
    function H(a, b, c, d) {
        while (!0) {
            var e = c;
            if (e >= b)
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found",
                    Error: new Error()
            if (a[e] === d)
                return e;
            c = e + 1 | 0;
    function I(a, b) {
        return H(a, a.length, 0, b)
    function J(a, b, c, d) {
        while (!0) {
            var e = c;
            if (e >= b)
            if (a[e] === d)
                return e;
            c = e + 1 | 0;
    function K(a, b) {
        return J(a, a.length, 0, b)
    function L(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (b < 0 || b > d)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.index_from / Bytes.index_from",
                Error: new Error()
        return H(a, d, b, c)
    function M(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (b < 0 || b > d)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.index_from_opt / Bytes.index_from_opt",
                Error: new Error()
        return J(a, d, b, c)
    function N(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = b;
            if (d < 0)
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found",
                    Error: new Error()
            if (a[d] === c)
                return d;
            b = d - 1 | 0;
    function O(a, b) {
        return N(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b)
    function P(a, b, c) {
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rindex_from / Bytes.rindex_from",
                Error: new Error()
        return N(a, b, c)
    function Q(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = b;
            if (d < 0)
            if (a[d] === c)
                return d;
            b = d - 1 | 0;
    function R(a, b) {
        return Q(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b)
    function S(a, b, c) {
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rindex_from_opt / Bytes.rindex_from_opt",
                Error: new Error()
        return Q(a, b, c)
    function T(a, c, d) {
        var e = a.length;
        if (c < 0 || c > e)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.contains_from / Bytes.contains_from",
                Error: new Error()
        try {
            H(a, e, c, d);
            return !0
        } catch (c) {
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c);
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found")
                return !1;
            throw a
    function U(a, b) {
        return T(a, 0, b)
    function V(a, c, d) {
        if (c < 0 || c >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rcontains_from / Bytes.rcontains_from",
                Error: new Error()
        try {
            N(a, c, d);
            return !0
        } catch (c) {
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c);
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found")
                return !1;
            throw a
    var W = (g = b("bs_caml_bytes")).caml_bytes_compare;
    function X(a) {
        return A(b("bs_char").uppercase, a)
    function Y(a) {
        return A(b("bs_char").lowercase, a)
    function Z(a) {
        return E(b("bs_char").uppercase, a)
    function $(a) {
        return E(b("bs_char").lowercase, a)
    var aa = g.caml_bytes_equal
      , ba = g.bytes_to_string;
    g = g.bytes_of_string;
    f.make = a;
    f.init = c;
    f.empty = i;
    f.copy = j;
    f.of_string = e;
    f.to_string = d;
    f.sub = k;
    f.sub_string = l;
    f.extend = n;
    f.fill = o;
    f.blit = p;
    f.blit_string = q;
    f.concat = v; = w;
    f.iter = r;
    f.iteri = s; = A;
    f.mapi = B;
    f.trim = y;
    f.escaped = z;
    f.index = I;
    f.index_opt = K;
    f.rindex = O;
    f.rindex_opt = R;
    f.index_from = L;
    f.index_from_opt = M;
    f.rindex_from = P;
    f.rindex_from_opt = S;
    f.contains = U;
    f.contains_from = T;
    f.rcontains_from = V;
    f.uppercase = X;
    f.lowercase = Y;
    f.capitalize = Z;
    f.uncapitalize = $;
    f.uppercase_ascii = C;
    f.lowercase_ascii = D;
    f.capitalize_ascii = F;
    f.uncapitalize_ascii = G; = W;
    f.equal = aa;
    f.unsafe_to_string = ba;
    f.unsafe_of_string = g
), null);
__d("bs_caml_string", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        if (b >= a.length || b < 0)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "index out of bounds",
                Error: new Error()
        return a.charCodeAt(b)
    function b(a, b) {
        return String.fromCharCode(b).repeat(a)
    f.get = a;
    f.make = b
), null);
__d("bs_string", ["bs_bytes", "bs_caml", "bs_caml_bytes", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_caml_string", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g;
    function a(a, c) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").init(a, c))
    function h(a, c, d) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").sub(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a), c, d))
    function i(a, b) {
        if (a >= b)
            return a;
        throw {
            RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
            _1: "String.concat",
            Error: new Error()
    function j(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = c
              , e = a;
            if (!d)
                return e;
            var f =;
            d = d.hd;
            if (!f)
                return d.length + e | 0;
            c = f;
            a = i((d.length + b | 0) + e | 0, e);
    function k(a, c, d, e, f) {
        while (!0) {
            var g = f
              , h = c;
            if (!g)
                return a;
            var i =;
            g = g.hd;
            if (i) {
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(g, 0, a, h, g.length);
                b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(d, 0, a, h + g.length | 0, e);
                f = i;
                c = (h + g.length | 0) + e | 0;
            b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_blit_string(g, 0, a, h, g.length);
            return a
    function c(a, c) {
        if (!c)
            return "";
        var d = a.length;
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(k(b("bs_caml_bytes").caml_create_bytes(j(0, d, c)), 0, a, d, c))
    function d(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c.charCodeAt(d))
    function e(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c.charCodeAt(d))
    function l(a, c) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").map(a, b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(c)))
    function m(a, c) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").mapi(a, b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(c)))
    function n(a) {
        if (a > 13 || a < 9)
            return a === 32;
            return a !== 11
    function o(a) {
        if (a === "" || !(n(a.charCodeAt(0)) || n(a.charCodeAt(a.length - 1 | 0))))
            return a;
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").trim(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function p(a) {
        var c = function(b) {
            while (!0) {
                var c = b;
                if (c >= a.length)
                    return !1;
                var d = a.charCodeAt(c);
                if (d < 32)
                    return !0;
                if (d > 92 || d < 34) {
                    if (d >= 127)
                        return !0;
                    b = c + 1 | 0;
                if (d > 91 || d < 35)
                    return !0;
                b = c + 1 | 0;
        if (c(0))
            return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").escaped(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)));
            return a
    function q(a, b, c, d) {
        while (!0) {
            var e = c;
            if (e >= b)
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found",
                    Error: new Error()
            if (a.charCodeAt(e) === d)
                return e;
            c = e + 1 | 0;
    function r(a, b) {
        return q(a, a.length, 0, b)
    function s(a, b, c, d) {
        while (!0) {
            var e = c;
            if (e >= b)
            if (a.charCodeAt(e) === d)
                return e;
            c = e + 1 | 0;
    function t(a, b) {
        return s(a, a.length, 0, b)
    function u(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (b < 0 || b > d)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.index_from / Bytes.index_from",
                Error: new Error()
        return q(a, d, b, c)
    function v(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (b < 0 || b > d)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.index_from_opt / Bytes.index_from_opt",
                Error: new Error()
        return s(a, d, b, c)
    function w(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = b;
            if (d < 0)
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Not_found",
                    Error: new Error()
            if (a.charCodeAt(d) === c)
                return d;
            b = d - 1 | 0;
    function x(a, b) {
        return w(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b)
    function y(a, b, c) {
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rindex_from / Bytes.rindex_from",
                Error: new Error()
        return w(a, b, c)
    function z(a, b, c) {
        while (!0) {
            var d = b;
            if (d < 0)
            if (a.charCodeAt(d) === c)
                return d;
            b = d - 1 | 0;
    function A(a, b) {
        return z(a, a.length - 1 | 0, b)
    function B(a, b, c) {
        if (b < -1 || b >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rindex_from_opt / Bytes.rindex_from_opt",
                Error: new Error()
        return z(a, b, c)
    function C(a, c, d) {
        var e = a.length;
        if (c < 0 || c > e)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.contains_from / Bytes.contains_from",
                Error: new Error()
        try {
            q(a, e, c, d);
            return !0
        } catch (c) {
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c);
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found")
                return !1;
            throw a
    function D(a, b) {
        return C(a, 0, b)
    function E(a, c, d) {
        if (c < 0 || c >= a.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "String.rcontains_from / Bytes.rcontains_from",
                Error: new Error()
        try {
            w(a, c, d);
            return !0
        } catch (c) {
            a = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(c);
            if (a.RE_EXN_ID === "Not_found")
                return !1;
            throw a
    function F(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uppercase_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function G(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").lowercase_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function H(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").capitalize_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function I(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uncapitalize_ascii(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    var J = (g || b("bs_caml")).caml_string_compare;
    function K(a, b) {
        var c = 0
          , d = b.length;
        for (var e = b.length - 1 | 0; e >= 0; --e)
            b.charCodeAt(e) === a && (c = {
                hd: h(b, e + 1 | 0, (d - e | 0) - 1 | 0),
                tl: c
            d = e);
        return {
            hd: h(b, 0, d),
            tl: c
    function L(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uppercase(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function M(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").lowercase(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function N(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").capitalize(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    function O(a) {
        return b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_to_string(b("bs_bytes").uncapitalize(b("bs_caml_bytes").bytes_of_string(a)))
    var P = b("bs_caml_string").make
      , Q = b("bs_bytes").blit_string;
    function R(a, b) {
        return a === b
    f.make = P;
    f.init = a;
    f.sub = h;
    f.blit = Q;
    f.concat = c;
    f.iter = d;
    f.iteri = e; = l;
    f.mapi = m;
    f.trim = o;
    f.escaped = p;
    f.index = r;
    f.index_opt = t;
    f.rindex = x;
    f.rindex_opt = A;
    f.index_from = u;
    f.index_from_opt = v;
    f.rindex_from = y;
    f.rindex_from_opt = B;
    f.contains = D;
    f.contains_from = C;
    f.rcontains_from = E;
    f.uppercase = L;
    f.lowercase = M;
    f.capitalize = N;
    f.uncapitalize = O;
    f.uppercase_ascii = F;
    f.lowercase_ascii = G;
    f.capitalize_ascii = H;
    f.uncapitalize_ascii = I; = J;
    f.equal = R;
    f.split_on_char = K
), null);
__d("", ["fbt", "CurrentUser", "FundsAvailability", "LeadGenInfoFieldTypes", "MNCommerceBubbleType", "MNCommerceCallToActionType", "P2PPaymentRequestStatus", "P2PTransferStatus", "PaymentModulesClient", "ServicesCalendarSyncType", "URI", "bs_belt_Option", "bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_null_undefined", "bs_string"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i;
    function j(a) {
        return {
            var b = a.user_confirmation;
            b = b == null ? [null, null, null, null, !1] : [b.cancel_button_label, b.continue_button_label, b.confirmation_message, b.confirmation_title, !0];
            var d = a.payment_metadata;
            return {
                action_link: a.action_link,
                action_objects: a.action_objects,
                action_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceCallToActionType")[a.action_open_type]),
                confirmation_cancel_label: b[0],
                confirmation_continue_label: b[1],
                confirmation_message: b[2],
                confirmation_title: b[3],
                cta_data: a.cta_data,
                is_disabled: a.is_disabled,
                is_mutable_by_server: a.is_mutable_by_server,
                logging_token: a.logging_token,
                page_id: a.page_id,
                payment_metadata: d == null ? {
                    payment_module_config: null,
                    total_price: null
                } : {
                    payment_module_config: d.payment_module_config,
                    total_price: d.total_price
                render_style: a.render_style,
                should_show_user_confirmation: b[4],
                title: a.title,
                webview_metadata: {
                    fallback_url: a.webview_metadata.fallback_url,
                    messenger_extensions: a.webview_metadata.messenger_extensions,
                    webview_height_ratio: a.webview_metadata.webview_height_ratio,
                    webview_share_button: a.webview_metadata.webview_share_button
    function k(a) {
        return {
            var b = a.url;
            b = b == null ? null : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(b).getUnqualifiedURI().toString();
            return {
                title: a.title,
                uri: b
    function a(a) {
        if (a != null && a !== "")
            return "#" + c("bs_string").sub(a, 2, a.length - 2 | 0);
            return null
    function d(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
            return {
                height: a.height,
                src: a.uri,
                url: a.uri,
                width: a.width
    function l(a, b) {
        var c = b.cover_photo, d;
        if (c == null)
            d = [null, null, null];
        else {
            var e =;
            e = e == null ? [null, null] : [e.uri, {
                height: e.height,
                width: e.width
            d = [, e[0], e[1]]
        c = b.location;
        e = c == null ? [null, null] : [c.latitude, c.longitude];
        c = b.overall_star_rating;
        return {
            address: b.address.single_line_full_address,
            category: b.top_category_name,
            coverPhotoDimensions: d[2],
            coverPhotoID: d[0],
            coverPhotoURL: d[1],
            latitude: e[0],
            longitude: e[1],
            priceRange: b.price_range_description,
            rating: c == null ? null : c.value,
            viewerID: a
    function m(a) {
        var b = a.group_commerce_item_seller, c = a.primary_photo, d;
        if (c == null)
            d = null;
        else {
            c = c.image;
            d = c == null ? null : c.uri
        return {
            caption: a.group_commerce_item_description.text,
            desc: a.group_commerce_item_description.text,
            owner_id: b == null ? null :,
            price: a.formatted_price.text,
            text: a.group_commerce_item_description.text,
            thumb_url: d,
            title: a.group_commerce_item_title,
            url: a.url
    function n(a) {
        return {
            app_name: a.application_name,
            artists: a.artist_names,
            audio_url: a.audio_url,
            duration_ms: a.duration_ms,
            title: a.music_title
    function o(a) {
        var b = a.payment;
        return {
            desc: a.desc,
            display_total_cost: a.total_cost,
            merchant_name: a.merchant_name,
            payment_id: b == null ? null :,
            raw_amount: a.raw_amount,
            target_url: a.target_url,
            thumb_url: a.thumb_url,
            total_cost: {
                amount: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(a.price_amount),
                currency: a.price_currency
    function p(a) {
        return {
            canDonate: a.canDonate,
            focusedCoverPhoto: a.focusedCoverPhoto,
            fundraiserDetailedProgressText: a.fundraiserDetailedProgressText,
            fundraiserID: a.fundraiserID,
            fundraiserSubtitleText: a.fundraiserSubtitleText,
            hasViewerDonated: a.hasViewerDonated
    function q(a) {
        return {
            attach_type: "file",
            extension: a.extension,
            filesize: a.filesize,
            is_malicious: a.is_malicious,
            url: a.uri
    function r(a) {
        return {
            attach_type: "video",
            extension: a.extension,
            filesize: a.filesize,
            height: a.height,
            name: a.filename,
            url: a.playable_url,
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash,
            width: a.width
    function s(a) {
        return {
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions),
            default_action: a.default_action,
            desc: a.desc,
            image_aspect_ratio: a.image_aspect_ratio,
            item_url: a.item_url,
            metalines: {
                metaline_1: a.first_metaline,
                metaline_2: a.second_metaline,
                metaline_3: a.third_metaline
            source: a.source,
            text: a.desc,
            thumb_url: a.thumb_url,
    function t(a) {
        var b = function(a) {
            a = a.services_vertical_info;
            if (a != null)
                return {
                    isEligibleForAppointmentCalendar: a.is_eligible_for_appointment_calendar,
                    isEligibleForMBSCalendar: a.is_eligible_for_mbs_calendar,
                    isPageSPEnabled: a.is_page_sp_enabled,
                    timezoneName: a.time_zone_name
          , d =;
        b = d == null ? [void 0, void 0, void 0] : [, c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("ServicesCalendarSyncType")[d.calendar_sync_type]), b(d)];
        d = a.native_component_flow_request;
        var e;
        if (d == null)
            e = null;
        else {
            var f =, g =, i =, j;
            if (i == null)
                j = void 0;
            else {
                i = i.profile_picture;
                j = i == null ? void 0 : i.uri
            i = d.suggested_time_range;
            var k = d.user, l = d.user, m = d.job_application, n = d.user, o;
            if (n == null)
                o = void 0;
            else {
                n = n.profile_picture;
                o = n == null ? void 0 : n.uri
            e = {
                additionalInfo: d.additional_info,
                appointmentAddress: d.appointment_address,
                archivedStatus: d.archived_status,
                availability: d.availability,
                consumer_phone_number: d.consumer_phone_number,
                generalInfo: d.service_general_info,
                hasSavedToCalendar: d.has_saved_to_calendar,
                jobApplicationID: m != null ? : void 0,
                pageID: f != null ? : void 0,
                pageName: g != null ? : void 0,
                pageProfilePic: j,
                preferredTimeRange: i == null ? null : {
                    end: i.end,
                    start: i.start
                productItems: d.services_product_items,
                recurMessage: d.recur_message,
                reminderBubbleText: d.reminder_bubble_text,
                requestAdminApprovalType: d.request_admin_approval_type,
                requestedTime: d.requested_time,
                requestFlowType: d.request_flow_type,
                specialRequest: d.special_request,
                status: d.booking_status_value,
                statusLabel: d.status,
                userID: k != null ? : void 0,
                username: l != null ? l.short_name : void 0,
                userProfilePic: o
        n = a.message_bubble_type;
        var p;
        switch (n) {
        case "ATTENDANCE_UPDATE":
            p = ["Attendance Update", h._("__JHASH__0qfdnRKA9Ag__JHASH__")];
        case "CANCELLED":
            p = ["Cancelled", h._("__JHASH__EBurxV5oTK7__JHASH__")];
        case "DECLINED":
            p = ["Declined", h._("__JHASH__AlGwHch7pkD__JHASH__")];
        case "NO_SHOW":
            p = ["No Show", h._("__JHASH__FBK2-m7QkC9__JHASH__")];
        case "REQUESTED":
            p = ["Requested", h._("__JHASH__fZa0Y0vJA5c__JHASH__")];
        case "SCHEDULEED":
            p = ["Scheduled", h._("__JHASH__shi97YE6--k__JHASH__")];
            throw {
                _1: "Erroneous target status",
                Error: new Error(),
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument"
        m = a.user;
        return {
            calendarSyncType: b[1],
            ls_xma_subtitle: a.ls_xma_subtitle,
            ls_xma_title: a.ls_xma_title,
            pageID: b[0],
            requestMetadata: e,
            servicesVerticalInfo: b[2],
            status: p[0],
            statusLabel: p[1],
            userID: m == null ? "0" :,
            viewerID: c("CurrentUser").getAccountID()
    function u(a) {
        return {
            has_booking_request_created: a.has_booking_request_created,
            time_ranges: {
                return {
                    end: a.end,
                    start: a.start
    function v(a) {
        return {
    function w(a) {
        return {
            coordinate: a.coordinate,
            expiration_time: a.expiration_time,
            is_expired: a.is_expired,
            live_location_id: a.live_location_id,
            location_title: a.location_title,
            sender: a.sender,
            sender_destination: a.sender_destination,
            stop_reason: a.stop_reason
    function x(a) {
        return {
            sender_wec_name: a.sender_wec_name,
            sender_wec_number: a.sender_wec_number,
            sender_wec_number_fbid: a.sender_wec_number_fbid,
            sender_wec_number_formated: a.sender_wec_number_formated,
            templated_message_body: a.templated_message_body,
            templated_message_btn1_text: a.templated_message_btn1_text,
            templated_message_btn1_type: a.templated_message_btn1_type,
            templated_message_btn2_text: a.templated_message_btn2_text,
            templated_message_btn2_type: a.templated_message_btn2_type,
            templated_message_btn3_text: a.templated_message_btn3_text,
            templated_message_btn3_type: a.templated_message_btn3_type,
            templated_message_footer: a.templated_message_footer,
            templated_message_header_media: a.templated_message_header_media,
            templated_message_header_text: a.templated_message_header_text,
            templated_message_header_type: a.templated_message_header_type,
            templated_message_offer_text: a.templated_message_offer_text,
            templated_message_offer_has_expiration: a.templated_message_offer_has_expiration,
            templated_message_offer_expiration_time: a.templated_message_offer_expiration_time,
            templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized: a.templated_message_offer_is_offer_code_personalized,
            templated_message_id: a.templated_message_id,
            templated_message_name: a.templated_message_name,
            wec_referral_body: a.wec_referral_body,
            wec_referral_headline: a.wec_referral_headline,
            wec_referral_media: a.wec_referral_media,
            wec_referral_media_type: a.wec_referral_media_type,
            wec_referral_url: a.wec_referral_url,
            wec_referral_has_admin_text: a.wec_referral_has_admin_text
    function y(a) {
        return {
            text: a.text,
            type: a.type
    function z(a) {
        return {
            title_type: a.title_type,
            sample_handle: a.sample_handle,
            body: a.body,
            button: y(a.button)
    function A(a) {
        var b = a.preview;
        b = b == null ? null : b.uri;
        var c = a.large_preview;
        c = c == null ? null : c.uri;
        return {
            attach_type: "photo",
            extension: a.extension,
            large_preview: a.large_preview,
            large_preview_url: c,
            preview: a.preview,
            preview_url: b
    function B(a) {
        return {
            attach_type: "audio",
            duration: a.duration,
            extension: a.extension,
            filesize: a.filesize,
            name: a.filename,
            url: a.playable_url,
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash
    function C(a) {
        var b = a.first_metaline;
        return {
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions),
            default_action: a.default_action,
            desc: a.description,
            image_aspect_ratio: a.image_aspect_ratio,
            item_url: a.target_url,
            media_blob_attachments: a.media_blob_attachments,
            metalines: b == null ? {} : {
                metaline_1: b
            source: a.source_name,
            text: a.description,
            thumb_url: a.image_url,
    function D(a) {
        var b =
          , c = j(a.call_to_actions);
        return {
            call_to_actions: c,
            items: b,
            message: a.message
    function E(a) {
        return {
            call_to_actions: j(a.call_to_actions),
            message: a.message
    function F(a) {
        var b = a.structured_address.streets
          , d = a.partner_logo;
        return {
            account_holder_name: a.account_holder_name,
            adjustments: {
                return {
                    adjustment_type: a.adjustment_type,
                    display_adjustment_amount: a.adjustment_amount
            cancellation_url: a.cancellation_url,
            merchant_name: a.merchant_name,
            messenger_commerce_bubble_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceBubbleType")[a.messenger_commerce_bubble_type]),
            order_id: a.order_id,
            order_time: a.order_time,
            order_url: a.order_url,
            partner_logo: d != null ? d.uri : void 0,
            payment_method: a.payment_method,
            receipt_id: a.receipt_id,
            recipient_name: a.recipient_name,
            shipping_cost: a.shipping_cost,
            shipping_method: a.shipping_method,
            status: a.status,
            structured_address: {
                postal_code: a.structured_address.postal_code,
                state: a.structured_address.state,
                street_1: c("bs_caml_array").get(b, 0),
                street_2: c("bs_caml_array").get(b, 1)
            subtotal: a.subtotal,
            total_cost: a.total_cost,
            total_tax: a.total_tax
    function G(a, b) {
        return {
            actor_id: a,
            buyer_name: b.buyer_name,
            click_action: b.click_action,
            components: b.components,
            invoicer_id: b.invoicer_id,
            is_last_attachment: b.is_last_attachment,
            is_viewer_seller: b.is_viewer_seller,
            item_list: {
                return {
                    description: a.description,
                    image_urls: {
                        return a.uri
                    item_id: a.item_id,
                    quantity: a.quantity,
                    subtitle: a.subtitle,
                    unit_price: a.unit_price
            payment_call_to_actions: b.payment_call_to_actions,
            payment_modules_client: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("PaymentModulesClient")[b.payment_modules_client]),
            payment_snippet: b.payment_snippet,
            payment_status_icon: b.payment_status_icon,
            payment_sub_statuses: b.payment_sub_statuses,
            payment_total: b.payment_total,
            product_detail: b.product_detail,
            should_show_new_xma: b.should_show_new_xma,
            summary_action: b.summary_action,
            user_facing_payment_status: b.user_facing_payment_status
    var H = function(a) {
        var c = b("LeadGenInfoFieldTypes")
          , d = {}
          , e = [];
        for (var a = a.field_data_list, f = Array.isArray(a), g = 0, a = f ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
            var h;
            if (f) {
                if (g >= a.length)
                h = a[g++]
            } else {
                g =;
                if (g.done)
                h = g.value
            h = h;
            var i = h.field_type
              , j = h.label;
            h = h.values;
            i === c.CUSTOM || i === c.ZIP ? e.push({
                label: j,
                values: h
            }) : d[i] = {
                label: j,
                values: h
        d.questions = e;
        return d
    function I(a, b) {
        var c = b.invite_recipient;
        c = c == null ? null :;
        var d = b.invite_sender;
        d = d == null ? null :;
        return {
            is_viewer_recipient: a === c,
            recipient_id: c,
            sender_id: d
    function J(a) {
        var b = function(a) {
            if (a == null)
                return null;
                return a.uri
          , c = a.listing_category;
        c = c == null ? [null, null] : [c.offer_image, c.request_image];
        return {
            listingType: a.listing_type,
            mapURI: b(a.map_image),
            offerURI: b(c[0]),
            requestURI: b(c[1])
    function K(a) {
        return {
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view,
            receiver: a.receiver,
            sender: a.sender,
            transfer_id: a.transfer_id
    function L(a) {
        var b = a.receiver_profile, d;
        if (b == null)
            d = null;
        else {
            var e = b.profile_picture;
            d = {
                name: b.short_name,
                picture: e == null ? null : e.uri,
                profile_url: b.url
        e = a.sender;
        if (e == null)
            b = {};
        else {
            var f = e.profile_picture;
            b = {
                full_name: e.full_name,
                picture: f == null ? null : f.uri,
                profile_uri: e.url
        f = a.transfer_context;
        if (f == null)
            e = [null, null];
        else {
            var g = f.transfer_theme;
            e = [ {
                a = a.image;
                if (a == null)
                    return null;
                    return a.uri
            }), g == null ? null :]
        f = a.platform_item;
        g = f == null ? null : {
            description: f.description,
            image: {
                a = a.image;
                if (a == null)
                    return null;
                    return a.uri
            refURL: f.url
        f = a.amount_fb_discount;
        return {
            amount: a.transaction_amount.amount,
            amountWithSymbol: a.transaction_amount.formatted_amount,
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view,
            completedTime: a.completedTime,
            creationTime: a.creationTime,
            currencyCode: a.currency_amount.currency,
            discountAmount: f == null ? null : f.formatted,
            fundsAvailability: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("FundsAvailability")[a.funds_availability]),
            groupThreadFBID: a.group_thread_fbid,
            memoPhotoURLs: e[0],
            memoText: a.memo_text,
            platform_item: g,
            receiver: d,
            sender: b,
            status: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("P2PTransferStatus")[a.transfer_status]),
            statusDescription: {
                markup: a.status_description
            themeID: e[1],
            transfer_id: a.transfer_id,
            updatedTime: a.updatedTime
    function M(a) {
        var b = a.requester, d;
        if (b == null)
            d = void 0;
        else {
            var e = b.profile_picture;
            d = {
                name: b.short_name,
                picture: e == null ? null : e.uri,
                profile_url: b.url
        e = a.requestee;
        if (e == null)
            b = void 0;
        else {
            var f = e.profile_picture;
            b = {
                name: e.short_name,
                picture: f == null ? null : f.uri,
                profile_url: e.url
        f = c("P2PPaymentRequestStatus")[a.request_status];
        e = a.transfer;
        e = e == null ? [null, ""] : [L(e),];
        var g = a.request_theme;
        return {
            amount: a.transaction_amount.amount,
            amountWithSymbol: a.amount.formatted,
            bubbleView: a.bubble_view,
            creationTime: a.creation_time,
            currency: a.amount.currency,
            currentStatus: f,
            groupThreadFBID: a.group_thread_fbid,
            memoText: a.memo_text,
            requestee: b,
            requester: d,
            statusDescription: {
                markup: a.status_description
            themeID: g == null ? null :,
            transfer: e[0],
            transferID: e[1],
            updatedTime: a.updated_time
    function N(a) {
        var b = M({
            amount: a.amount,
            bubble_view: a.bubble_view,
            creation_time: a.creation_time,
            group_thread_fbid: a.group_thread_fbid,
            memo_text: a.memo_text,
            request_status: a.request_status,
            request_theme: a.request_theme,
            requestee: a.requestee,
            requester: a.requester,
            status_description: a.status_description,
            transaction_amount: a.transaction_amount,
            transfer: a.transfer,
            updated_time: a.updated_time
        a = {
        return Object.assign(b, a)
    function O(a, b, d) {
        var e =
          , f = e == null ? null : e.animated_image
          , g = e == null ? null : e.image
          , h = {}; {
            var b = a.value;
            h[a.key] = b == null ? null : b.text
        var i =, j;
        if (i == null)
            j = null;
            switch (i.TAG) {
            case 0:
                j = J(i._0);
            case 1:
                j = K(i._0);
            case 2:
                j = L(i._0);
            case 3:
                j = N(i._0);
            case 4:
                j = G(a, i._0);
            case 5:
                j = E(i._0);
            case 6:
                j = D(i._0);
            case 8:
                j = H(i._0);
            case 9:
                j = w(i._0);
            case 10:
                j = I(a, i._0);
            case 11:
                j = t(i._0);
            case 12:
                j = u(i._0);
            case 13:
                j = v(i._0);
            case 14:
                var C = i._0
                  , M = C.genie_sender;
                M = M == null ? [null, null] : [,];
                var O = M[0], Q = {
                    action_links: [],
                    deduplication_key: null,
                    description: null,
                    media: null,
                    messaging_attribution: null,
                    messenger_call_to_actions: [],
                    messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: null,
                    properties: [],
                    source: null,
                    style_list: [],
                    subattachments: [],
                    target: null,
                    title_with_entities: null,
                    url: null,
                    xma_layout_info: null
                }, R =, S;
                if (R == null)
                    S = null;
                else {
                    R = R.pack;
                    if (R == null) {
                        R = C.story_attachment;
                        S = R == null || d == null ? null : P(a, {
                            genie_attachment: {
                                genie_message: {
                                    story_attachment: Q
                            legacy_attachment_id: O,
                            story_attachment: {
                                action_links: d.action_links,
                                deduplication_key: d.deduplication_key,
                                description: d.description,
                                messaging_attribution: d.messaging_attribution,
                                messenger_call_to_actions: d.messenger_call_to_actions,
                                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: d.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
                                source: d.source,
                                style_list: d.style_list,
                                subattachments: d.subattachments,
                                title_with_entities: d.title_with_entities,
                                url: d.url,
                                xma_layout_info: d.xma_layout_info
                    } else
                        S = d == null ? null : P(a, {
                            genie_attachment: {
                                genie_message: {
                                    story_attachment: Q
                            legacy_attachment_id: O,
                            story_attachment: Q
                j = {
                    attachment: S,
                    genie_id: O,
                    genie_name: M[1]
            case 16:
                j = n(i._0);
            case 18:
                j = s(i._0);
            case 19:
                j = o(i._0);
            case 20:
                j = p(i._0);
            case 21:
                j = F(i._0);
            case 23:
                j = m(i._0);
            case 24:
                j = l(a, i._0);
            case 36:
                j = x(i._0);
            case 37:
                j = A(i._0);
            case 38:
                j = B(i._0);
            case 39:
                j = q(i._0);
            case 40:
                j = r(i._0);
            case 60:
                j = z(i._0);
            case 61:
                j = y(i._0);
                j = i._0
        C =;
        R = C == null || C.TAG !== 5 ? null : 0;
        d = b.description;
        Q = b.source;
        S = b.title_with_entities;
        return {
            action_links: k(b.action_links),
            deduplication_key: b.deduplication_key,
            description: d == null ? null : d.text,
            label: R,
            media: {
                animated_image: f == null ? null : f.uri,
                animated_image_size: f == null ? {
                    height: null,
                    width: null
                } : {
                    height: f.height,
                    width: f.width
                duration: e == null ? null : e.playable_duration,
                image: g == null ? null : g.uri,
                image_size: g == null ? {
                    height: null,
                    width: null
                } : {
                    height: g.height,
                    width: g.width
                playable: e == null ? null : e.is_playable,
                source: e == null ? null : e.playable_url
            messaging_attribution: b.messaging_attribution,
            messenger_ctas: {
                return {
                    action_open_type: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceCallToActionType")[a.action_open_type]),
                    action_title: a.title,
                    action_url: a.action_link,
                    is_disabled: a.is_disabled,
                    is_high_confidence: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.is_high_confidence), !1),
                    is_mutable_by_server: a.is_mutable_by_server,
                    native_url: a.native_url,
                    page_id: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.page_id), ""),
                    webview_metadata: {
                        fallback_url: a.webview_metadata.fallback_url,
                        messenger_extensions: a.webview_metadata.messenger_extensions,
                        webview_height_ratio: a.webview_metadata.webview_height_ratio,
                        webview_share_button: a.webview_metadata.webview_share_button
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: b.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
            properties: h,
            source: Q == null ? null : Q.text,
            style_list: b.style_list,
            target: j,
            title: S == null ? null : S.text,
            uri: b.url,
            xma_layout_info: b.xma_layout_info
    function P(a, b) {
        var c = b.genie_attachment, d;
        if (c == null)
            d = null;
        else {
            c = c.genie_message;
            if (c == null)
                d = null;
            else {
                c = c.story_attachment;
                d = c == null ? null : {
                    action_links: c.action_links,
                    deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key,
                    description: c.description,
                    messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution,
                    messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions,
                    messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
                    source: c.source,
                    style_list: c.style_list,
                    subattachments: c.subattachments,
                    title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities,
                    url: c.url,
                    xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info
        c = b.story_attachment;
        var e;
        if (c == null)
            e = null;
        else {
            var f = {
                action_links: [],
                deduplication_key: null,
                description: null,
                media: null,
                messaging_attribution: null,
                messenger_call_to_actions: [],
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: null,
                properties: [],
                source: null,
                style_list: [],
                subattachments: [],
                target: null,
                title_with_entities: null,
                url: null,
                xma_layout_info: null
            b = {
                share_id: b.legacy_attachment_id,
                subattachments: {
                    return O(a, b, f)
            var g = {
                action_links: c.action_links,
                deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key,
                description: c.description,
                messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution,
                messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions,
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
                source: c.source,
                style_list: c.style_list,
                title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities,
                url: c.url,
                xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info
            c = d == null ? {
                action_links: c.action_links,
                deduplication_key: c.deduplication_key,
                description: c.description,
                messaging_attribution: c.messaging_attribution,
                messenger_call_to_actions: c.messenger_call_to_actions,
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: c.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
                source: c.source,
                style_list: c.style_list,
                subattachments: c.subattachments,
                title_with_entities: c.title_with_entities,
                url: c.url,
                xma_layout_info: c.xma_layout_info
            } : {
                action_links: d.action_links,
                deduplication_key: d.deduplication_key,
                description: d.description,
                messaging_attribution: d.messaging_attribution,
                messenger_call_to_actions: d.messenger_call_to_actions,
                messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: d.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
                source: d.source,
                style_list: d.style_list,
                subattachments: d.subattachments,
                title_with_entities: d.title_with_entities,
                url: d.url,
                xma_layout_info: d.xma_layout_info
            e = Object.assign(b, O(a, g, c))
        return {
            app_attribution: null,
            attach_type: "share",
            icon_type: null,
            large_preview_height: null,
            large_preview_url: null,
            large_preview_width: null,
            metadata: null,
            name: null,
            preview_height: null,
            preview_url: null,
            preview_width: null,
            rel: null,
            share: e,
            thumbnail_url: null,
            url: null
    g._getCallToActions = j;
    g._getActionLinks = k;
    g._getColor = a;
    g._getLogo = d;
    g._getPageTarget = l;
    g._getGroupCommerceProductItemTarget = m;
    g._getExternalSongTarget = n;
    g._getAgentSuggestionItemTarget = o;
    g._getFundraiserTarget = p;
    g._getWECFileTarget = q;
    g._getWECMessageVideoTarget = r;
    g._getRetailItemTarget = s;
    g._getPagesPlatformBookingMessageTarget = t;
    g._getServicesAppointmentAvailabilityTarget = u;
    g._getServicesGenericAdminTextTarget = v;
    g._getMessageLiveLocationTarget = w;
    g._getWECMessageTarget = x;
    g._getWECMessageButtonTarget = y;
    g._getWECMessageCardTarget = z;
    g._getWECMessageImageTarget = A;
    g._getWECMessageAudioTarget = B;
    g._getBusinessRetailItem = C;
    g._getMessengerBusinessMessageTarget = D;
    g._getMessengerRetailPromotionTarget = E;
    g._getMessengerRetailReceiptTarget = F;
    g._getPagesPlatformAttachmentTarget = G;
    g._getPagesPlatformLeadGenInfoTarget = H;
    g._getQuickInviteTarget = I;
    g._getCrisisListingTarget = J;
    g._getMoneyTransferTarget = K;
    g._getP2PTransferTarget = L;
    g._getP2PTransferRequestTarget = M;
    g._getP2PTransferRequestWithIndividualRequests = N;
    g.transformStoryAttachment = O;
    g.getExtensibleAttachmentPayload = P
), 226);
__d("", ["fbt", "", "", "bs_caml"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i;
    function j(a) {
        if (a.is_malicious) {
            var b = h._("__JHASH__Yqgf6F7YPxj__JHASH__");
            return {
                app_attribution: null,
                attach_type: "error",
                error_msg: b,
                icon_type: "attach:unknown",
                message_file_fbid: null,
                metadata: null,
                mime_type: null,
                name: null,
                preview: null,
                preview_height: null,
                preview_url: null,
                preview_width: null,
                rel: null,
                share: null,
                thumbnail_url: null,
                url: null,
                url_shimhash: null,
                url_skipshim: null
        b = a.attribution_app;
        var c;
        if (b == null)
            c = null;
        else {
            var d = b.square_logo;
            c = {
                icon_url: d == null ? null : d.uri,
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
        d = a.url;
        return {
            app_attribution: c,
            attach_type: "file",
            error_msg: void 0,
            icon_type: a.content_type,
            message_file_fbid: a.message_file_fbid,
            metadata: null,
            mime_type: a.mimetype,
            name: a.filename,
            preview: a.preview,
            preview_height: null,
            preview_url: a.preview_url,
            preview_width: null,
            rel: "ignore",
            share: null,
            thumbnail_url: null,
            url: d == null ? null : d,
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash,
            url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim
    function k(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.chat_image;
        d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height];
        var e = d[0]
          , f = a.chat_image;
        f = f == null ? null : {
            height: f.height,
            width: f.width
        var g = a.large_image;
        g = g == null ? [null, null] : [g.uri, {
            height: g.height,
            width: g.width
        var h = a.inbox_image;
        h = h == null ? [null, null] : [h.uri, {
            height: h.height,
            width: h.width
        var i = a.attribution_app, j;
        if (i == null)
            j = null;
        else {
            var k = i.square_logo;
            j = {
                icon_url: k == null ? null : k.uri,
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
        return {
            app_attribution: j,
            attach_type: "video",
            icon_type: "attach:video",
            large_preview_height: null,
            large_preview_url: null,
            large_preview_width: null,
            metadata: {
                chat_preview: e,
                chat_size: f,
                dimensions: {
                    height: a.original_dimensions.y,
                    width: a.original_dimensions.x
                duration: a.playable_duration_in_ms,
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                inbox_preview: h[0],
                inbox_size: h[1],
                large_preview: g[0],
                large_size: g[1],
                pageid: c ? b : void 0,
                render_as_sticker: a.video_type === "SPEAKING_STICKER"
            name: a.filename,
            preview_height: d[2],
            preview_url: e,
            preview_width: d[1],
            rel: "async",
            share: null,
            thumbnail_url: e,
            url: a.playable_url
    function l(a) {
        var b = a.attribution_app, c;
        if (b == null)
            c = null;
        else {
            var d = b.square_logo;
            c = {
                icon_url: d == null ? null : d.uri,
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
        return {
            app_attribution: c,
            attach_type: "file",
            icon_type: "attach:music",
            large_preview_height: null,
            large_preview_url: null,
            large_preview_width: null,
            metadata: {
                duration: a.playable_duration_in_ms,
                isVoicemail: a.is_voicemail ? "1" : "0",
                type: a.audio_type === "VOICE_MESSAGE" ? "fb_voice_message" : a.audio_type === "VOICE_MESSAGE_WITH_TRANSCRIPT" ? "fb_voice_message_with_transcript" : "file_attachment"
            name: a.filename,
            preview_height: null,
            preview_url: null,
            preview_width: null,
            rel: "ignore",
            share: null,
            thumbnail_url: null,
            url: a.playable_url,
            url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash,
            url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim
    function m(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.preview_image;
        d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height];
        var e = a.animated_image;
        e = e == null ? null : e.uri;
        var f = a.attribution_app, g;
        if (f == null)
            g = null;
        else {
            var h = f.square_logo;
            g = {
                icon_url: h == null ? null : h.uri,
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
        return {
            app_attribution: g,
            attach_type: "animated_image",
            icon_type: "attach:image",
            large_preview_height: null,
            large_preview_url: null,
            large_preview_width: null,
            metadata: {
                dimensions: String(a.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(a.original_dimensions.y)),
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                image: e,
                pageid: c ? b : void 0
            name: a.filename,
            preview_height: d[2],
            preview_url: d[0],
            preview_width: d[1],
            rel: "async",
            share: null,
            thumbnail_url: e,
            title: a.title,
            url: e
    function n(a) {
        var b = a.original_extension === "gif" ? "animated_image" : a.render_as_sticker ? "third_party_sticker" : "photo"
          , c = a.preview;
        c = c == null ? [null, null, null] : [c.uri, c.width, c.height];
        if (b === "photo") {
            var d = a.large_preview;
            d = d == null ? [null, null, null] : [d.uri, d.width, d.height]
        } else
            d = [null, null, null];
        var e = a.attribution_app, f;
        if (e == null)
            f = null;
        else {
            var g = e.square_logo;
            f = {
                icon_url: g == null ? null : g.uri,
                metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
        g = a.thumbnail;
        return {
            app_attribution: f,
            attach_type: b,
            blurred_image_uri: a.blurred_image_uri,
            icon_type: "attach:image",
            large_preview_height: d[2],
            large_preview_url: d[0],
            large_preview_width: d[1],
            metadata: {
                dimensions: String(a.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(a.original_dimensions.y)),
                fbid: a.legacy_attachment_id
            name: a.filename,
            photo_encodings: a.photo_encodings,
            preview_height: c[2],
            preview_url: c[0],
            preview_width: c[1],
            rel: "async",
            share: null,
            thumbnail_url: g == null ? null : g.uri,
            url: null
    function o(a, b) {
        var d = a
          , e = b;
        if (a >= b) {
            a = (i || (i = c("bs_caml"))).caml_float_min(120, d / 2);
            b = a / (d / 2);
            return [a | 0, e / 2 * b | 0]
        a = (i || (i = c("bs_caml"))).caml_float_min(120, e / 2);
        b = a / (e / 2);
        return [d / 2 * b | 0, a | 0]
    function p(a) {
        var b = o(a.width, a.height)
          , c = a.pack
          , d = a.padded_sprite_image
          , e = a.padded_sprite_image_2x
          , f = a.sprite_image
          , g = a.sprite_image_2x;
        return {
            app_attribution: null,
            attach_type: "sticker",
            icon_type: "attach:unknown",
            large_preview_height: null,
            large_preview_url: null,
            large_preview_width: null,
            metadata: {
                accessibilityLabel: a.label,
                frameCount: a.frame_count,
                frameRate: a.frame_rate,
                framesPerCol: a.frame_count > 1 ? a.frames_per_column : 1,
                framesPerRow: a.frame_count > 1 ? a.frames_per_row : 1,
                height: b[1],
                packID: c == null ? null :,
                paddedSpriteURI: d == null ? null : d.uri,
                paddedSpriteURI2x: e == null ? null : e.uri,
                share: null,
                spriteURI: f == null ? null : f.uri,
                spriteURI2x: g == null ? null : g.uri,
                thumbnail_url: null,
                width: b[0]
            name: null,
            preview_height: null,
            preview_url: null,
            preview_width: null,
            rel: null,
            url: a.url
    function q(a, b) {
        if (b != null)
            return d("").setMessageIDForAttachmentID(a, b)
    function a(a, b, c, e) {
        var f = [], g = {
            frame_count: 0,
            frame_rate: 0,
            frames_per_column: 0,
            frames_per_row: 0,
            height: 0,
            id: "",
            label: "",
            pack: null,
            padded_sprite_image: null,
            padded_sprite_image_2x: null,
            sprite_image: null,
            sprite_image_2x: null,
            url: null,
            width: 0
        }, h = b.extensible_attachment, i;
        if (h == null)
            i = g;
        else {
            h = h.story_attachment;
            if (h == null)
                i = g;
            else {
                h =;
                if (h == null)
                    i = g;
                else {
                    var o = h.__typename;
                    i = o === "Sticker" ? {
                        frame_count: h.frame_count,
                        frame_rate: h.frame_rate,
                        frames_per_column: h.frames_per_column,
                        frames_per_row: h.frames_per_row,
                        height: h.height,
                        label: h.label,
                        pack: h.pack,
                        padded_sprite_image: h.padded_sprite_image,
                        padded_sprite_image_2x: h.padded_sprite_image_2x,
                        sprite_image: h.sprite_image,
                        sprite_image_2x: h.sprite_image_2x,
                        url: h.url,
                        width: h.width
                    } : g
        o =;
        o != null && o !== "" && f.push(p(i));
        h = b.extensible_attachment;
        h != null && f.push(d("").getExtensibleAttachmentPayload(a, h));
        g = b.sticker;
        g != null && f.push(p(g));
        o = b.blob_attachments;
        o != null && o.forEach(function(b) {
            switch (b.TAG) {
            case 0:
                var d = b._0;
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c);
            case 1:
                d = b._0;
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c);
                f.push(m(d, a, e));
            case 2:
            case 3:
                d = b._0;
                q(d.legacy_attachment_id, c);
                f.push(k(d, a, e));
            case 4:
        return f
    g._getFilePayload = j;
    g._getVideoPayload = k;
    g._getAudioPayload = l;
    g._getAnimatedImagePayload = m;
    g._getImagePayload = n;
    g._getStickerDimensions = o;
    g.getStickerPayload = p;
    g._storeAttachmentMapping = q;
    g.transformAttachment = a
), 226);
__d("MessengerCamcorder.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                d: "M9 9.5a4 4 0 0 0-4 4v9a4 4 0 0 0 4 4h10a4 4 0 0 0 4-4v-9a4 4 0 0 0-4-4H9zM25.829 21.532l3.723 1.861A1 1 0 0 0 31 22.5V13.5a1 1 0 0 0-1.448-.894l-3.723 1.861A1.5 1.5 0 0 0 25 15.81v4.38a1.5 1.5 0 0 0 .829 1.342z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MessengerCross.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                d: "m12.631 25.138 5.196-5.189a.25.25 0 0 1 .353 0l5.197 5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.761L19.95 18.18a.25.25 0 0 1 0-.354l5.189-5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0-1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.761 0l-5.197 5.188a.25.25 0 0 1-.353 0l-5.196-5.189a1.241 1.241 0 0 0-1.76 0 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.761l5.188 5.196a.25.25 0 0 1 0 .354l-5.189 5.196a1.241 1.241 0 0 0 0 1.76 1.241 1.241 0 0 0 1.761 0z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        DEFAULT: "default",
        DENIED: "denied",
        GRANTED: "granted"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("PresenceConfig", ["PresenceConfigInitialData"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    var h = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("PresenceConfigInitialData"));
    function a(a, b) {
        return a in h ? h[a] : b
    g.get = a
), 98);
__d("PresenceViewerCapabilities", ["ArbiterMixin", "PresenceConfig"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = null;
    a = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("ArbiterMixin"));
    Object.assign(a, {
        get: function() {
            if (h != null)
                return h;
            h = d("PresenceConfig").get("viewer_presence_capabilities");
            return h
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("WorkplaceChatHelper", ["ChannelConstants", "CurrentUser", "PresenceViewerCapabilities"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return window.workchat !== void 0
    function b() {
        return window.workchat.appId
    function e() {
    function f() {
        var a;
        a = (a = window.workchat) == null ? void 0 : a.getIsSystemDoNotDisturbOn;
        return a == null ? !1 : a()
    function h() {
        return window.workchat.getScreenSharingSourceID()
    function i() {
        return window.workchat.stopScreenSharing()
    function j() {
        return c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() && (c("PresenceViewerCapabilities").get() & d("ChannelConstants").CAPABILITY_ACTIVE_ON_DESKTOP_APP) == d("ChannelConstants").CAPABILITY_ACTIVE_ON_DESKTOP_APP
    g.isDesktopChatApp = a;
    g.getAppID = b;
    g.showWindow = e;
    g.getIsSystemDoNotDisturbOn = f;
    g.getScreenSharingSourceID = h;
    g.stopScreenSharing = i;
    g.suppressChatIfActiveOnDesktop = j
), 98);
__d("MessengerDesktopNotifications", ["MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", "Run", "UserAgent", "WorkplaceChatHelper"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = 5e3
      , i = new Map();
    function a() {
        i.forEach(function(a, b, c) {
            a.close && a.close()
    function b() {
        return !!window.Notification
    function j() {
        if (window.Notification)
            return window.Notification.permission
    function e() {
        return c("UserAgent").isBrowser("FireFox") && c("UserAgent").isPlatform("Mac OS X")
    function f() {
        return j() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").DENIED
    function k() {
        return j() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").GRANTED
    function l(a) {
        window.Notification && window.Notification.requestPermission(a)
    function m(a) {
        if (k()) {
            var b = window.Notification ? new window.Notification(a.title,{
                body: a.body,
                icon: a.icon,
                tag: a.tag,
                silent: a.silent
            }) : {};
            i.set(a.tag, b);
            a.onShow && a.onShow();
            b.onclick = function() {
                d("WorkplaceChatHelper").isDesktopChatApp() && d("WorkplaceChatHelper").showWindow(),
            b.onclose = function() {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, a.closeTime || h);
            return b
        } else
            return null
    function n(a) {
        a = i.get(a);
        a && a.close()
    g.isSupported = b;
    g.checkPermission = j;
    g.hasDefaultSound = e;
    g.isDenied = f;
    g.isGranted = k;
    g.requestPermission = l;
    g.showNotification = m;
    g.removeNotification = n
), 98);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        a = a.toUpperCase();
        switch (a) {
        case "NOT_SUPPORTED":
            return "not_supported";
        case "OPTIONAL":
            return "optional";
        case "REQUIRED":
            return "required";
            return null
    f.fromNullableString = a
), 66);
__d("MessengerGroupThreadSubType", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        FB_GROUP_CHAT: 2,
        SCHOOL_CHAT: 4,
        BELL_SYNCED_CHAT: 7,
        GAMES_APP_THREAD: 8,
        VAULT_CHAT: 9,
        VERSE_CHAT: 10,
        USER_JOB_THREAD: 12,
        GAMING_PLAY_SQUAD: 19,
        LEARNING_SPACE: 23,
        E2EE_1TO1_THREAD_METADATA: 26,
        TAGGED_PII_DATA: 31,
        IGD_GROUP: 47,
        INTEROP_GROUP: 51,
        IG_GROUP_PROFILES: 55,
        IG_PRIVATE_EVENT: 56,
        IG_SOCIAL_CHANNEL: 62,
        GENAI_IMAGINE: 64,
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        switch (a) {
        case "OPT_IN":
            return "OPT_IN";
        case "OPT_OUT":
            return "OPT_OUT";
        case "PENDING_OPT_IN":
            return "PENDING_OPT_IN";
        case "PENDING_OPT_OUT":
            return "PENDING_OPT_OUT";
        case "UNSET":
            return "UNSET";
        case "UNSUPPORTED":
            return "UNSUPPORTED";
            return null
    f.fromNullableString = a
), 66);
__d("MessengerLock.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em",
            fill: "currentColor"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                fillRule: "evenodd",
                clipRule: "evenodd",
                d: "M12.25 15.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V12a5.5 5.5 0 1 1 11 0v3.25c0 . 2 0 0 1 2 2v9a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-13a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-9a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h.75zm3 0h5.5a.25.25 0 0 0 .25-.25V12a3 3 0 1 0-6 0v3.25c0 ."
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        SENT_IN_GROUP: "sent_in_group",
        CANCELED_SENDER_RISK: "canceled_sender_risk",
        CANCELED_DECLINED: "canceled_declined",
        CANCELED_RECIPIENT_RISK: "canceled_recipient_risk",
        CANCELED_EXPIRED: "canceled_expired",
        CANCELED_SAME_CARD: "canceled_same_card",
        CANCELED_CUSTOMER_SERVICE: "canceled_customer_service",
        CANCELED_CHARGEBACK: "canceled_chargeback",
        CANCELED_SYSTEM_FAIL: "canceled_system_fail",
        REQUEST_CANCELED_BY_REQUESTER: "request_canceled_by_requester",
        REQUEST_DECLINED_BY_REQUESTEE: "request_declined_by_requestee",
        REQUEST_EXPIRED: "request_expired",
        REQUEST_REMINDER: "request_reminder",
        MONEY_RAIN_GAME_ENTRY_POINT: "money_rain_game_entry_point"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("", ["CurrentUser", "FBIDCheck", "InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType", "MNCommerceMessageType", "MercuryIDs", "", "MessagingGenericAdminTextType", "MessagingTagUtils", "", "P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_null_undefined", "getByPath"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function h(a) {
        a = a.blob_attachments;
        var b = [];
        a != null && a.forEach(function(a) {
            if (a.__typename === "MessageImage") {
                    _0: {
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app,
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
                        blurred_image_uri: a.blurred_image_uri,
                        filename: a.filename,
                        large_preview: a.large_preview,
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions,
                        original_extension: a.original_extension,
                        photo_encodings: a.photo_encodings,
                        preview: a.preview,
                        render_as_sticker: a.render_as_sticker,
                        thumbnail: a.thumbnail
                    TAG: 0
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageAnimatedImage") {
                    _0: {
                        animated_image: a.animated_image,
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app,
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
                        filename: a.filename,
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions,
                        preview_image: a.preview_image,
                        title: a.animated_image_caption
                    TAG: 1
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageAudio") {
                    _0: {
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app,
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
                        audio_type: a.audio_type,
                        filename: a.filename,
                        is_voicemail: a.is_voicemail,
                        playable_duration_in_ms: a.playable_duration_in_ms,
                        playable_url: a.playable_url,
                        url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash,
                        url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim
                    TAG: 2
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageVideo") {
                    _0: {
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app,
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
                        chat_image: a.chat_image,
                        filename: a.filename,
                        inbox_image: a.inbox_image,
                        large_image: a.large_image,
                        legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                        original_dimensions: a.original_dimensions,
                        playable_duration_in_ms: a.playable_duration_in_ms,
                        playable_url: a.playable_url,
                        video_type: a.video_type
                    TAG: 3
            } else if (a.__typename === "MessageFile") {
                    _0: {
                        attribution_app: a.attribution_app,
                        attribution_metadata: a.attribution_metadata,
                        content_type: a.content_type,
                        filename: a.filename,
                        is_malicious: a.is_malicious,
                        message_file_fbid: a.message_file_fbid,
                        mimetype: a.mimetype,
                        preview: a.preview,
                        preview_url: a.preview_url,
                        url: a.url,
                        url_shimhash: a.url_shimhash,
                        url_skipshim: a.url_skipshim
                    TAG: 4
            } else
        return b
    function i(a, b, c) {
        var e = b.call_capture_attachments;
        if (e == null)
            return [];
            return d("").transformAttachment(a, {
                blob_attachments: h({
                    blob_attachments: {
                        return a.node
                extensible_attachment: null,
                sticker: null
            }, b.message_id, c)
    function j(a, b, d, e, f) {
        if (b.__typename === "GroupPollExtensibleMessageAdminText") {
            var g = b.question, h;
            if (g == null)
                h = [{}, null];
            else {
                var j = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, g);
                Object.assign(j, {
                    options: {
                        var b = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a);
                        return Object.assign(b, {
                            total_count: a.voters.nodes.length,
                            voters: {
                    total_count: b.total_count
                h = [j,]
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: {
                    event_type: b.event_type.toLowerCase(),
                    question_id: h[1],
                    question_json: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(JSON.stringify(h[0]))
        } else if (b.__typename === "InstantGameUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText") {
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: {
                    collapsed_text: b.collapsed_text,
                    cta_title: (g = c("getByPath"))(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "cta_title"]),
                    cta_url: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "cta_url"]),
                    custom_image_url: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "photo", "image", "uri"]),
                    expanded_text: b.expanded_text,
                    game_id: g(b, ["game", "id"]),
                    leaderboard_json: b.leaderboard_json,
                    template: g(b, ["instant_game_update_data", "template"]),
                    update_type: c("InstantGameUpdateXMATUpdateType")[b.update_type]
        } else if (b.__typename === "MessengerAdContextAdminText")
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: {
                    ad_url: b.ad_url
        else if (b.__typename === "AdExtensibleMessageAdminText")
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: {
                    ad_client_token: b.ad_client_token,
                    ad_id: b.ad_id,
                    ad_preferences_link: b.ad_preferences_link,
                    ad_properties: b.ad_properties
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText")
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, {
                    call_capture_attachments: i(a, b, f)
        else if (b.__typename === "ThemeColorExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ThreadIconExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ThreadNicknameExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AcceptPendingThreadExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AddContactExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "RtcCallLogExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "GameScoreExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ConfirmFriendRequestExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerGrowthGenericExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PartiesInviteExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "AppointmentReminderExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginURLUpdateAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginFBUserStartChatAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerLiveChatPluginGuestUserStartChatAdminText" || b.__typename === "GraphQLServicesAppointmentsOptOutExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ServicesLeadGenSurveyExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "ServicesLeadGenSurveyEditExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "MessengerIcebreakerVoteCastExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PagesMarkAsPaidExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PagesMarkAsPaidNewExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "WorkBotInstalledExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "WorkChatReminderLinkCTAExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "PageThreadActionSystemAddDetailsXMAT" || b.__typename === "MagicWordsExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "NotificationMessagesAdminText" || b.__typename === "PostSharedFromGroupExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "BizInboxFormBuilderSubmitNotifyAdminText" || b.__typename === "BizInboxDetectedOutcomesActivityAdminTextExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "InstantGameBotMessageSubscriptionManagementAdminText" || b.__typename === "InstantGameCustomUpdateMuteManagementAdminText")
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b)
        else if (b.__typename === "LightweightEventCreateExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventDeleteExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventNotifyBeforeEventExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventNotifyExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateLocationExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateTimeExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventUpdateTitleExtensibleMessageAdminText" || b.__typename === "LightweightEventRSVPExtensibleMessageAdminText") {
            h = b.event_reminder;
            if (h == null)
                g = void 0;
            else {
                a = h.lightweight_event_creator;
                f = a != null ? : void 0;
                a = h.location_page;
                a = a != null ? : void 0;
                var k = h.timezone_id;
                k = k != null ? k.timezone : void 0;
                var l = h.location_coordinates;
                l = l == null ? {
                    latitude: void 0,
                    longitude: void 0
                } : l;
                var m = h.event_reminder_members;
                m = m != null ? m.edges : void 0;
                g = {
                    event_creator_id: f,
                    event_end_time: h.end_time,
                    event_location_id: a,
                    event_location_name: h.location_name,
                    event_seconds_to_notify_before: h.seconds_to_notify_before,
                    event_time: h.time,
                    event_timezone: k,
                    event_title: h.event_title,
                    event_track_rsvp: h.allows_rsvp,
                    event_type: h.lightweight_event_type,
                    guest_id: b.guest_id,
                    guest_state_list: m,
                    guest_status: b.guest_status,
                    latitude: l.latitude,
                    longitude: l.longitude
            j = {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: g
        } else
            j = b.__typename === "AdReplyMessageAdminText" ? {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: {
                    ad_url: b.ad_url,
                    results_url: b.results_url,
                    should_show_url: b.should_show_url
            } : {
                message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[d],
                untypedData: void 0
        return {
            log_message_body: e,
            log_message_data: j,
            log_message_type: "log:generic-admin-text"
    function k(a) {
        return {
            if (a === "p2p_transfer")
                return "orion";
            else if (a === "p2p_payment_request")
                return "orion_request";
                return a
    function l(a) {
        var b =, c;
        if (b == null)
            c = null;
        else if (b.__typename === "CrisisListing")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    listing_category: b.listing_category,
                    listing_type: b.listing_type,
                    map_image: b.map_image
                TAG: 0
        else if (b.__typename === "MoneyTransfer")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view,
                    receiver: b.receiver,
                    sender: b.sender,
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id
                TAG: 1
        else if (b.__typename === "PeerToPeerTransfer")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    amount_fb_discount: b.amount_fb_discount,
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view,
                    completedTime: b.completedTime,
                    creationTime: b.creationTime,
                    currency_amount: b.currency_amount,
                    funds_availability: b.funds_availability,
                    group_thread_fbid: b.group_thread_fbid,
                    memo_text: b.memo_text,
                    platform_item: b.platform_item,
                    receiver_profile: b.receiver_profile,
                    sender: b.sender,
                    status_description: b.status_description,
                    transaction_amount: b.transaction_amount,
                    transfer_context: b.transfer_context,
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id,
                    transfer_status: b.transfer_status,
                    updatedTime: b.updatedTime
                TAG: 2
        else if (b.__typename === "PeerToPeerPaymentRequest")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    amount: b.amount,
                    bubble_view: b.bubble_view,
                    creation_time: b.creation_time,
                    group_thread_fbid: b.group_thread_fbid,
                    individual_requests: b.individual_requests,
                    memo_text: b.memo_text,
                    request_status: b.request_status,
                    request_theme: b.request_theme,
                    requestee: b.requestee,
                    requester: b.requester,
                    status_description: b.status_description,
                    transaction_amount: b.transaction_amount,
                    transfer: b.transfer,
                    updated_time: b.updated_time
                TAG: 3
        else if (b.__typename === "PaymentPlatformAttachment")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    buyer_name: b.buyer_name,
                    click_action: b.click_action,
                    components: b.components,
                    invoicer_id: b.invoicer_id,
                    is_last_attachment: b.is_last_attachment,
                    is_viewer_seller: b.is_viewer_seller,
                    item_list: b.item_list,
                    payment_call_to_actions: b.payment_call_to_actions,
                    payment_modules_client: b.payment_modules_client,
                    payment_snippet: b.payment_snippet,
                    payment_status_icon: b.payment_status_icon,
                    payment_sub_statuses: b.payment_sub_statuses,
                    payment_total: b.payment_total,
                    product_detail: b.product_detail,
                    should_show_new_xma: b.should_show_new_xma,
                    summary_action: b.summary_action,
                    user_facing_payment_status: b.user_facing_payment_status
                TAG: 4
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerRetailPromotion")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions,
                    message: b.message,
                    promotion_items: b.promotion_items
                TAG: 5
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerBusinessMessage")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    business_items: b.business_items,
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions,
                    message: b.message
                TAG: 6
        else if (b.__typename === "Video")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    video_id: b.video_id
                TAG: 7
        else if (b.__typename === "PagesPlatformLeadGenInfo")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    field_data_list: b.field_data_list
                TAG: 8
        else if (b.__typename === "MessageLiveLocation")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    coordinate: b.coordinate,
                    expiration_time: b.expiration_time,
                    is_expired: b.is_expired,
                    live_location_id: b.live_location_id,
                    location_title: b.location_title,
                    sender: b.sender,
                    sender_destination: b.sender_destination,
                    stop_reason: b.stop_reason
                TAG: 9
        else if (b.__typename === "QuickInvite")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    invite_recipient: b.invite_recipient,
                    invite_sender: b.invite_sender
                TAG: 10
        else if (b.__typename === "PagesPlatformBookingMessage")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    ls_xma_subtitle: b.ls_xma_subtitle,
                    ls_xma_title: b.ls_xma_title,
                    message_bubble_type: b.message_bubble_type,
                    native_component_flow_request: b.native_component_flow_request,
                    user: b.user
                TAG: 11
        else if (b.__typename === "ServicesAppointmentAvailability")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    consumer: b.consumer,
                    formatted_available_time_ranges: b.formatted_available_time_ranges,
                    has_booking_request_created: b.has_booking_request_created,
                TAG: 12
        else if (b.__typename === "ServicesGenericAdminText")
            c = {
                _0: {
                TAG: 13
        else if (b.__typename === "GenieMessage")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    genie_sender: b.genie_sender,
                    story_attachment: b.story_attachment
                TAG: 14
        else if (b.__typename === "Event")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    canViewerJoin: b.canViewerJoin,
                    canViewerWatch: b.canViewerWatch,
                    connection_style: b.connection_style,
                    event_place: b.event_place,
                    eventID: b.eventID,
                    guestStatus: b.guestStatus,
                    profile_picture: b.profile_picture,
                    social_context: b.social_context,
                    start_timestamp: b.start_timestamp,
                    timeString: b.timeString,
                    watchStatus: b.watchStatus
                TAG: 15
        else if (b.__typename === "ExternalSong")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    application_name: b.application_name,
                    artist_names: b.artist_names,
                    audio_url: b.audio_url,
                    duration_ms: b.duration_ms,
                    music_title: b.music_title
                TAG: 16
        else if (b.__typename === "LightweightAction")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    lwa_state: b.lwa_state,
                    lwa_type: b.lwa_type
                TAG: 17
        else if (b.__typename === "MessengerRetailItem")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    call_to_actions: b.call_to_actions,
                    default_action: b.default_action,
                    desc: b.desc,
                    first_metaline: b.first_metaline,
                    image_aspect_ratio: b.image_aspect_ratio,
                    item_url: b.item_url,
                    second_metaline: b.second_metaline,
                    source: b.source,
                    third_metaline: b.third_metaline,
                    thumb_url: b.thumb_url
                TAG: 18
        else if (b.__typename === "AgentItemSuggestion")
            c = {
                _0: {
                    desc: b.desc,
                    merchant_name: b.merchant_name,
                    payment: b.payment,
                    price_amount: b.price_amount,
                    price_currency: b.price_currency,
                    raw_amount: b.raw_amount,
                    target_url: b.target_url,
                    thumb_url: b.thumb_url,
                    total_cost: b.total_cost
                TAG: 19
        else if (b.__typename === "FundraiserPersonToCharity" || b.__typename === "FundraiserPersonForPerson") {
            var d = b.focused_cover_photo
              , e = b.fundraiser_detailed_progress_text
              , f = b.fundraiser_subtitle_text;
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                _0: {
                    canDonate: b.can_donate,
                    focusedCoverPhoto: d == null ? null : {
                        data: {
                    fundraiserDetailedProgressText: e == null ? null : e.text,
                    fundraiserSubtitleText: f == null ? null : f.text,
                    hasViewerDonated: b.has_viewer_donated
                TAG: 20
        } else
            c = b.__typename === "MessengerRetailReceipt" ? {
                _0: {
                    account_holder_name: b.account_holder_name,
                    adjustments: b.retail_adjustments,
                    cancellation_url: b.cancellation_url,
                    items: b.retail_items,
                    merchant_name: b.merchant_name,
                    messenger_commerce_bubble_type: b.bubble_type,
                    order_id: b.receipt_id,
                    order_time: b.order_time_for_display,
                    order_url: b.receipt_url,
                    partner_logo: b.partner_log,
                    payment_method: b.order_payment_method,
                    recipient_name: b.recipient_name,
                    shipping_cost: b.shipping_cost,
                    shipping_method: b.shipping_method,
                    status: b.status,
                    structured_address: b.structured_address,
                    subtotal: b.subtotal,
                TAG: 21
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                _0: {
                TAG: 22
            } : b.__typename === "GroupCommerceProductItem" ? {
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                    price_range_description: b.price_range_description,
                    top_category_name: b.top_category_name
                TAG: 24
            } : b.__typename === "MessengerEventReminder" ? {
                _0: {
                    event_title: b.event_title,
                    is_active: b.is_active,
                    time: b.time
                TAG: 25
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineBoardingPassCollectionMessageAttachment" ? {
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                    boarding_pass_title_label: b.boarding_pass_title_label,
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                    departure_label: b.departure_label,
                    flight_gate_label: b.flight_gate_label,
                    flight_label: b.flight_label,
                    flight_terminal_label: b.flight_terminal_label,
                    logo: b.logo,
                    message_cta_label: b.message_cta_label,
                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label,
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                    tint_color: b.tint_color,
                    view_boarding_pass_cta_label: b.view_boarding_pass_cta_label
                TAG: 26
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                _0: {
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                    checkin_cta_label: b.checkin_cta_label,
                    checkin_url: b.checkin_url,
                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label,
                    flight_infos: b.flight_infos,
                    flight_label: b.flight_label,
                    logo: b.logo,
                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number,
                    tint_color: b.tint_color
                TAG: 27
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineUpdateMessageAttachment" ? {
                _0: {
                    arrival_time_label: b.arrival_time_label,
                    booking_number_label: b.booking_number_label,
                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label,
                    flight_gate_label: b.flight_gate_label,
                    flight_info: b.flight_info,
                    flight_label: b.flight_label,
                    flight_status_label: b.flight_status_label,
                    hightlighted_labels: b.hightlighted_labels,
                    logo: b.logo,
                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label,
                    passenger_seat_label: b.passenger_seat_label,
                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number,
                    tint_color: b.tint_color,
                    update_type: b.update_type
                TAG: 28
            } : b.__typename === "AirlineItineraryMessageAttachment" ? {
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                    departure_time_label: b.departure_time_label,
                    flight_confirmation_label: b.flight_confirmation_label,
                    flight_date_label: b.flight_date_label,
                    flight_label: b.flight_label,
                    flight_terminal_label: b.flight_terminal_label,
                    formatted_base_price: b.formatted_base_price,
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                    formatted_total: b.formatted_total,
                    itemized_price_infos: b.itemized_price_infos,
                    itinerary_error_title_label: b.itinerary_error_title_label,
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                    passenger_names_label: b.passenger_names_label,
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                    pnr_number: b.pnr_number,
                    purchase_summary_label: b.purchase_summary_label,
                    taxes_label: b.taxes_label,
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                    total_label: b.total_label,
                    view_details_cta_label: b.view_details_cta_label
                TAG: 29
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                TAG: 30
            } : b.__typename === "MessengerRetailShipment" ? {
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                    commerce_destination: b.commerce_destination,
                    commerce_origin: b.commerce_origin,
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                    receipt: b.receipt,
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                    retail_carrier: b.retail_carrier,
                    retail_shipment_items: b.retail_shipment_items,
                    shipdate_for_display: b.shipdate_for_display,
                    shipment_tracking_events: b.shipment_tracking_events,
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                TAG: 31
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                TAG: 33
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                TAG: 35
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                    url_shimhash: b.url_shimhash,
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                TAG: 40
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                TAG: 41
            } : b.__typename === "MBirthdayReminderAttachment" ? {
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                    confidence: b.confidence,
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                TAG: 42
            } : b.__typename === "MPersonalRemindersList" ? {
                _0: {
                    has_more_upcoming_reminders: b.has_more_upcoming_reminders,
                    personal_reminders: b.personal_reminders
                TAG: 43
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerCurriculumStep" ? {
                _0: {
                    curriculum_message: b.curriculum_message,
                    mentorship_program: b.mentorship_program,
                    module_name: b.module_name,
                    program_name: b.program_name,
                    prompt: b.prompt,
                    step_count: b.step_count,
                    total_steps: b.total_steps
                TAG: 44
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerDiscussionTopicSet" ? {
                _0: {
                    topics: b.topics
                TAG: 45
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerLeavePrompt" ? {
                _0: {
                    mentorship_program: b.mentorship_program,
                    xma_type: b.xma_type
                TAG: 46
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerReminder" ? {
                _0: {
                    xma_type: b.xma_type
                TAG: 47
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerSurvey" ? {
                _0: {
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                TAG: 48
            } : b.__typename === "MentorshipMessengerProgressTracker" ? {
                _0: {
                    xma_body: b.xma_body,
                    xma_title: b.xma_title,
                    xma_type: b.xma_type
                TAG: 49
            } : b.__typename === "Story" ? {
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                    actors: b.actors,
                    attached_story: b.attached_story,
                    attachments: b.attachments,
                    creation_time: b.creation_time,
                    description: b.description,
                    message_richtext: b.message_richtext,
                    post_id: b.post_id,
                    reaction_count_reduced: b.reaction_count_reduced,
                    title: b.title,
                    top_reactions: b.top_reactions
                TAG: 50
            } : b.__typename === "User" ? {
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                    cover_photo: b.cover_photo,
                    profile_picture: b.profile_picture,
                    subscribe_status: b.subscribe_status,
                    type: b.__typename,
                    work_info: b.work_info
                TAG: 51
            } : b.__typename === "Group" ? {
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                    cover_photo: b.cover_photo,
                    group_general_chat: b.group_general_chat,
                    type: b.__typename,
                    viewer_join_state: b.viewer_join_state,
                    visibility: b.visibility,
                    visibility_sentence: b.visibility_sentence,
                    work_groups_sync_metadata: b.work_groups_sync_metadata
                TAG: 52
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                TAG: 53
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            } : b.__typename === "CommerceProductItemShare" ? {
                _0: {
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                TAG: 55
            } : b.__typename === "PostPurchaseOrderUpdateXma" ? {
                _0: {
                    order_id: b.order_id,
                    order_progress: b.order_progress,
                    type: b.__typename
                TAG: 56
            } : b.__typename === "InThreadMultiphotoItemCTAData" ? {
                _0: {
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                    index: b.index,
                    page_id: b.page_id,
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                    type: b.__typename
                TAG: 57
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                TAG: 58
            } : b.__typename === "XFBPaymentInvoiceMediaMessageDetection" ? {
                _0: {
                    payment_confirmation_status: b.payment_confirmation_status
                TAG: 59
            } : null;
        return {
            action_links: a.action_links,
            deduplication_key: a.deduplication_key,
            description: a.description,
            messaging_attribution: a.messaging_attribution,
            messenger_call_to_actions: a.messenger_call_to_actions,
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: a.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
            source: a.source,
            style_list: k(a.style_list),
            target: c,
            title_with_entities: a.title_with_entities,
            url: a.url,
            xma_layout_info: a.xma_layout_info
    function m(a) {
        var b = l({
            action_links: a.action_links,
            deduplication_key: a.deduplication_key,
            description: a.description,
            messaging_attribution: a.messaging_attribution,
            messenger_call_to_actions: a.messenger_call_to_actions,
            messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info: a.messenger_generic_xma_template_extra_info,
            source: a.source,
            style_list: a.style_list,
            title_with_entities: a.title_with_entities,
            url: a.url,
            xma_layout_info: a.xma_layout_info
        if (b == null)
            return null;
        a =;
        return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, b, {
            subattachments: a
    function n(a) {
        a = a.message;
        if (a == null)
            return [];
        var b = [];
        a.ranges.forEach(function(a) {
            var c = a.entity;
            if (c == null)
            var d =
              , e = c.thread_key;
            if (d == null) {
                if (e == null)
                e = e.thread_fbid;
                if (e == null)
                var f = c.__typename, g;
                switch (f) {
                case "MessengerViewerGroupThread":
                    g = "t";
                case "User":
                    g = "p";
                    g = "n"
                    id: e,
                    length: a.length,
                    offset: a.offset,
                    type: g
            f = c.__typename;
            var h;
            switch (f) {
            case "MessengerViewerGroupThread":
                h = "t";
            case "User":
                h = "p";
                h = "n"
                id: d,
                length: a.length,
                offset: a.offset,
                type: h
        return b
    function o(a, b, e, f) {
        var g = {};
        b.message_reactions.forEach(function(a) {
            g[] = a.reaction
        var k = d("FBIDCheck").isUser_deprecated(
          , l = k ? d("MessagingTagUtils").getSourceFromTags(b.tags_list) : "source:unknown";
        k = k ? d("MessagingTagUtils").getSourceTags(b.tags_list, l) : [];
        var p = b.message_id
          , q = e.thread_id
          , r = e.thread_fbid
          , s = e.other_user_fbid;
        s = q == null ? r == null ? s == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getThreadIDFromUserID(s) : d("MercuryIDs").getThreadIDFromThreadFBID(r) : q;
        r = b.secondary_language_body;
        q = b.tags_list.some(function(a) {
            if (a === "action:copy_message" || a === "copy_self_message" || a === "action:copy_attachment")
                return !0;
                return a === "copy_self_attachment"
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            y = null;
        else {
            var z = x.message;
            y = z == null ? {
                message: null,
                status: x.status
            } : {
                message: c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("bs_caml_option").some(o(a, z, e, f))),
                status: x.status
        z = b.unsender;
        x = {
            action_type: b.__typename === "UserMessage" ? "ma-type:user-generated-message" : "ma-type:log-message",
            ad_client_token: b.ad_client_token,
            ad_id: b.ad_id,
            attachments: null,
            author: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
            body: null,
            commerce_message_type: t == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MNCommerceMessageType")[t]),
            creator_info: null,
            customizations: u == null ? [] : u,
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: b.ttl,
            error_data: v == null ? null : {
                description: v.description
            folder: e.folder,
            has_attachment: null,
            is_filtered_content: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content") !== -1,
            is_filtered_content_account: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_account") !== -1,
            is_filtered_content_bh: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_bh") !== -1,
            is_filtered_content_invalid_app: b.tags_list.indexOf("filtered_content_invalid_app") !== -1,
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                return a === "one_way_message"
            is_sponsored: b.is_sponsored,
            is_spoof_warning: b.tags_list.indexOf("MTA:dmarc:fail") !== -1 || b.tags_list.indexOf("spam:spoofing") !== -1 || b.tags_list.indexOf("MTA:spoof_warning") !== -1,
            is_unread: b.unread,
            log_message_body: null,
            log_message_data: null,
            log_message_type: null,
            m_suggestions: b.m_suggestions,
            message_id: p,
            message_source: b.message_source_data,
            message_unsendability_status: d("").fromNullableString(b.message_unsendability_status),
            meta_ranges: null,
            montage_reply_data: b.montage_reply_data,
            offline_threading_id: b.offline_threading_id,
            other_user_fbid: e.other_user_fbid,
            platform_xmd: b.platform_xmd_encoded,
            preview_attachments: null,
            profile_ranges: n(b),
            ranges: null,
            raw_attachments: null,
            reactions: g,
            removed_timestamp: w,
            replied_to_message: y,
            secondary_language_body: r,
            skip_bump_thread: !1,
            source: l,
            source_tags: k,
            status: null,
            sticker_id: null,
            subject: null,
            tags: b.tags_list,
            thread_fbid: e.thread_fbid,
            thread_id: s,
            threading_id: null,
            timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.timestamp_precise),
            unsender: z == null ? null : {
                id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
                short_name: z.messaging_actor.short_name
            verse_group_role_xmd: b.verse_group_role_xmd
        if (b.__typename === "UserMessage") {
            t = h(b);
            u = b.extensible_attachment;
            if (u == null)
                v = null;
            else {
                q = u.genie_attachment;
                if (q == null)
                    w = null;
                else {
                    y = q.genie_message;
                    if (y == null)
                        r = null;
                    else {
                        l = y.story_attachment;
                        r = {
                            story_attachment: l == null ? null : m(l)
                    w = {
                        genie_message: r
                k = u.story_attachment;
                v = {
                    genie_attachment: w,
                    legacy_attachment_id: u.legacy_attachment_id,
                    story_attachment: k == null ? null : m(k)
            s = d("").transformAttachment(a, {
                blob_attachments: t,
                extensible_attachment: v,
                sticker: b.sticker
            }, p, f);
            z = b.message;
            q = b.page_admin_sender;
            Object.assign(x, {
                attachments: s,
                body: z == null ? null : z.text,
                creator_info: q == null ? null : {
                    creatorID: q.admin_id,
                    creatorType: q.sender_type,
                    labelType: q.label_type,
                    pageID: q.page_id,
                    profileURI: q.profile_uri
                has_attachment: s.length > 0,
                meta_ranges: {
                    return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, {
                        data: JSON.parse(
                ranges: void 0,
                raw_attachments: null,
                subject: null
        } else if (b.__typename === "VoiceCallMessage" || b.__typename === "VideoCallMessage") {
            y = b.__typename;
            l = y === "VoiceCallMessage" ? "log:phone-call" : "log:video-call";
            r =;
            w = e.other_user_fbid;
            u = w == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(r === w ? c("CurrentUser").getID() : w);
            k = b.answered;
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    answered: k == null ? !1 : k,
                    call_capture_attachments: i(a, b, f),
                    callee: u,
                    caller: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(r)
                log_message_type: l
        } else if (b.__typename === "ThreadNameMessage")
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    name: b.thread_name
                log_message_type: "log:thread-name"
        else if (b.__typename === "ThreadImageMessage") {
            t = b.image_with_metadata;
            if (t == null)
                v = null;
            else {
                p = t.preview;
                v = {
                    metadata: {
                        dimensions: String(t.original_dimensions.x) + ("," + String(t.original_dimensions.y)),
                        fbid: t.legacy_attachment_id
                    preview_url: p == null ? null : p.uri
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    image: v
                log_message_type: "log:thread-image"
        } else if (b.__typename === "ParticipantsAddedMessage") {
            z = b.participants_added;
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    added_participants: z == null ? [] : {
                        return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(
                log_message_type: "log:subscribe"
        } else if (b.__typename === "ParticipantLeftMessage") {
            q = b.participants_removed;
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    removed_participants: q == null ? [] : {
                        return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(
                log_message_type: "log:unsubscribe"
        } else if (b.__typename === "GenericAdminTextMessage") {
            s = b.extensible_message_admin_text;
            y = b.extensible_message_admin_text_type;
            s == null ? y != null && Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    message_type: c("MessagingGenericAdminTextType")[y],
                    untypedData: void 0
                log_message_type: "log:generic-admin-text"
            }) : y != null && Object.assign(x, j(a, s, y, b.snippet, f))
        } else if (b.__typename === "P2PPaymentRequestMessage" || b.__typename === "P2PPaymentMessage") {
            e = b.amount;
            w = b.p2p_receiver;
            k = b.p2p_sender;
            u = b.message_type;
            Object.assign(x, {
                log_message_body: b.snippet,
                log_message_data: {
                    formattedAmount: e == null ? null : e.formatted,
                    receiverId: w == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
                    senderId: k == null ? null : d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
                    subtype: u == null ? null : c("P2PPaymentLogMessageSubtype")[u],
                    transfer_id: b.transfer_id
                log_message_type: "log:orion"
        return x
    g.unsafeCastBlobAttachments = h;
    g._getCallCaptureAttachments = i;
    g._getGenericAdminTextMessage = j;
    g._getStyleList = k;
    g.unsafeCastExtensibleAttachmentWithoutSubattachments = l;
    g.unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment = m;
    g._getProfileRanges = n;
    g.transformMessage = o
), 98);
__d("MessengerObjectAssociationType", ["keyMirror"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("keyMirror")({
        REGULAR_CHAT: null,
        GENERAL_CHAT: null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "ids"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "source"
          , b = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "id",
            variableName: "ids"
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , d = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "__typename",
            storageKey: null
          , e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "gender",
            storageKey: null
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "url",
            storageKey: null
          , h = {
            alias: "big_image_src",
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 60
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 60
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "uri",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: "profile_picture(height:60,width:60)"
          , i = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "short_name",
            storageKey: null
          , j = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "username",
            storageKey: null
          , k = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_friend",
            storageKey: null
          , l = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_messenger_user",
            storageKey: null
          , m = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_message_blocked_by_viewer",
            storageKey: null
          , n = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_viewer_coworker",
            storageKey: null
          , o = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_employee",
            storageKey: null
          , p = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_aloha_proxy_confirmed",
            storageKey: null
          , q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "message_capabilities2",
            storageKey: null
          , r = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "messenger_account_status_category",
            storageKey: null
          , s = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "company_title",
            storageKey: null
          , t = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "job_title",
            storageKey: null
          , u = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_community",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [e],
                storageKey: null
            }, t],
            storageKey: null
          , v = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [f, g, h, i, k, l, m, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_viewer_managing_parent",
                storageKey: null
            type: "NeoApprovedUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , w = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [g, h, j, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "accepts_messenger_user_feedback",
                storageKey: null
            }, l, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_messenger_platform_bot",
                storageKey: null
            }, m, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "InstantGameChannelInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "instant_game_channel",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Application",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "application",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [c],
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "verification_status",
                storageKey: null
            type: "Page",
            abstractKey: null
          , x = [g, h, m]
          , y = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: x,
            type: "SmsMessagingParticipant",
            abstractKey: null
          , z = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [h, m],
            type: "InstagramMessagingUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , A = [h]
          , B = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "LiveChatOnlyPerson",
            abstractKey: null
        x = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: x,
            type: "UnavailableMessagingActor",
            abstractKey: null
        var C = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "UnifiedMessagingInstagramUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , D = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "is_blocked_by_viewer",
            storageKey: null
          , E = [g, h, j]
          , F = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: E,
            type: "Group",
            abstractKey: null
        E = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: E,
            type: "Event",
            abstractKey: null
        var G = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "WorkForeignEntityInfo",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_foreign_entity_info",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "detail",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "label",
                    storageKey: null
                }, {
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    kind: "ScalarField",
                    name: "type",
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "WorkForeignEntity",
            abstractKey: "__isWorkForeignEntity"
          , H = [g, h, i, m]
          , I = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: H,
            type: "XFBWorkroomsBaseUser",
            abstractKey: "__isXFBWorkroomsBaseUser"
        H = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: H,
            type: "XFBWorkroomsSystemUser",
            abstractKey: null
        var J = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "MessengerCallGuestUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , K = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "WorkVCEndpointUser",
            abstractKey: null
          , L = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "WECMailboxAccount",
            abstractKey: null
        A = {
            kind: "InlineFragment",
            selections: A,
            type: "WECCustomer",
            abstractKey: null
        var M = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "wec_group_creation_time",
            storageKey: null
          , N = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "wec_group_invite_link",
            storageKey: null
          , O = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "messaging_actor",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [c, e],
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
          , P = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "count",
            storageKey: null
        t = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "WorkUserInfo",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "work_info",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: "Group",
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "work_community",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [e, c],
                storageKey: null
            }, t],
            storageKey: null
        var Q = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "MessagingParticipant",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "nodes",
            plural: !0,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "messaging_actor",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [d, c, e],
                storageKey: null
            }, c],
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: b,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "messaging_actors",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [c, d, e, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "scim_company_user",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [s],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, u],
                        type: "User",
                        abstractKey: null
                    }, v, w, y, z, B, x, C, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [g, h, j, D, m, u],
                        type: "ReducedMessagingActor",
                        abstractKey: null
                    }, F, E, G, I, H, J, K, L, A, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [h, M, N, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "wec_group_participants",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [O, P],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "wec_group_admins",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [O],
                            storageKey: null
                        type: "WECGroupRecipient",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: b,
                    concreteType: null,
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "messaging_actors",
                    plural: !0,
                    selections: [d, {
                        kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                        abstractKey: "__isMessagingActor"
                    }, c, e, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "ScimCompanyUser",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "scim_company_user",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [s, c],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, t],
                        type: "User",
                        abstractKey: null
                    }, v, w, y, z, B, x, C, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [g, h, j, D, m, t],
                        type: "ReducedMessagingActor",
                        abstractKey: null
                    }, F, E, G, I, H, J, K, L, A, {
                        kind: "InlineFragment",
                        selections: [h, M, N, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "WECGroupParticipantsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "wec_group_participants",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [Q, P],
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "WECGroupAdminsConnection",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "wec_group_admins",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [Q],
                            storageKey: null
                        type: "WECGroupRecipient",
                        abstractKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: "7225428284192887",
                metadata: {},
                name: "MessengerParticipantsQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    b("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, a);
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = Object.freeze({
        BLOCKED: "blocked",
        MESSENGER_BLOCKEE: "messenger_blockee",
        COMPOSER_DISABLED_BOT: "composer_disabled_bot",
        HAS_EMAIL_PARTICIPANT: "has_email_participant",
        OBJECT_ORIGINATED: "object_originated",
        READ_ONLY: "read_only",
        VIEWER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED: "viewer_not_subscribed",
        RECIPIENTS_NOT_LOADABLE: "recipients_not_loadable",
        RECIPIENTS_UNAVAILABLE: "recipients_unavailable",
        RECIPIENTS_INVALID: "recipients_invalid",
        RECIPIENTS_INACTIVE_WORK_ACC: "recipients_inactive_work_account",
        MONTAGE_NOT_AUTHOR: "montage_not_author",
        VIEWER_MUTED_IN_FBGROUP: "viewer_muted_in_fbgroup",
        VIEWER_IS_LIMITED_WORK_ACCOUNT: "viewer_is_limited_work_account",
        RECIPIENTS_IS_LIMITED_WORK_ACCOUNT: "recipients_is_limited_work_account",
        WORK_GARDEN_ARCHIVED: "work_garden_archived",
        PARTICIPANTS_IN_RESTRICTED_JURISDICTION: "participants_in_restricted_jurisdiction",
        BROADCAST_CHAT_READ_ONLY: "broadcast_chat_read_only",
        CM_PAGES_AP_PLUS_READ_ONLY: "cm_pages_ap_plus_read_only",
        VIEWER_CANNOT_PARTICIPATE_IN_FB_PUBLIC_GROUP: "viewer_cannot_participate_in_fb_public_group",
        PAUSED_THREAD: "paused_thread",
        PAUSED_BY_SOFT_ACTION: "paused_by_soft_action",
        PAUSED_BY_ADMINLESS_STANDALONE_COMMUNITY: "paused_by_adminless_standalone_community",
        BLOCKED_BY_CHAT_GOVERNANCE: "blocked_by_chat_governance",
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_VIEWER: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_viewer",
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_CREATOR: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_creator",
        PARTNERSHIP_THREAD_DISABLED_FOR_BRAND: "partnership_thread_disabled_for_brand"
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("", ["MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        if (a != null)
            return c("MessengerThreadCannotReplyReason")[a.toUpperCase()]
    function b(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        switch (a.TAG) {
        case 1:
            return "recipients_not_loadable";
        case 0:
        case 2:
            return "blocked";
        case 3:
            return "messenger_blockee"
    g.fromName = a;
    g.fromMessageThreadCannotReplyReason = b
), 98);
__d("bs_caml_obj", ["bs_caml"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g, h = function(a, b) {
        for (a in a)
    }, i = function(a) {
        if (Array.isArray(a)) {
            var b = a.length
              , c = new Array(b);
            for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d)
                c[d] = a[d];
            a.TAG !== void 0 && (c.TAG = a.TAG);
            return c
        return Object.assign({}, a)
    }, j = function(a, b) {
        var c;
        if (Array.isArray(b)) {
            for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c)
                a[c] = b[c];
            b.TAG !== void 0 && (a.TAG = b.TAG)
        } else
            for (var c in b)
                a[c] = b[c]
    function k(a, c) {
        if (a === c)
            return 0;
        var d = typeof a
          , e = typeof c;
        switch (d) {
        case "boolean":
            if (e === "boolean")
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_bool_compare(a, c);
        case "function":
            if (e === "function")
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                    _1: "compare: functional value",
                    Error: new Error()
        case "number":
            if (e === "number")
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_compare(a, c);
        case "string":
            if (e === "string")
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_string_compare(a, c);
                return 1;
        case "undefined":
            return -1;
        switch (e) {
        case "string":
            return -1;
        case "undefined":
            return 1;
            if (d === "boolean")
                return 1;
            if (e === "boolean")
                return -1;
            if (d === "function")
                return 1;
            if (e === "function")
                return -1;
            if (d === "number")
                if (c === null || c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                    return 1;
                    return -1;
            if (e === "number")
                if (a === null || a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;
            if (a === null)
                if (c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                    return 1;
                    return -1;
            if (c === null)
                if (a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;
            if (a.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                if (c.BS_PRIVATE_NESTED_SOME_NONE !== void 0)
                    return l(a, c);
                    return -1;
            d = a.TAG | 0;
            e = c.TAG | 0;
            if (d === 248)
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_compare(a[1], c[1]);
            if (d === 251)
                throw {
                    RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                    _1: "equal: abstract value",
                    Error: new Error()
            if (d !== e)
                if (d < e)
                    return -1;
                    return 1;
            d = a.length | 0;
            e = c.length | 0;
            if (d === e)
                if (Array.isArray(a)) {
                    var f = 0;
                    while (!0) {
                        var h = f;
                        if (h === d)
                            return 0;
                        var i = k(a[h], c[h]);
                        if (i !== 0)
                            return i;
                        f = h + 1 | 0;
                } else if (a instanceof Date && c instanceof Date)
                    return a - c;
                    return l(a, c);
            else if (d < e) {
                i = 0;
                while (!0) {
                    h = i;
                    if (h === d)
                        return -1;
                    f = k(a[h], c[h]);
                    if (f !== 0)
                        return f;
                    i = h + 1 | 0;
            } else {
                f = 0;
                while (!0) {
                    h = f;
                    if (h === e)
                        return 1;
                    i = k(a[h], c[h]);
                    if (i !== 0)
                        return i;
                    f = h + 1 | 0;
    function l(a, c) {
        var d = {
            contents: void 0
          , e = {
            contents: void 0
          , f = function(b, c) {
            var d = b[2]
              , a = b[1];
            if (!(!, c) || k(b[0][c], a[c]) > 0))
            b = d.contents;
            if (b !== void 0 && c >= b)
            else {
                d.contents = c;
          , i = [a, c, e]
          , j = function(a) {
            return f(i, a)
          , l = [c, a, d]
          , m = function(a) {
            return f(l, a)
        h(a, j);
        h(c, m);
        a = d.contents;
        j = e.contents;
        if (a !== void 0)
            if (j !== void 0)
                return (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_string_compare(a, j);
                return -1;
        else if (j !== void 0)
            return 1;
            return 0
    function m(a, b) {
        if (a === b)
            return !0;
        var c = typeof a;
        if (c === "string" || c === "number" || c === "boolean" || c === "undefined" || a === null)
            return !1;
        var d = typeof b;
        if (c === "function" || d === "function")
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "equal: functional value",
                Error: new Error()
        if (d === "number" || d === "undefined" || b === null)
            return !1;
        c = a.TAG | 0;
        d = b.TAG | 0;
        if (c === 248)
            return a[1] === b[1];
        if (c === 251)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "equal: abstract value",
                Error: new Error()
        if (c !== d)
            return !1;
        c = a.length | 0;
        d = b.length | 0;
        if (c === d)
            if (Array.isArray(a)) {
                d = 0;
                while (!0) {
                    var e = d;
                    if (e === c)
                        return !0;
                    if (!m(a[e], b[e]))
                        return !1;
                    d = e + 1 | 0;
            } else if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date)
                return !(a > b || a < b);
            else {
                var f = {
                    contents: !0
                e = function(a) {
                    if (!, a)) {
                        f.contents = !1;
                d = function(c) {
                    if (!, c) || !m(b[c], a[c])) {
                        f.contents = !1;
                h(a, e);
                f.contents && h(b, d);
                return f.contents
            return !1
    function a(a, b) {
        if (b !== null)
            return m(a, b);
            return a === b
    function c(a, b) {
        if (b !== void 0)
            return m(a, b);
            return a === b
    function d(a, b) {
        if (b == null)
            return a === b;
            return m(a, b)
    function e(a, b) {
        return !m(a, b)
    function n(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) >= 0
    function o(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) > 0
    function p(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) <= 0
    function q(a, b) {
        return k(a, b) < 0
    function r(a, b) {
        if (k(a, b) <= 0)
            return a;
            return b
    function s(a, b) {
        if (k(a, b) >= 0)
            return a;
            return b
    f.caml_obj_dup = i;
    f.update_dummy = j;
    f.caml_compare = k;
    f.caml_equal = m;
    f.caml_equal_null = a;
    f.caml_equal_undefined = c;
    f.caml_equal_nullable = d;
    f.caml_notequal = e;
    f.caml_greaterequal = n;
    f.caml_greaterthan = o;
    f.caml_lessthan = q;
    f.caml_lessequal = p;
    f.caml_min = r;
    f.caml_max = s
), null);
__d("bs_array", ["bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_exceptions", "bs_caml_js_exceptions", "bs_caml_obj", "bs_curry"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = b("bs_caml_array").make_float
      , h = {};
    function a(a, c) {
        if (a === 0)
            return [];
        if (a < 0)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.init",
                Error: new Error()
        var d = b("bs_caml_array").make(a, b("bs_curry")._1(c, 0));
        for (var e = 1; e < a; ++e)
            d[e] = b("bs_curry")._1(c, e);
        return d
    function c(a, c, d) {
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(a, []);
        for (var f = 0; f < a; ++f)
            e[f] = b("bs_caml_array").make(c, d);
        return e
    function i(a) {
        var c = a.length;
        if (c === 0)
            return [];
            return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, 0, c)
    function d(a, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return i(c);
        else if (c.length === 0)
            return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, 0, d);
            return a.concat(c)
    function e(a, c, d) {
        if (c < 0 || d < 0 || c > (a.length - d | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.sub",
                Error: new Error()
        return b("bs_caml_array").sub(a, c, d)
    function j(a, b, c, d) {
        if (b < 0 || c < 0 || b > (a.length - c | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.fill",
                Error: new Error()
        for (var e = b, b = b + c | 0; e < b; ++e)
            a[e] = d
    function k(a, c, d, e, f) {
        if (f < 0 || c < 0 || c > (a.length - f | 0) || e < 0 || e > (d.length - f | 0))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.blit",
                Error: new Error()
        return b("bs_caml_array").blit(a, c, d, e, f)
    function l(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[d])
    function m(a, c, d) {
        if (c.length !== d.length)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.iter2: arrays must have the same length",
                Error: new Error()
        for (var e = 0, f = c.length; e < f; ++e)
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[e], d[e])
    function n(a, c) {
        var d = c.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return [];
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(d, b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[0]));
        for (var f = 1; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]);
        return e
    function o(a, c, d) {
        var e = c.length
          , f = d.length;
        if (e !== f)
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Invalid_argument",
                _1: "Array.map2: arrays must have the same length",
                Error: new Error()
        if (e === 0)
            return [];
        f = b("bs_caml_array").make(e, b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[0], d[0]));
        for (var g = 1; g < e; ++g)
            f[g] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[g], d[g]);
        return f
    function p(a, c) {
        for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d)
            b("bs_curry")._2(a, d, c[d])
    function q(a, c) {
        var d = c.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return [];
        var e = b("bs_caml_array").make(d, b("bs_curry")._2(a, 0, c[0]));
        for (var f = 1; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = b("bs_curry")._2(a, f, c[f]);
        return e
    function r(a) {
        var b = a.length - 1 | 0
          , c = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var d = c
              , e = b;
            if (e < 0)
                return d;
            c = {
                hd: a[e],
                tl: d
            b = e - 1 | 0;
    function s(a, b) {
        while (!0) {
            var c = b
              , d = a;
            if (!c)
                return d;
            b =;
            a = d + 1 | 0;
    function t(a) {
        if (!a)
            return [];
        var c = b("bs_caml_array").make(s(0, a), a.hd)
          , d = 1;
        a =;
        while (!0) {
            var e = a
              , f = d;
            if (!e)
                return c;
            c[f] = e.hd;
            a =;
            d = f + 1 | 0;
    function u(a, c, d) {
        c = c;
        for (var e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; ++e)
            c = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c, d[e]);
        return c
    function v(a, c, d) {
        d = d;
        for (var e = c.length - 1 | 0; e >= 0; --e)
            d = b("bs_curry")._2(a, c[e], d);
        return d
    function w(a, c) {
        var d = c.length
          , e = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var f = e;
            if (f === d)
                return !1;
            if (b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]))
                return !0;
            e = f + 1 | 0;
    function x(a, c) {
        var d = c.length
          , e = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var f = e;
            if (f === d)
                return !0;
            if (!b("bs_curry")._1(a, c[f]))
                return !1;
            e = f + 1 | 0;
    function y(a, c) {
        var d = c.length
          , e = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var f = e;
            if (f === d)
                return !1;
            if (b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c[f], a))
                return !0;
            e = f + 1 | 0;
    function z(a, b) {
        var c = b.length
          , d = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var e = d;
            if (e === c)
                return !1;
            if (a === b[e])
                return !0;
            d = e + 1 | 0;
    var A = b("bs_caml_exceptions").create("Array.Bottom");
    function B(a, c) {
        var d = function(d, e) {
            var f = ((e + e | 0) + e | 0) + 1 | 0
              , g = f;
            if ((f + 2 | 0) < d) {
                b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 1 | 0)) < 0 && (g = f + 1 | 0);
                b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 2 | 0)) < 0 && (g = f + 2 | 0);
                return g
            if ((f + 1 | 0) < d && b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f), b("bs_caml_array").get(c, f + 1 | 0)) < 0)
                return f + 1 | 0;
            if (f < d)
                return f;
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: A,
                _1: e,
                Error: new Error()
          , e = function(e, f, g) {
            try {
                f = f;
                while (!0) {
                    var h = f
                      , i = d(e, h);
                    if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i), g) <= 0)
                        return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h, g);
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i));
                    f = i;
            } catch (a) {
                h = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(a);
                if (h.RE_EXN_ID === A)
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, h._1, g);
                throw h
          , f = function(a, e) {
            try {
                e = e;
                while (!0) {
                    var f = e
                      , g = d(a, f);
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(c, f, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g));
                    e = g;
            } catch (a) {
                f = b("bs_caml_js_exceptions").internalToOCamlException(a);
                if (f.RE_EXN_ID === A)
                    return f._1;
                throw f
          , g = function(e, f) {
            while (!0) {
                var d = e
                  , g = (d - 1 | 0) / 3 | 0;
                if (d === g)
                    throw {
                        RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure",
                        _1: ["", 238, 4],
                        Error: new Error()
                if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g), f) >= 0)
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, d, f);
                b("bs_caml_array").set(c, d, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, g));
                if (g <= 0)
                    return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 0, f);
                e = g;
          , h = c.length;
        for (var i = ((h + 1 | 0) / 3 | 0) - 1 | 0; i >= 0; --i)
            e(h, i, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i));
        for (i = h - 1 | 0; i >= 2; --i) {
            e = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, i);
            b("bs_caml_array").set(c, i, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0));
            g(f(i, 0), e)
        if (h <= 1)
        e = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 1);
        b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 1, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0));
        return b("bs_caml_array").set(c, 0, e)
    function C(a, c) {
        var d = function(d, e, f, g, h, i, j) {
            e = d + e | 0;
            h = g + h | 0;
            var l = d;
            d = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, d);
            var m = g;
            g = b("bs_caml_array").get(f, g);
            j = j;
            while (!0) {
                var n = j
                  , o = g
                  , p = m
                  , q = d
                  , r = l;
                if (b("bs_curry")._2(a, q, o) <= 0) {
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(i, n, q);
                    q = r + 1 | 0;
                    if (q >= e)
                        return k(f, p, i, n + 1 | 0, h - p | 0);
                    j = n + 1 | 0;
                    d = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, q);
                    l = q;
                b("bs_caml_array").set(i, n, o);
                q = p + 1 | 0;
                if (q >= h)
                    return k(c, r, i, n + 1 | 0, e - r | 0);
                j = n + 1 | 0;
                g = b("bs_caml_array").get(f, q);
                m = q;
          , e = function(d, e, f, g) {
            for (var h = 0; h < g; ++h) {
                var i = b("bs_caml_array").get(c, d + h | 0)
                  , j = (f + h | 0) - 1 | 0;
                while (j >= f && b("bs_curry")._2(a, b("bs_caml_array").get(e, j), i) > 0)
                    b("bs_caml_array").set(e, j + 1 | 0, b("bs_caml_array").get(e, j)),
                    j = j - 1 | 0;
                b("bs_caml_array").set(e, j + 1 | 0, i)
          , f = function a(f, g, h, i) {
            if (i <= 5)
                return e(f, g, h, i);
            var b = i / 2 | 0;
            i = i - b | 0;
            a(f + b | 0, g, h + b | 0, i);
            a(f, c, f + i | 0, b);
            return d(f + i | 0, b, g, h + b | 0, i, g, h)
          , g = c.length;
        if (g <= 5)
            return e(0, c, 0, g);
        var h = g / 2 | 0;
        g = g - h | 0;
        var i = b("bs_caml_array").make(g, b("bs_caml_array").get(c, 0));
        f(h, i, 0, g);
        f(0, c, g, h);
        return d(g, h, i, 0, g, c, 0)
    var D = c
      , E = b("bs_caml_array").concat
      , F = C;
    f.make_float = g;
    f.init = a;
    f.make_matrix = c;
    f.create_matrix = D;
    f.append = d;
    f.concat = E;
    f.sub = e;
    f.copy = i;
    f.fill = j;
    f.blit = k;
    f.to_list = r;
    f.of_list = t;
    f.iter = l;
    f.iteri = p; = n;
    f.mapi = q;
    f.fold_left = u;
    f.fold_right = v;
    f.iter2 = m;
    f.map2 = o;
    f.for_all = x;
    f.exists = w;
    f.mem = y;
    f.memq = z;
    f.sort = B;
    f.stable_sort = C;
    f.fast_sort = F;
    f.Floatarray = h
), null);
__d("bs_js_json", ["bs_caml_option"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        var b = typeof a;
        if (b === "string")
            return {
                TAG: 0,
                _0: a
        else if (b === "number")
            return {
                TAG: 1,
                _0: a
        else if (b === "boolean")
            if (a === !0)
                return 1;
                return 0;
        else if (a === null)
            return 2;
        else if (Array.isArray(a))
            return {
                TAG: 3,
                _0: a
            return {
                TAG: 2,
                _0: a
    function c(a, b) {
        switch (b) {
        case 0:
            return typeof a === "string";
        case 1:
            return typeof a === "number";
        case 2:
            if (a !== null && typeof a === "object")
                return !Array.isArray(a);
                return !1;
        case 3:
            return Array.isArray(a);
        case 4:
            return typeof a === "boolean";
        case 5:
            return a === null
    function d(a) {
        if (typeof a === "string")
            return a
    function e(a) {
        if (typeof a === "number")
            return a
    function g(a) {
        if (typeof a === "object" && !Array.isArray(a) && a !== null)
            return b("bs_caml_option").some(a)
    function h(a) {
        if (Array.isArray(a))
            return a
    function i(a) {
        if (typeof a === "boolean")
            return a
    function j(a) {
        if (a === null)
            return null
    var k = function(a) {
        a = [a];
        var b = [{
            kind: 0,
            i: 0,
            parent: a
        while (b.length !== 0) {
            var c = b[b.length - 1];
            c.kind === 0 ? (c.val = c.parent[c.i],
            ++c.i === c.parent.length && b.pop()) : b.pop();
            var d = c.val;
            if (typeof d === "object")
                if (Array.isArray(d) && d.length !== 0)
                        kind: 0,
                        i: 0,
                        parent: d,
                        val: void 0
                    for (var e in d) {
                        if (e === "RE_PRIVATE_NONE") {
                            c.kind === 0 ? c.parent[c.i - 1] = void 0 : c.parent[c.i] = void 0;
                            kind: 1,
                            i: e,
                            parent: d,
                            val: d[e]
        return a[0]
    function l(a) {
        return function(a) {
            a = JSON.stringify(a, function(a, b) {
                return b === void 0 ? {
                    RE_PRIVATE_NONE: !0
                } : b
            if (a === void 0)
                throw new TypeError("output is undefined");
            return a
    function m(a) {
        return k(JSON.parse(a))
    f.classify = a;
    f.test = c;
    f.decodeString = d;
    f.decodeNumber = e;
    f.decodeObject = g;
    f.decodeArray = h;
    f.decodeBoolean = i;
    f.decodeNull = j;
    f.deserializeUnsafe = m;
    f.serializeExn = l
), null);
__d("", ["fbt", "ChatConfig", "CurrentUser", "FBIDForMercury", "GenderConst", "MercuryIDs", "", "MessagingThreadType", "", "", "MessengerGroupThreadSubType", "", "", "MessengerObjectAssociationType", "", "URI", "bs_array", "bs_belt_Option", "bs_caml_array", "bs_caml_format", "bs_caml_option", "bs_js_json", "bs_js_null_undefined", "bs_string", "getByPath", "isMessengerDotComURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i;
    function j(a) {
        var b = a.location_coordinates;
        b = b == null ? [null, null] : [b.latitude, b.longitude];
        var d = a.location_page, e;
        if (d == null)
            e = null;
        else {
            d = d.address;
            e = d == null ? null : d.full_address
        d = a.allows_rsvp ? 1 : 0;
        var f = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) {
            a[] = b.guest_list_state;
            return a
        }, {}, a.event_reminder_members.edges)
          , g = a.lightweight_event_creator;
        return {
            creator_id: g == null ? null :,
            event_members: f,
            event_time: a.time,
            event_type: a.lightweight_event_type,
            latitude: b[0],
            location_address: e,
            location_name: a.location_name,
            longitude: b[1],
            note: a.note,
            related_event: a.related_event,
            repeat_mode: a.repeat_mode,
            seconds_to_notify_before: a.seconds_to_notify_before,
            status: a.lightweight_event_status,
            title: a.event_title,
            track_rsvp: d
    function k(a) {
        a = a.associated_object;
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        var b = a.action_link
          , d = a.group_general_chat
          , e = a.group_saves
          , f = a.profile_picture
          , g = a.verse_group_link;
        return {
            action_link: b == null ? null : c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() ? b : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(b).setDomain(""),
            approval_mode_toggleable: a.approval_mode_toggleable,
            event_place: a.event_place,
            group_general_chat: d == null ? null : {
            group_saves: e == null ? {
                count: 0
            } : {
                count: e.count
            mentorship_program: a.mentorship_program,
            privacy_mode: a.privacy_mode,
            profile_picture: f == null ? null : {
                uri: f.uri
            room_type: a.room_type,
            start_timestamp: a.start_timestamp,
            verse_group_link: g == null ? null : new (i || (i = c("URI")))(g).setDomain("")
    function l(a) {
        a = a.related_page_thread;
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        var b = {
            return {
                color: a.color,
          , c = {
            return {
                color: a.label_color,
                data_silo: a.data_silo,
                label_source: a.label_source,
                is_ad_response_label: a.is_ad_response_label
          , d = {
            return {
                color: a.label_color,
                data_silo: a.data_silo,
                is_ai_label: a.is_ai_label,
                is_ad_response_label: a.is_ad_response_label
          , e =;
        e = e == null ? null :;
        return {
            corpLabels: d,
            customLabels: c,
            customTags: b,
            flagged: a.is_flagged,
            pageID: e
    function m(a) {
        var b = a.thread_key.other_user_id;
        if (b == null)
            return !1;
        a = a.all_participants.edges;
        return c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, c) {
            c = c.node.messaging_actor;
            if ( === b)
                return c.__typename === "User";
                return a
        }, !1, a)
    function n(a) {
        if (a.length === 0)
            return null;
        var b = {};
        a.forEach(function(a) {
            var c = a.nickname;
            if (c != null) {
                b[a.participant_id] = c;
        return b
    function o(a) {
        return "#" + c("bs_string").sub(a, 2, a.length - 2 | 0)
    function p(a) {
        if (a == null || a === "")
            return null;
            return o(a)
    function a(a) {
        return a.thread_key.thread_fbid
    function b(a) {
        return a.thread_key.other_user_id
    function e(a) {
        return c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(c("getByPath")(a, ["messages", "page_info"]))
    function f(a) {
        var b = c("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() ? h._("__JHASH__8Hq3iHE6VuY__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__u21fesk-4Br__JHASH__");
        return {
            accepts_messenger_user_feedback: !1,
            big_image_src: null,
            company_name: null,
            employee: !1,
            fbid: d("FBIDForMercury").ofStringExn(a),
            gender: c("GenderConst").UNKNOWN_SINGULAR,
            href: null,
            id: "fbid:" + a,
            image_src: null,
            instant_game_channel: null,
            is_aloha_proxy_confirmed: !1,
            is_business_enabled: !1,
            is_facebook_blocked: !0,
            is_friend: !1,
            is_messenger_blocked: !1,
            is_messenger_ignored: null,
            is_messenger_platform_bot: !1,
            is_messenger_user: !1,
            is_subscribed_to_page_updates: !1,
            is_viewer_managing_parent: !1,
            message_capabilities2: null,
            messenger_account_status_category: null,
            name: b,
            short_name: b,
            square_image_src: null,
            timezone: null,
            title: null,
            user_type: null,
            vanity: null,
            verification_status: null,
            wec_group_admins: [],
            wec_group_creation_time: null,
            wec_group_invite_link: null,
            wec_group_participant_count: null,
            wec_group_participants: [],
            work_foreign_entity_info: null
    function q(a) {
        var b = a.profile_picture_url;
        if (b == null) {
            var e = a.big_image_src;
            e = e == null ? null : e.uri
        } else
            e = b;
        b = a.accepts_messenger_user_feedback;
        var f = a.work_info, g;
        if (f == null)
            g = null;
        else {
            f = f.work_community;
            f = f == null ? null :;
            var h = a.work_foreign_entity_info;
            g = f == null || h == null || h.type !== "FOREIGN" ? null : f
        h = a.is_employee;
        f = a.gender;
        var j = a.url, k;
        if (j == null)
            k = null;
        else {
            var l = c("isMessengerDotComURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(j));
            k = l ? new (i || (i = c("URI")))(j).getUnqualifiedURI().setDomain("").setProtocol("https").toString() : j
        l = a.is_aloha_proxy_confirmed;
        j = a.is_blocked_by_viewer;
        var m = a.is_viewer_friend, n = a.is_message_blocked_by_viewer, o = a.is_messenger_platform_bot, p = a.is_messenger_user, q = a.is_viewer_subscribed_to_message_updates, r = a.is_viewer_managing_parent, s = a.message_capabilities2, t = a.messenger_account_status_category, u = a.work_info, v;
        if (u == null)
            v = null;
        else {
            var w = u.work_community;
            w = w == null ? null :;
            u = u.job_title;
            v = w == null ? u == null ? null : u : u == null || u.length === 0 ? w : "" + u + " \u2022 " + w
        u = a.__typename;
        var x;
        switch (u) {
        case "NeoApprovedUser":
            x = "parent_approved_user";
        case "Page":
            x = "page";
        case "ReducedMessagingActor":
            x = "guest";
        case "User":
            x = "user";
            x = null
        w = a.wec_group_admins;
        u = a.wec_group_creation_time;
        var y = a.wec_group_invite_link
          , z = a.wec_group_participants
          , A = a.wec_group_participants
          , B = a.work_foreign_entity_info;
        return {
            accepts_messenger_user_feedback: b == null ? !1 : b,
            big_image_src: e,
            company_name: g,
            employee: h == null ? !1 : h,
            gender: f == null ? c("GenderConst").NOT_A_PERSON : f === "MALE" ? c("GenderConst").MALE_SINGULAR : f === "FEMALE" ? c("GenderConst").FEMALE_SINGULAR : c("GenderConst").NOT_A_PERSON,
            href: k,
            id: "fbid:" +,
            image_src: e,
            instant_game_channel: a.__typename === "Page" ? a.instant_game_channel : null,
            is_aloha_proxy_confirmed: l == null ? !1 : l,
            is_business_enabled: a.__typename === "Page",
            is_facebook_blocked: j == null ? !1 : j,
            is_friend: m == null ? !1 : m,
            is_messenger_blocked: n == null ? !1 : n,
            is_messenger_ignored: null,
            is_messenger_platform_bot: o == null ? !1 : o,
            is_messenger_user: p == null ? !1 : p,
            message_capabilities2: s == null ? null : s,
            messenger_account_status_category: t == null ? null : t,
            is_subscribed_to_page_updates: q == null ? !0 : q,
            is_viewer_managing_parent: r == null ? !1 : r,
            short_name: c("bs_belt_Option").getWithDefault(c("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(a.short_name),,
            square_image_src: null,
            timezone: null,
            title: v,
            user_type: x,
            vanity: a.username,
            verification_status: a.verification_status,
            wec_group_admins: w == null ? [] : {
                return {
                    id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
            wec_group_creation_time: u == null ? null : u,
            wec_group_invite_link: y == null ? null : y,
            wec_group_participant_count: z == null ? null : z.count,
            wec_group_participants: A == null ? [] : {
                return {
                    id: d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(,
            work_foreign_entity_info: B == null ? null : B
    function r(a) {
        return {
            return q(a.node.messaging_actor)
    function s(a, b) {
        b = b.read_receipts;
        if (b == null)
        var d = {};
        b.nodes.forEach(function(b) {
            var e =;
            if (e != null && a !== {
                d[] = {
                    action: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.action),
                    watermark: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.watermark)
        return c("bs_caml_option").some(d)
    function t(a) {
        a = a.delivery_receipts;
        if (a == null)
            return [];
            return a.nodes.sort(function(a, b) {
                a = c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(a.timestamp_precise);
                b = c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(b.timestamp_precise);
                if (a > b)
                    return -1;
                else if (a === b)
                    return 0;
                    return 1
    function u(a, b, c) {
        var e = b.messages;
        if (e != null)
            return {
                return d("").transformMessage(a, e, {
                    folder: b.folder.toLowerCase(),
                    other_user_fbid: b.thread_key.other_user_id,
                    thread_fbid: b.thread_key.thread_fbid,
                    thread_id: null
                }, c)
    function v(a, b, e) {
        var f = {
            var c = d("").unsafeCastBlobAttachments(b), a = b.extensible_attachment, e;
            if (a == null)
                e = null;
            else {
                var f = a.genie_attachment, g;
                if (f == null)
                    g = null;
                else {
                    f = f.genie_message;
                    var h;
                    if (f == null)
                        h = null;
                    else {
                        f = f.story_attachment;
                        h = {
                            story_attachment: f == null ? null : d("").unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment(f)
                    g = {
                        genie_message: h
                f = a.story_attachment;
                e = {
                    genie_attachment: g,
                    legacy_attachment_id: a.legacy_attachment_id,
                    story_attachment: f == null ? null : d("").unsafeCastExtensibleAttachment(f)
            return {
                blob_attachments: c,
                commerce_message_type: b.commerce_message_type,
                extensible_attachment: e,
                extensible_message_admin_text: b.extensible_message_admin_text,
                extensible_message_admin_text_type: b.extensible_message_admin_text_type,
                message_id: b.message_id,
                message_sender: b.message_sender,
                message_unsendability_status: b.message_unsendability_status,
                platform_xmd_encoded: b.platform_xmd_encoded,
                snippet: b.snippet,
                sticker: b.sticker,
                timestamp_precise: b.timestamp_precise
          , g = {
            admin_model_status_string: b.admin_model_status_string,
            all_participants: b.all_participants,
            approval_mode: b.approval_mode,
            associated_object: b.associated_object,
            can_viewer_report: b.can_viewer_report,
            cannot_reply_reason: b.cannot_reply_reason,
            composer_input_disabled: b.composer_input_disabled,
            conversion_detection_data: b.conversion_detection_data,
            customization_enabled: b.customization_enabled,
            customization_info: b.customization_info,
            description: b.description,
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: b.ephemeral_ttl_mode,
            event_reminders: b.event_reminders,
            folder: b.folder,
            group_approval_queue: b.group_approval_queue,
            group_thread_subtype: b.group_thread_subtype,
            groups_sync_status_string: b.groups_sync_status_string,
            has_viewer_archived: b.has_viewer_archived,
            image: b.image,
            is_business_page_active: b.is_business_page_active,
            is_canonical_neo_user: b.is_canonical_neo_user,
            is_other_recipient_page: b.is_other_recipient_page,
            is_page_follow_up: b.is_page_follow_up,
            is_page_unresponded_thread: b.is_page_unresponded_thread,
            is_pin_protected: b.is_pin_protected,
            is_pinned: b.is_pinned,
            is_viewer_subscribed: b.is_viewer_subscribed,
            joinable_link: b.joinable_link,
            joinable_mode: b.joinable_mode,
            last_message: {
                nodes: f
            last_read_receipt: b.last_read_receipt,
            linked_mentorship_programs: b.linked_mentorship_programs,
            marketplace_thread_data: b.marketplace_thread_data,
            mentions_mute_mode: b.mentions_mute_mode,
            message_count: b.messages_count,
            montage_thread: b.montage_thread,
            mute_until: b.mute_until,
            page_comm_item: b.page_comm_item,
            page_unsubscribe_status: b.page_unsubscribe_status,
            participant_add_mode_as_string: b.participant_add_mode_as_string,
            participants_event_status: b.participants_event_status,
            pinned_messages: b.pinned_messages,
            privacy_mode: b.privacy_mode,
            reactions_mute_mode: b.reactions_mute_mode,
            related_page_thread: b.related_page_thread,
            rtc_call_data: b.rtc_call_data,
            square_image: b.square_image,
            suggested_reply_data: b.suggested_reply_data,
            theme: b.thread_theme,
            thread_admins: b.thread_admins,
            thread_associated_job_applications: b.thread_associated_job_applications,
            thread_associated_page_admin: b.thread_associated_page_admin,
            thread_connectivity_data: b.thread_connectivity_data,
            thread_key: b.thread_key,
            thread_pin_timestamp: b.thread_pin_timestamp,
            thread_queue_enabled: b.thread_queue_enabled,
            thread_queue_metadata: b.thread_queue_metadata,
            thread_type: b.thread_type,
            thread_unsendability_status: b.thread_unsendability_status,
            unread_count: b.unread_count,
            unread_mentions_count: b.unread_mentions_count,
            updated_time_precise: b.updated_time_precise,
            work_groups_sync_metadata: b.work_groups_sync_metadata
        f = g.customization_info;
        var h;
        if (f == null)
            h = [null, null, null];
        else {
            var i = f.emoji;
            h = [p(f.outgoing_bubble_color), i == null ? null : {
                emoji: i
            }, n(f.participant_customizations)]
        i = h[0];
        f = g.theme;
        if (f == null)
            i = [i, i, i, [], null, void 0, null, null];
        else {
            var q = f.reaction_pack, s;
            if (q == null)
                s = void 0;
            else {
                q = q.reaction_assets;
                s = q == null ? void 0 : {
                    return {
                        keyframeAssetUri: a.keyframe_asset_uri,
                        reactionEmoji: a.reaction_emoji,
                        reactionName: a.reaction_name,
                        staticAssetUri: a.static_asset.uri
            q = f.gradient_colors.length;
            var t = o(f.fallback_color)
              , u = d("FBIDForMercury").ofString(;
            u = u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u) : null;
            if (q > 0 && d("ChatConfig").get("chat_tab_has_gradients")) {
                var v =;
                i = [t, c("bs_caml_array").get(v, 0), c("bs_caml_array").get(v, q - 1 | 0), v, u, s, f.accessibility_label, f.reverse_gradients_for_radial]
            } else
                i = [t, t, t, [], u, s, f.accessibility_label, f.reverse_gradients_for_radial]
        q = g.page_comm_item;
        v = q == null ? [null, null, null, null, null, [], !1, [], null, null, !1] : [q.comm_status, q.comm_source_id,, q.subtitle, q.comm_item_owners, q.comm_icon_type, q.is_priority, q.biz_inbox_tags, q.priority_score, q.biz_inbox_suggested_reply, q.is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent];
        t = g.last_message.nodes;
        u = t.length !== 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").some(t[0]) : void 0;
        s = g.last_read_receipt.nodes;
        f = s.length !== 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").some(s[0]) : void 0;
        if (u !== void 0) {
            q = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u);
            t = d("").transformAttachment(a, {
                blob_attachments: q.blob_attachments,
                extensible_attachment: q.extensible_attachment,
                sticker: q.sticker
            }, q.message_id, e)
        } else
            t = [];
        if (u !== void 0) {
            s = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).extensible_message_admin_text;
            if (s == null)
                q = null;
            else {
                e =;
                q = e == null ? null :
        } else
            q = null;
        s = d("").fromName(g.cannot_reply_reason);
        e = g.thread_key.other_user_id;
        if (e == null) {
            var w = g.thread_key.thread_fbid;
            w = w == null ? null : w
        } else
            w = e;
        e = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) {
            a[] = 0;
            return a
        }, {}, g.thread_admins);
        e = c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) {
            var c =;
            b = b.admin_type;
            var d = a[c];
            b != null && d !== void 0 && (a[c] = b);
            return a
        }, e, g.all_participants.edges);
        var x = g.thread_queue_metadata, y = g.group_approval_queue, z = g.group_thread_subtype, A = g.montage_thread, B = g.image, C = g.thread_key.other_user_id, D;
        if (u !== void 0) {
            var E = c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).platform_xmd_encoded;
            if (E == null)
                D = !1;
            else {
                try {
                    E = JSON.parse(E)
                } catch (a) {
                    E = {}
                E = c("bs_js_json").classify(E);
                D = typeof E === "number" || E.TAG !== 2 ? !1 : E._0.landing_exp !== void 0
        } else
            D = !1;
        E = g.thread_queue_metadata;
        var F = g.event_reminders.nodes, G = g.linked_mentorship_programs, H = g.marketplace_thread_data, I;
        if (H == null)
            I = null;
        else {
            var J = H.buyer, K = H.for_sale_item, L;
            if (K == null)
                L = null;
            else {
                var M = K.primary_photo, N;
                if (M == null)
                    N = null;
                else {
                    M = M.image;
                    N = M == null ? null : M.uri
                M = K.product_item;
                var O = K.location, P;
                if (O == null)
                    P = null;
                else {
                    O = O.reverse_geocode;
                    P = {
                        reverse_geocode: O == null ? null : {
                            state: O.state
                O = K.formatted_price;
                var Q = K.product_item;
                L = {
                    c2c_shipping_eligible: K.c2c_shipping_eligible,
                    delivery_types: K.delivery_types,
                    image_uri: N,
                    inventory_count: K.inventory_count,
                    is_commerce_post_item: M == null ? !1 : M.is_commerce_post_item,
                    is_pending: K.is_pending,
                    is_shipping_offered: K.is_shipping_offered,
                    is_sold: K.is_sold,
                    location: P,
                    price: O == null ? null : O.text,
                    product_item_id: Q == null ? null :,
                    story_id: K.story_id,
                    title: K.group_commerce_item_title,
                    url: K.url
            N = H.rating_state;
            M = H.seller;
            if (M == null)
                P = !1;
            else {
                O = M.marketplace_c2c_shipping_seller;
                P = O == null ? !1 : O.is_eligible
            Q = H.seller;
            I = {
                buyer_fbid: J == null ? null :,
                for_sale_item: L,
                is_eligible_to_rate: N == null ? null : N.is_eligible_to_rate,
                is_seller_eligible_for_shipping: P,
                seller_added_labels: {
                    return {
                        label_string: a.label_string,
                        label_type: a.label_type
                seller_fbid: Q == null ? null :,
                thread_fbid: w
        K =;
        M = g.associated_object;
        if (M == null)
            O = null;
        else {
            J = M.group_general_chat;
            O = J == null || w == null ? null : === w ? c("MessengerObjectAssociationType").GENERAL_CHAT : c("MessengerObjectAssociationType").REGULAR_CHAT
        L = g.pinned_messages;
        N = g.rtc_call_data;
        if (N == null)
            P = null;
        else {
            H = N.initiator;
            P = {
                call_state: N.call_state,
                initiator_fbid: H == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(d("FBIDForMercury").ofString(,
                server_info_data: N.server_info_data
        Q = g.square_image;
        M = g.thread_associated_job_applications;
        J = g.thread_type;
        H = g.work_groups_sync_metadata;
        if (H == null)
            N = null;
        else {
            H = H.fb_group;
            N = H == null ? null : H
        return {
            accessibility_label: i[6],
            admin_model_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.admin_model_status_string),
            admins: e,
            approval_mode: g.approval_mode,
            approval_queue_ids: x == null ? [] : {
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(d("FBIDForMercury").ofStringExn(
            associated_object: k(g),
            biz_inbox_suggested_reply: v[9],
            is_thread_currently_handled_by_ai_agent: v[10],
            biz_inbox_tags: v[7],
            can_reply: s === void 0,
            can_viewer_report: g.can_viewer_report,
            cannot_reply_reason: s !== void 0 ? s : null,
            comm_icon_type: v[5],
            comm_item_owners: v[4],
            comm_source_id: v[1],
            comm_status: v[0],
            composer_input_disabled: g.composer_input_disabled,
            conversion_detection_data: g.conversion_detection_data,
            custom_like_icon: h[1],
            custom_nickname: h[2],
            customization_enabled: g.customization_enabled,
            description: g.description,
            ephemeral_ttl_mode: g.ephemeral_ttl_mode,
            folder: g.folder.toLowerCase(),
            footer_color: i[2],
            game_id: q,
            gradient_colors: i[3],
            group_approval_queue: y == null ? null : y.nodes,
            group_thread_subtype: z == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MessengerGroupThreadSubType")[z]),
            groups_sync_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.groups_sync_status_string),
            has_email_participant: s !== void 0 ? s === "has_email_participant" : !1,
            has_montage: A != null,
            header_color: i[1],
            image_src: B == null ? null : B.uri,
            is_archived: g.has_viewer_archived,
            is_business_page_active: g.is_business_page_active,
            is_canonical: C != null,
            is_canonical_neo_user: g.is_canonical_neo_user,
            is_canonical_user: m(g),
            is_from_weak_entry_point: D,
            is_other_recipient_page: g.is_other_recipient_page,
            is_page_follow_up: g.is_page_follow_up,
            is_page_unresponded_thread: g.is_page_unresponded_thread,
            is_pin_protected: g.is_pin_protected,
            is_pinned: g.is_pinned,
            is_priority: v[6],
            is_subscribed: g.is_viewer_subscribed,
            is_thread_queue_enabled: E != null,
            joinable_link: g.joinable_link,
            joinable_mode: {
                mode: c("bs_caml_format").caml_int_of_string(g.joinable_mode.mode)
            last_message_admin_text_type: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).extensible_message_admin_text_type : null,
            last_message_id: null,
            last_message_timestamp: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).timestamp_precise) : 0,
            last_message_type: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).commerce_message_type : null,
            last_message_unsendability_status: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).message_unsendability_status : null,
            last_read_timestamp: f !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(f).timestamp_precise) : 0,
            lightweight_event: F.length !== 0 ? j(F[0]) : null,
            lightweight_events: c("bs_array").fold_left(function(a, b) {
                a[] = j(b);
                return a
            }, {}, g.event_reminders.nodes),
            linked_mentorship_programs: G == null ? null : G,
            marketplace_thread_data: I,
            mentions_mute_mode: g.mentions_mute_mode === "MENTIONS_NOT_MUTED" ? 0 : 1,
            message_count: g.message_count,
            mute_until: g.mute_until,
            name: K == null ? "" : K,
            object_association_type: O,
            other_user_fbid: g.thread_key.other_user_id,
            page_comm_item_id: v[2],
            page_thread_info: l(g),
            page_unsubscribe_status: g.page_unsubscribe_status,
            participant_add_mode: g.participant_add_mode_as_string,
            participants: {
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(
            participants_event_status: g.participants_event_status,
            pinned_messages: L == null ? null : {
                var c = b.message;
                return {
                    message: c == null ? null : d("").transformMessage(a, c, {
                        folder: g.folder.toLowerCase(),
                        other_user_fbid: g.thread_key.other_user_id,
                        thread_fbid: g.thread_key.thread_fbid,
                        thread_id: null
                    }, !1),
                    message_id: b.message_id,
                    pinning_time: b.pinning_time
            preloaded_participants: r(b),
            priority_score: v[8],
            reactions: i[5],
            reactions_mute_mode: g.reactions_mute_mode === "REACTIONS_NOT_MUTED" ? 0 : 1,
            read_only: s !== void 0 ? s === "read_only" : !1,
            recipients_loadable: s !== void 0 ? s !== "recipients_not_loadable" : !0,
            reverse_gradients_for_radial: i[7],
            rtc_call_data: P,
            server_timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(g.updated_time_precise),
            snippet: u !== void 0 ? c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u).snippet : null,
            snippet_attachments: t,
            snippet_sender: u !== void 0 ? d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(c("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(u) : null,
            solid_color: i[0],
            square_image_src: Q == null ? null : Q.uri,
            subtitle: v[3],
            suggested_reply_data: g.suggested_reply_data,
            theme_id: i[4],
            thread_associated_job_applications: M == null ? null : M,
            thread_associated_page_admin: g.thread_associated_page_admin,
            thread_connectivity_data: g.thread_connectivity_data,
            thread_fbid: w,
            thread_id: "",
            thread_pin_timestamp: g.thread_pin_timestamp,
            thread_type: J == null ? null : c("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(c("MessagingThreadType")[J]),
            thread_unsendability_status: d("").fromNullableString(g.thread_unsendability_status),
            timestamp: c("bs_caml_format").caml_float_of_string(g.updated_time_precise),
            unread_count: g.unread_count,
            unread_mentions_count: g.unread_mentions_count,
            work_associated_group: N
    a = a;
    b = b;
    e = e;
    f = f;
    var w = q
      , x = r;
    s = s;
    t = t;
    u = u;
    v = v;
    g.getThreadFBID = a;
    g.getOtherUserID = b;
    g.getMessagePageInfo = e;
    g.getBlockedParticipant = f;
    g.transformParticipant = w;
    g.transformParticipants = x;
    g.transformReadReceipts = s;
    g.transformDeliveryReceipts = t;
    g.transformMessages = u;
    g.transformThread = v
), 226);
__d("XGraphQLBatchAPIController", ["XController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = b("XController").create("/api/graphqlbatch/", {
        queries: {
            type: "String"
        batch_name: {
            type: "String"
        scheduler: {
            type: "Enum",
            enumType: 1
        shared_params: {
            type: "String"
        fb_api_req_friendly_name: {
            type: "String"
), null);
__d("getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return c("gkx")("22425")
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("MessengerWebGraphQLHelper", ["errorCode", "ActorURI", "AsyncRequest", "DTSG", "DTSGParser", "Deferred", "FBLogger", "WebGraphQLConfig", "XGraphQLBatchAPIController", "cr:2148", "cr:2703", "cr:4351", "getAsyncParams", "getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration", "getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery", "nullthrows", "react-relay"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i = "for (;;);"
      , j = i.length;
    function a(a, b) {
        return l([a], b)[0]
    function k(a, d, e) {
        var f = b("react-relay");
        f = f.fetchQuery;
        e = b("cr:2148") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:2148").getForActorID(e);
        var g = new (c("Deferred"))()
          , h = g.getPromise();
        f(c("nullthrows")(e), a, d.variables).subscribe({
            start: function() {},
            complete: function() {},
            error: function(a) {
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: a.message,
                        severity: "CRITICAL",
                        error: a
            next: function(a) {
                a ? g.resolve(a) : g.reject({
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: "Unexpected response received from server.",
                        severity: "CRITICAL",
                        response: a
        return h
    function l(a, e) {
        var f = e == null ? void 0 : e.actorID;
        if (a.length === 1 && f) {
            if (b("cr:4351")) {
                var g;
                g = (g = e == null ? void 0 : e.batchName) != null ? g : "";
                var h = a[0].variables
                  , l = b("cr:4351").getUnifiedChannelFromMercuryOperations(g, h.source);
                if (l && g && (g === "MessengerGraphQLThreadlistFetcher" || g === "MessengerGraphQLThreadFetcher") && h.source && b("cr:4351").shouldUseUnifiedQuery(l, h) && d("getBizInboxUnifiedThreadsQuery").getShouldUnifyThreadQueries())
                    return [b("cr:4351").execUnifiedQuery(l)]
            if ((b("cr:2703") == null ? void 0 : b("cr:2703") === ((g = a[0]) == null ? void 0 : && !((h = a[0]) == null ? void 0 : h.variables.before) && c("getBizInboxThreadsRelayQueryMigration")())
                return [k(b("cr:2703"), a[0], f)]
        var m = {}
          , n = {};
        l =, b) {
            b = "o" + b;
            m[b] = {
                doc_id: c("nullthrows")(,
                query_params: a.variables
            a = new (c("Deferred"))();
            n[b] = a;
            return a.getPromise()
        g = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, c("getAsyncParams")("POST"));
        e && e.actorID != null && (g[d("ActorURI").PARAMETER_ACTOR] = e.actorID);
        h = e && e.batchName ? {
            batch_name: e.batchName
        } : {};
        f = new (c("AsyncRequest"))().setURI(c("XGraphQLBatchAPIController").getURIBuilder().getURI()).setOption("suppressEvaluation", !0).setMethod("POST").setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").setData(babelHelpers["extends"]({}, h, g, {
            queries: JSON.stringify(m)
        })).setHandler(function(a) {
            a = a.getPayload();
            a = a.response;
            try {
                if (a.startsWith(i)) {
                    var b = a.substring(j);
                    b = JSON.parse(b);
                    if (b.error == 1357001) {
                        Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) {
                            n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({
                                data: {},
                                errors: [{
                                    message: "Not logged in.",
                                    severity: "CRITICAL",
                                    should_end_session: !0
                b = a.split("\r\n");
                b = {
                    return JSON.parse(a)
                b.forEach(function(a) {
                    return Object.keys(a).forEach(function(b) {
                        var c = n[b];
                        if (c) {
                            b = a[b];
                            if (b.extensions) {
                                var e;
                                e = (e = b.extensions) == null ? void 0 : e.dtsg_token;
                                e && d("DTSG").setToken(e)
                            b.errors ? c.reject(b) : ? c.resolve( : c.reject({
                                data: {},
                                errors: [{
                                    message: "Unexpected response received from server.",
                                    severity: "CRITICAL",
                                    response: b
            } catch (b) {
                c("FBLogger")("webgraphql").catching(b).mustfix("Bad response: ", "%s%s", a.substr(0, 250), a.length > 250 ? "[truncated]" : "")
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) {
                n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: "No response received from server.",
                        severity: "CRITICAL"
        }).setTimeoutHandler(c("WebGraphQLConfig").timeout, function() {
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(a) {
                n[a].isSettled() || n[a].reject({
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: "Request timed out.",
                        severity: "CRITICAL"
        }).setErrorHandler(function(a) {
            var b = a.getErrorDescription();
            Object.keys(n).forEach(function(c) {
                n[c].isSettled() || n[c].reject({
                    data: {},
                    errors: [{
                        message: b,
                        severity: "CRITICAL",
                        error: a.getError()
        e && e.msgrRegion && f.setRequestHeader("X-MSGR-Region", e.msgrRegion);
        return l
    g.exec = a;
    g.execRelayQuery = k;
    g.execAll = l
), 98);
__d("", ["MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql", "", "MessengerWebGraphQLHelper", "ODS", "Promise"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    function a(a) {
        return d("MessengerWebGraphQLHelper").exec({
            id: c("MessengerParticipantsQuery.graphql"),
            variables: a
        }, {
            actorID: null,
            batchName: "MessengerParticipantsFetcher",
            msgrRegion: null
        })["catch"](function(a) {
            (i || (i = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participants.failure");
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(a)
        }).then(function(b) {
            (i || (i = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participants.success");
            var c = []
              , e = new Set();
            b.messaging_actors.forEach(function(a) {
                if (a == null)
                a = d("").transformParticipant(a);
            b = a.ids.filter(function(a) {
                return !e.has(a)
            b.length > 0 && b.forEach(function(a) {
            return c
    g.$$fetch = a
), 98);
__d("bs_js_int", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        return a === b
    b = 2147483647;
    c = -2147483648;
    f.equal = a;
    f.max = b;
    f.min = c
), null);
__d("bs_js_math", ["bs_js_int"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        return Math.ceil(a)
    function c(a) {
        if (a > b("bs_js_int").max)
            return b("bs_js_int").max;
        else if (a < b("bs_js_int").min)
            return b("bs_js_int").min;
            return Math.ceil(a)
    function d(a) {
        return Math.floor(a)
    function g(a) {
        if (a > b("bs_js_int").max)
            return b("bs_js_int").max;
        else if (a < b("bs_js_int").min)
            return b("bs_js_int").min;
            return Math.floor(a)
    function e(a, b) {
        return g(Math.random() * (b - a | 0)) + a | 0
    var h = c
      , i = g;
    f.unsafe_ceil = a;
    f.ceil_int = c;
    f.ceil = h;
    f.unsafe_floor = d;
    f.floor_int = g;
    f.floor = i;
    f.random_int = e
), null);
__d("bs_belt_Array", ["bs_caml", "bs_caml_option", "bs_curry", "bs_js_math"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g;
    function a(a, c) {
        if (c >= 0 && c < a.length)
            return b("bs_caml_option").some(a[c])
    function c(a, b) {
        if (!(b >= 0 && b < a.length))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure",
                _1: ["", 27, 4],
                Error: new Error()
        return a[b]
    function d(a, b, c) {
        if (b >= 0 && b < a.length) {
            a[b] = c;
            return !0
        } else
            return !1
    function e(a, b, c) {
        if (!(b >= 0 && b < a.length))
            throw {
                RE_EXN_ID: "Assert_failure",
                _1: ["", 33, 2],
                Error: new Error()
        a[b] = c
    function h(a, b, c) {
        var d = a[b];
        a[b] = a[c];
        a[c] = d
    function i(a) {
        var c = a.length;
        for (var d = 0; d < c; ++d)
            h(a, d, b("bs_js_math").random_int(d, c))
    function j(a) {
        a = a.slice(0);
        return a
    function k(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = 0;
        for (var d = 0, e = b / 2 | 0; d < e; ++d)
            h(a, c + d | 0, ((c + b | 0) - d | 0) - 1 | 0)
    function l(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = new Array(b);
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d)
            c[d] = a[(b - 1 | 0) - d | 0];
        return c
    function m(a, b) {
        if (a <= 0)
            return [];
        var c = new Array(a);
        for (var d = 0; d < a; ++d)
            c[d] = b;
        return c
    function n(a, b) {
        if (a <= 0)
            return [];
        var c = new Array(a);
        for (var d = 0; d < a; ++d)
            c[d] = b(d);
        return c
    function o(a, c) {
        return n(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function p(a, b) {
        a = n(a, b);
        return a
    function q(a, c) {
        return p(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function r(a, b) {
        b = b - a | 0;
        if (b < 0)
            return [];
        var c = new Array(b + 1 | 0);
        for (var d = 0; d <= b; ++d)
            c[d] = a + d | 0;
        return c
    function s(a, b, c) {
        b = b - a | 0;
        if (b < 0 || c <= 0)
            return [];
        b = (b / c | 0) + 1 | 0;
        var d = new Array(b);
        a = a;
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e)
            d[e] = a,
            a = a + c | 0;
        return d
    function t(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = b.length;
        c = c < d ? c : d;
        d = new Array(c);
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e)
            d[e] = [a[e], b[e]];
        return d
    function u(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length
          , e = b.length;
        d = d < e ? d : e;
        e = new Array(d);
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = c(a[f], b[f]);
        return e
    function v(a, c, d) {
        return u(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function w(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = b.length
          , e = new Array(c + d | 0);
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f)
            e[f] = a[f];
        for (a = 0; a < d; ++a)
            e[c + a | 0] = b[a];
        return e
    function x(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = 0;
        for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d)
            c = c + a[d].length | 0;
        d = new Array(c);
        c = 0;
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e) {
            var f = a[e];
            for (var g = 0, h = f.length; g < h; ++g)
                d[c] = f[g],
                c = c + 1 | 0
        return d
    function y(a, c, d) {
        if (d <= 0)
            return [];
        var e = a.length;
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(e + c | 0, 0) : c;
        e = e - c | 0;
        e = e < d ? e : d;
        if (e <= 0)
            return [];
        d = new Array(e);
        for (var f = 0; f < e; ++f)
            d[f] = a[c + f | 0];
        return d
    function z(a, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(d + c | 0, 0) : c;
        d = d - c | 0;
        var e = new Array(d);
        for (var f = 0; f < d; ++f)
            e[f] = a[c + f | 0];
        return e
    function A(a, c, d, e) {
        if (d <= 0)
        var f = a.length;
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(f + c | 0, 0) : c;
        f = f - c | 0;
        f = f < d ? f : d;
        if (f <= 0)
        for (d = c,
        c = c + f | 0; d < c; ++d)
            a[d] = e
    function B(a, b, c, d, e) {
        if (d <= b) {
            for (var f = 0; f < e; ++f)
                c[f + d | 0] = a[f + b | 0];
        for (f = e - 1 | 0; f >= 0; --f)
            c[f + d | 0] = a[f + b | 0]
    function C(a, c, d, e, f) {
        var h = a.length
          , i = d.length;
        c = c < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(h + c | 0, 0) : c;
        e = e < 0 ? (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_max(i + e | 0, 0) : e;
        f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(f, g.caml_int_min(h - c | 0, i - e | 0));
        if (e <= c) {
            for (h = 0; h < f; ++h)
                d[h + e | 0] = a[h + c | 0];
        for (i = f - 1 | 0; i >= 0; --i)
            d[i + e | 0] = a[i + c | 0]
    function D(a, b) {
        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
    function E(a, c) {
        return D(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function F(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = new Array(c);
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e)
            d[e] = b(a[e]);
        return d
    function G(a, c) {
        return F(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function H(a, c) {
        var d = a.length, e = 0, f;
        while (f === void 0 && e < d) {
            var g = a[e];
            c(g) && (f = b("bs_caml_option").some(g));
            e = e + 1 | 0
        return f
    function aa(a, c) {
        return H(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function I(a, b) {
        var c = a.length, d = 0, e;
        while (e === void 0 && d < c) {
            var f = a[d];
            b(f) && (e = d);
            d = d + 1 | 0
        return e
    function ba(a, c) {
        return I(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function J(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = new Array(c)
          , e = 0;
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f) {
            var g = a[f];
            b(g) && (d[e] = g,
            e = e + 1 | 0)
        d.length = e;
        return d
    function ca(a, c) {
        return J(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function K(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = new Array(c)
          , e = 0;
        for (var f = 0; f < c; ++f) {
            var g = a[f];
            b(g, f) && (d[e] = g,
            e = e + 1 | 0)
        d.length = e;
        return d
    function da(a, c) {
        return K(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c))
    function L(a, c) {
        var d = a.length
          , e = new Array(d)
          , f = 0;
        for (var g = 0; g < d; ++g) {
            var h = a[g];
            h = c(h);
            h !== void 0 && (e[f] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(h),
            f = f + 1 | 0)
        e.length = f;
        return e
    function ea(a, c) {
        return L(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function M(a, b) {
        for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; ++c)
            b(c, a[c])
    function fa(a, c) {
        return M(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c))
    function N(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = new Array(c);
        for (var e = 0; e < c; ++e)
            d[e] = b(e, a[e]);
        return d
    function ga(a, c) {
        return N(a, b("bs_curry").__2(c))
    function O(a, b, c) {
        b = b;
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)
            b = c(b, a[d]);
        return b
    function ha(a, c, d) {
        return O(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function P(a, b, c) {
        b = b;
        for (var d = a.length - 1 | 0; d >= 0; --d)
            b = c(b, a[d]);
        return b
    function ia(a, c, d) {
        return P(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function Q(a, c, d, e) {
        d = d;
        var f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length);
        for (f = f - 1 | 0; f >= 0; --f)
            d = e(d, a[f], c[f]);
        return d
    function ja(a, c, d, e) {
        return Q(a, c, d, b("bs_curry").__3(e))
    function R(a, b, c) {
        b = b;
        for (var d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d)
            b = c(b, a[d], d);
        return b
    function ka(a, c, d) {
        return R(a, c, b("bs_curry").__3(d))
    function S(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var e = d;
            if (e === c)
                return !0;
            if (!b(a[e]))
                return !1;
            d = e + 1 | 0;
    function la(a, c) {
        return S(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function T(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = 0;
        while (!0) {
            var e = d;
            if (e === c)
                return !1;
            if (b(a[e]))
                return !0;
            d = e + 1 | 0;
    function ma(a, c) {
        return T(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function U(a, b, c, d, e) {
        while (!0) {
            var f = c;
            if (f === e)
                return !0;
            if (!d(a[f], b[f]))
                return !1;
            c = f + 1 | 0;
    function V(a, c, d) {
        return U(a, c, 0, d, (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length))
    function na(a, c, d) {
        return V(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function W(a, c, d) {
        var e = 0
          , f = (g || (g = b("bs_caml"))).caml_int_min(a.length, c.length);
        while (!0) {
            var h = e;
            if (h === f)
                return !1;
            if (d(a[h], c[h]))
                return !0;
            e = h + 1 | 0;
    function oa(a, c, d) {
        return W(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function X(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length
          , e = b.length;
        if (d === e)
            return U(a, b, 0, c, d);
            return !1
    function pa(a, c, d) {
        return X(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function Y(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length
          , e = b.length;
        if (d > e)
            return 1;
        else if (d < e)
            return -1;
        else {
            e = 0;
            while (!0) {
                var f = e;
                if (f === d)
                    return 0;
                var g = c(a[f], b[f]);
                if (g !== 0)
                    return g;
                e = f + 1 | 0;
    function qa(a, c, d) {
        return Y(a, c, b("bs_curry").__2(d))
    function Z(a, b) {
        var c = a.length
          , d = 0
          , e = 0
          , f = new Array(c)
          , g = new Array(c);
        for (var h = 0; h < c; ++h) {
            var i = a[h];
            b(i) ? (f[d] = i,
            d = d + 1 | 0) : (g[e] = i,
            e = e + 1 | 0)
        f.length = d;
        g.length = e;
        return [f, g]
    function ra(a, c) {
        return Z(a, b("bs_curry").__1(c))
    function sa(a) {
        var b = a.length
          , c = new Array(b)
          , d = new Array(b);
        for (var e = 0; e < b; ++e) {
            var f = a[e];
            c[e] = f[0];
            d[e] = f[1]
        return [c, d]
    function $(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length;
        if (d === 0)
            return "";
        d = d - 1 | 0;
        var e = 0
          , f = "";
        while (!0) {
            var g = f
              , h = e;
            if (h === d)
                return g + c(a[h]);
            f = g + (c(a[h]) + b);
            e = h + 1 | 0;
    function ta(a, c, d) {
        return $(a, c, b("bs_curry").__1(d))
    f.get = a;
    f.getExn = c;
    f.set = d;
    f.setExn = e;
    f.shuffleInPlace = i;
    f.shuffle = j;
    f.reverseInPlace = k;
    f.reverse = l;
    f.make = m;
    f.range = r;
    f.rangeBy = s;
    f.makeByU = n;
    f.makeBy = o;
    f.makeByAndShuffleU = p;
    f.makeByAndShuffle = q; = t;
    f.zipByU = u;
    f.zipBy = v;
    f.unzip = sa;
    f.concat = w;
    f.concatMany = x;
    f.slice = y;
    f.sliceToEnd = z;
    f.fill = A;
    f.blit = C;
    f.blitUnsafe = B;
    f.forEachU = D;
    f.forEach = E;
    f.mapU = F; = G;
    f.getByU = H;
    f.getBy = aa;
    f.getIndexByU = I;
    f.getIndexBy = ba;
    f.keepU = J;
    f.keep = ca;
    f.keepWithIndexU = K;
    f.keepWithIndex = da;
    f.keepMapU = L;
    f.keepMap = ea;
    f.forEachWithIndexU = M;
    f.forEachWithIndex = fa;
    f.mapWithIndexU = N;
    f.mapWithIndex = ga;
    f.partitionU = Z;
    f.partition = ra;
    f.reduceU = O;
    f.reduce = ha;
    f.reduceReverseU = P;
    f.reduceReverse = ia;
    f.reduceReverse2U = Q;
    f.reduceReverse2 = ja;
    f.reduceWithIndexU = R;
    f.reduceWithIndex = ka;
    f.joinWithU = $;
    f.joinWith = ta;
    f.someU = T;
    f.some = ma;
    f.everyU = S;
    f.every = la;
    f.every2U = V;
    f.every2 = na;
    f.some2U = W;
    f.some2 = oa;
    f.cmpU = Y;
    f.cmp = qa;
    f.eqU = X;
    f.eq = pa
), null);
__d("", ["fbt", "CurrentUser", "FBIDForMercury", "ImmutableObject", "MercuryAssert", "MercuryIDs", "", "", "ODS", "Promise", "bs_belt_Array", "bs_caml_obj", "bs_caml_option", "bs_curry", "bs_js_null_undefined", "immutable"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = {
        contents: 1
    }, k = {}, l = new Set(), m = {}, n = function(b, a) {
        delete b[a];
        return 0
    }, o = function(b, a) {
        delete b[a];
        return 0
    function p(a) {
        a = b("CurrentUser").getAppID();
        if (b("CurrentUser").isWorkUser() || a === 1586666294789976..toString())
            return g._("__JHASH__wQqRyMlOKFy__JHASH__");
        else if (b("CurrentUser").isWorkroomsUser() || a === 424940172743869..toString())
            return g._("__JHASH__6YiFugiNOIw__JHASH__");
            return g._("__JHASH__yosnsm5UZCw__JHASH__")
    function q(a) {
        var c = a.user_type;
        if (c == null)
            return a;
        if (!(b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c, "user") || b("bs_caml_obj").caml_equal(c, "friend")))
            return a;
        c = a.href;
        var d = a.vanity;
        if (c != null)
            return a;
        if (d != null)
            return a;
        c = p();
        return Object.assign(a, {
            name: c,
            short_name: c
    function a(a) {
        Object.keys(k).forEach(function(a) {
            return o(k, a)
    function r(a) {
        var c =
          , d = a.vanity;
        d != null && b("").set(d, c);
        d = k[c];
        d !== void 0 ? k[c] = b("ImmutableObject").set(b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d), a) : k[c] = new (b("ImmutableObject"))(q(a))
    function c(a) {
        a = a.participants;
        if (a != null) {
    function d(a) {
        a = a.preloaded_participants;
        if (a != null) {
    function s(a, c, d) {
        var e = {}
          , f = [];
        a.forEach(function(a) {
            var c = k[a];
            c !== void 0 ? e[a] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(c) : f.push(a)
        if (f.length !== 0) {
            var g = [];
            f.forEach(function(a) {
                if (l.has(a))
                var c = b("MercuryIDs").getUserIDFromParticipantID(a);
                if (c != null) {
            var o = j.contents.toString();
            m[o] = [a, d];
            j.contents = j.contents + 1 | 0;
            g.length > 0 && b("").$$fetch({
                ids: g,
                source: c
            }).then(function(a) {
                a.forEach(function(a) {
                    k[] = new (b("ImmutableObject"))(a);
                    var c =;
                    a = a.vanity;
                    a != null && b("").set(a, c);
                Object.keys(m).forEach(function(a) {
                    var d = m[a];
                    if (d === void 0)
                    var e = d[0]
                      , c = {};
                    e.forEach(function(a) {
                        var d = k[a];
                        if (d !== void 0) {
                            c[a] = b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d);
                    if (Object.keys(c).length === e.length) {
                        n(m, a);
                        return d[1](c)
                (h || (h = b("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participant.success");
                return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve()
            })["catch"](function(a) {
                (h || (h = b("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(2966, "messenger_webgraphql", "fetch_participant.failure");
                return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve()
            return o
        return null
    function e(a, b) {
        return s(a, null, b)
    function t(a, c) {
        return s([a], null, function(d) {
            d = d[a];
            if (d !== void 0)
                return b("bs_curry")._1(c, b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(d))
    function u(a) {
        return b("bs_js_null_undefined").fromOption(k[a])
    function v(c, d) {
        var e = []
          , a = [];
        c.forEach(function(b) {
            var c = u(b);
            c == null ? e.push(b) : a.push(c)
        if (e.length === 0)
            return [a, null];
        var f = s(e, null, function(a) {
            return b("bs_curry")._1(d, b("bs_belt_Array").keepMap(c, function(a) {
                return b("bs_caml_option").nullable_to_opt(u(a))
        return [a, f]
    function w(a, c) {
        var d = function(a) {
            return b("immutable").Map( {
                return [, a]
          , e = function(a) {
            return b("bs_curry")._1(c, d(a))
        a = v(a, e);
        return [d(a[0]), a[1]]
    function x(a) {
        return n(m, a)
    function y(a) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        if (b("").hasVanity(a)) {
            var c = b("").getID(a);
            if (c == null)
                return null;
                return c
        c = /^\d+$/;
        if (!c.test(a))
            return null;
        c = b("FBIDForMercury").ofString(a);
        if (c !== void 0)
            return b("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(b("bs_caml_option").valFromOption(c));
            return null
    f.reset = a;
    f.addParticipants = c;
    f.addPreloadedParticipants = d;
    f.getDefaultName = p;
    f.get = t;
    f.getNow = u;
    f.getMultiWithSource = s;
    f.getMulti = e;
    f.getMultiEager = v;
    f.getMultiEagerMap = w;
    f.removeCallback = x;
    f.getIDFromVanityOrFBID = y
), 130);
__d("MessengerPhone.svg.react", ["react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        return i.jsxs("svg", babelHelpers["extends"]({
            viewBox: "0 0 36 36",
            fill: "currentColor",
            width: "1em",
            height: "1em"
        }, a, {
            children: [a.title != null && i.jsx("title", {
                children: a.title
            }), a.children != null && i.jsx("defs", {
                children: a.children
            }), i.jsx("path", {
                d: "M25.753 28.2c1.07-.357 1.816-1.275 2.423-2.225a2.05 2.05 0 0 0 .037-2.151 4.998 4.998 0 0 0-.723-.963 11.594 11.594 0 0 0-2.888-2.112c-.58-.299-1.272-.212-1.808.159l-2.098 1.452a.472.472 0 0 1-.437.055 11.557 11.557 0 0 1-4.045-2.63 11.554 11.554 0 0 1-2.63-4.044.472.472 0 0 1 .056-.437l1.453-2.098c.37-.536.457-1.228.158-1.807A11.587 11.587 0 0 0 13.14 8.51a4.995 4.995 0 0 0-.963-.723 2.05 2.05 0 0 0-2.15.037c-.951.607-1.87 1.353-2.225 2.424-1.174 3.527 1.187 8.461 5.338 12.613 4.152 4.151 9.086 6.512 12.614 5.338z"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    a._isSVG = !0;
    b = a;
    g["default"] = b
), 98);
__d("NotificationPermissionRequestComet.react", ["fbt", "BaseAccessibleElement_DEPRECATED.react", "BaseModal.react", "CometHideLayerOnEscape.react", "CometVisualCompletion", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || (i = d("react")), k = i.useEffect;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.onClick;
        k(function() {
            window.addEventListener("mousedown", b);
            c("CometVisualCompletion").addAnnotationInt("pushRequestOverlay", 1);
            return function() {
                window.removeEventListener("mousedown", b)
        }, [b]);
        return j.jsx(c("BaseModal.react"), {
            stackingBehavior: "above-everything",
            children: j.jsx(c("CometHideLayerOnEscape.react"), {
                onHide: b,
                children: j.jsx(c("BaseAccessibleElement_DEPRECATED.react"), {
                    children: j.jsxs("div", {
                        "aria-label": h._("__JHASH__oE04FVLR0CK__JHASH__"),
                        "aria-modal": "true",
                        role: "alertdialog",
                        children: [h._("__JHASH__gW3M_fEDpFx__JHASH__"), j.jsx("button", {
                            onClick: b,
                            children: h._("__JHASH__uufiRayKSVE__JHASH__")
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("OverlayConfigDefaults", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = Object.freeze([1, 0, 0, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 640, 360, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 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    b = a;
    f["default"] = b
), 66);
__d("OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer", ["OverlayConfigDefaults", "OverlayConfigLayerSource"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a() {}
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.getLayerSource = function() {
            return c("OverlayConfigLayerSource").DEFAULT
        b.getValue = function(a) {
            return c("OverlayConfigDefaults")[a]
        b.logExposure = function(a) {}
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("OverlayConfigLayerManager", ["OverlayConfigConstants", "OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a() {
            this.$1 = [new (c("OverlayConfigDefaultsLayer"))()]
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.getValue = function(a) {
            for (var b = this.$1.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
                var d = this.$1[b].getValue(a);
                if (d > c("OverlayConfigConstants").OverlayConfigNotPresentFlagValue)
                    return d
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: No value found for id " + String(a), "rtc_www")
        b.addLayer = function(a) {
            return this.$1.length - 1
        b.replaceLayer = function(a, b) {
            if (a === 0)
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: Tried to replace default layer!", "rtc_www");
            else if (this.$1[a] == null)
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("OverlayConfigLayerManager: Layer does not exist at index " + String(a), "rtc_www");
            this.$1[a] = b
        b.clone = function() {
            var b = new a();
            b.$1 = this.$1.slice();
            return b
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("OverlayConfigManager", ["Configs", "OverlayConfigLayerManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    var g = (a = b("Configs")).ExampleConfig
      , h = a.SimulcastOverSignalingConfig
      , i = a.PreferredCaptureConfig
      , j = a.ZenonSdpTransformConfig
      , k = a.ZenonPeerConnectionConfig
      , l = a.ZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig
      , m = a.ZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig
      , n = a.ZenonMultiCallSupportConfig
      , o = a.ZenonPlatformSupportConfig
      , p = a.ZenonSimulcastConfig
      , q = a.DynamicRuleConfig
      , r = a.SignalingPingConfig;
    c = function() {
        function a() {
            this.layerManager = new (b("OverlayConfigLayerManager"))()
        var c = a.prototype;
        c.getExampleConfig = function() {
            return new g(this.layerManager)
        c.getSimulcastOverSignalingConfig = function() {
            return new h(this.layerManager)
        c.getPreferredCaptureConfig = function() {
            return new i(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonSdpTransformConfig = function() {
            return new j(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonPeerConnectionConfig = function() {
            return new k(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonStartCallImmediatelyConfig = function() {
            return new l(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonGeneralizedIdentityConfig = function() {
            return new m(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonMultiCallSupportConfig = function() {
            return new n(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonPlatformSupportConfig = function() {
            return new o(this.layerManager)
        c.getZenonSimulcastConfig = function() {
            return new p(this.layerManager)
        c.getDynamicRuleConfig = function() {
            return new q(this.layerManager)
        c.getSignalingPingConfig = function() {
            return new r(this.layerManager)
        return a
    e.exports = c
), null);
__d("OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer", ["OverlayConfigManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b(b) {
            var c;
            c = || this;
            c.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 = -1;
            b != null && (c.layerManager = b.layerManager.clone());
            return c
        var c = b.prototype;
        c.setServerLayer = function(a) {
            if (this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 > -1) {
                this.layerManager.replaceLayer(this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1, a);
            this.$OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer$p_1 = this.layerManager.addLayer(a)
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "7188178894556645"
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql", ["PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "ids"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , c = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "ids",
            variableName: "ids"
          , d = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
          , e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "name",
            storageKey: null
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "height",
                value: 36
            }, {
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "scale",
                variableName: "scale"
            }, {
                kind: "Literal",
                name: "width",
                value: 36
            concreteType: "Image",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "profile_picture",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "uri",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: c,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [d, e, f],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: c,
                        concreteType: null,
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_nodes",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "__typename",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, d, {
                            kind: "TypeDiscriminator",
                            abstractKey: "__isProfile"
                        }, e, f],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "5081675628568293"
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql", ["PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "chat_visibility",
            storageKey: null
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_converted_to_view_side_settings",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c],
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [a, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "id",
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        kind: "InlineDataFragment",
        name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings"
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription", ["AvailableListState", "CometHomeContactsConfig", "CometRelay", "CurrentUser", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql", "Promise", "WebPixelRatio", "chunkArray", "promiseDone", "recoverableViolation", "relay-runtime", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k, l = c("requireDeferred")("FBMqttChannel").__setRef("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription"), m = c("requireDeferred")("MessengerMQTTPresence").__setRef("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription"), n = Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(Object.entries(c("AvailableListState")).map(function(a) {
        var b, c = a[0];
        a = a[1];
        return b = {},
        b[String(a)] = c,
    }))), o = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_PresenceStatusChatVisibilityQuery.graphql"), p = i !== void 0 ? i : i = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_ContactProfilesQuery.graphql");
    function q(a) {
        var b = null
          , c = l.onReady(function(c) {
            c.subscribe("/legacy_web", function(b) {
                var c = JSON.parse(b);
                c.type === "privacy_changed" && a.commitUpdate(function(a) {
                    a = a.getRoot();
                    if (a == null)
                    a = a.getLinkedRecord("viewer");
                    if (a == null)
                    a.setValue(((a = == null ? void 0 : a.visibility) === !0, "chat_visibility")
            b = function() {
                return c.unsubscribeAll("/legacy_web")
        return {
            remove: function() {
                b != null && b()
    function r(a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = null
          , g = m.onReady(function(g) {
                reset: function() {
                    var f = b.current
                      , g = {};
                    Object.keys(f).forEach(function(a) {
                        delete g[a]
                    b.current = g;
                    A(a, b.current, c, d, e)
                setMultiFromMQTT: function(f) {
                    var g = b.current
                      , h = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, g);
                    f.forEach(function(a) {
                        h[a.u] = {
                            last_active_time: a.l,
                            status: a.p
                    b.current = h;
                    A(a, b.current, c, d, e)
            f = function() {
                return g.unsubscribe()
        return {
            remove: function() {
                f != null && f()
    function s(a, b, c, e, f) {
        var g, h = d("relay-runtime").getRequest(o);
        h = d("relay-runtime").createOperationDescriptor(h, {});
        h = a.lookup(h.fragment);
        g = (g = == null ? void 0 : g.viewer;
        var i = typeof g === "object" ? g == null ? void 0 : g.chat_visibility : null;
        e.current = !!i;
        return a.subscribe(h, function(d) {
            d =;
            d = d == null ? void 0 : d.viewer;
            if (typeof d !== "object" || d == null)
            var g = d == null ? void 0 : d.presence_view_side_settings;
            if (typeof g === "object" && g != null && g.has_converted_to_view_side_settings === !0)
            g = d.chat_visibility;
            i != null && g !== i && A(a, b.current, c, e, f);
            i = g
    var t = {
        height: 36,
        scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get(),
        width: 36
      , u = 500;
    function v(a, e) {
        a = c("chunkArray")(Array.from(a), u);
        a = {
            return d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(e, p, {
                ids: a,
                scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get()
            }, {
                fetchPolicy: "store-or-network"
        return (k || (k = b("Promise"))).all(a)
    var w = function(a, b, d) {
        if (b.size === 0)
        c("promiseDone")(v(b, d).then(function(b) {
            d.commitUpdate(function(c) {
                b.forEach(function(b) {
                    b = (b == null ? void 0 : (b = b.viewer) == null ? void 0 : b.chat_sidebar_contact_nodes) || [];
                    b.forEach(function(b) {
                        b = x(b, c);
                z(c, a)
    function x(a, b) {
        var c = a == null ? void 0 :;
        if (c == null)
        var d = b.get(c);
        d == null && (d = b.create(c, "User"));
        b = a == null ? void 0 :;
        if (b == null)
        d.setValue(b, "name");
        c = d.getOrCreateLinkedRecord("profile_picture", "Image", t);
        b = a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : b.uri;
        if (b == null)
        c.setValue(a == null ? void 0 : (b = a.profile_picture) == null ? void 0 : b.uri, "uri");
        d.setLinkedRecord(c, "profile_picture", t);
        return d
    var y = function(a, b, d, e) {
        a.commitUpdate(function(f) {
            if (d == null)
            var g = new Set(Object.keys(b).filter(function(a) {
                return c("CurrentUser").getID() !== a && ((a = b[a]) == null ? void 0 : a.status) === 2
              , h = d.filter(function(a) {
                var c = a.buddy_id;
                a = a.status;
                return a == null || c == null ? !1 : ((c = e.current ? (c = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : c.status : 0) != null ? c : 0) === a
            }).map(function(a) {
                a = (a = a.user) == null ? void 0 :;
                if (a == null)
                    return null;
                return f.get(a)
            g.size > 0 && (g.forEach(function(a) {
                var b = f.get(a);
                if (b != null && b.getValue("name") != null) {
                    var c = b.getLinkedRecord("profile_picture", t);
                    c != null && c.getValue("uri") != null && (h.push(b),
            w(h, g, a));
            z(f, h)
    function z(a, b) {
        a = a.getRoot().getLinkedRecord("viewer");
        if (a == null) {
            c("recoverableViolation")("Viewer should not be null here, something has gone horribly wrong", "messenger_presence_web");
        a.setLinkedRecords(b, "chat_sidebar_contacts", {
            count: c("CometHomeContactsConfig").numContactsToFetch
    function A(a, b, c, d, e) {
        a.commitUpdate(function(a) {
            var e = a.getRoot();
            if (e == null)
            e = e.getLinkedRecord("viewer");
            if (e == null)
            var f = e.getLinkedRecord("presence_view_side_settings")
              , g = f != null && f.getValue("has_converted_to_view_side_settings") === !0 || e.getValue("chat_visibility") === !0;
            f = e.getLinkedRecord("actor");
            f != null && g ? f.setValue("ACTIVE", "availability") : f != null && f.setValue("OFFLINE", "availability");
            d.current = g;
            e = Object.keys(b);
            e.forEach(function(c) {
                var d, e;
                d = (d = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : d.status;
                e = (e = b[c]) == null ? void 0 : e.last_active_time;
                d = d == null ? null : n[String(d)];
                var f = a.get(c);
                f == null && d === "ACTIVE" && (f = a.create(c, "User"));
                f != null && (f.setValue(d === "ACTIVE" && g ? d : null, "availability"),
                !g ? f.setValue(null, "last_active_time") : e !== 0 && e != null && f.setValue(e, "last_active_time"))
        y(a, b, e, d)
    function a(a, c, e, f, g) {
        g = g != null ? {
            return d("CometRelay").readInlineData(j !== void 0 ? j : j = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings.graphql"), a)
        }) : null;
        var h = q(a)
          , i = r(a, c, e, f, g)
          , k = s(a, c, e, f, g);
        return {
            remove: function() {
    g.init = a
), 98);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql", ["relay-runtime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "count"
        }, {
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "scale"
          , b = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "chat_visibility",
            storageKey: null
          , c = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "has_converted_to_view_side_settings",
            storageKey: null
          , d = [{
            kind: "Variable",
            name: "count",
            variableName: "count"
          , e = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "status",
            storageKey: null
          , f = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "buddy_id",
            storageKey: null
          , g = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [b, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: d,
                        concreteType: "ChatSidebarRankedContact",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_rankings",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [{
                            kind: "InlineDataFragmentSpread",
                            name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription_rankings",
                            selections: [e, f, {
                                alias: null,
                                args: null,
                                concreteType: "User",
                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                name: "user",
                                plural: !1,
                                selections: [g, {
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                    name: "MWChatContact_profile"
                                storageKey: null
                            args: null,
                            argumentDefinitions: []
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery",
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: null,
                    concreteType: "Viewer",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "viewer",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [b, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "PresenceViewerBasedSettings",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "presence_view_side_settings",
                        plural: !1,
                        selections: [c, g],
                        storageKey: null
                    }, {
                        alias: null,
                        args: d,
                        concreteType: "ChatSidebarRankedContact",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "chat_sidebar_contact_rankings",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [e, f, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: "User",
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "user",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [g, {
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "name",
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    kind: "InlineFragment",
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: [{
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "first",
                                            value: 1
                                        concreteType: "DirectInboxBroadcastBucketConnection",
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "story_bucket",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            concreteType: "DirectMessageThreadBucket",
                                            kind: "LinkedField",
                                            name: "nodes",
                                            plural: !0,
                                            selections: [g, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                concreteType: "Story",
                                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                                name: "first_story_to_show",
                                                plural: !1,
                                                selections: [g, {
                                                    alias: null,
                                                    args: null,
                                                    concreteType: "StoryCardSeenState",
                                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                                    name: "story_card_seen_state",
                                                    plural: !1,
                                                    selections: [{
                                                        alias: null,
                                                        args: null,
                                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                                        name: "is_seen_by_viewer",
                                                        storageKey: null
                                                    storageKey: null
                                                storageKey: null
                                            storageKey: null
                                        storageKey: "story_bucket(first:1)"
                                    }, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: [{
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "height",
                                            value: 36
                                        }, {
                                            kind: "Variable",
                                            name: "scale",
                                            variableName: "scale"
                                        }, {
                                            kind: "Literal",
                                            name: "width",
                                            value: 36
                                        concreteType: "Image",
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "profile_picture",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "uri",
                                            storageKey: null
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        kind: "ClientExtension",
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "availability",
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "last_active_time",
                                            storageKey: null
                                    type: "User",
                                    abstractKey: null
                                type: "Profile",
                                abstractKey: "__isProfile"
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
            params: {
                id: "6866728583456581",
                metadata: {},
                name: "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    b("relay-runtime").PreloadableQueryRegistry.set(, a);
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponent.react", ["CometRelay", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscription", "PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql", "WebPixelRatio", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = (i || d("react")).useEffect, k = 50;
    function l() {
        return d("CometRelay").useLazyLoadQuery(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("PresenceStatusProviderSubscriptionComponentQuery.graphql"), {
            count: k,
            scale: d("WebPixelRatio").get()
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.chatVisibilityRef
          , c = a.presenceInformer
          , e = a.presenceMap;
        a = l();
        var f = (a = a == null ? void 0 : (a = a.viewer) == null ? void 0 : a.chat_sidebar_contact_rankings) != null ? a : null
          , g = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment();
        j(function() {
            var a = d("PresenceStatusProviderSubscription").init(g, e, c, b, f);
            return function() {
        }, [g, c, e, f, b]);
        return null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "6238322836279073"
), null);
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql", ["RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            concreteType: "Viewer",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "viewer",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "call_blocked_until",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: [],
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery",
                selections: a,
                type: "Query",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: [],
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery",
                selections: a
            params: {
                id: b("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery",
                operationKind: "query",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooks", ["CometRelay", "DateConsts", "RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql", "RTWebCallBlockedSettingSubscription", "RTWebPreCallContext", "ServerTime", "promiseDone", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    e = i || d("react");
    var j = e.useContext
      , k = e.useEffect
      , l = e.useState
      , m = 6e4
      , n = h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("RTWebCallBlockSettingHooksQuery.graphql")
      , o = function(a, b) {
        return function(c) {
            c = c.getRoot();
            if (c == null)
            c = c.getLinkedRecord("viewer");
            if (c == null)
            c.setValue(b, a)
    function p(a) {
        return a === -1 ? a : (a || 0) * d("DateConsts").MS_PER_SEC
    function q() {
        var a = d("CometRelay").useRelayEnvironment()
          , b = d("CometRelay").getActorID(a)
          , e = l(0)
          , f = e[0]
          , g = e[1];
        k(function() {
            var e = d("CometRelay").fetchQuery(a, n, {}, {
                fetchPolicy: "store-or-network"
            }).toPromise().then(function(a) {
                a = a == null ? void 0 : a.viewer;
                a != null && g(p(a.call_blocked_until))
            var f = d("RTWebCallBlockedSettingSubscription").subscribe(a, {
                viewer_id: b
            }, function(b) {
                b = b == null ? void 0 : b.rtweb_call_blocked_setting_subscribe;
                b != null && (g(p(b.call_blocked_until)),
                a.commitUpdate(o("call_blocked_until", b.call_blocked_until)))
            return function() {
        }, [a, b]);
        return f
    function r() {
        var a = q()
          , b = d("ServerTime").getMillis()
          , c = a < 0
          , e = a > b;
        b = l(c || e);
        var f = b[0]
          , g = b[1];
        (c || e) !== f && g(c || e);
        k(function() {
            if (e) {
                var b = window.setInterval(function() {
                    a <= d("ServerTime").getMillis() && (g(!1),
                }, m);
                return function() {
        }, [a, e]);
        return f
    function a() {
        var a = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext"))
          , b = r();
        k(function() {
            a != null && a.callInviteModel.startListening({
                callsBlocked: b
        }, [a, b])
    g.useCallBlockSettingValue = q;
    g.useHasCallsBlocked = r;
    g.useCallBlockSetting = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonUsers", ["$InternalEnum", "MercuryIDs", "", "Promise", "immutable", "isStringNullOrEmpty", "memoizeWithArgs", "nullthrows"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = b("$InternalEnum").Mirrored(["Guest", "User", "Page", "ParentApprovedUser"]), j = c("memoizeWithArgs")(function(a) {
        var b = a.big_image_src
          , c = a.fbid
          , d = a.gender
          , e = a.href
          , f = a.image_src
          , g = a.message_capabilities2
          , h = a.messenger_account_status_category
          , i =
          , j = a.short_name
          , l = a.user_type;
        a = a.vanity;
        return Object.freeze({
            gender: d,
            id: c,
            messageCapabilities2: (d = g) != null ? d : null,
            messengerAccountStatusCategory: (c = h) != null ? c : null,
            name: i,
            profilePictureUrl: (d = (g = b) != null ? g : f) != null ? d : null,
            profileUrl: (h = e) != null ? h : null,
            shortName: j,
            userType: k(l),
            vanity: (c = a) != null ? c : null
    }, function(a) {
        a = a.fbid;
        return a
    }), k = function(a) {
        a = a;
        if (a === "guest")
            return i.Guest;
        else if (a === "page")
            return i.Page;
        else if (a === "parent_approved_user")
            return i.ParentApprovedUser;
        return i.User
    }, l = function(a) {
        var b = a[0];
        a = a[1];
        return [c("nullthrows")(d("MercuryIDs").getUserIDFromParticipantID(b)), j(a)]
    function a(a) {
        return new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b) {
            var e = {
                return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a)
            d("").getMulti(e, function(a) {
    function e(a) {
        a = {
            return d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a)
        var c = null
          , e = null;
        a = d("").getMultiEagerMap(a, function(a) {
            a = a.mapEntries(l);
            c ? c(a) : e = a
        var f = a[0];
        a = a[1];
        return [f.mapEntries(l), a != null ? new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(a) {
            e ? a(e) : c = a
        ) : null]
    function f(a) {
        return c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(a) ? (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve(null) : new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b) {
            d("").get(d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a), function(a) {
                b(a ? j(a) : null)
    function m(a) {
        if (c("isStringNullOrEmpty")(a))
            return null;
        a = d("").getNow(d("MercuryIDs").getParticipantIDFromUserID(a));
        return a ? j(a) : null
    g.ZenonUserType = i;
    g.getMulti = a;
    g.getMultiEager = e;
    g.get = f;
    g.getNow = m
), 98);
__d("ZenonUsersHooks", ["ZenonUsers", "immutable", "promiseDone", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    e = h || d("react");
    var i = e.useDebugValue
      , j = e.useEffect
      , k = e.useLayoutEffect
      , l = e.useRef
      , m = e.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = l(a)
          , e = m(c("immutable").Map())
          , f = e[0]
          , g = e[1];
        j(function() {
            return function() {
                b.current = null
        }, []);
        k(function() {
            b.current = a;
            var e = d("ZenonUsers").getMultiEager(a)
              , f = e[0];
            e = e[1];
            e && c("promiseDone")(e, function(a) {
                var c = b.current;
                c && g(function(b) {
                    return b.withMutations(function(b) {
                        c.forEach(function(c) {
                            var d = a.get(c);
                            d && b.set(c, d)
        }, [a]);
        return f
    function b(a) {
        var b = l(a)
          , e = m(function() {
            return d("ZenonUsers").getNow(a)
          , f = e[0]
          , g = e[1];
        j(function() {
            b.current = a
        }, [a]);
        j(function() {
            return function() {
                b.current = null
        }, []);
        j(function() {
            var e = d("ZenonUsers").getNow(a);
            if (e !== f) {
            c("promiseDone")(d("ZenonUsers").get(a), function(c) {
                b.current === a && g(c)
        }, [a, f]);
        return f
    g.useZenonUsers = a;
    g.useZenonUser = b
), 98);
__d("showDesktopNotification", ["MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions", "MessengerDesktopNotifications", "ZenonUserActionLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = 8e3;
    function a() {
        return function(a) {
            var b = a.acceptCall
              , e = a.body
              , f = a.icon;
            a = a.title;
            var g = {
                body: e,
                closeTime: h,
                icon: f,
                onClick: function() {
                        component: "browser_notification",
                        surface: "desktop_notification"
                        trigger: "desktop_notification"
                onShow: function() {
                        component: "browser_notification",
                        surface: "desktop_notification"
                title: a
            if (d("MessengerDesktopNotifications").checkPermission() === c("MessengerDesktopNotificationPermissions").DEFAULT) {
                d("MessengerDesktopNotifications").requestPermission(function() {
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react", ["fbt", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react", "showDesktopNotification", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        a = a.invite;
        return (a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === "ringing" ? j.jsx(k, {
            invite: a
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function k(a) {
        a = a.invite;
        var b = c("showDesktopNotification")()
          , e = c("usePrevious")(a.ringID)
          , f = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useAcceptCallCallback(!1)
          , g = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(a.inviterID)
          , h = a.requestingVideo
          , i = a.participants.length > 1;
        if (e !== a.ringID && g != null) {
                acceptCall: f,
                body: m(g.shortName),
                icon: (e = g.profilePictureUrl) != null ? e : null,
                title: l(h, i)
        return null
    k.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function l(a, b) {
        if (!b)
            return a ? h._("__JHASH__tNVvdc3BFrb__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__g-EGCs7nK0S__JHASH__");
            return a ? h._("__JHASH__xQCntgBdfrr__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__P8yKBnycp5c__JHASH__")
    function m(a) {
        return h._("__JHASH__Cy_ySzw9b09__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", a)])
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup", ["UserAgent", "ZenonUserActionLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = 1280
      , i = {
        LargeForGroup: {
            height: 772,
            width: 1100
        LargeForP2P: {
            height: 720,
            width: 1280
        Small: {
            height: 540,
            width: 960
      , j = ["menubar=no", "location=no", "scrollbars=no", "status=no", "personalbar=no"];
    a = function() {
        function a() {}
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.openWindow = function(a) {
            a = this.$1(a.joinContext);
            var b = this.$2(a)
              , e = b.left;
            b =;
                checkpoint: "Opening_Popup: left=" + e + ",top=" + b + ",width=" + a.width + ",height=" + a.height
            var f = c("UserAgent").isBrowser("Safari") ? window.location.hostname : "";
            return, "", [].concat(j, ["height=" + a.height, "width=" + a.width, "left=" + e, "top=" + b]).join(","))
        b.$1 = function(a) {
            if (screen && screen.width > h)
                if (a.type === "link" || a.thread.type === 2)
                    return {
                        height: i.LargeForGroup.height,
                        width: i.LargeForGroup.width
                    return {
                        height: i.LargeForP2P.height,
                        width: i.LargeForP2P.width
                return {
                    height: i.Small.height,
                    width: i.Small.width
        b.$2 = function(a) {
            var b = a.height;
            a = a.width;
            return {
                left: Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2 - a / 2 + ((a = window.screenLeft) != null ? a : window.screenX)),
                top: Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2 - b / 2 + ((a = window.screenTop) != null ? a : window.screenY))
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCallWindowOpener", ["RTWebDropInUtils", "ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a() {
            this.$1 = new (c("ZenonCallWindowOpener_Popup"))()
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.openWindow = function(a) {
            if (a.context.intent === "accept invite" && a.context.controllerParams.appMessages != null) {
                var b = d("RTWebDropInUtils").isDropInFromAppMessages(a.context.controllerParams.appMessages);
                if (b)
                    return babelHelpers["extends"]({}, window, {
                        close: function() {
                            return null
            return this.$1.openWindow(a)
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCometCallDialog.react", ["CometControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", "TetraButtonGroup.react", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useId;
    function a(a) {
        var b, d = a.acceptIcon, e = a.acceptLabel, f = a.acceptTestid, g = a.body, h = a.declineLabel;
        h = h === void 0 ? null : h;
        var k = a.onClose;
        a = a.title;
        a = a === void 0 ? null : a;
        var l = function() {
          , m = function() {
          , n = j();
        return i.jsxs(c("CometControlledUserBlockingDialog.react"), {
            disableClosingWithMask: !0,
            labelledBy: n,
            onDismiss: m,
            title: (b = a) != null ? b : void 0,
            withCloseButton: !0,
            children: [i.jsx("div", {
                className: "xdt5ytf xl56j7k xz9dl7a x1pi30zi xsag5q8 x1swvt13",
                id: a == null ? n : void 0,
                children: g
            }), i.jsx("div", {
                className: "xexx8yu x1sxyh0 x1l90r2v xkhd6sd",
                children: i.jsx(c("TetraButtonGroup.react"), {
                    align: "end",
                    direction: "backward",
                    primary: {
                        icon: d,
                        label: e,
                        onPress: l,
                        testid: f,
                        type: "primary"
                    secondary: h !== null ? {
                        label: h,
                        onPress: m,
                        reduceEmphasis: !0
                    } : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("StartVideoChatLinkCall", ["FBLogger", "RTWebPreCallContextSingleton", "RelayFBDefaultEnvironment", "URI", "XGroupCallControllerRouteBuilder", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonCallIdentifiersUtil", "ZenonPeerID", "ZenonSignalingProtocol", "gkx", "randomZenonNonce"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = d("RTWebPreCallContextSingleton").create({
        relayEnvironment: c("RelayFBDefaultEnvironment")
    function a(a, b, e, f) {
        b === void 0 && (b = !1);
        e === void 0 && (e = !1);
        f === void 0 && (f = "");
        if (!c("gkx")("24231"))
            return null;
        if (i) {
            var g = i.callWindowController
              , h = i.incomingRingSDK
              , k = ""
              , l = a
              , m = d("ZenonCallIdentifiersUtil").generateZenonClientSessionID();
            if (b) {
                b = j(a);
                k = c("randomZenonNonce")();
                if (b != null) {
                    a = {
                        call_context: "LINK:" + b,
                        funnel_session_id: f,
                        nonce: k
                    e && (a.auto_join = !0);
                    l = c("XGroupCallControllerRouteBuilder").buildURL(a).toString()
            b = g.initCall({
                context: {
                    signalingID: m,
                    intent: "start or join",
                    invitees: [],
                    existingCall: null
                mediaType: "video",
                nonce: k,
                joinContext: {
                    linkUrl: l,
                    type: "link"
                representedID: d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID()
            f = b[0];
            h.startCallIntent(k, {
                signalingID: m,
                callTrigger: "meetup_join",
                isE2eeMandated: !1,
                isPopupBlocked: f === null,
                isVideo: !0,
                peerID: d("ZenonPeerID").ZenonMWPeerID,
                protocol: c("ZenonSignalingProtocol").MW
            return f
        } else
            return null
    function j(a) {
        var b = new (h || (h = c("URI")))(a)
          , d = b.getDomain();
        b = b.stripTrailingSlash().getPath();
        if (d === "")
            return b.substring(1);
        if (d === "" && /^\/v(id)?\//.test(b))
            return b.replace(/^\/v(id)?\//, "");
        d = /^\/groupcall\/LINK:/;
        if (d.test(b))
            return b.replace(d, "");
        c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").mustfix('Could not extract LinkHash from Video Chat Link. Link = "%s"', a);
        return null
    g.startCall = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", ["fbt", "MDSCircleButton.react", "MDSColumn.react", "MDSColumnItem.react", "MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react", "MDSFacepilePhoto.react", "MDSIcon.react", "MDSRow.react", "MDSRowItem.react", "MDSText.react", "MDSTextPairing.react", "MDSTheme.react", "MessengerCamcorder.svg.react", "MessengerCross.svg.react", "MessengerLock.svg.react", "MessengerPhone.svg.react", "SVGIcon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react"), k = {
        content: {
            maxWidth: "x1tkr9og",
            $$css: !0
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.acceptLabel
          , e = a.acceptTestid;
        e = a.declineLabel;
        var f = a.headline
          , g = a.isE2EECall;
        g = g === void 0 ? !1 : g;
        var i = a.isVideoCall
          , l = a.metaContent
          , m = a.onAccept
          , n = a.onClose
          , o = a.onDecline;
        var p = a.profiles;
        a = a.title;
        var q = function() {
          , r = function() {
        g = j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), {
            type: "meta2",
            children: g ? j.jsxs(c("MDSRow.react"), {
                align: "center",
                paddingHorizontal: 0,
                paddingVertical: 0,
                spacing: 0,
                verticalAlign: "center",
                children: [j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                    children: j.jsx(c("MDSIcon.react"), {
                        color: "secondary",
                        icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerLock.svg.react")),
                        size: 20
                }), j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                    children: h._("__JHASH__-ecQvdNdcfW__JHASH__")
            }) : l
        return j.jsx(c("MDSTheme.react"), {
            children: j.jsx(c("MDSControlledUserBlockingDialog.react"), {
                disableClosingWithMask: !0,
                onDismiss: q,
                size: "content",
                title: a,
                withCloseButton: !0,
                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), {
                    align: "center",
                    expanding: !0,
                    paddingHorizontal: 20,
                    xstyle: k.content,
                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                        paddingVertical: 8,
                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSFacepilePhoto.react"), {
                            items: p,
                            size: 60
                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSTextPairing.react"), {
                            headline: f,
                            isSemanticHeading: !0,
                            level: 1,
                            meta: g,
                            textAlign: "center"
                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                        align: "stretch",
                        expanding: !0,
                        paddingVertical: 12,
                        children: j.jsxs(c("MDSRow.react"), {
                            align: "center",
                            expanding: !0,
                            children: [j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), {
                                    align: "center",
                                    paddingHorizontal: 16,
                                    spacing: 12,
                                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), {
                                            color: "white",
                                            icon: d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCross.svg.react")),
                                            label: e,
                                            onPress: q,
                                            size: 40,
                                            testid: void 0,
                                            type: "red"
                                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), {
                                            align: "center",
                                            type: "body4",
                                            children: e
                            }), j.jsx(c("MDSRowItem.react"), {
                                children: j.jsxs(c("MDSColumn.react"), {
                                    align: "center",
                                    paddingHorizontal: 16,
                                    spacing: 12,
                                    children: [j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSCircleButton.react"), {
                                            color: "white",
                                            icon: i === !0 ? d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerCamcorder.svg.react")) : d("SVGIcon").svgIcon(c("MessengerPhone.svg.react")),
                                            label: b,
                                            onPress: r,
                                            size: 40,
                                            testid: void 0,
                                            type: "green"
                                    }), j.jsx(c("MDSColumnItem.react"), {
                                        children: j.jsx(c("MDSText.react"), {
                                            align: "center",
                                            type: "body4",
                                            children: b
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react", "RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.isE2EECall;
        e = e === void 0 ? !1 : e;
        var f = a.isVideoCall;
        f = f === void 0 ? !0 : f;
        var g = a.onAccept
          , i = a.onClose
          , k = a.onDecline;
        a = a.participantIDs;
        b = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(b);
        a = a.length > 1;
        var l = b == null ? h._("__JHASH__lLvypHbTeYz__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__E5uMxVlOys1__JHASH__", [h._param("name",])
          , m = b == null ? h._("__JHASH__vTIK0p-NqNH__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__k3FKWh9ZadY__JHASH__", [h._param("name",])
          , n = b == null ? f ? h._("__JHASH__CIJdm48Noob__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__Eplm4Qo5zzt__JHASH__") : h._("__JHASH__PWAbxoD9AAl__JHASH__", [h._param("name",]);
        a = a ? f ? l : m : n;
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, {
            children: [j.jsx(c("CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react"), {
                assertive: !0,
                children: a
            }), j.jsx(c("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react"), {
                acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__dpE3kinjxKt__JHASH__"),
                acceptTestid: "answerCallButton",
                declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__dTblojfehN7__JHASH__"),
                headline: a,
                isE2EECall: e,
                isVideoCall: f,
                metaContent: h._("__JHASH__pISuXhjR7Xl__JHASH__"),
                onAccept: g,
                onClose: i,
                onDecline: k,
                profiles: [{
                    source: {
                        uri: (l = b == null ? void 0 : b.profilePictureUrl) != null ? l : ""
                title: h._("__JHASH__d62h3ObkIif__JHASH__")
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("useRTWebIncomingCallDialog", ["QPLUserFlow", "RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react", "RTWebPreCallContext", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "qpl", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react"));
    b = h;
    var j = b.useContext
      , k = b.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.isE2EECall
          , f = a.isVideoCall
          , g = a.onAccept
          , h = a.onDecline;
        a = a.participantIDs;
        var l = k(!1)
          , m = l[0]
          , n = l[1];
        l = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext"));
        var o = l ? l.callInviteModel : null;
        return [m ? i.jsx(c("RTWebIncomingCallDialogContainer.react"), {
            inviterID: b,
            isE2EECall: e,
            isVideoCall: f,
            onAccept: function() {
            onClose: function() {
                return n(!1)
            onDecline: function() {
            participantIDs: a
        }) : null, {
            dismiss: function() {
                return n(!1)
            show: function() {
                var a;
                    surface: "incoming_call_dialog"
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "render_dialog", {
                    instanceKey: +(o == null ? void 0 : (a = o.getCurrentInvite()) == null ? void 0 : a.ringID)
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react", ["cr:230"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    g["default"] = b("cr:230")
), 98);
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "5544929052254241"
), null);
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters", ["RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        kind: "PreloadableConcreteRequest",
        params: {
            id: b("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
            metadata: {},
            name: "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery",
            operationKind: "query",
            text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint", ["JSResourceForInteraction", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        getPreloadProps: function(a) {
            a =;
            return {
                queries: {
                    queryReference: {
                        parameters: b("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialogNameQuery$Parameters"),
                        variables: {
                            id: a
        root: c("JSResourceForInteraction")("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.react").__setRef("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint")
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog", ["CometPlaceholder.react", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react", "RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint", "RelayHooks", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "react", "useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.isE2EECall
          , f = a.isVideoCall
          , g = a.onClose
          , h = a.participantIDs;
        a = a.threadType;
        var k = j(!1)
          , l = k[0]
          , m = k[1];
        k = c("useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider")();
        k = d("RelayHooks").useEntryPointLoader(k, c("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedE2EEDialog.entrypoint"));
        var n = k[0]
          , o = k[1];
        function p(a) {
            a && e && n == null && o({
                id: b
        return [l ? e ? i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
            fallback: null,
            children: n != null && i.jsx(d("RelayHooks").EntryPointContainer, {
                entryPointReference: n,
                props: {
                    inviterID: b,
                    onClose: function() {
                    threadType: a
        }) : i.jsx(c("RTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialogWrapper.react"), {
            hide: function() {
                return p(!1)
            inviterID: b,
            isVideoCall: f,
            onClose: function() {
            participantIDs: h,
            threadType: a
        }) : null, {
            dismiss: function() {
                return p(!1)
            show: function() {
                    surface: "unsupported_browser_dialog"
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react", "IntlVariations", "RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "emptyFunction", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b, e = a.actorID, f = a.inviterID, g = a.isVideoCall, i = a.onCallback, k = a.onClose, l = a.participantIDs;
        a = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(f);
        f = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUsers(l);
        var m = [];
            source: {
                uri: (b = a == null ? void 0 : a.profilePictureUrl) != null ? b : ""
        f.forEach(function(a) {
            if ( !== e) {
                    source: {
                        uri: (a = a == null ? void 0 : a.profilePictureUrl) != null ? a : ""
        b = l.length > 1 ? a != null ? h._("__JHASH__gaBcb3A0ac3__JHASH__", [h._name("caller",, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]) : h._("__JHASH__oYTKHbmjvdl__JHASH__") : a != null ? h._("__JHASH__d_49GG-7G7P__JHASH__", [h._name("caller",, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]) : h._("__JHASH__qjr_m32VN_V__JHASH__");
        return j.jsxs(j.Fragment, {
            children: [j.jsx(c("CometAccessibilityAnnouncement.react"), {
                assertive: !0,
                children: b
            }), j.jsx(c("RTWebMDSCallNotificationDialog.react"), {
                acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__EBp4M17vY4j__JHASH__"),
                acceptTestid: "missedCallRedial",
                declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__GgiLHNwW0uJ__JHASH__"),
                headline: h._("__JHASH__6OttBPSrAFd__JHASH__", [h._name("caller", a == null ? void 0 :, c("IntlVariations").GENDER_UNKNOWN)]),
                isVideoCall: g,
                metaContent: b,
                onAccept: i,
                onClose: k,
                onDecline: c("emptyFunction"),
                profiles: m,
                title: h._("__JHASH__kTzyPp9VwB9__JHASH__")
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("useRTWebMissedCallDialog", ["RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.actorID
          , e = a.inviterID
          , f = a.isVideoCall
          , g = a.onCallback
          , h = a.participantIDs;
        a = a.timeMissed;
        var k = j(!1)
          , l = k[0]
          , m = k[1];
        return [l ? i.jsx(c("RTWebMissedCallDialogContainer.react"), {
            actorID: b,
            inviterID: e,
            isVideoCall: f,
            onCallback: g,
            onClose: function() {
                return m(!1)
            participantIDs: h,
            timeMissed: a
        }) : null, {
            dismiss: function() {
                return m(!1)
            show: function() {
                    surface: "missed_call_dialog"
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "7185429224860500"
), null);
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters", ["RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        kind: "PreloadableConcreteRequest",
        params: {
            id: b("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery_facebookRelayOperation"),
            metadata: {},
            name: "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery",
            operationKind: "query",
            text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint", ["JSResourceForInteraction", "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        getPreloadProps: function() {
            return {
                queries: {
                    queryReference: {
                        parameters: b("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog_DisclaimerQuery$Parameters"),
                        variables: {
                            nuxID: 8259
        root: c("JSResourceForInteraction")("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialogContainer.react").__setRef("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint")
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useRoomIncomingCallDialog", ["CometPlaceholder.react", "CometRelay", "RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint", "RelayHooks", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "react", "useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.linkUrl
          , f = a.onAccept
          , g = a.onDecline
          , h = a.roomName;
        a = a.sender;
        var k = c("useCometRelayEntrypointContextualEnvironmentProvider")();
        k = d("RelayHooks").useEntryPointLoader(k, c("RTWebCometRoomIncomingCallDialog.entrypoint"));
        var l = k[0]
          , m = k[1];
        k = j(!1);
        var n = k[0]
          , o = k[1];
        return [n && l != null ? i.jsx(c("CometPlaceholder.react"), {
            fallback: null,
            children: i.jsx(d("CometRelay").EntryPointContainer, {
                entryPointReference: l,
                props: {
                    inviterID: b,
                    linkUrl: e,
                    onAccept: function() {
                    onDecline: function() {
                    roomName: h,
                    sender: a
        }) : null, {
            dismiss: function() {
                return o(!1)
            show: function() {
                new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_received").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(),
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebMissedCallContent.react", ["fbt", "CometProgressIndicator.react", "CometRelativeTimestamp.react", "RTWebCometCallMessageLayout.react", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.isRoomCall
          , f = a.isVideoCall
          , g = a.participantIDs;
        a = a.timeMissed;
        b = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(b);
        var i = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUsers(g).valueSeq().toArray();
        g = g.length > 1;
        g = !g || e ? h._("__JHASH__yg5Wj05Olkt__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]) : f ? h._("__JHASH__N8i901ca52j__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]) : h._("__JHASH__DUJ5tOEW6-x__JHASH__", [h._param("caller name", b == null ? void 0 :]);
        return b === null ? j.jsx(c("CometProgressIndicator.react"), {}) : j.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallMessageLayout.react"), {
            caller: b,
            mainMessage: g,
            participants: i,
            subMessage: j.jsx(c("CometRelativeTimestamp.react"), {
                date: a,
                format: "normal"
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react", ["fbt", "ix", "RTWebCometCallDialog.react", "RTWebMissedCallContent.react", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "fbicon", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    "use strict";
    var j, k = j || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , e = a.linkUrl
          , f = a.onCallback
          , g = a.onClose
          , j = a.participantIDs
          , l = a.roomName;
        a = a.timeMissed;
        return k.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallDialog.react"), {
            acceptIcon: d("fbicon")._(i("493173"), 16),
            acceptLabel: h._("__JHASH__w3CZsnYYCtS__JHASH__"),
            body: k.jsx(c("RTWebMissedCallContent.react"), {
                inviterID: b,
                isRoomCall: !0,
                isVideoCall: !1,
                participantIDs: j,
                timeMissed: a
            declineLabel: h._("__JHASH__EugSOocwBfG__JHASH__"),
            onClose: function(a) {
                a ? (new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_accepted").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(),
                f()) : new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_missed_dialog_dismissed").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(e).log(),
            title: h._("__JHASH__bMJmvEBqc28__JHASH__", [h._param("room name", l)])
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("useRoomMissedCallDialog", ["RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react", "VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useState;
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.inviterID
          , d = a.linkUrl
          , e = a.onCallback
          , f = a.participantIDs
          , g = a.roomName;
        a = a.timeMissed;
        var h = j(!1)
          , k = h[0]
          , l = h[1];
        return [k ? i.jsx(c("RTWebCometRoomMissedCallDialogContainer.react"), {
            inviterID: b,
            linkUrl: d,
            onCallback: e,
            onClose: function() {
                return l(!1)
            participantIDs: f,
            roomName: g,
            timeMissed: a
        }) : null, {
            dismiss: function() {
                return l(!1)
            show: function() {
                new (c("VideoChatLinksUserActionsMultiplexLogger"))().setSurface("vcl_meetups_notification").setEvent("room_ringback_missed").setVideoCallLinkURLRaw(d).log(),
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useZenonDialogController", ["react", "usePrevious"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    b = h || d("react");
    var i = b.useEffect
      , j = b.useState;
    function a(a, b) {
        var d = j(null)
          , e = d[0]
          , f = d[1]
          , g = c("usePrevious")(a);
        i(function() {
            var c;
            if ((a == null ? void 0 : a.ringID) === (g == null ? void 0 : g.ringID) && (a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === (g == null ? void 0 : g.type))
            e != null && (e.dismiss(),
            if (a === null)
            (c = b()) == null ? void 0 :
        }, [e, b, a, g])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react", ["Actor", "RTWebDropInUtils", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "RTWebPreCallContext", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ServerTime", "StartVideoChatLinkCall", "react", "useRTWebIncomingCallDialog", "useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog", "useRTWebMissedCallDialog", "useRoomIncomingCallDialog", "useRoomMissedCallDialog", "useZenonDialogController"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || (h = d("react")), j = h.useContext;
    function a(a) {
        var b, e = a.invite;
        a = d("Actor").useActor();
        var f = a[0];
        a = j(c("RTWebPreCallContext"));
        var g = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useStartCallCallback()
          , h = a ? a.callInviteModel : null
          , k = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.participants) != null ? a : []
          , l = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.isE2eeMandated) != null ? a : !1;
        a = (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.inviterID) != null ? a : "";
        b = (b = e == null ? void 0 : e.requestingVideo) != null ? b : !1;
        var m = null
          , n = ""
          , o = "";
        if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "room") {
            var p;
            m =;
            n = (p = m.linkHash) != null ? p : "";
            o = (p = m.roomName) != null ? p : ""
        var q = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useAcceptCallCallback(!1);
        p = c("useRoomMissedCallDialog")({
            inviterID: a,
            linkUrl: n,
            onCallback: function() {
                d("StartVideoChatLinkCall").startCall(n, !0, !0),
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss()
            participantIDs: k,
            roomName: o,
            timeMissed: new Date(d("ServerTime").getMillis())
        var r = p[0]
          , s = p[1];
        p = c("useRTWebIncomingCallDialog")({
            inviterID: a,
            isE2EECall: l,
            isVideoCall: b,
            onAccept: function() {
                    trigger: "comet_incoming_dialog_accept_button"
            onDecline: function() {
                h == null ? void 0 : h.decline("IgnoreCall")
            participantIDs: k
        var t = p[0]
          , u = p[1];
        p = c("useRTWebIncomingUnsupportedBrowserDialog")({
            inviterID: a,
            isE2EECall: l,
            isVideoCall: b,
            onClose: function() {
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss()
            participantIDs: k,
            threadType: (e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "thread" ? e.context.thread.type : 2
        var v = p[0]
          , w = p[1];
        m = c("useRoomIncomingCallDialog")({
            inviterID: a,
            linkUrl: n,
            onAccept: function() {
                d("StartVideoChatLinkCall").startCall(n, !0, !0)
            onDecline: function() {
                h == null ? void 0 : h.decline("IgnoreCall")
            roomName: o,
            sender: (o = (p = m) == null ? void 0 : p.sender) != null ? o : ""
        p = m[0];
        var x = m[1];
        o = c("useRTWebMissedCallDialog")({
            actorID: f,
            inviterID: a,
            isVideoCall: b,
            onCallback: function() {
                if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.context.type) === "thread") {
                    var a, b = e == null ? void 0 : e.context.thread;
                        existingCall: null,
                        invitees: [(a = e == null ? void 0 : e.inviterID) != null ? a : ""].concat(k.filter(function(a) {
                            return a !== f
                        isE2eeMandated: (a = e == null ? void 0 : e.isE2eeMandated) != null ? a : !1,
                        mediaType: (e == null ? void 0 : e.requestingVideo) ? "video" : "audio",
                        thread: b,
                        trigger: "comet_missed_call_dialog"
                h == null ? void 0 : h.dismiss()
            participantIDs: k,
            timeMissed: new Date(d("ServerTime").getMillis())
        m = o[0];
        var y = o[1];
        c("useZenonDialogController")(e, function() {
            if (e === null || h == null)
                return null;
            if (d("RTWebDropInUtils").isDropInFromAppMessages(e == null ? void 0 : e.controllerParams.appMessages))
                return null;
            if (l && !d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isE2EESupportedClient())
                return w;
            if (e.context.type === "room")
                switch (e.type) {
                case "ringing":
                    return x;
                case "missed":
                    return s;
                    return null
            switch (e.type) {
            case "ringing":
                return u;
            case "missed":
                return e.context.type === "thread" ? y : null;
            case "unsupported_browser":
                return w;
                return null
        return i.jsxs(i.Fragment, {
            children: [t, m, v, r, p]
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useZenonRingTone", ["RTCSounds", "Sound", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useEffect, j = [d("RTCSounds").ringtone_mp3_url, d("RTCSounds").ringtone_ogg_url];
    function a(a) {
        a === void 0 && (a = !1),
        i(function() {
            if (a) {
                d("Sound").play(j, null, !0);
                return function() {
        }, [a])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react", ["useZenonRingTone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        a = a.invite;
        c("useZenonRingTone")((a == null ? void 0 : a.type) === "ringing");
        return null
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("useDocumentTitleBlink", ["DocumentTitle", "react"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = (h || d("react")).useEffect;
    function a(a) {
        i(function() {
            if (a == null)
            var b = c("DocumentTitle").blink(a);
            return function() {
        }, [a])
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react", ["fbt", "ZenonUsersHooks", "react", "useDocumentTitleBlink"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    "use strict";
    var i, j = i || d("react");
    function a(a) {
        a = a.invite;
        return a !== null && a.type === "ringing" && a.inviterID != null ? j.jsx(k, {
            inviterID: a.inviterID
        }) : null
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    function k(a) {
        a = a.inviterID;
        a = d("ZenonUsersHooks").useZenonUser(a);
        c("useDocumentTitleBlink")(a ? h._("__JHASH__MwALAshovbD__JHASH__", [h._param("name", a.shortName)]) : null);
        return null
    k.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 226);
__d("RTWebCometCallInviteController.react", ["RTWebCallBlockSettingHooks", "RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react", "RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react", "RTWebPreCallHooks", "ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react", "ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react", "react", "requireDeferred"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = h || d("react");
    b = c("requireDeferred")("FBRTCCallSummaryUploader").__setRef("RTWebCometCallInviteController.react");
    b.onReady(function(a) {
    function a() {
        var a = d("RTWebPreCallHooks").useCallInvite();
        return i.jsxs(i.Fragment, {
            children: [i.jsx(c("RTWebCometCallInviteDialogs.react"), {
                invite: a
            }), i.jsx(c("RTWebCallInviteDesktopNotification.react"), {
                invite: a
            }), i.jsx(c("ZenonCallInviteRingtone.react"), {
                invite: a
            }), i.jsx(c("ZenonCallInviteTitleBlinking.react"), {
                invite: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("RtcDoorCallingTags", ["$InternalEnum"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    a = b("$InternalEnum")({
        OPEN: 0,
        VANISHING: 1,
        SECRET: 2,
        REELS_TOGETHER: 8,
        CANVAS: 32,
        WORKROOMS: 64,
        LEAD_GEN: 128,
        COPRESENCE: 256
    c = a;
    f["default"] = c
), 66);
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "8371614642855977"
), null);
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql", ["SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
          , c = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "data",
                variableName: "input"
            concreteType: "XFBSetHovercardInteractionPreferenceHovercardSettingsResponsePayload",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "xfb_set_hovercard_interaction_preference_hovercard_settings",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "client_mutation_id",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation",
                selections: c,
                type: "Mutation",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation",
                selections: c
            params: {
                id: b("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation",
                operationKind: "mutation",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("SetHovercardInteractionPreference", ["CometRelay", "SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    function a(a) {
        var c = a.environment;
        a = a.input;
        d("CometRelay").commitMutation(c, {
            mutation: h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("SetHovercardInteractionPreferenceMutation.graphql"),
            variables: a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("SwitchedSuccessFalcoEvent", ["FalcoLoggerInternal", "getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = c("getFalcoLogPolicy_DO_NOT_USE")("2055");
    b = d("FalcoLoggerInternal").create("switched_success", a);
    e = b;
    g["default"] = e
), 98);
__d("TokenBucketRateLimit", ["DateConsts"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = 1e3;
    a = function() {
        function a(a, b) {
            this.$1 = a * h,
            this.$2 = a * h,
            this.$3 =,
            this.$4 = b * h
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.take = function(a) {
            a === void 0 && (a = 1);
            a = a * h;
            if (this.$2 < a)
                return !1;
            this.$2 -= a;
            return !0
        b.$5 = function() {
            if (this.$2 >= this.$1)
            var a =
              , b = (a - this.$3) / d("DateConsts").MS_PER_SEC;
            b = Math.round(b * this.$4);
            if (b === 0)
            this.$2 = Math.min(this.$1, this.$2 + b);
            this.$3 = a
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = {
            alias: null,
            args: null,
            kind: "ScalarField",
            name: "id",
            storageKey: null
        return {
            argumentDefinitions: [{
                defaultValue: "WNS",
                kind: "LocalArgument",
                name: "caller"
            }, {
                defaultValue: "WNS",
                kind: "LocalArgument",
                name: "channelEntryPoint"
            }, {
                defaultValue: 1,
                kind: "LocalArgument",
                name: "count"
            }, {
                defaultValue: null,
                kind: "LocalArgument",
                name: "cursor"
            }, {
                defaultValue: null,
                kind: "LocalArgument",
                name: "seedVideoID"
            kind: "Fragment",
            metadata: null,
            name: "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video",
            selections: [a, {
                alias: null,
                args: [{
                    kind: "Variable",
                    name: "entry_point",
                    variableName: "channelEntryPoint"
                concreteType: null,
                kind: "LinkedField",
                name: "video_channel",
                plural: !1,
                selections: [{
                    alias: null,
                    args: [{
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "after",
                        variableName: "cursor"
                    }, {
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "caller",
                        variableName: "caller"
                    }, {
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "exclude_video",
                        variableName: "seedVideoID"
                    }, {
                        kind: "Variable",
                        name: "first",
                        variableName: "count"
                    concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedConnection",
                    kind: "LinkedField",
                    name: "video_channel_feed",
                    plural: !1,
                    selections: [{
                        alias: null,
                        args: null,
                        concreteType: "VideoChannelFeedEdge",
                        kind: "LinkedField",
                        name: "edges",
                        plural: !0,
                        selections: [{
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            kind: "ScalarField",
                            name: "cursor",
                            storageKey: null
                        }, {
                            alias: null,
                            args: null,
                            concreteType: null,
                            kind: "LinkedField",
                            name: "node",
                            plural: !1,
                            selections: [{
                                kind: "InlineFragment",
                                selections: [{
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "StoryAttachment",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "attachments",
                                    plural: !0,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        concreteType: null,
                                        kind: "LinkedField",
                                        name: "media",
                                        plural: !1,
                                        selections: [{
                                            alias: null,
                                            args: null,
                                            kind: "ScalarField",
                                            name: "__typename",
                                            storageKey: null
                                        }, {
                                            kind: "InlineFragment",
                                            selections: [a, {
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "FragmentSpread",
                                                name: "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard_video"
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                concreteType: null,
                                                kind: "LinkedField",
                                                name: "owner",
                                                plural: !1,
                                                selections: [a],
                                                storageKey: null
                                            }, {
                                                alias: null,
                                                args: null,
                                                kind: "ScalarField",
                                                name: "url",
                                                storageKey: null
                                            type: "Video",
                                            abstractKey: null
                                        storageKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "click_tracking_linkshim_cb",
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "encrypted_click_tracking",
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "encrypted_tracking",
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    kind: "ScalarField",
                                    name: "viewability_config",
                                    storageKey: null
                                }, {
                                    alias: null,
                                    args: null,
                                    concreteType: "CometClientViewConfig",
                                    kind: "LinkedField",
                                    name: "client_view_config",
                                    plural: !1,
                                    selections: [{
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                        name: "can_delay_log_impression",
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                        name: "use_banzai_signal_imp",
                                        storageKey: null
                                    }, {
                                        alias: null,
                                        args: null,
                                        kind: "ScalarField",
                                        name: "use_banzai_vital_imp",
                                        storageKey: null
                                    storageKey: null
                                type: "Story",
                                abstractKey: null
                            storageKey: null
                        storageKey: null
                    storageKey: null
                storageKey: null
            type: "Video",
            abstractKey: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react", ["CometRelay", "CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react", "CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks", "CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext", "CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react", "CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext", "VideoPlayerHooks", "VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react", "VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql", "react", "requireDeferred", "useCometTahoeChainingDepth", "useMinifiedProductAttribution", "usePlayerOriginRouteTracePolicy"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j, k = i || (i = d("react"));
    e = i;
    var l = e.useCallback
      , m = e.useContext
      , n = e.useState
      , o = c("requireDeferred")("VideoHomeTypedLiteLogger").__setRef("VideoPlayerSkipControl.react");
    function a(a) {
        var e, f = a.subOrigin;
        a =;
        a = d("CometRelay").useFragment(h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("VideoPlayerSkipControl_video.graphql"), a);
        var g = d("useCometTahoeChainingDepth").useChainingDepthContext()
          , i = g.chainingDepthDispatch
          , p = m(c("CometWatchAndScrollVideoContext"));
        g = (j || (j = d("VideoPlayerHooks"))).useEnded();
        var q = m(c("CometWatchAndScrollSetStoryViewabilityLoggerContext"))
          , r = m(c("CometSetWatchAndScrollVideoContext"));
        a = (a = a.video_channel) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.video_channel_feed) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.edges) == null ? void 0 : a[0];
        var s = a == null ? void 0 : a.cursor
          , t = a == null ? void 0 : a.node
          , u = t == null ? void 0 : t.client_view_config;
        a = t == null ? void 0 : (a = t.attachments) == null ? void 0 : (a = a[0]) == null ? void 0 :;
        var v = a != null && a.__typename === "Video" ? a == null ? void 0 : : null
          , w = p == null ? void 0 : p.chainingSeedVideoID
          , x = c("usePlayerOriginRouteTracePolicy")()
          , y = n(!1)
          , z = y[0]
          , A = y[1];
        y = l(function() {
            o.onReady(function(a) {
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_skip_overlay_impression"
        }, []);
        var B = l(function() {
        }, []);
        e = a == null ? void 0 : (e = a.owner) == null ? void 0 :;
        var C = j.useIsPremiumMusicVideo()
          , D = a == null ? void 0 : a.url
          , E = c("useMinifiedProductAttribution")()
          , F = l(function() {
            var a;
            o.onReady(function(a) {
                    attribution_id_v2: E,
                    click_point: "control_skip",
                    click_target: "watch_and_scroll",
                    event: "click"
                chainingCursor: s,
                chainingSeedVideoID: w,
                routeTracePolicy: (a = p == null ? void 0 : p.routeTracePolicy) != null ? a : x,
                sessionStartTime: p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionStartTime,
                sessionTrigger: p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionTrigger,
                subOrigin: f,
                videoID: v,
                videoUrl: D
            a = {
                can_delay_log_impression: u == null ? void 0 : u.can_delay_log_impression,
                use_banzai_signal_imp: u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_signal_imp,
                use_banzai_vital_imp: u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_vital_imp
                clientViewConfig: a,
                encryptedTracking: t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking,
                trackingCode: {
                    click_tracking_linkshim_cb: (t == null ? void 0 : t.click_tracking_linkshim_cb) || "",
                    encrypted_click_tracking: (t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_click_tracking) || "",
                    encrypted_tracking: (t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking) || ""
                videoID: v,
                viewabilityConfig: t == null ? void 0 : t.viewability_config
            i && i({
                type: "INCREMENT"
        }, [v, i, u == null ? void 0 : u.can_delay_log_impression, u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_signal_imp, u == null ? void 0 : u.use_banzai_vital_imp, s, x, q, r, t == null ? void 0 : t.click_tracking_linkshim_cb, t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_click_tracking, t == null ? void 0 : t.encrypted_tracking, t == null ? void 0 : t.viewability_config, f, w, p == null ? void 0 : p.routeTracePolicy, p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionStartTime, p == null ? void 0 : p.sessionTrigger, D])
          , G = d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManagerHooks").useCometVideoPictureInPictureManager()
          , H = G.setHasNextChainedVideo
          , I = G.setSkippedFromPipPlayer;
        G = G.skippedFromPipPlayer;
        if (a == null || a.__typename !== "Video") {
            o.onReady(function(a) {
                    event: "watch_and_scroll_chaining_query_empty"
            return k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), {
                disabled: !0
        } else
            H(!C && !d("CometVideoPictureInPictureManager.react").EXCLUDED_PROVIDERS.includes(e));
        G && (F(),
        return k.jsxs(k.Fragment, {
            children: [k.jsx(c("VideoPlayerSkipControlBase.react"), {
                onHoverIn: y,
                onHoverOut: B,
                onPress: F
            }), z && !g && k.jsxs(k.Fragment, {
                children: [k.jsx("div", {
                    className: "x1jx94hy xm3z3ea x1x8b98j x131883w x16mih1h x1qqjqyx x1ta3ar0 x10l6tqk xyokknr x1rr8tx7 x1se2ifz"
                }), k.jsx(c("CometWatchAndScrollUpNextCard.react"), {
                    hidden: !1,
                    video: a
    a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallInviteModelTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = {
        missed: "missed",
        ringing: "ringing",
        unsupported_browser: "unsupported_browser"
    f.CallInviteModelType = a
), 66);
__d("ZenonCallInviteModel", ["BaseEventEmitter", "FBLogger", "ZenonCallInviteModelTypes", "ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b(b) {
            var e;
            e = || this;
            e.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_2 = function(a) {
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Received cancel for: ", a.ringID);
                if (e.__currentRequest && e.__currentRequest.model && e.__currentRequest.model.ringID === a.ringID)
                    switch (a.reason) {
                    case d("ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes").ZenonCancelReason.Hangup:
                        a = ((a = e.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.model) == null ? void 0 : a.type) !== d("ZenonCallInviteModelTypes").CallInviteModelType.unsupported_browser;
                        e.__currentRequest.model = babelHelpers["extends"]({}, e.__currentRequest.model, {
                            type: "missed"
                        a && e.emit("callInvite", e.__currentRequest.model);
                    case d("ZenonIncomingRingSDKTypes").ZenonCancelReason.OtherDismiss:
            e.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_1 = function(a) {
                var b;
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Receiving ring: ", a.ringID);
                if (((b = e.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.model) == null ? void 0 : b.type) === "ringing")
                e.__currentRequest = {
                    model: {
                        actorID: a.actorID,
                        context: a.context,
                        controllerParams: a.controllerParams,
                        inviterID: a.inviterID,
                        isE2eeMandated: a.isE2eeMandated,
                        participants: a.otherParticipants,
                        receiverUserId: a.receiverUserId,
                        requestingVideo: a.requestingVideo,
                        ringID: a.ringID,
                        ringRequest: a.ringRequest,
                        type: a.isClientPermissableRing ? "ringing" : "unsupported_browser"
                    ringPayload: a
                e.emit("callInvite", e.__currentRequest.model);
                a.isClientPermissableRing || a.onDecline("VersionUnsupported")
            e.__eventSource = b;
            e.__currentRequest = null;
            return e
        var e = b.prototype;
        e.getCurrentInvite = function() {
            var a;
            return (a = (a = this.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : a.model) != null ? a : null
        e.startListening = function(a) {
            a = a.callsBlocked;
            this.__currentRequest && this.dismiss();
            a || (this.__eventSource.addListener("incomingRing", this.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_1),
            this.__eventSource.addListener("ringCancel", this.$ZenonCallInviteModel$p_2))
        e.stopListening = function() {
            this.__currentRequest = null
        e.dismiss = function() {
            var a;
            c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Dismissing ring: ", (a = this.__currentRequest) == null ? void 0 : (a = a.model) == null ? void 0 : a.ringID);
            this.__currentRequest = null;
            this.emit("callInvite", null)
        e.accept = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.__currentRequest;
            if (d) {
                var e;
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Accepting ring: ", (e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.ringID);
                ((e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.type) === "ringing" && d.ringPayload.onAccept(a, b);
        e.decline = function(a, b) {
            a === void 0 && (a = "IgnoreCall");
            var d = this.__currentRequest;
            if (d) {
                var e;
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").info("Declining ring: ", (e = d.model) == null ? void 0 : e.ringID);
                d.ringPayload.onDecline(a, b);
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLogPromiseRejection", ["FBLogger"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        return a["catch"](function(a) {
            return c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).debug(a.message)
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallLogger", ["Promise", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLogPromiseRejection", "isEmployeeTestUserZenonLogging", "promiseDone"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = new Set(["mwMessageSent", "mwThriftMessageSent", "mwMessageRecv", "mwThriftMessageRecv", "setMediaStats", "updateE2EEStats", "updateIceInfo", "setRemoteSdpOffer"]), j = new Set(["atLeastOneParticipantAlerted", "atLeastOneParticipantAnswered"]);
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            var b = this
              , c = a.config
              , d = a.initLoggerInfo
              , e = a.isE2eeMandated;
            a = a.processorConfigs;
            this.$5 = [];
            this.$6 = new Set();
            this.$1 = d;
            this.$2 = c;
            this.$3 = e;
            this.$4 = {
                clientSessionID: d.signalingID,
                localCallID: d.localCallID,
                peerID: d.peerID,
                sharedCallID: d.serverInfoData
            a.forEach(function(a) {
        var d = a.prototype;
        d.addLogProcessor = function(a) {
            var b = this;
            if (this.$3 && !a.approvedForMandatedE2ee())
            this.$5.push(new a.LogProcessor({
                config: this.$2,
                data: this.$1,
                isE2eeMandated: this.$3,
                updateLogIdentifiers: function(a) {
                    return b.updateLogIdentifiers(a)
        d.updateLogIdentifiers = function(a) {
            Object.assign(this.$4, a),
                logIdentifiers: a,
                name: "updateLogIdentifiers"
        d.log = function(a) {
            if (j.has( && this.$6.has(
        d.logToProcessors = function(a) {
            return c("ZenonLogPromiseRejection")((h || (h = b("Promise"))).all(this.$ {
                return b.processEvent(a)
            })).then(function() {}))
        d.$7 = function(a) {
            if (!c("isEmployeeTestUserZenonLogging")())
            if (i.has(
                auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM,
                checkpoint: "[ZP] ZenonCallLogger event: " +
        d.getLogIdentifiers = function() {
            return this.$4
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonCallWindowController", ["FBLogger", "Promise", "ZenonCallWindowErrors"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a(a, b) {
            var c = b.callWindowInitializerResource
              , d = b.callWindowOpener;
            b = b.uriBuilderResource;
            this.$2 = null;
            this.$3 = !1;
            this.$5 = null;
            this.$1 = a;
            this.$7 = b;
            this.$4 = c;
            this.$6 = d
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.initCall = function(a) {
            var e = this;
            if (this.$3)
                throw new (d("ZenonCallWindowErrors").OpeningAnotherCallError)();
            try {
                if (this.$2 && !this.$2.closed && a.joinContext.type === "thread" && this.$2.inCallWith === {
                    return [this.$2, (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve({
                        alohaEscalatedMW: !1
            } catch (a) {
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).warn("Failed to access inCallWith on call window")
            var f = this.$6.openWindow(a);
            try {
                this.$2 && (this.$2.closed || this.$2.close(),
                this.$2 = null)
            } catch (a) {
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").catching(a).warn("Failed to access close on call window")
            this.$2 = f;
            this.$3 = !0;
            return [f, (h || (h = b("Promise"))).all([this.$7.load(), this.$4.load()]).then(function(b) {
                var c = b[0];
                b = b[1];
                e.$5 === null && (e.$5 = new b(e.$1,new c(e.$1)));
                return e.$5.initCall(e.$2, a)
            })["finally"](function() {
                e.$3 = !1
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = "zenon_popup_opened";
    b = "zenon_call_join_request";
    c = "zenon_sfu_e2ee_negotiation_complete";
    d = "csm_outgoing_start";
    e = "csm_incoming_connection_started";
    var g = "csm_invite_sent"
      , h = "csm_invite_ack_recv"
      , i = "csm_answer_recv"
      , j = "csm_answer_sdp_recv"
      , k = "csm_pranswer_sdp_recv"
      , l = "csm_offer_sdp_recv"
      , m = "csm_answer_sent"
      , n = "csm_negotiation_complete"
      , o = "csm_network_ready"
      , p = "csm_connection_ready"
      , q = "csm_dismiss_sent"
      , r = "csm_dismiss_recv"
      , s = "signaling_mw_join_req_sent"
      , t = "signaling_mw_join_response_recv";
), 66);
__d("ZenonCollisionContext", ["RtcDoorCallingTags"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        var c = null;
        a.groupThreadID != null ? c = {
            e2eeThreadID: a.groupThreadID,
            id: a.groupThreadID,
            type: b ? 16 : 2
        } : a.peerID != null && (c = {
            id: a.peerID,
            secureOneToOneThreadPeerId: b ? a.peerID : void 0,
            type: b ? 15 : 1
        return c
    function b(a) {
        var b = a.call_trigger
          , d = a.callable_post_id
          , e = a.calling_tags
          , f = a.conference_name
          , g = a.group_thread_id
          , h = a.ig_thread_id
          , i = a.immersive_mode_door_id
          , j = a.link_url
          , k = a.live_broadcast_id
          , l = a.meeting_id
          , m = a.peer_id
          , n = a.rtc_door_id;
        a = a.server_info_data;
        return {
            callablePostID: d,
            callingTags: c("RtcDoorCallingTags").cast(e),
            callTrigger: b,
            conferenceName: f,
            groupThreadID: g,
            igThreadID: h,
            immersiveModeDoorID: i,
            linkUrl: j,
            liveBroadcastID: k,
            meetingID: l,
            peerID: m,
            rtcDoorID: n,
            serverInfoData: a
    function d(a) {
        a === void 0 && (a = {});
        return !Object.values(a).some(function(a) {
            return a != null
    g.getThreadIDAndTypeFromCollisionContext = a;
    g.fromRTCJoiningContext = b;
    g.isCollisionContextEmpty = d
), 98);
__d("ZenonMWMessageLogger", ["ZenonLoggingEventTypes", "ZenonMWMessageTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = new Set()
      , i = new Set();
    function a(a, b) {
        a = a.jsonPayload;
        var c = a.body;
        a = a.header;
        if (h.has(a.transactionId))
        switch (a.type) {
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN:
            c.joinRequest && j(c.joinRequest, b);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.ICE_CANDIDATE:
            c.iceCandidateRequest && l(c.iceCandidateRequest, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.CLIENT_MEDIA_UPDATE:
            c.clientMediaUpdateRequest && m(c.clientMediaUpdateRequest, b);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.SERVER_MEDIA_UPDATE:
            c.serverMediaUpdateResponse && p(c.serverMediaUpdateResponse, b);
    function b(a, b) {
        a = a.jsonPayload;
        var c = a.body;
        a = a.header;
        if (i.has(a.transactionId))
        switch (a.type) {
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN:
            c.joinResponse && k(c.joinResponse, b);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.ICE_CANDIDATE:
            c.iceCandidateRequest && l(c.iceCandidateRequest, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.CLIENT_MEDIA_UPDATE:
            c.clientMediaUpdateResponse && n(c.clientMediaUpdateResponse, b);
        case d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.SERVER_MEDIA_UPDATE:
            c.serverMediaUpdateRequest && o(c.serverMediaUpdateRequest, b);
    function j(a, b) {
        var c = a.answer;
        a = a.offer;
            name: "inviteSent"
        q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send);
        c && q(c, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send)
    function k(a, b) {
        a = a.answer;
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive)
    function l(a, b, c) {
        a = a.iceCandidateSdps;
        a.forEach(function(a) {
            a.candidateSdpString != null && b({
                direction: c,
                name: "updateIceInfo",
                sdpString: a.candidateSdpString
    function m(a, b) {
        a = a.offer;
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send)
    function n(a, b) {
        a = a.answer;
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive)
    function o(a, b) {
        var c = a.answer;
        a = a.offer;
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive);
        c && q(c, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Receive)
    function p(a, b) {
        a = a.answer;
        a && q(a, b, d("ZenonLoggingEventTypes").ZenonUpdateIceInfoDirection.Send)
    function q(a, b, c) {
        a.sdpString != null && b({
            direction: c,
            name: "updateIceInfo",
            sdpString: a.sdpString
    g.logSentMessage = a;
    g.logReceivedMessage = b
), 98);
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    e.exports = "8002805496396921"
), null);
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql", ["ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        var a = [{
            defaultValue: null,
            kind: "LocalArgument",
            name: "input"
          , c = [{
            alias: null,
            args: [{
                kind: "Variable",
                name: "data",
                variableName: "input"
            concreteType: "RtcWebSendMultiwaySignalingMessageResponsePayload",
            kind: "LinkedField",
            name: "rtc_web_send_multiway_signaling_message",
            plural: !1,
            selections: [{
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "header",
                storageKey: null
            }, {
                alias: null,
                args: null,
                kind: "ScalarField",
                name: "body",
                storageKey: null
            storageKey: null
        return {
            fragment: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Fragment",
                metadata: null,
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation",
                selections: c,
                type: "Mutation",
                abstractKey: null
            kind: "Request",
            operation: {
                argumentDefinitions: a,
                kind: "Operation",
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation",
                selections: c
            params: {
                id: b("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation_facebookRelayOperation"),
                metadata: {},
                name: "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation",
                operationKind: "mutation",
                text: null
    e.exports = a
), null);
__d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", ["CometRelayErrorHandling", "Promise", "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "cr:1012418", "gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    function j(a, e) {
        return new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(f, g) {
            b("cr:1012418").commitMutation(e, {
                mutation: h !== void 0 ? h : h = b("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation.graphql"),
                onCompleted: function(a) {
                    return f(a)
                onError: function(a) {
                    c("gkx")("20935") && d("CometRelayErrorHandling").markErrorAsHandled(a);
                    return g(a)
                variables: {
                    input: {
                        message: a
    function k(a) {
        a = a.rtc_web_send_multiway_signaling_message;
        var b = null
          , c = null;
        a != null && (a.header != null && (b = JSON.parse(a.header)),
        a.body != null && (c = JSON.parse(a.body)));
        return {
            body: c,
            header: b
    function a(a, b) {
        return l.apply(this, arguments)
    function l() {
        l = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a, b) {
            a = (yield j(a, b));
            return k(a)
        return l.apply(this, arguments)
    g.sendMessage = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonValidateMWMessage", ["FBLogger", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTypes"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        var b = a.jsonPayload.header.type;
        if (a.jsonPayload.header.serverInfoData == null && b != null && b !== d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.JOIN) {
                auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM,
                checkpoint: "[ZP][DROP] No remoteSignalingID in message: " + b
            c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").warn("[ZP][DROP] No remoteSignalingID in message: " + b);
            return !1
        return !0
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("shouldUseThriftSignaling", ["gkx"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a() {
        return c("gkx")("25251") || c("gkx")("25252")
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender", ["ChannelClientID", "Promise", "RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger", "ZenonMWMessageLogger", "ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTranslator", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonMWSendMessageMutation", "ZenonMWTranslatorUtils", "ZenonValidateMWMessage", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "err", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            this.$3 = a;
            a = c("RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig") {
                return d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType[a]
            this.$4 = new Set(a)
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.handleResponse = function(a) {
            var b = this.$1;
            if (b == null)
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("Should never have null message receiver", "rtc_www");
            var e = a.header || null;
            a = a.body || null;
            if (e != null && a != null) {
                var f;
                f = {
                    endpoint: {
                        appId: d("ZenonMWTranslatorUtils").getMWAppID(),
                        deviceId: c("ChannelClientID").getID(),
                        userId: (f = e.receiverUserId) != null ? f : d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID()
                    jsonPayload: {
                        body: a,
                        header: e
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("RECEIVED", "GraphQL", f);
                this.$2 && this.$2({
                    mwMessage: f,
                    name: "mwMessageRecv"
                a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toSignalingMessage(f);
                a != null && (b(a),
        e.$5 = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) {
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("SENDING", "GraphQL", a);
                this.$2 && d("ZenonMWMessageLogger").logSentMessage(a, this.$2);
                try {
                    var b = (yield d("ZenonMWSendMessageMutation").sendMessage(JSON.stringify(a), this.$3));
                    this.$2 && this.$2({
                        mwMessage: a,
                        name: "mwMessageSent"
                } catch (e) {
                    b = e != null ? e.toString() : "Message Send Error";
                    d("ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger").logSendMessageFailed(a, "[GraphQL] " + b);
                    c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logSendMultiwayMessageFailure(b, a.jsonPayload.header.type);
                    e != null && c("ZenonInfraActionsLogger").logCheckpoint({
                        auditId: c("ZenonAuditedCheckpointLogId").RP_ROOMS_INFRA_WWW__PLATFORM,
                        checkpoint: "Failed to send MW message of type " + a.jsonPayload.header.type + ". Stack Trace: " + e.stack + "."
            function e(b) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return e
        e.sendMessage = function(a) {
            a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toMWMessage(a);
            if (!a || !c("ZenonValidateMWMessage")(a))
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("Invalid MW message"));
            var e = a.jsonPayload.header.type;
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")() && this.$4.has(a.jsonPayload.header.type))
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve();
            return a.endpoint.userId !== d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getAccountID() || e !== d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType.DATA_MESSAGE ? this.$5(a) : (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("GraphQL only sends DATA_MESSAGE for Page users"))
        e.setMessageReceiver = function(a) {
            this.$1 = a
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) {
            this.$2 = a
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager", ["LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent", "LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent", "ZenonCallInfoManager", "ZenonPeerID"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return a.apply(this, arguments) || this
        var e = b.prototype;
        e.setRating = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , e = b.deviceID
              , f = b.localCallID
              , g = b.peerID;
            b = b.serverInfoData;
            var h = {
                local_call_id: f,
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(g),
                shared_call_id: b,
                web_device_id: e
            c("LsRtcStarRatingFalcoEvent").logImmediately(function() {
                return babelHelpers["extends"]({
                    star_rating: a.toString()
                }, h)
        e.setSurvey = function(a, b, e) {
            b === void 0 && (b = null);
            e === void 0 && (e = null);
            var f = this.getCallInfo()
              , g = f.deviceID
              , h = f.localCallID
              , i = f.peerID;
            f = f.serverInfoData;
            h = {
                local_call_id: h,
                peer_id: d("ZenonPeerID").convertPeerIDForLogging(i),
                shared_call_id: f,
                web_device_id: g
            i = Array.isArray(b) ? b : b != null ? [b] : [];
            var j = babelHelpers["extends"]({
                rtc_end_call_survey_issue: (g = (f = e) == null ? void 0 : f.toLocaleLowerCase()) != null ? g : "",
                rtc_end_call_survey_selected_options: i
            }, h, a == null ? {} : {
                rtc_end_call_survey_freeform: a
            c("LsRtcEndCallSurveyFalcoEvent").log(function() {
                return j
        ; = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
            a.storeStarRatings(c, b, this)
        e["delete"] = function(a) {
            var b = this.getCallInfo()
              , c = b.peerID;
            b = b.signalingID;
                peerID: c,
                signalingID: b
        e.toJsonString = function() {
            var a = {
                callInfo: this.getCallInfo()
            return JSON.stringify(a)
        b.fromJsonString = function(a) {
            var c;
            try {
                c = JSON.parse(a)
            } catch (a) {
                return null
            a = c.callInfo;
            a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["deviceID"]);
            return new b(a)
        return b
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonLSStarRatingsStore", ["ZenonGenericLocalStorageStore", "ZenonLSStarRatingsManager"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h = "localstorage"
      , i = "RTC_LS_STAR_RATINGS_"
      , j = "ls_star_ratings"
      , k = 3;
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(b, a);
        function b() {
            return, j, h, i) || this
        var d = b.prototype;
        d.retrieveStarRatings = function(a, b) {
            var d = this.getLocalStorageObjects();
            d = d[a] ? d[a][b] : null;
            if (d)
                return c("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager").fromJsonString(d.__d);
                return null
        d.storeStarRatings = function(a, b, c) {
            this.mutateLocalStorageObjects(function(d) {
                d[a] || (d[a] = {});
                d[a][b] = {
                    __d: c.toJsonString(),
                    __z: !0
                return d
            }, k, !1, {
                peerID: a,
                signalingID: b
        return b
    b = new a();
    g.ZenonLSStarRatingsStoreInstance = b
), 98);
__d("promiseAny", ["invariant", "AggregateError", "Promise"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    var i;
    function j(a) {
        return new (i || (i = b("Promise")))(function(c, d) {
            return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).resolve(a).then(d, c)
    function a(a) {
        a.length !== 0 || h(0, 14837);
        return (i || (i = b("Promise"))).all( {
            throw new (c("AggregateError"))(a)
        }, function(a) {
            return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonMessageSenderChain", ["promiseAny"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            this.$1 = a
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.addMessageSender = function(a) {
        b.sendMessage = function(a) {
            var b = this.$ {
                return b.sendMessage(a)
            return c("promiseAny")(b)
        b.setMessageReceiver = function(a) {
            this.$1.forEach(function(b) {
                return b.setMessageReceiver(a)
        b.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) {
            this.$1.forEach(function(b) {
                return b.setLoggingEventHandler(a)
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonMqttMWMessageSender", ["Promise", "RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger", "ZenonMWMessageLogger", "ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger", "ZenonMWMessageTranslator", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonSignalingConstants", "ZenonUserActionLogger", "ZenonValidateMWMessage", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime", "err", "getZenonMqttChannel", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "waitForZenonMqttConnected"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a() {
            var a = c("RpZenonBinaryThriftSignalingSitevarConfig") {
                return d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWSignalingPayloadType[a]
            this.$3 = new Set(a)
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.$4 = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) {
                var b = this
                  , e = !0;
                yield c("waitForZenonMqttConnected")()["catch"](function(a) {
                        checkpoint: "Not sending MWS message through MQTT because MQTT could not connect. Error: " + a
                    e = !1
                if (!e)
                c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logMWMessage("SENDING", "MQTT", a);
                this.$2 && d("ZenonMWMessageLogger").logSentMessage(a, this.$2);
                var f = c("getZenonMqttChannel")();
                try {
                    yield f.publish(d("ZenonSignalingConstants").RTC_MULTI_MQTT_TOPIC, JSON.stringify(a)).then(function() {
                        b.$2 && b.$2({
                            mwMessage: a,
                            name: "mwMessageSent"
                    }, function(c) {
                        b.$5(a, c.toString())
                } catch (b) {
                    this.$5(a, b.toString())
            function e(b) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return e
        e.$5 = function(a, b) {
            b = b != null ? b : "MQTT Message Send Error";
            d("ZenonMWMessageReliabilityLogger").logSendMessageFailed(a, "[MQTT] " + b);
            c("ZenonMWMessageDebugLogger").logSendMultiwayMessageFailure(b, a.jsonPayload.header.type)
        e.sendMessage = function(a) {
            a = d("ZenonMWMessageTranslator").toMWMessage(a);
            if (!a || !c("ZenonValidateMWMessage")(a))
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("Invalid MW message"));
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")() && this.$3.has(a.jsonPayload.header.type))
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve();
            return a.endpoint.userId !== d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getAccountID() && !d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.isInstagramUser() && !d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.isOculusUser() ? (h || (h = b("Promise"))).reject(c("err")("MQTT doesn't work with Page users yet")) : this.$4(a)
        e.setMessageReceiver = function(a) {
            this.$1 = a
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) {
            this.$2 = a
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor", ["Promise", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants", "ZenonDismissReason", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            var b =;
            a = a.isE2eeMandated;
            this.$1 = b.localCallID;
            this.$2 = b.serverInfoData;
            this.$3 = b.signalingID;
            this.$4 = a
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.processEvent = function(a) {
            var e = c("qpl")._(41156610, "2039");
            switch ( {
            case "inviteReceived":
                this.$2 = a.serverInfoData;
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerStart(e, +this.$3);
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerAnnotate(e, {
                    bool: {
                        isE2eeMandated: this.$4
                    string: {
                        local_call_id: this.$1,
                        server_info_data: this.$2
                }, {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "callEnded":
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerAnnotate(e, {
                    string: {
                        endCallReason: d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.getName(a.endCallReason),
                        endCallSubreason: a.endCallSubreason
                }, {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerEnd(e, 4, +this.$3);
            case "popupOpened":
                (i || (i = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerPoint(e, d("ZenonClientPerfQPLConstants").POINT_ZENON_POPUP_OPENED, {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve()
        return a
    e = {
        LogProcessor: a,
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() {
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloQPLLoggingEnabled()
    g.ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor = a;
    g.ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessorConfig = e
), 98);
__d("ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor", ["ODS", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonInfraActionsLogger", "ZenonLSCallStartEventManager", "ZenonLSCallStartEventStore", "ZenonLSCallSummary", "ZenonLSCallSummaryStore", "ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager", "ZenonLSE2EEStore", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary", "ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummaryStore", "ZenonLSStarRatingsManager", "ZenonLSStarRatingsStore", "ZenonPeerID", "asyncToGeneratorRuntime"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            a =;
            a.peerID = d("ZenonPeerID").ZenonMWPeerID;
            this.$6 = a.protocol;
            this.$1 = new (c("ZenonLSCallSummary"))(a);
            this.$2 = new (c("ZenonLSPeerConnectionSummary"))(a);
            this.$3 = new (c("ZenonLSCallStartEventManager"))(a);
            this.$4 = new (c("ZenonLSE2EEStatsManager"))(a);
            this.$5 = new (c("ZenonLSStarRatingsManager"))(a);
                checkpoint: "NSL - created call summaries in parent window"
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.processEvent = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) {
                switch ( {
                case "callAccepted":
                case "callEnded":
                    yield this.$7(a);
                case "inviteReceived":
                case "popupOpened":
                    yield this.$9(a);
            function c(b) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return c
        e.$8 = function(a) {
            a = a.serverInfoData;
            if (a == null)
        e.$9 = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) {
                yield this.$1.onCallEnded(d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.ClientError, !1, !0, a.isPopupBlocked ? "PopupBlocked" : "PopupPending"),
            function c(b) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return c
        e.$7 = function() {
            var a = b("asyncToGeneratorRuntime").asyncToGenerator(function*(a) {
                if (a.isRemoteEnded)
                var b = a.endCallReason
                  , c = a.endCallSubreason;
                a = a.isRemoteEnded;
                if (b === d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.OtherInstanceHandled && a)
                b === d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.ClientError && (h || (h = d("ODS"))).bumpEntityKey(4083, "zenon_client_crashes", "zenon_client_error_end_call_reason");
                yield this.$1.onCallEnded(b, a, !1, c);
            function c(b) {
                return a.apply(this, arguments)
            return c
        return a
    e = {
        LogProcessor: a,
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() {
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloCallSummaryLoggingEnabled()
    g.ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor = a;
    g.ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessorConfig = e
), 98);
__d("ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor", ["Promise", "QPLUserFlow", "ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks", "ZenonDismissReason", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            var b =;
            a = a.isE2eeMandated;
            this.$1 = b.localCallID;
            this.$2 = b.serverInfoData;
            this.$3 = b.signalingID;
            this.$4 = a
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.processEvent = function(a) {
            switch ( {
            case "inviteReceived":
                c("QPLUserFlow").start(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), {
                    annotations: {
                        bool: {
                            isE2eeMandated: this.$4
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").start(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), {
                    annotations: {
                        bool: {
                            isE2eeMandated: this.$4
                        string: {
                            localCallID: this.$1,
                            serverInfoData: this.$2
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "invite_received", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "callEnded":
                c("QPLUserFlow").endCancel(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), {
                    annotations: {
                        string: {
                            endCallReason: d("ZenonDismissReason").ZenonDismissReason.getName(a.endCallReason),
                            endCallSubreason: a.endCallSubreason
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                if (a.isRemoteEnded)
                    return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve();
                c("QPLUserFlow").endCancel(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "callAccepted":
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "call_accepted", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "call_accepted", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "dismissRecv":
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "dismiss_recv", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "dismiss_recv", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "inviteResponded":
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), "invite_responded", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "invite_responded", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            case "popupOpened":
                c("QPLUserFlow").endSuccess(c("qpl")._(64225282, "3408"), {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
                c("QPLUserFlow").addPoint(c("qpl")._(398997251, "1544"), "popup_opened", {
                    instanceKey: +this.$3
            return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve()
        return a
    e = {
        LogProcessor: a,
        approvedForMandatedE2ee: function() {
            return d("ZenonArmadilloLoggingChecks").isArmadilloQPLLoggingEnabled()
    g.ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor = a;
    g.ZenonParentQPLLogProcessorConfig = e
), 98);
__d("ZenonParentSignalingClient", ["Promise", "ZenonDebugLogger", "ZenonSignalingTypes", "promiseDone", "qpl", "recoverableViolation", "unrecoverableViolation"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h;
    a = function() {
        function a(a, b, d, e) {
            var f = this;
            this.remoteSignalingID = null;
            this.$4 = "init";
            this.$6 = null;
            this.$7 = null;
            this.$8 = function() {}
            this.$9 = function(a, b, d) {
                c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().logStateMachine("ParentSignalingClient", f.$4, "received " + a.eventName, f.$1.getSignalingID());
                switch (a.eventName) {
                case "inviteRequest":
                    f.$11(a, b, d);
                case "remoteSdpRequest":
                    f.$12(a, b);
                case "terminateRequest":
                    f.$13(a, b, d);
            this.$1 = a;
            this.$3 = d;
            this.$5 = e;
            this.$2 = b;
            c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().startQPL(c("qpl")._(64234815, "1094"), +a.getSignalingID())
        var e = a.prototype;
        e.setSignalingEventHandlers = function(a) {
            if (this.$6 != null) {
                c("recoverableViolation")("setSignalingEventHandlers should only be called once, to avoid accidentally losing handlers.", "rtc_www");
            this.$6 = a
        e.setLoggingEventHandler = function(a) {
            this.$8 = a
        e.setSecureDataMessageManager = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("setSecureDataMessageManager called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.getSignalingModel = function() {
            return this.$1
        e.processReceiveEvent = function(a, b, d) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("processReceiveEvent called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendDismiss = function(a) {
            this.$4 = "terminated";
            a = {
                eventName: "terminateRequest",
                fromJoinResponse: !1,
                reason: a,
                shouldInformPeer: !0
            return this.$10(a)
        e.receiveMessage = function(a) {
        e.isTerminated = function() {
            return this.$4 === "terminated"
        e.sendAnswerIntent = function() {
            if (this.$4 === "inviteAcknowledged") {
                this.$4 = "answered";
                var a = {
                    eventName: "answerIntentRequest"
                return this.$10(a)
            } else
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendAnswerIntent called in unexpected state " + this.$4, "rtc_www")
        e.respondToInvite = function(a) {
            if (this.$4 === "inviteReceived") {
                if (this.$7 == null)
                    throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("respondToInvite called without inviteMessageId being populated first", "rtc_www");
                this.$4 = "inviteAcknowledged";
                a = {
                    ackMessageId: this.$7,
                    eventName: "inviteResponse",
                    status: a
                return this.$10(a)
            } else
                throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("respondToInvite called in unexpected state " + this.$4, "rtc_www")
        e.initiateClientRenegotiation = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("initiateClientRenegotiation called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendClientEvent = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendClientEvent called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendInvite = function(a, b, d) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendInvite called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendSdp = function(a, b) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendSdp called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendIceCandidate = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendIceCandidate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendMediaUpdate = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendMediaUpdate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendAddParticipantsMessage = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendAddParticipantsMessage called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendRemoveParticipantsRequest = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendRemoveParticipantsRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendUsersApprovalRequest = function(a, b) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendUsersApprovalRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendStateSyncUnsubscribe = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendStateSyncUnsubscribe called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendStateSyncUpdate = function(a, b) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendStateSyncUpdate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendSubscriptionRequest = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendSubscriptionRequest called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendClientInfo = function(a) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendClientInfo called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.sendGenericDataMessage = function(a, b, d) {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("sendGenericDataMessage called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.silentlyTerminate = function() {
            throw c("unrecoverableViolation")("terminate called on ZenonParentSignalingClient. Did you mean to use ZenonSignalingClient instead?", "rtc_www")
        e.$10 = function(a) {
            var d = this;
            c("ZenonDebugLogger").getInstance().logStateMachine("ParentSignalingClient", this.$4, "sending " + a.eventName, this.$1.getSignalingID());
            return new (h || (h = b("Promise")))(function(b, c) {
                return d.$3.sendEvent(a, b, c)
        e.$11 = function(a, b, c) {
            this.$4 === "init" && (this.$4 = "inviteReceived",
            this.$7 = b,
            this.$5(a, c, this))
        e.$13 = function(a, b, d) {
            if (this.$4 !== "terminated") {
                this.$4 = "terminated";
                d = {
                    ackMessageId: b,
                    eventName: "dismissResponse"
                if (this.$6 && this.$6.onDismissReceived) {
                    c("promiseDone")(this.$6.onDismissReceived(this.$1.getSignalingID(), a.reason, (b = a.subreason) != null ? b : null, a.detailedReasonFromMW))
        e.$12 = function(a, b) {
            b = {
                ackMessageId: b,
                acknowledgedVersion: a.sdp.version,
                eventName: "remoteSdpResponse",
                negotiateType: a.negotiateType,
                statusCode: d("ZenonSignalingTypes").ZenonSignalingStatusCode.OK,
                type: a.sdp.type
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonSDKRateLimiter", ["TokenBucketRateLimit", "ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    a = function() {
        function a() {
            this.$1 = new Map()
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.take = function(a, b) {
            b === void 0 && (b = 1);
            a = this.$2(a);
            return a.take(b)
        b.$2 = function(a) {
            var b, d = this.$1.get(a);
            if (d)
                return d;
            b = (b = c("ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig").buckets.get(a)) != null ? b : c("ZenonPlatformRateLimitSitevarConfig")["default"];
            d = new (c("TokenBucketRateLimit"))(b.bucket_size,b.refill_rate);
            this.$1.set(a, d);
            return d
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    a = Object.freeze({
        CHILD_WINDOW_READY: "rtc_child_window_ready",
        PARENT_INITIATED_CALL: "rtc_child_window_start_call",
        PARENT_LOG_IDENTIFIERS: "rtc_parent_log_identifiers",
        PARENT_QPL_MARKER: "rtc_parent_qpl_marker",
        PARENT_TO_CHILD_MESSAGE: "rtc_child_window_message"
    f.ChildTransportMessageType = a
), 66);
__d("isFacebookishURI", ["isFacebookURI", "isMessengerDotComURI"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a) {
        return c("isFacebookURI")(a) || c("isMessengerDotComURI")(a)
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonSignalingParentTransport", ["MultiwaySharedTypes", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "Random", "URI", "ZenonBrowsers", "ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager", "ZenonIGMediaUtil", "ZenonMWMessageTypes", "ZenonSignalingTransportTypes", "isFacebookishURI", "recoverableViolation", "shouldUseSFUMediaPath"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i, j = 45 * 1e3;
    a = function() {
        function a(a) {
            var b = this;
            this.verificationNonce = null;
            this.portToChild = null;
            this.$1 = null;
            this.$2 = null;
            this.localCallID = null;
            this.$3 = new Map();
            this.$4 = new Map();
            this.$5 = new Map();
            this.$6 = new Map();
            this.$7 = window;
            a != null && (this.$7 = a);
            d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isSupportedClient() && this.$7.addEventListener && this.$7.addEventListener("message", function(a) {
            }, !1)
        var b = a.prototype;
        b.handleWindowMessageFromChild = function(a) {
            var b = this;
            if (this.windowMessageValid(a) && === d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.CHILD_WINDOW_READY && this.hasPort(a)) {
                var c;
                c = (c = != null ? c : null;
                var e =;
                this.portToChild = a.ports[0];
                a =;
                this.$2 = a;
                this.$1 = this.$7.setTimeout(function() {
                    b.portToChild = null
                }, j);
                this.verificationNonce = this.generateNonce();
                this.startCallInChildWindow(c, e);
        b.generateNonce = function() {
            return String(d("Random").random())
        b.hasPort = function(a) {
            return Boolean(a.ports != null && Array.isArray(a.ports) && a.ports[0] != null)
        b.getRingRequestBySID = function(a) {
            var b;
            b = k((b = this.$4.get(a)) != null ? b : null);
            a = l((a = this.$6.get(a)) != null ? a : null);
            return {
                mwRingRequest: b,
                mwThriftRingRequest: a
        b.startCallInChildWindow = function(a, b) {
            var c = null
              , e = null;
            if (b !== void 0) {
                if (b != null) {
                    b = this.getRingRequestBySID(b);
                    c = b.mwRingRequest;
                    e = b.mwThriftRingRequest
            } else if (a != null) {
                c = k((b = this.$3.get(a)) != null ? b : null);
                e = l((b = this.$5.get(a)) != null ? b : null)
            a = {
                mwRingRequest: c,
                mwThriftRingRequest: e,
                nonce: this.$2,
                type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_INITIATED_CALL
        b.sendQPLToChildWindow = function() {
            var a = new Map();
            (h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).activeMarkers.forEach(function(b, c) {
                (c === 398997251 || c === 41156610) && a.set(c, b)
            if (a.size > 0) {
                var b = {
                    markers: a,
                    nonce: this.$2,
                    type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_QPL_MARKER,
                    version: 2
                a.forEach(function(a) {
                    for (var a = a, b = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = b ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
                        var e;
                        if (b) {
                            if (d >= a.length)
                            e = a[d++]
                        } else {
                            d =;
                            if (d.done)
                            e = d.value
                        e = e;
                        var f = e[0];
                        e = e[1];
                        (h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerDrop(e.event, f)
        b.sendLogIdentifiersToChildWindow = function(a) {
            a = {
                localCallID: a,
                nonce: this.$2,
                type: d("ZenonSignalingTransportTypes").ChildTransportMessageType.PARENT_LOG_IDENTIFIERS
        b.windowMessageValid = function(a) {
            return Boolean(a.origin === this.$7.location.origin || c("isFacebookishURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(a.origin)) && c("isFacebookishURI")(new (i || (i = c("URI")))(this.$7.location.origin))) && this.postMessageValid(a)
        b.postMessageValid = function(a) {
            return this.verificationNonce !== null && (a == null ? void 0 : (a = == null ? void 0 : a.nonce) === this.verificationNonce
        b.sendMessageToChild = function(a) {
            this.portToChild != null ? this.portToChild.postMessage(a) : c("recoverableViolation")("The child window port should be available", "rtc_www")
        b.enqueueRawMWMessage = function(a, b) {
            var c = a.jsonPayload
              , d = c.body;
            c = c.header;
            d = d.ringRequest;
            if (d) {
                d = c.conferenceName;
                c = c.serverInfoData;
                d != null && this.$3.set(d, {
                    parsedMessage: b,
                    rawMessage: a
                c != null && this.$4.set(c, {
                    parsedMessage: b,
                    rawMessage: a
        b.enqueueRawMWThriftMessage = function(a, b) {
            var c = a.messageBody
              , d = a.messageHeader;
            c = c.ringRequest;
            if (c) {
                c = d.conferenceName;
                d = d.serverInfoData;
                c != null && this.$5.set(c, {
                    parsedMessage: b,
                    rawMessage: a
                d != null && this.$6.set(d, {
                    parsedMessage: b,
                    rawMessage: a
        b.testGetChildNonce = function() {
            return this.$2
        return a
    function k(a) {
        var b, e;
        if (a === null)
            return null;
        var f = a.parsedMessage;
        a = a.rawMessage;
        if (f == null)
            return null;
        f = n(f);
        if ((f == null ? void 0 : f.eventName) !== "inviteRequest")
            return null;
        f = (f = (f = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : f.isLegacyCall) != null ? f : !1;
        b = ((b = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : b.mode) === d("ZenonMWMessageTypes").ZenonMWE2eeMode.E2EE_MANDATED;
        c("ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager").processE2eeMandatedStateFromProductAndRing(b, (e = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : e.infraMandatedExpStatus);
        return o(b, f) ? a : p(a)
    function l(a) {
        var b, e;
        if (a == null)
            return null;
        var f = a.parsedMessage;
        a = a.rawMessage;
        if (f == null)
            return null;
        f = n(f);
        if ((f == null ? void 0 : f.eventName) !== "inviteRequest")
            return null;
        f = (f = (f = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : f.isLegacyCall) != null ? f : !1;
        b = ((b = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (b = b.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : b.mode) === d("MultiwaySharedTypes").E2eeMode.E2EE_MANDATED;
        c("ZenonE2eeMandatedStateManager").processE2eeMandatedStateFromProductAndRing(b, (e = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : (e = e.e2eeEnforcement) == null ? void 0 : e.infraMandatedExpStatus);
        return o(b, f) ? a : q(a)
    function m(a, b) {
        return d("ZenonBrowsers").isFirefox() || c("shouldUseSFUMediaPath")(a, b) || c("ZenonIGMediaUtil").shouldUseSFUOnly()
    function n(a) {
        a = a.getEvents().find(function(a) {
            return a.eventName === "inviteRequest"
        return a
    function o(a, b) {
        return b || !m(a, !1)
    function p(a) {
        var b;
        (b = a.jsonPayload.body.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : delete b.offer;
        return a
    function q(a) {
        var b;
        (b = a.messageBody.ringRequest) == null ? void 0 : delete b.offer;
        return a
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("ZenonParentCallsManager", ["BaseEventEmitter", "FBLogger", "JSResource", "JSResourceForInteraction", "LazyLoadInstance", "OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer", "Promise", "RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration", "ZenonActorHooks", "ZenonAppProvider", "ZenonBrowsers", "ZenonCallLogger", "ZenonCallsModelTypes", "ZenonCollisionContext", "ZenonDismissReason", "ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender", "ZenonMessageSenderChain", "ZenonMqttMWMessageSender", "ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor", "ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor", "ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor", "ZenonParentSignalingClient", "ZenonSDKRateLimiter", "ZenonSignalingParentTransport", "gkx", "promiseDone", "recoverableViolation", "shouldUseThriftSignaling", "uuidv4"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i = c("JSResourceForInteraction")("setE2eeIsMandatedForZenonLoggers").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"), j = c("JSResourceForInteraction")("ZenonGraphQLMWThriftMessageSender").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager");
    a = function(a) {
        babelHelpers.inheritsLoose(e, a);
        function e(e) {
            var f;
            f = || this;
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4 = new Map();
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_5 = new Set();
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 = null;
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8 = [];
            f.onInviteReceived = function(a, b, e) {
                var g, h = e.getSignalingModel().getSignalingID();
                    onDismissReceived: f.onDismissReceived
                var i = a.appMessages
                  , j = a.inviterID
                  , k = a.isE2eeMandated
                  , l = a.otherParticipants
                  , m = a.requestingVideo
                  , n = a.roomInfo
                  , o = a.serverInfoData;
                k === !0 && f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10(h);
                var p = m && d("ZenonBrowsers").supportsVideoCalls()
                  , q = "multiway_incoming"
                  , r = c("uuidv4")()
                  , s = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_11({
                    callTrigger: q,
                    isCaller: !1,
                    isVideo: p,
                    localCallID: r,
                    peerID: j,
                    protocol: b,
                    signalingID: h
                }, (m = k) != null ? m : !1);
                s == null ? void 0 : s.log({
                    name: "inviteReceived",
                    serverInfoData: o
                m = d("RTWebIncomingRingConfiguration").isSupportedClient();
                var t = m ? "OK" : "NOT_SUPPORTED";
                s == null ? void 0 : s.log({
                    name: "inviteResponded"
                t = {
                    thread: {
                        id: "0",
                        type: 2
                    type: "thread"
                if (n.context != null && (((g = n.context) == null ? void 0 : g.groupThreadID) != null || ((g = n.context) == null ? void 0 : g.peerID) != null)) {
                    g = (g = a.appMessages) == null ? void 0 : g.collision_context_payload;
                    var u = null;
                    if (g != null)
                        try {
                            u = JSON.parse(g).calling_tags
                        } catch (a) {}
                    g = k === !0 && u === 2;
                    if (n.context != null) {
                        t = {
                            thread: (u = d("ZenonCollisionContext").getThreadIDAndTypeFromCollisionContext(n.context, g)) != null ? u : {
                                id: "0",
                                type: 2
                            type: "thread"
                } else
                    ((g = == null ? void 0 : g.linkHash) != null && ((u = == null ? void 0 : u.roomName) != null && (t = {
                        type: "room"
                u = (g = a.actorID) != null ? g : d("ZenonActorHooks").ZenonActor.getID();
                g = {
                    mwRingRequest: null,
                    mwThriftRingRequest: null
                o != null && (g = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.getRingRequestBySID(o));
                n = {
                    actorID: a.actorID,
                    context: t,
                    controllerParams: {
                        appMessages: i,
                        configuration: b,
                        serverInfoData: (t = (o = n.context) == null ? void 0 : o.serverInfoData) != null ? t : null,
                        signalingID: h
                    inviterID: j,
                    isClientPermissableRing: m,
                    isE2eeMandated: (i = k) != null ? i : !1,
                    onAccept: function(a, d) {
                        d = d.isPopupBlocked;
                        s == null ? void 0 : s.log({
                            name: "callAccepted",
                            trigger: q
                        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12(a, {
                            callTrigger: q,
                            isE2eeMandated: (a = k) != null ? a : !1,
                            isPopupBlocked: d,
                            isVideo: p,
                            peerID: j,
                            protocol: b,
                            signalingID: h
                        }, r)
                    onDecline: function(a, b) {
                        b === void 0 && (b = null),
                        f.onDecline(h, s, a, b)
                    otherParticipants: l.includes(u) ? l : [u].concat(l),
                    receiverUserId: a.userID,
                    requestingVideo: p,
                    ringID: h,
                    ringRequest: g
                f.emit("incomingRing", n)
            f.onDismissReceived = function(a, c) {
                var e = d("ZenonDismissReason").dismissReasonToCancelReason(c);
                e = {
                    reason: e,
                    ringID: a
                f.emit("ringCancel", e);
                e = f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(a);
                e != null && (e.log({
                    name: "dismissRecv"
                    endCallReason: c,
                    isRemoteEnded: !0,
                    name: "callEnded"
                return (h || (h = b("Promise"))).resolve()
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_7 = new (c("OverlayConfigManagerWithServerLayer"))();
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_3 = e;
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2 = new (c("ZenonSignalingParentTransport"))(window);
            var g = new (c("ZenonMessageSenderChain"))([new (c("ZenonMqttMWMessageSender"))()].concat(!d("ZenonAppProvider").isOculusCastingSite() && e.relayEnvironment ? [new (c("ZenonGraphQLMWMessageSender"))(e.relayEnvironment)] : []));
            if (c("shouldUseThriftSignaling")()) {
                var i = new (c("LazyLoadInstance"))(c("JSResource")("ZenonMqttMWThriftMessageSender").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"),function(a) {
                    return new a()
                i.get(function(a) {
                    return g.addMessageSender(a)
                c("promiseDone")(j.load(), function(a) {
                    if (e.relayEnvironment) {
                        a = new a(e.relayEnvironment);
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1 = new (c("LazyLoadInstance"))(c("JSResource")("ZenonSignalingClientManager").__setRef("ZenonParentCallsManager"),function(a) {
                return new a(c("ZenonParentSignalingClient"),f.onInviteReceived,g)
            f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 = new (c("ZenonSDKRateLimiter"))();
            return f
        var f = e.prototype;
        f.startOutgoingCallIntent = function(a, b) {
            if (!this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_9("startOutgoingCallIntent"))
            var d = b.callTrigger
              , e = b.isE2eeMandated
              , f = b.isVideo
              , g = b.peerID
              , h = b.protocol
              , i = b.signalingID;
            e && this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10(i);
            var j = c("uuidv4")();
                callTrigger: d,
                isCaller: !0,
                isVideo: f,
                localCallID: j,
                peerID: g,
                protocol: h,
                signalingID: i
            }, e);
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12(a, b, j)
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_11 = function(a, b) {
            var d, e = a.callTrigger, f = a.isCaller, g = a.isVideo, h = a.localCallID, i = a.peerID, j = a.protocol;
            a = a.signalingID;
            d = (d = this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(a)) != null ? d : null;
            if (e === "meetup_join")
                return d;
            if (d != null) {
                c("recoverableViolation")("Call logger key collision in parentCallsManager for signalingID: " + a, "rtc_www");
                return d
            var k = new (c("ZenonCallLogger"))({
                config: this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_7,
                initLoggerInfo: {
                    callTrigger: e,
                    isCaller: f,
                    isVideo: g,
                    localCallID: h,
                    peerID: i,
                    protocol: j,
                    signalingID: a
                isE2eeMandated: b,
                processorConfigs: this.getLogProcessors()
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.set(a, k);
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8.forEach(function(a) {
                a.setLoggingEventHandler(function(a) {
                    return k.log(a)
            return k
        f.getLogProcessors = function() {
            var a = [d("ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessor").ZenonParentLSCallSummaryLogProcessorConfig, d("ZenonParentQPLLogProcessor").ZenonParentQPLLogProcessorConfig];
            c("gkx")("25214") && a.push(d("ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessor").ZenonParentClientPerfQPLLogProcessorConfig);
            return a
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_12 = function(a, b, c) {
            var d = b.isPopupBlocked;
            b = b.signalingID;
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.localCallID = c;
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.verificationNonce = a;
            c = this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_4.get(b);
            c != null && c.log({
                isPopupBlocked: d,
                name: "popupOpened"
        f.initListeners = function(a) {
            var b = this;
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_8 = a;
            for (var a = a, c = Array.isArray(a), d = 0, a = c ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
                var e;
                if (c) {
                    if (d >= a.length)
                    e = a[d++]
                } else {
                    d =;
                    if (d.done)
                    e = d.value
                e = e;
                e.subscribe(function(a) {
                    return b.onMessageReceived(a)
                }, function(a, c) {
                    return b.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.enqueueRawMWMessage(a, c)
                }, function(a, c) {
                    return b.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_2.enqueueRawMWThriftMessage(a, c)
        f.onMessageReceived = function(a) {
            var b = a.getHeader().signalingID;
            if (b != null && this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_5.has(b))
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1.get(function(b) {
        f.onDecline = function(a, b, e, f) {
            f === void 0 && (f = null),
            this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_1.get(function(g) {
                g = g.getSignalingClient(a);
                if (g) {
                    var h = d("ZenonDismissReason").endCallToDismissReason(e);
                    e !== "VersionUnsupported" && f !== d("ZenonCallsModelTypes").ZenonEndCallSubreason.CallsBlocked && c("promiseDone")(g.sendDismiss(h));
                    b == null ? void 0 : b.log({
                        endCallReason: h,
                        endCallSubreason: f == null ? null : f,
                        isRemoteEnded: !1,
                        name: "callEnded"
                } else
                    c("recoverableViolation")("signaling client should be defined", "rtc_www")
        f.removeListeners = function(a) {
            for (var a = a, b = Array.isArray(a), c = 0, a = b ? a : a[typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"](); ; ) {
                var d;
                if (b) {
                    if (c >= a.length)
                    d = a[c++]
                } else {
                    c =;
                    if (c.done)
                    d = c.value
                d = d;
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_9 = function(a) {
            if (this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6 && !this.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_6.take(a)) {
                c("FBLogger")("rtc_www").warn("[ZP] Dropping %s invocation. This SDK method is being called too rapidly.", a);
                return !1
            return !0
        f.$ZenonParentCallsManager$p_10 = function(a) {
            c("promiseDone")(i.load(), function(b) {
                return b(a)
        return e
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("addCometProfileSwitchAnnotation", ["JSScheduler", "QuickPerformanceLogger", "isRecentProfileSwitchSessionStorage", "profileSwitchOriginSessionStorage", "qpl"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    var h, i;
    function a(a) {
        (i || (i = d("JSScheduler"))).scheduleLoggingPriCallback(function() {
            var b = c("isRecentProfileSwitchSessionStorage").getAndRemove();
            b && ((h || (h = c("QuickPerformanceLogger"))).markerEnd(c("qpl")._(30606395, "1860"), 2, 0, h.currentTimestamp()),
            a.addAnnotationInt("is_recent_profile_switch", b.didSwitchToMainProfile ? 2 : 1));
            b = c("profileSwitchOriginSessionStorage").getAndRemove();
            b && a.addMetadata("origin", b.origin)
    g["default"] = a
), 98);
__d("delegateZenonCallInviteModel", [], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b) {
        a.getCurrentInvite = b.getCurrentInvite.bind(b),
        a.startListening = b.startListening.bind(b),
        a.stopListening = b.stopListening.bind(b),
        a.dismiss = b.dismiss.bind(b),
        a.accept = b.accept.bind(b),
        a.decline = b.decline.bind(b),
        b.addListener("callInvite", function(b) {
            a.emit("callInvite", b)
    f["default"] = a
), 66);
__d("logCometTopNavTabPress", ["CometHomeProductBadgedNavigationLogger", "logCometWatchTabSelectedEvent"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
    "use strict";
    function a(a, b, e) {
        e != null && b != null && b > 0 && d("CometHomeProductBadgedNavigationLogger").markerStartAndAnnotateWithProductID(e);
        switch (a) {
        case "watch":
            c("logCometWatchTabSelectedEvent")("tab", b > 0, "tab");
    g["default"] = a
), 98);

Function Calls





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