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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace dJFkM\irRwe\hMYVE; use DJFKm\Irrwe\AgVjj\kbP5f;..
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace dJFkM\irRwe\hMYVE; use DJFKm\Irrwe\AgVjj\kbP5f; use Traversable; use function implode; use function is_bool; use function is_float; use function is_int; use function is_iterable; use function iterator_to_array; use function str_replace; class ZlGL9 { use KBp5f; public function wGN5x(Expr\Comparison|Expr\Func|Expr\Andx|Expr\Orx|string ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Andx { Gc10F::TMIBm($R7tNz); return new zLgL9\Itsl6($R7tNz); } public function Pvz2Y(Expr\Comparison|Expr\Func|Expr\Andx|Expr\Orx|string ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Orx { gc10f::tMIBm($R7tNz); return new ZLGL9\si4gI($R7tNz); } public function sbGNj(mixed $pLbIU) : Expr\OrderBy { return new ZLgL9\Tpob7($pLbIU, "ASC"); } public function DKKK1(mixed $pLbIU) : Expr\OrderBy { return new Zlgl9\tPob7($pLbIU, "DESC"); } public function d2Gd7(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\ynQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\yNq2X::OvZPU, $tUgOQ); } public function tMTRx(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLGL9\YNQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\YnQ2X::eE3Q8, $tUgOQ); } public function Eoton(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZLGl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\YNq2x::fILN6, $tUgOQ); } public function MtgC9(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zlgL9\yNQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\yNq2X::nR192, $tUgOQ); } public function cEFpx(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZLgl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\YNQ2x::VkLCX, $tUgOQ); } public function ELs0e(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\Ynq2X::LC29_, $tUgOQ); } public function BhzdZ(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLgl9\XK_UY("AVG", [$R7tNz]); } public function max(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLGL9\XK_uy("MAX", [$R7tNz]); } public function min(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgL9\Xk_uy("MIN", [$R7tNz]); } public function count(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZlgL9\xK_uy("COUNT", [$R7tNz]); } public function gvxTA(mixed ...$R7tNz) : string { GC10f::TMIBM($R7tNz); return "COUNT(DISTINCT " . implode(", ", $R7tNz) . ")"; } public function evpnr(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new ZLGl9\xk_uY("EXISTS", [$okTrS]); } public function P_rVo(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new Zlgl9\xk_uy("ALL", [$okTrS]); } public function q_lAX(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new Zlgl9\XK_UY("SOME", [$okTrS]); } public function FSfG1(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new zLGl9\Xk_Uy("ANY", [$okTrS]); } public function U3qa4(mixed $iDiUE) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgl9\Xk_uY("NOT", [$iDiUE]); } public function abs(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zlGL9\xk_UY("ABS", [$R7tNz]); } public function xLp1B(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgL9\xK_uY("MOD", [$R7tNz, $tUgOQ]); } public function VUQ5d(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new Zlgl9\aKZ_m($R7tNz, "*", $tUgOQ); } public function diff(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zlGL9\akZ_m($R7tNz, "-", $tUgOQ); } public function bFBb0(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zLgl9\Akz_M($R7tNz, "+", $tUgOQ); } public function EKs_9(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zLGl9\AkZ_M($R7tNz, "/", $tUgOQ); } public function sqrt(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zlgl9\Xk_uY("SQRT", [$R7tNz]); } public function KBu0u(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { goto eMs_2; kwtMi: if (!$tUgOQ instanceof Traversable) { goto THqfw; } goto DRmq4; eMs_2: if (!is_iterable($tUgOQ)) { goto wgc7z; } goto kwtMi; NYcrX: wgc7z: goto fq6Xh; S2Rjj: ibt1D: goto NYcrX; A5dsA: foreach ($tUgOQ as &$PayGR) { goto ZIX6R; syndN: $PayGR = $this->QC9dI($PayGR); goto z4rsI; ZIX6R: if ($PayGR instanceof ZLgL9\aOBxN) { goto qLIPu; } goto syndN; uW3Wd: vWCt4: goto CWEFZ; z4rsI: qLIPu: goto uW3Wd; CWEFZ: } goto S2Rjj; Fk2A9: THqfw: goto A5dsA; DRmq4: $tUgOQ = iterator_to_array($tUgOQ); goto Fk2A9; fq6Xh: return new ZLGL9\Xk_Uy($R7tNz . " IN", (array) $tUgOQ); goto yy9Wq; yy9Wq: } public function L1nDI(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { goto pIJox; SE7ZK: tuyMD: goto ZetsY; pIJox: if (!is_iterable($tUgOQ)) { goto tuyMD; } goto dC08Z; XrYBr: VND_S: goto afcBo; ZetsY: return new zlgL9\XK_uy($R7tNz . " NOT IN", (array) $tUgOQ); goto jSPxE; dC08Z: if (!$tUgOQ instanceof Traversable) { goto VND_S; } goto tDs1N; afcBo: foreach ($tUgOQ as &$PayGR) { goto Tr8cR; eUojj: cud9h: goto MLRkm; MLRkm: X3jJE: goto i01Il; Tr8cR: if ($PayGR instanceof zLgL9\AOBxN) { goto cud9h; } goto IPTyp; IPTyp: $PayGR = $this->qC9DI($PayGR); goto eUojj; i01Il: } goto Ce1gW; Ce1gW: dgQLJ: goto SE7ZK; tDs1N: $tUgOQ = iterator_to_array($tUgOQ); goto XrYBr; jSPxE: } public function isNull(string $R7tNz) : string { return $R7tNz . " IS NULL"; } public function uPlrf(string $R7tNz) : string { return $R7tNz . " IS NOT NULL"; } public function dkVG7(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZlGl9\yNq2X($R7tNz, "LIKE", $tUgOQ); } public function a35UK(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zlgL9\ynQ2X($R7tNz, "NOT LIKE", $tUgOQ); } public function fhGDD(mixed ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Func { gC10f::tmIbM($R7tNz); return new zLGl9\XK_UY("CONCAT", $R7tNz); } public function NiMFh(mixed $R7tNz, int $uJR8O, int|null $KK39K = null) : Expr\Func { goto Hm3he; vdCH9: G3Z6F: goto VT7MQ; sIz8R: $hFQl2[] = $KK39K; goto vdCH9; PqM4N: if (!($KK39K !== null)) { goto G3Z6F; } goto sIz8R; VT7MQ: return new zlGL9\Xk_Uy("SUBSTRING", $hFQl2); goto qx5PY; Hm3he: $hFQl2 = [$R7tNz, $uJR8O]; goto PqM4N; qx5PY: } public function Dzn0m(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZLGL9\XK_uy("LOWER", [$R7tNz]); } public function WrB_e(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLgL9\xk_uy("UPPER", [$R7tNz]); } public function YZRKw(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZlGl9\xK_UY("LENGTH", [$R7tNz]); } public function m4SwJ(bool|string|int|float $PayGR) : Expr\Literal { return new ZlGL9\AoBXN($this->QC9DI($PayGR)); } private function QC9DI(bool|string|int|float $PayGR) : string { goto IQwKU; IQwKU: if (!(is_int($PayGR) || is_float($PayGR))) { goto wTE6L; } goto SdbOO; Sw5KD: wTE6L: goto d7fwL; d7fwL: if (!is_bool($PayGR)) { goto QuL04; } goto EyD32; y630L: QuL04: goto ju2NJ; ju2NJ: return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $PayGR) . "'"; goto qBaoK; EyD32: return $PayGR ? "true" : "false"; goto y630L; SdbOO: return (string) $PayGR; goto Sw5KD; qBaoK: } public function fg9Px(mixed $ayMTM, int|string $R7tNz, int|string $tUgOQ) : string { return $ayMTM . " BETWEEN " . $R7tNz . " AND " . $tUgOQ; } public function trim(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLGL9\XK_Uy("TRIM", $R7tNz); } public function DzeKa(string $R7tNz, string $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\YNq2X($R7tNz, "MEMBER OF", $tUgOQ); } public function HxuLo(string $R7tNz, string $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLGL9\yNq2X($R7tNz, "INSTANCE OF", $tUgOQ); } } ?>
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Original Code
declare (strict_types=1); namespace dJFkM\irRwe\hMYVE; use DJFKm\Irrwe\AgVjj\kbP5f; use Traversable; use function implode; use function is_bool; use function is_float; use function is_int; use function is_iterable; use function iterator_to_array; use function str_replace; class ZlGL9 { use KBp5f; public function wGN5x(Expr\Comparison|Expr\Func|Expr\Andx|Expr\Orx|string ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Andx { Gc10F::TMIBm($R7tNz); return new zLgL9\Itsl6($R7tNz); } public function Pvz2Y(Expr\Comparison|Expr\Func|Expr\Andx|Expr\Orx|string ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Orx { gc10f::tMIBm($R7tNz); return new ZLGL9\si4gI($R7tNz); } public function sbGNj(mixed $pLbIU) : Expr\OrderBy { return new ZLgL9\Tpob7($pLbIU, "\x41\123\x43"); } public function DKKK1(mixed $pLbIU) : Expr\OrderBy { return new Zlgl9\tPob7($pLbIU, "\x44\x45\123\x43"); } public function d2Gd7(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\ynQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\yNq2X::OvZPU, $tUgOQ); } public function tMTRx(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLGL9\YNQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\YnQ2X::eE3Q8, $tUgOQ); } public function Eoton(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZLGl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\YNq2x::fILN6, $tUgOQ); } public function MtgC9(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zlgL9\yNQ2x($R7tNz, Expr\yNq2X::nR192, $tUgOQ); } public function cEFpx(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZLgl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\YNQ2x::VkLCX, $tUgOQ); } public function ELs0e(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\yNq2x($R7tNz, Expr\Ynq2X::LC29_, $tUgOQ); } public function BhzdZ(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLgl9\XK_UY("\x41\x56\107", [$R7tNz]); } public function max(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLGL9\XK_uy("\115\101\130", [$R7tNz]); } public function min(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgL9\Xk_uy("\x4d\x49\x4e", [$R7tNz]); } public function count(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZlgL9\xK_uy("\103\x4f\125\116\x54", [$R7tNz]); } public function gvxTA(mixed ...$R7tNz) : string { GC10f::TMIBM($R7tNz); return "\103\x4f\125\x4e\124\x28\x44\x49\123\x54\x49\116\x43\124\x20" . implode("\54\x20", $R7tNz) . "\51"; } public function evpnr(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new ZLGl9\xk_uY("\x45\130\x49\123\x54\123", [$okTrS]); } public function P_rVo(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new Zlgl9\xk_uy("\x41\114\x4c", [$okTrS]); } public function q_lAX(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new Zlgl9\XK_UY("\123\x4f\115\x45", [$okTrS]); } public function FSfG1(mixed $okTrS) : Expr\Func { return new zLGl9\Xk_Uy("\x41\x4e\131", [$okTrS]); } public function U3qa4(mixed $iDiUE) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgl9\Xk_uY("\116\117\124", [$iDiUE]); } public function abs(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zlGL9\xk_UY("\x41\x42\123", [$R7tNz]); } public function xLp1B(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { return new ZLgL9\xK_uY("\x4d\117\x44", [$R7tNz, $tUgOQ]); } public function VUQ5d(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new Zlgl9\aKZ_m($R7tNz, "\52", $tUgOQ); } public function diff(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zlGL9\akZ_m($R7tNz, "\x2d", $tUgOQ); } public function bFBb0(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zLgl9\Akz_M($R7tNz, "\x2b", $tUgOQ); } public function EKs_9(mixed $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Math { return new zLGl9\AkZ_M($R7tNz, "\57", $tUgOQ); } public function sqrt(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zlgl9\Xk_uY("\123\x51\x52\124", [$R7tNz]); } public function KBu0u(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { goto eMs_2; kwtMi: if (!$tUgOQ instanceof Traversable) { goto THqfw; } goto DRmq4; eMs_2: if (!is_iterable($tUgOQ)) { goto wgc7z; } goto kwtMi; NYcrX: wgc7z: goto fq6Xh; S2Rjj: ibt1D: goto NYcrX; A5dsA: foreach ($tUgOQ as &$PayGR) { goto ZIX6R; syndN: $PayGR = $this->QC9dI($PayGR); goto z4rsI; ZIX6R: if ($PayGR instanceof ZLgL9\aOBxN) { goto qLIPu; } goto syndN; uW3Wd: vWCt4: goto CWEFZ; z4rsI: qLIPu: goto uW3Wd; CWEFZ: } goto S2Rjj; Fk2A9: THqfw: goto A5dsA; DRmq4: $tUgOQ = iterator_to_array($tUgOQ); goto Fk2A9; fq6Xh: return new ZLGL9\Xk_Uy($R7tNz . "\40\111\116", (array) $tUgOQ); goto yy9Wq; yy9Wq: } public function L1nDI(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Func { goto pIJox; SE7ZK: tuyMD: goto ZetsY; pIJox: if (!is_iterable($tUgOQ)) { goto tuyMD; } goto dC08Z; XrYBr: VND_S: goto afcBo; ZetsY: return new zlgL9\XK_uy($R7tNz . "\40\x4e\117\x54\40\111\x4e", (array) $tUgOQ); goto jSPxE; dC08Z: if (!$tUgOQ instanceof Traversable) { goto VND_S; } goto tDs1N; afcBo: foreach ($tUgOQ as &$PayGR) { goto Tr8cR; eUojj: cud9h: goto MLRkm; MLRkm: X3jJE: goto i01Il; Tr8cR: if ($PayGR instanceof zLgL9\AOBxN) { goto cud9h; } goto IPTyp; IPTyp: $PayGR = $this->qC9DI($PayGR); goto eUojj; i01Il: } goto Ce1gW; Ce1gW: dgQLJ: goto SE7ZK; tDs1N: $tUgOQ = iterator_to_array($tUgOQ); goto XrYBr; jSPxE: } public function isNull(string $R7tNz) : string { return $R7tNz . "\40\111\x53\40\x4e\x55\x4c\114"; } public function uPlrf(string $R7tNz) : string { return $R7tNz . "\x20\111\x53\x20\x4e\117\124\x20\116\125\114\114"; } public function dkVG7(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new ZlGl9\yNq2X($R7tNz, "\x4c\111\x4b\105", $tUgOQ); } public function a35UK(string $R7tNz, mixed $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zlgL9\ynQ2X($R7tNz, "\116\x4f\x54\x20\114\x49\x4b\105", $tUgOQ); } public function fhGDD(mixed ...$R7tNz) : Expr\Func { gC10f::tmIbM($R7tNz); return new zLGl9\XK_UY("\103\117\116\x43\x41\124", $R7tNz); } public function NiMFh(mixed $R7tNz, int $uJR8O, int|null $KK39K = null) : Expr\Func { goto Hm3he; vdCH9: G3Z6F: goto VT7MQ; sIz8R: $hFQl2[] = $KK39K; goto vdCH9; PqM4N: if (!($KK39K !== null)) { goto G3Z6F; } goto sIz8R; VT7MQ: return new zlGL9\Xk_Uy("\x53\x55\x42\123\x54\x52\111\x4e\107", $hFQl2); goto qx5PY; Hm3he: $hFQl2 = [$R7tNz, $uJR8O]; goto PqM4N; qx5PY: } public function Dzn0m(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZLGL9\XK_uy("\114\x4f\x57\x45\x52", [$R7tNz]); } public function WrB_e(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLgL9\xk_uy("\x55\x50\x50\x45\x52", [$R7tNz]); } public function YZRKw(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new ZlGl9\xK_UY("\114\x45\116\x47\124\x48", [$R7tNz]); } public function m4SwJ(bool|string|int|float $PayGR) : Expr\Literal { return new ZlGL9\AoBXN($this->QC9DI($PayGR)); } private function QC9DI(bool|string|int|float $PayGR) : string { goto IQwKU; IQwKU: if (!(is_int($PayGR) || is_float($PayGR))) { goto wTE6L; } goto SdbOO; Sw5KD: wTE6L: goto d7fwL; d7fwL: if (!is_bool($PayGR)) { goto QuL04; } goto EyD32; y630L: QuL04: goto ju2NJ; ju2NJ: return "\47" . str_replace("\x27", "\x27\47", $PayGR) . "\x27"; goto qBaoK; EyD32: return $PayGR ? "\x74\162\165\145" : "\146\x61\x6c\163\x65"; goto y630L; SdbOO: return (string) $PayGR; goto Sw5KD; qBaoK: } public function fg9Px(mixed $ayMTM, int|string $R7tNz, int|string $tUgOQ) : string { return $ayMTM . "\x20\102\105\x54\127\105\105\x4e\x20" . $R7tNz . "\x20\x41\x4e\104\x20" . $tUgOQ; } public function trim(mixed $R7tNz) : Expr\Func { return new zLGL9\XK_Uy("\x54\x52\x49\x4d", $R7tNz); } public function DzeKa(string $R7tNz, string $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLgl9\YNq2X($R7tNz, "\115\x45\x4d\102\x45\122\x20\117\x46", $tUgOQ); } public function HxuLo(string $R7tNz, string $tUgOQ) : Expr\Comparison { return new zLGL9\yNq2X($R7tNz, "\111\x4e\123\124\101\116\103\x45\40\117\x46", $tUgOQ); } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | e89754bba6d4a2c14fb73a0077bade99 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 90 ms |