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PHP Decode

<?php $text = "Hello, World! cm This is the text after cm parameter."; $index = strpos($..

Decoded Output download

lo, World! cm This is the text after cm parameter.

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Original Code

$text = "Hello, World! cm This is the text after cm parameter.";
$index = strpos($text, "cm");
if ($index !== false) {
    echo substr($text, $index + 3); // +3 to exclude "cm" itself
} else {
    echo "Parameter 'cm' not found in the text.";

Function Calls

strpos 1
substr 1


$text Hello, World! cm This is the text after cm parameter.
$index 0


MD5 e96b25a506bc94644b0e46253d39f488
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 60 ms