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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace Q7cqq\muWCi; use const m6GOk; use const nOx37; ..

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 declare (strict_types=1); namespace Q7cqq\muWCi; use const m6GOk; use const nOx37; use const w4O2e; use const l3by5; use function acos; use function array_merge; use function chmod; use function fclose; use function file_get_contents; use function fopen; use function json_encode; use function log; use function mkdir; use function octdec; use function q7cqQ\gMoIc\Generator\EEI4D; use function rmdir; use function sys_get_temp_dir; use function tempnam; use function uniqid; use function unlink; use ArrayIterator; use ArrayObject; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; use Q7Cqq\Muwci\h7_hy\Tay2j; use Q7CqQ\muwci\h7_hY\xo0mp; use Q7Cqq\MUwCI\H7_hY\yFgBs; use Q7Cqq\MUwcI\h7_HY\kEbAS; use Q7CqQ\mUWCi\h7_HY\xq6uu; use Q7cqQ\gmoic\IpmtY; use q7cQQ\gmoIc\a5EKu; use q7Cqq\gMoIc\SV91S; use Q7CQq\GMoIC\tOfUQ\ylZ4_; use Q7cQQ\GmOic\LLoHk; use Q7CQq\GMOic\YgRfd; use q7cqQ\gMoic\lqN3_; use Q7cQQ\A7QzT\XnQE3\qQ0DI as XmlLoader; use Q7CQQ\a7Qzt\xNQe3\zmdSD; use SplObjectStorage; use stdClass; #[CoversClass(Assert::class)] #[CoversClass(G3szc::class)] #[Small] final class xblsz extends ckzZH { public static function LtsKV() : array { return ["error syntax in expected JSON" => ["{"Mascott"::}", "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"], "error UTF-8 in actual JSON" => ["{"Mascott" : "Tux"}", "{"Mascott" : :}"]]; } public static function ivxEn() : array { return array_merge(mvU76::wnujb(), mvu76::DP73f()); } public static function EfOs8() : array { return MVu76::Fbf90(); } public static function vrxym() : array { return Mvu76::dp73F(); } public static function Nezj8() : array { return array_merge(MvU76::fbF90(), Mvu76::wnuJb()); } public static function NjGXN() : array { return [["b
c", "b
c"], ["b\xac", "a\xd\xab\xd\xac\xd
d"]]; } public static function U4sKu() : array { return ["lf-crlf" => ["a\xab", "a
\xab"], "cr-crlf" => ["a\xdb", "a
b"], "crlf-crlf" => ["a\xd\xab", "a
b"], "lf-cr" => ["a
b", "a\xdb"], "cr-cr" => ["a
b", "a\xdb"], "crlf-cr" => ["a
\xab", "a
b"], "lf-lf" => ["a
b", "a\xab"], "cr-lf" => ["a\xdb", "a
b"], "crlf-lf" => ["a
\xab", "a
b"]]; } public static function RpHCU() : array { return [["a
b", "ab"], ["a
b", "ab"], ["a
\xab", "ab"]]; } public function HmKPh() : void { try { $this->B6ZbA(); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } throw new A8fkD("Fail did not throw fail exception"); } public function I7u2m() : void { goto DundM; L2mBr: $this->lh0uE(a8FKD::class); goto kfIm3; kfIm3: $this->i9Nlo(A5EKu::class, $KFCNA); goto greyX; Y0rlJ: $this->I9nLO(a5EkU::class, $SWtx3); goto uGqMe; DundM: $SWtx3 = [new a5eKu(), new A5EkU()]; goto Y0rlJ; uGqMe: $this->i9nlo(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto s_J3Z; s_J3Z: $KFCNA = [new IPmTy("Test")]; goto L2mBr; greyX: } public function KAkVH() : void { goto ck6MV; DgIH8: $vyqdG = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto Mt_lR; Mt_lR: $this->HiCve($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["a", 0]); goto bR70U; l3u1L: $this->HICvE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b"]); goto u1XGK; bR70U: $this->lH0uE(a8fKd::class); goto l3u1L; ck6MV: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto DgIH8; u1XGK: } public function UcMIl() : void { goto HXvD0; HXvD0: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto pekbK; uvFhC: $this->VDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b", 1]); goto hAflC; lTC94: $this->vdN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b"]); goto rf6oe; hAflC: $this->Lh0ue(a8fkd::class); goto lTC94; pekbK: $vyqdG = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto uvFhC; rf6oe: } public function hfR30() : void { goto g_e0m; rjkcW: $vyqdG = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto bYpbx; g_e0m: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto rjkcW; R6W6O: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto mKPGL; bYpbx: $this->Sdw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["a", 0]); goto R6W6O; mKPGL: $this->Sdw3q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b"]); goto zSXgC; zSXgC: } public function WDtHA() : void { goto EYotv; EYotv: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto fdrNK; KEx8r: $this->ZqikE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b", 1]); goto qmR6B; Oa5cK: $this->zqIke($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b"]); goto jv21c; qmR6B: $this->lH0Ue(a8fKd::class); goto Oa5cK; fdrNK: $vyqdG = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto KEx8r; jv21c: } public function FEiVD() : void { goto YccJi; CsbG3: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto zeK8t; RJxfR: $this->hICve($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["1", 2.0, "3.0"]); goto lSQRG; zeK8t: $this->hIcVE($o17PN, $vyqdG, [0, "1", "3.0"]); goto QmBu_; QmBu_: $this->lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto RJxfR; YccJi: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto CsbG3; lSQRG: } public function QpvPj() : void { goto C9bTO; C9bTO: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto V6XQQ; zjnyw: $this->Vdn6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["1"]); goto CbTKh; V1U87: $this->lH0ue(A8fKD::class); goto zjnyw; x4WCW: $this->vDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, [2.0]); goto V1U87; V6XQQ: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto x4WCW; CbTKh: } public function BL1XQ() : void { goto akoTO; qV4GU: $this->sdw3q($o17PN, $vyqdG, [0, "1", "3.0"]); goto a0MKu; J73p8: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto qV4GU; akoTO: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto J73p8; a0MKu: $this->LH0ue(A8FKD::class); goto szNLo; szNLo: $this->sDw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["1", 2.0, "3.0"]); goto zEw4u; zEw4u: } public function eD9LF() : void { goto uOSkM; N2imo: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto E1JFN; Df3P8: $this->zqiKe($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["1"]); goto bg5qY; NRhj1: $this->Lh0uE(a8FKD::class); goto Df3P8; E1JFN: $this->ZQiKe($o17PN, $vyqdG, [2.0]); goto NRhj1; uOSkM: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto N2imo; bg5qY: } public function abSRn() : void { goto CXzLL; IiAYO: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "a" => "b", "b" => "b"]; goto VOxrf; H9wsb: $this->Sdw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["a", 0]); goto m8c02; VOxrf: $this->HICVE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["a", 0]); goto ygMy2; CXzLL: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto IiAYO; ygMy2: $this->LH0uE(A8FKD::class); goto H9wsb; m8c02: } public function OXq6f() : void { goto vSNTw; TtR3B: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "a" => "b", "b" => "b"]; goto fy50b; fy50b: $this->vDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b", 1]); goto zXJea; d2p9W: $this->ZQike($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["b", 1]); goto buPCX; zXJea: $this->lh0UE(a8Fkd::class); goto d2p9W; vSNTw: $o17PN = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto TtR3B; buPCX: } public function Qbns2() : void { goto ev8rj; iRGSR: $this->Lh0UE(A8FkD::class); goto MBhSo; MBhSo: $this->AE0Ly(1, ["foo"]); goto VSDft; ev8rj: $this->Ae0LY(0, ["foo"]); goto iRGSR; VSDft: } public function D8o1z() : void { goto Jxzea; IaazZ: $this->ufupR(0, ["foo"]); goto lP037; Jxzea: $this->ufuPr(1, ["foo"]); goto O3j5w; O3j5w: $this->lH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto IaazZ; lP037: } public function kL0jU() : void { goto LlLTJ; fLG92: $this->Ae0LY("bar", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto ndX6_; LlLTJ: $this->ae0lY("foo", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto pZy_U; pZy_U: $this->lH0Ue(A8FKd::class); goto fLG92; ndX6_: } public function A5mrz() : void { goto q_dIm; NSrfy: $this->lH0uE(a8fkd::class); goto InSqE; InSqE: $this->UfUPr("foo", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto HEukG; q_dIm: $this->ufuPr("bar", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto NSrfy; HEukG: } public function alGik() : void { goto UrHpM; fvR7B: $OHHUr["foo"] = "bar"; goto hnZAb; hnZAb: $this->ae0ly("foo", $OHHUr); goto QoROP; UrHpM: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto fvR7B; QoROP: } public function JZCgO() : void { goto mLl6H; zvo0r: $OHHUr["bar"] = "bar"; goto TodOR; TodOR: $this->lh0uE(A8FkD::class); goto ZHAS6; mLl6H: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto zvo0r; ZHAS6: $this->ae0lY("foo", $OHHUr); goto GxPMw; GxPMw: } public function jeXqD() : void { goto a74y4; RZZwz: $this->AE0LY("foo", $OHHUr); goto sH8kZ; a74y4: $OHHUr = new lLOhk(); goto MoEf8; MoEf8: $OHHUr["foo"] = "bar"; goto RZZwz; sH8kZ: } public function lfLh0() : void { goto o3nLx; z02Ks: $this->ae0Ly("foo", $OHHUr); goto K333s; o3nLx: $OHHUr = new llOHK(); goto IX9ul; fVXGL: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkD::class); goto z02Ks; IX9ul: $OHHUr["bar"] = "bar"; goto fVXGL; K333s: } public function cy9X1() : void { goto xvQ0l; xvQ0l: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto l3UsX; l3UsX: $OHHUr["foo"] = "bar"; goto PIKT8; PIKT8: $this->UFuPr("bar", $OHHUr); goto aTwOW; aTwOW: } public function ySRAm() : void { goto BEYv3; ihwHN: $this->lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto MoWkQ; BEYv3: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto rM_b3; MoWkQ: $this->UfuPr("bar", $OHHUr); goto mJI98; rM_b3: $OHHUr["bar"] = "bar"; goto ihwHN; mJI98: } public function xTvDu() : void { goto gDbgx; gDbgx: $this->TFeKn([0, 1, 2]); goto rY4HB; QjrXN: $this->TFEkN([0 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 3]); goto Caueu; rY4HB: $this->lH0Ue(A8FkD::class); goto QjrXN; Caueu: } public function R6dOA() : void { $this->tFEkN([]); } public function y6ZTv() : void { $this->Lh0UE(A8fKd::class); $this->tFEkN(["string" => 0]); } public function J7aZC() : void { $this->lh0ue(a8fkd::class); $this->tfEKn(null); } public function lJCyD() : void { goto yY_n7; yY_n7: $this->RNP5E("integer", [1, 2, 3]); goto o6_Hy; o6_Hy: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkd::class); goto muPkn; muPkn: $this->rnP5e("integer", ["1", 2, 3]); goto cEITl; cEITl: } public function JNwMf() : void { goto e_F30; S9Is5: $this->lH0ue(A8FKd::class); goto C_Acn; C_Acn: $this->hPi2p("integer", [1, 2, 3]); goto EGU4p; e_F30: $this->Hpi2p("integer", ["1", 2, 3]); goto S9Is5; EGU4p: } public function D8ybx() : void { goto lKfZm; M1SLc: $this->rnp5E(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto g4Yc9; lKfZm: $this->rnP5e(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto ic0bT; ic0bT: $this->lH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto M1SLc; g4Yc9: } public function GFwbU() : void { goto b523_; b523_: $this->hpi2p(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto QwYmg; QwYmg: $this->lh0ue(a8fkD::class); goto b5iyO; b5iyO: $this->Hpi2p(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto oNqXl; oNqXl: } #[DataProvider("equalProvider")] public function bSo6x(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->rudHi($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("notEqualProvider")] public function FCM8u(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8Fkd::class); $this->rudhI($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("notEqualProvider")] public function uJQ5A(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->kLi54($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("equalProvider")] public function Np48s(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8fkD::class); $this->Kli54($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("sameProvider")] public function Itgqr(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->C0tS9($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("notSameProvider")] public function UXz_4(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->Lh0uE(A8Fkd::class); $this->c0TS9($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("notSameProvider")] public function lyIxK(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->gEu53($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("sameProvider")] public function sLLOt(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0ue(a8FKD::class); $this->Geu53($z773H, $M0if7); } public function nyXr8() : void { goto sENru; sEA0n: $this->lH0uE(a8FKD::class); goto hnpqC; hnpqC: $this->uLiZt(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto ShPw_; sENru: $this->UliZT(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto sEA0n; ShPw_: } public function MVpdL() : void { goto FsZOu; YE0O0: $this->qQ8O6(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto IwMTm; iApg8: $this->lH0uE(a8FKd::class); goto YE0O0; FsZOu: $this->qq8O6(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto iApg8; IwMTm: } public function p3Kso() : void { goto KBzjb; GBRwc: $this->Zf39x(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto m4s09; KBzjb: $this->Zf39X(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "foo.xml")); goto HijX_; HijX_: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKd::class); goto GBRwc; m4s09: } public function DZuM9() : void { goto IRtJh; mv496: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto PPhp1; PPhp1: $this->d7eHA(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "foo.xml")); goto NSSaj; IRtJh: $this->d7ehA(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto mv496; NSSaj: } public function MceNP() : void { goto Z5SlV; happ8: $this->Lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto QCLgR; Z5SlV: $this->mzja1("<root/>", "<root/>"); goto happ8; QCLgR: $this->mZjA1("<foo/>", "<bar/>"); goto JU20F; JU20F: } public function Vq2YR() : void { $this->lh0UE(zMdSD::class); $this->MzJA1("<a></b>", "<c></d>"); } public function SUfgm() : void { goto ETtaM; ETtaM: $o17PN = "<?xml version="1.0"?>\xa<root>\xa    <node />
</root>"; goto uXhrg; Gy8og: $this->mZJA1($o17PN, $vyqdG); goto r5OZ2; uXhrg: $vyqdG = "<?xml version="1.0"?>\xa<root>\xa<node />\xa</root>"; goto Gy8og; r5OZ2: } public function rZI2w() : void { goto HgetU; E8SkF: $this->WKMk0("<root/>", "<root/>"); goto TU2bP; sCqIa: $this->LH0UE(a8FKd::class); goto E8SkF; HgetU: $this->wKMk0("<foo/>", "<bar/>"); goto sCqIa; TU2bP: } public function gjRgq() : void { goto hmRU3; hmRU3: $this->rudHI("0", 0); goto k52FJ; k52FJ: $this->LH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto fURs9; fURs9: $this->rudHI("0", 1); goto FeOTM; FeOTM: } public function YcrLs() : void { $this->KlI54("A", 0); } public function vm7af() : void { goto gnTe_; gnTe_: $this->EjQs6(__FILE__); goto trzW2; trzW2: $this->Lh0ue(a8fKD::class); goto VjD7O; VjD7O: $this->EJQs6(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto z1eYb; z1eYb: } public function uvULA() : void { goto XR7aT; XR7aT: $this->DztqP(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto uYbpc; uYbpc: $this->lH0uE(A8fkd::class); goto R5Zl0; R5Zl0: $this->DZTqP(__FILE__); goto N_TBD; N_TBD: } public function w5qej() : void { goto kh18i; kh18i: $this->prqOc(__FILE__); goto LxEQl; LxEQl: $this->lH0uE(A8Fkd::class); goto F_pTZ; F_pTZ: $this->pRqoc(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto hCjkg; hCjkg: } public function ApZdp() : void { goto dnKno; BpxJl: $this->XUCAp(__FILE__); goto A0QXx; dnKno: $this->XuCaP(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto GN0IT; GN0IT: $this->lH0Ue(a8FKD::class); goto BpxJl; A0QXx: } public function fMg_9() : void { goto PVjOR; Q13cZ: $this->lH0UE(A8fKD::class); goto y8stZ; PVjOR: $this->zNZRw(__DIR__); goto Q13cZ; y8stZ: $this->ZnZRw(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto G59ex; G59ex: } public function nNw5z() : void { goto wt4vo; FE918: $this->RUEDT(__DIR__); goto mAzmS; wt4vo: $this->ruEDT(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto MqZTK; MqZTK: $this->Lh0UE(A8FKD::class); goto FE918; mAzmS: } public function uxou0() : void { goto iPnop; iPnop: $this->f1j0Q(__DIR__); goto AQZg3; tl4BG: $this->f1J0Q(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto b_DoY; AQZg3: $this->lH0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto tl4BG; b_DoY: } public function SErWH() : void { goto n0bwA; uWWLp: try { $this->IZeE6($GYGOC); } catch (a8fKd) { } goto lEAlR; n0bwA: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto eafqq; } goto zt9dy; lEAlR: rmdir($GYGOC); goto rXCcX; LhuSB: $GYGOC = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("unreadable_dir_", true); goto nMJh6; cmR4p: eafqq: goto LhuSB; hRv41: chmod($GYGOC, octdec("444")); goto uWWLp; zt9dy: $this->M1onC("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto cmR4p; nMJh6: mkdir($GYGOC, octdec("0")); goto OkjTv; OkjTv: $this->iZee6($GYGOC); goto hRv41; rXCcX: } public function yD6MN() : void { goto HBB8p; HBB8p: $this->QvUlh(__DIR__); goto Ttcjf; HUQXZ: $this->qvUlH(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto NsQG2; Ttcjf: $this->lh0Ue(A8fkD::class); goto HUQXZ; NsQG2: } public function Z2Wh0() : void { goto F3G28; QFpTs: mkdir($GYGOC, octdec("444")); goto fWzM5; McaX2: chmod($GYGOC, octdec("755")); goto kFN41; WMcqF: $this->M1onC("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto f1eJO; kFN41: try { $this->xgHpB($GYGOC); } catch (A8fKd) { } goto V9T9B; V9T9B: rmdir($GYGOC); goto ziqL5; F3G28: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto jNKEO; } goto WMcqF; f1eJO: jNKEO: goto b0oQR; fWzM5: $this->XGhPB($GYGOC); goto McaX2; b0oQR: $GYGOC = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("not_writable_dir_", true); goto QFpTs; ziqL5: } public function mzQGN() : void { goto c_p4k; nsWBk: $this->Lh0UE(a8fKd::class); goto iH3or; iH3or: $this->PTe6d(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto OIBhY; c_p4k: $this->ptE6D(__FILE__); goto nsWBk; OIBhY: } public function hL4ez() : void { goto CvFdC; CvFdC: $this->tsc8d(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto HWPz8; HWPz8: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkd::class); goto IPXud; IPXud: $this->tSC8d(__FILE__); goto EApPw; EApPw: } public function Vr7OL() : void { goto DG3QG; qlDPV: $this->lH0UE(a8FkD::class); goto JMXQh; DG3QG: $this->EYhfJ(__FILE__); goto qlDPV; JMXQh: $this->EyhfJ(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto GdZQ2; GdZQ2: } public function tx1jT() : void { goto Y90T6; Y90T6: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto LEuHA; } goto IA8Sx; IA8Sx: $this->m1Onc("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto OV2p0; T12df: $this->ZkhZO($oMZWg); goto cPWsL; Jl60R: unlink($oMZWg); goto QsbvJ; cPWsL: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("755")); goto bAGMA; SsbQ1: $oMZWg = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "unreadable"); goto cDAia; bAGMA: try { $this->ZkhzO($oMZWg); } catch (a8FkD) { } goto Jl60R; cDAia: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("0")); goto T12df; OV2p0: LEuHA: goto SsbQ1; QsbvJ: } public function FSwWx() : void { goto T8K1m; nTWtm: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("755")); goto qmevI; Ku3jM: unlink($oMZWg); goto cvEds; T8K1m: $oMZWg = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "not_writable"); goto jaHZB; qmevI: try { $this->eT805($oMZWg); } catch (A8fkD) { } goto Ku3jM; V0rSV: $this->et805($oMZWg); goto nTWtm; jaHZB: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("0")); goto V0rSV; cvEds: } public function t_W8J() : void { goto wVg_e; wVg_e: $this->TXzoM(__FILE__); goto hCbUx; hCbUx: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKD::class); goto uU9pE; uU9pE: $this->TXzOM(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto nNs94; nNs94: } public function sPECy() : void { goto RS8BY; MSooe: $this->vhiFP(INF); goto zKRsN; SihVd: $this->lH0uE(A8Fkd::class); goto MSooe; RS8BY: $this->vHIfp(1); goto SihVd; zKRsN: } public function HmYvT() : void { goto erpPK; XrZ4m: $this->lrr6D(1); goto xnczU; gnLxu: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto XrZ4m; erpPK: $this->lRr6D(INF); goto gnLxu; xnczU: } public function Z0_ii() : void { goto jsV8U; tyVem: $this->lh0UE(A8fkd::class); goto SFGz9; jsV8U: $this->vpd69(NAN); goto tyVem; SFGz9: $this->vPd69(1); goto RXci1; RXci1: } public function xeOFV() : void { goto cWUFM; npIb6: $this->SQfAw(new stdClass()); goto XfLSe; cWUFM: $this->sqfaw(null); goto bnuGU; bnuGU: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto npIb6; XfLSe: } public function t3Cap() : void { goto ERBxM; TTzv6: $this->wWNJo(null); goto k4UjF; ERBxM: $this->wwnJo(new stdClass()); goto r8FcC; r8FcC: $this->lh0uE(A8fKd::class); goto TTzv6; k4UjF: } public function L4rzF() : void { goto l0UzI; OFoN9: $this->b0CC4(false); goto eBKmi; l0UzI: $this->b0cC4(true); goto eyMTq; eyMTq: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKd::class); goto OFoN9; eBKmi: } public function IjCR3() : void { goto YrGGU; YrGGU: $this->EgFwL(false); goto W0Iut; EYpbR: $this->eGFwL(true); goto ukNzy; W0Iut: $this->EGFWL(1); goto cb_7K; yAQjo: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKD::class); goto EYpbR; cb_7K: $this->EgFwl("true"); goto yAQjo; ukNzy: } public function WNQUu() : void { goto hGEuX; hGEuX: $this->Da3ZV(false); goto tlvbi; C1SwL: $this->DA3zv(true); goto ZvDZV; tlvbi: $this->lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto C1SwL; ZvDZV: } public function tJF3f() : void { goto Bhf4x; i6_60: $this->J4RAv(''); goto IgxqQ; efMbO: $this->J4RAv(false); goto DPID_; Bhf4x: $this->J4rAv(true); goto Ewy09; IgxqQ: $this->LH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto efMbO; Ewy09: $this->j4rAv(0); goto i6_60; DPID_: } public function ni0DG() : void { goto uJjU0; iH7fB: $this->lh0uE(A8FkD::class); goto cYlkU; cYlkU: $this->hu70x("/foo/", "bar"); goto tatB6; uJjU0: $this->hU70X("/foo/", "foobar"); goto iH7fB; tatB6: } public function lPz22() : void { goto pYMah; kpuuK: $this->p2JDJ("/foo/", "foobar"); goto AHoEZ; WGaof: $this->LH0uE(a8FKD::class); goto kpuuK; pYMah: $this->P2jDj("/foo/", "bar"); goto WGaof; AHoEZ: } public function VAlB_() : void { goto X0Cr1; Um216: $this->C0Ts9($NVnau, $NVnau); goto Y3oJJ; Y3oJJ: $this->lh0uE(A8FKD::class); goto XUuBq; XUuBq: $this->c0TS9(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto IIYfE; X0Cr1: $NVnau = new stdClass(); goto Um216; IIYfE: } public function jLcus() : void { goto s904w; Ifo7G: $this->c0tS9(true, false); goto vbdGi; s7Nzc: $this->C0tS9(false, false); goto hGYHe; hGYHe: $this->Lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto Ifo7G; s904w: $this->c0Ts9(true, true); goto s7Nzc; vbdGi: } public function daeT1() : void { goto JeZgN; eZB0z: $this->geu53($NVnau, $NVnau); goto KZki_; XrAlG: $this->GeU53(null, new stdClass()); goto r428O; JeZgN: $this->geu53(new stdClass(), null); goto XrAlG; I8lXv: $NVnau = new stdClass(); goto rhPyz; rhPyz: $this->Lh0UE(A8fkd::class); goto eZB0z; r428O: $this->Geu53(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto I8lXv; KZki_: } public function DwX7Q() : void { goto TpHrI; j9Jh5: $this->GEu53(true, true); goto p3Mix; OT6QF: $this->geU53(false, true); goto k4zDG; TpHrI: $this->gEU53(true, false); goto OT6QF; k4zDG: $this->Lh0uE(a8FKd::class); goto j9Jh5; p3Mix: } public function WF2v5() : void { $this->LH0Ue(a8fKd::class); $this->GEU53(null, null); } public function U0ORd() : void { goto dj1oW; D4DcX: $this->I39vv(2, 1); goto ckMyt; dj1oW: $this->i39vv(1, 2); goto pVy9E; pVy9E: $this->lH0Ue(A8FkD::class); goto D4DcX; ckMyt: } public function wQVBb() : void { goto xEMqf; U3mRd: $this->LH0UE(A8fkd::class); goto m8yzl; xEMqf: $this->jsYh7(1, 2); goto U3mRd; m8yzl: $this->JSyH7(2, 1); goto j66R3; j66R3: } public function dyv63() : void { goto yBlBy; w2cN1: try { $this->QgQV3(1, 2); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto MBpdT; MBpdT: $this->b6zBA(); goto AR84W; yBlBy: $this->qgqV3(2, 1); goto w2cN1; AR84W: } public function PQvUK() : void { goto WW0GG; WW0GG: $this->jJfn3(2, 1); goto YUSgD; YUSgD: $this->Lh0ue(A8fKD::class); goto nrkGr; nrkGr: $this->Jjfn3(1, 2); goto xmE3k; xmE3k: } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function UX8MG() : void { $this->xgtrt("anything", $this->Twrs4()); } public function ZuaK0() : void { $this->xGtrT(true, $this->HpD1l()); } public function sgQKb() : void { $this->XgTRT(false, $this->ClWLN()); } public function OwxMA() : void { $this->XGtRT("{}", $this->LfP66()); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function EDyJd() : void { $this->xgTrt("anything", $this->Pl4FM($this->tWrs4(), $this->TwRs4())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function x34jn() : void { $this->xGTRT("anything", $this->n4feQ($this->TwrS4(), $this->tWrs4())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function d71Ku() : void { $this->XgTRT("anything", $this->TxfNm($this->twrS4(), $this->L_U7D($this->TwRs4()))); } public function FPeQc() : void { $this->xgTrT(["foo"], $this->n3oRe("foo")); } public function UBBYL() : void { $this->xgTrT("barfoobar", $this->COf5s("foo")); } public function pN5AY() : void { $this->XGtRt(["foo"], $this->z5VMM("string")); } public function YB6_C() : void { $this->xGTRT([new A5eku()], $this->AgIUJ(A5Eku::class)); } public function aVMsT() : void { $this->xgtRt(["foo" => "bar"], $this->jkhgv("foo")); } public function o53V4() : void { $this->XGTrT([0, 1, 2], $this->W8guk()); } public function TmW9x() : void { $this->XgTRt("foo", $this->omDOS("foo")); } public function slyEN() : void { goto G5OXI; UXHom: $oyJ0X = $this->kgZnb($ZDSt1); goto cgPRu; G5OXI: $ZDSt1 = new stdClass(); goto UXHom; cgPRu: $this->xgTRt($ZDSt1, $oyJ0X); goto nOQJM; nOQJM: } public function d6aI1() : void { $this->Xgtrt(new stdClass(), $this->o3bic(stdClass::class)); } public function ev8hh() : void { $this->xGtRt("string", $this->U1_Pq("string")); } public function f5GnX() : void { $this->Xgtrt([], $this->isEmpty()); } public function n2UaI() : void { $this->xgtrT(__FILE__, $this->H2chL()); } public function SMiqb() : void { $this->xGTrT(2, $this->lJI5K(1)); } public function mY7yR() : void { $this->xgtRt(2, $this->FQMo4(1)); } public function vE0AS() : void { $this->xGtRt(1, $this->HSB4F(2)); } public function WjWQ2() : void { $this->XGTRt(1, $this->CWH13(2)); } public function arx1Z() : void { $this->xgtrT("foobar", $this->veK6_("/foo/")); } public function MvfM3() : void { $this->xgtRt(null, $this->rIccq(static fn($AGuiV) => true)); } public function D4cA7() : void { $this->xgtrt([1], $this->D7oCw(1)); } public function Ottnw() : void { goto DYhrn; WjTeL: $this->s6bDU(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto dRTGg; DYhrn: $this->S6BDu(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto SVuo9; SVuo9: $this->lH0UE(a8FKD::class); goto WjTeL; dRTGg: } public function bd53K() : void { goto djNaM; djNaM: $this->hrt9e(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto qe071; cj6Pk: $this->hrt9E(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto wAvnr; qe071: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkd::class); goto cj6Pk; wAvnr: } public function KZ6zk() : void { goto yfiuy; yfiuy: $this->f_Uc1(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "foo.xml")); goto AAC9F; AAC9F: $this->Lh0ue(A8fKD::class); goto pQkZ0; pQkZ0: $this->f_uC1(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto S2YwI; S2YwI: } public function LwkqA() : void { goto aEVFq; aEVFq: $this->xzUwB(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "fooUppercase.xml")); goto zyqPu; zyqPu: $this->Lh0uE(a8Fkd::class); goto gd71H; gd71H: $this->XZUwb(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto Vq02V; Vq02V: } public function CTPDB() : void { goto Z8ymW; Z8ymW: $this->HdA9B(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto U7m8a; U7m8a: $this->LH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto Cfar1; Cfar1: $this->hda9b(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "foo.xml")); goto Ho7jl; Ho7jl: } public function OiHnE() : void { goto FSAUR; FSAUR: $this->Bxpzt(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "bar.xml")); goto lZfkB; lZfkB: $this->lh0UE(A8fkD::class); goto EiZyJ; EiZyJ: $this->bXPZT(JiodW . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(JiodW . "fooUppercase.xml")); goto SfV68; SfV68: } public function FrHUV() : void { goto j3Pur; MtSxr: $this->Lh0Ue(a8fKD::class); goto yi7m0; yi7m0: $this->SsqUC(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto DJj0C; j3Pur: $this->sSQUc(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "fooUppercase.xml"); goto MtSxr; DJj0C: } public function GzHPP() : void { goto QD9Em; QD9Em: $this->Wq9oE(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "bar.xml"); goto zLhUm; zLhUm: $this->lH0ue(a8FKd::class); goto qSa51; qSa51: $this->WQ9oe(JiodW . "foo.xml", JiodW . "fooUppercase.xml"); goto cKECx; cKECx: } public function cbhxd() : void { goto LasXF; hFD7C: $this->DutZp("prefix", "foo"); goto QIKYb; d26tE: $this->LH0UE(A8FKD::class); goto hFD7C; LasXF: $this->DUtZp("prefix", "prefixfoo"); goto d26tE; QIKYb: } public function mcg_k() : void { goto QGxHh; RMYfr: $this->dmVwM("prefix", "prefixfoo"); goto RACDL; QGxHh: $this->DMvWm("prefix", "foo"); goto T0kpY; T0kpY: $this->Lh0uE(a8fKd::class); goto RMYfr; RACDL: } public function Jk5mP() : void { goto NfwNu; gfMAv: $this->Ue3Zl("suffix", "foo"); goto qXZJy; NfwNu: $this->Ue3zl("suffix", "foosuffix"); goto TtuRT; TtuRT: $this->lh0Ue(a8FKd::class); goto gfMAv; qXZJy: } public function uXYyd() : void { goto nwry1; nwry1: $this->aub9F("suffix", "foo"); goto KR1Na; FQuBs: $this->aub9f("suffix", "foosuffix"); goto L3Je0; KR1Na: $this->lH0ue(A8FKd::class); goto FQuBs; L3Je0: } #[DataProvider("assertStringContainsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProvider")] public function f26ht(string $OpDNt, string $oSUe2) : void { $this->lHPBE($OpDNt, $oSUe2); } public function JZsYx() : void { $this->lh0uE(J_lyO::class); $this->lhpbe("b\xac", "
\xac\xd\xa"); } #[DataProvider("assertStringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProvider")] public function fWbcy(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->La9GX($o17PN, $vyqdG); } #[DataProvider("assertStringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProviderNegative")] public function ABuIl(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->LH0Ue(J_lYo::class); $this->La9GX($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function dMCef() : void { $this->faT05("*%s*", "***"); } public function My57S() : void { $this->lh0Ue(A8fkd::class); $this->FAT05("*%s*", "**"); } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function C7A08() : void { goto bSEua; a5wV_: $this->FaT05("*%s*", "**"); goto WEji1; qkq28: $this->lh0Ue(a8FKD::class); goto a5wV_; bSEua: $this->BE5Fy("*%s*", "**"); goto qkq28; WEji1: } public function tjnz4() : void { goto fNJ8J; fNJ8J: $this->IGT0m([]); goto RBsYr; ebNEf: $this->igt0M(["foo"]); goto RBBXU; RBsYr: $this->Lh0ue(a8FkD::class); goto ebNEf; RBBXU: } public function C2Nyp() : void { goto JmfD_; v1ku8: $this->lH0UE(g3szC::class); goto vKvbw; JmfD_: $nVO4n = ONYeH(); goto v1ku8; jZgKh: $this->igT0m($nVO4n); goto QZvGn; vKvbw: $this->yP8HW("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto jZgKh; QZvGn: } public function FnSTI() : void { goto nEKY6; tax7_: $this->A0ee0([]); goto UxmcR; nEKY6: $this->A0ee0(["foo"]); goto Hqr4Y; Hqr4Y: $this->LH0uE(a8FKd::class); goto tax7_; UxmcR: } public function QsGN2() : void { goto It_TG; It_TG: $nVO4n = ONyeH(); goto xckc4; xckc4: $this->lh0uE(G3szC::class); goto qws_Z; Jcy3N: $this->a0ee0($nVO4n); goto mAru9; qws_Z: $this->YP8HW("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto Jcy3N; mAru9: } public function Dk1UM() : void { try { $this->Alu4w("incomplete"); } catch (RLynd $sl_tW) { $this->RUdHi("incomplete", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } $this->b6ZBA(); } public function K9kUQ() : void { try { $this->m1ONC("skipped"); } catch (c4ZoT $sl_tW) { $this->RUdHI("skipped", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } $this->B6zbA(); } public function wNqsG() : void { goto h1Krp; KoWSH: $this->kvkAB(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto xbzCp; pINvw: $this->lH0UE(A8FKd::class); goto KoWSH; h1Krp: $this->KVkAb(2, [1, 2]); goto pINvw; xbzCp: } public function HkEwU() : void { goto faef5; o8PfF: $this->kVKab(0, $nVO4n); goto qJVSh; faef5: $nVO4n = ONyeH(); goto AB7Ie; JSqQM: $this->Yp8HW("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $haystack parameter is not supported"); goto o8PfF; AB7Ie: $this->LH0uE(g3SZc::class); goto JSqQM; qJVSh: } public function S0RSb() : void { goto S1DAc; S1DAc: $this->KvkaB(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2])); goto OyxXk; gu9i3: $this->kvkaB(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3])); goto uOW2d; OyxXk: $this->lh0Ue(a8fkD::class); goto gu9i3; uOW2d: } public function a1xty() : void { goto vtR9G; koAIk: $this->LH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto Y8qEf; Y8qEf: $this->P7wQt(2, [1, 2]); goto dJcIz; vtR9G: $this->P7wqt(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto koAIk; dJcIz: } public function bfH6c() : void { goto NKbi6; QMydM: $this->p7WqT(0, $nVO4n); goto s_jey; BeKJu: $this->yP8HW("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $haystack parameter is not supported"); goto QMydM; NKbi6: $nVO4n = OnYeH(); goto Qn1Ky; Qn1Ky: $this->lH0UE(G3SzC::class); goto BeKJu; s_jey: } public function b0fS0() : void { goto dBR6t; dBR6t: $this->n58sH([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto hy9C5; hy9C5: $this->LH0uE(a8fKd::class); goto gDjXL; gDjXL: $this->n58SH([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto vtkZ2; vtkZ2: } public function gRZ7t() : void { goto WfZ_g; wihzD: $this->n58sH($nVO4n, []); goto TITst; XzM7m: $this->LH0uE(G3szc::class); goto XZG7I; XZG7I: $this->YP8Hw("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $expected parameter is not supported"); goto wihzD; WfZ_g: $nVO4n = OnYEh(); goto XzM7m; TITst: } public function IvuTy() : void { goto CTnWZ; PaipY: $this->YP8Hw("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto FTxJn; FTxJn: $this->N58sh([], $nVO4n); goto EKPP3; CTnWZ: $nVO4n = oNyEH(); goto ps13d; ps13d: $this->Lh0uE(g3SzC::class); goto PaipY; EKPP3: } public function ljoi1() : void { goto u08ne; u08ne: $this->QD0G7([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto LQb4x; LQb4x: $this->LH0Ue(a8fKD::class); goto Z5z21; Z5z21: $this->qd0g7([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto akRm3; akRm3: } public function pW0Kg() : void { goto H4Zke; TXMom: $this->QD0G7($nVO4n, []); goto U65yY; AvA3N: $this->Yp8Hw("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $expected parameter is not supported"); goto TXMom; H4Zke: $nVO4n = oNYeH(); goto QH6jV; QH6jV: $this->lh0Ue(g3sZC::class); goto AvA3N; U65yY: } public function r3AFA() : void { goto pRQCJ; Q862b: $this->Lh0Ue(G3szC::class); goto HGZ1N; pRQCJ: $nVO4n = OnYeH(); goto Q862b; HGZ1N: $this->yp8Hw("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto FrGRP; FrGRP: $this->QD0G7([], $nVO4n); goto kKNfe; kKNfe: } public function iFsn5() : void { $this->juau1("{}"); } public function gsvak() : void { goto hEw4d; mHErz: $kuOEZ = "Given Json strings do not match"; goto I_U7E; hEw4d: $o17PN = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto ByE91; ByE91: $vyqdG = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto mHErz; I_U7E: $this->HA0Zd($o17PN, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto z_NeR; z_NeR: } #[DataProvider("validInvalidJsonProvider")] public function SAnoe(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->lH0ue(A8fkd::class); $this->hA0zd($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function w_m0V() : void { goto uVRI0; fvl_T: $this->QaKYt($o17PN, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto MumVp; uVRI0: $o17PN = "{"Mascott" : "Beastie"}"; goto b9JdJ; b9JdJ: $vyqdG = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto fa7Zd; fa7Zd: $kuOEZ = "Given Json strings do match"; goto fvl_T; MumVp: } #[DataProvider("validInvalidJsonProvider")] public function jIv3d(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8fKd::class); $this->QaKYT($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function YdbKD() : void { goto vraxK; Pc6Uy: $vyqdG = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Tux"]); goto ZDYFx; UCIw6: $this->hOjtm($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto whWlW; ZDYFx: $kuOEZ = ''; goto UCIw6; vraxK: $A856b = JiodW . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto Pc6Uy; whWlW: } public function HVm97() : void { goto xk4zQ; xk4zQ: $A856b = JiodW . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto Nj1cA; aGQeU: $this->B6ZBA("Expected Exception not thrown."); goto MxiHc; GHK7d: $kuOEZ = ''; goto iOK0l; iOK0l: try { $this->HOjtM($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); } catch (J_LYO $sl_tW) { $this->RUDhI("Failed asserting that '{"Mascott":"Beastie"}' matches JSON string "{"Mascott":"Tux"}".", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } goto aGQeU; Nj1cA: $vyqdG = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Beastie"]); goto GHK7d; MxiHc: } public function qAlgs() : void { goto M3S9g; w9KQz: $kuOEZ = ''; goto x8eZ2; M3S9g: $A856b = JiodW . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto aBW_Z; aBW_Z: $vyqdG = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Beastie"]); goto w9KQz; x8eZ2: $this->WCFjI($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto uZjpL; uZjpL: } public function W6YtC() : void { goto Sv6sV; FV0gR: $kuOEZ = ''; goto I1g9D; Sv6sV: $RlTDU = JiodW . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto I4MhU; I4MhU: $kakcz = JiodW . "JsonData/arrayObject.json"; goto FV0gR; I1g9D: $this->md9N6($RlTDU, $kakcz, $kuOEZ); goto tstmZ; tstmZ: } public function Os6mj() : void { goto SxEH8; g5e7X: $this->XBfHW($A856b, $A856b, $kuOEZ); goto SoN7v; vtVR7: $kuOEZ = ''; goto g5e7X; SxEH8: $A856b = JiodW . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto vtVR7; SoN7v: } public function UChux() : void { $this->LH0uE(Exception::class); $this->t7iKP(Ph7Ux::class, new stdClass()); } public function gKqJc() : void { goto hYrIV; hYrIV: $this->t7ikP(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto Qe2ns; MyluA: $this->t7IkP(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto Idl0J; Qe2ns: $this->LH0uE(a8Fkd::class); goto MyluA; Idl0J: } public function SLoZ4() : void { $this->lh0uE(Exception::class); $this->gzCWs(ph7ux::class, new stdClass()); } public function hkwCB() : void { goto O8sgN; cqz8z: $this->gZcwS(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto Vzg9u; XCRUJ: $this->lh0ue(a8fKD::class); goto cqz8z; O8sgN: $this->gZCwS(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto XCRUJ; Vzg9u: } public function OXVR3() : void { goto sliRr; DugDV: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKD::class); goto qrffX; sliRr: $this->PCa5A("FOO
", JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto DugDV; qrffX: $this->PCA5a("BAR\xa", JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto ikiET; ikiET: } public function dQWCd() : void { goto wIOZd; dx9fm: $this->imZVf(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", JiodW . "actualFileFormat.txt"); goto ceJXa; MXn37: $this->lH0uE(a8FkD::class); goto dx9fm; wIOZd: $this->iMzvf(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto MXn37; ceJXa: } public function f0BeO() : void { goto D_JOK; EsM_Z: $this->lh0ue(A8fkD::class); goto FvZmP; FvZmP: $this->wLAJN(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "BAR\xa"); goto abuY8; D_JOK: $this->wLAjn(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "FOO
"); goto EsM_Z; abuY8: } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function CF3uB() : void { goto wr58c; wr58c: $this->Sp25J(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "BAR
"); goto m1Wcq; m1Wcq: $this->LH0ue(A8fKd::class); goto g4eEA; g4eEA: $this->SP25j(JiodW . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "FOO
"); goto CVcB4; CVcB4: } public function VItAl() : void { goto KRVPI; Ds9lN: $this->D5JCa(JiodW . "foo.txt", JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto V2pSq; q9b0W: $this->d5JCa(JiodW . "foo.txt", JiodW . "foo.txt"); goto TDiL5; TDiL5: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto Ds9lN; KRVPI: $this->hrt9E(JiodW . "foo.txt", JiodW . "bar.txt"); goto q9b0W; V2pSq: } public function oA7IG() : void { goto w8UTP; D902X: $this->lh0Ue(A8fkD::class); goto WBPti; WBPti: $this->Jhcb_(JiodW . "foo.xml", $DHTT6); goto NXG3x; CKWo9: $this->jhCB_(JiodW . "foo.xml", "BAR"); goto D902X; LBvpo: $this->JHCB_(JiodW . "foo.xml", $DHTT6 . " BAR"); goto CKWo9; w8UTP: $DHTT6 = file_get_contents(JiodW . "foo.xml"); goto LBvpo; NXG3x: } public function dOY1T() : void { $this->jyFtm("a", "A"); $this->Ikjpj("a", "B"); } public function kH7rW() : void { $this->JyFtm(["a"], ["A"]); $this->ikJPj(["a"], ["B"]); } public function B63fd() : void { $this->eQfwC(2.3, 2.5, 0.5); $this->DVFQA(2.3, 3.5, 0.5); } public function fXy9k() : void { $this->EQFwc([2.3], [2.5], 0.5); $this->DvfQA([2.3], [3.5], 0.5); } public function zVdWR() : void { $this->oKyUI([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]); $this->BKLXJ([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 4]); } public function bOd0m() : void { goto Q8Wtr; aTmRS: try { $this->LWho7(null); } catch (a8fKD) { return; } goto zVz1z; zVz1z: $this->b6ZbA(); goto ghNtq; Q8Wtr: $this->lwHo7([]); goto aTmRS; ghNtq: } public function Qoc3N() : void { goto YTyxu; YTyxu: $this->StGWZ(true); goto zccs9; oso0g: $this->b6ZbA(); goto bM5SK; zccs9: try { $this->StGWz(null); } catch (A8fkD) { return; } goto oso0g; bM5SK: } public function dlVQz() : void { goto iz4SZ; iz4SZ: $this->rG00d(0.0); goto xHX1P; xHX1P: try { $this->rG00d(null); } catch (A8FkD) { return; } goto P7pqa; P7pqa: $this->b6zbA(); goto Gz9Bj; Gz9Bj: } public function zn0MW() : void { goto kzHwR; KLFUE: $this->b6ZBa(); goto djab5; kzHwR: $this->atyK1(1); goto sVJCp; sVJCp: try { $this->AtYk1(null); } catch (A8Fkd) { return; } goto KLFUE; djab5: } public function oY9N1() : void { goto rMbIS; W9iaB: $this->b6Zba(); goto aLs63; rMbIS: $this->vifHV("1.0"); goto kVoNy; kVoNy: try { $this->VifHv("abc"); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } goto W9iaB; aLs63: } public function TcsI5() : void { goto rL3V8; r0VVN: $this->b6ZBA(); goto toOQW; rL3V8: $this->wGF7M(new stdClass()); goto J_Y91; J_Y91: try { $this->WgF7M(null); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto r0VVN; toOQW: } public function KvXsS() : void { goto CAU5E; tQZ6T: $this->b6zba(); goto ga0Tg; ETKye: try { $this->r48Gx(null); } catch (a8Fkd) { return; } goto tQZ6T; CAU5E: $this->R48gx(fopen(__FILE__, "r")); goto ETKye; ga0Tg: } public function Jjx7l() : void { goto V0PfJ; V0PfJ: $PClNz = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); goto o19KF; o19KF: fclose($PClNz); goto HANLg; GoIGV: $this->r48gX($PClNz); goto EJXS3; Mwy4d: $this->B6zba(); goto hFoZ_; HANLg: $this->JO6P6($PClNz); goto GoIGV; EJXS3: try { $this->jo6P6(null); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto Mwy4d; hFoZ_: } public function jXbcB() : void { goto GUqR3; GUqR3: $this->u1zZi(''); goto kCRIl; q_Yu_: $this->B6ZbA(); goto ICIrn; kCRIl: try { $this->U1ZZi(null); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto q_Yu_; ICIrn: } public function R04RG() : void { goto QNeRO; QNeRO: $this->vvHqG(true); goto ksSlH; ksSlH: try { $this->VvhQg(new stdClass()); } catch (A8fkd) { return; } goto aksjy; aksjy: $this->b6Zba(); goto JTxpj; JTxpj: } public function Ahpb2() : void { goto w5P3a; w5P3a: $this->TJxyj(static function () : void { }); goto MwIVb; tYbkr: $this->b6ZBA(); goto o0Gyq; MwIVb: try { $this->TJxYJ(null); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto tYbkr; o0Gyq: } public function fULeF() : void { goto tr99F; d3tX5: $this->b6Zba(); goto cRcg1; MR9VF: try { $this->fSQ71(null); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto d3tX5; tr99F: $this->fsq71([]); goto MR9VF; cRcg1: } public function HrpQw() : void { goto Qw5ys; Qw5ys: $this->j7rLK(null); goto xV9OB; xV9OB: try { $this->j7rLk([]); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto E6j14; E6j14: $this->B6zbA(); goto HxX04; HxX04: } public function uNAU3() : void { goto ZmBjM; lwTec: try { $this->CEWS0(true); } catch (a8Fkd) { return; } goto Si5Mx; Si5Mx: $this->B6Zba(); goto nY5g8; ZmBjM: $this->CEwS0(null); goto lwTec; nY5g8: } public function tEhSB() : void { goto KMGJU; KMGJU: $this->P6hId(null); goto fWO18; fWO18: try { $this->P6HiD(0.0); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto wNKeI; wNKeI: $this->b6ZBA(); goto dQYhJ; dQYhJ: } public function pU0Em() : void { goto W4s4s; D150A: try { $this->LRLZ0(1); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto vLwC0; vLwC0: $this->b6zbA(); goto RBLj0; W4s4s: $this->LRlZ0(null); goto D150A; RBLj0: } public function x1jSG() : void { goto sq9Vs; sq9Vs: $this->DlcUG("abc"); goto jRdqS; jRdqS: try { $this->dLcug("1.0"); } catch (a8FkD) { return; } goto nBQwV; nBQwV: $this->b6ZBa(); goto wqZyX; wqZyX: } public function Un9Bn() : void { goto X4f0e; GYyoj: try { $this->lmlJE(new stdClass()); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto Jj1nW; X4f0e: $this->LmLje(null); goto GYyoj; Jj1nW: $this->B6zbA(); goto JJBr6; JJBr6: } public function ltFqC() : void { goto HieRB; FLDUr: $this->B6zba(); goto VbCof; HieRB: $this->IOYtg(null); goto KzhIk; KzhIk: try { $this->IOytG(fopen(__FILE__, "r")); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto FLDUr; VbCof: } public function g3Vsa() : void { goto GUp5g; m9_de: try { $this->iOYtG($PClNz); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto apzX3; s0sxX: try { $this->bJIjk($PClNz); } catch (a8FkD) { return; } goto m9_de; aImix: $PClNz = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); goto lwnzM; GUp5g: $this->bjIjK(null); goto aImix; apzX3: $this->b6zbA(); goto u5p24; lwnzM: fclose($PClNz); goto s0sxX; u5p24: } public function PvCkv() : void { goto VDIS1; VDIS1: $this->ZITv7(new stdClass()); goto iYtjO; iYtjO: try { $this->zItv7(true); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto LaUZh; LaUZh: $this->B6zBA(); goto KSudK; KSudK: } public function FekTS() : void { goto k0Ect; aV_uJ: try { $this->GML9P(''); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto Qb7Jq; Qb7Jq: $this->b6zba(); goto s0yGi; k0Ect: $this->GMl9p(null); goto aV_uJ; s0yGi: } public function blEyt() : void { goto ZGC95; jzt6a: try { $this->n7oFq(static function () : void { }); } catch (A8fkD) { return; } goto kXPnp; ZGC95: $this->n7oFQ(null); goto jzt6a; kXPnp: $this->B6zba(); goto ZFD2g; ZFD2g: } public function FvSOa() : void { goto yQRyA; DPRjx: $this->b6Zba(); goto DIxgi; b3ZPR: try { $this->ZNHjV([]); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto DPRjx; yQRyA: $this->znHJv(null); goto b3ZPR; DIxgi: } public function ipRfQ() : void { goto YcpLr; A47kR: $this->xgTrT(true, $this->Pl4Fm($this->HpD1L(), $this->cLwLn())); goto z75Rs; kAosE: $this->lh0ue(A8FKd::class); goto A47kR; YcpLr: $this->xgTRT(true, $this->pL4Fm($this->hpd1l(), $this->hpD1L())); goto kAosE; z75Rs: } public function X_ndH() : void { goto lquAD; rlWS1: $this->XGTRT(true, $this->n4fEQ($this->cLWln(), $this->ClwlN())); goto Le8eW; BK8Gh: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKD::class); goto rlWS1; lquAD: $this->xGTRt(true, $this->n4Feq($this->HpD1l(), $this->ClwLn())); goto BK8Gh; Le8eW: } public function Ojv1t() : void { goto KNzce; ExNV7: $this->LH0Ue(A8Fkd::class); goto N3cyQ; N3cyQ: $this->XgtRT(true, $this->TXFnm($this->HPd1L(), $this->Hpd1L())); goto tmJUu; KNzce: $this->xGtrT(true, $this->TXFnM($this->hPd1L(), $this->ClwlN())); goto ExNV7; tmJUu: } public function rOwRw() : void { goto K6P7l; K6P7l: $this->CbQf7("bar", "foobarbaz"); goto pImXJ; pImXJ: try { $this->CBQf7("barbara", "foobarbaz"); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto H0yvp; H0yvp: $this->b6ZBA(); goto XELHb; XELHb: } public function uR0Nf() : void { goto DeLg_; rRk65: try { $this->DMtMe("bar", "foobarbaz"); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto pal7C; pal7C: $this->B6Zba(); goto J2p2B; DeLg_: $this->dmtmE("barbara", "foobarbaz"); goto rRk65; J2p2B: } public function mHIWq() : void { goto dBi2n; dBi2n: $this->sHMy7("BAR", "foobarbaz"); goto ZF0eO; RMq66: $this->b6ZBa(); goto w80eB; ZF0eO: try { $this->Shmy7("BARBARA", "foobarbaz"); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto RMq66; w80eB: } public function Fu3Fb() : void { goto HnaG7; HnaG7: $this->fHfLl("BARBARA", "foobarbaz"); goto YIxWb; o8t0r: $this->b6Zba(); goto pXJ6l; YIxWb: try { $this->fhFLl("BAR", "foobarbaz"); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto o8t0r; pXJ6l: } public function o5GeF() : void { goto xOxlM; ifD68: $this->b6zBa(); goto c7SQQ; b3GFb: $gTcdy = [$XiXBt]; goto ioasT; xOxlM: $XiXBt = new stdClass(); goto b3GFb; bvGPX: try { $this->r2zM6(new stdClass(), $gTcdy); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } goto ifD68; ioasT: $this->R2Zm6($XiXBt, $gTcdy); goto bvGPX; c7SQQ: } public function PFW3C() : void { goto Ctasy; dHxai: $this->B6zba(); goto aAgBu; kUAzH: $this->L0O1H(new stdClass(), $gTcdy); goto yvLlm; Ctasy: $XiXBt = new stdClass(); goto rrQBl; yvLlm: try { $this->L0O1h($XiXBt, $gTcdy); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto dHxai; rrQBl: $gTcdy = [$XiXBt]; goto kUAzH; aAgBu: } public function eptYB() : void { goto bZodH; VMx_o: $M0if7 = new stdClass(); goto Y6gM1; bZodH: $z773H = new stdClass(); goto fOk2X; QgI_I: $this->w1SjK($z773H, [$z773H]); goto wdgwC; fOk2X: $z773H->V50Rb = "bar"; goto VMx_o; p4FyJ: $this->B6zBA(); goto CYFvY; wdgwC: try { $this->w1Sjk($M0if7, [$z773H]); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto p4FyJ; Y6gM1: $M0if7->V50Rb = "baz"; goto QgI_I; CYFvY: } public function R6ODk() : void { goto Ml_N3; OXCRL: $this->b6zBA(); goto h4NRx; f_UAD: try { $this->T8Xen($z773H, [$z773H]); } catch (a8fKD) { return; } goto OXCRL; umXSO: $z773H->V50Rb = "bar"; goto sEKcv; Z7L_p: $this->T8XEN($M0if7, [$z773H]); goto f_UAD; sEKcv: $M0if7 = new stdClass(); goto keS46; Ml_N3: $z773H = new stdClass(); goto umXSO; keS46: $M0if7->V50Rb = "baz"; goto Z7L_p; h4NRx: } public function Q2k6x() : void { goto UUetv; MP5nG: $this->B6ZbA(); goto Y0bcm; UUetv: $this->wP4Tb(new YLz4_(1), new Ylz4_(1)); goto enoxD; enoxD: try { $this->Wp4tB(new ylz4_(1), new ylz4_(2)); } catch (a8FKD) { return; } goto MP5nG; Y0bcm: } public function LkoYi() : void { goto uQ7Gd; WICZA: $this->b6ZbA(); goto QtMNy; l_pqq: $TYEEG->IJOoR = "value"; goto vCDbZ; OCR7X: try { $this->orZZw("doesNotExist", $TYEEG); } catch (A8fkD $sl_tW) { return; } goto WICZA; vCDbZ: $this->ORzzW("theProperty", $TYEEG); goto OCR7X; uQ7Gd: $TYEEG = new stdClass(); goto l_pqq; QtMNy: } public function t4XuP() : void { goto vqmpZ; bjkiH: $this->RMDHV("doesNotExist", $TYEEG); goto nwzbR; fRIPV: $this->B6zba(); goto GV1n1; uwVyg: $TYEEG->IJOoR = "value"; goto bjkiH; nwzbR: try { $this->rmdhv("theProperty", $TYEEG); } catch (A8fkD $sl_tW) { return; } goto fRIPV; vqmpZ: $TYEEG = new stdClass(); goto uwVyg; GV1n1: } protected static function DP73f() : array { goto oNc_N; e5RtI: $PClNz = fopen($A856b, "r"); goto ZJxLA; Ajod6: $A856b = JiodW . "foo.xml"; goto e5RtI; oNc_N: $XiXBt = new YgRfD(4, 8, 15); goto Ajod6; ZJxLA: return [[null, null], ["a", "a"], [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.3, 2.3], [1 / 3, 1 / 3], [1 - 2 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [5.5E+123, 5.5E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.5E-123], [log(0), log(0)], [INF, INF], [-INF, -INF], [[], []], [[0 => 1], [0 => 1]], [[0 => null], [0 => null]], [["a", "b" => [1, 2]], ["a", "b" => [1, 2]]], [$XiXBt, $XiXBt], [$PClNz, $PClNz]]; goto PtzPO; PtzPO: } protected static function FBF90() : array { goto mUg38; k7wQI: $c9kKg = new YGrfd(4, 8, 15); goto WcAPv; hpgtZ: $n82tX = new a5Eku(); goto Bo3mP; gCQUx: $zMdvx = new yGrfd(4, 8, 15); goto DL_36; DL_36: $FQBA7 = new SplObjectStorage(); goto e4TZF; qSCuW: $T0RvO = new A5EKU(); goto hRcuU; xEulz: $b3GhD->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $b3GhD; goto hpgtZ; cSvQo: $FIiJ1 = new stdClass(); goto JIk1c; Bo3mP: $n82tX->NcuSa = new IPMTy("Terry Pratch"); goto RkPFR; yww7K: return [["a", "b"], ["a", "A"], ["9E6666666", "9E7777777"], [1, 2], [2, 1], [2.3, 4.2], [2.3, 4.2, 0.5], [[2.3], [4.2], 0.5], [[[2.3]], [[4.2]], 0.5], [new lQN3_(2.3), new lqn3_(4.2), 0.5], [[new lQN3_(2.3)], [new lqN3_(4.2)], 0.5], [1 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [1 / 3, "0.33333333333333337"], [1 - 2 / 3, "3333333333333333"], [5.5E+123, 5.6E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.6E-123], [5.5E+123, 5.5E-123], [NAN, NAN], [[], [0 => 1]], [[0 => 1], []], [[0 => null], []], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], [0 => 1, 1 => 3]], [["a", "b" => [1, 2]], ["a", "b" => [2, 1]]], [new Ygrfd(4, 8, 15), new YgrFd(16, 23, 42)], [$c9kKg, $liufM], [$b3GhD, $n82tX], [$T0RvO, $FIiJ1], [fopen($A856b, "r"), fopen($A856b, "r")], [$FQBA7, $j2bVs], [(new V1jBb())->load("<root></root>"), (new v1jBb())->load("<bar/>")], [(new V1jBb())->load("<foo attr1="bar"/>"), (new V1jbb())->load("<foo attr1="foobar"/>")], [(new V1JBb())->load("<foo> bar </foo>"), (new V1jBb())->load("<foo />")], [(new v1jbb())->load("<foo xmlns="urn:myns:bar"/>"), (new v1jBB())->load("<foo xmlns="urn:notmyns:bar"/>")], [(new v1JbB())->load("<foo> bar </foo>"), (new v1jbB())->load("<foo> bir </foo>")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 05:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 43200], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0600"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T04:13:35-0600")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0600"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0500")], [new YgRFd(4, 8, 15), false], [false, new YGrfD(4, 8, 15)], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], false], [false, [0 => 1, 1 => 2]], [[], new stdClass()], [new stdClass(), []], [0, "Foobar"], ["Foobar", 0], [3, acos(8)], [acos(8), 3]]; goto TXAQa; mUg38: $b3GhD = new A5Eku(); goto RNoK4; JIk1c: $FIiJ1->NcuSa = "Terry Pratchett"; goto k7wQI; RkPFR: $n82tX->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $n82tX; goto qSCuW; hRcuU: $T0RvO->NcuSa = "Terry Pratchett"; goto cSvQo; RNoK4: $b3GhD->NcuSa = new IPmTy("Terry Pratchett"); goto xEulz; WcAPv: $liufM = new YGrFD(16, 23, 42); goto gCQUx; UzLXk: $j2bVs = new SplObjectStorage(); goto gfifs; F3rk1: $A856b = JiodW . "foo.xml"; goto yww7K; gfifs: $j2bVs->attach($zMdvx); goto F3rk1; e4TZF: $FQBA7->attach($c9kKg); goto UzLXk; TXAQa: } protected static function Wnujb() : array { goto KIUWN; mMu3s: $n82tX->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $n82tX; goto I_Jzc; vKqDQ: $FQBA7 = new SplObjectStorage(); goto rQl1J; UfxDT: $b3GhD->NcuSa = new ipMTy("Terry Pratchett"); goto x12eN; sV2Bg: $n82tX = new a5EKu(); goto RDjRQ; I_Jzc: $c9kKg = new YgrFd(4, 8, 15); goto nlw86; KIUWN: $b3GhD = new A5eKu(); goto UfxDT; q70FI: $j2bVs = new SplObjectStorage(); goto zPvDn; x12eN: $b3GhD->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $b3GhD; goto sV2Bg; rQl1J: $FQBA7->attach($c9kKg); goto q70FI; RDjRQ: $n82tX->NcuSa = new IPMty("Terry Pratchett"); goto mMu3s; zPvDn: $j2bVs->attach($c9kKg); goto oMWmZ; oMWmZ: return [[["a" => 1, "b" => 2], ["b" => 2, "a" => 1]], [[1], ["1"]], [$c9kKg, $liufM], [$b3GhD, $n82tX], [$FQBA7, $j2bVs], [(new v1JBB())->load("<root></root>"), (new V1jBb())->load("<root/>")], [(new v1Jbb())->load("<root attr="bar"></root>"), (new v1JBB())->load("<root attr="bar"/>")], [(new v1JBB())->load("<root><foo attr="bar"></foo></root>"), (new v1jbb())->load("<root><foo attr="bar"/></root>")], [(new v1jbb())->load("<root>\xa  <child/>
</root>"), (new V1jBB())->load("<root><child/></root>")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 23:00:00", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("@1364616000"), new DateTime("2013-03-29 23:00:00", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0500"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T04:13:35-0600")], [0, "0"], ["0", 0], [2.3, "2.3"], ["2.3", 2.3], [1, 1.0], [1.0, "1"], [1 / 3, "0.3333333333333333"], [1 - 2 / 3, "0.33333333333333337"], [5.5E+123, "5.5E+123"], [5.5E-123, "5.5E-123"], ["string representation", new sV91S()], [new SV91S(), "string representation"]]; goto Cn4vW; nlw86: $liufM = new ygRFD(4, 8, 15); goto vKqDQ; Cn4vW: } } ?>

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Original Code

 declare (strict_types=1); namespace Q7cqq\muWCi; use const m6GOk; use const nOx37; use const w4O2e; use const l3by5; use function acos; use function array_merge; use function chmod; use function fclose; use function file_get_contents; use function fopen; use function json_encode; use function log; use function mkdir; use function octdec; use function q7cqQ\gMoIc\Generator\EEI4D; use function rmdir; use function sys_get_temp_dir; use function tempnam; use function uniqid; use function unlink; use ArrayIterator; use ArrayObject; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; use Q7Cqq\Muwci\h7_hy\Tay2j; use Q7CqQ\muwci\h7_hY\xo0mp; use Q7Cqq\MUwCI\H7_hY\yFgBs; use Q7Cqq\MUwcI\h7_HY\kEbAS; use Q7CqQ\mUWCi\h7_HY\xq6uu; use Q7cqQ\gmoic\IpmtY; use q7cQQ\gmoIc\a5EKu; use q7Cqq\gMoIc\SV91S; use Q7CQq\GMoIC\tOfUQ\ylZ4_; use Q7cQQ\GmOic\LLoHk; use Q7CQq\GMOic\YgRfd; use q7cqQ\gMoic\lqN3_; use Q7cQQ\A7QzT\XnQE3\qQ0DI as XmlLoader; use Q7CQQ\a7Qzt\xNQe3\zmdSD; use SplObjectStorage; use stdClass; #[CoversClass(Assert::class)] #[CoversClass(G3szc::class)] #[Small] final class xblsz extends ckzZH { public static function LtsKV() : array { return ["\x65\162\162\157\162\x20\x73\x79\x6e\164\141\x78\x20\151\x6e\40\x65\170\160\145\143\x74\x65\144\40\112\x53\x4f\x4e" => ["\173\42\115\141\163\143\157\164\x74\x22\x3a\x3a\175", "\173\42\115\x61\163\x63\157\164\x74\x22\x20\72\x20\x22\x54\165\x78\42\175"], "\145\x72\162\157\x72\x20\125\x54\x46\x2d\x38\x20\x69\156\x20\x61\143\x74\165\x61\x6c\x20\112\123\x4f\116" => ["\173\42\115\x61\x73\143\x6f\164\x74\x22\40\x3a\40\42\x54\165\x78\42\x7d", "\x7b\x22\x4d\141\x73\143\x6f\x74\164\42\x20\72\40\x3a\175"]]; } public static function ivxEn() : array { return array_merge(mvU76::wnujb(), mvu76::DP73f()); } public static function EfOs8() : array { return MVu76::Fbf90(); } public static function vrxym() : array { return Mvu76::dp73F(); } public static function Nezj8() : array { return array_merge(MvU76::fbF90(), Mvu76::wnuJb()); } public static function NjGXN() : array { return [["\x62\12\x63", "\x62\15\12\143"], ["\142\xa\143", "\141\xd\xa\142\xd\xa\143\xd\12\144"]]; } public static function U4sKu() : array { return ["\x6c\x66\55\x63\162\x6c\x66" => ["\141\xa\x62", "\141\15\xa\x62"], "\143\x72\55\143\x72\154\x66" => ["\x61\xd\x62", "\x61\15\12\x62"], "\143\x72\x6c\x66\55\x63\x72\154\146" => ["\x61\xd\xa\142", "\141\15\12\142"], "\154\146\x2d\x63\162" => ["\141\12\142", "\141\xd\142"], "\x63\x72\x2d\x63\x72" => ["\141\15\142", "\141\xd\142"], "\x63\x72\154\x66\55\143\162" => ["\x61\15\xa\x62", "\x61\15\142"], "\x6c\146\55\154\x66" => ["\x61\12\x62", "\x61\xa\x62"], "\143\162\55\154\146" => ["\x61\xd\142", "\x61\12\142"], "\x63\162\154\146\x2d\154\146" => ["\x61\15\xa\142", "\x61\12\x62"]]; } public static function RpHCU() : array { return [["\141\12\142", "\x61\x62"], ["\141\15\142", "\141\x62"], ["\141\15\xa\x62", "\x61\142"]]; } public function HmKPh() : void { try { $this->B6ZbA(); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } throw new A8fkD("\x46\141\151\154\x20\144\x69\x64\x20\x6e\157\x74\40\164\x68\x72\157\167\x20\x66\x61\151\x6c\40\145\170\143\145\160\164\x69\x6f\156"); } public function I7u2m() : void { goto DundM; L2mBr: $this->lh0uE(a8FKD::class); goto kfIm3; kfIm3: $this->i9Nlo(A5EKu::class, $KFCNA); goto greyX; Y0rlJ: $this->I9nLO(a5EkU::class, $SWtx3); goto uGqMe; DundM: $SWtx3 = [new a5eKu(), new A5EkU()]; goto Y0rlJ; uGqMe: $this->i9nlo(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto s_J3Z; s_J3Z: $KFCNA = [new IPmTy("\x54\x65\163\x74")]; goto L2mBr; greyX: } public function KAkVH() : void { goto ck6MV; DgIH8: $vyqdG = ["\x61" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\x62", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto Mt_lR; Mt_lR: $this->HiCve($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x61", 0]); goto bR70U; l3u1L: $this->HICvE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x62"]); goto u1XGK; bR70U: $this->lH0uE(a8fKd::class); goto l3u1L; ck6MV: $o17PN = ["\141" => "\x62", "\142" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto DgIH8; u1XGK: } public function UcMIl() : void { goto HXvD0; HXvD0: $o17PN = ["\141" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto pekbK; uvFhC: $this->VDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x62", 1]); goto hAflC; lTC94: $this->vdN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\142"]); goto rf6oe; hAflC: $this->Lh0ue(a8fkd::class); goto lTC94; pekbK: $vyqdG = ["\x61" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\142", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto uvFhC; rf6oe: } public function hfR30() : void { goto g_e0m; rjkcW: $vyqdG = ["\x61" => "\142", "\x62" => "\x62", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto bYpbx; g_e0m: $o17PN = ["\141" => "\142", "\x62" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto rjkcW; R6W6O: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto mKPGL; bYpbx: $this->Sdw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x61", 0]); goto R6W6O; mKPGL: $this->Sdw3q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\142"]); goto zSXgC; zSXgC: } public function WDtHA() : void { goto EYotv; EYotv: $o17PN = ["\x61" => "\142", "\x62" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto fdrNK; KEx8r: $this->ZqikE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\142", 1]); goto qmR6B; Oa5cK: $this->zqIke($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\142"]); goto jv21c; qmR6B: $this->lH0Ue(a8fKd::class); goto Oa5cK; fdrNK: $vyqdG = ["\141" => "\x62", "\142" => "\142", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto KEx8r; jv21c: } public function FEiVD() : void { goto YccJi; CsbG3: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "\61" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\x33\56\60" => 4]; goto zeK8t; RJxfR: $this->hICve($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x31", 2.0, "\x33\56\x30"]); goto lSQRG; zeK8t: $this->hIcVE($o17PN, $vyqdG, [0, "\x31", "\63\x2e\60"]); goto QmBu_; QmBu_: $this->lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto RJxfR; YccJi: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\x33\56\60" => 4]; goto CsbG3; lSQRG: } public function QpvPj() : void { goto C9bTO; C9bTO: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\63\56\60" => 4]; goto V6XQQ; zjnyw: $this->Vdn6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\61"]); goto CbTKh; V1U87: $this->lH0ue(A8fKD::class); goto zjnyw; x4WCW: $this->vDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, [2.0]); goto V1U87; V6XQQ: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\63\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto x4WCW; CbTKh: } public function BL1XQ() : void { goto akoTO; qV4GU: $this->sdw3q($o17PN, $vyqdG, [0, "\61", "\63\56\x30"]); goto a0MKu; J73p8: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\x33\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto qV4GU; akoTO: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\63\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto J73p8; a0MKu: $this->LH0ue(A8FKD::class); goto szNLo; szNLo: $this->sDw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\61", 2.0, "\63\56\60"]); goto zEw4u; zEw4u: } public function eD9LF() : void { goto uOSkM; N2imo: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, "\61" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\x33\56\x30" => 4]; goto E1JFN; Df3P8: $this->zqiKe($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\61"]); goto bg5qY; NRhj1: $this->Lh0uE(a8FKD::class); goto Df3P8; E1JFN: $this->ZQiKe($o17PN, $vyqdG, [2.0]); goto NRhj1; uOSkM: $o17PN = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\x33\x2e\60" => 4]; goto N2imo; bg5qY: } public function abSRn() : void { goto CXzLL; IiAYO: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "\141" => "\142", "\142" => "\142"]; goto VOxrf; H9wsb: $this->Sdw3Q($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\141", 0]); goto m8c02; VOxrf: $this->HICVE($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\141", 0]); goto ygMy2; CXzLL: $o17PN = ["\x61" => "\142", "\x62" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto IiAYO; ygMy2: $this->LH0uE(A8FKD::class); goto H9wsb; m8c02: } public function OXq6f() : void { goto vSNTw; TtR3B: $vyqdG = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "\141" => "\142", "\142" => "\142"]; goto fy50b; fy50b: $this->vDN6_($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x62", 1]); goto zXJea; d2p9W: $this->ZQike($o17PN, $vyqdG, ["\x62", 1]); goto buPCX; zXJea: $this->lh0UE(a8Fkd::class); goto d2p9W; vSNTw: $o17PN = ["\x61" => "\x62", "\142" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto TtR3B; buPCX: } public function Qbns2() : void { goto ev8rj; iRGSR: $this->Lh0UE(A8FkD::class); goto MBhSo; MBhSo: $this->AE0Ly(1, ["\146\x6f\x6f"]); goto VSDft; ev8rj: $this->Ae0LY(0, ["\x66\157\157"]); goto iRGSR; VSDft: } public function D8o1z() : void { goto Jxzea; IaazZ: $this->ufupR(0, ["\x66\x6f\x6f"]); goto lP037; Jxzea: $this->ufuPr(1, ["\146\x6f\157"]); goto O3j5w; O3j5w: $this->lH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto IaazZ; lP037: } public function kL0jU() : void { goto LlLTJ; fLG92: $this->Ae0LY("\142\141\162", ["\x66\x6f\x6f" => "\142\141\x72"]); goto ndX6_; LlLTJ: $this->ae0lY("\x66\157\x6f", ["\x66\x6f\157" => "\142\x61\x72"]); goto pZy_U; pZy_U: $this->lH0Ue(A8FKd::class); goto fLG92; ndX6_: } public function A5mrz() : void { goto q_dIm; NSrfy: $this->lH0uE(a8fkd::class); goto InSqE; InSqE: $this->UfUPr("\x66\157\157", ["\146\157\x6f" => "\x62\x61\162"]); goto HEukG; q_dIm: $this->ufuPr("\x62\141\x72", ["\146\157\157" => "\142\x61\162"]); goto NSrfy; HEukG: } public function alGik() : void { goto UrHpM; fvR7B: $OHHUr["\x66\157\157"] = "\x62\x61\162"; goto hnZAb; hnZAb: $this->ae0ly("\x66\157\x6f", $OHHUr); goto QoROP; UrHpM: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto fvR7B; QoROP: } public function JZCgO() : void { goto mLl6H; zvo0r: $OHHUr["\142\x61\162"] = "\x62\141\x72"; goto TodOR; TodOR: $this->lh0uE(A8FkD::class); goto ZHAS6; mLl6H: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto zvo0r; ZHAS6: $this->ae0lY("\x66\157\157", $OHHUr); goto GxPMw; GxPMw: } public function jeXqD() : void { goto a74y4; RZZwz: $this->AE0LY("\146\x6f\x6f", $OHHUr); goto sH8kZ; a74y4: $OHHUr = new lLOhk(); goto MoEf8; MoEf8: $OHHUr["\x66\x6f\x6f"] = "\x62\141\x72"; goto RZZwz; sH8kZ: } public function lfLh0() : void { goto o3nLx; z02Ks: $this->ae0Ly("\146\157\157", $OHHUr); goto K333s; o3nLx: $OHHUr = new llOHK(); goto IX9ul; fVXGL: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkD::class); goto z02Ks; IX9ul: $OHHUr["\x62\x61\162"] = "\x62\x61\x72"; goto fVXGL; K333s: } public function cy9X1() : void { goto xvQ0l; xvQ0l: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto l3UsX; l3UsX: $OHHUr["\146\x6f\157"] = "\x62\141\x72"; goto PIKT8; PIKT8: $this->UFuPr("\x62\141\x72", $OHHUr); goto aTwOW; aTwOW: } public function ySRAm() : void { goto BEYv3; ihwHN: $this->lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto MoWkQ; BEYv3: $OHHUr = new ArrayObject(); goto rM_b3; MoWkQ: $this->UfuPr("\x62\141\162", $OHHUr); goto mJI98; rM_b3: $OHHUr["\142\141\x72"] = "\142\x61\x72"; goto ihwHN; mJI98: } public function xTvDu() : void { goto gDbgx; gDbgx: $this->TFeKn([0, 1, 2]); goto rY4HB; QjrXN: $this->TFEkN([0 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 3]); goto Caueu; rY4HB: $this->lH0Ue(A8FkD::class); goto QjrXN; Caueu: } public function R6dOA() : void { $this->tFEkN([]); } public function y6ZTv() : void { $this->Lh0UE(A8fKd::class); $this->tFEkN(["\163\x74\x72\151\156\x67" => 0]); } public function J7aZC() : void { $this->lh0ue(a8fkd::class); $this->tfEKn(null); } public function lJCyD() : void { goto yY_n7; yY_n7: $this->RNP5E("\x69\x6e\x74\x65\x67\145\162", [1, 2, 3]); goto o6_Hy; o6_Hy: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkd::class); goto muPkn; muPkn: $this->rnP5e("\x69\156\x74\145\x67\x65\x72", ["\61", 2, 3]); goto cEITl; cEITl: } public function JNwMf() : void { goto e_F30; S9Is5: $this->lH0ue(A8FKd::class); goto C_Acn; C_Acn: $this->hPi2p("\x69\156\x74\145\x67\145\x72", [1, 2, 3]); goto EGU4p; e_F30: $this->Hpi2p("\x69\156\x74\145\147\x65\162", ["\61", 2, 3]); goto S9Is5; EGU4p: } public function D8ybx() : void { goto lKfZm; M1SLc: $this->rnp5E(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto g4Yc9; lKfZm: $this->rnP5e(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto ic0bT; ic0bT: $this->lH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto M1SLc; g4Yc9: } public function GFwbU() : void { goto b523_; b523_: $this->hpi2p(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto QwYmg; QwYmg: $this->lh0ue(a8fkD::class); goto b5iyO; b5iyO: $this->Hpi2p(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto oNqXl; oNqXl: } #[DataProvider("\145\161\x75\x61\x6c\120\x72\x6f\x76\151\x64\145\x72")] public function bSo6x(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->rudHi($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\x6e\157\164\x45\x71\165\141\x6c\x50\x72\x6f\166\151\144\x65\162")] public function FCM8u(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8Fkd::class); $this->rudhI($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\156\157\x74\x45\x71\165\141\x6c\x50\x72\x6f\166\151\x64\x65\x72")] public function uJQ5A(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->kLi54($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\x65\x71\165\x61\154\x50\162\157\x76\x69\144\145\x72")] public function Np48s(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8fkD::class); $this->Kli54($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\163\x61\x6d\x65\120\x72\157\x76\x69\144\145\x72")] public function Itgqr(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->C0tS9($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\156\x6f\164\123\x61\155\145\120\162\157\166\151\144\145\x72")] public function UXz_4(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->Lh0uE(A8Fkd::class); $this->c0TS9($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\x6e\x6f\164\x53\x61\155\x65\120\162\x6f\x76\151\x64\145\162")] public function lyIxK(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->gEu53($z773H, $M0if7); } #[DataProvider("\163\x61\x6d\x65\120\x72\157\x76\151\x64\x65\162")] public function sLLOt(mixed $z773H, mixed $M0if7) : void { $this->lH0ue(a8FKD::class); $this->Geu53($z773H, $M0if7); } public function nyXr8() : void { goto sENru; sEA0n: $this->lH0uE(a8FKD::class); goto hnpqC; hnpqC: $this->uLiZt(JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\56\x78\x6d\154", JiodW . "\x62\141\x72\56\170\x6d\154"); goto ShPw_; sENru: $this->UliZT(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c", JiodW . "\x66\x6f\x6f\56\x78\155\154"); goto sEA0n; ShPw_: } public function MVpdL() : void { goto FsZOu; YE0O0: $this->qQ8O6(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\155\x6c", JiodW . "\x66\157\157\56\170\155\154"); goto IwMTm; iApg8: $this->lH0uE(a8FKd::class); goto YE0O0; FsZOu: $this->qq8O6(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\56\x78\x6d\154", JiodW . "\142\141\x72\56\170\x6d\154"); goto iApg8; IwMTm: } public function p3Kso() : void { goto KBzjb; GBRwc: $this->Zf39x(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\157\x2e\x78\155\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x62\x61\162\56\x78\x6d\x6c")); goto m4s09; KBzjb: $this->Zf39X(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\170\155\154", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x66\157\157\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c")); goto HijX_; HijX_: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKd::class); goto GBRwc; m4s09: } public function DZuM9() : void { goto IRtJh; mv496: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto PPhp1; PPhp1: $this->d7eHA(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\170\155\154", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\146\157\157\56\170\x6d\x6c")); goto NSSaj; IRtJh: $this->d7ehA(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\x78\155\154", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x62\x61\x72\56\x78\155\x6c")); goto mv496; NSSaj: } public function MceNP() : void { goto Z5SlV; happ8: $this->Lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto QCLgR; Z5SlV: $this->mzja1("\x3c\162\x6f\x6f\164\57\x3e", "\74\x72\157\157\164\57\x3e"); goto happ8; QCLgR: $this->mZjA1("\x3c\146\157\x6f\x2f\76", "\74\x62\141\x72\57\76"); goto JU20F; JU20F: } public function Vq2YR() : void { $this->lh0UE(zMdSD::class); $this->MzJA1("\74\x61\76\x3c\x2f\x62\76", "\x3c\x63\x3e\x3c\57\x64\x3e"); } public function SUfgm() : void { goto ETtaM; ETtaM: $o17PN = "\x3c\x3f\170\x6d\x6c\x20\x76\145\x72\x73\151\x6f\x6e\x3d\x22\61\x2e\60\42\x3f\x3e\xa\74\x72\x6f\157\164\76\xa\40\40\x20\x20\x3c\156\x6f\x64\145\x20\x2f\x3e\12\74\57\162\x6f\x6f\x74\76"; goto uXhrg; Gy8og: $this->mZJA1($o17PN, $vyqdG); goto r5OZ2; uXhrg: $vyqdG = "\74\x3f\x78\x6d\x6c\40\x76\x65\x72\163\151\x6f\156\75\42\61\56\x30\x22\77\76\xa\74\162\x6f\x6f\x74\76\xa\x3c\156\157\x64\145\40\x2f\76\xa\74\x2f\162\157\157\164\76"; goto Gy8og; r5OZ2: } public function rZI2w() : void { goto HgetU; E8SkF: $this->WKMk0("\74\162\157\x6f\164\57\x3e", "\74\x72\157\x6f\164\57\x3e"); goto TU2bP; sCqIa: $this->LH0UE(a8FKd::class); goto E8SkF; HgetU: $this->wKMk0("\74\x66\157\x6f\x2f\76", "\x3c\x62\x61\162\x2f\76"); goto sCqIa; TU2bP: } public function gjRgq() : void { goto hmRU3; hmRU3: $this->rudHI("\60", 0); goto k52FJ; k52FJ: $this->LH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto fURs9; fURs9: $this->rudHI("\60", 1); goto FeOTM; FeOTM: } public function YcrLs() : void { $this->KlI54("\x41", 0); } public function vm7af() : void { goto gnTe_; gnTe_: $this->EjQs6(__FILE__); goto trzW2; trzW2: $this->Lh0ue(a8fKD::class); goto VjD7O; VjD7O: $this->EJQs6(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\x6f\x74\105\x78\x69\163\x74\x69\x6e\x67"); goto z1eYb; z1eYb: } public function uvULA() : void { goto XR7aT; XR7aT: $this->DztqP(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\164\105\170\x69\x73\x74\151\x6e\x67"); goto uYbpc; uYbpc: $this->lH0uE(A8fkd::class); goto R5Zl0; R5Zl0: $this->DZTqP(__FILE__); goto N_TBD; N_TBD: } public function w5qej() : void { goto kh18i; kh18i: $this->prqOc(__FILE__); goto LxEQl; LxEQl: $this->lH0uE(A8Fkd::class); goto F_pTZ; F_pTZ: $this->pRqoc(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\x6f\164\x45\x78\x69\163\x74\x69\156\147"); goto hCjkg; hCjkg: } public function ApZdp() : void { goto dnKno; BpxJl: $this->XUCAp(__FILE__); goto A0QXx; dnKno: $this->XuCaP(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\105\x78\151\163\x74\151\156\x67"); goto GN0IT; GN0IT: $this->lH0Ue(a8FKD::class); goto BpxJl; A0QXx: } public function fMg_9() : void { goto PVjOR; Q13cZ: $this->lH0UE(A8fKD::class); goto y8stZ; PVjOR: $this->zNZRw(__DIR__); goto Q13cZ; y8stZ: $this->ZnZRw(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\164\105\x78\151\163\x74\x69\156\147"); goto G59ex; G59ex: } public function nNw5z() : void { goto wt4vo; FE918: $this->RUEDT(__DIR__); goto mAzmS; wt4vo: $this->ruEDT(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\x6f\164\x45\170\x69\163\x74\151\156\x67"); goto MqZTK; MqZTK: $this->Lh0UE(A8FKD::class); goto FE918; mAzmS: } public function uxou0() : void { goto iPnop; iPnop: $this->f1j0Q(__DIR__); goto AQZg3; tl4BG: $this->f1J0Q(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\x6f\x74\105\170\x69\x73\164\151\x6e\147"); goto b_DoY; AQZg3: $this->lH0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto tl4BG; b_DoY: } public function SErWH() : void { goto n0bwA; uWWLp: try { $this->IZeE6($GYGOC); } catch (a8fKd) { } goto lEAlR; n0bwA: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\127\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\163")) { goto eafqq; } goto zt9dy; lEAlR: rmdir($GYGOC); goto rXCcX; LhuSB: $GYGOC = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("\165\x6e\x72\x65\141\144\x61\142\154\145\x5f\144\x69\162\137", true); goto nMJh6; cmR4p: eafqq: goto LhuSB; hRv41: chmod($GYGOC, octdec("\64\64\x34")); goto uWWLp; zt9dy: $this->M1onC("\x43\x61\x6e\156\x6f\164\x20\x74\x65\x73\x74\x20\164\x68\151\163\40\142\x65\x68\141\166\151\157\x75\x72\x20\x6f\156\x20\x57\x69\156\144\x6f\x77\163"); goto cmR4p; nMJh6: mkdir($GYGOC, octdec("\x30")); goto OkjTv; OkjTv: $this->iZee6($GYGOC); goto hRv41; rXCcX: } public function yD6MN() : void { goto HBB8p; HBB8p: $this->QvUlh(__DIR__); goto Ttcjf; HUQXZ: $this->qvUlH(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\x6f\x74\x45\170\151\x73\x74\151\156\x67"); goto NsQG2; Ttcjf: $this->lh0Ue(A8fkD::class); goto HUQXZ; NsQG2: } public function Z2Wh0() : void { goto F3G28; QFpTs: mkdir($GYGOC, octdec("\x34\x34\64")); goto fWzM5; McaX2: chmod($GYGOC, octdec("\x37\x35\x35")); goto kFN41; WMcqF: $this->M1onC("\x43\141\156\x6e\x6f\x74\40\164\x65\163\x74\40\x74\x68\151\163\x20\142\145\x68\x61\166\x69\157\165\x72\40\x6f\x6e\x20\x57\151\x6e\144\157\167\x73"); goto f1eJO; kFN41: try { $this->xgHpB($GYGOC); } catch (A8fKd) { } goto V9T9B; V9T9B: rmdir($GYGOC); goto ziqL5; F3G28: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\x57\151\x6e\x64\157\x77\x73")) { goto jNKEO; } goto WMcqF; f1eJO: jNKEO: goto b0oQR; fWzM5: $this->XGhPB($GYGOC); goto McaX2; b0oQR: $GYGOC = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("\x6e\x6f\x74\137\x77\162\151\164\x61\x62\154\145\137\x64\x69\x72\137", true); goto QFpTs; ziqL5: } public function mzQGN() : void { goto c_p4k; nsWBk: $this->Lh0UE(a8fKd::class); goto iH3or; iH3or: $this->PTe6d(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\105\170\x69\163\x74\151\x6e\147"); goto OIBhY; c_p4k: $this->ptE6D(__FILE__); goto nsWBk; OIBhY: } public function hL4ez() : void { goto CvFdC; CvFdC: $this->tsc8d(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\105\170\x69\163\164\151\x6e\147"); goto HWPz8; HWPz8: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkd::class); goto IPXud; IPXud: $this->tSC8d(__FILE__); goto EApPw; EApPw: } public function Vr7OL() : void { goto DG3QG; qlDPV: $this->lH0UE(a8FkD::class); goto JMXQh; DG3QG: $this->EYhfJ(__FILE__); goto qlDPV; JMXQh: $this->EyhfJ(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\x45\170\x69\x73\164\x69\x6e\147"); goto GdZQ2; GdZQ2: } public function tx1jT() : void { goto Y90T6; Y90T6: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\127\151\156\x64\x6f\x77\163")) { goto LEuHA; } goto IA8Sx; IA8Sx: $this->m1Onc("\103\x61\x6e\x6e\157\164\40\x74\x65\163\164\40\x74\150\151\163\x20\142\x65\150\x61\x76\x69\157\x75\x72\40\x6f\x6e\x20\127\x69\x6e\144\x6f\167\163"); goto OV2p0; T12df: $this->ZkhZO($oMZWg); goto cPWsL; Jl60R: unlink($oMZWg); goto QsbvJ; cPWsL: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("\67\x35\x35")); goto bAGMA; SsbQ1: $oMZWg = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\x75\156\162\145\x61\144\141\x62\x6c\145"); goto cDAia; bAGMA: try { $this->ZkhzO($oMZWg); } catch (a8FkD) { } goto Jl60R; cDAia: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("\x30")); goto T12df; OV2p0: LEuHA: goto SsbQ1; QsbvJ: } public function FSwWx() : void { goto T8K1m; nTWtm: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("\67\65\x35")); goto qmevI; Ku3jM: unlink($oMZWg); goto cvEds; T8K1m: $oMZWg = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\156\x6f\164\137\167\162\x69\164\x61\x62\154\x65"); goto jaHZB; qmevI: try { $this->eT805($oMZWg); } catch (A8fkD) { } goto Ku3jM; V0rSV: $this->et805($oMZWg); goto nTWtm; jaHZB: chmod($oMZWg, octdec("\60")); goto V0rSV; cvEds: } public function t_W8J() : void { goto wVg_e; wVg_e: $this->TXzoM(__FILE__); goto hCbUx; hCbUx: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKD::class); goto uU9pE; uU9pE: $this->TXzOM(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\157\x74\x45\x78\151\163\164\x69\x6e\147"); goto nNs94; nNs94: } public function sPECy() : void { goto RS8BY; MSooe: $this->vhiFP(INF); goto zKRsN; SihVd: $this->lH0uE(A8Fkd::class); goto MSooe; RS8BY: $this->vHIfp(1); goto SihVd; zKRsN: } public function HmYvT() : void { goto erpPK; XrZ4m: $this->lrr6D(1); goto xnczU; gnLxu: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto XrZ4m; erpPK: $this->lRr6D(INF); goto gnLxu; xnczU: } public function Z0_ii() : void { goto jsV8U; tyVem: $this->lh0UE(A8fkd::class); goto SFGz9; jsV8U: $this->vpd69(NAN); goto tyVem; SFGz9: $this->vPd69(1); goto RXci1; RXci1: } public function xeOFV() : void { goto cWUFM; npIb6: $this->SQfAw(new stdClass()); goto XfLSe; cWUFM: $this->sqfaw(null); goto bnuGU; bnuGU: $this->LH0UE(a8fkD::class); goto npIb6; XfLSe: } public function t3Cap() : void { goto ERBxM; TTzv6: $this->wWNJo(null); goto k4UjF; ERBxM: $this->wwnJo(new stdClass()); goto r8FcC; r8FcC: $this->lh0uE(A8fKd::class); goto TTzv6; k4UjF: } public function L4rzF() : void { goto l0UzI; OFoN9: $this->b0CC4(false); goto eBKmi; l0UzI: $this->b0cC4(true); goto eyMTq; eyMTq: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKd::class); goto OFoN9; eBKmi: } public function IjCR3() : void { goto YrGGU; YrGGU: $this->EgFwL(false); goto W0Iut; EYpbR: $this->eGFwL(true); goto ukNzy; W0Iut: $this->EGFWL(1); goto cb_7K; yAQjo: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKD::class); goto EYpbR; cb_7K: $this->EgFwl("\x74\x72\165\x65"); goto yAQjo; ukNzy: } public function WNQUu() : void { goto hGEuX; hGEuX: $this->Da3ZV(false); goto tlvbi; C1SwL: $this->DA3zv(true); goto ZvDZV; tlvbi: $this->lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto C1SwL; ZvDZV: } public function tJF3f() : void { goto Bhf4x; i6_60: $this->J4RAv(''); goto IgxqQ; efMbO: $this->J4RAv(false); goto DPID_; Bhf4x: $this->J4rAv(true); goto Ewy09; IgxqQ: $this->LH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto efMbO; Ewy09: $this->j4rAv(0); goto i6_60; DPID_: } public function ni0DG() : void { goto uJjU0; iH7fB: $this->lh0uE(A8FkD::class); goto cYlkU; cYlkU: $this->hu70x("\57\x66\157\157\57", "\x62\141\162"); goto tatB6; uJjU0: $this->hU70X("\x2f\146\157\157\57", "\146\157\x6f\142\x61\162"); goto iH7fB; tatB6: } public function lPz22() : void { goto pYMah; kpuuK: $this->p2JDJ("\57\x66\157\x6f\57", "\146\157\x6f\x62\x61\x72"); goto AHoEZ; WGaof: $this->LH0uE(a8FKD::class); goto kpuuK; pYMah: $this->P2jDj("\x2f\x66\x6f\157\x2f", "\x62\x61\x72"); goto WGaof; AHoEZ: } public function VAlB_() : void { goto X0Cr1; Um216: $this->C0Ts9($NVnau, $NVnau); goto Y3oJJ; Y3oJJ: $this->lh0uE(A8FKD::class); goto XUuBq; XUuBq: $this->c0TS9(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto IIYfE; X0Cr1: $NVnau = new stdClass(); goto Um216; IIYfE: } public function jLcus() : void { goto s904w; Ifo7G: $this->c0tS9(true, false); goto vbdGi; s7Nzc: $this->C0tS9(false, false); goto hGYHe; hGYHe: $this->Lh0UE(A8Fkd::class); goto Ifo7G; s904w: $this->c0Ts9(true, true); goto s7Nzc; vbdGi: } public function daeT1() : void { goto JeZgN; eZB0z: $this->geu53($NVnau, $NVnau); goto KZki_; XrAlG: $this->GeU53(null, new stdClass()); goto r428O; JeZgN: $this->geu53(new stdClass(), null); goto XrAlG; I8lXv: $NVnau = new stdClass(); goto rhPyz; rhPyz: $this->Lh0UE(A8fkd::class); goto eZB0z; r428O: $this->Geu53(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto I8lXv; KZki_: } public function DwX7Q() : void { goto TpHrI; j9Jh5: $this->GEu53(true, true); goto p3Mix; OT6QF: $this->geU53(false, true); goto k4zDG; TpHrI: $this->gEU53(true, false); goto OT6QF; k4zDG: $this->Lh0uE(a8FKd::class); goto j9Jh5; p3Mix: } public function WF2v5() : void { $this->LH0Ue(a8fKd::class); $this->GEU53(null, null); } public function U0ORd() : void { goto dj1oW; D4DcX: $this->I39vv(2, 1); goto ckMyt; dj1oW: $this->i39vv(1, 2); goto pVy9E; pVy9E: $this->lH0Ue(A8FkD::class); goto D4DcX; ckMyt: } public function wQVBb() : void { goto xEMqf; U3mRd: $this->LH0UE(A8fkd::class); goto m8yzl; xEMqf: $this->jsYh7(1, 2); goto U3mRd; m8yzl: $this->JSyH7(2, 1); goto j66R3; j66R3: } public function dyv63() : void { goto yBlBy; w2cN1: try { $this->QgQV3(1, 2); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto MBpdT; MBpdT: $this->b6zBA(); goto AR84W; yBlBy: $this->qgqV3(2, 1); goto w2cN1; AR84W: } public function PQvUK() : void { goto WW0GG; WW0GG: $this->jJfn3(2, 1); goto YUSgD; YUSgD: $this->Lh0ue(A8fKD::class); goto nrkGr; nrkGr: $this->Jjfn3(1, 2); goto xmE3k; xmE3k: } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function UX8MG() : void { $this->xgtrt("\141\156\x79\x74\150\151\x6e\x67", $this->Twrs4()); } public function ZuaK0() : void { $this->xGtrT(true, $this->HpD1l()); } public function sgQKb() : void { $this->XgTRT(false, $this->ClWLN()); } public function OwxMA() : void { $this->XGtRT("\173\x7d", $this->LfP66()); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function EDyJd() : void { $this->xgTrt("\141\156\x79\x74\150\151\x6e\147", $this->Pl4FM($this->tWrs4(), $this->TwRs4())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function x34jn() : void { $this->xGTRT("\x61\x6e\x79\164\150\x69\156\x67", $this->n4feQ($this->TwrS4(), $this->tWrs4())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function d71Ku() : void { $this->XgTRT("\x61\x6e\171\164\x68\x69\156\147", $this->TxfNm($this->twrS4(), $this->L_U7D($this->TwRs4()))); } public function FPeQc() : void { $this->xgTrT(["\146\157\x6f"], $this->n3oRe("\x66\x6f\157")); } public function UBBYL() : void { $this->xgTrT("\142\141\162\x66\x6f\157\x62\x61\x72", $this->COf5s("\x66\157\157")); } public function pN5AY() : void { $this->XGtRt(["\146\157\157"], $this->z5VMM("\x73\164\162\x69\156\147")); } public function YB6_C() : void { $this->xGTRT([new A5eku()], $this->AgIUJ(A5Eku::class)); } public function aVMsT() : void { $this->xgtRt(["\146\157\x6f" => "\x62\141\x72"], $this->jkhgv("\146\157\x6f")); } public function o53V4() : void { $this->XGTrT([0, 1, 2], $this->W8guk()); } public function TmW9x() : void { $this->XgTRt("\x66\157\x6f", $this->omDOS("\x66\x6f\x6f")); } public function slyEN() : void { goto G5OXI; UXHom: $oyJ0X = $this->kgZnb($ZDSt1); goto cgPRu; G5OXI: $ZDSt1 = new stdClass(); goto UXHom; cgPRu: $this->xgTRt($ZDSt1, $oyJ0X); goto nOQJM; nOQJM: } public function d6aI1() : void { $this->Xgtrt(new stdClass(), $this->o3bic(stdClass::class)); } public function ev8hh() : void { $this->xGtRt("\163\x74\162\151\156\147", $this->U1_Pq("\163\x74\162\151\156\147")); } public function f5GnX() : void { $this->Xgtrt([], $this->isEmpty()); } public function n2UaI() : void { $this->xgtrT(__FILE__, $this->H2chL()); } public function SMiqb() : void { $this->xGTrT(2, $this->lJI5K(1)); } public function mY7yR() : void { $this->xgtRt(2, $this->FQMo4(1)); } public function vE0AS() : void { $this->xGtRt(1, $this->HSB4F(2)); } public function WjWQ2() : void { $this->XGTRt(1, $this->CWH13(2)); } public function arx1Z() : void { $this->xgtrT("\146\x6f\157\x62\141\x72", $this->veK6_("\x2f\x66\x6f\157\x2f")); } public function MvfM3() : void { $this->xgtRt(null, $this->rIccq(static fn($AGuiV) => true)); } public function D4cA7() : void { $this->xgtrt([1], $this->D7oCw(1)); } public function Ottnw() : void { goto DYhrn; WjTeL: $this->s6bDU(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\170\155\x6c", JiodW . "\142\x61\x72\x2e\170\x6d\x6c"); goto dRTGg; DYhrn: $this->S6BDu(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\155\154", JiodW . "\x66\157\157\56\x78\155\154"); goto SVuo9; SVuo9: $this->lH0UE(a8FKD::class); goto WjTeL; dRTGg: } public function bd53K() : void { goto djNaM; djNaM: $this->hrt9e(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\154", JiodW . "\142\x61\x72\56\170\155\x6c"); goto qe071; cj6Pk: $this->hrt9E(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c", JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\155\154"); goto wAvnr; qe071: $this->Lh0ue(A8fkd::class); goto cj6Pk; wAvnr: } public function KZ6zk() : void { goto yfiuy; yfiuy: $this->f_Uc1(JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\56\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\56\170\x6d\154")); goto AAC9F; AAC9F: $this->Lh0ue(A8fKD::class); goto pQkZ0; pQkZ0: $this->f_uC1(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\56\x78\x6d\154", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\142\141\162\56\x78\x6d\154")); goto S2YwI; S2YwI: } public function LwkqA() : void { goto aEVFq; aEVFq: $this->xzUwB(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\56\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x55\x70\x70\x65\x72\x63\x61\x73\145\56\x78\x6d\154")); goto zyqPu; zyqPu: $this->Lh0uE(a8Fkd::class); goto gd71H; gd71H: $this->XZUwb(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\56\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\142\141\x72\x2e\170\x6d\x6c")); goto Vq02V; Vq02V: } public function CTPDB() : void { goto Z8ymW; Z8ymW: $this->HdA9B(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x62\141\x72\x2e\x78\155\x6c")); goto U7m8a; U7m8a: $this->LH0uE(A8FKd::class); goto Cfar1; Cfar1: $this->hda9b(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\155\154", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\56\x78\x6d\154")); goto Ho7jl; Ho7jl: } public function OiHnE() : void { goto FSAUR; FSAUR: $this->Bxpzt(JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\56\170\155\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x62\141\x72\x2e\x78\x6d\154")); goto lZfkB; lZfkB: $this->lh0UE(A8fkD::class); goto EiZyJ; EiZyJ: $this->bXPZT(JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\157\125\160\x70\x65\x72\143\141\x73\x65\x2e\x78\x6d\154")); goto SfV68; SfV68: } public function FrHUV() : void { goto j3Pur; MtSxr: $this->Lh0Ue(a8fKD::class); goto yi7m0; yi7m0: $this->SsqUC(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\157\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c", JiodW . "\142\141\162\56\x78\155\154"); goto DJj0C; j3Pur: $this->sSQUc(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\56\x78\x6d\154", JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x55\x70\x70\145\x72\x63\x61\x73\145\56\170\155\x6c"); goto MtSxr; DJj0C: } public function GzHPP() : void { goto QD9Em; QD9Em: $this->Wq9oE(JiodW . "\146\157\157\x2e\170\x6d\x6c", JiodW . "\x62\141\x72\x2e\170\155\154"); goto zLhUm; zLhUm: $this->lH0ue(a8FKd::class); goto qSa51; qSa51: $this->WQ9oe(JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\x2e\x78\155\x6c", JiodW . "\x66\x6f\x6f\125\x70\x70\145\x72\143\x61\163\x65\x2e\170\x6d\x6c"); goto cKECx; cKECx: } public function cbhxd() : void { goto LasXF; hFD7C: $this->DutZp("\160\x72\145\x66\x69\x78", "\146\157\157"); goto QIKYb; d26tE: $this->LH0UE(A8FKD::class); goto hFD7C; LasXF: $this->DUtZp("\160\162\145\146\x69\170", "\160\x72\145\x66\x69\170\146\x6f\x6f"); goto d26tE; QIKYb: } public function mcg_k() : void { goto QGxHh; RMYfr: $this->dmVwM("\160\x72\x65\146\x69\x78", "\x70\x72\145\146\151\170\146\157\157"); goto RACDL; QGxHh: $this->DMvWm("\x70\162\145\146\151\170", "\146\x6f\x6f"); goto T0kpY; T0kpY: $this->Lh0uE(a8fKd::class); goto RMYfr; RACDL: } public function Jk5mP() : void { goto NfwNu; gfMAv: $this->Ue3Zl("\x73\x75\146\x66\x69\x78", "\x66\157\157"); goto qXZJy; NfwNu: $this->Ue3zl("\x73\x75\x66\x66\151\170", "\x66\157\x6f\x73\165\146\146\x69\170"); goto TtuRT; TtuRT: $this->lh0Ue(a8FKd::class); goto gfMAv; qXZJy: } public function uXYyd() : void { goto nwry1; nwry1: $this->aub9F("\x73\165\x66\x66\151\x78", "\x66\x6f\157"); goto KR1Na; FQuBs: $this->aub9f("\x73\x75\146\x66\151\x78", "\x66\x6f\x6f\163\165\x66\146\x69\170"); goto L3Je0; KR1Na: $this->lH0ue(A8FKd::class); goto FQuBs; L3Je0: } #[DataProvider("\141\x73\x73\x65\162\164\x53\x74\x72\x69\156\x67\103\x6f\156\x74\141\151\x6e\x73\x53\164\162\151\x6e\147\x49\147\x6e\157\x72\151\x6e\147\x4c\x69\x6e\145\x45\156\x64\x69\x6e\x67\x73\x50\162\157\166\x69\144\145\x72")] public function f26ht(string $OpDNt, string $oSUe2) : void { $this->lHPBE($OpDNt, $oSUe2); } public function JZsYx() : void { $this->lh0uE(J_lyO::class); $this->lhpbe("\x62\xa\x63", "\15\xa\143\xd\xa"); } #[DataProvider("\x61\163\163\x65\162\x74\123\164\x72\151\156\x67\x45\161\165\x61\154\163\x53\x74\x72\x69\156\147\111\147\156\x6f\162\x69\x6e\147\x4c\x69\x6e\x65\x45\156\144\151\x6e\147\163\x50\x72\x6f\x76\151\x64\x65\162")] public function fWbcy(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->La9GX($o17PN, $vyqdG); } #[DataProvider("\141\163\x73\145\162\164\123\164\x72\151\x6e\x67\105\161\x75\141\x6c\163\x53\164\x72\151\156\x67\111\x67\x6e\x6f\162\151\x6e\x67\x4c\151\x6e\145\x45\156\144\151\x6e\147\163\120\162\157\166\x69\144\x65\162\116\x65\147\141\164\x69\166\145")] public function ABuIl(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->LH0Ue(J_lYo::class); $this->La9GX($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function dMCef() : void { $this->faT05("\52\x25\163\52", "\52\52\52"); } public function My57S() : void { $this->lh0Ue(A8fkd::class); $this->FAT05("\52\x25\163\x2a", "\52\52"); } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function C7A08() : void { goto bSEua; a5wV_: $this->FaT05("\52\x25\163\x2a", "\x2a\x2a"); goto WEji1; qkq28: $this->lh0Ue(a8FKD::class); goto a5wV_; bSEua: $this->BE5Fy("\x2a\x25\163\52", "\52\52"); goto qkq28; WEji1: } public function tjnz4() : void { goto fNJ8J; fNJ8J: $this->IGT0m([]); goto RBsYr; ebNEf: $this->igt0M(["\146\157\x6f"]); goto RBBXU; RBsYr: $this->Lh0ue(a8FkD::class); goto ebNEf; RBBXU: } public function C2Nyp() : void { goto JmfD_; v1ku8: $this->lH0UE(g3szC::class); goto vKvbw; JmfD_: $nVO4n = ONYeH(); goto v1ku8; jZgKh: $this->igT0m($nVO4n); goto QZvGn; vKvbw: $this->yP8HW("\x50\x61\x73\163\151\x6e\x67\40\141\156\x20\x61\x72\147\x75\x6d\145\156\164\x20\x6f\146\40\x74\x79\x70\x65\x20\107\x65\x6e\145\162\141\164\157\162\x20\146\x6f\162\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\x24\141\x63\x74\165\x61\x6c\40\160\141\162\141\155\x65\164\145\x72\x20\x69\163\40\x6e\157\x74\40\163\x75\x70\x70\x6f\x72\x74\145\144"); goto jZgKh; QZvGn: } public function FnSTI() : void { goto nEKY6; tax7_: $this->A0ee0([]); goto UxmcR; nEKY6: $this->A0ee0(["\x66\x6f\157"]); goto Hqr4Y; Hqr4Y: $this->LH0uE(a8FKd::class); goto tax7_; UxmcR: } public function QsGN2() : void { goto It_TG; It_TG: $nVO4n = ONyeH(); goto xckc4; xckc4: $this->lh0uE(G3szC::class); goto qws_Z; Jcy3N: $this->a0ee0($nVO4n); goto mAru9; qws_Z: $this->YP8HW("\120\141\163\x73\151\156\147\x20\x61\x6e\40\x61\x72\147\165\155\145\156\164\40\157\146\x20\x74\x79\x70\145\40\x47\145\x6e\145\162\141\x74\x6f\x72\x20\146\x6f\x72\40\x74\x68\x65\40\44\x61\x63\164\165\x61\x6c\40\x70\141\162\141\x6d\x65\x74\x65\162\40\x69\x73\40\156\x6f\x74\40\x73\165\x70\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x65\x64"); goto Jcy3N; mAru9: } public function Dk1UM() : void { try { $this->Alu4w("\x69\156\x63\x6f\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\x74\145"); } catch (RLynd $sl_tW) { $this->RUdHi("\x69\156\x63\157\x6d\160\x6c\x65\164\x65", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } $this->b6ZBA(); } public function K9kUQ() : void { try { $this->m1ONC("\163\x6b\151\160\x70\145\x64"); } catch (c4ZoT $sl_tW) { $this->RUdHI("\x73\x6b\x69\160\x70\x65\x64", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } $this->B6zbA(); } public function wNqsG() : void { goto h1Krp; KoWSH: $this->kvkAB(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto xbzCp; pINvw: $this->lH0UE(A8FKd::class); goto KoWSH; h1Krp: $this->KVkAb(2, [1, 2]); goto pINvw; xbzCp: } public function HkEwU() : void { goto faef5; o8PfF: $this->kVKab(0, $nVO4n); goto qJVSh; faef5: $nVO4n = ONyeH(); goto AB7Ie; JSqQM: $this->Yp8HW("\120\141\x73\163\151\156\147\x20\x61\156\40\x61\162\x67\165\x6d\145\156\164\40\157\x66\x20\164\171\x70\145\x20\107\145\x6e\x65\x72\x61\164\157\x72\x20\146\x6f\162\x20\x74\150\145\x20\x24\150\141\171\x73\164\141\143\x6b\x20\160\141\162\x61\x6d\145\x74\x65\162\40\151\163\40\156\157\x74\x20\163\165\x70\x70\x6f\x72\164\145\x64"); goto o8PfF; AB7Ie: $this->LH0uE(g3SZc::class); goto JSqQM; qJVSh: } public function S0RSb() : void { goto S1DAc; S1DAc: $this->KvkaB(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2])); goto OyxXk; gu9i3: $this->kvkaB(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3])); goto uOW2d; OyxXk: $this->lh0Ue(a8fkD::class); goto gu9i3; uOW2d: } public function a1xty() : void { goto vtR9G; koAIk: $this->LH0UE(a8fKd::class); goto Y8qEf; Y8qEf: $this->P7wQt(2, [1, 2]); goto dJcIz; vtR9G: $this->P7wqt(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto koAIk; dJcIz: } public function bfH6c() : void { goto NKbi6; QMydM: $this->p7WqT(0, $nVO4n); goto s_jey; BeKJu: $this->yP8HW("\120\141\x73\163\x69\x6e\147\x20\x61\x6e\40\x61\162\147\x75\155\145\x6e\x74\x20\157\x66\x20\164\171\x70\x65\40\x47\x65\156\145\x72\x61\x74\157\162\40\146\157\x72\40\164\150\x65\40\x24\150\x61\x79\163\164\141\143\x6b\40\x70\x61\x72\x61\x6d\x65\x74\145\x72\40\x69\x73\x20\x6e\157\164\x20\163\x75\x70\160\x6f\162\x74\x65\144"); goto QMydM; NKbi6: $nVO4n = OnYeH(); goto Qn1Ky; Qn1Ky: $this->lH0UE(G3SzC::class); goto BeKJu; s_jey: } public function b0fS0() : void { goto dBR6t; dBR6t: $this->n58sH([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto hy9C5; hy9C5: $this->LH0uE(a8fKd::class); goto gDjXL; gDjXL: $this->n58SH([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto vtkZ2; vtkZ2: } public function gRZ7t() : void { goto WfZ_g; wihzD: $this->n58sH($nVO4n, []); goto TITst; XzM7m: $this->LH0uE(G3szc::class); goto XZG7I; XZG7I: $this->YP8Hw("\x50\141\163\163\151\x6e\x67\x20\141\156\x20\x61\x72\x67\x75\x6d\x65\x6e\164\x20\x6f\x66\x20\x74\171\160\x65\x20\107\x65\x6e\145\x72\141\x74\157\x72\40\146\157\x72\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\44\145\170\160\x65\143\x74\x65\x64\40\x70\x61\162\141\x6d\x65\164\145\162\40\x69\x73\x20\156\157\164\x20\x73\165\160\x70\157\162\164\x65\x64"); goto wihzD; WfZ_g: $nVO4n = OnYEh(); goto XzM7m; TITst: } public function IvuTy() : void { goto CTnWZ; PaipY: $this->YP8Hw("\120\x61\163\x73\x69\156\x67\x20\141\156\x20\x61\162\x67\165\155\x65\156\x74\x20\x6f\146\x20\x74\171\x70\145\x20\x47\145\x6e\x65\162\x61\164\157\x72\40\x66\x6f\x72\x20\x74\150\145\x20\x24\141\143\x74\165\x61\x6c\40\160\x61\162\141\x6d\145\x74\x65\x72\x20\x69\163\40\156\x6f\x74\40\163\x75\x70\x70\157\x72\x74\145\144"); goto FTxJn; FTxJn: $this->N58sh([], $nVO4n); goto EKPP3; CTnWZ: $nVO4n = oNyEH(); goto ps13d; ps13d: $this->Lh0uE(g3SzC::class); goto PaipY; EKPP3: } public function ljoi1() : void { goto u08ne; u08ne: $this->QD0G7([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto LQb4x; LQb4x: $this->LH0Ue(a8fKD::class); goto Z5z21; Z5z21: $this->qd0g7([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto akRm3; akRm3: } public function pW0Kg() : void { goto H4Zke; TXMom: $this->QD0G7($nVO4n, []); goto U65yY; AvA3N: $this->Yp8Hw("\120\141\x73\x73\151\156\x67\x20\141\x6e\40\141\x72\147\x75\x6d\145\x6e\164\x20\157\x66\x20\164\171\x70\145\x20\107\145\x6e\145\162\141\x74\157\x72\x20\x66\157\x72\40\164\x68\x65\40\44\x65\170\160\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\40\160\x61\x72\x61\155\x65\x74\145\162\40\151\163\40\156\157\164\40\x73\165\160\x70\157\x72\x74\x65\144"); goto TXMom; H4Zke: $nVO4n = oNYeH(); goto QH6jV; QH6jV: $this->lh0Ue(g3sZC::class); goto AvA3N; U65yY: } public function r3AFA() : void { goto pRQCJ; Q862b: $this->Lh0Ue(G3szC::class); goto HGZ1N; pRQCJ: $nVO4n = OnYeH(); goto Q862b; HGZ1N: $this->yp8Hw("\x50\141\x73\163\151\x6e\x67\40\x61\156\x20\x61\x72\x67\165\155\145\156\164\x20\x6f\146\x20\164\171\160\145\40\107\x65\x6e\145\x72\141\164\x6f\x72\40\146\157\162\40\x74\x68\145\x20\44\141\x63\164\165\x61\154\x20\160\141\162\x61\155\x65\164\x65\162\40\151\163\40\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x73\165\160\160\x6f\x72\x74\145\x64"); goto FrGRP; FrGRP: $this->QD0G7([], $nVO4n); goto kKNfe; kKNfe: } public function iFsn5() : void { $this->juau1("\173\175"); } public function gsvak() : void { goto hEw4d; mHErz: $kuOEZ = "\107\x69\x76\145\x6e\x20\112\163\x6f\x6e\x20\163\x74\162\x69\x6e\x67\163\40\144\157\x20\156\x6f\x74\40\x6d\141\x74\x63\x68"; goto I_U7E; hEw4d: $o17PN = "\173\42\115\x61\163\x63\157\x74\164\x22\x20\x3a\x20\x22\124\x75\170\42\x7d"; goto ByE91; ByE91: $vyqdG = "\173\42\x4d\x61\x73\143\x6f\164\x74\42\40\72\40\42\124\165\170\42\x7d"; goto mHErz; I_U7E: $this->HA0Zd($o17PN, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto z_NeR; z_NeR: } #[DataProvider("\x76\141\154\x69\144\x49\156\166\141\154\x69\144\x4a\x73\x6f\156\x50\x72\x6f\166\x69\144\x65\x72")] public function SAnoe(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->lH0ue(A8fkd::class); $this->hA0zd($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function w_m0V() : void { goto uVRI0; fvl_T: $this->QaKYt($o17PN, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto MumVp; uVRI0: $o17PN = "\x7b\x22\x4d\141\163\x63\x6f\164\164\42\x20\72\x20\42\x42\x65\x61\163\x74\x69\145\42\175"; goto b9JdJ; b9JdJ: $vyqdG = "\173\x22\x4d\x61\x73\143\157\164\x74\42\x20\72\x20\42\x54\x75\x78\x22\175"; goto fa7Zd; fa7Zd: $kuOEZ = "\x47\151\x76\x65\156\40\112\x73\x6f\156\x20\x73\x74\x72\151\x6e\147\x73\40\144\157\x20\155\141\164\x63\150"; goto fvl_T; MumVp: } #[DataProvider("\166\x61\154\151\x64\x49\x6e\x76\141\154\x69\144\x4a\163\x6f\x6e\120\162\157\x76\151\144\x65\162")] public function jIv3d(string $o17PN, string $vyqdG) : void { $this->lH0UE(a8fKd::class); $this->QaKYT($o17PN, $vyqdG); } public function YdbKD() : void { goto vraxK; Pc6Uy: $vyqdG = json_encode(["\x4d\141\x73\x63\x6f\x74\164" => "\x54\165\x78"]); goto ZDYFx; UCIw6: $this->hOjtm($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto whWlW; ZDYFx: $kuOEZ = ''; goto UCIw6; vraxK: $A856b = JiodW . "\x4a\x73\157\x6e\x44\141\164\141\x2f\x73\151\155\x70\154\145\x4f\142\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x2e\x6a\163\x6f\156"; goto Pc6Uy; whWlW: } public function HVm97() : void { goto xk4zQ; xk4zQ: $A856b = JiodW . "\112\x73\157\x6e\x44\141\x74\141\x2f\x73\x69\x6d\160\154\145\117\x62\x6a\145\143\x74\56\152\163\157\x6e"; goto Nj1cA; aGQeU: $this->B6ZBA("\105\x78\x70\x65\143\164\145\x64\x20\105\x78\x63\145\160\x74\151\157\156\40\x6e\157\x74\x20\x74\x68\162\x6f\167\x6e\x2e"); goto MxiHc; GHK7d: $kuOEZ = ''; goto iOK0l; iOK0l: try { $this->HOjtM($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); } catch (J_LYO $sl_tW) { $this->RUDhI("\106\141\x69\x6c\145\x64\x20\x61\163\163\x65\162\164\x69\156\x67\x20\164\150\141\x74\x20\47\x7b\x22\115\141\x73\143\157\x74\x74\42\72\x22\x42\x65\x61\x73\164\151\x65\x22\175\47\x20\x6d\x61\164\143\x68\145\163\40\x4a\x53\117\116\x20\x73\164\x72\151\x6e\147\x20\42\173\42\x4d\x61\x73\143\x6f\x74\x74\42\x3a\42\x54\165\170\x22\x7d\x22\56", $sl_tW->getMessage()); return; } goto aGQeU; Nj1cA: $vyqdG = json_encode(["\x4d\141\163\x63\x6f\x74\164" => "\102\x65\x61\x73\x74\151\x65"]); goto GHK7d; MxiHc: } public function qAlgs() : void { goto M3S9g; w9KQz: $kuOEZ = ''; goto x8eZ2; M3S9g: $A856b = JiodW . "\112\163\x6f\x6e\104\x61\x74\141\x2f\163\151\155\x70\x6c\145\x4f\142\152\x65\x63\x74\56\x6a\x73\157\x6e"; goto aBW_Z; aBW_Z: $vyqdG = json_encode(["\115\x61\163\143\x6f\164\164" => "\102\145\x61\x73\x74\151\x65"]); goto w9KQz; x8eZ2: $this->WCFjI($A856b, $vyqdG, $kuOEZ); goto uZjpL; uZjpL: } public function W6YtC() : void { goto Sv6sV; FV0gR: $kuOEZ = ''; goto I1g9D; Sv6sV: $RlTDU = JiodW . "\x4a\163\x6f\156\x44\141\x74\x61\x2f\163\151\x6d\160\x6c\145\x4f\142\152\x65\x63\164\56\x6a\x73\157\156"; goto I4MhU; I4MhU: $kakcz = JiodW . "\112\163\157\x6e\x44\141\x74\x61\x2f\x61\162\x72\x61\x79\117\142\x6a\x65\143\x74\x2e\x6a\x73\157\156"; goto FV0gR; I1g9D: $this->md9N6($RlTDU, $kakcz, $kuOEZ); goto tstmZ; tstmZ: } public function Os6mj() : void { goto SxEH8; g5e7X: $this->XBfHW($A856b, $A856b, $kuOEZ); goto SoN7v; vtVR7: $kuOEZ = ''; goto g5e7X; SxEH8: $A856b = JiodW . "\112\x73\157\156\104\141\x74\141\x2f\x73\x69\155\160\154\x65\x4f\142\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x2e\152\163\157\x6e"; goto vtVR7; SoN7v: } public function UChux() : void { $this->LH0uE(Exception::class); $this->t7iKP(Ph7Ux::class, new stdClass()); } public function gKqJc() : void { goto hYrIV; hYrIV: $this->t7ikP(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto Qe2ns; MyluA: $this->t7IkP(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto Idl0J; Qe2ns: $this->LH0uE(a8Fkd::class); goto MyluA; Idl0J: } public function SLoZ4() : void { $this->lh0uE(Exception::class); $this->gzCWs(ph7ux::class, new stdClass()); } public function hkwCB() : void { goto O8sgN; cqz8z: $this->gZcwS(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto Vzg9u; XCRUJ: $this->lh0ue(a8fKD::class); goto cqz8z; O8sgN: $this->gZCwS(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto XCRUJ; Vzg9u: } public function OXVR3() : void { goto sliRr; DugDV: $this->lh0Ue(A8FKD::class); goto qrffX; sliRr: $this->PCa5A("\x46\117\x4f\12", JiodW . "\145\x78\x70\x65\x63\164\145\144\x46\x69\x6c\x65\x46\x6f\162\x6d\x61\x74\x2e\x74\170\x74"); goto DugDV; qrffX: $this->PCA5a("\x42\x41\122\xa", JiodW . "\145\x78\160\x65\x63\164\x65\144\x46\151\154\145\106\x6f\x72\x6d\141\x74\x2e\x74\170\x74"); goto ikiET; ikiET: } public function dQWCd() : void { goto wIOZd; dx9fm: $this->imZVf(JiodW . "\145\x78\160\145\x63\x74\145\x64\x46\151\154\145\106\x6f\162\155\x61\164\56\x74\170\164", JiodW . "\141\x63\164\x75\x61\154\106\x69\154\145\x46\x6f\x72\x6d\141\164\56\164\x78\164"); goto ceJXa; MXn37: $this->lH0uE(a8FkD::class); goto dx9fm; wIOZd: $this->iMzvf(JiodW . "\x65\170\x70\x65\x63\164\x65\144\x46\x69\x6c\x65\106\157\x72\155\141\164\x2e\164\x78\164", JiodW . "\x65\x78\x70\145\x63\x74\x65\144\106\151\x6c\x65\x46\x6f\162\x6d\x61\x74\56\164\170\x74"); goto MXn37; ceJXa: } public function f0BeO() : void { goto D_JOK; EsM_Z: $this->lh0ue(A8fkD::class); goto FvZmP; FvZmP: $this->wLAJN(JiodW . "\x65\x78\x70\x65\143\164\145\144\106\x69\x6c\x65\106\157\162\x6d\x61\x74\x2e\x74\170\x74", "\x42\x41\x52\xa"); goto abuY8; D_JOK: $this->wLAjn(JiodW . "\x65\x78\160\x65\x63\x74\145\144\106\151\x6c\145\x46\x6f\x72\x6d\x61\x74\x2e\x74\170\164", "\x46\x4f\x4f\12"); goto EsM_Z; abuY8: } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function CF3uB() : void { goto wr58c; wr58c: $this->Sp25J(JiodW . "\145\170\x70\145\x63\x74\x65\x64\x46\x69\x6c\x65\x46\x6f\162\155\x61\x74\x2e\x74\170\164", "\102\101\x52\12"); goto m1Wcq; m1Wcq: $this->LH0ue(A8fKd::class); goto g4eEA; g4eEA: $this->SP25j(JiodW . "\x65\170\160\x65\143\x74\145\144\106\151\x6c\145\106\x6f\x72\x6d\x61\164\x2e\164\170\x74", "\x46\117\117\12"); goto CVcB4; CVcB4: } public function VItAl() : void { goto KRVPI; Ds9lN: $this->D5JCa(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\x6f\x2e\x74\170\164", JiodW . "\146\x6f\x6f\56\170\155\x6c"); goto V2pSq; q9b0W: $this->d5JCa(JiodW . "\146\157\x6f\56\x74\170\164", JiodW . "\x66\x6f\157\56\x74\x78\164"); goto TDiL5; TDiL5: $this->Lh0UE(a8fkD::class); goto Ds9lN; KRVPI: $this->hrt9E(JiodW . "\x66\157\157\56\164\x78\x74", JiodW . "\x62\141\x72\56\164\170\x74"); goto q9b0W; V2pSq: } public function oA7IG() : void { goto w8UTP; D902X: $this->lh0Ue(A8fkD::class); goto WBPti; WBPti: $this->Jhcb_(JiodW . "\x66\x6f\157\x2e\x78\155\154", $DHTT6); goto NXG3x; CKWo9: $this->jhCB_(JiodW . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\x78\x6d\154", "\x42\101\x52"); goto D902X; LBvpo: $this->JHCB_(JiodW . "\146\157\157\x2e\170\155\x6c", $DHTT6 . "\40\102\x41\122"); goto CKWo9; w8UTP: $DHTT6 = file_get_contents(JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\154"); goto LBvpo; NXG3x: } public function dOY1T() : void { $this->jyFtm("\x61", "\101"); $this->Ikjpj("\x61", "\x42"); } public function kH7rW() : void { $this->JyFtm(["\141"], ["\101"]); $this->ikJPj(["\x61"], ["\102"]); } public function B63fd() : void { $this->eQfwC(2.3, 2.5, 0.5); $this->DVFQA(2.3, 3.5, 0.5); } public function fXy9k() : void { $this->EQFwc([2.3], [2.5], 0.5); $this->DvfQA([2.3], [3.5], 0.5); } public function zVdWR() : void { $this->oKyUI([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]); $this->BKLXJ([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 4]); } public function bOd0m() : void { goto Q8Wtr; aTmRS: try { $this->LWho7(null); } catch (a8fKD) { return; } goto zVz1z; zVz1z: $this->b6ZbA(); goto ghNtq; Q8Wtr: $this->lwHo7([]); goto aTmRS; ghNtq: } public function Qoc3N() : void { goto YTyxu; YTyxu: $this->StGWZ(true); goto zccs9; oso0g: $this->b6ZbA(); goto bM5SK; zccs9: try { $this->StGWz(null); } catch (A8fkD) { return; } goto oso0g; bM5SK: } public function dlVQz() : void { goto iz4SZ; iz4SZ: $this->rG00d(0.0); goto xHX1P; xHX1P: try { $this->rG00d(null); } catch (A8FkD) { return; } goto P7pqa; P7pqa: $this->b6zbA(); goto Gz9Bj; Gz9Bj: } public function zn0MW() : void { goto kzHwR; KLFUE: $this->b6ZBa(); goto djab5; kzHwR: $this->atyK1(1); goto sVJCp; sVJCp: try { $this->AtYk1(null); } catch (A8Fkd) { return; } goto KLFUE; djab5: } public function oY9N1() : void { goto rMbIS; W9iaB: $this->b6Zba(); goto aLs63; rMbIS: $this->vifHV("\x31\56\x30"); goto kVoNy; kVoNy: try { $this->VifHv("\x61\142\x63"); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } goto W9iaB; aLs63: } public function TcsI5() : void { goto rL3V8; r0VVN: $this->b6ZBA(); goto toOQW; rL3V8: $this->wGF7M(new stdClass()); goto J_Y91; J_Y91: try { $this->WgF7M(null); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto r0VVN; toOQW: } public function KvXsS() : void { goto CAU5E; tQZ6T: $this->b6zba(); goto ga0Tg; ETKye: try { $this->r48Gx(null); } catch (a8Fkd) { return; } goto tQZ6T; CAU5E: $this->R48gx(fopen(__FILE__, "\x72")); goto ETKye; ga0Tg: } public function Jjx7l() : void { goto V0PfJ; V0PfJ: $PClNz = fopen(__FILE__, "\x72"); goto o19KF; o19KF: fclose($PClNz); goto HANLg; GoIGV: $this->r48gX($PClNz); goto EJXS3; Mwy4d: $this->B6zba(); goto hFoZ_; HANLg: $this->JO6P6($PClNz); goto GoIGV; EJXS3: try { $this->jo6P6(null); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto Mwy4d; hFoZ_: } public function jXbcB() : void { goto GUqR3; GUqR3: $this->u1zZi(''); goto kCRIl; q_Yu_: $this->B6ZbA(); goto ICIrn; kCRIl: try { $this->U1ZZi(null); } catch (a8FKd) { return; } goto q_Yu_; ICIrn: } public function R04RG() : void { goto QNeRO; QNeRO: $this->vvHqG(true); goto ksSlH; ksSlH: try { $this->VvhQg(new stdClass()); } catch (A8fkd) { return; } goto aksjy; aksjy: $this->b6Zba(); goto JTxpj; JTxpj: } public function Ahpb2() : void { goto w5P3a; w5P3a: $this->TJxyj(static function () : void { }); goto MwIVb; tYbkr: $this->b6ZBA(); goto o0Gyq; MwIVb: try { $this->TJxYJ(null); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto tYbkr; o0Gyq: } public function fULeF() : void { goto tr99F; d3tX5: $this->b6Zba(); goto cRcg1; MR9VF: try { $this->fSQ71(null); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto d3tX5; tr99F: $this->fsq71([]); goto MR9VF; cRcg1: } public function HrpQw() : void { goto Qw5ys; Qw5ys: $this->j7rLK(null); goto xV9OB; xV9OB: try { $this->j7rLk([]); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto E6j14; E6j14: $this->B6zbA(); goto HxX04; HxX04: } public function uNAU3() : void { goto ZmBjM; lwTec: try { $this->CEWS0(true); } catch (a8Fkd) { return; } goto Si5Mx; Si5Mx: $this->B6Zba(); goto nY5g8; ZmBjM: $this->CEwS0(null); goto lwTec; nY5g8: } public function tEhSB() : void { goto KMGJU; KMGJU: $this->P6hId(null); goto fWO18; fWO18: try { $this->P6HiD(0.0); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto wNKeI; wNKeI: $this->b6ZBA(); goto dQYhJ; dQYhJ: } public function pU0Em() : void { goto W4s4s; D150A: try { $this->LRLZ0(1); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto vLwC0; vLwC0: $this->b6zbA(); goto RBLj0; W4s4s: $this->LRlZ0(null); goto D150A; RBLj0: } public function x1jSG() : void { goto sq9Vs; sq9Vs: $this->DlcUG("\141\x62\x63"); goto jRdqS; jRdqS: try { $this->dLcug("\x31\x2e\60"); } catch (a8FkD) { return; } goto nBQwV; nBQwV: $this->b6ZBa(); goto wqZyX; wqZyX: } public function Un9Bn() : void { goto X4f0e; GYyoj: try { $this->lmlJE(new stdClass()); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto Jj1nW; X4f0e: $this->LmLje(null); goto GYyoj; Jj1nW: $this->B6zbA(); goto JJBr6; JJBr6: } public function ltFqC() : void { goto HieRB; FLDUr: $this->B6zba(); goto VbCof; HieRB: $this->IOYtg(null); goto KzhIk; KzhIk: try { $this->IOytG(fopen(__FILE__, "\x72")); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto FLDUr; VbCof: } public function g3Vsa() : void { goto GUp5g; m9_de: try { $this->iOYtG($PClNz); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto apzX3; s0sxX: try { $this->bJIjk($PClNz); } catch (a8FkD) { return; } goto m9_de; aImix: $PClNz = fopen(__FILE__, "\x72"); goto lwnzM; GUp5g: $this->bjIjK(null); goto aImix; apzX3: $this->b6zbA(); goto u5p24; lwnzM: fclose($PClNz); goto s0sxX; u5p24: } public function PvCkv() : void { goto VDIS1; VDIS1: $this->ZITv7(new stdClass()); goto iYtjO; iYtjO: try { $this->zItv7(true); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto LaUZh; LaUZh: $this->B6zBA(); goto KSudK; KSudK: } public function FekTS() : void { goto k0Ect; aV_uJ: try { $this->GML9P(''); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto Qb7Jq; Qb7Jq: $this->b6zba(); goto s0yGi; k0Ect: $this->GMl9p(null); goto aV_uJ; s0yGi: } public function blEyt() : void { goto ZGC95; jzt6a: try { $this->n7oFq(static function () : void { }); } catch (A8fkD) { return; } goto kXPnp; ZGC95: $this->n7oFQ(null); goto jzt6a; kXPnp: $this->B6zba(); goto ZFD2g; ZFD2g: } public function FvSOa() : void { goto yQRyA; DPRjx: $this->b6Zba(); goto DIxgi; b3ZPR: try { $this->ZNHjV([]); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto DPRjx; yQRyA: $this->znHJv(null); goto b3ZPR; DIxgi: } public function ipRfQ() : void { goto YcpLr; A47kR: $this->xgTrT(true, $this->Pl4Fm($this->HpD1L(), $this->cLwLn())); goto z75Rs; kAosE: $this->lh0ue(A8FKd::class); goto A47kR; YcpLr: $this->xgTRT(true, $this->pL4Fm($this->hpd1l(), $this->hpD1L())); goto kAosE; z75Rs: } public function X_ndH() : void { goto lquAD; rlWS1: $this->XGTRT(true, $this->n4fEQ($this->cLWln(), $this->ClwlN())); goto Le8eW; BK8Gh: $this->lH0Ue(A8fKD::class); goto rlWS1; lquAD: $this->xGTRt(true, $this->n4Feq($this->HpD1l(), $this->ClwLn())); goto BK8Gh; Le8eW: } public function Ojv1t() : void { goto KNzce; ExNV7: $this->LH0Ue(A8Fkd::class); goto N3cyQ; N3cyQ: $this->XgtRT(true, $this->TXFnm($this->HPd1L(), $this->Hpd1L())); goto tmJUu; KNzce: $this->xGtrT(true, $this->TXFnM($this->hPd1L(), $this->ClwlN())); goto ExNV7; tmJUu: } public function rOwRw() : void { goto K6P7l; K6P7l: $this->CbQf7("\142\141\x72", "\146\157\157\x62\141\162\142\141\172"); goto pImXJ; pImXJ: try { $this->CBQf7("\x62\141\162\x62\x61\162\141", "\x66\157\x6f\x62\x61\x72\x62\x61\x7a"); } catch (a8fkD) { return; } goto H0yvp; H0yvp: $this->b6ZBA(); goto XELHb; XELHb: } public function uR0Nf() : void { goto DeLg_; rRk65: try { $this->DMtMe("\142\x61\162", "\x66\157\x6f\142\x61\162\142\141\172"); } catch (A8FKD) { return; } goto pal7C; pal7C: $this->B6Zba(); goto J2p2B; DeLg_: $this->dmtmE("\x62\141\162\142\x61\162\141", "\x66\x6f\x6f\x62\x61\162\142\x61\172"); goto rRk65; J2p2B: } public function mHIWq() : void { goto dBi2n; dBi2n: $this->sHMy7("\102\101\x52", "\146\157\x6f\142\141\162\142\141\172"); goto ZF0eO; RMq66: $this->b6ZBa(); goto w80eB; ZF0eO: try { $this->Shmy7("\102\x41\122\102\101\122\x41", "\x66\157\x6f\x62\x61\x72\142\141\x7a"); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto RMq66; w80eB: } public function Fu3Fb() : void { goto HnaG7; HnaG7: $this->fHfLl("\102\x41\x52\x42\x41\122\101", "\146\157\x6f\x62\141\162\142\x61\x7a"); goto YIxWb; o8t0r: $this->b6Zba(); goto pXJ6l; YIxWb: try { $this->fhFLl("\x42\101\122", "\x66\157\157\x62\x61\162\x62\141\172"); } catch (A8fKd) { return; } goto o8t0r; pXJ6l: } public function o5GeF() : void { goto xOxlM; ifD68: $this->b6zBa(); goto c7SQQ; b3GFb: $gTcdy = [$XiXBt]; goto ioasT; xOxlM: $XiXBt = new stdClass(); goto b3GFb; bvGPX: try { $this->r2zM6(new stdClass(), $gTcdy); } catch (A8fKD) { return; } goto ifD68; ioasT: $this->R2Zm6($XiXBt, $gTcdy); goto bvGPX; c7SQQ: } public function PFW3C() : void { goto Ctasy; dHxai: $this->B6zba(); goto aAgBu; kUAzH: $this->L0O1H(new stdClass(), $gTcdy); goto yvLlm; Ctasy: $XiXBt = new stdClass(); goto rrQBl; yvLlm: try { $this->L0O1h($XiXBt, $gTcdy); } catch (A8FKd) { return; } goto dHxai; rrQBl: $gTcdy = [$XiXBt]; goto kUAzH; aAgBu: } public function eptYB() : void { goto bZodH; VMx_o: $M0if7 = new stdClass(); goto Y6gM1; bZodH: $z773H = new stdClass(); goto fOk2X; QgI_I: $this->w1SjK($z773H, [$z773H]); goto wdgwC; fOk2X: $z773H->V50Rb = "\x62\141\x72"; goto VMx_o; p4FyJ: $this->B6zBA(); goto CYFvY; wdgwC: try { $this->w1Sjk($M0if7, [$z773H]); } catch (a8fkd) { return; } goto p4FyJ; Y6gM1: $M0if7->V50Rb = "\x62\x61\x7a"; goto QgI_I; CYFvY: } public function R6ODk() : void { goto Ml_N3; OXCRL: $this->b6zBA(); goto h4NRx; f_UAD: try { $this->T8Xen($z773H, [$z773H]); } catch (a8fKD) { return; } goto OXCRL; umXSO: $z773H->V50Rb = "\142\x61\162"; goto sEKcv; Z7L_p: $this->T8XEN($M0if7, [$z773H]); goto f_UAD; sEKcv: $M0if7 = new stdClass(); goto keS46; Ml_N3: $z773H = new stdClass(); goto umXSO; keS46: $M0if7->V50Rb = "\142\x61\x7a"; goto Z7L_p; h4NRx: } public function Q2k6x() : void { goto UUetv; MP5nG: $this->B6ZbA(); goto Y0bcm; UUetv: $this->wP4Tb(new YLz4_(1), new Ylz4_(1)); goto enoxD; enoxD: try { $this->Wp4tB(new ylz4_(1), new ylz4_(2)); } catch (a8FKD) { return; } goto MP5nG; Y0bcm: } public function LkoYi() : void { goto uQ7Gd; WICZA: $this->b6ZbA(); goto QtMNy; l_pqq: $TYEEG->IJOoR = "\166\141\154\165\145"; goto vCDbZ; OCR7X: try { $this->orZZw("\144\x6f\x65\163\116\x6f\164\105\170\151\x73\x74", $TYEEG); } catch (A8fkD $sl_tW) { return; } goto WICZA; vCDbZ: $this->ORzzW("\x74\x68\x65\x50\162\x6f\x70\145\x72\164\x79", $TYEEG); goto OCR7X; uQ7Gd: $TYEEG = new stdClass(); goto l_pqq; QtMNy: } public function t4XuP() : void { goto vqmpZ; bjkiH: $this->RMDHV("\144\157\x65\x73\x4e\x6f\x74\x45\170\151\163\164", $TYEEG); goto nwzbR; fRIPV: $this->B6zba(); goto GV1n1; uwVyg: $TYEEG->IJOoR = "\x76\141\x6c\x75\x65"; goto bjkiH; nwzbR: try { $this->rmdhv("\x74\x68\x65\120\162\x6f\x70\145\162\x74\171", $TYEEG); } catch (A8fkD $sl_tW) { return; } goto fRIPV; vqmpZ: $TYEEG = new stdClass(); goto uwVyg; GV1n1: } protected static function DP73f() : array { goto oNc_N; e5RtI: $PClNz = fopen($A856b, "\162"); goto ZJxLA; Ajod6: $A856b = JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\56\x78\x6d\x6c"; goto e5RtI; oNc_N: $XiXBt = new YgRfD(4, 8, 15); goto Ajod6; ZJxLA: return [[null, null], ["\141", "\141"], [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.3, 2.3], [1 / 3, 1 / 3], [1 - 2 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [5.5E+123, 5.5E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.5E-123], [log(0), log(0)], [INF, INF], [-INF, -INF], [[], []], [[0 => 1], [0 => 1]], [[0 => null], [0 => null]], [["\141", "\142" => [1, 2]], ["\x61", "\142" => [1, 2]]], [$XiXBt, $XiXBt], [$PClNz, $PClNz]]; goto PtzPO; PtzPO: } protected static function FBF90() : array { goto mUg38; k7wQI: $c9kKg = new YGrfd(4, 8, 15); goto WcAPv; hpgtZ: $n82tX = new a5Eku(); goto Bo3mP; gCQUx: $zMdvx = new yGrfd(4, 8, 15); goto DL_36; DL_36: $FQBA7 = new SplObjectStorage(); goto e4TZF; qSCuW: $T0RvO = new A5EKU(); goto hRcuU; xEulz: $b3GhD->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $b3GhD; goto hpgtZ; cSvQo: $FIiJ1 = new stdClass(); goto JIk1c; Bo3mP: $n82tX->NcuSa = new IPMTy("\124\x65\x72\x72\x79\x20\x50\x72\141\x74\143\x68"); goto RkPFR; yww7K: return [["\141", "\142"], ["\x61", "\x41"], ["\x39\105\66\66\x36\x36\x36\x36\x36", "\x39\x45\x37\x37\x37\x37\67\67\67"], [1, 2], [2, 1], [2.3, 4.2], [2.3, 4.2, 0.5], [[2.3], [4.2], 0.5], [[[2.3]], [[4.2]], 0.5], [new lQN3_(2.3), new lqn3_(4.2), 0.5], [[new lQN3_(2.3)], [new lqN3_(4.2)], 0.5], [1 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [1 / 3, "\60\56\x33\x33\63\x33\63\63\x33\63\63\x33\x33\x33\x33\63\x33\63\67"], [1 - 2 / 3, "\x33\x33\x33\63\63\x33\x33\63\63\63\63\63\63\63\x33\63"], [5.5E+123, 5.6E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.6E-123], [5.5E+123, 5.5E-123], [NAN, NAN], [[], [0 => 1]], [[0 => 1], []], [[0 => null], []], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], [0 => 1, 1 => 3]], [["\141", "\142" => [1, 2]], ["\x61", "\x62" => [2, 1]]], [new Ygrfd(4, 8, 15), new YgrFd(16, 23, 42)], [$c9kKg, $liufM], [$b3GhD, $n82tX], [$T0RvO, $FIiJ1], [fopen($A856b, "\162"), fopen($A856b, "\162")], [$FQBA7, $j2bVs], [(new V1jBb())->load("\x3c\162\x6f\x6f\x74\x3e\74\x2f\x72\157\157\164\x3e"), (new v1jBb())->load("\x3c\x62\141\162\x2f\x3e")], [(new V1jBb())->load("\x3c\x66\x6f\157\40\x61\x74\164\162\x31\x3d\42\142\x61\162\42\57\x3e"), (new V1jbb())->load("\74\146\157\x6f\40\x61\x74\x74\162\x31\75\x22\x66\157\157\142\x61\x72\42\x2f\x3e")], [(new V1JBb())->load("\x3c\146\157\x6f\76\x20\142\141\162\40\74\57\146\157\x6f\76"), (new V1jBb())->load("\x3c\x66\x6f\157\x20\x2f\76")], [(new v1jbb())->load("\x3c\146\x6f\x6f\40\x78\155\x6c\x6e\163\75\42\x75\x72\x6e\x3a\155\x79\x6e\x73\72\142\x61\x72\x22\x2f\x3e"), (new v1jBB())->load("\x3c\x66\x6f\157\x20\170\x6d\x6c\156\163\x3d\x22\165\162\x6e\72\x6e\x6f\164\155\171\x6e\x73\x3a\142\141\162\x22\x2f\76")], [(new v1JbB())->load("\74\146\x6f\x6f\76\40\x62\x61\162\40\74\57\146\x6f\x6f\76"), (new v1jbB())->load("\74\146\x6f\x6f\x3e\x20\x62\151\x72\x20\x3c\57\146\x6f\157\76")], [new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\x33\x2d\60\63\x2d\x32\71\x20\60\64\x3a\61\63\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\162\151\x63\x61\57\116\145\x77\137\x59\x6f\x72\153")), new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\63\55\60\x33\55\62\71\x20\60\x33\x3a\61\63\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\162\151\143\x61\x2f\x4e\145\x77\x5f\x59\157\162\153"))], [new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\63\55\60\63\x2d\62\x39\40\x30\64\72\61\63\72\x33\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\145\x72\x69\x63\141\x2f\x4e\x65\x77\x5f\131\x6f\x72\153")), new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\x2d\x30\x33\55\x32\x39\x20\x30\63\x3a\61\x33\x3a\x33\x35", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\162\151\143\141\x2f\x4e\x65\x77\137\131\x6f\162\153")), 3500], [new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\x33\55\x30\63\55\x32\x39\40\60\64\72\61\x33\72\63\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\162\151\x63\x61\x2f\116\145\x77\137\131\x6f\x72\153")), new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\x2d\x30\63\55\x32\71\40\x30\x35\72\x31\63\x3a\x33\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\151\x63\141\57\x4e\145\167\x5f\131\x6f\x72\153")), 3500], [new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\63\x2d\60\x33\55\x32\71", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\145\x72\x69\143\141\x2f\116\x65\167\x5f\x59\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\63\x2d\60\63\55\x33\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\x72\151\143\x61\57\x4e\x65\167\137\131\157\x72\x6b"))], [new DateTime("\x32\x30\61\63\55\60\x33\x2d\x32\71", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\145\162\151\x63\x61\57\116\x65\x77\x5f\131\x6f\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\62\60\x31\x33\55\60\x33\x2d\63\60", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\162\x69\143\141\57\x4e\145\x77\137\131\157\x72\153")), 43200], [new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\63\55\x30\63\x2d\x32\x39\x20\60\64\72\61\x33\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\x72\x69\x63\141\57\116\x65\167\x5f\131\x6f\162\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\61\63\55\x30\x33\x2d\62\71\40\x30\x34\x3a\61\x33\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\x72\151\143\x61\x2f\x43\150\151\x63\141\x67\157"))], [new DateTime("\62\60\x31\63\x2d\60\63\x2d\x32\x39\x20\60\64\x3a\61\x33\x3a\63\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\x69\143\141\57\x4e\145\x77\x5f\x59\157\x72\153")), new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\55\60\63\55\x32\x39\40\60\64\x3a\61\63\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\x65\x72\151\143\x61\57\103\150\x69\143\x61\x67\x6f")), 3500], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\63\55\x30\63\55\x33\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\162\x69\143\x61\57\116\145\167\x5f\x59\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\x33\55\x30\x33\x2d\63\x30", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\x65\x72\x69\143\141\57\103\150\151\x63\141\x67\x6f"))], [new DateTime("\62\60\x31\63\x2d\60\63\55\62\x39\124\60\65\72\x31\63\x3a\x33\65\x2d\60\x36\60\x30"), new DateTime("\62\60\x31\63\x2d\x30\63\55\62\71\x54\60\64\72\x31\x33\x3a\x33\65\55\60\66\60\x30")], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\63\55\60\63\x2d\62\71\124\x30\65\72\x31\63\x3a\63\65\x2d\x30\x36\x30\x30"), new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\x33\x2d\x30\63\x2d\x32\71\x54\x30\65\72\x31\x33\72\x33\65\55\60\x35\x30\x30")], [new YgRFd(4, 8, 15), false], [false, new YGrfD(4, 8, 15)], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], false], [false, [0 => 1, 1 => 2]], [[], new stdClass()], [new stdClass(), []], [0, "\106\x6f\157\142\141\162"], ["\x46\x6f\157\x62\141\x72", 0], [3, acos(8)], [acos(8), 3]]; goto TXAQa; mUg38: $b3GhD = new A5Eku(); goto RNoK4; JIk1c: $FIiJ1->NcuSa = "\x54\x65\162\162\171\40\120\x72\141\x74\143\x68\x65\x74\164"; goto k7wQI; RkPFR: $n82tX->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $n82tX; goto qSCuW; hRcuU: $T0RvO->NcuSa = "\x54\x65\x72\x72\171\40\x50\162\x61\164\143\x68\x65\164\164"; goto cSvQo; RNoK4: $b3GhD->NcuSa = new IPmTy("\124\145\162\162\x79\x20\x50\162\x61\x74\x63\150\x65\164\x74"); goto xEulz; WcAPv: $liufM = new YGrFD(16, 23, 42); goto gCQUx; UzLXk: $j2bVs = new SplObjectStorage(); goto gfifs; F3rk1: $A856b = JiodW . "\x66\157\x6f\56\170\155\154"; goto yww7K; gfifs: $j2bVs->attach($zMdvx); goto F3rk1; e4TZF: $FQBA7->attach($c9kKg); goto UzLXk; TXAQa: } protected static function Wnujb() : array { goto KIUWN; mMu3s: $n82tX->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $n82tX; goto I_Jzc; vKqDQ: $FQBA7 = new SplObjectStorage(); goto rQl1J; UfxDT: $b3GhD->NcuSa = new ipMTy("\124\x65\162\162\171\40\x50\x72\x61\x74\143\x68\145\x74\x74"); goto x12eN; sV2Bg: $n82tX = new a5EKu(); goto RDjRQ; I_Jzc: $c9kKg = new YgrFd(4, 8, 15); goto nlw86; KIUWN: $b3GhD = new A5eKu(); goto UfxDT; q70FI: $j2bVs = new SplObjectStorage(); goto zPvDn; x12eN: $b3GhD->NcuSa->BYVqc[] = $b3GhD; goto sV2Bg; rQl1J: $FQBA7->attach($c9kKg); goto q70FI; RDjRQ: $n82tX->NcuSa = new IPMty("\124\145\x72\x72\x79\40\120\x72\141\x74\x63\x68\x65\164\x74"); goto mMu3s; zPvDn: $j2bVs->attach($c9kKg); goto oMWmZ; oMWmZ: return [[["\x61" => 1, "\x62" => 2], ["\142" => 2, "\141" => 1]], [[1], ["\61"]], [$c9kKg, $liufM], [$b3GhD, $n82tX], [$FQBA7, $j2bVs], [(new v1JBB())->load("\74\x72\x6f\x6f\x74\x3e\x3c\57\x72\157\157\164\x3e"), (new V1jBb())->load("\74\x72\157\x6f\164\57\x3e")], [(new v1Jbb())->load("\74\162\157\x6f\164\40\141\164\164\x72\x3d\x22\x62\141\162\x22\76\74\x2f\162\157\157\x74\76"), (new v1JBB())->load("\x3c\162\157\x6f\164\x20\141\164\164\162\x3d\x22\142\x61\162\42\x2f\x3e")], [(new v1JBB())->load("\74\162\x6f\157\164\x3e\74\146\x6f\x6f\x20\141\x74\x74\162\x3d\42\142\x61\162\x22\x3e\74\x2f\146\x6f\157\76\74\x2f\162\157\x6f\x74\x3e"), (new v1jbb())->load("\74\162\157\x6f\164\76\x3c\x66\157\157\40\141\164\x74\x72\75\x22\x62\141\162\x22\57\76\x3c\57\x72\x6f\x6f\164\76")], [(new v1jbb())->load("\74\x72\157\157\x74\x3e\xa\40\x20\74\143\x68\151\x6c\x64\x2f\76\12\x3c\x2f\x72\x6f\157\164\76"), (new V1jBB())->load("\74\162\157\x6f\x74\x3e\x3c\x63\x68\x69\154\x64\57\76\x3c\57\162\x6f\x6f\x74\x3e")], [new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\x2d\x30\x33\55\x32\71\40\60\x34\72\61\63\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\145\162\151\x63\141\57\x4e\145\167\x5f\131\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\63\55\x30\63\x2d\62\x39\40\60\64\72\x31\63\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\162\151\143\141\57\x4e\x65\167\x5f\131\157\x72\153"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\63\x2d\60\63\x2d\x32\71", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\x72\151\x63\x61\x2f\x4e\x65\167\x5f\131\157\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\63\x2d\60\63\55\62\x39", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\x72\151\143\141\x2f\x4e\x65\x77\x5f\131\157\162\x6b"))], [new DateTime("\x32\x30\61\63\x2d\60\x33\55\62\71\x20\x30\64\72\x31\63\x3a\x33\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\x69\143\141\57\116\x65\x77\137\x59\157\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\x33\55\60\63\55\62\71\40\x30\63\x3a\x31\63\x3a\63\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\x65\x72\x69\143\x61\x2f\x43\150\x69\x63\141\147\157"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\63\x2d\60\63\55\63\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\162\x69\143\141\x2f\116\x65\167\x5f\131\157\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\55\x30\63\55\x32\x39\40\x32\63\x3a\60\60\72\60\60", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\x72\151\x63\x61\57\103\x68\x69\143\x61\x67\157"))], [new DateTime("\x40\61\63\x36\x34\x36\x31\66\60\60\60"), new DateTime("\x32\60\61\63\x2d\60\x33\55\x32\x39\40\62\x33\x3a\60\60\72\60\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\x72\x69\x63\x61\x2f\x43\x68\x69\143\141\147\x6f"))], [new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\55\60\x33\x2d\62\x39\124\60\65\x3a\61\63\x3a\63\65\55\60\65\60\x30"), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\x33\x2d\60\x33\55\x32\71\124\60\64\72\61\x33\72\63\65\55\x30\x36\x30\60")], [0, "\x30"], ["\x30", 0], [2.3, "\62\x2e\x33"], ["\62\56\x33", 2.3], [1, 1.0], [1.0, "\61"], [1 / 3, "\60\x2e\63\x33\63\x33\63\x33\x33\x33\x33\63\x33\63\x33\63\63\x33"], [1 - 2 / 3, "\60\x2e\x33\63\63\63\x33\x33\63\x33\63\x33\63\x33\63\x33\63\63\x37"], [5.5E+123, "\65\56\x35\105\x2b\61\x32\63"], [5.5E-123, "\65\x2e\65\x45\55\x31\x32\x33"], ["\163\164\x72\151\x6e\x67\x20\162\145\160\162\145\x73\x65\x6e\164\x61\164\151\157\x6e", new sV91S()], [new SV91S(), "\x73\x74\162\x69\x6e\x67\40\162\x65\x70\x72\145\x73\145\x6e\x74\141\164\x69\157\x6e"]]; goto Cn4vW; nlw86: $liufM = new ygRFD(4, 8, 15); goto vKqDQ; Cn4vW: } }

Function Calls





MD5 f03606d694f9a7e40558b54954ccd63a
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 152 ms