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PHP Decode
<?php /** * The technical support is guaranteed for all modules proposed by Wyomind. ..
Decoded Output download
* The technical support is guaranteed for all modules proposed by Wyomind.
* The below code is obfuscated in order to protect the module's copyright as well as the integrity of the license and of the source code.
* The support cannot apply if modifications have been made to the original source code (
* Nonetheless, Wyomind remains available to answer any question you might have and find the solutions adapted to your needs.
* Feel free to contact our technical team from your Wyomind account in My account > My tickets.
* Copyright 2023 Wyomind. All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE.txt for license details.
namespace Wyomind\Framework\Helper;
class License extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper
const SOAP_URL = "";
const SOAP_URI = "";
public $x568c4 = null;
public $xf02c2 = null;
public $x4a897 = null;
public $session;
public $warnings = [];
protected $logEnabled = 0;
protected $_messages = ["ws_error" => "The Wyomind's license server encountered an error. Please contact us.", "ws_success" => "%s", "ws_failure" => "%s", "success" => "<span style='background-color:green; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your license is valid.</span>", "pending" => "<span style='background-color:orange; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your license is not yet registered</span> please run <i>bin/magento wyomind:license:activate %s <your activation key></i>", "upgrade" => "<span style='background-color:'orange; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Extension upgrade from v%s to v%s</span> your license must be updated, please run <i>bin/magento wyomind:license:activate %s %s</i>", "invalidated" => "<span style='background-color:red; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your license is invalidated</span> please run <i>bin/magento wyomind:license:activate %s %s</i>", "trial" => "<span style='background-color:%s; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your trial license will expire in %s day%s</span></i>", "trial_expired" => "<span style='background-color:red; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your trial license has expired.</span> It's time to purchase your life-time license on <a href='" . self::SOAP_URI . "/trial-license.html?ak=%s' target='_blank'>" . self::SOAP_URI . "</a></i>", "trial_almost_expired" => "<span style='background-color:%s; color:white; padding:2px 5px'>Your trial license will expire in %s day%s</span> It's time to purchase your life-time license on <a href='" . self::SOAP_URI . "/trial-license.html?ak=%s' target='_blank'>" . self::SOAP_URI . "</a></i>",];
protected $modelContext;
protected $modelConfig;
protected $productMetadata;
protected $readFactory;
protected $root;
protected $directoryList;
protected $request;
protected $moduleList;
protected $encryptor;
protected $configResourceModel;
protected $directoryReader;
protected $objectManager;
protected $registry;
protected $cacheManager;
protected $deploymentConfig;
protected $logger;
private $x11e9;
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager, \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\Context $context)
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Model\Context $modelContext */
$modelContext = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Model\Context");
/** @var \Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config $modelConfig */
$modelConfig = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadata $productMetadata */
$productMetadata = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadata");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\ReadFactory $readFactory */
$readFactory = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\ReadFactory");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Module\Dir\Reader $directoryReader */
$directoryReader = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Module\Dir\Reader");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Module\ModuleList $moduleList */
$moduleList = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Module\ModuleList");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request $request */
$request = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Encryption\EncryptorInterface $encryptor */
$encryptor = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Encryption\EncryptorInterface");
/** @var \Wyomind\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Config $configResourceModel */
$configResourceModel = $objectManager->get("\Wyomind\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Config");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Registry $registry */
$registry = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Registry");
$deploymentConfig = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig');
$this->modelContext = $modelContext;
$this->modelConfig = $modelConfig;
$this->productMetadata = $productMetadata;
$this->readFactory = $readFactory;
/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList $directoryList */
$directoryList = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList");
$this->root = $directoryList->getRoot();
$this->directoryList = $directoryList;
$this->request = $request;
$this->moduleList = $moduleList;
$this->encryptor = $encryptor;
$this->configResourceModel = $configResourceModel;
$this->directoryReader = $directoryReader;
$this->objectManager = $objectManager;
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->cacheManager = $modelContext->getCacheManager();
$this->deploymentConfig = $deploymentConfig;
$this->constructor($this, func_get_args(), __CLASS__);
try {
} = $objectManager->{$this
} = $context->{$this
->x108b->x2030}("framework/settings/log", \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT) == "1";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
public function constructor($xc52, $xc69, $x689 = false)
$x490c = "explode";
$x4918 = "get_class";
$x4926 = "array_pop";
$x4937 = "md5";
$x4945 = "is_object";
$x4952 = "class_exists";
$x495a = "defined";
$x4970 = "simplexml_load_file";
$x4987 = "in_array";
$x4995 = "substr";
$x49a3 = "is_string";
$x49ad = "property_exists";
$x49b7 = "stristr";
$x49c2 = "array_keys";
$x49cc = "count";
$x49d1 = "strtolower";
$x49db = "stripos";
$x49ea = "array_search";
$x49ff = "array_map";
$x4a12 = "str_replace";
$x4a21 = "strpos";
$x4a31 = "rand";
$x4a44 = "ceil";
$x4a4a = "strtotime";
$x4a5a = "time";
$x4a6d = "get_parent_class";
$x4a7c = "strrpos";
$x4a87 = "implode";
$x4a95 = "strcmp";
$x28d = $x490c("\", $x4918($xc52));
$x79c = $x28d[1];
$x24b = $x4926($x28d);
if ($x24b == "Interceptor") {
$x24b = $x4926($x28d);
$x376 = $x4937((string)$x24b);
$x383 = $x79c;
if ($x689 && !$x4945($x689)) {
$x28d = $x490c("\", $x689);
$x383 = $x28d[1];
$x79c = $x28d[1];
$x28c = "getFilePath";
$x288 = "\" . $x28d[0] . "\" . $x383 . "\Helper\Delegate";
if ($x4952($x288) && $x495a($x288 . "::VERSION")) {
$x2a4 = $x288::VERSION;
} else {
if (($x298 = $this->$x28c($x28d[0] . "_" . $x383, "/etc/module.xml")) !== false) {
$x29d = $x4970($x298);
$x2a4 = (string)$x29d->module['setup_version'];
$x326 = $x4937((string)$x2a4);
$xc47 = [];
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 2), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 2;
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 2);
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 3), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 3;
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 3);
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 5), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 5;
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 5);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 0, 2);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 2, 2);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 4, 2);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 0, 3);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 3, 3);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 6, 3);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 0, 5);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 5, 5);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 10, 5);
$x399 = "\Wyomind\Framework\Helper\" . $x383;
$x38f = "\Wyomind\" . $x383 . "\Helper\" . $x383 . "";
$x3b5 = null;
if ($x4952($x38f)) {
$x3b5 = new $x38f();
} elseif ($x4952($x399)) {
$x3b5 = new $x399();
foreach ($xc47 as $xc57) {
if (!$x49a3($xc69)) {
if ($x49ad($xc52, $xc57)) {
$xc52->$xc57 = $x3b5;
$x71c = $this
$x740 = $this
$x71f = $this
$xc68 = $this
$x682 = $this
$x392 = $this
$x280 = $this
$x296 = $this
$x4d7 = $this
$xc65 = $this
$xc5b = $this
$x3a3 = $this
$x440 = $this
$x469 = $this
$x486 = $this
$xbde = $this
$x4a4 = $this
$x4ef = $this
$x4f6 = $this
$xaf5 = $this
$x6c7 = $this
$x558 = $this
$x61c = $this
$x61d = $this
$x622 = $this
$x6a1 = $this
$x6b0 = $this
$x726 = $this
$xc0f = $this
} = "Co";
} = "nt";
} = "ro";
} = "ll";
} = "er";
} = "Ac";
} = "ti";
} = "on";
} = "Pre";
} = "dis";
} = "patch";
} = $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
} = "registry";
} = "register";
} = "is_object";
} = "get_class";
} = "on_";
} = "key";
} = "tiv";
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1b80}("Wyomind_" . $
} = "lic";
} = "ens";
} = "TRIAL";
} = "e/ac";
} = "ati";
} = "e/ex";
} = "code";
} = "getDelegation";
} = "isAdmin";
} = "isCli";
if ($x682($
}) && $x440($
}), $
})) {
if (!$
})) {
, true);
} = $
} = $x469($this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x2069}() == "admin" && $
->x108b->x2079}() == "system_config" && $
->x108b->x2087}() == "edit") {
} = $
} . $
} else {
} = $this->{$this
if ($x486($
})) {
} = $xbde($
} else {
} = $
} . $
if ($
} == "" && $x4a4($
, "wyomind_") === false) {
} = "wyomind_" . $
} = "framework";
} = "core";
} = "mageteam";
} = [$
, $
, $
if ($x4ef($xbde($
}), $x4f6('strtolower', $
})) !== false && !$x4d7($xbde($
}), $
})) {
} = $xaf5("_", "\", $
}), $x4f6('strtolower', $
} = "\" . $
} . "\Helper" . $xc65((string)$
, $x6c7((string)$
, "\")) . "";
} = $xc65((string)$
, $x6c7((string)$
, "\") + 1);
} = false;
try {
} = $this->{$this
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
, "");
} = true;
} = $this;
} = $xc68((string)$x558());
} = "";
} = false;
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($xc65((string)$
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 0, 5) == $
}) {
} = $xc65((string)$
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 24, 4);
} = $xc65((string)$
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 28, 2);
} = $xc65((string)$
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 30, 2);
} = $
} . "-" . $
} . "-" . $
} = (0 >= $x61c(($x61d($
}) - $x622()) / 3600 / 24));
} = "setRedirect";
} = "getResponse";
} = "getRequest";
} = "setDispatched";
} = $this->{$this
, $
if ($
} != $xc68((string)$
}) || $
} || $
}) {
} = $
} = $
->x108b->x2138}("wyomind_framework/license/manager", ["module" => $
} else {
if ($
})) {
} = $
} = $
if (!empty($
}) && !$x682($
})) {
} = $
} = $x6a1($
while (!isset($
}]) && !empty($
})) {
} = $
} = $x6a1($
} = $xc65((string)$
, $x6b0((string)$
, '\') + 1);
} = $
} = !$this->$
() || $this->$
} |= $x6c7($this->{$this
->x108b->x2140}(), 'gridTo') !== false;
} |= $this->{$this
->x108b->x2096}('isAjax') == "true";
if ($
}) === true || $
} || $
} == "AbstractAction") {
if ($
} == "AbstractAction") {
if (!$
})) {
, true);
foreach ($
} as $
} => $
}) {
} = $this->{$this
if (!$this->$
() || $this->$
()) {
("Checking current registration of the license");
} = $x71c('/', $this->{$this
} = $x726('/', $
if ($
} == "") {
} else {
("Uri: " . $
->x108b->x1b66}("IP: " . $this->{$this
} = $this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x21e1}() != null) {
->x10cc->x4805}("User: " . $
("Class: " . $x740($
} = "2";
} = 0;
} = "";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "trigger_error";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "version";
} = "null";
} = $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "activation_code";
} = "activation_key";
} = "base_url";
} = "extension_code";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "web";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "ten";
} = "/sec";
} = "/unsec";
} = "rl";
} = "ure";
} = "sio";
} = $this->{$this
} = $
["Wyomind_" . $
} = $
["setup_" . $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "flag";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "n_c";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "ode";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "/bas";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "e_u";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["ex" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1f2f}("system/default/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1f2f}("system/default/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["bas" . $
} . $
}] = $xaf5("{{unsecure_base_url}}", $
, $
["version"] = $
("Module : " . $
} . $
->x10cc->x4805}("activation key (config): " . $
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
("extension code (config): " . $
["ex" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
->x108b->x1b66}("license code (config): " . $
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
("base url (config): " . $
["bas" . $
} . $
if (!$xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) && $xc5b($
}) && $xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68($
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) !== 0 && $xc5b($
})) {
("license code (config) & license code do not match: removing license code (config)");
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
, "");
} else {
("license code (config) & license code match");
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) && $xc5b($
})) {
foreach ($
} as $
}) {
if (isset($
})) {
} = $
} else {
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
return $
public function getLogger()
return $this->{$this
public function getFilePath($xcbc, $xccd = '/etc/module.xml')
$xccc = $this
->getModuleDir('', $xcbc);
$xcc6 = $this
if ($xcc6->isFile($xccd)) {
return $xccc . $xccd;
return false;
public function getPrefix($xd0a)
$xce6 = $this
$xcf4 = $this
$xcfd = $this
$xcff = $this
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x238d}('wlp_' . $
if ($
} === null) {
if (($
} = $this->{$this
, '/etc/config.xml')) !== false) {
} = $xce6($
} = (array)$
} = ($xcfd($xcff($
}), "wyomind_")) ? "wyomind_" : "";
} else {
} = "";
->x108b->x23b6}('wlp_' . $
, $
return $
public function sprintfArray($xd21, $xd23)
$xd19 = $this
$xd1e = $this
return $xd19("sprintf", $xd1e((array)$this->{$this
}], $
public function getFrameworkVersion()
return $this->{$this
->x108b->x23c3}("Wyomind_Framework") ['setup_version'];
public function getStoreConfig($xd3c, $xd3f = null)
} = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORES;
if (!$
}) {
} = \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
return $this
, $
, $
public function setStoreConfig($xd5e, $xd5f, $xd65 = 0, $xd66 = true)
} = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORES;
if (!$
}) {
} = \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
, $
, $
, $
if ($
}) {
public function getDefaultConfig($xd71)
return $this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT);
public function getStoreConfigUncrypted($xd78)
return $this->{$this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT));
public function setStoreConfigCrypted($xd86, $xd88, $xd8a = 0, $xd8b = true)
, $this->{$this
}), \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, $
if ($
}) {
public function setDefaultConfig($xd96, $xd98, $xd9d = true)
, $
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0);
if ($
}) {
public function getDefaultConfigUncrypted($xda6)
return $this->{$this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT));
public function setDefaultConfigCrypted($xdb0, $xdb4, $xdb7 = true)
, $this->{$this
}), \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0);
if ($
}) {
public function camelize($xdc9)
$xdc8 = $this
$xdc3 = $this
return $xdc8(" ", "", $xdc3($xdc8("_", " ", $
public function cleanCache($xdd0 = ['config'])
public function isAdmin()
if ($this->{$this
()) {
return true;
} = $this->{$this
} = "";
try {
} = $
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($
} == \Magento\Backend\App\Area\FrontNameResolver::AREA_CODE) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isCli()
$xdf2 = $this
return $xdf2() === 'cli';
public function getMagentoVersion()
$xdfe = $this
} = $xdfe("-", $this->{$this
if ($
[0] == "dev") {
return $
return $
public function getModuleVersion($xe10)
$xe19 = $this
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x236a}('', $
} = $xe19($
} . "/etc/module.xml");
return (string)$
public function checkActivation($xf94, $xf96 = false)
$xe69 = $this
$xe6e = $this
$xef8 = $this
$xe8a = $this
$xf0f = $this
$xf10 = $this
$xf16 = $this
} = $this->{$this
["config"] . "/license/extension_version");
} = $this->{$this
["config"] . "/license/activation_key"));
if ($
} === "") {
} = $this->{$this
["config"] . "/license/activation_key");
if ($
} != "") {
if ($xe6e() != JSON_ERROR_NONE || $xef8((string)$
, 0, 3) == "0:2") {
["config"] . "/license/activation_key", $
if ($
} != "") {
if ($xe6e() != JSON_ERROR_NONE || $xef8((string)$
, 0, 3) == "0:2") {
} = "";
["config"] . "/license/activation_key", $
} = $this->{$this
["config"] . "/license/activation_code"));
} = $xe8a(" ", "", $
} = false;
if ($
} != "" && $
} != $
["version"]) {
("Checking registration of the license");
("Upgrade " . $
['label'] . " from " . $
} . " to " . $
->x109c->x31c9}("Activation key: " . $
} = $this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x21e1}() != null) {
("User: " . $
["config"] . "/license/activation_code", "");
["config"] . "/license/extension_version", $
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "upgrade", [$
, $
["version"], $
, $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x2610}("update_" . $
["value"], "true");
} else {
} = "TRIAL";
} = false;
} = -1;
if ($xef8((string)$
, 0, 5) == $
}) {
} = $xef8((string)$
, 24, 4);
} = $xef8((string)$
, 28, 2);
} = $xef8((string)$
, 30, 2);
} = $
} . "-" . $
} . "-" . $
} = $xf0f(($xf10((string)$
}) - $xf16()) / 3600 / 24);
} = true;
if ($
} != "" && $
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "invalidated", [$
, $
} elseif ($
} == '') {
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "pending", [$
} elseif ($
} && $
} > 0) {
} = "";
} = "green";
if ($
} > 1) {
} = "s";
if ($
} < 4) {
} = "red";
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "trial_almost_expired", [$
, $
, $
, $
} elseif ($
}) {
} = "orange";
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "trial", [$
, $
, $
} elseif ($
}) {
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "trial_expired", [$
} else {
} = true;
} = $this->{$this
["label"], "success");
if ($
}) {
return $
} else {
if (!$
}) {
public function getWarnings()
return $this->{$this
public function getValues()
$xfd6 = $this
$x1007 = $this
$x102f = $this
$x1031 = $this
$x103a = $this
} = [];
} = [];
if ($xfd6($this->{$this
} . "/vendor/wyomind/")) {
} . "/vendor/wyomind/"] = $this->{$this
} . "/vendor/wyomind/");
if ($xfd6($this->{$this
} . "/app/code/Wyomind/")) {
} . "/app/code/Wyomind/"] = $this->{$this
} . "/app/code/Wyomind/");
} = "framework";
} = "core";
} = "mageteam";
} = [$
, $
, $
foreach ($
} as $
} => $
}) {
} = $this->{$this
foreach ($
->x108b->x26b0}() as $
}) {
if (!$x1007($x102f($
}), $
})) {
if ($
}) && $
} != "." && $
} != "..") {
if ($
} . "/etc/config.xml")) {
} = $x102f($x1031("./", "", $
} = $x103a($
} . $
} . "/etc/module.xml");
} = $
foreach ($
} as $
}) {
} = (string)$
} = (string)$
if ($this->{$this
})) {
} = $this->{$this
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . "/license/extension_label");
[] = ["label" => $
, "value" => $
, "version" => $
, "config" => $
} . $
, "namespace" => $
return $
protected function setClassName($xc85)
$xc82 = $this
} = $xc82($
protected function getClassName()
return $this->{$this
protected function notice($xcab)
$xca1 = $this
$xca4 = $this
} = "framework";
} = "core";
} = "mageteam";
} = [$
, $
, $
if (!$xca1($xca4($this->{$this
->x108b->x1b60}()), $
}) && $this->{$this
}) {
protected function addWarning($xfa4)
[] = $
protected function getMessage($xfbf, $xfb5, $xfbe = [])
$xfbc = $this
if ($
}) {
} = $this->{$this
, $
} else {
} = $xfbc(" " . $
return "<b> Wyomind " . $
} . "</b> <br> " . $
} . "";
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* The technical support is guaranteed for all modules proposed by Wyomind.
* The below code is obfuscated in order to protect the module's copyright as well as the integrity of the license and of the source code.
* The support cannot apply if modifications have been made to the original source code (
* Nonetheless, Wyomind remains available to answer any question you might have and find the solutions adapted to your needs.
* Feel free to contact our technical team from your Wyomind account in My account > My tickets.
* Copyright 2023 Wyomind. All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE.txt for license details.
namespace Wyomind\Framework\Helper;
class License extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper
const SOAP_URL = "h\x74\164p\x73:\x2f/\x77w\167\56\167y\157\155\x69\x6e\x64\56\x63\157m\57s\145\x72\x76\151\x63e/li\143e\156\163e\x2fs\157\x61\x70";
const SOAP_URI = "ht\164\160s\x3a//\x77\167w.\167\171\x6fm\151\156\x64\56\x63\x6fm/";
public $x568c4 = null;
public $xf02c2 = null;
public $x4a897 = null;
public $session;
public $warnings = [];
protected $logEnabled = 0;
protected $_messages = ["ws\x5fe\x72ro\162" => "\124he\40W\171\x6fm\x69\x6e\144'\163\40\x6c\x69\143\145\x6e\x73\145 \x73\145rv\145r \x65\x6e\143\157u\156t\x65\162e\x64\40a\156\x20\145\162ro\162\56\x20\x50\x6ce\141\x73\145\x20\x63\x6f\156\x74a\x63\x74\40\165\x73\x2e", "\167\x73\137su\143\x63\x65s\x73" => "\x25\x73", "ws_f\141\x69\154u\x72\x65" => "%\x73", "\163\x75c\143e\163\163" => "<\x73p\141\x6e \163\164\171l\145\75\x27b\141\x63\x6b\147ro\165\x6ed-\x63\157\x6c\157r\x3ag\162\145e\x6e\73 co\x6c\157\x72\72\167\x68\151\164e\73\x20p\141\144\144i\156\147\x3a\62px \65\x70\170'\76\131\x6f\165r\40\x6ci\143\x65\x6e\163\x65 \x69s\40\166\141\154\151\x64.</\163\160\141n\76", "\160\145\x6edi\x6e\147" => "\x3c\x73\x70\x61\x6e \x73\164y\x6c\145\75\47\142\x61\143\153\x67\162\157u\156\x64\x2d\143ol\x6f\162:\157r\x61\x6e\x67\145\73 \143\x6f\x6co\162\x3a\167\150\x69\x74e\x3b\x20p\x61\x64\x64\x69ng:\62px \65\160\x78'\x3e\131\x6f\x75r l\151cense \x69s \x6e\x6f\164\x20y\145t\40r\x65\147\151\x73\164\145\162e\144<\57\x73p\141\156> \160l\145\x61\163\145\40ru\x6e\x20 \x3c\151\76\142\151\x6e\57\155\x61\147\x65\x6e\164o\x20\x77y\x6f\x6d\151\x6ed:\154\151\x63\x65\x6e\163\x65\72\x61\x63t\151v\x61t\145\40%s\x20\46\154\164\x3byou\x72\40a\143t\151v\141\164\151\x6fn\40\153\x65\171&\147\164\x3b\74\57\151\x3e", "u\160g\162a\x64\x65" => "<\163\160\141\x6e\40\x20\x73\164\x79\154\x65=\x27\x62\141ck\147r\x6fu\x6e\x64\x2d\143\x6f\x6cor:\47\x6f\x72a\x6ege\x3b\40\x63\157l\157\x72:\x77h\151\164\x65\73 \x70\141dd\151n\147:\62p\170 \65\160\x78\x27\76\x45x\x74en\163\151\157n\40\165pgr\x61de fr\157\x6d\40\166\x25\x73\x20\x74\x6f v\x25s<\x2fs\x70\x61\x6e\76\40yo\x75\x72\x20\x6c\151\143\x65ns\145\40\155us\x74\40\x62\x65\x20\x75p\x64\x61ted\54 \x70\154e\x61\x73\x65\x20r\x75n \74\151\x3e\x62i\x6e\57\x6d\x61\x67\145\x6e\164\x6f \x77\171\157\155i\156\144:\154\x69ce\x6e\x73e\72ac\x74\151v\141t\x65\x20\45\163\x20%\x73\x3c\57i\76", "\x69nv\x61\x6ci\x64\141\164ed" => "\74\163\x70\x61\156 s\x74\171l\145\75\47b\x61\143\153\x67\x72\x6f\x75\156\144\x2dcol\x6f\162\72\162\x65\144\73 c\x6f\x6c\157\162\72\167\x68\x69t\145\73 \160\x61d\x64i\156\x67:\62p\x78\x20\65px'>\x59\157u\x72 \x6c\x69\x63e\156\x73\x65 \x69\x73 i\x6e\166\x61l\x69d\141te\144\x3c\57\x73\x70\x61\156\76\40\160\154e\x61\163\145 \x72\165n\40\x3c\x69>\x62\x69\156\57\155\141\147e\x6e\x74\157\x20\167\x79\157\x6d\151nd\72\x6cice\x6es\145\72\x61c\x74\151\166\x61te\40%\163 \45\x73\x3c/\151>", "\x74r\x69\141\x6c" => "<\x73\x70\x61\x6e\x20 \163\164\x79\154e=\x27\142ac\x6bg\162\157u\156\144\x2d\x63\x6f\154o\x72\x3a\x25s\x3b \x63o\154\157\162:\167\150\x69te\x3b\40p\141d\x64i\156g:\62px\x20\65\x70\x78\47\x3e\131\157\x75\162 \164\162\151\x61\x6c\x20\x6c\x69\x63e\x6e\163\x65\x20\167\151\154l\40\x65\170\160\x69\x72e\40i\x6e\x20\x25s \144\141\171\x25\x73\x3c/\163pan\76<\x2f\x69>", "\x74r\151al\x5f\x65x\160i\162\145\x64" => "\x3c\x73p\x61n \x20\163\164yle=\x27\142\141c\x6b\x67\x72\x6fu\x6e\x64\x2d\143\x6f\154\157\x72:r\x65d\73\x20\x63ol\157\162:\x77h\151te;\40\x70a\x64d\151\156g\72\62p\x78 \65\x70\x78\47\x3e\131ou\162\40\x74\162\x69\x61l\x20\154\151ce\x6e\x73e\40\150\x61\163 e\170\160\x69r\x65\144\x2e\x3c/\163\x70\x61n> \x49\164\x27s\40\x74i\x6d\x65\x20t\x6f\40\x70\x75\162\143h\x61\x73\x65 yo\x75r \x6cife\x2dt\x69\155\x65\40\154i\143e\156\163e\40\157\x6e <\141 h\162\x65f=\x27" . self::SOAP_URI . "/\x74\162\x69\x61\154\55l\151\143\x65\x6e\x73\x65\x2eh\164ml?\141\x6b=\45\163\47\x20\x74ar\x67et='\x5f\142\x6c\x61n\x6b\47>" . self::SOAP_URI . "<\x2f\x61>\x3c/\151\76", "\x74\x72\151\x61\x6c_\x61\x6cmos\164\137\145xp\151\162\x65d" => "\x3cs\160\141\x6e\40 \x73\164\171l\x65\x3d\x27\x62a\143kg\x72ou\x6e\x64\x2dco\154\157\162\x3a\x25\163\73\40\143o\154\x6f\162\72\167h\151\164e;\x20\160\141\x64\x64i\156g\72\62p\170\40\65\160\x78'\76\x59\x6fur\40\x74\162i\x61l\x20li\143e\156s\x65 w\151\154l\x20\x65\x78p\x69r\145 \151\156\x20\x25\163\40d\x61y\45s\74\x2f\163\x70a\156\76\x20\111\164\x27\163\x20t\x69\155\x65\40t\157 \160\165\x72\143has\x65\40y\157u\x72\40l\151f\x65\55\x74\x69me lic\x65\x6ese\40\x6f\156\40<\x61\x20\x68\162\x65f\x3d\47" . self::SOAP_URI . "\57\164\162\x69\141\x6c-l\x69\143\145n\x73e\56html?ak\x3d\x25\163\x27\40\164\x61\x72\x67\x65\164\75\47\137\142\154\x61\156\153'\x3e" . self::SOAP_URI . "\x3c\57\x61\x3e\x3c/\151\76",];
protected $modelContext;
protected $modelConfig;
protected $productMetadata;
protected $readFactory;
protected $root;
protected $directoryList;
protected $request;
protected $moduleList;
protected $encryptor;
protected $configResourceModel;
protected $directoryReader;
protected $objectManager;
protected $registry;
protected $cacheManager;
protected $deploymentConfig;
protected $logger;
private $x11e9;
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager, \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\Context $context)
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Model\Context $modelContext */
$modelContext = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Model\Context");
/** @var \Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config $modelConfig */
$modelConfig = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadata $productMetadata */
$productMetadata = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\App\ProductMetadata");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\ReadFactory $readFactory */
$readFactory = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\ReadFactory");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Module\Dir\Reader $directoryReader */
$directoryReader = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Module\Dir\Reader");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Module\ModuleList $moduleList */
$moduleList = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Module\ModuleList");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request $request */
$request = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Encryption\EncryptorInterface $encryptor */
$encryptor = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Encryption\EncryptorInterface");
/** @var \Wyomind\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Config $configResourceModel */
$configResourceModel = $objectManager->get("\Wyomind\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Config");
/** @var \Magento\Framework\Registry $registry */
$registry = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\Registry");
$deploymentConfig = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig');
$this->modelContext = $modelContext;
$this->modelConfig = $modelConfig;
$this->productMetadata = $productMetadata;
$this->readFactory = $readFactory;
/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList $directoryList */
$directoryList = $objectManager->get("\Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList");
$this->root = $directoryList->getRoot();
$this->directoryList = $directoryList;
$this->request = $request;
$this->moduleList = $moduleList;
$this->encryptor = $encryptor;
$this->configResourceModel = $configResourceModel;
$this->directoryReader = $directoryReader;
$this->objectManager = $objectManager;
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->cacheManager = $modelContext->getCacheManager();
$this->deploymentConfig = $deploymentConfig;
$this->constructor($this, func_get_args(), __CLASS__);
try {
} = $objectManager->{$this
} = $context->{$this
->x108b->x2030}("\146r\141\x6de\167o\x72k/\x73\145t\164ings\57\x6c\x6fg", \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT) == "\61";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
public function constructor($xc52, $xc69, $x689 = false)
$x490c = "\x65\x78\160lo\x64\145";
$x4918 = "\147e\164\137cl\x61\x73\x73";
$x4926 = "\x61\x72\162\141\171_\160\x6f\160";
$x4937 = "\x6d\144\65";
$x4945 = "\x69\163_\157b\152e\143t";
$x4952 = "\x63l\x61s\x73\x5f\145xi\x73\x74s";
$x495a = "d\x65\146i\156\145\x64";
$x4970 = "\163\151m\x70\154\x65\x78\155l_\x6c\157\x61\x64\137\x66i\x6c\145";
$x4987 = "i\x6e\137\x61\x72\162\x61y";
$x4995 = "\163ub\x73t\162";
$x49a3 = "i\x73\137\x73\164\162ing";
$x49ad = "pr\157\x70\145r\164\171_e\x78\x69\x73t\163";
$x49b7 = "s\x74\162i\163\164\162";
$x49c2 = "\141\162\162a\171\137\x6b\x65\171\x73";
$x49cc = "\x63o\x75n\164";
$x49d1 = "s\164r\164\157\154\x6fwe\162";
$x49db = "\x73t\162i\160\157s";
$x49ea = "\x61\162r\141\x79_\x73\145a\x72\x63\150";
$x49ff = "\141r\162\141\x79_m\141\x70";
$x4a12 = "\163\164r\137\x72\x65\160lac\x65";
$x4a21 = "s\x74\162\x70\x6fs";
$x4a31 = "\x72\x61nd";
$x4a44 = "\x63\145\151l";
$x4a4a = "\x73\164\162\x74\x6f\x74\151\155\145";
$x4a5a = "\x74im\x65";
$x4a6d = "\147\x65t\137\160a\x72\x65nt\x5fcl\x61s\163";
$x4a7c = "\163\164\x72\x72p\x6f\x73";
$x4a87 = "\x69\x6d\160\x6co\144\145";
$x4a95 = "\163\x74\x72c\155p";
$x28d = $x490c("\\", $x4918($xc52));
$x79c = $x28d[1];
$x24b = $x4926($x28d);
if ($x24b == "In\164\x65\162\143ept\x6fr") {
$x24b = $x4926($x28d);
$x376 = $x4937((string)$x24b);
$x383 = $x79c;
if ($x689 && !$x4945($x689)) {
$x28d = $x490c("\\", $x689);
$x383 = $x28d[1];
$x79c = $x28d[1];
$x28c = "g\x65\164\x46\x69\x6ce\120\141\x74h";
$x288 = "\\" . $x28d[0] . "\\" . $x383 . "\\H\x65\x6cp\145\162\\\x44el\145\147\x61\x74e";
if ($x4952($x288) && $x495a($x288 . ":\x3aV\x45\122\123I\117\x4e")) {
$x2a4 = $x288::VERSION;
} else {
if (($x298 = $this->$x28c($x28d[0] . "\137" . $x383, "/\x65\x74\143/m\x6fd\x75l\x65\x2e\x78m\154")) !== false) {
$x29d = $x4970($x298);
$x2a4 = (string)$x29d->module['setup_version'];
$x326 = $x4937((string)$x2a4);
$xc47 = [];
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 2), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 2;
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 2);
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("\170" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 3), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 3;
$xc47[] = "\x78" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 3);
$x327 = 0;
for ($x30f = 0; $x30f < 3; $x30f++) {
while ($x4987("x" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 5), $xc47)) {
$x327 += 5;
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x326, $x327, 5);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 0, 2);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 2, 2);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 4, 2);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 0, 3);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 3, 3);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 6, 3);
$xc47[] = "\170" . $x4995($x376, 0, 5);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 5, 5);
$xc47[] = "x" . $x4995($x376, 10, 5);
$x399 = "\\\x57\171om\151\x6e\x64\\\x46\x72\x61\155\145\x77\157\x72k\\\x48e\154pe\x72\\" . $x383;
$x38f = "\\Wy\157\155\x69nd\\" . $x383 . "\\He\154\x70\x65\162\\" . $x383 . "";
$x3b5 = null;
if ($x4952($x38f)) {
$x3b5 = new $x38f();
} elseif ($x4952($x399)) {
$x3b5 = new $x399();
foreach ($xc47 as $xc57) {
if (!$x49a3($xc69)) {
if ($x49ad($xc52, $xc57)) {
$xc52->$xc57 = $x3b5;
$x71c = $this
$x740 = $this
$x71f = $this
$xc68 = $this
$x682 = $this
$x392 = $this
$x280 = $this
$x296 = $this
$x4d7 = $this
$xc65 = $this
$xc5b = $this
$x3a3 = $this
$x440 = $this
$x469 = $this
$x486 = $this
$xbde = $this
$x4a4 = $this
$x4ef = $this
$x4f6 = $this
$xaf5 = $this
$x6c7 = $this
$x558 = $this
$x61c = $this
$x61d = $this
$x622 = $this
$x6a1 = $this
$x6b0 = $this
$x726 = $this
$xc0f = $this
} = "\103\157";
} = "n\x74";
} = "\162o";
} = "\x6cl";
} = "e\x72";
} = "A\x63";
} = "\164\x69";
} = "o\x6e";
} = "P\162e";
} = "di\x73";
} = "\x70\141t\x63\x68";
} = $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
} = "\x72\x65gi\163t\x72y";
} = "\162\145g\x69\163\164e\x72";
} = "is_ob\x6aect";
} = "\x67\x65t\x5fc\x6c\141\163\163";
} = "on\137";
} = "\153ey";
} = "\164\x69v";
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1b80}("\x57y\x6f\x6d\151\x6e\144\137" . $
} = "l\x69\143";
} = "\145\x6es";
} = "\x54\x52I\x41\114";
} = "\145\x2f\x61\x63";
} = "a\164\x69";
} = "\145\57e\170";
} = "\x63od\x65";
} = "\147\x65tDe\x6c\145\x67\x61\x74\x69o\x6e";
} = "\x69s\101dm\x69\x6e";
} = "i\x73Cli";
if ($x682($
}) && $x440($
}), $
})) {
if (!$
})) {
, true);
} = $
} = $x469($this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x2069}() == "a\x64mi\156" && $
->x108b->x2079}() == "s\171s\164\x65\155\137\x63\157\156f\151\x67" && $
->x108b->x2087}() == "\x65\x64\151\164") {
} = $
} . $
} else {
} = $this->{$this
if ($x486($
})) {
} = $xbde($
} else {
} = $
} . $
if ($
} == "" && $x4a4($
, "\x77\171\x6fm\x69n\x64\x5f") === false) {
} = "\x77y\x6f\x6di\x6ed_" . $
} = "f\162\x61\155ewo\x72k";
} = "c\x6f\x72\x65";
} = "\155\141g\145t\x65\141\x6d";
} = [$
, $
, $
if ($x4ef($xbde($
}), $x4f6('strtolower', $
})) !== false && !$x4d7($xbde($
}), $
})) {
} = $xaf5("_", "\\", $
}), $x4f6('strtolower', $
} = "\\" . $
} . "\\\110\145l\x70\x65\162" . $xc65((string)$
, $x6c7((string)$
, "\\")) . "";
} = $xc65((string)$
, $x6c7((string)$
, "\\") + 1);
} = false;
try {
} = $this->{$this
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} . $
}) . "\57" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
, "");
} = true;
} = $this;
} = $xc68((string)$x558());
} = "";
} = false;
["\x61c" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["\141\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["\x61\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($xc65((string)$
["\141\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 0, 5) == $
}) {
} = $xc65((string)$
["\141\143" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 24, 4);
} = $xc65((string)$
["a\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 28, 2);
} = $xc65((string)$
["a\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}], 30, 2);
} = $
} . "\x2d" . $
} . "-" . $
} = (0 >= $x61c(($x61d($
}) - $x622()) / 3600 / 24));
} = "s\x65\164\122\145\144i\x72e\x63\164";
} = "\147\x65\x74\x52e\163\x70\157n\163e";
} = "ge\x74\122\145\161\165\x65s\164";
} = "se\x74\104\x69\x73\160a\x74\143h\145\x64";
} = $this->{$this
, $
if ($
} != $xc68((string)$
}) || $
} || $
}) {
} = $
} = $
->x108b->x2138}("\167\171\x6f\x6d\151\156\144\x5f\146r\x61mew\x6f\x72\153/l\151\x63\145n\163e/\155\x61\156\x61g\145r", ["\x6dod\x75\x6c\145" => $
} else {
if ($
})) {
} = $
} = $
if (!empty($
}) && !$x682($
})) {
} = $
} = $x6a1($
while (!isset($
}]) && !empty($
})) {
} = $
} = $x6a1($
} = $xc65((string)$
, $x6b0((string)$
, '\\') + 1);
} = $
} = !$this->$
() || $this->$
} |= $x6c7($this->{$this
->x108b->x2140}(), 'gridTo') !== false;
} |= $this->{$this
->x108b->x2096}('isAjax') == "\x74\162\165\145";
if ($
}) === true || $
} || $
} == "A\x62st\x72act\101\x63\164\x69\x6fn") {
if ($
} == "\x41\142s\164\x72a\143t\x41\143\x74\151\x6f\156") {
if (!$
})) {
, true);
foreach ($
} as $
} => $
}) {
} = $this->{$this
if (!$this->$
() || $this->$
()) {
("C\150\145c\x6b\151\x6eg\x20\143\x75\x72ren\164\x20\x72e\x67\151\163tr\x61\x74\151\157\156 \x6f\x66\40t\x68\x65\40\154\x69\x63en\x73\145");
} = $x71c('/', $this->{$this
} = $x726('/', $
if ($
} == "") {
} else {
("\125ri\72\x20" . $
->x108b->x1b66}("IP\x3a\40" . $this->{$this
} = $this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x21e1}() != null) {
->x10cc->x4805}("U\x73e\162:\40" . $
("Clas\163\72\40" . $x740($
} = "\62";
} = 0;
} = "";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\164r\x69g\x67\x65\162\x5f\x65\162r\157\162";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\166\145\x72\x73i\x6f\x6e";
} = "n\165ll";
} = $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\x61\x63\x74\x69\166\x61tion\137\x63\x6fd\x65";
} = "\141c\164\x69\166\141t\151\157n\x5fkey";
} = "\x62\x61\x73e\137\x75r\154";
} = "\x65\x78\x74e\156si\x6fn\x5f\143o\x64\145";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\167e\x62";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "t\x65n";
} = "/\x73\145\143";
} = "\x2fu\x6e\x73ec";
} = "\162l";
} = "\165\162\x65";
} = "\163io";
} = $this->{$this
} = $
["\127\x79\157m\x69\x6e\x64_" . $
} = $
["\163\x65\x74up\137" . $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "fl\x61g";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\156_c";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "od\x65";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "\x2f\x62\x61s";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
} = "e\137\x75";
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
["ac" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["\x61c" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["a\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["\x65x" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["\x61\143" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
["\141\143" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] == "") {
["\x61c" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
}] = $this->{$this
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1f2f}("\x73y\x73te\155/\x64e\146\141\x75l\164/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x1f2f}("\x73\171\x73tem\x2fde\146a\x75l\x74/" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
if ($
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
["b\141\163" . $
} . $
}] = $xaf5("{{\165\156s\145\x63\165re\x5fb\141\x73e\x5f\165\x72\154\175\x7d", $
, $
["\x76\145\x72\163\x69\157n"] = $
("M\x6f\144\165\x6ce\x20\x3a " . $
} . $
->x10cc->x4805}("a\x63\164\151\x76\x61\x74\x69\157n\x20\153e\x79 (\x63o\156f\x69g\51\x3a " . $
["\x61\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
("\145\x78\x74\x65n\x73\x69o\156\x20c\157\144\145\40\50\143\157nf\x69g)\72 " . $
["e\x78" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
->x108b->x1b66}("l\x69c\145nse\x20\143\157d\x65 \50c\x6f\156f\x69\147)\x3a\x20" . $
["a\x63" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
("b\x61\x73\145\x20\x75\162\x6c\40\x28\143o\x6e\x66ig\x29\x3a\x20" . $
["\x62\141\163" . $
} . $
if (!$xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) && $xc5b($
}) && $xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68($
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) !== 0 && $xc5b($
})) {
("l\x69\x63\145ns\x65\40\x63\x6f\x64e \50\x63\x6fnf\x69\x67\x29 \x26\40\154i\143e\156\163e\x20\x63od\145\40\144\x6f \x6e\x6ft\x20\155atc\150\72\x20r\145m\x6fv\x69ng\40\x6c\151\143\145\x6ese \x63o\x64e \50\143\157\x6e\146ig\x29");
} . $
}) . "\x2f" . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
} . $
, "");
} else {
("\154ice\156\163\x65 \x63\x6f\x64\x65\x20\50c\x6f\x6e\x66ig\51\40\46 l\x69\x63\x65n\163e\40\x63od\x65\x20\x6d\141\x74ch");
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
if ($xc0f($
}], $xc68($xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}]) . $xc68((string)$
}))) && $xc5b($
})) {
foreach ($
} as $
}) {
if (isset($
})) {
} = $
} else {
if ($xc5b($
})) {
} = $
} . $xc65($xc68((string)$
}), $
, $
} += $
return $
public function getLogger()
return $this->{$this
public function getFilePath($xcbc, $xccd = '/etc/module.xml')
$xccc = $this
->getModuleDir('', $xcbc);
$xcc6 = $this
if ($xcc6->isFile($xccd)) {
return $xccc . $xccd;
return false;
public function getPrefix($xd0a)
$xce6 = $this
$xcf4 = $this
$xcfd = $this
$xcff = $this
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x238d}('wlp_' . $
if ($
} === null) {
if (($
} = $this->{$this
, '/etc/config.xml')) !== false) {
} = $xce6($
} = (array)$
} = ($xcfd($xcff($
}), "\167\171\x6fm\151\156\x64\x5f")) ? "\x77\171\157\x6di\x6e\x64\x5f" : "";
} else {
} = "";
->x108b->x23b6}('wlp_' . $
, $
return $
public function sprintfArray($xd21, $xd23)
$xd19 = $this
$xd1e = $this
return $xd19("\x73p\x72i\156\164\x66", $xd1e((array)$this->{$this
}], $
public function getFrameworkVersion()
return $this->{$this
->x108b->x23c3}("Wyom\151\156\144_\x46\162\141\155\145\x77o\x72\x6b") ['setup_version'];
public function getStoreConfig($xd3c, $xd3f = null)
} = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORES;
if (!$
}) {
} = \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
return $this
, $
, $
public function setStoreConfig($xd5e, $xd5f, $xd65 = 0, $xd66 = true)
} = \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORES;
if (!$
}) {
} = \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT;
, $
, $
, $
if ($
}) {
public function getDefaultConfig($xd71)
return $this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT);
public function getStoreConfigUncrypted($xd78)
return $this->{$this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT));
public function setStoreConfigCrypted($xd86, $xd88, $xd8a = 0, $xd8b = true)
, $this->{$this
}), \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, $
if ($
}) {
public function setDefaultConfig($xd96, $xd98, $xd9d = true)
, $
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0);
if ($
}) {
public function getDefaultConfigUncrypted($xda6)
return $this->{$this
, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT));
public function setDefaultConfigCrypted($xdb0, $xdb4, $xdb7 = true)
, $this->{$this
}), \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface::SCOPE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0);
if ($
}) {
public function camelize($xdc9)
$xdc8 = $this
$xdc3 = $this
return $xdc8("\40", "", $xdc3($xdc8("\x5f", "\40", $
public function cleanCache($xdd0 = ['config'])
public function isAdmin()
if ($this->{$this
()) {
return true;
} = $this->{$this
} = "";
try {
} = $
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($
} == \Magento\Backend\App\Area\FrontNameResolver::AREA_CODE) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isCli()
$xdf2 = $this
return $xdf2() === 'cli';
public function getMagentoVersion()
$xdfe = $this
} = $xdfe("\55", $this->{$this
if ($
[0] == "\144\145\166") {
return $
return $
public function getModuleVersion($xe10)
$xe19 = $this
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x236a}('', $
} = $xe19($
} . "/et\143\x2fmo\144\x75l\145\56\170\x6d\x6c");
return (string)$
public function checkActivation($xf94, $xf96 = false)
$xe69 = $this
$xe6e = $this
$xef8 = $this
$xe8a = $this
$xf0f = $this
$xf10 = $this
$xf16 = $this
} = $this->{$this
["c\x6fnf\151g"] . "/li\143e\x6ese\x2fe\x78\x74e\x6e\163\151\157\x6e\x5f\x76\145rs\x69\157\x6e");
} = $this->{$this
["\x63\x6fnf\x69\147"] . "\x2f\154\x69\x63e\156s\x65\57\141\143\x74\151\x76at\151on\137key"));
if ($
} === "") {
} = $this->{$this
["\143on\x66i\147"] . "\57li\143e\x6e\163e\57\x61\143tiva\164i\x6fn\137\153ey");
if ($
} != "") {
if ($xe6e() != JSON_ERROR_NONE || $xef8((string)$
, 0, 3) == "\x30:\62") {
["c\x6fnf\x69g"] . "\57l\x69c\145n\x73\x65\x2f\141\143t\x69\166\x61\x74i\157n\137\x6be\171", $
if ($
} != "") {
if ($xe6e() != JSON_ERROR_NONE || $xef8((string)$
, 0, 3) == "\x30\72\62") {
} = "";
["c\x6f\x6e\146i\147"] . "/l\x69c\x65\156\x73\x65\x2f\141c\164\151\x76a\164\x69\157\156_\x6b\x65\171", $
} = $this->{$this
["c\x6fn\146\x69g"] . "\x2f\x6c\151c\145\156\x73\x65/\x61\x63t\151\166ati\x6f\x6e\x5fc\157\144\145"));
} = $xe8a("\x20", "", $
} = false;
if ($
} != "" && $
} != $
["\166\145\162\163i\157\156"]) {
("\103\x68e\x63k\x69\x6eg\40\x72egi\163\164ratio\x6e o\146\40\x74\x68e\x20\x6c\x69c\x65n\163\145");
("\x55\160\147\162a\144\x65 " . $
['label'] . "\x20\146\x72\157m\40" . $
} . "\x20\x74\157 " . $
->x109c->x31c9}("Ac\x74i\166\x61\164\x69\157\x6e\x20\153\145y\x3a\40" . $
} = $this->{$this
if ($
->x108b->x21e1}() != null) {
("\125\x73e\x72\72\40" . $
["\x63onf\151\147"] . "\x2f\x6c\x69\143en\163\145/\x61c\x74\151\166\141\164\x69\157\x6e\x5f\143\157de", "");
["\143o\x6e\x66\x69\147"] . "\57\x6c\151\143en\163\x65\x2f\145\x78te\156\x73\151\157\x6e\x5fv\x65\162\163i\x6f\156", $
} = $this->{$this
["\154\x61b\x65\154"], "\165\160\147\x72\141\144\x65", [$
, $
["\x76\145\x72s\151\157\156"], $
, $
} = $this->{$this
->x108b->x2610}("\165\x70\144\141t\x65\137" . $
["\x76a\x6cu\x65"], "\164r\165\x65");
} else {
} = "T\x52I\101L";
} = false;
} = -1;
if ($xef8((string)$
, 0, 5) == $
}) {
} = $xef8((string)$
, 24, 4);
} = $xef8((string)$
, 28, 2);
} = $xef8((string)$
, 30, 2);
} = $
} . "\55" . $
} . "-" . $
} = $xf0f(($xf10((string)$
}) - $xf16()) / 3600 / 24);
} = true;
if ($
} != "" && $
} == "") {
} = $this->{$this
["\154\141b\x65\154"], "i\x6e\166\141\x6c\x69\x64\141\164e\144", [$
, $
} elseif ($
} == '') {
} = $this->{$this
["lab\145l"], "\x70\x65\156d\151\156\x67", [$
} elseif ($
} && $
} > 0) {
} = "";
} = "\147\162\145en";
if ($
} > 1) {
} = "s";
if ($
} < 4) {
} = "\x72e\x64";
} = $this->{$this
["\154\x61be\154"], "\x74ri\x61l_\141\x6c\x6d\x6f\163\164\x5f\145\170\160\151\x72\x65\x64", [$
, $
, $
, $
} elseif ($
}) {
} = "\x6fra\x6eg\x65";
} = $this->{$this
["\x6c\x61\142\x65\154"], "\x74\162i\141\154", [$
, $
, $
} elseif ($
}) {
} = $this->{$this
["\x6c\x61\x62el"], "\164\x72\x69\141\154\x5fe\x78p\151\162\145\x64", [$
} else {
} = true;
} = $this->{$this
["\x6c\141\142e\x6c"], "\x73\x75cce\163\163");
if ($
}) {
return $
} else {
if (!$
}) {
public function getWarnings()
return $this->{$this
public function getValues()
$xfd6 = $this
$x1007 = $this
$x102f = $this
$x1031 = $this
$x103a = $this
} = [];
} = [];
if ($xfd6($this->{$this
} . "/\x76\145\x6e\144o\162\57\x77\x79\x6f\155\x69\x6e\144\57")) {
} . "\x2f\x76\145n\144\x6f\x72/w\x79\157m\x69\x6ed/"] = $this->{$this
} . "\x2fv\x65\x6ed\157r/\167y\x6f\x6d\151\x6ed\x2f");
if ($xfd6($this->{$this
} . "\57\141\x70\x70\x2fc\157d\x65/W\x79o\x6din\144/")) {
} . "\57a\160\160/c\157d\145/\127yo\155\151\x6e\x64/"] = $this->{$this
} . "\57a\160\160\57\x63\157\x64e\x2f\127\171o\x6d\151\156d/");
} = "f\162\141m\145w\157r\153";
} = "\143o\x72\145";
} = "\155\141\147\x65t\x65a\155";
} = [$
, $
, $
foreach ($
} as $
} => $
}) {
} = $this->{$this
foreach ($
->x108b->x26b0}() as $
}) {
if (!$x1007($x102f($
}), $
})) {
if ($
}) && $
} != "\56" && $
} != "\56\x2e") {
if ($
} . "\x2f\145\164\143/c\157\x6e\x66i\147.xm\x6c")) {
} = $x102f($x1031(".\x2f", "", $
} = $x103a($
} . $
} . "\x2fet\x63\x2fm\x6f\144\165\x6c\x65.\x78ml");
} = $
foreach ($
} as $
}) {
} = (string)$
} = (string)$
if ($this->{$this
})) {
} = $this->{$this
} = $this->{$this
} . $
} . "\x2f\154\x69\x63\x65\156se\x2fext\145n\163i\x6f\156\137\154\x61\142\x65l");
[] = ["\x6cab\x65\154" => $
, "\x76alu\x65" => $
, "\x76\x65\162s\151\157n" => $
, "\143\x6f\156f\151\x67" => $
} . $
, "n\141\155\x65\x73pa\x63e" => $
return $
protected function setClassName($xc85)
$xc82 = $this
} = $xc82($
protected function getClassName()
return $this->{$this
protected function notice($xcab)
$xca1 = $this
$xca4 = $this
} = "\146r\141mewor\153";
} = "c\157\x72\x65";
} = "\155\x61g\145te\x61\x6d";
} = [$
, $
, $
if (!$xca1($xca4($this->{$this
->x108b->x1b60}()), $
}) && $this->{$this
}) {
protected function addWarning($xfa4)
[] = $
protected function getMessage($xfbf, $xfb5, $xfbe = [])
$xfbc = $this
if ($
}) {
} = $this->{$this
, $
} else {
} = $xfbc("\x20" . $
return "\x3c\142>\40\127\171\157m\x69\156d\40" . $
} . "\x3c\57\x62\x3e\40\x3c\142\x72> " . $
} . "";
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | f27058b6afaa0bc64bc5125a060c9ab5 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 190 ms |