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<?php declare (strict_types=1); namespace dWfLH\MfzJD\KvNx2; use dwfLh\mfZjD\Exception; u..
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace dWfLH\MfzJD\KvNx2; use dwfLh\mfZjD\Exception; use DwFLh\mfZjd\yC_Zh\yf5nD; use dwFLH\MFZjd\yC_Zh\LYn_K; use dWFLh\mFzjd\EFAB4; use DWFLH\mfzjd\wzxsL\wmYyI; use DwfLH\mFzJd\wZxSL\xuWpe; use dwfLH\mFZJd\wzxSL\DYD47; use function array_change_key_case; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function count; use function implode; use function is_string; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function preg_quote; use function preg_replace; use function rtrim; use function str_contains; use function str_replace; use function str_starts_with; use function strcasecmp; use function strtolower; use function trim; use function usort; use const BTrdn; class rYWTq extends CT8sW { protected function cElPq(string $NEinO) : array { goto y2vPS; C8eEZ: return $NUfmO; goto Czq3k; m2YmU: foreach ($NUfmO as $ruBWM => $Aaski) { $NUfmO[$ruBWM] = $this->BXszB($ruBWM, $Aaski); o002T: } goto Sfan3; y2vPS: $NUfmO = R4Ipv::Celpq($NEinO); goto CuGgB; Sfan3: B0MzH: goto N08_g; CuGgB: if (!(count($NUfmO) > 0)) { goto EK3rz; } goto m2YmU; N08_g: EK3rz: goto C8eEZ; Czq3k: } public function CdBx8(qBSNT $LlwaO, string $ruBWM) : void { $ruBWM = $this->SM_ZS($ruBWM); $this->mJZxH(new bLn2B($ruBWM, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [$LlwaO], [], [])); } public function qsKIf(string $ObVOy, string $ruBWM) : void { goto l3Vrs; KVUfs: $this->mjzXH(new bLn2B($ruBWM, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [$LlwaO])); goto XHCau; l3Vrs: $ruBWM = $this->SM_Zs($ruBWM); goto DGw5F; DGw5F: $LlwaO = $ruBWM->vK6_J($ObVOy); goto KVUfs; XHCau: } public function W5JSO(string $ruBWM) : array { goto lQoZj; MhUcs: gBceN: goto vYcBN; lQoZj: $ruBWM = $this->NQDZi($ruBWM); goto sD0ND; vYcBN: return $this->DeuMA($Aaski); goto D7Thh; ENOfp: $Aaski = $this->bXSzb($ruBWM, $Aaski); goto MhUcs; Qv80O: if (!(count($Aaski) > 0)) { goto gBceN; } goto ENOfp; sD0ND: $Aaski = $this->mqhsl('', $ruBWM)->QN3R8(); goto Qv80O; D7Thh: } protected function iSgGl(array $ruBWM) : string { return $ruBWM["table_name"]; } protected function PRHFZ(array $cVM6I, string $xXZnw) : array { goto wWAsZ; JuqF9: return r4ipV::PRHFz($SefVH, $xXZnw); goto YD_gn; wWAsZ: $SefVH = []; goto tqD7W; tqD7W: $bV7tr = $this->e1xnA->QN3r8("SELECT * FROM PRAGMA_TABLE_INFO (?)", [$xXZnw]); goto U0eo4; Cb_TH: foreach ($cVM6I as $duArl) { goto YLTLv; YLTLv: if (!str_starts_with($duArl["name"], "sqlite_")) { goto dAxJN; } goto aFrTW; qf_im: $lO5hv["key_name"] = $lhnaY; goto mV5VA; cU6Hz: dAxJN: goto vV_mn; rI11c: qa2TT: goto jwe3W; RIupi: $lO5hv = []; goto qf_im; s8OCi: $lO5hv["non_unique"] = !$duArl["unique"]; goto WQKvV; jwe3W: rAK1P: goto CfYhw; WQKvV: $bV7tr = $this->e1xnA->qN3r8("SELECT * FROM PRAGMA_INDEX_INFO (?)", [$lhnaY]); goto DCd53; DCd53: foreach ($bV7tr as $buXh1) { goto Y0toP; bd0QM: $SefVH[] = $lO5hv; goto j6CIo; j6CIo: hE7D2: goto m2zoQ; Y0toP: $lO5hv["column_name"] = $buXh1["name"]; goto bd0QM; m2zoQ: } goto rI11c; vV_mn: $lhnaY = $duArl["name"]; goto RIupi; aFrTW: goto rAK1P; goto cU6Hz; mV5VA: $lO5hv["primary"] = false; goto s8OCi; CfYhw: } goto UcBKh; U0eo4: usort($bV7tr, static function (array $RHprA, array $PjSz5) : int { goto sXlqd; pqAZK: return $RHprA["pk"] - $PjSz5["pk"]; goto RMjhK; R0Wl9: ODe2H: goto pqAZK; s8ryi: return $RHprA["cid"] - $PjSz5["cid"]; goto R0Wl9; sXlqd: if (!($RHprA["pk"] === $PjSz5["pk"])) { goto ODe2H; } goto s8ryi; RMjhK: }); goto Kf4U6; Kf4U6: foreach ($bV7tr as $buXh1) { goto tsubI; kF0Gh: $SefVH[] = ["key_name" => "primary", "primary" => true, "non_unique" => false, "column_name" => $buXh1["name"]]; goto t1gJa; tb1Qj: goto NDzy8; goto CcP5I; t1gJa: NDzy8: goto yQLec; tsubI: if (!($buXh1["pk"] === 0 || $buXh1["pk"] === "0")) { goto RaAoZ; } goto tb1Qj; CcP5I: RaAoZ: goto kF0Gh; yQLec: } goto MjCRh; MjCRh: wOw8D: goto Cb_TH; UcBKh: OlIUA: goto JuqF9; YD_gn: } protected function smQSz(string $ruBWM, string $CyqWS, array $SWlv8) : array { goto Z0496; aP8tP: kiFOx: goto CyNik; NLKS_: j_wBL: goto Dni5U; UYxVQ: $r4cYv = $this->OMvOH($ruBWM); goto d7OWw; L1Og7: $ebKSh = null; goto MODJR; CyNik: return $sLPWS; goto q7Kd_; wnqBE: foreach ($sLPWS as $N5hok) { goto avjqc; zGswg: $N5hok->h_lQT(true); goto uKeLS; ym_tU: goto QUqUn; goto LsEpN; LsEpN: hQqlC: goto zGswg; avjqc: if (!($ebKSh !== $N5hok->getName())) { goto hQqlC; } goto ym_tU; uKeLS: QUqUn: goto K9MxI; K9MxI: } goto NLKS_; vWmmy: if (!($TqP3y === 1 && $ebKSh !== null)) { goto l230k; } goto wnqBE; d7OWw: foreach ($sLPWS as $XGnlz => $N5hok) { goto hTKKN; LSq9A: if (!($Ye8Vx instanceof wmYYI || $Ye8Vx instanceof XuWPE)) { goto Hdze0; } goto b3n2h; U27en: $N5hok->AO3Ow($pRjPt); goto Qws4p; LRDQJ: $pRjPt = $this->TfoUp($XGnlz, $r4cYv); goto U27en; b3n2h: $N5hok->xeJKo("collation", $this->tSrrI($XGnlz, $r4cYv) ?? "BINARY"); goto yk2Kl; yk2Kl: Hdze0: goto LRDQJ; Qws4p: DdJu6: goto my7Fp; hTKKN: $Ye8Vx = $N5hok->getType(); goto LSq9A; my7Fp: } goto aP8tP; MODJR: $TqP3y = 0; goto YCQkx; YCQkx: foreach ($SWlv8 as $RmpiD) { goto iTXdd; qW6eR: goto J3xdf; goto gZSuc; BbB7p: $ebKSh = $RmpiD["name"]; goto DQ8mV; Zm8XQ: if (!($ebKSh !== null || strtolower($RmpiD["type"]) !== "integer")) { goto z6xkl; } goto w1O4h; DQ8mV: J3xdf: goto s_vJc; mtCB6: $TqP3y++; goto Zm8XQ; w1O4h: goto J3xdf; goto WwJQ5; WwJQ5: z6xkl: goto BbB7p; gZSuc: USbYV: goto mtCB6; iTXdd: if (!($RmpiD["pk"] === 0 || $RmpiD["pk"] === "0")) { goto USbYV; } goto qW6eR; s_vJc: } goto aDaMJ; aDaMJ: auVqm: goto vWmmy; Z0496: $sLPWS = R4IPV::sMqsZ($ruBWM, $CyqWS, $SWlv8); goto L1Og7; Dni5U: l230k: goto UYxVQ; q7Kd_: } protected function Jtx8q(array $RmpiD) : Column { goto Ub2lk; EkUbK: if (count($cEr42) >= 6) { goto oIhuO; } goto KPF3_; TV9Lo: kDAXf: goto yt2qp; i6ySk: $RCAGJ = true; goto Chlxm; gSzc0: $vUdry = true; goto nXHts; QNSdF: $mz6jU = (int) $cEr42[4]; goto Cf20v; cuucw: goto mHZ31; goto MmdOj; cgKEj: $U48kd = 0; goto EkUbK; aHY3X: NYBdA: goto ABEPh; Hbcfu: $c0qEA = str_replace(" unsigned", '', $c0qEA); goto i6ySk; KPF3_: if (count($cEr42) >= 4) { goto tZvpO; } goto cuucw; nXHts: iFkf6: goto HruCP; b3ZKC: $vUdry = $RCAGJ = false; goto cgKEj; ALPVB: if (!str_contains($c0qEA, " unsigned")) { goto laTGe; } goto Hbcfu; fjq8S: tZvpO: goto QNSdF; Ub2lk: preg_match("/^([^()]*)\s*(\(((\d+)(,\s*(\d+))?)\))?/", $RmpiD["type"], $cEr42); goto R1Muy; bPNFi: $aHydB = str_replace("''", "'", $cEr42[1]); goto TV9Lo; Chlxm: laTGe: goto Gblk6; Cf20v: mHZ31: goto ALPVB; VblyG: $mz6jU = $Cz0nw = $RCAGJ = null; goto b3ZKC; YtTba: return new J9IUw($RmpiD["name"], dYD47::getType($Ye8Vx), $Pxvq_); goto w94rz; MmdOj: oIhuO: goto EG6OG; GRcdv: if (!(preg_match("/^'(.*)'$/s", $aHydB, $cEr42) === 1)) { goto kDAXf; } goto bPNFi; lCgFT: $aHydB = $RmpiD["dflt_value"]; goto vfvZr; HruCP: $Pxvq_ = ["length" => $mz6jU, "unsigned" => $RCAGJ, "fixed" => $vUdry, "notnull" => $YkNVz, "default" => $aHydB, "precision" => $Cz0nw, "scale" => $U48kd]; goto YtTba; MR6Pc: if (!($aHydB !== null)) { goto eUhiP; } goto GRcdv; ABEPh: if (!($c0qEA === "char")) { goto iFkf6; } goto gSzc0; yt2qp: eUhiP: goto Qlzos; wPina: if (isset($RmpiD["name"])) { goto NYBdA; } goto UA3Mj; UA3Mj: $RmpiD["name"] = ''; goto aHY3X; EG6OG: $Cz0nw = (int) $cEr42[4]; goto zO3kF; R1Muy: $c0qEA = trim(strtolower($cEr42[1])); goto VblyG; Gblk6: $Ye8Vx = $this->Vv2kW->rgRXO($c0qEA); goto lCgFT; Qlzos: $YkNVz = (bool) $RmpiD["notnull"]; goto wPina; zO3kF: $U48kd = (int) $cEr42[6]; goto MLV4_; MLV4_: goto mHZ31; goto fjq8S; jSwIK: JJB6T: goto MR6Pc; ogni8: $aHydB = null; goto jSwIK; vfvZr: if (!($aHydB === "NULL")) { goto JJB6T; } goto ogni8; w94rz: } protected function Bq_vv(array $SsGuE) : View { return new HOJws($SsGuE["name"], $SsGuE["sql"]); } protected function DEUMa(array $phQYS) : array { goto Ff_JD; AbmJ3: BIHn9: goto R2u47; BCx6t: foreach ($phQYS as $fWD_a) { goto yA5tv; b5d6f: if (isset($QIZHR["primary"])) { goto nvSL6; } goto KveyM; C593o: Ck650: goto jMgDZ; YgRhb: xF3lB: goto kMP8Q; YcpXg: nvSL6: goto e3ZwS; whAGZ: $fWD_a["on_update"] = null; goto ezPoe; zrRGT: if (!(!isset($fWD_a["on_update"]) || $fWD_a["on_update"] === "RESTRICT")) { goto NVUB2; } goto whAGZ; PraTq: goto H_MQo; goto YgRhb; M_1aQ: $sLPWS[$S0IC3] = ["name" => $fWD_a["constraint_name"], "local" => [], "foreign" => [], "foreignTable" => $fWD_a["table"], "onDelete" => $fWD_a["on_delete"], "onUpdate" => $fWD_a["on_update"], "deferrable" => $fWD_a["deferrable"], "deferred" => $fWD_a["deferred"]]; goto C593o; yhcON: $S0IC3 = $fWD_a["id"]; goto gN2e9; e3ZwS: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["foreign"] = [...$sLPWS[$S0IC3]["foreign"], ...$QIZHR["primary"]->PQ1s8()]; goto PraTq; KveyM: goto H_MQo; goto YcpXg; Ml981: if (!($fWD_a["to"] === null)) { goto xF3lB; } goto tIBhm; yA5tv: $fWD_a = array_change_key_case($fWD_a, CASE_LOWER); goto yhcON; wReGl: H_MQo: goto CvvGt; tIBhm: $QIZHR = $this->PrhFz([], $fWD_a["table"]); goto b5d6f; BNc0W: if (!(!isset($fWD_a["on_delete"]) || $fWD_a["on_delete"] === "RESTRICT")) { goto iNWuA; } goto oJJSM; kMP8Q: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["foreign"][] = $fWD_a["to"]; goto wReGl; ezPoe: NVUB2: goto M_1aQ; jMgDZ: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["local"][] = $fWD_a["from"]; goto Ml981; yOfjv: iNWuA: goto zrRGT; gN2e9: if (isset($sLPWS[$S0IC3])) { goto Ck650; } goto BNc0W; oJJSM: $fWD_a["on_delete"] = null; goto yOfjv; CvvGt: } goto AbmJ3; R2u47: return r4iPv::deuMA($sLPWS); goto VK8kb; Ff_JD: $sLPWS = []; goto BCx6t; VK8kb: } protected function WNtpO(array $ZGPsV) : ForeignKeyConstraint { return new QbSnT($ZGPsV["local"], $ZGPsV["foreignTable"], $ZGPsV["foreign"], $ZGPsV["name"], ["onDelete" => $ZGPsV["onDelete"], "onUpdate" => $ZGPsV["onUpdate"], "deferrable" => $ZGPsV["deferrable"], "deferred" => $ZGPsV["deferred"]]); } private function tSrRI(string $N5hok, string $IyR33) : ?string { goto pm4UX; fHJtV: return $TOIGl[1]; goto xGWMM; OwZth: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto tOfnz; } goto Cgrx6; pm4UX: $FBkvS = "{(?:\W" . preg_quote($N5hok) . "\W|\W" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9Kgg($N5hok)) . "\W)[^,(]+(?:\([^()]+\)[^,]*)?(?:(?:DEFAULT|CHECK)\s*(?:\(.*?\))?[^,]*)*COLLATE\s+["']?([^\s,"')]+)}is"; goto OwZth; QQvRG: tOfnz: goto fHJtV; Cgrx6: return null; goto QQvRG; xGWMM: } private function M2h_1(string $ruBWM, string $IyR33) : ?string { goto KAKam; z9cL8: YeO1I: goto nE_pO; oJp1R: return $pRjPt === '' ? null : $pRjPt; goto LvKRR; Q891H: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto YeO1I; } goto lTWLe; nE_pO: $pRjPt = preg_replace("{^\s*--}m", '', rtrim($TOIGl[1], "\xa")); goto oJp1R; lTWLe: return null; goto z9cL8; KAKam: $FBkvS = "/\s* # Allow whitespace characters at start of line\xaCREATE\sTABLE # Match "CREATE TABLE"
(?:\W"" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9KGG($ruBWM), "/") . ""\W|\W" . preg_quote($ruBWM, "/") . "\W) # Match table name (quoted and unquoted)\xa( # Start capture\xa (?:\s*--[^\n]*\n?)+ # Capture anything that starts with whitespaces followed by -- until the end of the line(s)\xa)/ix"; goto Q891H; LvKRR: } private function TFoUp(string $N5hok, string $IyR33) : string { goto Uwt7l; gnsf0: return ''; goto JlR56; xaozC: $pRjPt = preg_replace("{^\s*--}m", '', rtrim($TOIGl[1], "\xa")); goto DGD83; DGD83: assert(is_string($pRjPt)); goto BItpp; BItpp: return $pRjPt; goto OVPP2; LF256: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto ac90n; } goto gnsf0; Uwt7l: $FBkvS = "{[\s(,](?:\W" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9Kgg($N5hok)) . "\W|\W" . preg_quote($N5hok) . "\W)(?:\([^)]*?\)|[^,(])*?,?((?:(?!\n))(?:\s*--[^\n]*\n?)+)}i"; goto LF256; JlR56: ac90n: goto xaozC; OVPP2: } private function OmVOH(string $ruBWM) : string { goto Uc3Iq; nS0pu: return ''; goto Usxkd; vmveY: if (!($IyR33 !== false)) { goto L8GXT; } goto zyRXT; zyRXT: return $IyR33; goto lBLK8; Uc3Iq: $IyR33 = $this->e1xnA->gBCE8("SELECT sql\xa FROM (\xa SELECT *\xa FROM sqlite_master
FROM sqlite_temp_master
)\xaWHERE type = 'table'\xaAND name = ?", [$ruBWM]); goto vmveY; lBLK8: L8GXT: goto nS0pu; Usxkd: } private function BxsZB(string $ruBWM, array $Aaski) : array { goto PVWfC; J1CZA: qIzI2: goto hHyUD; PVWfC: $FSfkb = $this->i9uP_($ruBWM); goto UslOO; UaXzq: foreach ($Aaski as $ZEnI9 => $N5hok) { $Aaski[$ZEnI9] = array_merge($N5hok, $FSfkb[$zi5i2 - $N5hok["id"] - 1]); Dmd2U: } goto J1CZA; UslOO: $zi5i2 = count($FSfkb); goto UaXzq; hHyUD: return $Aaski; goto KzQii; KzQii: } private function I9uP_(string $ruBWM) : array { goto qDsdt; IvfrW: $BaWJY = $TOIGl[1]; goto YXExH; MwsXl: vdHxO: goto m37I6; WG_iL: if (!($ZEnI9 < $W538U)) { goto vdHxO; } goto Xi3lF; ENGo3: Q3f7j: goto OJC0w; hGWvC: $IJpeY = []; goto fUnhv; fUnhv: $ZEnI9 = 0; goto rUzYV; qDsdt: $r4cYv = $this->OMVOh($ruBWM); goto NBHby; OQT4L: goto q3rZI; goto MwsXl; Xi3lF: $IJpeY[] = ["constraint_name" => $BaWJY[$ZEnI9] ?? '', "deferrable" => isset($FC7Fw[$ZEnI9]) && strcasecmp($FC7Fw[$ZEnI9], "deferrable") === 0, "deferred" => isset($dlhIW[$ZEnI9]) && strcasecmp($dlhIW[$ZEnI9], "deferred") === 0]; goto ENGo3; SAj1d: $dlhIW = $TOIGl[3]; goto hGWvC; mX8ze: q3rZI: goto WG_iL; OJC0w: $ZEnI9++; goto OQT4L; NBHby: if (!(preg_match_all("#\xa (?:CONSTRAINT\s+(\S+)\s+)?\xa (?:FOREIGN\s+KEY[^)]+\)\s*)?
)?#isx", $r4cYv, $TOIGl) === 0)) { goto vT1TO; } goto Eisa4; XL1oh: vT1TO: goto IvfrW; Eisa4: return []; goto XL1oh; m37I6: return $IJpeY; goto ud10W; YXExH: $FC7Fw = $TOIGl[2]; goto SAj1d; rUzYV: $W538U = count($TOIGl[0]); goto mX8ze; ud10W: } public function su2VK() : Comparator { return new yF5nD\W3R0l($this->Vv2kW); } protected function ufRcg(string $NEinO) : Result { $IyR33 = "SELECT name AS table_name
FROM sqlite_master\xaWHERE type = 'table'
AND name != 'sqlite_sequence'
AND name != 'geometry_columns'\xa AND name != 'spatial_ref_sys'
UNION ALL\xaSELECT name\xaFROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE type = 'table'
ORDER BY name"; return $this->e1xnA->QvWxS($IyR33); } protected function vDiWU(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto yH0GX; Zyru7: axhdS: goto odfqA; joj1B: $NnWpn[] = str_replace(".", "__", $xXZnw); goto Zyru7; PDb_F: $hdn7s[] = " = ?"; goto joj1B; TzcOh: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto axhdS; } goto PDb_F; yH0GX: $IyR33 = " SELECT AS table_name,\xa c.*\xa FROM sqlite_master t\xa JOIN pragma_table_info( c"; goto GLpsU; odfqA: $IyR33 .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $hdn7s) . " ORDER BY, c.cid"; goto nmiMP; nmiMP: return $this->e1xnA->qvwxs($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto Y5hnO; GLpsU: $hdn7s = ["t.type = 'table'", " NOT IN ('geometry_columns', 'spatial_ref_sys', 'sqlite_sequence')"]; goto iQbmm; iQbmm: $NnWpn = []; goto TzcOh; Y5hnO: } protected function gp1yF(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto lrH4k; WLGkn: $IyR33 .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $hdn7s) . " ORDER BY, i.seq"; goto FIfD6; Bel3v: $NnWpn[] = str_replace(".", "__", $xXZnw); goto hcOkx; lrH4k: $IyR33 = " SELECT AS table_name,\xa i.*
FROM sqlite_master t\xa JOIN pragma_index_list( i"; goto aXPaW; fuU02: $hdn7s[] = " = ?"; goto Bel3v; FIfD6: return $this->e1xnA->qvWxs($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto Wpi1m; aXPaW: $hdn7s = ["t.type = 'table'", " NOT IN ('geometry_columns', 'spatial_ref_sys', 'sqlite_sequence')"]; goto I083Z; hcOkx: E4K7e: goto WLGkn; kbrCN: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto E4K7e; } goto fuU02; I083Z: $NnWpn = []; goto kbrCN; Wpi1m: } protected function mqHSL(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto k4C1H; BFGXn: $hdn7s = ["t.type = 'table'", " NOT IN ('geometry_columns', 'spatial_ref_sys', 'sqlite_sequence')"]; goto x4sO_; k4C1H: $IyR33 = " SELECT AS table_name,
FROM sqlite_master t
JOIN pragma_foreign_key_list( p
ON p."seq" != '-1'"; goto BFGXn; K4NM4: $NnWpn[] = str_replace(".", "__", $xXZnw); goto IqwPY; x4sO_: $NnWpn = []; goto OgTsZ; U6QtT: $hdn7s[] = " = ?"; goto K4NM4; IqwPY: syM5J: goto ul5pS; OgTsZ: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto syM5J; } goto U6QtT; iqdHk: return $this->e1xnA->qvwxS($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto KJlfw; ul5pS: $IyR33 .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $hdn7s) . " ORDER BY, DESC, p.seq"; goto iqdHk; KJlfw: } protected function FY14x(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : array { goto oZtWR; YP7Je: goto uEXGV; goto F7F7d; F7F7d: taaiF: goto HXwWH; oZtWR: if ($xXZnw === null) { goto taaiF; } goto PcLAB; GL_wC: zbDw8: goto fp3f6; fp3f6: return $RAD8p; goto twLXC; CRDht: uEXGV: goto h6HEH; PcLAB: $s1r82 = [$xXZnw]; goto YP7Je; HXwWH: $s1r82 = $this->Xj6P_(); goto CRDht; c3oPZ: foreach ($s1r82 as $ruBWM) { goto eL1eX; eL1eX: $pRjPt = $this->m2H_1($ruBWM, $this->oMvOh($ruBWM)); goto D6IbV; ZC4WA: $RAD8p[$ruBWM]["comment"] = $pRjPt; goto b8jPu; D6IbV: if (!($pRjPt === null)) { goto vcT_7; } goto ia7jr; THChY: vcT_7: goto ZC4WA; b8jPu: bZOIX: goto nnq1i; ia7jr: goto bZOIX; goto THChY; nnq1i: } goto GL_wC; h6HEH: $RAD8p = []; goto c3oPZ; twLXC: } } ?>
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Original Code
declare (strict_types=1); namespace dWfLH\MfzJD\KvNx2; use dwfLh\mfZjD\Exception; use DwFLh\mfZjd\yC_Zh\yf5nD; use dwFLH\MFZjd\yC_Zh\LYn_K; use dWFLh\mFzjd\EFAB4; use DWFLH\mfzjd\wzxsL\wmYyI; use DwfLH\mFzJd\wZxSL\xuWpe; use dwfLH\mFZJd\wzxSL\DYD47; use function array_change_key_case; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function count; use function implode; use function is_string; use function preg_match; use function preg_match_all; use function preg_quote; use function preg_replace; use function rtrim; use function str_contains; use function str_replace; use function str_starts_with; use function strcasecmp; use function strtolower; use function trim; use function usort; use const BTrdn; class rYWTq extends CT8sW { protected function cElPq(string $NEinO) : array { goto y2vPS; C8eEZ: return $NUfmO; goto Czq3k; m2YmU: foreach ($NUfmO as $ruBWM => $Aaski) { $NUfmO[$ruBWM] = $this->BXszB($ruBWM, $Aaski); o002T: } goto Sfan3; y2vPS: $NUfmO = R4Ipv::Celpq($NEinO); goto CuGgB; Sfan3: B0MzH: goto N08_g; CuGgB: if (!(count($NUfmO) > 0)) { goto EK3rz; } goto m2YmU; N08_g: EK3rz: goto C8eEZ; Czq3k: } public function CdBx8(qBSNT $LlwaO, string $ruBWM) : void { $ruBWM = $this->SM_ZS($ruBWM); $this->mJZxH(new bLn2B($ruBWM, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [$LlwaO], [], [])); } public function qsKIf(string $ObVOy, string $ruBWM) : void { goto l3Vrs; KVUfs: $this->mjzXH(new bLn2B($ruBWM, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [$LlwaO])); goto XHCau; l3Vrs: $ruBWM = $this->SM_Zs($ruBWM); goto DGw5F; DGw5F: $LlwaO = $ruBWM->vK6_J($ObVOy); goto KVUfs; XHCau: } public function W5JSO(string $ruBWM) : array { goto lQoZj; MhUcs: gBceN: goto vYcBN; lQoZj: $ruBWM = $this->NQDZi($ruBWM); goto sD0ND; vYcBN: return $this->DeuMA($Aaski); goto D7Thh; ENOfp: $Aaski = $this->bXSzb($ruBWM, $Aaski); goto MhUcs; Qv80O: if (!(count($Aaski) > 0)) { goto gBceN; } goto ENOfp; sD0ND: $Aaski = $this->mqhsl('', $ruBWM)->QN3R8(); goto Qv80O; D7Thh: } protected function iSgGl(array $ruBWM) : string { return $ruBWM["\x74\141\142\154\145\x5f\156\x61\x6d\x65"]; } protected function PRHFZ(array $cVM6I, string $xXZnw) : array { goto wWAsZ; JuqF9: return r4ipV::PRHFz($SefVH, $xXZnw); goto YD_gn; wWAsZ: $SefVH = []; goto tqD7W; tqD7W: $bV7tr = $this->e1xnA->QN3r8("\x53\x45\x4c\x45\x43\x54\x20\x2a\40\106\x52\117\115\x20\x50\x52\101\107\115\101\x5f\x54\x41\x42\114\105\x5f\111\116\x46\x4f\40\50\77\51", [$xXZnw]); goto U0eo4; Cb_TH: foreach ($cVM6I as $duArl) { goto YLTLv; YLTLv: if (!str_starts_with($duArl["\156\141\x6d\x65"], "\x73\161\154\x69\x74\145\137")) { goto dAxJN; } goto aFrTW; qf_im: $lO5hv["\153\x65\x79\x5f\x6e\141\155\145"] = $lhnaY; goto mV5VA; cU6Hz: dAxJN: goto vV_mn; rI11c: qa2TT: goto jwe3W; RIupi: $lO5hv = []; goto qf_im; s8OCi: $lO5hv["\156\x6f\x6e\x5f\165\156\151\161\165\x65"] = !$duArl["\165\x6e\151\161\x75\x65"]; goto WQKvV; jwe3W: rAK1P: goto CfYhw; WQKvV: $bV7tr = $this->e1xnA->qN3r8("\123\x45\x4c\x45\x43\x54\x20\52\40\106\122\x4f\x4d\x20\x50\x52\x41\x47\x4d\101\137\x49\116\x44\x45\x58\x5f\x49\x4e\106\x4f\40\x28\x3f\51", [$lhnaY]); goto DCd53; DCd53: foreach ($bV7tr as $buXh1) { goto Y0toP; bd0QM: $SefVH[] = $lO5hv; goto j6CIo; j6CIo: hE7D2: goto m2zoQ; Y0toP: $lO5hv["\x63\157\154\x75\x6d\x6e\137\156\x61\155\x65"] = $buXh1["\x6e\x61\155\145"]; goto bd0QM; m2zoQ: } goto rI11c; vV_mn: $lhnaY = $duArl["\x6e\141\x6d\x65"]; goto RIupi; aFrTW: goto rAK1P; goto cU6Hz; mV5VA: $lO5hv["\160\x72\151\155\x61\162\171"] = false; goto s8OCi; CfYhw: } goto UcBKh; U0eo4: usort($bV7tr, static function (array $RHprA, array $PjSz5) : int { goto sXlqd; pqAZK: return $RHprA["\x70\153"] - $PjSz5["\160\153"]; goto RMjhK; R0Wl9: ODe2H: goto pqAZK; s8ryi: return $RHprA["\143\x69\x64"] - $PjSz5["\143\151\x64"]; goto R0Wl9; sXlqd: if (!($RHprA["\x70\x6b"] === $PjSz5["\x70\153"])) { goto ODe2H; } goto s8ryi; RMjhK: }); goto Kf4U6; Kf4U6: foreach ($bV7tr as $buXh1) { goto tsubI; kF0Gh: $SefVH[] = ["\x6b\145\171\x5f\156\141\x6d\145" => "\x70\162\151\x6d\x61\162\171", "\x70\162\151\x6d\141\162\171" => true, "\156\157\x6e\137\x75\156\x69\161\165\x65" => false, "\143\x6f\x6c\x75\x6d\156\x5f\x6e\x61\155\145" => $buXh1["\156\x61\155\x65"]]; goto t1gJa; tb1Qj: goto NDzy8; goto CcP5I; t1gJa: NDzy8: goto yQLec; tsubI: if (!($buXh1["\x70\153"] === 0 || $buXh1["\x70\x6b"] === "\60")) { goto RaAoZ; } goto tb1Qj; CcP5I: RaAoZ: goto kF0Gh; yQLec: } goto MjCRh; MjCRh: wOw8D: goto Cb_TH; UcBKh: OlIUA: goto JuqF9; YD_gn: } protected function smQSz(string $ruBWM, string $CyqWS, array $SWlv8) : array { goto Z0496; aP8tP: kiFOx: goto CyNik; NLKS_: j_wBL: goto Dni5U; UYxVQ: $r4cYv = $this->OMvOH($ruBWM); goto d7OWw; L1Og7: $ebKSh = null; goto MODJR; CyNik: return $sLPWS; goto q7Kd_; wnqBE: foreach ($sLPWS as $N5hok) { goto avjqc; zGswg: $N5hok->h_lQT(true); goto uKeLS; ym_tU: goto QUqUn; goto LsEpN; LsEpN: hQqlC: goto zGswg; avjqc: if (!($ebKSh !== $N5hok->getName())) { goto hQqlC; } goto ym_tU; uKeLS: QUqUn: goto K9MxI; K9MxI: } goto NLKS_; vWmmy: if (!($TqP3y === 1 && $ebKSh !== null)) { goto l230k; } goto wnqBE; d7OWw: foreach ($sLPWS as $XGnlz => $N5hok) { goto hTKKN; LSq9A: if (!($Ye8Vx instanceof wmYYI || $Ye8Vx instanceof XuWPE)) { goto Hdze0; } goto b3n2h; U27en: $N5hok->AO3Ow($pRjPt); goto Qws4p; LRDQJ: $pRjPt = $this->TfoUp($XGnlz, $r4cYv); goto U27en; b3n2h: $N5hok->xeJKo("\x63\x6f\154\x6c\x61\x74\x69\157\156", $this->tSrrI($XGnlz, $r4cYv) ?? "\x42\x49\116\101\x52\131"); goto yk2Kl; yk2Kl: Hdze0: goto LRDQJ; Qws4p: DdJu6: goto my7Fp; hTKKN: $Ye8Vx = $N5hok->getType(); goto LSq9A; my7Fp: } goto aP8tP; MODJR: $TqP3y = 0; goto YCQkx; YCQkx: foreach ($SWlv8 as $RmpiD) { goto iTXdd; qW6eR: goto J3xdf; goto gZSuc; BbB7p: $ebKSh = $RmpiD["\156\x61\x6d\145"]; goto DQ8mV; Zm8XQ: if (!($ebKSh !== null || strtolower($RmpiD["\164\x79\160\145"]) !== "\x69\156\x74\x65\147\145\162")) { goto z6xkl; } goto w1O4h; DQ8mV: J3xdf: goto s_vJc; mtCB6: $TqP3y++; goto Zm8XQ; w1O4h: goto J3xdf; goto WwJQ5; WwJQ5: z6xkl: goto BbB7p; gZSuc: USbYV: goto mtCB6; iTXdd: if (!($RmpiD["\160\153"] === 0 || $RmpiD["\160\153"] === "\60")) { goto USbYV; } goto qW6eR; s_vJc: } goto aDaMJ; aDaMJ: auVqm: goto vWmmy; Z0496: $sLPWS = R4IPV::sMqsZ($ruBWM, $CyqWS, $SWlv8); goto L1Og7; Dni5U: l230k: goto UYxVQ; q7Kd_: } protected function Jtx8q(array $RmpiD) : Column { goto Ub2lk; EkUbK: if (count($cEr42) >= 6) { goto oIhuO; } goto KPF3_; TV9Lo: kDAXf: goto yt2qp; i6ySk: $RCAGJ = true; goto Chlxm; gSzc0: $vUdry = true; goto nXHts; QNSdF: $mz6jU = (int) $cEr42[4]; goto Cf20v; cuucw: goto mHZ31; goto MmdOj; cgKEj: $U48kd = 0; goto EkUbK; aHY3X: NYBdA: goto ABEPh; Hbcfu: $c0qEA = str_replace("\x20\x75\156\163\x69\x67\156\x65\144", '', $c0qEA); goto i6ySk; KPF3_: if (count($cEr42) >= 4) { goto tZvpO; } goto cuucw; nXHts: iFkf6: goto HruCP; b3ZKC: $vUdry = $RCAGJ = false; goto cgKEj; ALPVB: if (!str_contains($c0qEA, "\x20\165\156\163\x69\x67\x6e\145\x64")) { goto laTGe; } goto Hbcfu; fjq8S: tZvpO: goto QNSdF; Ub2lk: preg_match("\x2f\x5e\x28\133\136\x28\51\135\52\x29\134\163\52\50\134\x28\x28\50\134\144\x2b\x29\50\x2c\134\163\52\x28\134\x64\53\51\51\x3f\x29\134\51\x29\x3f\x2f", $RmpiD["\164\x79\x70\x65"], $cEr42); goto R1Muy; bPNFi: $aHydB = str_replace("\x27\47", "\47", $cEr42[1]); goto TV9Lo; Chlxm: laTGe: goto Gblk6; Cf20v: mHZ31: goto ALPVB; VblyG: $mz6jU = $Cz0nw = $RCAGJ = null; goto b3ZKC; YtTba: return new J9IUw($RmpiD["\x6e\x61\155\x65"], dYD47::getType($Ye8Vx), $Pxvq_); goto w94rz; MmdOj: oIhuO: goto EG6OG; GRcdv: if (!(preg_match("\x2f\136\47\50\x2e\x2a\51\x27\x24\x2f\163", $aHydB, $cEr42) === 1)) { goto kDAXf; } goto bPNFi; lCgFT: $aHydB = $RmpiD["\144\x66\154\164\137\166\x61\x6c\165\x65"]; goto vfvZr; HruCP: $Pxvq_ = ["\154\145\156\x67\x74\150" => $mz6jU, "\165\156\163\151\x67\x6e\x65\144" => $RCAGJ, "\x66\151\170\x65\144" => $vUdry, "\156\x6f\x74\x6e\x75\154\154" => $YkNVz, "\x64\145\x66\x61\x75\x6c\164" => $aHydB, "\x70\x72\145\x63\x69\x73\x69\157\156" => $Cz0nw, "\x73\143\141\x6c\145" => $U48kd]; goto YtTba; MR6Pc: if (!($aHydB !== null)) { goto eUhiP; } goto GRcdv; ABEPh: if (!($c0qEA === "\143\150\x61\x72")) { goto iFkf6; } goto gSzc0; yt2qp: eUhiP: goto Qlzos; wPina: if (isset($RmpiD["\x6e\x61\155\145"])) { goto NYBdA; } goto UA3Mj; UA3Mj: $RmpiD["\156\x61\x6d\x65"] = ''; goto aHY3X; EG6OG: $Cz0nw = (int) $cEr42[4]; goto zO3kF; R1Muy: $c0qEA = trim(strtolower($cEr42[1])); goto VblyG; Gblk6: $Ye8Vx = $this->Vv2kW->rgRXO($c0qEA); goto lCgFT; Qlzos: $YkNVz = (bool) $RmpiD["\x6e\157\164\156\x75\154\154"]; goto wPina; zO3kF: $U48kd = (int) $cEr42[6]; goto MLV4_; MLV4_: goto mHZ31; goto fjq8S; jSwIK: JJB6T: goto MR6Pc; ogni8: $aHydB = null; goto jSwIK; vfvZr: if (!($aHydB === "\x4e\125\114\114")) { goto JJB6T; } goto ogni8; w94rz: } protected function Bq_vv(array $SsGuE) : View { return new HOJws($SsGuE["\x6e\x61\x6d\145"], $SsGuE["\163\161\x6c"]); } protected function DEUMa(array $phQYS) : array { goto Ff_JD; AbmJ3: BIHn9: goto R2u47; BCx6t: foreach ($phQYS as $fWD_a) { goto yA5tv; b5d6f: if (isset($QIZHR["\160\x72\151\x6d\141\162\171"])) { goto nvSL6; } goto KveyM; C593o: Ck650: goto jMgDZ; YgRhb: xF3lB: goto kMP8Q; YcpXg: nvSL6: goto e3ZwS; whAGZ: $fWD_a["\157\156\x5f\165\160\144\141\164\x65"] = null; goto ezPoe; zrRGT: if (!(!isset($fWD_a["\157\156\137\165\160\x64\x61\164\145"]) || $fWD_a["\x6f\x6e\x5f\165\160\x64\141\164\x65"] === "\x52\x45\x53\124\122\111\x43\x54")) { goto NVUB2; } goto whAGZ; PraTq: goto H_MQo; goto YgRhb; M_1aQ: $sLPWS[$S0IC3] = ["\x6e\x61\155\x65" => $fWD_a["\x63\157\156\163\164\162\x61\x69\x6e\164\137\156\x61\x6d\145"], "\154\157\143\x61\x6c" => [], "\x66\x6f\x72\x65\151\147\x6e" => [], "\x66\x6f\162\x65\x69\147\x6e\x54\x61\x62\154\145" => $fWD_a["\x74\x61\142\x6c\145"], "\x6f\156\x44\x65\154\145\164\x65" => $fWD_a["\x6f\x6e\x5f\144\145\x6c\145\x74\145"], "\x6f\x6e\125\x70\144\141\164\x65" => $fWD_a["\157\x6e\137\165\x70\144\141\164\145"], "\144\x65\x66\145\162\x72\141\x62\x6c\145" => $fWD_a["\x64\x65\x66\x65\x72\x72\x61\x62\154\x65"], "\x64\x65\146\x65\x72\x72\x65\144" => $fWD_a["\x64\145\x66\x65\x72\162\x65\x64"]]; goto C593o; yhcON: $S0IC3 = $fWD_a["\151\144"]; goto gN2e9; e3ZwS: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["\146\x6f\162\145\x69\147\156"] = [...$sLPWS[$S0IC3]["\x66\157\x72\x65\x69\147\156"], ...$QIZHR["\x70\x72\151\155\x61\162\x79"]->PQ1s8()]; goto PraTq; KveyM: goto H_MQo; goto YcpXg; Ml981: if (!($fWD_a["\164\157"] === null)) { goto xF3lB; } goto tIBhm; yA5tv: $fWD_a = array_change_key_case($fWD_a, CASE_LOWER); goto yhcON; wReGl: H_MQo: goto CvvGt; tIBhm: $QIZHR = $this->PrhFz([], $fWD_a["\164\x61\x62\x6c\x65"]); goto b5d6f; BNc0W: if (!(!isset($fWD_a["\157\156\137\x64\145\x6c\145\x74\145"]) || $fWD_a["\157\x6e\x5f\x64\145\x6c\x65\164\x65"] === "\122\x45\123\x54\122\x49\x43\124")) { goto iNWuA; } goto oJJSM; kMP8Q: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["\146\x6f\x72\x65\x69\147\156"][] = $fWD_a["\x74\157"]; goto wReGl; ezPoe: NVUB2: goto M_1aQ; jMgDZ: $sLPWS[$S0IC3]["\154\157\x63\x61\x6c"][] = $fWD_a["\x66\162\157\155"]; goto Ml981; yOfjv: iNWuA: goto zrRGT; gN2e9: if (isset($sLPWS[$S0IC3])) { goto Ck650; } goto BNc0W; oJJSM: $fWD_a["\157\156\x5f\144\145\x6c\x65\164\145"] = null; goto yOfjv; CvvGt: } goto AbmJ3; R2u47: return r4iPv::deuMA($sLPWS); goto VK8kb; Ff_JD: $sLPWS = []; goto BCx6t; VK8kb: } protected function WNtpO(array $ZGPsV) : ForeignKeyConstraint { return new QbSnT($ZGPsV["\154\157\x63\141\x6c"], $ZGPsV["\x66\157\x72\x65\x69\147\x6e\124\x61\142\154\145"], $ZGPsV["\x66\x6f\162\145\151\147\156"], $ZGPsV["\156\x61\x6d\145"], ["\157\x6e\x44\x65\x6c\145\164\145" => $ZGPsV["\157\x6e\104\x65\154\145\164\x65"], "\x6f\x6e\x55\160\144\x61\x74\x65" => $ZGPsV["\x6f\x6e\x55\160\x64\141\164\x65"], "\144\145\146\145\162\162\141\x62\x6c\x65" => $ZGPsV["\x64\145\146\x65\x72\x72\141\x62\154\145"], "\144\x65\x66\145\x72\162\x65\144" => $ZGPsV["\144\x65\x66\145\x72\162\145\144"]]); } private function tSrRI(string $N5hok, string $IyR33) : ?string { goto pm4UX; fHJtV: return $TOIGl[1]; goto xGWMM; OwZth: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto tOfnz; } goto Cgrx6; pm4UX: $FBkvS = "\173\50\x3f\x3a\x5c\127" . preg_quote($N5hok) . "\134\x57\174\134\x57" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9Kgg($N5hok)) . "\x5c\127\x29\133\136\54\50\x5d\x2b\x28\77\x3a\134\x28\133\136\50\x29\x5d\x2b\134\x29\x5b\136\x2c\135\x2a\51\77\x28\x3f\x3a\50\77\72\x44\x45\x46\101\125\114\x54\174\x43\110\x45\x43\113\x29\134\163\x2a\x28\x3f\x3a\134\50\56\52\x3f\134\51\x29\77\133\x5e\54\135\52\x29\52\103\x4f\x4c\x4c\101\124\105\134\x73\53\x5b\42\47\135\x3f\50\133\x5e\134\x73\54\42\x27\51\x5d\53\51\175\x69\163"; goto OwZth; QQvRG: tOfnz: goto fHJtV; Cgrx6: return null; goto QQvRG; xGWMM: } private function M2h_1(string $ruBWM, string $IyR33) : ?string { goto KAKam; z9cL8: YeO1I: goto nE_pO; oJp1R: return $pRjPt === '' ? null : $pRjPt; goto LvKRR; Q891H: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto YeO1I; } goto lTWLe; nE_pO: $pRjPt = preg_replace("\173\136\134\x73\x2a\55\55\x7d\x6d", '', rtrim($TOIGl[1], "\xa")); goto oJp1R; lTWLe: return null; goto z9cL8; KAKam: $FBkvS = "\57\x5c\x73\x2a\x20\43\x20\101\154\x6c\157\167\40\x77\x68\x69\164\145\x73\x70\141\x63\145\40\x63\150\141\x72\x61\143\164\x65\x72\x73\x20\141\164\40\x73\x74\141\162\x74\x20\x6f\146\40\154\151\156\x65\xa\103\122\x45\x41\124\105\x5c\x73\x54\x41\102\x4c\x45\x20\x23\x20\x4d\x61\164\143\x68\40\x22\103\122\105\x41\124\x45\x20\124\x41\102\x4c\105\x22\12\x28\77\72\134\127\42" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9KGG($ruBWM), "\x2f") . "\42\x5c\127\x7c\x5c\x57" . preg_quote($ruBWM, "\57") . "\x5c\x57\x29\x20\x23\40\x4d\141\x74\x63\150\x20\x74\141\x62\x6c\145\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\50\x71\165\x6f\x74\145\x64\40\141\156\144\40\165\156\161\165\x6f\164\x65\x64\51\xa\50\40\x23\40\x53\x74\x61\162\164\40\143\x61\x70\x74\165\x72\145\xa\x20\x20\40\50\77\x3a\134\x73\x2a\55\x2d\x5b\x5e\x5c\x6e\135\x2a\x5c\x6e\77\51\x2b\x20\43\40\x43\x61\x70\x74\165\x72\145\40\x61\156\171\164\x68\151\156\147\x20\164\x68\141\164\x20\163\164\141\162\x74\x73\x20\167\151\x74\150\40\167\x68\x69\x74\145\x73\x70\141\143\145\x73\40\x66\157\154\154\x6f\167\145\144\40\142\171\x20\55\x2d\x20\x75\x6e\164\151\x6c\x20\164\150\x65\x20\145\x6e\144\x20\157\x66\40\x74\150\x65\x20\154\151\x6e\x65\x28\x73\51\xa\x29\57\151\170"; goto Q891H; LvKRR: } private function TFoUp(string $N5hok, string $IyR33) : string { goto Uwt7l; gnsf0: return ''; goto JlR56; xaozC: $pRjPt = preg_replace("\173\x5e\134\x73\52\55\x2d\x7d\155", '', rtrim($TOIGl[1], "\xa")); goto DGD83; DGD83: assert(is_string($pRjPt)); goto BItpp; BItpp: return $pRjPt; goto OVPP2; LF256: if (!(preg_match($FBkvS, $IyR33, $TOIGl) !== 1)) { goto ac90n; } goto gnsf0; Uwt7l: $FBkvS = "\x7b\x5b\134\x73\50\54\x5d\x28\77\72\134\x57" . preg_quote($this->Vv2kW->G9Kgg($N5hok)) . "\134\127\174\x5c\x57" . preg_quote($N5hok) . "\134\127\51\50\x3f\x3a\x5c\x28\133\x5e\x29\135\52\77\134\x29\174\x5b\136\x2c\x28\135\51\52\77\x2c\x3f\50\x28\x3f\x3a\50\x3f\x21\x5c\156\51\51\x28\77\72\134\x73\x2a\55\55\x5b\x5e\134\x6e\x5d\x2a\134\156\77\x29\53\x29\x7d\151"; goto LF256; JlR56: ac90n: goto xaozC; OVPP2: } private function OmVOH(string $ruBWM) : string { goto Uc3Iq; nS0pu: return ''; goto Usxkd; vmveY: if (!($IyR33 !== false)) { goto L8GXT; } goto zyRXT; zyRXT: return $IyR33; goto lBLK8; Uc3Iq: $IyR33 = $this->e1xnA->gBCE8("\x53\x45\x4c\105\103\124\40\x73\161\154\xa\40\40\x46\122\117\x4d\x20\50\xa\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x53\105\x4c\x45\103\x54\40\52\xa\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\106\122\117\115\x20\163\x71\x6c\x69\x74\145\x5f\x6d\x61\163\164\x65\162\12\40\40\x20\125\x4e\111\117\116\40\101\114\114\xa\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\123\105\114\x45\103\124\x20\x2a\12\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\106\122\x4f\115\40\x73\x71\154\x69\164\x65\x5f\x74\x65\x6d\160\137\x6d\x61\x73\x74\x65\x72\12\x20\x20\x29\xa\x57\110\105\x52\x45\40\x74\x79\160\x65\x20\75\40\x27\x74\141\142\x6c\145\x27\xa\x41\x4e\104\x20\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\75\40\77", [$ruBWM]); goto vmveY; lBLK8: L8GXT: goto nS0pu; Usxkd: } private function BxsZB(string $ruBWM, array $Aaski) : array { goto PVWfC; J1CZA: qIzI2: goto hHyUD; PVWfC: $FSfkb = $this->i9uP_($ruBWM); goto UslOO; UaXzq: foreach ($Aaski as $ZEnI9 => $N5hok) { $Aaski[$ZEnI9] = array_merge($N5hok, $FSfkb[$zi5i2 - $N5hok["\x69\x64"] - 1]); Dmd2U: } goto J1CZA; UslOO: $zi5i2 = count($FSfkb); goto UaXzq; hHyUD: return $Aaski; goto KzQii; KzQii: } private function I9uP_(string $ruBWM) : array { goto qDsdt; IvfrW: $BaWJY = $TOIGl[1]; goto YXExH; MwsXl: vdHxO: goto m37I6; WG_iL: if (!($ZEnI9 < $W538U)) { goto vdHxO; } goto Xi3lF; ENGo3: Q3f7j: goto OJC0w; hGWvC: $IJpeY = []; goto fUnhv; fUnhv: $ZEnI9 = 0; goto rUzYV; qDsdt: $r4cYv = $this->OMVOh($ruBWM); goto NBHby; OQT4L: goto q3rZI; goto MwsXl; Xi3lF: $IJpeY[] = ["\143\157\x6e\x73\164\162\141\151\156\x74\137\x6e\x61\155\145" => $BaWJY[$ZEnI9] ?? '', "\144\x65\146\145\162\x72\x61\x62\154\145" => isset($FC7Fw[$ZEnI9]) && strcasecmp($FC7Fw[$ZEnI9], "\x64\x65\x66\145\162\162\141\142\154\x65") === 0, "\x64\145\x66\145\x72\x72\145\x64" => isset($dlhIW[$ZEnI9]) && strcasecmp($dlhIW[$ZEnI9], "\144\x65\x66\145\162\x72\x65\x64") === 0]; goto ENGo3; SAj1d: $dlhIW = $TOIGl[3]; goto hGWvC; mX8ze: q3rZI: goto WG_iL; OJC0w: $ZEnI9++; goto OQT4L; NBHby: if (!(preg_match_all("\x23\xa\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\50\x3f\72\x43\x4f\116\x53\124\122\x41\111\x4e\124\x5c\163\x2b\50\134\x53\53\51\134\163\53\x29\77\xa\40\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x28\77\x3a\106\x4f\x52\105\x49\107\x4e\x5c\x73\53\113\105\131\x5b\136\51\x5d\x2b\134\x29\134\163\x2a\x29\x3f\12\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x52\x45\x46\x45\122\x45\x4e\x43\x45\x53\134\163\x2b\134\123\x2b\134\163\x2a\50\77\x3a\134\50\133\136\x29\135\53\x5c\x29\x29\77\12\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x28\77\x3a\12\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\133\136\x2c\x5d\x2a\77\12\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x28\116\117\x54\134\163\x2b\104\105\106\x45\x52\x52\x41\x42\114\105\x7c\x44\105\106\x45\x52\x52\101\102\x4c\105\x29\12\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x28\77\72\134\x73\x2b\111\x4e\x49\x54\111\x41\x4c\114\131\x5c\163\53\x28\x44\x45\x46\x45\122\122\x45\104\174\111\115\x4d\105\x44\x49\101\x54\105\x29\51\x3f\12\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\51\x3f\x23\151\x73\x78", $r4cYv, $TOIGl) === 0)) { goto vT1TO; } goto Eisa4; XL1oh: vT1TO: goto IvfrW; Eisa4: return []; goto XL1oh; m37I6: return $IJpeY; goto ud10W; YXExH: $FC7Fw = $TOIGl[2]; goto SAj1d; rUzYV: $W538U = count($TOIGl[0]); goto mX8ze; ud10W: } public function su2VK() : Comparator { return new yF5nD\W3R0l($this->Vv2kW); } protected function ufRcg(string $NEinO) : Result { $IyR33 = "\123\105\114\105\103\124\x20\156\x61\155\145\40\x41\123\x20\x74\141\x62\x6c\x65\137\156\x61\x6d\x65\12\x46\x52\117\x4d\40\x73\x71\x6c\151\164\145\x5f\x6d\x61\163\x74\145\162\xa\x57\110\105\x52\105\x20\164\171\160\145\x20\75\x20\47\x74\x61\142\154\x65\47\12\40\40\101\116\104\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\40\x21\75\x20\47\163\161\x6c\x69\164\145\x5f\163\145\161\165\x65\x6e\143\x65\47\12\x20\40\101\116\x44\40\x6e\141\155\x65\x20\x21\x3d\x20\47\x67\x65\x6f\x6d\145\164\162\x79\x5f\143\157\x6c\165\155\x6e\x73\47\xa\x20\x20\x41\116\x44\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x20\x21\75\x20\x27\163\x70\141\x74\x69\141\x6c\137\x72\145\146\x5f\163\x79\x73\47\12\125\116\111\x4f\116\40\101\114\x4c\xa\x53\x45\114\x45\x43\124\x20\156\x61\155\145\xa\x46\x52\117\115\40\163\161\154\x69\164\x65\137\164\x65\155\x70\x5f\x6d\141\x73\x74\x65\x72\12\x57\110\105\x52\x45\40\164\171\160\x65\40\75\40\47\x74\141\142\x6c\145\47\12\117\x52\x44\105\x52\40\102\x59\40\x6e\x61\155\145"; return $this->e1xnA->QvWxS($IyR33); } protected function vDiWU(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto yH0GX; Zyru7: axhdS: goto odfqA; joj1B: $NnWpn[] = str_replace("\x2e", "\x5f\x5f", $xXZnw); goto Zyru7; PDb_F: $hdn7s[] = "\x74\x2e\156\x61\x6d\x65\40\x3d\40\77"; goto joj1B; TzcOh: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto axhdS; } goto PDb_F; yH0GX: $IyR33 = "\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x53\105\114\x45\x43\x54\40\164\x2e\156\x61\x6d\x65\x20\x41\x53\40\164\x61\x62\x6c\145\137\156\x61\x6d\x65\x2c\xa\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x63\x2e\52\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\106\x52\x4f\115\x20\163\x71\154\x69\164\145\137\x6d\141\x73\x74\145\162\x20\x74\xa\40\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x4a\117\x49\116\x20\x70\x72\141\147\155\141\x5f\x74\141\142\154\145\x5f\151\x6e\x66\x6f\x28\164\56\x6e\x61\x6d\145\x29\x20\143"; goto GLpsU; odfqA: $IyR33 .= "\x20\127\x48\105\122\105\40" . implode("\40\x41\x4e\104\x20", $hdn7s) . "\40\x4f\122\104\105\122\40\x42\x59\40\164\56\x6e\x61\x6d\145\x2c\40\x63\x2e\143\151\144"; goto nmiMP; nmiMP: return $this->e1xnA->qvwxs($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto Y5hnO; GLpsU: $hdn7s = ["\x74\x2e\x74\171\x70\x65\x20\75\x20\x27\x74\x61\x62\154\x65\47", "\x74\56\156\141\155\x65\40\116\117\124\40\x49\116\40\50\47\x67\145\x6f\x6d\145\164\162\x79\x5f\143\157\x6c\x75\155\x6e\163\x27\x2c\40\47\163\160\141\x74\151\141\154\x5f\x72\x65\x66\137\163\x79\x73\47\54\40\x27\163\x71\154\x69\x74\x65\137\x73\145\x71\x75\145\156\x63\x65\x27\51"]; goto iQbmm; iQbmm: $NnWpn = []; goto TzcOh; Y5hnO: } protected function gp1yF(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto lrH4k; WLGkn: $IyR33 .= "\x20\127\x48\x45\x52\x45\40" . implode("\40\x41\x4e\x44\x20", $hdn7s) . "\40\117\122\x44\105\x52\40\x42\131\x20\164\x2e\x6e\141\x6d\145\x2c\x20\x69\56\x73\145\161"; goto FIfD6; Bel3v: $NnWpn[] = str_replace("\56", "\x5f\x5f", $xXZnw); goto hcOkx; lrH4k: $IyR33 = "\40\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x53\x45\114\x45\103\124\40\164\56\156\x61\155\145\40\x41\x53\40\164\141\142\154\x65\x5f\156\x61\155\145\54\xa\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x69\56\52\12\40\40\40\40\40\40\40\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x46\122\117\x4d\40\163\x71\x6c\151\164\145\137\155\x61\x73\x74\x65\x72\40\x74\xa\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x4a\x4f\x49\116\40\160\162\141\147\155\141\137\x69\156\x64\145\170\137\x6c\x69\x73\x74\x28\x74\56\156\x61\x6d\145\51\40\151"; goto aXPaW; fuU02: $hdn7s[] = "\164\56\x6e\x61\x6d\145\x20\75\40\x3f"; goto Bel3v; FIfD6: return $this->e1xnA->qvWxs($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto Wpi1m; aXPaW: $hdn7s = ["\x74\x2e\164\171\160\145\x20\x3d\40\47\x74\141\x62\x6c\145\x27", "\164\56\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\x20\x4e\117\x54\x20\111\x4e\40\50\47\x67\145\x6f\155\x65\164\162\x79\x5f\x63\x6f\x6c\x75\155\x6e\163\x27\54\x20\47\x73\160\x61\x74\x69\141\x6c\x5f\162\145\x66\x5f\x73\171\163\47\x2c\40\47\163\161\x6c\x69\x74\145\137\163\145\161\165\145\156\143\x65\x27\x29"]; goto I083Z; hcOkx: E4K7e: goto WLGkn; kbrCN: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto E4K7e; } goto fuU02; I083Z: $NnWpn = []; goto kbrCN; Wpi1m: } protected function mqHSL(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : Result { goto k4C1H; BFGXn: $hdn7s = ["\x74\56\164\x79\x70\145\40\x3d\40\47\164\141\x62\154\x65\x27", "\164\x2e\156\x61\x6d\145\x20\x4e\117\124\x20\111\x4e\40\x28\47\x67\x65\157\155\x65\164\x72\x79\x5f\143\x6f\154\x75\x6d\156\163\47\54\40\47\163\x70\141\x74\x69\141\154\137\x72\x65\146\x5f\163\x79\x73\47\x2c\40\x27\163\x71\154\151\164\x65\137\163\145\161\x75\145\x6e\x63\145\x27\51"]; goto x4sO_; k4C1H: $IyR33 = "\40\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x20\x53\x45\x4c\x45\x43\x54\x20\164\56\x6e\x61\x6d\145\40\101\123\x20\x74\x61\142\x6c\x65\x5f\x6e\x61\x6d\x65\x2c\12\x20\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\x20\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\160\56\x2a\12\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\40\40\x20\x20\40\x20\40\40\x46\x52\x4f\115\x20\163\x71\154\x69\x74\x65\x5f\155\x61\163\x74\145\162\40\x74\12\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\40\x20\x20\40\40\40\x20\x20\x4a\x4f\x49\x4e\x20\160\x72\x61\147\x6d\141\137\x66\157\x72\x65\x69\147\156\137\153\145\171\x5f\154\151\163\x74\x28\x74\56\x6e\141\x6d\x65\x29\40\160\12\40\40\x20\x20\40\40\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\40\40\x20\40\x4f\116\x20\x70\56\42\163\x65\161\42\x20\x21\75\x20\47\55\61\47"; goto BFGXn; K4NM4: $NnWpn[] = str_replace("\56", "\137\x5f", $xXZnw); goto IqwPY; x4sO_: $NnWpn = []; goto OgTsZ; U6QtT: $hdn7s[] = "\164\56\x6e\141\155\145\40\x3d\40\77"; goto K4NM4; IqwPY: syM5J: goto ul5pS; OgTsZ: if (!($xXZnw !== null)) { goto syM5J; } goto U6QtT; iqdHk: return $this->e1xnA->qvwxS($IyR33, $NnWpn); goto KJlfw; ul5pS: $IyR33 .= "\x20\x57\x48\105\x52\x45\x20" . implode("\40\x41\116\104\x20", $hdn7s) . "\x20\117\122\104\x45\122\x20\x42\x59\40\164\56\156\141\x6d\145\54\40\160\x2e\151\x64\x20\104\x45\123\103\54\x20\x70\x2e\163\x65\161"; goto iqdHk; KJlfw: } protected function FY14x(string $NEinO, ?string $xXZnw = null) : array { goto oZtWR; YP7Je: goto uEXGV; goto F7F7d; F7F7d: taaiF: goto HXwWH; oZtWR: if ($xXZnw === null) { goto taaiF; } goto PcLAB; GL_wC: zbDw8: goto fp3f6; fp3f6: return $RAD8p; goto twLXC; CRDht: uEXGV: goto h6HEH; PcLAB: $s1r82 = [$xXZnw]; goto YP7Je; HXwWH: $s1r82 = $this->Xj6P_(); goto CRDht; c3oPZ: foreach ($s1r82 as $ruBWM) { goto eL1eX; eL1eX: $pRjPt = $this->m2H_1($ruBWM, $this->oMvOh($ruBWM)); goto D6IbV; ZC4WA: $RAD8p[$ruBWM]["\x63\x6f\x6d\155\x65\156\164"] = $pRjPt; goto b8jPu; D6IbV: if (!($pRjPt === null)) { goto vcT_7; } goto ia7jr; THChY: vcT_7: goto ZC4WA; b8jPu: bZOIX: goto nnq1i; ia7jr: goto bZOIX; goto THChY; nnq1i: } goto GL_wC; h6HEH: $RAD8p = []; goto c3oPZ; twLXC: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | f506dcfde889d32598d3d41e5354c721 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 88 ms |