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        // general settings
        $this->_phpdocxconfig = PhpdocxUtilities::parseConfig();

        $this->_docxTemplate = false;
        if ($baseTemplatePath == 'docm') {
            $this->_baseTemplatePath = PHPDOCX_BASE_FOLDER . 'phpdocxBaseTemplate.docm'; // base template path
            $this->_docm = true;
            $this->_defaultTemplate = true;
            $this->_extension = 'docm';
        } else if ($baseTemplatePath == 'docx') {
            $this->_baseTemplatePath = PHPDOCX_BASE_FOLDER . 'phpdocxBaseTemplate.docx'; // base template path
            $this->_docm = false;
            $this->_defaultTemplate = true;
            $this->_extension = 'docx';
        } else if (!empty($docxTemplatePath)) {
            $this->_defaultTemplate = false;
            $this->_docxTemplate = true;
            $this->_baseTemplatePath = $docxTemplatePath; // external template path
            if ($docxTemplatePath instanceof DOCXStructure) {
                $this->_docm = false;
            } else {
                $extension = pathinfo($this->_baseTemplatePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                $this->_extension = $extension;
                if ($extension == 'docm') {
                    $this->_docm = true;
                } else if ($extension == 'docx') {
                    $this->_docm = false;
                } else {
                    PhpdocxLogger::logger('Invalid template extension', 'fatal');
        } else {
            if ($baseTemplatePath == PHPDOCX_BASE_TEMPLATE) {
                $this->_defaultTemplate = true;
            } else {
                $this->_defaultTemplate = false;
            $this->_baseTemplatePath = $baseTemplatePath; //base template path
            $extension = pathinfo($this->_baseTemplatePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
            $this->_extension = $extension;
            if ($extension == 'docm') {
                $this->_docm = true;
            } else if ($extension == 'docx') {
                $this->_docm = false;
            } else {
                PhpdocxLogger::logger('Invalid base template extension', 'fatal');

        // allow storing the template in memory
        if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DOCXStructureTemplate.php')) {
            if (PHPDOCX_BASE_TEMPLATE == PHPDOCX_BASE_FOLDER . 'phpdocxBaseTemplate.docx' && empty($docxTemplatePath)) {
                $templateStructure = new DOCXStructureTemplate();
                $this->_zipDocx = $templateStructure->getStructure();
            } elseif ($docxTemplatePath instanceof DOCXStructure) {
                $this->_zipDocx = $docxTemplatePath;
            } else {
                // keep the DOCX content so the base template is not overwritten
                $this->_zipDocx = new DOCXStructure();
        } else {
            // keep the DOCX content so the base template is not overwritten
            $this->_zipDocx = new DOCXStructure();
        // initialize some required variables
        $this->_background = ''; // w:background OOXML element
        $this->_backgroundColor = 'FFFFFF'; // docx background color
        self::$bookmarksIds = array();
        $this->_idWords = array();
        self::$intIdWord = rand(9999999, 99999999);
        self::$_encodeUTF = 0;
        $this->_language = 'en-US';
        $this->_markAsFinal = 0;
        $this->_repairMode = null;
        $this->_relsRelsC = '';
        $this->_relsRelsT = '';
        $this->_contentTypeC = '';
        $this->_contentTypeT = null;
        $this->_defaultFont = '';
        $this->_macro = 0;
        $this->_modifiedDocxProperties = false;
        $this->_modifiedHeadersFooters= array();
        $this->_relsHeader = array();
        $this->_relsFooter = array();
        $this->_parsedStyles = array();
        $this->_parsedStylesChart = array();
        self::$_relsHeaderFooterImage = array();
        self::$_relsHeaderFooterExternalImage = array();
        self::$_relsHeaderFooterLink = array();
        self::$_relsNotesExternalImage = array();
        self::$_relsNotesImage = array();
        self::$_relsNotesLink = array();
        $this->_sectPr = null;
        $this->_tempDocumentDOM = null;
        $this->_tempFileXLSX = array();
        $this->_uniqid = 'phpdocx_' . uniqid(mt_rand(999, 9999));
        $this->_wordCommentsT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordCommentsExtendedT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordCommentsRelsT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordDocumentPeople = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordDocumentT = '';
        $this->_wordDocumentC = '';
        $this->_wordDocumentStyles = '';
        $this->_wordEndnotesT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordEndnotesRelsT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordFooterC = array();
        $this->_wordFooterT = array();
        $this->_wordFootnotesT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordFootnotesRelsT = new DOMDocument();
        $this->_wordHeaderC = array();
        $this->_wordHeaderT = array();
        $this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsT = null;
        $this->_wordSettingsT = '';
        $this->_wordStylesT = null;
        self::$customLists = array();
        self::$insertNameSpaces = array();
        self::$nameSpaces = array();

        $baseTemplateDocumentT = $this->getFromZip('word/document.xml');

        // extract the w:document tag with its namespaces and atributes and the 
        // w:background element if it exists
        $bodySplit = explode('<w:body>', $baseTemplateDocumentT);
        $tempDocumentXMLElement = $bodySplit[0];
        $backgroundSplit = explode('<w:background', $tempDocumentXMLElement);
        $this->_documentXMLElement = $backgroundSplit[0];
        if (!empty($backgroundSplit[1])) {
            $this->_background = '<w:background' . $backgroundSplit[1];
        // do some manipulations with the DOM to get or not the file contents
        $baseDocument = new DOMDocument();
        $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
        // parse for front page
        $docXpath = new DOMXPath($baseDocument);
        $docXpath->registerNamespace('w', '');
        // extract namespaces
        $NSQuery = '//w:document/namespace::*';
        $xmlnsNodes = $docXpath->query($NSQuery);
        foreach ($xmlnsNodes as $node) {
            self::$nameSpaces[$node->nodeName] = $node->nodeValue;
        $documentQuery = '//w:document';
        $documentElement = $docXpath->query($documentQuery)->item(0);
        foreach ($documentElement->attributes as $attribute_name => $attribute_node) {
            self::$nameSpaces[$attribute_name] = $attribute_node->nodeValue;
        if (!$this->_docxTemplate) {
            $queryDoc = '//w:body/w:sdt';
            $docNodes = $docXpath->query($queryDoc);

            if ($docNodes->length > 0) {
                if ($docNodes->item(0)->nodeName == 'w:sdt') {
                    $tempDoc = new DOMDocument();
                    $sdt = $tempDoc->importNode($docNodes->item(0), true);
                    $newNode = $tempDoc->appendChild($sdt);
                    $frontPage = $tempDoc->saveXML($newNode);
                    $this->_wordDocumentC .= $frontPage;
        } else {
            // get the contents of the file
            $queryBody = '//w:body';
            $bodyNodes = $docXpath->query($queryBody);
            $bodyNode = $bodyNodes->item(0);
            $bodyChilds = $bodyNode->childNodes;
            foreach ($bodyChilds as $node) {
                if ($node->nodeName != 'w:sectPr') {
                    $this->_wordDocumentC .= $baseDocument->saveXML($node);
        // create the a tempDocumentDOM for further manipulation
        $this->_tempDocumentDOM = $this->getDOMDocx();
        $querySectPr = '//w:body/w:sectPr';
        $sectPrNodes = $docXpath->query($querySectPr);
        $sectPr = $sectPrNodes->item(0);
        $this->_sectPr = new DOMDocument();
        $sectNode = $this->_sectPr->importNode($sectPr, true);

        $this->_contentTypeT = $this->getFromZip('[Content_Types].xml', 'DOMDocument');

        // include the standard image defaults
        $this->generateDEFAULT('gif', 'image/gif');
        $this->generateDEFAULT('jpg', 'image/jpg');
        $this->generateDEFAULT('png', 'image/png');
        $this->generateDEFAULT('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
        $this->generateDEFAULT('bmp', 'image/bmp');

        // get the rels file
        $this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsT = $this->getFromZip('word/_rels/document.xml.rels', 'DOMDocument');
        $relationships = $this->_wordRelsDocumentRelsT->getElementsByTagName('Relationship');

        // get the styles
        $this->_wordStylesT = $this->getFromZip('word/styles.xml', 'DOMDocument');
        // get the settings
        $this->_wordSettingsT = $this->getFromZip('word/settings.xml', 'DOMDocument');

        // use some default styles, for example, in the creation of lists, footnotes, titles, ...
        // So we should make sure that it is included in the styles.xml document
        if (!$this->_defaultTemplate || $this->_docxTemplate) {
            $this->importStyles(PHPDOCX_BASE_TEMPLATE, 'PHPDOCXStyles');

        // get the numbering
        // if it does not exist it will return false
        $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->getFromZip('word/numbering.xml');

        // manage the numbering.xml and style.xml files
        // first check if the base template file has a numbering.xml file
        $numRef = rand(9999999, 99999999);
        self::$numUL = $numRef;
        self::$numOL = $numRef + 1;
        if ($this->_wordNumberingT !== false) {
            $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->importSingleNumbering($this->_wordNumberingT, OOXMLResources::$unorderedListStyle, self::$numUL);
            $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->importSingleNumbering($this->_wordNumberingT, OOXMLResources::$orderedListStyle, self::$numOL);
        } else {
            $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->generateBaseWordNumbering();
            $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->importSingleNumbering($this->_wordNumberingT, OOXMLResources::$unorderedListStyle, self::$numUL);
            $this->_wordNumberingT = $this->importSingleNumbering($this->_wordNumberingT, OOXMLResources::$orderedListStyle, self::$numOL);
            //Now we should include the corresponding relationshipand Override
                    'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'numbering', 'numbering.xml'
            $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/numbering.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.numbering+xml');
        // make sure that there are the corresponding xmls, with all their relationships for endnotes and footnotes
        // footnotes
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/footnotes.xml') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
            // include the corresponding relationshipand Override
                    'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'footnotes', 'footnotes.xml'
            $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/footnotes.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.footnotes+xml');
        } else {
            $this->_wordFootnotesT = $this->getFromZip('word/footnotes.xml', 'DOMDocument');
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/_rels/footnotes.xml.rels') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
        } else {
            $this->_wordFootnotesRelsT = $this->getFromZip('word/_rels/footnotes.xml.rels', 'DOMDocument');
        // endnotes
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/endnotes.xml') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
            //Now we should include the corresponding relationshipand Override
                    'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'endnotes', 'endnotes.xml'
            $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/endnotes.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.endnotes+xml');
        } else {
            $this->_wordEndnotesT = $this->getFromZip('word/endnotes.xml', 'DOMDocument');
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/_rels/endnotes.xml.rels') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
        } else {
            $this->_wordEndnotesRelsT = $this->getFromZip('word/_rels/endnotes.xml.rels', 'DOMDocument');
        // comments
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/comments.xml') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
            //Now we should include the corresponding relationshipand Override
                    'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'comments', 'comments.xml'
            $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/comments.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.comments+xml');
        } else {
            $this->_wordCommentsT = $this->getFromZip('word/comments.xml', 'DOMDocument');
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/_rels/comments.xml.rels') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
        } else {
            $this->_wordCommentsRelsT = $this->getFromZip('word/_rels/comments.xml.rels', 'DOMDocument');
        // commentsExtended
        if ($this->getFromZip('word/commentsExtended.xml') === false) {
            $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
            // include the corresponding relationship and Override
                    'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'commentsExtended', 'commentsExtended.xml'
            $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/commentsExtended.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.commentsExtended+xml');
        } else {
            $this->_wordCommentsExtendedT = $this->getFromZip('word/commentsExtended.xml', 'DOMDocument');
        // people
        if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Tracking.php')) {
            if ($this->getFromZip('word/people.xml') === false) {
                $optionEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
                // include the corresponding relationship and Override
                        'rId' . rand(99999999, 999999999), 'people', 'people.xml'
                $this->generateOVERRIDE('/word/people.xml', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.people+xml');
            } else {
                $this->_wordDocumentPeople = $this->getFromZip('word/people.xml', 'DOMDocument');

        // take care of the case that the template used is not one of the default preprocessed templates

        if ($this->_defaultTemplate) {
            self::$numUL = 1;
            self::$numOL = rand(9999, 999999999);
        } else {
            if (!$this->_docxTemplate) {
                // do some cleaning of the files from the base template zip
                // first look at the document.xml.rels file to analyze the contents
                // analyze its structure
                // in order to do that parse word/_rels/document.xml.rels
                $counter = $relationships->length - 1;

                for ($j = $counter; $j > -1; $j--) {
                    $completeType = $relationships->item($j)->getAttribute('Type');
                    $target = $relationships->item($j)->getAttribute('Target');
                    $tempArray = explode('/', $completeType);
                    $type = array_pop($tempArray);
                    // this array holds the data that has to be changed
                    $arrayCleaner = array();

                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'header':
                            array_push($this->_relsHeader, $target);
                        case 'footer':
                            array_push($this->_relsFooter, $target);
                        case 'chart':
                        case 'embeddings':
            } else {
                // parse word/_rels/document.xml.rels
                $counter = $relationships->length - 1;

                for ($j = $counter; $j > -1; $j--) {
                    $completeType = $relationships->item($j)->getAttribute('Type');
                    $target = $relationships->item($j)->getAttribute('Target');
                    $tempArray = explode('/', $completeType);
                    $type = array_pop($tempArray);
                    // this array holds the data that has to be changed
                    $arrayCleaner = array();

                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'header':
                            array_push($this->_relsHeader, $target);
                        case 'footer':
                            array_push($this->_relsFooter, $target);
        //make sure that we are using the default paper size and the default language
        if (!$this->_docxTemplate) {
        //set bidi and rtl static variables
        if (isset($this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['bidi'])) {
            self::$bidi = $this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['bidi'];
        } else {
            self::$bidi = false;
        if (isset($this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['rtl'])) {
            self::$rtl = $this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['rtl'];
        } else {
            self::$rtl = false;
        if (self::$bidi || self::$rtl) {
            $this->setRTL(array('bidi' => self::$bidi, 'rtl' => self::$rtl));

        // zip stream mode
        if (isset($this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['stream']) && 
            (bool)$this->_phpdocxconfig['settings']['stream'] === true && 
            file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ZipStream.php')) {
            self::$streamMode = true;
        // trial message
        $message = '<w:p xmlns:w="">
                                <w:t>'.str_rot13('Guvf qbphzrag unf orra trarengrq jvgu n').'</w:t>
                                <w:t xml:space="preserve"> '.str_rot13('gevny').'</w:t>
                                <w:t xml:space="preserve"> '.str_rot13('pbcl bs').' </w:t>
                                <w:t>. '.str_rot13('Cyrnfr').'</w:t>
                                <w:t>, '.str_rot13('ivfvg').'</w:t>
                                <w:t xml:space="preserve"> '.str_rot13('gur').' </w:t>
                                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="begin" />
                                <w:instrText xml:space="preserve">HYPERLINK "'.str_rot13('uggc://jjj.cucqbpk.pbz').'"</w:instrText>
                                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="separate" />
                                    <w:color w:val="3333EE"/>
                                <w:t xml:space="preserve">'.str_rot13('CUCQbpK jrofvgr').'</w:t>
                                <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="end" />
                                <w:t xml:space="preserve"> '.str_rot13('gb ohl gur yvprafr gung orfg nqncgf gb lbhe arrqf').'.</w:t>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


Function Calls

gzinflate 1
base64_decode 1




MD5 fa76c67266908bfac1dad4faa3e267ba
Eval Count 1
Decode Time 158 ms