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<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams ..
Decoded Output download
* Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
* Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* @license AGPL License
* @link Passbolt(tm)
* @since 2.0.0
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Model\Table\Resources;
use App\Test\Lib\AppTestCase;
use App\Test\Lib\Model\FormatValidationTrait;
use App\Utility\OpenPGP\OpenPGPBackendFactory;
use App\Utility\UuidFactory;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
class UpdateTest extends AppTestCase
use FormatValidationTrait;
* @var ResourcesTable
public $Resources;
* @var GpgkeysTable
public $Gpgkeys;
* @var OpenPGPBackend gpg
public $gpg;
public $fixtures = [
'app.Base/Groups', 'app.Base/GroupsUsers', 'app.Base/Users', 'app.Base/Roles', 'app.Base/Gpgkeys',
'app.Base/Profiles', 'app.Base/Permissions', 'app.Base/Resources', 'app.Base/Secrets',
public function setUp(): void
$this->Resources = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Resources');
$this->Gpgkeys = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Gpgkeys');
$this->gpg = OpenPGPBackendFactory::get();
public function tearDown(): void
protected function _encryptSecret($userId, $text)
$gpgKey = $this->Gpgkeys->find()->where(['user_id' => $userId])->first();
return $this->gpg->encrypt($text);
protected function _getUpdatedDummydata($resource, ?array $data = [])
// Build the data to update.
$defaultData = [
'name' => 'Resource name updated by test',
'username' => '[email protected]',
'uri' => '',
'description' => 'Resource description updated',
'modified_by' => $resource->modified_by,
// If secrets provided update them all.
if (isset($resource->secrets)) {
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
// Encrypt the secret for the user.
$encrypted = $this->_encryptSecret($secret->user_id, 'Updated resource secret');
$defaultData['secrets'][] = [
'id' => $secret->id,
'user_id' => $secret->user_id,
'data' => $encrypted,
$data = array_merge($defaultData, $data);
return $data;
protected function getEntityDefaultOptions()
return [
'validate' => 'default',
'accessibleFields' => [
'name' => true,
'username' => true,
'uri' => true,
'description' => true,
'modified_by' => true,
'secrets' => true,
'associated' => [
'Secrets' => [
'validate' => 'saveResource',
'accessibleFields' => [
'data' => true,
'user_id' => true,
public function testResourceUpdate()
$ownerId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$modifierId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource, [
'modified_by' => $modifierId,
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($resource);
$this->assertEmpty($resource->getErrors(), 'Errors occurred while updating the entity: ' . json_encode($resource->getErrors()));
$this->assertNotFalse($save, 'The resource update operation failed.');
// Check that the resource and its sub-models are saved as expected.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Creator', 'Modifier', 'Secrets']]);
// Check the resource attributes.
$this->assertEquals($data['name'], $resource->name);
$this->assertEquals($data['username'], $resource->username);
$this->assertEquals($data['uri'], $resource->uri);
$this->assertEquals($data['description'], $resource->description);
$this->assertEquals(false, $resource->deleted);
$this->assertEquals($ownerId, $resource->created_by);
$this->assertEquals($modifierId, $resource->modified_by);
// Check the creator attribute
$this->assertEquals($ownerId, $resource->creator->id);
// Check the modifier attribute
$this->assertEquals($modifierId, $resource->modifier->id);
// Check the secret attribute
$this->assertEquals(count($data['secrets']), count($resource->secrets));
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
$dataSecret = Hash::extract($data['secrets'], "{n}[user_id={$secret->user_id}]");
$this->assertCount(1, $dataSecret, "No secret found for the user {$secret->user_id}");
$this->assertEquals($resourceId, $secret->resource_id);
$this->assertEquals($dataSecret[0]['data'], $secret->data);
public function testResourceUpdateWithoutSecrets()
$modifierId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Store the secrets before update, and tests their integrity after update.
$originalSecrets = $resource->secrets;
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
$data['modified_by'] = $modifierId;
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEmpty($entity->getErrors(), 'Errors occurred while updating the entity: ' . json_encode($entity->getErrors()));
$this->assertNotFalse($save, 'The resource update operation failed.');
// Check that the secrets are not updated.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
$this->assertEquals(count($resource->secrets), count($originalSecrets));
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
$originalSecret = Hash::extract($originalSecrets, "{n}[id={$secret->id}]");
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->user_id, $secret->user_id);
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->resource_id, $secret->resource_id);
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->data, $secret->data);
public function testErrorRuleSecretsProvided_SecretMissing()
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEntityError($entity, 'secrets.secrets_provided');
public function testErrorRuleSecretsProvided_InsertAnUnwantedSecret()
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
$userId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data['secrets'][] = [
'user_id' => $userId,
'data' => $this->_encryptSecret($userId, 'Update secret data'),
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
public function testErrorResourceNotSoftDeleted()
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEntityError($entity, 'id.resource_is_not_soft_deleted');
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
* Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* @license AGPL License
* @link Passbolt(tm)
* @since 2.0.0
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Model\Table\Resources;
use App\Test\Lib\AppTestCase;
use App\Test\Lib\Model\FormatValidationTrait;
use App\Utility\OpenPGP\OpenPGPBackendFactory;
use App\Utility\UuidFactory;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
class UpdateTest extends AppTestCase
use FormatValidationTrait;
* @var ResourcesTable
public $Resources;
* @var GpgkeysTable
public $Gpgkeys;
* @var OpenPGPBackend gpg
public $gpg;
public $fixtures = [
'app.Base/Groups', 'app.Base/GroupsUsers', 'app.Base/Users', 'app.Base/Roles', 'app.Base/Gpgkeys',
'app.Base/Profiles', 'app.Base/Permissions', 'app.Base/Resources', 'app.Base/Secrets',
public function setUp(): void
$this->Resources = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Resources');
$this->Gpgkeys = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Gpgkeys');
$this->gpg = OpenPGPBackendFactory::get();
public function tearDown(): void
protected function _encryptSecret($userId, $text)
$gpgKey = $this->Gpgkeys->find()->where(['user_id' => $userId])->first();
return $this->gpg->encrypt($text);
protected function _getUpdatedDummydata($resource, ?array $data = [])
// Build the data to update.
$defaultData = [
'name' => 'Resource name updated by test',
'username' => '[email protected]',
'uri' => '',
'description' => 'Resource description updated',
'modified_by' => $resource->modified_by,
// If secrets provided update them all.
if (isset($resource->secrets)) {
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
// Encrypt the secret for the user.
$encrypted = $this->_encryptSecret($secret->user_id, 'Updated resource secret');
$defaultData['secrets'][] = [
'id' => $secret->id,
'user_id' => $secret->user_id,
'data' => $encrypted,
$data = array_merge($defaultData, $data);
return $data;
protected function getEntityDefaultOptions()
return [
'validate' => 'default',
'accessibleFields' => [
'name' => true,
'username' => true,
'uri' => true,
'description' => true,
'modified_by' => true,
'secrets' => true,
'associated' => [
'Secrets' => [
'validate' => 'saveResource',
'accessibleFields' => [
'data' => true,
'user_id' => true,
public function testResourceUpdate()
$ownerId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$modifierId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource, [
'modified_by' => $modifierId,
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($resource);
$this->assertEmpty($resource->getErrors(), 'Errors occurred while updating the entity: ' . json_encode($resource->getErrors()));
$this->assertNotFalse($save, 'The resource update operation failed.');
// Check that the resource and its sub-models are saved as expected.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Creator', 'Modifier', 'Secrets']]);
// Check the resource attributes.
$this->assertEquals($data['name'], $resource->name);
$this->assertEquals($data['username'], $resource->username);
$this->assertEquals($data['uri'], $resource->uri);
$this->assertEquals($data['description'], $resource->description);
$this->assertEquals(false, $resource->deleted);
$this->assertEquals($ownerId, $resource->created_by);
$this->assertEquals($modifierId, $resource->modified_by);
// Check the creator attribute
$this->assertEquals($ownerId, $resource->creator->id);
// Check the modifier attribute
$this->assertEquals($modifierId, $resource->modifier->id);
// Check the secret attribute
$this->assertEquals(count($data['secrets']), count($resource->secrets));
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
$dataSecret = Hash::extract($data['secrets'], "{n}[user_id={$secret->user_id}]");
$this->assertCount(1, $dataSecret, "No secret found for the user {$secret->user_id}");
$this->assertEquals($resourceId, $secret->resource_id);
$this->assertEquals($dataSecret[0]['data'], $secret->data);
public function testResourceUpdateWithoutSecrets()
$modifierId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Store the secrets before update, and tests their integrity after update.
$originalSecrets = $resource->secrets;
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
$data['modified_by'] = $modifierId;
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEmpty($entity->getErrors(), 'Errors occurred while updating the entity: ' . json_encode($entity->getErrors()));
$this->assertNotFalse($save, 'The resource update operation failed.');
// Check that the secrets are not updated.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
$this->assertEquals(count($resource->secrets), count($originalSecrets));
foreach ($resource->secrets as $secret) {
$originalSecret = Hash::extract($originalSecrets, "{n}[id={$secret->id}]");
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->user_id, $secret->user_id);
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->resource_id, $secret->resource_id);
$this->assertEquals($originalSecret[0]->data, $secret->data);
public function testErrorRuleSecretsProvided_SecretMissing()
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEntityError($entity, 'secrets.secrets_provided');
public function testErrorRuleSecretsProvided_InsertAnUnwantedSecret()
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Secrets']]);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
$userId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data['secrets'][] = [
'user_id' => $userId,
'data' => $this->_encryptSecret($userId, 'Update secret data'),
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
public function testErrorResourceNotSoftDeleted()
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId);
// Get the dummy resource updated data.
$data = $this->_getUpdatedDummydata($resource);
// Save the entity.
$options = self::getEntityDefaultOptions();
$entity = $this->Resources->patchEntity($resource, $data, $options);
$save = $this->Resources->save($entity);
$this->assertEntityError($entity, 'id.resource_is_not_soft_deleted');
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | fcf657ce6382f221615431075e3e9cc6 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 91 ms |