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goto bXGQD; c4Y88: function getLogFiles() { goto Jele8; oP19B: return false; goto UxIid; B..

Decoded Output download

<?  goto bXGQD; c4Y88: function getLogFiles() { goto Jele8; oP19B: return false; goto UxIid; BV0xO: $db = FreePBX::Database(); goto qhW9Y; qBT1E: bEsGC: goto RV9cc; YQVDs: $q->execute(); goto xu5NZ; RV9cc: V0GzO: goto ifAUJ; aif4L: $q = $db->prepare($sql); goto YQVDs; CvRWX: foreach ($file_names as $file) { goto mQfST; PNNAj: ApzbR: goto W_84I; rers8: foreach ($arLogFiles as $arLogFile) { goto aPJqr; cC7e_: $arLog[] = array("FILE_NAME" => $pathInfo["filename"], "FILE_LINK" => $arLogFile); goto EERYz; aPJqr: $pathInfo = pathinfo($arLogFile); goto cC7e_; EERYz: E4NeC: goto nd2f_; nd2f_: } goto wpYf3; wpYf3: vebeu: goto PNNAj; mQfST: $arLogFiles = glob($amp_conf["ASTLOGDIR"] . "/" . $file["name"] . "*"); goto rers8; W_84I: } goto qBT1E; Ew14K: if (empty($file_names)) { goto V0GzO; } goto CvRWX; Jele8: global $amp_conf; goto BV0xO; ifAUJ: if (!empty($arLog)) { goto gDvkV; } goto oP19B; UxIid: goto xCKO3; goto dWyXg; xu5NZ: $file_names = $q->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); goto Ew14K; qhW9Y: $sql = "SELECT name FROM logfile_logfiles WHERE (verbose REGEXP '^[0-9]$' OR verbose ='on') and name != 'console'"; goto aif4L; bLnqr: return $arLog; goto xvCXP; dWyXg: gDvkV: goto bLnqr; xvCXP: xCKO3: goto BjFB0; BjFB0: } goto MfpFu; zLe6m: function informunity_bitrix24_getdestinfo($dest) { goto EUhWY; flIKX: if (trim($dest_arr[0]) == "iub24_dids") { goto hT1hh; } goto su0QR; WyNdu: nPMVf: goto WznJM; EUhWY: $dest_arr = explode(",", $dest); goto flIKX; OJRqD: return array("edit_url" => "config.php?display=informunity_bitrix24&didID=" . $dest_arr[1]); goto A7fD1; fkbfC: hT1hh: goto OJRqD; e82uz: goto nPMVf; goto fkbfC; A7fD1: goto nPMVf; goto OC1zb; su0QR: if (trim($dest_arr[0]) == "manager_in_charge") { goto j_WR3; } goto L06So; L06So: return false; goto e82uz; OC1zb: j_WR3: goto WyNdu; WznJM: } goto oexTA; bXGQD: function informunity_bitrix24_check_destinations($dest = true) { goto D32xp; yhmor: $results = sql($sql, "getAll", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); goto ZB0hn; M7KyQ: $sql .= "WHERE destination in ('" . implode("','", $dest) . "')"; goto jTSIR; w7He9: return $destlist; goto Sa7AX; Sa7AX: g4JTB: goto LGbAd; LGbAd: $sql = "SELECT id, description, destination FROM iub24_dids "; goto RQTZn; OYmkM: return $destlist; goto U2Opy; D32xp: $destlist = array(); goto fODnY; F5HWt: yZ7Nq: goto OYmkM; ZB0hn: foreach ($results as $result) { goto EaVQs; HnXQM: WiXzu: goto c4ILQ; EaVQs: $thisdest = $result["destination"]; goto zN6Ym; zN6Ym: $thisid = $result["id"]; goto FNX_e; FNX_e: $destlist[] = array("dest" => $thisdest, "description" => sprintf("InformUnity.Bitrix24" . ": %s", $result["description"], $thisid), "edit_url" => "config.php?display=informunity_bitrix24&didID=" . $thisid); goto HnXQM; c4ILQ: } goto F5HWt; RQTZn: if (!($dest !== true)) { goto K_TpI; } goto M7KyQ; jTSIR: K_TpI: goto yhmor; fODnY: if (!(is_array($dest) && empty($dest))) { goto g4JTB; } goto w7He9; U2Opy: } goto hlSzk; Tr7KX: function getDetermineRegion() { goto p2VFf; BnP4i: $q->execute(); goto g7pFE; g7pFE: $query = $q->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); goto ve1HQ; p2VFf: $db = FreePBX::Database(); goto msKca; Pu6Ec: $arDetReg = $query[0]; goto N1cEz; ExKyC: return $arDetReg; goto fLkHh; msKca: $sql = "SELECT id, det_region FROM iub24"; goto v5ssv; N1cEz: DlUaV: goto ExKyC; KjpWF: if (empty($query)) { goto DlUaV; } goto Pu6Ec; ve1HQ: $arDetReg = array(); goto KjpWF; v5ssv: $q = $db->prepare($sql); goto BnP4i; fLkHh: } goto c4Y88; juWiY: function informunity_bitrix24_getdest($id) { $dests[] = "iub24_dids,{$id},1"; return $dests; } goto zLe6m; oexTA: function drawselect_inbound_dest($dest = false) { return drawselects(isset($dest) ? $dest : '', 0, array("informunity_bitrix24" => array("blackhole"), "core", "ivr", "queues", "ringgroups", "announcement", "timeconditions"), true, '', false, false, true, false, "dest_settings_b24"); } goto Tr7KX; hlSzk: function informunity_bitrix24_destinations() { goto ulnxd; n5czt: $extens_list = $ajaxHandler->get_dids(); goto dctRY; cokWi: NSVot: goto eCGsI; ze6PS: $extens[] = array("destination" => "manager_in_charge,exten", "description" => "Extension", "category" => "Assigned Manager", "id" => "manager_in_charge", "edit_url" => false); goto okxAT; IXxY2: $ajaxHandler = new Informunity\ClassesjaxHandler($config, $iub24, false); goto n5czt; hv6_L: $iub24 = FreePBX::create()->Informunity_bitrix24(); goto NA93B; ulnxd: $extens = array(); goto hv6_L; dctRY: if (!is_array($extens_list)) { goto NSVot; } goto zLgg_; eCGsI: $extens[] = array("destination" => "manager_in_charge,exit", "description" => "Disabled", "category" => "Assigned Manager", "id" => "manager_in_charge", "edit_url" => false); goto ze6PS; khrCm: return $extens; goto nnJQE; okxAT: $extens[] = array("destination" => "manager_in_charge,mobile", "description" => "Extension & Mobile", "category" => "Assigned Manager", "id" => "manager_in_charge", "edit_url" => false); goto lOhlr; zLgg_: foreach ($extens_list as $row) { $extens[] = array("destination" => "iub24_dids," . $row["id"] . ",1", "description" => "<a href='config.php?display=informunity_bitrix24&#inbound_destinations'>" . $row["description"] . "</a>", "category" => "Informunity Bitrix24", "id" => "iub24_dids"); y31Hp: } goto D0899; lOhlr: $extens[] = array("destination" => "app-blackhole,noanswer,1", "description" => _("Call Not Answered"), "category" => "Terminate Call", "id" => "blackhole", "edit_url" => false); goto khrCm; NA93B: $config = $iub24->getSettings(); goto IXxY2; D0899: MuQsB: goto cokWi; nnJQE: } goto juWiY; MfpFu: function checkDependency($app) { goto PlW0l; wjd2_: if (!fpbx_which($app)) { goto jpKwW; } goto ZiRDD; TlcDR: return false; goto K1hjy; gssK3: return true; goto Gm6b_; PlW0l: $notify = notifications::create(); goto wjd2_; ZiRDD: $notify->delete("informunity_bitrix24", $app . "_NOT_INSTALLED"); goto gssK3; Gm6b_: jpKwW: goto ZAfU0; ZAfU0: $notify->add_warning("informunity_bitrix24", $app . "_NOT_INSTALLED", $app . " not installed on your system.", '', '', true, true); goto TlcDR; K1hjy: } ?>

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Original Code

goto bXGQD; c4Y88: function getLogFiles() { goto Jele8; oP19B: return false; goto UxIid; BV0xO: $db = FreePBX::Database(); goto qhW9Y; qBT1E: bEsGC: goto RV9cc; YQVDs: $q->execute(); goto xu5NZ; RV9cc: V0GzO: goto ifAUJ; aif4L: $q = $db->prepare($sql); goto YQVDs; CvRWX: foreach ($file_names as $file) { goto mQfST; PNNAj: ApzbR: goto W_84I; rers8: foreach ($arLogFiles as $arLogFile) { goto aPJqr; cC7e_: $arLog[] = array("\106\111\x4c\105\x5f\x4e\101\x4d\105" => $pathInfo["\x66\x69\154\145\156\x61\x6d\x65"], "\x46\x49\x4c\105\x5f\x4c\111\116\113" => $arLogFile); goto EERYz; aPJqr: $pathInfo = pathinfo($arLogFile); goto cC7e_; EERYz: E4NeC: goto nd2f_; nd2f_: } goto wpYf3; wpYf3: vebeu: goto PNNAj; mQfST: $arLogFiles = glob($amp_conf["\101\x53\124\114\117\x47\104\x49\x52"] . "\x2f" . $file["\156\141\x6d\145"] . "\x2a"); goto rers8; W_84I: } goto qBT1E; Ew14K: if (empty($file_names)) { goto V0GzO; } goto CvRWX; Jele8: global $amp_conf; goto BV0xO; ifAUJ: if (!empty($arLog)) { goto gDvkV; } goto oP19B; UxIid: goto xCKO3; goto dWyXg; xu5NZ: $file_names = $q->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); goto Ew14K; qhW9Y: $sql = "\123\x45\114\x45\103\124\x20\x6e\141\x6d\x65\40\106\x52\x4f\115\x20\x6c\x6f\147\x66\151\154\x65\x5f\x6c\x6f\147\146\x69\x6c\x65\163\x20\x57\110\105\122\x45\x20\50\166\145\162\142\157\x73\145\x20\x52\105\107\x45\130\x50\x20\47\x5e\133\x30\55\71\135\44\x27\x20\x4f\x52\40\166\145\162\x62\x6f\x73\x65\x20\75\x27\x6f\156\47\x29\x20\x61\156\x64\40\x6e\x61\155\145\40\41\75\40\47\x63\157\156\x73\157\x6c\x65\47"; goto aif4L; bLnqr: return $arLog; goto xvCXP; dWyXg: gDvkV: goto bLnqr; xvCXP: xCKO3: goto BjFB0; BjFB0: } goto MfpFu; zLe6m: function informunity_bitrix24_getdestinfo($dest) { goto EUhWY; flIKX: if (trim($dest_arr[0]) == "\x69\x75\142\62\64\x5f\144\x69\144\163") { goto hT1hh; } goto su0QR; WyNdu: nPMVf: goto WznJM; EUhWY: $dest_arr = explode("\54", $dest); goto flIKX; OJRqD: return array("\145\x64\151\x74\137\x75\162\154" => "\143\157\x6e\x66\151\147\56\x70\x68\x70\77\144\151\x73\x70\154\141\x79\x3d\151\156\146\157\162\x6d\x75\x6e\x69\x74\171\x5f\x62\151\164\x72\x69\170\62\x34\46\144\x69\144\x49\x44\x3d" . $dest_arr[1]); goto A7fD1; fkbfC: hT1hh: goto OJRqD; e82uz: goto nPMVf; goto fkbfC; A7fD1: goto nPMVf; goto OC1zb; su0QR: if (trim($dest_arr[0]) == "\155\x61\156\x61\x67\x65\162\x5f\151\x6e\x5f\x63\150\x61\x72\x67\x65") { goto j_WR3; } goto L06So; L06So: return false; goto e82uz; OC1zb: j_WR3: goto WyNdu; WznJM: } goto oexTA; bXGQD: function informunity_bitrix24_check_destinations($dest = true) { goto D32xp; yhmor: $results = sql($sql, "\x67\x65\x74\101\154\154", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); goto ZB0hn; M7KyQ: $sql .= "\127\110\105\122\x45\40\144\145\163\x74\x69\156\x61\x74\151\x6f\156\x20\151\156\40\x28\x27" . implode("\47\x2c\x27", $dest) . "\47\x29"; goto jTSIR; w7He9: return $destlist; goto Sa7AX; Sa7AX: g4JTB: goto LGbAd; LGbAd: $sql = "\x53\x45\x4c\105\x43\124\x20\151\144\54\x20\144\x65\163\143\162\x69\x70\164\151\x6f\156\x2c\40\144\145\163\164\x69\x6e\x61\x74\151\157\x6e\x20\x46\122\x4f\115\x20\151\165\142\x32\x34\x5f\x64\x69\144\163\x20"; goto RQTZn; OYmkM: return $destlist; goto U2Opy; D32xp: $destlist = array(); goto fODnY; F5HWt: yZ7Nq: goto OYmkM; ZB0hn: foreach ($results as $result) { goto EaVQs; HnXQM: WiXzu: goto c4ILQ; EaVQs: $thisdest = $result["\144\145\x73\164\x69\156\x61\x74\151\x6f\156"]; goto zN6Ym; zN6Ym: $thisid = $result["\151\144"]; goto FNX_e; FNX_e: $destlist[] = array("\x64\x65\x73\x74" => $thisdest, "\144\145\163\143\162\151\160\x74\x69\157\156" => sprintf("\111\x6e\x66\157\x72\155\x55\156\151\164\x79\56\102\151\x74\x72\151\x78\x32\64" . "\72\40\x25\x73", $result["\x64\145\x73\x63\x72\x69\160\164\x69\x6f\x6e"], $thisid), "\145\144\x69\164\137\165\x72\x6c" => "\143\x6f\156\146\x69\x67\x2e\160\x68\x70\x3f\144\x69\x73\x70\154\x61\x79\75\x69\x6e\146\x6f\x72\x6d\165\x6e\x69\x74\x79\x5f\142\x69\164\x72\x69\170\x32\64\46\x64\151\144\111\104\x3d" . $thisid); goto HnXQM; c4ILQ: } goto F5HWt; RQTZn: if (!($dest !== true)) { goto K_TpI; } goto M7KyQ; jTSIR: K_TpI: goto yhmor; fODnY: if (!(is_array($dest) && empty($dest))) { goto g4JTB; } goto w7He9; U2Opy: } goto hlSzk; Tr7KX: function getDetermineRegion() { goto p2VFf; BnP4i: $q->execute(); goto g7pFE; g7pFE: $query = $q->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); goto ve1HQ; p2VFf: $db = FreePBX::Database(); goto msKca; Pu6Ec: $arDetReg = $query[0]; goto N1cEz; ExKyC: return $arDetReg; goto fLkHh; msKca: $sql = "\123\105\x4c\105\103\124\40\151\x64\x2c\x20\144\145\x74\137\162\145\147\x69\157\x6e\40\x46\x52\x4f\115\x20\151\x75\x62\62\x34"; goto v5ssv; N1cEz: DlUaV: goto ExKyC; KjpWF: if (empty($query)) { goto DlUaV; } goto Pu6Ec; ve1HQ: $arDetReg = array(); goto KjpWF; v5ssv: $q = $db->prepare($sql); goto BnP4i; fLkHh: } goto c4Y88; juWiY: function informunity_bitrix24_getdest($id) { $dests[] = "\x69\x75\142\62\64\x5f\144\151\x64\163\54{$id}\54\x31"; return $dests; } goto zLe6m; oexTA: function drawselect_inbound_dest($dest = false) { return drawselects(isset($dest) ? $dest : '', 0, array("\x69\156\x66\x6f\x72\155\165\156\151\164\171\x5f\142\x69\x74\x72\151\170\x32\x34" => array("\142\154\141\x63\x6b\x68\157\154\x65"), "\143\x6f\x72\145", "\151\x76\162", "\x71\x75\145\x75\145\163", "\162\x69\x6e\x67\147\162\x6f\165\x70\163", "\x61\156\156\x6f\x75\156\143\x65\155\x65\156\164", "\164\151\x6d\x65\x63\x6f\156\x64\151\164\x69\x6f\156\163"), true, '', false, false, true, false, "\144\x65\x73\164\137\163\145\x74\x74\x69\156\147\x73\x5f\x62\62\64"); } goto Tr7KX; hlSzk: function informunity_bitrix24_destinations() { goto ulnxd; n5czt: $extens_list = $ajaxHandler->get_dids(); goto dctRY; cokWi: NSVot: goto eCGsI; ze6PS: $extens[] = array("\144\x65\163\164\151\156\141\x74\x69\x6f\156" => "\155\141\156\x61\x67\x65\162\137\x69\156\x5f\x63\x68\x61\x72\x67\x65\x2c\x65\x78\164\145\156", "\144\145\163\x63\162\151\160\164\x69\x6f\156" => "\105\x78\x74\x65\x6e\163\151\157\x6e", "\x63\141\164\x65\147\x6f\x72\x79" => "\x41\x73\163\151\147\156\145\x64\x20\x4d\x61\156\141\x67\145\162", "\151\x64" => "\x6d\x61\x6e\x61\147\145\162\x5f\x69\x6e\137\143\x68\141\x72\147\145", "\x65\144\151\164\x5f\165\162\154" => false); goto okxAT; IXxY2: $ajaxHandler = new Informunity\Classes\ajaxHandler($config, $iub24, false); goto n5czt; hv6_L: $iub24 = FreePBX::create()->Informunity_bitrix24(); goto NA93B; ulnxd: $extens = array(); goto hv6_L; dctRY: if (!is_array($extens_list)) { goto NSVot; } goto zLgg_; eCGsI: $extens[] = array("\144\x65\x73\x74\151\x6e\x61\x74\151\157\x6e" => "\x6d\141\x6e\141\x67\x65\162\x5f\151\x6e\x5f\x63\x68\x61\x72\147\145\54\145\170\x69\x74", "\x64\x65\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\x74\x69\157\156" => "\x44\151\x73\141\142\154\x65\x64", "\143\x61\164\145\x67\x6f\x72\x79" => "\101\x73\x73\151\x67\x6e\145\144\x20\115\x61\156\x61\x67\x65\162", "\151\x64" => "\155\141\x6e\141\147\x65\x72\137\151\x6e\x5f\143\150\x61\x72\147\x65", "\145\144\x69\x74\x5f\165\x72\x6c" => false); goto ze6PS; khrCm: return $extens; goto nnJQE; okxAT: $extens[] = array("\x64\x65\163\164\x69\156\141\164\151\x6f\156" => "\x6d\141\x6e\141\x67\x65\x72\137\151\x6e\137\x63\150\x61\162\x67\x65\x2c\x6d\157\142\151\154\145", "\x64\x65\x73\x63\x72\151\x70\164\151\157\156" => "\x45\170\x74\145\156\163\151\x6f\x6e\40\46\x20\x4d\157\x62\151\154\145", "\x63\x61\164\145\147\157\x72\171" => "\101\163\163\x69\147\x6e\x65\x64\x20\x4d\x61\x6e\141\147\x65\162", "\x69\144" => "\x6d\x61\x6e\x61\147\145\x72\137\151\156\x5f\143\150\x61\162\147\x65", "\145\x64\x69\164\x5f\165\162\154" => false); goto lOhlr; zLgg_: foreach ($extens_list as $row) { $extens[] = array("\144\x65\163\164\x69\x6e\x61\x74\151\x6f\156" => "\151\165\142\62\64\137\144\x69\144\x73\x2c" . $row["\151\144"] . "\x2c\61", "\144\x65\x73\x63\162\x69\x70\x74\x69\x6f\x6e" => "\74\141\40\150\x72\x65\x66\x3d\x27\143\x6f\156\x66\x69\x67\x2e\160\150\160\77\x64\151\163\160\154\x61\x79\x3d\151\156\x66\x6f\162\x6d\x75\x6e\151\164\171\137\x62\151\164\162\151\170\62\x34\46\x23\x69\156\142\x6f\165\x6e\x64\x5f\144\x65\x73\164\151\x6e\x61\164\151\x6f\156\163\47\76" . $row["\x64\145\163\143\x72\151\160\164\x69\157\156"] . "\x3c\57\x61\76", "\x63\x61\x74\145\147\157\162\x79" => "\111\x6e\x66\157\162\x6d\165\x6e\x69\164\x79\40\x42\x69\x74\x72\151\x78\x32\x34", "\151\x64" => "\x69\165\142\62\64\x5f\x64\151\x64\x73"); y31Hp: } goto D0899; lOhlr: $extens[] = array("\144\x65\x73\x74\151\x6e\x61\x74\x69\x6f\x6e" => "\x61\x70\160\55\142\x6c\x61\143\x6b\x68\x6f\154\145\x2c\x6e\x6f\141\x6e\163\167\145\162\54\x31", "\144\x65\163\x63\162\x69\x70\164\x69\157\156" => _("\103\x61\154\154\x20\x4e\157\x74\x20\101\156\x73\167\x65\x72\145\144"), "\143\141\164\x65\x67\157\x72\x79" => "\124\145\x72\155\x69\156\141\164\x65\x20\x43\x61\154\x6c", "\x69\144" => "\x62\x6c\x61\143\153\150\157\154\145", "\x65\x64\x69\164\137\165\x72\x6c" => false); goto khrCm; NA93B: $config = $iub24->getSettings(); goto IXxY2; D0899: MuQsB: goto cokWi; nnJQE: } goto juWiY; MfpFu: function checkDependency($app) { goto PlW0l; wjd2_: if (!fpbx_which($app)) { goto jpKwW; } goto ZiRDD; TlcDR: return false; goto K1hjy; gssK3: return true; goto Gm6b_; PlW0l: $notify = notifications::create(); goto wjd2_; ZiRDD: $notify->delete("\x69\156\x66\157\162\x6d\x75\x6e\151\164\171\137\142\151\164\x72\x69\x78\62\x34", $app . "\x5f\116\117\x54\137\111\116\x53\x54\101\x4c\114\105\x44"); goto gssK3; Gm6b_: jpKwW: goto ZAfU0; ZAfU0: $notify->add_warning("\x69\156\146\157\162\155\165\156\151\164\x79\x5f\x62\x69\164\162\x69\170\x32\64", $app . "\x5f\116\117\x54\137\x49\x4e\x53\x54\101\114\114\105\x44", $app . "\x20\156\x6f\x74\x20\151\156\163\164\x61\154\x6c\x65\x64\x20\x6f\x6e\40\x79\x6f\x75\162\x20\x73\171\163\x74\145\155\x2e", '', '', true, true); goto TlcDR; K1hjy: }

Function Calls





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Decode Time 103 ms